#instant besties
oddthesungod · 2 years
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the universe didnt have them in the same era because it knew they would be too powerful together 🤧
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northernarts23 · 2 months
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WWX and WKX would destroy the world if they were in the same novel and I mean that in the best way possible
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dedbunnie21 · 10 months
sciswap sans and sci sans
what would happen if they met
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He'd be the happiest little goof ball
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He'd finally have someone to relate to about work,and sympathize with him
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cipher-the-sidhe · 1 month
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They have something to bond over right away~
Shore (left) belongs to @theninjamouse from their amazing fic “Ocean on Fire”
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tina-mf-chen · 1 year
how HOW OUT OF EVERYONE IN THE DPD you chose gavin to be your bestie i mean by extent you know nines so thats a bonus but still like fucking how
The lord works in mysterious ways.
Real talk though—he’s not that bad anymore. Sure he’s an asshole, but he’s got some good in him. We’ve known each other for so many years now (it’s hard to remember life before I knew him), and I wouldn’t trade him for the world, even though I’ve been very tempted to do so.
He’s a dork with a soft spot for cats and he lies about liking his coffee black and he cries while watching soap operas with me and he can be really sweet when no one’s paying attention and-
The point is, he’s not that bad. He’s actually a huge loser with a big heart if you get to know him.
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lelianaslefthand · 8 months
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i like to imagine that after he said that she solemnly says something like "just returning the favor" and when he looks at her like 🤨 she doesnt elaborate (she spent a year as a bear after being cursed and was saved by a druid who was in bear form when she found her)
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gwaine should’ve learned that lancelot committed identity fraud within his first two days of being in camelot gwaine would’ve absolutely loved that shit <3
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renbyten · 8 months
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CuteBruteTober DAY 28
New Friends
#cutebrutetober @renbyten :)
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titsybitsyspider · 1 year
hello to the four (4) people following me you give my life meaning
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
community that has only seen themselves represented in a small handful of romance stories that aren’t explicitly about their real-world oppression, watching a new show or movie where they are represented in a romantic story that isn’t explicitly about their real-world oppression: getting a lot of “that other show with a queer romance that isn’t explicitly about real-world homophobia” vibes from this
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bunny-extract · 1 year
uh... simon and gaz. always these two. you cannot leave gaz behind. you could leave him the behind though. simon is probably fucking any hole he fits anyway.
YES YES Y E s. They compliment each other so well it’s insane.
As the object of their incessant obscenity you’re like the favorite toy to them. There’s no taking turns. Locked in a kiss and either one will redirect your mouth, slicking you with their taste before returning you used. They’ll paw at the same nipple just to be greedy, stick fingers between each others tongues to rub at your clit.
While the Sergeant stretched you, Ghost bullied his own fingers in between, stretching you around both of them. He’d take over the pace, fucking you with such an abrupt roughness you’d be squealing, thrashing until he were properly coated. Ghost hooks up the way you like for a precious few strokes — a reminder of how good he can make it feel before wrenching himself away.
When you’re pinned between them and Gaz picks up his pace, strikes right against the spot you need him, Ghost has to meet his intensity with hard, nailing strokes. The two ruin you with orgasm after orgasm just to keep scores tied.
There’s no clear end to it, even after everyone’s soft and sunken — you the first to liquify. Kyle ends up tangled in your legs, stubbled cheek resting on your fleshy inner thigh. He’ll turn his lips onto you at his random leisure, truncating sentences at times to swipe his tongue between your lips.
“You’re possessed, mate.” Simon had said, even as he held you open at the knee. A hand fits below your navel, and then he’s pressing the heel down onto Kyle’s fingers, helping milk their come out of you.
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thirteendaysintaunton · 3 months
depicting byleth as oblivious is funny and all but it's also a bit of a disservice to their character as if they didn't immediately clock the three lords, read em like an open book within the first 15 minutes of knowing them
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parasitic-saint · 3 months
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red era 💉🩸
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I’ve been thinking about Zack staying at Elmyra’s house lately. And how after the lab and running this is probably his first time to just *rest* and trust someone is watching out for him. Maybe he has nightmare and he wakes up Marlene but that’s ok bc she has nightmares too so she understands. Elmyra is prickly at first but she see how hard Zack is working to take care of Cloud and Aerith and how run down he gets. He’s really willing to put in the work and keep his energy up bc he doesn’t want either of them to feel like a burden. Just, being Zack.
