t3chkn1ght-blog · 4 days
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I'm telling you, girl, if you wear this, you'd be absolutely SLAYING!!!
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 4 days
Do you know when he'll be back?
hey atheists
if god doesn't exist how come I have this fucking picture of him?
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 4 days
Give us this movie, hollywood!
TIL there are only around 120 anonymous Michelin restaurant inspectors in the world. They spend 3 out of every 4 weeks on the road, and must vacate a region for 10 years if they think a restaurant suspects their identity.
via reddit.com
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 11 days
Nah, I'll just go to bed.
Wake me up when September ends.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 11 days
Remember: If a transphobe ever asks you "What's a woman?" the correct answer is "someone who will not sleep with you."
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 29 days
I can’t wait until we rise against capitalism.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 1 month
Don’t you mean “stop, drop, and roll”
lord the peasants are so loud today
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 1 month
At least the victim was just a billionaire. That might actually mean consequences for Elon’s actions.
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i can’t believe this is real
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 2 months
Fun fact: If Mike Wazowski had a beard, it would also be considered his pubes.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 2 months
The Qu: Get back onto the lobotomy table
After feeding your pet human, you are shocked when it says “thank you” in your language.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 2 months
It’s either that or DIY crystal meth.
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haha, yes.
potion that makes you trans
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 2 months
Why not 15 dollar?
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
*throws a dollar at you*
fourteen dollar
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
You can increase the odds of this by JUST KILLING TRUMP!!
this is the only text post im gonna make about voting for the US president:
under a 2nd biden term, cops will continue to shoot protestors in the head with rubber* bullets and suffer no consequences.
under a 2nd trump term, which may not end in 4-8 years, cops will go back to shooting protestors in the head with normal bullets like they used to, and suffer no consequences.
that’s where we’re at and that’s the choice you get. i am not willing to keep my own hands clean in exchange for a drastic and immediate increase in state violence, both direct and disguised as policies and regulations.
if you vote against trump, you might increase by a small amount the chance that you will live to see a presidential election where you get to make a good choice. if you don’t vote against trump, living to see that happen gets less likely.
voting is not even close to sufficient, but it is necessary, and it costs me little to nothing to do it.** to me that is the only possible ethical conclusion.
*rubber bullets are actually metal bullets with a rubber coating and they can and do kill people. nonetheless, they kill people significantly less often than regular bullets. also the bullet thing is a metaphor for all the varieties of state violence that will be committed by a trump administration. but also there absolutely will be an increase in the number of people murdered by cops if trump wins.
**there are a great many people in the US for whom voting does take considerable effort and sometimes sacrifice. if you are one of these people, you don’t owe anyone any loss of income or safety. but it may be even more strongly in your interests to vote against trump if you can.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
If you do nothing to stop a serial killer, are you also guilty of murder.
If you were to ask my brain, the answer would be "yes."
And the worst part is that it extends to violent extremes. For example
The GOP is a hate group of neo-nazis that must be stopped at all cost.
The amount of suffering republicans have caused has to be on par with the Holocaust.
Therefore, anyone who claims to be a republican is complicit in genocide, and is just as guilty.
Conservatives tend to vote Republican or have no problem with Republican Policies, therefore they are also guilty
Therefore, all conservatives are to be considered guilty and punished accordingly
Genocide is a crime worthy of the death penalty
Therefore, all republicans must die!
I hate the fact that I think this way, especially since nothing about it seems irrational to me. As much as I hope I'm wrong in this regard, I fear that the only way to prevent genocide and protect democracy.... would be to kill all Republicans. And my brain has only trained itself to make carrying out this potential action (albeit, with the help of an army), easier, since it starts viewing conservatives as demons and parasites rather than humans.
Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem! Please tell me someone else has been through this..... and that they have a solution!
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
Does anyone know when we're actually gonna destroy capitalism?
Like, were we planning on a specific day? When the time is right? idk
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
Ah, yes
It's the 4th of July. the day where we just ignore all the problems in the US and pretend it's perfect, completely ignoring its problematic past, present, and future.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
People need to realize that right-wingers are evil, plain and simple. There's no grand motive behind their actions, no reason they go out and attack marginalized groups other than they think its fun. Every act of bigotry, murder, rape, pedophilia, every horrible thing to ever happen throughout history was caused by them, and they have no intention of stopping soon. They're unable to be reasoned with, unable to feel empathy for others, unable to feel remorse for their actions. Right-wingers only feel one thing: Bloodlust.
People need to stop pretending right-wingers are people that can be reasoned with, because it's that sort of thinking that will get you killed. If you think you can stop a genocidal maniac from killing people just by telling him it's bad and that he shouldn't do it, you'll just end up being his next victim. Evil is in the right's nature. The only way for them to stop hurting people is to die.
As dark of a thought as that it, we can't risk the safety of marginalized communities by pretending right-wingers are human. Know the suffering they have caused, are causing, and intend to cause! Know how little guilt they feel. Know the absolute glee they show whenever they kill a trans person or a jew. Know the untold scale of the pain they've caused to everyone other than themselves. Know the pain they may have potentially caused YOU! Then, make sure they feel the pain they oh-so gleefully inflict upon others.
I'm not even targetted by these creatures and I still hate them. I can only imagine how hurt, sad, scared, and angry they've made others on this site. But now is not the time for crying! now is not the time for asking nicely! Now is the time to get ANGRY!!!
Take your pain, your sorrow, your fear, everything the right has made you feel, and channel it into POWER!!!! Turn your suffering into strength! Every catcaller, every karen, every brutal police officer, every homophobe, every transphobe, every capitalist, ALL OF IT! Every time you've been misgendered, every time you've heard a slur, ever time you've felt unsafe simply existing, take all of it and turn it back on the perpetrators! LET THEM KNOW YOUR PAIN, and FORCE THEM TO FEEL IT, WHETHER THEY WISH TO OR NOT!!
If right-wingers are more than willing to kill innocent people, why should you hesitate to kill them? At that point, it's self defense at least, and outright GENOCIDE PREVENTION at most.
I fail to see why so many leftists haven't come to this conclusion, especially considering the threat Right-Wingers pose.
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