#/ devon verses *
melien · 4 months
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the gang💚💙💜
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nerice · 10 months
holding out hands. do you want to talk about any oc couples you have. or polycules or situationships or anything of that ilk.
ask answer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at long last. linking my oc page at the top bc i will throw out some names w/ varying context :3
also prefacing this by saying that the ultimate oc ship of all time is qs (queenshipping) aka jumie/reina alas i talk abt them all the fkcin time so let's gearshift and do smth else for once ! let me introduce you 2
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[the polycule] tm. relationship for the ages, mostly bc it takes an age to reach its final form lol. details under the cut >>>
dragon god x serpent deity in all their beastly glory (this is before noah acquires a human form) during the war, they spend most of their off-duty time curled into ridiculous shapes having deep talks abt nothing and everything. goes bad when garvith flees a crucial battle, leaving reina to die & noah swears 2 put him 2 death over this act of cowardice. garvith spends the next century in hiding until he meets avery nd takes refuge in her body; which is all good and well until noah runs into avery during an unrelated mission and can't keep his eyes off her for. some reason >:) enter:
noah(avery?)garvith, messy tag here!
avery is ur average angry teen caught up in the middle of the fallout of whatever fucking romance those two had going on. esp bc noah+garvith, now both in human bodies (noah's held together by duct tape nd garvith thru avery) ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PHYSICAL DESIRE AS IT TURNS OUT nd avery (aro) sits in the crossfire like????? What!! Is Going On when she starts blushing like a schoolgirl over noah lmfao. sorry prince. usually she nd garvith are amiable w/ their body sharing but garvith does sleepwalk pilot her a few times to steal kisses from noah who is victim 2 his bad vein of hypocrisy regarding duty vs. desire lol. all of this ends winningly ofc when he stabs avery/garvith mid-kiss. amazing, everybody was hurt in the process of making this joint. let's take a detour
local wolf guy who has fuckall 2 do with anyones god business. simply falls in love at first bite (bitten) with avery, who has so many other problems at that point, including inheriting a thousand years worth of memories from garvith & going thru a little ego death bc she cannot cope with the grief of it all. might selfishly have kissed devon at one point in an attempt to be someone she's not which cements his crush & dooms them all to drag out this stupid little charade into another book, where we get to >
who start out on the worst terms (romantic rivals for avery/garvith. who is simply Done With It on both ends f) but in the little space of reefair where avery has dropped off the map completely, noah+devon end up living in the same house & get pretty buddy buddy. devon is the first person noah trusts with the secret that he is a god, and devon has a phd in being a whore instead of going 2 therapy so they have a good time, as we say on this main blog where content restrictions apply. :)
anwy let's bring this baby home. ive talked abt court of the dragon before but the tldr is; noah dukes it out with his vengeful other ex that until now ive omitted. which is a shame bc damia is my fav oc, but the endgame is this:
noah+damia end up in a dual body consciousness situation a la pandora hearts, with one body stuck at the bottom of the ocean in dead world space & the other able to move freely, with the two of them having 2 play real nicey with each other taking turns who controls which body. by then avery has sort of rejoined the polycule (when she's not out adventuring across verses w/ lucie) but in an all members present scenario u get:
the polycule [tm]
avery, more or less serpent at times, trading affection & bite marks w noah/devon except like. sometimes noah is damia and damia doesn't rly fuck with the polycule situation bc he hates everyone involved but also loves to fuck with the polycule bc he is a goddamn bastard. i don't know what's going on here either but it's extremely funny send tweet
((((((bonus. ask jumie how she feels about her son sometimes giving damia head by association LOL)))))))))9 revolutionary vectors of psychological dmg here
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jendoe · 2 years
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“Oh yeah, mister? Name one bad idea then.” She let out an offended scoff when he opened his mouth to speak. “Don’t actually tell me, Kris. I get the freakin’ point.”
template 1 by @unholymilf | template 2
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normanight · 2 years
I joined the open verse challenge to Devon Cole's W.I.T.CH (woman in total control of herself). I wanted to add a little bit of Disco Witch to it! Hope you enjoy!
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azsdiary · 1 year
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Me omw to serenade Devon fine self now I found out Him + Rae aren’t together bc FINEST TV DISNEY MAN HANDS DOWN and the only childhood crush who wasn’t lying/playing games (Jake 😬Trevor Jackson 😵‍💫 Chad Dylan cooper 🥱) love me a 👏 GOOD 👏 MAN.
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Paul gave 6 Virtues a good man should pursue:  Righteousness godliness Faith love steadfastness and gentleness. And ISN’T DEVON ALL 6! Preach.
Be a good man click here:
This song makes me want to burst into tears it’s their prom song
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Spoilsport ( ̄ヘ ̄)
i suppose a cyborg would only be able to gain enjoyment or understanding of other humans by watching other people, as though they were a convoluted play, where people could mess with the lives of those performing.
