#/ but getting upset just because a character; oc or not; female or not; is stronger than yours \
Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 28
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 2642
Warnings: Talk of death
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: I Could Use A Love Song Sad Beautiful Tragic
The ocean breeze caressed Ghost's tear-stained face while she walked mindlessly to a destination unknown. She should've headed to her apartment, but the last thing she wanted to do was be alone in a place her dad had helped her find, even if it had been remotely. No, Ghost ached to be home, but she'd learned quickly whenever she thought of the place, the road led to Hangman, and she could not go back there. He'd had his chance to explain and had thrown it away for some unexplainable reason. Hangman had been close, so close, to telling her. Ghost had seen the desire in his eyes, but something stopped him, and whatever it was had a stronger hold on him than his love and respect for her, so she had to make the call. 
She tried to ignore the ghost of his lips on hers and the phantom hands tracing the trail of where Hangman's had traveled. Ghost attempted to ignore the painful knot in her throat, which threatened to burst at the slightest inconvenience. She had to keep it together until she had peace and quiet, when no one could see her break and mourn the loss of not only her father, but now her best friend for a second time. The last time she'd been this bad off, she'd ended up getting smashed and sleeping with Rooster, but Ghost had no interest in doing anything remotely similar tonight.
She thought of calling Juliette but hated to disturb her friend this late, even though she was probably up. Ghost considered calling Javy but decided against dragging him into the middle of the fallout. He'd been friends with Hangman before her, and as upset with Jake as she was, Ghost was aware enough that he would need a friend to help him through this. She could've reached out to Jackie but figured her sister had bigger fish to fry with her divorce. She could've called her mom but hated to bring up her problems when Charlotte Blackwood grieved over her late husband. Ghost came to the dismal realization that she was on her own tonight.
So she continued walking.
And walking.
And walking.
Ghost walked even when her feet screamed at her in pain, even when the knot in her throat begged her to release it, even when the rain began splattering onto her bare skin, even when the wind whispered her name and called for her to stop. She ignored it all, continuing her trudge through the cool sand and refusing to stop until her body decided to physically give out.
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Someone gently grasped her arm, jarring Ghost out of her melancholy. She yanked back, already planning to go on the attack, but froze when she recognized the person under the umbrella. She blinked, perplexed. How had he found her? "Captain Mitchell?"
His green eyes roamed her face, taking in her bedraggled, distraught appearance. "I didn't mean to startle you. I was calling for you, but you weren't answering. What happened?"
The pure shock of seeing him temporarily erased her sadness. "I-I had a fight with Hangman. What are you doing here?"
Maverick shifted closer so the umbrella covered both of them from the slowly intensifying rain. "Jules and Rooster sent me. They would've come, but Jules is currently hurling her guts out, and Rooster didn't want to leave her, but they also didn't want to leave you. Why don't I take you to them or-"
"Why did they want to come get me?"
"Uh, Hangman texted them, I think."
Why is he trying to take care of me? I don't need him now. Ghost lied to herself. She would always need Hangman, but she couldn't admit it. Not again. Not when it came with the risk that he would let her down again so horrendously. "Oh..."
"I'll take you anywhere you want to go, but let's get you out of the rain."
Ghost debated on protesting against his wishes, but the fatherly concern in his green eyes weakened her resolve. She gave in and followed him to the Jeep. He opened the door for her, and Ghost slid into the warm car, immediately feeling guilty when she realized her clothes were soaking wet and that she sat on the bare leather without any barrier protecting it. 
"Do you have a blanket or towel? I don't want ruin your seats," Ghost said, twisting around to scan the backseat for such an item.
"Don't worry about it," Maverick replied as he pulled onto the main road. "Here, take my jacket, though. You're shivering."
He shrugged it off and handed it to her. Ghost gratefully took it, savoring the warmth radiating off of it. "Thank you for giving me a ride, sir."
"I'm just glad I found you. Where were you heading?"
"No idea," Ghost confessed, her fingers curling tightly into his jacket. "I didn't have a car when I left Hangman's, and I didn't want to subject an Uber driver to my emotional state, so I started walking."
"Were you heading to your apartment?"
Ghost shook her head. "No. I don't know where I was headed, but it wasn't there. I don't want to be there right now."
"How come? Is everything okay?"
"It makes me think of my dad... he helped me find the place, even if it wasn't in person, and he was so excited that I got a decent place out here. Hangman offered to let me stay the night at his because I didn't want to be at mine with my dad having passed away a few days ago, but-"
"Your dad just passed away?" Maverick asked in surprise, head swiveling to look at her.
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It dawned on Ghost she hadn't told anyone outside of Juliette and Rooster - with the exception of Hangman, of course - about her dad and that Juliette had recognized Ghost's desire for privacy in the first few days of his passing, whether Ghost realized she'd needed it or not. "Yes, sir. A heart attack. Hit him so suddenly that he never had a chance..."
"I'm so sorry, Ghost," Maverick said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. The gesture nearly broke her. 
"Thank you, sir. The grief comes in waves." She wiped a stray tear from her cheek and sniffled. "I think my fight with Hangman temporarily distracted me from it."
"What did you and Hangman fight about?" Ghost bit her lip, hesitating to answer. Maverick treated Hangman like a son, and in return, Hangman saw Maverick as a father figure. She had no right to drag the captain into their issues. As if sensing her reluctance, Maverick said, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Why don't I bring you to someone who does, though? I know Juliette's worried about you."
"No, no, I can't do- she and Rooster have enough to worry about as it is with her pregnancy and its complications. I'm not going to burden them with my issues."
"I doubt they would see it that way. You're family to both of them and the way Juliette puts it, you're the sister she never had. She wouldn't mind at all."
"I know, but the last thing she needs is to be dragged further into the shitshow Hangman and I created for ourselves." Ghost swiftly mulled over her options: the Bradshaw's was out of the question. Coyote was a possibility, but Ghost figured he'd want to check on Hangman the moment he found out about their fight, and Ghost wanted Hangman to have someone because, despite their fallout, she had seen the pain in his eyes. Whatever truth he withheld from her, it was anything but pleasant. Ghost considered Phoenix, but the female aviator would demand an explanation, and Ghost couldn't bring herself to even consider the idea of bringing it up with her. She was hardly close enough with the other Daggers to reach out for a helping hand, causing Ghost an epiphany: she was well and truly on her own tonight. She had no choice. She had to stay in her apartment.
"If you're not ready to go home," Maverick began hesitantly, "you're welcome to stay at mine and Penny's. We have a spare room that all the Daggers have used at some point. We have clean clothes that you can use and a healthy amount of midnight snacks in the nightstand drawer. What do you say?"
The offer was tempting, but Ghost hardly knew Maverick outside of dogfight football and the occasional conversation at the Hard Deck. But maybe staying there for a few hours wouldn't hurt...
"As long as I'm not intruding," Ghost said weakly, "and as long as I'm not disturbing y'all."
Maverick shook his head. "Penny's still at the bar and Amelia's spending the night with a friend. Even if they were home, I assure you, they've had much rowdier wakeups due to the Daggers."
A smile tugged on Ghost's lips, but she made no response. Instead, she rested her head on the window and stared out through the rain-streaked window. 
Upon arriving at the quaint Benjamin household, the pair hurried inside and out of the now-torrential downpour. Maverick escorted her to a cozy guest room at the end of the hall and showed her where the spare clothes were. Ghost thanked him profusely, unsure of what she'd done to deserve such kindness but grateful for it nonetheless.
"I'm going to let Juliette and Rooster know you're safe. I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready," Maverick told her. Giving her an affectionate pat on the shoulder, he left Ghost to her own devices. She wasted no time stepping into the bathroom and stripping out of her drenched clothes. The warm water soothed her frayed nerves and warmed her body from the bone-deep chill caused by the rain. For those ten minutes, Ghost allowed the shower to wash away all her emotions.
When she stepped out, she towel-dried her hair and threw a pink sweater and a pair of black leggings. Ghost then shuffled to the kitchen, stopping hesitantly in the entryway. Maverick, who stood at the counter waiting for the kettle to boil, must've heard her silent footsteps because he turned around. 
"I'm making tea. Figured you could use it. Chai?" He said, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard. 
Ghost nodded. "Yes, please. That's my favorite."
"It was your mom's too. At least, it was the last time I saw her."
"It still is. How did you-" Ghost stopped herself, a story she learned back in high school- "Right. You two dated for a bit."
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"Twice, although the second time was only for a couple weeks, and-" Maverick handed her cup of tea and sat with her at the table- "we were both going through a rough time. I'd broken up with Penny again, and your mom and dad were taking a break."
"I didn't know she saw you again after the first breakup," Ghost remarked, adding the milk and sugar to her drink.
"It was so brief that it barely counts, but yes, we did. I learned about you from Bradley's mom, who occasionally stayed in touch with Charlie. I reached out to congratulate her, but she didn't pick up. Guess she didn't want to talk to her fling around her husband."
Ghost choked on her tea. "You two had a fling?!"
"Like I said, we were both going through a rough time."
When did they have the fling? How long was I born after it? It was the year before I was born, so there is a slim possibility... I need to talk to Jackie about this. Maybe she could help me look into it. Careful to keep a neutral face, Ghost replied, "It's so weird that I knew of Rooster's mom and kind of knew of him and Juliette but never met them until by chance on my own. Of all the eighty-six legacies, I only knew Wolfie."
"He's just like his dad," Maverick mused, smiling to himself. "It was good to see him after all these years. Same with Sunrise and Diva. Can't remember the last time I saw them. They might've still been wearing diapers."
"Did you have any kids of-"
The door opened, cutting Ghost off. Penny appeared a second later, running a hand through her wavy brown hair. Her green eyes landed on the pair of aviators, confusion flickering in them, but she smiled. "Ghost! What are you doing here?"
"Juliette and Rooster asked Captain Mitchell to check on me. It's... been a rough few days," Ghost admitted shyly, not wanting to dive too deep into her issues. She already felt like an imposition to Maverick; the last thing she wanted to do was burden Penny with her problems, too.
Seeming to sense Ghost's reluctance, Penny simply replied, "Well, you're welcome to stay however long you'd like. Our house is your house."
"What are you doing home so early?" Maverick inquired as Penny came to stand beside Ghost.
"Rooster called to see if I could bring Gatorade to Juliette after work. Since it was a slow night, Tom offered to finish the shift by himself so I could get it to them sooner rather than later."
Ghost stood and finished her tea before setting the empty mug on the table. "How is she feeling?"
"Rough. Worried about you." Penny's face softened. "She told me about your dad. I'm so sorry, Annalise."
Whatever control Ghost had on emotions evaporated, and her head bowed instinctively to hide the tears welling in her eyes. Penny's arms enveloped her immediately, pulling her into a comforting, motherly hug. A firm hand clasped her shoulder while she silently sobbed into Penny's shoulder, the wave of grief she'd been holding off finally breaking past her defenses. 
Penny and Maverick dutifully stood there, allowing her to get the tears out until they ran dry. Once Ghost managed to gather her composure, she wiped the remnants of tears off her cheeks and apologized.
"What are you sorry for?" Penny asked gently.
For breaking down on you when you barely know me? For burdening you with my problems when you didn't ask? For imposing my presence when you probably hoped for a quiet night? For throwing a wrench in any plans you had with Maverick tonight? "I don't know."
Penny smiled understandingly. "Come on. Why don't you go dry your hair and then get to bed? I think some rest will do you good."
Ghost silently agreed, and tugging the sleeves over her fists, she said, "Thank you for letting me stay tonight. And thank you for picking me up, Captain Mitchell. I really appreciate all the hospitality."
Maverick nodded. "Like Penny said, our house is your house. And please, call me Maverick. All my kids do."
All my kids do. His words warmed her heart. Even though Ghost knew most others called Captain Mitchell by his callsign, hearing him say "all my kids do" to her, of all people, made it sound like he considered her one of them, one of his so-called kids.
Penny escorted Ghost to her room and, after one more hug, left the pilot to get ready for bed. With a quick blow dry- the job already half done from letting her hair air dry- and a swift brush of the teeth, Ghost crawled into bed. She texted Juliette and Rooster to thank them for sending Maverick and to check how Jules was feeling, if the vomiting had ceased. After setting her alarm, Ghost started to set her phone down, but it buzzed with an incoming text message. Expecting it to be from one of the Bradshaws, she opened it without hesitation, only to discover it had been from someone else entirely. Fresh tears blurred her vision as she read: I'm sorry. Forever and always.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28
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lavenderpop · 2 years
daughters of draxum blurb
i wrote this as a train of thought, so sorry if it’s a little all over the place
as time goes on it’ll become a bit more goofy but the beginning? ANGST. it’s horrible and i’m horrible for putting my poor ocs through all of this <3
i’m not 100% on their names yet, so far i have (in order of age): Seraphina, Lolita, Zelda, and Jinx
i’ve changed Seraphina’s name three times now and i’m STILL unsure about it
i originally thought about making their names based on female painters but thought that would be too on the nose
(if you have any ideas for names i would love to hear them!)
Draxum probably didn’t give them names, just calls them by their experiment numbers, so they named themselves
i REALLY like the name Zelda for Donatello’s clutchmate, i don’t know why but it fits for me
also, when i say clutchmate, i mean the sibling that is from the same group of eggs.
Zelda is Donatello’s, Lolita is Leonardo’s, Seraphina is Raphael’s, and Jinx is Michelangelo’s ✌️
sad fact, but while they call each other sisters, Zelda is the only one who doesn’t truly view them as sisters
in order of fighting abilities from strongest to weakest: Zelda, Lolita, Seraphina, and Jinx
softshell turtles are naturally more aggressive because their shell is so soft, so Zelda really puts in her all when training so she’s not a hazard
Lolita HATES the fact that Zelda is stronger than her, mainly due to the fact that she’s constantly seeking out Draxum’s approval and if she’s not the best than she might as well be the worst
Zelda and Lolita don’t exactly see eye-to-eye, think of Leo and Ralph in almost every other TMNT media. yeah.
Zelda is pretty mean, very aggressive, and can come off as insensitive. she hates being referred to as soft in any way, and saying so could result in utter doom
really, Zelda is just broken inside and needs some SERIOUS therapy
Lolita is… almost completely void of emotions. you remember Todoroki at the start of BNHA before Deku went all “power of friendship” on his ass? yeah. she’s that.
(literally every time i imagine Lolita’s voice, it’s just fucking Todoroki, i can’t stop)
your feelings are not her problem, HER feelings aren’t her problem either (until they do become a problem because she’s been doing the classic “bottle up my emotions until i die” trick, and we all know how well that works)
Lolita has some… very depressing daddy issues. essentially, she’s not the favorite and she’s upset by this :)
Seraphina… sigh… i don’t know how Draxum thought this kid could be a monster, she’s sweet, she’s cuddly, and she cares deeply for her sisters. probably the one who gets punished the most because of this but it never changes how she feels.
classic older sister, has an undying need to protect her family and pretty much tries to raise them as best as she could with Draxum being… well… Draxum.
Jinx!! my girl!! my sunshine!!! my trickster!!!
i legit thought about naming her Loki
while Michelangelo likes playing pranks, Jinx enjoys pranks as well! just more… harmful than playful
it’s her form of entertainment, really. like when you see the character step on a rake and it comes up and wacks them in the face? yeah, pain is her humor.
Jinx likes vandalism, chaos, and all of the sour candy in your pantry.
she’s devious and extremely mischievous, she may be the weakest and smallest of the four, but she makes up for it by being FAST and agile
i feel like Jinx probably meets our favorite boys when she’s out causing mayhem by herself and takes a liking to them (probably teases them by calling them goofy looking)
definitely gets punished afterwards because she comes home all excited “i met four other turtles today! they were just like us!!”
she keeps sneaking out to find them because they seem really nice and whenever she watches them they all seem really close to each other and she wants that too :(
Jinx is the first to defect and become a good guy, Seraphina follows soon after because “tHAT’S MY BABY SISTER”
Zelda would take awhile because of how defensive she is, but would eventually come around
it takes MONTHS and honestly probably ends up in a whole fight sequence just to get her to switch sides
(i have a whole fight sequence in mind and let me say :) Donatello might need some therapy after)
that’s what i have for now, i want to talk more about it but i feel like i might spoil the stuff i have planned out, if i figure out non-spoiler stuff i’ll add more but that’s it!
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Y’all, I fuckin love it when female OCs kick some ass.
Doin’ gods work there.
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - Chapter Twelve: And We All Fall Down
I know I say it every time, but thanks for all the support for this fic so far. It means a lot :)
As usual, you can find this fanfic in full on AO3 here. 
And if you’re reading this for the first time, hello! This is a Chishiya x OC/female reader fic, and I hope you enjoy!
That evening, I didn’t leave my room. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see Niragi’s face, the glint in his eyes as he turned on me. The image flashed in my brain over and over until I felt sick. He would try to kill me out of revenge. That was a fact. And that night, I drifted in and out of sleep, trying to stay awake just in case he burst through the door to finish what he started.
But he never did.
And then there was the marks he’d left. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I flinched back, seeing another girl’s face. The skin of my neck was purple and red, like splotched lily pads of bites, marks and bruises. My cheek was blue and cut from the way he’d backhanded me, and my ankle wasn’t much better.
If I left my room, people would stare. They would know. Some of them had seen me being dragged into Niragi’s room.
As the alcohol wore off, it became easier to realise how stupid I had been to get drunk enough that I could barely form proper sentences. The way he’d been pretending to listen… how he’d kept refilling my glass… even how he’d licked my cheek right before he had pulled me away from the bar. The scared faces in the hallways, they knew what was going to happen.
