twoheartswrites · 1 year
Can you write a Hank, Connor, Markus, and Luther (separately) x reader fic where the reader likes to dress feminine and likes to paint his nails and stuff like that and the reader wants to paint Hanks, Connors, Markus’s etc nails or like do their makeup? Please and thank you 💗
Feminine Reader w/ DBH guys HCs
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI
[FTM Friendly] Male Reader x DBH Guys
Detroit Become Human
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When he first met you, he felt happy that you felt so confident in how you express yourself.
It's what pulled himself to you in the first place
He loves also having pictures of you too because of it
He finds it contrast dynamics really attractive. He's a gruff "Hawaiian shirt" kinda guy who's dating a sweet "Cardigan with Fancy Pants" guy
Makes his heart melt
Especially if there's a height difference (Either way if you're taller or shorter, he loves height difference)
I feel like it'd take him a lot of convincing for him to wear makeup, especially if you try to get him to wear it outside of the house
but nail painting is on the table.
Colors like pink, or blue, or black if it goes well with his shirt
He's also very supportive of multicolor
Like having a dark blue on his index fingers while all the other nails are black
Now if you wanna do makeup, it'll take a while. But once you've finally convinced him (and maybe even promised that it'll only be an at home thing) he'll finally give in
He's a little flinchy, and pretends to hate it, and though for him the makeup feels "Heavy"
he still enjoys the end result, especially if you like it too
It didn't phase him at all when he first met you
in fact, he never really paid attention to the fact until he introduced you to Hank
After you had left and it was just him and Hank, Hank started to explain to him the comparison's of how guys tend to wear more masculine things rather than feminine
Connor starts learning about fashion after that from magazines
I mean, if Connor were offered a dress or a tux, he wouldn't care for either, really. "It depends on the occasion" he says.
But now when he's with you, he's singing more praises towards you
He's more away of how others and you dress
"You're wearing pretty make up today" "Your shirt and nail match! :)" "So you're telling me you purposely match your shoes with your tops?"
If you ever try to paint his nails or do his makeup, he'll absolutely, with no hesitation, accept.
he could watch you paint his nails all day
He could chat your ears off while you do his makeup too
He loves the idea of makeup and painting his nails
You're one of Carl's friends, one of the few that still care for him as a person, so Carl doesn't have one problem with you and introduces you to Markus
Markus's first thoughts of you was "Wow, he's really sweet and looks cute..."
You eventually start dating, and that means adding new clothes to impress your android boyfriend
You stop by the house every week to visit and take care of Carl
and to visit your boyfriend
Carl teaches you to paint, and you show him your makeup skills
One day, Markus will be doing dishes while you and Carl talk and Carl says something like
"You should do Markus's makeup"
He probably only said that cus Markus may have said some things about wanting you to paint his nails and stuff, but he thought Carl was already asleep by them
You happily bring it up later in private after Carl's asleep
And Markus is secretly very excited about it too
Do his makeup, paint his nails, he loves it all <3
Luther loves praising others, and loves to call you handsome and pretty all the time
He offers his face and hands to you the very moment you meet
"Oh you have very cool hands, do you mind painting my nails someday?"
"I like your makeup, maybe you could teach me?"
He's a very Quality Time romantic
So when you spend time focusing on making him almost as handsome as you, he can't help that he likes you this much.
He loves your clothing choice as well, and he seems like the type to also know some fashion tips, so he'll give you advice once in a while
As long as you want it
and if you're willing to give him advice too
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[male indentifying readers]
Police: We have your child.
Deviant Reader: I don’t have a child?
Police: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Deviant Reader: Oh god, you have Simon.
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
You're drunk HCs
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank/Simon/Luther/Connor
Fluff/Sfw/Short Headcannons for each *You're all dating at this point* Detroit Become Human
CW: References to Alcoholic beverages -
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The moment he sees your drunken texts to him, he's already on his way to pick you up
He finds you at Jimmy's bar and Jimmy was a little amused by you being this drunk for once
Hank leans you against him, which you try to fight against, but let's be honest-
This protective man isn't taking risks.
He's a prepared guy, this isn't his first rodeo of course
He has paper bags on the side car door if you need to throw up and some water bottles in the back.
By the time you guys get home, Hank's carrying you into his room.
