#+ my at-home job’s holiday party is 12/10. so after spending the night w them I would have to drive back that day which is fine
binders-and-beanies · 10 months
There’s always some sorta fuckin scheduling complication lol
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yuzukult · 4 years
effortlessly pt. 10 || jungkook & reader
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title: effortlessly (the finale) pairing: jungkook x reader words: 4.0k genre: fluff, romance, school!au, smut some chapters notes: ;u; patience is key, epilogue coming out soon! p.s. hope you guys stay for my next jungkook series! ;u;
series: part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || epilogue 
The seasons come by quickly— Autumn, Winter, Spring. Last summer had come to an end with you leaving the admissions office with a plan and an answer; a decision that was made up completely by yourself.
You’re grateful for Jungkook because he doesn’t probe you about your decision and promised to wait patiently until you’re ready.
Autumn comes around with its descending leaves from the now naked trees, filling the roads with shades of golds, reds, and browns, sparse in air, leaving every scene on your walk to school like a sepia photograph. It’s the season of football, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice flavored anything, really, and Halloween. Then Winter approaches with a scare; a blanket of snow dropping over the school yard, the fields, and every corner of the entire city. Light jackets now replaced with thicker and longer ones, you can’t help but groan at the difficulty of tying your shoes with how stiff yours are.
“Ugh, why did I buy this again?”
Jungkook laughs merrily at the sight, mostly because you just look so small and cozy in your coat, struggling to reach down to your toes. He taps his thigh for you to place your foot, a grin stretching cheek to cheek. You comply as he responds, “Because it’s December, silly. You’ll be freezing standing outside wearing your little leather jacket that you think is going to make you feel warm.”
“It’s more of a fashion statement than warmth, Jeon.” He’s tying the laces of your Doc Martens, fingers nimble and cold, and thighs shivering from the remains of the snow that gets on his pants, the wetness seeping through the fabric and onto his skin. “Well, you’re going to catch a cold wearing that thing around. That’s why you need this.” When he finishes, he drops your leg down, pulling the hood of your jacket over your head snugly. “So please don’t get sick because that means that I also have to play sick to stay home and take care of you.” Jungkook is effortlessly caring.
Jungkook hates the cold. Only because it takes away a location for him to swim— outside. But this year, he doesn’t seem to hate it as much. Maybe it’s because now, you’re his, and he can replace the time he dedicated to swim outside to spend time with you instead.
Especially when he gets to see you in the Christmas Village, mouth gaping wide with a bright smiling following after, face brightened by the colorful string of lights that surround you. “Wow,” Amazed, your eyes twinkle at the view. “Now this is something to talk about.” He hates himself for not taking you here every other year, the guys convincing him that it was too romantic for two friends to go to, but he can’t help but wonder what if he took you years before and learned how much he was in love with you earlier?
You spend the holidays at his house, meeting his grandparents and extended family while your parents decide to go on a trip to Hawaii. It’s become a tradition, really, your parents ditching the whole family bonding thing, and you spending that time with Jungkook’s family instead.
His mom loves you. Although your sleepovers have slowly become stagnant because of her suspicion of you guys doing more than just movies and sleeping, she wouldn’t want anyone else to be with her son other than you.
The Jeon’s have everything set for the holidays; from the tree with presents pleasantly wrapped placed intricately underneath, to the decoration that drapes the fireplace, to the strings of tinsel and garland that cascades down the staircases, and the wreath that hangs on the front door. Ms. Jeon is obsessed with Christmas and favors nothing more, perfecting the holiday over the years for her family... well, mostly herself.
Even though Jungkook spends day and night complaining about his mom, telling her that she’s dedicating too much money and time for this ‘stupid holiday,’ he’s still the best son and tends to her every need. When she struggles in the kitchen, he’s already by her side, asking her what she needs a hand in. Or when she can’t reach a portion of the tree while decorating, there’s an annoyed expression on his face but he utilizes his towering height to help her get those spots. Jungkook is effortlessly a family man. 
“So, Jungkook, I heard you got into University?” His cousin, Sooyeon, asks. She is several years older than the two of you, almost completing her undergraduate degree. “I did! I got in with an athletic scholarship.” He’s genuinely happy, the way he shares this information, like he’s finally proud of himself and how far he’s gotten in life. The obstacles he’d overcome, the effort he had invested into the sport—they all were worth it in the end. Jeon Jungkook was reaching for his dreams.
It’s New Year’s Eve and Hoseok is hosting another party.
Underaged drinking is almost a rite of passage before entering University, and although you aren’t much of a rule breaker, it feels like something you need to do. Break out of your shell, despite the discomfort of knowing the consequences because once you get into college, none of this was going to be the same anymore. You won’t get to see Hoseok standing on the table, hollering out and swaying along to the song that plays. Jimin won’t be complaining about girls who reject him constantly. Yura won’t be there to call you out on your actions. And Jungkook, whilst he promises to stay by your side forever, there’s a possibility that it won’t happen.
“You look so pretty tonight.” Jungkook compliments you in a slur, cheeks rosy from the alcohol. You look down at your current attire; a silver sequined satin cami paired with a black leather jacket and jeans. Glancing up at the boy, you laugh at the sight of his cheeks, hand reaching up to pinch them. “You think so, Jeon?”