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Descendants 3 - Rewrite True defender x Rewrite Finale- P1
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-Sup yall welcome to this dumb stupid fic :D this is basically just gonna be the exposition dump chap-good stuff comes later, read True Defender on Qoutev!!!!-
Things had gone terribly wrong in such a short time-only two days ago she had gotten engaged to her true love-her Ben, and then Hades attempted to escape, and then the crown and scepter had been stolen-and then! It was revealed Audrey Ben’s Ex, had been the one to take the scepter and crown-now calling herself the queen of mean; intent on becoming the next ‘Maleficent’ in her own right.
Lia had spotted Mal and her little gang, plus Celia, heading for the isle and Lia followed-finding out about the whole Audrey revenge plot and that Mal was after the gem thing that Hades had used the day before to try and escape.
Mal wasn’t happy Lia had followed them and almost demanded that Lia leave Auradon/Audrey’s fate up to her, but Lia didn’t back down easily and wanted to help-and at the pressure of her friends, Mal relented. Mal fetched the ember from Hades and soon they were leaving the isle, the vks all grumbly thanks to Uma’s boys and her other crew members stealing their bikes. But that would be their fault for leaving their precious motorbikes unguarded.
Soon they were stepping through the barrier and Mal gasped as the ember flashed, her motorbike gear changing colors and her hair streaked with blue. Mal admired the change, along with the surge of magic she felt with it. But as she and her friends were admiring the ‘Hades effect’-Lia and Jay both spotted Harry and Gil-Uma’s boys-leaping through the barrier just before it closed.
Harry and Gil started laughing-their eyes wide and they hugged each other. Then they spotted the vks, Evie pulling Celia to stand behind her as Jay and Carlos guarded Mal-Mal looking at them in utter shock. “Hey guys~” Harry cheered, putting on a fake Auradon grin. “jus’t comin’ for a wee visit~!” He giggled and nodded at Gil, the two starting to walk forward towards Auradon-towards Uma-but Carlos and Jay shoved them back.
Lia frowned, about to interject since she had heard such great stories about these boys from Uma and thought they should be welcomed into Auradon-Ben would’ve felt the same-but that thought was run off track as Harry shoved Carlos hard, causing him to stumble into Mal and she lost grip of the ember.
“No!” Mal screeched-dropping down to one knee to scoop up the precious magical gem-their ‘only’ hope to save Auradon-and Harry got to it first-swinging the curve of his hook to catch Mal’s hand and the ember and sending it flying.
“No!!” Mal screamed again and Lia was quick to act-her wings appeared in a flash of golden light and she was off like a shooting star-her hands outstretched towards the ember as it arched through the sky and fell towards the water. Before she could catch it however, a turquoise tentacle-a familiar tentacle-caught the ember, and Lia was startled out of flight-another tentacle shooting out from the water to catch her before she hit the water like a rock.
Uma appeared like the goddess she was, decked out in a tiara that had skulls and shells all over it and her altered cotillion dress-her cecaelia form absolutely stunning and powerful as always. Lia sighed in relief, relaxing in Uma’s hold. Uma laughed and set Lia back on the bridge, holding the sizzling and flickering Ember in her other tentacle. “Drop something?” Uma taunted Mal, showing off the ember she had in her possession.
“It can’t get wet!” Mal yelled down at the sea witch-for once looking panicked. “Give it back before it goes out!” Uma just laughed, not at all moved by Mal’s pathetic pleas. Harry and Gil looked out of breath; Harry almost looked like he could cry at the sight of his captain.
“Uma!” they both gasped-and Harry was so close to just jumping at her like this. Uma beamed at her boys, happy to see them after so long. “That’s my name~” Uma sang, curling the ember between her tentacle, and then she disappeared into the water-a golden glow appearing under the dark waters as she reversed her transformation.
