#// in my head ace was asleep like a little fox and it was very cute.
ferromagnetiic · 7 months
sleeps on his bed. his bed now
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】                     @enjomo
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          He's sleeping so comfortably — almost curled up like a little animal, peacefully dreaming...
Right up until the thick sole of Kid's dirty boot crashes into him, sending him tumbling off the mattress and down to the floor without the slightest indication of compassion or remorse.
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     ❝ Who the fuck told ya it was alright to sleep here?? Piss off. If yer gonna pass out, do it at the foot of my bed like a dog, not on my sheets. Ya think I'm gonna let ya just walk around like ya own the place?! ❞
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thedarkrose17 · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Relationships, Accidental Baby Acquisition Summary:
The first thing Prompto wakes up to is concerned voices and someone fussing or whining.
It takes a few moments to sit up, adjust in the tent and glance around. It’s just Ignis, Gladio and a fussing baby. He blinks and looks again. The baby wasn’t here last night. ☆ ☆ ☆ A.k.a The astrals get tired of Prompto and Noctis' pining and decide to try and get them together
Read under the cut or on the link :)
Noctis is almost asleep when he hears a familiar squeak.  He yawns and grabs his phone, unlocking it and checking the text.
‘He's cute (ᗒᗨᗕ)’
“Both of them are.” Noctis mutters back.
Noctis smiles and looks around for the familiar furry face and finds Carbuncle on the floor, legs too tiny to get him on the bed.
The Prince slowly and carefully frees his arm from around Prompto before carefully helping the tiny fennec fox up onto the bed.
He gets an emoji with heart eyes in response and chuckles quietly.
“Not dating.” Noctis mutters, another message coming through his phone.
‘Shame (╥_╥)’
‘Baby's cute though (* >ω<)’
Noctis nods and gently rubs Solis’ back.
“I feel like I'm texting Iris and not a magic messenger.”
‘Rude ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮’
Noctis makes the most inhuman sound a person can ever make at the reply, Ignis even gives him a weird look for that. Gladio meanwhile tries not to laugh.
Noctis chooses to ignore them and reply to Carbuncle instead.
“What the fuck...You actually flipped me off.” He whispers.
“...You're a little shit. You know that.”
Noctis sighs and reaches out to touch him. Carbuncle carefully walks closer and sniffs Solis. Solis doesn't even stir.
‘(T⌓T) He's sick
“He's got a cold.” Noctis replies, sighing. “Hopefully he'll be alright in a few days.”
‘(╯°▽°)╯ ┻━┻ it's not fair!’
“Yep exactly.”
‘He's brave.’
“He is?”
‘He crawled over and pet me. When you first met me as a baby, you wailed.’
Noctis blushes and groans. “He takes after Prompto then, rushing off to pet soft animals.”
Carbuncle gently nuzzles Solis and Noctis gently scratches behind Carbuncle’s ear. He yawns and Carbuncle copies him moments later.
Solis slowly wakes up with a tiny yawn. He sniffles, blinking sleepily before he notices Carbuncle. Solis stares and grabs at the fennec fox with a tiny coo. He sneezes and whines before grabbing onto Carbuncle’s ear.
Noctis stares, mouth open slightly as he does. Solis can see Carbuncle. Just like he can. Honestly he doesn’t know if he should feel stressed by this or relieved.
“...I didn’t actually tell you his name.”
“Solis.” he replies and glances at his son. “And that’s Carbuncle….You’ll probably not be able to remember that or pronounce that for a while...So Carby for now...And you probably have no idea what I’m saying.”
Solis whines and clings to Noctis with one hand and Carbuncle’s ear with the other. He lets out an excited shriek before he starts coughing, Noctis carefully rubs his back and gently kisses his head.
‘Fatherhood suits you (* >ω<)’
Noctis smiles softly and glances at Solis.
“He’s a little ray of sunshine.”
‘(ᗒᗨᗕ) So pure.’
“Mmm?” a familiar voice groggily speaks up next to him and Carbuncle disappears much to Solis’ dislike as he whines about it.
Prompto yawns and gently reaches up, stroking Solis’ cheek.
“How’s my little soybean?” he yawns as Noctis huffs.
“No bean names.” he grumbles and Prompto tiredly smirks. “He’s not been awake long. Still has a cold.”
Prompto leans up, planting a kiss on Solis’ cheek. “My poor sunbeam.”
Solis whines and the boys attempt to soothe him.
* * *
A week later thankfully the cold is gone and everyone is relieved. Solis had cried a lot during his cold, it had been stressful and honestly heartbreaking at times to see him so miserable but now he was back to normal.
Noctis has put him in a little grey baby grow with “Ready player 3.” wrote across it, controller at the side, along with little cartoon chocobo face socks. Prompto claimed to have died the moment he saw it, the “I saw a cute thing” voice coming out the moment he saw Solis.
Ignis told them about a festival in Altissia, the chocobo moogle festival he’d heard about and Prompto almost yells about having to go as soon as possible. Solis squeals just happy to contribute to the conversation in his own little way.
Noctis looks like he’s not fully awake yet. He’s yawned about four times now, scratched at his stomach/happy trail which Prompto almost short circuited over and complained about the sun asking if it could turn the brightness down.
Ignis actually chuckled and agreed it would be a nice break for them all. Gladio asks if Iris can tag along and Ignis smiles.
“It would be a delight to have her.” the advisor says and Gladio shoots her a text. He gains a reply moments later of keysmashes and crying emojis. He takes that as a positive response.
“She’ll be here in five.” the shield replies, Noctis catches sight of the text and looks confused.
“You understood that?” he asks with a yawn.
“I’ve seen enough of it from Prompto.” Gladio replies.
“Hey! Check the internet, people do it.” Prompto huffs.
“Some of the lgbt youth online do it Gladio. I don’t actually know why.” Ignis says.
“...Iggy you’re twenty two, I’m twenty three. We’re all “youth.” still.” Gladio says putting an arm around him.
Ignis leans into it and rubs an one of his eyes. “I mean younger than us Gladio.”
“Small, bi and ready to try at your service.” Prompto replies, standing up straight. He’d salute if he wasn’t holding his precious sunbeam.
“Small, gay and ready to decay. It’s 6am, I’m practically a zombie.” Noctis mutters. “Small, ace and wielding a mace can work occasionally  too.”
Gladio snorts and rolls his eyes and Ignis sighs.
“Neither of you are small.” Ignis huffs.
* * *
Iris comes in with her luggage and a smile on her face.
She wore a black short sleeved shirt with red roses on it,some rounded sunglasses over her eyes, black shorts and knee high cat socks with her regular boots.  
The boys are wearing more casual outfits too. Noctis is the only one wearing his chocobo moogle festival outfit since he’s the only one who has one. Gladio meanwhile has decided today is a shirtless kind of day much to the complaints of Prompto, Noctis and Iris.
She asks if she can get a t-shirt from the festival when they get there and Gladio replies with a simple “We’ll see.” He’ll probably get her one.
Ignis during this decides to pull out his phone and check the weather forecast for the day.
The forecast apparently is set to be a nice hot day. Clear skies and warm temperatures until the evening. Perfect day for a trip.
* * *
They’d packed up and checked out by 7, finally reached Galdin by 9 and quickly headed down to the docks, heading up onto the royal vessel.
Iris stared up at the boat, slowly pushing her shades up onto her head. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever been on a boat before, she moves to step on before Prompto yells, causing her to freeze.
“Wait!” Prompto yells, handing Noctis baby Solis and rushing off leaving everyone except Solis confused.
Solis seems more focused on a seagull flying around. He flails in Noctis’ arms until Gladio speaks up.
Iris unfreezes and glances over, pulling her shades back down and heading over to Ignis.
“He’s starin’ at a seagull, I think he wants you to too. Or he has no idea what it is.” Gladio says.
Noctis looks confused until he spots it, and gently bounces on his feet with Solis in his arms.
“It’s a seagull. Smaller than the other bird at the hotel. Way smaller. These just steal food if they can.”
“One tried stealing my ice cream when I was five.” Iris chirps in.
“I saw one steal chips from a store online.’” Gladio adds making Noctis look back at him sceptical.
“It’s surprisingly real.” Ignis chirps in causing Noctis to whistle.
Solis bleps, getting a little squirmy in Noctis’ arms.
“Should we go hunt for Prom?”
“Relax. Kid’s probably taking a piss.” Gladio mutters.
“Gladdy!” Iris cries.
“Gladiolus!” Ignis huffs.
“Oh shit! He brought out the first name.” Noctis says with a smirk.
“Noctis!” Ignis huffs. “Infant present. I would prefer you both either watch  your language and not be crass or cover his ears.”
“To be honest I think he’s staring at the tourists...Or like five seconds from needing a change.”
Iris glances over. “Nope...He’s definitely staring.”
* * *
Prompto rushes back five minutes later, tripping up over his own feet on the dock. Luckily Gladio grabs his arm and heaves him up before he faceplants. He blushes and thanks Gladio.
The blonde has a very tiny hat, it seems to have a blue band around it filled with doodles of cartoony fish along with a bottle in his pants pocket.
Iris coos at how cute and small the hat is.
“All they had was fish themed hats.” Prompto says, carefully putting the hat on Solis’ head. “There we go~ Protect you a little from the sun...I got him sunscreen but...Um do we have sunscreen for us?”
“We have some stocked on the boat..” Ignis states and lets Noctis lead the way onto the boat but Noctis lets Iris on first before following her on.
“This is gonna be Sol’s first boat ride.” Gladio says and Prompto in front of him gasps.
“...Do people celebrate that? Would it be weird if I celebrated that?”
“You got excited about his first hotel stay.” Gladio adds. “So maybe not?”
“I’m celebrating it then~” Prompto replies planting a kiss on Solis’ hat.
Solis clings to Prompto and attempts to take off a sock. Noctis heads over and carefully stops him, he boops Solis on the nose and Solis grabs for him.
Prompto smiles and carefully hands Solis over to Noctis. Solis makes a happy squeal loud enough for the rest on the boat to hear him. He earns some smiles and awws from Iris and Prompto.