“If I’m being honest, I think you’re always pretty.” He hums against your hand, turning his face to give it a peck. “And I’m happy I get to be here with you. I hope you never go, and I hope nothing comes between us. It’d be nice, you know, if we...” He drifts off, mind fogging with thoughts that made him giddy because he’s giggling incessantly.
“If we what, love?”
“If we got married. Then we’d be best friends then high school sweethearts that made it.” Jungkook’s words soar you to the moon. He shares the same dream, whether or not it happens.
When the clock strikes 12, in spite of his current intoxication, he doesn’t forget you. Cupping your face in his large, warm hands, lips puckering up, he smooches you all over, laughter erupting from you. Jungkook is effortlessly a happy virus.
“Has Jungkook asked you to prom yet?”
“What?” Skimming through the pages of your notebook while in homeroom, you’re only half paying attention to anything Yura is saying. You’re on a mission to find something and even Yura can’t stop you. 
Winter is still lingering, mostly waiting for Spring to make its appearance and nobody else is more excited for it to come than Yura. Only because it’s prom season, of course. 
“Jungkook,” She reiterates, this time louder. “Jeon Jungkook? The love of your life? Is he asking you to prom?”
“Oh, prom.” Stopping at a page, your finger browsing through the highlighted and colored writing while furrowing your brows, focusing on the task. “Uh... no?”
“No?!” Yura exclaims, startling you out of your actions. She’s got your attention now. “It’s two months away. You won’t have enough time to find a dress or test out how your makeup is going to look and the shoes! What about your shoes?”
“Well, if it has your panties in a knot, why don’t you ask him yourself?”
You regret telling her that because she does. Your comment during a time of not fully investing the entirety of your attention has brought you to this: a locker filled to the brim of red roses. There’s a card in the middle of it all, so you grab it, tear it open where in the sloppiest writing it says: turn around.
There Jungkook was, in all his beauty, standing in the middle of the hall with a box of donuts in hand, opened with the writing: i donut want to go to prom with anyone else but you!
It’s not that you hate it. No, you disgustingly love it, but you wished you had Jungkook all to yourself. He’s too great, and him standing in his uniform with donuts from your favorite bakery, you can almost feel the piercing glares from other girls down the hall. But he’s yours, nonetheless, and you didn’t wish for anything more. 
Yura’s exaggeration on how long it’ll take to find a dress isn’t so much of an exaggeration when you’re shuffling through dresses in the department stores with her for the next two months, the quantity of gowns dropping by the hour. You’re grateful you found something just two weeks before the date.
Although you think the prom theme being “Hollywood” is the tackiest thing you ever heard— the sight of Jungkook standing outside of your house with both a corsage and boutonnière in hand with his hair styled back, black suit and tie with a white button up underneath, your breath hitches. He makes you feel like you’re in the presence of a celebrity; he has the ability of grabbing the attention from an entire room, despite leaning against such an old car in need of a new paint job.
In spite of it all, he seems in awe as much as you are. He thinks you’re gorgeous like this— like he’s the one who is lucky, not the other way around. You lean over, hair blown out and in a black gown that hugs your curves and compliments only the parts you wished for it to, wiping the little drip of drool that falls out the corner of his mouth. “You good, bub?”
“More than good,” he says, voice raspy. “You look... stunning.”
“Speak for yourself.” Jungkook is effortlessly handsome like this, and you wish you could keep this view all to yourself. But tonight is a time to be far from selfish.
You want to flaunt Jungkook, more than he wants to flaunt you, you convince yourself. Mostly because when you step into the gymnasium that’s fully decked out in decor, everyone’s eyes are on Jungkook. 
“I think they’re all looking at you,” He would say, but you’re not stupid. Your arms are linked with a God-like man with a personality that represents it. He does nothing but help you walking in your unfamiliarity in heels, introduce you to some of his classmates that you’ve never met before, yet manages to dedicate enough time for just the two of you, dancing the night away, whispering sweet nothings into your ears before pressing his lips against your forehead delicately.
Jungkook wins Prom King that night while some pretty girl in your grade named Nayeon wins Prom Queen. He doesn’t devote his dance to her though, he apologizes and takes your hand instead.
When he takes you home that night, the only expectation you had was to go home, shower and change into your sleepwear and sit by the window sill to talk the hours away with Jungkook from across the way.
But it’s prom. So you drive with him down the shore, wearing a spare hoodie he leaves in the trunk of his car for days that get cold after practices, and holds your hand while you stomp barefooted in the sand. He’s so pretty under the moonlight, you take note, the way that it shines on the bridge of his nose, brightens the shade of brown his orbs are, and brings warmth into his smile and laughs when you share stories about your high school years. 
The two of you make love in the backseat of his car with the sunroof opened, under the moon. Although it feels corny to do and such a cliché concept to have sex on prom night, it doesn’t feel that way with Jungkook. You argue that his car might not be able to take the constant movements, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He just wants to shower you with kisses and love throughout the hours that pass by.
