#LOL becca and I were talking about it
lucienarcheron · 8 months
let it be noted that Ruhn survived the usual SJM haircut attacks and kept his long locks despite being tortured 🙌🏻
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
The Boys Preference: Being A Spy
Requested: Hi!! i love your content, i wanted to request maybe a preference how the boys + homelander would react if reader turned out to be a secret spy. for example, for the boys reader would spy for homelander and vice versa. i hope i worded it okay. Thanks 💓💓💓💓 - anon
A/N: This is such a fun idea!!! But it also hurts my heart lol. I hope you like it my love!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher wants revenge. He trusted you. He trusted you with information about Vought and Homelander (of which you already knew), but also about Becca and Ryan and Lenny. Things he wouldn't have shared with anyone else. They don't do tracking chips like Vought, though now he wishes they had. The second they find out you're working for Homelander, Butcher sees red. He's furious and yelling and ordering everyone. He feels out of control. As if raising his voice and making others listen to him will take all their secrets back. Will give him his power back. It won't. It doesn't. He makes a promise that if he ever comes face to face with you again, he'll kill you. He'll do it with his hands, not a knife or gun. He wants to take back his power.
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Hughie is heartbroken. He opened up to you. He talked to you about Robin, and his parents, and even that night at Teks party. You knew every embarrassing story about him and all the songs he listened to and his complicated relationship with Annie, especially in the past few weeks. You weren't a threat or another Vought Supe, you were different. You were supposed to be different. When he finds out you've been working with Homelander he feels humiliated. You've seen every side of him, no matter how silly or stupid or whatever, and you still turned your back on him, on everyone. You never really cared in the first place. He doesn't fall into total denial, but a small part of him insists this isn't true. He doesn't say it, he doesn't vocalize it, but an even smaller part of him wishes you'd come back and explain. He just wants to know why you did it.
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Annie knew something was up. She couldn't put it into words, she couldn't describe it, it was just a feeling. The feeling like, from season two, she describes walking around the tower feeling like there was a loaded gun in her face. You were the most powerful Supe she'd ever met. You were powerful and dangerous and that made her feel uneasy. You smiled when you were supposed to and laughed and you said all the right things, but there was just something off. After her time with Stormfront, she's gotten better at seeing people's true intentions. Or, at least, nor trusting the facade they throw on. She blames herself for not realizing, for not saying anything. Maybe if she had, it would have saved the team from all this heartache.
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M.M. hates that he ever trusted you in the first place. You are a Supe, after all, and he never would have let a Supe near him or his friends. But you were so convincing, so sweet, so thoughtful. You really had him fooled. You had them all fooled. When it comes out that you were working for Homelander, he doesn't retreat into himself like Kimiko or seek revenge like Butcher. All the feelings he has, all the anger and hatred and shame, it all turns on himself. He blames himself. He should have seen who and what you were, your intentions. He should have been the one to realize what you were up to. But even looking back on it now, going through everything, he still can't pinpoint the red flags. You were just that good, just that believable.
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Frenchie is in denial. You? Working for Homelander? That can't be. You worked together, you laughed together, you scraped off blood and guts together. This cannot be. M.M. and Butcher get especially angry at him when he vocalizes his denial. Even Kimiko will yell-sign at him, begging him to come to terms with it. You were a part of the team, you were his friend. He can't turn his back on you just like that. Whatever information you had given Homelander, it must've been a mistake. He really cared about you. He thought you cared about him. All this time, though, you were working for them. You were reporting back to them. If he can't trust you, who can he trust? For now, he's in denial. It's easier this way. It makes him feel better about the while situation.
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Kimiko retreats into herself. Like after her fight with Stormfront, after losing Kenji, she hides under that table and watches TV and doesn't talk to anyone. You and Kimiko were close. You were almost as fluent as Frenchie. She told you about when her and him kissed, she told you about being scared from the virus, everything. She never thought you would have been part of Vought. She never would have suspected it. Ever. You were a Supe, but that wasn't enough to make you a bad person. Now she's hurting all over again. She's angry and sad and ashamed. She's furious and she can't take it out on anyone or anything. She yells at Frenchie who's deep in his denial, which makes everything worse. It just makes everyone else angrier.
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Bonus! Homelander is furious. He's lethal. You disappear long before he realizes, taking out your chip and going into hiding with The Boys. It's been days since you were even in the tower and he uses everyone to look for you. The Deep and New Noir are absolutely fucking useless, so it's up to him and Firecracker to track you down. Sage rubs it in his face that she knew the whole time, which isn't helpful either, but it's part of a larger plan she's had, but does not disclose fully. Homelander wants you dead. He trusted you. He let you in on his life, his secrets, and you were just using him. No one uses Homelander. He's not going to let you get away with it. He's not going to let you see another day. You fucked him over. That's unacceptable.
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xomakara · 11 months
Only One For Me
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SUMMARY | Hanging out with your friends at the hottest club in Chicago, you never expect to see Johnny after you had left the idol life, your friends and him after a scandal. Johnny says he misses you and shows you how much he really does miss you. PAIRINGS | Johnny/Fem!Reader GENRE | friends to lovers, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, angst, drama, fluff(?) towards the end. RATING | Mature LENGTH | 11,413 words AUTHOR'S NOTE | This was supposed to be short but I guess it turned out longer than I expected LOL. Once my fingers are on a roll, anything is possible haha. Anything in italics is spoken in Korean. Enjoy lol
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Your music is not cut out for it. Who's gonna listen to that shit?
You shook those words from your mind as you tried to focus on what was happening in front of you. The lights were dimmed, there was pumped up music, countless sweaty bodies out on the dance floor, drunks making moves on men and women. It was hard not to focus on anything else but the music that the club was playing was horrible.
Who listened to this crap anymore?
You obviously didn’t.
“Ouu~ this song is my jam!” The dark-skinned girl next to you yelled out, wiggling in your seat. Tori was one of your best friends since high school and was notorious for being a party girl. Even at the age of twenty-eight, all she did was go to clubs, bars, and lounges.
And you blamed her for dragging you there.
“Everything is your jam, Tori!” Another woman, whose blond waves bounced about, yelled back. Becca was your other best friend from high school and was still the smartest person you knew. Since you left for Seoul a few years back, Becca was a successful business owner with a tendency to party nowadays. Tori was most likely rubbing off on her.
“Uh huh, but you’re dancing too!” Tori yelled right back. Both women wiggled in their seats, drinks in one hand.
You never really liked the club scene. You were much more reserved and preferred to be in a bar or lounge, where they tended to play better music and have less sweaty bodies. Those were the places where you got most of the inspiration for writing your own music. You were feeling a bit out of your element here.
“Come on, Y/N. Loosen up and let's get partying.” Becca danced in her seat next to you.
“No thanks.” You shook your head, swirling the alcoholic concoction in your hand with the stirrer. “I feel out of my comfort zone here.”
“Girl, don’t they party in Korea?” Becca asked, taking a sip of whatever drink she ordered, nodding her head to the music.
You shrugged. There were parties in Seoul but you were so busy working that you never had the time to go and party. Your days were packed with dance practices, song rehearsals, variety shows, music programs. It was hard being an idol.
An ex-idol.
You used to be a member of a now popular girl group but left due to differences in music and joined another company. The group you were in, tended to go for the cute songs and concepts but because you were the oldest of the group, you wanted to try something new. Something sexy or mature. But the company and the other girls didn't like it. ‘We would lose our public appeal’, they said.
Another reason why you left, certain sources claimed, was the scandal with a very popular male idol with a huge fanbase. Well… that was how the media portrayed it. But there was some truth to the news.
Glad you’re out of the group. We don’t need a whore like you ruining our reputation. You really thought a girl like you could really be with a top idol like him? Dream on, Y/N.
You shook your head, clearing your mind of those bad memories. In the wake of your scandal, you asked your new company if you could take a leave of absence or go on an indefinite hiatus. They gave you permission, halting what little schedules you had. You cut all your ties to any idol friends and boarded the next available plane to come back to the States. 
And here you were. 
Back home with family and friends.
A place you could truly feel at home.
“I was so busy working that I didn’t have time to party or even go out for drinks.” You replied, taking a sip of your alcoholic beverage. “I feel like I’ve forgotten how to party.”
Tori placed her now empty glass on the table and reached forward to link arms with you and Becca. “Well, come on girl! You’re back home and away from all that negativity! So let’s just have fun and dance!”
She had a point. You were away from all that negativity. All those bad vibes. You had a chance to be free.
The music in this joint still sucked though.
Tori led Becca and you to a clearing in the middle of the dance floor. Back during your high school and college days, you were considered a horrible dancer that lacked confidence but you guess those dance training lessons paid off. You still weren't an amazing dancer like other Korean idols but you could still hold your own. Plus, the alcohol flowing through your body made you feel free and relaxed. Swaying your hips and occasionally doing some body rolls seemed to attract some attention towards your way. You were suddenly feeling the hype and despite the bad music, your body wouldn’t stop moving. You really couldn’t believe that you forgot how to have fun.
“Ouuu~what song is this?” Tori asked excitedly as the beat and tempo of the music changed.
“Are they performing this song live or something?” Becca asked from in front of you.
It wasn't typical club music. That quickly died down to be replaced with the sounds of a live band playing. Different yet familiar to your ears.  The powerful drums, the rhythmic strumming of the guitars and bass, the beautiful melody coming from the keyboard. All sounds that were too familiar.
It couldn’t be, could it?
You shook your head and didn’t even bother to turn around to see who was playing. Chicago always had some new talent out in the streets and it wasn’t uncommon for aspiring singers to be playing a gig.
“I think it’s Korean.” You heard Becca call out.
“How do you know?” Tori asked her.
“I listen to enough K-Pop to know what Korean sounds like.” Becca stated matter of factly. Which was true since she showed you her extensive playlist of popular groups like Stray Kids, Got7, Infinite, etc. “I've never heard of these guys before though. But then again, their music isn’t really my style.”
“You sure it’s in Korean? Sounds like English to me.” Tori softly swayed to the music, joining the crowd that was enraptured by the live band playing and singers singing. “So this is what the bartender meant when he said that there was going to be live playing and singing later.”
“We'll take the highway to heaven And I can't wait to love you all alone (Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah) We'll take the highway to heaven On the 101, let's see just where it goes (Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah)” 
Wait… what? Why did you know this song? And why does it sound like he’s here? It has to be a joke right? You shook your head and pushed the thought to the back of your mind. You were probably going crazy getting cooped up in your room all the time.
“Last call, are you coming with me? I got some things you want to see Tell all your friends that you're busy, they know They know we got the chemistry Love how your body feels on me When you get back, let me get that”
But why did those lyrics sound so damn familiar? You just couldn’t put your mind on it. You were going crazy, weren’t you? Yeah that had to be it.
“Baby you should know, I won't let you go I'll show you the world if you say so Oh, she's so bad (So bad) I'll make it last And baby, I can't leave you alone”
“Why does this song sound so familiar?” You muttered mostly to yourself but Becca heard.
“You know this song?” She asked, clearly feeling the music as she grooved to the pop song.
You shrugged, still a bit confused. This was clearly a Korean song but why is it sung in English? “Kind of. I mean it’s originally in Korean. Are they doing English covers of Korean songs?”
Becca shook her head. “The bartender said that it was a group of Korean men that was going to perform though. Maybe it’s an English version?”
Can’t be… Could it? The boys surely couldn’t be here… You doubt their company would send them to a venue like this. They would normally play in bigger venues.
“Damn, they’re good.” Tori muttered from next to you. She gave you a small smile and nodded to the stage, all the while swaying along to the song. “Do you know them by any chance?”
You sighed. You guess you could turn around and indulge your friends. You turned and it felt like your world ended.
Of all places...why here? Why at this time and place?
They danced as great as they always did. They sang with passion as they always did. They looked even more emotional than usual and when he turned his head towards your way while singing his lines, he caught your eyes. He didn’t falter even once as he locked his eyes on you. He continued dancing, those mesmerizing eyes piercing through your very soul. That sweet, velvety voice singing into the microphone, the sound of it ringing through your head.
God, you missed him.
You missed his voice, his face, the way his long fingers would push back his hair from his face. You missed his laughter, his smile, his eyes. You missed everything about him.
You turned back to Becca and Tori and took a deep breath. “I need some fresh air.”
They didn’t stop you as they continued to feel the music. You made your way towards the bar and asked for some water to hydrate your now dry throat. What will you say when they find you? What do you say when he talks to you? You shook your head and finished your water not noticing that the group finished their set and was replaced by another live band performing.
You turned to head towards the door to get a breather when you bumped into someone, spilling his drink all over the counter. “Oops! I’m so sorry!”
He turned to you and you saw that he was an Asian man of about five feet eleven inches and he seemed to have an air of sophistication on him. He raised his eyebrows when he saw you, his mouth opened slightly to speak.
Shit. Why Jeffrey of all people?
“It’s you! What are you doing here?” He asked in rapid Korean. “Do you know how much everyone has been asking about you?”
Oh no. What do you say?
“Hyung, there you are.” Another man approached him, his voice carefree and lighthearted. He looked at Jeffrey’s stunned face and then turned to you, his eyes going wide. “Oh! Noona! You were here all along?!”
Full Sun...
Fuck. You knew it. Once you saw one of them, you’ll end up seeing the rest of the guys. You turned away from them, leaving them stunned and a sputtering mess. “Sorry, I don’t know you!”
