#"Dancing with Fire"
a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months
Vaggie: So.
*casually takes the jacket off Charlie and wraps it around her own waist*
Vaggie: Can you dance?
Charlie: Oh I dance pretty girl- pr-pretty gay. Pretty good! Good! Dance good, pretty good girl- I DANCE PRETTY GOOD!!!
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A Dance With Dragons
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ophelieverse · 3 months
“not all men”
yeah,you are right because Daeron Targaryen would never do something like that to his own brother.
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thefourteenflames · 1 year
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"(...) there were always rings on her fingers. Whenever she was anxious, she would turn them compulsively around." — George R.R Martin about Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
P.S- A moment of appreciation for the incredible portrayal of our beloved queen, so expertly done by Emma D'Arcy. They certainly read the books to embody the character with this level of perfection.
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angelofthenight · 10 months
Cersei: You have an attitude that you are entitled in this world! You are not! You deserve nothing else! You earn it! You cant stand here and cry.
Sansa: …Well if you yell at me I’m gonna cry
Cersei: GET OUT
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stromuprisahat · 11 months
“The great lords would have given us another two years of war,” the fool declares in his Testimony, “it was the women who made the peace. Black Aly, the Maiden of the Vale, the Three Widows, the Dragon Twins, ’twas them who brought the bloodshed to an end, and not with swords or poison, but with ravens, words, and kisses.”
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Even though Glamrock Freddy knew what happened, he still couldn’t find the bunny... until the very end of the night that Gregory was trapped there.
And the rabbit is somewhere unexpected—down below, in the Pizza Sim location. Just going down there, there’s so much for the bear to take in—what exactly is this place? Why is he there?
Gregory’s racing to get out as the fire happens—and by the time he’s out, he discovers that Glamrock Freddy isn’t out with him—the bear wasn’t following him.
Although, he doesn’t have to worry for much longer—because Glamrock Freddy finally gets out... but he’s not alone. He’s carrying the destroyed animatronic rabbit.
He knew what happened, he finally found Glamrock Bonnie—and he wasn’t just going to leave him there.
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croftersforlife · 3 months
Sara: You know, I’m starting to regret showing you how that blender works
Wanderlust, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
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mikitheswiftie · 6 months
Aemond: We have being walking in circles! I have that same peasant five times!
Aegon: That’s not the same peasant.
Peasant: Yes, I am.
Aemond: See, he knows that we are lost.
Aegon: Oh sure, listen to a peasant over your own brother 🙄
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evax3 · 2 years
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DAENERYS APPRECIATION MONTH | Day 7: Underrated visions, dreams and prophecies hosted by @fireandbloodsource and @asoiafdaenerysdaily​
Azor Ahai – The Prince that Was Promised
“What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it.” Just talking of her seemed to make him stronger. [...]
“The sword is wrong, she has to know that… light without heat… an empty glamor… the sword is wrong, and the false light can only lead us deeper into darkness, Sam. Daenerys is our hope. Tell them that, at the Citadel. Make them listen.” – Maester Aemon [Sam IV, A Feast For Crows]
“From smoke and salt was she born to make the world anew. She is Azor Ahai returned… and her triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end… death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in her cause shall be reborn.” – Haldon Halfmaester [Tyrion IV, A Dance With Dragons]
“When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone. Dragonstone is the place of smoke and salt.”
Jon had heard all this before. “Stannis Baratheon was the Lord of Dragonstone, but he was not born there. He was born at Storm's End, like his brothers.” – Jon and Melisandre [Jon X, A Dance With Dragons]
...because Dany is Azor Ahai and Jon is Nissa Nissa and I will defend this theory until my last breath. 
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inlovewithquotes · 7 months
"Say the word, my sweet, and I will send you from this awful place. I will find a ship somehow and send you home. To Naath."
"I would sooner stay with you. On Naath I'd be afraid. What if the slavers came again? I feel safe when I'm with you."
Safe. The word made Dany's eyes filled with tears. "I want to keep you safe." Missandei was only a child.
With her, she felt as if she could be a child too. "No one ever kept me safe when I was little. Well, Ser Wiilem did, but then he died, and Viserys...I want to protect you but...it is so hard. To be strong. I don't always know what I should do. I must know, though. I am all they have. I am the queen...the....the..."
