rosquinn · 11 months
patiently waiting for the outis canto (<- i need to see pjmoon trojan war adaptation NOW like please please please PLEASE can we see diomedes achilles and helen please PLEASE I NEED IT pjmoon can we have odypen old women yaoi I'M BEGGING YOU holy shit guys what if they put that scene where diomedes and odysseus go to the trojan camp together at night GUYS DO YOU THINK WE'LL GET ODYDIO YURI DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT IM COOKING)
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queeringclassiclit · 6 days
Emil Sinclair & Max Demian
from Demian: The Story of a Boyhood by Hermann Hesse
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submitted by anon
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majicart26 · 11 months
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Samuelle ref. sheet!
No transparency version:
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sky-blue-memories · 2 years
Oh yeah no i’m normal over the canto 3 ending. Yeah uhuh no defo defo for sure. Yeah mhm totally i mean why would you think othe— *SMASHES MY HEAD INTO A BRICK WALL*
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cyberkn1fe · 2 months
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End of canto 3, cutscene post defeating the final boss. There's a golden bough in the background here, but the way Dante's sprite aligns with it when they speak makes it seem like the bough's light is coming from them instead. I thought it was just a neat coincidence at first, but the more I consider it, the more I think it was deliberate:
1. The background is a different, zoomed out version of this scene during the entire time Sinclair and Demian are talking
2. It changes to this close-up only after Dante becomes the only speaker present at the scene and the narrative shifts back to them entirely
3. It's a pretty important moment for their development as a character, in which they decide to provide their sinners not only with what is stated by their contractual obligations, but with emotional support as well, however unsure in their abilities to do so they might be for now
Tldr: the morning did come. In the form of this guy doubling down on not letting the dystopia crush their empathetic nature
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alumi-san · 8 months
Things I liked in season 2:
Priyaleb was cute.
Caleb is a character here, and he's such a nice guy!
Rajbow moments.
Rajbow not breaking up (yes, it's important).
Wayne and Raj are lovable himbos as they are. They, Julia, MK, and Demian, carried this season.
Chase is eliminated in the second episode (I don't like him).
Zee being Zee.
Damien and Nichelle, being a king and queen of this season.
Ripper is a better person and not as gross or annoying as his s1 self (though it's also his downhill).
No fart jokes, thank god!
The humor is better.
Julia and MK are the most unexpected friendships we have this season. They're definitely my favorite antagonist duo in total drama. They are so terrible in a good way.
Raj and Wayne's farewell scene had the best animation in all series.
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This right here is the most wholesome moment in the series by far. I want to hug people who created this.
Things I didn't like:
They didn't change the intro. It's laziness to me.
The fact that the teams almost didn't change. The only differences: Caleb, Emma, and Nichelle on Priya's team. Chase, Ripper, and Axel on Bowie's team. I'm not very angry at this, but it's very boring.
Priya and Caleb should've been eliminated earlier.
Emma being eliminated in the 3rd episode is a crime.
Bowie and Emma did not reconcile. They didn't even interact with each other this season!
Demian being a character tool (he didn't deserve it).
Rippaxel was hilarious but came out of nowhere.
Priyaleb has too much screen time.
Priya became Courtney after episode 7 and tried to kill Caleb.
Ripper is a completely different character here. Did he had a character development off-screen???
Caleb and Axel do not have anything besides their romances.
Is it just me, or did they take Bowie strategic and sassy part away from him? Don't get me wrong, he's still the best, but something was... off.
Wayne's not using his captain/leader skills. Considering he's the winner of this season, this would've been very useful.
The whole separation between Wayne and Raj was too short. To this to work better, Raj should've been eliminated earlier (how painful it didn't sound).
Tho I'm happy between Bowie and Raj, I think Raj should've gotten mad at him. I mean, they builded up the hole. "Bowie is lying to his bf," and then nothing really happened!
Them throwing Mille character development and making her worse.
"I'll be back and get revenge on you!"- and then she didn't (episode 13 doesn't count!).
Poore Nichelle. She was too powerful.
A personal preference:
Priya's coming through self-discovery to learn what she wants would've been interesting.
Imagine if Chris said that Priya and Bowie were actually choosing teammates for an opposite team. It's would've been so bold and interesting!
Demian should've been in the final three instead of Caleb.
I would prefer Wayne to be eliminated instead of Raj.
My dream finale was Raj vs Julia or MK. Like fair vs cheating, get it? Plus, Raj taking revenge on one of them for eliminating Bowie.
Rank: 6/10
It's still way better than All Stars.
