#/   *  THE SQUAD     :     elora.
hazelcallahan · 2 years
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because of [REDACTED] I've been thinking about certain things again and I don't think I've said here yet but Hallie and Vakka-Ei living in Chorrol MEANS. if we abide by the ages in my head. Hallie and Dar-Ma would have been around the same age... they were friends 💙 when she started going by Haldryn Dexion said that she should've picked a name that started with D so the three of them could all have the same first initial. then he suggested they just call her "Drynnie" and Dar-Ma had to haul her off where she tackled him into the dirt 😔
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orbees · 2 years
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Our dnd squad has been playing for years so we needed a Scientific Means of evaluating our campaigns.
Unpictured: the divorce z-axis
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shuuuuush · 1 year
Summary: All of Niko's dumb excuses to be near you or do things with you
Warnings: none
A/N: Starting of short for Niko, then full fics I promise! Gotta write for my boy Niko, can't believe I've neglected him 😔😔
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Honestly you don't know when he decided to start holding your hand all the time, you haven't even started dating when you did.
"Your hand looks heavy let me hold it for you." was a classic excuse he would use with you. It was cheesy, yes, but it got you to hold hands with him regardless. Making him smile like a cutie.
When walking on the side walks he would hold your hand, just to "make sure no one tries to kidnap you on the side of the road"
He would also walk on the outer edge of the sidewalks as well while doing so.
When you did finally start dating, holding hands was one of his key agreements in the relationship.
Sitting beside each other? Holding hands. In the car driving? Holding hands. Well, one hand on the wheel the other with you ;)
When you're at a party with the beta squad or filming a video, especially mafia. Niko always seems to be by your side.
Magically, always teleports to your side, and when you laugh, you automatically clutch someone's arm next to you. And Niko wanted to be that person, so you best believe he's sitting next to you or standing beside you.
And if you're at a party, he would definitely stay by your side. If any guys try to hit you up, he's scaring them away with 1. His height and 2. The fact that he can look intimidating when he wants to.
And it will kill the other guys ego off instantly and make him avoid you for the rest of the night.
Speaking of parties, if you didn't like them much and wanted to step outside for a bit of air. He would come with you, and he would make sure you had a good time, whether that would be going to eat somewhere or just staying under the moonlight in each others arms.
He would want you to be comfortable at all times.
This is when you were dating because if you weren't, best believe Niko ain't getting much courage to do this.
He's a brave guy, but when it comes to you, you honestly take that courage away when you weren't dating, of course. But now that you are, he's gonna be impressing you left and right and "trying to be the bigger man." (Last part was in chunkz words)
Sometimes, if you both were at a gathering, when he was bored, he would take your hand and just draw on it with his finger to pass the time.
Or just squeeze your hand, signalling to you that he wanted to leave, but wanted to be discreet about it. So you would make up something awfully more important than this, to excuse both you and Niko and off you go, you've escaped the boredom!
I'll leave it to you to can guess where you end up ;)
When you first met, he would've looked at you a lot. Most likely stunned by your beauty, and you would often catch him looking at you and then looking away faster when you caught him, almost always earning a small giggle from yourself.
If you're right next to him and caught him looking at you, he would come up with an excuse since he knew he wouldn't get away with saying nothing.
His excuses would either consist of violations:
"Oh, sorry, I just thought I saw a rat infestation right in front of me."
"Can I have the name of your hair salon? I need to know where not to go."
"You do a great job combing your hair. It’s impressive how you’re able to hide the receding hairline." "Yeah, I learnt it from you."
Or would consist of him stupidly denying it:
"Yeah, you're imagining things because I was just scratching my eye, and you happened to be in front of my view."
"I was looking behind you. Not at you." "Niko, you're behind me..."
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Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @n1kodl @elora-k @slutforpablogavi @enhacolor
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elorasaurus-gaming · 4 months
Here are the lil guys!