"... mother," whispered Missandei.
"Mother to dragons." Dany shivered.
"No. Mother to us all." Missandei hugged her tighter.
-A Dance With Dragons
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ilreleonewikia13 · 1 year
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Numerous lunar cycles and seasonal changes have occurred since the events that I am about to narrate, yet the remembrance of these remarkable individuals persists even now. In my role as Maester in the Citadel, I am documenting the ancient traditions and tales of the five children of the renowned Queen Rhaenyra, also known as The Great, and her esteemed spouse, The Rouge Prince, Daemon Targaryen. Undoubtedly, there are those who are already acquainted with these individuals and their accomplishments, however, for those students who may need a reminder, allow me to briefly introduce the five noble princes who have gone down in history as Aegon III, the Golden King, Viserys the Clever, Rhaena the Charming, Visenya the Dreamer and the most important of all Baela the Glorious. 
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winnie-the-monster · 4 months
“If you have any last words, now is the time to speak them,” he said, expecting one last curse.
Janos Slynt twisted his neck around to stare up at him. “Please my lord. Mercy. I’ll…. I’ll go, I will, I….”
No, thought Jon. You closed that door. Longclaw descended.
“Can I have his boots?” Asked Owen the Oaf, as Janos Slynt’s head went across the muddy ground. “They’re almost new, those boots. Lined with fur.”
Jon glanced back at Stannis. For an instant their eyes met then the king nodded and went back inside his tower.
-A Dance With Dragons
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paigeypaige19 · 11 months
“In the end a gentle heart may be worth more than pride or valor.”― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons
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thefourteenflames · 1 year
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"Rhaenyra had her family's Valyrian looks, wearing her silver-gold hair in a long braid in the manner of Queen Visenya Targaryen. She was a precocious child, bright and bold and beautiful. At the age of fourteen, the princess was declared by her uncle, Prince Daemon Targaryen, to be the most beautiful maiden in all the Seven Kingdoms. (...) Rhaenyra always dressed richly, favoring purple and maroon velvets and golden Myrish lace in intricate patterns. Her bodice often glittered with pearls and diamonds, and there were always rings on her fingers. Whenever she was anxious, she would turn them compulsively around her fingers." P.S - I definitely visualize book Rhaenyra dressing up in gamurras and lauching a trend at court (the westerosi equivalent of italian renaissance fashion, maybe?) She would just love all the silks, velvets and bright colors.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Alas, the king was not of a forgiving mind. Urged on by his mother, the Queen Dowager Alicent, Aegon II was determined to exact vengeance upon those who had betrayed and deposed him. He started with the crownlands, sending forth his own men and the stormlanders of Borros Baratheon against Rosby, Stokeworth, and Duskendale and the surrounding keeps and villages. Though the lords thus accosted, through their stewards and castellans, were quick to lower Rhaenyra’s quartered banner and raise Aegon’s golden dragon in its stead, each in turn was brought in chains to King’s Landing and forced to do obeisance before the king. Nor were they freed until they had agreed to pay a heavy ransom, and provide the Crown with suitable hostages. This campaign proved a grave mistake, for it only served to harden the hearts of the late queen’s men against the king. Reports soon reached King’s Landing of warriors gathering in great numbers at Winterfell, Barrowton, and White Harbor. In the riverlands, the aged and bedridden Lord Grover Tully had finally died (of apoplexy from having his house fight against the rightful king at Second Tumbleton, Mushroom says), and his grandson Elmo, now at last the Lord of Riverrun, had called the lords of the Trident to war once more, lest he suffer the same fate as Lords Rosby, Stokeworth, and Darklyn. To him gathered Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree, already a seasoned warrior at three-and-ten; his fierce young aunt, Black Aly, with three hundred bows; Lady Sabitha Frey, the merciless and grasping Lady of the Twins; Lord Hugo Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest; Lord Jorah Mallister of Seagard; Lord Roland Darry of Darry; aye, and even Humfrey Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge, whose house had hitherto supported King Aegon’s cause.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
How badly do you need to piss off the Lords, for Brackens to defect and join the same side as Blackwoods of their own free will?
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