divinerivals · 9 months
Me and the girlies getting ready for the ship wars, the fandom debacles, and the people that will hate on hofas for not enough acotar.
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The way the Crescent City males are unafraid to cry and to say I love you to each other. And how they constantly check in on each other and ask if they're ok like really ok. They are just the ultimate in non toxic masculinity. Just the most beautiful men inside and out
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lucienarcheron · 8 months
let it be noted that Ruhn survived the usual SJM haircut attacks and kept his long locks despite being tortured 🙌🏻
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
Questions I Hope HOFAS Answers
Are Ruhn and Lidia mates?
What about Ithan and the wolf mystic? And why did miss missy smell like "pine and snow" (ahem, Terrasen)?
Whyyy and howww does Azriel have Truth-Teller? AKA the Starsword's Twin? AKA the second half of a prophecy? Where did he find this dagger?
Did Bryce happen to fall through worlds with her cell phone?
Rhysand's last name. His connection to Ruhn. All of it.
Why was Nesta's bargain tattoo an eight-pointed star 👀
Is Elain a mystic? Can she see through worlds and time?
What's going on with the Dusk Court?
In Luna's Horn the 4th Dread Drove Item? I'm like 98% positive it is. And I also really want to know how one just like... grinds a relic into tattoo powder.
What is Armen?
Just about everything around Theia, Pellias, Helena, Fionn, and the unnamed princess This really hurts my head, so I'm going to need SJM to serve some tea on this.
Is "Parthos" the Library in Velaris? Is it in the Torre Cesme from TOD? And what does Jesiba have to do with this?
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tothestarsinvelaris · 2 months
oh my lord Ruhn and Lidia are the best story in all of Crescent City. I love everything about them and we should have gotten more page time focused on them rather than other ... dynamics.
No other storyline compares to:
She smiled. "And you saw me. For the first time, you saw me. I could talk to you as I hadn't spoken to anyone. You reminded me that I was - I am - alive. I hadn't felt that way in a very long time." [...] He laid a hand on her cheek. Gently turned her face back to his. Her skin was so soft, so warm. "Lidia" he said roughly. "Finding out who you are ... it fucked with my head. To know you're the Hind, but also Lidia - also Day. My Day. But now ..." [...] "Now I don't fucking care who you are, so long as you're mine." Her eyes shot to his, again full of surprise. "Because I'm yours, Day. I'm fucking yours."
Him saying "I'm here" over and over again oh my lorddddd 😭😭
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feyrescourt · 19 days
No, because Feyre, Dorian, and Ruhn would fuck with each other heavy!!!!! A trio with face cards so lethal they’ve got a license to kill 😭
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myfriendscallmeraba · 8 months
HoFaS spoilers
My favourite surprise of the book
Lidia having kids? So unexpected I loved it and even more CUZ WHAT KIDS I’d eat a book about them in a second such potential there
Oh I was so sure it came from Brandon and it was connected to tog. I felt so proud of myself when Lidia confirmed it.😂
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starryscale-art · 2 years
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i was thinking about that one quest where a-ruhn senna talks about being mistaken for a xaela and realized jai and him definitely get along well! stubborn but well respected horned healers...
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booksandfantasies · 8 months
I finished House of Flame and Shadow today and my favorite part of the whole book was the Target Edition (Ruhn/Lidia) bonus story. 😊
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Me to myself this morning after waking up and reading the colossal ending of HOFAS and seeing it with my own eyes:
"Five blinks for This is real, you are awake."
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PS: This has NOTHING to do with Throne of Glass. This is NOT DIRECTLY a spoiler. It's just the quote that's related to Throne of Glass. I will, however tag it as such for other people who have these blocked and muted.
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Me everytime the Crescent City males make another completely reckless, impulsive decision
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l0v3-g4m3 · 2 years
im literally so in love with him (he isnt real)
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tothestarsinvelaris · 2 months
I am living for the dynamic between Ruhn and Day!! I need more of that like I need water to live and air to breathe!
The banter, the flirting, the hidden identities, the way they clearly cared for each other from the jump, how they can only talk through the mental bridge when unconscious (for now, I'm guessing?), the tragic pasts, the troubled lives, becoming friends, telling each other secrets that nobody else knows, being vulnerable together, having the opportunity to meet at a masked ball!! meeting each other at midnight near the fountain in a rooftop garden!??!
its like writing letters to each other but better bc magic, and the mental bridge allows for more physical flirting.
I need more. I need an entire book of this dynamic.
what books have a dynamic like this?!
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witchothewest · 2 years
Nobody needs the autumn king. I’ll be ruhn danaan’s daddy.
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Since I've remarked the "Ruhnn Mountains" in my Throne of Glass reread, I can't help but imagine them linked to Ruhn. What if TOG is set long after Crescent City and ACOTAR. What if it's linked to Ruhn and some battle that perhaps he led in that strange, different world? What if it's the place he died? (Because I'm becoming more and more scared that he'll die in CC3.)
Was Sarah just re-using the name from a random place when she created Ruhn, or is it connected in some ways?
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I need answers!!!
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hlizr50 · 2 years
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Chapter 9: No Warning, No Fighting Back
Mordoc–how had the bloodhound not noticed the subtle shift in Lidia’s scent? In Ruhn’s? Or had he, and been biding his time to spring the trap shut?
-House of Sky and Breath, pg. 772
Read on AO3
Read on Wattpad
Firstly, thank you all so much for reading. It has been difficult and sad. But now things are about to escalate. I can only prepare you, and apologize in advance for the hurt you're about to experience. Making you feel things is how I express my love <3
And snippets:
“You know, I’m starting to wonder about this fearsome reputation of yours. A breaker of rebels, renowned for her coldness and cruelty. But you’ve done a shit job of breaking me.”
‘If it were my intention to break you, you’d be a blubbering mess on the floor.’ Her voice was cool and detached, but not unlike the flame-swathed female he thought he knew. Had wanted to know. That desire had backfired spectacularly.
“How benevolent of you,” he scoffed. “I’m sure there are many others who would’ve appreciated such forethought.”
Another fist to his gut. No warning this time. Only the golden glow of an intense glare peering up at him through thick, dark lashes and a grim expression, smooth as marble.
‘I am not proud of the things I have done, Ruhn. You say many others, but I can recall them by name. I see their faces, as clearly as if I saw them yesterday.’ Her gaze bore into him, and Ruhn didn’t quite have a scathing retort for that. He swallowed, throat working against his need to regain the upper hand of the conversation. ‘I told you that your soul would be forfeit if you were not careful. How do you think I knew to warn you of such a fate?’
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