#&& askmeme.
isuttonstrode · 7 months
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
No sentido platônico, Sutton acredita que um parceiro perfeito seria alguém que pensa como ela, alguém decidido e firme, capaz de tomar decisões difíceis quando necessário, organizado e com bastante foco. No entanto, ela reconhece que isso funciona melhor na teoria, pois ambos poderiam entrar em conflito devido às suas personalidades fortes e formas de lidar com a organização. Com base nessa percepção, Sutton imagina que um parceiro ideal no sentido romântico seria alguém mais descontraído do que ela, extrovertido, mas não a ponto de deixá-la sobrecarregada, capaz de fazê-la rir - uma tarefa quase impossível -, corajoso e de bom coração, alguém que lhe lembre que, apesar de tudo, o mundo ainda é um lugar onde se pode ter esperança. Ela imagina que precisaria de um raio de sol para suas noites escuras, alguém para guiá-la de volta para casa com seu brilho.
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
Há muitas coisas acontecendo na vida de Sutton. Ela é uma super-realizadora. Está envolvida com as Patrulhas, faz parte da Equipe de Estrategistas, é uma das Devotas de Hera, é a Conselheira do Chalé #6, participa de esportes - co-lidera a Equipe de Corrida com Obstáculos - e ainda tem seus próprios projetos independentes, como a construção de um servidor único de internet e o desenvolvimento de sua própria linguagem de programação. Ela tem uma variedade de objetivos, além do desejo de ser reconhecida como uma grande heroína.
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
Ela é uma líder clássica. Do acampamento romano.
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mollymayfair · 7 months
@rxckbellz ❛ there it is, there’s that smile! ❜
"Eu sempre sorrio para você, bobão" respondeu, sentindo suas bochechas corarem um pouco. Era bem raro fazer com que Molly ficasse envergonhada, mas nada conseguia fazer aquilo melhor do que: ACOTAR. Estava lendo sua série favorita quando Gilbert se aproximou, lhe zoando e imitando o grande Rhysand. Era impossível não sorrir ao ver aquilo, mas também sentir um tico de vergonha. Não vergonha de gostar de ACOTAR, mas vergonha de ver o seu amigo imitar o seu crush tão perfeitamente. "Você seria um ótimo ator para interpretar ele na adaptação. Só precisaria criar um pouco mais de corpo."
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warriorsdesignsnick · 2 months
for the prompts, silverstream and prompt 4!
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i just discovered what sparkle cats are hahaha
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the-lunar-scribes · 5 months
Pick My muse up!
See what their reaction is! Tell me HOW you pick them up to add some extra spice!
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majormeilani · 1 year
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shipping bingo board i made because some of them don't appeal to my personal thoughts. you may reblog and repost but if you repost outside of tumblr do not remove the watermark so others can get a clean ver of the board to use if they so wish. (watermark can be removed if you are posting to tumblr tho!!!!) these can apply however you wish and you may elaborate in your response too if what i put in the boxes doesn't get your thoughts across :)
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snailtrain · 7 months
actually E2 for Desmond and Altair too
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this is a fill for this meme
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tj-dragonblade · 5 months
YOU ABSOLUTELY MAY, even if it took me longer to respond than intended, oops. But! Mer-Hob is slowly turning into a different fic than originally imagined last year. Which is fine, and good, because what I'd originally imagined just wasn't working. I think I can confidently place him back on the wip list now with a better idea of the shape he'll have moving forward. And for you, thank you for your patience, here is their freshly-drafted first kiss scene:
Dream glances to where Hob sits beside him, tail fin drifting idly in the water near Dream's bare feet. Dream had brought chocolate, again; the delight Hob had displayed the first two times was something he wanted to see again, and again, and again. He wanted to find every way possible to bring joy to Hob, to make that warm smile light up, to bring his laughter bubbling forth.
The chocolate has been finished, though, and Hob sounds…tentative; Dream's brow creases. "Yes?"
"I've got a question for you. Or. Well. Not so much a question, as something I'd like to tell you." He's tilted his head slightly, is toying with the lowest spine of his ear-fin. "It's. It's—I've been trying to tell you, like I would another mer, but I don't think you get it. And why would you, culturally, you've got no way to know if I don't explain it first right? So I thought, maybe I should just. Try it the human way?"
Dream is perplexed, not sure he entirely follows what Hob is trying to say, but then Hob is leaning closer, leaning in, as if he means to—
His lips touch Dream's, and Dream's heart stops as his brain catches up. Hob. Is kissing him—
Except it's not exactly a kiss, has none of the common elements aside from two pairs of lips in contact; Hob is very still, holding that touch for another instant, and then he pulls back.
Dream's heart thuds in his chest, tripping faster; he can feel how wide his eyes are and how his mouth has fallen slightly open, but all he can see is the hopeful uncertainty in the warm depthless brown of Hob's eyes.
"I'm sorry if I didn't do it right. But a kiss is how you say you like someone, right?"
"I. Yes." Dream is drowning in the instant-replay inside his own brain. Hob. Had kissed him. Hob had kissed him. Hob had kissed him—
"Well. I like you. And I think maybe…maybe you might um. Like me too?"
Dream manages a nod. "Mmhm." His heart is racing.
"Well!" Hob looks delighted if still nervous, and his tail flicks up in the water with a splash. "That's good, then! Brilliant! Okay!" He smiles, all warmth and happy energy. "Okay."
"Merfolk do not kiss, then?" Dream is slowly processing, still catching up, still circling helplessly around the bright spot of Hob kissed me, Hob LIKES me.
"Not many, nope. And I've never. But I've seen enough humans and human stuff to get the idea. Did I do it right?"
"Right enough. However." Boldness surges up in Dream, riding the bubbling tide of joy curling higher within his chest. "Can I. May I show you, what observation alone does not perhaps convey?"