They pitied me.
And now, if I left my room, they would know.
The morning after the incident, I stayed holed up in my little cave, drinking water from the bathroom tap in a poor attempt at curing the intense hangover that was turning my mind into slush.
I didn’t have any knives or items I could use as a weapon, but I did manage to find a screwdriver that somebody had left in a drawer. It wasn’t exactly much protection against a rifle, but it was all I had.
But this wouldn’t last. I would have to face them eventually; my visa was due to expire. For now though, I passed the time by translating what I could of The Metamorphosis. The kanji seemed simple enough, but some of the clunky phrasing threw me off.
‘“気がかりな夢. That must mean anxious dreams.’ I followed the kanji closely with my fingertip. ‘But where’s the bit about the cockroach?’  
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
I held my breath, clutching my screwdriver until my knuckles turned white.
There was another knock.
Oh god, this is it. I’m going to die.
And then the person called out. ‘It’s Kuina!’
The relief I felt was a cool breeze, washing over me. ‘Come in.’
The door opened and Kuina entered. She took a seat on the end of the bed, but she wasn’t smiling. Instead, she was looking at me in the same way my mother used to at times.
There must’ve been a full minute where neither of us spoke, trying to figure out the best way to broach the subject.
Then at last, she said quietly. ‘Apparently Niragi’s been throwing a fit. Someone scratched his face… and I’ve heard some rumours.’
I tried to swallow against the lump in my throat. ‘What did you hear?’
‘People say they saw you drunk, that Niragi took you into his room.’ She paused, tentative. ‘Did he—’
‘No,’ I interrupted. I could feel my upper lip beginning to tremble. ‘I got away before he could. He was going to though. He said it was because of Chishiya. He wanted to… you know, get back at Chishiya. Not that he would care, anyway. We had an argument.’
It was that part that upset me more than I thought it would. The fact that no matter how many times he had helped me or saved my life, he wouldn’t give a damn about what Niragi did to me. If Niragi wanted to get back at him, he’d chosen the wrong method entirely.
‘Ah…’ Kuina tilted her head back. I could feel the questions just threatening to spill from her lips. She wanted to know, but she also didn’t want to ask.
I didn’t want to talk about it, or even think about it. ‘Can you see anything that mentions a cockroach in here?’ I pointed at the line of text I had been studying.
She seemed visibly confused by the sudden switch in subject, but she still walked across the room to peer at the book. ‘I can’t see anything that mentions a cockroach.’
I raised a brow. ‘That’s hard to believe. The cockroach is the main character.’
Kuina squinted, then nodded. ‘It says “匹の巨大な毒虫” instead’
‘What does that mean?’ I asked.
‘Giant poisonous insect.’
Snapping the book shoot, I tossed it onto the table. ‘I want words with whoever translated this,’ I said, laughing harder than necessary.
Kuina smiled awkwardly, unsure. I didn’t know what was so funny. There was nothing especially funny about the words. In fact, they were utterly devastating. I was devastated. Then I realised I wasn’t actually laughing at all. Kuina’s arm made its way around my shoulders, as her fingers brushed through my hair comfortingly. She didn’t speak, but just having her there was enough.
‘I’m sorry.’ I wiped at my face with my sleeve. ‘I just, I don’t know what to do. Or even how to react.’
She shrugged. ‘How you’re reacting is fine as it is. There’s no one way of going about it.’
‘Maybe,’ I said, sniffing. I probably looked a sight for sore eyes, and my hangover was still raging. ‘I’m scared of running into him, Niragi, I mean. And Chishiya too, I don’t want to see him.’
How I’d behaved back then was shameful, the way I’d snapped and screamed at him, even though he was stating things I already knew deep down were true. He had been right, but I hadn’t wanted to hear it. Yet despite that, I was still hurt. Right off the bat, he’d dismissed everything I felt, smiling as my anger only grew stronger. He had been in control of the entire conversation, and I’d walked right into his web.
Kuina played with her quit-smoking aide sheepishly. ‘Well, actually, I admit, I didn’t just come down here to see if the rumours were true. I also kind of need to speak to you about something… we both do.’
This was the last thing I wanted. Facing Chishiya again was bad enough after our argument, but now that I was covered in Niragi’s pawprints, it was much, much worse. ‘Kuina, I really don’t want to see him.’
She held up her hands, and bargained, ‘you don’t have to speak to him, or say anything at all. I’ll even talk to him for you. Just hear us out.’
The thought of seeing his smug face again sent dread through me. He’d probably take one look at these bruises and call me pathetic. I knew I shouldn’t care what he thinks, but I really did, even if I didn’t know why. But since it was Kuina who was asking, it was hard to refuse.
‘Fine.’ I nodded stiffly. ‘But I’m not speaking to him.’
The rooftop burned under the glare of the sun, the heat radiating through the soles of my shoes. I had to squint, as the brightness clashed with my awful hangover. Standing at the edge, looking down on the patio, Chishiya had his back to us. However, there was something off about his appearance that I couldn’t place at first. Everything about him seemed as normal, except it didn’t. He was wearing the white-grey hoodie that I had painstakingly washed and dried.
Is he trying to taunt me? I wondered.
But the thought flew out of my head as he turned around. When his gaze fell on me, his expression changed. It was one that I had never seen before, as his eyes narrowed, lips parting slightly. It was completely unreadable, and it lasted no more than a few seconds, before he looked away.
He doesn’t look too smug… unless the hoodie’s an apology? I dismissed the idea immediately. I can’t see him doing that.  
He kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke. ‘Before you storm off again, there’s something you probably want in on.’
I glanced at Kuina, and she nodded reassuringly.
‘We’re leaving the Beach,’ Chishiya said.
My stomach fell. Was I was hearing this right? He couldn’t leave, neither of them could. It would only end in disaster. And Kuina… she was my only friend here. What would I do without her?
‘Things are getting tense between Hatter and the militant faction.’ He continued. ‘It’s only a matter of time before Hatter dies and this place turns to chaos. That’s why we plan on stealing the cards and leaving before that happens.’
My head spun and Kuina’s hand came to rest on my shoulder, steadying me. ‘It’s a lot to take in,’ she said, ‘but we’re telling you this for a reason. We want your help… and we also want you to come with us.’
I swallowed, my eyes darting to Chishiya. He was finally looking at me. But it was strange. His expression was unusually guarded, suddenly more serious than I had ever seen it before. I couldn’t see any of his usual slyness, nothing to suggest he was telling something other than the truth.
‘We’d be killed immediately,’ I whispered to Kuina. ‘If something goes wrong, they’ll shoot us on the spot.’
She smiled bitterly. ‘With Hatter gone, we’ll be killed anyway.’
‘Niragi approached you before the Two of Spades game, didn’t he?’ Chishiya said. ‘I’m sure it was about me. As was this.’ His catlike gaze brushed over my skin.
He wasn’t wrong. Niragi had his eye on Chishiya, and given the slightest opportunity, he wouldn’t hesitate to have him captured, tortured and eventually shot. And after yesterday, I had a target on my back too.
I have nothing to lose.
‘Okay,’ I said, at last. ‘I’ll go with you. But first you need to let me know what the plan is.’ Stubborn as ever, I directed my words at Kuina. I still wasn’t prepared to deal with Chishiya just yet.
He seemed to notice this as he stepped away from the roof edge and walked to the door. He kept his head down as he passed, avoiding all contact with me. ‘You’ll have to talk her through the details. I’ve got something I need to do.’  
And with that, he left us alone on the rooftop.
Kuina and I must’ve spent at least an hour up there, sitting and watching the other residents flirt, drink and splash around in the pool below. She walked me through the basis of their plan. It wasn’t complex or particularly detailed. Once Hatter had been murdered, the militants would likely force the other executives to put Aguni in charge, at which point there would be a speech with all the Beach members to announce Hatter’s death. The speech would keep the militant faction distracted, and we’d use the opportunity to break into Hatter’s room and steal the cards from the safe. Chishiya had assured Kuina that he knew what the code was. How he knew was still a mystery.
It would be dangerous, but I wasn’t worried for myself. I was worried for Kuina, and dare I say it, Chishiya too. Even though he made me so mad and so hurt, I didn’t actually want anything bad to happen to him. It was hard to admit, but I actually cared. Perhaps more than I wanted to.
What a shame he doesn’t return the favour, I thought glumly, as I made my way back to my room after parting with Kuina.
The Hunting Season game had only given me a two-day visa, meaning mine was due to expire tonight, and knowing how nervous I was, Kuina had promised me she’d meet me down in the lobby.
Let’s hope I’m not put in a group with Niragi.
When I opened the door to my room, it took me a moment to realise that something was off. The air felt different, like someone had been in here.
And then I saw it. On a chair by the window was a stack of books, and as I approached them, a heaviness inside my heart lifted. The first book was an intermediate Japanese language textbook, seconded by an English-Japanese dictionary. The third was the battered, well-read copy of Wuthering Heights. But that wasn’t all. Tucked beside them on the chair was the Walkman-turned-taser that I had last seen in the Tag game. It had a small post-it note stuck to the top.
“For Niragi, next time.”
I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I clutched the taser. With the edge of my sleeve, I wiped away the tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I wasn’t sure why I was crying, whether it was the shock of Niragi’s attack finally catching up to me, or the knowledge that Chishiya actually did care, even if just a little bit. It was a small gesture, his coming into my room and leaving these items, but it meant the world.
Part of me wanted to go and find him, ask him about it, and even thank him. But I didn’t get a chance, as the announcement for the games sounded throughout the hotel.
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mixelation · 3 years
this is related to the ask you got the other day but i was wondering if you have any thoughts on why a lot of people dislike self insert fic so much? i can understand disliking the y/n ones that can be kind of clunky to read, but there are so many amazing and well written fic with fully fleshed out ocs/self inserts that people will completely shit on just because it's a oc and not a canon character and i don't understand it at all.
Ah, yes. This is also an interesting question. 
So, I think the first thing to note is that the popularity of SIs in fanfiction is actually relatively new. Like, the idea of writing an OC based on yourself into a story has obviously been around for as long as people have been telling stories, but at least when I started reading/writing fic in the early 2000s, it was seen more as a cringe-y niche thing for hyper teenaged fangirls. There was a lot of general anxiety from writers/readers about OCs being “Mary Sues,” which was basically the worst possible thing you could do as a fic writer.  
The turning point in is the popularity of SIs I think happened during the period I was I sort of checked out of fanfiction, so I can’t claim to have bared witness to it. But as far as I can tell, most people point at Dreaming of Sunshine in the Naruto fandom as the source. I haven’t read DoS but it is very well beloved, and is the oldest fic I can think of that uses “reincarnation into canon” as the method of self-insertion. I think this new method is what really drew in a lot of skeptics. Before, if you wanted to write a ninja!SI, the usual method was “fall into a plothole” and then end up in the Naruto world.... and then usually readers would be nitpicky about your real-world teenager/young adult character being able to physically keep up with ninja, or any canon characters being invested enough to want to train them. (Plasticity is actually, in part, me trying to write one of these fics completely straight.)
Reincarnation, though.... this fixes so many problems people had before! You can just give your SI a sharingan, if they’re born an Uchiha. Of course your favorite character loves your SI, if they’re a blood relative they grew up with! 
I think it also helped that fandom as a whole was getting bored with the idea of a “Mary Sue.” A lot of the popular SI fics I can think of were written by adult (adult as is 18+ -- I know tumblr sometimes conceptualizes 20 year olds as children for some reason) fans who probably had their phases as 14 year old fans who wanted “cringey” SI fics, except now they were old enough to not care about “cringe” and also even better writers who could do their ideas justice. 
So that’s my unified theory of why SIs became popular. Basically, some writers went “fuck cringe, this is fun,” and then generated some high-quality fics that got popular because SIs are fun. So why do some people still shit on them? Many reasons!
One is just misogyny. SIs are mostly female, and some fans are annoyed by the types of stories female fans generally want to write about. Some people still buy into the idea that Mary Sues are the root of all evil, and any female OC is a Mary Sue. 
Another is just backlash against popular fandom trends. A lot of SIs draw ideas from each other or have overlapping themes for various reasons, and I’ve seen a lot of complaints about things like “SIs get too upset about canon-typical violence” or “I don’t like that SIs win the respect/friendship of canon characters so easily.” There’s also the phenomenon where, if one doesn’t particularly like a thing, but no one around them will shut up about the thing, then there’s much stronger backlash than is really warranted. I am VERY guilty of this for some fandom trends. 
My final reason is that there is this general feeling of.... well, why should I care about a non-canon character? I think this is totally valid-- usually people go into fandom because they want to see more of the characters they like, so OCs can be a hard sell. There are some fandoms where I don’t want to read OCs at all for this reason. However, I don’t really like how hypercritical some fans can get.* Fans are quicker to criticize OCs for being too powerful or too weak; for having a “shitty personality” or being too bland; for changing too much of canon or not changing enough; for not conforming to some arbitrary standard of “realism.” Fans also do this annoying thing where they think an SI should somehow be their SI, not the writer’s, and get annoyed when the SI makes choices they wouldn’t make. 
So that’s my take on the topic. Hope it made sense!
*If you ever get me in a private chat, I’m actually one of those hyper critical people.... but I’m not going to call out a specific writer in public. Especially not in the comment section of their own fic! 
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champhangman · 4 years
My second entry for theme #1 in the @12daysofchristmas​ challenge! This one is also my birthday gift to my very, very dear @adampage​. Emi, you mean the whole world to me and words cannot express just how grateful I am for your always being there for me. I hope you've had the happiest of birthdays, and also that this puts a smile on your face.
Title: Smoke Fandom/Characters: AEW (Hangman) Adam Page x OFC (but not really OC bc it’s Emi) Warnings: Alcohol use, hints of smut Word Count: 4,665 Summary: Put one in my hand, her on my lips. Man, that's as good as it gets. Theme: #1, Bonfire Recommended Listening: "Smoke" by A Thousand Horses Notes: This fic isn't very Christmassy, but it is autumn-y?
@adampage / @cowboyshit  / @lilmisswhiskeygypsy /  @bigpixiefoot / @mindofasagittaruis / @kalliravenne / @sadlittlecountess / @baronsbelleevangeline / @brie-mode-activated / @xbreezymeadowsx / @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch / @wardl0w / @hotyeehawman / @waywardwrestlewritingwaif / @drewshoneybadger  / @mysteryoflovve / @knnyomega / @rampagewriting / @hurricanranabaybay / @linziland13 / @bastardkingbrutalizer / @snarkandsarcasmftw / @rubyred1980  / @adriii-omega / @edgecution
"Who's that?"
Adam knew better than to jerk his head around and stare. But he was already twisting, a smile pulling at his lips when he saw the obvious focus of his buddy's attention. She was sitting at the bar with her friend, the neon lights reflecting wildly off her turquoise hair. She leaned back, laughing, and he felt the now-familiar twist in his gut when the sound reached him.
He turned back around to face Isiah, grinning. "That's Emi."
"Emi? The girl you were telling us about?" Isiah's face lit up. "You didn't mention she's so fine…"
"Cut it out," Adam groaned, shaking his head. "We're just friends."
"Not to sound like an asshole, but—"
"C'mon, let me say it."
"No." Adam took a sip of his beer and shook his head again. "Because I already know what you're gonna say."
Isiah rolled his eyes. Then, beginning to smirk, he rubbed his hands together. "So if you're just friends you won't mind me asking her to the party."
"She's already coming."
"I think she's coming with—" Adam squinted at his friend. "Oh, no. No, no, no. You're not asking her out."
"Why not?"
"She's not your type."
Isiah snorted. "She's cute and has a nice ass, she's definitely my type."
Adam nearly choked on his beer. "How the hell do you know what her ass looks like?"
"I can tell." The younger man grinned. "It's science."
He wanted to ask. He really did. But he didn't want to get a lecture on the finer points of determining the size and shape of a woman's backside. "Don't ask her out."
"Worried she'll say yes?"
"No," he bit off.
"Oh," Isiah said loudly, nodding. "I get it, I get it."
Adam sighed. "What?"
"You like her. As in like her."
"Of course I like her. She's nice and funny and—"
"And you want to get in her pants."
"And I want to—" Adam set his beer down with a thump. "Th'fuck did you just say?"
"It's cool, it's cool." Isiah scraped his chair back and stood. "You're shy, Adam, I know. I'll fix it up for you."
"Wait a goddamn minute!"
But Isiah was already heading towards the bar. Adam watched, terror rising in his chest, as his friend approached the two women. Emi and her friend Jo didn't look upset at him for interrupting their talk when he leaned against the bar and gave them both a winning smile. He saw Isiah's lips move, watched in horror as the man's head tipped in his direction, then felt panic when first Jo, then Emi, covertly glanced towards him.
The greeting was accompanied by a grin from the man that slid up to the bar and leaned so both she and Jo could see it. Smiling, Emi sat back a little and regarded the man warily. She couldn't sense any possible negativity or threat from him and relaxed a bit, reminding herself that she frequently had difficulty reading other people. But she couldn't be rude. "Hello."
"My name's Isiah." He nodded to Jo. "We've met before."
"Yeah, hey," Jo said, smiling. "This is Emi."
"Emi?" He gently rubbed his chin then leaned against the bar. "I've heard a little about you."
"You have?" she squeaked. Then, not wanting to sound like an idiot, she cleared her throat and took a sip of her drink before trying again. "Who's talked about me?"
"My friend. He can't shut up about you."
Emi blinked. "He can't?"
"Between you and me, I'm like ninety-nine percent sure he wants to ask you out. But he's too shy."