You pushed your way through the small crowd that gathered by the back door and went to an empty clearing. You needed to catch your breath. It’s been a year since you had seen anyone from the industry so why were they here of all places? Did they have a gig here somewhere in Chicago and decided to let loose or something?
You weren't paying attention as you bumped into something, rather someone, again. What the hell was wrong with you today? You were losing it. You had to be losing it. Seeing the group made you lose composure. 
Yeah, that was it.
“You okay?” A voice said from above you. That voice. That smooth velvety voice.
You couldn’t hide so you looked up at him with uncertainty in your eyes. “I’m fine... It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
A soft chuckle. “Yeah it’s been a year. How have you been, Y/N?”
Breathe in and out, Y/N. In and out. “It’s been dandy. Just living life one step at a time. How have you and the boys been, Johnny?”
A smile and the sound of his clothes shuffling about. From the corner of your eyes, you saw him lift his hand but placed it back at his side. “Oh, you know. The usual. Making new music, performing with the guys.”
“So why are you guys here? Randomly partying?” You asked out of curiosity.
He nodded, slicking his hair back. “Yeah. You? I couldn’t help but see a few old friends with you.”
You shrugged. “Apparently I was too cooped up in my room writing music. Tori dragged me out.”
“You're still writing music?” He asked. You gave him a small nod. “I'd like to hear it one day.”
“One day…” You muttered, your voice drowning out when you heard the voices.
“I swore I saw her, Mark.”
“You sure Jaehyun? Y/N has been avoiding all of us. She hasn't even been picking up Johnny’s calls.”
“I saw her too, Mark.”
“Even you Haechan? Wow, where was I at?”
You scanned his profile. Has things changed since the last time you saw him a year ago? He was still tall but he seemed to gain muscle. He hadn’t changed one bit. You let out a soft chuckle. “Jaehyun saw me first. Then Haechan. I ran away from them.”
“That sounds like you.” He chuckled. He bit his lower lip, probably thinking of what to say next. “Everyone misses you.”
But did you? You weren't about to ask him that though. “Yeah, I missed everyone too.”
“Y/N, I-” He started but was cut short when you shook your head.
“It's okay, Johnny.” You muttered, shaking your head. “You don’t need to say anything.”
Out of the blue, someone pushed you and you landed into Johnny’s outstretched arms. You pulled back almost instantly and he looked at you with sad eyes. If it was before your scandal and departure, you wouldn't have minded it. You would have thought he was joking or something like he normally did. Teased you, slightly pushed you away but… He didn't. His eyes held a certain sadness in them, as if he was telling you he was sorry for everything that happened, telling you that it was alright, telling you that he didn't mean those words.
You wanted to hear those words out loud. You wanted…
What did you want?
He reached out, cupping your cheek. “Y/N. I missed you.”
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A Year Ago
“But why noona?” Haechan asked.
The rumors and the hate you were getting about your scandal and departure from your ex-group was stressing you out that the new company you were with was having trouble trying to control the situation. You had come to visit one of your best friends in the industry, letting him and his group mates know that you were going on a hiatus indefinitely and that you were going back home to the States.
“Do you really have to go noona?” Jungwoo asked from the couch.
You nodded, your hand touching the scar you received a week ago on your neck. It wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. “Yes. I’m tired and I just want to go home.”
“But Y/N, how will we keep in contact?” Yuta asked, frowning next to Haechan.
“I'm always a phone call away.” You gave him a small smile. “You can always call me when you need to.”
“You’re going to be on the other side of the world.” Taeyong muttered, Doyoung nodding next to him. “It's going to be hard to contact you with our schedules and the time zone difference.”
“I know. I don’t want to do this but…” You trailed off and looked down at your feet.
“If you hadn’t gone to his house late at night, you wouldn’t be in this predicament.” Johnny muttered from his seat in the kitchen. 
Here it comes again. 
The fighting.
“And how was I supposed to know that some crazy paparazzi was going to be taking pictures?” You retaliated. This was not the first time that you and Johnny got into a heated argument about this topic. He felt so strongly about it and as much as you wanted to let it go, he always brought it back up. “He’s a friend. There was nothing going on between us.”
“Friend, my ass. You think the media thinks that? To them a female idol and a male idol are meeting in secret.” Johnny argued back, getting up to stride towards you. Sure he towered over you with his height, but there was no way you were going to be intimidated. “You really thought a girl like you could really be with someone like him? Dream on, Y/N. Get over yourself. He doesn’t love you.”
“I know he doesn’t! And I don’t like him in the romantic sense. Why are you being such an ass?” You glared up at him. You could tell the boys were getting concerned, Doyoung and Jungwoo backing away from whatever fist fight Johnny and you were going to put up. Jaehyun and Taeyong stood close by to step in if anything.
“I just wonder what’s going on with that thick skull of yours?! Of all guys, why him?” Johnny muttered out in English. For the past few times you've argued, it's been in English. He brought up his hand, as if to strike you, but clenched his fist and put it down. “If you wanted to date someone, you could’ve dated one of the guys. Yuta or Taeyong is a better choice than him!”
“Why do you always think I like him?! Why do you always jump to conclusions whenever I have guys as friends?” You retaliated back in English. “Why are you concerned about who I date and don't date?”
Johnny scoffed and threw his hands in the air. He gave you an incredulous look. “Who wouldn’t like him? He’s popular compared to NCT. You’d like to be the center of attention, don’t you? Especially after your group kicked you out.”
Center of attention?
Ouch. What a way to hit someone when they were down.
“Of all people, I thought you would be supportive of me Johnny! We go way back since our high school and college days and this is how you think of me?!” You shouted, the other members of NCT 127 backing away. You took a deep sigh out of frustration and looked him in the eyes. “Fine! I’m done.”
“What are you talking about Y/N?” Johnny shouted back, his hands grasping your shoulders.
“Yeah, it’s like you said Johnny. I like being the center of attention since I'm not the popular one in my ex-group. What else can I do when even my vocal trainer says I can't sing but you know for a fact that I could sing better than any of those girls? But you know what? I don’t need your permission or approval to do the things I want to do.” You shook yourself from his hands and stared at his angry face. You grabbed your things and headed towards the door. “I’m leaving Seoul. And I’m not coming back. Not for those girls, not for him… And especially not for you.”
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“Y/N, I missed you.”
What a liar. No he didn’t. He was the one who pushed you away first.
Johnny looked down at you, his eyes filled with sadness. Perhaps regret? You looked away, not wanting to get drowned in those eyes of his. And as much as you missed the man, you couldn’t forgive him for pushing you away like that. What he said was a hard blow. It even hurts to think about it. You hated to admit that you missed him, but after remembering what he said, you just couldn’t help but be mad and angry.
“Sure you did, Johnny.” You shrugged his hands off. You crossed your arms across your chest, and couldn’t help but notice that Johnny looked down at you. “I don’t have time to listen to your excuses. Now if you excuse me…”
“You’ve changed Y/N.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair. His eyes ran over your body, probably checking out your outfit.
“I’m still the same person.” You looked back at him. “You’re the one who’s changed.”
“Is hyung hitting on a girl?” You heard a voice call out in Korean. From the corner of your eye, you saw the other members of NCT 127 make their way towards you both.
“Hush. Maybe she's an old friend of his.” Mark replied in Korean, as they stopped in front of you and Johnny. He took your profile in, his eyes scanning up and down, and if he noticed who you were, he didn't say anything.
“Hyung, are you making this pretty girl cry?” Jungwoo asked, giving you a concerned look. It was like he didn't recognize you because he started to speak in broken English. “Oh, is Johnny making you sad?” 
You giggled. That broken English of his was adorable. It made you want to protect him despite him being in his twenties. “I'm fine Jungwoo-ah. Your English is improving a lot. Speaking full sentences now!”
“She’s speaking Korean! Wait, she said my name. Do we know each other?” The man asked in Korean, as he looked at you, his face scrunched up. He had to remember you with the way his face lit up a few seconds later. “Oh! Y/N-noona!”
You nodded, a small smile lighting up your face. “Hi guys. It's good to see you again.”
“See? I told you we saw her, Mark.” Haechan frowned at Mark.
“Why'd you bolt out like that earlier?” Jaehyun asked seconds later. “Almost gave me and Haechan a heart attack.”
“I'm sorry.” You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair. “I had a little too much to drink and thought you two were going to do something perverted.”
“More like you'd do something perverted, Y/N.” Mark chuckled, coming forward to give you a small hug. “It's been a year. We all miss you.”
“I missed you too, Mark.” You returned his hug, hands coming to pat his back lightly. “But can you let go of me now? My friends are going to fight you if you hug me too long.”
“What friends?” Mark muttered as he pulled away from you. You pointed behind him and he turned around, noticing the two girls who stood a few feet away, both glaring at him and the other members. “Them? They look like they won’t hurt a fly.”
“You’d be surprised.” Johnny answered back, his members giving him a confused look.
You nodded, Tori and Becca coming to your side instantly. They linked their arms with yours and stared at Mark, the male backing away. Johnny couldn't help but chuckle. You let out a small smile. “Hey, you two. Sorry about that. I needed a breather.”
“Were these guys bothering you, Y/N?” Tori asked menacingly, looking over at each of the guys. 
“You're okay, right?” Becca looked you over, checking for any signs that you were hurt. She gestured to Mark. “That man over there didn't do anything inappropriate to you, did he?”
“Inappropriate?” Mark softly asked, Johnny stifling a laugh. 
The girls both spoke to you in English, with only Johnny, Mark and Jaehyun understanding everything. The other five probably understood, since they were English capable on command. When did you start speaking to them in Korean? Heck, when did you start speaking in Korean when it was just Johnny and you alone earlier?
You shook your head. “It's okay, girls. They're friends of mines from Korea. Plus, I think you know one of them already, although I don't know if you'll recognize him.”
“Why would we know idols?” Becca asked, eyeing the members. Yeah, she really didn't know the group.
“I'd like to refer to ourselves as musicians and artists.” Johnny responded, suddenly throwing an arm around you. “Right, Y/N?”
You looked at him and debated on whether you should fling his arm off but then thought better of it. You couldn't let your friends think that you were having drama with the guys despite what happened a year ago. “Uh huh. Sure, Johnny. The boys think of themselves as musicians and artists. Tori, Becca, meet NCT 127. Guys, meet my best friends, Tori and Becca.”
“Before you introduce yourself,” Tori said to Johnny and gestured to the other members behind us. “Do they all even know English?”
“Yeah! It’s one thing to speak and understand English and it’s another when you memorize just words.” Becca inputted.
“Of course, they understand. They’re English capable. Apart from Mark and Jaehyun…” You sighed and ran a hair through your dark hair. Johnny tucked a random piece of your hair behind your ear and looked down at you, nodding at your answer. You looked up at him and gestured with your chin, “…and this guy, the others understand. Introduce yourself already.”
“Geez, okay. Don’t have to be mean about it.” Johnny, with his arm still around you, let out a chuckle. He lazily waved at the other two girls, leaning his tall frame unto your short one. “Hey guys. It’s your boy Johnny. Hope you guys remember me.”
Tori bit her lip. “Johnny…”
“I don’t remember a Johnny...” Becca asked, her face scrunched up. “Wait…OH! The one dude that always followed after Y/N back in high school?” 
“I never followed after her.” Johnny grumbled. Despite the protest, you could tell he was enjoying the banter since his chest rumbled with laughter, ever so slightly. “She followed me.”
“Whatever, John Jun Suh.” You retorted, using his full name. You never used his full name unless it was to tease him or when you were mad with him. “You were following me, along with all the boys that were in my fan group. Goes to show that I was a beauty back in high school.”
Upon hearing the words coming from your lips, Johnny gave a side look, his eyes soft. His big smile turned into a small soft one. He replied in Korean, so Tori and Becca couldn’t hear. “You still are beautiful.” 
“Hyung.” Doyoung frowned, obviously catching what the second eldest member said. “Don’t be flirting with Y/N-noona like that. You know how she gets.”
“Johnny,” Taeyong started, eyes flickering back and forth between the two of you. It was clear that the boys would be speaking in Korean, since they wouldn’t want the girls to know what was going on. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be casually flirting with Y/N.”
“Yeah, especially with what happened.” Jaehyun muttered, slightly concerned about how this was going to go down. Yuta nodded next to him.
“Are you guys dating?” Becca interrupted everyone as she pointed to you and Johnny. “Because you two look really friendly.”
Jaehyun responded with wide eyes but you shook your head, signaling that you had it under control.
“It’s okay, guys.” You smiled at them. Suddenly wrapping your arms around Johnny’s neck, you gazed up at him. “You owe me for this. And don’t think I forgive you too.”
And before Johnny could respond at the sudden act of you wrapping your arms around him, you stood on your toes and pressed your lips to his. 
Even you were surprised at your own actions.
What were you doing? Of all people, why is it Johnny Suh that you’re kissing?
Did you miss him that much that you just wanted to kiss him?
It couldn’t be. You and Johnny were friends. You’ve known each other for years and never once did he show any romantic interest in you or you in him.
You felt his strong arms coming to wrap around your lower back, his fingers lingering on the span of naked skin that was exposed from your clubbing outfit. You felt him tightening his hold on you, his soft lips slowly moving against yours, the deep breaths he took, the rise and fall of his chest. Your bodies were so close that you could feel his rapid heartbeat through the layers of his clothes and it made you wonder if he could feel yours.