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wentworthcorrectional · 10 months
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Debbie hesitated, not really sure what to say until that lightbulb above her head switched on. "But you were. When she needed you, you were there. You were there when it counted. I know you would've done anything for her because you did everything for me. Do everything for me." Sure, it used to irritate her because she felt like she couldn't do anything but Bea was just trying to protect her and the attempts on her life proved that it was necessary.
"Allie loved you, mum, and she wouldn't... she wouldn't want you to be dead because of some... stupid prison vengeance crap. Maybe it's selfish, but I kinda like having you around," she admitted with a chuckle, nudging her mum
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musemuseum · 6 months
Devon Foley | Verses
V; It's The Wild Wild West
The Foley family were once part of a large gang. Their father got out, for the most part, but still helps the gang out with various jobs. Before their mother passed, she made their father promise not to let their children get sucked into the same life they lived ── Devon is a 'lost soul' as his mother would have said, and has no apparent purpose. He doesn't necessarily want to be part of the gang, but the group has given him some semblance of a purpose, not to mention he's trying to keep an eye on his sister.
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dearyvicious · 1 year
never had been adept at placing the creed in maxims, although the years in prison served to make him a devotee of chaos theory, imprisoned in all the 'what ifs', although, more than that, cloistered in the female effigy sculpted in his mind, after all, the girl had never been to see him in prison, nor had she answered his calls. devon had been involved in shit, deep shit that would have been worth the effort of getting his ass out there, however, this had not been the case, a frame-up, false accusations and someone with a lot of money to make sure they kept him there for a lot of years, but not long enough. he had won his freedom and arrangements would be made, starting with the girl that used to belong to him. it only takes a few phone calls for him to get an address and a car, heading for the residence. the years have accentuated the devilish features on his face, a seductive and sadistic devil when it comes to business. his fist meets the door three times, then he leans against the doorframe, hovering over the entrance with his bloody golden curls drooping over his dark syrupy eyes, although he was graced with this apollonian aura, he was more like a god of the underworld. and when the door opens and he glimpses the woman, still the owner of a small, curvaceous silhouette and exquisite features, he smiles. a laugh contrary to the amist, icy and soaked in scorn. " it wasn't too hard to track your beautiful ass down here. you owe me some explanations and i think it's good you have them. "
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muse: devon holzknecht, mid twenties. not good but not the worst either. based on: 6th bullet. to my beloved one > @mndstom | closed starter.
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persistcnt · 1 year
*tag drop for devon and bittie!
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melien · 4 months
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' a home isn't always the house we live in ' Ray - Debbie
          "You can say that again," she half grumbled. "It's not that they're not nice," some of them hadn't been, but these ones were. "It's just... they're not my mum." All she wanted was her mum back, but it seemed increasingly likely that she wasn’t going to get her back.
          “It’s not fair. He was an arsehole. He hurt her." If anyone had a right to kill someone, it was her mum. She didn’t deserve to be locked up for it.
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drdemonprince · 1 month
Hi Devon! I read your work published on substack on autism and asexuality (really great stuff!) and then found your Tumblr and came across your own experiences navigating sexuality and kink, and they made me wonder if you have any advice for a fellow asexual on the spectrum who struggles socially but is interested in experimenting with sex/kink for the first time? People usually find sexual partners on dating apps or at the club but that seems so daunting I've been entertaining this fantasy of finding a community of people with a virgin fetish just so I don't have download tinder
Abandon your fantasy that anything fulfilling will occur without a massive amount of work. Running one's own sexual life requires a high caliber of communication, negotiation, and self-promotion skills, as well as a significant amount of time and experience. If this is worth it for you, venture forth! If not, maybe now is not the right time.
I will have a much more in depth guide on cruising written sometime soonish, but in the meantime I do have some tips.
Do not use fucking Tinder. That is an incredibly vanilla, heteronormative site. You might have a negative impression of your chances finding what you want because you've only had a glimpse of the most normie places and your friends' experiences with them. To find the kinky, experimental kind of sex you want, you'll instead have to educate yourself, and go looking for the freaks.
Fetlife is a good place to start. It will be overwhelming to navigate at first, but keep pressing. Fill out your profile with your interests, take a few sexy photos (whatever that means for you), and join local groups. Follow people who post things you find interesting, read lots of posts. Pick up some books on leather and kink history, and study up. Jack Rinella is a favorite of mine, but I am deliberately keeping my recommendation list lean so that you will dig for what you are interested in, yourself.
Look up local groups interested in rubber, leather, kink, etc, find local dungeons, attend local munch events (these are low-pressure social hangouts with no kinky play, but for kinksters to meet eachother), and find out where the gay bars are in your area that have backrooms in them, as well as cruising spots. Check out spaces where people do kinky or sexual stuff together and just watch.
