#& seekrs
whereskatieandgrady · 8 months
History of Crete
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yonker-tonker · 4 months
Want to complain. i dont get the fics that both make stsc royalty and a rebel at the same time. like do we really think that stsc out of everyone would willingly choose to lose immense power???? as royalty???
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You an attention seeker?
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distancealliance · 2 years
There is a wonderful website made by Seekr that has a good amount of nerdy detail about Distance.
On the website there's a World Record log that logs every single World Record that gets set in Distance!
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lesbonoi · 2 years
*pushes a guy off a cliff knowing full well she can fly and acting surprised when she flies back up*
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Amazon’s Alexa has been claiming the 2020 election was stolen
The popular voice assistant says the 2020 race was stolen, even as parent company Amazon promotes the tool as a reliable election news source -- foreshadowing a new information battleground
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This is a scary WaPo article by Cat Zakrzewski about how big tech is allowing AI to get information from dubious sources. Consequently, it is contributing to the lies and disinformation that exist in today's current political climate.
Even the normally banal but ubiquitous (and not yet AI supercharged) Alexa is prone to pick up and recite political disinformation. Here are some excerpts from the article [color emphasis added]:
Amid concerns the rise of artificial intelligence will supercharge the spread of misinformation comes a wild fabrication from a more prosaic source: Amazon’s Alexa, which declared that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Asked about fraud in the race — in which President Biden defeated former president Donald Trump with 306 electoral college votes — the popular voice assistant said it was “stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,” citing Rumble, a video-streaming service favored by conservatives.
The 2020 races were “notorious for many incidents of irregularities and indications pointing to electoral fraud taking place in major metro centers,” according to Alexa, referencing Substack, a subscription newsletter service. Alexa contended that Trump won Pennsylvania, citing “an Alexa answers contributor.”
Multiple investigations into the 2020 election have revealed no evidence of fraud, and Trump faces federal criminal charges connected to his efforts to overturn the election. Yet Alexa disseminates misinformation about the race, even as parent company Amazon promotes the tool as a reliable election news source to more than 70 million estimated users. [...] Developers “often think that they have to give a balanced viewpoint and they do this by alternating between pulling sources from right and left, thinking this is going to give balance,” [Prof. Meredith] Broussard said. “The most popular sources on the left and right vary dramatically in quality.” Such attempts can be fraught. Earlier this week, the media company the Messenger announced a new partnership with AI company Seekr to “eliminate bias” in the news. Yet Seekr’s website characterizes some articles from the pro-Trump news network One America News as “center” and as having “very high” reliability. Meanwhile, several articles from the Associated Press were rated “very low.” [...] Yet despite a growing clamor in Congress to respond to the threat AI poses to elections, much of the attention has fixated on deepfakes. However, [attorney Jacob] Glick warned Alexa and AI-powered systems could “potentially double down on the damage that’s been done.” “If you have AI models drawing from an internet that is filled with platforms that don’t care about the preservation of democracy … you’re going to get information that includes really dangerous undercurrents,” he said. [color emphasis added]
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yama-does-art · 11 months
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File saved as "Dancin Seekr"
Process below the cut...
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I might pair it with music - eventually.
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str4ng3-m3m0r13s · 2 months
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Ira, the species I made specifically for strange memories. Usually they look just like the above image, of an Oc I call seekr
-usually they have that humanoid shaped head like seekr its one the the only traits that always stays consistent.
-as well as one eye in the center of it. Sometimes this changes but very rarely. One eye middle of head. Boom
-ears are shaped like that so they can fold over most of the fme ace, since they travel by rolling into a ball.
-mouth on the chest. With really long, sticky tongues to be able to grab their food (usually they eat candy, almost never meat or vegetables, sometimes they eat bones. Wish is why there teeth are so strong.
Their language is made of trilling and popping sounds, very ethereal.
Their claws are kinda crayon-y so that can write with them, but strong enough to slash with.
Front legs thicken out, back legs thin, so they can roll into a ball.
Tails are very long and strong, usually how they keep themselves moving when they roll up
thats my species lol. They live in the universe of strange memories, they are sentient like humans in a way, but different. Animalistic.
They are extremely customizable to me lol.
They can stand up but need their tails for help, since their back legs are so small. They usually only do it a bit.
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cosmics-beings · 2 years
"i can't stand people who baby/excuse starscream but hate megatron for abusing him when megatron wasn't abusing him, and starscream was trying to kill him and deserved it!"
ehh i think that people tend to forget that tfp starscream attempted to kill megatron after megatron started to act bat shit insane when he came back. Like the show did not begin with TFP starscream wanting to kill him. Megatron left and puts starscream in chrage.
starscream at the beginning of tfp was actually holding down the decepticon cause, and acting as second in command. when megatron returned, he stepped down and was ready to serve him, and then megaton acted cold to him in various ways. the most notable example was when he told starscream to 'stop groveling' when starscream asked what he could do, and starscream was not being malicious. after megatron took the dark energon and became power hungry, and began throwing starscream around the place and stepping on his head and shit like that, THAT is when starscream snapped and decided to leave him stranded in space.
In tfp, Starscream had a lot of respect and loyaty to Megatron until megatron outwardly acted violent toward him and demeaned him.
When starscream returned to Nemesis, he was extremely loyal to Megatron until fucking Predacons rising. So yeah, Starscream did try to kill Megatron multiple times, but if you watch the show you will understand that he only tried to do that after Megatron returned and literally started physically mistreating him out of nowhere. And Starscream attempted to work with Megatron and push it aside until he couldn't.