You mentally scolded yourself, wondering why you were doing this. No, you shouldn’t have done it. You shouldn’t have kissed him just to have your friends think that you’re friendly with him. Or dating him. What will the boys think after? That you’re suddenly making a move on the eldest NCT member?
What would Johnny think?
Johnny rested his forehead against yours as you broke the kiss, trying to get his breathing back under control. His arms were still wrapped against your lower back, your own still around his neck. His eyes were closed, a small chuckle escaping from his lips. “Y/N…”
“Don’t.” You whispered, slightly shaking your head against his. “Don’t ruin the moment because it won’t happen again.”
He kept quiet, as if he was contemplating your words. He pulled his head back some, still holding on to you as he stared down at your face. “I─”
“We’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.” You heard Tori call out. Shit, you forgot about them. You glanced over to where she stood, her arms latched onto Yuta's right arm and Jaehyun’s left arm. The boys had confused expressions on their faces and looked at Johnny for some sort of guidance.
“Yeah, you two probably have a lot to catch up since it’s been a year since you last saw each other.” Becca nodded and you noticed that she too, had her arms latched onto Taeyong and Haechan. “So we’ll go back into the club with the guys.”
“You guys can drink, right?” Tori asked Jaehyun, who nodded in return. You watched as they walked into the club and you couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle when you saw the look on Mark’s face when he realized that he had to translate for everyone.
“Johnny-hyung!” Haechan called out, as Jaehyun shot you both a look. “Don’t do anything stupid!”
“What did he say?” Becca asked Mark, stopping momentarily as she nodded at Haechan. Mark shrugged in response as Becca just smiled and dragged the poor guys into the club.
“I miss that laugh and smile.” You heard Johnny mutter, still aware that his arms were settled on your lower back. He gave you a boyish grin and you couldn’t help but bite the inside of your cheeks before you let out a weird shriek. “So…can we talk about what’s going on between us?”
You shrugged yourself out of his grasp, moving away to put some distance between you both. Now this was awkward. Really awkward. You ran a hand through your hair and gestured to you both. “This kiss that happened between you and I, forget about it. It never happened.”
“Y/N.” Johnny started, coming to stand in front of you. “If you’re still mad about what happened a year ago─”
“I am!” You interrupted him and looked away. Did he not understand that what he said made you furious? “I’m still mad at you, Johnny. That fight, those words…I still remember it so clearly. I thought we were best friends and nothing could come between us, but I guessed wrong. What happened when we suddenly started fighting? What happened that made things take a wrong turn?”
“He happened.” Johnny muttered, looking down at the ground. “Ever since he came into the picture, things have changed between us. You started hanging out with him and his members more than you hung out with me and the rest of the guys. You’d blow off our plans to do other things with them.”
“You were mad because I had other friends?” You asked, with an airy sigh. “Johnny, you’re my best friend. Even if I made new friends, you’re the most important one. We grew up together.”
“Yeah. But people change Y/N.” Johnny said as he stepped in front of you and laid a hand on your arm. “You changed and I changed.”
You looked up at him and shrugged his hand off. “Because of him, huh? Because I was getting closer to him than anyone else.”
“He wasn’t good for you Y/N.” Johnny muttered as he returned the stare. “Anyone is better than him.”
“Like who?” You asked, watching as he averted his eyes. “The boys? You?”
“You know I’m only looking out for you.” Johnny replied back as he bit his lower lip. “You’re one of my best friends and I want what’s best for you. Taeil or Taeyong, heck even Jaehyun, was a better choice.”
Friends, huh? 
Why was that a slight blow? Did you want something more from him? Were you expecting something else from him? You just felt disappointed and you didn’t even know why.
You just wanted to hear something else. Something that showed that he saw you as a woman and not a friend.
Even something little.
“Don’t deny that you guys aren’t together.” Johnny said, as he stuffed his hands in his pocket, and blew his hair from his face. “I know you too damn well to know when you lie to me.”
“Even a year later, nothing escapes you huh?” You muttered, as you crossed your arms across your chest. “Things wouldn’t have turned out this way if I hadn’t gone to his place in the middle of the night and kept my legs closed.”
“Wait, what? You slept with him?” Johnny asked, his voice somehow getting a bit loud. The wrinkles started to form on his forehead as he furrowed his eyebrows. “Tell me you’re kidding.”
You bit your lip and shook your head. “I’m not kidding Johnny. We had sex a few times. I never told you because I know how you get.”
“Y/N─” Johnny started but you shook my head.
“See, you’re doing it again.” You interrupted him as he ran a hand through his hair. “Can we not fight again, Johnny? I’m getting tired of always fighting with my best friend.”
“I’m not going to argue with you or anything.” Johnny sighed as he crossed his arms. “I just wished you’d told me. Then I could have prevented it from happening.”
“Prevented what? Having sex with him?” He nodded in reply and you let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m a grown woman who has urges, Johnny. I don’t prevent you from having sex with other girls.”
“What other girls?” He asked, blinking a few times.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” You muttered. “What girl wouldn’t want to sleep with a handsome guy like you?”
“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows. “So that explains everything, huh?”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes. You were curious about why he never wanted you to date others. “Besides, I fell for his sweet stupid words and lies. Why don’t you want me dating other men? You can’t be jealous, can you?”
He turned away quickly and you caught a slight nod of his head. Just a slight nod. “Yeah, I get pretty jealous. It’s because…”
“Because…?” You cocked your head slightly, waiting for an answer.
“You’re my best friend.”
“It’s because Jaehyun likes you.” He muttered, averting his gaze away. He looked over to the small crowd that gathered around the venue’s door. “That’s why.”
“Jaehyun?” You scoffed. You knew Jawhyun didn’t like you. “Yeah right. Jaehyun’s in love with himself. What’s the real reason?”
“Okay, okay!” Johnny turned back towards you and took a deep sigh, before pulling you into his arms. He took you by surprise as he tightened his hold. He rested his chin on your head so that you couldn’t see his face. But his heart was beating pretty fast. “After I tell you this, I’m not sure if we can go back to what we were before. But still I have to say this. I like you Y/N. I tried to hold it down but I can’t do it anymore. It took me a long time to say this…but I really, really like you. Fuck, I might even love you.”
“Wait. What?” Before you could even let out another sound, he silenced you with a kiss. It was different from the one you gave him earlier. His was soft and tender and you couldn’t help but revel in it. It was different from other kisses you’ve had with other men and...you can’t believe you’re actually saying it...but you really like it.
“Johnny, say it again.” You breathed out in between kisses.
“Please don’t make me say it again.” He muttered against your lips, resting his forehead against yours. Johnny cupped your face with one of his big palms, his thumb softly caressing your cheek.
You let out an oddly satisfying sigh. “Or you’ll do what?”
“Geezes, woman.” He chuckled lightly before pecking you softly on the lips again. “You drive me crazy.”
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Johnny wanted to hold hands in the club, but you weren’t quite ready yet. At least not mentally. Sure you both exchanged a couple more kisses here and there before making your way back into the venue. Sure your best friends thought that Johnny and you were a couple.
But you weren’t so sure about the boys. Hell, you don’t even know about your own damn feelings.
Were you a couple? Were you officially a thing?
Did you like Johnny like how he likes you? Or has it been so long since you felt the touch of another man, that your body is just yearning for him? Yeah, it had to be that. You had to be sexually frustrated to even think of sleeping with your best friend.
God, does he look good right now.
NO. NO. NO. NO. 
Y/N, stop it. You’re just a bit horny all because Johnny just kissed you.
Stop it.
You looked over at him as he conversed with Tori and Becca, no doubt catching up on old times. As if sensing that you were looking at him, he turned his head to look at you and sent you a smile that made you weak in the knees and momentarily short of breath.
“You okay there, Y/N?” He asked in Korean, swiping at the hair that fell into his eyes. “Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a bit?”
You shook my head. “I’m okay, Johnny. Where are the boys? I haven’t seen them since we got back into the club.”
“Jaehyun went to the bar with Doyoung.” Johnny pointed towards the bar where you saw the three members waiting on their drinks. “Jungwoo went to the restroom and Mark, Haechan, Taeyong and Yuta are dancing in the corner over there.”
“Does he really dance like that?” Tori asked as she watched Taeyong dance.
“Yep.” Johnny nodded. “He’s one of the main dancers.”
The boys came back to your cozy spot at the club and settled themselves comfortably in the lush seats. Although not as fluent in English as Johnny, Mark or Jaehyun, the boys conversed in English as they tried to get to know Tori and Becca better.
“Where are you guys staying?” You randomly asked Johnny as he fiddled with the beer bottle in his hand. He opened another one and handed it to you. “At a hotel?”
“Nah, I’m crashing back at home for the duration of our stay here. The boys are at a hotel.” Johnny chuckled as he pulled out his phone and showed a recent picture he took with his mom. “Mom is pretty happy that I’m back home for once. Oh yeah, are you staying with your parents?”
“No, I got my own place.” You replied, as you cooed over the picture, complimenting how cute his mom was. “Mom and Dad were pretty disappointed that I moved out.”
“Because you keep bringing guys over?” Johnny joked as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
“It’s because I don’t bring guys over.” You rolled your eyes and Johnny couldn’t help but laugh.
“But imagine the look on our parents' faces if they knew we hooked up.” Johnny chuckled as he took a drink of his beer. So you were just hooking up, huh? “My mom would make you move in ASAP.”
“Not unless my mom makes you move in her house instead.” You laughed as well. ��They live down the street, so I don’t understand why they make such a big deal over it.”
Johnny leaned back in his seat and looked over at you. His eyes seemed to roam along your whole body and for once, you felt pretty self-conscious around him. “It must be nice to have your own place though. I share a room with Haechan in the dorms.”
“You’d think by now you’d have your own place with the way you are bringing girls home.” You raised your eyebrows teasingly at him. “Hey, I had a weird thought. Did you want to stop by my place maybe later tonight?”
“Holy shit, Y/N.” Johnny let out, his chest rumbling in laughter.
Did you really just say that? Did you really invite Johnny to come back to your apartment later? What in the hell is wrong with you?
You looked towards the others and noticed that Tori and Becca talked about some random hottie they saw on the dance floor. The boys seemed distracted by a group of young men and women dancing in front of them, Taeyong debating if he wanted to join them. But the look Johnny gave you, made you curse myself.
“Yah, Y/N.” Johnny started in Korean as he scooted closer to you, his hand snaking around your waist and pulling you closer. “Are you inviting me over to your place to have fun?”
“Forget I said anything.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Who’d want to have fun with you?”
“Hey, you’re the one who said that girls can’t resist a handsome man like me.” Johnny chuckled as his fingers tapped against your naked midriff. “I’m handsome. I can dance. I have a deep voice for singing and rapping...”
“Dammit, Johnny.” You cursed aloud, the others looking your way. They raised their eyebrows before continuing their conversations and whatever the hell they were doing. “I hate you. I really hate you.”
Johnny moved his body even closer to yours and raised his eyebrows. “So onto a very touchy subject...How was sex with Hyunsik?”
Why did he bring that up? “It was okay, I guess.”
Im Hyunsik, one of BTOB’s vocalists and the father of majority of their music. The man you’ve slept with on numerous occasions. The man you had a scandal with. When was it that you started that forbidden relationship with Hyunsik?
You were also promoting with the girl group you were in as well. You remembered after your performances, NCT 127 invited your group out for drinks but the other girls declined since they were quite a bit younger. 
You met the members of BTOB at the restaurant you went to and despite being attached to the members of NCT at the hip, the guys in BTOB seemed to attract your interest. And before you knew it, you started to hang out with them more and become friends with them. You vaguely remember Hyunsik asking you to meet up with him alone one time but how the relationship progressed from being just friends to friends who have sex with each other...you don’t remember at all.
“Oh?” Johnny raised his eyebrows. “Hm…. I would’ve thought that Im Hyunsik would’ve blown your mind. I mean he is a great vocalist and probably has lots of skills.”
“Yah. Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, Johnny Suh.” You muttered, seemingly distracted by him. “And stop mentioning his name. It’s weird.”
“So then you don’t mind me asking…” Johnny smirked as he leaned his face closer to yours. “What do you think about us going to your place and just fuck?”
“What did you just say, Johnny?” You heard him wrong, right?
Johnny gave you a slight smirk, his long fingers touching, caressing, my naked midriff. You could see from the corner of your eyes that Tori and Becca were watching you both and if the boys saw it too, they probably ignored it. “You know what I said. Let’s go back to your place. Unleash the beast. Let this soldier have the spoils of war. Fuck.”
“Did you compare yourself as a soldier and me as the spoils of war?” You asked, scrunching your nose. You could care less about his vulgar language considering you used it pretty often, but did this guy really compare himself to a soldier?
“Did you like that? It was good, huh?” He asked, pretty proud of himself for coming up with that analogy. “Man, I’m a genius.”
“What a loser.” You rolled your eyes and looked at him. Just because he was being a tease, you thought you’d tease him back by running a finger down his chest. He took a sharp breath, his eyes wide. “But I’m down to let this soldier surround himself in his spoils of war.”
“Geezes, woman.” Johnny let out as he tried to control his breathing. “Were you like this with Hyunsik?”
“Yah,” you frowned and stopped. “Didn’t I say not to mention his name?”
He frowned as he grabbed hold of your finger. “Well, I don’t know what type of things you do with Hyunsik. Did you tease him like this too?”
You shook your head. “No. He did most of the teasing.”
His face lit up when you said that. He looked like a happy child at the candy store, surrounded by a whole bunch of sweets. “Ouuu~ So I get to experience sweet little Y/N’s teasing.”
