#// i've been wanting this lilith to interact with the Vs
hells-musing-along · 4 months
@mothvalentino // continued
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“Hmmm..?” Lilith straightened her posture, sitting tall as if pulled by invisible strings from her once slouched form. An elegant eyebrow raised with curiosity to take in the demon asking the question. In response, she shook her head from side to side and gestured for them to take the open seat. Why does he look familiar?
A humorless chuckle escaped Lilith's lips as she was recognized. Multiple years had passed since Lilith last stepped into the public eye. She had assumed that Sinners would have simply forgotten their queen's appearance. Clearly, she was mistaken. 
"Drowning in my sorrows," She replied simply and took a sip from the glass tumbler. “I imagine you’re the type to have an entourage of people by their side. What brings you in, alone, tonight,  Overlord Valentino?”
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enixamyram · 4 months
Things I Hope For in Season 2:
Huskerdust - I heard Vivzie is hoping for at least 3 seasons and while I enjoy a slow burn, I also don't want them to get together at the very last minute. I want a chance to have a season of them being together before we say goodbye. So if we are gonna get 3 seasons then can they get together in season 2, please?
Velvette - She's in my top fav so I hope we get a chance to learn more about her since she's still pretty mysterious compared to the other Vees.
The Vees - I really want them to have a genuine familial and caring relationship. Someone else said it better but in general I just want them to be god awful selfish people who care only about themselves and each other and nothing and no one else.
Valentino Break Down - I'm sure you've seen that TikTok. The one with that song I can't remember the name of where Val is losing it over Angel breaking free. I want this! I want a whole song number of Val just having a massive tantrum when he realises Angel is steadily escaping him.
Flashbacks - I've heard this is apparently actually going to be a thing. I'm looking forward to whatever it is but if I was being greedy, I want flashbacks both of their human lives and of when they first ended up in hell.
Niffty Explanation - I still stand by that I both am terrified and in love with this character. But more than anything I'm curious about her so I would love to learn what her deal is!
Chaggie Date - This is kind of a filler episode idea. I have the highest of hopes that now the show has done so well, they'll give it more episodes and maybe we can get some filler type episodes. One of which should include Chaggie having a date! I don't care what whacky scenario follows, I just want to see them being cute and cuddly!
Angel's family - I really hope we see more of his family. I also hope that Molly has a chance to somehow interact with her brother. And, to be evil, I also hope that Arackniss is a bastard and we get some angst with him and Angel because I heard (no idea if it's true or just gossip) that Angel's family was mostly homophobic. I mostly want angst because I then want it to be followed by comfort from the rest of the hotel.
Fat Nuggets Origin - Either a flashback of even just Angel telling someone about how he got Fat Nuggets. I know Val gave him to Angel, but I am curious as to how it came about. Was it when Val was pretending to not be an asshole, or was it an "apology" for being a dick or what? I need to know!
More Overlords - I'd love to see more of the Overlords who didn't really get much screen time in Season 1. Like the T-Rex looking one whose name I'm not sure because I've seen multiple ones for her...
Lilith and Lucifer Reunite - Vivzie has managed to make me love this couple despite never actually seeing them together. Just the way she describes them as a corny sweet romance, I desperately want to see these two together. I want to see the corny sweet romance between them! (And you know, figure out what's going on with Lilith and answer all the questions and blah blah blah, give me the romance!)
Lucifer Vs Alastor - I love these two together. I need more of them pissing each other off. I have been spoiled with fancontent and now I need something canon.
Cherri - I want more of her in general! But I also really, really, really hope we see a softer side of her. I pretty much originally fell for her because of the Addicts music video, seeing her stand up for and look after Angel when he was at a low point. And while I still love her being the good intentioned bad influence that she was in her episode, I do want to see that side of her again.
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gucci-depressione · 4 months
Like just. Holy fuckin shit wow. Everything in the last episode was everything I ever wanted and more.
