sweeteaahunbun · 23 days
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despite it all, i keep growing 🌿
my piece from april for the flower language zine!
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sweeteaahunbun · 26 days
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sweeteaahunbun · 26 days
sylus is such a tender and sweet man once you get to understand him from his cards & tender moments when he's talking to you/player/mc.....
idk, he gives such an incredibly safe and secure state of mind whenever he speaks. its the encouragement, its the listening, its the way he's so caring and thoughtful. it's the way you HAVE to look past his initial appearance and what he SHOWS himself as to understand how he REALLY is. and it's so worth it to look past that external appearance and just look at him like: wow, you are actually such a tender lover, such a thoughtful man, and such a caring person to the player/mc. like? wow. joke all you want but this man CARES. the way his gaze softens? the way he speaks? the way he makes sure you're comfortable/safe/secure around him? he also plans things out so well, such an organization king.
he's also really fucking funny. this man in the karaoke card really went 'we're besties~' and I died laughing. i just think sylus is neat and I think that by making him that 'hard degrading top daddy' also erases his own wish to make you feel secure about him. sylus is aware of his 'monstrous' appearance/behavior and that's why he seems to act more tender when the doors are closed (alongside the fact that as N109 leader he HAS to be that too). like if you take into consideration everything around him AND his misty invasion lore drop moment? my heart. I'm sobbing.
anyways, sylus is warming up my heart and i didn't expect that. and i love it. sylus moment really just made me? feel really secure and safe idk how to explain it. I was worried at first about him and what he represents, but then you listen to him and see how he acts behind closed doors? my heart. my heart is so warm and safe.
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sweeteaahunbun · 4 months
junimo breakdancing
animated on stream !!
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sweeteaahunbun · 4 months
Doodles for Care for Gaza
After a week or two of being disabled, the Care For Gaza gofundme page is back open for donations and I'd like to try and help get the word out about that. They have their own pretty substantial presence over on Twitter but not so much here on Tumblr.
If you donate €10 (roughly $11 USD) to the GFM and reblog this post with a screencap of your donation, I'll draw any Pokémon or My Little Pony of your choice and reblog you again with the art.
Please make sure your donation is public, and in the space where you can write words of support, please include the phrase "Thank you for your hard work and kindness." This is just so that I can have a quick and easy way to independently verify your donation.
When you reblog, include a screencap of your donation with the phrase visible, and tell me which character (an MLP or a Pokémon, please!) you would like me to draw. You can also link to a wiki page/visual reference for the character if you like. One character per person please—higher donation amounts don't stack for more characters, but they are certainly appreciated.
In the unlikely event that this blows up and more people donate than I can draw for, I may have to cap the number of drawings I can do. This post is not meant to be a binding agreement for commissions, but a visible and interactive way to encourage people to donate to a good cause. The drawings are just icing on the cake that I hope will show my gratitude.
Care For Gaza Fundraiser
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sweeteaahunbun · 4 months
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GB Patch Games is hiring sensitivity/authenticity readers for our commercial visual novel! You can read all the details on our website-
Sensitivity/Authenticity Reader Application Page
[Also, yes, Step 1 is seriously over 400,000 words just by itself, aha.]
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Our Life: Now & Forever is a nostalgic Visual Novel where you create your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. It’s currently in development by GB Patch Games.
Steam Page
Itch.io Page
Discord -  Twitter - Website - Patreon
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sweeteaahunbun · 5 months
♡》 Kaiju♡Girl Caramelise
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Have you guys ever heard about 『Kaiju Girl Caramelise』 by Spica Aoki??? It's a shoujo, romantic-comedy manga... with kaiju!
I finally had the chance to drop by at the bookstore and browse some mangas. Amongst the shelves this one caught my eyes. MC, Kuroe, is so cute! I think what attracted me is the sparkling cover... that I failed to see the her monster hand and Godzilla! 😭
It have 7 volume but the bookstore only have the volume 1 so I couldn't read much... but it's so entertaining I want more!
Afflicted by a "mysterious illness," high school first year Kuroe has spent her entire life avoiding socializing with others. However, after coming into contact with Minami Arata, the most popular boy in school, something changes— and Kuroe's true powers are unleashed...
【Volume 1, Chapter 1 || Huge Spoilers Ahead!!!】
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It starts with little Kuroe confessing to her first love... unfortunately the boy ended up screaming and running away calling her monster after seeing her hand.
