tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
It wouldn't be a bad idea if we did something about agency workers. There's all this talk about immigration when the real problem in our society is the fact that now, a majority of foreign people that come to this country are now being dictated to by agencies, and it's time we got rid of [these agencies]. They're undercutting the indigenous workers. I worked with Poles in 1948 down the pit, and why did nobody get worked up about the displaced persons, the Poles, the Ukrainians? Because they were in the union with us, and they also [earned] the same wages, and there wasn't an agency in sight.
Dennis Skinner (http://youtu.be/KVHuxixPJRA?t=8m30s)
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at you can see the universe in their eyes if you're really looking.
George Carlin
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
You're from bangladesh, you ain't british. Also, white brits are happy with UKIP because they support them and stand for their rights against the mass-immigration which has destroyed Great Britanistan 2.0. Or would you like that Bangladesh would be submerged with mass-immigration from other non-developped countries for example and turn your place to a shithole? Answer this. Either way, go back to your country.
Alright, you vicious little insect. You’ve caught me in a bad mood. Bad enough that UKIP won and then I have to wake up to your ignorant, racist and downright stupid spillage all over my askbox? Let’s gently dismantle this, shall we. You’ve already proven yourself to be ridiculous, I “ain’t” British, I can assure you, that someone from Bangladesh can be and I am. I’ve been here since I was 2 years old. So try and keep up with whatever limited brain cell count you have. Firstly, find me any “pure British” person whose heritage isn’t somehow connected to other countries, Scotland, Ireland, any number of European countries. You realise that your ancestors probably immigrated to Britain at some point for whatever reason? This isn’t Harry Potter, there’s no such thing as “pure blood.” Get a grip.
Secondly, I’ll tell you what’s turning this Britain into a shithole. Not the hard working immigrants who come here to try and escape whatever is happening back home, or simply want the honest chance of a better life, but parties like UKIP coming to power. People like you, small, narrow-minded intolerant little fools who spew their hatred and hope that anyone, just anyone, might listen.
Thirdly, let’s discuss some of the other things UKIP want to do besides cut down on immigration. All the things you’re supporting by voting for them. They don’t believe in climate change (wow, so clever!) exactly the sort of ripe intelligence that should be in control of a country, want to increase defence spending by 40%, this deficit is going to come out of the NHS which means hospitals are going to have significantly less funds. They’re against same sex marriage. They want to cut inheritance tax which means the rich are only going to get richer. They want to leave the EU for God’s sake. Do you know how catastrophic that would be for the economy? You’d have to stop worrying about the immigrants and actually get a clue about politics. There are more reasons here if you’re actually interested in educating yourself. 
I’m going to leave you with some gentle quotes from the people you’ve elected into power. 
"No employer with a brain in the right place would employ a young, single, free woman.”
"The victim surely shares a part of the responsibility, if only for establishing reasonable expectations in her boyfriend’s mind.
"I just wish they would keep their ­homosexual nature and practices to ­themselves and stop trying to ram it down my throat telling me they are ‘normal’ when they are not."
Now I’m going to kindly ask you to take your ignorant little opinions and unfollow me, thank you. 
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
Boys cry Cigarettes do kill, parents lie, boats sink, flowers die, Life goes on, with or without you.
sad facts that come along with existing (via halluzinogen)
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
Women must be exposed to lesbian porn way more often than men are exposed to gay porn
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
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A most eternal sentiment for May Day
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
Karl Marx is accused of being outdated by the champions of a capitalism rapidly reverting to Victorian levels of inequality.
Terry Eagleton (via redplebeian)
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I've worked at an Amazon.co.uk warehouse on three separate occasions on temporary contracts, one of which I was released from yesterday. Accumulatively and as of today, I've worked there for roughl...
A piece I did. Amazon is an omnipotent force in my life.
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I got laid off from work again earlier, or "released" as they like to phrase it. I've been employed on temporary contracts of varying lengths with the same company now for nearly two years, and besides JSA during unemployment it's been my only source of income. I used to want a job I enjoyed. I realised that was stupid, now I'd just like a stable job. You can't make a living from this, it's a joke. Plus it's a shit way to live when you hate the job you do and hate it when it inevitably comes to an end.
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
Raw Nerve - Big Changes 
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I think some people genuinely have no idea that you can use Tumblr for way more things than sex gifs
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
There’s this shitty thing that happens when you learn about the reality of racism, sexism and misogyny. You start to hear it from the mouths of your parents, grandparents, friends and siblings and you can’t ignore it anymore but you’ll see how many of them will ignore you when you speak out about it.
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I’m not fucking stable. Oh well. I’ll settle for this fucking hell.
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tabloidsuckass-blog · 10 years
I might be a weak person, but I can take pain.
Richey Edwards
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