* * *
Noctis hands Solis back to Prompto so he can steer the boat.
Prompto seems happy enough to sit Solis on his lap and hold him close. Solis meanwhile seems fascinated by Prompto’s glove, he stares at it and attempts to grip onto said glove.
Ignis was sat next to Iris, the duo surprisingly drifting off during their journey and Gladio was reading.
Solis gets whiny the longer they stay on the sea and Prompto decides to lie down on the surprisingly comfortable sofas with Solis. The duo yawn and end up napping together.
Gladio throws a blanket over the sofa to shield them from the sun or try to and neither of the pair stir from this, maybe 6am was too early of a start for them.
Gladio hears Noctis yawn from the captain’s seat and heads in.
“Hey princess.”
“Hey.” Noctis blinks tiredly and glances over at him before his eyes return to the sea.
“Tired?” Gladio asks and Noctis nods.
“I was on baby duty last night. Prom’s stomach was acting up so he slept it off.” Noctis yawns and Gladio places his hand on his shoulder. “Alright stop the boat. Someone else is taking over.”
Noctis doesn’t even protest, he brings the boat to a stop and rubs at his eyes. “...Controls are pretty easy.” he mutters as Gladio scoops him up out of the seat and carries him back to the others.
He’s pretty much asleep in Gladio’s arms by the time Gladio realises there’s nowhere for the prince to lie other than the floor.
So for now he gets put there, near Prompto’s little sofa while Gladio decides to take over controlling the boat, he’s swiftly banned from continuing the moment Ignis wakes up.
Noctis after that is placed where Ignis was. He naps the rest of the trip near Iris.
* * *
They splash out for a more expensive room, they’re on the rare occasion allowed to nap due to the long boat trip and the fact they have a few hours until the festival.
Ignis decides instead to leave the room and browse the sights with Gladio and Iris in tow. Prompto is sure Iris only went to give him, Noctis and Solis some alone time.
Noctis sits on the bed, taking off his boots and putting them at the side of the bed before lying down on said bed.
Prompto smiles at the sight and heads over with Solis in his arms. He bites his lip before speaking up.
“Can you take Sol for a sec?”
Noctis sits up and carefully takes Solis from Prompto. Solis whines and Prompto feels guilty so much so he attempts to explain himself to the baby.
“I’ll be back like super quick ok? Just stay with Noct ok?” Prompto says, planting a kiss on Solis’ head. “Be good for daddy ok?”
Noctis blushes a little and gently soothes their son who honestly doesn’t understand any of this. Prompto is going to kill him one day. He’s only making the crush he has on him much worse at this point.
“You forgot to go pi-Pee before we left huh?” Noctis asks earning a whine from his best friend in the process.
“I thought I could hold it! But I’m dying.” he whines at the Prince who snorts a little. “Go on. We’ll be ok.”
Solis looks at Prompto and whines and Prompto looks conflicted as he heads into the bathroom.
Solis wails and Noctis hears a heartbroken cry of “I’m sorry!” practically yelled from the bathroom.
Noctis tries to get Solis’ attention, trying to distract him until Prompto returns.  He hums to him and gently rubs his back and when that fails, he sings which gets Solis’ attention immediately. It’s something from anime but Solis doesn’t know that.
He smiles when Solis calms down and hears the bathroom door open moments later, a flustered blonde quickly coming out.
“Papa’s here buddy don’t wo-” he pauses and looks over at Solis and Noctis, mouth slightly open. “You’re a baby whisperer too huh?” he mutters.
“He likes singing.” Noctis replies, smiling before sitting up. “Can you take him back for a second? I have to pi-”
“Sure!” Prompto interrupts and blushes, apologising before taking Solis back and sitting on the bed with him.  “You think your dad would have had a bathroom on that boat.”
Noctis gets up and agrees, heading over to the bathroom, opening the door but pausing when Prompto speaks again.
“Blue Exorcist.” the blonde mutters.
“You were singing something from Blue Exorcist to him.”
“...Oh yeah? What one?” Noctis replies with a smirk. No point in denying it.
“Itteki no Eikyou.” Prompto replies, sticking his tongue out. “We're a magical girl and boy anime house only mister.”
Noctis laughs a little and rolls his eyes before heading into the bathroom. “Like you’ve ever watched one.”
“Hey! I’ve watched-”
“Other than Sailor Moon.” Noctis replies from behind the door.
Prompto covers Solis’ ears before Noctis hears him clearly say “Fuck you.” with a snort which makes Noctis laugh.
* * *
Solis wailed again. It was a fairly short cry as Prompto decided to finish the anime song Noctis previously sang to the baby.
The song seemed to calm Solis and Prompto was so focused on soothing Solis with the song he almost missed Noctis come out of the bathroom.
“You finished the song?” Noctis asks, startling Prompto.
“Dude! Warn a guy first.” Prompto gasps and then makes a sound of confirmation to his question.
Noctis heads over and Prompto scoots up before lying down with Solis. Solis seems happy when Noctis lies next to them. He yawns and smiles a toothless smile.
“Hey sunshine.” Noctis mutters to him and he’s rewarded with their baby flailing. To Noctis it looks like an attempt at dancing honestly. It’s weirdly cute.
Prompting laughs quietly and carefully puts Solis between them. The baby sneezes and looks like an Anak in the headlights, prompting Prompto to blow a raspberry at him wondering how he'll react.
Solis jumps and stares up at Prompto looking utterly confused or as confused as a baby could look.
Prompto blows another raspberry at Solis and Solis rewards him with a burp.
“Nice.” Prompto mutters with a snort making Noctis laugh.
* * *
They undress Solis down to his nappy due to the room being a little warm and worrying the baby might overheat. Said baby attempts to crawl off in the process but the duo manage to keep him in one spot.
Then they decide to undress down themselves to just their boxers. They leave a balcony door open for a breeze, too lazy to put air conditioning on before napping together for a few hours, Solis safely in Prompto's arms.
* * *
Prompto awakes to cooing and yawns, carefully sitting up and gently holding Solis close. Solis naps peacefully, Prompto smiles and kisses his head.
Prompto spots Iris and the boys in the room and yawns wide. Iris at that point notices he's awake and rushes over, not phased by him and Noctis being half naked.
“I got you guys something.” she says with a smile and Prompto feels a chill from the breeze. He seems confused before glancing down and panicking, looking back at Iris with a look of embarrassment on his face.
“Y-You did?...Um...Can I just wake him up and we'll um look more...Presentable?” he nervously asks and Iris laughs a little.
“Sure! Do you want me to take Solis?” she asks and Prompto nods, carefully handing the sleeping baby over.
“H-He'll wake up pretty soon. He's due a feed.” Prompto stutters before elbowing Noctis when Iris heads over to Ignis and Gladio. “Dude wake up!” Prompto whisper yells to the Prince.
Noctis doesn't react.
* * *
It takes several attempts but Prompto manages to wake up Noctis and the duo quickly get re dressed.
The duo head over to the kitchen  where Ignis has set out some sandwiches for the group. Prompto smiles and the duo thank him, grabbing a sandwich each before Iris comes over with Solis.
Solis seems fascinated by her hair, attempting to reach while he clings to her shirt with his other hand.
“Hi buddy~” Prompto coos after he takes his first bite.
Noctis wiggles his fingers at Solis who giggles a little, Prompto nearly chokes over it so much Noctis thumps his back.
“T-That almost k-killed me.” Prompto gasps. “Cuteness overload.”
Noctis rolls his eyes and smiles at Solis. “That's Prompto speak for he's ok just being dramatic.” he mutters to Solis with a smirk, he laughs when he hears a dramatic gasp from Prompto.
“How dare you.” he says in his sassy voice, pulling a face and making Solis giggle harder than before, making Prompto and Noctis start laughing too. “Oh em gee, adorbs.” he mutters, Noctis making a noise of agreement around his sandwich as he takes a bite.
“Gladdy?” Iris looks over at her brother who's currently half way through his second sandwich.
“What?” he asks, mouth full to which Ignis sighs at.
“Can you take this little cutie?” she coos at the baby and Gladio carefully takes him.
Solis clings to him as Iris rushes off, quickly returning with a few bags. She thrusts the tiniest one at Prompto.
“It's for Solis but I got ones for you guys too.” she says with a smile. “I hope you like them.”
Prompto quickly finishes his sandwich and fishes in the little bag. He's weirdly excited as he carefully pulls out a tiny Moogle onesie.
His eyes light up as he looks at it. There's a little hood, with a tiny pom-pom antenna and little purple wings. It's adorable and he can't wait to put Solis in it.
Noctis stares, zoning out trying to imagine the baby in his little onesie. Maybe they can put him in it later, he’ll probably gain a new home screen on his mobile from it.
“Wait...We have ones too?” Noctis asks moments later.
Iris nods and grins, pulling one out identical to Solis’ but adult sized.  Prompto gasps and looks over at Noctis.
“Dude we have to.” he mutters and Noctis can't bring himself to say no.
“Later. After the festival.”  Noctis mutters. “Just no pictures of me.”
Prompto pouts but agrees as he holds his onesie. He smiles at Iris and gives her a hug or a side hug.
“Send me pics later of them.” she whispers to Prompto.
“Will do.” he whispers back.
* * *
They all head out later for the festival, Noctis carrying Solis while Prompto has the nappy bag across his shoulder along with his camera in hand.
The group part ways. Ignis heading off with Gladio and Iris. The duo seemed rather content to be around each other and Iris seemed happy enough to be around that even if her brother had his arm around the chef’s waist.
Prompto meanwhile walked around with Noctis and Solis, practically beaming when someone commented on how cute their son was. Noctis being Noctis had no idea how to respond to such so he awkwardly thanked people and agreed with them.
Solis just sat in the baby carrier on his dad's chest and was plain adorable. The usual honestly. Until they had to take a detour and go hunt for a bathroom to change him. He was grumpy at that time and rightfully so.
The trio after that continued to roam around the festival, Noctis explaining what happened last time he came and watching Prompto's eyes light up. He didn't miss the slightly betrayed look Prompto gave him when chocobo chicks was brought up.