This isn't excusing how awful of a person starscream is, because i think people tend to see any form of sympathy toward starcream as babying him. Starscream isn't a good person in tfp, and if we talk about how Megatron abused him, we also get to talk about how bad Starscream was an how abusive he was to others. For example, Knockout, the other troops, Shockwave, the seekr twins, the list goes on. And the interestinng thing about Starscream and Megatron is how they both continue that cycle of abuse with one another - Megatron is a victim of violent abuse, and he continues that with Starscream who continues it with others. It would be really interesting to talk about.
and also this doesn't mean, by transformers guidelines, that either of them are past redemption. megatron MOSTLY gets redeemed in TF media but it is possible for both of them to get redeemed too. That is just a random thought that came but whatever.
But i think this one of the few fandoms I have been in where we can see an evil character going through abusive shit, and people will say 'omg you're babying him' if you say that he shouldn't be going through that.
You don't have to like Starscream, or you don't even have to like awful terrible things he does. But this thing where 'he's a villain so he has no complexity' is so strange and counter reductive, and when you see people speaking in depth about his character and round it out to 'omg you're babying him he tried to kill megatron' then i...idk
and idk i wouldn't be making this post if it wasn't clear that op and some other people were directly referencing things i've said in the past. but that's okay LOL
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macgyvertape · 2 years
DOS2 playthrough thoughts
I last played early 2018 and I started the last act about 68 hours into the game, and I remember being tired of playing the game at that point and needing the ssd space. So I uninstalled and now my saves are incompatible with the current version of the game. So instead of finishing that run I’m restarting. I finished the playthrough this time in about 90 hours.
First run I played Lohse and romanced Sebille, and while I didn’t keep a journal of the playthrough I did take a some screenshots of the companion interactions. So I’m going into a second playthrough knowing Fane did a Solas Dragon Age breaking the world, there’s a flying witch on a cross who is a pain in the ass, and I made a post complaining about were-spiders. 
Playing with a lot of mods but the improved organization mod is one I DONT recommend. It puts item into category bags then the game wont detect them in your inventory
Super long post below cut, I tried to journal what I did both to keep myself in character and because I don’t see myself replaying this game for a long time
I appreciate how this game will take anything not nailed down, I’m definitely going to try to outside the box do more combos
I killed Magister Siwan when she was unconscious, now that I know you you have a lot more freedom to kill. I’m playing Sebille this run through, goals are to be so a lot less “nice” than Lohse when it comes to antagonists, but not being a dick to other victims of the Magisters
I did not expect Ifan to be this charming or fit this well with Sebille, both of them paid killers, also love his raspy voice
I have an unlimited Companion mod so I’m taking along The Red Prince even though I’ll keep Sebille in character disagreeing with him most of the time
Yeah I killed Stingtail, was on the fence about it until he kept lying to me and seems more in character because then I can eat parts of him
I think its funny that in the scenes where companions interject, all of them will have speak up. Its like for a moment the group just does “poll of the room” and the enemy has to wait there
Mods that share bartereing and persuasion across companions are the best, especially combo with a mod to default to my character vs closes character. I remember that being really really frustrating that I’d have to do inventory management across characters just to get a good sell price
I basically did all the options to get out of Fort Joy just for the exploration and xp boost. Fight at the docks was the hardest, then I clean out the magisters. I definitely don’t remember encountering Daeyena my first playthrough
Healing the wounded magisters at the Seekr camp and the Simone is saying “how do you have so much power”. Other NPCs like Han react as well I love some good gameplay and story integration 
Tir-Cendelius is an asshole. If felt very in character to have Sebille remark that she has a spot for his name as a promise of death, then regret that as he burned his name onto her skin. He is an asshole in his veiws of submission, hope we do get to follow through killing him. No gods no masters.
Oh, I stabbed him, and then his name became Sebille’s name. “You are my champion, you are my chosen one” ok i still dont trust him
I really liked how there such a push to now see your companions as rivals, and yeah this does play different when you aren’t playing Lohse
I used double teleports to get myself through most of the wizards maze. I probably missed a few things but its a time consuming pain with 6 characters
I felt bad for Trompdoy, goading us into killing him, so after hilling him and realizing the soul jar was just beyond his fight, I reloaded to sneak through the area then to free him. I feel really sorry for the dude.
Traded the soul jar for the captain’s coat. Get the nice coat now, find him and kill him again later. Seeing notes there was definitely a smarter way to do this
I feel like Sibelle who was forced to assassinate and kill would have a lot of sympathy for someone like Gratiana who is trying to do better now. Like Sibelle would hope her victims would have some forgiveness
Slane is a Dragon Knight, fun tie in to Divinity 2 - Dragon Knight Saga, a fun if flawed game
Midway through the Bishop Alexander fight I realized it was going really poorly fighting him down in the area with all his buddies. So i reloaded and put my party up the stairs with the cursed blood, teleported him up there, and turned the area around him into necrofire. Easy kill by keeping him in the fire. It was a super long 45/50 min fight though until all enemies were defeated
Had to look up where the Tyrant gear legs were, a high stat check in an obscure statue, lmao
Went back and killed almost every Magister in Fort Joy, wish there was a way to get more people on the seeker boat, but I guess the Seekers have only so many resources
I wasn’t expecting Seekers to die on the ship considering I didn’t take them in a fight
I don’t think Sebille would be like “oh no i wouldn’t hurt you if the demon takes control” to Lohse and apparently that’s the good answer
Boned Fane rn, and he has the highest affection level at 60 when other companions are in the 20s
I cheesed the hell out of the Dallis fight, teleportation + necrofire + corpse explosion + lowering difficulty for the win
I guess Gratiana died when the ship went to the hall of echoes since she’s gone
Fane’s attitude towards me is in the 60s, Ifan is the next highest with 30. Not sure if its a mod bug or just I’ve been choosing a lot of the right options with Fane
Theres a lot of what seems to be void lore worldbuilding spread out across eating a lot of void tainted fish. 7 figures (maybe the 7 gods or eternals) threw someone into the void
I killed Lovrik afterwards because I think that’s what this group would do for trying to kill them especially since he wasn’t repentant nor offered up any money
I got a Ifan romance moment for going to smoke some herbs. Like the game gives me dialogue options to question he has my back but when he’s so affectionate like this how could I doubt him because he straightforward and not a deceptive character
I confronted Wylia the inn cook, because even though I’ve lost track of the number of times Sebille has committed cannibalism but theres a line crossed when you serve it to other people unknowingly. I like to think Sebille confronted because she didn’t want to snitch to the Magisters but was hoping Wylia would leave town. 
