#&& l u k e ; visage
system-architect · 2 months
no one tagged me in it but i rlly wanted to do a character tag meme like ive seen ppl on my dash doing so,,, :"") here's the one that's been going around, for plex!
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personally obsessed with the fact that his ingame visage is extremely babied boy and then when i draw him it reveals the fact like oh this is a very tired, awkwardly built, angular guy who's nearing 30. ok anyways, stuff below the cut!
-- B A S I C S
Name: Plex (fully titled: Infotechnist Plex)
Nicknames: (none. his handle on various console software is pl3x tho)
Age: 28
Birthday: 63 Scion 1308
Race: Asura
Gender: trans dude of some kind, he/him
Orientation: gay
Profession: he is an Inquest Technician very literally! minus the wiki bit mentioning magic since the stock npc is an ele lmao. ingame he's an engi, but as a character he has no combat skills whatsoever other than basic required training on how to use a firearm (which he hopes to never have to use)
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: white (technically very very platinum blonde, natural)
Eyes: they're technically black with permanent yellow nightshine going on in his pupils. or irises. whatever the yellow dots are. don't worry about it.
Skin: albino (w/ light cream-tan stripe markings)
Tattoos/Scars: he's got a Y-shaped scar across his chest, and a couple of metal ports embedded on the right (viewer's left) side of his chest near his sternum, which have scarring around them
-- F A M I L Y
This section of the report has been obscured from view by the Inquest Legal Bureau at the behest of Redactor Trejj. Please contact your krewe's Overseer to initiate the proper clearance check measures if you believe this was in error. If you do not believe that it was in error, and instead that your ability to access this report whatsoever was unintended, please close the report at your earliest convenience and report to your facility's Inquisitor to be disciplined for reading this far.
-- S K I L L S
Abilities: Adept programmer with an eye for detail, and a photographic memory for numbers/strings of code specifically. Excels at combining complex pieces of information.
Hobbies: Gaming, movies/animations/shows, putting together model kits. Gets in a lot of arguments on programming and golemancy forums.
-- T R A I T S
Most positive generally helpful traits: Hard working (....usually), fast + thorough at things he puts his mind to, prefers to stay out of other people's business, good at keeping secrets, relatively open minded, has a pretty big capacity for empathy (even if he doesn't always show/use it)
Most negative generally unhelpful traits: Has a big mouth/isn't able to suppress his opinions about certain things, picky/fussy/whiny, socially awkward, tends to make interactions tense quickly, deep insecurity that bleeds over into how he acts around others, wants to 'win' things constantly, easily gets an inflated ego from said 'wins' that leads him to bite off more than he can chew after that
-- L I K E S
Colors: black LOL. also yellow (matches him!)
Smells: fresh coffee, cool rain on concrete, lemon, pine, canned air
Textures: leather and suede, soft fabrics (but not 'plush')
Drinks: coffee of course... also novelty flavor energy drinks even though they make his stomach feel like it's caving in on itself every time
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: lord no he'd start coughing on it
Drinks: his alcohol tolerance is about -2 so this is also a no. the man's veins and stomach lining are made of like.. tissue paper
Drugs: what do u think
Been arrested: no.. aside from being in the inquest (Which Is In Itself Literally Not A Crime) he's a fairly law abiding mild-mannered citizen lmfao. i mean he probably torrents things under a vpn but that's very low on the list of concerns for the peacemakers,
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imoutoni · 3 years
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grabthemhorns-old · 4 years
Damn, I can't hide over here xD In any case, if you're still up for it, how about doing the alphabet for Beel and/or Belphie?
Smut Alphabet - Belphie
Here’s my one for Belphie :3 he’s my fav boi, so this is a bit spicy and my fav one.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- You’ve never been snuggled and cuddled as much after sex as with Belphie. He wraps himself around you like he’s afraid you’ll leave or let go. He nuzzles into your neck, peppering it with kisses, soft, sleepy moans tickling your neck before he quickly falls asleep, moulded against your body, the warmth of his breath rhythmic against your skin. He’s nearly always first to fall asleep, and you don’t mind, happy to watch him fall away in your arms with a smile that’s only for you.
If the sex has been particularly rough though, he’s attentive, gentle, making sure any hurts are kissed away, touched away, and embraced. It’s these times that you’re first to sleep. He watches you, making sure you’re absolutely okay afterwards.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- Belphie loves his Demon visage. His horns, his tail, his marks. He LOVES it when you touch any of them for any excuse. 
Grab onto his horns while riding him; stroke them gently while he lazily gives you oral; pull his tail while you peg him; bite into where his demon birth marks are, making your own mark. He loves it because it reaffirms that you love his demon form too, and that you’re no longer afraid. 
-He loves your thighs, he loves burying himself between your legs, with horns out and not, feeling warm and cosy, kissing, licking, drawing his claws lightly up and down the skin so lightly it tickles. He’ll happily tease you for so long between your thighs, his soft laugh rumbling against your skin.
But also...your neck. It’s fragile - a beacon of your mortality-, beautiful, a memory bad....that you both turn good. He loves the way he can feel and see your heartbeat against the skin; the way the skin feels thin beneath his lips, and the rumble of your voice, your moans as he touches you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- Usually, the lazy boy prefers to finish inside. And especially in your mouth. It just feels so good. But he has a particular preference for covering your face as messily as he can. He quite enjoys the favour being returned too.
Belphie will lazily clean up with his tongue if he’s in the mood.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- He wants to share you with Beel, aka, threesome. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- Belphie’s had plenty of experience. Maybe not as much as some of his brothers - his laziness taking over - but he knows what to do. Even with humans, since he used to visit the human realm a lot. But it’s been a while, and demon and human bodies need different treatment he’s soon reminded.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- Anything that’s incredibly intimate. Limbs tangled, looking at you, close enough to kiss. Probably side to side. 
His other favourite is you on top, riding. So he can lay back and watch you in all your glory, his tail wrapped around you to steady you, his hands wandering as he pleases.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- Belphie is more serious during sex, as he’s come to claim it as a time to grow and build with you. If he is humorous, it’s darker humour during your more kinky sessions, with that low, slow laugh you’ve come to know and love. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- He trims himself mostly. He asks you what you prefer and does as such, happy to please you. There’s a white streak down there too, just like his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- Lots of Belphie’s guilt and regret comes through initially during your sex, and it’s intense. He wants to make it up to you, showing you how sorry he is, how much he wants to repent and love you. It almost spills into absolute adoration at times, and although you enjoy it, you remind him that this relationship is both ways. You make sure there’s time for him too - to nurture the fragility of his heart and mind as you both heal together, your unexpected love the gold between the cracks. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- Being lazy, he doesn’t do it too often, but when you arrived the frequency did increase. He used to do it when you visited him in the attic behind the door, when he was manipulating you. He got off on it.
Then after it all, he didn’t do it for a while, the guilt weighing on him, but as he realised your smile for him was really real, he let himself jack off to the thought of you again, this time to just, kissing you, to holding you, to just wanting you. 
He sometimes lazily jacks off in the morning if he wakes up before you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- Choking and breath play. Belphie loves to use his tail to do so. And you both use it to make the bad memories of his hands around your neck, to good. It might take a while for you to trust him to do it - or you might crave it from the start - but however you do it, it’s one of his biggest kinks, and he loves that he can do it from lying on his back while you ride him too, as well as so up close he can feel the breaths he’s stealing away.
- TW: consensual somnophilia.
Another one he loves, is consensual somnophilia. He brings it up with you and you talk it through. He loves the idea of you sleeping and touching you, feeling you, waking you up with his mouth between your legs; with his fingers sticky. And he wants the same. He wants to be lazily woken with your lips around his cock, or pushed on his back, while you fumble on top, watching as his eyes slowly open, as his tail feels before his hands.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- Either of your beds. Cushion piles. The sofa. Soft spaces that Belphie loves to nap on are his favourite places to have sex.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- Touching and teasing. He loves it when you’re snuggled on the sofa or chair, or standing in the kitchen and being handsy, whispering against his ear. He loves it if the teasing lingers on for hours, or if it happens in places and moments that you both absolutely can’t do anything about it. If you tease him from afar, say in the RAD classroom, bending over, glancing from afar, crossing legs, showing off your neck, your thighs; sending dirty texts and nudes are a huge YES, and doing it throughout the day, as a long, long build up until you both see each other again into an explosion of fucking, is one of Belphie’s fav things.
-Dirty talk. Especially doing it in public places and situations like above.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- There is very, very little Belphie won’t do. He is up for a LOT. 
A turn off is probably whips as it reminds him somewhat of Lucifer. But he can improvise. 
He also has a thing about being restrained himself and anything that makes him too claustrophobic due to being locked up. He enjoys bondage on you, but on him not so much.  
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- Being a lazy boy, Belphie does a preference to receive, but when he gives, he gives good. He gives his all, for a long, long time, until you are absolutely spent. Part of it is from his favourite body part being your thighs, and he’s nestled comfortably right between them.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- Slow and sensual is the default for Belphie. He loves to feel every movement and touch with you, taking in each curve and edge. Even when you’re both being kinky or rough, it’s often sensual and slow. You’d think it was just his laziness, the sloth of his mantle, but Belphie wants to etch every detail of you, to take in all of you now that he has you. He doesn’t want to forget a thing.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- Belphie doesn’t do many quickies. He’s much more a fan of the build up of teasing, tension, to later when you can both go to your bed, cushions or somewhere that’s yours, and spend as long as you want to fuck. Sometimes though, his impatience will win over and he’ll drag you away. He’s more a fan of oral quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- Yes! Belphie is into trying new things with you that you neither of you have tried. There’s quite a bit he’s done with previous Devildom partners that he’s keen on trying with you - but he’s a little nervous about your human body, especially remembering how easily he broke it before.