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spectrum-core · 6 months
Alternative title: a very angry (and tired) Full Stop fan's thesis.
ok, so me being the stephan/sinclair comparison's strongest hater is a bit i really like to lean into, but for the sake of keeping things semi-serious i will try to keep the actual essay content as free of me ranting my frustrations as humanly possible (which i mean commitement to the bit aside this will be hard bc it is frustrating to see people calling them both the same character, at best it shows a very surface level understanding of either character and at worst it shows just reducing them to cookie cutter meme fandom archetypes neither character actually fits into, so bear with me if i slip up and make unserious comments from time to time)
so before i start the actual essay let me say this: this essay doesnt even scratch the surface of how much i hate this comparison you guys cant even possibly fucking imagine ive been obssessed and i mean OBSSESSED with the full stop office since 2021 and im glad i wasnt in the limbus prerelease fanbase because if i had to see people comparing my beautiful boy and beloved best friend to a guy we had no info about other than "hes based of the guy from demian" i would have turned into the joker this is not even about saving my own mental health this is about sparing the entire pjm fandom of the monster i would have turned into
spoilers for ruina and limbus, universe terminology heavy and surface level references and interpretations of demian by herman hesse because imma keep it real with you guys the first and only time i read that book i was still in high school and i barely remember shit.
Table of contents:
Stephan - a summary
Sinclair - a summary 2.1. Emil Sinclair in Demian (1919) 2.2. Emil Sinclair in Limbus Company (2023)
Addressing common arguments
1.- Stephan - a summary
And of course I will start with Stephan, because I love him very much, just like Liwei he's one of my favorite pjm characters (yeah i like him more than your favorite popular character don't ask) so it's not surprising that i have A Lot to say about him, right?
And of course, I do.
As I said in the serrated duo post, a core part of my perception of the Full Stop office depends on the fact that they are poor. Mentions of money are common all across many factions in the game, yes, but the Full Stops are extremely constant about money, how taking a wrong turn means losing more than they can afford, how they can't afford to drop their weapons because they were too expensive, how even getting the permissions to be able to buy and wield these weapons was ridiculously expensive and so on. Of course, Stephan is the one talking about this the most (something I will elaborate on later), but Liwei and Tamaki also make a few ocassional mentions to it in their dialogue and keypages and considering this is a shared business it just makes sense that this is something that affects all of them.
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These are just some few of the callbacks to money that Stephan alone does in his dialogue, without focusing in keypage text or what Liwei and Tamaki have to say about it.
And idk man, at least to me the difference between social classes is an important aspect for their characterization, specially because of how constant the concern with money is for Stephan. From this point alone comparing them feels like erasing a core aspect of Stephan's characterization, a lot about Stephan (and the Full Stop office as a whole, let's be real here) starts making more sense once you read the office as lower-middle class (and I'm saying lower middle class because they can afford some place to live and their weapons, but to me these guys are the types who precisely because of their need to keep bullets at all times can't pay for water or electricity all the time and sometimes they simply can't afford food or if they do they can spend a week straight eating nothing but unsalted pasta).
Now, going back to Stephan being the most outward about his complaints with money, he is in general the most outward about all problems the office is facing, to the point in which he doesn't mind inconveniencing everyone else with his rants, being one of the few guests who interrupt Angela's introductory speech and getting into Tamaki's nerves (something he's well aware he's doing, as these two know each other) at least two times through the course of their pre-battle cutscene, even Roland comments after the reception on how he wishes he would always have been as open about his problems as Stephan was.
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However, it's worth nothing that he doesn't spend the entire cutscene crying about his miseries, and he only starts losing hope at three key moments: when they can't kill Eileen inmediately (making them waste more bullets than needed), when Argalia shows up (forcing them to retreat and making them fail their mission, meaning they won't get paid for this after they already lost a ton of money, as well as turning the situation into something much more dangerous than what they had signed up for) and once they enter the Library (an Urban Plague grade threat they have little to no information about, when him and Tamaki are almost out of bullets so Liwei is essentially the only fixer with some chance of putting up a fight and, you know, making it out alive).
Now, while it's true that Stephan is someone who dislikes danger, he isn't someone who isn't used to seeing gruesome events, his instinctive reaction to seeing a guy getting his head put into a meat grinder was cracking jokes and calling the concept of thought gears "a load of horseshit", which is something that falls in line with him being a somewhat experienced Fixer (sure, grade 5 isn't amazing but we can assume it's still either in the higher side of average or barely above average, and for someone specialized in firearms, which are far from the best weapon in the city, getting that high means he must have some experience and skill, right? more so considering he's been at this for 5 years at most) who has seen a fair share of horrid shit and can be unfazed by (most of) it as long as his own safety isn't on the line.
