suttonli · 1 year
Thank you @galladrabbles & @auds-and-evens prompt.🔥
“All that blood looks good on you.” 🩸NSFW
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Ian cried out and pulled against the restraints. His breaths were shallow and his wrist felt raw.
He bit his lip so hard blood drew. Ian was thankful for any kind of moisture, even if it was his own blood. Mickey watched the trail of red drip down Ian’s chin with a sick fixation. His head tilted. How does he still look so beautiful?
Ian didn’t flinch when Mickey gripped his chin. It was comforting.
Mickey tighten his hold, “All that blood looks good on you. Brings out your eyes.” He licked Ian’s lips clean before slamming their lips together.
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suttonli · 2 years
Hello, here’s my submission! Thank you to @galladrabbles prompt: “mean & scary” by @depressedstressedlemonzest
“Not so mean and scary now, bitch?” Mickey shoved the asshole’s face harder into the carpet, “Ever heard of consent!”
Not a single security guard gave a second glance and a few dancers stared longingly, wishing to have someone that loving and protective.
Ian smirked, a little turned on, “Think he got it, Mick.”
“Lucky my man is forgiving. Catch you here again and I’ll hack off a your dick and make you fucking eat it.” Mickey growled, lifting him by his collar, “Say sorry!”
He mumbled “sorry”, before scurrying away with his dick and pride tucked between his legs.
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suttonli · 2 years
Hi, y’all. Here’s my @galladrabbles submission again. Shadow, Moody, Buttercup
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Mickey scoffed, “Can see your fucking shadow, Dumbass.” Ian was like the jolly green fucking giant.
Ian laughed and wrapped his arms around his husband from behind, “You’re fucking moody today.”
Mickey ignored him.
Ian smirked as an idea popped into his head, “I know what you need.” Ian’s hand came down hard on Mickey’s jean covered ass.
“Woah!” Mickey tried to turn only for Ian to hold him in place, “Back the fuck up, Buttercup.”
Ian snickered, “Buttercup? I’ll butter your cup, how ‘bout that?”
Mickey groaned, but those groans quickly turned into mewls, like a cat in heat.
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suttonli · 2 years
My 100 word submission; “Comfort” Thank you to @galladrabbles and @mikhailoisbaby for this.
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“Stop being a pussy and drop the shit out the fucking window!” Mickey yelled. Carl and Ian shared uneasy looks, but Carl listened anyway.
“Don’t think this is a good idea, Mick.” Ian braced himself. Next thing he knew a huge suitcase was being hurled and they caught it together. Kinda.
“Ouch! Shit that hurts!” Ian flailed his hand back and forth. It was already starting to bruise. Mickey grabbed it gently.
“Awe, baby has a boo boo?” He cooed, “I’ll kiss it for you. Feel better?”
“Yeah, actually. Thanks.”
Mickey kissed his knuckles again, just for good measure.
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suttonli · 2 years
Hi, y’all. Here’s my @galladrabbles submission again. ROCK BAND
Ian was high and horny as fuck.
Who knew mysterious, dirty looking, rock band drummers were his thing? He sure as fuck didn’t. Maybe, it was just the ecstacy, but he swore the drummer was eye-fucking him during the whole first set.
“You okay?”
Ian jumped and gripped himself tighter, causing a moan to slip. Fuck, “Fine, just taking care of something…”
“Need help with that?” Ian froze for a second before answering.
Ian’s eyes widened when the stall opened, “Don’t you have to be back on stage in like ten minutes?”
The drummer smirked, “All I need is five.”
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suttonli · 2 years
Hi, again, here’s my @galladrabbles submission. Prompt: Doubt by @sleepyfacetoughguy.
Ian knew things felt a little too right.
He glared at his reflection and crumbled the pamphlet in his hands. You think Mickey would’ve hidden it better. Or just maybe, Mickey wanted Ian to find it.
The only thing that kept him from screaming and breaking his knuckles in the mirror was Mickey peacefully sleeping just steps away.
It was easy to pack, he didn't have many possessions. It’s not like they’d miss him. No, they planned on throwing him away anyway. He was doing them a favor.
If something feels too good to be true, then it probably is
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suttonli · 2 years
Hello, People, Here is my weekly 100 submission to @galladrabbles. Prompt: Stolen by @ianmewkovich. Thank you.
“Oh, no, no! Mickey, what the fuck is that?” Ian asked, though he could clearly see what it was.
“A fucking toothpick, Gallagher,” Mickey scoffed sarcastically, “It’s the goddamn TV you wanted.”
Ian shook his head as he watched his husband and brother-in-law unload the box from their Pickup.
