#& i love you too 🥰
userjiminie · 10 months
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jungkook trying (and failing) to beat the cute allegations cr. jung-koook for @jung-koook
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crabsnpersimmons · 10 days
Happy Moon Festival! 🌕
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there's a bunch of holidays today, Mid-Autumn Festival, Tsukimi, Chuseok and more! all dated on the day of the brightest full moon!
and since i had some time, i thought i'd draw all my moons and some yummy festival sweets (all prepared by chef Moon of course!)
some intros to all the moons and the dishes below the cut
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some intros:
Moonie's from my chibi AU, "Rain or Shine". a rambunctious little guy who loves playing with his Sunny
Moondrop's from my hairdresser AU, "New 'Do, Same You". a Moon in a glamrock-style casing, who's pretty chill but insecure
Mooncake's from my restaurant AU, "Have You Eaten?" a hopeless romantic chef who loves cooking yummy foods!
13's from my dystopian AU. he's a sheltered, naive little Moon bot who is curious to learn about the world outside the palace
Miel is from my idol AU. she's an ex-Moon bot, turned nanny bot, turned rapper of an idol duo (she sings too tho!)
and the menu:
tsukimi dango are plain Japanese dumplings made of rice flour and glutinous rice flour, resembling the full moon
mooncakes are Chinese treat with various skins and fillings, but traditionally they are a pastry filled with lotus seed paste and a salted duck egg yolk to resemble the full moon
songpyeon are a Korean rice cake with various types of fillings—red beans, dates, sesame seeds, honey, and more!
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aeb-art · 3 months
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i thought it'd be cute 🥺💕
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kikker-oma · 28 days
I made another thing based off of your whumptober art :)
This one in particular:
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The old man sat on a log near the crackling campfire, awake for his watch and he had set his eye on someone in particular who had seemed...off. The vet was tossing and turning in his bedroll, eyes squeezed shut when he could see his face, but it wasn't relaxed like when he was asleep. He eventually crept down and whispered, "Vet?"
The veteran's eyes opened slightly, and the old man just noticed the bags under his eyes. "Yeah?" He replied in a whisper.
"I noticed you hadn't gone to sleep yet. It's third watch."
Legend groaned. "I haven't been able to fall asleep for a while, but I tried everything I could. Nothing to do about it."
That was worrying.
"Are you sure? I know a remedy, that you most likely haven't tried."
"Go for it, old man, I'll do anything at this point."
He pulled out the ocarina, and played the Song of Healing, closing his eyes to let the soothing melody reach the vet's waiting ears. He nearly fell asleep himself but finished the tune and opened his eyes. The veteran had his eyes closed and though he wasn't quite asleep yet, Time smiled, hoping that this would do the trick and did a quick patrol.
The old man noticed things. From the vet's stumbling and sloppiness during battle, to mess ups with conversations and answers. His seemingly random mood swings which seemed quite unusual for him. He had confessed that the song didn't do anything and for literal magic to not work, well, Time was more than confused. He had kept it to himself because the veteran pleaded with him to not worry the others.
One night he had second watch, and the vet had somehow ended up with first. He slept peacefully until he woke up and realized it was his turn for watch, and he hadn't been woken up by someone else. (His internal clock told him it was approximately halfway into second watch.) So he got up immediately, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and what he saw shook him.
The vet was trembling on his knees, and when the old man rushed to talk he noticed the expression on his face. There were tears pouring down his face, and his eyes were barely open, staring off into space. The old man noticed that the veteran's hands were shaking even more, arms wrapped around air. "Veteran?" Time spoke loudly. "Link?"
When he got no response, he got down on his knees in front of Legend and took his arms, repeating his name. "Uncle?" Legend mumbled wearily. "What're you doin'?"
"I need you to stay here, I'm going to go find help."
"Nnnooo, don't leave me," Legend gasped deliriously. "If you go to th' castle..."
"I'm not going to the castle," Time tried to reassure. "I just need you to stay with me, okay?"
He whistled sharply, getting everyone up because this situation was getting dire and he needed help. "What's going on?" The captain questioned, voice a bit frantic.