Like omg husker and angel are growing closer and like can't wait for them to become cannon
Also alsastor and nifftys interaction was cute and I love how she made him a crown of dead bugs for him lol. I wanna know more abt them lol.
And their outfit changes are cool. I love Charlie's shelid looks awesome.
Had a feeling that Charlie and vaggie were gonna have a duet and I was right and omg their kiss aaaaa they're ao fucking cute together
And omg the fucking fight scenes are so fucking incredible and aweome and so well animated. Like alastors fight with adam, vaggie vs lute, Charlie and lucifer vs Adam. Like dam they all went hard as fuck bro
Adam defeating alastor and him barely escaping with his life like dude I thought Al was gonna win bc he's powerful but ig not lol too bad adam died so no rematch lol.
Sir pentcoius sacrirce and he made it into heaven bc he reddemed himself yay good for him but also his friends are sad he died but I figured he'd be the one to die.
Also poor razzle [or is it dazzle idk] will be missed I'm glad that razzle, keikei and fat nuggets are okay but razzle :'(
vaggie is such a badass I had a feeling she was gonna win against lute. And lute ripping her arm off was cool.
And Charlie and Adams fight was epic as hell like yass girl and like her demon form is so awesome. Charlie is such a girlboss and I fuckin love her.
And also omg luci taunting adam in their fight and all his shape-shifting was very cool and lo e how he was about to use fireball to kill adam before Charlie stopped him
And let's not forget that nifty being the one to kill adam she's such a gremlin love her for that.
And the Vee's reaction especially vox's were very funny lol.
And the song they were singing as they rebuilt the hotel was so good and made me emotional lol a d when lucifer told Charlie that she did amazing is awwww
Also omg liliths in heaven [or eden] and she made a deal with adam i wonder abt that and if she becomes a mastermind in season 2
But like overall what a fuckin masterpiece of a show lol. Yes I'm aware there are issues and the pacing was kinda rushed and shit like that but I don't care. I love the show very much and I've been a fan of it ever since the pilot aired all those years ago lol [ik it's been 4yrs but it feels longer than that yenno]
I just have so so many thoughts abt this and i need to rant abt it somewjere or im gonna explode lol. Im not gonna stop talking bout it for very long time lol.
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hyperray · 4 months
Just watched the finale and...
I almost feel nothing. I feel weird. I am both excited from the cool moments, and dissapointed by the cringe moments. Its like the cool matter and cringe matter met and they annihilated eahc other to zero. My mood swings about the finale is comparable to the infrared wavelength. Actually let me visualize this by showing the peaks as + and cringe moments as - +Vox laughing at the hotel's preparation -Vox swearing (Actually I'm giving a minus to all the swearing, which OH MY GOD!! There is so much of it, I have an extremely hard time to find this cool and interesting. Viv, STOP IT, PLEASE!) +General Pentious +Charlie's speech +The whole scene where everyone is enjoying themselfes before the fight -Besides Pentious expressing his feelings for Cherri (Which I do ship) the whole concept is rushed, she only appeared one time and when they are eye to eye the ship thing if forced quickly, and she only starts considering him after Angel tells her that he might have two dicks. Like, hmm, that would make it a very one sided relationship -The Charlie and Vaggie song having the same style as the Charlie and Lucifer song makes this all feel somewhat incestious. Am I the only one who feels that way? -Lute is being uncharacteristic with how she is swearing, feels a bit like the Striker treatement +I love everyone's battle outfits! I think Charlie's shield might be a reference to that one christian folklore how someone was using a shield made by Lucifer himself which later broke from another holy weapon +Alastor's shield -Yeah it is pretty weak how the angels can be killed with their own weapons, though I also find this interesting, maybe their own weapons can kill them not out of holyness, but from power-level essence, you get me? +++Besides the swearings and the Lucifer vs Adam fight, this battle was AWESOME!!! Especially Adam vs Alastor -Vox' hard on, or his entire appereance in the episode and Alastor swearing. I really hoped Al would be outside the swearing curse --"Vagatha!" "Not my name" I really feel like this is Viv's spiteful way of saying "Fuck you guys, the way I name my characters is completely fine and stop whining like there is anything wrong with it." +Angel Dust protecting the Egg Boi ++Pentiou's build up of attacking Adam and manning up to kiss Cherri ----------Pentious being casually whiped out by Adam in one pew and everyone imemdiately mourning for him. