carrot-kun · 4 years
A Pleasant Meeting
"You have really pretty eyes, Rose." I tried not to smile too wide as I met her eyes.
A whispered gasp escaped her cherry lips. "Now you're just flirting with me." Her hand hit my shoulder and her eyes disappeared in her smile.
"I won't deny the allegation." I bit my tongue and laughed.
"Wait, I will go get the refills." She wandered into the crowd of bejeweled shining garments and moving bodies.
Eyes drifting through the brightly lit room, I found similar figures posted at every interval. Glamorous women in long skirts and cropped tops, handsome men in tuxedos, the sight made me want to curl into myself.
Their whispers hadn't escaped me, but the thoughts screaming inside me almost drowned them out.
"Lee!" My eyes rose from the floor at the excited voice.
An energetic woman in baby blue ran towards me. A stranger tagged behind her.
"Hey! You made it!" I hugged the ball of energy.
"Sorry about being late!" She squeezed me.
"No worries, darling." I acknowledged the stranger with a nod.
"The new binder is doing wonders for you." She took a few steps back and admired my flat chest.
"Thanks for the recommendation!" I spun around.
"Ohh, it was actually their recommendation!" She pointed to her accomplice.
The long-haired beauty smiled and waved at me. Their golden makeup was precise, perfectly highlighting their short dark beard. The long mauve skirt dragged along the floor as they stepped forward, their hand extended.
"Well then, thank you for your recommendation!" I shook their hand.
"Anytime! I was just excited to get a chance to talk about binders to someone Indian." They shugged their left shoulder.
"We are the perfect match then." I chuckled. "That crop top is gorgeous, where did you get it?"
"I made it myself." They immediately replied.
"They are a costume designer." My friend added.
"Wow! That is fascinating." I commented.
"I am back!" Rose waltzed in with the drinks in hand. "I see you have found new friends."
"Thank you!" I took the drink she offered me.
"Hi! My name is Priya." My friend introduced herself. "I work with Lee." She gestured towards me.
"Hello! My name is Jay." They brushed aside their bangs as they spoke.
"They are my childhood friend. Just visiting me for a week." Priya said.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Rose, I am Lee's friend." Rose shook both their hands.
"I love this song!" Priya hopped in excitement as the track changed.
"Me too!" Rose declared.
"You have to dance with me," Priya took her hand and they joined everyone on the dance floor.
"What are your pronouns?" Jay asked me as we sat down.
"I am good with all of them." I giggled nervously.
"Awesome!" They exclaimed.
"Yours are they/them?" I enquired.
"Yes!" They leaned back into their seat. "So, are you non-binary too?"
"I am not sure, really. I am just having fun with gender." I slipped into a more comfortable tone.
"That's wonderful!" They commented. "That tux looks great on you, by the way. The fit is marvelous."
"Thank you! I was really scared to wear it, especially because I have never worn binders outside work and home." I rubbed my forehead as I laughed.
"Congratulations on taking that step, you look fabulous taking it." They encouraged me.
"You look breathtaking in that outfit!" I exclaimed. "I love the beading work on the top."
"Thank you! It took me a hundred years to make it." They shook their head. "Totally worth it though."
"Totally." I agreed.
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carrot-kun · 4 years
When Girl in Red plays ....
I put in my headphones and sat down at the last seat of the school bus. My bag sprawled on the seat next to me, I leaned back and stared out the window.
Two girls came running out the front door of our deserted school. My eyes followed the girl with the short bouncy brown curls.
I leaned forward, my mouth slightly agape as the first notes of the song played. 'I wanna be your girlfriend' by Girl in Red hummed gently over the harsh groans from the motor of the bus.
My head hit the window, breaking me out of my trance. I fumbled to open the window as I stared at her from the corner of my eye.
Her face red like her shirt, she sat down diagonally opposite to me. A wide smile on her pink lips filled my lips.
"Hey!" She took off her bag and turned her legs clad in black denim towards me.