Another point is... he dislikes danger and is always wary about money and expenses, to the point in which he enjoys checking his bank account (or at least he believes so, if we go for the theory of the artbook profiles being more a mix of what the characters perceive themseves as/would describe themselves as to others, which is a theory i go by, I see him as someone who's convinced he does that for fun instead as out of desperation), but this seems to be more a generalized feeling of impending doom at everything rather than something that can be traced back to a particular traumatic event (anything can be dangerous, anything can cost him money), dude's from the backstreets after all, he's seen shit and he's used to assuming the worst. How I see Stephan, he's a guy who already expects bad things to happen but once things go wrong he starts freaking out about how this time They're Screwed For Real, but he never really tricks himself into believing "maybe things will turn out just fine this time?" or who thinks "well, we've done this before, surely we can handle it again."
This is not very related to Stephan as a character in terms of personality but I think it's still an important point to make as it is particularly related to body mods, his physical condition and his body shape.
So we can easily say that Stephan is a strong dude, at least if compared to real world standards without the fancy and insane body mods we see people in the city have access to. He carries that huge rifle around with his bare hands, something that Tamaki doesn't do and that not even Stephan himself in earlier iterations of his dessign did, and his main talent (which based of my theories is something that can be assumed as "something he's proud enough of to consider it the thing he does best") is physical labor.
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Pictured, Tamaki's talksprite, carrying a rifle almost as long as she is tall with a strap supporting the weight on her shoulders, like a normal person.
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Also pictured, an earlier iteration of Stephan's dessign, carrying the same rifle his current version does, but also holding it with the help of a similar strap supporting the weight on his shoulders.
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And finally, Stephan's current dessign, holding that shit with his bare fucking hands in an exhibition of his brute animal strength, what the fuck is wrong with this man (affectionate)
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And Stephan's artbook profile, the important part here is his speciality being physical labor, not only he's strong but he aknowledges this.
However, I made a point about the Full Stop office being poor, right? Even Roland says that "giving a whole office augmentation procedures is cheaper than keeping a decent supply of bullets in stock" (not the exact phrasing).
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At least personally, I see this as Roland essentially saying "it would be cheaper (and more efficient) to get body mods for everyone in the office and buy another (cheaper) type of weaponry instead", but as things stand, the Full Stops can afford to either buy more ammunition and maintain their weapons, OR to get body mods, and since their whole deal is firearms... well, they can't really Stop investing in them, meaning they have no body mods At All and they got their grades purely out of their own physical strength.
Similarly, Stephan makes a similar point about how body augmentations are required for people to be able to run while carrying their weapons around (specifically talking about the rifles he and Tamaki use).
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And... you know, the whole point is that they couldn't run carrying their weapons because they were too heavy, Argalia mocked them for that, Liwei urged them to drop their weapons, something they refused to do because of the prices.
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Lastly on this point, while it's true that Ruina talksprites have a very bad case of Long Anime Legs (to the point in which how Roland's legs take about 2/3 of his height is a common joke), if we focus only on his head and torso, Stephan looks pretty Wide, and not only because he's wearing thick, fluffy and multilayered clothing, as other characters wearing similar clothing styles still look thinner than him.
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This is all to say: I don't think this guy is a twink, or thin at all. He's a prime example of the strongman build to me and this is yet another hill I'm willing to die on watch project moon turn him into a beanpole once he inevitably shows up in limbus and me turning into the first real world distortion as a consequence.
Finally, Stephan is very notoriously the most informal member of the office, not only being the only one who doesn't wear any sort of formal clothing fully prioritizing comfort and practicality over looks but also completely disregarding formalities with his attitude at work (again, he interrupts Angela's introductory monologue, and again, his first two lines when being introduced are him cracking jokes), being the only member of the office to swear on screen and using several informal expressions and metaphors through both the reception dialogue and his keypage story.
And for good measure, he's a compilation of Stephan being the creature he is.
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The literal introduction of the characters, also known as the moment in which Stephan became one of my favorite characters because he's Just Like Me Fr
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Very normal behavior for someone who hates blood and violence and isn't used to seeing it. This man is more than capable (and willing, assuming money is involved) to murder kill.
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Which, I mean, this attitude is very different from what we see from Sinclair.
2.- Sinclair, a summary
In retrospect I probably should have made this one first because I'm gonna be honest with you, Sinclair is one of the sinners I care about the least (I still like him and think he's pretty cool mind you I just don't vibe too much with most of the tropes making up the character) so what I have to say about him is less me grasping for straws and subtext because I don't care enough about him to be bothered with a super serious and in depth analysis like I did with Stephan and more things we can explicitly see about him in game and things that happen in the novel Demian.