She almost snorted. No one ever wanted to ask her out. "Yeah, right."
"He almost had a heart attack when I said I was coming over to talk to you."
She wanted to look. To see who it was. She wanted to know who apparently had talked about her, and who might, possibly, if Isiah were to be believed, want to ask her out. But she couldn't. What if it were all a joke? What if she looked back and there was no one?
What if there was?
"Who?" Jo wasn't as shy as Emi. Jo didn't wait for things to happen, she made them happen. Ever since meeting her the first day she'd arrived in town, Emi had wished she were more like Jo.
"I'm sure you know him. You've gotta. He's right over there, about to have a stroke." Isiah tipped his head towards a spot behind them. "Be cool, be cool, or he'll really have a stroke."
Emi almost laughed. She turned her head just a bit, so she could sneak a glance in the direction he'd indicated. Seeing the blonde man seated at the little table, she felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Shut up," she blurted, looking at Isiah. "Adam?"
Next to her, Jo giggled into her drink. "Oh this is great."
"Shut up," Emi warned. Jo was the only person who knew she had a little bit of a crush on the man. The oftentimes too-pretty man with a sunny smile and bouncing curls who wore jeans just a tad too tight and had a liking for obnoxious Western shirts. The kids at school called him Mr. Cowboy. Jo called him the Panty Dropper. Emi… Emi just called him Adam. Even in her mind, because despite her overactive imagination that created a whole host of scenarios that would never happen, she couldn't bring herself to call him anything but Adam. Because she would die if, during one of their chats at school in the teacher's lounge, she slipped and called him something inappropriate?
"Why is it great?" Isiah asked.
"Shut. Up." Emi ground out the words. God, Jo was going to embarrass her.
Isiah laughed. "Y'all are coming to the party tomorrow, aren't you?"
"We'll be there with bells on," Jo promised.
"Clothes, too, hopefully," Emi muttered.
Isiah snickered. "This is great."
Adam didn't know why everyone called it a party. To him, parties were for birthdays or an important event like an engagement or retirement, or even a holiday. Parties involved decorations and nice clothes and best behavior. They had small talk and polite laughter.
This party had none of that. There were no decorations, unless one considered the pile of scarecrows waiting to be slung onto the fire. No streamers or balloons or floral arrangements could be seen among the pickups circled around the center of the field. Nobody dressed up, everyone wore comfortable jeans and flannel shirts or hoodies and their old boots. Each truck seemed to have a different song coming from its radio, but the volumes were still low while everyone began sharing the booze and food they'd brought.
No tense small talk over weak drinks. There were intense discussions about football, one group was talking about Christmas plans. The drinks were strong and the laughter stronger, almost boisterous. Adam casually moved around the circle, waving the smoke from the fire out of his face, relaxing a little as the evening wore on.
He was sitting on his tailgate, pouring whiskey into his cup, when headlights cut across the field. Looking, he watched them swing, heard the engine rev, and calculated speed and distance and angling as the truck reversed towards him. "Shit," he muttered, hoping his calculations were wrong. The driver hit the brakes, casting a red glow over him, and he held his breath when the engine revved again, watching the pickup's bed squeeze between his and Cash's.
"Haha, oops," a female voice laughed after the engine was cut off. The driver's door opened, missing slamming into his passenger door by barely a millimeter, and he sighed as Jo hopped out. "See?! Bet you thought it wouldn't fit!"
"That's what she said," Dax called from his truck.
A musical giggle sounded from the cab of Jo's truck, and then he saw Emi climbing out. In the glow of the light Adam could see the shade of turquoise in her flannel shirt was the same shade as her hair. Feeling liquid slosh over his fingers he muttered a curse and tipped the bottle upright to stop the pouring. He ignored Isiah's chuckle as his friend took the bottle and, sipping the excess from the top, shook his fingers dry, watching out the corner of his eye while Emi hopped into the truck bed. She held a paper-wrapped bottle in one hand and he wondered what her preferred drink was. Funny, he thought, vaguely aware of Jo speaking, how he didn't know what Emi drank. When they ran into each other at the bar she was usually sipping a mixed drink or sticking to water.
"You ain't gotta sit over there by yourself," he told her a few moments later. Jo was gone. He had no idea where she'd slipped off to. He didn't really care. Isiah had abandoned him and taken his whiskey with him, but when Emi looked at him with a smile pulling at her lips he didn't care about that, either.
"You're sitting over there by yourself," she said, lifting her bottle for a sip.
"Let's burn these bitches!" Adam didn't know who hollered it, but heard some cheers of agreement.
"You wanna throw a scarecrow on the fire?" he asked.
She shook her head, and he saw something twinkling in her hair. "Do you?"
Adam shook his head. "Maybe next year."
"What are you drinking?" she asked after a moment.
The flames rose and he heard the whoosh of hay being consumed by the bonfire. Glancing down at his empty cup, he sighed. "Jack, but I'm out. That asshole Isiah took the rest with him."
"I've got some Tennessee Fire if you want." She dipped her head and he saw she had a bejeweled band on her head. "I've been drinking out of the bottle, though…"
"You don't got cooties, do you?"
She laughed, sliding off the tailgate and approaching him. Smoke whirled around her and followed her to his truck. He hopped down, eyes meeting hers, and lifted her onto his tailgate. He thought he saw her cheeks darken, but when he climbed up to sit next to her it was gone. "I don't have cooties."
"That's a relief." He held out his cup, eyes on her face while she poured. "Thanks."
"Not to sound like a downer, but does everyone just load up and drive home drunk as fuck?" she asked, briefly gesturing to the others.
"Naw," he drawled, lifting the cup for a sip. The cinnamon flavor clung to his tongue and added to the trickle of fire the whiskey created in his stomach. "Most of us just camp out in our trucks."
"In the middle of a cotton field." Emi shook her head. "Sounds…"
"Stupid?" He laughed. "It probably is. Some people might call for a ride, and there's always one idiot or two that drive home, but the rest of us sleep it off and roll back to town in the morning."
"That explains why Jo told me to bring a pillow and a sleeping bag." She glanced behind her. "Do you have one, too?"
"Yeah, up front."
"What if it rains?"
Adam tipped his head back to look at the cloudless sky. "It never has."
"But what if it does?"
"We'll drag ourselves into the cabs." He grinned at her. "You're a bit of a worrywart, aren't you?"
"I can't help it." She frowned. "I just want everyone to be safe."
"I think it's cute."
"Please," she snorted. "It's annoying. No one wants the mom friend."
"Some of us do," he promised.
Some of us do.
What the hell did that mean? The question popped into her mind again, though it had been hours since he'd said the words. The conversation had shifted to work, and then quickly to other topics, and it had flowed as quickly and naturally as the alcohol. She felt warm, almost toasty, perched in the back of his truck watching him climb over into Jo's truck to get her sleeping bag. It landed with a soft thump next to her and she reached for it, eyes still on him as he got her pillow and the extra blanket she'd brought. The truck dipped when he climbed back over, and she smiled up at him while folding the sleeping bag so she could sit on it.
"You're cold natured, huh?" he asked, handing over the pillow and blanket.
"It's December," she pointed out. "But yeah, I do get cold easily."
"Hang on." He lifted one foot to the side of the truck bed and her eyes drank in how the denim stretched over his crotch. She blinked, the bed swayed, and she heard his boots hit the ground.
She should have told him not to get her stuff. It wasn't as though she was going to sleep in his truck. It would just mean something to keep up with when she went back to Jo's truck. Jo. Frowning, she looked around, hoping to spot her friend.
A neatly rolled sleeping bag bounced next to her. The driver's door slammed, then Adam was climbing back in, tossing a thick hoodie over her lap. "Here, I won't get cold."
"Thanks." She spread it over her lap, fighting what had to be a stupid smile. Then, thinking of her friend again, she looked at him. "Have you seen Jo?"
"She's around," he said with a shrug. "So, how come you moved all the way out here?"
She told him, tongue loosened by his relaxing presence and the alcohol. To her surprise and embarrassment, she kept talking, finding it too easy to tell him that she was often homesick for Georgia, her old friends, and even her parents. He talked about family, too, and they passed the bottle back and forth as the bonfire's flames died down. Their voices lowered as the noise around them softened, and it felt all too natural to move closer so she could hear him better.
There was still the occasional laugh from someone, but slowly the laughter died out. One by one the radios were turned off, then just the irregular crackling from the fire among the soft conversations around them.
"Why are you wearing a tiara?" Adam asked after someone threw the last scarecrow on the fire.
"Oh." She laughed and reached to take it off, having forgotten it was still there. Still warm and toasty, now wrapped in the hoodie that smelled of him, she tossed the tiara aside. "Jo made me wear it when we went to dinner. It's my birthday."
"Yeah?" His smile was warm. "You should've told me."
"I just did."
"I would've gotten you something."
"No, I don't expect anything."
"We could've made this a birthday party for you."
"No," she groaned, giggling at the thought of a birthday party around a bonfire in a field. It sounded absurd. It sounded stupid. It sounded wonderful and sweet.
He slipped the bottle from her hand and set it aside.
She watched him sit up, and thought he was hinting that she should go when he spread his sleeping bag out. "Last night, at the bar…"
He lifted his head when she hesitated. "Yeah?"
"Never mind."
"No, c'mon, tell me," he encouraged, stretching out on his side. He reached around her, dragging her pillow next to his, then patted the sleeping bag invitingly.
Her heart tripped over several beats. Nodding, she uncurled her legs, leaning to pull off her boots before settling beside him. She waited until she'd spread her unzipped sleeping bag and blanket over her before shifting so she could see his face in the moonlight. "Isiah came over to talk to me and Jo."
"I know." He made a face.
"He said…" She drew in a breath. "He said you wanted to ask me out."
"He ain't wrong."
A door slammed, then an engine roared to life. Emi sat up, and saw Jo's head pop up from the back of Dax's truck. Surprised, but not really, when a hand reached up and yanked her friend down, she blinked to make sure she'd seen what she'd thought, and a few seconds later saw Jo's red-and-black plaid shirt flop over the side of the truck. She had known that there would be drunken sex happening at the so-called party. It was a bunch of country folks at a bonfire with almost unlimited amounts of liquor to spur them on. She was almost afraid to look at the other vehicles, but her eyes were already sliding, her head turning slightly, and she felt her cheeks heat when she saw more than a few couples making out. From somewhere – she wasn't about to look to see who – came a series of lustful moans.
"Hell yeah!" someone hooted triumphantly.
"Oh my god," Emi muttered, lying back.
Adam chuckled. "You're not really shocked, are you?"
"No… A little. I'm not uptight," she defended. "I just don't want to see it, you know?"
"I know," he murmured.
A thought occurred to her and she boldly reached over to poke his arm. "I didn't climb into your truck to have drunken sex with you."
"I ain't the drunk sex type, darlin'."
She had known he wasn't. She didn't know how she'd known, but she had. It was still nice to hear him say it, though. "…What kind of drunk are you?"
He laughed. It was almost a giggle. "I ain't drunk. But I get sappy. If I'm with someone I'm interested in, I get a little handsy… Sometimes I get loud and want to do stupid shit like chuck watermelons out the truck on a back road."
Emi grinned. "That sounds like fun."
"Yeah? We'll have to do that together sometime."
"I'd like that."
"So when I ask you out, you'll say yes?"
"You'll have to ask me and find out." She didn't know where this was coming from, this teasing and flirting that was so easy, but she enjoyed it.
"Wanna go chuck watermelons out the truck?"
Her grin turned into a giggle. "I'd love to."
"I'll get someone to drive us."
"You'd have to. If we're drunk and standing in the back to throw melons, we need a driver."
"Watermelons are hard to find around here in December, though," he pointed out with a sigh.
"We can use pumpkins."
"Now we're talkin'!"
Laughing, she pulled her covers up over her shoulder. "This has been a fun night, Adam."
"It ain't over yet."
"It kinda is…" There was no more talking around them. Every few moments she heard a little moan or a soft giggle. The fire was almost died down. If she shifted her head just right she could see the glowing embers. They flickered, sparked, and she heard someone walking by. Seconds later there were soft murmurs of conversation in the truck next to them, and she turned her attention back to Adam.
"Happy birthday, Emi."
"Thank you," she murmured, trying to block out the sounds of movement. They seemed magnified, though, as were the whispers and rustling. There was fumbling, breathy gasps, then she heard the unmistakable rasp of a zipper being lowered. Unconsciously moving closer to Adam, she bit her lip when his hand found hers and squeezed.
"You wanna get in the cab?" he asked in a whisper.
She did, but she didn't. It would involve moving, but it would get her away from the sounds of foreplay occurring just a few feet away. Hesitating, she tried to decide whether or not she could tough it out. A man began to moan, she realized just what was happening, and she nodded. "Please?"
"I got you, darlin'," he murmured.
Have her, he did. He whispered for her to stand up while he climbed out, and the next thing she knew he was lifting her over the side, catching her to him with one arm as he opened the passenger door. Once she was inside he leaned to get her pillow, then gently closed the door. She got situated, adjusting her legs and the blanket while he rounded to climb in on the driver's side. A loud moan cut through the cab, shut off when he slammed the door, and when he looked at her in the dim light she began to laugh.
"I'm ridiculous," she sighed after their laughter had ceased.
"You're not."
"What does it say about me that I can't handle listening to people having sex?" She shook her head. "I guess I'm uptight about it."
"Are you uptight because you think it's a private thing that shouldn't happen around other people, or because you…" Adam cleared his throat. "Because you don't like sex?"
"It's been so long I can't even remember," she muttered without thinking. Then, before he could respond, she rushed on. "I think it's a private thing that shouldn't happen around other people. I mean, I couldn't do it around other people, you know? But I'm not gonna judge those than can. They're obviously having fun, they're consenting adults, I shouldn't be offended."
"Hang on." He shifted, stretching out his legs. "I've had too much to try to analyze all that…"
"I guess it would be different if we were in a house and people just went off to another room. I really don't mind people having sex." Emi sighed and fidgeted with the corner of the blanket. "I think part of me is just jealous that I'm not getting any."
"All you gotta do is ask."
"Sure, I'll just march over and ask two people that I might not even know if I can join in—"
"I mean me."
"You'd go ask them if I can join in?" she asked in confusion.
He laughed. "God, you're so fucking adorable. I mean ask me for sex, darlin'."
"I don't want a pity fuck," she said with a frown. Her frazzled brain finally caught up, and she turned to face him. "You've called me that a few times now."
"Does it bother you?"
"I like it."
"Good, 'cause I like calling you darlin'. And," he said, pushing himself upright, one hand leaning on the dashboard, "I don't do pity fucks."
"You don't?"
"If I have sex with someone it's 'cause I want them." There was just enough moonlight coming through the window for her to see him smile. "And they want me, of course."
"Everyone wants you." When he snorted, she rolled her eyes. "They do! All the women at work are always saying that you're a panty dropper or you make them wet when you talk to them, and I heard one say she'd like you to crack her back like a glowstick—"
"What do you say?"
"Yeah. Apparently y'all talk about me." He exhaled slowly. "What do you say during these conversations?"
"I don't say a damn thing."
"You don't?"
"My thoughts about you are private, I'm not about to blurt them out for everyone to hear." For some reason she felt a giddiness beginning to rise within her. She had to be going delirious. The next words out of her mouth proved that she was. "Sure, when we talk and you flash that pretty smile I have to squeeze my thighs together. And yeah, sometimes when I'm alone in my bed at night I fantasize about you bending me over and railing the hell out of me. And okay, fine, if you must know, I keep that voicemail you left me when you sounded sleepy because the way you said my name made me wet. But—"
"Jesus Christ, darlin'," he muttered. "All that, huh?"
"Yes," she groaned. Lifting her hands to cover her face, she gasped when he gently pushed them away. "You've got to be used to it, though. Women practically throw themselves at you every day."
"They really don't," he said. His fingers whispered over her cheek. "And even if they did, I wouldn't care."
"They do," she insisted. He was moving closer and her heart was starting to race. "Are you blind?"
"I said I wouldn't care, not that I wouldn't notice."
"Why wouldn't you care? If men threw themselves at me, I'd—"
"Stand there and smile and blush, all pretty and cute like you have for months," he interrupted.
"What do you mean?"
"I've been throwing myself at you since we met, darlin'."
"Bullshit," she blurted.
"Maybe you're the one who's blind."
"I like things to be given to me plainly. I'm not good at the subtle stuff."
"Yeah, I'm starting to figure that out."
"But I refuse to believe you've been throwing yourself at me," she muttered.
"Maybe throwing isn't the right word. But I've been trying to let you know I'm interested."
"Really? You've been flirting with me?"
"Have been since May." He chuckled.
"God, I am blind."
"Can you see now?" he asked. His palm was warm, slightly rough from the work she knew he did on his parents' farm. It cradled her cheek.
"Yeah," she whispered. All she could see was his eyes. And his smile. "I see clearly."
"About fuckin' time, darlin'," he drawled while guiding her close.
Their lips met with mutual sighs. She felt the longing, the desire, rolling off him, mirroring hers. He tasted of cinnamon whiskey and smoke. He smelled of the outdoors, of woods and fire, and she practically melted against him. Their tongues danced the age-old dance and their hands and fingers began to explore. His breath was harsh and hot, hers was erratic. A few grunts passed between them while they moved closer to each other.
He pulled back slightly, releasing a breathless chuckle. "I ain't fucking you the first time in a truck."
"Oh?" she asked, licking her lips as the blanket slid away.
Adam shook his head. "For about five reasons."
"Which are?" She smiled when he shifted so he was stretched out on the seat and she was on top of him.
