#! 300 sleepover !
sorchathered · 6 months
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Heartbreaks & Happy Birthdays
Happy sleepover Saturday y’all, I thought I’d kick it off with a miracle, yes you are seeing this right I wrote a fic for Bradley! @roosterforme I know you are somewhere victory dancing 😂. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Pairing- Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x reader
Warnings- drinking, allusions to smut, language, angst.
Summary- you throw Bradley a birthday party and it ends in disaster, can you move past it or is it time to let him go?
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It had started out as such a good weekend, for the life of him he couldn’t figure out when it went wrong.
Bradley had turned 40 on Thursday and you’d agreed to spend the weekend with him, getting off of work early Thursday to cook his favorite dinner (a recipe of Carole’s you’d found in storage) and treating him to a fancy new lingerie set that had been an absolute hit, you even let him take some pictures and videos for his next deployment which he couldn’t wait to watch over and over again on nights when he couldn’t hold you close. You were his sweet quiet girl and although the two of you couldn’t be more different it just made sense when you were together, he brought out a side of you that no one else could, he was a live wire, his bright smile and infectious energy captivated everyone who interacted with him but when he was with you? It was like puzzle pieces snapping in to place, a perfect mix of yin and yang that just fit seamlessly.
You and a few members of his squad had been planning him a surprise party for weeks, you’d mostly let Phoenix handle all the invites and had thrown yourself into decorating and finding a caterer, even Jake had helped by asking one of his buddies to dj for the night, the country club the boys played golf at had graciously let you rent the conference room and it was sure to be an evening to remember.
Friday night came and you had convinced him that he was just going out for dinner at the restaurant in the clubhouse with a few of his friends, dressed in a floral button down with some black slacks he looked like he’d stepped right out of a magazine, you were having trouble keeping your thoughts together as he pulled into the lot in his shiny blue bronco, swollen biceps stretching the soft material from all the pushups he’d been doing lately. You hadn’t even realized he’d been talking to you until he stroked your cheek, eyebrow cocked and a knowing smile on his face, of course he could see right through you, he knew you’d been checking him out. “Oh Bradley I’m so sorry, I don’t know where my head was, what did you say?” He chuckled as he unbuckled you and pulled you across the bench seat by your waist, rucking up the sides of your sundress as you went, using his massive left hand to curl around your jaw and the back of your neck as he kissed you breathless, running the other hand up your back and shoulder as he ran his tongue along your lips and you opened for him with a breathy moan, tongues tangled together and reducing you to a puddle. He pulled away much sooner than you would have liked, causing a whine to tear from your throat as you chased his lips. “I know it, I’m gonna take my time with you later sweetness but you did all this planning for dinner so let’s go eat and then I can have my dessert.”
When you made a sharp turn towards the conference room he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, but quickly realized what you were up to as the doors were thrown open to everyone yelling surprise at him. He’d never had a surprise party, hell he hadn’t had a birthday party since he was a kid, he couldn’t believe that everyone had pulled this together under his nose, the boys quickly drug him away for a drink and you and Phoenix just laughed at how excited he looked. It looked like just about everyone Bradley worked with was here, including quite a few people you’d never seen before, but it was expected really; your boyfriend never seemed to meet a stranger and that much was evident by the wall to wall crowd dancing the night away. Somehow he’d pulled you into the middle of the dance floor, twirling you around the floor and kissing you breathless amongst the sweaty bodies and flashing lights, it should have been overwhelming but he always seemed to make you feel comfortable in the most vulnerable situations.
You finally excused yourself and headed for the rest room, you were sure you looked a mess and as you checked yourself over in the mirror you were definitely right. Kiss swollen lips and smudged lipstick, hair all in disarray and you giggled to yourself at the thought of what was to come later that night. As you stepped into the stall you heard a group coming in behind you, no doubt doing the same as you but when you heard them talking you realized they were gossiping about you. “I really don’t get it, she’s a librarian or something right? Could she be any more boring looking?” One said to the other and you could hear her friend agreeing, “I mean at least when you guys were hooking up it made sense, you both have so much in common, I’m sure he’ll get bored eventually Lisa don’t even worry about it, she can’t honestly think they’re going to last.”
You were so humiliated, had you really come off as plain and uninteresting? Was Bradley bored of you? You thought things were going so well and yes you had honestly been thinking about what a future with him might hold, it had only been six months but you’d never felt so loved by anyone. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you waited for them to leave, finally it got quiet and the booming music filtered through the room as someone opened the door, unlocking the stall you made your way out of the door only to realize the girl who had apparently hooked up with your boyfriend was still preening over herself in the mirror. You swiped your eyes with a tissue as you felt your skin flush and prickle, knowing her eyes were on you. She capped her lipstick and fussed with her hair, giving you a once over as she stepped towards the door. “No offense sweet pea, you seem nice but what Bradley needs is someone wild; a big personality to match his and you just aren’t that. You won’t be enough, he needs more than just a quiet wallflower to keep his attention, I’d enjoy it while it lasts if I were you.”
It felt like you’d been slapped, you couldn’t even bring yourself to respond as more tears came, you needed to get out of here; the room was spinning and you couldn’t get a deep breath, you stumbled out into the crowded space only to see that same girl with her hand on Bradley’s arm, you didn’t stick around to see anything else, your heart couldn’t bear it. Opening the ride share app you typed in your address and thanked the stars that there was only a two minute wait, typing out a half ass apology about feeling sick to Bradley and Natasha as you cried all the way home.
By the time Bradley got your message you were long gone, he had been wandering around looking for you but no one seemed to know where you’d been. He stepped outside and called you immediately but it went to voicemail, trying again with the same result. He messaged you ask if you needed him to come to you, but you replied that he should enjoy the party and that you needed to sleep, and as torn as he was he trusted that everything was ok, promising to bring you breakfast in the morning and spend the day with you. You’d cried until you couldn’t anymore and then had the worst sleep you’d had in ages, waking up to a pounding headache and knocking at your door. It was nearly 10 am, you weren’t the sleeping in type and when you checked your phone you had a litany of missed calls and texts. You groaned as you trudged down the hall to your door, not bothering to see who it was before you opened it, only to be met with the honey brown eyes of your ridiculously handsome boyfriend, coffee and a donut from your favorite shop in hand as he looked you over. “Oh baby you look like you feel awful, come on let’s get you back in bed, dr. Bradshaw has exactly what you need.” He’d said with a wink, he was acting as though everything was normal but you couldn’t bring yourself to reciprocate, just shrugging lightly and letting him usher you back to bed.