And if I can have a small parenthesis here, people saying that one of my favorite pjm guys Ever is in any way similar to a guy who despite being pretty cool is just Not the type of character I fully vibe with... really, it gets annoying fast. Anyway back to the serious analysis now.
2.1- Emil Sinclair in Demian (1919)
To be able to understand Sinclair as he is depicted in Limbus Company, it is important to first be familiar with the source material of the original iteration of the character, that's it we're doing your high school homework by compiling several literary analysis of a symbolic psychological early 20th century autobiographical novel i hope you guys signed up for this (and if you didn't, though luck! i will do this anyway, I love literary analysis).
In the novel, young Emil finds himself torn between the worlds of light (which can be equated to the Garden of Eden, but it's more tangible meaning for our protagonist is his childhood home and family, a serene and well structure/organized space where he can be innocent, untainted by the evils of the outside world) and darkness (basically all the scary shit that goes on outside, where people do evil things for the sake of it), he finds himself tempted by the violence of the outside world, particularly through the actions of his classmate Franz Kromer, which eventually leads him to consider that due to being exposed to this tainted world of evil he no longer can return to the world of good and innocence.
Here, the character of Demian acts as a guide, someone who helps Sinclair to trascend this binary perception of good vs evil and to see himself as someone worthy of happiness because him witnessing the world of evil didn't taint him as a person but rather merely showed him another face of the world, Demian here mentions the Mark of Cain as a symbol of mental strenght and freedom, considering that bearers of this mark are capable of making their own choices and should be able to go beyond their assigned roles, being able to embody aspects of both worlds. This is to say that Demian's view is less focused on good vs evil, instead taking a more order vs chaos approach (without giving an explicit moral character to either).
In the book, the symbol of a bird breaking out of the egg is frequently used to represent Emil's personal growth, the egg represents safety and innocence, but a bird must eventually leave the egg or it will die, and getting out of the egg is a process than can be seen as violent, as a bird must fight to get out of the egg, and getting out of the egg represents birth but also an irreversible change, it can be seen as breaking out of the world of light and getting permanently in the world of darkness since a broken shell can't be fixed, but it can also mean achieving the enlightment and personal balance to not feel permanently bound to a condition, place or state of being and therefore growing as a person by learning to see himself as a whole human instead of supressing his "evil side" by only forcing the "good side" to surface.
Max Demian is here to show this second meaning of growth/self improvement (while also explaining that Sinclair is permamently growing and must always keep this balance between all the parts conforming the whole being that is himself rather that trying to make parts of himself antagonize each other). This idea of personal growth being one of the core themes of the book.
2.2- Emil Sinclair in Limbus Company (2023)
With Sinclair's source media analyzed (at a very surface level, mind you), we now can start talking about the depiction of Sinclair in Limbus Company, how it parallels the book, why the book symbolism is important for this instance of Sinclair and so on.
When we are first introduced to Sinclair in the game he's clearly nervous, he doesn't know what he's supposed to do as he hasn't worked for a similar company before and he isn't used to the gruesome sight of the bus eating people, this does fit inmediately in the motif of a naive person with limited experience about the world (well, to be fair to him most people won't be seeing man-eating buses at a regular basis, but the average backstreets dweller would be familiar with equally violent situations).
With this said, despite Sinclair's obviously nervous behavior... he isn't really a pessimist like Stephan was, in fact, almost every chapter (counting cantos, intervallos and the short mini chapters such as the Dante's notes update episode) have at least one key moment with him trying to rationalize horrible stuff as something much less violent, or simply going "but I thought this thing didn't work like this..." when confronted with the more horrible realities in the city. He thought the G corp veterans were really going to let them pass without a fight, he thought the people being controlled by headhens were just actors wearing mascot costumes, he thought mermaids were the beautiful half-woman half-fish creatures he heard about in fairy tales, and there's more examples but I don't really feel like looking for The Entire Fucking Plot Because This Guy Is An Actual Protagonist Instead Of A Background Guy Like Stephan Was to make my point clearer than it already is. And it's only when he realizes that the real world doesn't fit his expectations that he panics.
Well, there is one exception to this pattern: his own canto. Here, he panics inmediately as soon as K corp's nest is mentioned and spends the first half of the chapter pleading to turn back while saying that they are going to get killed. So what is different here with the rest of the plot?