I helped Barrel Man escape and it earned me the Hero tag. I guess its because I helped enough people without being an asshole about rewards but all the Hero dialouge options are not what I want to say, because I’m not so heroic I’m not asking politely for a reward for a lost ring
Intersting to consider from a role play perspective, Sebille hates Magisters and has no love for them but will deliver the ring so the ghost can rest in peace. 
I didn’t have anyone built into theiving last time, so Glad I have Beast this time so he can steal the note and then pickpocket the unethical fish factory owner.
I want to kill Magister Reimond but not in the middle of town, played along and I’m sure I’ll get the chance later
The Djinn quest is well done, lots of different options and he’ll easily mislead you with a monkey’s paw style “reward”
That Ifan didn’t bring a portal but the means that the Elves homeland was wiped out from Deathfog. Really adds a layer to romancing him as an elf
I wound up killing Zanisma the deathfog technician in the caves when pickpocketing her failed. Not sure if this counts as in cold blood, Ifan didn’t inherently kill her, and Beast had smashed what she was working on, but she was working on a WMD
Mordus fight was a lot easier reloading and just dogpiling him while ignoring adds. He taught me how to wield more Source even though I didn’t promise to save his life, and then killed him afterwards for creating all the bug monsters. I’ve seen some interesting discussions on if he had free will
Had to kill the cute little Peeper the chicken because otherwise it spawned void enemies too powerful, but tbf Peeper had slaughtered the henhouse
I killed Gareth’s friend Jonathan and told him to get over it and lead the seekers. I really have to remind myself I’m trying to play Sebille as not merciful to active combatant Seekers
Wow the magisters + dog on the left bridge of Driftwood were killed, wonder what triggered that event
I wonder how the attitude among companions works, because it varies rapidly based on who is examining whom. Like Ifan has 99 attitude for Lohse but she only has 22 for him
Considering the Sebille option to step up with Ifan and threaten Hannag with him, it feels out of character not to follow through and kill her. Killing those who were knowingly involved unlike Ifan who was the catspaw. Like Ifan really emphasised “not right for me”
Hannag fight gets real easy with terrain swap and sacrificing someone to lava
I gave Xhaxh my source and blood, and let him leave without killing him. He did stop killing when I gave him source
Ifan’s dialogue about how he used to believe in something but no longer does, he really opens up and responds differently if you say you believe in people
Sebille’s response to Zemski is she desires vengeance upon the wicked, I think I’ve done a good job trying to fit that
Damn Lohse as a companion is very different from how I played her “spare me this elven strife, I care not”. 
Theres an old farm couple talking about how nice Hannag is, uuuh I’m not going to say that I killed her, but something tells me they don’t know about the deathfog
Now all my party has the Hero tag because I stopped the Magisters from killing an innocent family
Magisters killed the boy in front of his family and were going to execute the rest of them, I killed those Magisters. Magisters tortured and then killed an elf for the spore armor, I attacked and killed them. The scared dwarf woman who was one of the people who snitched on the Crossleys and regrets it, I didn’t hurt her since she told me how to get past the checkpoint
 The infamous Gwydian fight went a lot easier teleporting him away to a safe spot, and apparently its been re-optimized it so it wasn’t making my computer cry
No such thing as a free purge ability apparently, I used it on shriekers in Blackpits and a demon popped out
I appreciate how basically all my characters but Fane have movement abilities so I don’t have to teleport everyone all the time
7 Eternals turned into gods and maybe made mortals to harvest for source, isn’t a shocker. I kind of remember this plot point from the first playthrough that it was similar to the Elf “gods” in Dragon Age. Even the “nice” Amadia is an asshole if she flung every Eternal into the void as well. Seems less liberation of the people against a tyrant and more assholes overthrowing a tyrant “you could have saved yourself if only you had bowed”
Oh gods are the gems that we pick up off Voidwoken the spirits of Eternals? It mentions the gems are cloudy like there is something in there and some Voidwoken early on knew Fane’s name 
Fane has his moments of assholery where he’s mad that “of course they lied to you but they also lied to me”,  then follows it up with very moral based self reflection “if you open the gate and set a mad dog loose, are you not responsible if it savages a child”, but I guess both are a bit self absorbed
Damn if you tell him its all his fault I think that breaks him atleast a bit (I did this just to see what happens then reloaded). Telling him emphatically that it isn’t his fault is the only option where he says he can’t “sit here and mope” vs “sit here and wish for death”. 
Telling Fane that I would do anything if I had a wife and child in the clutches of the void. I hope this specific choice affects things later, it feels in character especially since I’m trying do the whole “believe in people” thing
Some real Darth Nihilus vibes about the whole source vampirism thing, hunger feeding on hunger, how long until that turns someone into a monster
I don’t remember fighting Harbinger of Doom on my last playthrough. What a fun fight using sneaking to set up the area full of necrofire. Made finding Almira later rather anticlimactic
I killed Reimond (living on the edge and mass corpse explosion ftw) and rescued Nikor and the other Black Ring people to see what happens later. 