Mal yelped again as Uma disappeared- desperately needing the Ember. Everyone slowly leaned back as a swirling tower of water slowly climbed up and up, Harry looking absolutely delighted, unable to keep the wild smile off his face-and then the tower exploded-soaking everyone who hadn’t had the chance to run for cover. Lia kept herself dry with her wings-quickly folding them back to look for Uma in the raging waves surrounding the isle.
“Hey boys~” Uma purred from behind and everyone whirled around to look at her-and once again Harry looked overjoyed. Uma held the glowing ember, wearing a tight-fitted shiny leather turquoise and aqua-colored pirate outfit, looking quite triumphant.
Harry cackled, pointing his hook at his beloved captain and walking over to her-greeting her like usual with her pinkie going around the curve of his hook. “Welcome back~” Harry purred, giving Uma a once over-always making sure she was okay-before he stood just behind her, one hand hovering the small of her back.
“Uma,” Gil stared, looking like a sad abandoned puppy. “you swam off and forgot all about us,” Uma shook her head lightly but Lia beat her to the punch. “She didn’t forget about you,” Lia said, a bright grin on her face as she stepped up to the three reunited pirates-it felt good to see them all together again. Mal looked absolutely peeved from the sidelines. “Not a day has gone by where she hasn’t talked about you two, or missed you, or told me stories about what you three have done together on the isle.” Lia said, watching as Harry scratched his cheek with the tip of his hook, looking down at Uma who was just looking at him and Gil with a grin like ‘like I would ever forget about you guys’
Gil’s pout turned to a smile, and he seemed to no longer doubt his captain and Harry gave him a look as if to say ‘told you so’. Mal scoffed, throwing up her hands-having enough of this soppy reunion. “Hello~? Can we get back to the issue at hand please! I need that Ember to break a spell,” Mal said, holding her hand out for the ember again and Carlos nodded-attempting to sway Uma to hand back the ember.
“cast by Audrey, sleeping beauties’ daughter,” Carlos said, only adding on her parentage for Harry and Gil-who might not know who Audrey was. Uma huffed a bit-raising her brow, now how did that happen?
“is that so?” Uma said with a smirk, looking down at the ember in her hand. “well, I might not give it back…see what happens~” Uma taunted Mal and Lia stepped forward, her hand reaching towards Uma. Uma locked eyes with her.
“Uma, please, Auradon is at stake, I know you and Mal have had your differences, but it is time to put them aside.” Lia said, knowing Uma cared about Auradon despite her hard shell. “if Auradon suffers, so does the isle, and they’re my people-my kingdom-“
Mal suddenly interrupted-clearly not happy with how Lia spoke about Auradon and its people. “it’s not yours, not yet.” Mal snapped, crossing her arms and Lia sighed-this was not the time for Mal’s…issues. Uma just smirked, coming up with a plan that would piss Mal off and make Lia happy.
“Fine then.” Uma sang, swinging her arms around and turning towards the isle, holding the ember up in the light-Mal’s eyes locked onto the powerful gem. “guarantee me that every single villain kid that wants to, can get off the isle, and I won’t keep the ember.” Uma said, striking Mal a deal.
Mal huffed, throwing up her hands and rolling her eyes-clearly not wanting to make a deal with the sea witch. “I can’t do that.” Mal said, staring Uma down, who just rolled her eyes and turned-Harry and Gil making way for her as she went and held the ember over the waters-making Mal and co. panic.
“Can’t do that-Well how about now!?” Uma cackled, clearly enjoying the look of panic on Mal’s face as she snapped her hand out to reach for the ember-her eyes wide. “Deal!...” Mal swallowed and paused-not wanting to be seen so desperate by Uma. “Deal.” She said again, her voice quieter.
Uma just grinned, faking a stumble and Mal-on a stupid instinct-jumped forward-making Harry and Gil react to protect Uma as Evie gasped-pushing Celia behind her as Lia stepped forward to make sure this didn’t turn into a cat fight while Uma and Mal wrestled for the ember-Jay and Carlos going up to help Mal. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this desperate since your mommy kicked you out for a week!” Uma taunted and Mal shoved her back-the ember going flying once again as Uma lost her grip.