Turning down the volume, I lowered my headphones. "Hey!"
"Which subject did you have for the extra class? We had Chemistry." She placed her hands on the handle and gently laid her head on them.
"English," I spoke in a whisper as my eyes rose to her brown ones. The song sends vibrations along my skin.
"Ohh! Which chapter are you learning right now?" Her eyes disappeared into her smile.
"The-" I bit my tongue. "The one with the- Dorien Gray! Yes, The Picture of Dorien Gray."
"That one is good." She tilted her head to the side.
I felt my muscles relax as I leaned back, the wind brushing against me now. My eyes fluttered close my a dull pain spread through my chest.
"You seem tired, I will let you sleep." Her giggles struck me like little arrows.
I simply nodded and pulled my headphones back on. As soon as my eyes open, my gaze fell on her again. She faced the window on her side. Eyes closed, she enjoyed the breeze.
"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips." I mouthed quietly, forcing myself to turn away.
We both stood up when our stop drew close. I stepped back and let the smiling girl go ahead. I looked down at the back of her neck as the final strums of the song played. I shook my head and turning away.
Stepping down from the bus, we strolled side by side as she talked about her favorite chapters from English class. I tried in vain to look away from her chocolate eyes.
We slowed down as we reached her place. Opening up her arms, she held me in a gentle embrace. I let my hands go around her.
"See you later!" She said in a jolly tone as she hopped along the pebbled path.
"See you!" I waved at her, my feet cemented to the spot. The pulsing pain made me gulp.
When the door closed, I struggled to drag my feet forward. Once again, I looked through the glass panel near the door. Spotting a cheerful face waving back at me, I helplessly smiled.
My feet stepped onto the pebbles as my brain screamed at me. Regret and anxiety filled my heart while I accelerated.
The door opened before I reached the porch.
"What happened?" Her muffled voice cut through the fog of thoughts.
My eyes met hers and my mouth opened.
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carrot-kun · 4 years
Jack and the Bean stalk (A Fairytale Remix)
Note: This story is inspired by the technique of Double reading, specifically Queer reading.
I stared at the beans in the bag as I walked along the road. These magical beans would surely fetch more money than that annoying cow I sold to the elderly woman! I hopped happily while looking at my friends playing in the field next to my house.
“Jack! Come on! We need one more person!” They shouted at me when I neared them. “I can’t. Mother will punish me if I don’t reach home on time.” I replied with a pout.
“But Sally is joining us! Don’t you want to play with Sally?” They asked with mischievous grins, pointing to a jolly Sally running around with her friends.
“Mother won’t hear my excuses.” I said and waved the crowd away. Showing Mother these magic beans was more important than playing with a pretty girl.
I entered through the open door and shouted for her. Her voice rang from the kitchen, so I ran to her and thrust the bag into her hands. “Mother, look what I brought!” I exclaimed.
“I don’t have time for your games, Jack. How much did you get for the cow?” She placed it down and turned to the boiling pot.
“I got this! I sold the cow to an old woman who gave me this.” I spoke with enthusiasm. “They are magical beans!”
She stopped abruptly, shock washing over her face. “You ... sold the cow for this?” She grabbed the bag and looked inside. With a horrified expression, she threw it out the window and raised her hand.
I closed my eyes in anticipation as her hand landed on my cheek. “Mother!” I looked out at the spilled beans, cupping my cheeks.
“You are sixteen! Don’t you know how to ...” Her voice trailed off. “What did I do wrong for you to be this way?” She sank to the floor and waved me off.
I walked out of the house and kicked the rocks. She threw them away! How could I sell them now?
The night was silent as I slipped under the sheets and looking over to where the lamp was burning a few minutes ago. Mother had prepared to go to Aunt Emma’s when morning arrived. The whole journey was going to take at least four days. Her face was pale and tired. She was going to work herself sick like this.
The morning was dull as Mother put the heavy bag on her back and walked towards the orange sun. I sighed and went to the kitchen to eat the food mother had prepared before leaving. Passively, I looked out the window, remembering the beans.