They fell into a comfortable silence after that which only lasted for a few moments before Prompto spoke up again.
“...Do you think Gladio and Iggy seemed glad to like abandon us?” he asks and Noctis sighs before nodding.
“Gladio put his arm around Iggy, Prom.” Noctis replied. “So yeah.”
“Oh em gee! I thought I was seeing things!” Prompto gasps.
“Nope. Totally had his arm around him.” Noctis replies popping the p.  He smirks a little.
“...You think they're…”
“Dating?” Noctis asks and Prompto nods. “They've been close for years. Wouldn't surprise me.”
Prompto grins and pulls out his phone. “I'm totally asking them...What if they're married?”
“Prom, neither have rings.”
“Maybe they're allergic.”
“I think we'd know if they was.” Noctis adds.
Prompto gestures to the baby and his ears, Noctis catching on quickly and covering Solis’ ears much to the baby's dislike.
“...Suddenly all the fuck eyes make sense.” Prompto mutters and Noctis wheezes.
“...What?”  he asks trying not to laugh.
“I'd see them like giving each other bedroom eyes sometimes. Usually when they thought we was asleep or like busy. At first I thought it was just a weird staring contest”
“Gods if they've been keeping a relationship a secret from me I'll be pissed.” Noctis replies. “Like it's not a big deal but I figure they'd like tell us.”
Prompto pouts and agree.
“Anyway let's enjoy the festival.” Noctis says  leading the way. Prompto nods and follows him.
* * *
The trio explore, wandering around as Prompto takes pictures of the sights.
They walk around for a while before Prompto carefully pulls Noctis to a stop, bouncing on his feet a little as he does.
“Hey...I gotta go…” he mutters and Noctis gestures to a nearby bathroom with his head.
“There's one over there Prom.”
Prompto sighs with relief and rushes off.
“Bee are bee!” Prompto yells as he practically sprints off.
Noctis watches him with a smile before looking down at Solis.
“That's your father right there. He's a nerd but I love him..He's my nerd.” Noctis mutters to his baby son. “..Least you can't tell him I said that.”
Solis sneezes and whines, Noctis mutters comfort to him before the duo fall silent as the wait for Prompto. Solis flails on occasion which Noctis finds cute honestly.
He zones out, focusing on the baby. He smiles and gently runs a hand through feathery blonde baby hair. He's so out of it, he misses the mascot coming closer.
He hears a familiar caw and tenses up, eyes widening in fear. Noctis glances up his fears confirmed when he sees Kenny Crow.  He freezes honestly, breaking out in a cold sweat.
“Don't come closer. Don't come closer.” Noctis mutters to himself.
Solis wiggles in the baby carrier on Noctis’ chest. He grumbles and frowns. Noctis can't comfort him, too frozen as he stares at Kenny Crow.
Solis continues to frown and wiggle and Noctis comes to realise this is how Solis expresses anger. Wiggles.  Anger wiggles he calls it in his mind.
The baby continues his anger wiggles which in turn makes Kenny come over not realising what the wiggles mean. Noctis feels sick honestly.
The mascot attempts to talk to the terrified Prince and the baby, unaware he's the source of the Prince's fear.
“Noct?”  a familiar friendly voice speaks up before the person heads over. Prompto. He looks at Noctis, noticing how terrified he looks.
He notices Kenny and it all makes sense.  He also notices that Solis has stopped wiggling but he's managed to notice Kenny. The baby stares looking terrified before he wails loudly and Prompto realises at that point he has to be the knight in shining armour.
He apologises to Kenny Crow and quickly takes Noctis and Solis says far away from the mascot. Far enough for the duo to relax and calm down.
He carefully leads them to a table outside of a food joint and sighs.
“I'm sorry.” Prompto says.
“Why? You got us away from that daemon.” Noctis mutters. “I should be thanking you.”
Prompto smiles softly offering a hand to Noctis to hold. “Don't thank me. My boys was scared, I was just taking you both out of that.”
Noctis grabs his hand and squeezes it. “Can we sit here for a few seconds?”
Prompto nods and looks at Solis.
“It sucks he got scared.”
“Fear is a normal response to Kenny.” Noctis mutters and Prompto smirks.
“I like him.”
“You like birds.” Noctis replies.  “That's why.”
Prompto smiles and sighs.
“I just don't find him scary.” Prompto says, rubbing his thumb against Noctis’ hand. “I'll protect you both from him. Don't worry.”
Noctis smiles softly.
* * *
Noctis bottle feeds Solis while they sit there, Solis suckles greedily which prompts Prompto to speak up.
“Dude he'll get gas if you let him suckle so quick. He'll be uncomfortable.”
Noctis repositions Solis and adjusts the bottle, Solis suckles slower much to Noctis and Prompto’s relief.
“There's a Chocobo mascot wandering around. I think you'll like it if you're fine with dancing a Chocobo dance in front of people.”
Prompto blushes but looks excited. Noctis can see a spark in his eyes.
“We'll go find them after I burp him.” Noctis adds, laughing to himself as Prompto does his adorable little victory tune.
* * *
It takes longer than expected to burp Solis. Noctis wonders if the baby is dragging the waiting around process out or if said baby is having a difficult time.
Unfortunately Solis throws up a little during the process. Noctis’ face draining of colour the moment he gets baby vomit on his sleeve.
“Prom..We have an issue here.” Noctis speaks up and Prompto quickly rummages in the nappy bag, pulling out baby wipes.
He winces and opens the pack, carefully heading over and wiping Noctis’ sleeve and Solis’ mouth with wet wipes.
“He’s not sick right?” Prompto asks and Noctis shakes his head.
“He’s not fussing...Still want to see that mascot?”
Prompto practically beams and nods, rushing off the moment Noctis stands. The royal smiles as he watches him and then glances down at Solis who flails excitedly.
“He makes it hard not to get excited huh?” he mutters to his son who squeals in response. Noctis laughs and follows the direction Prompto went.
* * *
They catch up fairly quickly, Prompto having decided to wait for them and the small family head down to the Chocobo mascot.
Prompto beams when said mascot notices them, he beams a little more when the Chocobo mascot waves at them.
Prompto gets called over to do the dance and honestly Noctis has never seen someone so excited.
Solis flails a little as he stares at the sight, he seems fascinated, he squeals and giggles when the dance starts and gets more vocal than he has been before when Prompto copies the dance.
Noctis likes to think that this is a baby version of cheering Prompto on that or Solis is just making noises because he doesn’t know how to deal with emotions. He snaps a few photos off Prompto’s camera, Solis attempting to grab the camera from his little baby carrier.
The mascot hugs Prompto who returns it eagerly and the trio are on their way waving the mascot bye. Or Prompto is, Noctis just says bye awkwardly and prays the mascot wasn’t the same person from his visit previously.
Up next they head to the chocobo races. Noctis deciding his knight in shining armour deserves another treat.
“You sure you don’t want a go?” Prompto asks.
“Nah I’ll stay on baby duty.” Noctis replies. Plus his back is aching a little and last thing he wants is to annoy it further.
Prompto asks if he’s sure it’s ok he just goes and Noctis nods.
“Just go have fun.” he says with a smile , glancing down at Solis who’s looking at one of the nearby Chocobos. He’s not completely sure of the adult ones yet.
Noctis strokes his soft blonde baby hair and smiles making his way over to the course to cheer on Prompto as he’s lead away to pick a Chocobo.
* * *
Prompto had sped through the course in lightning time. Noctis is sure he beat his score from the last time but all that is forgotten the moment he sees Prompto’s bright smile.
Prompto coos over the race Chocobo, giving her a scritch and little cuddle before bidding her goodbye as he hands her back to her owner.
“How was it?” Noctis asks, already knowing the answer.
“Amazing! Noct she’s two and her name is Butterscotch and I would die for her.” the gunner cries.
“Don’t die, I need you for this parenting deal.”
Prompto blushes and smiles.
“No plan to.” he says, biting his lip. “Now let’s go to the prize counter!”
* * *
They get back into their hotel room at seven pm. The baby carrier is quickly removed from Noctis’ chest the moment Solis is out of it with a sigh of relief.
Solis is placed into a cot before Prompto and Noctis begin to undress.  Prompto without hesitation slips into the moogle onesie Iris got him.
“Aah~ Dude it’s so soft and warm~” he gasps and that’s enough to make Noctis change into his.
Prompto grins and grabs his phone, flicking on his camera app.
“Say Kupo!” he says with a grin, he puts an arm around Noct and the prince reluctantly says it as Prompto takes the photo, then sends the selfie to Iris.
After that they quickly change Solis before dressing him in his moogle onesie too. The duo freeze for a second before Prompto takes many photos, some going to Iris.
“Hey can you send one to me? I want one as my lockscreen.” Noctis asks.
Prompto smiles and quickly sends a couple for him to choose from.
* * *
They end up ordering room service. Ignis will kill them when he finds out they’re sure but for now it’s a good idea to have ice cream and catch a film on the hotel room’s tv.
Prompto snuggles up to Noctis’ side and Noctis puts an arm around him to get a little more comfortable. He tells himself it’s fine and Prompto looks comfortable and content at his side so he shouldn’t worry.
Prompto’s texting on the advert break. He’s texting Iris and gushing over the baby with her, among other things.
“She’s calling us old for being in bed at seven.” Prompto mutters.
“Tell her we’re only five years older than her.”
Prompto texts back and stretches against Noctis.
“Should I ask about Gladnis?”
“Glad...Nis?” Noctis asks, confused.
“Yeah...Like a couple name. People combine names together.”  Prompto replies.
“Oh that explains some stuff...Yeah ask.”
Prompto grins and texts back, gasping moments later.
“...What? What is it?” Noctis asks.
“...They’ve been dating since they was in high school.”
“What the fuck...How did I not know?”
“Iris says we’re just oblivious.”
Noctis huffs and carefully gets up, Prompto whines and reaches out for him.
“Noo you were comfy.” he huffs before pouting.
Noctis rolls his eyes and smiles.
“I’ll forgot something. I'll be back.” he says heading over to Solis’ cot. Said baby is wiggling around with a frown. “He’s angry.”