Poor Kuroe never forgot about this. And being called as such won't be the first time. Her illness is known by few, even her doctor admit he can't do nothing to help her.
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Timeskip. Kuroe became recluse and bullied. Arata, the popular guy in her class, unfortunately sits next to her and because of this girls flocks nearby and steals her desk. Kuroe storms out the room and punched a wall in frustration. Her hand turned into a monster-like and as a coping mechanism she listen to music that calms her down.
It's so freakin' cute and relatable TToTT) If they ever made an anime... I wish I can hear the 「Cafe Serizawa」 song too!
After calming down, her hand turns back normal again.
A brief flashback about her childhood: her mother is nice. She's the only one who's on her side and warned her about the other kids but Kuroe didn't listened as she hoped somethinf different. But kids are kids and they always ran off so Kuroe just gave up.
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Later on... during breaktime, Kuroe went to the staircase outside to hide and where she draws the panorama. She's very good at drawing!
But here enters Minami Arata! The classmate she hates. And starts approaching her. Kuroe starts feeling nervous and her other form starts coming out. This time, it's the spine.
Just at that moment, Arata starts talking and ask what's so good about him. Kuroe, wondering what's up with him, gave Arata a speech. Lol. She thought he would find her weird but look at him being heartstruck!
Arata is nice! He's admits he have a bad personality and told he will be careful next time. He decided to leave alone Kuroe and gave her his scarf because it's scold outside.
Kuroe, thinking he is just being nice for other reason chased after him and threw his scarf rght back at his face TToTT)...
Note: I was reading this while I was on train... I was trying so hard not to laugh OUT LOUD... Not only this scene... but the scenes from chapters ahead!
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After school, we get to introduced to Kuroe's mama! And their doggy Jumbo King!
She's a cheerful and energetic woman! Her name never got mentioned in Volume 1 bur I adore her at first sight! And Jumbo King have a tendency to slam over things! Whether it's a shelf or a tree;;; But he is an intelligent doggie.
Anyways, it seems Mama's past is revealed a bit. It looks like she's a traveller along with her houseband and the cracked egg she's holding... this is a theory but it could be where Kuroe hatched considering how the panel is presented. By Mama talking to the egg as if she sees Kuroe.
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*Ahem* The next day, it's Kuroe with Arata in her hiding space again. This time Kuroe decided to ignore him but Arata have an ace on his sleeves and invited Kuroe to the cafe she really wants to go along with his friends! She's instant sold lol.
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Say sike. Arata's friends all backed away so it's just him and Kuroe.
Kuroe is nervous because it's just the two of them. But she enjoyed the pancakes... but ARATA IS THERE. Poor girl is overstimulated by the emotions she couldn’t taste the pancakes anymore!!! TToTT)
When Arata told her she could take his part, she snapped out and here it is revealed that Arata was fat in back in middle school. He gains weight easily, he didn't have confidence and even friends. He is afraid of going back fat and for people to avoid him. Whenever he thinks about it, he lose the enjoyment of the food he wants to eat.
And Kuroe gave him the last piece of pancake and I was tearing up while reading it IN THE TRAIN WITH BUNCH OF PEOPLE TT—TT)
I swear, for someone who is pressured by others when it comes to food... this one is probably my favourite panel...
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♡ This ♡
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After the wholesome moment... here comes the chaos. The bullies found Arata... and Kuroe together! The start screaming and calling ber names but Arata took her hand and starts walking away from her. *sobs*
This, again, gave her strong emotions and Kuroe's hand started to transform which made her run away from Arata who chased after her.
When she arrived at the bridge Kuroe grabbed the fence and broke it, falling down the sea.
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Fortunately for her, and unfortunately for the citizens, she turned into a massive kaiju and from this moment her life is about to change completely.
/ >♡
》 Note:
There's another character to be introduced in chapter 2, unfortunately the images has reached their limits ♡
What to saaaayyy? The artsyle is very cute, it's wholesome and both Kuroe and Arata are making baby steps to be better both as a person and as couples ♡
The same for Harugon (as people dubbed Kuroe-kaiju) and Arata!
Kuroe's situation threw me back when I first watched 『Perfect Girl Evolution』. But with more shenigans of Godzilla! In the bonus it is stated that Spica Aoiki adores Godzilla, hence how they came up with a the female lead turning into a kaiju. I'm glad they're having fun writing because it's very enjoyable to read TTwTT)♡
If you like whether unique plot, shoujo or kaiju that will put sweetness in your day I gladly recommend to check out 『Kaiju Girl Caramelise』!