Humongous green snake like stems twirled around and reached upward. I ran to the back of the house and stood wonder struck at the sight of the towering plant kissing the sky. But these were just seeds yesterday. How had they grown so much?
I wondered how tall the plant was as I walked back towards the house. Locking the door, I ran back to green giant. I put a foot to the side, grabbed the overhead branches and started climbing.
The plant seemed to grow slowly even as I was climbing up, boosting my pace. A long and exhausting climb later I reached a thick blanket of clouds pierced through by the stem. Excited, I reached out to feel the clouds but to my surprise, they felt solid.
Carefully, I stepped onto the clouds and started walking towards a green patch I saw in the distance. Where those trees in the sky? I started to jog along, my eyes searching the unfamiliar terrain.
Green cover took over once I reached the area I had spotted. It looked just like the forests down on the ground, except one small detail. That being that these trees were at least ten times bigger. The trunks were wider that church's bell towers. Fallen leaves looked like boats and the grass tickled my elbows.
Pushing through the wilderness, I stepped into a clearing. A simple wooden house stood in the middle, not even the king's castle could compare to it in size. Dazed, I walked toward the enormous structure over soil grains the size of pebbles.
A loud gasp coming from my right made me jump. "You! You are from the ground!" The terrifying voice spoke slowly. Turning my neck carefully, I saw a ginormous young face framed by long wavy black hair observing me with care. "You are!" He shouted in glee.
Too shocked to move, I felt my forehead tingling as he moved closer, his wide brown eyes just a few feet from me. "Who are you?" I asked in a squeaky high pitch.
"I ... My name is Edward. How did you get here?" There was friendly curiosity laced in his words. His hand, which was as tall as me, inched towards me and his smile showcased a set of slightly crooked teeth.
"I climbed up the magical bean stalk." My voice slipped into a shriek when his hand laid flat in front of me.
"Magical bean stalk? She kept her promise!" He yelled in excitement. "Go on, get on my hand, I will take you to my house."
Hesitantly, I stepped onto his rough hand and sat down as he stood up. He covered me with his other hand as he ran towards the house. "What is your name?"
"Jack." I replied. He opened the door and put me on the table with some fruits and vegetables on one end. The interior was bare, with just a table and a chair.
"Jack, I need your help." He spoke as he sat on the chair. Leaning forward, he put in chin on the table.
"What kind of help do you need?" I asked him.
"I was cursed by the witches and wizards in my village and put here for a crime I didn’t commit. The only way for me to return to my normal state I need to make this potion." He slid a crumbled piece of paper from his pocket towards me. "But I can only get these things on land, my size prevents me from going down there. Could you help me make it?"
"These proportions are going to cost a fortune. I don't think I can help you." I said in a morbid tone as I examined the page which was the only normally sized object in the room.
"You can take these fruits; they will fetch you a pretty penny. With their size, I doubt you will face any competition." He thrust the huge fruits in my direction and looked at me with an anxious smile. "I will help you carry it down once dusk has set." He quickly added. "Please, I can't handle being stuck here alone any longer."
My heart melted as his eyes glistened. "Since we have till the evening ..." I sat down cross legged on the table, the paper stuffed into my pants. "How long have you been here?"
His eyes darted towards me and he smiled gratefully. "At least five months. During the first month, a kind older witch wrote down the recipe for the potion and gave it to me. Before she could help me make it, she was caught, and her powers were taken away from her. She promised me she would find a way of helping me before she escaped."
"I got the beans from an old woman, that must have been her." I placed my relatively tiny hand on his to comfort him.
Amusement lit up his face as he looked down on me. "I worked as a carpenter before ... this. I built this house and these..." He pointed to the table and chair. "... to pass time while I waited for her."
"You are quite talented, Ed. Do you mind if I call you Ed?" I asked him. He shook his head. We discussed our strategy repeatedly while we waited for the darkness to set in.
