#&&. convos
endcant · 1 year
gotta bring your peaches below sea level before you open them
maybw youre right. is this low enough
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solar-sunnyside-up · 4 months
I wish they'd be music in things like trams and such.
You see how when you enter a pub or something of the like and they got their own music going and you get your headphones off and even if it's not the style you were listening to, you still find it enjoyable to listen to?
Well, I wish trams, those specifically because I use them daily, would do the same, and maybe you'll see less people with their headphones or earphones on.
Like, maybe have a more or less large set of styles allowed but you let the conductor choose the playlist.
So I used to volunteer at a collage radio station back in high-school (while being president of our broadcasting club I basically lived this stuff) and once you notice where the radio is and isn't anymore it really rewires your brain
Imagine if bus' and trains had a local radio station on? Like the driver picks the genre but otherwise just music available. How much more pleasant of an experience it could be overall? How many more artists could be elevated in your community, how connected you'd feel to the guy across the bus who also rolled his eyes at the same song played for the 3rd time this day.
Imagine instead of Spotify shoved down all our throats and paid for separately, we could have our radio station and the top 30 of the week and you knew the station so you could call and vote for your faves? Imagine how many new bands you'd know about and maybe go to their show bc they'd be local?
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ofxenigmas · 1 month
Where: Ira’s home who: the class of 2008 survivors - @illucides, @oh-the-hcrrcrs, @ungxards.
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There existed a place that held solitude mixed with an allure for her, a place where secrets seemed to linger in the whispers of the wind. Or perhaps it was merely a meeting ground, chosen by some unspoken agreement. How long had it been since they last gathered? Years, it seemed, since their paths crossed, their conversations now distant echoes. Evelyn found herself taking a seat since arriving to Ira’s home .The other survivors would be coming soon. "Interesting how time moves forward and yet, takes you back."
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wxrmtxil · 5 months
Just a Small One || {Open!}
Another day, another knut.
Most would be put off by the drudgery of clerical work but for Peter it was bliss, he left the Ministry with his head down, his shoulder's hunched and was about as close to relaxed as he could get. Turned out he had an eye for detail and was pretty good at his job, already taking on extra responsibilities that made him late sometimes.
Considering he was off tomorrow, maybe he could brave a pub trip... Just a small one, in the corner, with a butterbeer... Everyone kept telling him to get out more. With a quiet sigh, he turned on heel and made his way to The Green Dragon. Given the after work rush, the place was pretty full but he got his butterbeer, an empty booth in the corner and he did have his crossword puzzle book. So far, not so bad.
Of course, such things weren't to look and soon enough a shadow blocked out the light over his book. "O-oh... Umm, hello." he said quietly, a tinge of guilt to his voice as though it were so bad to be caught relaxing by himself.
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@lunterfans Continuing this conversation here because the other post was getting kind of long.
I seriously cant get over how they thought it was a good idea for the kids to waste their time asking for help against a literal god-being that moved THE FUCKING MOON out of the way just by pointing at it and moving their finger to the right... and splatted Belos against the wall with little effort. Like??? It is legitimately crazy to me. Who thought this was a good idea.
The school shit exists specifically for Huntlow... its absolutely insane. By the way I have no fucking idea why they would even bother forcing these two together. Both of them could have remained single. Their romance makes no sense because in every "Huntlow" episode it's just Hunter showing interest in Willow and never the other way around. Its literally not until FTF that she shows interest in him and even then she doesnt confess to him. Which begs the question of why they didnt just make them a couple at the beginning of TTT during the montage. And dedicate all of Luz's scenes in TTT to Willow. I DO NOT fucking get what was going on in their heads while writing season 3.
But yeah... homewrecker Hunter is so real... not even taking away Hunter's blush in Hunting Palismen can deter his homewrecking ways.
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Like one joke me and a friend have is that he doesn't ask Willow out in TTT or FTF is because he can't get over Luz.
But yeah, this little man has no chill in Eclipse Lake. The moment he hears Amity is dating Luz he tries to ruin Amity's whole career. It'll never NOT get a laugh out of me everytime i watch this episode.
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jacobsullivan · 2 months
Voicemail for @daphnebishop left by Jamie in the hours following the masquerade ball. Full context can be found here.