Even if Ryker didn’t enslave souls into his masked servants, feeding people to a giant spider would be enough for me to kill him. I snooped around his room and learned he was a Lone Wolf which was an interesting detail, and he wanted the scythe because he was sworn into the Covenant. The only reason he didn’t look like an undead was he fed off the spirits in the graveyard. Super interesting villain, lots of small details in his house and mannerisms
I’ve been eating the source of asshole spirit magisters, but I left Ryker alone. Lets see if anything happens. 
Interesting how atleast 3 Sourcers: Mordus, Almira, and Ryker are all sworn to the God King
LMAO made a pass at Qanna and it was persuasion impossible with her reply “oh honey you really think you’re irresistible” 
Whelp fulfilling the ghosts last wishes by fighting the Lone Wolves makes Roost by default hostile, and means Sebille doesn’t get any dialogue, but that’s the easiest way to get the achievement. 
With the other lone wolves dead I went to go take care of the one impersonating the Baron. The ghost was nice “you who succor the souls of the dead” though I have eaten quite a few, like Roost’s spirit and the Sawmill Foreman
Oh hey, that Tir Cendelius put Sebille’s name on her arm came up later. 
I don’t think I want Sebille to be heart of the Mother Tree, but denying it there turns all the elves hostile
Saheila could have given me a source point but I already had enough
I don’t remember communing with the tree last time, it was possessed by the same Demon that possess Lohse
The Alison Addison fight was not hard at all on lvl 16 with 6 characters
I killed Grog then later Marg randomly attacked me, so I killed him too. Something something reduce the barriers preventing people from using public infrastructure
I think there’s a lot to unpack about how Lohse’s affection jumped 40 points after Jahan’s attempt to exorcize her, and if you say you want to be friends her comment “even if I can’t … well never mind”
Doing web of desires I was like: this is definitely a trap, goddamn it its spiders again
Reached Nameless Isle: Red Prince is at 66 attitude, Lohse and Ifan are in 70s, and Beast and Fane have 80
Got a chest in the middle of lava thanks to Tornado making it not lava, farsight letting me put the tornado skill far away, then teleport person to chest destination. What a fun skill puzzle
Felt pretty great to kill the Master aka the Shadow Prince, then eat his spirit after the Red Prince was done talking to him. He might be right the Mother Tree is a tyrant but that doesn’t justify his slavery
I looked up how to solve the imp pocket dimension because the slow mechanic was really annoying. It was a easy cheese with teleport
Saving Nikor paid off where he vouched for me with the Black Ring, I’m trying to explore as much of the island as i can before I wipe out both parties
I just realized I could use Sebille’s needle. Atleast the past dialogue played out fine
Aww Duna gave Beast his hat back
Awww the knight of Duma wants me to consume his source so he can’t be brought back. He really is devoted
I consumed the spirit of the Fanatic as he asked but I plan on trying to kill the Devourer, and I think he wouldn’t like that.
I brought Delorus to his fellow Magisters then helped Gareth kill them all. Like after all the evil shit the Magisters did I’m not siding with them. They blamed it on Dallis but there were shriekers outside the temple. Also there can only be one divine so I’m going to fight Alexander again sooner or later. Glad Ifan can get what little closure he can from talking to Alexander’s spirit. Of course I stood aside and let him consume it. 
Well apparently helping Gareth get his vengeance makes him disavow us. I’d rather have him on the crew so I did a persuasion check for getting him to abandon his quest for vengeance, spoke to Alexander alone to get more info, then let Ifan kill Alexander in a very satisfying dialogue scene. Interestingly Ifan gets his own dialogue option “tell Alexander he will never know what you intend” then you consume his source. Ifan hates this dude (understandable)
Sallow Man was a cool character, great to use all his mirrors afterwards to make Black Ring fight each other
Oh wow its Wendego from all the way back in act 1 in the Sallow Man’s cave, I’m not going to consume her source just to see if she shows up again
I didn’t teleport lava onto nearly enough people, only remembered to start doing it with Krug the Troll
I think last playthrough I was a lot more unsure about killing the Mother Tree, this time I’m totally doing it. I’m suspicious of Saheila’s rapid change of heart, so I figured the best option was accept the Mother Tree’s power and then kill it, there are worries about power corrupting but it might help when Sebille is Divine
I have no idea what was going on with Beast’s crew and the Isle of Mists, I’m just getting info about that now. 
It was pretty nice to choose the top non Persuasion marked dialogues and have companions agree with me, which is great because I can’t pass any of the persuasion checks without my companions sharing their bonus
I was going to romance Fane but romancing Ifan instead, I personally find him really charming and he’s the one I’ve gotten romance prompts for like bringing up what happened in the Undertavern and then he blushes.