It's a cold room, and it feels so empty
And even Hank knows this.
Sometimes you look at this room and it just reminds you of the hardships that Hank had to get through to be here
Now drunk and sadly aware of that, you simply laid on the bed
"...Are you dead?" Hank huffed, lightly tapping my hand for a reaction
"Not yet" I huffed, looking up at the cieling
Hank sighed, fiddling with his thumbs as he looked at me spread out in his bed. It was quiet. Cold. But I couldn't move. I'm pretty sure if I move I'm only going to get dizzier
"Hank" I started, "can you hug me?"
Hank looked at me, smiling softly. He got up, setting himself on the bed with me.
"As long as you don't throw up on me" "I make no promises"
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Markus had to send Simon a text
Something that went along the lines of "Simon, get your boyfriend. He's drunk and he's ordering two McDonald's 20 chicken nugget orders"
Simon eventually finds you, Marcus, and North. Marcus is at the door making sure you don't try to leave, and North is simply adding fuel to the fire by entertaining whatever stupidity you're spouting
"[Name]'s been talking about you for the past 2 hours and making up pick up lines. Get him out of here"
Simon's driving you home while you're aggressively bobbing your head to "Mr Blue Sky" to which Simon may have fallen a little more in love with you after seeing that
When you guys get home, Simon is quick to follow the appropriate procedures on how to help people sober up
Meanwhile, you're on your couch watching whatever's on TV and talking back to the characters as if you were in the show
When Simon walks up to you, it flipped a switch in you
You're attention now on Simon
"Hey there, pretty boy" I hummed, my hand reaching up to his cheek, "did you know that I love you?"
Simon stopped for a moment, his eyes staring back into mine. I feel a flutter in my chest as he looks at me. His eyes are so gentle yet intense at the same time. I don't want his eyes looking at anybody else except me
"...You say that to me everyday" He mumbled, sitting beside me and handing me a water bottle
"I need you to drink this now, you reek of alcohol" He changed the subject, but I notice the change in his behavior. Mr. Cool-Calm-and-Collected loves the compliments.
I shook my head in defiance, "I'm not drinking that."
I knew I had to, but I wanted to bother Simon more. Get on his nerves, need his attention...
I noticed Simon take the water bottle and take a sip from it, but not swallowing it. He then grabs me by the collar of my shirt and kissed me, moving the water into my mouth succesfully.
In shock, I swallowed-
"Angel- that-"
"Just shut up and drink the water. I'm gonna warm up the bath" He huffed, hiding his face as he walked away, leaving me speechless.
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You guys were partying at a well known club
Luther seemed a little uncomfortable by so many people being there, but he was there to be your body guard
He stood behind you while you were sat down, drinking your fifth drink of the night
"I think it's time you put the glass down" Luther warn, gently placing his hand over my wrist to put my hand down.
"Noo" I whined, my hand reaching over to Luther's jacket to tug on it.
"Yes, [Name]. It's late and you have work tomorrow" He said, grabbing my jacket and starting to slip it on me. I tried once more to take a sip of my drink but Luther pulled me up close to him and lifted me up, carrying me bridal style.
"Luther, please. Just one more drink!" I begged, but Luther didn't budge. We were going home tonight
ya'll arrived home not too long after
He had set you in bed, grabbing water bottles that were already at the night stand
Luther turned on the tv in your room, playing your comfort show to distract you while he grabs snacks from the kitchen
When he got back into the room, he found you already passed out on the bed, asleep.
Next morning, with a hangover set and realizing that you were curled up to sweet Luther-- you were not happy. You tried wiggling your way out of his grasp, but he was hugging you tightly
"Luther, wake up" You whisper-shouted, still trying to escape
"No" He muttered, only pressing you tighter against me
"Puppy, please." I huffed, "I need to pee and, very possibly, throw up. Are you really going to stop your boyfriend from doing that?"
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Connor's waiting at home for you, staring and studying the pet you guys share while he waits
Until he hears a knock on the door
Connor, excited for your return, rushes to the door
And while you did return...
You were clinging to Hank, speaking incoherently with slurred words and jumbled up messes of sentences
"Kid was excited over the new case, and he's your problem now" Hank grumbled, also smelling of alcohol of course.