Mal’s eyes widened and she and Lia scrambled for it as it bounced down the bridge-Mal dived for it-Lia did too-and just as it was about to roll off the edge-
A black-leather boot stepped on it-stopping it from dropping into the water. Mal hit the stone with a grunt, her hand inches away from the ember. Mal assumed Evie had saved the day-but her boots were blue and red and had a bigger heel-Mal slowly looked up-her and Lia’s eyes went wide as their friends froze behind them.
Because some new people had suddenly-somehow-joined them on the bridge. Those black leather boots were connected to a pair of dark pants, which were connected to a red cropped jacket with shimmering metal arm guards, dark blue eyes, and blonde hair pulled into a pony tail. The girl was smirking down at them, her ruby necklace shimmering in the light.
“Drop something?” she said, someone snorting from behind/next to her. Mal blinked in shock and then she met her own face-green/yellow eyes peeking over the blonde girl's shoulder.
“Oh wow,” The other Mal said, her brows raising. Mal got to her feet, the blonde girl and Lia staring at each other while the two Mal’s stared at each other. The other Mal wore shades of blue with a ripped up blue vest that had flames licking up the sides with long blue leather fingerless gloves and a choker around her neck.
Then Mal noticed a 2nd Evie-wearing a full blue jacket/open skirt, a 2nd Jay-wearing something far more similar to his old isle gear than his current motor suit, a 2nd Carlos-with a biker punk leather jacket that had full red sleeves like his old isle jacket, a 2nd Celia-wearing split color pants and a pinstripe cropped jacket, and a 2nd Uma-with locs and far more casual clothes with a good chunk of belts and a big leather glove/gauntlet around her right arm.
“Well…this is interesting,” Lia said and the blonde girl nodded in agreement, bending down to scoop up the ember from beneath her boot. This is when Mal noticed Hadie-Hades son-standing right next to the other Mal, with yellow eyes and full punk gear.
“Excuse my French,” Celia said, the other Celia tilting her head at herself. “but what the fuck?”
The blonde girl, other Uma, and Other Mal all snorted-holding back a laugh as Evie gasped in shock-her eyes widening. “Celia!” Evie scolded while the other vks all started to laugh quietly. Celia just shrugged-making a grand gesture at the situation before them-if there was any time to curse, it was now.
Other Celia seemed to agree as she nodded and spoke up. “What I said; what the fuck?” other Celia asked and the Celia’s smirked at each other, already feeling a connection. “I third that,” Mal said, crossing her arms and staring at this 2nd set of vk’s and…random person with suspicion.
The blonde girl holding the ember shrugged and she looked behind her at Hadie-who would be the most informed about the powers of the ember. He just shrugged. “Don’t look at me, I got no clue.” he said, holding his hands up in defense.
Uma just sighed, already feeling a headache come on because now there were TWO Mal’s. Even if one had far better fashion taste. “Okay, let’s all just agree that this shit is weird and go, Audrey won't wait for us to figure this out.” Uma said, having got what she wanted. Mal rolled her eyes but agreed-she had a kingdom to save-and held out her hand for the ember, seemingly expecting the blonde girl to hand it over willy nilly.
The girl just smirked, walked over to Uma-and put it in her hand. Uma grinned, putting the ember in her vest pocket. “Oh you and I are going to get along great.” Uma said and other Uma nodded, tossing her arm around the girls neck. “Oh, we already do,” Other Uma said, tipping her chin up with pride as the blonde girl chuckled.
Mal let out a muffled frustrated scream into her hands. (Lia held back a snort at the noise)
“Wait-Audrey also took the scepter in this world?” Other Mal asked, finally catching up on what Uma just said- looking very concerned, and not just for Auradon. Mal and the others nodded. “Is she also possessed by mom?” other Mal asked Mal-which made everyone but the 2nd set of vks do a double take.
“She-what?!” Mal gasped, blinking in surprise, other Mal just made a vague hand gesture. “Well, that’s why our Audrey is going haywire- mom used her negative emotions and possessed her, and we have till sunrise before the possession spell takes over.” Other Mal said and that seemed to get everyone into gear, both Uma’s squaring their shoulders.