You’d let him in and settled into bed with him as he turned on a movie, but your smile wasn’t meeting your eyes and he could barely get a word out of you. He was really starting to worry that he’d done something wrong, but no matter how he wracked his brain he was coming up with nothing.
He’d told you once that when you smiled at him it was like you held all the answers in the universe in that one look, like you could solve any problem with a kiss and make everything ok. He wanted to be that for you, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what was wrong. You’d all but turned away from him in bed and fallen asleep halfway through the movie, leaving him even more confused than before, you’d planned him an elaborate party and now you wanted nothing to do with him? What the hell was going on?
When you woke a few hours later you felt more yourself, but turning over in bed to find it empty sent worry through you all over again. “Bradley?” You called as you came down the hall, hearing the drone of the tv you sighed in relief as you found him texting on his phone while some basketball game played in the background. He gave you a small smile and held his arms out for you, but you hesitated; and he noticed. “Ok, you gotta talk to me baby I’m completely lost here, what is going on with you? We were aces yesterday and now you don’t want to touch me, I can’t fix it if I don’t know why it’s broken honey, you gotta give me something.” Your eyes welled up with tears again as you plopped down on the couch, if Bradley had been confused he was even more so now. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I know I probably ruined everything. I know I’m not the prettiest or the most fun to hang out with but I want so badly to be enough for you and I’m worried that you’ll get tired of me.” You couldn’t meet his gaze, and he was looking at you like you’d grown a third eye, his handsome features scrunched up in confusion as he tried to process what you meant. “Baby have I been making you feel like that? Shit if I have I’m so sorry-“
“Wha-no! You haven’t at all, it’s just there was this girl last night at the party, she said you guys had dated and that I wasn’t your type, and then I saw you talking with her at the party and I just- I couldn’t stand it. Thinking that I was holding you back from being who you are, I never want to be that to you.” You were staring very intently at your hands when you saw his come in to view and wrap them around you, pulling you to face him. “That girl that you’re talking about, was it Lisa?” You nodded and he rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw so hard it looked like he might snap it. “Honey I never dated her, we had a drunken hookup one time and I told her she wasn’t my type, I don’t know what the hell she said to you but she’s dead wrong. You’re everything to me, and if you’d waited around long enough last night you would’ve seen the surprise I had planned for you.”
Now it was your turn to look confused, why would he have planned something for you on his birthday? But as you looked up at him he knelt on the floor, producing a small box from his pocket. “I mean it sweet girl, you’re everything I want and I had planned on asking you this last night but you vaporized before I got the chance. I don’t need some wild free spirit, I need someone to keep me on solid ground, someone who loves me for who I really am and not the persona I have to put out to everyone around me. I want quiet nights and dancing in the kitchen and maybe one day a house full of little ones but I want it with you. So if you still want that, will you be my wife?” He was crying now too, this perfect man was everything you’d ever dreamed of and you’d nearly let something so trivial take it from you. You didn’t have to think of an answer, surging forward into his arms as you both toppled to the floor, laughing and kissing as he placed his mother’s engagement ring on your finger. All he needed was right here, warmth and love and happiness, he couldn’t think of a better birthday present than you.
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Tagging🏷️- @attapullman @mamachasesmayhem @sailor-aviator @bobgasm @bradshawssugarbaby @sebsxphia @roosterforme @sarahsmi13s @hangmansgbaby @goldenseresinretriever @mynameismckenziemae
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the-record · 1 year
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you could absolutely break my heart, thats how i know that we’re in love
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“and this one?”
it was a lazy sunday, spent lounging in bed as the sun came up and went down. you’d noticed a little scar on ellies stomach and couldn’t help but ask where it came from, and if there were more.
“hm, that one? i think thats from broken glass. tripped over my foot on a patrol and f- are you laughing at me?” she held your wrist in her hand, stopping your lazy movements and forced you to look at her. “laughing at my serious injuries? wow, i see how it is.”
“no my love! youre just... that was kinda stupid.” you giggled again and she couldn’t help but join in.
“god i know.” she realesed your wrist, moving her hand to rub circles on your hip.
i don’t need the symbol of a scar. so put down the knife, we’re not swapping blood
you traced over the scar before you remembered the biggest one, the one she covered with the tattoo on her forearm. “what about this one?” you looked up at her as your finger glided over it.
“you know about that one?” she smiled, pinching your hip. “you wanna hear the story again?” you nodded, an easy smile on your lips. “well, there was this old friend and an abandoned mall. we were all told it was full of infected, but riley, she had to find out herself. and so she did, and when she realized it was not, she brought me.
“im telling you the place was magic. the arcade was my favorite, they have so many cool games and lights. and the halloween store was pretty cool too.” she takes a breath, steadying herself. “and we were dancing around to some music from my walkman, and this infected comes out of fucking nowhere, scared us to death. and we both got bit.” you lay your head down on her chest, pulling her close. “obviously i made it. im the beautiful person you’re lying on now.” she laughs, making you laugh too.
“youre such a dork.” it was quiet for a bit, just the sound of the sheep. “im really sorry el... about riley. and the bite. you deserve better.”
“good thing ive got better.” she presses a kiss to your head, wrapping her arms around you tighter.
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isn’t it enough that we stripped down to our skin?
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i love soft ellie 🤍
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toxicbrothel · 8 months
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300 words. I8+ noncon somnophilia, stalking
Ghostface was following you, and your date was finally ending.  He wasn’t really planning on doing anything tonight. He wanted to let you miss him. . . until he saw you kiss the guy goodnight, and even let him grab your ass? Ghostface couldn’t let that go. He put on his mask, then reached in the glovebox for his emergency switchblade and flicked it open. He almost forgot to put on his gloves. He waited until you were driving off, then practically flew across the parking lot, taking long strides with his robe flowing behind him. 
“Have a good time?” Ghostface asked your date.
Your date dropped his keys and flattened himself with his back against his car, terrified. Ghostface wrapped his hand around the man’s neck and savored the look of fear in his eyes. “Too bad there won’t be a second date,” he taunted before slashing the man’s throat. Ghostface let him slump onto the pavement, then cleaned the blade with his glove and left the man gurgling on the ground as he bled out. 