"One, I like to have room. Two, you deserve better than a sloppy, half-drunk fuck. Three, I know you'd be embarrassed about it in the morning when everybody gives you that knowing look. Four—"
She cut him off with a kiss. It was sweet, almost chaste, and she pulled back to grin at him. "Three was enough."
"But four was my favorite one," he whined, dragging the blanket over them.
"Okay, fine, continue," she laughed.
"Four, I like you too damn much to act like a horny teenager. At least, at first," he added with a quick grin. "Five, I want it to happen naturally, not because we shared whiskey and listened to people fucking two feet away."
"Such a gentleman," she marveled. "There aren't many of those around anymore."
"I'm really not. I'll eventually act like a horny teenager, trust me."
"I can't wait."
"After I bend you over and fuck the hell out of you," he promised, pulling her into another kiss.
"I really can't wait," she moaned.
"We gotta," he whispered between kisses.
"Adam?" she asked, shivering after a long, drawn-out kiss. "Are you an idiot?"
"Sometimes, yeah, why?"
"I wanna do something stupid."
"If you say I'm the something stupid thing you wanna do—"
"Let's go to my place."
His fingers curled into her hips. She heard him gulp. "You sure?"
"Positive. I've got a big bed." Squealing softly when he sat up, she gripped his shoulders.
"We'll go slow," he whispered after kissing her again.
"We will?"
"Yeah." Sliding her off him, he scooted over to get behind the wheel.
"Don't drive like an idiot," she requested.
"I won't," he assured her, clapping a hand on her thigh and squeezing. "Trust me?"
"I'm letting you take me home so we can have sex, of course I trust you."
He started the engine, then leaned to give her a quick kiss. "No regrets tomorrow?"
"No regrets ever," she promised.
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supertvngames · 3 years
Naruto AU - Shuji Uchiha Scenarios Part 1
Shuji Uchiha is the adoptive brother of Naruto Uzumaki. And the half-brother of Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha from their mother’s side, and half-brother Shisui Uchiha from their father’s side. And as well as my OC.
-Pre OS-
Mikoto Uchiha adopted Naruto but has to move out of the Uchiha Distract and into the late 4th Hokage Minato and his wife Kushina’s with the newborn child. Over a while, an Uchiha man was given permission to help Mikoto. The Uchiha man is the father of Shisui Uchiha. They accidently conceive a child, the child was named Shuji. Weeks after Shuji was born, his birth father died.
While growing up, Shuji had a big brother worship towards Shisui as Sasuke towards Itachi. Shuji and Sasuke tend to argue who’s the better big brother, Shisui or Itachi. However out of all his big brothers, Shuji actually favors Naruto because Naruto took the time to listen to him and play with him. Shuji is also seem patient with Itachi than Sasuke is. Even if Shuji likes Shisui better, he looks up to Itachi. And Shuji even considers Sasuke to be most relatable.
Shuji even met Izumi, Itachi’s lover. Shuji sees Izumi as a big sister-figure, mainly due to Shuji not being as stingy as Sasuke especially when it comes to Itachi.
Shuji is practically a mama’s boy, he is always seen with his mother Mikoto. Shuji learn about not just cooking and cleaning, but learn about Mikoto’s fighting skills at a very high level. Mikoto is a role-model to Shuji.
Shuji doesn’t get along with his stepfather Fugaku. Mainly due to Fugaku not being the type to open up his feelings and being a hardass.
Shuji, in-person, witness the death of his mother Mikoto and his big sister-figure Izumi in the hands of Itachi. Naruto was staying for afterschool after a prank gone messy. Shuji and Sasuke found each other as they see Itachi, as he spares them seeing the potential of them obtaining the Mangekyou Sharingan. Both Shuji and Sasuke try to fight off Itachi yet they had no progression. Shuji had to break down the news to Naruto about Mikoto’s demise.
Shuji did his best to enter the academy, to be with his remaining siblings, so he wouldn’t be alone at the house. He was then accepted.
Shuji tries to convince Sasuke to move into his and Naruto’s house because they’re family, and they’re all that’s left for each each other. Sasuke, however, prefer to live in an apartment, to which Shuji visits to keep his half-brother company and see how he’s doing. They train from time to time.
Shuji along with Naruto have been oppressed and discriminated by the Konoha villagers. Shuji has notice that this has happened before the Uchiha massecre, however now, it’s more nasty. Shuji simply doesn’t understand why they hate him and his big brother but he definitely wish the villagers are dead.
While with Naruto, Shuji noticed a girl who has been looking from afar. The girl was Hinata Hyuga. To Shuji, she seems rather cute and nice. Shuji encourages Hinata to come and hang with him and Naruto. Shuji even noticed another girl, Hinata’s little sister Hanabi Hyuga, to which both Naruto and Shuji convinced her to stick around as well.
Shuji helps Naruto train, especially when it comes to preforming the ordinary beginner jutsus.
Shuji does make time to make food and clean, and Naruto does his share as well since the two are working together.
-Original Series-
Shuji and Sasuke may have hold resentment towards Itachi for what they did to their parents and clan. However, Shuji wants to put the revenge mission on hold. After all, there’s nothing they can do for right now. Both he and Sasuke had some disagreements. Yet they still train together.
When Shuji sees that Naruto failed the graudation exams, he purposely funk himself so they could be ninjas another time. Shuji simply doesn’t want to leave his big brother’s side, until Naruto told Iruka that Shuji failed the graudation on purpose because he knows that they need the money.
When first meeting Konohamaru Sarutobi, Shuji thought he was some sort of strange kid even for the grandson of the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Shuji, like Naruto, began to befriend Konohamaru. Naruto and Shuji played with Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon. Even invite Hanabi after convincing Hiashi that she needs to stimulate her mind in order to be an effective fighter. It’s the only way to have her live her life better.
Instead of a three-man squad, it’ll be four-man squad for each team: Team 7 - Naruto, Shuji, Hinata, & Sasuke Team 8 - Kiba, Shino, Sayuri, & [A new girl character, a non-clan one] Team 10 - Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, & [A new girl character, possibly a Sarutobi] Same could be said for Team Guy/Gai, and two more teams in the same year as them. One team would have three girls and one boy, both teams have females senseis
Shuji overheard some girl’s talk about Naruto, how she is badmouthing him as an orphan. Shuji pummels Sher to the ground. Enraged that someone is making of his brother after he and Shuji lost their mother.
When seeing he’s on the same team as his brothers and the girl he loves, Shuji was rather happy that they got to stick together. Shuji can fight along side with his relatives and his love, he reassures Hinata that they can all protect each other, they all have each other’s back. Yet, Shuji couldn’t help himself to protect Hinata (and his brothers).
When visiting the Hyuga District to pick up Hinata, Naruto and Shuji get violently angry at Hiashi for badmouthing his own daughter Hinata, being stopped by Kakashi. Hearing Hiashi says that Hinata is a “failure” and that the Hyuga, Shuji remarks that if she was a failure, she’d be taking after him, a lousy good-for-nothing selfish man who is nothing more than someone who brought two girls into the world only to refuse to take responsibility as a father.
After seeing Hinata having a bad situation at her household, Shuji offers to invites Hinata to his and Naruto’s house, at least dinner so he could cook, maybe once every afternoon as a getaway and to get to know each other.
There are times in B rank missions that Shuji ends up in trouble to which Hinata comes to his aid, although, Shuji isn’t upset. Shuji is, in fact, happy to see Hinata becoming stronger and more confident.
Shuji would even help out Naruto and Sasuke from danger as well, especially if it seems over his head, yet he doesn’t want to bear losing his only family he has left.
Shuji would grow from 1 tomoe at the early of the original series, to 1-&-2 tomoe, then 2 tomoe at the middle, later 2-&-3 tomoe, and then fully mature 3 tomoe at the end of the original series.
Shuji did run into Orochimaru at a different place and time, possibly on a mission soon before the Chunin Exams arc with a mix members on Shuji’s part. However, unlike with Sasuke who woke with the power up, Shuji woke up yet he is technically dying but manage to fight on.
It was until later on, Shuji was at death’s door compare to Sasuke when receiving the Curse Mark, until something alerting happens to either of his brothers or Hinata. Shuji finally overcomes the mark’s effects on him and began to have a murderous anger.
When Shuji sees how horrible Neji went through, being enslaved with a mark that can kill you, losing a parent, all that at such a young age. All the while, Shuji holds a grudge against Neji for looking for an opportunity to kill Hinata, yet Shuji still sympathize Neji.
Shuji sees that Gaara, like his big brother Naruto, a special power (although, it’s the power of a Tailed Beast) to which his own village fears and hates him for something that can’t be helped, yet also sees that Gaara got it worse than him and Naruto especially since he has his own father trying to kill him, unable to communicate with his siblings properly. Shuji pities Gaara.
After the Invasion on Konoha by Suna and Oto, Shuji’s speech patterns became more aggressive, especially after the mark reactivates. In Japanese, at first, Shuji’s 1st person pronoun was “Boku”, then it became “Ore”, to show how aggressive Shuji became.
Shuji begins to see that things between him and Hinata aren’t going anywhere. He sees Hinata showing more visible affections towards Naruto.
Shuji and Neji are having a rocky relationship. Until later on, when Hinata becomes temporarily blind, seeing Neji took care of her and even go out to help her condition, Shuji finally fully forgives and trusts Neji, and even tells Neji what’s on his mind, which is vowing that he will find a way to free him and the Side Branch family.
When he and Sasuke heard that Itachi return, and is after his big brother Naruto, Shuji was scared and furious. By the time he and Sasuke run into Hinata, Shuji explains to her on the way that Naruto is in danger and that they need to find Naruto as quickly as possible.
Shuji have to remind Sasuke that they have to run away with Naruto and nothing more, they can’t take on Itachi since he did defeat Kakashi. By the time, they did met up with Itachi, Shuji tries to think of how to escape with Naruto, only to see Sasuke charges at Itachi with a Chidori with Shuji thinking “What a dumbass”. Shuji tries to help Sasuke out but Itachi beats the crap out of Shuji and put him in a coma as well.
By the time both Shuji and Sasuke woke up from their coma, like Sasuke, Shuji became different than he was before. Shuji became rather moody, bitter, and has guilt. The encounter with Itachi and Kisame haunts him. He, his brothers, and Hinata were in a no-way-out situation to which they all could get killed. Shuji tries to rationalize and justify his failure only to see the fact he wasn’t good enough. Shuji finally begins to see why Sasuke couldn’t put the revenge mission on hold, so Shuji then train with Sasuke more than ever.
Naruto and the others began to see Shuji is becoming more and more bitter after each mission and those missions was that they either failed or even success through dumb luck. Especially since he and Naruto seen the suffering and unfortunate events in different places. Shuji ask them how many times they are going to get beaten before they wise up and they realize that being a ninja isn’t a game. Think of Leo from TMNT 2003 Season 4, I admit he was a jerk but he has his reasons.
When Kakashi told Shuji let go of his revenge like Shuji did once before he was put into a coma. Shuji told him that he didn’t let go, he put it on hold, and that Itachi plan to take his older brother Naruto away from him. Shuji already lost his mother, his big sister figure Izumi, and eldest brother Shisui, he not planning to let Itachi go around free. Kakashi tells him that he too lost his loved ones and he only look into the past. However, unlike Sasuke, Shuji doesn’t buy it, his response is “you no longer seek retribution? You dishonor your loved ones. I will honor the memory of my fallen”.
Well, that’s it for the scenarios for Shuji Uchiha for now. I might have more plans for him, some I having a bit of a mix feeling, but I’ll discuss them another time. Until then, see ya.
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wolfvirago · 3 years
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the be honest meme [accepting] [x]
@kcmorebi​ said:  3, 14, 35
@graceful-cure-swan​ said:  1, 2, and 3 for that be honest meme!
@fcrtunefavcred​ said:  6-9
@grantsluck​ said:  31, 37
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1. What would prevent you from following someone? A: Most likely if our writing style wouldn’t meld very well, or they interacted with someone I haven’t had good experiences with. But mostly I avoid folks who write characters I cannot write with- whether because of triggers or simply because they wouldn’t have much ideas on my end for what they can do with my muses.
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why? A: For myself, yes. In terms of it being a deciding factor for my following, it isn’t. It becomes kind of a bonus instead.
3. What current rp trend do you hate? A: I guess strict exclusivity? Like if you’re friends only, I understand, but shouldn’t everybody try to make new friends too? The other trend isn’t current, but I really hate when folks just ignore OCs. We’re valid too.
6. Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why? A: I have more experience with female but I’m not opposed to male.
7. What’s your opinion on call out posts?  A: Depends. If it’s someone who actually hurt another person, or they are harmful emotionally/physically to everyone and themselves, then I usually avoid them. Racists and p*dos especially. The ones I do not care for are when they’re designed to alienate others jus because of a private affair or they didn’t write with you as much as you wanted them to, or they had boundaries. That’s when I say leave that shit in private, don’t wreck someone’s social standing because you’re upset.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. A: Uh. The above about petty “callouts.” OC bias. Ghosting- when you begin plotting with someone or became mutuals and they ignore your messages, asks or likes, but clearly are fine interacting with others.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not? A: I don’t care for it. I understand the kins for comfort, bt I’m gonna be a little leery when those folks just keep in a private circle. If it bothers you that much, password lock your blog or something?? Having a public blog kind of means you’re inviting possible folks to read your content and want to write with you.
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? A: If you asked me 3 years ago, I would have said possibly negatively. But today I will say positively. I met my best friend here and I couldn’t have survived these past 4 years without him. My writing has improved and I feel much more creatively awake since I am exercising my imagination here. 
31. Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?  A: I had to ask someone what a mutual was, once. But that was 4 years ago adfssdg
35. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? A: I read others! It gives me ideas and helps me improve my writing. Plus it’s fun to have mini fanfics essentially on your dash lol
37. How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t? A: I think tagging triggers is important. While it is important to learn how to heal from them and get stronger, if you are here to avoid gross stuff, then it’s perfectly valid to blacklist things. I will tag things, but I tend to forget the non-basics that I might read in someone’s rules. That’s when I say you can message me to fix it.
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sakuwriteshere · 4 years
The Apple Pie in My Life - Chapter 5
Summary: What happened between two best friends when someone messes with their lives? Can the past changes the future or can the future changes the past?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Female!Reader, OC Abbigail, OC James, OC Alex, OC Purson, Castiel
Words count: 2761
Warnings: Slight angst, mention of injury (nothing graphic), mention of torture
Square filled: Enemies to Lovers for @spndeanbingo​​ and Angst to fluff for @spngenrebingo​​​ Those squares are used for the whole series.
A/N: As per usual, this is unbetated and I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes or error spelling. Comments are loved! Sorry for the wait.
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Chapter 5 : On the Head of a Pin
With a third phone call ending with the answering machine, Sam knew something happened to Dean and he started to feel anxious. Dean wouldn’t leave without telling him, no matter what. Sam knew his brother wasn’t particularly happy to be near Y/N, but it wasn’t a reason for him to disappear. Something bad happened to him and there was only one person who could help them.
“I need to call someone. I’ll be back.” Sam said as he left the motel room, leaving Y/N and the twins alone.
The silent in the room was unpleasant. Nor the kids, nor you knew what to say to start a conversation. You could feel Abby watching you and you felt uncomfortable. The girl was strangely familiar but the way she was looking at you gave you strange vibes. James was silent too, but contrary to his sister he wasn’t looking at you. On the contrary, he was doing his best to avoid your gaze, as if he was trying to hide something from you. Like a child being scared of being scolded.
“So, huh… You’re hunters?” You asked.
The twins glanced at each other before answering.
“Not really. Our parents are hunters and taught us how to hunt but more to protect ourselves than anything.” The girl said, and you knew that she was telling the truth just by looking at her face.
You nodded, feeling sad for them. You understood since it was your life too. Your parents taught you how to fight when you were just a kid, told you to be scared of the dark and of the things that could bump in the night. And that’s why you were angry with them, they put you in this life, despite your own will. 
“This is not a life.” You said, surprising the kids.
“What do you mean?” James asked.
You stood up from your seat and walked towards the sink, taking a glass and filling it with water.
“I’m not judging but,” you started before drinking it. “I would never force my children to hunt. Which sane parents would want this kind of life for their kids?” You added, voir voice a bit softer as if you were saying it more to yourself.
Abbigail scoffed and James stood up abruptly, his hands curled into fists. 
“They did their best!” James defended, a bit harshly, surprising you. “Our parents are the best parents a kid would dream of. They didn’t force us into anything, they protected us and now it’s our turn to protect them!”
“And that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You don’t have to protect them.” You added gently, you didn’t want to upset the boy but he needed to understand your point.
“Shut up!” James shouted angrily.
“James!” Abbigail’s hands curled around his shoulders, trying to calm him down.
“No Abby! She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!” He said to his sister before looking at Y/N again, but this time you could see the anger in his Y/E/C’s eyes.
“They tried to keep us out from this life but you know perfectly well that it's impossible! There’s always a demon or a werewolf or a stupid creature who wants us dead! This is exactly the reason why we’re here!”
“James enough!” Abbigail’s voice raised suddenly, stopping the argument.
Sam entered the room at this exact moment and he could feel the heavy tension between the three of you.
“Umm, I have news.” He started to explain before closing the door behind him and stopped walking once he was between the twins and Y/N. “A...friend can help us, hopefully. She’s coming here.”
“What do you mean by ‘helping us’? What’s going on, Sam?” You asked but someone knocking at the door prevent Sam to answer you.