When you come back to school the following Monday, Yura sits backwards nervously in her chair, staring at a letter that sits on your desk. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you gesture the piece of paper with your chin. “What’s up with that?”
“It’s... a letter, from Le Cordon Bleu. Pretty much to the equivalent to an Ivy League for culinary schools.”
Oh. Now you understand why the air felt weird. Quickly, you shuffle into your seat and slide off your backpack onto the floor. “Okay, well. What are you waiting for? Open it!”
She whimpers. “I’m scared.”
“Well, you told me to stop being scared and just do it. So, bitch, do it.”
While protesting, she does as told. Tearing the envelope open and the unraveling of the sheet of paper was nerve wrecking, possibly even more for you.
“I... got in.” Holy shit. “You got in?”
“Guess who’s going to France, bitch!”
It’s a reality, this sight of your best friend; the brightest smile on her face, cheekbones defined from the excitement in her. A dream she had, a dream that you never even knew had been a priority in her life, was coming true. 
Whether or not it was jealousy, you were proud of her regardless. Yura was able to attain her goals before even graduating high school. After further research, you learned that there were many locations for this school, and her dream was to be able to expand her knowledge throughout all those countries.
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You’re tired of hearing him talk about his plans for the future where it sounded like none of the routes included you. Jungkook goes on from when the sun rises to the sun sets about what he wants to do in life, where he wants to go, and where he hopes to be at whatever age. You could listen to him talk for hours like it's a song on repeat that you never grow to hate, but today, it felt inconsistent. He had all these things he wanted to do but where were you?”
“Where do I even fit in all of this?” You finally get the courage to blurt.
Jungkook’s forehead is creased in disbelief at your outburst. “What are you talking about?”
“Well,” you start, fumbling with the fabric of your shirt, “you haven’t even mentioned me once. It’s like you’re also planning for your escape out of this relationship.”
He’s fuming. It’s been a while since he’s been this mad, especially since your last huge argument had nearly been a year ago. Otherwise, with Jungkook, there had been small disagreements that were recoverable but it feels different this time. “You don’t get to be upset with me for planning a future without you because if I’m being totally honest, you still haven’t told me what you decided that day you walked into that office, and I’m feeling rather insecure about whether or not you trust me!”
“Don’t hate me,” eyes glassy and voice wavering, your bottom lip is quivering, on the verge of tears of pure fear that Jungkook would resent you for your decision. “I told the recruiter to give that position away to someone else.”
“And why would I be mad at that?” He says, pulling you into his embrace, pressing a chaste kiss against your cheek before nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry I lashed out. I’m glad you came to that decision, I’m glad you’re telling this. Even if it’s not on the sidelines of the swimming pool with me, nagging at me what to do. Because you’ll still be there to support me.”
Your shoulders slouch, still feeling guilty wash over you like a tidal wave. “I just didn’t want you to be upset because of how much effort you went through to get me there. To even get me that offer.”
“I didn’t do anything, love.” Before a tear can escape further down your face, he swipes it away with the pad of his thumb after he pulls away. “You did that all yourself. They found you, knew who you were, and loved you. I just led them to find you. So, what did you decide on instead if you didn’t take that apprenticeship? Are you attending another University?”
“No,” You respond abruptly, rubbing your head into his chest again, muttering your next words into the fabric of his shirt. “She told me that it doesn’t take away my opportunity to still attend University there. So I enrolled there as undecided.”
There’s silence between the two of you before he finally speaks up. “Undecided?”
You don’t want to face him. Especially if the expression on his face may show disappointment, and that’s the least thing you want to do to Jungkook on your list. “Yes.” You mumble. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I thought at least going to college and trying to figure out while I’m there would be at least a start in the right direction.”
Grasping you by the shoulders, he tugs you away to clearly see your face. Finally meeting his gaze, his face showed the opposite. A gleaming smile pulling on the edges of his lips with eyes that shine and sparkle underneath this lighting, you’re stunned by his reaction. “I’m so proud of you!”
“What?” Lips swollen from the crying, you pout, almost bursting out in hyperventilating tears because you didn’t want this to end before college even starts. “You chose something. You made a decision on your own, solely based on what you felt was the best for you, not because you wanted to make someone else happy. That’s all I ever wanted for you.” Jungkook is effortlessly unselfish because he wants you to be his personal coach, yet he’s telling you to do what you want to do. “I just want you to be happy. I’m happy if you are.”
“But... I should be honest with you.” He’s the one who seems uneasy now, chewing on his bottom lip anxiously. “I... not only accepted the scholarship, but they want to send me to the States for a couple months in the summer for training with Taehyung.”
You’re not stupid. What that’s code for is that there’s a chance they’re going to keep Jungkook there, offer him another University scholarship elsewhere in the States, and continue his training. How could they not? With the way he swims, his drive and ability to adapt to any situation, he’s desirable to any team. He might not be yours anymore, and as much as you wished you could keep him all to yourself, he’s Jungkook. Who wouldn’t want him?
You learned that ever since you met him. Jungkook is so wonderful, he’s meant to be shared, and everyone should know him. He’s the spark in your life that you never knew you needed until you meet him. 
It only sucked because it felt like once you finally got him, it’s already time to let him go. 