Now, to deal with you. Ghostface was nothing, if not patient. . . when he wanted to be. And he had something special in mind for you. He waited until you were fast asleep, then let himself into your house. He crept into your bedroom and palmed himself as he watched you sleep. You rolled over, then let out a little sigh, and it made his dick rock-hard. He got onto your bed and pulled the covers off you. He couldn’t help but moan softly when he saw you were naked. Good. You let out an unsatisfied grunt, but didn’t wake up. He pulled his sweatpants down under his balls, and nudged your legs apart. Then he covered your mouth with his gloved hand. You grunted into his glove, and your eyes blinked open. 
“Dreaming of me, princess?”
thank you for reading! and thank you @milla-frenchy for the compelling pic 💕💕
PSA: this is my only ghostface on this acct, but i do have some on main, most notoriously every inch
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dreamertrilogys · 8 months
going into instagram comments is crazy it’s like seeing into a (much MUCH) worse alternate reality like You ppl live such unfathomably terrible lives to me….
#aside from the general everything they’re just so boring and miserable. Btw#sorry it’s just i’ve had insta on my phone lately (unfortunately i can’t delete it until the party ☹️) & every SINGLE time i see some sort o#reel and i’m like HA yknow what i think? and then everyone in the comments is saying the complete opposite thing#every single time without fail#the other day i saw a reel where a bartender dumped all the leftover stuff from the thing (idk what it’s called) into a cup and every1 in#the comments was like ugh yucky disgusting / yk ppl put even grosser stuff in their mouths like genitals. besides if it’s cleaned regularly#enough it should be fine / that’s a big IF. meanwhile i’m like Yum jungle juice 😋#also one time i saw ppl talking abt how they sleep in binders at sleepovers COME ON reddit is free transtape exists. please#<- these r like the worst examples ever but it’s ok#also like the insane casual misogyny. it’s so bad out here guys#.txt#ppl arguing in the comments like ‘that’s like 2k calories’ / ‘why r u being negative besides it’s only like 300 at max’ / ‘it’s not#negativity’ GUYS. WHAT THE FUCK. CALORIES ARE GOOD I <3 ENERGY???? YOUR BODY ALSO LOVES ENERGY. COME ON. BUTTER 4 LYFE BITCH#OH AND ONE TIME someone made vanilla extract and the comments were all panicked muslims like oh no im rethinking all my vanilla extract#buying GUYS do you or do you not eat bread. great now figure out the alcohol content of fermented yeast vs a drop of ethanol in a cake (that#is being baked anyway!)
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cloudsinmargoscoffee · 2 months
i really miss my old followers and mutuals
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rinneverse · 6 months
i’m a little late (read: very late) in realizing that i hit 1k … should i do a belated celebration event? prob over this weekend since i’m off :3c
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
nsfw masterlist two (18+ only!)
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unexpected consequences words: 700
bruised knees words: 2.1k
pink princess words: 2.4k
you made me this way words: 1.5k
clicker words: 600
good host words: 4.1k
pink roses words: 3.1k
fear not, bunny words: 600
when in rome words: 1.7k
dealer words: 2.5k
can i hold it? words: 2k
bésame words: 1.6k
pussy privileges words: 1.6k
under the covers words: 1.3k
punished words: 1k
mischief words: 1.3k
carnival words: 1.7k
three: barry words: 1.7k
mean daddy words: 600
new neighbor words: 1.4k
best friends dad words: 500 part two words: 500 part three words: 900
inspections words: 1k
full inspection words: 2.1k
cocaine in my lipgloss words: 2.1k
new follower words: 1.4k
crimson red words: 1.4k part two words: 1.3k part three words: 900
submissive side words: 900
baby shoes words: 2.3k
taken care of words: 2.2k
desperate measures words: 1.7k
lecture hall words: 400
glint of metal words: 800
deputy's daughter words: 1.6k
munch words: 300
general store words: 1.5k
twinkle twinkle little star words: 700
angel of a daughter words: 2.2k
easter day words: 1.3k
sleepover words: 700
proper thank you words: 600
those three words words: 1.2k
arsonist's lullaby words: 3.3k
feeling generous words: 1.3k
obsessive love words: 2.1k
purest honey words: 1.1k
distant calls words: 700
your duke words: 4.7k
moonlit beach words: 1.6k
in the middle words: 1.4k
traffic words: 700
chat words: 1.3k part two words: 700
the same tv words: 1.8k
almost sweet music words: 900
experimentation words: 6.9k
bound and bruised words: 1.5k
weekend away words: 3.2k
executive orders words: 3.8k
sparkling juice words: 1.9k
barrys girl words: 1.5k
iou words: 1.9k
heavy heat words: 1k
no words needed words: 1.1k
interruptions words: 1.4k
relaxing words: 900
ready words: 2.1k
my aphrodite words: 900
girls night words: 1.4k
mexico words: 1.2k
comparisons words: 1.5k
5 4 3 2 1 words: 1.3k
little black dress words: 1.5k
devotee words: 1.8k
heavy sense of guilt (part one) words: 900 part two words: 700
reckless words: 2.3k
stress relief words: 1.1k
reflective words: 900
gold medal words: 1k
reserved chair words: 10.9k
drummer in a band words: 2k
the bosses daughter part one words: 1.9k part two words: 1k
captive words: 3.2k
heat rage words: 1k
strictly professional words: 500
morning cravings words: 1.1k
other fingers in other holes words: 1.3k
sore and satisfied words: 1k
playroom words: 600
friction words: 1.7k
sunsets warm embrace words: 1.5k
kiss of death words: 2.9k
moans words: 300
628 notes · View notes
MINORS DNI! Mentions of sex but no smut.
Light begins creeping through the window blinds as the sun rises over the Nueva York’s skyline, conveniently hitting your face as you begin to stir awake. Still groggy from the lack of sleep, you barely registered the bulky arm that was laid over your bare waist. More focused on the fact your entire body was sore from head to toe, your hips mostly.
You were about to crawl out from the bed you were on when previously mentioned arm, tighten around you and pulled you back until your back collided against the naked and slightly sticky chest of your ex.
“Where do you think you're going, hmm?” When was the last time you heard Miguel voice that raspy? You didn’t know but it made butterflies appear nonetheless.
“It’s Friday, It’s my week with Gabi. I have to go pick her up from that sleepover and I don’t plan on going all sweaty. I need to go home and shower.” You finally break away from his hold to collect your clothes from their spot on the top of his drawer.
Your words seem to bring Miguel back down to reality of your situation after last night’s events. Just because you two had sex for the first time in years doesn’t automatically mean you were back together yet. You weren’t his girlfriend still, and despite swearing he saw the milky way behind his eyelids during the last round before he collapsed on top of you, he knew you weren’t going to want to rush into it again after you had caught Henry cheating, even if you and Miguel and you had so much history.