“Then let's get going, we got no time to lose.” Other Uma said and Lia nodded in agreement, gazing at the blonde girl for a long moment as she walked past her. “Ah!” Mal said-stopping production as everyone went to follow other Uma’s order. Even other Mal looked confused-wondering why they were waiting-they didn’t have time to argue! “No. I’m in charge.” Mal said and both Uma’s gave each other a long look while the blonde girl face palmed. Mal looked around, searching for any resistance, and when she found ‘none’, she nodded. “Let’s go.”
The blonde girl sighed and shook her head, Other Mal leaning over to her to ask something quietly. The blonde girl snorted and nodded and other Mal made a face before she regrouped with her friends and everyone was soon walking down the bridge, making small talk and connections as they walked.
They all learned there were small and major changes to each of their universes, for the ‘main’ universe as they were calling it for now; it had only been a month since cotillion-while in the other universe-it had been two and a half years since cotillion.(There was too much to explain why it had been so long so the blonde girl-Rose-just told them ‘council’ and that was enough explanation for everyone.)
 They both had VK day, though the other universe picked six kids twice a month(and weren’t quite as biased(even though no one said that out loud), and they both had the one ‘odd one out’ girl, that being Lia and Rose.
Rose and Lia were actually getting along pretty great, both being strangers to the land-Lia an alien while Rose was a universe hopper-being from another another alternate universe that somehow ended up in the ‘descendants’ universe as she called it. They found much in common with each other and were becoming fast friends and by the time everyone finally got back to Auradon, they were pretty familiar with each other and decided they were besties.
“All right, where to first?” Lia said as they all stepped off the bridge, other Mal stepped forward, nodding down the path towards Auradon prep. “Let’s check Auradon prep real quick, make sure no one’s hurt,” For some odd reason, that made Lia’s brows shoot up, seeing the genuinely concerned look on other Mal’s face, her expression set into a determined frown.
Mal nodded in agreement, quickly taking the lead and everyone followed suit-split between their two groups. It was quite odd, to go from nine to nineteen, but more people meant more firepower and more protection-which meant a better chance at protecting Auradon and saving Audrey from the scepter. Uma filled her group in on what had happened back in Auradon; Audrey had cast a kingdom-wide sleeping spell and everyone was out for the count, including those at the castle.
Both Mal’s frowned in worry, though there was a difference to them that only a few people could point out.
They were quick to arrive at Auradon prep-everyone that had a phone quickly calling up their loved ones as soon as they had service. “They’re asleep,” Evie suddenly said as they stepped onto the grounds, looking at the horde of sleeping people. “…everyone.”
“You thought I was kidding about that?” Uma asked, only slightly offended, she had grown to be a little fond of Auradon and its school, since it meant good food and a roof over her head. Rose quickly walked further into the garden/park area of the courtyard in front of the dorm building, her phone pressed to her ear.
“I can’t get Ben,” Lia said and other Mal huffed, shoving her phone in her black thigh bag. “I can’t even get my phone to ring,” Other Mal muttered and her friends all nodded.
“Yeah, our phones are fully disconnected.” Other Carlos said, typing away on some sort of coding app on his phone, only to turn it off and put it in his hip bag. “I can’t get Doug or Dizzy,” Evie said as other Evie went about making sure all the sleeping people were okay.
“Or Jane, signals out,” Carlos said, watching as the signal just went dead-they were stranded. “Rose?” Other Uma asked, walking up to her and Rose held her finger up, now trying another number, after a few rings the line went dead.
“I can't reach the boys, either they’re still in our world or something happened to them,” Rose muttered, turning her phone off and putting it in her jacket pocket. Other Uma frowned and crossed her arms.
Rose let out a sharp whistle as Jay and Harry started to argue-which caught both their attention-just before Uma and Mal were about to make them stop. “Knock it.” Rose said sternly and for some reason-both boys straightened up, something telling them that Rose was not one to make repeat.
Other Uma chuckled a bit and Rose smirked at her before a gasp caught their attention, seeing the Evie’s staring at a stone statue. “oh shit,” Other Celia said as everyone walked up to the teen-girl-turned statue. Evie didn’t even try to scold her for the swear word. “that’s not good,”
“Not at all,” Rose said, stepping closer and brushing her fingers against the granite. “we need to move, staying in one spot for long will only make us targets.” Both Uma’s, Mal’s, and Lia all nodded-all in agreement for once.