“Go get a room, you two.” Tori called out, Becca nodding beside her. “We know you guys missed each other but come on.”
“Yeah. Go explore each other elsewhere.” Becca added, holding in her laugh. She turned to Tori, a big smile on her face. “I can’t believe today is the day we see Y/N with a guy.”
“And not even telling us about him, at all.” Tori shook her head in disappointment. “How could you not tell us that you had a boyfriend? Were you scared that we wouldn’t approve of Johnny?”
“I forgot to be honest.” You shrugged. You and Johnny were not a couple. You’d probably never be. At least you think so. “And you were always annoyed with Johnny back in high school. If I remember correctly, you kept getting annoyed with him whenever he signed up for the talent show.”
“Well this was before he started to sound so good!” Tori exclaimed, giving Johnny a sad frown. But it was only for a little while until her expression changed into that of a fangirl. 
“And before he started to look this good too.” Becca raised an eyebrow in appreciation. “Damn, what a glow-up. Y/N, you lucky bitch.”
“Stop giving him googly eyes, Becca.” You pinched her arm and she jumped in response. You gave her a small smile. “He’ll start getting a big head if you compliment him like that.”
Taeyong was sitting across from us, shaking his head in disapproval as the girls and Johnny laughed. He spoke in Korean, giving you and Johnny a frown. “Johnny, didn’t we tell you not to flirt with Y/N like that?”
“They haven’t seen each other in a year because of you-know-who and now they’re back to being normal.” Doyoung pouted.
Normal? Things did not get back to being normal, Doyoung. 
If anything, it took a weird turn. 
You had the biggest fight ever with Johnny a year ago, got reunited with him a few hours ago, kissed him like thirty minutes ago while he confessed to liking you, and now he wants to have sex with you. That’s normal? 
Oh, Kim Doyoung, you cute, innocent man.
“So noona and hyung are back to being friends?” Haechan asked as he shook his leg to the music.
Jungwoo shrugged. “I think so. Hyung, are you and noona back to being friends?”
Johnny looked at you, a mischievous smirk on his face. “Oh yeah. We’re back to being friends. Right, Y/N?”
That wink. Why did he have to do that? Be still your heart.
Johnny is just your best friend. Just your best friend of many, many years. A friend who is apparently attracted to you. Nothing more, nothing less… 
But what if…? No. 
You doubt Hyunsik will care about what you did or who you do. And if he does, you’d deal with that matter the next time you’re in Seoul.
If you ever return.
“Yeah, we’re back to being friends.” You nodded, not letting Johnny’s suggestive tone get to you. “Oh yeah. Do you guys want to go to my apartment so we can just chill and catch up?”
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, when he heard you invite the others. 
Johnny Suh, I can not be alone with you anytime soon. You are apparently not good for my heart.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s kind of getting a bit late out so we’ll visit tomorrow if you don’t mind.” Taeyong smiled, the others agreeing.
“Johnny could walk you home though.” Mark nudged Johnny playfully. “Right?”
“Yeah. I don’t mind.” Johnny chuckled, glad that the boys were bailing.
You thought you could get away with it, but apparently not. You told the girls that you were going to head home and they happily saw you and Johnny off. It had taken you about maybe fifteen minutes to walk back to your apartment since you didn’t live that far from the club. You opened your door and let Johnny in, he took off his shoes and slowly padded into your territory.
Your somewhat empty territory.
“Yeah… Sorry it looks empty.” You muttered as you scratched the back of your head. Your living room barely had any furniture apart from the couch, a coffee table, the TV, and a keyboard on one side of the wall. Your kitchen only had the basics such as a microwave, a coffee pot, and a few pots and pans scattered around the counter. “I haven’t had the time or money to buy more things.”
“I hope you don’t sleep on the floor.” Johnny shook his head as he took in the condition of the apartment.
“Nah, my bedroom is the only place that has the most furniture.” You laughed as he plopped himself on the couch. “I spend most of my time there anyway. Writing lyrics, composing music, playing the guitar, and sleep.”
“You still playing the guitar?” Johnny asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Just because I couldn’t when I was an idol doesn’t mean I stopped playing it.” You muttered as you sat next to him. “Now that I’m no longer in the group, I could write my own music and play the guitar all I want.”
“I want to hear one of your songs one day.” Johnny took your hand in his big ones and entwined your fingers together. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I know. You’re amazing too.” You smiled up at him, he returned an even bigger smile.
“I really am sorry, Y/N.” Johnny muttered as he brought his other hand to tuck your hair behind your ears. “If I had the chance to return back to that time, I would have told you how I felt, how I like you. You would’ve been mine and you wouldn’t have been in this predicament. You wouldn’t have this scandal staining your reputation. You could have been happy with me.”
“I get it. And I accept your apology.” You gave him a soft smile. “But what’s done is done, Johnny. We can only move forward.”
“Moving forward, huh?” He let out a small laugh before leaning his body closer to yours, his hands on my waist. “Let’s move forward together.”
He closed the distance between you both and sensually placed a trail of kisses down your collarbone. Oh God. You loved it when he did that.
“So I guess we should talk about the future then.” Johnny stated as he bit your neck softly, his teeth grazing your skin.
“Uh huh.” You hummed as he trailed kisses down your shoulder, nibbling on your skin gently. “The future.”
“I don’t want to put you in this difficult position.” He looked up at you, those warm brown eyes brightening up.
Difficult position? As in sexually frustrated?
As in sexually frustrated, wanting to devour you?
Whoops. Way to give him ideas.
But no, you wanted to move forward, make something real. Even if it was just a one night stand even though you wanted more.
“Then what do you want?” You smirked, knowing exactly where this was heading. The kiss became harder, the movements more passionate. You grind your hips against his as he moaned in pleasure, both of you breaking away for a second to catch your breath.
“What I want is you. For as long as I want. I don’t want to leave your side anymore.” His words sent chills down your spine, goosebumps appearing on your skin. “I want to spend every waking moment with you. Whether we’re in Korea or America. Even if it’s just eating meals together, walking through the park, working out, watching movies, singing karaoke, spending holidays with each other, I want to spend every single second of my life with you. All of you.”
Wait, hold up. What? “What did you say?”
“Everything I said.” He grinned, a dimple appearing on his left cheek. “All of it. Every word.”
“You’re crazy.” You whispered. You hadn’t expected him to say that. Of course, you had hoped that he liked you but that was taking it to another level.
“Am I?” He asked, cupping your cheek with his hand. “Tell me. Is that crazy?”
You’d never thought someone could love you that much. Someone who wasn’t family or a lover. But Johnny loves you that much. You’re loved by someone else other than yourself. By someone who also made you feel special. Loved. 
You squeezed his hand tight, loving the feeling of his rough thumb running circles over your palm. “No, Johnny. You’re not crazy. I’m speechless.”
His lips met yours again, his tongue pushing its way past your lips, teasing you. You parted your mouth, welcoming his tongue inside, caressing yours, dancing along them in perfect harmony. It felt like nothing you had ever experienced before, every touch, every kiss, every movement meant something, each syllable spoken and breathed into your ear created memories to last forever. It was as if nothing existed outside of this moment right now, this connection between the two of you.
You broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his, breathing heavily.
“You’re too good to me.” You muttered. “How am I supposed to reciprocate this?”
“What do you mean?” Johnny cocked his eyebrow, clearly not understanding your question.
“I don’t deserve you.” You admitted, tears starting to form in your eyes. “Not after what happened. Not after how I left.”
“Y/N…” Johnny pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Please don’t cry. I can’t handle seeing you sad. Don’t cry, baby. Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” You cried as he held onto you tighter. "I should hate you for pushing me away. But I don't. I can't."
"I know I shouldn't have gotten mad." Johnny started. "For me to blame you was wrong. So fucking wrong. That was all me. I got jealous. I was insecure. I'm just a stupid man."
"Don't apologize." You sniffled. "Apologizing means you're admitting that you're at fault. You're not at fault, Johnny. This isn't your fault. None of this is your fault."
"Y/N…" Johnny sighed, wiping the tears from your cheeks. "I've always wanted to tell you this. That I love you. That I like you. That you have this effect on me. That whenever I'm around you, my entire world stops. That I could stare at you for hours without moving a muscle. That when you touch me, it's electrifying. That when you look at me, I can't help but fall in love. That I'm not a person, I'm a pile of melting ice cream when you look at me. That I become this jumbled mess when I think of you. When I think of us. You are everything. Everything to me."
"Me too, Johnny." You giggled as you kissed him again, you pushed him back on the couch so you could straddle his lap. You ran your hands through his messy locks, brushing his bangs out of his face. "When I think of you, I'm instantly happy. Everything else fades away. Nothing matters when I'm with you. My anxiety, my fears, my doubts, my insecurities… They all go away."
"And I need you, baby. So much. Like air." Johnny brought his hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb running along your jawline. "I don't want to be without you. I need you in my life, Y/N. I need you to fill that void in my heart. You're the only one for me."
"Johnny..." Your voice cracked as you tried to speak. Your heart was racing so fast, pounding so hard that you swore it would explode. Tears continued to fall from your eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Of course, baby." He chuckled. "Do you see anyone else sitting here besides you?"
"There's no one else but you." You mumbled, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Only you."
"Good. Because I'll never let you go." He murmured as his hand traveled down your stomach, towards your inner thighs.
You gasped loudly as he pressed a finger between your folds. "Oh god... Oh god, oh god, oh god."
"Ah, you like that?" Johnny teased as he lightly rubbed your clit with his middle finger. "Oh, you're so wet, Y/N. So hot."
"I need you. Now." You pleaded. "Right now, Johnny. Please."
"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered against your ear.
You don’t when or how, but both of you were suddenly naked. Your legs were trembling uncontrollably as he slid two fingers inside you, causing you to moan. You weren't even close to reaching climax yet, he had to stop. You needed him to slow down, prolong the pleasure until you could no longer bear it. Until your body couldn't take any more. You moaned louder, making him smile seductively.
"I bet you like this." He murmured, spreading your pussy open. "Wanting it, craving it. Telling me that you need me, that you want me. Don't deny it. Let go, baby. Let me take control. You won't regret it."
You nodded silently, closing your eyes. You felt his lips brush against your neck, your breasts, your abdomen. He traced little hearts all across your body with his tongue. Each touch, each lick, each kiss had you gasping in pleasure. One more minute and you'd come undone, panting as you writhed against his hand. "Johnny, please..."
"That's it, baby. Come for me." Johnny whispered as he continued to rub your clit. "Come on. Cum for me. Let go. Give me everything."
It was torture. You knew that once you came, he'd stop. And you didn't want that. It was bad enough that he had put you in this situation, why did he have to ruin it by stopping? You reached down and grasped his wrist, pulling his fingers away from you. He didn't resist, merely watched as you quickly brought your lips to his hand, sucking on his fingers. You hummed as his fingers touched your tongue, tasting yourself, tasting him. You moved his fingers back to your sex, licking them clean before pushing them inside you.
"Ah fuck." Johnny groaned as he watched you do whatever you pleased with his fingers. "You're killing me, baby."
"Sorry." You hummed, kissing his fingers once more before replacing them inside you. "But I really want to cum. I need to cum."
"You're damn right you need to come." Johnny growled, bringing his other hand up to cup your breast. "You've been denied for far too long. Just thinking about it has me horny as hell."
He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. You whimpered as he placed his fingers back in your mouth, letting you suckle on them once more. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing your body flush against his. "God, I need to be inside you."
"Please." You panted.
"Where, baby?" Johnny questioned, his fingers tracing patterns across your stomach. "Should I go deep or shallow? Should I use my fingers or just shove my cock inside you?"
You shivered, his words making your body quiver with excitement. "Shove your cock in me, Johnny. Please."
He grinned, opening your legs wide, his erection bobbing in front of your face. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, Y/N." He whispered, lightly running his thumb over your nipple. "So very hard."
You grabbed onto his shoulders, clinging onto him as he positioned himself between your legs. He pressed forward, his length rubbing against your slit, causing you to squirm and moan.
"Yes, baby. So beautiful." Johnny mumbled, lowering himself so that the head of his cock brushed against your entrance. "I want to slide inside you so badly."
"Please." You whined, biting down on your lip as he pushed forward slightly. The head of his cock slipped inside you, stretching you gently. His shaft pushed against the walls of your vagina, forcing you to widen your legs slightly. You arched your back as he penetrated you deeper, sighing as he filled you completely. "Oh god... You're so big, Johnny."
"Damn, you feel amazing." Johnny groaned as he began to thrust inside you.
"Goddamn, you feel amazing." Johnny echoed as he continued to thrust in and out of you.
You clung onto his shoulders, rocking your hips back and forth, meeting his thrusts perfectly. Each thrust caused you to moan louder, your body begging for more. "Fuck, Johnny. Please fuck me harder. Harder, faster."
"Give me everything, baby." Johnny panted as he fucked you hard. "All of you. Cum for me."
You gave him everything. Every bit of yourself. Giving in to his demands, accepting his commands, doing whatever he asked of you. Doing anything he told you to. All because he made you feel so fucking amazing. As you exploded around him, your orgasm pulsating within your womb, you came apart in his arms, screaming his name over and over again.
“Fuck! Johnny!”
"Oh god, baby." Johnny whispered as he slowed his thrusts. "I've never felt anything like that before. I'm cumming."
You closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation. You wrapped your arms around his neck, locking your legs around his waist, grinding against him as he shot his load inside you. He collapsed against you, both of you catching your breath.