Obviously, the fact that is related to his very own very personal very specific trauma. That is to say, unlike Stephan who is wary of anything that can put him on danger or cost him more money than it should, Sinclair has a very specific traumatic event that makes him act Like That (sure, he gets scared and nervous outside that, but these are more normal "I'm unfamiliar with this and I don't fully know how to react, this is normal behavior in a human being" reactions than outright "I am Actually Terrified due to being reminded of an actual traumatic event, this reaction is a textbook definition of post-traumatic stress disorder").
HOWEVER, Sinclair being someone who's deeply traumatized and kind of a scaredy cat when it comes to violence and unfamiliar situations... it doesn't mean that he's incompetent or a bad fighter. Almost all of his identities are terrifyingly good fighters (at least in their lore), Los Mariachis fear jefe Sinclair, Cinq director Sinclair is someone most association members are terrified to duel even during training, Blade Lineage Sinclair is considered a talented killer (it's also worth noting that save maybe for the mariachi one, in none of these mirror worlds Sinclair is precisely happy of being recognized as "the guy who's very scary when he fights people", unlike Stephan who I don't think he particularly likes killing but has a more "as long as I get paid..." mentality about it), the only "not very good at this" Sinclair id I can think of is the molar boatworks id where he's more a mechanic than a fighter so he fears he's lagging behind in that aspect. Hell, even the Canon Timeline so to speak (which is to say: his base identity) has him carrying that huge halberd, going on a frenzy attacking some already mutilated inquisitor's corpse, piercing through Guido's armor and dealing a fatal blow that finally killed him for real. To compare, Stephan is good at physical work, but we don't know about his close combat capacities other than the fact that he dislikes it, for Sinclair however we know he's terrifyingly good at physical combat.
Now, I've seen a lot of people call Sinclair a twink and while it's one of these words that nobody agrees on what it means, let's give it the benefit of doubt and say "alright, for the duration of this analysis let's settle on a twink being a young looking (regardless of actual age), thin man with almost no facial/body hair".
Since Sinclair is a rich guy (not just Any Rich Guy though, we're talking of someone whose family had ties to a Wing, probably not some elite guy like Daniel or Hong Lu, but not a self perceived "mediocre" nest dweller like Samjo either), and pressumably not very experienced in combat in most mirror worlds (we know he has no prior experience in the base one where he joined Limbus, at least), let's say that he has enough body mods for him to be much stronger than he looks like despite being thin, he does look thin and young and much to my dissapointment he also has no facial hair, so yeah, under this very broad definition of the term he is a twink.
However if you start adding personality archetypes to the definition he stops being one almost inmediately, as we've been shown time after time that his "submissive" attitude is mostly a result of him not knowing too well how to impose himself and just going along with what the rest say or do, but he's starting to grow tired of that ever since Hell's Chicken (even if he clearly still isn't great at that), as it should be more than obvious for anyone who even just googled "demian herman hesse literary analysis", Sinclair is undergoing a lot of changes even now, and the game is doing a good job at portraying that.
Honestly I also think he'd be hotter with a sleeper build but really, I don't care enough about him to argue about that.
And for the last point, precisely due to his upbringing as a rich guy AND his traumatic experience with Kromer, Sinclair is not only a very polite and mild mannered guy (again, unlike resident creature Stephan), but also he tries to take as little space as possible, both literally and metaphorically, as Dante notices near the end of canto 3 when they finally comment on how Sinclair never talks about his own problems until it's too late because he doesn't want to bother the others as they probably have it worse (again, unlike Stephan "i don't mind loweing team morale and making everyone in the room uncomfortable as long as i get to vent" Full Stop office).
3.- Adressing common arguments
Alright, now that I talked about each character, let's see some of the most common arguments I've seen people use to compare them.
"They look the same!" No, they don't. The only thing they have in common is being blonde but even their hairstyles are different with Sinclair having a simple bowl-ish cut with slightly wavy hair and Stephan having curlier hair (not to mention the whole point I made about body types because I'm the sort of lunatic who cares about that stuff). I won't even bother with this argument.
"They have the same personalities!" Again, they don't. Stephan is very cynical with a lot of his attitude being clearly derivated from him coming from a poor background and having stayed there his whole life, he also doesn't care about his cynism getting in the way and bothering everyone else. On the other hand, Sinclair is someone who could almost be described as naive due to having lived a sheltered childhood and only having his experiences with Kromer and his time at Limbus as moments of realizing that the rest of the world is Not Like His Childhood House, still believing that the world is a binary of good vs evil and expecting things to turn out fine or be much better than they actually are, just to be hit with the reality of the city Not being a nice place where people are nice and polite and not trying to kill him, this is not to say he doesn't have his own issues but even Dante notices during his Canto that Sinclair makes a point to avoid bothering everyone else with his personal problems, keeping them to himself even if that makes things worse on the long run.
