#&& zach
dat-soldier · 7 months
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Comm for Zardica~
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I am throwing up
Update: Ariel has removed "wife" from her insta bio
Update 2: Ned has been removed from the Try Guys
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Update 3: Ned had released a statement
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Update 4: Ariel has released a statement asking for privacy
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supertoastymutt · 11 months
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Movie Date
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keysinthecouch · 3 months
Learning that Bizlys name is Zach is like learning ur parents names for the first time
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louisbxne · 8 months
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 1x11 - "Desking" (2022) Dir. Melissa Kosar
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frozenwolftemplar · 8 months
Somehow, the Carmen Sandiego brainrot has taken hold even though I haven't watched an episode in months (no idea how that happened). So, how's about some headcanons? (feel free to play with any or all if they strike your fancy)
-- Carmen's room in headquarters has two wall clocks, one set to San Diego time and one to Ontario because
-- Player has a veritable army of cousins. Carmen never got a straight number because just when she thinks she's got them down, he'll offhandedly mention someone having a baby or something; quite honestly, he can't keep track either.
-- Carmen is nearly hopeless with numbers. Time zones, exchange rates, converting to imperial units when she's in the U.S., she never got the hang of any of it and has learned to just consult Player.
-- "Okay, that guy at the front desk said I'm ten miles from the Grand Canyon. How many-" "Sixteen, Red. Keep an eye out, it's easy to miss." "Very funny."
-- It drove the Faculty absolutely nuts that their 'golden opportunity' is math-stupid; they chalked it up to something she got from her mother's side.
-- It's not. Dexter Wolfe was just *that* good at hiding his dyscalculia.
-- The one math-y thing she can do is card counting, a key component of being an incorrigible cheat at board/card games. Because she will cheat at anything and everything.
-- Seriously, one time Zach and Ivy found an old Candyland game (just lying around the warehouse, don't ask) and Carmen, who had never seen the game in her life, positively trounced them.
-- They just *know* she has to be cheating but can't prove it.
-- Ivy, bewildered, to Carmen's cat-that-got-the-canary face: "How does someone cheat at Candyland?!?" She's just that good.
-- Whenever Shadowsan plays her in cards, it takes all of two minutes for the game to devolve from 'whatever they were supposed to be playing' to 'who's better at sleight of hand.' Not that he condones cheating, mind, but if Carmen's going to, well, he's not just going to let her get away with that.
-- Carmen as a kid was a very picky eater (her adventurous spirit not extending to the culinary world); the Faculty was as helpful as you'd expect.
-- "Dammit, Saira, I told you to quit trying to feed her that rice!" "Well I need someone to taste test-" (absolutely no sense of taste on Saira; lab accident, we don't talk about it) "-and you certainly haven't volunteered. Besides, this newest formula is fortified with three essential vitamins and minerals (at least, I think they're essential), which is more than those sweets you keep plying her with." "At least she eats those!"
-- Ivy and Zach are high school dropouts, figuring they could get ahead better with racing than with academics. As part of joining ACME they get their GED's (since they require *at least* a high school diploma) and the whole team (plus Chase and Julia) help out and are so proud when they pass.
-- The first thing Carmen always does in the morning, something that doesn't change post-series, is call Player. It's also the last thing she does before turning in at night. She can't imagine being any other way, and neither can he. (crud, they're just the bestest friends, I love them so much)
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shotgunyuri · 9 months
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My fellow trans man aziraphale truthers, I need y’all to follow me and see my vision
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In the poly, if MC has to be away for a while, does Zach calm Cy down or are they both unhappy campers until the MC returns?
Zach will be giving Cy space, actually, because:
1)They are a smart person. They have no wish to poke the tiger.
2)They know Cy cannot be comforted, only distracted.
3)Cy is all in, all the time, no matter what they're doing. Distracting them is a risky business.
4)Cy will track Zach down eventually anyway, and for Zach that means being unable to sit down comfortably for a couple of days.
So no, Zach is not trying to calm Cy down 🤣 More like they're trying to hide (affectionately).
Too bad for them, though. Cy loves the chase. And Zach getting caught~
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bangtanswh0re · 2 years
The accuracy 😭
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artofalassa · 5 months
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The Ring
Some of you may still remember my angel boy Rafe and @lesoldatmort's Dracula wannabe Zach from ages and ages ago. Would love to draw a comic about them in near future. <3
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step-dadvid · 4 months
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Aaand the blog is open!!