"Of course," Hob says, curiosity in the tilt of his eyebrows, and Dream leans in.
It's soft, sweet; he fits his lips gently to Hob's and presses, brushes them together and apart and together again, aching with the fulfillment of this long-held wish. He is kissing. Hob. And Hob is kissing back, tentatively matching the movement of Dream's mouth on his, and Dream is dizzy with it. His hands yearn to hold, to touch; he brings one up and lets his fingertips flutter lightly to rest on Hob's cheek, away from the delicate spread of his ear-fin, away from the curve of his neck where his gills are tightly sealed. And when Hob reaches carefully to touch him in kind, Dream's heart soars.
A long moment passes before he ends the kiss at last; he draws back just enough to see, to watch Hob's eyes blink slowly open.
"Oh," Hob breathes, voice full of softness and wonder, and his beautiful eyes shine warm with the same.
~ Mer-Hob wip tag for the other recent chunk and some older little bits that may just wind up orphaned
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saturncoyote · 5 months
📐 Whats your favorite kinds of lines to draw?
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I enjoy drawing fur basically
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heavenslittlehellion · 6 months
tapping the mic. is this thing on.
send me ur furfur headcanons.
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isuttonstrode · 7 months
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014? (@thearios)
text message prompts
💬 SUTTON TEXTED JULIAN: Wait, What? I didn't 💬 SUTTON TEXTED JULIAN: I didn't! 💬 SUTTON TEXTED JULIAN: I mean, the pics of your social media? 💬 SUTTON TEXTED JULIAN: That was just a network test. I was testing my own service of internet, if it works with the Camp's internet. 💬 SUTTON TEXTED JULIAN: So it went, right? You got it? Thank you for the feedback.
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9741ko · 2 years
“Can you help me reach something?” Elena pro Adrian
Analisou rapidamente a figura de caráter duvidoso apesar de aparência fofa e agradável à sua frente, o vampiro ficou questionável sobre a desconhecida e seu pedido. Mas seu traço de personalidade era ser educado, foi assim que mamãe ensinou. ❛❛ What do you need, sweetheart? ❜❜
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mollymayfair · 7 months
@rxckbellz: You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
Lack of Sleep Starters!
"Você que bateu em uma arvore, Gilly!" respondeu a garota, rindo alto e segurando o maior pela cintura. Os dois haviam bebido tanto que era muito complicado dizer quem estava certo naquela discussão. Talvez os dois. "Quer se deitar na beira da cachoeira? Talvez uma ninfa aparece e canta para a gente. Seria lindo, não seria? Ah, eu adoraria escutar música agora!" e então a garota se movimentou para abraçar o outro como se estivessem prestes a dançar um Waltz. O que foi exatamente o que ela começou a fazer em seguida. "Eu sou a fera e você é a bela, o que acha? Ou deveria se o contrário? Ah, mas o meu cabelo é mais o cabelo da fera e o seu da Bela, acho que certo assim mesmo."
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warriorsdesignsnick · 2 months
Sparklecat Squirrelflight?
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popular demand!!
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ashes0909 · 3 months
for the TS lyrics prompt list you reblogged, 18 for stevetony? 👀
18. The worst thing that I ever did / Was what I did to you Ship: Stony
Tony knew he shouldn't just show up at Steve's apartment. He knew he wouldn't be welcome, not after they'd spent that evening on the rooftop, hands inching together until palms clasped, and then the very next night was photographed on a date with Christine Everhart.
"It's been hard to open up to people," Steve had said on the rooftop, the moonlight casting over his face, highlighting the way his lips had turned down in a frown. "But with you," Steve went on to admit. "It's easy."
Tony's heart had skipped from one beat to the next, his hand clenching around Steve's and he'd taken a leap: "I want to be that person you share things with, that person you come to when it all gets too hard. Or when you're having the best day. Or when you're bored or excited or...all of it. I'm here for you Steve. I want to be yours."
"I want that, too." And maybe Steve's eyes had flicked down to Tony's lips, and maybe Tony's tongue had come out to briefly lick the chapped corner of his own lips in response.
But then the rooftop door had slammed open and the rest of the gang rolled through the doorway in a boisterous rumble of laughter and chatter, and their hands had fallen from one another.
Now, across the television screen behind Steve, Christine Everhart hung from Tony's side.
Tony swallowed. "How was your day?" He willed the TV to turn off, to make that image go away.
"My day?" Steve scoffed. "Who cares."
"I'm sure Everhart talked your ear off enough."
"Steve, that was for appearances. Trust me, if I turned her down tonight it would be headline news tomorrow."
Steve sighed. "Whatever, Tony, I don't care, I--"
Tony stepped forward, pulling Steve's hand into his own, clenching it tight. "Trust me, please, I'd rather have been on that rooftop with you, than on a date with Everhart--with anyone else."
Steve's eyes narrowed, but he didn't pull his hand away. "Then...no one else? From now on?"
"There's been no one else since the rooftop. Everhart was damage control."
The betrayal began to slip from Steve's gaze and the clenching around Tony's heart eased.
Steve stepped closer, ran his free hand across Tony's cheek. "Promise me."
"I promise. I'll do my damndest to make that--" he gestured over Steve's shoulder "--the worst thing I ever do to you."
Steve caught Tony's gaze and held it before bringing their lips together in a soft kiss. When he pulled back, he whispered against Tony's lips, "Good."
Taylor Swift Prompt List
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the-lunar-scribes · 4 months
SEND in a character name Or A USER name!
My Muse will say if they would or would not date that character. And they will give a reason as to WHY!
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snailtrain · 7 months
but then also B1 for Ezio and Desmond
ohoho. I have chosen AC2 Ezio ♥
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this is a response to this meme
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