We left the house with me saddled in his front pocket, a burning torch in one of his hands, a basket with a few giant fruits in his other when night arrived. He descended the bean stalk silently as I held onto his shirt for dear life.
Once on the ground, he emptied the basket into the area behind my house and placed me down. To not disturb the neighborhood, he spoke nothing and just waved at me while climbing up the stalk, disappearing into the sky. I entered my house and slept till the morning sun was shining in my eyes.
Soon I was up and moving to put the plan into action. I walked up to Sally's house and called for her father. "Sir, I have a few things that I need to take to the market to sell. I can't carry them on foot, so may I borrow your cart? Of course, I will be paying you the rent for it at the end of the day." I told him when he came to the door.
"Sure, but take Sally with you. She is the one the horse trusts the most." I agreed to the condition and within ten minutes we were on our way to the market. Sally was bewildered at the size of the fruits.
"Where did you find these?" She asked. "Did it grow on the green tower like plant behind your house?"
"I found them in the forest yesterday when I was travelling along the road." I lied.
"Take me along the next time. Were there more?" She asked in a jolly tone. "I wonder what made them grow so big. I want to study these curiosities!" She exclaimed. "I am sure the scientist living near the market would love them."
"Maybe he will buy them from me!" I snapped my fingers. "Let's head to his house first!"
We reached his place and his curiosity made him buy all four of them at the price I asked of him. He didn’t even try to bargain; it was my lucky day.
With Sally's help I completed my errands at lighting speed and reached her house before the sun set. I paid her and ran to my house. Carefully lining up the ingredients near the tower of green, I waited for the darkness to cover me.
I sensed the stalk shaking a little and looked up to see him descending at a swift pace. When he saw the things lined up, a wide smile lit up his face in the dim light of the lamp I had brought with me. Placing a giant basket with even more huge fruits on the ground, we got to work. Making gestures to communicate, we made the potion and heated it up in four normal sized pots.
Once done, he chugged the contents of the pots one at a time. Over the next ten minutes, he shrunk to my height. I knew he was young but now I could make out that he was close to my age. He ran to me and hugged me once he stopped shrinking. "Thank you!" He shouted. "Thank you so much, Jack!" He placed a quick kiss on my cheek, his long hair brushed against my skin, and he held my hands.
"Your ears are turning red!" He commented when I stayed silent. I continued to look at the ground and tried to hide my red face. "Jack? Are you ..." Before he could finish, I looked with a silly grin that made him crack up.
"You are prettier than I thought you would be." I finally spoke, trying not to stare at him for too long.
"Pretty?" His eyes disappeared in his wide smile. "Why, thank you!" A dull red spread through his cheeks.
"You can stay with me; you can’t go back to your village, can you?" I asked him as we walked into the house, the lamp in my hand.
He shook his head and hid his eyes with his hand. "My family doesn’t believe me either so there is no point in telling them either." His lips quivered.
"Then stay with me forever!" I shouted while I pulled away his hand. ''Forever?" He stuttered as his eyes met mine.
"Forever." I confirmed, leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek.
The next day we sold six of fruits in the market with Sally's help. Even the king's men bought two. We gave one to Sally for her help and headed back to the house. When mother arrived the next day, we gave her the money we got for the fruits which would help us live comfortably for the rest of our lives. Mother took a liking to Ed, so she let him stay with us. He taught me carpentry,we started a carpentry store together and so we lived happily ever after!
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carrot-kun · 4 years
A short story based in New York City in the mid 1980s.
Part two: New Waves
The soft sobbing of the patient in the bed next to Jay's woke me up. I pushed my overgrown hair, which now touched my shoulders, out of my oily face. I had come to expect the sobs in the dull dirty hospital to be my lullaby, but these new cries were more intense. Clearly, a new patient had been admitted.
"Paul's gone?" I enquired of my ill husband who was staring with tearful eyes at the drag family. He nodded as he looked my way. "Today afternoon. Bless his soul, he was a cheerful one."