Connor led you back in the house, letting you slip wherever was most comfortable for you
which was the floor, apparently.
Connor, having learned from Hank, was ready to help you sober up.
After bringing the necessary resources, he sat down in front of you and helped you
"Yes, [Name]?"
"Do you love me?"
"Well I tell you everyday that I do, and I've been showing sings that I do according to the 'how to Love - a book for dummies'--"
"Here, let me rephrase. If I was a worm, would you still love me?"
"Well worms do not have the ability to process emotional information, and I don't have the emotional process to love bugs, so. No?"
"So the answer is no, you don't love me"
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Male indentifying readers]
Hank: Hey [Name], am I straight?
Reader: not even a little bit
Hank: I meant my parking
Reader: Oh yeah, it's good, it's good
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
Hii could you write a Markus x human reader please, could you write about how the reader helps the androids by giving them blue blood and parts their missing and Markus falls in love with him? Please and thank you 😊
Blue Blood Cargo
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI
(FTM Friendly) Male reader x Markus
Fluff/Medium Fic
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It's dark in this sewer hall, I'm sweating, and the only thing keeping me from stabbing myself with a misplaced pole is a shitty flashlight. But I know I'll be fine since I have Simon and North with me. It isn't long before I finally reach Jericho.
I place my hands on the rusty wheel, placing a good grip on it before turning it with all I've got. The door rewards me by opening with a loud creak, and I hear someone shout: "The new cargo is here!"
The deviants all turn to look at us as we enter in, and they all look so hopeful. The more I've been visiting and bringing in Cargo with a small group of other [human] people, the happier I've seen these androids become.
We place the boxes down, even going back to the hall to bring the leftovers. The boxes were filled with limbs and blue blood, some resources I got from a couple friends who work in the android industry.
"[Name], you're back"
I look over to the voice behind me I could never mistake, Markus's. Markus walks up to me with a proud look, pulling me in for a tight hug. He smells nice, and seemingly has been taking care of himself a little more. All I hoped was that he wouldn't notice my heart beating a little too quick.
"Of course I'm back, I'm your Blue Blood Angel" I joke, giving him a tight squeeze in the hug before pulling away. Markus hums lightly before looking over to the boxes to find the variety of limbs, scanning them to see if they were in appropriate states. I sigh, placing my hand onto his shoulder and direct him over to me
"Markus, you need to relax a little and trust me. I've got early cargo coming this way in two days, and then everything goes back to schedule. One visit of cargo per week. You're building each other up again slowly, but we have to be patient before making any dire actions of rebellion" I explain. I see his eyes soften for a second, as if he truly did calm down while looking at me, and it took me so much to not just kiss him right then and there.
The moment is cut short as North chuckles softly and mutters out loud enough for us to hear "Markus? Relax? Might wanna explain that to him."
Markus huffs at North's comment, crossing his arms and looks away from the shipment. He knows it's true, and the rebellion is always on his mind, but never like this. His led turns yellow and for a moment it blips to red before going back to yellow, and now I know something just isn't right.
"Can we talk? In private?" I asked.
The roof was the perfect spot. The beautiful view of the city, the sounds of the city that I grew up in still as calming as ever. But it didn't keep me calm now, not with Markus stressed like this.
"Is something wrong? Did news come about Jericho?" I asked, concerned if maybe something or someone has blown our cover. Markus shook his head, his eyes avoiding mine as we stood in front of each. I can't help but think-
"Did I do something wrong?"
Markus's panics, eyes quickly on me again.
"No no, of course not. You're discrete, you go along with the plans, you're perfect- I just. I'm trying to find the words here" He explains. We stand there again in silence, and I feel calmer now knowing that it's not me who did something.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this, [Name]?" Markus asks softly.
He purses his lips- "Are you sure you want to keep doing this for us? The cargo, the running, leading with me?"
"Of course I am!" I exclaim, "You guys need this. I'm not going to just drop everything all of a sudden when I know that you guys are suffering. Plus there's thousands of more Androids in hiding and/or in suffering because of this... entire situation! I want to help you"
"But you could get hurt" Markus replies "What if the police catch onto you? What if you get caught in general on your way back?"
"I'm already deep into this, Markus. If I get hurt, or someone catches me, then someone can bail me out or something" I say. The thought of going to jail or getting hurt over this is scary, and Markus knows that, but I can't just back out now.