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sweeteaahunbun · 5 months
The brothers, the demons, the angels and the human: Let's make our bloomed card the selfie but let's not tell Satan about it"
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Why is he the only one inverted??? It kinda bothers me TToTT)
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sweeteaahunbun · 5 months
I feel bad on this sideblog because I don't post much;;; So I decided I'll post my OM! content here!
And maybe along with Tokyo Debunker and Cookie Run...
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sweeteaahunbun · 6 months
Falling asleep in one of the House of Lamentation's common rooms can be a gamble. At best, somebody kindly carries you back to your room and tucks you in. Or maybe they leave you where you were, but drape a jacket or blanket over you.
Sometimes they go overboard, and you wake up with too many blankets. It's sweltering hot and excessively heavy. You thought the brothers were just being supportive in a weird way until Mammon accidentally revealed everyone is trying to break the record of 23 blankets and three duvets.
Sometimes you wake up with a full manicure and facial in progress. Asmo likes the practice.
Sometimes you wake up wearing Lucifer's reading glasses or Mammon's sunglasses. The Anti-Lucifer League must have thought you make a good hiding spot.
Sometimes you wake up with fresh food next to you. Particularly if you fell asleep near mealtime. The strong smell of Devildom cuisine rouses you awake, and you catch Beel trying to tip-toe away.
Sometimes you find... offerings. Bottled tea, or sticker sheets, or a coin placed on your cheek. Levi started taking pictures and in thanks decided to make a shrine dedicated to his idol (you).
Sometimes they draw on your face. The first person to do so will leave a marker for anyone else who happens to feel creative. You've woken up with whiskers, a mustache, fake eyes drawn over your eyelids, money signs drawn on your eyelids, swirls and hearts, a goatee, a big unibrow, and you're pretty sure the twins are the culprits behind a game of tic-tac-toe.
Sometimes you get notes. Simple reminders, or a notice that Lucifer's left the house so please make sure to check that everyone's behaving when you wake up. Occasionally you wake up completely covered in post-its with silly messages.
Sometimes you get kisses. They leave no trace, unless their sender gets carried away and sticks around.
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sweeteaahunbun · 6 months
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Saw this at my local library. Levi and Henry 2.0 :)
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sweeteaahunbun · 6 months
Belphie and Satan are sitting on a bench
Lucifer: Why do you guys look so sad?
Satan: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Lucifer sits down*
Belphie: The bench is freshly painted.
Lucifer: You cretins
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sweeteaahunbun · 6 months
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Thinking about the differences in their 'THE END' cgs
Cove (Morning) Derek (Afternoon) Baxter (Night)
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sweeteaahunbun · 7 months
"chaotic love talk" with simeon, solomon and diavolo (more simeon clips here)
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sweeteaahunbun · 9 months
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sweeteaahunbun · 9 months
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Cove & Kailani ~ Whisper of The Ocean
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sweeteaahunbun · 9 months
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Another day, another post dissecting Our Life's code! This time we'll be going over how Our Life decides whether your Cove will be Studious, Sporty, or somewhere in the middle!
If you've already seen my post on how the game decides where Cove is on the spectrum between warm and cold, then most of this will feel extremely familiar, but you don't need to check that post to understand this one! I'll be going over everything exactly the same.
According to GB Patch, getting a sporty or studious Cove is primarily based on what you do with him activity-wise.
Part of it is what Cove literally ends up doing in the events. There are multiple times where he can do something more physical or do something more low key. Another part is a somewhat meta “the player is creating their reality” type of deal. For example, if the player makes it clear that their MC is the sporty one around, that would have to mean Cove isn’t the sporty one. So even without interacting with Cove directly you’d rack up a lot studious points for him because your choices are describing a world where Cove isn’t that into sports. That’s not to say it’s impossible for the MC and Cove to both be into sports. Describing your MC specifically as the one into sports is excluding Cove from being super into sports, but he doesn’t have to be excluded. The most straightforward way to get a sporty Cove is to just really focus on it. Whenever there’s something that could possibly make him more interested in bookish things, lean away from that. And whenever there’s a way to encourage him to like or do physical stuff, do it. So, for example, don’t accept just being a silver medalist in Grown-up, don’t say that the MC is a faster runner than Cove when trying to get away from Shiloh, do ask him question that lead to him talking about outdoorsy activities he does, etc.
