#/ m.
genderkoolaid · 3 days
hiiii can we talk about the impact being aromantic has on your gender i'd like to talk about the impact being aromantic has on your gender. how much romantic attraction and relationships are essential in establishing yourself as a Real & Proper Wo/Man. like literally throughout my gender journey i would keep mentally updating the hypothetical narrative of my future marriage and it took YEARS until I realized I didn't even want to get married. but sexuality is so fundamental to gender and romance is so fundamental to sexuality. i cannot separate many of my struggles with gender from my inability to make mine coherent through my pursuit of socially acceptable romances
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majestativa · 4 hours
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
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La Belle et La Bête (1946, Jean Cocteau) | Beauty (Or the Taste for the Beast), Heroines, Claude Cahun | Beauty and the Beast: Fantasy in Two Acts, Fernand Noziere
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transtheology · 19 days
i've seen a few posts recently here & elsewhere where non-religious queer people talk about the pope's homophobia, talking about how it's funny and/or how no queer person cares about his opinion.
i wanna say, to queer catholics: i'm sorry. you are good and holy. you deserve better. you deserve a religious leader who sees how loved you are by God and makes sure you know it, too. and you deserve a community that sympathizes with you, even if they themselves don't share your faith. you don't deserve alienation and demonization. you deserve better. you are good and you are holy.
you do not need anyone's approval but God, who made you as you are, fully loveable. you do not need to reject your faith to defy homophobia. i love you.
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bethanysmiled · 8 months
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Yes, I think that I might break.
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waltj · 2 years
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Jesse Skinny Pete and Badger
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hcbgoblin · 5 months
1970s-1990s critics of paul mccartney are so funny in retrospect its like.
paul mccartney is too musically diverse and its a bad thing, actually . why is paul mccartney so relentlessly inventive . there goes paul mccartney again, trying something new and fresh and not settling into the same sound! how uncool. musical creativity is inauthentic, actually. why are his melodies good? what is he, a POP singer ?? isn't it suspicious that he is just So Pretty. his eyelashes are too long, clear signs of a vapid manipulator. also here are some dick words. INFERTILE. IMPOTENT haha. ha. amirite. so not rock.... pls get back together w john.....
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thorinds · 4 months
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The Hobbit trilogy (2012-2014), dir. Peter Jackson
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kaysdenofchaos · 7 months
Why does void L hate Void D so much? Is it just some far off feeling or something?
Close! Tho truly, there's many reasons for their.. dynamic
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Having no recollection of their past lives, D & L don't really have that brotherly connection from before. While the multiverse shows clearly their familial relationship, it is also vast and various- they don't trust the idea of loving each other when the idea of hatred and abuse is just as likely.
When a soul persists but fractures after death, they usually latch onto whatever emotion they held last. For L, it was anger, for R, it was grief, and for D, it was.. well, nothing. Complete apathy. While L aggressively feels everything, D feels absolutely nothing. And to L, that in itself is infuriating.
On top of everything else, there's a specific feeling of anger L feels when he's around D. He isn't actually sure why, and M never responds when he asks. L just assumes D is to blame.
Despite their differences though, they depend on each other the most. D is the only one who can handle L's depressive state, and L is the only one sane enough for D to hold a lengthy conversation with. It's not a great relationship, but it's all they really got.
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ahrigifs · 2 months
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50 gifs of mermaids in pirates of the caribbean — to acess the gifs, please click on the source link. all the gifs have been created from scratch by me so don't edit, repost in other hunts or claim as your own. a like or a reblog would be greatly appreciated.
content warnings include: kissing, drowning, deep sea.
check my commission info or consider donating for a update.
this is a free pack.
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annafenesi · 6 months
Tudod kislány....
Meg kellene tanulnod nem remélni bármit is az emberektől
Mert a végére úgy is csak egy hatalmas pofára esés lesz belőle
És ezt te is nagyon jól tudod
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genderkoolaid · 3 days
Hi, people are claiming you recently used lifetime intimate partner violence stats to claim lesbians are especially abusive and then deleted the post. I wanted to ask what the context is — how much of that is true?
I made a post talking about how women who are victimized by other women are frequently overlooked & their trauma is devalued. I added some statistics from the 2016-2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. the way I framed the data was a bit unclear & some people misinterpreted it, and I made another reblog clarifying what the statistics meant.
It ended up getting swarmed with people who openly identified as TERFs for obvious reasons. Although it also had many people talking about how their experiences being abused by women alienated them from places claiming to be "safe spaces" for exactly the reasons I outlined in the post (it's overlooked & downplayed & people often are not taught to recognize it as abusive/traumatizing). I ended up either turning off reblogs or deleting it because I was tired of the TERFs in my notes.
I never claimed lesbians are especially abusive. They may have had higher rates of women abusing other women compared to straight women, but that's a matter of proximity and also not something I can control. My point was that excluding groups like trans women & justifying it using the trauma of abuse is a bad way of handling abuse in community spaces. It's far better to have gender neutral rules on behavior & be aware of all possibilities rather than justify bigotry by saying that excluding anyone you consider "male" will make a space safe for survivors. It's also a perspective that inevitably downplays certain survivors' trauma as lesser & leaves them with fewer places to find support (lesbians, for example, may have to worry about an abusive partner showing up at the shelter they are staying at. You can't deal with F/F abuse through gender segregation, because segregation in itself only increases the likelihood that a woman will be a position to abuse her power over another woman) Exclusively cis-binary-based ways of handling abuse WILL fail and in the meantime, vulnerable trans people are left out in the cold because of our percieved or real proximity to "maleness".
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madisonhunts · 5 months
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✶ 213 gifs [ 268 x 150 ] of mimi keene in after everything (2023) can be found in the source link below. all gifs were made by me, respect my work. please do not repost them or claim them as your own, and do not upload to any gif hunts. credit & tag me if you cut them into gif icons (for public use) or if using in crackships. as always, please like and/or reblog if using.
trigger/content warning: kissing, alcohol, partial nudity.
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
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transtheology · 6 months
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from Lady of the Largest Heart, a poem by High Priestess Enheduanna & translated by Betty De Shong Meador.
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yasayanolulersarayi · 15 days
Acınında bir tadı var
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