“You can shower here.” Miguel quipped as he slowly got up from the bed, making a mental note to change his sheets later. “I think I might have some of your old clothes lying around.”
You hesitated as you thought about it, usually you wouldn’t, didn’t want to intrude in his space (acting as if you didn’t still feel him in your guts) until you nodded.
“Okay fine… just because I’m already here.” You sighed as you made your way towards his bathroom, oblivious to his eyes following your form.
Part 6<< [NSFW]
Part 7<<
He’s baaaaack.
Not proofread.
Word count: 300
Taglist is closed!!
Taglist: Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanmee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry @maxinemus3 @lauraolar14 @aaaaslaaaan @kenz-ee @esmedelacroix @whattheshock @migueloharasoulmate @syler-griffin @comeonatmebruh @xwonderlandresidentx @m4dyy @mcmiracles @the-pan-liquid @lilbrababe99 @jxstanemo @badbitchhour @freehentai @sillysillygoofygoose @nj452896 @jadeloverxd @faretheeoscar @ce3stvu @scorpihoooe @blossomofbismuths @nxxav3rs3 @ilovespiderverseeee @ghost-lantern @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiira @lavenderslemonade @rinnako @reirain @nommingonfood @miguelsfavwife @tomalymme @farrowroyale @beckberin-xo @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @reader-1290
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sorchathered · 6 months
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I can’t believe we are already here!!
I’ll be hosting a sleepover party weekend next month to celebrate 300 followers (wait what?!?!)
Thank you guys so much for being here and reading my stories, I still can’t believe this is real!
More details to come!
Currently 0 followers away from 300!
We made it guys!!
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the-record · 1 year
what do you think about an abby fic based on “how you get the girl” by taylor swift?
i hope u like this angel!
! youre invited to the sleepover !
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rain is pouring down. it soaks the roof, the grass, pelts the windows. pelts the girl on your front doorstep.
a knock pulls you from your reading, confusing you. why would anyone be out in this rain? she would be though. she would stand outside in a tornado or a monsoon for you.
“abby?” you pull her out of her thoughts as the door opens. “what the hell are you doing out here, its pouring! here, come inside.” you try to usher her in but she stays frozen on the doorsteps. “abigail, come inside lets go.”
“i cant. i wont do this if i come inside so, no. sorry.” she picks at her fingers, kicking at the ground.
“do what abby?”
“fuck... okay. i know ive been gone for six months, and i know i suck for leaving like that. but i miss you. so so much, i miss you.” she takes a breath, gaining her -. “i tried to unpack, but then i saw the pictures of us, especially that one with you kissing me on the cheek in the frame you decorated and i- okay.” she finally looks at you, smiling when she does.
“i miss you. i love you, and i hated going and i dreaded it every day because i knew i couldnt come home to you. my love, i want you for better or worse, and i would wait forever and ever and ever if it meant you would give me a chance, and im sorry if i bro-“
you cut her off, pulling her close to you in a hug, your face in her neck, tears in your eyes. she smiles softly pulling you closer to her. when you pull away you hold her face in your hands.
“youre lucky youre so cute you absolutely dummy.”
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abby and taylor is 💋
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sturnslesbo · 2 months
just a few thoughts about bff!chris because i saw this ask on my tl and it’s all i can think about
warnings: not much, chris is an oblivious, touchy feely mf, reader is absolutely whipped for him, kind of fem reader but no pronouns used :) wc ~300
bff!chris who spends every moment he’s not with nick and matt at your place - three day sleepovers, all nighters placing 15th in fortnite, redbull fueled spongebob binges curled up on the couch, eating more junk food than two people should reasonably be able to consume in one night “man. this game is rigged can we do something else…”
bff!chris, whose love language is definitely physical touch. he always wants to be close to you, just to know that you’re there. when you’re laying in the bed watching tv he has his arm around your shoulders, his leg slung over yours. he’s completely oblivious to the way that your cheeks burn and your heart rate accelerates everytime he shifts next to you. “can we watch something else? you always pick this show!”
bff!chris who gets annoyed if you wander too far away when you guys are out late at night. who stands behind you in the gas station, chin resting on your shoulder while you both debate on what kind of snacks to get. who doesn’t notice you stumble over your words when he sticks his hands in your hoodie pockets.“i want popcorn :<“
bff!chris who texts you every thought he has when you two aren’t together, especially when he goes back to boston with his brothers. “do u think dogs and cats actually have beef or is that a lie” “watch this tik tok [sends 12 videos]” etc etc
bff!chris who just knows when something is off about you, even though he’s spent your entire friendship being completely oblivious to your feelings for him. somehow he just knows when you’re feeling low, and he can and will call you out on trying to hide it. “you’re a really bad liar, you know that?”
taglist! shoot me an ask if you’d like to be added :]
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 11 months
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SUMMARY: What is better than a simple sleepover party turning into an amazing banging session.
SMUT WARNINGS: Fingering, blowjob, hickeysss , doggy style,cum eating. nothing much but lmk if I missed anything. also, Jungkook has an elf bar. Also please note this contains CHEATING THEMES WHICH I DONT PROMOTE IRL
A/N : A teeny tiny drabble for the sweetest person who requested this I hope I did well<3 lmk if you liked it <3 THIS MY 300 FOLLOWERS SPECIAL, THANKYOU SO MUCH ! 💞💞 ALSo Tumblr works on reblog system please reblog !! Also a simple “it good or it’s great”can make my entire day 💞
Humming at whatever hell Haerin was babbling Mingyu texted Jungkook letting him know he would be in your room after midnight when Haerin was asleep.  
You decided to call Mingyu and Haerin for a sleepover tonight. The four of you hung out at your place to celebrate your Academic award.  
Haerin did her night skincare and some other skincare stuff you gave. “Gyu are you even listening?” Haerin looked in the mirror sighing when she didn't receive any answer from Mingyu.  
On the other hand, you get ready for bed while Jungkook is on his phone, and you wear black lingerie, it had garter attached to your panties with a chocker attached to the bra leaving nothing for the imagination.  
You stood leaning on the bathroom door slightly whistling, looking up at Jungkook gasping, his phone dropping on the sheets. He walks towards you.  
“Oh my god y/n you look like a goddess, dressed up for me baby?” He whispers his hands smoothly inching towards your waist. 
“Do you like it? Bought it yesterday” you say winking at him and biting your lips surpassing a moan when his hands grope your waist tightly, while his lips leave wet kisses on your neck.  