"He was." The pandemic had claimed another roommate of his. Seeing these familiar corpses must eat away at his heart and hope. After Bobby's, he has been counting down to his final days.
"Why didn't you tell your mother about this? You could have dropped dead and we wouldn't have realized." The matriarch of the family screamed as she held on to the pale boy's hand. His sunken eyes were green like the pillow on his bed. He looked barely a year older than little Jason.
"Ma!" Jason shouted when he was at the door with a paper bag full of fruits. He glanced at the boy on the bed as he walked to our corner near the window.
"Jay?" The new patient fixed his eyes on Jason. "Jay?" He sat up while Jason turned to face me and thrust the bag against my hands.
"I will be late for the ball if I stay but I will be back with my trophies." He placed a quick kiss on a confused Jay's cheek and then on mine.
"Jay?" The weak boy shouted making Jason flinch.
"Do you know him, Jason?" I stood up and put my hands on his shoulder. Turning him around, I smiled at the boy. "Hello! My name is Alex, I am Jason's mother, are you two friends?"
"Hello!" He mustered up a gentle smile. "Yes, we met at the ball. My name is Raymond."
"Right, he is that kid you have been fooling around with!" His mother stood up. "You! You made my son sick!" She stormed up to Jason and I immediately pushed him out of the way and faced her with equal ferocity.
"No, ma. I was sick before I met him." Raymond defended him. "I am sorry for not telling you, Jay." He was close to tears.
"Your kid would have made my son sick." I put my hands around little Jason and pulled him closer. Sparks flew as the mothers glared at each other. "Jason, come with me." I commanded, strutting out of the crowded room.
"Ma-" Jason started on his defense.
"Tell me you used a condom." I begged when we reached the cafeteria. I took a seat and let the evening sunlight hit me.
"I did, ma. We did." Jason sat down and begged with his eyes. "You know I wouldn't do anything carelessly."
"I know. But you never told me about him, so I was worried." I sighed.
"Sorry. I was just caught up in it. You were right, I shouldn't trust the boys with sweet eyes." He held my hand. "He already knew he was sick, and he hid it from me."
"When did you realize?" I asked in an affectionate tone.
"Last week when he fainted after the ball when we were eating at Jenny's." Jason recalled. "I told him that I couldn't be with him after his lie."
"You really fancied him, didn't you? He is one of those pretty ones." I tried to make him feel better. "We need to get you tested, darling. I'll come with you." I stood up.
"I already did, ma. I am okay." He hugged me tightly as he got up.
"You must have been scared, kid." I patted his head and kissed his forehead.
"I was." He whispered. "Anyway, I will stay, I will take care of Pa today, you should go home. You have work tomorrow. Jenny's has a Sunday special sale, grab two boxes of pancakes on your way." He pushed me towards Jay's room.
"Why two? I'll buy one for you tomorrow morning." I smiled as we reached the silent room. "Just trust me." He laughed.
"Talk to your boy when you are ready, okay? He needs all the cheer right now. Poor kid, he must be terrified." I told him in a whisper before I opened the creaky door. "Jay, little Jason says he will be with you for the night, so I will go home and clean up. I will come tomorrow after work." I informed him as I packed my handbag.
As I walked through the crowded corridors, head empty from the scare my heart just had, a bunch of papers fell from a nurse's hand right ahead. I immediately bent down to help her pick them up. "There you go Nurse ... " I read her tag as I returned them. "... Fisk?"
"Thank you!" Her long brown hair has wrapped up in bun at the base of her neck, and short strands fallen over her cheeks framed her face. A cheeky smile appeared as she put the papers inside her file. Getting up, she rushed off to her destination.
"Fisk." I recalled while I continued the journey. "That's a funny name."
Stepping into Jenny's, I bought two boxes of pancakes and got into our apartment. I groaned as I took off my jacket and put the boxes on the kitchen island.
"You sure look like you have been through hell." A high-pitched voice shocked me.