"Our veteran. He needs help."
They were at his side instantly. "'ncle who're these people," the vet slurred, still staring off into nothing.
"Is he sick?" Sky frowned.
"I don't think he's been sleeping, at all recently," Time worried. "He said he tried everything but still couldn't sleep."
"I'm not trained for this stuff, I'm afraid," Warriors shook his head. "Traveller?"
"All I know how to do is magic," The traveller replied and shrugged looking downcast at the fact.
"Oh!" Wind snapped his fingers. "Someone on Outset had a similar problem. It was because they were really stressed and they fell asleep once they were more relaxed."
"Stress? That seems plausible," Warriors nodded.
"Link," Time uttered, catching the veteran's slow attention. "Tell me, are you stressed about anything? Worried?"
"I mean, 's a quest, Uncle, of course I'm going to be stressed sometimes."
"I know, but right now, what's troubling you specifically?"
"You're always so kind," Legend muttered after a long moment.
"This isn't going anywhere," Four whispered.
"Uncle, don't die."
Time swallowed concern for that statement, said with desperation and he looked helplessly at the rest of them. What could they really do? Why couldn't he figure this out? The chain looked at them as a leader, so why was he feeling so helpless right now? Why couldn't he help one of his boys?
Then there was one sentence that nearly drove the old man to his knees.
"If you die, Grandma Malon is gonna kill me...she already lost th' Hero 'f Time, and you're just as important. Don' leave me to save the world like he did."
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The Ocarina was such a good try, poor boys just don't know how they can deal with this sweet little sleep deprived man🥺
Gosh sleep deprivation is no joke, it's brutal for real
Thank you so much for writing this Uni! Your writing is a treasure as always❤️❤️❤️
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dunmesh · 3 months
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these sketches from the dungeon meshi art exhibition are so good...!!!
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grey-wardens · 8 months
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myokk · 5 months
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A super fast scribble of Sebastian and Anne as kids💓
In my mind they were absolutely wild growing up, their parents pushing them outside in the morning with a picnic basket, to just run around in the fields & forests around their hamlet all day, coming home in time for dinner (totally inspired by my childhood growing up in a tiny village of 300 people 😂🫶). They always read together as a family by the candlelight before going to bed, and they’re memories that Sebastian and Anne cherish.
Also, Anne definitely took charge of their adventures and Sebastian was just happy to follow her around like a little puppy 💓💓
Bahhhh i just love thinking about their siblings dynamic 🤧🥰 sorry for my rambling haha
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
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“I’ll be honest—when Bobby first brought you on board, I told him he should just get a Dalmatian instead.”
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javelinbk · 2 months
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John Lennon interviewed by Elliott Mintz on Malibu Beach, 1st November 1973 - part 1 (part 2)
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syrupsyche · 2 months
PLEASE say more about your modern enjolras headcanons. I want to hear everything
HI!!!! thank you so much for your ask ❤️ I love talking about Enjolras :) here is a doodle of my modern AU version of him:
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Some random headcanons I have!
He's always Asian to me; I like to envision him as half-Korean!
Like I mentioned in my Markiplier post, he barely tastes his food 😭 he simply views it as sustenance and has no great love or hatred for any dish. When pressed about what his favourite is, he'd either speak a classic French or Korean dish and cite it as a "childhood favourite" but honestly he really doesn't care!
Because of that ^, he eats food like a vacuum cleaner. If he's out in a restaurant with friends, he'd spend the rest of the time drinking cups of coffee.
He sleeps like a corpse, lying flat on his back like 🧍‍♂️. His breathing is always really shallow too when he's asleep so every Ami have shaken him awake in terror before, thinking he stopped breathing in the middle of the night. He has since attempted to position himself in a more normal sleeping state to not worry his friends, but his corpse state is his natural state
He doesn't have favourite music at all; again when pressed, he'd offer some classical music as an answer but he's literally so disconnected. No spotify, no ipod, nothing. He only uses his earbuds to listen to voice messages (which the Amis send /very frequently/. But Enjolras likes to listen to them all! That's his source of entertainment)
On the flipside, he's very serious when it comes to watching films or shows. He thinks they reflect much about the sociopolitical state of the world (even if they aren't "serious" media) and would religiously log his Letterboxd review after every watch + analyse it with Combeferre, Feuilly, or Prouvaire. He would watch Despicable Me and go: "An interesting film exploring the complexities of a man ostracised from society and relegating himself to such a role in life as a result. A heartfelt story unfolds when he learns to care for three young children who show him blablablabl...."