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK!!! That was the most UNDERWHELMING SHIT I've ever seen! +Razzle and Dazzle becoming Dragon and Vaggie vs Lute fight, as well as her speech to humiliate Lute +Charlie and Adam's fight and interaction +Lute ripping her arm out --The entire Adam vs Lucifer fight and interaction. Okay I expected there to be a large power gap between those two, it is Lucifer after all, but it felt too one sides, and I got second hand embarrasment for Adam by being so casually humiliated by all these silly animal transformations and insult ---Also did Lucifer really sleep with Eve too? That makes the whole view on the Morningstar family relationship so wrong. Luci and Lilith supposedly were deeply in love, but if Lucifer must've slept with Eve too it must've been soon after he met Lilith too, and Luci was trying to be a sort of prometheus figure to Eve, what a massive downplay on so many things! Though I hope he wasn't serious about it and just wanted to get under Adam's skin ----Lucifer saying "I'm going to fuck you" to Adam was the MOST VRINGE INDUCING thing here! --Adam's true face. Look I don't care if this is suppose to reflect his actor's face, why is he this white boy hill billy? Jeez, does Viv even care about the Bible lore and trying to make it more accurate than just the surface level stuff?Would it have been so hard to just make him more lore accurate? I'm seriously starting to think Viv might have a kink on that.
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sourrind · 1 year
Your Star Trek AU idea sounds great! I love the backgrounds you've assigned to everyone!
I have a few different ideas for a Star Trek AU myself (like this), but I would probably never get around to writing them.
I have been thinking about Ava and Shannon possibly being Trills / or with a symbiont too! Although in what I've been thinking about so far, Ava is just human who got a symbiont jammed into her in an emergency situation a la Adira Tal in ST:Disco. Shannon is definitely a Trill though.
I love the thought of Bea having a Vulcan connection. I always wanted Bea to be human in a Star Trek AU but she def has Vulcan-like traits. I kinda like the idea of her being a human raised by Vulcans, with her struggling to suppress her human emotions in a Vulcan society, like Michael from ST:Disco. (And now this is making me think of Lilith as possibly Romulan, with all the emotions she always expresses outwardly as opposed to Bea's Vulcan trait of suppressing her emotions.)
And can I please steal that USS Andalusia name? I have been trying to think of a name for their ship.
Having the OCS be a part of Section 31 is a great idea! And the DS9 influence with the whole Cardassian and Bajoran conflict is a great idea for a show with religious influences.
First off, I love that there are other people that wanna mash Warrior Nun and Star Trek together. Big mood.
I haven't seen STD, but I also was toying with whether Ava should've been a Trill or just a human that was there when Shannon died. It's nice to know that there's another case in canon I can look into for something like that.
And Bea is totally Vulcan-coded, whether she's part Vulcan or raised Vulcan. Not only is there that suppression of base human emotion vs her Vulcan upbringing, but I also was toying with the idea of Bea being a master of all trades kind of person as an attempt to make up for the fact that she was probably seen as a "lesser than" during her upbringing. This also leads to a surprising knowledge of religion and theology that her human side possessed, but she found lacking in her Vulcan family. (This would also lead to some interesting discussions with Vincent, who I thought could be a Bajoran counselor on the ship as well.)
Lilith as a Romulan? It basically writes itself.
And please, take as much as you want from all of this stuff I'm spewing! I'd be ecstatic to see any of this anywhere!