“Really you look perfect baby” Jungkook growls in your neck “Come baby let’s get on the bed yeah?” He says guiding you to the bed sitting against the headboard and having you in between his legs.  
Your head is thrown back when he palms your breasts over the bra pinching on your nipples occasionally “Kook” you moan his name hand going to clutch on his small wisps of hair on the back.  
His fingers slowly inched towards your core first drawing silly patterns on your clothed pussy and then your clit, you let out a sultry moan gasping and twitching in his hold.  
“Stay calm y/n or I’ll stop” Jungkook’s voice now sounded demanding, you spread your legs more when he slaps your inner thigh still teasing you over your panties never giving you what you want.  
“Kook please need it inside me” you whine holding back from twitching in his hold when he pinches your clit. “Hmm gonna give you now” Just as he says he pushes your panties to the side.  
“So wet baby what got you so worked up huh?” Jungkook chuckled going straight towards your clenching core. “That was the prettiest sound i heard baby moan just like that y/n” He coxes when you moan out his name.  
His fingers were now inside you are thrusting inside you and hitting at your g spot “Kook yeah just like that gonna cum” you whine your head on his shoulder while you inch up to kiss his lips.  
“Yeah, go ahead cum baby,” he says his fingers increasing the speed.  
“Does it feel good y/n?” Jungkook asks while you nod instantly soon wetting his fingers with your slick. That’s when you hear your front door opening.  
Black sweatpants hanged low on Mingyu as he almost gulps looking at the site. You are shocked too “Mingyu what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here what if Haerin comes here looking for you?” You Panicked while Jungkook Chuckled , sucking on fingers covered with your slick.  
“Calm down y/n nothing will happen she is a heavy sleeper she won’t wake up until tomorrow, let’s concentrate on you yeah?” Mingyu says inching towards your bed, while you sigh getting up from in between Jungkook's grasp.  
“Missed you Gyu” you whisper near his lips slowly pecking his lips. “Yeah, baby I missed you too,” Mingyu says kissing you back. Jungkook gets up from the bed and grabs his elf bar.  
Mingyu then carefully pushes you onto the bed hovering above you while you giggle at his antics, your hands coming up to grab his biceps which are bulged up. He goes right back to kiss your neck just where Jungkook sucked some hickeys a few minutes ago.  
You looked sideways finding Jungkook smiling at you while you made a “come here” motion with your fingers. “Move gyu she wants me too, gonna give her what she wants, she deserves this after all”Jungkook explains while Mingyu moves away.  
While both of them occasionally teased you with their lips Mingyu's slender fingers now inched towards your wet core. While Jungkook removed your bra sucking in your nipples.  
“Mm gyu, kook enough need your cocks now,” you tell Knocking both the boys out of their worlds “Jungkook you go first, I’ll let her have myself in her mouth,” Mingyu says going towards the headboard while Jungkook helps you to get in position.  
You were now on all fours ,your ass swaying while Jungkook got ready to fuck while your mouth left kitten licks on Mingyu’s red tip swiping away his salty precum.  
“Fuck missed your mouth baby” Mingyu curses above you his hands coming up to make a ponytail of your hair, so it doesn’t get in between. Jungkook now eased into your pussy groaning at the tightness while you whine with Mingyu’s heavy cock inside you.  
“Fuck Jungkook” curses left from all of your mouths. Jungkook thrusted faster making you cum first while Mingyu kept pushing your head more on his length soon cumming in your mouth and breathing heavily.  
“Gonna cum y/n,” Jungkook said his grip tighter on your ass cheeks which is gonna leave it red and swollen, you're sure. While you coax his orgasm to release Jungkook soon cums inside you. His hot cum painting your insides white some dripping down on your sheets.  
“Fuck y/n your pussy always leaves me tiring” Jungkook chuckles feeling tired after his release. You laugh getting up to kiss his lips. “Take a shower yeah kook you did a lot today baby,” you say softly peaking his cheeks.  
Humming his foot pads towards your luxurious bathroom. Your attention is now turned on Mingyu, “You ready baby boy? Gonna leave me a dripping mess too?” You tease him getting him excited as fuck.  
“Oh, hell yeah I swear I won’t let you get on your feet tomorrow” Mingyu chuckles getting on top of you his wet cock now kissing your clit “Get in now baby”you plead almost begging.  
Mingyu goes on with a slow thrust then speeds up his pace getting closer and closer to his release “You did so good y/n, you looked really pretty at the ceremony baby you deserve the award, you deserve everything my baby” Mingyu talks about the event while you thank him with giving a kiss on his lips sucking on them a bit more.  
“Fuck Mingyu …. Right there I’m gonna cum” you cry when hits your g spot. Silently crying you cum on his huge cock while he follows right behind you collapsing on top of you and making small thrusts occasionally.  
“Did good baby, sleep yeah?” Mingyu kisses your forehead removing the messy panties and cleaning you up.  
Sleep overcomes you soon with Jungkook smelling of your body wash he hugs you with your face buried in his naked chest while Mingyu kisses your forehead as a good night and exits your room.  
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I’m so thankful!! 💞
TAGLIST : @jungk97kwife , @kimmingyuswifee , @httpjeonlicious , @meraofc , @stolasisyourparent , @ane102
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
cockwarming with our delicious bruce banner for your lovely summer sleepover 😏
pairing: bruce banner x female reader
wc: 300 warnings: cockwarming, teasing, edging
a/n: thank you so much for requesting baby, enjoy! :)
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"Brucey..." You whine and run your fingers through his beard as he starts to look at you exasperated. He hated repeating himself yet you had gotten stupidly horny to the point where it hurt.
Now, you know he had to put work first, his scientistic discoveries and all that helped the world and made aliens happy or whatever, you honestly didn't care anymore. Instead, you just whined more and hopped on his lap in disagreement.
"Shhhh..." You halt your movements and look at him in frustration. Bruce shushes you putting one finger on your lips. "No whining."
"It's been an hour."
"And it's gonna be much more if you don't behave." You pout and throw your head on his chest, rolling your hips forward in revenge. You slowly grind against him as he is trying to type on his keyboard.
"If you never let me finish my work, you'll never get to finish either." He warned you once again and you just whined and rubbed yourself on him.
"You really don't like making things easy for yourself, do you?"
"Mmmm." You mumbled shutting your eyes and resting your chin on his shoulder squeezing him closer.