"Holy shit, that was intense." You laughed, kissing him on the lips. "I haven't cum like that in like a year."
"Fucking hell, Y/N." Johnny cursed, wiping sweat off his brow. "You took my breath away."
"You did that to me." You laughed, grinning as you snuggled into his chest. "Let's go to bed. My bedroom is right over there."
"Yeah." Johnny smiled. "Bed sounds great."
"So does being in your arms." You smiled as you leaned in to kiss him.
"It doesn't get much better than this, Y/N." Johnny said softly, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing on the bedside table next to you. Slowly getting up, you rubbed your eyes, the sunlight glaring through the curtains. You picked up your phone and looked at the screen, groaning when you saw Mark's name lighting up.
Pressing the green icon on your phone screen, you pressed the cellular device against your ear.
“Ugh, it’s so early, Mark. What do you want?” You muttered out, the blankets pooling around your waist. Your skin was sticky from the aftermath of whatever occurred during the previous night.
“Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty. Johnny over there?”
“Mmhmm. Why?” You let out, a muscular arm reaching out from the covers to squeeze your hip. You slapped his hand away, prompting him to peek his head out from the sheets to frown at you.
“He ain't answering his phone. Plus his mom keeps calling us.”
 “What did you tell her?”
“We said something about him meeting up with old friends and spending the night there or something.” You heard him mutter from the other side. There were groans from the distance and someone muttering about coffee, so you assumed the boys were all getting up from their sleep. “Just call his mom and let her know that you finally slept with her precious son.”
“Yah. Why do I have to be the one to tell his mom that we finally fucked?” You asked, looking at the man next to you, a mischievous smile on his face.
“Because you’re close to his parents. I mean your parents and his parents are friends right?”
“Yeah… But I don’t want to tell Johnny's mom that we had sex.” You groaned out, Johnny chuckling softly next to you. “It’s just so weird. Johnny's mom would probably tell my mom. And then my mom would probably tell me to lock Johnny down...”
“Well...not my problem! Have fun!”
“Yah! Mark Lee! Mark! He hung up.” You frowned when you noticed he disconnected the call. Shaking your head and leaving the warmth of your bed and Johnny's arms, you grabbed the closest towel you could find. You went to the other side of the bed and shook the muscular figure. “Johnny, stop pretending to be asleep. Go call your mom.”
“And tell my mom that we had wild, passionate sex?” Johnny grinned, suggestively raising one eyebrow.
“Nevermind. Don’t.” You shook your head. “I don’t want your mom to suddenly be treating me differently just because I took her son’s virginity.”
“I was not a virgin and you know it.” Johnny pouted. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been screaming my name so loudly last night.”
“I hate you Johnny Suh.” You replied back, your cheeks suddenly turning pink. You had to admit...he was good in bed.
“Mmhmm, I know. Are you going to shower?” Johnny muttered against the bedsheets, his eyes soft. You nodded. “Want me to join you?”
“If you did that, we’d never leave my apartment.” You chuckled as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. You moved towards the bathroom and gave him a small smile. “Can you start the coffee while I grab the shower first?”
“Why don’t we just shower together?” Johnny muttered as he sat up in bed, scratching his bare chest. “It’ll save us time.”
“You make a good point…” You scrunch your nose and then shake your head. “But no. Knowing you, we’ll be doing other things than shower.”
“Damn. It was worth a try.” Johnny mumbled under his breath as you chuckled and retreated to the bathroom. Swinging his feet out of bed and shrugging on his jeans, he made his way towards the kitchen to start up the coffee maker. He looked towards the bathroom, noticing that the door was wide open. “How do you like your coffee!?”
“Black please!” You called out through the bathroom door, the sound of the shower running.
Johnny chuckled, walking away from the coffee maker as it continued brewing. He went into the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe, eyebrows raised as he made out your silhouette behind the shower curtains. “You sure you don’t want it sweet and creamy like me?”
“You’re so weird Johnny.” You peeked out from the curtains and made a face. You nodded towards the shower. “But since you were being such a cutie by making coffee, you might as well join me.”
“Score!” He called out, discarding whatever clothing he had on and joined you in the shower.
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lainiespicewrites · 7 months
Electric Summer Ch 3.
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AHHH I'm loving this story so much!!! Here's chapter 3! I couldn't stop writing this lol
Summary: Sy and Lainie get ready for the campers to arrive. Everyone gets to know each other. It's a perfect summer day until...the weather takes a turn.
warnings: light cursing.
Reblogs and comments ALWAYS welcome! Please let me know what you think!!
Link for Ch2
That night I barely slept. Buzzing with all of the energy from the day. The adrenaline and excitement and the butterflies. All of it ran through me like a high I didn’t want to come off of. But still I was skeptical. Was this the universe at play or was it just a coincidence? No, it couldn’t be. Not when all of my emotions seemed to be even stronger in his presence. And as much as I’d like to deny it, I still thought about him often. I had tried to let all of this go. But it’s like he had this grip on me. Everytime I tried to go out with someone new or go on a date. Or let someone touch me. It felt like I was betraying him. I knew that wasn’t true. I know Sy. He never really wanted me to wait forever, I don’t think either of us ever thought we’d see each other again. And if I had seen someone or been with someone he’d never hold that against me. But I just couldn’t do it. 
At some point I must’ve drifted off to a restless sleep. My alarm woke me at 6:30AM. After our dip in the lake yesterday I definitely needed a shower. After a quick morning shower and getting ready for the day. In just some simple workout shorts and a t-shirt. It was supposed to get hot today. I decided to start working on decorations for the cabin before breakfast. I remember one year our counselor made signs with  our names on them to hang over whatever bunk we’d chosen. I loved that idea. 
I went through the roster becca had given me when I’d checked in yesterday and got to work carefully drawing each name and fun summer designs on each one. I wasn’t much of an artist but I was genuinely pretty impressed with myself. 
Then I started to hang the garland letters sign I made for our door. Each year camp has a theme. And our counselors would come up with a name for our group or our cabin before we got there. It was always fun guessing and anticipating what cabin we would get. This year’s theme was classic movies. I smiled proudly to myself as I taped the string to the door after checking one last time to make sure it was straight. We were the “Pink Ladies” I may have a serious obsession with the film Grease. 
I’d decided that if we were paired with one of the boys cabins we would be the pink ladies and I’d convince the boys counselor to be the T-birds. Luckily, Sy didn’t take much convincing. We talked about it yesterday before we started going over the icebreaker games. Although he did briefly try to change my mind and talked about the boys doing a “Top Gun” theme but he conceeded when I pouted. I made both our signs last night. After about an hour of trying to fall asleep I gave up and sat on the floor cutting the letters out of cardstock. I planned on taking the sign over to him  after I figured out how to hang the fairy lights over the rafters. I climbed up onto the top bunk and started there making my way around the perimeter of the cabin. But there was still one long beam across the middle I started on the top bunk in one corner of the room but that only got me so far. I Pulled the little table in the center of the room over and climbed up standing on top of it. It was just tall enough for me to be able to toss the lights around and catch it on the other side of the beam. Just as I’d moved the table and climbed back up to start another section I heard the screen door open. 
“What are you doin?” He asked an edge of panic in his voice. Sy was leaning against the door frame watching me. 
“Hanging lights.” I shrugged, turning back to the task at hand. 
“You’re gonna get hurt,” He said. Walking over to the table staring up at me to meet my eyes. I looked down shaking my head. 
“I am not! I’m almost done once I finish this part I’m gonna climb onto the other bunk.” I explained wrapping the lights around one more time before starting to get down. I felt Logan’s hands on my waist steadying me and helping me off the table. “Thanks” I blushed turning away from him quickly it was to early for this. 
“Anytime darlin, you want some help?” He asked. I shook my head as I climbed the ladder to the top bunk diagonal from mine. 
“Nope this is the last part!” I said as I finished wrapping the lights around the beam. “Did you need something?” I asked. Looking down at him.
“Yeah you not to give me a heart attack!” He joked. I chuckled. 
“I was fine Logan!” I argued. He shook his head. 
“I was actually coming to see if you were ready to head over to breakfast?” He asked I looked down at my watch and looked back up. 
“Is it 8:30 already?” I asked. He nodded. 
“Sure is!” He smiled. I hopped down from the bunk laughing when his eyes went wide again. 
“Jesus woman,” He laughed. “Would you stop trying to get hurt!” He chided. 
“Oh so you can go of overseas and fight in a war, but I can’t do a little home decor without you threatening to put me in a bubble?” I raised an eyebrow. 
“I don’t mean you aren’t capable of doing it yourself darlin, it’s just if I remember right you tend to be accident prone.” He chuckled. 
“That was 7 years ago! I was 17, I was a little clumsy. That’s all.” I defended. 
“Sure,” He smiled. “You ready to go eat?” He asked. I nodded. 
“Just let me grab some shoes!” I slipped on a pair of vans and we headed out the door. 
I was so glad we took the time to sit down and enjoy breakfast because the rest of our morning and early afternoon went by so fast. 
We had another staff meeting about greeting campers. And meeting parents. Dealing with home sickness. A crash course on first aid. The first day’s schedule. Luckily Sy and I were with the older kids. High school age. So our day’s weren’t quite as structured. But somehow that made me more nervous. What if they just brushed us off and none of our effort was even worth it. 
I didn’t have time to think about it. At 1 pm right after lunch and after we finished. Some staff bonding games of our own it was time for check in. It was kind of a long process if I remember so I still had maybe 20 minutes before any of my campers would be there but I was still so nervous. I went and sat out on the picnic table writing down the schedule and some of the games Logan and I had talked about trying one last time to get all my thoughts organized. At one point when I looked up I saw him across the lawn standing on the porch of his cabin finally taping the sign I’d made to his door. 
Better late than never I suppose. I giggled to myself. To be fair it’s a miracle the boys cabins ever participated in those sorts of things anyway. They never were ones to decorate. And their cabins always had a certain…smell to them. I shook my head and looked up again just in time to catch his eye across the lawn. I smiled sending him a little wave. I saw him grin and he waived back. Just as I thought about walking over to chat, a young girl and what i’m guessing is her mom stopped in front of the cabin. 
“Cabin E?” The mom asked smiling. I nodded. Standing up to greet them. 
“That’s me!” I smiled. “Welcome to camp!”
“Thank you!” She said. “This is Emma,” she gestured to her daughter. 
“I can introduce myself mom,” she chided her mother. “I’ve been doing this for 4 years now.” Ah so she was a seasoned camper. She should be fun. 
“It’s nice to meet you Emma, I’m Lainie, do you need help bringing anything inside? I asked gesutring to her bags. 
“Oh I can help her!” Her mom jumped in. Emma rolled her eyes. 
“Mom I love you, but you’re hovering. I got it from here.” She assured her. The womans face fell but she nodded. 
“Alright I get it, it’s time for me to go.” she said. I gave her a sympathetic look. 
“Hey Emma no one else is here yet why don’t you go choose your bunk and get settled in, I always liked to get here early too so I could get the bed I wanted.” I told her. 
The girls eyes lit up and she nodded. She quickly hugged her mom and grabbed her bags walking toward the door. 
“It’s just two weeks mom! I love you!” she said before she walked inside. Her mother smiled sadly and looked back to me. 
“She’s so independent, I don’t know when that happened. She grew so fast. I’ll only get to do this with her one more year.” Her mother explained. 
“She’s just excited, I remember these days. I was a camper myself not to long ago. But trust me, about half way through the first week. I would start to get a little home sick. We alway miss our mommas.” I told her. 
“Thank you,” She smiled. “Sounds like she’s in good hands with you Lainie. I’d better go check on my son My husband is dropping off her twin brother Ethan. And they can both be a handful.” I laughed. 
“I know the type,” I chuckled. She smiled before heading off in the direction of Sy’s cabin. When I looked over there was a boy, and an older man standing outside talking with him. Emma’s mother joined them. The boy had blonde hair just like the girls. Must be her brother I thought.   I didn’t have much time to watch as two more campers and their family’s arrived. One whos name was Nicole she was also a camp alumn been coming just as long as Emma. It didn’t look like they knew each other very well though. Must not have been in the same cabin before. Nicole was a spitfire. Right out the gate. She walked right in claiming her bunk signing her name on the wall next to it, another camp tradition. She dismissed her parents right away as well. They stopped and talked for a bit but they’d done this before they didn’t have many concerns. The other girl  was much more timid and shy. She reminded me of myself my first year of camp. She was about a year or 2 younger than the other girls. Her name was Ryleigh. She was quiet when she introduced herself. Her mother talked to me about concerns of her being social and making friends. She was worried about her. I understood that. But I also understood the way that this place had a tendency to open people up and make them feel safe. What I told her was. I’d keep an eye on her. She’s gonna have a fun summer. I promised that. Another hour had gone by and all of my campers had arrived. I had 8 girls in my Cabin. I welcomed them all and gave them each their sign to put up by their bunks. 
“These are so cool!” Nicole said excitedly quickly climbing up to her bunk and taping it up immediately. 
“I like these!” Emma said, “Is it okay if we add more drawings or sketches to them?” She asked. I nodded 
“Absolutely they’re yours to do whatever you want with!” I smiled. “But if everyone is all settled in I think the boys are ready to meet up with us. Are you ready to meet everyone?” They were pretty excited to get things kicked off by this point most of the girls had been to camp at least once. They were ready to get the summer started. 