After considerable information gathering and self-searching, put yourself out there and take agency over your own sexual life. Message people you find interesting, and I do mean just interesting. Learn from other bottoms if you're a bottom. Trade stories with other subs if you're a sub. Learn techniques from other Doms if you're a Dom, or some combination of all these things if you're verse or switchy. If someone shares some interests with you and seems compatible, make a specific suggestion for play, like: Want to meet up and practice our rope tying? or Would you like to practice your spanking technique on me? or I don't like having sex, but I'd love to use you as my personal footstool.
Remember that you get to set the terms for the engagement, and the other person does as well. If they reject you, that means consent has successfully happened, everybody gets a pat on the back, good job. The same goes for you. If all you want is to drag a human puppy around on a leash, don't settle for someone who keeps pressuring you for sex. Just end the interaction. There are a whole lot of freaks out there with a whole array of interests, and most people who are kinky eventually learn to be gracious and work with what a prospective partner is into, but we also all have our dealbreakers. That's fine. You don't want to play football with someone who insists on tackle when all you want is touch. It's the same thing. This is just silly pretend games. So find someone who wants to play a game you want to play.
And yeah, you can expect it to take about two years to really find your footing in this world and really know what you want and how to articulate it successfully, at least. That doesn't mean you won't have enjoyable (or at least interesting, informative) experiences along the way. But it is a lot of work. I find it is better to lead off with realistic expectations because many people rush out hoping that someone will just magically appear who will fulfill all their desires, and that's not how the world works. Every person that you speak to in a kinky context is a full human being with their own anxieties, sexual traumas, shame, areas where they lack experience, and desires that might strike them as impossible to realize.
In kink, you have to learn to navigate really complicated interactions with each one of them as its own independent thing. A lot of us make the mistake early on of thinking everyone else out there is a more seasoned, confident, sexually voracious being than we are, and that all we have to do is find the right person to give us a good time. But with our actions and negotiations WE make it a good time, us and our partner of the moment, together.
If you don't put the work in, you get nothing out. But the more you reveal of yourself and stay present in the interaction and honor it as the specific, unique thing that it is, the more benefits you reap -- not just sex or kinky play, but friendships, community ties, self-knowledge, and social skills.
Have fun out there! I hope you learn a lot.
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thursdaygrl · 1 month
i just added a lot of newbies and i'm itching to use them so i can see who i wanna keep. so, like for a one liner from one or a few, i'll come to you for who! list under the cut, this time with all info i have on them listed for ease of access but it's a little long, sorry.
crash cross, 32, straight, he/him, james marsters fc / drummer with a very slight substance abuse problem, he promises. will destroy himself for a good time. good at heart but bad in action. 
cricket farrow, 26, bisexual, she/her, mallory bechtel fc / former child star and ‘kid detective’ who worked with her famous father solving fake cases until the show was cancelled when she was twelve. crashed out in her teens and got it back together in time for college, kind of. had enough money to go but nothing left afterwards. aspiring journalist trying to get her foot in the door with what little nepotism she can still access now that her dad is a washed up famous detective turned unemployed asshole. her mother, still a producer for other exploitative shows, never calls and she prefers it that way. 
davie choi, 28, lesbian, she/her, jeon jong-seo fc / formerly a brainwashed contract killer. now being hunted down by the company that made her impossible to kill.
gisela meyer, 23-50, bisexual, she/her, madchen amick fc / witch who runs a little store in new orleans. adoptive mother to a group of younger witches that make up her coven. played at a number of ages depending on what best suits the plot, more tba.
heidi laslow, eternally 30, bisexual, she/her, rebecca breeds fc / tiny but feisty vampire. turned in the seventies when she was protesting and travelling around with her boyfriend at the time. her morals have waned a little over time, but she’s as good as she can be. 
january visoka, 23/42, lesbian, she/her, eliza dushku fc / law student in her younger verse. lawyer in her older. can be played as either, more tba. 
jeremy oliphant, 35, straight, he/they, kyle gallner fc / librarian in a small town. lover of true crime and cryptids. always investigating something and always doing it alone. always trying to quit smoking. 
josephine van wyck (nee painter), 22/50, bisexual, she/her, jennifer connelly fc / small town girl turned model figuring herself out in her younger verse. bored housewife looking to dominate those she cheats on her husband with in her older verse. emotionally closed off, quiet unless she has something important to say. 
kellan mills, 27, straight, he/him, dylan sprouse fc / mechanic. occasional getaway car driver, but he always says those days are over. general dumbass. 
maude catlett, 35, bisexual, she/her, maya erskine fc / romance novelist who writes the kind of explicit scenes she’d probably never actually take part in. a bit of a recluse, really. 