The hunter went to the door and opened it, revealing a woman with dark hair and wearing black clothes. She was pretty and you understood why Sam was a bit uncomfortable by calling her a ‘friend’. The new girl and Sam must be closer than what he truly said.
“Thanks for coming, Ruby.” Sam greeted her as she walked inside, heading for the bathroom.
“Huh, I still can smell them.” Ruby said, disgusted.
“Smell? Who?” You asked, a bit taken aback by her words.
“Angels.” Ruby said as she headed towards the bathroom. 
“Excuse me?” You chuckled, not believing a word.
“Y/N, it’s a bit complicated.” Sam told you, you looked at his face and realized he wasn’t bothered by the sudden revelation about Angels, and with a quick look towards the twins, it seemed like they knew about their existence too.
“Sam-” You started, your brain full of questions but Ruby cut you short as she pulled a map from her bag and put it on the table in the middle of the motel room.
“I’ll explain everything once we know where Dean is. I promise.” Sam murmured, his big hand wrapping tightly around your right shoulder.
You fell silent, nodding only once and watched Ruby performing a spell. You didn’t like it, whenever magic was used, it wasn’t a good thing. Magic always came with a price. She took a candle and brought it to one of the corners of the map, igniting it. Ruby closed her eyes and started an incantation. Your blood turned cold when she opened her eyes and you noticed they were totally black. Without thinking you pushed the twins behind you, protecting them from the demon in front of you.
“Sam!” You shouted, not knowing what to do, you didn’t have a weapon on you.
“Hey, hey, hey.” I know Y/N. Relax.” Sam said in a hurry, holding his hands up, in an attempt to keep you calm.
“Relax? She’s a demon, Sam!” You shouted again, thinking your old friend was crazy.
“Yes. I know. She’s with us. I’ll tell you everything soon.”
“Stop!” Ruby’s voice startled everyone in the room as the map burned and the fire disappeared suddenly, leaving only a small piece of the map.
“There. Your brother’s there.” Ruby said as she grabbed her bag.
“Thanks Ruby.” Sam’s face was very serious, and the room fell silent for a moment. You and the kids, watching back and forth between Sam and the demon.
“Y/N, Abby, James, get in the car, we’re leaving soon.” Sam said without looking at any of you, his gaze focused on Ruby.
“But Sam-” You started to complain but he raised his voice, startling you and the kids.
“The car now!” Sam felt bad for yelling at you and he added a more softly as he turned to face you. “Please, I need to talk with Ruby about something. In private.” You gave in because of the guilty look he gave you.
“Come on kids.” You whispered as you grabbed their wrists gently, forcing them to follow you outside.
While driving toward your destination, Sam explained everything, as he promised. He told you about John’s death, about Yellow Eyes and Dean’s deal to bring Sam’s back. He told you about Lilith and your heart broke when you heard how Dean died and went to Hell. Even though you hated him, you wouldn’t wish this kind of fate to your worst enemy. You couldn’t even iamgine the kind of torture the hunter had to endure, and deep down you were angry with him for being so stupid to make such a deal. 
After that, Sam fell silent for the rest of the drive, just like anybody else in the car. From time to time you chanced a glance in his direction to make sure he was alright. At some point your heart skipped a beat as you swore you saw his eyes turning black. You blinked and shook your head before looking again and as his eyes were perfectly normal you thought you have dreamed it. All this story were making you feel paranoid and anxious.
Soon Sam parked the car in front of an old abandoned factory. Sam turned his face towards the twins and ordered them to stay in the car.
“You too, Y/N.” He added as he looked at you.
“What?” You exclaimed, dumbfounded. This was ridiculous. Dean was inside, probably hurt if nothing more and Sam wanted to fight them on his own? There was no way you would leave him alone. You were a hunter too.
“I mean it, Y/N. I don’t know what I’ll find inside.”
“Exactly! That’s why you need my help. Together we’ll be stronger.” You pleaded.
“I don’t have the time to argue with you.” Sam sighed.
“Then don’t argue and let me-” The sound of metal clicking stopped you and you looked at your wrist, wrapped in a handcuff. With a swift motion, Sam wrapped the other one around the steering wheel before exiting the car.
“Sam don’t be stupid!” You screamed as you watched him walking in front of the car. You called his name again and again but he simply ignored you and entered the old building.
You tried to free your hand by pulling on the handcuffs, twisting your wrist but nothing worked and you throw your head back on the headrest with a defeated sound. You closed your eyes, feeling the first symptoms of a headache coming and you took a deep breath.
Once you opened your eyes again, they fell on Abby’s reflection in the rearview mirror and you noticed the girl had twisted her hair into a bun.
“Please, tell me you have a hair pin.” You whispered, your eyes staring at her reflection.
Abbigail and James simply smirked at your question.
It only took you a few minutes to get rid of the handcuffs and once you were sure the twins were staying in the car you ran into the building. A strange bright light was coming from the room next to the one you have just entered, and you could hear voices and someone moaning in pain. Your first thought was that Dean might be in danger and you barged into the room without thinking.
The scene in front of you left you speechless. Sam was standing in the middle of the room, a bit breathless, next to him stood a man in a trench coat, his piercing blue eyes looking at your friend with a look of horror. Against the wall in front of them, laid a bloody man, his eyes his mouth wide open. Quickly you knew he was dead.
Then, in the other corner of the room you saw another bloody body laying on the ground in front of a strange metallic structure. You couldn’t see the man’s face but as your heart stopped you knew who it was.
“Dean!” You called his name as you run towards him, kneeling next to him and inspecting his injuries. He wasn’t moving and you feared you arrived too late.
“No, no, no. Dean talk to me.” You said in a strangled voice, your fingertips running all over his face. There was so much blood and injuries and he remained unconscious.
“I’ll bring him to the hospital.” The man in a trench coat said as he wrapped his fingers around Dean’s limp arm. In a blink, before you had the time to think, they had both disappeared.
“Where are they? What happened?” You asked Sam, you could feel the tears burning in your eyes from frustration.
“I don’t know. I’ll ask Castiel once we’ll be in the hospital. Come on, Y/N.” Sam said in a whisper as he helped you standing up. He saw the distress you were in and how could only imagine how lost you felt. He wanted to reassure you but he needed to check Dean’s condition first. 
Fortunately, there was only one hospital in this town and once you had arrived, the nurse at the front desk told you that doctors were already taking care of Dean. You waited anxiously with Sam and the twins in the corridors. After a while a doctor came in and told you that Dean’s condition was stable and that you could see him in his room if you wanted. Sam thanked the doctor before walking into his brother’s room.
Dean was still unconscious and now that the blood on his face had been cleaned off, you could clearly see all the injuries. Unwittingly, you wrapped an arm around Abbigail’s shoulders when you heard her gasp as she noticed Dean. The four of you took a seat and remained silent, watching over Dean, Sam taking the nearest seat. It was silent for a while, until Sam noticed someone at the door. You saw how quickly the sadness turned into anger when he recognized the intruder, it was the man in the trench coat, Castiel, according to Sam. Without a word, Sam left the room, certainly to have a word with the Angel- You still couldn’t believe they were real.
As the hours passed, Sam offered to bring you back to the motel, the doctors had told you there was a tiny chance for Dean to wake up tonight, since they gave him a lot of pain killer. So, after a short stop at the nearest diner, the four of you came back in the motel room and once you had eaten your food, the kids told you they were going to bed. The bid you goodnight and went into their own room, next door. Finally, Sam told you everything about Alistair, why the Angels needed Dean to torture him, and more importantly, he told you about the Apocalypse. Saying you were overwhelmed about the big truth was a euphemism and your only answer about all of this was that you wanted to take a shower.
You felt numb, everything was happening too quickly; meeting the Winchesters again, your own case, the twins’s case and now the Apocalypse. Were you really going head first in that mess? It was too big, even for you.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice startled you and you realized you were in the room, Sam’s too big shirt in your hands. The tall man had offered you his clothes to sleep in.
You opened your mouth but no words came out at first. Then, what you said surprised you as much as it did Sam.
“I’ll bring him clean clothes. He’ll need it.”
“It’s late, I don’t think they will let you in.” Sam said, unsure as he watched you put a few clothes into a duffel bag.
“Won’t be my first break in.” You said mindlessly. 
“Hey,” Sam’s hand on the top of your head stopped you. “You alright? I know it’s a lot to take in and-”
“I’ll manage, Sammy.” You told him as you forced a small smile.
Just like you said, it wasn’t your first break in. You reached Dean’s room without being noticed by the staff. As you were about to enter the room, you noticed the door being slightly opened and heard voices. Carefully you came closer and listened.
“Did I start all this?” You didn’t recognized Dean’s voice at first, it was so weak and in pain.
“Yes.” You heard Castiel’s answer. “When we discovered Lillith’s plans for you, we lied siege to Hell and we fought our way to get to you before you-”
“Jump-started the Apocalypse.” You heard Dean finished the sentence and brought a hand toward your mouth to prevent any sound.
“We were too late.”
You closed your eyes as you heard Dean’s next sentence. “Why didn’t you just leave me there, then?” How could he say that? Wasn’t he happy to be free from Hell and its torments?
“You have to stop it.” Castiel continued.
“Lucifer? The Apocalypse? What does that mean?” And your heart ached as you heard the distress in Dean’s voice. As far as you could remember, you’ve never heard this kind of voice coming from him. He was always so cocky, so sure of himself, being the big guy, the big brother, the one in charge. It hurt you to hear him like this.
“I know that our fate lies with you.”
“Well, then you guys are screwed.” You knew he had reached his point when his voice broke. “I can’t do it, Cas. It’s too big. Alastair was right. I’m not all here. I’m not strong enough.”
You couldn’t stop the tears falling down your face as you listened.
“Well I guess I’m not the man either our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It’s not me.”
TAPiML tags:  @fandomoverdose666 , @eternaleviee , @slytherinrising , @vicmc624 , @music-is-all-i-need ,
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
So I’ve been trying for ages to think of a question for TT and I can’t bc I am a dummy SO I thought maybe you if there was a question you wanted someone to ask and no one has then answer that! OR I’d love for you to talk about how writing has helped you/made you happy if you’re comfortable with that! I LOVE YOU SUNSHINE 🌻🌻🌻🌻
AWWW ANGE DONT WORRY ABOUT IT I SWEAR <3 <3 and oooooh that’s an interesting take!!! i haven’t ever thought about that actually, but now i might LOL! and ooooh yes! I LOVE THAT OTHER QUESTION TOO! imma just do both THANK U ANGE!!! <3
hmmmmm....a question i wanted someone to ask....
i’m thinking of doing some talking about character flaws and possibly some strong female ocs and just my take on that! 
For me, character flaws have just always MADE the character, a human being. But it’s not for everybody, but for me, as I am a flawed person in many aspects, writing flawed characters has helped more than anything. All the characters I write are deeply flawed just like every human being. They all have pros, but they are all also weighed out by the cons of life. But that’s simply what makes us human because no one’s perfect.
For example, Charlotte Tarvers, even though she’s this ‘sunshine’ girl, who always makes people smile and laugh, and feel good, and cared for, she’s also deeply hurt by her past, and has attachment issues. Part of being a medic, is strictly not getting attached to the people you might end up seeing dying or wounded - and that’s what Charlotte really struggles with simply because she is an extroverted people person who cares for everyone and she can’t help and it hurts her in the end. 
Hazel Parker, while being a soft and innocent person, that can shoot straight on a sniper and can get zeroed in and focused and honed in and obey orders, has trouble speaking her mind, she doesn’t trust easily, she also let’s things get to her constantly and then her emotions come into play. Only when she’s in war and numb to it all do emotions stay out, but many of her decisions are emotion based and it’s painful mentally for her. She constantly battles her mind simply because she doesn’t say much but her mind is too loud and that just is something that affects her greatly - especially after her wound that she getts.
Catherine McCown, while a fantastic leader, and a confident, intelligent young woman, she tries so hard to be perfect and then that’s when she breaks - after staying strong simply for too long and then her emotions comes and she starts heavily doubting herself in the process of it all. She tries her hardest she genuinely doesn’t feel like it is never enough because people always die in the end or get hurt and she takes it personally sometimes, too personally and it hurts her in the long run.
Elizabeth Elliot, as tender, gentle, and hilarious as she is, struggles with her mental health. In many circumstances she is very mentally strong, she can block the pain but in others, after learning of her hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD), which it was called in the 1940s, she hits that downward slope where she feels she can’t escape. And I have only seen a few OCs that struggle with mental health (various types of mental health), such as a disorder like ADHD, so I decided it was time to write a character like that. And her ADHD is what really makes her struggle throughout Bastogne to the end of the war. It causes her to lack in the ability to do her job right - there’s the distraction, the mind-eating thoughts, the inability to fully concentrate, the rereading and getting nowhere, the frustration - all of it - and that makes her really struggle more than anything. 
And....for a little sneak peak at the Flip Children (Natia, Klimeck, and Ryzshard) I will briefly discuss their flaws...
Natia Filipska, is genuinely a warrior, with a highly intelligent mind, who easily understands people from one to the other, but she grows easily numb and cold to others and flushes out her emotions in dangerous situations, ideally making her reckless, distant and tough to work with. Which doesn’t bode well for a character who HAS to work with others to survive. But that is just in short - I can’t spoil much more! 
Klimeck Filipska is, like her sister, intelligent, hard-working, and a powerful role-model and leader for all, but her anger sets her apart from others. She lets anger in many cases take over her decisions and it ends up getting friends injured and possibly even killed in the end. And it is something she takes very personally because she is very much 0-80 within seconds and her decisions are angry and emotionally driven simply because she has seen what the Nazis have taken and it angers her more than anything. It never amounts to something good in the end sometimes.
Ryzshard Filipski, who albeit, is smooth, charismatic, and deceptive, is, like Natia, VERY reckless, and it almost gets him killed sometimes. And sometimes he is purely too humanity driven. It almost makes him lose his cover. But he is in fact the youngest sibling, the youngest and only brother, and so he watches what his sisters are like in their way of being driven through the war and tries in a sense to be a bit of the light - but he is only a 20 year old man - he is still a child in the war, struggling with the idea that he lost his innocence with it as well. 
And don’t get me wrong, they are all deeply flawed but they are ALL strong oc’s, strong female ocs and a strong male oc. The 6 female ocs I have I believe, are all strong in their own individual way, whether it be quietly or loudly, they are all strong. Quiet people can be strong and confident people can be strong - and they don’t take bs either :) They are all strong, just like you all are, even if you have flaws - they make you stronger. 
And Ryzshard, as my ONLY male oc, I didn’t want to make him the stereotypical male oc - the always brave, always angry, emotionless sorta of persona - he has emotions, the most innocence out of the flip children, and he cares the most, and that’s what I really hope to get across even through his recklessness - he cares. 
“how writing has helped you/made you happy if you’re comfortable with that!”
So, this is a question I’ve gotten throughout the day, but I’ll put it in short!! Writing has just always been an outlet for me, and a way to express myself. When I’m stressed, upset, or angry, I come and I write and know that I’m in my own world. I’ve always found motivation in myself to write because I always just do it for me, really. I love everyone and appreciate everyone who reads my works and my stories, but I mainly do it because it is something I love doing and something that has helped me in more ways than one. 
It just always makes me so happy to make art on a screen with black and white words - it truly is an art form for so many people and for someone like me and as an artist myself, to create art with words is something I just adore. 
And, off topic sorta LOL, but I feel the reason I keep having motivation day in and day out to just keep writing, is because I do it for me? If that makes sense? I always tell myself ‘you’re doing it for you queen, you’re doing what you always want, and just for you - how ADORABLE is that - it’s like treating yourself” and I just tell myself that always, because I’m like wow, I’m doing something for me that’s fun!
And writing’s always there, it doesn’t leave, it doesn’t judge, it doesn’t make fun of you, it doesn’t turn cold, it doesn’t lie - it’s purely just WRITING - and I’ve always loved that about writing. Writing’s just always been there <3
thank you sm for the ask ange!! this was genuinely super fun! and i loved being able to talk about my oc’s and their flaws a bit, since i feel i needed to explain them just a bit and why they are flawed like a normal human! and plus talking about my writing experience and the true work of art writing is, is something i will always rave about!!! thank you <3
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leahazel · 4 years
7KPP MBTI - over-long and completely unedited meta
I’m just copy/pasting this from my notes software with no editing. If you’re brave enough to read the whole thing, more power to you. It’s about 3K words all in all.
I was in a doctor's waiting room this morning (I have the flu and I was waiting for a chest x-ray) and while I waited, I was thinking about some recent thoughts I had about D&F, and how they've changed my mind on some MBTI typings I've had for the 7KPP NPCs. I've been musing on the MBTI subject on and off for as long as I've been playing the game (first post here: https://leahazel.tumblr.com/post/126655090075/congratulations-on-the-kickstarter-also-if), and I've typed most of my own MCs and other OCs. In fact, for some of them, their MBTI and enneagram types are pretty central to their character arc.
But some characters are more well-developed than others, and some are quite difficult to type. And, of course, impressions are subjective. Since I'm fluish and too tired to actually write any fanfic (I have several unfinished), I might as well do a proper post of all my typings.
If I were at full strength, I'd so a whole resources section with links about what MBTI is and how it works. Since I'm not, I'll give the bare minimum background. MBTI is a personality typing system based on Jungian cognitive function theory. You can find everything from official descriptions written by professionals, to jokey quizzes and Tumblr memes, all over the internet. My favorite fannish MBTI account is @funkymbtifiction. I love their character typings and I rely on them for nuanced takes on the different types.