He cuts his own hair. And it STILL looks good.
Thank you once again for allowing me to indulge in my headcanons! 🫶
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mouse-fantoms · 25 days
On top of being robbed of so much Juke content we’ll never get, what I think about alot is how Juke would have been approached more if it went further.
One of the (many) reasons I love jatp so much is it makes me believe their characters are real, that they have background, they have their own goals and ambitions to them, they’re fleshed out.
That moment of Flynn going “my girls got a crush and his name is Luke” and Julie going “what no?! Luke’s a ghost😳.” And Flynn saying “a cute ghost” and Julie giving in and saying “…with a perfect smile☺️” and adding that Luke is “cute air” which implies she has indeed given this Luke crush idea some thought.
That moment of just two best friends talking about the others potential crush like that’s such a good moment bc I genuinely believe that I am watching these two genuine besties just have that kind of talk with one another bc that happens!
Like that moment we have with our friends when they’re like “hey I got something to tell you 👀” or they approach you like “so… umm… I’ve been kind of noticing your behavior lately around this person.” It’s the realistic little things like that which is why I appreciate this show so much.
Julie having the line of “what no! Luke’s a ghost!” Means so much that, on top of acknowledging “hey he’s got a cute smile, and he himself is cute” she also acknowledged “…he is a ghost though…” but then our Julie being who she is (we love her for it) went “but he still do be cute though 🥰” like this is a genuine teen girl in high school having a crush
And then later on when Reggie and Alex bring up how Luke and Julie ooze chemistry (and the way that throughout the show when Julie and Luke are being cute and them, the looks that we see Reggie and Alex give like Juke and then each other is so good bc I genuinely believe like “yeah these boys are all friends with one another so of course they’d react that way to their other friend showing an interest in their fellow friend”) Luke’s like “no come on I have chemistry with everyone I sing with” HE DOES THE SAME THING JULIE DID WHEN THE EXACT SAME TOPIC EAS BROUGHT UP TO HER! (Soulmates your honor!)
Him denying it, like Julie did, implies too that he also had the thinking of “…she is alive though and I’m not” (I mean me personally I feel like Luke didn’t truly realize he liked her until later on even if there were signs earlier, just bc he seems like the kind of person where like music was his absolute everything like even if the Sunset Curve fangirls were always like ‘omg Luke is amazing 😍’, I just get the vibe that he would never really notice the advances towards him bc he is just so consumed in music and that is his whole existence, so when Reggie and Alex see that Luke appears to be falling for Julie it’s a big deal bc they’re probably like “Luke has NEVER shown any interest ever so the fact that a girl has replaced music in his life THIS IS A MASSIVE DEAL”)
And then the moment when they’re on Julie’s porch and she tries to hold his hand but ya know CANT (huge what a gut punched) and then she awkwardly looks away and he’s like “…this is an interesting little relationship you and I have” and they’re just there for a moment just looking and smiling at each other (THEY’RE FLIRTING SO MUCH WITHOUT SAYING ANY WORDS UGH TAKE ME 😩)
I am sat there genuinely believing that these are two teenagers who even though they know they’re not *supposed* to feel a way about each other, they still do. Like that scene is their confession to one another and it’s so sweet and genuine bc in that moment where Julie tries to hold his hand, they’re brought back to reality as to what they are and yet, they can’t help but still like one another and appreciate each other bc of what the other person has changed so much in their life.