“We should find Ben, or at least-a lead on Audrey-and finding Ben will help that.” Lia said, taking command much to Mal’s chagrin but everyone else-including Other Mal-didn’t object. Celia spoke up; “But if he’s not responding, and we can’t contact him, how are we gonna find him?” She asked and Lia looked up to the skies, her eyes narrowed in determination.
“The castle, that’s where he was heading when I last saw him.” Rose nodded in agreement and so did Other Mal-Mal wasn’t as agreeable however.
“That’s the first place Audrey would look for him, we have to go find him.” Mal said and Lia nodded again-and other Mal backed Lia up-much to the main groups surprise. “Exactly, even if we don’t find him right away, it’ll be our best bet to find a clue on Audrey and Ben’s whereabouts, maybe we can find both Ben’s too.” Other Mal said, tapping her nails on her thigh bag, her expression deep in thought.
“I’m going to see if the boys got sent with us, Uma?” Rose said, turning to Other Uma and she nodded. “I’ll go with you; we’ll meet you all at the castle.” Other Uma said and then with a nod from Other Mal-the two were off and everyone else set off for the long on foot journey towards the castle-and luckily at one point they came across some sleeping royal guards with some downed cycles.
“Well, that’s convenient,” other Celia said as they climbed onto the limited sets of bikes and started off towards the castle again-they had to be doubled up but they were moving faster now-with Lia soaring above them on her wings.
They were going up the main path towards the castle when the roar of two engines caught other Mal and Lia’s attention-seeing Rose and other Uma joining up with them on the road-sitting on two scarlet bikes. “Find anything other than the bikes?” Rose yelled over the wind and Other Mal nodded over to Carlos, who had Dude zipped up in his jackets for the ride.
“Just dude!” Other Mal yelled back and the vks, Lia, and Rose all arrived at the castle, parking their bikes at the steps and rushing into the castle-well, Mal and the others did, Lia, Rose, Celia’s, and the pirates all stayed back, far more aware that there could be a trap.
Mal started calling out for Ben, looking through every room they passed. Other Mal did the same, but she was making a beeline for his office/room-and when she finally got to the double doors-her eyes widened in horror at the gigantic claw marks that had torn into the doors.
“Oh Ben,” She whispered, looking at his turned-over desk and the claw marks on his floor. “Audrey must’ve already found him,” Other Mal said, turning to the group-letting the others peek into the room and Mal paled as Lia cupped her hand over her mouth.
“Grab something of his, Dude can track him.” Carlos said and Mal nodded, going into the room and grabbing one of Ben’s pens that was on the floor and handing it to Carlos who had Dude smell it; the mutt was off-leading the large group quickly following him through the clawed-up halls-which deeply worried Lia-wondering what had happened to her fiancé.
“I hope he’s okay,” other Mal muttered, her hands fidgeting at her sides. Lia nodded in agreement, she knew Ben could handle himself, but that didn’t stop her from worrying about him.
“Why do ye have me hook?” Harry suddenly asked, pointing at the hook that was hanging from the back of Rose’s belt. Rose turned with a hum, looking down at the hook. “oh, did we forget to mention?” Rose said, looking at Other Uma and she thought for a moment before she nodded. “yeah okay, well, long story short, you and Gil were invited to Auradon with the four originally and when Uma and I went to check your house-you weren’t there and I only found your hook.” Rose explained quickly, and just then Dude let everyone to a big set of double doors-the armor hall.
“This is where he is?” Mal asked Dude and he nodded. “Yep, this is where it trails, he went right through here.” Other Mal stepped up and pushed open the doors with ease that was almost scary-the heavy wooden doors slamming against the walls which made everyone jump.
“What have you been eating?” Hadie joked-which made Mal jump since she had forgotten he was even here. Other Mal just glared at him, and Mal called out for Ben, her voice high-pitched with worry. “Ben! Ben!?”
Everyone flooded into the room, admiring the polished armor and shining swords and other weapons that lined the room, Lia admired the stained glass that showed off the battle between Prince Phillip and Maleficent and Rose shook her shoulders a bit.