Aaaaannnnnnddd I am now just reading all the stuff you have written for your AU and-my gosh-I love it all! I didn't even consider the Borg when I was doing this, but Lilith getting partially assimilated and then rescued is so perfect (especially with it being because of her duty and saving Ava). And I love how you incorporated Diego, because what's Star Trek without some precocious scamp running around?
I also love that we both had no idea what to do with Camilla. Being the sweet, little cinnamon roll, maybe we just give her the O'Brien treatment and just put the screws to her every other chapter.
And my god, the interactions you described with the mirrorverse Avas and Beas, that is pure gold!
P.S. I definitely will watch VOY. I attempted to start it recently, but jut wasn't in the head space for it. Definitely will give it another go soon!
P.P.S. This was so fun to talk about. Feel free to just straight up message me whenever you wanna chat!
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cxncrie · 3 months
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Anonymous asked: 🌵  parental from (Lilith & Charlie) , ❣️ forced to work together for survival/a common goal (Lilith & Alastor).
Also willing to plot for ocs & ocs interactions /pos - @asea0fmxses
Relationship memes || Always Accepting
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Hrm .. I've been kinda wary about Lilith interactions in general without discussing how her personality is because I know there's a lot of different takes on her from multiple people so I'll have to go like, read up on yours. I think I've seen you talk about her but I did a forgor of what you talked about KLFDGDFGHJ
I'm obviously willing to do the parental one bc { gestures to fact she's canonly Charlie's mom n all } however I'm far more iffy about the Alastor interaction. This more or less comes from the fact that everyone seems to think Lilith owns Alastor's soul or whatever and seems to act like it's actually canon { which I personally won't accept until we actually see it in the show }. I'd like, for if they interact, that there's not actually a chain on Alastor bc of her, but rather by another unnamed influence because it will affect how Alastor sees her and whether or not he'd actually be willing to work with her peacefully. Especially since I feel like he'd already be a little bitter towards her for the fact she's been gone for so long { much like he is with Lucifer } 
Basically I'd rather not have two factors playing a hand in Alastor's bitterness towards Lilith, because at the very least he can { begrudgingly } play nice if it's just " parents didn't come to Charlie until she FINALLY really needed it " vs angry af bc " This woman has my soul, I want out because I almost died for her daughter since she can't be half assed to come protect Charlie herself and made me do it instead "
I hope that makes sense.
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for the storytelling oc meme 🍀 🌸 ⚘️ (or a song for an oc!!)<333
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🍀 Which OCs would get along the best?
From the top of my head, here is a list of my OCs that I think would get along with each other:
1. Lilith Dahlas and Cerise Esmeralda. Both of them are cunning women of noble birth. I think if they ever shared braincells it'd be over for everyone. Definition of Girlboss, Gatekeep, Gaslight. Imagine secret meetings during the dead of night, sneaking around in hidden passages, hushed whispers containing ambitious plans.
2. Blake Lunae-Seh and Ethan Dalton. They're just two dudes vibing. Both of them are academically inclined and stoic. I think it'd be very cute if they had study sessions together! Going to ice cream parlors together, comparing school notes, gushing over their very niche interests to each other.
3. Nelly Esmeralda and Carmilla Rouge. For the safety of the entire world, please never let them interact with each other. They're both chaotic and stupid. Definition of Arson, Assholery and Assault. Sparring sessions would be incredibly fun. Perhaps a little bit too destructive. They would enable each other which would eventually lead to the night ending in escaping from the cops.
4. Darcy Angelis and everyone. Yes I can do that. Everyone loves Darcy and if you don't that's a real red flag tbh. On a serious note, Darcy is the closest with Nyx Angelis, but that's because Nyx is her literal mother. I made them opposites of each other: a mother who grew up without love and only knew loneliness, in contrast to a daughter who's always been provided with care and love. 🌸 Who's your most morally questionable OCs (not including villains)? Carmilla or Nyx. Former war criminal turned grandma VS Mean selfish teenage girl, fight! Carmilla has committed a lot of atrocities in her lifetime(?). She's been dead for a long time, so her moral compass is kind of rusty and she's hurt people without meaning to. She feels guilty for certain things, and pushed back the rest. If it came to protect her family, she would definitely do anything, even if it would make them hate her in the end.