"Both are opposed and harmed by a lunatic!" This is an argument I've seen a lot and is incredibly filmsy at best, half of the city's population are lunatics and the other half are people who got opposed by them some way or another. Will you say that Ishmael and the rest of the Pequod crew can be compared to the Full Stop office (or really, even mention the other Full Stop fixers instead of just focusing on Stephan because he happens to be blonde and can be compared to Sinclair) because of their situations with Ahab? Or the W Corp crew who got their train targetted by Jae-heon and Elena (or, you know, the train passengers who were turned into Love townspeople or puppets)? What about the Vermillion Cross who got killed by the Reverb Ensemble? Or the Cane office fixers? or the Zwei association section 6 who got beaten to death by Gyeong-mi just because he felt like doing so? Or the Liu association section 1 who had to deal with Argalia taking Philip away? Or the Kurokumo clan members when they were attacked by Tanya? You aren't comparing them to either Stephan or Sinclair, right? Not to mention that in her weird and fucked up perception of things, Kromer was less opposed to Sinclair as she was trying to lead him to join her and her cause, even the last things she says before getting killed are her calling him to follow her.
"Both are compared to birds!" Oh, right, because I forgot that a very directed symbolic comparison to a baby bird breaking out of it's shell as a symbol of rebirth, learning about the nuances of the world and self improvement/liberation that is consistently used in the source material Sinclair comes from is exactly the same as one (1) throwaway line the big bad guy uses to mock not only Stephan but the whole Full Stop gang, right. And if you want to say "but Tamaki compares him to a bird once too", yeah she calls him a parrot because he keeps repeating the same complaints over and over, it's still not the same as a consistent metaphor.
"Both are sad blonde twinks! They're essentially the same guy." Sad? Yeah, everyone in the city is sad but their ways to be sad are polar opposites, and neither of them is the pure cinnamon roll uwu crybaby archetype people tend to lump both into, Stephan was merely having a bad day and people decided to make that his whole personality (when honestly we get more insight on his actual personality before Argalia shows up, when he's making sarcastic remarks and getting impatient because they weren't starting killing people fast enough) but he's still perfectly capable (and willing) to murder people, and Sinclair is just... someone who lacks experience about the real world and how it works and has a tendency to get nervous because of this, but he can adapt quickly to situations once he understands them. Blonde? Yeah, but I guess if that's a point to draw a comparison then we should also compare them to Don Quixote, the Tiphereths, Lenny, Yun, Lulu, Olga, every single npc, librarian, and agent who comes with blonde hair from the generator... Twinks? Stephan absolutely isn't one, Sinclair depends on how you define twink as nobody seems to get to an agreement with that, if you define it as merely "young looking thin man with almost no visible body hair" then yeah he is one, but if you go for any more specific definition than that he stops fitting into the definition almost instantly.
In conclusion: if I see anyone else comparing them I'll start blocking people liberally bc I'm sick of seeing that shit (I do that already tbh but just so you know), now scram
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Follow-up to the stupid meme I banged out in like 3 minutes and now has 250 notes.
While the general response has been positive, I have seen a sentiment that I didn't intend to communicate. Make no mistake, Sinclair is a woobie softboy (affectionate). He enters his Canto literally crying, screaming, throwing up. He is still the youngest sinner who looks up to his peers as role models. He is still the one most likely to scream or feel unease in the face of terror. He is still the guy who gets snacks from the team mom and gets excited. None of that means he's undeserving of respect as an adult person, but he is the sensitive one as far as team dynamic goes. He has grown as a person since his Canto (absolutely in love with the scene where the sinners are trying to be sensitive to his Christmas-oriented traumas and he's now at a point where he can say he's okay), but that is who he is.
Sinclair is also a machine that turns people into corpses. Deep within him are violent and destructive tendencies that manifest in shed blood and broken bodies. And that's kinda his whole thing, struggling between a World of Light and a World of Darkness, duality as represented in his character art. He will unconsciously aim for the throat and then fall over himself apologizing about it. He contains multitudes, and that's what makes him interesting.
Of course that leaves the question of Demian and what he actually wants for Sinclair. I think the book Demian wants stability for him, the balance of and midpoint between dark and light, a self actualization that leaves Sinclair equipped to navigate the world in all its forms. I don't know if the same is true of Limbus Demian, I cannot say for sure if what he wants is actually good for Sinclair or good only from a certain point of view (think of how Carmen views good and evil at this point). I got an ask theorizing that he might want Sinclair to distort but I feel like the motives of the various groups interested in the boughs are far more complicated and sinister, dealing with the infinite multiverse in some way and having apocalyptic consequences. Limbus has shown its willing to reexamine aspects of its source texts, who know where they might go with it.