He’s often the one to suggest new - and kinky - things.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- Despite his mantle, Belphie can go as long as you need as as he wants during sex. Being a demon has its advantages. He will sleep even longer afterwards though to recover, and needs longer in-between each orgasm than others. He might not have the stamina to go and go and go, but he has it when it counts.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- Belphie owns lots of toys! He’s a big fan. If he’s feeling particularly tired or lazy, he enjoys that a toy can do the work for him, and vice versa. You understand, and indulge him in this, buying new and fun toys for you both that you can share and enjoy together. He particularly enjoys using them on you, and also watching you use them on yourself until he gets the energy to join in or take over.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- As we covered before, teasing is a BIG fav of Belphie. Between you both. The build up to sex is one of his favourite things and the teasing is a big part of that for Belphie. Also, having the upper hand in the teasing too is his favourite.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- Belphie is usually quiet. He has low, longing moans that he loves to sound into your ear or against your neck with a kiss. He likes to muffle himself that way, or into a pillow or just against you somehow. He loves to encourage you to be loud though, to hear just how good he’s making you feel. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- Belphie can cum solely from stimulating his horns when he’s really turned on, and sometimes the base of his tail.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
- Demon cocks relate to their visage. They have scales? So does their cock. 
Belphie’s birth mark spreads over his cock too, the black patches wrapping around the thick length with skin that is rougher than you’re used to. His tip is unique. It’s split, as if there’s two heads and it’s hella fun to suck, and the first time you felt it inside, it was wild. He didn’t feel self conscious about it when you first got together, as you hadn’t been the first non demon he’d been with, but he did warn you things would be...different.
He is also pierced. At the tip and once along the shaft. It's not his only body piercings, but you love how they feel in you and against your tongue.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
- His sex drive is high, but his motivation can be low sometimes from his mantle of Sloth. Your teasing together often negates that though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- Belphie falls asleep VERY quickly after. He loves just sinking into your arms, feeling loved, satisfied, and whole. He’s so used to falling asleep, but this time it’s different. He’s needed, wanted, and trusted. 
There are times though, when he stays awake, watching until you’re asleep, stroking your hair, listening to you breathe. There’s never really been a time when he didn’t want to sleep, but with you, he’d happily stay awake forever, watching, waiting, in love.
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we-are-the-amb · 3 years
So, I’ve been thinking; If the vampires of the TLB!verse can change into bats (and there is some good evidence supporting this idea), then would it be fair to say that half-vampires can shape shift, too, but only partially? 
I’ve had this Tribe!verse scenario in my head for a couple of days. Sam returns to the apartment, after a feed. Alan has locked himself in the bathroom. It is not uncommon for Alan to take long baths to ease his pain and hunger, but it is uncommon for him to lock the door. Sam gets a little worried, when at first he knocks and gets no response. But, after a reply is softly tapped back: I-M-O-K, his nerves are soothed, and he figures Alan just needs some space, if he’s not speaking. 
Sam scrubs the blood off, into the kitchen sink and sets his spotted clothes spinning in the washing machine. He has just pulled on his pyjamas, when he hears a yelp from the bathroom. He flies back to the locked door and knocks, insistently, calling Alan’s name. At last, he hears the clank of the seldom used lock. 
Alan peeps, sheepishly around the door, clothed in a damp towel. His fangs are out and there is a ribbon of blood, dribbling down from between them. Sam is taken aback. It’s so rare that he see’s Alan “face out”, that it always feels as though he’s seeing him naked for the first time.
“Yikes, Al, what happened?” 
Alan’s eyes fall to the floor, as he taps out his answer on the door frame. He had bitten his tongue. Even though the would close up with the hour, Sam still pushes into the bathroom to tend to it. It’s nice to feel cared for, after all. He snags a cotton ball from the sparse medicine cabinet and wets it. As he blots the blood from Alan’s lips, he notices the mirror has been turned to face the room. He can see the ghostly reflection of Alan’s bared back. 
“What’s that for?” He asks.
“Ha, ha, Funny Man. Spill it.” 
Hesitantly, Alan tells him he was just trying something. Sam urges him to go on, and he fidgets, silently for a moment. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Alan takes the reddened cotton ball from Sam’s hand, and places it over his eyes. Sam waits in darkness, his ears pricking at a series of squeaks and sharp cracks, that are somehow familiar. Then, he feels a touch on his covering hand.
Sam manages to kill a cry of shock, before it can escape his throat. Then, he wants so badly to giggle. It’s clear now, what Alan was doing in front of the mirror. He is quite distorted. New hair, dark and lush, has sprouted down the length of his body, thick across his belly and about his throat. From either side of his furred face, two wide, pointed ears quiver, as delicate as gossamer. His eyes are wider, blacker. Between them, a great, teardrop nose now bisects Alan’s visage, dominates it. It even dwarfs his protruding fangs. Sam is so enthralled by it, he almost doesn’t notice the way Alan’s fingers have grown. They curve to the floor, like the limbs of a willow sapling. Webs of lightly furred skin flutter between them.
Sam has to break his promise.
“Aw, Al.” He coos, wrapping his arms around his creature, before he can puff up in indignation. He nestles his nose into Alan’s new one and finds it soft and yielding. It curves around his cheeks and he chuckles, delightedly. “You’re too adorable to be a bloodsucker.”
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baka-no-kacchan · 4 years
Bakugou x Gamer S/O
I would like you all to know that I am not that good at second person and for some reason third person doesn’t come to me as easily as it should I also hate writing in first person for fics, it feels awkward
BUT IT’S FINALLY HERE I’M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT MONTHS I wonder if this is gonna get cut, this was three pages in docs- Enjoy though! I will get better I promise...
It was a regular Saturday afternoon in the Bakugou household. Katsuki was laying on his back with his phone in one hand and his arm propped behind his head while you were laying on your stomach with your 3ds. The sounds and music from the system emanated through the room at half volume, your occasional humming and small noises of surprise or anger at the events taking place within the fantasy world adding to the noises. 
Katsuki wasn’t exactly paying attention to his phone, rather he was watching you play the game out the corner of his eye while scrolling aimlessly so you wouldn’t question him. He would rather die than admit that he found it absolutely adorable that you were so invested in the game, but he was still annoyed at the fact that you were so flawless when it came to the controls while he was a complete dunce. Why can’t he get the hang of it?
“Noooo, don’t do thaaat, it’s T O T A L L Y gonna take down my level eighty-seven Blaziken…” Your drawled in a bored tone, fingers tapping away against the buttons lazily as a small chuckle left your lips at the antics taking place. “Sometimes, I feel bad for fighting against kid trainers. They’re just out here trying to act like us adults. Oh, hey look, I won.” The familiar noise of the battle congratulatory music seeped into the room, causing a small hum of happiness to leave your throat.
Katsuki grunted in response before looking over at you. That shitty game had all of your attention, and it was wearing his already thin patience down to a fine thread that would snap at any minute. Not that he didn’t want you to play games at all, you two had already gone through that little patch and he’s learning to deal with it more; but he still wanted some fucking attention. Even half assed cuddles sounded like an appealing option right now.  
A small giggle leaving your lips made the internally pouting blonde snap back to reality, his eyes flicking to the screen. A tall, tanned guy with white hair was now in front of your character and the dialogue that popped up beneath him made you giggle more. “Guzma please stop this, you’re literally a soft giant. You can’t keep this up any longer, you’re just a baby. Let me h e l p.” Bakugou’s eye twitched at your words as he exhaled through his nose. Were you really fawning over a fake character? Seriously? Right next to him, too? “I don’t wanna fight him yet, lemme just save and go get my Alpha Team.” You mumbled to yourself. Perfect, the opening he was looking for.
Once he heard the telltale noise of the game saving, Katsuki rolled over on your back and placed his chin in your hair, grabbing your 3ds and tossing it to the side of the bed he was previously occupying. A wheeze leaving your lips along with a confused and raspy grunt of his name caused a smug smirk to grace his features. “You’ve been playing for half an hour. It’s time to take a fucking break, Pokénerd.” He muttered, closing his eyes in content.  Babes is seriously touched starved, please maintain bodily contact whenever you’re around him
“Okay but Katsuki, you don’t have to put your whole weight on my back. You’re going to flatten me with your boobs.” You groaned, planting your face into the mattress for a few moments. Ignoring that comment, he stopped you from blindly reaching towards your 3ds by grabbing your hands and interlacing his fingers with yours, now moving to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
Not wanting to make this easy for him, you squirmed in his stupidly iron grip, hoping to free at least one arm to reach for your precious system. “I said it’s time for a fucking break. Leave the game alone before I hide it for a month.” Bakugou warned, his breath tickling and warming your skin considerably. A defeated whine left your lips as you continued to squirm underneath him, a small huff of laughter leaving his lips. “Alright, fine! I’ll leave it alone but p l e a s e get off! I don’t wanna die yet!” 
The blonde went silent for a few moments, causing an obnoxiously drawn out whine to leave your lips while once again trying to get him off your back unsuccessfully. Soon enough, Bakugou did roll off your back… And onto your 3ds making you cry out in horror as he merely grinned up at you like the little shit he was. 
“Katsukiiiiii, whyyyy are you like thiiiisss????” You bemoaned, throwing yourself on top of him. A small ‘oof’ left Katsuki’s lips but his grin never left, his arms wrapping around your frame and his face finding itself in the crook of your neck once more. “Is it bad that I want your attention, Shithead? You’re my partner after all, I deserve as much attention as that shitty Pokémon character.” Your face burned slightly out of embarrassment before it cleared up when your mind registered Katsuki’s full statement. 
“Are you…. Are you jealous of Guzma? Really?”
“Tch, I’m not fuckin jealous of a fake character.” 
“You ARE jealous! Oh my god, Babe!~” You cackled, watching Bakugou’s visage turn a bright shade of red as his signature frown made itself apparent. “Oi, listen here Shitnerd. I’m not fucking jealous of a goddamn Pokémon character. Now shut the fuck up and cuddle me.” He grunted, turning his head to the side, his frown still apparent. Your peals of laughter ceased with his last sentence and your face contorted to one of pure shock. Since when does THE Katsuki Bakugou demand cuddles? 
“Katsu…” Oh god, here’s the concerned nickname. He turned his head back to see you looking down at him with your face cutely pinched up in slight worry. Dammit, he fucked up.
 ‘Now they’re gonna go back to not playing around me again.’ 
“Are you actually upset over not being able to play the game as well as I do? Because, if you want, I can still go back to trying to teach you with the ones that I completed…?” 
O k a y maybe he didn’t fuck up the way he thought. But he still blushed from embarrassment at being found out. A few beats of silence passed before Bakugou mumbled a small ‘whatever, sure’ and wrapped his arm around your waist.
A gentle smile came to your face as you moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his nose, laughing as he playfully wriggled it in disgust. “I deserve a better fucking kiss for dealing with you just now, c’mere.” You gasped in mock offense and started poking his chest. 