Calling it "points" is very accurate because it's very much a points system. Whenever you do certain actions with/say certain things to Cove, the game will add a "point" to either Cove being studious or Cove being sporty (in extremely rare cases, it will add two instead of even subtract one).
(also, shockingly, reading the book with Cove in Sleepover actually has zero effect on Cove being Studious/Sporty; I even had to read through the script to confirm and the only reasoning I can imagine is because it's related to getting a CG and the devs wouldn't want players who want the CG to feel forced into making Cove more studious just to get it)
The tutorial of the game also vaguely details the studious to sporty spectrum:
[Cove']s interests fall along a sporty-mixed-studious spectrum. It works similarly to the personality one. When he's young, Cove has a variety of interests. As time goes on that can stay the same, begin to focus on more athletic/outdoorsy activities, or become more interested in academic/indoorsy ways to spend time.
And, if you've ever been in the Cove Creator, you'd know that there are five "states" that Cove can be in when it comes to his interests, with one state being between Studious and Mixed while another is between Mixed and Sporty. However, as far as I can tell, the game will never actually check for these two states, meaning that Cove is either Studious, Mixed, or Sporty, without any sort of Studious-Mixed or Mixed-Sporty at all.
In terms of the first check of the game - after the end of Step 1, of course - the game will examine the points you've gathered and decide where on the spectrum Cove is. If you have more Studious points, then the game will look only at how many points you've gathered there and vice versa with Sporty points. If you have an equal amount of Studious and Sporty points, then there will be a sort of "coin flip" to determine which points the game will check (this actually happened to me once where I had to go back on a save and got a Sporty Cove instead of a Studious one even though I'd done nothing different, simply because I'd accumulated an equal amount of sporty and studious points with Cove).
The remaining points in the other category are thrown away, and if you don't have enough sporty/studious points (depending on what you had more of or what the game chose in the "coin toss"), then you get a Mixed Cove.
Interestingly enough, the game is actually uneven in how it calculates a "fully Studious" or "fully Sporty" Cove. If you have six or more points in Studiousness, then you get a "fully Studious" Cove, but the game only asks for five of more in Sportiness to give you a "fully Sporty" Cove. This means that you could have six points in both Studiousness and Sportiness, which would give you a "fully Sporty" Cove if the coin flip picked Sportiness, but if the coin flip picks Studiousness, you'll only get a "Studious-Mixed" Cove.
As stated above though, the Studious-Mixed and Mixed-Sporty states don't really exist and serve as Studious and Sporty respectively anyway. In the grand scheme of things, it won't matter, but I digress.
Keeping that in mind, the game only cares if you have three or more points in either Studiousness or Sportiness. If you have three or more Studious points, you get a Studious Cove, and if you have three or more Sporty points, you get a Sporty Cove (and a coin toss if you're equal in both to decide whether he's Studious or Sporty). If you do not have enough points in either, you get a Mixed Cove. A Mixed Cove is most likely if you either play through Step 1 without playing any moments or avoid leaning Cove towards anything Studious/Sporty at all.
Cove's personality and appearance are also unrelated to whether he's Studious or Sporty, excluding moments where a multiple choice option might affect multiple values at once (but this is coincidence rather than direct correlation and, yes, I'll mention them when they come). Cove will also still do things like go surfing in Wave even if he's Studious, it's just that he'll be an awkward surfer instead of a graceful one (no comment if he's Mixed).
In terms of things that affect the player directly, the gummy bear toss in the Step 2 DLC moment Birthday is one of the biggest things that come to mind, as you'll lose if Cove isn't sporty and your MC hasn't been given any "sporty points" of their own (since this post isn't about the MC, I'll keep it brief and just say that the game keeps track of your own athletic ability during Step 2, such as if you tell Kyra that you like to swim). If that matters to you, you can opt for a sporty Cove and save yourself the trouble as there's no Studious equivalent of the gummy bear toss.
As for all of the moments in Step 1 where you have a chance to influence Cove's Studiousness/Sportiness, here they are!