Without getting too much into my typing philosophy, here are the 7KPP NPCs, grouped somewhat arbitrarily.
Introverted sensing types
The four types marked SJ use the introverted sensing function as either their primary or auxiliary cognitive function. Stereotypically, Si-using types are hidebound, dutiful and traditional, reliable but also stubborn and rigid. Certainly unhealthy SJ types act like this a lot of the time. More mature, healthier people of the same types have access to all of Si's strengths -- an eye for detail, conscientious work ethic, a strong sense of honor -- while being aware of their weaknesses, and compensating for them.
ISTJ - Cordelia and Jasper are both ISTJ types. They share some of the same strengths and vulnerabilities. Both are very emotionally contained, but have difficulty expressing affection openly. At the same time, they have a strong moral compass and inner sense of right and wrong. This is typical of the Te/Fi function pair in the secondary/tertiary positions. Both of them have personal dilemmas and character journeys revolving around the tension between tradition and novelty. When frustrated or at a loss, they're prone to retreating into loops of rumination (Si-Fi loop), or spiraling into anxiety about future possibilities and everything that can possibly go wrong (inferior Ne). Cordelia is the more stable of the two. When we meet Jasper, he's already in the midst of a personal crisis. I suspect Sayra is also an ISTJ and generally write her with this type in mind, but not enough is known of her to pin her type down.
ISFJ - Penelope and Ria are both ISFJ types. Both of them are kind, gentle and helpful as ISFJs often (stereotypically) are, and are prone to putting other people's needs ahead of their own, as Fe-users often are. ISFJs thrive on the power of friendship and community, and excel at promoting harmony for the benefit of all. Disharmony, cruelty and rudeness make them anxious and upset, but they also possess hidden reservoirs of both fortitude and courage, especially in defense of others. As Si-users, they have a keen appreciation for the aesthetics of small, everyday details, and as Fe-users, they feel a strong need to put up a persona that reflects what others expect of them. When their desires are at odds with group harmony, they can struggle to assert themselves. Both Penelope and Ria have character arcs that show them to be strongly motivated by a sense of justice and fairness, being stronger than they initially appear to be, and willing to come into conflict with established mores when necessary.
ESTJ - General Falon is an ESTJ, and I believe he's the only one out of the characters I've named here (there are some characters that I don't feel I know enough about to type). As Falon is a minor character and not very well-developed, he adheres closely to ESTJ stereotypes and doesn't provide much nuance. He's driven by duty and honor and values tradition, hierarchy and efficiency. When driven out of his comfort zone he becomes easily flustered. He has a hard time seeing things from other people's point of view, is weak at diplomacy, and his discourse style lacks tact. Many traits that are typical of the extroverted thinking function.
ESFJ - Emmett and Lisle are both ESFJ types, and both pretty typical, although in slightly different ways. Here's the controversial part: I now think Jarrod is also an ESFJ, and I'll explain why, but I want to start with the simpler, more linear characterization.
ESFJ types use extroverted feeling as their leading cognitive function. It's a powerful emotional function that excels at both reading people's behavior and intentions, and reflecting that behavior back at them. Fe-dom types, when healthy, switch handily between personas appropriate to their surroundings, they know how to read the room's mood, and when they want to influence people, they know how to form an argument that's tailored to their conversation partner. On the downside, Fe-users can get lost in their masks or lose sight of their own goals, because they read other people's desires so readily. When supported by Si, introverted sensing, their desire for stability and continuity can hinder them from considering the possibilities of positive change. They can be cautious to a fault. Lisle is a typical ESFJ and his difficulty in opening up about negative emotions can be attributed his the Fe-driven desire to promote social harmony above all. Emmett does not initially seem like an SJ type or a J type at all, because judging types are not usually perceived as being as open-minded and easy-going as he is. This however is more of an adaptation to the circumstances his family life thrust him into, not by his own decision, and Emmett several times expresses a desire for a more stable home and family life.
Now, about Jarrod. On the face of it, his behavior is more consistent with a thinking type than a feeling type. He has no patience for anything soft or tender, he's quite aggressive and demanding, comfortable handing out orders. These are behaviors associated especially with extroverted thinking, which would make one think he should be an ESTJ or ENTJ. Likely ESTJ, since he shows a clear preference for a stable subjective sensory environment, typical of an Si-user. In fact, I'd initially typed him as ESTJ and I was comfortable with that typing until recently. However! You can't type a character based only on a type's weaknesses. If he's really an ESTJ, he should have an ESTJ's strengths, too. Looking at General Falon, he might be hidebound and inflexible, but he's also hard-working, efficient, and has the kind of natural air of authority that's so useful to a general. Jarrod yells at servants, but struggles to get them to obey his orders. He's not very organized or efficient, and can't manage to wake up on time even with a battery of servants at his disposal. The only sphere he shows any discipline in at all is his physical training. He's... not very smart, and his week one dialogue shows a lack of basic strategic understanding, quite aside from being tragically ill-informed. Jarrod doesn't act like an ESTJ, he acts like someone trying to be an ESTJ and failing, badly.
In MBTI circles, a lot is made of statistics that show that thinking types are disproportionately men, and feeling types are disproportionately female. This affects a lot of people's self-typing, because it introduces bias. Gender norms in the 7KPP universe are based on our own, and while we haven't seen a lot of direct evidence of the idea that men are inherently more logical and less emotional than women... it's not implausible that this belief is just as common in the Seven Kingdoms as it is in reality. Jarrod's particular flavor of "rationality" looks a lot more like the rationalization of a feeling type, in the grip of his inferior thinking function. The Si/Ne function pair still fits, and so ESFJ is my conclusion. I would elaborate and say that the mimicking abilities  of extroverted feeling as a dominant function are especially suited to a young person attempting to emulate a stronger personality in order to gain acceptance and social cachet.
...Wow. That was long.
Extroverted sensing types:
SPs, sensing perceiving types, are very different from sensing judging types. The sensory cognitive function they use is extroverted, less subjective and personal than Si, more grounded in external reality. This makes them more flexible but also more disorganized. Part of the reason why so many cast members are Si-users is because the Summit itself is such a socially rigid environment, where perceiving types in general are less likely to fit in. Se-users especially are more impulsive and that's reflected well in the two main SP types in the cast, Hamin and Anaele. Both of them struggle with the strictures of the Summit's schedule and rigid behavioral codes, and are constantly seeking outlets for their enormous physical and social energy.
Aly has said explicitly that Hamin is an ESFP, and that tracks. His superficial behavior is driven overwhelmingly by the demands of the energetic Se function, which demands a lot of attention and forms most of his public persona, his reputation. His quieter, more hidden side is emotionally driven and has a strong moral core looking for an outlet, both in terms of his desire to do right in the world, and in terms of his strong interpersonal relationships. Subtler still, you can see the signs of his tertiary function, Te, in his leadership ability and his efficiency in accomplishing tasks -- as long as he deems them important enough to be worth his attention (Fi-Te). Thinking about the future makes him anxious, because his future-oriented inferior Ni function is weak and under-developed. That's the main thrust of his personal character arc.
I went back and forth on Anaele, but eventually typed her as an ESTP. ESTP and ESFP types can appear similar some of the time, simply because the leading function is so extroverted it can overwhelm the expression of the auxiliary function, especially in public. Ana's Ti function isn't always super obvious, but her tertiary Fe is evident in her constantly struggling with the idea of social consensus and social responsibility. Her reputation and the reputation of her warriors is important to her, as is Skalt's standing among the kingdoms and her standing with her mother. At the same time, she resents the need to fit in and to conform herself to other people's ideas about who she is and how she should behave. She also has some of the positive aspects of tertiary Fe, she can be charming and reassuring and supportive, and generally has a good grasp of how to influence the mood of the room, when she's willing to put in the effort. Her insistence on speaking with Skaltic cadences even though she knows they sound wrong to the speakers of the common language is exactly the kind of stubborn oppositional behavior typical of ESTPs who like to provoke a reaction, without necessarily thinking through what they're provoking.
Jaslen and Blain are also probably ESP types, but I'm not confident about their typing, at least not enough to pin a specific type.
Introverted intuition types:
NJ types are targets for all sorts of stereotypes and mystification in MBTI communities. In fiction, they often appear as extraordinary characters, world-changing types, great heroes or villains or even mentors. The Ni function is described as being big picture oriented, very abstract, intuitive and futuristic. Judging intuitives sometimes seem to be reaching for "a target no one else can see", which is probably why they're often seen as being intellectual or artistic geniuses. Or, at least, really good at faking it. NJ types in the 7KPP universe are usually characters who are hiding important secrets, mostly about things bigger than themselves. They're driven by great conviction and not easily derailed from their plans.
ENFJ: Aly has stated that this is her type and also Clarmont's type, and in fact a significant part of his characterization seems to revolve around it. Feeling types are more ethically-driven than thinking types, at least stereotypically, and Clarmont is not an exception. He has a vision for the future that he's willing to sacrifice for. He has deep convictions, but he's also able to dine and dance with his mortal enemies, without betraying his true thoughts or feelings. In fact, he so excels at hiding his intentions that the Matchmaker makes a point of remarking on it.
INFJ: Look, I know I just said that feeling types are ethical, but the prototypical INFJ in the 7KPP verse is Gisette. It's easiest to explain by contrasting her with Avalie. Both Gisette and Avalie show certain common traits: they are contained, composed, ambitious, manipulative, and unscrupulous. They both know how to pull people's strings and like peeking inside people's heads to see through to their true intentions. The difference is, the way they do it is different. Avalie is a thinking type, and she operates like a chess player. She sets people in scenarios that cause them to reveal themselves. Gisette is an INFJ, and her auxiliary function is extroverted feeling. To execute her grand vision (Ni), she manipulates people through social convention, using gossip to tear down reputations and carefully curating her own public image. Gisette's weak one event is absolutely typical of an amoral FE-user. She doesn't hesitate to use the power of social convention to position people according to her needs. He tertiary Ti function shines through in her tactical thinking skills, and her inferior Se function is apparent in her love of fashion, as well as her ability to pounce on opportunities when her carefully laid plans go awry.
As a side note, I believe that Countess Yvette is also an INFJ, but it's harder to gather evidence for it, since she has a fairly minor role, all in all.
INTJ: Avalie and Woodly are both INTJs. INTJ is often touted as the chessmaster type, and it makes perfect sense as a type for people who prefer pulling strings in the background, as opposed to openly passing out orders, like General Falon. Not much more to be said about that, except that the manifestation of INTJ functions can be affected by social convention. Avalie is an attractive young woman and Woodly is an older man who is much more socially established, and naturally this affects how agreeably they interact with others. Thinking types are not stereotypically known as being particularly polite or graceful, in the social sense. But, the introverted intuition function is very calculating, and the extroverted thinking function is results-driven. With time, a woman with a TJ type can learn to mimic behaviors that create the illusion of the feminine softness that's expected of her. Avalie in particular does this very well.
ENTJ: My second controversial typing, I insist that Zarad is an ENTJ. The persona he puts up is that of an ESFP, like Hamin, but as his opening narration says, no one whose reputation is that consistent can be exactly what he seems. Zarad's public persona, that of the careless flirt and black sheep, is a bit too much of a textbook description of an ESFP. It lacks the depth and nuance of Hamin's internal conflict. Putting up an elaborate facade for years on end is not something that an Fi-user, like an ESFP, is typically proficient in. A judging type is more likely to succeed at this, specifically either an Fe-dom or a Te-dom. The reason why I zeroed in on ENTJ for his true type, is that ENTJs and ESFPs have the same cognitive functions, but in a different stacking. This commonality would allow Zarad to more effectively access the thought process that would be typical of the type he's assuming -- it's all there under the surface, it's just not his natural, instinctual behavior. I also think part of the reason that he and Hamin collaborate so well is that they're not the same type, but rather they complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. The confounding factor is that the difference between Hamin and Zarad is not just in type, but in environment. Hamin definitely couldn't maintain the type of long-term deceit that Zarad engages in, but maybe an ESFP who was raised in the secretive and backstabbing Corvali imperial court could.
Extroverted intuitive function:
The only NP type in the cast, as far as I can tell, is Lyon. He is canonically an INTP, which Aly has confirmed is based on several of her family members. His introverted thinking function fixates on the idea of an internal, consistent and logical inner world, at the cost of interacting with the messy and subjective outer world. This causes him to rationalize emotional behavior patterns and close himself off. As part of his character arc, the auxiliary function of extroverted intuition opens up possibilities for him, because what Ne excels at most is offering up lots of alternative explanations based on existing parameters. For example, "what if not everyone hates me?" or, "what if sometimes things actually go right?" I'm being sarcastic about this because I'm an Ne-user myself, so I'm allowed.
Odds and ends:
Minor characters like Imogen and Mrs. White don't have types, because we don't know them well enough. Specifically, we don't get to contrast their typical, healthy behavior with their behavior under stress. Kade, Leala and Greer don't yet have types or enough characterization for typing, but based on my intuition and what I've learned about Aly's writing, I have preliminary predictions. Leala is probably an ESFP like Hamin. Greer is most likely an INTP, or else possibly an ISTJ or even ESTJ. I would guess that she's an introvert, but as her leading function is definitely a thinking one (as her blunt speaking style reveals), Te-dom is also a possibility. Kade is a bit of a wild card, but I'm placing bets on either ISTP or ENTP, just for the sake of novelty.
Among my own problem princesses, I have an assortment of at least three quarters of the types. Least represented are the FP types, excepting Princess Felicity, who's an ENFP, and widow Selene, who's an ISFP. If you add in the supporting OCs, they really run the gamut.
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ughblugh · 4 years
Puella Magi Madoka Magica OC - Kefira
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two moodboards for the untransformed and the transformed version of my OC. I spent a lot longer on the Mallory version, just because I was still figuring out what I wanted to do. Kefira is probably my favorite. These are my first moodboards, so there you go. Description of character below the cut.
Original Name: Mallory (French - Unfortunate) Hayes (Yiddish Derivative - Life)  Magical Girl Name:  Kefira (Hebrew - Young Lion) Age: 15 Gender: Non-Binary, xie-xir (originally female) Wish: To prevent the death of anything xie cares about. Nationality: American, from Alabama.
Personality: Kefira only cares for xir cats, end of story. Xie has a difficult time being around people, as xie always feels judged and ridiculed. Part of xir holds the guilt for everything xie's done, but it is constantly buried by xir happiness for having xir cats back. Xie enjoys xir freedom, but would much rather spend all day sleeping and cuddling with xir cats. The only exception to this is when xie can cause trouble for others. Kefira loves to see others suffer, and takes some pleasure in stealing Grief Seeds. Xie refuses to take responsibility for what xie's doing, and will ignore any attempts to make xir take things seriously. Kefira is not a very capable fighter, but xie has led to the death of others, specifically others who have wronged cats or xirself. All of this is covered by a calm, even polite attitude, leading many magic users to assume xie isn't a danger. However, when Kefira is being xirself, xie acts cruel and easily amused. Xir only moments of empathy come from when xie will revive or rescue injured cats, moments where xie actually reflects on the people xie's hurt, and usually xie breaks down in tears. The feelings always manage to pass though, with a more unstable Kefira following.