“I DIDN’T SAY ALL THAT, COME HERE!” Bakugou barked, though his actions didn’t match his rough tone as he brought his hands to your cheeks and laid a gentle kiss on your lips. Small giggles continued to leave your lips but you reciprocated the kiss in turn, your arms wrapped around his neck in a loving manner.
When you both pulled away, Bakugou was giving you one of his rare smiles that showed how content he was to have you around. It sent surges of warmth through your body, once again sending you into a fit of giggles, making him roll his eyes and huff out a small laugh. “You’re so fucking weird, you know that?” Bakugou murmured, affectionately rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. 
“Hey, you love me for it! Besides, it should be a given that you make me happy. A little insane when it comes to your attitude-” 
“-but overall I’m happy.” You grinned, gently scratching the back of his neck while he mumbled empty threats of him going to ‘kick your ass into the sun’ and whatnot. “Whatever you say, Pokénerd.” He huffed, turning his head away as a small blush lit up his face. “....You make me happy too. I hate it. You’re going to have the Idiots on my case if they catch me smiling at you.” 
You laughed and he grunted out a small “shut up” before rolling over and fixing you so he was spooning you from behind. “S’not funny, they’re annoying.” “They’re doing what friends should do, Katsuki. I like it, because it goes against what everyone else thinks. You’re capable of having friends despite how you act. Everyone deserves friends.” “Yeah, yeah shut up with the sappy shit and let me cuddle you in peace.” He huffed, kissing the back of your neck and grinning when you laughed once again at the ticklish sensation. 
“Alright fine, I’ll stop. Maybe later I can teach you how to play Pokémon properly. I hate to say it but you were-” 
“I will tickle the fuck out of you if you don’t stop yourself right there.” 
“.....There’s h e l l a room for improvement though-” 
Absolute trash, I know hskfsdgdajnksa  ANYWAY Thanks for reading, i will gladly pay for medical bills-
Tag list @weeblyheaux
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drstone-writings · 5 years
can i get some fluff head cannons for senku? love that boi vvv much 💓
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You have no idea that I always think about this man every single minute that would pass 😭💕💕 and thank you for requesting!
Fluff headcanons! Ishigami Senku
Please remind yourself that we were talking about Senku. He’s the actual science freak who doesn’t know anything when it regards to romance, so how would he suppose to do some lovey-dovey stuff with you? Physical contact makes him queasy, by just holding your hand makes him nervous and awkward. The only cheesy thing that he had done with you is hugging you to warm yourselves because of the cold weather.
Surprisingly, Senku doesn’t mind if you would catch him off guard by stealing a kiss from him or will suddenly hug him from the back. He actually likes the attention you’re giving him and every time you would do that, a genuine smile would plaster on his face.
Then Ginro the brat would witness how Senku’s expression would soften and tease him nonstop because of how soft he is when it comes to you.
Gen even tried to mock the scientist because Senku being in love and entering a relationship was a rare sight to behold! He never imagined him having a significant other due to the irrefutable fact that Senku’s full attention is only on science. Also, he has this own judgment that having a relationship is a mere trouble-prone and illogical. But who would have thought that you’re the only one who could demolish his belief when it comes to love.
Despite that Senku isn’t really good in intimacy; he will try his best to do his part in your relationship. Gen and Chrome even gave him some love lessons and the scientist only shut them up because it’s making him embarrassed. Moreover, these guys are 10 billion percent knowable when it regards to relationship. He was known as the genius guy, but actually less knowledgeable when relationship is being discussed.
Senku is delighted to know that you’re not always seeking for his affection, he was relieved that you understood his part that he’d always be busy and don’t have spare time since he wants to revive the humanity again and rebuild civilization.
But there are few instances that when it’s time for rest, you and he would cuddle under the blanket inside Chrome’s hut. Despite Senku is a prideful man, of course, he knows how to blush,  he will crumble. He hasn’t yet experienced cuddling with someone and being affectionate, it’s making him flustered and he’s still not used to it. But Senku would admit to himself that you’re the reason why he’s always motivated every day and giving him the determination to accelerate their pace to fabricate their next invention.
Senku would wrap his arm around your waist and pull you close to him, feeling the warmth of your body transporting to him. Once he knows that you’re finally asleep, he would land a soft kiss on your forehead before drifting him to sleep as well.
Every next invention that he’s going to execute, he would assure that you’re beside him and teach you on how the things work. Giving you simple details he says, but actually, you’re having difficulties to understand the words that he’d say.
You’re like: “what?” “huh?” “Nani?” “What are these words?”
That being said, you’re the first one he’d inform for his next plan and would always ask if you have any suggestions.
Regardless to say, Senku’s still grasping the ideas of having a relationship, improving himself every day and not giving you the feeling of loneliness. Although you’re not seeking for his affection, he’ll give you simple gestures by praising you or just a pat on the head.
PDA is not in his vocabulary and he hates that. 10 BILLION PERCENT.
Whenever you two would have spare time, your bonding would be you and him stargazing and Senku would tend to talk about the stars, the moon, the sun, the planets, the universe. Seeing him how his eyes would glimmer by telling you about space, you couldn’t help but smile because Senku getting excited because of it and you could feel how he really loves science.
Ahh, you’re falling for him even harder.
Senku is the kind of guy who’d rarely say I love you. He won’t be the one who would say I love you first; you’re the one who would utter those three words. Thus, he would only say “yeah” “I know” or pat your head as his response, but today it’s different.
Small drabble:
As you and Senku were stargazing on the hut, and him giving you information about the stars, you take a glance at him, looking up with a faint smile on his visage. You witness how his eyes that were supposed to be filled with intelligence and pride, it was now changed into soft-looking ones and longingness. Although Senku always thinks logically, you know deep within him, there is a feeling of compassion that lies in the depths of his heart. Your eyes soften and suddenly envelop him with a firm embrace. The scientist was taken by surprise at your abrupt action and darted his eyes at you with a bit of confusion.
“Senku, you’ve done well enough.” Was all you say before nestling your face into his chest.
He chuckled at your statement and put his right arm on your shoulders. “I barely reached 1.5% of fabricating the technologies we have in our age, so don’t say those words to me. I’m not worthy to receive those words yet, Y/N.”
Your embrace on Senku tightens and closed your eyes, feeling the warmth of him and the soft breeze of the night. “But you’re worthy enough, Senku. Without you, do you think everyone in the village can rebuild civilization and give them those ideas and experience that we have back in our time? Without you, they wouldn’t know anything about science, Senku, the science that you surely loved.” you released him from your hug and swiftly cupped his cheeks for him to straightly look at you. “It’s all thanks to you, without you, this village won’t be lively and Ruri couldn’t be saved. That’s why we are all grateful to you, Senku… so much…”
Senku’s eyes wavered as you say those words, he could feel his heart warmed upon hearing your monologue and Senku would admit, he’s certainly touched by your words. It was enough for him.
“Kukukuku, you surely never cease to boost my ego, Y/N.” Senku grabs your hands and retracts them from his cheeks; instead, he holds your hands between his calloused and big ones and softly caresses it. “But, I appreciate it. Thank you.”
Smiling at him, he glided his hands on your cheeks and pulls it towards him to place his forehead against yours. His face is so close that you could smell his minty breath and you could vividly see how his ruby eyes sparkling like the stars that he have told you.
“I’ll just say this once, so listen carefully, Y/N,” he uttered. You didn’t say a word and just waited for him to finish his sentence.
“I love you, Y/N, 10 billion percent.” Senku’s voice was laced with fondness and his eyes hold gentleness that was an unusual sight to see. Your lips parted and as if your breath was snatched away from you. But the last thing he did makes your heart explode. He kissed your forehead and flashed you a shit-eating smirk.
“Close your mouth or a fly might enter.”
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ofcastora · 4 years
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happy birthday, kiersten! @catherinedaly
LEAR: Thou hast her, France; let her be thine; for we Have no such daughter, nor shall ever see That face of hers again. Therefore be gone Without our grace, our love, our benison. Come, noble Burgundy.
[ Flourish. Exeunt Lear, Burgundy, Cornwall, Albany, Gloucester, and Attendants. ]
KING OF FRANCE:  Bid farewell to your sisters.
CORDELIA: The jewels of our father, with wash'd eyes Cordelia leaves you. I know you what you are; And, like a sister, am most loath to call Your faults they are nam'd. Use well our father. To your professed bosoms I commit him; But yet, alas, stood I within his grace, I would prefer him to a better place! So farewell to you both.
GONERIL: Prescribe not us our duties.
REGAN: Let your study Be to content your lord, who hath receiv'd you At fortune's alms. You have obedience scanted, And well are worth the want that you have wanted.
CORDELIA: Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides. Who cover faults, at last shame them derides. Well may you prosper!
KING OF FRANCE: Come, my fair Cordelia.
[ Exeunt France and Cordelia. ]
[ In conversation with Grace Daly / Goneril ]
If she’d known, she’d have brought her gun.
But, hindsight is 20/20 and there’s no time to mull over how differently this fight would go if she brandished a pocket pistol rather than a blade; either way, she’s hellbent on showing her estranged sister that she’s no longer the little dove of a girl that Grace abandoned so long ago. Catherine smirks in spite of the eldest’s jab, deciding its better to keep her talking for as long as she can before they clash and spill the blood of their family. “Oh, Grace,” she sneers in return, a sickly sweet smile gracing her visage, “I’ve withstood your taunts and assaults for twenty-one years now. Don’t further insult your poorly-executed cruelty by doing me any favors.”
“Besides, soldatessa, haven’t you heard? I’ve received a promotion while you’ve remained stagnant. Tell me, sorella, how does it feel to be Hamlet’s bitch?” she cruelly goads, spurred on by the chaos that surrounds them both. “How many coffee runs have you been on in the last week, hmm?”
CORDELIA: [ aside ] Then poor Cordelia! And yet not so; since I am sure my love's More richer than my tongue. 
LEAR: To thee and thine hereditary ever Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom, No less in space, validity, and pleasure Than that conferr'd on Goneril.- Now, our joy, Although the last, not least; to whose young love85 The vines of France and milk of Burgundy Strive to be interest; what can you say to draw A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak.
CORDELIA: Nothing, my lord.
LEAR: Nothing?
CORDELIA: Nothing.
LEAR: Nothing can come of nothing. Speak again.