“I thought we were actually gonna pay for it…Like we discussed because we’re two adults with grown-up jobs now.”
“See that sounded good and all, but I don’t really feel like spending five hundred fucking dollars.”
“It was four.” Ian corrected.
“Well, now it’s free. Get the fucking door, would you?”
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suttonli · 2 years
Hi! I hope you enjoy, Thank you and flowers to @galladrabbles prompt: “Book” from @twinklyylights
“Fucking hurts, Gallagher! Move.” Mickey brushed Ian off his shoulders.
Ian rolled his eyes, “Stop! I promise it’ll feel good soon, just let me do this.” He failed to hide his laughter.
Mickey glared while Ian continued, “I read that.”
“You and this goddamn book. Is the book called How to Murder Your Fucking Boyfriend?”
“Maybe, you wouldn’t be so angry if you read for once.”
“Ha. Maybe I won’t be fucking angry if you suck my dick instead of trying to be one those Asian massage chicks.”
“The word is Masseuse and I will if you say pretty please.”
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suttonli · 2 years
Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy, Thank you and flowers to @galladrabbles prompt: “TMI” from @ianandmickeygallavich
Ian rushed when he saw what Carl was going for.
“Don’t you touch that!” He practically screeched.
“I get you’re gay and all, but why you going nuts over fucking hair curlers, man?”
Ian squinted in confusion, “You know those have cords to plug into walls, right?”
Carl shrugged, “Thought it was some Bluetooth shit. Girls at school said I’d look better with curly hair.”
Ian shook his head, “Not for that.”
“Then, what the fuck is it?” Carl reached for it again. Ian dodged.
“A toy. That, um…Mickey—”
“Jesus! The fuck?!”
“You asked!”
“Next time just fucking lie, Ian.”
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suttonli · 2 years
Galla-cation Pt 12
My @galladrabbles weekly offering. Prompt: TMI by @ianandmickeygallavich
Read it all HERE
After giving him a "Mickey ride", which has no relation to that fucking corporate mouse and way better than some stupid helicopter ride, Ian's cellphone rings.
"We said, no phones."
Ian grabs it blindly off the nightstand, bolting up immediately. "Shit- I gotta take this... It's... Tami."
"Tami? The fuck she want?" Ian looks worried which makes Mickey worry. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just..." He takes a deep breath. "Lip wants her to eat his ass so I've been giving her tips."
Mickey is mortified. "T. M. Fucking I, Ian! I could have gone my entire life not knowing that!"
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suttonli · 2 years
Galladrabble: TMI
Thanks to @galladrabbles and @ianandmickeygallavich for this week's prompt!
It’s an impromptu Gallagher/Milkovich hangout on the front steps, laughter and loud conversation floating through the air, arguing about who’s picking up food.
They’re sharing a cigarette, both of them swearing they’re quitting next week, Ian relaxing into the v of Mickey’s legs.
He’s teasing him, holding it just out of reach when Mickey grabs his hair and pulls.
“Ow, asshole! Quit being so rough.”
“Not what you were saying last night when I was pullin’ your hair,” Mickey says with a dirty smirk.
Lip cringes.
“Dude. TMI. Seriously don’t need to know what shit my brother is into.”
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suttonli · 2 years
If you like my stories than send me prompts so I can make your ideas come to life ❤️
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suttonli · 2 years
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“Shit,” Mickey Milkovich cussed. He leaned against the doorway in the kitchen and stared at Ian Gallagher as he laid on the couch watching Tv. It was some rerun of Roseanne. Nothing worth watching really, but there’s nothing Mickey wanted more than to slide on top of Ian and bury his face in his chest and watch it with him. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. The Tv casted a light on Ian’s face that made him look unreal as if his hair was glowing in the dark.
“Fuck this.” He moved to the cushion chair a little off from the couch Ian was on and folded his arm. Mickey felt stupid for not being able to touch his boyfriend.
Ian could feel Mickey’s glare on him. He catches Mickey staring at him often but never moving towards him. He understood that the brunette struggled with intimacy. “Just be patient,” he thought, “He’ll get better at it.” He heard Mickey mumbling to himself and knew it was time to end his boyfriend’s torture.
“Mick.” He called without glancing in his direction, “Can you come lay with me?”
“Lay on your chest like some bitch. The fuck I look like Gallagher? Mandy?” Of course, Mickey would make this hard. Ian didn’t know just how long it would take Mickey to get truly comfortable in this relationship but he was not willing to give up on the man he loves. He knew growing up in the Milkovich house was traumatizing.
Ian thought, “I just want to be peace for him.”