Yet when you see him standing by your side in the crowd of people in your class, on a large patch of grass that they call a football field, cap and gown in the shades of your school colors, you can’t hate anyone for wanting a piece of him. He’s only eighteen but he’s managed to accomplish so many of his goals in such a short span of time. He’s able to catch the attention of an audience bigger than the crowd at Madison Square Garden. He was able to swoon the majority of the female population in your high school. Jungkook did what even he thought was impossible, he did more than exceed his own expectations.
So when you’re standing with your diplomas in hand after throwing your cap in the air, the grin that’s glued onto his face does everything to your heart. How lucky were you to experience a first love like Jeon Jungkook?
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There wasn’t much time left. Graduation is over, degrees now in hand, and futures that are waiting for your attendance.
It’s Summer again, the excruciating heat beaming from the sun’s rays reappearing, an entire year passing by since your confession to Jungkook. Although you’d rather be spending your anniversary in the next few days leading up to it, there’s a different occasion tonight under this familiar sweltering heat.
Jungkook leaves tomorrow at noon for America yet he’s procrastinating the remaining stuff he needs to pack for his trip. Well, he says it’s a trip, but you have a feeling that his stay is going to be longer than anticipated.
If you’re being truly honest with yourself, you’re scared. Eighteen, best friend/boyfriend who had been with you your entire life is leaving for the unknown. Your other best friend is leaving to pursue her dreams elsewhere as well, alone and without anyone to support her physically.
But you can’t help but think about yourself. What did this mean for you, someone who was losing the most important people in her life that were all going to hunt their aspirations, while you were just... undecided?
Laying in the field of grass, head resting comfortably on Jungkook’s arm while his other sits on his chest, the two of you admire the sunset in the midst of your silence. The hues of red, pink, orange, and yellow fill the sky, dancing and blurring into one another, gifting you a sight that you’re grateful to view with Jungkook. It was going to be a while before you got to see him again, and you’re hopeful that it’ll feel just the same.
“Three months,” He’d repeat constantly, every time he sees the pain in your expression. You both had gone so long without truly being each other, and now that you finally fessed up your hidden emotions, it’s hard to let go. “It’s only going to be for three months. Then you’d have me again.”
“But you don’t know that.” You’d say, heart tightening in agony. “There’s so much of this world that wants you, Jungkook. University is just one of the potential first stops. Someone is going to take you away, whether you like it or not. You just have too much talent and potential.” Jungkook doesn’t agree with you, but he doesn’t voice this. Not tonight, at least, if it’s the last time he gets to be with you for a while. 
Just like the sun, Jungkook eventually has to go away. He leaves for the States with Taehyung to train for the summer, projecting that he’d be back in time for the fall semester to start University with you. Even through texts and phone calls you get from him, he can’t give you a date when he’d be back, but he misses you dearly. You want to stay hopeful that he does return, attending classes with you again, study-dates, meeting up for coffee afterwards, have lunch and dinner, and continue your sleepovers, maybe even find an apartment and move in together. 
Yet again, Jungkook... he’s effortlessly Jungkook. The guy loved by everyone, yet has the hardest time loving himself. The guy who has such a promising future, one that’s almost a guaranteed dream come true for him. There’s no need for exchanges of ‘I love yous,’ because you know he does, yet you don’t want to hold him back, so you let him go. Whether or not he comes back for the fall semester, you’re not sure, but one thing you do know is that Jeon Jungkook will be your first everything, and your current everything.
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topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
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krysrawfiggs · 8 years
1.Full name:Krysten Alexandra Figueroa but you will reffer to me as Krysfiggs
2.Zodiac sign:Im a cusp baby born as the day changed. I am a leo/virgo
3. 3 Fears:Spiders, being alone forever, my fam disowning me for being gay
4. 3 things I love:Being surrounded by awesome people, video games, outdoor activities
5. 4 turns ons:Firey passion, neck biting, n eyes.. its always the eyes, n intelligence
6.4 turns offs: Lack of intelligence, if youre rude in general, if youre clingy, lack of understanding n compassion
7. My best friend:I have a coupleNadia, amanda, n bree (when shes not being an idiot)
8. Sexual orientation:Lezzzzzzzzbbbbiiiiannnnnnnnn
9. My best first date:So far going out into town in the middle of a rainstorm running dancing n dickin round and then showing up soaked n eating at friendlys
10. How tall am I:Im 5'5"11. What do I missNot paying bills
12. What time were I born:12am on the dot
13. Favourite colour:I like deep colors. I used to say deep blue but i do love red n grey too
14.Do I have a crushXD maybe! Ok yea. I do. But i aint tell you.
15. Favourite quoteGod theres too many…
16.Favourite placePuerto rico
17. Favourite foodGawd this is hard ok. I have the soul of a very very fat man. If i had to pick one thing…itd have to be my moms pernil (pork shoulder)
18. Do I use sarcasmNever im a sweetheart😆
19. What am I listening to right nowEvie- last dinosaurs
20.First thing I notice in new personEyesss…eyess…eyess…….!