CORDELIA: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty According to my bond; no more nor less.
[ In conversation with Everett Craven / Edgar ]
You love her.
There’s something jarring about hearing her stream of consciousness reduced to three simple words: You love her. There’s something powerful about putting a name to her feelings, something she’s refrained from giving into—for her own sake and Brielle’s. But, here, with Everett quietly and simply filling in the blanks, she knows and finally concedes.
She’s always known.
Even though she’s not yet said it to Brielle, she knows.
It makes her wonder, then, if Brielle knows, too. It makes her wonder if the brunette’s heart sings at the sight of Catherine like Catherine’s heart does at the sight of Brielle—if she loves her like Cat does. Everett can see it, clear as day. It’s etched in the pensiveness in his green gaze, in the way he schools himself into the perfect embodiment of patience and acceptance despite the treasonous words that pour from her lips. You love her.
“I do,” Catherine murmurs after a slight pause, “and I can’t help it.”
But, it doesn’t need to be helped—at least, according to Everett who, perpetually devoted to his favorite godsister, is quick to remind her that her feelings aren’t wrong, but they are dangerous. “I know,” Catia says, voice barely louder than a whisper. The hefty weight of what if nearly buckles Catherine’s shoulders every time she gets a chance to see Brielle; an unabated sense of impending doom settles like lead in her bones and makes her question if it’s worth it—worth risking Brielle’s life, worth risking her own, worth risking her beloved Everett.
(She’s always answered yes, even if she’s the only one who ever hears her response. She doesn’t have the gall to voice such selfishness, such fervent longing.)
LEAR: To thee and thine hereditary ever Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom, No less in space, validity, and pleasure Than that conferr'd on Goneril.- Now, our joy, Although the last, not least; to whose young love85 The vines of France and milk of Burgundy Strive to be interest; what can you say to draw A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak.
CORDELIA: Nothing, my lord.
LEAR: Nothing?
CORDELIA: Nothing.
LEAR: Nothing can come of nothing. Speak again.
CORDELIA: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty According to my bond; no more nor less.
LEAR: How, how, Cordelia? Mend your speech a little, Lest it may mar your fortunes.
CORDELIA: Good my lord, You have begot me, bred me, lov'd me; I Return those duties back as are right fit, Obey you, love you, and most honour you. Why have my sisters husbands, if they say They love you all? Haply, when I shall wed, That lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry Half my love with him, half my care and duty. Sure I shall never marry like my sisters, To love my father all.
LEAR: But goes thy heart with this?
CORDELIA: Ay, good my lord.
LEAR: So young, and so untender?
CORDELIA: So young, my lord, and true.
[ In conversation with Everett Craven / Edgar ]
At eight, she was too young to bottle her own emotions for the sake of others. At eight, she cried alongside Everett because life wasn’t fair; because she, too, was sad; because she ached for him, knowing that he’d never have a mother to tuck him in again like Simona did for her. At eight, even with her tender and too-loving heart, her world was Catia-centric. And despite the politeness in her words and her honey-sweet disposition, she liked it. Craved it, even, because at least she, the golden daughter, deserved it.
But now, at twenty-one, she’s wiser and less selfish–and less deserving, too.  At twenty-once, she will bottle her emotions for Everett’s sake. At twenty-one, she will not cry alongside him because life isn’t fair but there’s nothing one can do except keep going; because she, too, is broken–but the pieces of the Craven man are crumbling so much that even Catia’s dainty fingertips might not be able to pick them up; because she aches for him, for Maeve, for herself–but she doesn’t cry. She can’t.
Instead, she engulfs her godbrother in a massive hug and squeezes tightly. She holds him while he cries, remains steadfast and strong. There are no words, but she speaks anyways: “Why? What–” Her voice trembles and cracks. “Was it really her doing, or a framing like Lillian and Cassian’s murders?” She’s not sure which option is worse.
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jettremy · 4 years
24 for cas :p
( * seven minutes in heaven ~ PART ONE. )
                    ➥  (   24.  )  trailing kisses from stomach to mouth.
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           WHEN SOMEONE DUMPS YOU & takes a big fat chunk out of your bleeding heart, you usually don’t end up making out with them on an uncomfortable, tiny as shit closet floor after four excruciatingly languid years of no contact whatsoever, or at least that’s the case 99.99% of the time. that rare, peculiar and quite miserable 0.01% consists of the world’s tallest dweebus & his besotted memey edgelord who are in the midst of producing a well composed symphony of sharp intakes of breath and light humming that might just be heard on the outside of the closet door if a curious ear happened to be in the close proximity of it. even though they’re S O L E L Y making out for the time being, the smooth glide of their mouths, the home-like familiarity cassius’ embrace delivers, and the aching NOSTALGIA for better times lure these obscene noises away from jeremy’s vocal cords, causing the faint moans to slip into cas’ oral cavity and resonate in his lungs, the vibrations transmitting the t o r t u r e d artist’s inexplicable need for the older, equally sexual & emotional. his in comparison two-centimeter-smaller hands trace every available inch of the other’s body, getting REACQUAINTED with all the dents and curves and in a way testing his memory when it comes to the data his tactile senses have previously stored. once they’ve trailed and teased the skin atop cas’ entire spine, jeremy’s salacious fingers become entangled in the soft peachy locks on the back of cas’ head, tugging briefly in order to coax a sound or two out of the one on top before slamming their lips together deeper and deeper each time. he fails to be embarrassed at the telltale whimper he emits once their burning tongues lecherously tantalize each other since this is the man who’s aware of jeremy’s tendencies to get vocal & noisy when at their most intimate, and above all because this is the man in front of whom he has no shame, the man who knows even the dustiest, most moldy corners of his being like the back of his hand. jeremy’s cautiously leaning back inch by inch, his strong abs tensing and allowing him to do so until one of his elbows reaches the floor and he’s slightly propped up. his unoccupied hand gets busy kneading the flesh of cas’ inner thigh when a B I T E to his luscious bottom lip ends their kiss in order for them to take a breather. his other arm joint accompanies the previous one on the floor and jeremy’s stuck gazing at cassius with a leer plastered on his amused face, as if the older put all the stars in the sky for him.         ❛     you adorable piece of fucking shit … you’ll be the DEATH of me, y’know that ?     ❜         a throaty chuckle’s added for the emphasis before he, abruptly and without a warning, drags cas up on his pelvis, where he belongs. his big browns are invitingly flirting, and vomit-inducing butterflies slam at his innards when he detects cas leaning down for another round of desperate lip-locking. except, his digits find a job for themselves on the small buttons of jeremy’s silky dress shirt. sure, they have only a few fucking minutes and they won’t manage to get very far, but who is jeremy lee to stop cas from doing what his little heart desires ?
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           ONE QUICK SWIPE of skeletal fingers unveils a highly contrasting dark ink etched into a pasty, fleshy torso, displaying an artistic canvas in the form of jeremy’s chest & hard-to-maintain abs. among the scattered graphics, there’s one inspired by the splendid man atop, and it torments jeremy’s thin, dilapidated HEARTSTRINGS when he dips down to join his lips with that exact spot, the reposing male’s eyes naturally falling shut as he succumbs to the older’s ministrations and the gratification they give him. he can’t say he gives a damn about what he’ll look like when he exits the closet, with a collapsed hairstyle and devastatingly crinkled dress shirt, a suspicious, k n o w i n g look on his visage whenever he so as glances at his ex-boyfriend during the rest of the night, doesn’t concern with brainstorming about all kinds of gossip that will spread like wildfire due to the two of them allowing themselves to enjoy each other’s company in the way they truly desire. he’s jaded, enervated because of all the HIDING they’re doing, as well as concealing their once existing feelings in front of the group. he delightfully wants to inform everyone about cas’ favorite dishes he used to tirelessly, blithely cook for him, their hilarious adventures and the fact that he knows the older’s body better than his own, rant about his adorable, captivating quirks & kooky habits, brag about how he could make him blush without trying much, or please his every need. perhaps not every - if he had been capable, then maybe cas would have stayed, would have made it work, or would have taken jeremy with him, who was pathetically prepared to go to the ends of the world for him and with him, still is. perhaps then it would have been harder to leave, would be more HARROWING for him to be in jeremy’s immediate vicinity, perhaps then all of jeremy’s delicate touches would incinerate his whole being, both gnaw at & heal his ruptured, defected heart. perhaps then he’d feel like jeremy does, perpetually suffer just like him, carry a chest full of separation anxiety & a constant crippling bellyache, like an abandoned child ( which, coincidentally, he was ). it’s insane, worrisome that after all this time he only has HIMSELF to blame for not being worthy, good enough for cas to stay, for him to seek him out, reach out, check whether he’s well and with a pulse, say he misses him, thinks about him, smiles or cries when their memories inevitably surface from time to time, that seeing bikes on the street reminds him of the breezy rides jeremy would take him on, that tattoos will never be the same after him, dial him even intoxicated, out of his right mind. and though jeremy always slept with his sound on and phone right next to his head, never dropped the old number, he didn’t get a single call. too fixated on feeling him right here & right now, savoring his coveted touches while he still can because no one guarantees that this will ever happen again, he doesn’t detect the burning wet trails rolling down his face, paints his battle with suffocation as himself trying not to moan due to cassius’ cushioned lips being too close to his leather belt. he’s terrified cas would vanish if he asks him if he missed him, if he loved him, if he still has a sliver of olden feelings within him, if this means more than just cas needing him physically, more than just their starving bodies being PERFECTLY COMPATIBLE. and even though he dons a convincing mask every day in order not to perturb & plague two and a half people who give a shit about him, as well as not give the likes of han yeseul any material to inhumanely gloat over, he hasn’t been fine for the longest time   ——   he can sense himself slipping more & more, hands itching to burn a joint or an abandoned building routinely, too often for it to be considered normal anymore. a sane person wouldn’t let themself be manipulated, tortured like this, wouldn’t be collapsing under their ex’s spell once again   ——   alas, he didn’t learn & has no intention of denying cassius anything, which he imprudently affirms when he ravenously, anticipatorily grips his styled pastel locks hard as he awaits the businessman’s tongue to come in contact & glide over his sharp v line, causing his stomach to hollow and dip with the gravitational force, towards his spine, his tactile receptors both enjoying the sensation and finding it too much to handle. he exhales some of the pain from his rotten, aching lungs, wistful, hopeless wails for love emitted in the form of moans, his toes curl as arresting ELECTRICITY speeds through his limbs, causing his not expecting muscles to tense & clench powerfully as cas’ immoral mouth makes its way upwards, molesting all the sweet spots he’s aware jeremy has. his plush lip is nearly mangled by his incisors as a response to his hypersensitive nipple being toyed with and he can no longer restrain himself, prevent his hands from h a r s h l y gripping his former lover’s hips and making him relieve them both by grinding on him as more of jeremy’s tears pitifully roll down his pale temples on either side of his face. it’s not long before he’s cowardly tilting his anguish-stuffed head to the side, not only to conceal the fact that he’s crying but also to expose his neck in sheer NEED for cas, a string of vile curses bouncing off the walls of the treasured closet as he gets caught off guard with light suction on his tender flesh, whispering a hoarse, growly you can, knowing cas would immediately know what it means. he wouldn’t mind being eternally branded as cassius’, he’d haughtily wear any expression of love given to him by the adorably taller, just like he, hopefully, at least once, wore the ring jeremy got from his biological mother & gifted him as a symbol of his undying love. though he’d get paralyzed at the visceral memories of cas dragging his lithe tongue over his jawline, all the way to his shell where he’d whisper to him, now he forces himself not to shut down completely as it happens, not even when he gets asked why he’s crying. a deflective just kiss me proves to be enough to avoid the otherwise exhausting interrogation he’d be trapped in if he took the bait & answered that inquiry. 