Introducing the two channel mascots: Peaches 🍑 and Tiny 🐙
Snack-o-saurs at the ready to help Elora and the Dino Squad in daily life ☆°~
I revealed Tiny a little while ago in a set of three possible mascots, but only recently designed Peaches. I wanted to be a food themed stegosaurus at one point so decided to keep that aspect, in the form of the channel mascots (I'll also make Takoyaki and Peach themed Elora outfits for graphics 👀)
I try to stream twice a week and am updating my channel as I go with little improvements
If you like my art or gaming clips please consider checking out my other socials (and Youtubes/Twitch) ☆°~
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gotylocks · 2 years
Willow Ep. 5- "Wildwood"
I feel like this episode was the first one that threw the standard fantasy vibe out the window and it was the right choice. If you're going into this show expecting LOTR or GOT, you're gonna be disappointed, but I love it. From the moment the driving rock guitar kicks in and the chase is on, it's clear this is a show more interested in fun than being deadly serious, and I realized how much it reminds me of A Knight's Tale (which rules).
But that's not really what I want to write about. Something that drives me crazy in shows is when characters refuse to just communicate with each other, and this is the episode that deals with that. Over the first 4 episodes, everyone had secrets they were keeping, and now while some secrets are intact, many others are brought into the open in a way that brings the party closer. This was the first time it felt like the party actually likes each other, which was very nice.
While a lot of stuff happens, I think this episode hinges on Kit and Jade's relationship more than the others. You have the intense emotional outburst from Kit when she's scared for Jade's safety (with Ruby Cruz letting out some absolutely heartbreaking screams of Jade's name), but then you have the truth plums bringing out both of their repressed feelings at long last.
This episode also recontextualizes the kiss from the first episode. That was their first kiss, given in a moment of passion, but Kit did it thinking she wasn't going to see Jade again. This is a big deal because it's been hanging over them ever since, neither one of them wanting to deal with what it meant for them. It is clear from episode 1, scene 1, these girls are crazy about each other, but I read it as neither of them understand that yet.
The way this is slowly developed, oddly enough at first, through Kit's discussions with Elora, is wonderful because it actually moves the romance with Jade forward while also giving us the first look at a real friendship with Elora. They are adorable while trying to get out of their cell and I can't wait for more.
Kit and Jade, in the woods, putting their honest feelings out into the open is huge. You feel the weight of their years of friendship, the fear that Kit has to admit how badly she needs Jade in her life to the point she is crying, the relief Jade has as she finally confesses her love. The incredible tension between them as they inch closer and closer, desperate to kiss but scared to finally take that step together, reminds me of a lyric by Pom Pom Squad (who also provided the cover of "Crimson and Clover" for this episode):
"I need you closer and you're not even an inch away" - Red With Love
The interruption at the hands of the trolls is frustrating, but it means that when they're finally reunited, nothing is going to stop that kiss from happening again and it's going to be awesome.
Kit and Jade are giving me the type of lesbian romance story I've always wanted and episode 6 can't get here soon enough.
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comicaurora · 2 years
Have you seen the new Willow show? It’s vibe reminded me about of Aurora since it’s a high fantasy show that doesn’t try to be super serious or edgy and actually has fun
I got most of the way through the first two episodes and might try and pick it back up. It's fun in places, but in others it feels a little shaky and the pacing's kinda weird. I can't decide if it's comfortably tropey or just a little too comfortable with its tropes. I laughed out loud when the old mentor guy got one-shotted literally seconds after crossing the barrier.
The characters also sort of oscillate between being too cool for school and bathos-ing up all their emotional moments, and being weirdly non-genre-savvy when it's convenient for them to be immersed in the plot. For instance, absolutely nobody reacted to the mentor dying in any way and the characters were quipping seconds later, making them seem Very Rad and Uninvested. But then when it comes to the frankly extremely tedious second episode where the entire premise is Elora sucking at magic, nobody points out the seemingly crucial detail that she passed through the giant magic barrier that keeps the entire kingdom safe. The rest of the gang know she didn't cross through the gate with them but don't seem to question how she got out, and she knows she moved through the barrier, so it feels very weird that the entire episode is spent with her constantly repeating that she can't be magic, she can't be the chosen one, she's just on this trip to rescue her boyfriend she's been dating since yesterday tops, etc etc. Sitting around waiting for the characters to acknowledge or accept or figure out something very obvious is tedious, especially when they have no reason not to.