While Demian might want Sinclair to become a zaddy giving him backshots to display dominance, I just don't think Sinclair is that kind of lover, its too deep into the World of Darkness. He contains multitudes, and would temper his furious carnal desires with tenderness and care as a giving top. I can't imagine this satisfying Demian as he's been presented, and the metamorphosis he'd want for SInclair is ultimately untrue to his nature. However, if Sinclair was fucking Yi Sang, that allows both to explore switching and *muffled screams*
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azoosepted · 10 months
my thoughts on canto v characters (because i said so)
YEAH, IM FEELING A BIT BORED SO HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS. enjoy my insane ramblings about characters introduced in Canto V (excluding unnamed ones of course. Sorry random club guest, even though your outfit induced neuron activation to my theatre kid brain, you’re not getting on this list.)
!! Spoilers for Canto V of Limbus Company !!
Smee: I’m gonna be real. She’s… okay. I don’t really care much about her though, and Canto V doesn’t really give much information about her for me to care about. Smee just exists to be nearly harpooned by Ishmael.
Pilot: AUUAUAUAUAUAUUAUAGH THE BOYE THE BOYE PILOT IS SUCH A BOYE I LOVE HIM. Honestly so thankful to the LCCB Team Leader for sacrificing their life for Pilot’s. He looks so squeezable. Love him.
Rim: OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG his design goes so goddamn hard. And he’s from the League, which is interesting to me. Most characters from the Sinner’s pasts so far are either affiliated with Team Red (N. Corp) like Gubo, Hermann, Jia Huan, Kromer (to an extent) and Sonya (also to a certain extent) OR they’re affiliated with Team Blue (Demian’s group) like Demian and now Rim. Demian’s little gang is very intriguing to me and I need more of it. Anyways Rim is funky and I like it.
The Indigo Elder: grandpa. hes cool. I gotta agree with a friend that the hana association really did him dirty with his title though. You’ve got these epic names like The Black Silence, The Blue Reverberation, The Red Gaze… and then there’s just. Indigo Elder. It’s him, the terrifying Indigo Old Guy. Still the honorary grandpa though.
Starbuck: yeah he exists i guess
Ahab: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU you are so WELL WRITTEN AND DESPICABLE you fucking . BITCH (also stop making queequeg take hits for you in that one fight you piece of—)
Queequeg: I’m gonna be real. Ishmael should share. gueegdhfjfhjdjdjd butch harpooner lesbian… Queequeg is so cool i love her. The scene where she and Ishmael reunite made me smile uncontrollably. Ishmael is literally about to KILL her until Queequeg takes off the mask and i just. oh my god. i cant describe it i love both ishmael and queequeg so much. I can say with 100% honesty that Queequeg’s death made me sob uncontrollably. I just… god. Love her.
Stubb: lmao who
and that’s pretty much it. thats all the characters i can remember. god i love canto v its my favorite chapter so far. PM, keep up the good work. Keep cooking.
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ripllii · 3 months
young Demian!!!
Would you like me to write in more detail about my characters?
and guys, thank you for showing such an asset under the last post!! 😭❤
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limbus-limousine · 8 months
thoughts on Sinclair/kromer, Demian/kromer? (could be poly or just the two of them rlly) yay or nah? just curious
Honestly I can see all of them? None of them would be exclusively romantic imo though, the way I see Sinclair, any pairing that he's involved in has a very specific, weird freak thing going on that can't be that narrowed down... I could see Kromsin working best with Nclair as an extremely dependent love/hate thing. The kind of situation where you find yourself with someone who hurts you a lot sometimes but other times they are the only one there for you? So you can't hate them because then you'd be nothing. Also the love-agression "my only learnt love language is violence" thinggggg I eat that up
On Kromian... Yeah. I dig that rivalry, put some.innuendos in there. I think Kromer would see him as a specimen because he seems to hold a very deep understanding of the humanity she so much loves, while at the same time being unsettlingly non-human in his behaviors. How could he know so much? Put him in a petri dish (he'll fight back.probably). This grub that I hate.this snake that I hate. AND also add to that my personal speculation about Demian being a closely related entity to Little Prince abno, since Kromer enjoys abnormalities as well.