Backstory: Kefira had witnessed a lot of animal death, and for some reason, it all kind of washed over xir. Perhaps it was because xie was a child, or maybe there was some weird acceptance xie had been taught. Either way, xie grew up on a ranch, xir parents training horses for a living. There were an insane amount of cats living in the nearby forest, many of whom would crawl into Kefira's window at night and sleep with xie. At first,when xie was around six, xie was afraid of them, begging xir parents to keep them away, which they did, by closing the window. But then, one day, Kefira saw them hunting rats, rats that had been breaking into the pantry. Xie realized that these cats were doing a good job, and stopped closing xir window. Xie grew up alongside these cats, and when they would stop showing up, or when a kitten would get into the rat poison, Kefira's parents always assured xir that they were in a better place. Kefira believed this, and saw no reason to doubt it. However, the years would pass, and Kefira would make many friends in the cats, and many of them would die. It felt kind of like a weight, slowly building up. Then, around the age of thirteen, xir parents seemed to decide xie was responsible enough to handle taking care of the cats on her own. They would give xir bags of food every  month, instructing xir how much to feed them. Soon, Kefira was interacting with more cats than xie knew how to deal with. Xie saw many kittens being born, and just as many pass away. It was becoming difficult to handle, but xie was afraid of telling xir parents, afraid that the cats would be taken away. However, one harsh summer, and Kefira had almost had it. There had been no kittens born, as the group this time around was mostly male. But a good deal of the cats were sickly, weaker and more foolish. Kefira had to work incredibly hard to keep them healthy, but they all seemed to love her so much, xie didn't care much. Which is why it hurt so much when, right after helping one cat recover from a particularly bad injury, another one got into some bad food and died. Kefira wept that night as xie never had before, xir parents trying to comfort xir. Xie refused to leave her room, leaving xir parents to take care of all the cats, except for the few that would visit xir through the window. And then, right as Kefira was beginning to come back to center, xir dad hit one of the cats. Kefira threw the body away, trying not to seem upset, but xie was dying inside. Why keep cats if you couldn't take care of them? And one of the cats, one of the ones that xie had been keeping by xir side, suddenly spoke up. This cat offered xir a wish, saying that xie could bring all the cats back. Kefira eagerly agreed, thinking of all the long dead cats xie could see again. Xie wished, and figured out that the strange cat probably wasn't a cat after all. It reached into xir, and took something, something that made it so Kefira didn't feel like crying xirself to sleep every night, something that made xie forget all the painful deaths, something that meant Kefira wasn't hurting anymore. That was enough, Kefira thought, as xie passed out from whatever the strange creature did. When xie woke up that night, though, dozens of cats were on xir bed, and cats were all over xir room. Even the ones that xie hadn't seen for years, or the ones that xie had seen die. Kefira ran downstairs to see how many had come back, followed by the cats, only to find xir parents in a panicked state, xir father tossing cats out and xir mother calling the pound. Kefira told them to stop, that xie had brought them back. Xir parents didn't understand, telling xir that this was probably a prank, one of the other farms mad at them for keeping as many cats as they did. Kefira said that they could keep them all, that there was plenty of space for them. Xir parents ignored xir, xir mother telling xir to go back to xir room. Kefira realized that xir parents would never let xir keep all these cats, and that xie couldn't keep them all safe if xie stayed. Xie noticed that xie didn't really care what happened to xir parents, and that a part of xir blamed them for all the pain xie had gone through. Xir powers finally manifested, and xie transformed. All the cats, even the ones that had never died, became dark cat-like creatures, converging into one incomprehensible shadow. They covered the distraught Kefira, carrying xir far away. Eventually, Kefira came to a safe place, deep within the forest. Xie cried as xie sat on the ground, surrounded by dozens of dazed and confused cats, with more approaching xir. Kefira didn't sleep that night, as xie tried to consider what all this meant. The strange creature returned to xir, explaining that now, xie was a magic user, and that it was xir duty to fight witches. Kefira refused to serve, saying that all xie wanted was to protect the cats. The creature told xir that xie could protect them, that witches would cause danger to rhem. Kefira denied this, saying that people caused danger to cats. The creature told xir that not fighting witches would kill xir, and Kefira boldly declared xie didn't care, that whatever xie needed, the cats would provide, as xie would provide from them. Upon hearing this, the creature bid her a goodbye, saying there was no point to talking to xir anymore. Kefira warned the creature, saying that if xie ever saw him again, xie'll kill him. It left, saying no more. Kefira built up a powerful sanctuary in the forest, reviving cats and keeping them healthy and safe. However, xie soon grew weak, as xir soulgem grew dark. Xie sought out other magic users, finding out that xie needs grief seeds to keep xir gem bright. So, xie steals them. Sitting just inside a witch's barrier, Kefira waits for another magic user to defeat the witch, which, sometimes, takes days. Thankfully, xir cats provide much food for xir. Once they do defeat the witch, xir cats easily steal the grief seed. Kefira has become notorious for this, and if another magic user spots xir, they will abandon the witch. Kefira has led other magic users into danger, but xir cats continue to help xir to get away, as well as the tasers xie's learned to bring. Abilities: Can Manipulate Shadows, Can Block Out Light, Can Silence Noise From Outside Shadows, Can Turn Cats Into Shadow Minions, Can Revive/Heal Cats. Weapons: Two handheld tasers. Named Attacks: Shadow Storm - Xir cloak spreads wide, making a shadow for xir cats to gather under, all of which create a larger shadow, covering the entire area. The cats shriek and yowl, preventing anyone from hearing anything, during which time Kefira can do whatever xie wants. This only lasts for a few seconds, at most 30 seconds, at least 3 seconds, length affected by condition of soulgem and control of emotions, with more control meaning a shorter amount. Shocking Strategy: Using xir tasers to stun the opponents, with a stronger effect based on whether xie uses one or two and how long xie tasers, Kefira's cats overwhelm the opponent, blocking them from seeing or hearing. This attack can knock them unconscious, but the tasers lose a lot of effect on most magic users, usually just irritating them. Kefira found this out when xie attempted to subdue a group of magic users, only to get beaten up for xir trouble. Extra: Kefira is allergic to most seafood, and even though xie feeds xir cats this stuff, it does give xir some rashes on xir hands and face. Kefira mostly eats junk food. Kefira’s Witch is called Selima, named after a poem. 
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miriamandvictoria · 5 years
Fun character bio
@ocprompting Fun Character Bio Victoria
What is it?
Victoria Willsson
Does it mean anything, who gave it to them and why?
It doesn't have a specific meaning, but was given to her by Catherine Willsson, the woman who originally adopted her when she was two months old. Catherine died when Victoria was five, and her name is one of very few thing she has left of her.
Do they like it?
Yes, but sometimes they wonder what their biological mother might've called her
Is it a common name for their setting/culture, or is it obscure?
It's common
Other basics
Personality traits
What are their most defining traits to their personality?
Absolutely past giving a shit about anyone, compassionate and protective, and very intelligent
What sticks out as soon as you meet them, what kind of first impression do they make?
First anyone would notice is that they are very creative. It shows in their clothes, in the way they act, everything. A real free spirited artist. They usually make a good first impression, but they can quickly be stereotyped as a 'quirky artist'
What are their good traits?
Creative, compassionate, intellegent, dependable
What are their bad traits?
A bit too artistic, not the best at socializing, naive (not in bussiness, but personal relations), strong fight or flight reflex (run away when things get over her head), proud
Any other traits?
Fiercely protective of her family
How do they describe themself, how do they view themself?
They see themselves as a grounded, dependable person with an a creative side. They don't have the best self-image, especially not when it comes to close relations, and often second guess themselves in pretty much anything they do, but they try to act proud and unwavering.
How do others describe them, how do others view them?
Others see them as a nice, dependable person and a good mother. They are often impressed by her determination to not give up on her creativity and artistic calling, even if they have to have a regular 9 to 5 job as well. Sometimes their uncertainty about close relations show, and it can be a bit unsettling because it appears to go against their confident and dependable nature.
What parts of their personality always prevail and are always present no matter what the situation is?
Her creativity and dependableness. She is always quick to come up with inventive solutions even in terrible situations, and even if she can sometimes be umcertain about close relations she will be there when you need her no matter what.
Are they a different person when you first meet them than when you get to know them, does it take them time to open up? Or are they an open book from the get go?
They are pretty much an open book from the get go, though you sometiems underestimate how complex the story is. The more you learm to know them the more you learn that there's a complecity to it that doesn't immidiatly show from the outside.
About 185 cm
Body build/shape/weight?
Tall, lean and wide hips & larger breast.
Facial shape - What are their eyes like? How about their nose, or lips? Shape of cheeks? Eyebrows?
They have green eyes that are rather cat like - some of her friends claim they glow in the dark. Thin lips and nose. Sharp, downwards pointing eyebrows that can make her look angry even if she is just sad or concerned.
Hair - Is it short? Long? How is the texture/shape? How is the style? Do they wear it different ways or only one way? What colour(s) is it, and is that natural or changed?
Her natural hair colour is auburn, but they went gray in their mid-20s and coloured it a chocolate brown colour until her mid 30s. They had long (down to stomach, little longer) and straight hair until their late 20s. Since then it's a little past their shoulders in length, and it has it's natural texture which is wavy. They also curl it occasionally with quite good results.
Skin tone?
They're white (American)
Anything such as glasses? freckles? dimples? scars? any wrinkles?
She got slight crows feet and small wrinkles around her mouth. She also have dimples. She got reading glasses, but use them less often than she should. She has scars on her fingers from when she first learned to play guitar, because she didn't know how to tune it. She also has a c-section scar from having her daughter.
Do they look younger, average, or older than their age?
Physically they look a bit younger than their actual age, but their grey hair tend to 'give away' their real age.
How do they feel about their appearance? Do they like it, do they dislike it, is it mixed, or do they not place much value on their looks?
It's pretty mixed. They have good and bad days, like most people. She decidedly dislike how she look with glasses though.
Is there anything they would want to change about their appearance? Is there anything they refuse to change about their appearance?
When she was younger she definatly wished that she hadn't gone grey so early, and solved it by colouring leticoulesly and never letting any of the grey show. It was rather hard on her hair and she first started trying shorter hairstyles to make it easier for her and her hair. Nowadays she strictly tells herselg she is perfect the way she is, and leave it at that.
Gender identity/etc
What is their gender?Are they intersex or perisex (non intersex)? Or does their culture not even have different “sexes”? Are they cis or trans? Or does their culture not even assign genders?What are their pronouns?
Perisex cisgender female, she/her
Orientation/attraction (if oc is aro and/or ace, skip the ones you feel not applicable)
Sexual orientation/Romantic orientation?
Bisexual with a heavy preference for women
Are they dating anyone? Are they married? Do they want to get married? Or do they prefer ‘one night stands’?
They aree married to a woman called Miriam Willson-Paul. She met her when Miriam had just turned twenty, and she was twenty-six. They fell in love rather quickly, but it took 15 years before they got married, both due to trouble in the relationship and because it was not legall in either of their home states.
How do they react when they first fall for someone?
She's a head over heels kind of person. She falls in love quick and hard.
How do they react when they first begin being intimate with someone?
At first they can be worried and uncertain. They're not really very trusting when becoming intimate with new people, even if they love them dearly. This has however grown away a bit as they got older, and got more secure in themselves and the fact that it is not their fault if people chos eto leave, as logn as she doesn't do anything bad to the relationship.
How do they react further on down the relationship?
They get much more secure in themselves, and though they always fall hard from the get go, it truly starts to show when they get comfortable further down the line. Her wife once described it as 'the eruption of the emotional volcano'.
Do they change or do they stay the same but stronger feelings?
They stay the same. They're head ove rheels for the getgo, sp the only thign that happen is the feelings become more solid.
Do they have a lot of dating experience, a little, or none?
Only a little. A number of one night stands and two true loves in their life.
What ways do they express intimacy or love? Hugs, Kisses, Giving gifts, Doing favors, Creating things for them, Verbal flattery, etc?
Creating gifts, verbal flattery, favours and hugs & kisses
Are they casual or intense in the relationship?
Intense, once they dare to show it
Do they value the relationship as important and lasting, or just fun and fleeting? Are they fast or slow in their relationships?Are they dominant or passive in the relationship? Do they take the lead, let their partner(s) take the lead, a mixture, or is there no lead in their relationships?
They value it as important and lasting, they're fast in their head but pretty slow in reality. Once they're comfortable they are definatly dominant, though it rarely show because they got a more dominant partner. Usually its a mix of who take the lead. They got their insecurities and their expertises, and take lead accordingly.
Do they enjoy sexual aspects to their relationship more, or romantic aspects more?
They enjoy both equally, but they have a Demisexual partner who do not enjoy sex as much, so Romantic has come to be most important.
Do they have any sexual interests that they do with their partner(s), either for themself or for their partner(s)?
Not really, they like sex as such but they'r enot very adventurous and their partner doesn't much care for sex.
What do they do if there is something upsetting in their relationship, how do they handle slight turmoil in their relationships? (as in, not abuse, but a small/singular problem)? Are they confident when with a partner, or are they insecure? If they are confident, how do they feel about confident partners? How about insecure partners? if insecure, then how do they feel about confident partners? or insecure partners?
Usually they try to run from the problem. She and her partner are terrible at communicating, and especially when they were younger she could spend weeks sleeping on the couch in a silent stand-off. Omce they get comfy, they are very confident but their wife is even stronger, which sometiems make them look insecure in comparising. However, small issues can make them both dissolve into insecure messes, so it's really individual to the situation. They do, however, like someone who is confident in a relationship.
Do they have a 'type’? Personality wise, what do they enjoy in a partner(s)? Looks wise, what do they enjoy as well?How well do they handle heartbreak?
They do't have a type, but prefer women over men and do find hair very fascinating, so women with longer hair and more elaborate hair styles are more intresting. They are terrible at heart break! They still have a lot of emotional scars & unproccessed trauma from their first real heart-break. It was an on and off relationship with a married man who abused drugs and alcohol. It also included a triangle drama with his jelous wife, her girlfriend of the time and several assorted women that he played with. It ended with the man killing himself with drugs and alcohol, and Victoria still carries a lot of deeply rooted issues from it.
Platonic relationships
What kinds of people do they make friends with? What kinds of people DON’T they make friends with?
They caan make friends with just about anyone, but will drop you if you are not faithful to your partner or talk shit about people who are mot present.
What kinds of things do they enjoy to do with friends?
They lile to sing and play music with their friends, as well as paint and sculpt. Their own hobbies, but with others. Otherwise just going out fir a beer or to the movies is fine too.
Do they like to chill at home, go out somewhere exciting, hang at a quiet coffee shop, etc? Do they enjoy a large friend group or small? Would they rather a few great friends, or many good friends?
They like to go out, but can stay home too. Its fine with either for her. She has a few trusted friends that she stick to, and a large group of shallow aquintances.
Do they make friends with anyone easily, or are they selective? How long does it take them being around a person to consider them a friend? How do they handle a fight with a friend? How do they express their friendship? What kinds of things do they do to/with friends to let them know they care for them?
They make friends easily, but to really have a strong bond with them will take years and years until you can be accepted a 'proper' friend. They handle fights terrible. People usually avoid fighting them because they know how bad it can get. They express their friendship through unwavering lpyalty and dependability. They will always be there.
How do they feel about animals as a whole? Do they view them as friends, helpers, tools/rescources, equal companions, annoyances, or enemies?
They love animals!
Do they have a favourite animal, for any reason? A least favourite animal?
Favourite animal are dogs. No least favourite.
Do they have any pets? Have they formally had pets? If no pet, do they want one?Are they good with animals or are they bad with them?
They are great with animals! They have three dogs, their wife has a cow and a horse, and their son has a cat.
What kinds of food do they enjoy? What kinds of foods do they not enjoy?
They like hardy homecooked comfort food. They dislike sleak, fat free upscale resturant food.
Do they eat a little, a lot, or somewhere inbetween? If a little, Do they only eat a little due to being poor/conserving, or is there another reason such as culture/religious/etc? If a lot, do they do so due to money/abundance of food, or would they still find a way to eat a lot even if poor? 
They eat a lot when their wife has cooked for them, but left alone they eat very little both due to having had little money growing up and early on in their adulthood, and due to not really mich experiencing hunger.
Do they have any food allergies, or restrictions such as vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/etc? If the latter, is it a personal belief, a cultural belief, a religious belief, due to allergies, or something else?
No allergies
Do they view food as just sustenance or as a pleasure? Or balance it out? If given a big plate of food, do they eat their fav food first or last? If given a big plate of food, do they eat it all at once, or save some for later?
Again, if someone else cook its pleasure, otherwise its sustenance. They eat their fav food last always. If given a big plate they'll take it all on the spot. They were raiaed with the principle of 'clean plates equal respect for the cook'.
How do they feel on sweets? How do they feel on sour foods? How do they feel on spicy foods? How do they feel on bland/basic foods?Are they good at cooking/baking, or do they instead just buy premade meals? Do they cook basic storebought foods or do they make food from scratch? Or if rich, do they pay someone else to prepare their foods?
They like sweets, but prefer savoury food. Sour is not a taste they care much for. Spicy food they've come to like because their wife likes cooking spicy mexican cuisine. Bland/basic foods work well for them if theyre cooking for themselves. They're rather mediocre at cooking but will do simple form scratch meals for themselves rather than buy preprepped.
Social/political beliefs
What are their views on social groups?
They think that the society is way too segregated as is today.
Are they open minded or close minded? Are they progressive, or do they dislike if their society changes?
They're open minded, and are posetive to a lot of changes since they're youth since its made it easier for her and her wife.
What is the government like in their setting? Do they like the way it is set up, or not? Do they like their current leader, or not?
They live in modern day America. They do not like the leaders and think the system could be better.
What kinds of clothes do they like?
They're a real redneck and like shirts and cowboy boots and jeanse most the time.
What kinds of things will they include in every outfit?
There is always colour. They would never dress all black, white or grey
What kinds of clothes do they dislike? What kinds of things would they refuse to wear?
They dislike smart suits and you can never get them to wear fancy fabrics like silk, cashmiere etc
Any accessories they always wear, like a bracelet, hair tie, ring, locket, etc? Does it have any significance?
They often wear earings. They always have their wedding ring, even if they may not admit its a wedding ring.
What is their relationship with clothing? Do they wear what’s comfortable, what they aesthetically like, what is easy to work in/what fits their profession, something formal, something casual?
They're pretty casual and artsy. They care a lot for aestethic, but will always make sure they are practical and comfortable too.
Do they view clothes as just fabric to cover their body, or do they consider it an important/integral part of their identity, or somewhere in between? Do they prefer to have less or more skin exposed in their outfits? Do they wear as little as possible, or maybe do they use clothes to hide something about themselves?
Its an important part of their identity. When they were young they could be pretty skimpily clad, but have become more and more prudish with the years. Especially her C-section scar is something she is keen to cover at any cost.
Do they live somewhere with the same temperature/weather all year, or does the climate change? if it does change, do they change their clothes by the changing seasons, or do they stick to their “brand” no matter what? if it doesn’t change, do they like having the same style clothes all year or not?
They live in an area with relatively predictable weather, but will stick to their 'brand' no matter what.
Do they have any physical disorders/ailments/etc?
Do they have any mental disorders/ailments/etc? What about, are they neurodivergent?
They quite possibly have PTSD as a result of traumatic events in their past, as well as some abadonment issues from being abadoned as a baby, and having her first adooted parent die when she was five, but has never been to a psychiatrist. They are not neurodivergent.
Hobbies and talents
Do they have any hobbies or recreational interests? Do they practice them a little at a time/during whatever free time, or are their hobbies more time consuming and take up a good deal of their day/week/etc? Is their hobby to de stress, to bring fulfillment, to build up a skill, or another reason?
They paint, sculpt, sing and play rythm guitarre. Painting and sculpting take a lot of their time in the week. It is both destressing and a thing that fills her with personal fullfillment as it is a skill since shes had since a child and she feel successful as a person as she develop it.