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          A BIG, HEFTY PILE OF DOG SHIT is undoubtedly worth more to jeremy than any of han yeseul’s opinions or words and would consequently evoke more emotion within him than she’ll ever be able to. the human equivalent to an intestinal parasite with an eternal, fat, spiked stick up its rotten ass will never affect his state of mind even slightly, or cause him to doubt himself and his actions even more than a mere millisecond. her little spiel the other day came into one of his ears and immediately exited through the other, safe for a single tidbit of information with which she fucked herself over. if there were any truth to her retching-inducing interest in cassius, she brought jeremy’s attention to it and now he’ll do everything in his power to sabotage whatever she has planned, because he’d rather die than let her defile & corrupt, rob the walking talking piece of heaven called cassius hwang. on top of that, he considers his ex to be highly intelligent & skilled at recognizing soul-sucking, good-for-nothing, money-hungry, skanky snakes. again, why the fuck does kerry hang out with her ? for a moment, he’s concerned about the girl’s neural cells and healthy judgement, or lack thereof. she must be at least half brain dead to hang out with someone with zero positive qualities. furthermore, underestimating jeremy’s ELEPHANTINE ego, unvacillating confidence & cockiness is a rookie mistake no one in their right mind should make since the honey-mouthed rascal is so self-assured that he’s in result convinced that he can woo just about anyone you could point at in a crowd of people. it’s downright pathetic how she ridiculously presents herself as overly self-confident whilst her insecure, attention-hungry eyes always stray to check if HE’s watching whenever she is interacting with cas, that she feels the need to send him taunting texts as if she’s fucking desperate for jeremy’s reactions   ——   FUCK, maybe she’s foolishly trying to make him jealous because she’s obviously fucking obsessed with him & not his ex ?! regardless, her devious plan to demolish what he has with cassius will be nothing short of a FAILURE, which is only further proven by the way the heated pair refuses to make their bodies part even as they’re aware that the majority of their given time has surely passed. ‘ ONE MORE MINUTE ! ’ a voice echoes, disturbingly close to the thin door, as if the meddlesome person has been listening the entire time, to the duet of smooching noises & responding grunts, but jeremy has no more than an eight of a brain at the moment & cannot be bothered to figure out who the owner of it is. with his spidery, inked limbs faster than his awareness of the action being done, he flips cassius onto the ground with determination and cages him, forces him to look at his overweening, lordly face up close before kneeling between his squat-thickened legs & slowly beginning to button up his unfortunate shirt. midway, he becomes bored with the tedious, repetitive task and yanks cassius up into a sitting position to finish that mundane action, only for his shuttered eyes to unexpectedly roll, head carelessly thrown back at the sloppy neck kisses he’s willingly receiving as his rose gold shirt gets fixed into the best state possible regarding the fact that they spent almost full seven minutes messing around on the floor.         ❛     you know birthdays are sacred, right ? … you should spend it with someone who loves you .. if you get what i’m saying … ahm. let’s continue this tonight, after the party ?     ❜         the evocative offer hangs in the air as jeremy’s gifted, elegant digits find those of the lanky male’s in order to hold them   ——   instantly they detect an INTRICATE ACCESSORY around one of the fingers, mindlessly lifting his hand up to inspect it since he cannot for the life of him hold eye contact as he awaits the nerve-racking response that could have painful consequences for his exhausted heart. promptly his orbs shine with recognition, shifting hilariously between cas’ browns and the object of his interest so violently and swiftly that they threaten to turn into an endless slot machine. he’s devastatingly BAFFLED, shook to the core, heart racing & hands blatantly starting to tremble. it’s that feeling in your stomach that only appears when you’re at the highest peak of a roller coaster, cart making a terrifying pause over the edge as it prepares to lunge down, and you’re a millisecond away from screaming your poor lungs out, peeing yourself and puking all over your buddy, but in a good way, you know ?   ——   does this mean anything more than cassius simply appreciating the ring for its aesthetic value, and is there any hope for the emotionally mutilated tattoo artist ? he doesn’t dare open that pandora’s box considering how little time they have in the privacy of solely each other’s company, but he wants to showcase his acknowledgement & gratitude for the fact that cas hasn’t tossed the piece of jewelry in the first dumpster after their parting. he topples over the man, pinning him to the ground strongly and nearly suffocating with a flurry of emotional kisses, those which shamelessly expose just how touched he is by a seemingly small, unimportant thing to the outsider, which means the world to jeremy. what he is yet to learn is that the festive group on the other side of the door is ready to steal this piece of heaven away from them and disrupt what they have going on.        ❛    dae, it’s over, open it~ !     ❜         a particularly ( unnecessarily ) loud blonde amazonian shouts from the ridiculously boujee sofa once her phone startles her by having its alarm go off when no one in particular was paying attention to the device in question. shockingly obedient, daehyun gives the closet another awfully polite knock & announces that they will be letting them outside before poking their little head through the thinly cracked door, eyes innocently peering & needing a bit of time to adjust to the darkness before they yelp at the sight of the ongoing, all but chaste scene before them. embarrassed, with pink hued cheeks, they regretfully shut it and back away a little, whispering a few words of warning to the hot & bothered pair, so that they wouldn’t be discovered by the remainder of the group. they mentally smirk like the evil little minx they are, though, because their INTUITION was right yet again.         ❛     guys ! hurry up !     ❜         daehyun rushes them in now full on panic when their ears pick up on a set of dooming footsteps coming towards them chillingly, and they’re right to do so, making jeremy laughably snap out of it & pull back from cassius in a matter of seconds, as if his ex has been crafted from fucking lava itself. shit. he clears his throat & straightens up, aiding cas to his feet and brazenly winking at daehyun   ——  he’s convinced they’ll be taking this mutually shameful little incident to the grave anyway, partially because of their baseless & quite frankly ridiculous fear of cassius. the cogs in his overflowing brain surprisingly start turning swiftly & he masterfully begins pretending to continue a business conversation with cas, something about promoting his tattoo show on his radio station, as they step out of the closet & join the ogling bunch, not paying them the time of day since he doesn’t want to see their prying expressions and beady little eyes scanning them from head to toe as if they’re america’s most wanted criminals. he simpers victoriously when cas announces that the game should be over in order for them to get to the established birthday venue in time for their reservation, and as everyone casually packs up & moves outside towards the over the top limo, jeremy bluffs being busy looking for something in order to be the last one out with cas who needs to lock up the place, only to steal a sneaky peck & give his irresistible ass a squeeze sub rosa. he runs off to join their friends before he can hear cas potentially complain.