Kit also stands out to me, because she's quite an interesting mass of contradictions, though I'm not sure if that's intentional characterization or indicative of the same inconsistent writing. She's introduced defeating Jade in a fight, who is herself a clearly extremely talented knight if the royal guard are willing to make an exception to accept her - and Kit says she wins because she's got skill and talent and that's what makes her better than Jade, which characterizes her as arrogant, but perhaps justifiably so considering her ability - after all, she is introduced as a better ass-kicked than the story's designated ass-kicker. Then Kit plans to literally run away to escape her arranged marriage, abandoning her role as heir to the throne because she feels trapped in her life - which totally tracks, that's all consistent. She's a spunky warrior princess who doesn't wanna marry some rando for political reasons, that's a very classic tale as old as time. But then as soon as the squad of bad guys show up and storm the castle, Kit is shown panicking and handling herself much worse than Jade, who also doesn't do particularly well in that fight - which is another stock story beat, the equivalent of the "home village gets torched by BBEG" event. This makes it seem like Kit, despite being prepared to win a sparring session, is not actually ready for a real fight. That's a good angle on this character, and it makes sense for a sheltered princess longing for adventure; she's trained, but that doesn't mean she's ready. She's arrogant, not because she's experienced, but because she's the big fish in her small pond. Okay, that's fair. Different than her introduction and not really highlighted in-story, but still workably consistent. It indicates that Kit will have an arc about becoming a more badass fighter through experience, maybe a bit less arrogant as she accepts that the "talent" she boasted about literally means nothing in a very dangerous world - maybe Jade will get more opportunities to shine as an actually experienced warrior who's seen more combat than her talented princess. Jade has also clearly had a less sheltered life than Kit, so that might be a good dynamic to explore as character foils now that they're experiencing a fraught adventure that is clearly much harsher than Kit was ready for. Then as soon as Elora is revealed to be the real magical chosen one this story is all about, Kit shifts to being the cranky lancer complaining about how Elora sucks and isn't important and probably isn't really the chosen one anyway and shouldn't they be focusing on charging straight at the main bad guy right now. She also calls out Elora on having never been in a real fight, which is either a very interesting bit of hypocrisy from one sheltered princess to another, or a bit of inconsistent character writing caused by Kit being suddenly recast as the lancer to Elora's de facto protagonist status. It also highlights another inconsistency, because if Elora is who Willow thinks she is - the chosen one savior one true queen who'll rule the kingdom - then Kit is free from that royal responsibility she demonstrably hates.
So either this is the messy behavior of a complicated, imperfect heroine suddenly experiencing a large amount of very stressful things at once - or it's inconsistent character writing. Schroedinger's storytelling.
There's a few other things that threw me. Some of the editing in the first episode feels really weird, especially during the aforementioned Bad Guy Invasion - which itself smacked of rough choreography, shot in a dark and foggy environment with a lot of camera-shake to seemingly compensate for a lot of very wide swings with swords and spears.
It was an interesting watch, and I might go back to it because of the bits that are rough around the edges. Seeing the parts that weren't working for me helped me identify the parts that were working and why. The show's certainly not awful, and there's a lot of solid stuff in it; it's just the shaky parts that are interesting to me, because they're the parts you can learn the most from.
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sgliu · 2 years
Kit and Elora are giving last 2 brain cell vibes.
Why does KIT have an assassin blade?
The squad really keeps each other balanced and in check.
When Arik kissed the Crone 🤣🤣 Kit and Jades face were amazing. They were appalled.
Jade looked really attracted to KIT when she put the armor on.
And 😆. Jades face at the end. She was Iike I love you you idiot. She was totally checking her out though. She looked twice.
They have really been holding out on the acting in the other episodes. Cause dang Greydon and Elora.
Also Graydon 😭.
I'm so glad that Elora matured and realized her feeling during the dream.
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angryshortstacks · 1 year
Back on my willow shit after mourning the removal of the show (and forcing my friend to watch it). So here’s my Tanthamore playlist with explanations for each song
- Crimson and Clover by the Pom Pom squad: this one’s obvious
- I’m on fire by Soccar Mommy: also just because it’s in the show but the lyrics about bad desire feels very repressed queer love so it’s a tanthamore song now. I don’t make the rules.
-Bags by Clairo: the lyrics are very kit running away in episode 1 plus Clairos vibes are just so tathamore.
- Ceilings by Lizzy McAlphine: this songs lyrics gives me Jade’s internal monologue after the kiss in episode 1.