They really spell out the Voidwoken are former Eternals for the players, and Fane has that moment of really being tempted to accept the Covenant. I’m curious if there are any paths that have him doing so if he’s a companion
I am now The One thanks to my party being good at combos in the Arena fights (I’m just realizing this is probably a reference to The Highlander)
I gave Almira the Swornbreaker, and by gave I mean I used the item glitch to drop it on the ground so it finished the quest but I still got to keep it
Found a book by Lucian that the gods feed off of mortals Source, I remember this being heavily implied by Aetera. I agree with Lucian’s desire to kill the gods but disagree with his methods
Love when a god suddenly turns into a giant robot/construct. That was a fun fight area
Kind of suprised all the companions are options for romantic choices, if you built affection with one person then swerved and sleep with someone else here wonder what happens. Also lmao the ship make this private nook for you to get nookie
I was warned against blindly agreeing to help Malady so I remained noncommittal this time. She really doesn’t like it when you choose ambivalent dialogue options towards her which I’ve done most times
Even though I told Lohse at “just friends” at a few points she REALLY has unrequited feelings for me. Also weird Fane has 0 commentary unlike all the other companions
Yeah between the glazed look in Mihaly’s eye and his line “I’m eternally grateful to be at her side” hes totally enthralled :|
The Loric fight was awfully hard until I spent about 30 minutes clearing up the deathfog and killing the adds without triggering him into combat
Holy shit wtf happened outside of Arx that there is deathfog everywhere in the valley
Glad I installed an item leveling mod, its been nice not being annoyed at getting a bad roll, and the ingame prices for the Sourcerous Sundries prices are expensive enough that its clear the devs wanted people to not keep the same gear from act 1
I found the possessed child and convinced the Demon to take Sebille as a host, the fight afterwards went much better on reload and with proper positioning. I just really enjoy having 6 characters to do fun combos with than the optimal meta
Managed to save one of the Paladins on the bridge into Arx, but more like one of them didn’t have the AI make the worst choices
If I hadn’t sent the War Owl in Act 2 I wonder how different Arx would have been with the Magisters in charge, or if things would have changed that much
Oh wow Eithne the undead from Driftwood who committed suicide is here as a spirit in Arx in the super secret underground area. Fane has unique dialogue options to tell her not to listen to the God King but seeing as she’s so dismissive I think we’ll have to fight her in the future
Huh I killed Reimond in Driftwood but his spirit is in Arx. Ironically he’s being very chatty but the audio is bugged
Vredaman is Bracus Rex, I’m not surprised Bracus Rex is running around considering how much focus he got in Act 1 but I thought he might be tied to the God-King not the Cloaked Figure. But the note from the magister that he burned a dude alive with fire is a Bracus Rex thing to do. 
Tarquin has such an ego about being the greatest necromancer; atleast he realized Bracus Rex is awful and was working on countermeasures though he really played the cards too close to his chest. 
Who could have guess a spore based armor that spreads through exploding corpses would discard its host when no longer useful /s, RIP to Daeyena, there was a moment where she recognized Sebille as the prime scion before the armor killed her
Ok this Karon kid is super sus, he’s way too nice and cheerful for this setting, and thats before the spirits talk about how the child massacared them. Gareth mentions how he’s grateful the mistake did not ascend, so I need to fix this situation somehow because keeping him forever imprisoned seems untenable. 
Time to investigate Kemm, I haven’t been keeping him up to date on the investigation because I didn’t trust him and from what Paladin DeSelby is saying glad I trusted my instincts. Yes Magisters were doing horrible things, but I think he’s using this as a power grab
Excited to see Wendigo again glad leaving her alone on the Nameless Isle paid off, and I could dismantle the shielding thanks to having my collar dismantled by the blacksmith all the way back in Act 1. Oh shit that Kemm is sworn to the God King, his whole thing about the magisters is DARVO shit. I gave Wendigo the Swornbreaker as thanks for all the info and so that she can truely rest vs us just killing her again. Sebille has some dialouge afterwards about how she didn’t fail her master, her master failed her. 
I headed back to deal with Karon and it seems he escaped. Whoops
The bit with Adramahlihk’s realm is great environmental storytelling. Considering the ethics of destroying 3 souls to weaken the demon then right behind to door are thousands of souls, the horror of that moment
Lohse’s comment of “I don’t care about [the trapped souls]. I mean I do… but the only person I really care about is me”. It makes total sense how if you don’t interject Lohse will lean on you for support then tell Malady to extinguish all the candles. But if you speak up to say to leave, she will agree with that because she doesn’t want to become just like the demon. I believe in my party’s ability to kill Adrahmalik through cheese strats if I must, especially for Lohse’s morality
So the Doctor(Adramalikh) gave the Kemms both the fucked up talking plants and the bud plants that spit poison, but its all a trick because those plants attacked me thinking I was Lord Kemm
Kemm’s vault was a bit tricky in that I looked up the optimal way to do quests so I didn’t get locked out of anything. 
 Finally killed those demons that kept ambushing me, the charm effect from Lohse’s coat drastically changed the course of the fight when she charmed 3 of them
The cursed revanants that respawn if there is cursed fire are the literal worst fight of the game. So much area prep for a then very short fight
Getting trapped in the realm of Nightmares was sooo bullshit, once half my party went through the door the other half had multiple rounds of being taunted and provoked so they couldn’t do that and kept dying. Not sure what I would have done without being able to keep recrafting the idol of rebirth and giving it back to the characters in combat. 
So the Red Prince is the father of dragons, here’s hoping his Empire remains peaceful and not expansionist with a lot of slavery. Honestly Sebille obtaining Divinity feels like it would be a good power check on him
Oh wow Saheila is in Arx and is a warhawk for a racewar and from searching online she’ll say this regardless if you kill the mother tree; this feels like extremely inconsistent writing for her character between each act
I have so many skills on several characters that its bleeding over to the second row, kind of annoying because out of sight is out of mind
The Lord Keem fight was a lot better on reload since Arhu died instantly the first time. Surround Arhu with boxes so no one can get close or damage him, fill an area with Deathfog and then teleport all the other enemies into it
It was really satisfying to drain Kemm’s source, he really was such a rich asshole
Adrahmalik fight was pretty simple with the tip to kill Lohse every 2 turns so that he’ll spend his turns channeling the possession spell. The demons may be immune to Deathfog but theyre not immune to teleportation + mass corpse explosion
Lohse’s song was really touching and heartwarming to hear in game especially because its a good song but also the demon took music from her for so long
Malady really cares for Lohse much more than the other godwoken
The Dwarf Husband to be wants Ifan to kill his father in law, I think the bride’s health beeing poor is also sus. Funny you can interject to correct Ifan’s title, but love Ifan’s response “The man you seek is not who I am. Anymore. And I’ll not become him again for the likes of you”. Hits a lot of tropes I enjoy. 