"Right. Right." Bruce mumbled and continued on with his work, and you couldn't help but wonder that maybe his hard-on just helped him work faster and focus better, you honestly couldn't explain, instead you just impatiently sat and waited for your dinner.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Another bad date
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Written for the lovely @bigtreefest's Summer Lovin’ 300 Follower Celebration. Congratulations again!
I chose the prompt/trope: friends to lovers + “here, you can share with me”
Square filled for @julybreakbingo: Square 4: “I want to be that….,” “You already are.”
Pairing: Jake Jensen x fem!Reader
Warnings: bad date, fluff, sweet Jake, idiots in love, friends to lovers, cuddling & snuggling, and they were roommates...
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Strike one happens when he barks orders at the poor waiter who only tries to do his job without getting yelled at.
“I’ll take a steak, bloody,“ your date glares at the waiter who dared to fill your glass with water first. “And if I say bloody, I mean it.”
You roll your eyes. First dates are never easy, but with a man like this, it’s an impossible task. “She takes the salad with salmon.” That’s strike two.
While your date talks about wine, and his bloody steak, you already try to find a way to end this awful date without causing a scene.
Why people still go on dates, especially with people they found online, is a mystery to you. This sucks.
“Did you listen?” You look at your date when he snarls your name. “Aw, you don’t have to be shy, sweetness. I already decided to take you home, babe. You’re the right amount of hot and cute, with a dash of cluelessness.”
“What?” You square your jaw.
“I’m going to make you feel things you never—” He watches you rise from your seat to throw your water in his face. You murmur an apology at the waiter and hand the friendly man a huge tip.
Without sparing your date another glance, you storm out of the restaurant, still shaking in anger.
That bastard dared to order food for you without asking what you like. He treated you like a child, before deciding moments after you met for the first time that he’s going to fuck you tonight.
“Like hell…”
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“Y/N, sweetie,” Jake’s eyes light up when he finds you in front of his door, not the delivery boy. “I thought you were on a date.”
You huff and shake your head. How can you tell your best friend what the man you wanted to date did?
“What happened, and do I have to kill him?”
You throw yourself at Jake to hide your face in his chest. “That bad, sweetie?”
“He…was…,” you sniffle when he wraps his arms around you. “He was just awful. I believed he was nice, but he yelled at the waiter and ordered food for me.”
“He did what?” Jake hiccups. “What did he order?”
“Salad, Jakie! He ordered salad for me!” you sniff. “And then he declared that he’s going to take me home tonight.”
“He…” Jake stiffens against you. “I’ll kill him. Give me all you know about him, and I find him to stab him with a rusty fork.”
You giggle. “Can we have a sleepover, Jakie? I don’t want to be alone now.”
“Of course, sweetie,” Jake snickers. “You know, it’s not a sleepover because you are living with me.”
“Only because we are roommates doesn’t mean we can’t have sleepovers. I want to eat ice cream, and we can nag about dudes and how they are all assholes.”
“You know that I’m a dude too, right?”
You lift your head to shake it furiously. “No! You’re Jakie,” you grin. “My best friend and a cutie. You’re not some random dude.”
Jake sighs. If only you’d see that he’s head over heels in love with you. His best friend.
“I ordered food, and I think we got some ice cream left,” Jake softly says. “How about you get comfortable, and I wait for the delivery guy.”
"Jakie...why are guys all so...I don't know," you shrug. "Maybe it's me. I want to be that woman a man easily falls in love with and cherishes." You walk toward your room, sighing again.
Jake watches you leave, sighing too. "You already are. Sadly, you don't know how wonderful you are...”
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“There are no crab cakes for me,” you pout and sniffle. After changing into sweatpants and an old shirt you stole from Jake you got comfortable on his lap to eat the food he ordered. “Why?”
“You wanted to go on a date. I only ordered food for one,” he laughs when you whine and pout even harder. “Here,” he fishes the last crab cake out of the container, “you can share with me.”
“You’re the best,” you giggle before taking a small bite. “You can have the rest. I don’t want to eat all of your food.”
“I’ll always share my food with you.”
“That’s why I like you the most,” you grin. “You’re smart, nice, always share your food with me and sexy.”
“Sexy?” He coughs, almost choking on the rest of his last crab cake. “You think I’m sexy.”
“Yeah,” you turn in his lap to put your hands on his shoulders. “Jakie, didn’t you know that guys with glasses, especially the smart ones, are hot?”
“No…” He shakes his head when you lean closer. Jake tries to tilt his hips to keep you from rubbing against his swelling length. “I didn’t.”
“Hmm…” you lean impossibly closer to peck his nose. “Jakie…”
“Yeah?” He breathes your name and glances at your lips.
“Do you want to kiss me?” You wrap your arms around his neck to make the first move. “Jakie?”
He eagerly presses his lips to yours, tongue delving into your mouth. Jake tries to put all his feelings for you into this one kiss. Maybe this is the only chance he has to prove to you that he's the man for you.
“Wow,” he stammers. “That was…”
“Yeah,” you smile. “I had hoped this wouldn’t be awkward or feel like I kiss my brother. Phew … I’m glad it was the best kiss I ever had.”
He grins. “So, uh—can I invite you for another sleepover?”
“You better have a spot in your bed for me. From now on, I call dips on it, and you…”
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
eddie munson X fem!reader
summary : eddie and readers first time spending the night together.
word count : 1.1k
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Warnings : not proofread, swears, pet names, use of Y/N, idiots in love, fluffy rambles.
A/N : guys we’ve just reached 300 followers! All I can say is thank you all so much for the support it mean so much to me 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Wondering over to your boyfriend of 3 months you smiled, “Hey Eds,” you spoke.
“Sweetheart!” he greeted, a huge grin taking up his face, “How’s it going?”
“Good. I have a question for you.”
“Hit me,” he said, pulling you to him.
“Well I was wondering, if maybe you’d want to stay over tonight. My parents are away so it’d just be us.” Eddie remained quiet, and in the uncomfortable silence you panicked.
“You know what that was a stupid idea, forget I said anything,” you said quickly. Attempting to pull away from him, he tugged you back, “I’d love to stay over. It’s going to be nice to not have to say goodbye to you,” he smiled, kissing your head.
“Great, um okay then, so get some stuff after school and then come over?”
“Yeah that sounds great baby, want me to walk with you to class?”
“Sure, I’ve got English.” Linking your fingers, you walked down the hall together.
Unsure why there were butterflies filling your tummy, it was just Eddie. It was the whole night with Eddie. It sounded like bliss.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A knock on the door caught your attention, “Coming!” you shouted and went to open it up. You were greeted by the beautiful boys smiling face, “Hey.”