AND THEN, that scene in the beginning of the last episode how Julie asks to talk to Luke (and Reggie and Alex immediately are like “oop leave them be 👀 they’re having a moment” being the greatest friends that they are) and they’re both standing there, in each others presence, it takes a moment for Julie to say what she wants to but they’re just two kids who ended up in each others lives and they know they like each other but they know they can’t act on those feelings yet they still just have this love for each other is so enduring and charming. The way Luke tells her “anything Julie you know that” MAKES ME MELT like ugh 😩 their dynamic and friendship has grown so much with each other from episode 1 to like now and it’s so just ugh it gets me
When I think how Juke could have been approached if we had gotten a chance, I would have loved to see the new like “glowing touch” development and how that would impact their dynamic. (I just imagine Reggie just hugs Julie all the time bc he can (he just seems like such a hugger and I feel like he’d give good ones🥺) and Alex also will gives her side hugs (they just take advantage of being able to physically touch her bc they don’t know how long they’re able to do it for with their new ghost development)) I feel like Luke and Julie would just be a bit apprehensive since the hand holding thing on the porch, and maybe their hug was just a one time thing.
Would have loved to see Carlos referring to Luke as “Julie’s boyfriend” (he was there for edge of great and stand tall THERES NO WAY he’s thinking anything of than “the sleeveless one is indeed my sisters boyfriend”) would be extra great too with like Luke being in the room and Carlos just says that and Julie quickly trying to make him not talk about it bc it’s embarrassing 💀 her just being like “Carlos, he’s a ghost” and him being like “…hey with you having a boyfriend are you going to have less time with Dad and I bc you’ll be busy kissing him?” And Julie’s face just goes pale as Luke takes the time to take himself out of room meanwhile his face his like bright red
Would have loved to see when Carrie’s redemption is happening and it’s Julie and Carrie and Carrie’s like “sooooo 👀 I’ve seen how you look at your guitarist” and she immediately tries to shut it down but Carrie is like “Jules, we may not have been that close in the past year and some but we’ve known each other for how long? I can see your tells!”
I just think a lot about how this ship, even though they’re not meant to like each other yet they do and still care about each other, would have been approached more if we got the chance
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Drawing request drawing request! If u’d like, can u do Holloduke/Holloweane? If not that, then maybe Chumby, the Hatchetfield Ape-Man with Willabella Muckwab. Put ‘em in a room together and see what happens haha!
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Just run away with me, [I] won't feel so alone
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hyacinth-04 · 1 year
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A Fox’s wedding
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betweendyingstars · 1 year
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Unrequited bartylus AND rosekiller? What more could you possibly want
During school, Barty was head over heels, madly, stupidly, 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 in love with Regulus. At first, when Regulus didn’t show any interest in him, or anyone for that matter, he just thought that Regulus wasn’t interested in dating at all, but then one James Potter rolled around, and suddenly it became abundantly clear exactly how capable Regulus was of falling in love.
Watching this development from the sidelines completely ruined Barty with jealousy and self-contempt, but most of all, he just felt incredibly foolish for thinking he could have ever been good enough for Regulus, because when had he ever been enough for anyone? He had certainly never been enough for his father, as he was so often reminded.
To the general public, Barty seemed fine - he had always been good at keeping up appearances - but as soon as he was alone with Evan, he broke down. Because through all of it, it was always Evan who had been there by his side. It was Evan who held him as he cried; Evan, who he told every little detail about Regulus to, sometimes even while helping him blow off steam as a distraction; Evan, who would kill for him, and who he would do anything in the world for; Evan, who always 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 took care of him when he was at his lowest, and who never thought he was too much.
It was Evan, who never failed to notice when Barty needed comfort, and it was Evan, who Barty through all these years had never noticed was completely and uncontrollably in love with him, and whose heart silently broke into smaller pieces every single time Regulus’ name left Barty’s lips.
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Hello!!! Ever since I stumbled unto your blog I am a fervient follower of Trans Kirito!! So!!! I made this puppygirl fanart as a gift!!!
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Here's the sketch of the first face I was gonna draw :3
OH MY GODDDDDDD??????? I LOVE HER????????????? This is becoming my phone background I swear to god oml thank you ohhhhh I love her dbdhgxhdhxh
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myokk · 5 months
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(sebastian was interrupted in the middle of a good book)
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