I thought the exploding wedding cake was from the murderous groom but no its from the Demon Doctor. Wow he really was trying to kill every agent of the god king with maximum collateral damage
After the Isbeil fight Fane’s comment failing to see the issue of killing thousands of other reace to save thousands of his own race is 100% in character for pragmatism, except the plan wouldn’t have save dwarf lives and just empower the God King. Red Prince’s comments of how he might do the same with a pre-emptive attack is frightening considering he has dragons now. 
 I consumed Isbeil’s source, like yeah she did have the sob story of the Magisters deathfogging the elves but she’s clearly a threat if the god king can keep bringing her back. Also her sob story doesn’t justify the 564 prisoners she killed in monstrous experiments
I wanted to see what would happen if you do release the deathfog then reload, Beast and Ifan immediately turn on you but the rest of the companions will stick with you and not say much. Shame there wasn’t more budget for character interaction there
Beast actually leaves Justinia’s fate fully in your hands, not many other companion quests do that. While Justinia seemed to have gone along with the Deathfog plot pretty willingly and executed dissenting nobles, killing her would leave a power vacuum that Beast wouldn't step up and fill because as Justinia points out he wasn’t helping rule he was off being a pirate. (also feels good to have them sort of reconcile)
This game would be sooo much better with 0 spiders in the sewers and containers that have the spider legs. I had to pause playing and go walk around since it was bad for my phobia
I had Beast wear the Tyrants’ set all the way from getting it to most of Arx but the Devour’s set has better stats. I’ve kept Ifan with his shadow’s eye crossbow because I haven’t found any others to do piercing, its outclassed by other crossbows with base damage but that piercing is really good. 
Karon finally show up again, I’m not sure if he was demon possessed or just extremely obsessed with what he believed he was owed, but I talked him into finding peace and so his spirit moved on. Thats the last sidequest in Arx done
The puppet battle with the switch fucking sucks, source vamparism was supposed to work but they just kept spawning and crowd controlling my team. So on reload I just maxed stealth with Lohse and had her pull the levers out of combat. Having a pipe puzzle than this combat puzzle right before the boss kind of kills the momentum
Aww really cute romantic makeout moment with Ifan, where he says he can’t wait for Divinity to be over to live a human life
Not suprising the Eternals claim they could come back but it would kill all the other mortal races. Theres got to be a name for this trope, I can think of 2 other games that have a similar plot
Sir Lora and Quercus had moments of being cute but on the whole were really annoying, dying to traps a few times and getting stuck and damaged by AOE attacks
On the “Fane is my father” reveal I’m not sure if that’s Fane’s liefmotif or the Eternals one. I was kind of spoiled about Dallis being Fane’s daughter a while ago, I really want to know if there is unique dialogue for player character Fane, but lmao imagine getting here and Fane was left behind in Act 1
Annoyed I can’t call Lucien out for Deathfogging the elves. He can’t be trusted with power, Ifan says it best “Surrender my Source? [Lucien] should surrender his life”. Anyway started combat as Ifan put down a deathfog barrel, teleported it to back of room, got 2 more AP from killing the Gheist, and then teleported Lucien into it. Ez clap
The Anathema was really disappointing, breaks in 1 hit so I had to set up a multi step combo buffing Beast for it to be worth it
Damn, Lohse and Red Prince both said they wanted Divinity for themselves and turned on me. Lohse’s Attitude was 79, and Red Prince’s Attitude was 75 (not surprising because I didn’t chose the best dialogue choices with him trying to stay in character). The rest of the companions attitudes were low 80s and higher and I wonder if that made a difference. Also watching videos I wonder if I missed companions interjecting since it usually defaulted to my player character
I think Sebillie would be as shocked as me that at the last minute they change their mind after backing me before. So when pressed in a last minute decision she won’t say yes. My reasoning for Sebille not backing Lohse was her willingness to snuff out all the souls Adrahmalik had taken out of self interest. The Red Prince in the past said he’s fine not being Divine but when its in his grasp he changes his mind and wants the power for expansion. I don’t see Sebille EVER backing him. 
Oh Almira definitely enthralls you if you let her kiss you at the ending.
From Sebille ascending to Divine ending: I really like Gareth’s ending arc, you can say you’re friends and he’s dedicated to figuring himself out. Ifan’s dialogue is really sweet with the romance, he wants to return to the forest to help rebuild and doesn’t want to serve the Divine even though you’re different from the last one
That you can grab Fane’s arm like he did to you in Act 1 is great, I imagine Sebille was just WAITING to do that back. He has some really touching dialogue about learning to move on and appreciate the world and its wonder. His big regret is that if his people were brought back that they wouldn’t live in peace with everyone else
Canon ending as Sebille killing The Red Prince and Lohse, and living with the regret that they forced her hand as she ascends to Divinity. I thought that you could kill Dallis and Lucien and sacrifice your Source and Lucien wouldn’t get the credit because he would be dead, but he does get the credit and Ifan hates you for it. Which makes sense because the magisters committed atrocities and they continue to stay in power.