“Hi baby.”
Letting him in, you don’t know why you felt awkward, playing with your fingers you spoke. “Let’s get your stuff upstairs, pizza okay for dinner?”
“Yeah Sweetheart sounds great.”
Following you up the stairs you stood in your room, letting Eddie put his bag down on your desk. He sat down on your bed, “Come here,” he said.
Walking to him, you stood in between his legs, resting your arms around his neck loosely, as his went around your waist. “What’s up?” he asked you.
“You seem on edge. Sweetheart if you’ve changed your mind about tonight, we can just have pizza and watch a movie and I’ll go. No big deal,” he smiled, rubbing your waist softly with his thumbs.
“I don’t want you to go, I’m just being silly, overthinking things.”
“Well maybe if you tell me what you’re thinking, I can help you feel better, hm?”
“It’s just,” you sighed, and slid into Eddies lap, “It’s a big step you know? I’ve never felt like this for someone before, so having you stay over, just makes my tummy,” making a hand gesture, Eddie smiled.
“I know what you mean. I feel the same way. Never felt this way either babe. I think we’re doing pretty well so far though.”
“Me too,” you laughed, resting your head on his shoulder.
Kissing your forehead, Eddie hummed. “Plus we can do this all night.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Cuddled up on the sofa, head on Eddies chest, he ran his fingers up and down your back gently. “This is nice,” you purred.
“It is, isn’t it? Think we’ll have to do this more often.”
“Oh yeah? Think Wayne will mind me sleeping at yours?”
“Mine? You’d wanna stay there?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Mhm, I love it there. It’s your space. It’s nice.”
“God I adore you,” he smiled down at you.
Burying your face in his chest, your face heated. “Aw baby, don’t go all shy on me.”
“Can’t help it Eds, such a sweet talker.”
“Have to be, otherwise, I’d never have got a girl like you to notice me.”
“Oh shush yes you would, had a crush on you for ages.”
“Oh really?”
“When did you start liking me?”
“Middle school.”
He was stunned, “Thought the kid with the buzzcut and dimples was the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.”
“God babe, you’re making me blush,” he laughed, feeling his cheeks.
“It’s true though.”
“We could have been dating for years you know?”
“Mhm, think I fell in- adored you from the minute I first saw you.”
“Well we’ve got all the time in the world now.”
“Yes we do,” tilting your head up, Eddie connected your lips. Kissing you gently, but it broke as you both smiled. Dropping you head back down onto him, you yawned.
“Tired baby?”
“A little.”
“Wanna go to bed?”
“We can finish watching the movie.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go up to bed.”
Sitting up, you stretched, bones cracking here and there. “Come on, up you jump.”
Wrapping your arms around Eddies neck, you jumped, legs resting around his waist.
“Don’t drop me.”
“Never, I’ve got you baby.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Standing in the bathroom, you washed your face. Eddie wandered in, watching you in the mirror. “What?” you asked, wiping your face off. “Nothing, just like watching you.”
“Hmm. ‘M almost done, so you can go get comfy if you want.”
“Don’t be too long,” he said, pecking your cheek. After you finished washing your face, you brushed your teeth, holding the brush in your mouth as you put your face products away.
Once your mouth was clean you headed to your room, Eddie already under the covers.
“Cuddle me,” he whined.
“You, Edward Munson, are a big baby.”
“Oh no you’ve caught me. Now get your cute ass over here and love me.”
Giggling as you climbed onto the bed, you fell into Eddies arms. He pulled the blanket up over you. “This is so nice.”
“It is isn’t it?”
“Well it will be until I start snoring into your ear the whole night.”
“Oh no!” you said, trying to pull away,
“No, no. Come back here,” he laughed, holding you to him. “I’ll sleep in the spare room.”
“No baby, stay here.”
“Fine fine, but if you snore, a pillow is being put over your head.”
“Wow, three months and already receiving death threats.”
“Mhm of course.”
Squeezing you tight, he reached over to turn off the lamp. Sending the room into a cosy darkness, “You know I love this. We’re going to have sleepovers every night.”
“Oh no, however will I cope,” you said, sarcasm lacing your voice. “You’re horrible to me, why are we dating?”
“Cause you love me,” you teased.
“Hm, I do. Love you that is. I know it might be too soon, and I’m sorry if it’s too much and I just really like you and i don’t want to mess it up-“
Kissing his lips softly, “I love you too.”
“You do?”
“I do.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“God, my heart might burst.”
You placed a hand on his chest, “I love you Eddie.” His face flushed and he laughed, “You’re gonna kill me.” Smiling at him, you pecked his mouth again, “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Dunno if I can after that.”
“Shush,” you laughed.
“Okay okay, goodnight baby.”
“Night Eds.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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usermakki · 2 years
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[ #CHARACTERS ] neteyam, lo'ak, tsu'tey, jake, ao'nung, rotxo & tonowari
[ #CONTENT ] aged-up!characters, children + parenting, established relationships + bonds, slice of life, domestic fluff, lowercase intended
[ #NOTE ] firstly, thank you so much for 300+ followers sz you guys are the best!! this was literally not planned at all, but it was so fun to write sz
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﹒ɞ he’s so involved with your children’s day-to-day; he knows all of their friends by name, is in on all of the kindergarten gossip and doesn’t miss out on a single sleepover fun. he’s definitely the dad all your kid's friend has a massive crush on and both of you have such a good laugh out of it. neteyam’s such an affectionate dad too, walking around with a baby strapped to his chest and another sitting on his shoulder, carrying them around even when they get too old for it, stroking their hair, kissing their snout, playing with their tails, and tickling them until they snort because he loves the sound of their giggles. neteyam simply loves cooking for your kids, it could be the middle of the night, and if he hears any of their stomachs growling, he’s up in an instant and lighting a fire to cook them something. he entertains all of your kid's jokes and interests, unless it could get them hurt, then he’s quick to pick them up and drop them somewhere safe, preferably before you find out about it. teaches your kids everything he knows, is worried sick for their safety and wants to make sure they know how to protect themselves if it ever comes to it. is so so proud when they pass their iknimaya and dream hunt and he lets everyone know about it, he’s completely enthusiastic about hunting and patrolling with his kids. used to brag a little about his achievements but dropped the act when he realized nothing he said would change your position as the coolest and favorite parent. neteyam is cool with that though, because you’re his favorite too!
