swift-dreamer · 7 years
How I would Instruct a robot to make PB & J
Imagine that you had to instruct a robot to construct a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You have to tell the robot line-by-line what to do. What are the step-by-step directions you would give the robot? *
(Assuming that there are 2 slices of bread (Br1, Br2) adjacent to each other, brand new jars that have been opened for the robot that contain peanut butter (PB) and jelly (J),  and a butter knife (BK) laid on a counter in front of the robot): 
Step 1: Pick up BK.
Step 2: Insert BK inside of PB. 
Step 3: Scoop out some content inside of PB using BK (two hands may be required), lifting  the content out of the jar onto BK, planting the lifted content  onto one of two sides of Br1 at the center, and then gently sliding the BK towards your body and off of Br1's surface area, insuring that the PB content on BK is transferred onto Br1. Once one side of Br1 has the content of PB, keep the opposite side faced down on the counter.  
Step 4: Gently spread PB content across Br1's surface area to parts without PB content. Avoid going past the edges of Br1's surface area. 
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 & 4 until the surface area of Br1 is 97%-99% covered in PB content. Even out the proportion of PB content placed on Br1's surface area if one corner's quantity contains 10%-20% more content than the rest of the corners. 
Step 6:  Insert BK inside of PB and press one side of BK against the wall of the jar. 
Step 7: Proceed to slide BK upwards against the inside of PB jar wall to clean BK of PB content. Repeat Step 6 for the opposite side of BK. 
Step 8: Repeat Steps 6 & 7 until the amount of PB content left on BK's surface area is between 3% & 0.01%. 
Step 9: Repeat Steps 2-8, replacing the "PB" element with the "J" element and the "Br1" element with the "Br2" element. Apply 20% more J content onto Br2 than the PB content applied to Br1. 
Step 10: Once Step 9 is complete, Place BK down on the counter away from all other objects. Carefully slide one hand under Br1, touching the side faced down, until Br1 is off the counter (two hands may be required). Avoid contact of PB content placed on the opposite side of Br1. 
Step 11:  Carefully match the corners of Br1 to the corners of Br2, insuring that both sides with PB and J content respectively are touching. 
Step 12: Serve. If sandwich is meant for you, proceed to lick fingers.
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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#powerrangers courtesy of #krispykreme #power #rangers #movie #movies #nyc (at New York, New York)
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
Not standard usage of standard library
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by Elio
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
Job freezes with unexpected input
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by @uaiHebert
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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Aah I’m so excited to finally be able to share my piece for @logdatezine2016!! It was submitted late but I was able to add in the little details with the extra time so generously given to me :’) 
This was dedicated to my IGCSE’s tutor years ago who agreed to give me private lessons to boost my grades, I would never have achieved A’s and A*’s without her <3 Peridot bonding with Connie through knowledge and helping her with her studies was just such a wonderful idea and I hope you enjoy it too! 
P.s. if you zoom in to the maths textbooks you’ll spot familiar names ;D
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
https://soundcloud.com/sheriffahmed/get-it-2017-instrumental-swift-dreamer #guitar #flgang #producer #beats #music
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hya3ec6cFx0)
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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via weheartit
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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Do I dare disturb the Universe?
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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Photos of Frozen Baikal by Kristina Makeeva
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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same character
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
Laws of Creation #47: Balance is Key.
 I think you should create as much as possible if you feel like you struggle with the act of creating. Excessive creation with no direction could be inefficient to the end goal unless endless creation is the goal.
I feel like you should take a break from doing something if the purpose is right. 
For example:
Sometimes you need to stop creating to finish a creation. 
You may need to learn more about where you want to go in order to get there; Take time to learn what you don’t know to balance what you do know and experimentation.
Its all about looking at the parts where you're starting to slack and work on it.
 I took breaks from certain things and found the time away to be beneficial when I went back to it; Like working out at the gym.
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
The landscape of my thoughts
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
Live for Experiences; Love What You Do
I feel like some ppl don’t understand that they don't like what they are doing as much as they want to like it, or that they are doing it for the wrong reasons. 
When you create or choose to participate in something as a kid, you do so to have fun. Growing older, it seems that purpose shifts for most ppl to something that ultimately leads back to monetary gain or recognition. They think that material possession or social status itself will bring them happiness, not understanding that we live for experiences; and they really seek the experiences money and fame can bring you. 
That’s why its important to do what you love; for the experience.
 Sure, you could always learn to persevere through times when you feel like quitting something; but if you cant find a way to make what you’re pursuing mostly fun for you to do, you're trying to push through bad experiences to get to the good ones and that takes a strong mind  to get through; Especially when it feels like the Hell will never end...
 To those ppl: You need to work Smarter, not Harder:
You should rethink your approach to the goal, the purpose of it, or the goal entirely. Doing something when you really don’t want to increases the mental endurance you have for the activity, kinda like working out, but starting the action is what most ppl struggle to consistently do.
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
Balance is key.
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swift-dreamer · 8 years
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