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          A COLOURFUL DISPLAY OF AMBROSIAL DRINKS decorates the opulent, chic black table of the private booth, the grandest & most exclusive one in the entirety of the polished & tastefully stylized venue   ——   at the very arrival, a frivolous discussion was held about which celebrities might have sat in whose seat, neglecting the fact that KENT, OHIO isn’t HOLLYWOOD per se. jeremy has no doubt that this, along with the posh birthday dinner they attended prior to the nightclub, has only made a small dent in cas’ account   ——   a street rat like jeremy ( one that cassius’ affluent parents accepted warmly regardless of the fact that he wasn’t as well-heeled as them, for which he will carry everlasting gratitude in his heart ) could never imagine having enough money to splurge on a similar event he’d forget anyways if he let himself negligently dive into his notoriously reckless alcohol consumption. with his lonesome prepregaming, the drinking games they played, wine that was served along with dinner and this being their first round of drinks here, the architect equipped with a stomach of steel is still certain on his feet & clear in his mind, enough to pick up on a set of venomous eyes burning holes in his skull as he endearingly follows the birthday boy with his own pair of obsidians. since she’s withing an earshot & the music is yet to reach brain-liquifying levels, he scoffs & addresses her without allowing the others to sense any negative vibes.           ❛     give it a rest with the ogling, yeseul … you’re not my type. but it seems that doesn’t go for that dude over there, so be a p e s t elsewhere,     ❜         he motions vaguely until the literal demon goddess herself, chu yumi, comes to collect her frenemy ( & hopefully drag her back to the frozen depths of hell where they both belong ), buzzing about a threesome & whatever else jeremy didn’t manage to catch her ranting about due to her insufferable, fast speaking manner, and he can’t say he’s interested. though chumi has that same irritatingly-crafted, arrogant, emotionally fucking stupid vixen personality to her, at least he can go without taking her blabbing head off her shoulders whilst they’re together in a room for longer than five minutes, and he believes he could be tolerant when it comes to the other snake too only if she dropped her pitiful attempts to annoy him by messing with someone he obviously cares about more than anyone’s ever cared for her. alas, he was’t about to duel her & disappoint cas by quarreling and ruining his day, so he played it off as if he didn’t know she was staring at him because she was continuing to see through his bullshit, or however she phrased it that one time when she tried to lecture him. a light burn of booze down the throat deletes her presence from his already cluttered brain entirely & for the rest of the night he can’t say that she crosses his mind at all. it passes majorly with daehyun’s whiny, restless tugs & yanks of his silky sleeves towards the dance floor, and he ultimately does cave without being the single grim black sheep of the group, but he frequently goes back to their booth for a calming cigarette & another taste of alcohol, because without an intoxicating sip beforehand he physically wouldn’t be able to make a fool of himself carelessly in a dance circle. currently the artist is on a mini break in order for his feet & calves to recover, two pieces of a minty fresh bubblegum popped into his mouth after his last death stick; all alone in his seat, he’s checking the appointments he has for the next week, since he cleared the schedule for cas’ birthday   ——   the biggest pieces he already has all sketched up and confirmed with the customer, so he’s not too stressed about taking a few days off. he reflexively raises his unfocused pupils from the multicoloured pixels when he feels someone drop beside him, the deafening music preventing him from hearing their hard breathing, but he can see the hyper rise & fall of cas’ slightly sweaty chest. he carefully lowers his phone down onto the table, meticulous about avoiding a couple of wet spots from cocktail spillage, and offers the exhausted dancer his untouched glass of water, watching him gulp it down in seconds, making it disappear like a magician. always being generous ( philanthropic, even ) with compliments when it comes to cas, he leans up to his ear & makes sure to let him know how SEXY he was up on that dance floor, his hand unabashedly landing on his muscular thigh, the shell covered with nips & torturing, languid laps of jeremy’s tongue. light strokes & squishes interchange, as if he’s kneading dough under the table, and his free hand tilts the gorgeous, glowing man’s head towards himself. no one’s looking, he whispers nostalgically   ——   he frequently used to be on the receiving end of those secretive words when, nine years ago, they hung out in their neighbourhood & jeremy wasn’t openly CASSEXUAL, so he worried about kissing him in public in the fear of having his ass kicked by his homophobic friends. tonight, he’s the one to reassure the other that no one but strangers would discover them, and soon lazy, tipsy smiles melt & mold together euphorically   ——   it’s the club atmosphere, he assumes, heightening the sexual desire, since generally he would be more than fine with solely getting kisses for days, but now it’s as if he’ll wither & die if he doesn’t get the older on his lap immediately. a pleading let’s go gets repeated a couple of times in sheer need before the ache for cas’ body becomes so unbearable that he has to speak his mind.          ❛    leave the limo for them, tell the driver to pick us up in a different car. half of them have scattered already anyway, they won’t notice we’re gone. if they do, i’ll tell them i took you home because you were sick tomorrow.   ——   fuck’s sake, we don’t have to explain ourselves to them.     ❜         it doesn’t take too much convincing since when they look around there’s none of their friends in sight, most having found entertainment in each other’s or a stranger’s company. besides, they have the driver’s number shared in their group chat, as well as junhyuk having one of his own, as well as enough money to get each of them an uber SEPARATELY, so jeremy isn’t worried about those grown ass motherfuckers at all. he cannot recall the entirety of the following events, only getting some fresh air with cas before holding hands in the backseat of the car, small nuzzles exchanged as they did their best to keep their manners & not traumatize the poor employee. but he does clearly remember how they didn’t jump each other’s bones as soon as they set foot into the house, how they were both sober enough to know they really wanted each other, how they played it cool for a couple of minutes in the kitchen, or fuck   ——   maybe it was their ancient feelings crawling back, preventing them from doing it unemotionally, and instead setting up a slightly more ROMANTIC scenario than they would for a pure stranger.         ❛     ah, but am i really worthy of your super special, limited edition, exclusive, vintage, valued at approx. couple a’ thousands o’ dollars whiskey ? tsk, you flatter me, cassie.     ❜         a purr tickles the shell of cassius’ ear as jeremy presses his lean body against the older’s back. though he’s slightly shorter, he can still peek over the other’s shoulder and see him pouring some of the amber liquor on the rocks in two pricey glasses at the kitchen counter, and jeremy knows he could make him drop & spill all that money by catching him off the guard with his touches, but he can’t help it when his starving mouth grazes the side of his ex’ exposed neck, impatient hands pulling at the slightly tucked shirt & exploring the smooth flesh below. he hyperfocuses on the spot which elicits the loudest of noises, and he can feel a gulp underneath his tongue as cassius swallows his shot. he gives him enough space to turn around, one of his inklike brows lifting curiously as he gets offered his drink   ——   claiming his hands are awfully busy, he parts his lips ridiculously with the tip of his tongue poking out, bratty, daring but twinkling eyes observing him until he feels the liquid hit his tasting muscle, the excess spilling down the sides of his chin, luring out a few of his signature giggles. it’s as if a sudden switch is flipped when jeremy stops with his shenanigans & you could cut the tension with a knife between them when they both notice a glint in each other’s eye, rushing to collide their desperate lips, greedily suckling at each other & tasting alcohol, becoming braver & braver with each passing second, burning hands wandering, teasing, groping, pulling at the annoying garments as their backs hit the walls and counters in this lustful battle. and it isn’t until he gently grips cassius’ throat that they manage to catch a breath.         ❛     on your knees,     ❜         he commands calmly, unshakable resolution clear in his gruff voice. he knows cassius won’t be able to resist it, he knows his legs will shake at the sound of it. and why not bless a couple of different rooms, when they have the luxurious abode all to themselves ?
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          ALL SPREAD OUT ON HIS EX’S BED, jeremy’s cozily resting on his v-shaped back with dormant cassius all curled up and preciously molded into his side. the younger’s swollen lips are abnormally, attractively crimson in color, all the hemoglobin rushing to those overworked, puffed petals which are now gingerly pressed in a nurturing, soothing pucker against a smooth, golden patch of skin on the SLEEPING BEAUTY’s no longer sweaty forehead   ——   he’s been awake for the past nine minutes, putting his all into convincing himself that he’s not lucid dreaming or perhaps high as all hell, painting the unreachable picture he’s been yearning to see for the past four years. he’s whispering the sweetest of nothings as loving, no longer held back pecks get delivered to the comatose features of the adored individual, yet he knows not even those would wake the snoozing giant after how badly, triumphantly jeremy has tired him out, combined with the numbing spirits they consumed during their celebrations. thanks to this unlimited  ‘cassius - vital information’  bank, he dexterously sneaks out of his embrace & dreaming nest, covering himself by a pair of fitted black boxer briefs which leave nothing to your devilish imagination, and heads out of the room in order to prepare one of his unmistakably appetizing culinary creations, which raise from the dead, obtain a glass of water & painkillers for a potential headachin’ beanstalk, but his quest is derelict once he hears commotion & a cacophony of bangs, hums & steps coming from the floor below   ——   it dawns upon him that cas isn’t the singular inhabitant of this chateau-esque manor and that having his studious, virginal mansionmate catch him at his peaceful dwelling this early in the morning and so scantily-clad would be a grand calamity. with a low curse murmured under his perfectly face-appropriate nose, he makes a swift half ballerina twirl & returns to his ex, an endeared smile blessing & stretching his pillowy lips when he sees the drowsy, dazed man blindly investigating the crinkled, still warm yet empty spot beside him in search for something or someone. HIM ? should he allow himself to dream that cas is needing him & thinking of him right as he lifts his heavy eyelids, and that he’s not hunting for an item as simple as his phone in order to check the time ?         ❛     hush, i’m here … i tried to go and make you some breakfast, but junhyuk’s causing a ruckus downstairs and i doubt you want him to know i spent the night …     ❜         jeremy thoughtlessly gives himself the right to assume cassius wouldn’t be overjoyed if anyone found out that they hooked up, let alone learned about their past. though the forlorn, anarchic tattoo artist himself has no problem with it, he’s convinced that cas would be devastatingly ashamed to admit his heart once belonged to someone as woeful, wretched, toxic & eccentric as jeremy, so he’s eternally thankful that taemin hasn’t squeaked to anyone about it yet. he dives deep into the softness of the most comfortable, homely mattress in the world, unlaxing on his side this time as he pulls closer the man who’s mirroring his position, the thick white duvet covering their nude bodies, safe for jeremy’s underwear slipped on in a rush. his restless, greedy hand finds its place on cas’ narrow waist and travels lower on its own accord, stroking & soothing each and every muscle it eventually reaches.        ❛    sore ?     ❜         an unhesitant nod lures a complacent, yet not too wide or toothy grin onto his amused features   ——   jeremy really did a number on him last night, but neither of them were complaining whilst in the heat of the moment, unbothered & unaware of both physical & emotional, inexorable consequences of their indomitable arousal & sweet sin.         ❛     tired ? hungover ?     ❜         the additional unreluctant affirmations cause a childlike coo to strum his vocal cords, and he brigs some needed moisture to his lips with a singular swipe of his proficient tongue before connecting their rosiness with his favorite pair in the world, heart pouncing humiliatingly when he feels a hand on himself as well, encouraging him to resume the session for at least a few minutes. here, right here, is his SERENITY, his SAFETY, his HEAVEN, his HOME   ——   right here in cas’ arms, where everything is okay, where the one who’s holding him is the one who’s to be credited for jeremy’s pulse not flatlining yet, for his insides twisting & curling, his palms sweating & toes curling, the one who makes him nervous & blissful, the one he wants to cry with and laugh with and live with for the remainder of his days on this cursed earth, the one he’ll love until the very last breath leaves his lungs, and even longer if anything awaits after death. he knows that a lifetime with this man wouldn’t be enough, that he’d be a REBORN BELIEVER, that he’d pray on his bleeding knees that death wouldn’t do them part. as the waltz of slippery pink muscles meets its end with a timid titter, jeremy’s caring thumb comes up to hastily wipe at cas’ bite-mark adorned lower lip, pecking over it as if to heal the lightest of imprints. he harmoniously entwines their fingers on the disrupted mattress between them, tracing the meaningful ring cas is still wearing, fondly, recalling seeing it in the closet, having flashes of his cerebration from back then, remembering their breakup, and the idyllic little bubble of bliss he’s been captured in since last night BURSTS without warning. gingerly, warily he brings their joint hands up to his quivering mouth & kisses the ring before wordlessly resting them down & gazing lamentably at the man he loves, as if he’s in mourning. he has no right to still be here, or talk about making breakfast and nursing him through a hangover, or even imagine hanging out for the rest of the day, cuddling, watching movies and maybe going for round number whichever. he yet again recalls their text exchange where cassius questioned if jeremy still had feelings for him, and he made it clear last night, whispering hushed I LOVE YOUs to him while they were making love repeatedly, and all jeremy wants to ask now is if cas has them too. he wants to beg him to spare him of all the misery, of tragic hoping, to help him either come to terms of it being fully over and aid him in moving on, or give him a reason to work on them, on getting back to what they used to be to each other, an improved version of THEM. but he can’t. and he has no right to try & sabotage whoever wants to get with cas, because he’s a free man with a mind of his own. all jeremy wants for him is to be happy, and he tries to convince himself that he’s been attempting to keep him away from bad people, but if they are the source of cas’ happiness, he’ll gladly step back.       ❛     have i overstayed my welcome ? should i go ?     ❜         he asks directly, eyes glassy and leaking onto the pillow below his tragic head. but all he wants to know is   ——   do you still love me ? can i have another chance to make it right ?