Nyx just numbs her feelings and puts herself first no matter the situation. She grows from that, of course. But I think her selfishness is still a core part of her. When she was younger, she'd torment others as a way to project her problems. Nyx didn't really care what she did as long as it benefit her. Also she's my pfp so yeah there's bias here. Nelly is a honorable mention. She loves her friends and family and would do anything to protect them. She isn't a bad person per se, she just wants to have fun. Although sometimes the fun ends up as a fist fight??
⚘️ Pick a song that represents each WIP, what would play over the trailer
I have playlists for my OCs, actually! My Spotify username is Fay. However, if I had to pick just one song for an OC, it'd probably be Primadonna by MARINA for Celeste Dalton. I haven't mentioned her a lot and it feels like I've neglected her, so she'll get her own spotlight <3
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annalyticall · 4 years
Hiya! I'm curious what thoughts you may have on BL3 story wise. Do you have many criticisms/things you personally didn't like about it or thought could've been done a little better? Sorry if you've talked about it at length on here before, I've had all BL3 posts blacklisted until recently.
No problem! Actually, I don’t think I have ever talked about my thoughts on Borderlands 3 before on a general tumblr post. So, I’ll list some of my bigger thoughts on it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the story up until Maya’s death at about the halfway point. It did take a while to get going since I felt like the introduction to the story dragged on Pandora, but I had so much fun on Promethea and Athenas. They were such refreshing settings compared to typical Borderlands fare, and I loved interacting with my two favorite characters Rhys and Maya. It was so worried with how Gearbox was going to handle Rhys, since it would have been easy to go down the Handsome Jack 2.0 route, but I’m glad they decided to keep his eccentric quirks and his dedication to becoming a better kind of CEO than Jack was. I especially loved the detail that he purposefully didn’t open the vault on Promethea because it would have put the citizens in danger, while Jack had done the exact opposite. Maya also had a lot of interesting development going back to the planet that had abused her out of her sense of duty to protect the innocent that had no part in her abuse.
Maya’s death, however, was a very, very solid turning point in the story for me. It wasn’t so much that Maya died - I could live with that narrative decision - but it was what followed. 
Eden-6 was by far my least favorite section of the story. Gearbox rehashed the entire last arc of the story and barely added anything new. Example - we are helping a perceived “good guy CEO” (Rhys and Wainwright) by defending his “better-than-the-other-guys” company (Atlas and Jakobs) from a hostile takeover by a spoiled evil sibling that wants it for themselves (Katagawa and Aurelia). This story-arc villain is being supported by the COV as well. In the end, we kill the story-arc villain and get to a vault, where Troy and Tyreen ambush the supporting Siren character (Maya and Tannis). It’s a story that was better the first time because I felt Rhys, being an established character in the franchise, better portrays the struggles of a “good” company in the universe compared to Wainwright who doesn’t even particularly want the Jakobs company which is now inexplicably a “good” company too despite canon contradictions to that in previous games. Also, they absolutely did Aurelia dirty making her a black-and-white evil villain rather than just a rich brat. And I just don’t find Eden-6 a particularly interesting setting.
I’d say I liked the story a little better once we got off Eden-6. The story involving Tannis inheriting Angel’s powers was very interesting to me since I love the Siren lore in these games. I also really liked Necrotafeyo as a setting and the small insights into just who and what Eridians were. However, I found Typhon somewhat a nuisance to the story. The echo-logs he leaves behind are not interesting whatsoever, since they don’t really talk about the lore despite him being a great vault hunter that should have an expansive knowledge of it. Instead, many of the echo-logs are used for cheap jokes, which meant that I had almost no attachment to Typhon when we finally got to meet him and I certainly didn’t feel anything when he died.