- I am yours by Churchill: this goes on every ship playlist I make because it’s so cute and it’s just about being devoted to someone else and thinking about it with them makes me FERAL!
- Cherry Wine by Hozier: the soft guitar feels very fantasy to me, plus the lyrics feel Jade talking about kit.
- Trees by The Oh Hellos: this is a childhood friends to lovers song and it makes me think of them as little kids not knowing their in love with each other 🥺
- Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb: I blame edits. It’s Jades pov from episode 5 when she’s a little mad at kit in the wildwood. “you with the dark curls, you with the water colour eyes, you who bares all your teeth with every smile.” Like cmon that’s so kit.
- Like or Like Like by Minature Tigers: again it’s a childhood friends to lovers song but like more current. The sort of will they won’t they from episode 1-5.
- Another Story by The Head and the Heart: this one is mostly vibes but I feel like it gives the way home from the quest and moving forward together. It’s them choosing each other in the end.
- Without You by Oh Wonder: it’s a PINING song okay so therefore it’s a jade song.
- Softly by Clairo: this song is a Kit song about falling for jade. And I’ll say it once I’ll say it again. Clairo has tanthamore vibes.
- Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos: the title sounds so close to wildwood and the vibes are super fantasy esc. It’s very much jade’s arch learning who she truly is and what she wants and how that change was sprung by the wildwood.
- Home by Edward sharp and the magnetic zeroes: this song is a classic and it’s just so cute. It’s them acknowledging their each others home 🥺
- Gemini by Tash Sultana: this is also a kit song and her admiring her feelings for jade.
- Fight or Flight: pretty sure I got this song from an edit and went yes I agree. It’s a kit song and her dealing with her weird feelings for Jade. “I’d rather lie they tell you I’m in love with you” like that’s so wildwood truth plums.
- Heavy Feet by Local Natives: this is them both being unable to admit their feelings contrasted with when they finally say what they needs to and their “left in the sun, shivering”
- Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos: there is no band with more fantasy vibes then the oh hellos. Kit is the soldier, Jade is the Poet and Elora is the King. I will not debate, I could write an essay proving this.
- Two Birds by Regina Spektor: I saw one edit and it went on the playlist. Kit is the one that says “cmon” and Jade says “I’m tired” need I say more?
- Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez: the EDITS. The lyrics are just so bloody romantic it will go on every ship playlist imaginable but it hits particularity hard for them. “Never let you go again” so makes me think of end of episode 6 beginning of 7 when Jade almost looses kit.
- Bloom by the Paper Kites: again just so totally, completely, desperately romantic. it had to go on the playlist the gods demanded it.
- Will We Talk? By Sam Fender: again just the idea of them finally saying what they haven’t. I can also see an au where they meet as a one night stand (which is what the song is about).
- Would That I by Hozier: the edits Plus the image of a willow tree in the first verse made me associate it. Also so bloody romantic.
- Sleep on the Floor by the Lumineers: the idea of running away together feels very Kit trying to convince Jade to go with her in episode 1.
- Pretty Firl by Clairo: you thought I was done with the Clairo songs? Think again. It’s Jade willing to wear a dress and become a “pretty girl” to support Kit.
- Croses by José González: this is a kit song. Her talking about her trauma and the “well cast sunlight and you’ll be alright” is Jade.
- the colour violet by Tory Lanez: this one is vibes alone and because there were so many edits of this song.
- Start a Riot by Banners: this song is just what they’d both to for each other very much the sentiment of “when you love someone you jump off the edge of the world to get to them” and it FITS SO WELL.
- Gajendra by Willow and Jahnavi Harrison: again the Willow association felt right. And the vibes of “I depend on you alone” is so tanthamore.
- Bad Idea by Girl in Red: it’s so sapphic panic and “oh fuck we have feelings we need to address” because of this it goes on every playlist.
- Sound and Colour by Alabama Shakes: the song gives me jade vibes and it’s honestly vibes alone but I don’t care.
- I’ll Call You Mine by Girl in Red: it’s so GAY and so ROMANTIC and it’s one of the first songs I thought of when I made this playlist and then I saw an edit immediately after and I just about died.