21.Shoe size822. Eye colourBrown anytime of dayGold in the sun
23.Hair colourBlack as the normBrownish in the sunlightBlue when its overcast
24.Favourite style of clothingandrogynous 25. Ever done a prank call?Yup i bothered the fuck outta kymmie for months before i gave myself up xD
26.What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Burgandy See thru lace
27. Meaning behind my URLWelp minus the word raw its just my name. If my father didnt delete my 1st blog and of someone in asia didnt take my old username right after it wouldnt be as stupid.
28. Favourite movieToo many brahhh
29. Favourite song
30.Favourite bandBloc party, last dinosaurs, split milk society
31.How I feel right nowHorngry n lonely. Lusting for warm weather and beach weather
32.Someone I love.In what context?
33.My current relationship statusSingle af
34.My relationship with my parentsCurrently ok..
35. Favourite holiday Hmm i dont have one
36.Tattoos and piercings?I have average ear piercings But i want a lip ring n a tatoo of leo n virgo fighting inside of the sun ony shoulder
37.Tattoos and piercing i wantWhoops jumped the gun. Please refer to 36
38.The reason I joined TumblrMy friends at the time
39.Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope we’re cool
40. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used too from my so. But now its just my good friend manny
41.Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Hmmm no
42. When did I last hold hands?Non romantically:I held hands with my lil sister cuz she doesnt know how to cross a freggin road without getting hit by a car! But romantically: its been over a year and a half.
43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 10mins
44.Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?Its been a good 6/7 months. Im at man status rn
45.Where am I right now? Trapped on a bus with zombies from nyc somewhere on the way to newburgh
46.If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? In oswego it would be chance. Here.. idk it hasnt happend.. but my best bet would be nadia
47.Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Both. Depends where i am
48.Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yes. Please dont ask how its going. Its not well.
49.Am I excited for anything?Yes. The 3 day weekend
50.Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?No i only have 2 chill male friends
51.How often do I wear a fake smile?Often enough
52.When was the last time I hugged someone?That would be last sunday i hugged holly. We went for a movie and a bite n caught up since inhavent seen her in 5ever
53.What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?Its w/e as long as you happy n your not like eating face
54.Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Yea
55.What is something I disliked about today?Evelyn being passive agressive towards me. Makes me uncomf. But i could care less.
56.If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Rebecca sugar
57. What do I think about most? Its gonna be one of 3 things, women, video games, food
58. What’s my strangest talent?I can get really creepy really fast. Iv been told to try out to be villians or serial killers in movies
59.Do I have any strange phobias?Spiders
60.Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both
61. What was the last lie I told?
62.Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Im old skool ill show up at your house ;) jk phone so no one can see this akward mess
63.Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes
64.Do I believe in magic?Yes
65. Do I believe in luck? Yes
66.What’s the weather like right now? Bloody cold
67. What was the last book I’ve read? Allegiant
68. Do I like the smell of gasoline?Addicted
69. Do I have any nicknames?Krys, elmo, jesus
70. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I have 12 stiches on my thumb both for cuts by blades oh n the one time i was going down a mt. On my longboard n i fell and got the worst road rash on my ass.
71. Do I spend money or save it?Both
72. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?No
73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Idts?
74.Favourite animal?Otter
75. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Hehhhh better not say
76. What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Idfk
77.What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Anything fr the last dinosaurs
78. How can you win my heart? Compassion understanding and a drive no one else has.
79.What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Im not gonna be burried.
80. What is my favourite wordOogle
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr Ill answer later
82.If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83.Do I have any relatives in jail?Yes
84.I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Speed
85.What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Feelings are a tough subject
86. What is my current desktop picture? An image from second son
87. Had sex?Why yes i have
88.Bought condoms?Nopes
89.Gotten pregnant? Nopes too gay for that shit90. Failed a class?Several
91. Kissed a boy? Yep im not a gold star lezzy no more
92. Kissed a girl? Many
93.Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes. Im super cheesey i do things like that all the time
94.Had job?I have a job95.Left the house without my wallet?Keys and liecensexD
96. Bullied someone on the internet? Nope
97.Had sex in public? Yes
98. Played on a sports team? Several
99. Smoked weed? Yasss
100. Did drugs? Ive tried some shit
101. Smoked cigarettes? Never now thats nasty
102. Drank alcohol? Yes
103. Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never
104. Been overweight?yes
105. Been underweight?yes
106. Been to a wedding?yes
107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Days
108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When i was younger
109. Been outside my home country?yes
110. Gotten my heart broken? Many times
111.Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112. Broken a bone? Do Teeth count?
113. Cut myself? Not on purpose
114. Been to prom? Unfortunaly. Thats an akward story. If i didnt go i coulda stayed in puerto rico longer. But nooo joe had to ask my parents…
115. Been in airplane? Yes
116. Fly by helicopter? No. But ive been in some heavy duty military air craft
117. What concerts have I been to?Walk the moon, in hs i saw i see stars mega concert there were like 20 bands there idr them all, versaemerge, dragonforce
118.Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yeaaa im megagay
119.Learned another language?I can fully understand spanish. But i cant speak it.