Sy and I had decided that we would meet up on the lawn and just sit out on the grass as a group to start things off. When we walked over Nicole immediately ran over hugging one of the boys, must be old friends. They immediately sat next to each other in the grass as Sy and I told everyone to form a circle. 
“Alright,” Sy spoke loudly getting everyones attention. “First we’d like to introduce ourselves. The boys have met me but ladies, I’m Logan, a lot of people call me Sy. I’ll answer to either one.” He smiled. I looked over and a couple of the girls were whispering to each other. I knew that face. I’d been the one making it years ago. Probably even still now. They thought he was cute. It’s so innocent those camp counselor crushes. I’d been there too. Once when I was 13 we had this counselor his name was Tanner. He was really nice and he played guitar and he sang. I was a sucker guys that were into music. I just smiled to myself, and realised it was my turn to talk. 
“We’re so excited to have you all here, I’m excited to meet all of your boys as well Sy! I’m Alayna but for most of my life and especially around here, everyone has always called me Lainie. Sy and I are so happy to be back here, we were campers ourselves but it’s been 7 years since we’ve been to camp.” I said. I stifled a laughed watching a few of them try to do the math in their head to calculate how old we were. 
“My family and I have been coming to camp since my dad was a kid,” Sy added. “I’m sure there are things that have changed since we’ve been here but there are some traditions that never wil!” He smiled. “You guys ready to kick off this summer?” They all cheered excitedly. 
“Okay,” I spoke. “Some people love this and some people don’t but there are 16 of you, there’s no faster way for us to learn all of your names and you who you are than some icebreakers.” a few of them groaned. “I know, I know we’re gonna make this as painless as possible, we were campers too remember? We went back and tried to find the games we had the most fun doing. 
“Everyone know how to play 2 truths and a lie?” Logan asked. Most of them nodded but we still explained the rules as a refresher. “But after we all guess.” He added. “We want you to talk a little bit more about one of your truths to us. Or explain why you chose that lie.” That seemed to really pique their interest. Beckett one of the boys in Logans cabin started the game. 
“Alright,” he started. “I’m a lifeguard, One time when my friends and I were on a college campus tour we played a pick up game of football with some of the college players. Or as a senior prank we stole our math teachers car.” Everyone started laughing. This kid had charisma. I could already see some of the girls eyes getting all dreamy. He was funny too. Sy was going to enjoy having him as a camper. 
“Did you still graduate?” Emma laughed. “No way you did that and didn’t get caught!” she said. 
“I graduated,” He nodded smirking proudly. 
“What position did you play?” Sy asked, talking about football. 
“In school I was wide receiver.” He answered. A few of the others went around asking questions. And then we all made our guesses. We all for sure thought he was lying about the car. 
“We got to sit in the stadium and watch them practice.” he said about the football. “But we didn’t get to play. I’d love to play in college though!” He added. The boys started laughing and the some of the girls shook their heads. 
“No freaking way,” Nicole said “How’d you pull that off, How’d you steal the car?” He smiled proudly, this guy was going to be our camp clown for sure. 
“One of my buddies TA’d for him and he would ask him to get stuff for him out of his car sometimes. So we came up with the idea that when he asked we would meet down there and move it to the student parking lot. He was a super chill guy. He thought it was funny! After he found his car anyway!” We all laughed. The game continued on. They all had a lot of fun with it. Some of them coming up with really strategic lies. Or just basic stuff they wanted us to know about them. It turned out great. It was Ryleigh’s turn last. I could see she was nervous she’d been avoiding going the whole time. 
“Uh, I’m Ryleigh,” She spoke softly. “I’m in band, uh I-I really like to read, and one time in middle school I won a rollerskating contest at our roller rink,” She was playing with her fingers looking at the ground. 
“What’s your favoirte book?” I asked her. She looked up for a second giving me a nervous smile. 
“Uhm Thousand Words by Jennefer Brown,” She said. I smiled 
“I’ve read that Its really good!” one of the girls said. I watched her face light up a little bit. 
“What instrument do you play?” Sy asked. 
“I play guitar.” She said. He nodded giving her a soft smile. One of the boys asked about the roller skating thing and a few other questions and we all guessed. 
“I don’t think you roller skate,” Ethan, Emma’s twin brother said. 
“I do!,” she smiled surprised she had fooled most of us. “I’m actually not in band. I do play guitar though! My dad taught me.” she said. 
“That’s so cool!” Beckett said. “Did you bring your guitar with you? You could totally play at campfire!” He said. She blushed and nodded slightly. 
“I did.” she said. 
“Sweet!” He smiled at her.  
Our afternoon was going really well. We talked to the kids about what things they wanted to make sure we did as a group this summer. What traditions were important to them. The boys were so excited to help Logan start planning for the prank war. At somepoint we were going to play flashlight hide and seek. That was always fun. We always set that up right after it started to get dark. They wanted to do a camp fire breakfast. We made them promise they were going to get up early to help us with it. But they were mainly just excited to hang out with their friends and do whatever we had planned. They were such a great bunch of kids. It always seemed like no matter the generation. We always reverted back to a state of innocence when we were at camp. Leaving technology behind and just being present. 
It was turning out to be a perfect first day. We had the kids make their name tags and  were playing a few more group games before dinner. But just as we were finishing up our last game it started to sprinkle. We gathered everyone up to head over to the dining hall and the sky let loose. It started to rain steadily. We all ran over from the Cabin’s making it inside just before it started to down pour. 
“Well,” Logan said from behind me making me jump, He chuckled. “Didn’t mean to scare ya darlin, but I bet they cancel the welcome campfire tonight, it’ll be way to wet now.” He said. I nodded. 
“That sucks. Some of the girls were looking forward to it. They had friends in other cabins they wanted to see. I had no idea it was supposed to rain.” I said. 
“Yeah, I was checking the weather on my way in yesterday. Could Possibly turn into a pretty rough thunderstorm.” He added. 
“Oh,” I said softly, biting my lip. I hated storms. Especially at camp. The cabins always felt so small and so thin. Like they wouldn’t hold. It was the one time I didn’t feel safe. But I played it off. “Guess we’ll be inside the rest of the evening then!”
During dinner they did infact announce that they were canceling the big welcome camp fire. It was for all the age groups at camp to welcome everyone all at once. And then each night each of the age groups had their own campfire. But we’d be doing neither of those things tonight. So much for the perfect first day. After dinner we decided to run over to the rec room. There was a pool table, and darts. Foosball, card games, board games, all of the inside entertainment we would could ever hope for. A few of the other cabin groups decided to head there too. So the campers had a lot of fun. Most of them reunited with old camp friends and made some new ones. Some of them sat down to play some pretty intense card games or board games. Some just chose to sit and talk. I was feeling really good about our first day. But then I saw Ryleigh sitting by herself. My heart broke for her. I understood how having anxiety could make these situations so difficult. I was just about to go talk with her when Sy approached. 
“She’s a real sweet girl,” He said. 
“You noticed too, huh?” I asked. He nodded. 
“Yeah, hate to mention it but, kinda reminds me of you, in our days here.” He said. 
“I was just thinking the same thing. I was gonna go talk to her, see if there’s anything I can do to help.” I sighed. 
“Not yet, give it a minute.” He spoke. I raised an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?” I questioned. 
“Just trust me, give it a minute.” He smirked crossing his arms. I stared at him confused for a moment. What did he know that I didn’t. But it very quickly made sense. 
“No you guys go ahead and start the next round I’ll be back,” I heard one of the boys say from the table where the campers had a big Uno game going. It was Beckett I watched as he stood from the table and nervously ran his hand through his messy hair. But then his demenor switched as he put on a charming smile and a confident mask. He walked over to where Ryleigh was sitting on a beanbag in the corner doodling on a piece of paper. He plopped down next to her. 
“Whatcha doin?” He asked her. She jumped startled not expecting anyone to be there. 
“Just, sketching…” she answered.
“You draw?” He asked. She shook her head. 
“Not really but…” I stopped listening. Letting them have their own conversation. I wouldn’t want someone to eavesdrop on a moment like this if I were her. 
“How did you…?” I trailed off. Sy chuckled. His shoulders shaking with laughter. 
“He noticed her a while ago. I’ve been watching him try to work up the nerve to go over there for the last 10 minutes.” he laughed. I smiled. 
“Wait, so you think he likes her?” I asked.
“Oh, he definitely likes her. If the military taught me one thing. It’s how to be observant. He’s had his eye on her since we all met up this afternoon.” he smirked. 
“That’s so cute,” I smiled
“I was the same way with you!” He admitted. I almost choked on air.
“I never noticed that,” I said. He shook his head smiling.
“Yeah, cause you were so quiet and stuck in your own head to realize what was going on. You didn’t even realized you liked me back until the second year we were at camp together.”  He laughed. 
“You did NOT like me first!” I argued. 
“Did too, Just because you didn’t notice doesn’t mean it wasn’t true.” He smirked. I opened my mouth to argue but there was a loud crack of thunder making me jump. I swallowed hard and looked down at the floor trying to hide the panic in my eyes. 
“Still don’t like storms huh?” He questioned. I bit my lip looking up at him and shook my head. 
“Hate them,” I said. Another roll of thunder and I felt myself tense. Sy put his hands on my shoulders making me look up at him. 
“It’s arlight we’re safe inside.” he assured me. I nodded. He and I walked over and sat with a few of the other counselors talking for a bit and keeping an eye on our campers. About 20 minutes later the weather alert went off on the radio in the rec room. We were under a severe thunderstorm warning. We could hear the rain pounding against the roof. My heart pounded in my chest. And the thunder was getting closer. Louder. 5 minutes later. The power went out. 
Sy immediately jumped up to take control of the room. 
“Everybody stay calm,” He spoke softly. I heard a zipper and some rustling. He’d pulled out a large flashlight from his bag. One of the counselors walkie talkies went off. Sy lifted his to his ear to listen. 
“Okay guys, just relax we’re gonna stay here until the storm lets up. Hopefully the power comes back on. Until then weve got some lantern flashlights to set up around the room. Just keep hanging out we’re alright.” He assured them. Sy and one of the other boys counselrs went into a supply closet finding the LED lantern lights they had 5 of them and set them out throughout the room illuminating it just enough for the kids to see and still be able to play cards or board games or talk. Some of the girls were a little nervous so I put on my best brave face to go over and talk to them. 
“Are you sure we’re safe in here?” Emma asked. I nodded. 
“We’re shielded from the storm and there aren’t many windows in here. We’re perfectly safe.” 
“I hate this.” another girl said. 
“I know, it’s not fun but it’ll,” another loud crack of thunder and I jumped. My breathing shaky, “It’ll.. It will uhm…” I started but I couldn’t get the sentence out the panic starting to take over. 
The girls both had nervous looks on their face. I was worrying them. Shit. I suck at this. 
“It’ll pass soon and we’ll head back to the cabins for the night.” I heard Sy say behind me. His hand softly pressed to my lower back. “Don’t worry we’ll get out of here and right back to all the fun stuff tomorrow.” he gave them a reassuring smile. 
They nodded. And I felt Logan gently leading me away. There was a small hallway that was out of the way and he pulled me to the side. “You alright?” He asked. I shook my head starting to feel myself shaking. 
“I-I can’t I can’t do this. I, how am I supposed to help them when I’m too scared myself and, I just I hate this.I feel like I can’t breathe!” I sniffed. He pulled me into him wrapping his arms around me gently shushing me. 
“Shhh it’s alright. You’re gonna be okay.” He said, holding me to him. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” He soothed. 
“I’m sorry.” I breathed. 
“Don’t, it’s alright.” he whispered. “Just keep breathing for me,” He talked me through it. And when I calmed down we walked back out sitting on one of the couches again. I stayed quiet a moment watching the room. 
“Sy,” I spoke finally. Just as I went to thank him his radio was going off again. We were cleared to head back to the cabins. The heavy part of the storm had passed but it was still raining. We ran back and Sy and I parted on the lawn getting our campers settled. He got the boys back to his cabin and they settled in. He made sure they all made it back 
“Alright boys I’ll be right back I’m gonna go check on the girls make sure they all made it!” he told them. He ran over across the lawn and knocked on our door. I answered quickly and let out a deep breath when I saw it was him. 
“You girls alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah!” some of them answered. I smiled 
“We’re okay.” I said softly. He smiled and nodded for me to join him out on the porch. I turned back to the girls “I’ll be right back ladies, go ahead and get ready for bed, lights out is in 30 minutes!” I told them. I closed the door behind me. And let the sceen door slam shut. 
“Are you okay?” He asked after a beat of silence. 
“Yeah, I am,...Thank you for helping me back there,” I said. 
“This isn’t our first storm together honey,” He smiled. “I’ll always be there to help ya.” I blushed. 
“You’ve always been such a gentleman. You’re mama raised you right.” I smiled. 
“Nah, just with you, comes naturally,” He said. I felt my cheeks heat up even more and I looked away trying to compose myself. 
“So, was that…all?” I asked. He stepped closer to me until I was leaning against the picnic table. 
“No,” He smiled. “There’s one other thing.” He brushed his thumb over my cheek his eyes staring down into mine. I couldn’t take it anymore. We’d drawn this out for too long. 7 years too long. I wrapped one arm around his neck the other hand gently resting on the back of his head pulling him down to me. He responded immediately pressing his lips to mine. His other hand found my waist pulling me close holding me against him. All of the air left my lungs as I kissed him back with everything I had. I whimpered softly when he pulled away. 