“How do you know?” Prompto asks.
“He wiggles and frowns.” Noctis says reaching over to open a drawer on the nightstand.
Prompto gasps and quickly heads over, he laughs a little at the sight and gently strokes Solis’ cheek.
“Dude...This is adorable.” he mutters. “Gods...Noct he’s too cute.”
Noctis smiles and agrees, pulling out the little Carbuncle statue from the drawer and placing it in Solis’ cot.
“Don’t be too grumpy for Carbuncle ok? He’ll let me know how you were.” Noctis mutters and plants a kiss on Solis’ head.
“Yeah be nice to….Carbuncle???? Why haven’t I seen him?” Prompto mutters, planting a kiss on Solis’ head. The kisses seemed to have quelled the baby’s anger who currently is staring at the statue.
“He’s only appeared to me and Solis. I don’t know why he likes making me look crazy by showing up on photos and not letting others see him.”
“Do they like each other?” Prompto asks.
Noctis nods and smiles. “He made it clear he thinks Sol is cute.”
Prompto beams and looks down at Solis. He holds onto the cot looking at their son, who’s staring up at him sleepily.
“Sleep. You’ll be sleepy and cranky if you don’t.” Prompto mutters.
“Also Carby’s waiting for you.” Noctis adds. Solis coos and yawns, Noctis strokes his cheek. “Yeah he’s waiting.”
Solis drifts off soon after, Prompto and Noctis heading back to curl up on the bed and watch their film. They return to their snuggling position and quietly talk to each other once it ends and a new one starts.
They might end up having a film marathon for hours. It extends past when Gladio, Ignis and Iris return at ten and even well past when the trio call it a night.
The boys are sleepy come the fifth or sixth film. They’ve lost count how many have played. They’re honestly blending together at this point plus they’re kind of stuffed due to the fact they ordered a large pizza and shared it together.
Prompto at this point is sluggishly pressed against Noctis and the royal is on his back, occasionally rubbing his stomach just as sluggish.
Prompto blinks slowly. He yawns and grunts. He wonders if the pizza was too much. Prompto hears a yawn right next to him and decides at that point film night is probably drawing to a close.
Neither have the time to turn the TV off. They just attempt to get comfortable and snuggle more against each other. Prompto’s almost asleep when he feels a kiss against his head. He drifts off with a smile on his face.
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wordsdrippinginink · 7 years
Modern Pokemon Go Au, anyone?  (*-_-) I can’t believe I forgot this was in my drafts, oops.
Marco gets Pokemon GO downloaded onto his phone three hours after midnight the night it comes out while he asleep.
He wakes up to a post it note on his screen and 20% battery, already knowing it’s Ace’s fault.
‘That Pokémon game that I’ve been waiting for finally came out, but my phone doesn’t support it. :(.’ Ace’s scrawl is even harder to read early in the morning. ‘Our starter is Charmander.’
Marco blinks slowly at the note and understands less than he normally does. Instead, he stumbles to the bathroom to get ready for work, putting the game out of his mind until he’s at the office.
The start-up music is loud, enough so that Marco slaps his hand over the speakers and shakes his head as he thumbs down the volume. He blinks at the tiny person that appears on screen, his head tipped to the side.
The username isn’t AceOspades like Ace normally uses in games, the name FireBirb in the corner by the bar that measured how far away from the next level they were.
Marco backs out the app and pulls up messenger, hoping to get up message to Ace before he went to sleep.
'Fire for me and Birb for you.’ Ace answers almost instantly. 'We are the mighty FireBirb.’
Marco rolls his eyes and goes back in, prodding a button that pulls up the list of Pokémon that Ace had caught the night before.
The highest level is 1350 and it belongs to a fire unicorn named Striker. Beside it is a fire cat, maybe a fox, called Flareon only a hundred points under that. The weakest is a fire lizard with 55 called Phoenix.
He scrolls through the fifty-something Pokémon that Ace caught in the course of the night, a disproportionate amount of them were something that Marco would use the word fire to describe.
Marco jolts when his phone buzzes, bouncing in horror and exiting back to the map to find a fire dog, like the one that Ace had named Stephan, on the map before him. He taps and startles when it appears closer and he throws the balls that appear at the bottom of the screen and catches it. Marco grins.
There’s a strange thing at the front of the building in yellow, Marco taps it and blinks as he appears to get himself in the middle of something, tapping at the screen until he wins. When he gets back to the map, the things is gray and empty, he taps it again and next thing he knows the thing belongs to him?
“Morning,” Izo says breezing past only half an hour late, “Has Pops come in yet?”
“No.” Marco answers as a purple rat looking thing appears on screen. “Neither has Thatch. Or Curiel.”
Izo sighs, “Thatch is always late,” He pulls out his own phone and starts doing something. “Ugh.”
“The gym at the office is held by Valor.” Izo pulls a face. “Who is FireBirb?”
Marco blinks, already knowing what he has to do, “We have a gym?”
“In the Pokémon GO app,” Izo answers, “We have a gym and two convenient PokeStops. Played a bit last night.”
“That’s what Ace downloaded onto my phone.” Marco says slowly.
Izo laughs, “Ace needs to get a new phone.”
Ace lounges over Marco’s bed, phone in his hand and Pokémon music loud in Marco’s room. His feet kicking back and forth.
“Sabo said that FireBirb took over the gym at your work,” Ace says going through everything that Marco caught at work. “Good job.”
“I didn’t know what I was doing. I just tapped the screen. FireBirb?”
Ace hums, “Yeah. Normally you don’t play any of the games that I play, so I figured it wouldn’t be cool to use my personal username and you were sleeping. So the FireBirb came to life.”
“You’re ridiculous. And a fox appeared.”
“Eebee!” Ace shouts tapping horrified and relaxing only after it was caught. “I need all the Eebees, Marco.”
Ace nods, “E-e-v-e-e. Eebee.”
“Wouldn’t that be Eevee?”
“Shush, they are Eebees. They are cute little Eebees, Marco, the cutest.” Ace insists.
Marco rolls his eyes, “ So Eebees. Why do you need all the Eebees?”
Ace bounces upright on the bed, eyes glowing, “The Eebee, Marco, is the very best Pokémon to have because it will evolve into any of three Pokémon.”
“Wait, what’s evolving?”
“Most Pokémon can change into other Pokémon,” Ace pulls up Flareon. “This was once an innocent Eebee.”
Huh, Marco tilts his head to the side and stares at it, the Eevee was pretty cool.
“And in later games, the Eebee gained five more evolutions. But don’t worry about them,” Ace assures. “They aren’t in the game.”
Marco nods and understands nothing.
Pokémon is fun, for all that Marco isn’t too sure about what happens in the game. It doesn’t always make much sense but it isn’t the worst time.
Besides, it means that Ace is around more and Marco can get behind that.
“FireBirb is going down today!” Izo declares throwing his fist up. “Today, I, Flintlock, shall take this gym!”
Marco ignores Izo’s shouts and checks the paperwork in his inbox. There’s a file that Pops wants double checked for errors before they send it to the customer.
“No!” Thatch shouts rolling his chair into the walk space between Marco and Izo’s cubicles. “Team Mystic can’t take down this menace. I, seachef, will lay claim to this gym."
Marco rolls his eyes and checks the gym curiously. The Flareon in the gym is over 1000 cp and there's a second one that Ace set up that's bordering on 2000 that he can use to wipe them out with or put in. The gym won't leave his hands.
He wins.
He doesn't even have to change the Flareons out. Which is nice. There's another gym down by Ace's station that he wanted to take over.
'How r the kids' Ace texts later after both Izo and Thatch have lost horribly.
It’s a joke of a sentence, something said for a laugh, but it makes Marco’s heart clench and something warm curl in his chest.
‘Fine, we still own the gym.’
‘My eebees?’
Marco smiles, taking the time to take a snapshot of the Eevees and send them to him, having caught two more of them because of the Poke-stop that is just at the edge of his building and his character is well within the range of. It’s kept well lured by the Pizza place that it represents.
‘EEBEES!’ Ace exclaims. ‘Look at all of them!’
‘They’re fine,’
Ace sends him a text that’s full of random letters and symbols, as if he tapped random buttons and then hit send.
‘Yes, they’ll be ready to go when you get home dear.’
‘Thks Darling!’
Marco drops his phone onto his desk and groans.
“Kids!” Ace shouts taking Marco’s phone before he’s gotten through the door. “How are you, babies?”
“I evolved the weird crab, now it is a bigger, weirder crab,” Marco says tugging off his shoes and dropping his sweater over the back of the couch.
Ace bounces excitedly, “Aw, one of you grew up!”
“I don’t think they can understand you,” Marco resists the urge to call Ace sweetheart because that would be going too far.
“Don’t listen to him, dad’s just cranky because he’s been at work all day.”
Marco bites the inside of his cheek, “Hungry?”
“I am ashamed that you even thought to ask that,” Ace returns sliding Marco’s phone into his back pocket. “How was your day?”
“Long, Izo tried to take over our gym and I beat them horribly, you?”
Ace slides into one of the stools at the breakfast nook, “Slept, harassed Luffy into doing the dishes, actually saw Sabo while he was also awake. Worried about our children.”
Marco ignores the flutter of his heart, the butterflies in his stomach as they eat and Ace launches into some story about something. Marco misses out on the point of it and doesn’t bother to ask.
“I love your bed,” Ace groans, flopping down on it as Marco moves to his desk, dishes in the dishwasher and kitchen cleaned. “It’s the best.”
“Shoes!” Marco warns, turning to catch Ace spread out over his sheets and turning to his computer quickly.
It’s Ace’s fault, all of this because now Marco is imagining them as married and he can’t. He’s spent years shoving aside this stupid crush and he won’t have this ruined because of a joking comment.
Ace frowns at Marco’s phone, the Poke-stops closest to the station are all lured and there’s plenty of Pokemon around to keep him from going crazy since his other duties are done.
“You okay?” Jiru asks, dropping into a seat. “Brought you dinner, courtesy of Thatch.”
“Thanks,” Ace grins, “I’m good. Just running on less sleep than normal, I wanted to see Sabo today, you know?”