Somewhere in the haze he remembered the destruction he'd enacted. A truth bomb he'd hoped to handle more delicately, but in the face of death there was no time for a sugar coated truth.
Daphne's phone rang once then went straight to voicemail.
A heavy sigh began the messaged. "Hey Daph." Voice as ravaged as the useless organ in his chest, Jamie rambled on. "I uh -- I didn't want to tell you like that, but I - uh - I thought you deserved to know. Just in case... you know... just in case we all died tonight that you're not crazy... you're... well, you know... you're a witch." He'd known the first day they met, years ago, at some industry party in New York. It didn't occur to Jamie then that Daphne didn't know she was a witch. He was born and raised in a town where everyone knew all about the supernatural, and this new world was still foreign to him.
"I can explain more... and I can help.. help you understand some of your gifts.." Who was he to be offering to help anyone when he was such a goddamned mess? "There's a whole coven of us here. They'll help you, too." That was a better idea. Introducing Daphne to Poppy and Royce or any fucking witch in their coven who wasn't on a fast track to burning down their whole life. "Hit me up when you get a chance."
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roboticonography · 1 year
I want Agent Carter Season 3 in the 1950s with offscreen domestic Steggy (who could Peggy's mysterious scandalous husband be, everyone heard *he's* the one who stays home with the children!) SO BADLY. Also I think Steve and Ana Jarvis would be the best of friends. I can so easily picture them having each other over to have a drink, gossip and exchange recipes or dote on the Carter children while Peggy and Edwin are off on another world-saving mission
It would be extremely entertaining to have Steve (or whatever he's calling himself now) referred to but never seen, in the grand tradition of sitcom spouses such as Vera (Cheers) and Maris (Frasier). Each fact we learn about him is more outlandish than the last!
If only. I miss the Agent Carter gang and their adventures.
Thanks for the ask!
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*sees bird fly over us*
Coworker: Bird
Another coworker: Bird
*they then proceed to say bird while nodding at each other in understanding*
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cndcepttn · 10 months
This is so weird but I keep singing I'm just Ken and now the temptation to buy a Kenergy shirt is real. I need to stop with these impulse buys. I already have two Beyonce shirts on the way. But at the same time, what have been some of your favorite things recently? | @hillsfmsstarter
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manie-sans-delire-x · 7 months
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This post wasnt anything to do with gender or sex, it was about mental health, so Im not commenting directly on it.
But see...this is why its so important to say "woman". You really dont see anything wrong with saying "men and AFAB"? We dont even get an identity anymore, we dont even get to exist anymore. It is dehumanizing. "Men and other." "Men and not men." "Men and the second sex." "Men and not people." At least be consistent and say "AMAB and AFAB". But this person didnt, and even if it wasnt intentionally malicious, which I dont think it was, the fact that they subconsciously said that shows the mentality, the psyche behind it, sort of like a Freudian slip. Words matter. It programs your brain. Its not meaningless or an accident that they still said man instead of AMAB, but not woman. Men still get to be men, they are still seen as men. Erasing women will make it easier to dehumanize us. Make us sound more like an animal or subspecies than half the human population.
The OP probably didnt even notice that they were doing that, because it'll become normal to you. This is dangerous. This is erasing women more and more, and we're already on the fringes of social caring as it is, and studies have shown that misogyny and violence against women is actually increasing, not decreasing.
If theres no women, theres no womens issues. Theres no vocabulary to address it. Then all the femicide, misogynistic cultural and religious practices, domestic violence/relationship abuse, sex trafficking and prostitution, issues in porn, medical misogyny, child marriage, etc etc etc have no common theme. The blatent, critical trend of the victims sexes and the perps sexes are erased and ignored.
We are already silenced and gaslit all the time, told that its "just as bad for men/goes both ways" although anyone studied in crime or history knows thats is objectively, outrageously untrue. Told to shut up. That we're liars. Having the narrative twisted around and saying that men are actually the oppressed victims, that everything is the opposite, that women have it easier in life and victimize men. How much easier will it be for them to do this if the staggeringly disproportionate rates of crime are ignored, sex is erased from the equation? To claim that actually vicimization and perpetration are on equal rates because "we're all just people". We already see statistical rates of female violence being superficially inflated by males who are being counted as female, giving an inaccurate depiction. This will affect peoples views, beliefs, laws and policies, and scientific teachings and understandings.