“Shit, come on, I had a stressful day at work. Can’t I just hug my boyfriend,” Ian lied. His day at work was actually fantastic. If he had to turn into some whiney bitch to get Mickey over there he would. He rubbed his hands across his face, faking exhausted, “Just come fucking do it, Mick.”
“Fine. But don’t fucking think I’m gonna be doing this shit again.” Ian opened his arms wide for Mickey to fall into. He was tense at first. Fidgeting around on top of Ian until he was in a spot he was comfortable. Ian wrapped his arms around his boyfriend as Mickey rested his head into Ian’s neck. He was where he wanted to be.
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suttonli · 2 years
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“Look at this stupid shit.” Mickey called from the living room. Ian grabbed his cup of Hot chocolate and brought it into the living room with him. He stopped to grab Mickey a beer out of the fridge. The last thing he expected to see was his husband in his boxers, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor surrounded by photos. There was a big Christmas tree in the corner of the room with a bunch of presents under it.
They had presents for their siblings and each other. Of course, Ian had made them decorate for the Holidays. Lights were twisted around the mantle and the handrails. Mickey pretended he didn’t like it, saying, “It looks like fucking Santa Claus shitted all over the place,” but Ian knew he enjoyed it and now he’d made him do it every Christmas time.
Ian chuckled to himself, “What’s you got there?” He went and plopped down on the couch, handing the beer to Mickey. He leaned over and kissed his head. It didn’t go unnoticed to him that before Mickey would’ve recoiled from this but now he actually fell into Ian’s head kisses.
“Us.” And it was. It was an old photograph of Mickey and Ian. They looked to be 15 or close to it. They were both shirtless and had messy bedhead hair. Ian had one arm lazily thrown over Mickey’s shoulders. Ian remembered that day perfectly , “We look like fucking gay.” Mickey handed the photo to Ian.
“You took that picture right after I fucked you in the ass, dumbass.” Ian shot back in which Mickey just replied “Yeah, yeah” and sipped. It was the day that he knew that he loved Mickey Milkovich. That boy that literally tried to murder him two months prior. Ian noticed a silver mental box full of more pictures beside him. “Oh, that’s where you got the pictures.” Ian thought out loud, “I forgot I bought that over from the old house.” He recalled that one early Christmas, Fiona bought him a used canon camera and he put it to a lot of use. He wondered what else was in the box.
“Look, here's one of just me.” Mickey laughed. The brunette stared down at the picture of his teen self. He was wrapped tight in a black jacket, scarf, and a matching hat. His hair was messier than it was now, his left cheek was stained red and purple. His laugh slowly turned quiet.
Ian grabbed it and analyzed his face, “What? You lose a fight or something?” He poked Mickey.
“Yeah, I think so…” He trailed off, “Maybe one of the fucking Lockhart brothers. Those motherfuckers could fight Satan.” He faked a laugh. Mickey knew exactly who gave him that bruise to his face…Terry. They moved into a comfortable silence. Ian could feel Mickey’s mood dampen but didn’t know why. He just curiously watched his husband.
Mickey’s head was filled with many thoughts. His eyes scanned the photos at his feet. There were so many pictures of smiling Gallaghers with a lot of him and Mandy mixed in. It was like he was made to be a part of this family. They way they accepted Ian so easily. How they accepted the “fuck ups Milkovichs”, Mickey and Mandy. His thoughts wandered from his shitty ass father to his runaway of a mother. His brothers and sister who had to fend for themselves like savages. Suddenly he felt lucky. His eyes shot around his living room. His and Ian’s living room. That they shared. In an apartment that they shared. With a kitchen that they shared. And a bed that they shared. His belly grew warm.
He turned and faced his husband. Ian, still confused, gave him a goofy looking smile. His happy husband, who was the light in life when it was so dark he didn’t think he’d ever make it. Mickey leaned his hand up and gently into Ian’s orange hair. He pulled his husband down into a kiss. The beer on his lips and the coffee on Ian’s made for a unique taste that both of them feel strange for liking. Beer and hot chocolate. I guess everyone has a song but they have a taste.
They shared a few sloppy kisses before pulling apart.
“What was that for?” Ian said breathlessly. His cheeks were slowly turning the color of his hair. Mickey wasn’t one to show random affections, that was usually Ian’s expertise.
“I just love you.” Mickey matched his breathlessness and he pulled Ian into another beer and hot chocolate kiss.
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suttonli · 2 years
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It was already awkward enough at the Kash and Grab. Kash was seething as he watched Ian stock the soup aisle. “ How could he leave me for a fucking Milkovich,” He thought, as he counted the cash in the register, “ Fucking stupid, dirty, Milkovich.”