Why do they do their hobby? What made them pick up/do this hobby? Is their hobby something done in their alone time, or something done in a group setting/with friends?
All theur hobbies are things that has come naturally to them since childhood. Thry love doing it with others, but their subject and the contents might vary a lot deoending on who is presemt/watching.
What kinds of talents do they have? What are they good at? Is it something more well regarded like singing, dancing, painting, etc.. or something more obscure like quickly organizing things alphabetically, remembering what kind of flowers their friend likes, or another skill that isnt as widely seen as a typical “talent/skill”?
Painting, sculpting, singing and playing guitarre are their skills. All widely regarded skills that are taken seriously.
is there any type of hobby they detest and would never partake in? Is there any sort of skill or subject they are just completely bad at? Is there a hobby they wish they could try? Is there a skill they wish they had?
Not really. They are a well rounded person who is not completely horrible at snything really, even if they defiantly have their owm expertise. They are also willing to try most things if someone want them to.
Are their hobbies or skills more practical and useful in a job or career, more suited for social life/aspects, more creative and for fun, or do they serve a different kind of purpose in their life?
They use their hobbies as a career, but most freely they handle it as a job on the side of their normal job.
Religion and spirituality
Are they religious?
No, they are an atheist. They only partcipate when their wife, who is religious, ask them to.
Where they raised on their faith, or did they convert in later?
They were raised christaim, but a very liberal type of christinaity that did not include visiting the local church as their mother found it too negatibe and restrictive compared to her take on christianity. They decided they were atheist around age fifteen.
financial status/job
What financial class do they belong to? Are they a ruler/royalty, nobility, upper class, middle class, lower class, or poor as can be?Were they born in to this class, or came in to it later on?
They are normal middle class citizensbut was raised in a finacially limited family.
What is their job, if they have one?
They're an art teacher on a middle school level. They sell art and sculptures on the side.
How do they earn their money, or at least things like food and other necessities? Do they enjoy their work, do they only work for the money, or do they detest their job?
They do not much like their normal job but love selling art and sculptures and doing paid jobs as a preelance artist. Their favourite thing is doing album covers.
Is work something enjoyable or is it stressful?Is this their dream job, or is there something they’d like to be doing more?
Its stressful and definatly not the dream job to be a teacher - they want to be an artist full time.
What is stopping them - do they not have the social class, do they not have the money or ability to achieve it, or do they maybe just not believe they’re capable?
They do mot become an artist fulltime because they've had three kids to look after and did not think it was economically viable evem if they do make some money on it on the side. As they grow older and the kids move out, they're considering going straight at it.
Do they have any phobias or fears?
They have a fear of abadonment that can be triggered by foghting with friends and family, amogn other things
After escaping the situation, how do they recover?
Lots of tlc with family or friends.
How long does it take to do so?
Between a few hours and a few days. Usually it last until the trigger that started it is resolved.
Is their fear easily able to be overcome after facing it once or twice, or is it something more chronic and they have the same response no matter how often they experience it?
Its chronic
Does their fear come from a frightening life experience, or is it more 'random’ and not 'derived’ from anything?
It comes from being abadoned as a baby of two months, her first adooted parent then dying when she was five.
When playing truth or dare, which option do they take when asked?
If hypothetically stranded on an island for a week, what three objects and three people would they take with them?
Pocket knife, waaterbottle with cleaning filter and their wife
If given 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
More dogs, to meet their Bio. Mum and for their first love not to have died.
What’s their fav music genre?
What’s their fav tv/book genre?
Fantasy & historical fiction
Fav video game genre?
They don't play videogames
Do they like board games, or do board games frustrate them?
They get frustrated, but they still played it a lot with their kids
Do they sing in the shower? Do they sing when they cook? Do they sing when doing chores?
Yes on all 3
How do they react to having an annoying song stuck in their head for 3 days?
They play it 24/7 until its out of their head
Are they good with kids?
What’s the quickest way to make them smile/laugh?
Remind them of something embaressing they did once.
Quickest way to make them cry/break their heart?
Pick a fight and walk away before it can be resolved/fail to accept apolegise/explanations
Quickest way to get on their nerves/piss them off?
Cheat on your partner
How do they sleep? Light sleeper, heavy sleeper, do they snore? do they toss and turn or are they a brick?
They toss around a lot, and is quite a light sleeper. Snore a lot.
Do they own a comfort object?
Yes, a rag doll in the shape of a White bunny with a blue dress.
Do they own a sacred object?
A 1950s J-200 Gibson Guitarre
Do they own a useful object? Any sort of thing they own that they heavily rely on for something?
Their painting/sculpting equipment.
Zodiac sign?
Do they care about this sort of thing?
How do they react to/act when they are sick?
They try to get through it but often end up covered in blankets on the couch while their wife looks after them
How do they react to/act when in pain?
They get aggressive
How do they react to/act when hungry?
They rarely notice and it doesn't affect them much when they don't eat.
Any tropes that apply? Or, what is their basic “character type”?
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
How easy is it for your character to feel sadness? What’s usually a good tip-off that they’re experiencing this emotion? (Physical reactions, movements of appendages, etc.)
🧡💜💙💚The Veil Sisters 💚💙💜🧡
💚🐉🖤 Briar 🖤🐉💚 
Briar doesn’t feel sadness easily. (unless it’s her time of month XD) If something bad happens to her or one of her friends or someone in her family, her reaction varies on the emotions Anger or sadness. 
A major Tip-off is if someone tries to blow off the whole situation. She will usually blow up at that person. It sometimes involves her using her unique magic on that simple fool, but not very often. 
🖤✂💙 Atropes 💙✂🖤
Atropes used to feel sadness the same way Briar and her other sisters, but after she lost her legs and unlocked her unique magic, she became somewhat of a literal troll. But that’s not to say that are times when she won’t feel sad. With her Unique Magic being able to see the Future, she has seen a lot of things, but she will cover up her sadness with memes and stuff. Unless it has something to do with her family and friends, then she’ll be concerned. 
For her, a Tip off is if someone mentions what she’s feeling sad about. She will vent about it, but that’s pretty much it. 
🤍🐚💜 Scylla 💜🐚🤍
Like Briar, Scylla doesn’t feel sadness easily. But when she does, it’s usually for the same reasons above.
The Tip-off is the same: People blowing off the situation and she will also react the same way Briar will, only without her unique magic because it wouldn’t really help the situation.  
🧡🪔💖 Sahara 💖🪔🧡
Like Briar and Scylla, Sahara doesn’t feel sadness, but like Atropes, Sahara will often try to pretend that she is fine. It doesn’t always work though, as her feelings can be stronger then her sisters. She often cries when she feels sad, and it will probably take Kalim’s hugs to cheer her up.��
A Tip-off for Sahara is hugs. She can’t help but feel so much emotion whenever she hugs. Most of the time, it’s good emotions, but there are times when she feels sad and she breaks down crying mid hug. 
🧵🕷 🌹🐆💄Friends 💄🐆🌹🕷🧵
(*note: Some of these OCs are coming soon!)
Since Clotho comes from an abusive family on the Isle of Lamentation, it isn’t out of the ordinary for her to feel sad. She does her best to be positive, but she can’t help feeling upset over past events. 
A Tip-off for her is dismissiveness. If someone tries to make her feel smaller then she is, or tell her that her feelings don’t matter, then they better sleep with one eye open because she will get back at them, and the way she does it won’t be pretty.
Laechesis is more carefree then the other fates, and she doesn’t get sad easily. She does get pretty angry over certain situations, but she does her best not to take it out on her friends and other people. 
Her tip-off is basically people just informing her of something that will most likely make her explode. If she does, watch out because it is not pretty. 
💖🌹🤍 Rosia 🤍🌹💖*
Like her cousin Riddle, Rosia comes from a somewhat abusive and prejudiced household. During her 1st year days at GCU (Golden Crown University), she would feel sad and lonely, mostly because the people in her dorm were more often judgmental and cruel. Among that flower garden, she was the only good one. It helped a lot when she unlocked her unique magic 
When she transferred to NRC, she was more then happy to play company to her cousin and even moreso when he became the new Dorm leader. Even though Riddle is explosive whenever someone breaks the rules, Rosia is there to help calm him down. 
Unlike most others, Rosia doesn’t have a Tip-off , as she will always use her unique magic, “All in a Golden Afternoon” to help keep herself calm enough until she can break down behind closed doors. 
💛🐆🖤 Taai  🖤🐆💛
Taai is the stronger of the “Wild Girls” Group, and doesn’t feel sadness so easily. Mostly because of her image in Savannaclaw as the only female, she has to keep up appearances as the strongest Female Hyena. 
However, she’s not afraid to expose her soft side to other girls, Like Briar and Annabelle. Sometimes Taai will claim she is not sad, but her hyena ears and tails will most often give away her emotions, so it’s easy to tell how she feels. 
A Tip-off her her is if someone calls her out on how she feels. If it’s someone from her dorm, she will get defensive and angry, even going so far as to use her unique magic “Crap I lost it” on them to get them to leave her alone. If it’s one of her close friends, she will admit easily. After all, Girls before guys, guys!
💜💄💖Annabelle 💖💄💜
Annabelle is more emotional of the “Wild Girls” group. Being in Pomefiore, it’s not hard for others to know how she feels. Annabelle does try to hide her emotions, but it’s usually a thin mask before she breaks down. Annabelle will trail off more and will even be more clumsy if she is sad about something. 
A Tip-off for her is pressure. If someone is putting a lot of pressure on her or is bullying her, Annabelle will explode and her words will not be kind. 
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fandom-trash-xl · 7 years
Episode 115 with Kafla marks a great opportunity to point out the backlash
Okay, so Kafla/Kefla seems to be a challenge for Goku, which is causing controversy within the fandom. People are calling her a Mary Sue, just like they've been doing with Caulifla and Kale. I find that upsetting as a fan of these characters (and a fellow female).
The community has wanted female Saiyans in the show for years, even creating OCs (some even more of Mary Sues than the in-show female Saiyans I might add). Now, the female Saiyans are here and hated.
Giving Goku a challenge or an even match is not an issue. Remember Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z when the villains were threats? Can they just not be threats anymore? Can a female character not be an even match or challenge for Goku? A female can be a threat to a male character. remember when Android 18 defeated Super Saiyan Vegeta. No one batted an eye because the concept of Mary Sues had yet to become an issue. Now, people are mad with it. 
Also, why can't they be fast to tap into the Super Saiyan ability. Cabba was quick to the punch, and don't forget Goten and Trunks WITH NO REASON. And after this, Caulifla and Kale are the only ones to get backlashed by the fandom. 
Why don't we address the Gary Stus. For example, Jiren. Jiren is stronger than his God of Destruction, Belmod, and could only be SCUFFED by Goku after the Saiyan unlocks his Ultra Instinct form. Ultra Instinct seems to be a challenge or even match for Kafla, and seems to be receiving more damage than scuffs. Why is Kafla a Mary Sue, but Jiren not addressed for being a Gary Stu? Seems to be a bit of character prejudice...
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
Secret Santa, Uhh I can try my best with this heist AU but uh if it's not too much trouble could you link an OC with references rather than a reader one. I'm so sorry I just don't know if i'll have too much time for the AU but i'll do my best honest I will. The refs would just be in case i'm so sorry.
All right, no worries about the heist AU then! You can write/draw something normal and cute, just regular Newt x OC! I think the one request I really have is that in some way it’s fluffy? I don’t really have a specific prompt in mind, just something sweet.
Below the cut I have facts about the OC I chose. She’s based on a character I created in a game I play, so there’s some info that comes from that (like the daggers part or a couple of the names in the excerpts I pulled). I hope this helps. If you have any questions/need any more information, lmk.
Catriona Hawke
• Eye Color: Light Green
• Hair Color: Red in Ponytail
• Skin Color: White
• Age: About 24-ish
• Gender: Female
• Height: About 5’6
• Faint Scar across Nose from fighting someone that made fun of her sister when they were younger
• Tattoo of a crow on her shoulder blade in memory of an old friend of hers
• Muscular from working out and working physically demanding jobs
• Has a bad shoulder that will hurt after lifting something heavy
• Very headstrong, not afraid to stand up for people she loves – this gets her in trouble sometimes, but she doesn’t mind as long as the people she cares for are safe
• Sharp-witted, clever, sarcastic to those she doesn’t know well
• Her sarcasm is softer, nicer, when she’s with people she knows well, and she’s often motherly toward them, sometimes bordering on overprotective. She’s definitely fiercely protective and would do anything to help someone she loves.
• She has one younger brother and sister – they’re twins (Ava and James). Catriona adores them, though she hesitates to admit it, preferring to tease them instead. She’s especially close with her brother; they used to pull pranks on their sister and other neighborhood kids when they were younger.
• She really doesn’t like touch, but doesn’t mind reaching out to touch a hand to comfort someone. The only person she’s truly comfortable with prolonged contact with is her sister and someone she’s in a long-term relationship with
• Catriona loves animals and would adopt an entire shelter if allowed
• She knows how to fight because of her father. He taught her how to fight with daggers in case she ever found herself in a bad situation when she grew up (he worried for her given her sharp tongue and boldness)
• Her mother passed away when she was young – about 14 – so she took on the role of helping her siblings and bringing in money for her father by working odd jobs
• She’s really bad at dealing with grief – will often just ignore it by working hard until it catches up to her and she breaks down in the arms of a friend or family member
• She tries to help people that seem to be struggling – will often give them money or offer them aid however she can, especially if they’re young like she was.
• She is horrendous at singing but still does anyway
• Broke her arm when she was ten by jumping off a swing
• She snores really loudly when she sleeps + she splays out and takes up the whole bed
• She’s actually loud in general
• Very staunch in her beliefs and will argue for them
• Has a good sense of humor and can take a joke well
• Loves traveling, but most especially loves seeing the ocean because of how vast it is. She loves the idea of just getting on a boat and setting sail and seeing where she eventually lands.
• Her favorite treats are sour candies, but if she was in the HP world, she would live and die for Butter beer
• Enjoys reading or having stories read aloud to her
• Can be lazy sometimes and wants to spend days off of work just napping on and off all day
Her personal theme song would definitely be something upbeat but positive like One More Time by I Prevail, esp. the lyrics Sometimes you gotta go down swinging, get up get up feel the kick drum beating one more time
Sarcastic/Witty Dialogue
“I told you she’s easy to fall in love with. A dream, a nightmare, a mess of a girl that everyone sees the worst in. Everyone but you. I could’ve warned you, I suppose, could have told you she’s use you and leave you but would you have believed me? I doubt it.”
“He’s not listening,” Cat hums in a sing-song voice, her gaze flickering to Samson for a brief moment, falling to the knife in his hand, to the already bloodied blade.
“Please, dear, don’t interrupt now. Not when I’ve almost changed his mind on you.”
Cat grits her teeth, hand clamped over the wound in her side, green eyes never straying from Tyler’s expression. “He doesn’t buy it. Any of it.”
Samson tsks his tongue, head slowly waving from side to side. “You’re wrong.”She forces a grin to her face, straightening her back and thrusting her shoulders as far back as the pain in her side will allow for. “Me? Wrong? Impossible, Tin. I’m always right. It’s honestly probably the most annoying thing about me.”
Though Cat says it with all the swagger she can muster, she watches Tyler intently, positive he isn’t being swayed but wary nevertheless. Samson’s manipulated stronger men than Tyler. She wouldn’t have him abandon her now.
Samson scowls. “Tin is a worthless nickname.”
“Oh? Is it? Then why didn’t you choose a better alias?”
Samson turns his attention to Tyler. “Why don’t you just get on with it, boy? Me or her?”
Breaking Down DialogueCat wraps her arms around her knees, drawing them to her chest as she stares at the worn toes of her shoes. “Fen is gone, and I’m alone.”
The sudden sobriety startles Ava into silence, the joke she’d been making left abandoned in her throat. “Cat—”
“He could be halfway around the world, Ave, and I can’t… I won’t…” The words catch, breaking on the knot in her throat. “He’s gone,” she whimpers once more before the tears that had been building for three full weeks finally break, rolling down her cheeks and filling her mouth with the taste of salt.
Ava draws her sister in, holding her and running a hand down her hair, murmuring useless words into the air, praying Fen returned soon.
Caring/Motherly Dialogue
Cat cocks her head, fingers running down Fen’s cheek. “You’re upset. What is it, what’s the matter?”
He shrugs her touch off his face, shaking his head. “It does not concern you.”
“But it could,” she murmurs, voice so fierce, so determined in its intent that he looks up, meets her eyes.
“Catriona, you need not worry. I can care for myself.”
“A little help couldn’t hurt, could it?”
“Would you accept help?”
She grins, attitude that he loves making its way past her care for a moment, “Not all of us are as wonderful as me, Fenris. Now tell me, what is it?”
He sighs, leaning back in his chair, the letter he’d been writing abandoned in front of him. “You really are a work of art, you know that? It… has to do with my sister.”
Cat falls into the chair next to him, brows creased in worry and confusion.
“You’ve heard from her?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“How is it unfortunate? I thought you’d like to hear from her.”
He tells her the tale, unweaves the narrative, tells her of the fear he has about a possible betrayal. By the time he finishes, she’s reached out to grasp his hand, her own touch warm and not unwelcome.
“I’ll be there, then. At your side. She won’t have a chance to hurt you, I swear it.”
He smiles despite himself, gaze falling to where she’s firmly clutching his hand. “I believe you, Catriona. Thank you.”
She squeezes his hand before standing. “I’m here for you, Fenris. For anything you need.”
He nods. “I understand.”
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