Erasing women as a word and social group is dangerous, and it is intentional. Misogynists are thrilled. If women dont exist as a group, feminists cannot organize, people cannot talk about women specific issues. Female oppressors want to make it difficult as possible. Invalidate, confuse, deflect and distract the conversation and impede womens rights progress as much as possible. This is just a new tool theyve discovered. This is the new "All men are created equal"- claiming that women are included in "men" yet then denying them (and non-white people) rights in the same breath.
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endcant · 1 year
Mexican restaurants make margaritas soooo strong and bless them for it but also curse them for it but mostly bless
they make that shit that turns you into a fossilized horse
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ofxenigmas · 1 month
Open starter: to everyone Location: secret garden
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SHE watered away, tending to the plants, marveling at their flourishing in the spring air. Even amidst adverse conditions, she possessed an innate sense, of distinguishing the beauty from the perishing plants. Maintaining her enigmatic air, she acknowledged a customer's entrance with a serene smile. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" she remarked, gliding over. "How may I assist you?"
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wxrmtxil · 5 months
Post-Moon Treatment || {Peter & Remus}
When: Present Day {Game Time} Where: Marauder's Frat House With: Remus @wolfinsheepsclothes
There were few things more stabilising than routine; Peter was sure the reason he'd managed so well in Hogwarts was because the day was structured. Full Moons, for all their chaos in the moment, had a goods structure before and after. Now, in the after, Peter had the afternoon off work and had been busy in the kitchen, knowing Remus likely wouldn't be leaving his room for a while.
He took the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and while they rested filled three hot water bottles and set some pumpkin juice and pepper-up potions on a tray. He spent maybe a little too long arranging it all before heaping several cookies onto the tray too and balanced it all up the stairs.
He knocked lightly on the door before letting himself inside, "Good afternoon," he said softly, "I thought you might be sore so I got you some bits." he popped the tray on top of a dresser and brought the hot water bottles over to the bed, "And I stopped by the video shop and rented some Fawlty Towers episodes if you feel like watching them?" he asked with a small smile.
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forevernataliedawson · 5 months
@immcrtalsx (Ariadne)
"I didn't ask you to meet me for any sort of social thing. Or training or even checking up on you," Natalie explained as she handed the woman a coffee. "You're a private investigator, right? So you can look into people and things and stuff. Can I hire you to investigate something?"
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jacobsullivan · 2 months
closed starter - @cantfightmoonlight Elif & Jamie at Jamie's house in Shadow Lake in the hours following the masquerade ball.
Half a mile from the hotel, Jamie realized he didn't have to walk home. In a blink he stood in his living room, still without a coat. Thankfully his phone had been in his pants pocket, but his keys and wallet were still in the suit coat he'd given to Briar.
Her name alone brought on a wave of nausea that made Jamie question whether or not he'd even be able to eat the late night door dash he'd ordered to his house before leaving the ball.
Maybe a shower would help, he thought, but the moment his eyes fell on his bed he collapsed in it. No shirt, belt off, and trousers undone. His mind as much of a mess as his heart, serrated into a million jagged pieces, yet still somehow beating for a woman who spared him seconds in what could've been their last moments on earth.
Breaking every bone in his body would've been less painful; death would have been less painful.
Jamie breathed in deep, feeling every wound of heartache and betrayal as air filled his lungs.
Maybe he actually needed to go to rehab. Love a more addicting, destructive substance than any pill he'd ever popped.
Somewhere in the haze he remembered the destruction he'd enacted. A truth bomb he'd hoped to handle more delicately, but in the face of death there was no time for a sugar coated truth.
Daphne's phone rang once then went straight to voicemail. A heavy sigh began the message then Jamie rambled through an apology and an offer to explain, to help. As much as he could, at least. It was better if someone else in the coven took the lead, like Poppy or Royce, or anyone who wasn't on a fast tracked trajectory to burning down his whole life.
That phone call and collecting their food when it arrived was all Jamie had in him until Elif entered his bedroom. He'd left the door unlocked for her and laid rotting in his bed, eyes glazed over, staring at the ceiling like somewhere in the white paint he'd find solutions to the fucking disaster his life had become.
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skyrim-forever · 11 months
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My friend @letuce369 and I are in very different fandoms and we pass each other like two ships in the night
not me believing in tes vi
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