Ava is also not a very good character. She is hypocritical and rash, which is fine on its own, but she doesn’t have any sort of character arc that leads her to become a worthy successor of Maya’s powers and Lilith’s leadership. She doesn’t really learn anything, and that frustrates me a lot since she is someone who theoretically is taking the place of some of my favorite characters in the franchise.
Troy and Tyreen were... okay. In concept, they had the winning balance of comedy vs. serious threat that Handsome Jack had, but in execution, I felt both were lacking. Their story and theme potential were perfect and Gearbox could have really done something great by either pitting them against each other so much that they turn on each other and destroy themselves out of spite or, contrarily, are so devoted to each other that the death of one would spark an unspeakable fury in the other. Yet, Gearbox did neither of those things. They kinda turned on each other, but also kinda didn’t? Tyreen’s reaction to her brother nearly killing her, then her brother dying, was almost non-existent, which was very underwhelming. I also felt nearly nothing when Tyreen killed her father, which is not... good.
Overall, I consider Borderlands 3 to be split into three parts: the “good” Promethea and Athenas part, the “bad” Eden-6 part, and the “okay” Pandora and Necrotafeyo part, which means my overall feelings towards Borderlands 3 is very mixed.
While I haven’t played DLC 2 or 3 yet, I did play the Handsome Jackpot and also really enjoyed it. Fleshing out Timothy was a great idea and I also really liked the new side characters they introduced there as well. I think Gearbox is much better at making mini-stories like those in the DLCs rather than over-arching narratives.
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astral-obscura · 6 years
I'm the lilith in 1st/venus square saturn anon and I wanted to clarify that I'm not saying that I have x placement so I'm screwed, more like these placements reflect a consistent theme and pattern in my life and referring to them as such is a convenient way for me to sum up what it's been like. I've felt both burdened and like a burden bc of them and was hoping that there was at least something good about them so it's not a total loss. Sorry for annoying you in any way, that wasn't my intention
You didn’t annoy me.♥It’s not personal, I just don’t tolerate this mentality anymore. I understand why you would see it this way, but it is ultimately an immature and unproductive mindset that undermines the purpose of astrology. It’s like saying the fact that you possess a body is the reason why you injured it. Technically, maybe, but that’s a very negative perspective that digs too deeply into fatalistic & reductive semantics. It is the source of thought patterns and bad habits that weaken your ability to improve yourself as a person. I know this because almost every beginner astrologer I encounter thinks this way, and I used to for a while when I started out, too. It’s not healthy.
There are positives & negatives to every placement, but it’s not a matter of “good trait / bad trait.” That isn’t how humans work. It’s a complicated inter-mingling of various psychological structures interacting with the environment and the people around you, amalgamating into beneficial / desired or destructive / undesired situations & instances. The final result of all that is what you’re taking and applying to yourself, but your natal chart is meant to help you locate the fundamental core of it. Try not to look at it as if there is a good vs. bad binary.
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timelessbian · 4 years
hi it me again. IVE SAW AOTW. Physically I'm like. Fine. Emotionally? I've been laying face down on the floor ever since. Also whY ARE YOU APOLOGISING FOR A RANT?? IT'S WHAT I WANTED >:3 God there's just. So much to say about this ep!! I don't even have the WORDS, words reduced to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. So. Thoughts?