- Cosmic Love By Florence and the Machine: Florence only writes character songs so this is my obligatory contribution to this playlist. Song has fantasy vibes and has the same dramatic vibes as the banners song.
- Morning Dove by Genevieve Stokes: this one’s all vibes and because the dove had a vague association but it’s a good ass song.
- Like Real People Do by Hozier: cmon this is probably the most romantic song ever written. It’s very kit finally kissing Jade to me because “I will not ask you where you came from.. just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.”
- Homecoming Heroes by the Head and the Heart: this is so Kit and jade imaging having adventures in the world together. It’s such a cute image.
- Love Ain’t Enough by the Barr Brothers: this is so Kit at the end admitting love is the most powerful thing in the universe (specifically her love for jade).
- Falming Hot Cheetos by Clairo: “I wanna be the one you think about at night, I wanna be the one that you would put up a fight for” LIKE THAT IS SO JADE!! I can’t even it fits so good.
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*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’* 
Boorman: Thanks fam! 
Jade: oh no 
Willow: *cries* I love you too 
Kit: Sounds fake but okay 
Graydon: *A flustered mess* 
Elora: can i get a refund
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bberry005 · 2 years
ok squad i watched the ep 8 preview and here's the thoughts i have other than "i am so scared and excited for the finale":
crone/princess of cashmere new outfit?
jade, boorman, and graydon look like they've been through it before they reach the main section of the immemorial city
thinking the crone tries to manipulate kit and maybe elora into joining her? but who even knows at this point
theory that willow doesn't jump down with jade, boorman, and graydon and instead jumps on his own/has to make his own choice
once again, i am not prepared in any way to watch this
the effects/magic look SO COOL
can't wait for jade's speech at the top of the cliff where she convinces graydon and boorman to jump with her. she's going to have her major heroic moment and i can't wait
i'm so hyped to see boorman's arc come full circle with giving up the cuirass
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shoshanagrauer · 2 years
More theories bc I'm trying to fill the void in my soul of no new eps
Thinking on the Wyrm's weird paradise and connecting some dots. The versions of characters we know haven't given themselves over to the Wyrm--Graydon, Boorman, Jade, and later, Kit--are all very weird and hollow. Airk is, like, actually there and functioning as much like a human as that possessed himbo can in the moment. Whereas when we see Jade in Kit's temptation moment, it's VERY like polished and idealized. We also don't get to hear her speak.
But there's one other character who's acting like they're actually there and not the Wyrm's approximation of them: Sorsha, albeit a more emotionally realized version. We know she was wounded in the fight with the Gales, and the wound seemed to be on like her torso, somewhere we couldn't see an obvious change like we did with Balantine.
Sorsha was definitely Not Well the last time we saw her, and sure she was just attacked which explains it, but what if she's also under the Wyrm's control? What if that's one of the reasons we haven't seen a single scene of her since she sent Balantine after Elora apart from the Wyrm's garden party.
This season Kit had to reckon with her relationship with her dad and her brother. Now that Airk is at least possibly joining the adventure squad, what if the twins' quest next season involves coming to terms with the trauma they faced at the hands of their mother despite and because of the love she had for them, and saving her from the Wyrm's control?
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mowsyling · 2 years
Predictions post Ep8 - Season Finale - Part One
I think well start with Kit & Elora..
The (remaining) Gales arrive and there will certainly be some words exchanged between rebranded Evil-Airk & the two. Won't be quite the reunion they expected I guess. There's that mini clip in the promo where the (hot)Crone seems to step out of the passage (silhouette of the outfit is different from the 1. one) So imo most likely Kit &Elora get escorted in to meet her.. Dialogues happen.. Kit &Elora get captured in some form (trapped in illusion is one of my guesses, to try test &tempt them)
I think then well get back up to the cliff where Jade, Graydon, Boorman and Willow still are. The first three definitely decide to take the leap/fall.. Jade probably almost immediately Gray too.. Boor might hesitate a little. I have the sneaking suspicion Willow might decide to turn around at first (the vision of Mims still plaguing him) but he won't get far if that's how it goes &something prompts him to get it together and jump..
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Now the trio tries to sneak up on the enmy and look for their companions..
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Here's the storm... not 100% certain but by yhe looks of the guys above that might happen when they sneak in..