“Anyone else feel like they’re being watched?” She asked and almost everyone nodded. “Like a hundred eyes are on me,” Lia said as she looked around, her hands on her dagger and sword. Everyone stayed huddled together-both Celia’s in the middle of the group, being guarded by the older teens.
They were just about to reach the other end of the hall and go through the doors that had a good chunk of wood splintered off-when they were stopped-everyone leaped back in fright as the suits of armor lining the walls and door’s came to life-the two in front of them blocking their way out.
“Mal~ Lia~ fancy to see you both here~” Audrey’s voice echoed through the suits and Mal glared at the glowing pink visors of the suits of armor that allowed Audrey to speak directly to her. “You both like princes, right?”
Another Audrey spoke-this one sounding…wrong, like someone else was speaking for her. “Well, how about a knight in shining armor? Or knights.” The visors flashed vivid poison green and the rest of the suits came to life, all drawing their weapons and beginning their march of attack towards the teens. “Shit!” Other Mal cursed-looking back at the entrance to the hall-it was already blocked by more knights. “Watch your back!” All around them were knights-coming from every archway and corner. They were trapped-there was only one way out.
“We have to fight!” Lia said, leaping onto the platform in the middle of the room-drawing her saber and dagger. “Al-aksi selba, nongwe!” Mal curled her lip a bit and rolled her eyes-clearly preferring to be in command but when Rose pulled her back from being crushed by an axe-she knew Lia was right. “She’s right, grab whatever you can, prepare to fight, and do not die.” Rose said and everyone sprang into action, Rose drew a sword from the nearby sword holder and held Harry’s hook in her free hand, flipping the blade in her hand and rolling her shoulders.
“let's get this party started.” Rose said with a dangerous smirk and her group all grinned, knowing they had this in the bag. Other Mal’s eyes flickered yellow and Hadie’s hands lit up with blue flames-his hair doing the same.
They were in for a hell of a fight.
-end of p1-
@disneyfan50 @thetimelordbatgirl
i have no idea what im doing :D I'm just going off vibes lol
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ante--meridiem · 7 months
To socialise or not to socialise, that is the question.
#Looked at two places I could move out to & they are complete opposite vibes in terms of socialableness#Both have roommates ofc but one gives me a lot more of my own space & it seems like I would barely have to interact with them at all#So I'd be left pretty much completely alone. Which is usually the dream#And ngl knowing the other people there would keep to themselves & have no interest in knowing me is especially relieving#Given the whole thing that pushed me to move out in the first place#The other has extremely small & cozy vibes. Owner's stuff all over the place#By cozy I do mean cluttered#The girl I met with there (not the person I'd be renting from) gave me a tour for five-ten mins#And then the next 30 mins-60 mins we spent chatting over tea#Someone more sociable than me might call it instant bestie vibes#Which. Has been something I've kind of very much been missing/yearning for irl I will admit#& from the sound of it the person subletting has the same vibes with her#She says he's 'interesting' and 'I'd like him'#From the combination of her description and the clutter I'm getting eccentric professor vibes#Which is generally a good vibe to me#But I am even more skittish of renting from someone t#Too sociable#After prev landlord#Though I want to trust othet tenant's vibe check. Because it might actually be very nice to have some kind of real life friends#It's also a very different kind of sociable than prev landlord#She was 'chatty and gets you to open up easily' sociable & it sounds like the other guy will be approximately the same#& also 'repeatedly assures you can ask her to stop if she's being too much' sociable. Which is always a relief#Meanwhile prev landlord was 'wants to know why you're not relaxed & tells you you should be without doing anything to help you be' sociable#'gets very pushy about finding time to talk/hang out' sociable#'teases you for being awkward' sociable#None of which were the real issue with him of course. But they didn't help & I can't help but see them as red flags in retrospect#I'm currently leaning towards 'to socialise' because it was a very cosy vibe & I do feel starved of irl friendship just a bit#But it could either be very good or very bad#& I don't want to risk very bad again#Anyway. This has been missives from a pizza shop I ducked into to charge my phone before I go back to being lost in a snowstorm
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