Jiru laughs, “That’s what you get for working such polar opposite work hours. He’s still working for that Politician, ain’t he?”
“Yeah, Lu’s dad.”
“That is not a tired face, however, I would know I have more siblings than you have fingers. That’s a mooning face.” Jiru states with the ease of a man who knows he is right. “Tell me.”
“I might have made a joke about family, or about us being together, and he played along.”
Jiru stares at him, “You are adorable. That is adorable. I need to tell Marco about this,” Ace pales. “Oh,” Jiru grins, looking far too pleased with himself, “but you mean Marco, don’t you?”
“Hate you,” Ace mutters. “Should ban you from the station.”
“You can try,” Jiru promises, “But I think you’ll break in under a week, you like the lunches too much.”
Ace doesn’t deny it, it’s not inaccurate after all.
“Are you here to harass me too? Because I’m gonna have to take my lunch and tell you to leave.”
Jiru grins, “You could, or you could let me stay and tease you about your crush.”
“It’s not a crush!” Ace shouts, ducking his head as the rest of the station glances down to them. “It’s not,” He hisses softly.
“It’s not?” Jiru asks. “Then what is it?”
Ace doesn’t have an answer and Jiru doesn’t push. He waves Jiru off, staring at the screen of Marco’s phone as he waits for his shift to finish.
Marco groans when Ace bounces onto his bed, “I’m suppose to have the day off, which means sleeping in, not being woken up by you.”
“I wanted to show you what I caught at work!”
Marco holds his hand out for his phone, thumbing down the brightness and blinking sleepily at the screen as he scrolls through to look at whatever it was that Ace had caught.
He blinks, reordering the Pokemon when he catches changes to some of their names. He laughs, dragging Ace closer, grinning.
Ace grins hopefully, “So?”
“I think we have to date before I marry you,” Marco answers, kissing him. “But if you want, you can try again after dinner tonight?”
“It’s a date,” Ace agrees, “Tonight.”
“Tonight. Now let me sleep, some of us are still tired,” Marco yawns throwing a blanket over Ace’s face.
“I’m taking the kids for the morning!” Ace laughs taking Marco’s phone as he rolls off the bed. “Expect them back by noon!”
“They better be well rested!” Marco shouts after him. “I don’t want to have to deal with cranky kids!”
Ace shouts something affirmative back as Marco sighs and stares at the wall of his room. There was no way he was getting back to sleep anytime soon.
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inkytsuki · 7 years
in celebration for kish’s birthday i’m rereading the annotated version of the original illu so here it is for ya’ll!!
Includes my annotations from the stream and all the mistakes i made when i was twelve. its horrible. you are welcome
tw for furry bashing (i actually love furries i just hate myself)
Prologue (cara literally wrote that monologue from the hangover about being a lone wolf
at the bottom of the page)
The name Illusien has a history. A special name, on Glacitoria. It means Illumination. The name has always been given to a young woman; never a man or boy. The woman would receive her powers on her 16tth birthday; from that moment on, she became the light of Glacitoria.    The name was only given every 110 years. The name was a promise, a promise of life. She would live 100 years (????), then ten more years later, she would be reborn. Each time a different woman, a different power, a brighter light.    Each reincarnation stronger than the last. The ruler of all, lover of all, protector, savior, queen……….
Chapter 1: Illusien
The bright sun shone in her eyes. She winced and squinted as she got up and closed the curtains. Amber slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room searching from her stuff. Tommorrow (aces thats literally how i spelled it) would be her 16th birthday. She couldn’t stand waiting.    When all Glacitorian’s turn 16, they can have their genes tested, giving them the ability to obtain their powers, and move into the above ground planet with a real sun and sky. The artificial sky and sun we so annoying to Amber.    She slipped downstairs and ran out the front door.    "It’s so dirty down here,“ she thought (kill me). "All you can smell is dirt. I wonder if Alex is awake.” (still kill me) Her brown hair glowed red in the sunlight, her freckles lit up her face and her green eyes, murky green and swamplike, shone in the artificial sun. (this is so homoerotic i was so gay)    She wondered what it would be like above ground. She hoped it would be much more lovely than this. The thought of only having to be underground for 24 more hours was unbearable. She walked on back to the orphanage. Living in an orphange (FUCKING HELL KATIE CORRECTED THIS TO ORPHANGE) was not odd because after your 16th birthday you were sent up.    But, there were in fact squibs (robbed terminology from harry potter), whose (I CANT BELIEVE I USED THE RIGHT FORM OF WHOSE) genes did not match anything but human DNA. So they were not able to go above and were doomed to live underground. Most children did not know their parents.    Being so excited, Amber did not know what time it was. She looked at the clock. It was 9:30 pm. And then she drifted to sleep. (LEGENDARY)
Amber woke up. Happy birthday to me, she thought. She stood up and looked around her room. Lauren was still asleep. (who the fuck is lauren) Wearily, she quietly walked out of the room.    She slipped downstairs. Andrea, the squib owner, caretaker, was waiting for her.    "Are you ready Amber,“ she asked.    "Yes and no, and Andrea?”    "Yes Amber,“    "Is Alex comming?”    "Yes, Celia is bringing him,“    And they left.
Amber looked at Alex, her twin brother. He had her hair, but not her face nor eyes. He looked nothing like her. (he was ugly)    Knowing soon they would pass into the real Glacitoria, was hard. (not this shit again. ALSO RANDOM COMMA FTW) It was a heavy weight. Soon, they reached a large cave. Andrea and Celia stopped.    "We cannot go any farther,” said Andrea.    "You must complete the journey,“ this time the voice was from Celia. (??????)    Amber hugged Andrea good-bye. Alex walked on. They entered the cave. this cave was dingy and weathered. There was a trickle of water running down through the cave.    Amber and Alex kept on and the water grew stronger.    "I see light!” Amber exclaimed.    They crawled out. It was loud. The rumbling of voices filled the air. (WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GO. THEY LITERALLY ARE IN THE WOODS ALONE FOR MONTHS OK) They walked towards a door-like arch.    "Name.“ A short man boomed from a window (HOW DOES SHE KNOW HES SHORT)    "Age.”    "Sixteen.“    "Today?”    "Today.“    He told her to step into the arch. She did so. A green light flashed around her. (Daisy??? is that you………??) She saw a tail pop out on her back and felt ears sprout on her head. Her hair turned dark red and she felt a warmth.    A spark. It landed on her finger tips and went inside her. Pop! (pop yep. i used the word pop. sound effects. slay.) A green (surprise) outfit surrounded her. Black gloves popped (ugh) on her hands.    A whisper. More whispers. Then she started to float down, the light drifted away. The whispers ceased.    The dwarf (NOW HES A DWARF APPARENTLY) seemed to be in a daze. But one word stayed on her mind.    Illusien.
Chapter 2: The Newest Light
"I’m afraid I’m gonig to have to tell you,” the dwarf (ah…continuity) said, “you’re goig to start to forget who you are. Then you will become someone new.” (DEMENTIA)    "Sir,“ said the girl (???? transition????) "does this have anything to do with that word, Illusien, I believe it was?”    "I’m afraid it does,“ the (very afraid) dwarf said in reply. "That is now your name. You are the new light for Glacitoria.”    It stuck in her head like chewing gum on a desk. ( i like this analogy katie said it was stupid) “You are the newest light for Glacitoria.” She had heard that name before. Illusien.        She thanked him and left. She hadn’t seen her brother (bother was accurate tbh) cross through. Her fox ears and tail twitched. (it pains me to write that.) She stood up. Maybe her brother was a squib.    The beauty of Glacitoria is more than I would ever imagined, with undisturbed nature, the girl thought, much better than underground.    The fresh air smelled and tasted good to Illusien. She closed her green, cat-like (shes a fox tho) eyes to take a deep breath. She felt herself bump into something. (SPOILER: IT KISH)    She opened her eyes and looked up. The soft hazel eyes that looked back at her calmed her. His dark hair gleamed in the sunlight (moonlight was written over this but im so confused)    Real sun(moon)light, she thought, no artifical stuff.    He looked at her with his soft gaze. (hes actually batshit and a brat haha) It made her want to melt. She couldn’t look away.    "H-hi-um i-urr,“ she stammered. (ATTRACTIVE)    "Hello, my name is Mikish,” he said (awkwardly) cooly. “You can call me Kish.”    "Hi, my name is Am–I mean Illusien (theres a little :) next to illusien),“ Illusien said. (cause…we needed…to…hear…her…name…again…)    "You know, you’re a legend,.” Kish replied, “( I ca nt believe i ha ve to ty pe this) A (ew) beautiful one at that,” he said looking her dead in the eyes.    She blushed. (cause thats what u do when a guy is creeping on you) Wait! Mikish, she thought, the words suddenly creeping into her head; he’s a legend himself!    "You know,“ said she (why), "your a legend too.”    "Really? I wondered why they acted all weird when I went through two years ago!“ he said sarcastically. (ive used all my exclaimation points for the rest of my life and its only page like 6)    She laughed. She couldn’t help it. (ew ew ewewewwe WHY DO I HAVE TO TYPE THIS) He was so (…………………) handsome, he made her (???? what is) want to sing Amazing Grace at the top of her lungs. (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)    "You tell my story (??),” Kish said, “And I’ll tell you yours.” (I love how there is always a break in the dialogue)
As Kish told her of her past, she watched him. All of his movents (?) so perfect, so smooth, so natural (i would fuckin hope so). He was a work of art.    She looked into his hazel eyes. They were so beautiful. He must be an angel, she thought. Only an angel could be so beautiful. (evan peters is actually weirdly attractive but lol)    Suddenly (obligatory anime faint) she was feeling super dizzy.    "Are you okay?!“ exclaimed Kish.    "Kish…” (jfc)    She closed her eyes and fainted. (why) (actually theres a reason but i didnt do this for that reason unfortunately)
(I do not want to type this part like no why WHY WHY DID I WRITE THIS. I LET PEOPLE READ THIS) It was dark. Illusien could hear the crackling of fire. She rolled over. Kish! Where was Kish? Kish came through the trees, carrying firewood. (another little :) )    "Well, you’re finally awake!“ Kish said.    "What happened?” asked Illusien, rubbing her head.    "You fainted!“ (he said mockingly as he laughed at her. he kept laughing. what a fucking idiot)    Oh no! (please dont make me do this) (this is literally right out of tokyo mew mew a la mode) I (plz) fainted in front of this (no plz) cute guy? (sigh) say it isnt so!