"What?" I yelled as the smartly dressed woman smiled at me from across the hall. "Margret! You nearly killed me!" I laughed as I ran to her.
"Woah, woah, no hugs till you have taken a bath." She chuckled while hitting me with her purse.
"What are you doing in New York? Why didn't you write or call?" I questioned her. I walked towards the bathroom.
"I called Jason. He told me about ... Bobby and Jay." Her chirpy attitude quieted down. "AIDS, is that what it's called now?"
"GRID did the damage it had to." I scoffed. Picking out fresh clothes, I closed my eyes, "Sorry, I am a bit frisky." I gestured towards the kitchen. "Help yourself to some pancakes, I'll join you in a second."
I cleaned up and with the towel in my wet hair, I joined her. "Pretty good, huh?" I rubbed my thumb against her palm as I opened my box.
"It is." She cleared her throat. "Alex, I am moving to the west coast. I am going work on my writing there." Her eyes were on floor.
"Oh." I faked a jolly tone.
"I have met someone." She continued.
"Oh!" I put my hand over my mouth. "Do I know her?" I looked away.
"No, you don't know him. Kurt is coming with us. He has gotten a job there already. San Fransico." She quickly added. "I have heard that it is a beautiful town, perfect for Kurt."
"Yes, San Fransico is ... well, queer." I let out a hollow laugh.
She joined me. "Are you happy here?" She asked as I stuffed my face with the pancakes.
I paused. "Yeah, yes. Of course."
"You're still living for him." She observed.
"Him?" I resumed eating.
"It's been five years since you left." Margret sighed. "You lived for Jay then, I thought New York would make you live for yourself at last." I stayed silent.
"Jay needs me right now, he needs to stay alive." I spoke after a few seconds.
"You know the government isn't going to let anything happen." She put her hand on my shoulder.
"What if he lives long enough for something to happen? I must help him stay alive till then. It’s my duty as his wife." I pushed back.
"You never lived as anything but his wife. You lived as a scared teen dyke, the perfect daughter till you became his wife. You never lived." She said out right.
"I don't care for life. It brings shame and sorrow. I would rather die normal than a deviant dyke. A monster, a terrible creature, is that what you want me to be when I die?" I screamed in her face, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"What are you waiting for? You think you can live in the afterlife, do you?" She stood up and closed her eyes. "We will never get to go to that precious heaven. No matter how much we hide, we will still be cast to hell." She started walking to the door. "I'll meet Jay before I leave. Farewell Alex!"
The night was silent, but my head was crowded with thoughts and emotions. I tried to brush them aside next day, as I worked, but the voices were too loud. That evening I walked into the hospital with three boxes from Jenny's.
"Ma!" Jason was sitting between the two men. "How did your meeting with Margret go?"
"Good. I am happy she is getting to do what she wants." I smiled while I petted Jason's head.
"Nurse Fisk! Good evening!" Raymond exclaimed.
"Good evening!" She said in a jolly voice. "I brought your dinner, Raymond." She looked around the room and smiled. "Oh, is this Mrs. Poole? We meet again." She shook my hand.
"Again?" Jay asked. Nurse Fisk quickly told them about yesterday.
"Raymond, take this, I will take your lunch." I placed a box of pancakes on his lap. Taking the tray, I turned to Fisk. "So, we you be joining us for dinner ..."
"Veronica." She giggled. "Well Alex, I would love to, but I am busy right now. Perhaps another day." She moved closer and kissed me on the cheek before leaving.
"You are red!" Jay shouted. "Ohhhhh." He shimmied his shoulders. "Someone has a crush." "I don't." I puffed up my cheeks.
"You do!" Jason and Raymond yelled in unison.
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carrot-kun · 4 years
A short story based in a small town in the US during the 1979.
Part one: Hidden waves
The frigid air froze my wet feet through my rubber boots and the soft orange light of the sun hit my bare neck. I smiled while I looked over the boxes being moved. Ruffling my short hair, I walked towards the storage unit. "Hurry up people! I have to get home!"