Step 1 - Prologue
When Cove and the MC try to flee from Shiloh (if the MC agrees to go along with Cove):
He was fast, but you knew you could outrun him if you had to. [sporty +1]
He was not that fast, you knew you could outrun him if you had to. [studious +1]
He was not that fast, but neither were you. [studious +1]
At that speed, you weren't sure if you could go fast enough to reach him. [sporty +1]
When Cove is staring down absentmindedly at the sand:
"Are you looking for snails?" [sporty +1]
"Are you looking for shells?" [studious +1]
"What is it?" [studious +1]
"You didn't feel the need to ask why." [sporty +1]
When Cove goes back to not saying anything on the beach:
You didn't either. [sporty +1]
"What did you want to go to the shops for?" [studious +1]
"What do you usually do on the beach?" [sporty +1]
Grown Up
When Lizzie tells Cove and the MC that they won silver in the pretend Olympics:
"Silver sucks. I don't want silver." [sporty +1]
"I'm okay with that." [studious +1]
"Hey, we can do better than silver!" [sporty +1]
"Silver's not bad. Nice." [studious +1]
You stayed silent. [no change]
Long Day
When Lizzie asks the MC if they're a chicken who doesn't want to ding-dong-ditch the mean grandparents:
"Yeah. Cluck-cluck." [studious +1]
You'd rather just avoid them. [studious +1]
You thought they deserved worse. [no change]
"I'll do it." [no change]
When the MC gets to decide what they see in the clouds:
You saw a dolphin. [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove the dark blue short-sleeved shirt}
You saw a car. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the red salamander sleeveless shirt}
You saw an alpaca. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the dark blue short-sleeved shirt}
You saw a smiley face. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the red salamander sleeveless shirt}
You saw cloud shapes. [studious +1]
When the MC notices Cove lagging behind the group while en route to poppy hill:
"Are you not gonna come?" [no change] {but will give Cove cold +1}
You tugged him along. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1 on Indifferent and warm +1 on Fond/Crush}
You walked with him. [no change] {but will give Cove cold +1}
You waved at him to hurry. [no change] {but will give Cove warm +1}
You ran off. [no change]
When Cove fails to catch a firefly after the MC catches one:
You encouraged him to try again. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
You told him about the firefly you had. [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You made a joke about what happened. [studious +1]
You did your own things. [sporty +1]
When the MC chooses to go with Cove rather than participate in the quiz:
[sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
When the MC and Cove are about to be interrupted in their game of hide-and-seek (dependent on how good the MC has been at the game; answers marked with a * are the correct ones):
1st round of hide-and-seek
Next to a Peter Pan poster.
*Beside the fairy tale display.
*Behind the solar system model.
2nd round of hide-and-seek
By the fire awareness station.
Near the stuffed animals.
*Under the giant piece of fruit.
By the outlaw poster.
*In the fantasy section.
Near the toddler books.
3rd round of hide-and-seek
*In all the old Christmas stuff.
Next to the kid detective poster.
*Behind the Willy Wonka statues.
Final Tally
the MC won zero rounds (Cove will say "I'm doing good.") [sporty +1]
the MC won one round (Cove will say "I'm doing good.") [studious +1] [sporty +1]
the MC won two rounds (Cove will say "I can still win.") [studious +1]
the MC won all three rounds (Cove will say "I need to do good in at least one round.") [studious +1]
If the MC chose to go do the quiz instead:
[studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
When the MC is racing the other kids to catch the girl with the squirt gun (if the MC chose to go play with the kids in the first place):
You outran them easily. [studious +1]
You outran them with effort. [sporty +1]
You weren't as fast as them because they were speedy. [sporty +1]
You weren't as fast as them because you just weren't fast. [studious +1]
You moved to the side to let them pass; you didn't wanna win this race. [no change]
When Mr. Holden comments on his interests:
"Those are things Cove likes." [sporty +1]
"Wow. It's a good thing you live by the beach." [studious +1]
You stayed quiet. [no change]
Step 1 - Ending
When Cove tries to skip a rock across the water (if the MC chose to stay with him):
You were impressed over how far he got it to go. It sailed way out into the sea. [sporty +2] [studious -1]
It was a good toss. That was pretty neat. [sporty +1]
It wasn't a long throw. But he didn't care to try for that. [studious +1]
The rock sunk kind of... like a rock and fell back down almost right after he tossed it. [studious +2] [sporty -1]
And that's all of them! A few surprises are in there, but it's mostly straightforward in either prompting Cove to talk about outdoor/active things he does or choosing options that imply he's particularly good/fast (whether compared to the MC or in general). Particularly tricky are the ones that might change Cove's appearance/personality when you didn't intend for that to happen and are trying not to use the Cove Creator to get the Cove you want.
Still, it's definitely easier to gauge than Cove's appearance or personality, so whether you wanted this for a guide or just for the data, I hope you enjoyed! :D
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