120. Wore make up? Im alergic to eyeliner xD
121.Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yes
123. Had oral sex? Yes.😍
124.Dyed my hair?Ive never dyed my hair
125.Voted in a presidential election? Yes both times for obama♡ . n fuck you, you lil orange dicked cheeto (donald trump)
126.Rode in an ambulance?Yes i did when i sliced my thumb deep with an exacto and was bleeding everywhere
127. Had a surgery?No
128. Met someone famous? Yes i have i met that guy from “what would you do” when i was staying in maryland. Also i stick around after theater shows and concerts to meet the actors, performers, and musicians
129.Stalked someone on a social network?Guilty
130. Peed outside?Um who hasnt?
131. Been fishing?Yes. Anyone wanna join me this spring?
132. Helped with charity? Yea every 3 weeks i participate in a soup kitched in poukipsee with my siblings and my cousins.
133. Been rejected by a crush?I have unfortunate luck.
134. Broken a mirror? Haha yea i did once
135. What do I want for birthday? Id love to go somewhere amazing and warm with awesome people. If im dating someone id love to actually have a birthday kiss. #neverhadoneonmybirthday
136.How many kids do I want and what will be their names?By kids you mean dogs? N id have all of them. Theyd have really crude/harsh spanish names.
137.Was I named after anyone?No but krysten means follower of chridtXD
138.Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
139. What was my favourite toy as a child? Why it was my stuffy scooby doo
140.Favourite Tv Show? Gawd theres so many. But steven universe👌🖒
141.Where do I want to live when older?Puerto rico when i hit the lotto
143. Play any musical instrument? I can play the trumpet, the recorder, basic drum beat, and im learning the uke
144.One of my scars, how did I get it?Sliced my thumb with a woodcutter one year. Then the next year same thumb with a brand new exacto. Landed me in the hosp 2ice total 12 stiches
145.Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese
146.Am I afraid of the dark? Sometimes. Im more worried bout the it under the bed that comes out when you dont have sheets on.
147.Am I afraid of heights?No. In my stage craft class i was the only one who wasnt scared of heights they sent me high up to work on stuff they also sent me 60ft up to the grid too 😎
148.Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes and i had my ass handed to me on a silver platter several times.
149.Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes. All the time.
150.What I’m really bad atBeing social. Talking to girls. Drawing.
151.What my greatest achievements are. Being the first to graduate college.
152.The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meYou should see the list of stuff my parents have told me since i was little. Its a little too awful to put on here.
153.What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Top secret Plans back the fuck up
154. What do I like about myself Um my bed head. Idk
155.My closest Tumblr friend Haha nadia
156.Something I fantasise about my exTisk tisk ladies n gents we shouldnt be reopening wounds like this. *points finger n shakes it like a noodle*
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topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2PzWNIM via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
source http://cheaprtravels.com/how-to-spend-one-year-on-a-working-holiday-visa-in-australia-2/
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2LTFBf3 via IFTTT
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2LTFBf3 via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
How to Spend One Year on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Almost nine million people visit Australia each year to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, trek to waterfalls in Kakadu National Park, visit the Sydney Opera House, surf in Byron Bay, find Chris Hemsworth and eat Vegemite (you’ll quickly learn that last one). There’s a demand to see these places, which means there is always a demand for work.
That’s where you come in.
Australia is one of the easiest countries to get a Working Holiday Visa, and it’s actually the most popular country out of the 62 in the world that offers these kinds of visas.
That’s largely why it attracts 333,000 prospective workers each year who travel to experience the country, make friends and save money along the way.
Prior to 2016, travelers on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) or Work and Holiday Visa (W&HV) were only able to stay in Australia for a year. However, due to changes in legislation, travelers on a W&HV are now able to work and travel for two years—that’s a whole lot of time to experience Australia!
There are is a whole heap of things on your Australian bucket list to tick off so, this one-year itinerary for traveling in Australia on your Working Holiday Visa should serve you well.
4 Months Before Your Trip: Get Your Visa
Don’t put the cart before the horse and buy your flight first. What if your visa gets rejected? That is one expensive lesson!
Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.
Identify the visa that you would like using the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Depending on which country you are from you will be directed to either a 417 (Working Holiday Visa) or a 462 (Work and Holiday Visa). For example, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and many others get directed to the WHV, whereas the USA, Spain and Argentina can apply for the W&H Visa.
While there are tons of websites out there charging anywhere between $70 to $200 on top of visa fees to give you a visa, your best option is to apply directly through the Australian Government website (the website URL should always end in .gov.au).
The process is pretty simple, should only take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete and, whether you’re applying for a Working Holiday Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa, it will cost you $440 AUD.
These visas give you full working rights in Australia, with the only condition being that you cannot work for the same company for more than six months. It’s structured this way, so you work and travel. Not just both.
Note: You can only get these visas if you’re at least 18 and not yet 31 years old.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks for your visa to be granted, so be organized and apply as early as you can. But once you have it, the clock starts ticking—you have 12 months to make your way to Australia. From your date of entry, you are then given one year to work and travel.
3 Months Before Your Trip: Decide Where You Want to Go and Book Your Flight
Once you have your visa (which can take anywhere between 24 hours and four weeks), you’ll want to buy your flights. But Australia is massive, which can induce some serious decision anxiety.
You’re coming over to Australia to work and travel, so you’re going to want a perfect combination of the two.