Anyways if we take these base characters none of their possible pairings would be healthy (which I like. They are so fun to explore). Not even Demisin, no, I can see an extreme dependency being born from Demian disappearing when he's very much needed... White woman jumpscare exposure therapy would give me severe trust issues. Anyways I think the charm of these three together is that they are all freaks in their own way, none of them is really "normal guy gets their life ruined" Sinclair is just in the closet about it. Trust me
In conclusion yeah. I'm happy to see any of them (with a very specific interpretation though.but I think that's obvious from the way I talk about them lol)
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rosquinn · 7 months
so what if i. what if me and the carl jung typology system fans gang wrote an essay on which types from classic jungian demian characters fit in. i mean the book is based on jungian psychology so. i bet that'd be so funny. can you guys imagine it
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youthofpandas · 6 months
I know nothing about them but the characters I associate with you are Damien and Sinclair. You can also do the other ask meme about them if you want :)
ahh thank you <3 !! they are my little guys... im happy people who don't even know them still think of them when they think of me ^^
Favorite thing: his general weird unknowable vibes… he has all the answers but he won’t give them because he knows that the journey to discovering such answers is important to truly understanding them so he lets Sinclair figure it out himself as much as he can… it’s sweet even if it’s a bit bizarre at the same time
Least favorite thing: why is he so ugly 💕💕? His design should’ve been a bit more gender nonconforming :( though I’ve kinda come around on it at the same time…
Favorite line: “And I… don’t want anyone else to domineer over you.” <- I love gay people. Why did he say this. Insane.
brOTP: I think him and Cathy should be friends I think they’d be weird together
OTP: demisin forever and ever
nOTP: I outright dislike any other ship for him tbh. completely disinterested in them...
Random headcanon: absurdly bad with technology even in modern AUs. is the kind of person to actually know and care about flower language. also in honor of it being asexual day I will share that I think he is incredibly asexual and I love him.
Unpopular opinion: I think he’s way more manipulative and strange than a lot of ppl believe but I also don’t think he’s got ill intent for Sinclair… in the book he is an extension of Sinclair’s soul and Self and is there to guide him forward and his references to the little prince and ‘taming’ Sinclair are to me referring the fact by loving him and helping him reach his full potential is something unique and special too just like in the book…
Song I associate with them: aubergine by lady lamb… more of a Sinclair to Demian song but I loop it every time I’m writing them
Favorite picture of them: shout out to the only art of him where he looks kinda cute i love you so much Demian.
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min3nc · 8 months
for the ask game, maybe qjaiden with 2, 12 15, 18 and 21 maybe? :3
[Ask game]
I already answered 2 here, but let's do the other ones :D *rotates Blorbo from minecraft in my mind* Also, putting it all under the cut because, as always, I ramble - lol.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Not to throw my own identity in - But I headcanon her as Demian. This, meaning, she's both demisexual and demiaro. Also, she's just a little she/he guy.
What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I think it's clear that I love Jaiden/Baghera. I feel like, whatever limits Jaiden might have regarding the kind of relationship they'd be in, Baghera would be nothing but understanding, seeking Jaiden's comfort.
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Personally, I LOVE the way Jaiden and Ironmouse interact. Like, I think they'd be in this situation 100%. I love it.
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If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing her as strong and deceiving. As of late, I've been making my way through a warlock!Jaiden fic and she's going full on Persistance Predator. I also love having her interact with Baghera - Shamelessly accepting that it's just because I ship them lol.
I don't think I don't enjoy anything about writing her - I love writing about her going through it, I love writing her happy.
She's just the Blorbo from minecraft. Sometimes you put them through The Horrors, and sometimes you rotate them in your mind.
And you enjoy both situations.
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ragzpizzle · 3 months
Here is my 9th ArtFight Attack. This one being for @starberriemilk . This is his two versions of two characters from a series called Limbus Company. In this AU, Demian and Sinclair are married to each other. I kinda love how this went, and I think these two are both cute together! I tried to make this look as good as possible. What do you guys think?
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askkassandragf-v-2 · 8 months
Damian Sean {Wii deleted you oc}
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Name: Damian Sean
Age: 15
Gender: Male ♂️
Family: Unknown mom and unknown dad
Friends: Sam, Kimberly (character (and Bloom) belong to @pinkyberet ), Eteled (still weirdest out by him)
Enemies: William, Kyle
- Always a peaceful guy
- Used to play on the Wii before losing interest with it
- Like to eat ramen
- Loves to play guitar
- Always tries to calm Sam down when she's mad
- He gets bully by William but he's just ignores him
- He gets weirdest out of Eleted anytime he sees visit Sam, but tries to bond with him
- Demian is kinda taller than Sam and Kyle
- Tries to calm down Kyle and Sam from fighting
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