“Shit, “ He smiled breathless. “Only took me 7 years but I uh..” He breathed “just wanted to kiss you goodnight.”  I nodded still cathing my breath smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. 
“One more for good measure?” I asked blushing. He smirked. And pulled me in again kissing me softer this time. It was slow and sensual. He leaned his forehead against mine when he pulled away. 
“A man could get addicted to that,” he said. I smiled slowly trailing my hand from his should and down his chest. 
“I wouldn’t mind.” I laughed. He chuckled and pecked my lips one more time. 
“Goodnight Darlin’” 
“Goodnight, Sy” I watched him run through the rain back to his cabin and I stood their for a moment regaining my composure before I went back inside. Just as I was about to open  the door. I heard the one of the girls say
“No, I’m serious you guys I think they’re married!” it sounded like Nicole
“Nikki, Neither one of them is wearing a ring!” Emma said. 
“Okay well dating at least, They’re like super in love! You should’ve seen them in the rec room! I had to pee and they were in the hall by the bathrooms. He was like holding her it was so cute!” 
“Aww that’s so sweet, she was definitely scared! I felt so bad!” One of the other girls, Chloe added. 
“I know, OH MY GOD! Do you think they’ll let us call them Mom and Dad? Remember last year when we had Carrie and Andrew and they were married? That was so cute they literally treated us like their kids!” nicole squealed. 
“I hope so!” Emma said “I really like them! They’re both so nice, and I really hope they’re dating if they’re not they need to be, because they’d be so cute together!” I chuckled to myself before opening the door and they’re attention turned to me but they went quiet. 
“Okay girls gossip time is over! Time for lights out!” I said. They groaned. 
“Okay but wait, are you and Logan Married?” Nicole asked. 
“Nicole do you see a ring? What did I just say? But you two are dating right?!” Emma added. I chuckled to myself and shook my head. 
“Goodnight girls.” 
“Ugh fine be like that girl,” Nicole pouted. 
“Goodnight Lainie!” Emma called. 
“Goodnight,” Ryleigh said softly. The rest of the girls settled in and I turned out the lights and climbed into my bunk. I bit my lip and smiled to myself holding in an excited. Squeal. Maybe this was still the perfect first day after all.
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the-empress-7 · 4 months
What we’ve learned from these few years is that a man who talks too much will lose respect, become subject of ridicule and looked upon as weak. In the beginning when the Harkles were talking, people tuned in for the royal gossip but now people either tell him to STFU or totally ignore him.
William is pure Windsor with that fiery rage eternally burning in him. Remember when he roared back the day after O’s interview? Bet Rachel was bloody gleeful that she manged to bait an angry reaction from him coz for narcs that means they managed to provoke and cause an impact internally. She might have thought of it in sexual manner too, that sick cow.
But William quickly learned that zero response is the best response : let his father bitch, the mistress badmouth, the Hakles whine, scream, roll on the floor, the RRs bleat. He doesn’t give a fuck. He has this impenetrable bubble of people who give him unwavering loyalty and guard his privacy fiercely. Anything outside that doesn’t matter to him. That’s why the second time a douchebag journalist asked him about Diana’s fertilised omelette, he just LOL and walked away. The people around him chastised the journalist’s stupid behaviour. 
And just look what’s happening to everyone dreaming to bring him down - Becca isn’t deceiving anyone with her gossip pieces, the general public have lost respect for all these journos, reporters and commentators who fancy themselves as royal experts. Chucky is the tampon man, a weakling who couldn’t rein in his own walking mistake. Cams is still the ex mistress QEll wannabe, and need I say more about the overseas aliens? 😂
It’s all just so sad to me. Imagine having all this power and influence and to end up with legacy? Harry and Charles biggest legacy will be end up being blowing up everything of value because they were c*untstruck. 
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wingzie · 6 months
Do you have a favorite moment back from when you were baby army that stood out to you about Jungkook and Jimin?.
And bonus question: for the sake of going back in the day and how we used to say “I’m going into delulu mode right now”, was there a theory you or someone else might have posted that made you say “ok let me go get my tin hat too”.
Thanks for being with us for such a long time, and thank you for creating a safe space for us!.
Hellooo!!! Thank you for the ask. Hmm... this might be a somewhat long response haha. For me, there was a certain time period as baby army that stood out for me in showing what their bond is like: When Jimin was sick after New Jersey. Side note: The VLive after the concert is LEGENDARY
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Anyways, it was obvious that Jimin was not well in Brazil from the reports we got at soundcheck. We know from the Behinds that Jimin asked Jungkook for help if his condition didn't get any better. During TTU, Jimin stopped singing and got emotional. Jungkook kept his promise and sang along in the background. (For both days.) He then thought about jumping over to Jimin's pillar to comfort him, but thought better of it and thankfully waited until they were down.
This showed the upmost trust that they have for each other, on and off stage. There of other examples that shows this, of course. But it's the way they put the others' needs first over their own that hits me each time. They know when the other needs them and they'll do their best to be "There For You" no matter what. That connection is something that continues to beat stronger every single day.
One of my other faovurite moments is from "This moment right here is happiness" from KBS. Funny story: Quite a lot of Army had turned off KBS as soon as BTS had finished. I kept it on and continued to watch the ending collab. I think I confused both my own friends and people on my Timeline by screaming something along the lines of "AHH JIKOOK WERE SINGING TOGETHER CUTELY IN CONFETTI!!" Not many had kept watching like I had, so they had absolutely NO IDEA what the hell I was talking about...And then of course after that finished, Jungkook uploaded GCFH.
Another funny story is related to your delulu quesiton. I am not sure how I feel about the math theories. I somewhat believe in them, but those who know me will know that I absolutely suck at math. I actually failed it three times and never passed. It never stopped me in life though, apart from my inability to count to 13 apparently lol. Just before the release of Who, a GC of mine were talking about the 123 theories. I said that some seemed deliberate, but I couldn't tell overall. Queue Who being released, with Jikook singing at 1:23 and the song being track 13... It's still something the same GC jokes about with me today whenever numbers with Jikook happen. Thank you again for the ask and for the kind words. I'll always do my best. Happy to answer anything that I can! Much love, Becca/Wingzie.
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pipsbriberymuffins · 3 months
AGGGTM TV: Episode 3 Opinions
Can you tell I'm majorly obsessed???
Opinions: Okay so I liked this episode, I feel like a lot of people were excited for the Calamity party but I personally wasn't too bothered about it in the books, it just wasn't a part of the story that particularly interested me (I enjoy more character focused plots/moments). I felt that it was done well and I thought the setting of an abandoned cave (can a cave be abandoned???) was such a cool unique destination that can only really be shown effectively through a TV/movie medium. I liked Howie's casting although I personally always pictured him as late 20s early 30s to get the full creep effect from his influence over Andie.
Now I want to talk about Ravi, I love Zain as Ravi so much, his casting is one of my top 3. I don't love that he plays Ravi, in my opinion, like a golden retriever boy. I always felt like Ravi from the book was an extremely confident character often putting up almost too hard of a front because of the way people treated him and his family over Andie's killing. So on one hand I don't like his characterization but on the other I love it for the show. I'm trying to do a lot of separating my book opinions and show opinions. I like his show characterization for the romance element, I feel like they really jumped in with the awkward semi flirting and nervousness around each other and I like that for the show.
Pip's Mum is not my favourite in the show I don't know, I feel like she's very strict especially in this episode when she finds out Pip is investigating with Ravi, I enjoyed Leanne's overt shrugging of societal expectations when it came to the Singh's in the books, book Leanne would go out of her way to bring the Singh's in, but it just feels like the warmhearted, maternal, guiding energy she brought to the story in the book is missing from the show.
THE BREAK-IN SCENE. We didn't get the "real men wear floral when trespassing" that we deserved and I feel that we should declare a National Day of morning, DM with date options please. I liked the drugs being hidden in a fake teddy bear because I feel like that's such a teenage girl thing to do, like "yes I'm selling drugs and need a place to hide them, I'm going to google secret hiding places and buy the top rated from Amazon". At least that's something I would do anyway lol. I don't think I have any opinions on Becca right now but I will update you further!!
Sorry for the rant, thank you if you cared enough to read this far! Onto episode 4! <3
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
Bryce: “Do you hate a mate?”
Azriel: “No.”
Bryce: “Partner or spouse?”
Azriel: “No.”
I wanna know what went on through this mans head. “Why does everyone have a mate except for me?” 💀😂 Don’t worry, Az. You have a mate but your head is too far up your ass right now to see it.🤡😂
I saw a theory that Azriel’s book might start when Bryce falls into Prythian, or a little before, and it does actually make sense. Regardless, I want to see Az cry himself to sleep/be emo because Bryce stole his beloved knife. I still love him, but yeah. I just know this man was salty and broody the entire time. Bonus if his shadows (or Gwyn) teased him about it.😂💙
Becca and I were actually talking about this last night and how Azriel was really out here having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day HAHA. This weird little alien girl came for this throat 😂
You KNOW he was sulking like crazy and being SO upset. Despite the circumstances, Cassian is trying not to laugh, patting him on the back while Rhys is just *waves hands* all, "How am I supposed to use you to scare people if you kept getting duped by a weird alien girl?" Everyone teased him about it whether they knew what was happening or not.
The only thing going through his head at Bryce's question is what I think is always going on in his head these days and that is the song "All By Myself" on repeat because he's a loser who literally wouldn't know he was feeling things if those feelings punched him in the face 😂😂😂
I think if his book is next, starting it in tandem with CC events would make sense to keep the flow of the story going, especially to give us insight into what was going on with ACOTAR crew and how much crying Azriel did lol.
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sillyengineerperson · 3 months
Okay right, so i finished agggtm (show) last night and ahhhhhhhhh my god i don't know what to think. Like it was really good. Max Hastings was portrayed as a fucking dick perfectly, Ravi was funny and just awsome, it was really hard to see matthew baynton as Elliot Ward but he did it amazingly, I can't tell whether i like emma meyers' british accent or not (it was really iffy for me), not all the characters were how i imagined them but i didn't want them to be because i like being able to separate the show from the books, the CLUES REFERENCING TO AGAD AHHHHHHHHH (if we don't get to season 3 i will cry), naomi was yes and looked very close to how I imagined her, Pip Cara and Lauren's friendship and how they all look after each other is so perfect and I genuinely hope they don't go with Lauren's plot in the books for season 2 because my poor heart can't take it, josh!!!!!!!! i love him (it's a shame he wasn't watching disney channel like from one scene in the book but i think i'll live), WHERE WAS JAIME?? like he was mentioned but wasn't actually there lol (thats basically a summary of how the second book starts), I wish they'd given becca more explaining time because where they left it just make her seem really awful but from the books she shows more remorse and explains more of her choices to pip (e.g what happened to barney) so then i think it will be easier to explain her character later on. NAT👏DA SILVA👏DESERVED👏MORE👏SCREEN👏TIME👏especially more than fucking daniel
I can't think of anything else but I definitely need to talk about this more
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nastasyafilippovnas · 19 days
Hey! Thanks for feeding my butcher x annie obsession lol. They could have explored so much with them in the show sadly the writers just abandoned their dynamic after s2.
Incoming big rant I am sry I had to share with someone who is equally obsessed with them.
Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart.
Idk if you remember, but at the end of S2- butcher basically gives the necklace (which was gifted to him by becca and he always wears it all the time) to Ryan as a way of accepting becca's death. There is also this scene where annie and hughie talk and hughie asks why she isn't wearing the necklace she used to have ( gifted by her mom, it had a cross- showing her faith in Christianity) whether she has been losing faith in God. She goddamn says that if a man like butcher could have goodness in his heart, I believe that higher power exists. I am not even kidding. They have so many parallels in their personality. Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic.
Some opinions of mine that I think you would agree on:
• The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships) I thought she was too young to be joining into the group considering how other members are too old af to be working with her ( they could have shown that she was only selected cuz they needed somebody in the Seven who are not star graduates from Godulkin University-along with the reasons the show already has said) .
• I also think the writers easily could have made Annie/hughie fully platonic. I am not a big fan of their supposed romance, it just falls flat for me and they don't compliment very well. They could have been one of the best male/female friendships on TV but they had to make it romantic 😕.
I also wish butcher x annie could have the same popularity as homelander x starlight ( I ship that too btw). Like imagine the love triangle potential with this 😭✋.
Gosh sry for rambling too much. Genuinely thank you for opening my eyes towards this ship.
Omg, thank you for this, I live for long rants, especially about rare/unpopular ships full of potential!! And even more so about Butcher x Annie, they are so special to me.
"Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart." -> Absolutely, it's their whole dynamic. But also the opposite applies, because Annie has shown to be capable of violence and of making tough (one could even say, selfish) decisions when her loved ones were in danger. She is not just some naive do-gooder that is afraid of getting her hands dirty. Or at least, not anymore. She has also seen the worst of the world, and she is capable of understanding where Butcher comes from, even if she cannot agree with his methods. Idk, I feel like they are two sides of the same coin and at any moment they might flip. When you least expect, Butcher can be kind, and whenever is necessary, Annie can be ruthless.
(Kinda random, but there's a scene in Netflix's Daredevil S02 when Frank Castle tells Matt that "You're one bad day from being me." and, to me, that also applies to Butcher and Annie)
S2 NECKLACES OMG. HOW DID I MISS THAT PARALLEL? The scenes are even one after the other!!! I'm dying. I shall have to gif it later. It's kinda funny because we really only got one episode of Butcher and Annie interaction (2.06), and Becca is still around, but season two was so good to us with all the parallels. During s01, you could say it was just a crack ship, but s02 really showed how well they bounce off each other.