Well, Melbourne is the world’s most livable city with, beautiful beaches, unique laneway bars and cafes and really, really good nightlife. It’s a cultural melting pot and a foodies’ paradise, and the breathtaking street art makes it, in my humble opinion, the best place to start your travels.
Plus, there are great value-for-your-money flights to Melbourne from most major international airports, with a one-way ticket generally costing $450 USD.
Melbourne is literally the most livable city in the world!
I know many of you likely have Sydney on your mind as a place to start. Just keep in mind it’s going to be the most expensive choice with some serious competition. Because, really—did you think you’re the only backpacker to make Sydney your first choice?
News flash—you’re not, which means “backpacker jobs” will be slightly more difficult to get, especially if you don’t have experience. This isn’t to deter; it’s just some food for thought. Bring your A-game if you plan to find work in Sydney (and maybe a few extra thousand in the bank to tide you over).
Pro Tip: As with any flights, try to avoid the holidays as you will have to pay a premium to fly, and keep in mind that June through September is Australia’s winter (yes, we do have winters here in Australia), so flights are generally a bit cheaper then.
1 Month Before Your Trip: Save That Money and Plan an Epic Party
If it costs $200 just to walk across Sydney’s Harbour Bridge and a whopping $5 for a dozen eggs at the grocery store, just imagine how expensive Australia will be.
The good news is that Australia is known for paying well. But you’re going to want to have a few dollars stashed away before you go since you probably won’t be working as soon as you land.
Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Your biggest expense is going to be your accommodation. A week in a hostel in Australia is generally around $150 USD. In any standard week, you should anticipate spending anywhere between $300 to $800 USD, depending on activities, your dining and, most importantly, your drinking habits.
(Take my advice: If you drink in pubs the whole time, you will somehow spend a lot of money.)
Just take a look at this breakdown of the average costs of expenses in three major Australian cities. For more, check out Numbeo for a cost of living breakdown in other cities around Australia.
The Average Cost of Living in Sydney (in USD):
Hostel per night: $32
One-bedroom apartment per week: $329
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Blue Mountains: $75
The Average Cost of Living in Melbourne:
Hostel per night: $25
One-bedroom apartment per week: $298
Pint of beer: $5.50
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
A day trip to the Great Ocean Road: $80
The Average Cost of Living in Cairns:
Hostel per night: $18
One-bedroom apartment for a week: $181
Pint of beer: $5.20
Cheap restaurant meal: $11
Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef: $145
I would recommend getting to a savings point of $5,200 USD before you go, and I’ll tell you why later.
In the meantime, you may want to check out this handy guide on saving money for travel and creating a financial plan that will help you save over the long term.
Day 1-10: Get Set up, Meet People & Tick off That Bucket List
The plane touches down and you wake up from what was likely a very long flight, no matter where you came from. You rub your eyes and, suddenly, you’re in the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria!
Rugged rocks forms hug the bay beaches. The national parks are rife with wildlife. The center city is bustling with coffee fiends and shopping addicts and bar crawlers—vice or virtue, you decide. You’re finally here to pick your poison.
But before you dive right in, I would strongly advise giving yourself at least a week to get yourself set up. You’ll need to open a bank account, get a Tax File Number (this is essential if you want to work), and get your hands on a SIM card.
Traveling for the first time is daunting, and the reason why you started this adventure is to meet new people and to have life-changing experiences.
Noosa coastline
In Melbourne, you actually have the option to check off all the quintessential bucket list items for Australia, like petting a kangaroo or koala bear or learning to surf on some of the best surf beaches on earth.
You can also experience worldwide sporting events such as the Australia Grand Prix or the Australian Open, or go snowboarding or skiing just three hours away by car.
Plus, two popular day trips from Melbourne, include watching the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, when hundreds of penguins emerge from the surf to waddle back to their burrows for the night, and wine tasting in the Yarra Valley wine region.
Day 11-60: Venture Out to the Surrounding Areas
If you’ve taken my advice (and I hope you have) and landed in Melbourne, then I’ve spelled out your plan perfect for you.
Head west out of Melbourne and you have the Great Ocean Road, the most scenic drive in all of Australia and the number one road trip in Oz. It is the fourth most popular destination in Australia, and it’s an absolute must, especially if you’re in Melbourne. It’s about 150 miles of coastline-hugging, beach-kissing, rainforest-penetrating road with the most iconic part being the 12 Apostles.
A five-day road is perfect for this destination. This is especially true if you couple it up with a little-known destination called The Grampians. Then you can either loop back to Melbourne or keep heading west to Adelaide and the outback.
I would then recommend touching base back in Melbourne for a few days before heading in the next destination: east toward Sydney and Cairns. Every east coast trip is different, but you should travel for at least a month and preferably two to three if you want to experience it properly.
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour
The best way to travel the east coast of Australia is to take a hop-on-hop-off Greyhound bus the whole way there.
You could also find a group of other travelers to buy a used car together. You’ll find tons of cars for sale on sites like Gumtree (the Australian Craigslist) or Facebook groups like Backpacker Cars Australia.
If buying isn’t your thing, you can also rent campervans. You can get them from Jucy, Spaceships, Travel Wheels, Travellers AutoBarn, Hippie, Mighty and Wicked. There are plenty of different options depending on the level of luxury you want.