The fire was warm. Kish (sorry i changed POVs. now its in Kish’s pov????) looked up at her. She saw him and he averted his gaze. Her tail twitched as she sat across from him.    She pulled her hair back into (god fucking damn it. why why why why why why) ribboned (no) pigtails. Her bangs and (rolls eyes into the abyss) frames (anime hair sugoii desu) hung down. Her swamplike eyes lit up in the firelight.    His looked gray in the light. It made him look more handsome (so beautiful everyones so beautiful and white). If that was possible. (ew)    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Kish?“ (addressing one another by name so that the deer arent confused)    "You should get some rest. I’ll show you around in the morning. Don’t worry. (oh no  here we go with the white boy bull shit) I’ll always be around to protect you. Always. (haha nope)”    The words hung in her ears. (which ones) She smiled.    "Good night kish.“    "Good night, my light.” (next to it “awwwww how sweet” more like barf)
Chapter 3: Kish
“Good morning! ( :) )”    "Whaa!! (oh my god) Oh, kish!“    "Get up we must get going.”    "Kish (it looks like kush right here) what are you talking about? You sound worried!“    "I’ll tell you when we get there.”    "Okay. I trust you.“ (yoU ARE TOO TRUSTING) –
Her dark red hair bounced as they treaded through the woods. Her orange red ears stood straight up and her eyes on Kish.    The evergreen forest around her sent chills up her spine. She decided to follow behind Kish closer. She heard a stick crack. (ACTION)    "Kish! Get down!”    "What?!“    "Someone’s following us.”    They laid down behind a large log. Kish, she thought, where is he? (hes a fast little fucker apparently) Kish was gone. She heard a crack. Kish shot an arrow at their attacker. (apparently hes ann excellent marksman)    Illusien got up. She looked older now. (is this really the time for this) She didn’t think as she used to. (its been one fucking day) She walked over to Mikish, who was standing over the body. (who he killed with one shot. with a normal bow and arrow)    He picked up an amulet. “This belongs to Xalador (lmfao),” he thought. “This is what I feared!”
“Kish are we there yet? ( :) )”    "Almost.“    They stopped at a stream with a great water fall crashing down. (streams dont get great waterfalls…..like…no. just nope). It’s beautiful, thought Illusien, like nothing ive every seen!    "We’re here, Illusien.”    "Now tell me what we’re doing.“ –
"We are in danger. Mostly you. Do you know who Xalador is?”    "No.“ (why the fuck. she doesnt know anything shit head)    "He is a sorcerer (?). His power is greater than mine and has the ability to drain the power from you. That’s what he wants. Your power. He wants to destroy you
once and for all. If you are destroyed in your youth and not before your 100 years are up the light of Glacitoria will be extinguished forever.” (???????? okay whatever)    Illusien looked into his gray eyes. They had looked hazel the night before. His hair wasnt as dark either. It was sandyish. (jfc)    He looked at her with piercing eyes. (as piercing as an awkward 15 year old virgins eyes can be) She knew he was serious.
As she sat listening she had an eerie feeling as the words seemed to creep into her head:
“Mikish, the controller of mind (originally his power was water). King of all. Caretaker of Illusien. Always born two years earlier. He would follow Illusien through her journey.
Forever, until his destruction.” (too trusting)
They picked berries until the sun started to fade. They found their way back as it was almost sunset. Kish went to find firewood. (after sunset probably hes an idiot)    Illusien (being a fucking furry) started to play with a mouse. She got bored and killed it. (a symptom of both psychopathy and being a furry) She was about to eat it (?>>>????? fuckin furry) when Kish came back.    Kish was going to find some stones to start a fire with. He tried to strike a fire
with stones. (but he fuckin sucks so here we are) Illusien snapped her fingers and the logs burst into flames. (showy littl e cunt)    Kish looked at her. (he does that a lottttT) She smiled, proud of herself. She looked at him. She shivered.    "Good night Kish.“    "Good night Illusien.” Chapter 4: “What do we do?” (slay me already okay. also this chapter is literally 1 page front and back. thats it)
Illusien woke up. Kish wasn’t there. (this is a reoccuring theme)    "Kish?!“ (immediate panic. someone help her)    Kish was sitting on the cliff by the water fall. (okay so i have no idea why this is her immediate thought) "I wonder if I can fly or float or something like Kish,” she thought. (HOW DO WE KNOW HE FLIES??? THIS IS THE FIRST EXAMPLE AND LITERALLY NO ONE SAW HIM DO IT) She concentrated. The she floated up. She opened her eyes and flew foward slowly. She tapped down gently beside Kish. (nice to know she magically learned how to fly and is instantly incredible at it)    "Kish?“    "Yes, Illusien,”    (get ready for it. PREPARE YOUR SELF) “What do we do?” —
(OH GOD. OH GOD YES OH YES LMFAO YES)    "Lord?“    "Yes, Malaki?”    "We’ve located her.“    "Good. (fave fav e fave) Destroy her not. Lead her to me.”    "Lord, what shall we do about the boy?“    ”(THIS IS MY FAVORITE LINE) Bring to me him. I want to see the light leave their eyes.“ (?????????????? im like what cause thats not right but ok) —
Illusien waited for a reply from Kish. It was hard for Kish to say what to do. He did want to go through with it. (with what i m)    Kish thought a moment and then realized it had to be done.    "Illusien, we have to kill Xalador. If he doesn’t die, we surely will and the whole world will be under his control for all eternity. (i m laughing so hard rn)” Kish couldn’t look her in the eyes. He knew it was dangerous. But so was the rest of her life.    One mistake and all of Glacitoria will be gone forever, he thought. Or at least as we know it.    "Okay. But one question. How do we kill him?“ (illusien asking the important questions)
(wtf is this and why did i change povs and shit)    All of her past lives, thought Kish,she has defeated her enemies. Throughout all her reincarations she hasn’t failed. But what if this time, she doesn’t suceed??
Illusien looked around. Crack. Another crack. Something was out there. A dark shadow. It came closer. Then everything went black. (THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR A NARCOLEPTIC EPISODE)
Chapter 5: Captivity (?)
Kish woke up. He looked around. Illusien was gone.    "Illusien!”    No answer. He waitied, she didn’t come back. He started on his way. He decided to fly up to see where was. No movement. He couldn’t see anything in the dense forest. He realized he had to track her, (this was good until this point right her) or lose her forever. (F ucKin)
Illusien startled. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Kish, she thought. She opened her eyes. She was not by the stream anymore. (THE WRITING IS SO LIGHT RIGHT HERE JFC)    Illusien felt the tears well up in her eyes. (shes a cryer unfortunately)She didn’t know where she was. A figure appeared in front of her. He smelled charred. (HE SMELLED OF BURNING FLESH. WHAT A FUCKING GREAT DESCRIPTION 12 YR OL D ME BYE) And dingy. (nice. a real man) He leaned down and gave her a hand. (like a real anime gentleman) When she stood her green eyes met his equally murky eyes.    His dark hair blew in the wind (fuck) as he looked down at her. (wait i lied this is my favorite line) He didn’t look like a kidnapper.    "Hello.“ He said with a (totally sugoi) bow. (who the fuck does this little shit think he is.) ("I just met you and this is crazy. But i just kidnapped you. so fuck me maybe”)    Illusien though for a moment, then said, “Hello.” though “why did you kidnap me” would have been more appropriate. (narcolepsy man)    His murky eyes glistened (ANIME). Suddenly, she (sighhh) felt weak in the knees. She couldn’t move, she couldnt run, she couldnt (fucking stop making run on sentences?) do anything. (its the GHB in your system, honey. hes a creep.)    He was (no good god why did) even more handsome that Kish. (not rly tbh) He was hypnotising. Finally, he spoke up. (did they just stare at each other for like 2 minutes bc)    "My name is Luke. I have saved you.“
"My lord, we have lost her.”    "Well, then Malaki, find HER!“    "Lord Xalador.:    "Yes Jesse”    "Malaki you tell him.“ (pussy)    "Lord, we think she has found the boy.”    "Do NOT (underlined very heavily) let them get away!!“ (they already…ok) —
Illusien sat across from Luke. It was all confusing to her. (you are too trusting. he could be anyone. he could be a serial killer. a rapist. i mean. you faint all the time. you  need to g et away) The journey had not yet begun (what mother fuckin journey are you prattling about) and where was Kish? "I have saved you” From what?    She took a bite of the delicious (why was i such a fuckin weeb) rice cake, it was delicious (SLAY Me). Then she looked at Luke. (she looked at look is what i wrote the first time lmao) He stood. She stood too.    "Luke?“ (she always addressed people by their name like theres someone else there)    "Yes?”    "What have you saved me from?“    (DRUMFUCKInrOLL) "Mikish.”    "Mikish?“    "Yes. You must not believe him. He is a deciever!” (did i just watch spy kids 3)    "Kish?“ Illusien said. "He just doesn’t seem the type.” (what exactly is the type? since….theyre decieving you???)    "Oh but he is. He works for Xalador!“ (zaxbys he works at zaxbys)    "What can you tell me about Xalador ?( :D)”    "He is new to Glacitoria. Very young. In the four months you have been in Glacitoria he have been rising, plotting your downfall.“ (it has literally been like 3 days max. MAX)    "Why was I chosen?”    "You will find out. Illusien, you are the light. You are our queen, and our savior. Now, you should be worried about destroying Xalador.“ (he dont know. cryptic little shi.t)    Illusien looked up. She didn’t remember who she was anymore. (??) She turned to face Luke, who was standing behind her.    "Luke, I don’t know who to trust, anymore.”    "You can trust me.“    "Well. That’s exactly what Kish said.” (SASS)
Lord Xalador stood. He was ready to destroy all surrounding him.    "Malaki (i cant wait till i ge t to the glorious mispelling of his name), why is it the simple things I ask of you and Jesse, never get done!“    "Sir, we try our best.”    "Your best is not suitable!“ (wreckd)    "Lord, may we add that–”    "Jesse, fetch me Mikish.“ —
Illusien looked up (she does that a fuckin lot) throught the trees. The tall oak she was under glistened with dew. "You can trust me.” Can I really trust him? she pondered. Is he right about Kish?    Luke walked around the tree to where Illusien was sitting. He looked at her. She caught his gaze and he looked away. (ahh. romance.)    "Illusien?“    "Yes?”    He reached around his neck. He took off his necklace. It had a ruby on the end.    "I want you to have this.“ (white boy gift)    "Your pendant?” (fuckin wait for it)    "No. My promise. ( :) )“
Chapter 6: Lessons
She let her hair down. (god damn it) She brushed through it. (katies annotation on the page: "WHERE IN THE HELL DID SHE GET A BRUSH?”) Luke, it bounced through her head, Luke. (new hotter boy instant crush) She clutched the pendant with one hand. She closed her eyes. (was this it? was this the boy she was going to give her virginity to? was this love? she had his necklace, a part of him, a symbol of his affection. theyd only known each other a day, and he hadnt even asked her to be his girlfriend….but still…the necklace had to mean something….right????)    She looked over at Luke. He was still sleeping. She stood, put out the fire, and went to sleep. Luke opened his eyes (like a fuckin creeper), snapped his fingers and the log burst back into flames. (WHHHHAAAT)