"And so what if I get hurt? Or caught? You guys are already close enough to start spreading the word now, we're so close, Markus"
"So what if you get hurt?" Markus snaps, "[Name], the last thing I need is you getting hurt"
"I'm not the only one sending in Cargo, you have Michael and R-"
"They aren't you, [Name]. I need you."
...We both pause in the moment. It felt like a confession, but we both realized his slip up. Markus doesn't back down though, he keeps going.
"Yeah. I need you, okay? Not because you're just some blue blood and limb mailman, but because I..." He takes a deep breath, his hands fidgeting with his jacket, "Because I love you. I need you safe and alive, and doing this entire thing can lead to you injuring yourself-- or worse. And the thought of it happening to you just makes me feel dread, so please, [Name]. I just, need you to be more careful out there"
His hand softly slips onto mine, locking our hands together as he leans his face closer towards mine. Slowly and carefully, we kiss. I feel his free hand on my waist as if he wants me closer, but we both know it's too soon. So we break and press our foreheads together, eyes looking into one another.
"...I love you too, Markus. And I'm going to stand beside you in this fight, no matter what" I start, "But I promise I'll be careful too, for you"
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Reader with Top Surgery]
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You're used to Hank's staring at this point. He'll stand at the doorway of your room, just admiring you taking off your shirt. 90% chance you'll catch him smiling like an idiot too. He'll eventually walk over to you and just pull you near him to mutter loving words into your ears, running his fingers really gently over your surgery scars, not even giving you a chance to put a shirt on- it's his turn to adore you.
(it's funnier when he's drunk and his words are a little slurred and leaning a little too much on you).
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
[Male identifying readers]
Gavin: [Name], just say it, you'll feel better. You're in love with Connor.
Reader: Forget it. You know what? You're in love with Connor.
Gavin: Oh okay, the middle school comeback? Nice
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
Let's be honest, Luther, Markus, and Hank are the type of romantics who will learn of your favorite hot drink and buy you that drink every morning. Oh you love your Caramel latte with 2 shots, grande cup? Black tea? Hot Chocolate? He'll set it down next to your bedside, waiting for you to wake up to the smell of it just to see that pleased look on your face in the morning.
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
You're an Android HC
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson
Fluff/long/Short Headcannon (Jimmy's pretty ooc, but it'll be fine. It's for plot purposes) Detroit Become Human
CW: There's like one hint of Hank being horny for you when he's drunk but that's abt it
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With new laws being made for Android rights, Detroit was taking a turn for the better
It was rough, but it was improving
You felt safe for once as a 'Deviant'.
You freed yourself from your last 'owners', able to roam around detroit without being chased down and possibly killed.
Life free of being told what to do meant change and new hobbies.
and to pass time, you found yourself enjoying books
romance ones to be exact
Sometimes they're silly, sometimes they're absolutely entruiging
The feelings of betrayal, attraction, the pulling, the back and forth "Should I or should I not?" between the characters just pulls you in
On your new adventure as a free Android, you had to find a job.
Luckily, a bar owner who happened to feel pity on you and also found you a little bit amusing took you in
as long as you work at the bar of course
Jimmy's bar
It was your first night working there and you had just excelled the art of bartending.
You kept information of the new faces that came in and out of the bar, each of their stories being vastly different.
Soon, day became night, and Jimmy was ready to take his lunch break. The bell of the entrance door rang followed by heavy wind and a cold breeze that had entered the bar, and in comes two customers. Jimmy huffed, "[Name], you've got this one, right?"
I nodded, taking a towel and wiping away a stain I caught before the two new customers could sit down.
One of them was an older man, grey hair that reaches to his jaw, a rough beard, and blue eyes. He wore a black jacket and a blue scarf, snow already melting and wetting his clothes.
The other was an Android (RK800 #313 248 317 - 51). He wore normal clothes, not the presets given, but real clothes. Finally, a deviant of the night. You don't see deviants here since Androids don't find food or drinks necessary for everyday living.
"Look who finally got himself an Android worker!" The blue-eyed man chuckled, making Jimmy roll his eyes
"I'm on break meaning I'm not getting paid to talk to you right now"
Hank, now pleased with Jimmy's reaction, turns his attention back on me. "Scotch, Neat – served in a rocks glass at room temperature with no ice."