I figured with season 5 being two days away, opening a separate blog to avoid any spoilers and keep my AU separate!!
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fox42o · 4 months
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Why have favorites if i cant make them anthropomorphic animals?
Hopefully it's pretty obvious who's who, but in the first image the wolf in the bottom right is Dexter Wolfe, (ha, get it?) and in the bottom left is a young Hideo with a very young Shadowsan.
And yeah that bottom right sketch with Dexter is in reference to the last bit of 'Hell's Greatest Dad'. I mean, could you imagine the custody battle if Dexter was actually still alive? 💀
(I got a little inspiration from '2deadkat' on insta for Zach and Ivy being Hyenas)
((don't ask me how tattoos work with fur))
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raibowbaybow · 5 months
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ZEAR!!! (Tear x Zach ) :3
Zach belongs to @starzeah123
Tear belongs to me, Raibow!!
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rotaryphoam · 4 months
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art blocked
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purrfaito · 28 days
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Zach is an old oc of mine! This is a version of an AU for them :]c they work in the cafeteria of another oc of mine, Anoki/Thomas. They're about 17/18 years old? I haven't decided exactly how old they are yet :'D
Zach is the kid of my two main ocs Altair and Vega and BEFORE YOU COME WITH “IT'S CRINGE TO MAKE CHILDREN OF OCS THAT LOOK LIKE A MIX OF THE PARENTS' DESIGN-” I DON'T CARE. DISAGREE IN YOUR OWN HOME NOT IN MY POST. I like making designs like this and I love this one I made for them :]]c i love being cringe I'm thinking of using them to try and get back into roleplay and oc shipp with others. I need to make new friends haha :'D
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frozenwolftemplar · 4 months
Okay, so you know how when you travel a lot you usually have that one random, mostly pointless item that just stays in your suitcase for no apparent reason? I present to you: Team Red's Random Suitcase Stuff!
CARMEN: A deck of playing cards, kept in her carry-on. A pickpocket's hands always like to be busy, and Carmen busies hers with a deck, just shuffling them over and over, dealing herself a round of solitaire if there's time and a convenient table (and yes, she cheats even when playing with herself; it drives Player nuts because there's literally no reason to do that!). Or, if the sibs or Shadowsan are up for losing, a game of poker or blackjack or what have you. She taught herself a couple of tricks, too, a simple oil-and-water or force, and has rightfully earned herself the title of Really Cool Sorceress among the kids in her mother's orphanage.
IVY: A car hobbyist magazine. It's an old one; she's read it cover to cover, even the boring stories, and it's practically falling apart, but she hates not having *any* reading material more. She keeps meaning to replace it, but just hasn't gotten around to it.
ZACH: A bag of cheese puffs "for emergencies." It's probably expired, but, eh, everyone knows those dates are just suggestions.
PLAYER (during his gap year traveling with Carmen): A Gameboy Advanced complete with game cartridge (always charged; he's no slacker). Yeah, he has some games on his phone and knows how to pull up Pac-Man and Minesweeper on Google, but there's just something about a Gameboy that makes it better for unwinding in the hotel. Plus Zach and Ivy love taking turns on it; many a hotel night has been spent with the four of them (because Carmen's not about to be left out) piled on a bed crowding around whoever's turn it is and providing commentary.
SHADOWSAN: Nothing. He is orderly and disciplined and knows how to keep his belongings in their proper places; he does not have anything like that.
(he's lying, because in a little-used pocket there may be a polaroid photo of Carmen, Zach, and Ivy from that time Ivy found a camera in the closet under the warehouse stairs and wanted to see if it worked. If fell in there completely by accident, and he's been meaning to ask Ivy if she wants it but....well, he's been busy. He'll say something the next time he sees her...if it comes up.)
JULIA: A book. Specifically a (dense) nonfiction work about English medieval life encompassing the early, high, and late middle ages. She's read it a few times, but in her defense it's a very compelling read.
("Bah! Of course you would have a book, Miss Argent, filled with facts and things." "What's wrong with a book?" "It is predictable. Now, my suitcase: one would never guess I'm carrying-")
CHASE: Mints.
("These have an expiry date of 1997." "So? It's my lucky roll." "That is over twenty years ago. I'm not sure you should keep these. They can't possibly be safe to eat." "Always paranoid, Miss Argent. They are perfectly fine, see- MON DIEU!!!")
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