— (HOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AND I LOVE THIS PART BYE) The sun shone through the trees. Kish was on his way to Xalador’s castle. He was upset with himself. He thought, why did I let her get away? Lord, oh god, the Lord will probably kill me, I wasn’t (best spelling mistake ever) supposeded to let her go.    He shook his head. I didn’t want to bring her in the first place. (!!!!) No use fighting emotions now. He couldn’t believe he let himself fall in love with her. (in 3 days nonetheless. impressive)    He looked up, the castle was just up ahead. He took a deep breath and pushed her out of his head for a moment, and headed inside. (this isnt the part i thought it was)
“So who is this Xalador guy any ways? I mean seriously, no one will tell me anything.”    "When the time comes, you will know.“ (this guy is useless. he aint know shit from dirt)    "Why does everyone keep saying that?” (because i was twelve and hadn’t actually come up with anything yet. i literally sat in my prealgebra class and wrote you)    "Because it’s true. You will know the horrible truth when the time comes,“ he paused, "and that is a promise.” (grOSS LITTLE SHIT STOP SAYING THAT)    Illusien looked away. (b-baka!!) She knew he would keep his promise. She clutched her necklace, closed her eyes, and turned to face him.    "What about my brother?“ —
"Mikish, your late.” (a wizard is never late, frodo baggins. nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to)    "Yes, my lord, I know, I apologize.“ ("I brought starbucks tho.” “You asshole! I only drink coffee from joe muggs! the cafe inside books a million!! sarah is my favorite barista!1” “OH NO SORRY MY LORD”)    "Where is the girl?“ (he asked, stroking his hairless face. he was a dark lord. why could he not grow facial hair.)    "Lord, you must understand, I, I…I lost her. She was kidnapped in the night.”    "Useless! Everyone of you. Malaki, Jesse, and you, of all people, Mikish I trusted you to bring her to me!“    "My lord! I really,  please I beg of you, one more chance.”    "Fine, Mikish. Get out of my sight.“
"Your brother, made it through, that’s true. But I say with a heavy heart, I cannot tell you what has happened to him.”    There was a brief silence between them. She (surprise) looked up at him.    "Teach me. Teach me to control my powers, Luke. I know you have the power of fire just like me. So teach me.“    He hesitated, "Okay Illusien, I promise.” (shuuuuut uppppp) —
(OKAY I LOVE THIS PART LMAO) How could I be so stupid? Kish kicked a tree. I can’t believe I did this. (from this point on katie is writing the scene and im helpingokay sorry. this is us together.) She probobly is sitting with the rebel boy, and he is telling her who i really am. He pulled at his hair in frustration. Lord Xalador expected Kish to bring Illusien to him.    How did Xalador talk me into this? If only I’d known……… (katie wrote: “how much of a slut she is…..” jfc man we were so brutal to this poor narcoleptic furry) Luke looked at Illusien. Her breathing was soft and light. She looked so much beautiful when she slept. (lmfao im dying rn so much beautiful) She was peaceful. The questioning look on her face was gone. (im always so confused by the weird out of context things katie wrote. like wtf was she talking about.)    He could see the damage Kish had done. (da…mag..e…??/) She stirred slightly. He wondered what she dreamt about. Kish had put through her head so many lies. Luke could see she didn’t want to believe him about Kish. (reasonable…since she doesn’t even know you dude.)    Her gentle nature was greater than he had ever seen. (oh not this fucking bullshit again comE ON) Her radiance and beauty were equal to her personality. (nonexistant??? cause really shes kind of like a brick.) (katie wrote: “bullshit! :)”)    Illusien shivered in her sleep. He walked over and covered her with his blanket. She calmed. He wouldn’t need it anyway because he wouldn’t be sleeping anyway. (…..what he gonna do bc,)    Kish would be on his way to find her at anytime and he had to be alert. (right. cause kish is the biggest threat in the whole forest. im laughing too har d omg)
Kish wandered through the forest. He couldn’t find her. It’s no use, he thought, the rebel boy has probably taken her out of the woods by now any way. (neg. also THE REBEL BOY WHY DID WE CALL HIM THAT IM GONNA PEE.)    Kish was confused. He wanted to be with her but he wanted her to be safe. (be…with…her……..youve known her like 4 days, kiddo. you just…want…other things ok)    He knew this was impossible, but he couldn’t think clearly anymore.    The other night he had read into her thoughts. He implanted false thoughts and sensed where she was. (sensed where she was?? ok katie PLEASE explain this to me i do not understand your reasoning behind this.) HE COULD DO THAT AGAIN!!! DUH!!!! (i dont think m y commentary is necessary on this lmao) The answer was right there! But did he want to put her in jeporady? (thats how its spelled) (katie loved loved loved the word jeopardy) As soon as they were together again, she would be in trouble. (understatement of the generation. TROUBLE. HA. more like mildly mortal peril)    If he could just decide! Thoughts kept whirling through his head. If he sacrificed her safety for his pleasure (WOW. WOW. WOW. THATS HIGHLY INNAPPROPRIATE WORDING FOR A TWELVE YEAR OLD. WOWZA) he would be a jerk. If he didn’t look for her, he would be killed.    Maybe they just weren’t meant to be………….
Illusien stirred. She slowly opened her eyes. It was morning. (WILL LUKE BE THERE.) She looked down and realized that Luke had given her his blanket in the night. The fire had long since gone out.    She wondered where Luke was. She hadn’t seen him since last night. (OH NO)    As hard as the truth is to realize, Illusien said to herself, I’m starting to believe Luke. (under what basis? you’ve hardly spoken to the guy, and the only thing you really know about him is that he’s kinda cute and he smells bad. he told you that the last guy you were with was the bad guy but you didn’t really have any stock yourself that made it fit and you have absolutely no reference that can tell you if thE MAN WHO KIDNAPPED YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH) (like sorry that birdman jr told you no flamingos when it came to kish but like you dont really know either of these guys) I mean, if kish was really that worried about me, wouldn’t he come looking for me? (girl)    And waht about when I brought up the subject of Xalador? He spoke hesitantly and always seemed to be hiding something. (did he??) Luke, wouldn’t lie to me, would he? (YOU DONT KNOW THAT.)    Luke, she was starting to fall for him. (YOUVE DECIDED THIS IN LESS THAN 3 PAGES) He was handsome and charming. (not the word i would use) But still, she still was getting over how Kish had built up her trust and was going to turn her over to the “Lord Xalador”. (but still she still)    She sensed Luke in the near distance, heading back. (her furry senses were tingling) Illusien quickly made sure her hair was in place, her ears neat, her tail shiny, and that she had nothing on her face. (picturing her grooming herself was the least attractive thing and im sure luke is not into furries either…however…..birdman jr)    Luke approached her. “Good morning.”    "Good morning, Luke,“ she blushed.    "I assume you’re ready for your lessons today.”    Lessons! Shoot! (shoot. shoot. i said shoot) I had forgotten about those. Of course I’m not ready! But I can’t let him know that!!    (katie wrote most of this scene lmao)“Okay, first, Illusien, you need to stand on that rock.”    "Okay, now what?“    "Incenerate that tree!!!” (god)    "What? OH!“ She snapped her fingers and pointed at the tree.    "It didn’t work, Luke.”    "You have to concentrate Illusien.“    She tried again. She thought only of what she was doing. (thats kind of shitty??/ like you have super powers but theyre INCREDIBLY difficult to use. like if you get mildly distracted they don’t work anymore) She snapped her fingers and the tree bust into blue flames. (i wrote that the flames were blue bc blue/white is REALLY HOT FIRE. but….then katie picked up after this paragraph.)    "Luke, why did it burst into BLUE flames?”    "Because the tree posed no threat to you. Your powers are enhanced when you are angry or scared. I am also holding back your power. (HOW IS HE DOING THAT. THATS SO FUCKING RANDOM) If I didn’t, you would probobly set the whole forest on fire.“ She gave him a questioning look. (ME TOO ILLU. What he’s describing as what he’s doing: holding back your power, sounds an awful lot like xalador’s power. because xalador drains the power from others. If Luke has the ability to siphon off her power, that would most definitely point to an ulterior motive in this plot. so thanks for making shit up katie. congrats on being 12)    "Illusien, your power is so great, so powerful, that you have enough to light Glacitoria. So, you could easily set fire to this forest. Your powers need to be controlled. This is what I’m trying to teach you.” She nodded and hopped off the rock.    "As long as you are with me Luke, I think I’ll be just fine.“ (my face right now. just imagine it. like ew no stop jfc) Illusien stared deep into Luke’s eyes (fidskfvcmdcx vfv) . Luke took her hand. (hand is darkened and underlined like 13 times and im so disappointed in katie rn. i trusted her) (thank god i write the next tiny little section)
Kish’s anger was getting worse. There was nothing to hold him back. He hated Xalador, but he knew this is what Xalador wanted, but he felt he must find her. (OOPS. NOT FINGER HER OMFG.) (ALSO THAT SENTENCE MADE NO SENSE) The conseqences were great, but he wanted to be with her more than l fe (thats what it says??) itself, and nothing was about to stop him. (oh gross, me. wtg. thats just. no. save me from myself)
Luke (was is scratched out) is incredible! He has taught me to control and use my powers. (literally no he didnt. you stood on a rock and he talked about how you were so stupid that you were going to burn the whole world down. which is actually probably right) But what would I do without him, she throught. (IM PISSING @ THROUGHT)    I’m just taking a quick break, but still. I wonder how he knew where I was the other night. (a little thing called stalking..?) Never mind that. (NEVERMIND THAT???? YES MIND THAT. YES MIND THAT WITH EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING) Oh Luke’s calling me. I wonder what I’ll have to do now. Oh well as long as I’m with him. I know I’m safe. (YOU DONT KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT. I REALLY WANT TO HOLD YOU AND TEACH YOU SELF DEFENSE. AND IDK TEACH YOU ANYTHING ABOUT  ANYTHING OKAY IM A CONCERNED MOMMY)
Luke looked at Illusien. (he couldn’t believe she was this niave. It was far too easy to get her alone. Insert creepy thoughts here bc that hair is not the scariest thing about him ok) She seemed ready to start again.    "Okay, Illusien, stand on the rock again.”    Illusien stood upon the rock. (fun fact, this whole thing still takes place in my old back yard in my head bye)    "All right, now concentrate, (NO NO NONONONONOONNOONNOONONNONNNNOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO) (WHY WAS I SUCH A FUCKIKNG IDIOT. THIS IS THE MOST EMBARASSING THIHNG WHY DO I HGAVE TOT TYPE IT) think a feeling, a wonderful feeling, a time or place or thing that makes you feel such a way. Let it fill you. Now fly.“ (JUST KIDDING. LUKE IS ACTUALLY PETER FUCKING PAN GOOD BYE)    She did as he said. She let it fill her. She started to rise. Up higher and higher. She was flying!