Ian could feel Kash’s glare on him but he didn’t care. Kash was married and had a pregnant wife. Mickey was hot and didn’t have a wife. Plus, he likes Mickey. A lot. He’d been able to avoid him all day due to the store being busy but now that it was just the two of them it was becoming unbearable. It was 20 minutes to closing time so Ian knew he was almost fucking out of there.
But Kash couldn’t hold in his jealousy any longer, “Really, Ian? Mickey?” He slammed the cash into the register, knocking coins onto the floor. Desperation was clear on his face.
Ian just focused on making sure the labels of the soup cans faced outward, he sighed, “Yes, Kash, Mickey. What about it?” This was the conversation he was trying to avoid but, “Might as well pull off the fucking bandaid.”
“I thought what we had was…was-”
“Was what!?” Ian cut off his sentence, rolling his eyes, “I was just your side piece and you should focus on Linda and the new baby.”
Kash visibly flinched at the mention of his pregnant wife. Most times when he was Ian he forgot about her even though she was always watching.
“Fine, just go stock the cooler. So we both can get out of here.”
“Gladly.” Ian mumbled under his breath and pushed off the ground, not saying another word to his former lover.
As soon as Ian stepped foot in the cooler he was pushed and fell face first onto the ground and on top of several soda cans.
“Shit! What the fuck Kash!” Ian groaned as he rolled over on his back, breathing heavily. The fall had knocked the wind out of him and made his head feel fuzzy.
“Ian, please,” Kash begged, “Just one last time, okay?”
He started fumbling with the buttons and zipper on Ian’s pants pulling them down. Ian, still in a haze, rubbed his sore nose. At the sight of blood on his hands from his nose he started to realize what was happening. He began squirming but that really only helped Kash’s hand find his way into his pants, squeezing his member.
“Shit,” Ian cussed. Ian went to cry out again when Kash suddenly forced him into a kiss, shoving his tongue down his throat. Ian didn’t kiss back. That just made Kash try harder. He stroked Ian’s growing member. Ian felt weird as his body started to betray him. He didn’t want Kash. He wanted Mickey.
“What the fuck? Ian said fucking 9,” Mickey complained as he walked into the store. Ian made him promise to walk him home. Mickey had said no but they both knew he’d be there. The store was still fully lit but empty. No immediate sign of Ian or Kash. He didn’t like that at all.
“He’s fucking that fucking towel head I bet.”
He looked at the refrigerators and knew that behind there is where Ian took him to fuck and assumed he was back there fucking Kash. His suspicions were just proven true when he heard glass break, like a soda had fallen. “ Fucking Gallagher. Fuck this shit.” Embarrassed for thinking about trusting Ian, he stomped his way towards the door when suddenly he heard something that made his blood run cold…
“Get the fuck off me now! I’m fucking bleeding !”
That was Ian! Without a second thought Mickey ran back to the door of the fridge and threw it open. What he saw was a panicked Kash huddled over a bloody Ian, whose pants were at his ankles. Ian had his eyes closed which made Mickey filled with rage.He blacked out.
“You sick fuck!” Mickey yelled and physically charged into Kash, knocking them both onto the floor.
He straddled the older man and began punching him in his face repeatedly, throwing out absurdities with each blow, “Fucking kill you, motherfucker!”
Mickey had no intentions of stopping until hearing Ian call his name moved him.
“…Mickey?” Ian moaned quietly. He struggled to sit up, falling back down. He rushed to Ian’s side, wrapping his arm around his waist. Seeing Ian covered in blood, even just from a nosebleed, stirred a bad feeling in Mickey’s chest.
“You’re okay, Ian. Come on, let's get up.” He threw his arm under Ian’s helping him off the ground, pulling his pants back up in the process.
Kash, bloodied, hadn’t moved on the floor, assumingly unconscious. Or dead. Mickey didn’t give a shit.
Ian faced Mickey, with unshed tears in eyes, “Can you just take me home. Please.” He whispered. Mickey just nodded but then an idea struck his head.
He leaned Ian up against the wall for support, and walked back towards Kash.
“…Mick.” Ian called thinking he was going to start wailing on Kash again but stopped after seeing Mickey reach into the man’s pocket and pull out a wallet and car keys.
First thing was to get Ian home safely. And the second thing was to come back to the Kash and Grab with his brothers.
“Late last night the body of an Indian man was found behind the dumpsters of the Kash and Grab convenient store on the Southside of Chicago. He was identified as the owner of the store, Kash Karib. He leaves behind his pregnant wife and two young children…This is a tragedy.”
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