And...though you didn't mention, one of the reasons I hated s03. That was a wasteland. So many plots, and none of them being properly developed. And the Butcher x Maeve, which not only was random, but never went anywhere!!! That whole storyline should've been Annie's, it would fit so well with the previous season and I'll never stop complaining about it.
"Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic." I couldn't agree more. Imo The Boys a lot of unnecessary (and gross) sex scenes, so Butcher and Annie would be an immensely positive development, but it's not even about that. They have great chemistry, they work as enemies, frenemies, bffs, lovers, whatever dynamic you want. What's criminal is keeping them apart when their individual stories would benefit from each other so much.
"The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships)" -> I, unlike the writers, don't mind the age gap (lol), but I'd have loved to have seen that! Not only for the higher ButcherxAnnie potential, but also because it would've given Annie such a different perspective if she had made to the 7 when she was older (kinda wanna read a fic about that now lol).
I completely agree that Hughie and Annie could've (and should've) been platonic. Besides the undeniable lack of chemistry, it would've benefited both their stories. A Hughie that is still in love with Robin but sees how Butcher's methods are extreme is a lot more interesting than one that immediately falls in love with another girl after his girlfriend died. And then, there's all the times they broke up and got back together two episodes later that were just frustrating. S03 especially, with Hughie's obsession with being stronger (ugh, can you tell how much I hate s03?). But even s04, i felt bad for him too, but how the fact he slept with someone else that pretended to be Annie was just brushed aside and implied she would forgive him? That annoyed me. And it's not even about Hughie being on the right or wrong, just that they create one drama per season for Hughie and Annie, and it's boring. I'd rather they be friends or have a "will they-won't they" relationship where they only get together on the last episode. That would've been better.
I don't ship starlight x homelander, but I agree that Butcher and Annie NEED to be more popular. This ship gives EVERYTHING and people are sleeping on it. It's criminal.
Again, thank you so much for the ask, I had fun talking about them <3
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shinia · 7 months
Something I did months ago and which has been in my iPhone notes since then, if it interest anyone : book couple x Taylor Swift songs
Lover edition - Part 1 (I also have some for the other albums but I’ll do another post for them ; and it was way to long to post the whole album in one post)
Track 3 - Lover is NeilRowan from Today Tonight Tomorrow (and I discovered making this post that a second book about them is going to be released ???? wild) by Rachel Lynn Solomon. Let’s be honest, Lover could be most couples on this list, but I feel it’s really them at the end of the book (btw I know it’s not really popular, but it’s a really cute academic-to-lovers contemporary romance book with Jewish rep. I read it a long time ago but from what I remember I liked it a lot !)
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Track 5 - The Archer is RosalindOrion from the Foul Lady Fortune duology. I hesitated a lot between them and another couple on this list, but cmon. Orion is LITERALLY the archer. It’s perfect. (And it’s from my favorite author, go read Chloe Gong my goddess if you haven’t already). (art by @/imedmi on Instagram)
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Track 7 - Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince is Evajacks from the OUABH trilogy by Stephanie Garber. I mean, for me this song is them. No question asked. The pink aesthetic, same colour as Evangeline’s hair ? The Heartbreak Prince and the Prince of Heart ? The whisper in the always like the gossips Jacks almost kills in TBONA (I think ?) ? Run away with you ? Like please. And YES I’m the kind of person to associate every love song with this couple, but this one ? It’s literally them (honorable mention to The Archer and I Know Places, could have been those two as well)(art by @/sashac_art on Instagram)
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Track 8 - Paper Rings is LiLo from the Addicted to You series by Krista and Becca Ritchie. The childhood friend to lovers and pure soulmatism of those two ??? They WOULD marry each other with paper rings like when they were kids (if they weren’t, yk, rich af). My favorite couple in the core 6, they are very very cute (and I love Lily sooo much, I totally understand Lo pining lol)(art : @/kkristenarts on insta)
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Track 9 - Cornelia Street is Addie Larue and Henry from The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Another book I read a long, long time ago lol and I feel this song is them during the book. Like the hope, the place that remind you of someone, but the feeling of doom like in a way you know some day you’ll stop walking those streets ? Even if it’s on Lover, I always felt that this love seemed doomed, the way she’s talking like she knows and it will be over on day. (Art is the French edition of the book).
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Tell me what you think about it and if you have any idea for the songs 1/2/4/6 🥰 I’ll continue in part 2.
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blanddcheadcanons · 7 months
So earlier this month I was invited to my college friend Becca's Galentines party. I was the one man there and I had a great time. I was telling them about Trinity, Wonder Woman's new daughter. Chanté asked if she was the result of Diana hooking up with Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman 2. I said I don't even know if Steve is her father or not. We then talked about how even though there were magic dreamstone reality warping shenanigans, since Steve was actually just a random guy that believes he is Steve who died, that sex was nonconsensual. Like yeah that's fucked up and you shouldn't use the dreamstone like that. But I said the worse thing is this man had sex with Gal Gadot and doesn't remember. Haley immediately said "New fear unlocked." lol
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abarbaricyalp · 3 months
Hi! Because I've been rereading that one particular Christmas fic of yours, I'm curious about the Ice Skating WIP??
Oh yeah they do skate in that one too 😅WIP Game
The ice skating fic is mostly an excuse to watch scott moir and tessa virtue routines and call it research, lol. It's told through memories interspersed with Bucky and Sam meeting as adults for the first time since they stopped talking at 20. They competed against each other since the age of eight and were briefly together in their late teens. They qualify for their first olympics in the same year and then--
This is the first flashback. They're nine here
“Those are my skates,” Bucky snapped at the boy lacing up his skates on the bench where Bucky had left his ten seconds ago while he went to the bathroom.
Without even looking up, the other boy said, “No, they’re not. Your skates are black. These are gray.”
This camp was already off to a bad start and this was only the second day. It was the first camp Bucky had ever traveled for, having spent two years proving to his mom and dad that he was taking this skating thing very seriously (unlike Becca who had dropped it within two practices) but now he was thinking that he maybe didn’t want to travel for camps. There were so many people here and he didn’t know any of them. At least back home, a few friends from school or from the neighborhood went to his rink. Here? He was all alone.
And now someone was trying to take his skates, which weren’t even new.
Bucky scowled, blinked in the dimmed light of the rink, and reassessed the skates on the boy’s feet. “Those are black.”
“No. They aren’t,” he insisted again.
“I left my skates right here. Why aren’t they here?”
Now the boy lifted his head, boots laced but not tied, and gave Bucky the most irritated look Bucky had ever seen. Even his little sister couldn’t look at him like that. He reached behind himself to the next layer of the stadium seating and shoved away a gym bag full of agility aids. Bucky’s dark skates appeared like magic. “Use your eyeballs next time,” the boy snapped.
On the other side of the rink, Bucky’s mom was, at once, chattering with someone else and staring at him. She gestured at him to talk to the boy. Her meaning was clear: make friends.
“I’m sorry,” he said from between his teeth. “It’s dark. My name’s Bucky.”
The boy stood and tested himself with the blade protectors on. He didn’t wobble like a lot of the other kids did as they scooted around the edge of the rink, waiting for permission to get on the ice. “I’m Sam,” he said, then scrunched up his nose. “What kind of name is Bucky?”
Bucky scowled at this. “One of those is my blade protector,” he snapped, instead of responding. He held up the other skate as proof. “I use red ones. Those don’t even match.”
Sam looked down at his skates and huffed out an annoyed breath before balancing on one foot to yank off the red protector. He had to sit back down to search for the other blue one.
Bucky had to sit to get his skates on in the first place. They did not look at each other as they worked.
“Do you have a partner?” Sam asked finally.
Bucky did. Kind of. There was a girl he skated with up in New York, but she hadn’t ventured all the way down here for the camp. Yesterday, they hadn’t partnered up at all, despite this being a pairs-skating camp specifically. So, currently? No.
“Do you?” he asked instead.
Sam shook his head. “I switched over to pairs after last season. I’ve never tried to skate with someone else.”
There were more girls than boys at this camp, so they’d have no problem getting paired off, which hopefully would mean he’d make at least one more friend. Hopefully.
“Do you wanna–” Sam started to ask.
“Boys can’t skate together,” Bucky interrupted. Though he wished they could because girls were dramatic and a lot of them didn’t like falling.
“I wasn’t gonna say we should. I was gonna ask if you wanted to stretch together,” Sam corrected him with a roll of his eyes. “You’re really annoying.”
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed with a sigh. He pointedly didn’t look at his mom who had a sixth sense for him being a problem. “My sister tells me every day.”
Sam had found his protector a while ago, but was still waiting on Bucky to lace his boots up. “Well?” he asked finally. “Do you wanna warm up or not?”
Bucky took his hand when he offered it and let Sam pull him up. “Sure,” he said. “That sounds alright.”
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
hi! interested to know your thoughts on the deleted scene with maeve and homelander in the dressing room. in this scene she essentially says that their relationship ended because he "couldn't keep it in his tights" and while it's sort of implied that this is a superficial excuse (given that she actually just detests him lol), i'm curious as to how in-character you think cheating would be for homelander?
personally i read him as someone who connects emotional and sexual intimacy a lot, so cheating on someone in that sense would be off-limits - hence why that scene might have been cut as it doesn't align with how the writers wanted to present his personality - but given that he's not a good person in general (/affectionate), do you see any scenarios in which he might actually do it?
(also i need to say that i love your blog and refresh it every day lol)
hello lovely! yes, I know precisely the deleted scene you mean. it's one of my favorites!
unfortunately, I think losing this scene (as well as the one where the two of them talk over what remains of Translucent's body) was due to time constraints, not any kind of revelation regarding Homelander's sensibilities.
I say this because Homelander does canonically cheat on Maeve. at the holiday party when he decides to target Becca, Maeve waves him down, and he refers to her as his better half. that was 8 years prior to s1. we know that Maeve and Homelander broke up only 2 years prior to s1. so, at the very least, we know he slept with Becca during their relationship.
that said, I think this says more about the nature of his relationship with Maeve than it does his relationship with sex and emotional intimacy. it's not a stretch to assume that his relationship with Maeve wasn't emotionally fulfilling, especially if you take into account what she told him at the end of s3.
in addition to that, according to Diabolical, he's been fooling around with Madelyn his entire adult life. I would love to know what fucked up dynamic was happening between the three of them when Maeve and Homelander were still a thing. even after Maeve broke up with him, he was still very possessive over her until he hooked up with Stormfront, and then once she was out of the picture, he fell right back on Maeve to provide children. he never stopped feeling entitled to her physically, even though he clearly wasn't invested in her emotionally. to me, that sums up their relationship pretty well, and why he might have felt the need to sleep around so much. he was in a relationship, but he wasn't fulfilled.
now, I think if Homelander WERE to find himself in a stable relationship that fulfilled him both sexually and emotionally, I do believe he would be very faithful. the fact he stayed with Stormfront feels like evidence of that. he didn't care about the state of her, he was emotionally invested and she was his girlfriend. he still went to her for his emotional and sexual needs.
long story short: I'd say it's wholly dependent on the nature of the relationship Homelander is involved in at the time.
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deliciouskeys · 11 months
1, Maevelander. 24, Butchlander.
I really had to limit myself to just two.
Meme link.
1 maevlander, genderswap
This one is not hard to picture at all. Prince Maeve (Oberon? Lol) is basically the same character, although if male would probably not be seen as an alcoholic, just a tough guy character. Femlander is still overbearing and still keeps hoping they get back together. She’s also wracked by insecurity that Vought only made her leader of the Seven for the woke points. When she overhears Maeve talking to his ex-boyfriend on the phone, she freaks out quietly, outs him on live TV, but then has to deal with bullshit questions about what their bedroom life was like while they were dating, because if people don’t really believe in bi women, they certainly don’t believe in the existence of bi men, and so it kind of backfires for Femlander, everyone online giggling about whether she had to peg Maeve and wear football shoulder pads etc.
24 butchlander, soul bonding
Lol this is bad for both of them. Would take place in a universe where soul bonding is known to exist, but far from everyone ever finds such a partner. They realize something’s up as soon as they first encounter each other at the Vought Christmas party, but Billy doesn’t want to believe it because he’s married to Becca, and HL doesn’t want to believe he’d be bonded to a mudperson. HL invites Becca to his office, but instead of raping her, or discussing the social media campaign, he mostly asks her about her husband. Becca comes home and tells Billy what happened, kind of laughing that she thinks HL might have a crush on him or something, and Billy laughs weakly and is disturbed that it wasn’t just all in his mind. They keep finding excuses to meet through Becca but don’t act on it for a while.
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scrambledd3ggss · 3 months
episode 3 thoughts (possible spoilers) :
-Stop i love how serious they are about finding out where the next calamity is 😭
-let Pip have a Piña colada, she deserves one 😭
-pip saying sorry to everyone she scoots past is so me 😔
-Howie being at the party is kinda weird? Also I just noticed how Stanley isn’t here? So we probably won’t get introduced to him unless there’s a season two
-bro Pip cuddling with Josh was so cute, they deserve the world
-I know we’ve seen her before lol but she didn’t talk much so I’m happy to see her now
-Pipsmopolitan, I’m actually crying I love Pipravi so much
-NO “Real men wear floral when trespassing”?????
-“we were amazing!” “Speak for yourself, I might have wee’d myself 😒”
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