ADHFSJDFH hi again!! sorry that it’s taken me a while to respond; i’ve been really busy with moving and everything the past few days, but i really wanted to answer this before the finale bc i have Many Fears asngjsjdjbvhdsbfvhbsa
under a cut again bc this is rambling and probably incoherent, but let’s go!!
my first thought is that i LOVED the episode. from the animation to the storytelling to the voice acting that made me cry...this was an absolute highlight of an episode. they packed SO MUCH into like 20 minutes and i have so much love for everyone who works on this show i just can’t, it’s so good!! 
also i feel like i conveyed this in my last rant, but i think lilith is such a well-written character, and not to be That Bitch, but the fact that the majority of the fandom really just full on lost their minds on her is literally kind of hilarious. like...i am a female villain stan first and a human second. i am simply vibing ashvhbdfhvbhdb.
i feel like a lot of people have said this better than i could at this point, but i think there’s be a redemption arc coming. most of eda and lilith’s interactions prior to 1x18 really played up the love that still exists beneath the tension. the sisters still clearly love each other, but obviously so much has happened between them that they could never have had any kind of true resolution without the secret of the curse coming out. lilith’s been carrying her guilt for years and at least with it out in the open, they can maybe start to reconcile. (obviously this would need to be a very long process, and even if lilith is working hard for it, eda (and luz!) aren’t under any obligation to forgive her for anything) (also full disclosure: i’m a lil bit biased on the sister thing bc my current original project has a sister set in a similar situation with similar vibes to lilith and eda (coincidentally, i swear!), and i know i’m writing them a fitting reconciliation, so i’m hoping the show will give me the same lol)
also, i know this is something i covered in my last rant, but there is clearly SO MUCH MORE to lilith’s story. she clearly feels guilty and genuinely seems to want to try to help eda, but i think she’s been so completely under the emperor’s thumb for so long that it’s going to take a major betrayal by him to get her to realize just how far she’s gone. again, this isn’t excusing anything she’s done, but i think that s2 could really delve into the relationship between the sisters more (which could play well with an arc in which amity has to reconcile with the reality of the emperor’s coven given that lilith is her mentor). what was the final straw that split the sisters? what was their relationship really like before the curse?? can we get lilith eventually coming around to be the cool goth aunt of the owl fam??? @ dana terrace i want answers!!!
as for my thoughts moving into the finale, i’m predicting that lilith is going to realize that the emperor has been lying to her the whole time, and that she’ll make some kind of big sacrifice so that eda and luz can escape, whether it’s her position or her magic (or her life, but i really don’t think they’re going to go that way) and she’s going to have to figure out who she is without the emperor controlling her. (okay, random thought that i literally JUST had typing this out: what if she loses her magic and has to start learning with glyphs like luz or something like that?? i have 0 evidence to support that, but it’s just a thought i guess) 
also, i don’t really have thoughts about this stuff, but i’m a fan of the ‘lilith is also cursed’ theory, even if it’s just a side effect of casting such a powerful curse or something like that. i’m not into the idea of belos being their dad (i’m still lukewarm on him being related to luz though. if the whole ‘camilia is azura’ theory pans out, maybe he’s camilia’s father and luz’s grandfather or something? idk, but i’m interested in how it’ll play out! i don’t think belos will be dying in this ep, so i think there’ll be a lot to unpack there next season. also just everything related to the palismen, and in particular owlbert vs lilith’s raven. give me more palisman lore immediately!!
really the tl;dr of it all is that i know hating lilith is the popular opinion rn but ummm....evil raven lady go brrr you know? i am TERRIFIED for the finale, but i’m also so beyond excited for it because i know even if it makes me cry (again) it’ll be well worth it, and i hope that the hiatus before s2 isn’t too long because i don’t know what i’ll do with myself lmao. (i mean, i do have a half-finished angst fic that i’m holding to finish until after the ep just in case, but i’m just gonna be vibing until the new season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so yeah, those are my thoughts as they stand right now. thank you so much for indulging me!! my roommate whomst does not watch the show is probably sick of hearing about it by now, so i love having an outlet to scream lmao. i don’t know when you’re reading this, but as of writing this, it’s only about 2 hours until the finale drops online, so i am Afraid and i’ll probably be face down on the floor immediately after i finish it. feel free to come back and scream after the finale bc i’m already sure i’ll be screaming!! anyway, luv you anon, and i suppose i’ll see you on the other side sbhbvdbavjs <33
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