#! * INTRODUCTION / vivienne nevrakis.
calypsoswrath · 5 years
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code red ! we’ve received word that VIVIENNE NEVRAKIS has entered the building. the twenty nine year old is a mechanic, specialising in driving/drag racing and combat. we know for certain that she’s adroit and stoic, but more importantly, she’s resigned and recalcitrant. keep a close eye on her.
full name: vivienne athena nevrakis date of birth: january 19th, 1989 age: twenty nine star sign: capricorn profession: mechanic/getaway driver for heists and cons codename: alecto alignment: true neutral mbti: istp spoken languages: greek, english mother’s name: andrea nevrakis nee. constantinou father’s name: sirius nevrakis siblings, if any: nikos nevrakis, seventeen (deceased) height: 5’8”  hair colour: brown eye colour: brown
vivienne was born in plaka, athens where she lived until she was nineteen years old. growing up amongst the ruins of an ancient society may have proved inspiring to some, but it only ever served as a reminder to her just how little they really had. money was always short at home, her father was getting old and was managing less hours at the local mechanics their uncle owned and so it was often up to viv and her best friend aleksy to bring in extra where they could for both their families. working together to provide as the eldest children by selling souvenirs to tourists, ones they later conned, offering to fix anything from watch’s to bike chains and for viv - drag racing. 
further education was far beyond the small wage she was now making at her uncle’s shop, so she learned as much as she could from the men who passed through and the mechanics there. she fixed up her first car at sixteen with the help of aleksy and by the following summer she had it down to a science, winning more street races through athens than she lost and began to bring in significant money for home, which she of course split between her and aleksy. there was the occasional spell in a jail cell overnight, but the police officers were all men who had served with her father during their enlistment and often let her off with a warning. they all knew she’d face punishment enough at home when her mother got to yelling anyway.
it was that extra money that bought nikos his first bike at seventeen. nothing above average, merely a project for him to work on and something viv had been thrilled to give him. at the time. that joy was shortlived and soon turned to absolute horror when the unthinkable happened. in the early hours of a december morning, nik’s body was found bloodied and bruised amongst that very same smashed up bike. a spot now marked by a cross and ever burning candle to join the rows of others that litter seemingly every road. something in vivienne broke then, and she turned her back on all she knew and left it all behind.
in the years that followed, viv took off and travelled through europe, meeting accomplices that she would use in her next life. pulling off small heists as a getaway driver, sending cheques back home in the post and sleeping around. all her past responsibilities forgotten in the haze of this new way off life. she likely would have spent many years more doing exactly that, had another tragedy not called her back home to athens with the death of her father. his health had been in steady decline since the loss of his son and disappearance of his remaining daughter. there were whispers of a broken heart, but viv was not inclined to believe something that childish. it had been old age and stress that had claimed him in the end.
after the funeral, athens only continued to haunt her and the call of a life freer than this one only grew stronger, but her ageing mother couldn’t be left abandoned. it was time to get out. greece was crumbling in the aftermath of recession and there was nothing left for them anymore. it was sheer luck ( and the very last of it ) that brought her childhood friend and partner aleksy back into her life with a way out. he had landed an engineering job overseas in new york and was shipping his family out in a fortnight, and there was room for two more add ons if she needed it. the decision was made and at twenty four she packed up her old life for good.
america was good to her for a while. she had a decent job at a reputable mechanics and was studying engineering part time at the local college. aleksy’s wages were more than enough to cover the living costs for them all and viv even found room to breathe once more. old friendships were reignited, only now they were grown adults with matured minds and a deeper understanding for all the other had ever done for them. friendship bloomed to love and viv swearing to stand by her first partner in crime for good. when she found out she was pregnant at twenty seven and was engaged soon after, no part of her wanted to run, she was ready for the next adventure. with a baby on the way, a wedding to plan, and an engineering degree on her belt, vivienne truly believed her cursed past to be behind her.
nikos aleksy nevrakis was born premature. sent into early labour after a freak accident at work left her fiance dead. life cut short with no goodbyes and leaving vivienne with a newborn baby and two families to provide for. she accepted that day, holding her son in her arms, that there was to be no happy ending for her. somewhere along the way, her life had been cursed, and all she could hope for now was a better ending for her precious son.
everything vivienne does now is for her two year old son nikos. turning her back on dreams of her own garage for now, and focusing on earning enough to provide for not just her own little family, but for aleksy’s too where she can. she has since joined a heist crew and now hopes for the day where she can pull off a big enough job and settle up for good. but beyond that? it’s just about getting through the day.
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