"Sir?" The inspector ran up to me and asked, out of breath, "Mind if I check your crates?" "No issues officer." I walked him to the door.
As the sea roared behind us, the new boy headed towards me, fear washing over his face. "What if he finds something?" His voice was shaky.
"Calm your nerves, kid. Or you will not be able to survive here. Would you rather go back to hustling?" I warned him, pulling him away from the unit. "Learn to act."
"Sorry..." His face gave away his disappointment in himself.
"Say, where are you going after today?" I asked him, my hand around his shoulder. "Home?"
"I can't go home." He looked at the sun across the silver sea.
"Do you want to come to mine?" I nudged him with a smile. "There is a cute boy in the house next to ours. He is about your age."
He chuckled. "Can I really come along?" His big brown eyes pleaded.
"Of course, you can. But you will have to help us pack." I started strolling along the dock.
"Pack?" He asked.
"My partner and I are moving to New York in a few months. I am letting go of the sea, darling. The land is my new calling." I explained.
"Oh-" He tagged along. "Can I come with you?" He asked. "You just started here, boy." I giggled.
"New York has a lot more people like me, I will fit right in! I won't bother you for too long, I will get out of your hair as soon as we reach the city." He begged.
"No, no. Stay with us! We do not have any children. It will be nice to have a kid around." I patted his hair.
His face lit up at those words. "I am not much of a kid though." He pointed out. "I am sixteen." "You are a kid." I pressed on. "We need to find you a school."
"No, I want to work!" He declared.
"Why? Kids call you a sissy at school?" I led him to the cab waiting near the rusty gates.
He stayed silent; his eyes afraid to meet mine. I had hit close to home with that question.
"Well, this is our cab. Meet me here with your things in 15 minutes." I said in a regretful voice.
He hurried to the ship and the officer came back with a smile.
"Officer." I acknowledged him with a nod. "I hope there weren't any issues."
"No. None, Alex." He wrote down something in the note pad. "Your ships never give me any issues."
"Glad. How are the kids?" I asked.
"Good. One of them is headed to university soon, thanks to your ships." He let out a nervous laughter.
"Wish them luck, your kids." We shook hands and I walked to the ship to gather my belongings. The car ride was silent, my eyes were searching the familiar landscape.
"Why are you moving to New York?" The kid asked when the moon was high in the sky.
The road was thinning out as we neared our destination. "For my partner. A job opportunity in the Big Apple."
"But you love the sea ..." He protested.
"I do. But there is a lot more for me to try in the city, little Jason." I sat up and eyed the house moving towards us. The breaks hit and we stepped out of the black vehicle. I paid the driver and walked to the humble abord.
The bell's jiggle faded and a smartly dressed young woman opened the door. With a big smile she hugged me and led us into the dimly lit salon. While she turned on the lamp, Jason smiled and greeted her. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Poole."
After a fit of hysterical laughter, she corrected him. "That is Mrs. Poole." She pointed to me "I am her neighbor." I took off my beanie and let my short hair breathe.
Facing a confused Jason, I smirked and commented. "That's Mrs. Margret Clock, my friend."
"Yes, a very close friend." She bit her tongue to stop her laughter.
"But Alex ..." Jason looked at me in disbelief.
"Alexandra Poole. And yes, some of the crew knows." I took out a pale-yellow frock from my bag. "Get him something to eat, Clock. He hasn't eaten since breakfast."
Leaving the salon, I entered her room and changed into the dress. After playing around with my hair for a few minutes, I joined them.
"Where is Kurt? Jason could make a friend out of him." I winked at her. The soft couch was making me sleepy.
"Kurt has gone to stay with my mother with the school being closed and all. Don't worry! He will be back tomorrow." She replied as she smiled at Jason gobbling up the food. "How old are you, kid?"
"Sixteen." Jason mumbled through his full mouth.
"Oh! You are younger than Kurt! My boy is 17."She exclaimed and sat down. Her hand on his dark hair, she petted him. "You adorable soul."