Other possibility is the storm hits when Elora fights the Crone. The air does look murky in those shots (see part two)
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There is this very short clip where Kit seems to get up and behind her is an arch and by my count 8 people... there's one with a hat (reminds me of the woodcutters in ep3), one either wears something on their head too, or has a weirdly elongated head. Some seem to be wearing robes.. Fay? Elves?
Anyway, this really makes me think both Kit & Elora will be drawn into a vision or illusion...
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I think it will be Willow that shatters it and frees Kit probably Elora too..
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It looks a lot like Willow's staff will be broken as in, the crystal will be gone when the squad (minus Gray🫣 plus Airk) departs the city..
That could be the result of above shattering of the spell/illusion (or another theory is he extracts the crystal deliberately to because they need it for the Lux Arcana to power the Cuirass)
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Jade &Boorman facing off with the Gales.. Boorman is wearing the cuirass.. This might either happen before Willow arrives or after he arrives to distract the Gales.
Note: No Graydon.. maybe he's with Willow at this point.
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This shot in which Boorman is talking to someone. I think it's the moment he hands the cuirass to Kit... He doesn't seem to be wearing it anymore.
Reached the picture etc limit..😆😆
Can just add one more vid.. think I'll make it the strange Kit scene that makes me think they'll be in a vision..
This will be continued in part two...😄💜
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gaining-and-gaming · 8 months
Muse List
Sorted by series
Mario bros:
Princess Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Pauline, Toadette, Bowser, Wendy
Donkey Kong:
Candy Kong, Tiny Kong, King K-Rool
Legend of Zelda:
Link, Zelda, Midna (imp and twili) Impa, Purah, Fi, Sidon, Urbosa, Mipha, Dark Link, sheik
Samus, Dark samus
Banjo Kazooie:
Banjo, Kazooie, Gruntilda/Gruntooie, Brentilda, Brentooie (breegull form), Conker the squirrel
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Team sonic: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy rose
Team Dark: Shadow, Rouge
Team hooligan: Bean the dynamite, Bark, Fang/Nack
Team Chaotix: Espio, Mighty, Ray
Freedom Fighters: Sally Acorn, Bunny robot, Nicole
Other: Wave, Tangle, Whisper, Tikal, Vanilla, Sticks, Mephiles, ariem, lanolin, Infinite
Jet Set Radio:
Gum, Mew, Cube, Piranha, Jazz
Nights, Reala , jackal, puffy
Naughty Dog:
Crash Bandicoot:
Team Bandicoot: Coco, Crunch, Crash
Sucker Punch:
Nitro squad: Tawna, Ami, Megumi, Liz, Isabella
Other: evil coco
Sly Cooper:
Sly Cooper, Carmelita Fox
Spyro the dragon:
Spyro, Cynder, Bianca, Elora, Sorcereress
Bomb Rush Cyber funk:
Bel, Vinyl, Rise, Shine, Rave, Irene
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shuuuuush · 1 year
Warnings: none
A/N: @allygatcr , here's your headcannons girlie. I hope u like it 🫶
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Dating Darkest Man would include:
He's ALWAYS cracking jokes, and he's honestly so funny. Like you could be on a walk with him through the park or maybe go downtown shopping, and he'd just see something and instantly make a joke out of it. Obviously, he understands that there are certain things you shouldn't joke about, but most of the time, you can't even go 10 minutes without him making you laugh.
↳ "Oh, look! Doesn't this jacket look nice, Darkest?" "Nah I won't lie to you babes, that looks like tarzans underwear. That fluff, I swear he's worn it in his jungle life."
He may not seem like it, but he's definitely one to hold your hand everywhere you go. He just wants to be close to you and like have you in arms reach, especially if you're going in crowded places. Best believe he's gonna hold onto your hand for dear life. He acts like you're a little kid who might get lost even though you're a grown adult. He loves you, that's why he doesn't want to lose you. 🥺
COUPLE NICKNAMES, No for sure he definitely is gonna call you nicknames, it's definitely gonna start out sweet like honey, babes, or love but then if you do something happens and it's hilarious, like for example, yall do a bean boozled challenge and you end up getting the spoiled milk and its the one you hated the most, oh boy, it's one he will remember for the rest of his life, while he's crying laughing at your reaction to it. He's gonna call you that for the rest of the year unless you really hate it and ask him to stop he would.