No perfect ending, either the world continues the fight against the God-King and Driftwood is wiped out vs Lucien becomes the Lord Emperor of all of Rivellon which has to go much worse than the ending cards mention and theres a growing threat from demons. In that ending it seems to go a bit better for some companions, but Sahelia only refrains from violence because Sebille took the power of the Mother Tree and Saheila’s mother is still alive. In neither ending did the red dragons get mentioned at all nor did it show up in the ending fight as was mentioned. Giving Source back to the world is probably the worst option right above God-King or Eternals return
In the ideal ending Lucien is dead, Dallis isn’t, we give up our Source, and all the companions would be alive. It feels railroaded that you can go through the effort of fighting Lucien, Dallis, and Braccus Rex then give up your source and it differs not at all from agreeing to give up your source from before the fight. 
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y2fear · 3 months
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Rob Clark, President and CTO of Seekr - Interview Series
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Rob Clark, President and CTO of Seekr – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/rob-clark-president-and-cto-of-seekr-interview-series/
Rob Clark, President and CTO of Seekr – Interview Series
Rob Clark is the President and Chief Technology Office (CTO) of Seekr. Rob has over 20 years of experience in software engineering, product management, operations, and the development of leading-edge artificial intelligence and web-scale technologies. Before joining Seekr, he led several artificial intelligence and search solutions for some of the world’s largest telecommunications, publishing, and e-commerce companies.
Seekr an artificial intelligence company, creates trustworthy large language models (LLMs) that identify, score, and generate reliable content at scale.
Beginning with web search, Seekr’s ongoing innovation has produced patented technologies enhancing web safety and value. Their models, developed with expert human input and explainability, address customer needs in content evaluation, generative AI, and trustworthy LLM training and validation.
Can you describe the core mission of Seekr and how it aims to differentiate itself in the competitive AI landscape?
We founded Seekr on the simple yet important principle that everyone should have access to reliable, credible and trustworthy information – no matter its form or where it exists. It doesn’t matter if you are an online consumer or a business using that information to make key decisions – responsible AI systems allow all of us to fully and better understand information, as you need to ensure what is coming out of Generative AI is accurate and reliable.
When information is unreliable it runs the whole spectrum, for example from more benign sensationalism to the worse case of coordinated inauthentic behaviors intended to mislead or influence instead of inform. Seekr’s approach to AI is to ensure the user has full transparency into the content including provenance, lineage and objectivity, and the ability to build and leverage AI that is transparent, trustworthy, features explainability and has all the guardrails so consumers and businesses alike can trust it.
In addition to providing industry optimized Large Language Models (LLMs), Seekr has started building Foundation Models differentiated by greater transparency and accuracy with reduced error and bias, including all the validation tools. This is made possible through Seekr’s collaboration with Intel to use its latest generation Gaudi AI accelerators at the best possible price-performance. We chose not to rely on outside foundation models where the training data was unknown and showed errors and inherent bias, especially as they are often trained on popular data rather than the most credible and reliable data. We expect to release these towards the end of the year.
Our core product is called SeekrFlow, a complete end-to-end platform that trains, validates, deploys and scales trustworthy AI. It allows enterprises to leverage their data securely, to rapidly develop AI they can rely on optimized for their industry.
What are the critical features of SeekrFlow, and how does it simplify the AI development and deployment process for enterprises?
SeekrFlow takes a top-down, outcome first approach, allowing enterprises to solve problems using AI with both operational efficiencies and new revenue opportunities through one cohesive platform. This integration includes secure data access, automated data preparation, model fine-tuning inference, guardrails, validation tools, and scaling, eliminating the need for multiple disparate tools and reducing the complexity of in-house technical talent managing various aspects of AI development separately.
For enterprises, customization is key, as a one model fits all approach doesn’t solve unique business problems. SeekrFlow allows customers to both cost-effectively leverage their enterprise data safely and align to their industry’s specific needs. This is especially important in regulated industries like finance, healthcare and government.
Seekr’s AI assisted training approach greatly reduces the cost, time, and need for human supervision associated with data labeling and acquisition, by synthesizing high-quality and domain-specific data using domain-specific principles such as policy documents, guidelines, or user-provided enterprise data.
Seekr’s commitment to reliability and explainability is engrained throughout SeekrFlow. No enterprise wants to deploy a model to production and find out its hallucinating, giving out wrong information or a worst-case scenario such as giving away its products and services for free! SeekrFlow includes the tools needed to validate models for reliability, to reduce errors and to transparently allow the user to see what is impacting a model’s output right back to the original training data. In the same way software engineers and QA can scan, test and validate their code, we provide the same capabilities for AI models.
This is all provided at optimal cost to enterprises. Our Intel collaboration running in Intel’s AI cloud allows Seekr the best price-performance that we pass on to our customers.
How does SeekrFlow address common issues such as cost, complexity, accuracy, and explainability in AI adoption?
High price points and scarcity of AI hardware are two of the largest barriers to entry facing enterprises. Thanks to the aforementioned collaboration with Intel, Seekr flow has access to vast amounts of next generation AI hardware leveraging Intel’s AI Cloud. This provides customers with scalable and cost-effective compute resources that can handle large-scale AI workloads leveraging both Intel Gaudi AI accelerators and AI optimized Xeon CPUs.
It’s important to note that SeekrFlow is cloud provider and platform agnostic and runs on latest generation AI chips from Intel, Nvidia and beyond. Our goal is to abstract the complexity of the AI hardware and avoid vendor lock-in, while still unlocking all the unique value of each of the chip’s software, tools and ecosystem. This includes both running in the cloud or on-premise and operated datacenters.
When building SeekrFlow we clearly saw the lack of contestability that existed in other tools. Contestability is paramount at Seekr, as we want to make sure the user has the right to say something is not accurate and have an easy way to resolve it. With other models and platforms, it’s often difficult or unknown how to even correct errors. Point fixes after the fact are often ineffective, for example manipulating the input prompt does not guarantee the answer will be corrected every time or in every scenario. We give the user all the tools for transparency, explainability and a simple way to teach and correct the model in a clean user interface. From building on top of trustworthy foundation models at the base right through to easy-to-use testing and measurement tools, SeekrFlow ensures accurate outcomes that can be understood and validated. It’s essential to understand that AI guardrails aren’t just something that is nice to have or to think about later – rather, we offer customers simple to use explainability and contestability tools from the start of implementation.