﹒ɞ such a fun dad! and i can not stress this enough, he is the favorite parent and there’s nothing you can do about it. but if it’s any consolation, you’ll always be his number one! takes his kids hunting and exploring in the forests and the ocean, lets them explore and discover things on their own and never lets them get in a dangerous situation by themselves, which doesn’t reassure you in the slightest. he lets your kids get away with so much stuff, nothing outright disrespectful which you’re glad for, but he goes along and indulges so many of their gremlin behavior. lo’ak makes sure to spend proportionate time with each of them, always includes all of your children in everything, and never lets anyone feel left out. lo’ak doesn’t pick any favorites, what one kid has the other one does too. if your kids ever address feeling down about something he did, lo’ak is so quick to apologize. pride is literally nonexistent, his kids matter too much to ever let something easily resolved get in the way of their relationship. he’s such an affectionate dad too!! putting them to sleep with a kiss on the forehead, cuddling with them on cold and warm days, holding their hands all the time, showering them in kisses, playing with their ears, and picking them up and twirling them around. Lo’ak’s favorite moments are when he’s got all his favorite people in the whole world nestled in his embrace.
﹒ɞ a little bit stern with his parenting but it’s because he has so many traditions and customs to uphold :/ he means well and you make sure to let your kids know that. very affectionate with them; carrying them around as he goes about his day, playing with them every night before sleeping, letting them use him for their entertainment, such as climbing, play fighting and even target practice. that wanes quite a bit as they get older, but if you or the children express sadness or disappointment about this behavior, tsu’tey is so quick to get his shit together and make up for it. instill a very deep sense of respect and compassion in your kids towards everyone, something that he learned through you. he takes your kids on small adventures almost every day, showing them around the forest and teaching them how to look after themselves in hypothetical situations that have them kinda scared of getting back there lol. tsu’tey brags about your children almost every day, his friends and everyone he comes across has been forced to listen to something one of his kids has done at least once, the clan people know his kid's achievements even better than they do. as they get older, tsu’tey uses the excuse of teaching your children how to craft or weave as a means to spend more time with them, and he always gets embarrassed when you straight up tell him that his kids won’t reject time with him if he asks for it.
﹒ɞ he’s got so many dad jokes… much to your dismay and your kid’s entertainment. plays with them all the time, the sound of laughter and screaming is a constant wherever your family is, and at this point, you’re done trying to keep them quiet. doesn’t like admitting that he’s kinda lame outside of his olo’eyktan persona, and you have to reassure him that the kids won’t think any less of him for that. loves loves loves to spend quality time with you and the children, he’s always so busy and stressed with his duties and you and the kids are literally his havens, you’re all he needs to wind down after every day. Jake is so hands-on with his kid's upbringing; teaching them things, scolding them when needed, playing with them in his free time and even taking some time off just to be with them, never letting them want for nothing. he shoulders half of everything with you, and wouldn't dare let you do anything by yourself. jake’s very very protective and worried about his kids, he knows some of them to have a troublemaker streak to them, so he never truly calms down when they’re far from any of your sights. master of the tickling, literally no one is safe when he feels like causing a bit of chaos. you could be peacefully in bed on the verge of falling asleep, but if he and the kids decide the night isn’t over yet then you’re gonna be tickled by five pairs of hands to the point of tears. and that’s when they run.
﹒ɞ sings all of your children to sleep, it’s his favorite moment with them. he sits on the ground next to their hammocks every night without fail, until they’re at an age to find it cringy, and then he complains to you about how unfair it is that they’re not even that old and already think he’s lame lol. sets time aside to teach them everything he knows, from combat and hunting to cooking and crafting, always prioritizing their safety and well-being. ao’nung always comes to you with a giant smile on his face whenever he hears one of his kids bragging about having a much cooler dad. prouds himself of the teens and adults they grow to be, complimenting them on every achievement and singing all of their praises for all the clan to know. you always have to console him after every milestone, when he comes to you later at night teary-eyed and with a wobbly smile. always and I mean always, makes sure to thank you for doing this with him. he’s so so grateful to have a family with you and for everything you do for them. ao’nung makes sure to entertain the kids and let you have some you moments whenever he feels you need it, never blaming or shaming you for needing space from them. he goes to great lengths to collect trinkets for your kid's first headpieces, necklaces and knives, and spends hours upon hours perfecting all of their craftings so they end up with the coolest and prettiest things.
﹒ɞ he spends so much quality time with your children that it’s revolting, you absolutely love how present he is but sometimes you have to wrangle with him for a moment with your own kids. he teaches them to weave from an early age; it’s their favorite bonding activity, and he gets to see them having fun and learning a very important skill in the process, it’s a win-win situation really. rotxo has a soft heart and hates scolding the kids, but he does it anyway because he doesn’t ever want them to consider you the annoying parent sz. tell your kids every day how cool and beautiful you are and honestly doesn’t mind being called sappy and cringe for it, he just wants them to grow up with a positive representation of a healthy relationship. would go to the ends of the world for all of your kids, but he just refuses to share his snacks, and that’s not even about teaching a lesson on boundaries or something, he’s just kinda selfish about them. rotxo takes the kids on walks along the beach every week, not only as a bonding activity but he wants them to be connected to their culture and environment, and what better way to do it than to admire the beautiful view of a sunset on the beach while he rattles on about some kind of way of water? cried once when his youngest called him lame.
﹒ɞ he’s got such a gentle parenting method it’s :hearteyes: he always speaks so softly with your kids; when telling them stories, answering their incoherent babbles, lulling them to sleep, and letting them in on a very confidential secret only the olo’eyktan knows and that should not be shared with anyone under any circumstances. whenever your children misbehave or cause any trouble, tonowari takes the time to sit them down and explain what they did wrong, and why it’s wrong to do it, and he never ever ever gets annoyed with their questions. your kids don’t know what an ass-whooping is because they just never had it and that’s on great parenting. tonowari is so gentle when handling all of your kids, never gripping their arms too tight, always putting them down when they get overwhelmed by physical contact, and reassuring them in any way they’re more comfortable with. tonowari makes sure to teach all of your kids to treat you with the utmost respect, and lets them know that neither of them would survive long without you, including him. something that pulls at your heartstrings is just how much your mate loves to hold your babies, it’s such an adorable sight every time; your 9’6 feet tall mate holding and rocking a baby so small that they fit in his hand! you always leave the room when he’s doing it or else you’ll be planning for another kid soon oops
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[ #lovehina© 2023 All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify or claim my work as your own. ]
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