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sunsreignmoved · 3 years
☆゚Sentences → Affection | accepting.
@irnmaidn​ said:
❝ …so that’s where all the pillows went. Mind if I lay with you? ❞
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“Oops. Guess you caught me.” A giggle parted from rosy lips then the Princess scooted herself back allowing more space for Cass to enter.
  How long had it been since she made a pillow fort? 
Felt like ages and boy did she need this little space of safety. At lease for now.
“Sorry ... you were probably looking for these so you could wash the pillow cases.   I just --  ....  needed to get away.”  
She paused midsentence,  brows rising with the realization of how her words could be taken.   “Not from YOU. Never from you.”
  she clarified with a reassuring grin.  “A-Anyway, come in  --- make yourself at home.”    slender fingers tapped at her knees anxiously.   Smile still on her star- freckled visage. 
“It’s, fun. --   and I’m happy.  Which is why I’m having fun!  Are youuu having fun?”  
Yes, she was stressed  --  and wasn’t particularly good at hiding it.   
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grabthemhorns-old · 4 years
Smut Alphabet - Diavolo
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- very attentive, almost leaning on adoration. Long, laboured strokes across your limbs as you recover; gentle kisses by your ear, your wrist; wrapping his wings around you in a gentle blanket that barely touches, your skin so sensitive, but the action comforting. He’s someone with a LOT of energy, and it takes a while for him to wind down after. But you soon can’t do without his rhythmic motions as he unwinds.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- Diavolo loves his chest. He’s very happy to walk around shirtless, showing off his tattoos. That extends to his arms too. And when you pay particular attention to either, it’s like wrapping a leash around him - he’s yours.  -For partner, it’s shoulders, neck and back. He’s very into Devildom’s appreciation of the back and spine (I HC that the back and spine are admired and desired in Devildom, especially by other species and lower ranking demons who want to attract a High Demon. They decorate them with jewels, tattoos; accentuate the back with specific clothing etc) - especially since he’s the highest ranking demon in Devildom.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- Dia often prefers to finish inside. He loves to feel that connection with your body as he fills you up. But, he also has a big thing about finishing on your back and you cumming on his chest.  Please, hell, cum on his chest.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- He likes to jack off in public places.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- Diavolo knows what he’s doing. Being the Prince of Devildom, he’s never had trouble getting what he wants, with who he wants. But it’s always been hollow, lonely. With you, it’s real.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- He loves to do you from behind, clawing at your back (if you’re okay with that), kissing your neck, and letting his wings spread. But in honesty, he loves to let you take charge more often. Relinquishing control and trust to you so he’s on his knees or lying on his back looking up while you ride.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- Diavolo flits between a fierce intensity, and the lighthearted humour that he also carries day to day. During those intense moments is when you can feel and start to understand the darker side of him that you know is there, and why he carries the title of Prince of Hell. You sometimes wonder if he’s afraid to show you it. But during sex, it’s there. You see it, feel it, and coax it out.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- Very well groomed and trimmed. Diavolo cares about how he presents himself, above and below.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- From the start, Diavolo’s intimacy is intense. He’s not afraid to show his romantic feelings and attraction. He wants you to know, to feel, and it only heightens the moment, making you heady, giddy, happy. The Prince wants to make you feel like the Queen.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- He does it quite regularly, and has a big thing about being watched while doing so, and doing it during inane moments like when you’re reading a book, or making a drink or food or tidying.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- Voyeurism, which we’ve covered. Diavolo loves to have eyes on him.  He also enjoys bondage a lot. Especially having his wings bound. The loss of control, the stripping of his status to you is such a turn on. It extends to shibari too. The intimacy in the act something that he especially loves and it blossoms your relationship, as he uses it as a time to talk with you. Quietly, gently, intimately.  Roleplay! Diavolo loves fun, he has a vivid, exciting imagination and would absolutely be up for roleplaying with you. From the simple doctor patient scenario, to something pulled from a human world fantasy show or game where you both play the characters, starting from ‘bumping into eachother’ during the day, and playing out a whole scenario that leads to the bedroom. Diavolo just loves to play.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- Places outside the bedroom are Diavolo’s favs. Tables, walls, the garden(!!), classrooms, office, you get the idea. He loves the thrill of someone catching you both and being seen.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- Touch especially. Diavolo is a very affectionate person, and having it reciprocated as much as he gives is a huge turn on. Strokes along his arm, fingers curling around his shoulder; tapping his chest, tracing the lines of his tattoos you know, but can’t see; fixing his hair, squeezing his thigh, while you slip a hand between and inch up, up.  He loves listening to you talk about what you love. When you’re passionate about something - even if it makes you angry - it really does it for Diavolo. He loves people showing their love, especially you. And probably one of the biggest things - laughter.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- As a demon, there’s little they won’t do if you’re up for it ;) Lack of motivation from you would be a turn off - say if you’re only doing it to please him. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as him. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- He loves to please, to hear you moan because of him. He prefers to give, especially if you ask, so he’s sinking on his knees.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- Diavolo’s default is sensual, but not necessarily slow. It matches his usual bright, fun energy. However, there are times he will be rough and fast, when his darker side pushes through, when the claws are out, when the wings snap wide, when he bites.  When you take control, however, you dictate the pace. And he loves when you do that. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- Diavolo is a fan of quickies. It ties in well with his voyeur and outside kink.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- Whatever you are up for, Diavolo is up for too. Being a demon, there is very little that is no. Taking risks is part of the fun, and his kinks. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- As long as you can go, Diavolo can go. When you first experienced demon stamina, you could barely move the next day, your body in a delicious ache. And now, you couldn’t be more thankful for it, nor could he.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- Diavolo doesn’t have that many toys. You probably introduce him to more toys, if that’s your thing. Diavolo is a very ‘do things with his own two hands’ demon. And that extends way into sex. He’s delightfully skilled with his hands and tongue, feeling an ache of satisfaction and joy when he feels you climax against his skin. But, when you introduce him to toys, he finds the fun in them. Especially the type you can wear under your clothes and the partner can control ;)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- He prefers to be teased more. Having attention on him from you is delicious, and he wants more, more, more. You both love to play a game of how long he will last. But when you start playing with his chest and arms - he doesn’t last long. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- Diavolo is fairly quiet. Because he enjoys sex outside and in public places so often, he’s learned to keep the volume down. He enjoys keeping you quiet too with a hand, or letting you bite onto his shoulder or arm.  His moans are smooth, sublime, the deep quality of his voice pushing through with his pleasure. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- Diavolo doesn’t mind sharing. He is up for a threesome or more, especially if he’s the centre, the filling, and all attention is on him. But on the flip, he’d love to fill you with pleasure with another, feel you writhe between two bodies, moaning, groaning, as you’re wrapped in wings, in tails.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
- Demon cocks relate to their visage. They have scales? So does their cock.  With Diavolo, his cock has ridges in a single line from hilt to tip, with the tip elongated more than a humans - like his horns. His tattoos extend across his cock too, the black lines circling the thick flesh. It isn’t straight up and down, but thicker at the base, then thinner, then thicker again, the texture rougher than you’re used to. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
- Diavolo probably yearns for attention more than sex. But that yearning often leads to sex. He wants to be seen, to be known, to be wanted; needed. And when he feels the latter two especially, his sex drive is off the charts. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- Diavolo has often struggled with sleep due to the expectations of his position and life; due to the loneliness, despite the crows. But now afterwards with you, he’s never slept better, nor sounder.  He does love to wait until you’re asleep first though, to hold you close, to feel your fragile beauty breathe against him, wrapped so lightly in a wing, sometimes too scared to touch.