↳ "Hey spoiled milk, could you pass the milk, please? Not yourself." "Shut the hell up."
He loves it when you kiss him on his cheek or forehead. He’s so sweet and melts every time you show him love. Like this would be the HIGHLIGHT of his day. He would leave to shoot a video at footasylum or beta squad, and then you would kiss him on the cheek, and his whole face would light up. Or if he feels it's not enough, he'd grab your waist and pull you in for a kiss.
↳ "Give me another kiss, pleasee." "Darkest, you're gonna be late for the video." "Honestly I don't really care, and I'm not leaving till you give me another one"
You're almost always his special guest on his videos. Well, at this point, you're not even a guest anymore. You're a regular on his channel, but he'd still introduce you as a special guest. And give you the longest hug on camera while proceeding to smile and laugh throughout the video. And if there's other people in the video, too, like Filly, best believe they're gonna comment on the fact that Darkest doesn't act like this with anyone but you.
↳ "Please welcome our special guest ... Y/N!!" "I'm still a guest on this channel, huh?" "You'll always be a special guest to me. It's my channel anyway."
He knows you so well that if he asked a question, he realised he didn't need to even ask you because he knew the answer already. Like he would just take the time of day to genuinely get to know all of you, like your favourite food, even to the deep questions about you. He'd want to know all of that so when someone asks about you, he'd know instantly what to say. And if you were saying something, he'd know what you'd say next because he knows you so well.
↳ "Babe, what do you want me to ord- WAIT WAIT I KNOW IT ALREADY."
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freezegirl · 9 months
the headcanon thingie that I cannot send cause I am at work
headcanon time // @blumengeist
percy jackson
1: it's nice, having the boreas cabin to themselves. it's like having a roommate or an eternal sleepover.
2: the frost fairy quest (though unsanctioned) becomes the stuff of legends when elo and kie make it back.
3: unfortunately, evil doesn't sleep and neither do the cousins because ethan bank gets kidnapped shortly after their return. ethan gets rescued but he's never the same afterwards. months later, baron battle escapes from tartarus. and he doesn't just set his sights on warren but also sets his sights on graydon. which means that it's up to elo and kie to protect the men they love.
3.3: it's not that elo needs kie's approval or anything but kie has never approved of airk. she likes graydon much more.
4: "him? really?" / "stop that, airk is nice!" / "sure, but... him? really?!"
5: kie knows the willow squad through elora but doesn't really consider herself to be part of it. she considers herself an ally they can call upon when needed.
1: khione goossens comes from a family of people who can tap into the circle of the world: her father has the ability of cryokinesis and her mother has the ability of hydrokinesis. so, too, does khione. her element is water, the element of fluidity and change. khione is always cold to the touch and takes people's body heat whenever she touches them. khione's father leander hails from the ice lands on the eastern continent. khione's mother saraswati hails from galladoorn.
2: khione is drawn to other people who can tap into the circle of the world like warren peace, who can wield the element of fire. warren's father - baron battle - is what is known as a malevoiy; a being that revels in death and cruelty and has very strong fire powers. which is why he has been sealed away by steve stronghold. warren's mother, however, is the complete opposite of a malevoiy and is actually quite benevolent but her reputation is forever tainted by association.
2.2: other people who can tap into the circle of the world are will stronghold, who has inherited his father's super strength and - perhaps most importantly - his mother's ability to fly (making his element air) and layla williams whose element is earth and who is in tune with nature. khione is drawn to them too.
3: magenta is a shaper (someone who shapeshifts into animals).
zach is kie's half brother and his innate sorcery looks very much like light based abilities. for now, though, he can only make himself glow. but the potential is there. he just needs a good tutor.
ethan accidentally ingested a hydro potion as a child - his ailing grandmother and mother are both highly respected and renowned naiads - which activated his own innate gifts and now he's got an ability that he's named 'self liquification'.
and larry berman is the descendant of a rock nelwyn and a rogue troll sport and uses his abilities to turn into a rock form. he's forever asking layla for her hand in marriage and she's forever evading him.
4: all this to say: kie joins up with elora. she genuinely wants to help but she's also there for her own purposes which is to find will, layla and warren.
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