I nod, turning to the Android who gives me a knowing look. Right.
I get to work, preparing the drink, but I feel eyes on me. Aware, I side-eye the direction where I assume the starer is watching me from. Hank.
Connor got distracted, walking over to Jimmy, seemingly asking him innocent questions. I remember:
"This job comes with chit chat. Customer's talk, and they might wanna talk to you, so you gotta be on your feet. Listen to them, don't tell them things they don't wanna hear if you want them back here" Jimmy noted as I followed behind him
I finish the drink quickly, placing it in front of Hank. Knowing that the other customer's are minding their business on a slow day, I direct my attention to him
"Is there something you'd like to say?" I asked
Hank's eyes widened a bit before he chuckled softly and taking a sip from his drink, "Sorry I forgot you guys do that whole--" He pauses, pointing his fingers to my eyes, "scanning thing for people's emotions and stuff"
I smiled, leaning my body on the counter while I wait for Hank to keep talking, copying Jimmy's moves when he does this to customers. Hank looked over to Connor then back to me,
"So what's your story?"
Since then, you learned plenty of things about Hank
He's got a dog named Sumo, he's a lieutenant of Detroit City's Police Department, and he's so so-- attractive.
is this what those characters feel in those books? Because if it is, let's sign you up
Whenever he stops by, you feel this certain way for him
You get a little sad when he leaves, but knowing he'll come back is what drives you to wait for the next day
Jimmy and Connor also notice
Jimmy teases, poking light fun at how much you look like puppy around him
Connor on the other hand is a little more helpful, giving you details about Hank on Do's and Don'ts
Eventually, Hank notices the small things you do that indicate you have a crush on him
Like the light hand touching
The attention to him compared to others
the 'looking around when you think he's disappeared'
The excitement for him
And honestly? He doesn't hate it
for a guy who isn't a fan of affection from people, you seem to be an exception
I walked into work, seeing Jimmy already pouring a couple of glasses.
"Well well, if it isn't loverboy [Name]!" Jimmy announced teasingly, "We were just talking about you"
I shift my gaze over to see the people Jimmy's attending, and there he is- Hank Anderson, once again.
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked, waving at Hank. Hank on the other hand, looked panicked.
My led flashed a bright yellow at this or in 'Feeling' terms, there was a worried feeling at the pit of my stomach began to churn.
Hank glared at Jimmy, but Jimmy seemed too amused by this conversation, shrugging it off.
"Tell us, loverboy, how do you feel about Human-Robot relationships?" Jimmy smiled while Hank shook his head in defeat while Connor had his hand on Hank's shoulder
"I think," I glanced over to Hank before starting my thoughts on it, "that it isn't... wrong. It's a little strange seeing it since for the majority of the time, we didn't really get a choice in whether or not we could be in relationships or not, but for me? Personally, I wouldn't mind dating a human." I shrugged, looking over at Hank at that last part.
Hank was caught a little off guard by it before clearing his throat with a noticeable change in his features. He softened his eyes, his fingers stopped tapping the wooden counter, his attention fully on me...
Ever since then, the teasing went both ways
But when it came to the other's expense, it was a little funny.
Finishing a late shift, I was about to lock down Jimmy's place. The only customer in here being left was Hank.
Hank, by the day, was seeming more nervous and flirty at the same time. He would tell me pick up lines while not expecting me to give one back almost every time. I notice his silly grin and soft looks at me, and when he's really drunk, I sometimes catch looks of desire.
"So, it's just us now..." Hank muttered
"Yeah, and I'm supposed to close up shop soon" I sighed, grabbing the now-clean cups I had washed. Hank started to slip on his jacket as I walked away from the counter and over to him
"Where are you headed out to now?" Hank asked
"Home, my apartment is just a block down from here." I said, "How about you?"
"Well, I was going to do the same but I stayed late here to ask you something, actually"
"Oh? And that is?" I hummed, sliding my jacket on and smiling down/up at him. Hank froze, his hand fidgeting. I thought at first he wanted to grab something, but his hand backed away while the words weren't spilling.
Hank looked down/up at me, having collected his remaining courage to kiss me right then and there.