molly thaxton, 37, lesbian, she/they, lily gladstone / construction worker. in night school to eventually start her own business. grew up surrounded by men, but ended up quiet rather than rowdy. 
oscar sato, 48, straight, he/him, hideaki ito fc / businessman, owner of a number of las vegas nightclubs. perpetual bachelor and occasional sugar daddy. 
raphael baker, 34, straight, he/him, sinqua walls fc / app developer. made enough money to take care of himself and his whole family, so now he doesn’t know what to do with himself. more awkward than he looks. 
rochelle yue, 29/52, bisexual, she/her, lucy liu fc / heiress, can be played in her younger or older verse. more tba. 
sylvia ‘six’ minami, 27, lesbian, she/her, devon aoki fc / criminal, former and still occasional street racer. works for a boss she resents. '
vienna laurendeau, 25, bisexual, she/her, zaria simone fc / former ballerina, current postgrad student. possesses an almost sociopathic work ethic. intense, manipulative, beautiful. likes to come across as old money in her aesthetic, but her parents just got lucky when she was a kid. she’s determined to never let go of that luck. 
yessica vidal, 21, bisexual, she/her, maia reficco fc / college student. reckless party girl. sweet at heart but her impulse control is always at a zero. 
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thatweirdomidas · 20 days
Midas' Music Monday #4
Where I throw out 5 random songs or songs that have recently been added and y'all get to tell me your favorite(s) or if one specifically resonated with you or reminds you of a character or story.
Reblogs are much appreciated 🖤🖤 also lmk if you wanna be tagged when I post these
"It's all your fault!
You called me beautiful
You turned me out and now
I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect "
"Played me 'til I ran cold
Now you're coming back for more
You know me, you know I'll cave
But scars will never fade
So meet me 2 o'clock
The same as always, favorite spot"
"Rite of passage - classic maverick
Match in the gas tank - oh that's wretched
Unstoppable legendary animal
Digital justice, now you're gonna know us
Hail to the king and queen of the ruckus"
"Laid to rest all my confessions
I gave way back when
But now I'm versed in so much worse
So I am back again
And he said
For the lines that I take, I'm going to hell
For the love that I make, I'm going to hell"
"She ain't out to get you but
She's better on your side
And she don't wanna be anybody else
She's a woman in total control of herself
It's such a wonder to be under her spell
What a woman in total control of herself"
Obligatory bonus mention just cause it's so fucking cool: The EPIC Musical 🖤🖤🖤
The new "Wisdom Saga" just came out (at the time of first writing this) and I might've cried a lil 🤏🏻
Full playlist of all Music Mondays:
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avatarskywalker78 · 22 days
Need to Knows
(Redone because it wouldn't let me add links to the old version)
My AO3
My SquidgeWorld
My FFN (all but abandoned tbh but if you’re curious about my old fics)
OC Masterlists (still under construction)
DC & Marvel
Sci-fi & Fantasy
Action, Adventure, Drama
Canon Fancasts
My WIPs (both Active and Backburner, though as is the nature of fic writing these can easily change around if the mood strikes me!)
OC taglists so far (you don’t have to respond, this is a reminder for me!)
@shrinkthisviolet (All)
@starstruckpurpledragon (All)
@ocappreciation (all)
@negative-speedforce (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, Theodore Edward Thawne, Teri Merlyn, Brianna Thawne, Zoe Thawne, Ashton Thawne)
@daughter-of-melpomene (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, MCU, Brianna Louise Wilson, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Mel Hathaway)
@vexic929 (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar)
@dream-beyond-the-fantasy (Miyagi-verse, Emilie Brooke, Hannah Edwards, Lissa Blackwood, Alex Thompson, Maia Curry, Magni Thorson, Sophia Reynolds, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Brianna Louise Wilson)
@ofbriarandrose  (Nicky Connors, James Connors, Leah Barnes, Elaine Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Alex Barnes, Javed, Gemma Laura McKinney, Lizzie McKinney)
@dawnquafam (Maia Curry, Tina Curry, Teri Merlyn, ,Magni Thorson, Módi Thorson, Thrúd Thorsdottir, Fenrisúlfr Lokison, Mel Hathaway, Devon Avery)
@captainsophiestark (Sarah Matthew Thompson, Christina Thompson, Nathaniel Thompson, Olivia Thompson, Alex Thompson, Kathy Williams)
@lady-of-the-spirit (Meri Solo, Maia Curry and Lexa Sullivan)
@ormymarius (Maia Curry, Tina Curry, Devon Avery)
@highlordofkrypton (Maia Curry, Tina Curry)
@fezwearingjellybananas (Theodore Edward Thawne)
@mischiefmanaged21 (Teri Merlyn)
Feel free to ask me anything about my fics or my OCs!! Also any ask games I reblog are always open, though do please specify which one you’re asking for! Likes, asks and follows will be from @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
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