Likewise, if you visit hostels, check the bulletin boards for flyers advertising used cars for sale.
Months 2-8: Start the Job Hunt and Get to Work!
Just because you’re onto the job hunting stage doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. After living on the road for weeks on end, you’ll probably crave some stability and structure. At least a little bit. And you’ll meet even more people while finally earning yourself some money!
Finding Work in Australia
When you’re done traveling, make sure you have enough money to last a month. You probably won’t find a job on day one of your hunt. That means you need to have enough savings to last you until you find work. Look at job websites like Job Search, Seek and Gumtree to find work in these specific fields.
Making friends and networking is a great way to find a job too!
But don’t spend all day on websites job hunting. Talk to people around your hostel, and ask the workers at the hostel for the best place to find work. In most major cities, there is a specific area where there are always people recruiting in hospitality. So print out that resume and enjoy the day going into as many places as possible asking if they’re looking for any workers.
These areas are your hospitality hotspots, which are full of bars, restaurants and cafes.
Sydney: Kings Cross, Bondi and Oxford Street
Melbourne: St Kilda, Chapel Street and Lygon Street
Brisbane: Fortitude Valley
Cairns: Everywhere
Darwin: Mitchell Street
Adelaide: Glenelg and the CBD
Perth: Northbridge
It is sometimes harder to find employment if you have a specific field you want to work in because most employers believe that working holiday visa makers can only be part of their company for six months, which is generally true.
What to Expect While Working in Australia
The minimum wage is $18.93 AUD in Australia, and most casual positions in hospitality and tourism pay around $20 AUD.
The type of work ranges from being a waiter up to being a skydive instructor—you can view the jobs available to travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here, but do bear in mind the work has to be above the Tropic of Capricorn and in certain postcodes.
Your new bffs?
Some aspects of the Australian work culture may also surprise foreigners. Understand these cultural differences:
There’s a lot of casual conversation.
Swearing in the workplace is to be expected.
There will be a lot of happy hours.
Australians are super laidback and uphold a “no-fuss” attitude, which can be jarring in stressful situations.
Office romances are a thing, and they’re not quite as taboo.
Most offices have flat organizational structures, without much hierarchy if any at all.
National workplace safety laws, “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OH&S” are taken very seriously.
Australians use a lot of blunt humor, even in the workplace.
Australians embrace a work-hard-play-hard culture.
The standard working week in Australia is 38 hours per week (7.6 hours per day). They value their time outside of work.
Month 9-12: Keep Traveling
You’ve been working for a few months—that’s a serious high five moment! Take a break. Go on a trip. Let loose a little. You deserve it!
Generally, people’s second journey within Australia is the outback. That may mean the wetland of Kakadu near Darwin. There, you’ll see some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls and the highest concentration of salt-water crocodiles. I recommend a tour there for at least three days.
Entering Kata Tjuta in the outback of Australia
You can couple this up with the third most popular destination in Australia, the Red Centre. With the cultural history surrounding this area, the iconic sunset at Uluru and nights underneath millions of stars, this is another bucket-list item to tick. To get to this destination you can fly into Alice Springs or Yulara airport.
Alternatively, you can go overland from Darwin or Adelaide for a true outback adventure.
From here you can fly to the place you fell in love with.
Maybe you felt like Byron Bay had a spiritual calling for you. Or you realized that the busyness of Sydney was actually your “cup of tea.” Maybe you’ve been dying to get back to Cairns. Or maybe the world’s best coffee is pulling you back to Melbourne.
Want to Spend a Second Year in Australia?
So many people fall in love with the Australian way of life, so it’s not a surprise that thousands of WHV and W&H Visa workers choose to extend their visas for another year.
View from above—Australia, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
The Australian Government created an initiative for understaffed industries. This is for people who want to travel and work in Australia for extended periods of time. And the second year working holiday extension allows WHV and W&H Visa holders to extend their initial one-year visa to two if they work 88 days in one of those specific sectors:
Plant and Animal Cultivation
Fishing and Pearling
Tree Farming and Felling
At the end of your initial employment, your manager will have to sign off on Form 1263. This includes their ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure that you have completed the work. Then you will apply for your second-year visa through the same website that you got your first one.
Tip: If you’re on a W&HV (USA I’m talking to you) you can extend your stay by working in hospitality and tourism, as long as these jobs are in Northern Australia. This work ranges from waiting tables to being a skydiving instructor—you can view the jobs for travelers on Working Holiday Visas on the Home Affairs website here.
This all said, you might want to head home or travel in between your first and second year. It’s up to you when you decide to use your second-year visa. Just make sure you use it before you’re 31 or you’ll lose eligibility.
Whatever you do, just remember that you’re going to Australia to work and travel. You left that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle behind at home.
Well, unless you’re this dude, that is.
So now the only question is, what’s the first adventure before you start working in Australia? Let us know in the comments!
READ MORE: Work and Travel in Australia: How to Get a Working/Holiday Visa
source http://cheaprtravels.com/how-to-spend-one-year-on-a-working-holiday-visa-in-australia/
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