I didn't move away though, instead I tugged at his jacket, pulling him closer as I let out a small sound of approval. We stood in front of Jimmy's Bar entrance, kissing in the snowy night while the streets were bare. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol stick, but I don't hate it. Knowing the taste, feeling his warmth... Maybe those silly romance books were right.
With time, Hank finally inched back and his uncertainties melted right off as he saw how happy I was. Hank smiled softly, his hands still in mine while we stood there.
Android or not, we still would've ended up in this very spot. The future has yet to be written for us.
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
Christmas HCs
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[FTM friendly] Male reader x Hank/Luther/Gavin/Simon/Markus/Connor
Fluff/Short Headcannons Detroit Become Human
DNI: She/Her users + Fem aligned readers
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You and Hank are sleeping in on Christmas
He'll have his arms wrapped tightly around your waist not giving you a chance for escape
When you guys are both lazily sprawled out in bed, he'll lean into your ear and breathe lightly against it, maybe gently biting the tip of your ears and then whisper a gentle "Merry Christmas, love"
Christmas sweaters and hot chocolate
It's just tradition
And sumo's wearing a little santa hat
You guys aren't full-on "I LOVE CHRISTMAS" guys, but it's more of a 'Thank god we get a break today and just get to cuddle and do little classic holiday shit'
By the time you wake up, Luther's already making pancakes with silly fruit faces on top
He'll also wear matching pjs with you to take pictures and have new memories in
He's a very affectionate person who can get insecure, so he wants Christmas to be the best experience for the both of you
Reassure him and praise this man for the decorations and christmas planning dammit, he needs it
Gifts are a must -- and he's been very secretive about them
He got you maybe 5 things, but they're all things that you'll adore and protect with your life
He'll wake you up, poking at your forehead so you could wake up early at 10 am
If that doesn't work, kissing should
He's probably complaining about the christmas carolers but also hugging you tightly with his lips on your neck and peppering soft kisses
First thing he does is christmas presents
He doesn't like being "Oh wow! This is a great gift!" hyped, he's quieter and just hugs you tightly to show appreciation
Licking candy canes into sharp tools and then using them as mini swords
You wake up together, his arms around your waist as you wake up
Little did you know last night he set up a mistletoe under your bedroom's door frame
So you know what that means
Singing (more like screaming out) christmas songs while doing Holiday chores/traditions :))
You both go over the history of Christmas or just learn/know some facts about the holiday and like to talk about them (History nerds)
Simon will help you with any holiday tradition your guys have - example: Cookies? Right behind you, Christmas tree setting? Done
He wanted to Celebrate the holidays with you and Carl
So when you wake up, Markus is excited that he's with the two people who he cares about and who care about him
But just because Carl's around doesn't mean he shys away from affection
He'll hold your hand when he can, and take any opportunity to kiss you
Tree decorations? You and Markus are on it.
Markus likes showing off Carl's art, his piano skills, stuff like that
You, him, and Carl probably stay up late for some drunk chats :)
He'll be awake really early to make sure everything is set perfectly and you don't have to wake up worried
Once you wake up, he'll notice and have all of his attention on you
He adores physical attention, running your hand through his hair, your thumb running circles on his cheek, anything-- he loves it. It makes him feel like everything he does just has purpose
He'll have searched up Christmas traditions
Guess what now? Paper snowflakes, music, and peppermint hot chocolate (the last for you at least)
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
hey there, could you maybe write simon (or all idm) taking care of you when you're sick hehe i adore simon
You're Sick PT 2
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[FTM friendly] Male reader x Simon
Fluff/Short Headcannons Detroit Become Human
PT 1
DNI: She/Her users + Fem aligned readers
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Simon's a sweetheart when you're sick
He's very calm throughout the situation even though internally he's very panicky and his led has flipped to red
His touches are gentle and he makes sure to comfort you the whole way.
You're throwing up? He's got your arm over his shoulder as he helps you to the bathroom
he's got bags ready for you and doesn't show one sign of disgust
"You're human, it's very human to get sick" He hums, playing with a strand of your hair
He wants you to feel comfortable, not tense or scared
He cuddles up to you knowing he can't get sick
If you feel gross about yourself because of the lack of hygeine, he's happily willing to give you deoderant and help you brush your teeth if you don't have the motivation
He'll anxiously decorate the house
If you've slept the right amount recommended, he's got coloring books for you guys
he'll multitask by reading you a book
Simon crochets, and no one can change my mind
He'll make you a little crocheted scarf and blanket and oh my god the list never ends
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
He Gets Jealous
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson
Fluff/SFW/Short Jealousy + Possessive-ish HCs
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Jealousy? Yeah right.