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
*:・゚✧ Bold the types of spiritual work you do
italics ||  used to   crossout || hard no 
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*:・゚✧ Healing
Acupuncture | Acupressure | Akashic Healing | Aromatherapy | Astral Healing | Aura Healing | Brennan Healing | Bioenergy Healing | Breath work | Chakra Healing | Cranio-Sacral Therapy | Elemental Healing | Energy Medicine (Donna Eden inspired) | EFT | Healing Touch | Herbal Healing | Holistic Healing | Intuitive Healing | Lunar Healing | Nutritional Healing | Polarity Healing | Pranic Healing | Psychic/Energy Surgery | Quantum Touch | Quigong | Reiki | Restorative Touch | Shamanic Healing | Sigil Healing | Solar Healing | Sound Healing | Theta Healing | Other
*:・゚✧ Magick
Black Magick | Blood Magick | Celestial Magick | Chaos Magick | Crimson Magick | Elemental Magick | Nature Magick | Necromancy | Psi Magick | Satanic Magick | White Magick | Other
*:・゚✧ Divination
Austromancy | Automatic Writing | Channeling | Crystal Scrying | Fire/Smoke Scrying | Full Moon Water Scrying | Intuitive | Lithomancy | Numerology | Ogham | Oracle Card | Osteomancy | Palmistry | Psychic | Pendulum | Runes | Scrying | Spirit Boards | Tarot Card | Tea Leaves | Water Scrying | Other
*:・゚✧ Readings
Akashic | Dream Interpretation | Energy | Karmic | Oracle Card | Past Life | Soul Mates | Spiritual Visage | Tarot Card | Twin Flame | Other
*:・゚✧ Other
Astral Projection | Astrology | Aura Work | Aura Poisoning | Blood Work | Clairaudience | Clairvoyance | Cleansing | Colored Light Work | Creation Energy | Destruction Energy | Dimensional Travel | Energy Absorption/Psychic Vampirism | Energy Purification | Entropy Manipulation | Emotional Manipulation | Hypnotism | Intuitive Writing | Intuitive Drawing | Law of Attraction | Ley Lines | Lunar Work | Meditation | Psychic Manipulation | Shielding | Sigils | Solar Work | Spirit Summoning | Tantra | Trance Work | Yoga | Zen | Other
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*:・゚✧ Healing
Acupuncture | Acupressure | Akashic Healing | Aromatherapy | Astral Healing | Aura Healing | Brennan Healing | Bioenergy Healing | Breath work | Chakra Healing | Cranio-Sacral Therapy | Elemental Healing | Energy Medicine (Donna Eden inspired) | EFT | Healing Touch | Herbal Healing | Holistic Healing | Intuitive Healing | Lunar Healing | Nutritional Healing | Polarity Healing | Pranic Healing | Psychic/Energy Surgery | Quantum Touch | Quigong | Reiki | Restorative Touch | Shamanic Healing | Sigil Healing | Solar Healing | Sound Healing | Theta Healing | Other ( GODDESS, omnipotent; She doesn’t heal as strife/chaos but can DO those things as natural abilities. )
*:・゚✧ Magick
Black Magick | Blood Magick | Celestial Magick | Chaos Magick | Crimson Magick | Elemental Magick | Nature Magick | Necromancy | Psi Magick | Satanic Magick | White Magick | Other ( GODDESS, omnipotent )
*:・゚✧ Divination
Austromancy | Automatic Writing | Channeling | Crystal Scrying | Fire/Smoke Scrying | Full Moon Water Scrying | Intuitive | Lithomancy | Numerology | Ogham | Oracle Card | Osteomancy | Palmistry | Psychic | Pendulum | Runes | Scrying | Spirit Boards | Tarot Card | Tea Leaves | Water Scrying | Other ( GODDESS, omnipotent; doesn’t need board or cards; that’s a mortal limitation & invention. )
*:・゚✧ Readings
Akashic | Dream Interpretation | Energy | Karmic | Oracle Card | Past Life | Soul Mates | Spiritual Visage | Tarot Card | Twin Flame | Other
*:・゚✧ Other
Astral Projection | Astrology | Aura Work | Aura Poisoning | Blood Work | Clairaudience | Clairvoyance | Cleansing | Colored Light Work | Creation Energy | Destruction Energy | Dimensional Travel | Energy Absorption/Psychic Vampirism | Energy Purification | Entropy Manipulation | Emotional Manipulation | Hypnotism | Intuitive Writing | Intuitive Drawing | Law of Attraction | Ley Lines | Lunar Work | Meditation | Psychic Manipulation | Shielding | Sigils | Solar Work | Spirit Summoning | Tantra | Trance Work | Yoga | Zen | Other
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evxngelines · 4 years
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adria arjona. female. she/her. ❝ can you hear call me by blondie coming from apartment #307 ? that must mean evangeline ricci is home. the twenty nine year old is currently a journalist and they live alone. they’ve been living in the village for six months and residents have gathered the virgo’s charismatic yet capricious demeanor. ❞
bio: tw: domestic violence, sexual assault, mention of alcohlism ꙳ from the moment you were born, you were called a  m i s t a k e. a broken home does little to lessen the blow of an absent father and an alcoholic mother. the first thing you knew about love was that it  h u r t  and that it was found in the fresh tingling of bruises forming and sounded a lot like breaking bottles. ꙳ you spent too much time with your grandmother, so much so that you mistook youth for the etching of wrinkles in your grandmother’s visage and you digested ancient recipes in an attempt to mask the pain of the teething process. ꙳ when you’re fourteen years old you’re nothing more than a doll. a stolen childhood did little but carve you out of the finest china, made you a piece to put on display and do little else. like your mother, you are a the  o b j e c t  o f   d e s i r e  and when desire wades thin; you’re put back on the shelf.  ꙳ you’re seventeen and at your first house party and while the drinks are pouring faster and faster, your skirt’s getting shorter and shorter. you ask yourself if you’ve had too much, or if what you’ve worn isn’t appropriate. no; you’re being toyed, tugged and goaded at from all directions and you have to remind yourself just to:  b r e a t h e. ꙳ you don’t remember much, you don’t want to. but you’re sitting on a hospital bed in another man’s clothes and they feel more like skin than yours ever did. you’re answering questions while never once knowing the answers and you feel somebody squeezing your hand. it feels like home. ꙳ you’re now twenty years old, a mere shadow of your old self. you feel unfinished, and yet you have to remind yourself that you were never  w h o l e to begin with. you didn’t finish school because the drink and the drugs were quicker and you realise you’ve become just like your mother. skin, bones, a whole lot of ass...and not much else. ꙳ you never expressed much interest in anything, and yet found liberty in the scribbles of doctors notes and minutes. truth was a word you’d avoided like it was molten scandal and now--- you’re oddly drawn to it, like Gatsby and the green light or something...much more sinister. ꙳ you’re now twenty eight years old, fetching the keys to your own apartment in brooklyn. your own space. because your mind and your  b o d y  were never yours to keep. only to be sold and borrowed and stolen.  ꙳ you start writing. the words slip through your fingers like blood unspilled and your keep going and going until the pages and saturated in ink. you publish your work to various publications in new york and get published in every tabloid and magazine ten miles outside new york state. you’re making it. you’re making something of yourself. you’re winning.  headcanons: - the articles evangeline writes are usually with a feminist edge - her experiences with domestic violence and sexual abuse a cause of this.  - she is renowned in brooklyn for their aggressive tone.  - her main goal in life is to find and out the men who assaulted her and tear their names to shreds. - she is a quiet neighbour, mysterious even.  - she has worked as an escort in her early twenties to earn enough money to support herself. - she still dabbles in escort work. not for money, but for the thrill of needing to feel needed and in charge of her sexuality. something she hasn’t always been successful in. - that’s it, for now! some wanted connections I can think of: - clients: (past and present) (0/?) as stated, evangeline dabbles in escort work to fulfil the void left in her when she was seventeen. it’s all about her being in control, and it is through her escort work that she finds she can make the deepest emotional connections. she is a free spirit, who never envisions herself as the kind to settle down, so these clients would be of more a casual calibre. - the person who saved her at the party: (would have to be in the age range of 27 and 30) waking up in hospital, evangeline was rescued from her attackers by your character. she never got their name or any contact details, but perhaps the two could reunite in the village and evangeline could extend her thanks. - childhood friends: (0/3) evangeline grew up in the bronx in an abusive household, so i can imagine she would play a lot with local children within her neighbourhood. she isn’t one for keeping contact much, but it might be nice to see a familiar face or two. 
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crownedxfatality · 4 years
@huboaris​ ♥’d for a starter!
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❄️ — CRIMSON POOLS DRIPPED CEASELESSLY AGAINST THE STEEL OF HER BLADES. Her blood changed to falling snow as A WRETCHED STENCH AGAINST THE NIGHT brushed past her silvery locks upon reaching the location of her next mission. 
The KINOE was fast on her feet but her foe was fast enough to make her bled in that instant. A sharp breath exudes, lids falling close while she gather her breathing. ICHOR HELD IN STASIS. DO NOT BREAK. DO NOT FALTER, not with a young lad whom she supposed to save.
it was unsettling and ravaging yet addicting. the manner in which she bled unravels her to the core. a familiar curve rouse upon ethereal features — a mockery of sort if anything, against the foe who will meet their doom.
❝ Run. Leave that demon to me. ❞ vocal lilt akin to the first breeze of a snowy night as azure hues holds her gaze upon the opponent. Digits tightened the grip upon the hilt of her sword as her visage slowly moves to trigger her fifth form.
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innosen · 4 years
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🥺🖐 / accepting
@slayeviil​ said: 💖 / big brother sanemi will hold her hand !! u.u
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DISTORTED visage stared right back at her as she observed the rippled puddle under her.  PITTER-PATTER. rain continued to pour down everywhere ! dancing against the clear umbrella that her brother held above, and tapping on the plastic raincoat that sheltered her against the bad weather. 
TOO ENGROSSED with the pool of rainwater , she had missed the crosswalk signal TURN green , and if it were it not for the firm hold of sanemi’s hand on her own , she might’ve missed crossing the street as well ! pace was a little bit delayed as she skittered to his side. his hold was ( warm and protective ) amidst the chilly downpour. ANY INTIMIDATION brought by the continuously darkening clouds instantly dissolved as she felt his presence by her side. “ do you think the rain will get stronger tonight , niichan ? ”
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casarova · 4 years
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@galekeeper​ [ x ]
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A look of amusement was quick to show itself on his visage as she explained herself, laughter bubbling up from within at the memory of the humans shrieking as they were blown away. Though, the screams hadn’t continued the whole way down, so this spirit had done the job of catching them, giving them only a rather tremendous scare instead of a mortal reminder. The mischief in her gaze was amusing as well, his laughter finally breaking free now. He had to enjoy set ups like hers!
“Thank you!” He chuckled, giving a flourishing bow. that red-gold cloak of his shimmering in the sunlight as he did so. What a showman he could be! “Places like this are becoming rare, where I can still feel magic as it should be.” He spoke with a gentle tone as he righted himself, meeting her gaze in a soft way.
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glorywaited · 4 years
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☽ /  @zymnova​ :  ‘ some names will always be cursed ’                     POETRY STARTERS !!    
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       LOOK OF CONTEMPLATION SOURS INTO POISONED NEUTRALITY as glowing cyan gaze shifts from the other to the unnatural shine of the moonflower twirling idly between charred fingers -- decay forming near the tips of petals, marring their beauty. years passed by in blink of eye -- the lifespan of humans is laughable to her && yet there’s several whose visage stains her memories  (  particularly concerning the injury held on right arm  ).
      many names were cursed to her -- yet many names were forgotten with time as the woman lived on && on && those she’d known faded so quickly. pitiful -- lonely -- bitter. though one name stood the most cursed -- yet one she couldn’t live without, one that churned yearning && pain within her for centuries -- the sun.
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      ❝   yeah ? && what are those names to you ? think you can forget them ?   ❞
       some are easier -- some are stained for eternity, dragging mud through memories with a mere mention; unable to forget or move on. the moon goddess wonders the extent of the ice woman’s story -- how interesting she is -- the scars left on her, invisible to most, leaving no physical mark but the bitter taste on a tongue that spills hurt at cursed names not yet forgotten.
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