"I will go make sure my house is safe for little Jason to go in." I joked, standing up.
"Let him stay in Kurt's room for tonight. Bobby is over at your house." She informed me. "You come back too, let poor Jay have a good night."
"Bobby is over? Then I'll go tomorrow." I sinked into the couch. "I do not want to be the one to break those two up."
"I will go get you some food." She hurried to the kitchen.
"Jay is Mr. Poole?" Jason whispered.
I nodded. "Bobby is his boyfriend. My husband's a sissy like you." I smirked at him.
"Don't you feel left out?" He looked at me with his puppy eyes.
"Not really. I got Clock there to keep me company." I chuckled.
"What about Mr. Clock?" Jason looked at me with adoration in his eyes.
"He passed away when Kurt was a baby." I lowered my voice.
"Now eat up you two!" Margret shouted as she put down my plate. "And-" The landline interrupted her. She ran up to it and answered.
"Alex is right here Jay. She didn't want to disturb you." She gestured at me.
I joined her and listened to the excited voice on the line. "Come home, you!" He shouted at me. "I haven't seen you in 2 months. Who cares about Bobby?"
"She is throwing shade tonight." Bobby spoke in his high pitch voice. "But Mary, she is right. Come home!"
"Fine, fine. I got a little surprise for you two. Well two surprises." I looked over at Jason. He smiled at me through his stuffed cheeks.
After thanking Margret's generosity, we dragged our trunks to the slightly grander house to the right. Before we could place a foot on the porch, two excited men came running in their flowy
night gowns. "I hope you don't mind us borrowing your gowns." Jay said, grabbing the one side of my trunk. "Holy goodness! Did you smuggle in a kid, Alex?" He screamed like a true queen.
"Well, I suppose that is not untrue." I entertained the two men who were now staring at the boy.
"Mr. Poole?" Jason eyes darted between the two as he smiled awkwardly.
"That would be me." Jay gave a deep bow, picking up the sides of his gorgeous pink silk. "Wait, are we finally adopting a kid? You finally listened." He rejoiced.
"Good evening! My name is Bobby. And yours?" Bobby ruffled Jason's hair while he let the red velvet coat fall off his shoulder. Jason tried unsuccessfully to hide his delight.
"Jason." He extended his hand. Bobby shook it enthusiastically and then looked at me with a dramatic expression.
"She has brought home a fag." He whispered. "Oh! God bless your soul, Mary!" He embraced the kid and me. "Now you, young boy, are going to eat a nice slice of pie before you sleep. No child of mine goes to bed with an empty stomach." Bobby took his hand and ran into the kitchen.
"I missed you so much darling!" Jay kissed my forehead. "But poor Margret missed you even more, so spend the night at hers, we will take care of the boy."
"You are a blessing. And I have a new little film I got from a friend at Falcons." I started to open my trunk.
"You did not-" Jay put his hand over his mouth. "Is it ..."
"'The other side of Aspen'!" I took out the indistinct brown package and thrust it onto his chest. "Now you better not let the kid see it." I warned him.
"Ugh! I could never be that terrible a mother. Though I am sure the kid has already seen it." He flipped his imaginary weave. "But thank you!" His campy voice softened. "I know you don't want to leave Margret and I am forcing you to. I don't deserve this." He looked down at the package.
"But I do want to leave this countryside. I don't want us to hide anymore, Jay. It's for a better future." I reassured him. With his teary eyes, he nodded and went into the warm house, dragging my bags along with him.
"You look really morbid, standing like that." Margret's voice broke me out of the phased-out state.
"I do, don't I?" I trotted up to her and offered her an arm. She hooped her hand through, and we walk through the pebbled road. "Will you miss me when I am gone?"
"Are you as stupid as you look?" She giggled. "Of course, I will. But you better live your best life out there. Make it worth what you will be missing here."
"It will never be enough." I squeezed her hand and whispered to myself.
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