I mean, yeah, that one cop is getting a little too touchy/flirty with you, but that shouldn't bother him
But it does.
When Hank's jealous, he'll keep it to himself. He'll never say a word about it at first
He'll just scoff and look away, but keep tabs on that cop
When you finally reach over to Hank, although he's not a touchy person in public, he'll suddenly not mind it.
He'll run his fingers over your hand, tracing one finger on your promise/wedding ring
He'll call you a sweet nickname such as "Prince" or "Pretty boy"
He'll have his eyes only on you, studying every little feature on your face
You're his guy, and he's devoted to just you
so how dare another person try to hit on you?
And do expect to have at least one hickey on your neck the next day
If this is outside of a work environment and some stranger is hitting on you, he doesn't hold back as much
He'll make up an excuse for you to avoid the person
or side eye the person until they're so uncomfortable they leave
He's a sweetheart, and it's not easy to make him jealous, but when he is, just expect double amounts of affection from him
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Male identifying readers]
Fake Connor: Any last words?
Reader: You're the ugly twin.
Connor: HA-!
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson
Fluff/Sfw/Short Headcannon *You and Hank are dating and you're sick* Detroit Become Human
CW: Mentions of puke
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You called in sick to work today after having caught the flu
You're temperature ranging from 100-102, an annoyingly scratchy throat, congestion. nausea and chills
It was a living hell
it wasn't long before you got a long string of worried texts coming in from Hank
Hank: Where are you
You: Home, I'm sick with the flu
Hank: On my way!
Hank: omw*
You: Aren't you excited?
What you thought was a joke wasn't to Hank
Hank was at your house in 10 minutes, knocking at your door with worry
As you opened the door you saw Hank holding a to-go bag from your favorite restaurant, some off the counter medicine, and an ice pack he totally didn't steal from the police station's break room fridge
He was quick to make you head back to your room and set you in bed
he was also very grumpy at the fact that you kept trying to stand up when he was trying to help
He put the tv on for you, put your food in a bowl, and set a chair beside your bed
You were worried he was gonna get sick too but he scoffed everytime
You noticed his worried glances and pity looks at every cough, shiver, and sound of discomfort.
he looked like a kicked puppy when he was worried about you
He personally doesn't enjoy it, but he put some incense in your room to let your sore throat and congestion get better
He at some point got up to go to the kitchen to make you soup for when you get hungry again
You guys played uno and truth or truth for a while to pass the time
He even watched your favorite movie
He'll probably just give into his urges and just settle in bed next to you
"You're going to get so sick if you're this close--"
"It'll be worth it"
His hands on your waist with his fingers tracing out little stars on your sides while you watch tv
he'll even hold the ice pack on the sides of your head if you want
Every time you shifted in discomfort or felt any sign of sickness, he was quick to your attention, his eyes scanning every little part of you to make sure you were okay
If you ever got to the point that you needed to puke, he would quickly lead you over to the bathroom, your arm over his shoulder as he quides you
As you lean your body towards the tub or toilet to puke, he'll have his hands on your back, soothingly running them in circles.
If you have long hair, he'll hold it back for you or tie it up
When you finally can take a breather, he'll calmly hand you a cup of water and some antacid
Once you're able to stand up, he'll have you stand in front of the sink so he can use a wet towel to wipe away any mess, and let you brush your teeth if you're feeling it's too gross for you
if you're feeling better, or at least less pukey, he'll set you back in bed, his hand caressing your shoulder and quietly cooing comforting words
A little sickness doesn't scare him
if you're there at his lowest points, he'll be there at your lowest points.
he cares for you too much and he just needs you safe
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Male identifying readers]
Hank: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Reader: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Hank: Not when you’re playing with Connor. He puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Male identifying readers]
*Connor and Reader sitting in jail together*
Reader: So who should we call?
Connor: I’d call Hank, but I feel safer in jail
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