How does the platform integrate data preparation, fine-tuning, hosting, and inference to enable faster experimentation and adaptation of LLMs?
SeekrFlow integrates the end-to-end AI development process, in one platform. From handling the labeling and formatting of the data with its AI agent assisted generation approach, to fine-tuning a base model, all the way to serving for inference and monitoring the fine-tuned model.  In addition, SeekrFlow’s explainability tooling allows AI modelers to discover gaps in the knowledge of the model, understand why mistakes and hallucinations occur, and directly act upon them. This integrated, end-to-end approach enables rapid experimentation and model iterations
What other unique technologies or methodologies has Seekr developed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its AI models?
Seekr has developed patented AI technology for assessing the quality, reliability, bias, toxicity and veracity of content, whether that is a text, a visual, or an audio signal. This technology provides rich data and knowledge that can be fused into any AI model, in the form of training data, algorithms, or model guardrails. Ultimately, Seekr’s technology for assessing content can be leveraged to ensure the safety, factuality, helpfulness, unbiasedness and fairness of AI models.  An example of this is SeekrAlign, which helps brands and publishers grow reach and revenue with responsible AI that looks at the context of content through our patented Civility Scoring.
Seekr’s approach to explainability ensures that AI model responses are understandable and traceable. As AI models become involved in decisions of consequences, the need for AI modelers to understand and contest model decisions, becomes increasingly important.
How does SeekrFlow’s principle alignment agent help developers align AI models with their enterprise’s values and industry regulations?
SeekrFlow’s principle alignment agent is a critical feature that helps developers and enterprises reduce the overall cost of their RAG-based systems and efficiently align their AI to their own unique principles, values, and industry regulations without needing to gather and process structured data.
The Seekr agent uses advanced alignment algorithms to ensure that LLMs’ behavior adheres to these unique and predefined standards, intentions, rules, or values. During the training and inference phases, the principle alignment agent guides users through the entire data preparation and fine-tuning process while continuously integrating expert input and ethical guidelines. This ensures that our AI models operate within acceptable boundaries.
By providing tools to customize and enforce these principles, SeekrFlow empowers enterprises to maintain control over their AI applications, ensuring that they reflect the company’s values and adhere to legal and industry requirements. This capability is essential for building trust with customers and stakeholders, as it demonstrates a commitment to responsible AI.
Can you discuss the collaboration with OneValley and how Seekr’s technology powers the Haystack AI platform?
OneValley is a trusted resource for tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) worldwide. A common problem these leaders face is finding the right advice, products and services to start and grow their business.  Seekr’s industry specific LLMs power OneValley’s latest product Haystack AI, which offers customers access to vast databases of available products, their attributes, pricing, pros and cons and more. Haystack AI intelligently makes recommendations to users and answers questions, all accessible through an in-app chatbot.
What specific benefits does Haystack offer to startups and SMBs, and how does Seekr’s AI enhance these benefits?
Whether a user needs a fast answer to know which business credit card offers the highest cash rewards with the lowest fees per user and lowest APR or to contrast and compare two CRM systems they are considering as the right solution, Haystack AI powered by Seekr provides them the right answers quickly.
Haystack AI answers users’ questions rapidly and in the most cost-effective manner. Having to wait for and ask a human to answer these questions and all the research that goes into this sort of process is unmanageable for extremely busy business leaders. Customers want accurate answers they can rely on fast, without having to trawl through the results (and sponsored links!) of a web search engine. Their time is best spent running their core business. This is a great example where Seekr AI solves a real business need.
How does Seekr ensure that its AI solutions remain scalable and cost-effective for businesses of all sizes?
The simple answer is to ensure scale and low cost, you need a strategic collaboration for access to compute at scale. Delivering scalable, cost-effective and reliable AI requires the marriage of best-in-class AI software running on leading generation hardware. Our collaboration with Intel involves a multi-year commitment for access to an ever-growing amount of AI hardware, including upgrading through generations from current Gaudi 2 to Gaudi 3 in early 2025 and onwards onto the next chip innovations. We placed a bet that the best availability and price of compute would come from the actual manufacturer of the silicon, of which Intel is only one of two in the world that produces its own chips. This solves any issues around scarcity, especially as we and our customers scale and ensure the best possible price performance that benefits the customer.
Seekr customers running on their own hosted service only pay for actual usage. We don’t charge for GPUs sat idle. SeekrFlow has a highly competitive pricing model compared to contemporaries in the space, that supports the smallest to largest deployments.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Seekr. 
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s00mestrangeshit · 8 months
por un lado, si hablo, me sentiría un attention seekr, simp, me sentiría sucio
si no hablo con nadie, me siento miserable
y no he hablado con nadie puta madre
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spiritseekr · 9 months
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crisicsgames · 1 year
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7ooo-ru · 1 year
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Легендарный Беар Гриллс будет преподавать детям «навыки выживания» за компьютером
Популярный британский телеведущий Беар Гриллс, известный прежде всего по шоу «Выжить любой ценой», запустил совместный проект со стартапом в сфере искусственного интеллекта Seekr. Это образовательная платформа Mission Seekr по обучению детей цифровой грамотности на основе прохождения экологических онлайн-миссий.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/07/01/390-legendarnyy-bear-grills-budet-prepodavat-detyam-navyki-vyzhivaniya-za-kompyuterom-grss-219438217.html
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