Kish was still looking for Illusien. He looked up. Illusien, he thought. Now’s my chance!    "Illusien!” —
Illusien opened her eyes, she was falling. The ground was getting closer. (I LITERALLY JUST REALIZED THAT I WROTE THIS EXACT FUCKING SCENE IN VIOLETS THING A YEAR LATER THATS HOW ROMANTIC AND GREAT I THOUGHT IT WAS. BYE) She closed her eyes and braced herself. She felt something catch her and break her fall.    She opened one eye. Luke, had caught her. (unnecessary commas FTW) She blinked.    "Luke,“ her cheeks flushed. (WHY DOES THE TOP OF LITERALLY ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PAGE JUST HAVE "Ichigo” WRITTEN THERE.)    Luke let her down. (she was grateful for that. She would have been much more grateful, however, if Luke would take a god forsaken bath. He smelled so rancid as their bodies pressed against one another. It was off putting.) Illusien stared deep into his eyes. Luke pulled her into a kiss. They were so close she could feel his heart beat. (wow)    It was long and slow. (cool) Illusien finally pulled away at the sound of a rustling in the bushes.
Kish stepped out of the bushes. (Sniveling, he tried to look like he hadn’t started to cry, but his eyes were telling all sorts of tales, brimming over with salty liquid. Not tears. They most definitely were not tears. He wasn’t crying.) He had a look of anger on his face. (But it wasn’t anything more than a facade. He was hurt, hurt right down to his core.) Luke stepped out in front of Illusien.    "You stay away from her, Mikish! You’ve done enough damage already!“    (He clenched his jaw, his hatred of Luke allowing him a new strength. His voice came out in a growl, his loathing dripping out the way an angry dog drools, throwing its barks directly at what’s pissing it off.) "Fool. (the best insult in the world) You don’t know who you’re messing with, Rebel. Now step aside, Rebel, she’s mine.”    "No. I won’t. You’re selfish and evil ways won’t prevail. (oh god why did i) Eat fire! (eat. fir re. good by ee. RIP in piss @ me) Luke shot a fireball at Kish. Kish stood. (aflame. He was aflame, burning alive in his own homosexuality) (seriously tho he just stands up like nah u cant burn me bitch )    "I see. But this won’t be the last you see of me. Illusien, I’ll be waiting.“ (thats…it?? wow way to be a man mikish) He took one, longing look at Illusien. She was staring at him with a blank look, her cheeks still flushed from kissing Luke. He shook his head and walked away. He could feel the both of their gazes on him. He just kept on walking. (oh, bae.)
— Chapter 7: Love and HATE
"Luke, ”    "Illusien, we have to be careful now.“    "I know, I just don’t know what to do.” Her tears stained her cheeks. (are they ink bc thats not how that works.) Luke put his arms around her.    "I just worry for your safety, Luke.“ —    (YES MORE ANGRY KISH HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIT) I should have known! Kish hit his head with his hand. How could I be so stupid? She doesn’t love me; she loves the rebel.    He kicked himself. She’d either be his or die at the hand of Xalador. He would take care of the rebel himself.    Oh, how he hated the rebel. He envied him for stealing her heart before he had a chance. Before…….(oops! wait)… Before……….. (before kish was able to lose his virginity?? is that what we’re getting at bc………….. lol)
Luke could’t believe what had just happened. He and Illusien finally had a moment to themselves, what he had be wanting for such a long time, and he couldn’t enjoy it. (you have literally been alone together this whole time i’m/)    Mikish had ruined everything. They had to move on. Mikish would surely tell Lord Xalador their whereabouts.    He hated to see the tears in Illusiens eyes. The look of terror on her face had startled him.    He would do anything for her, even sacrifice himself. (plz do. right now) Her beautiful face had been twisted with fear and he kept replaying in his mind.    He was (god fucking damn it) truly in love with Illusien. (do they live on a planet where love is just constant and always in your face bc) He had never been this way toward anyone else. Now that Kish had been angered (Aangered. lmfao), he would be attacking Illusien’s thoughts more often. (WHY DID I NOT DEVELOP ON THIS. okay its very important to note JUST HOW OVER POWERED KISH IS. Kish literally has the ability to read peoples mind/change their thoughts/manipulate them/possess peoples minds/detatch his own soul from him body. BU T THATS NEVER COVERED. KISH LITERALLY IS SO FUCKING POWERFUL)    And Luke could not see this happen to her anymore. Illusien gentle touched her fingers to her lips. She couldn’t believe Luke had kissed her. (good fucking god no this is some bull) She rememebered seeing Kish and his anger and jealosly (scratched out and corrected to jeluosly and then jealosy. are either of those correct even ) and the hatred in his eyes.    His words would haunt her forever. She flushed at the thought of Mikish. (what)    Luke was right. Kish is just a deciever. What was I thinking trusting him? He was just thinking of himself. She hated Kish. (wow) There were not many she hated. (IM HOWLING RN LMAO)    She leaned against the tree. Still in shock over what had just happened. (thats not a sentence.) She needed Luke more than she knew. (ew good lord, abraham help little me. some force go back in time and just delete this sentence from existence.)    (top of the page reads: “KATHERINE JANE PARR LUVVS THIS BLUE PEN!!!!”) An eerie feeling crept over her. She stood motionless.    "Luke?“ (OH FUCK WHERE IS HE)    Silence.    "Luke?” (UH Oh)    Silence. She (FUCKING HELL THIS TYPO IM LAUGHING SO HARD) turened around. A dark figure appeared behind her. (i hope its luke)    "(man fuck 12 year old me) How dare you deny me. Illusien, (MAN FUCK 12 YEAR OLD ME) oh yes, you shall now have to choose between me and death!“ (bye im dead)    "Kish?” She backed up. “Luke! Help!” (damn it) (this scene is so)    He darted at her. She flew up. She shot a burst of flames at Kish. Luke appeared below her. He shot a burst as well. (this aint a scene) (its a goddamn cry for help)    "Go back to the shadows Mikish.“ (didnt i already say this shit? it was stupid the first time)    "Not without her, Rebel.” (why did we call him that its not cool)    "She’s not going anywhere.“ (why dont we let the lady decide?)    "Then I’ll kill you.” (WHOOOOAAAAAA. WHOAAA. DUDE CHILL.)    Illusien stepped out in front of Luke. “You will not Kish. (why nottttttt its turkey season) I don’t plan on going anywhere with you anytime soon.” The tears poured down her face as she said this. (bitch y u cryin)    "I’m not going with out you Illusien!“ (normally this would be when he became a weird 3rd wheel companion and they became his parents lmao but)    "I’m not going with you, I plan on staying with Luke.”    "I could make you (ew wwww ui dont wanna type this part) b(ereeewwwww) my (fjkldsadhfldjfkldjfkdjkfjdk) pup (py he sai d puppy) pet if I wanted to.“    "But you won’t. So if you would kindly leave.” (WHOA. FIRE QUEEN ICE COLD SIR)    "This isn’t the end. I will never surrender.“ (im so glad i learned how to write dialogue) And he left.    Illusien dropped to her knees. Luke picked her up in his (sighs forever) strong arms. He carried her back to the campsite. (thank god this sce ne is over)
Luke laid Illusien down. He looked at her. (way to be a creep. just stare at her. im sure she doesnt mind) He knew it was hard for her. Her first battle, it must have been rough. I’m starting to worry about her though. (random shift into first person ok)    She’s scared of what will happen next. I can honestly say I don’t blame her. (this next part was written so light that i thought the chapter was over)    He kissed her gently on the lips. She smiled back at him. She dropped her head and fell unconscious. (SLAY ME) (BURY ME IN SATIN) (NARCOLEPTIC FURRY MAN)    He covered up. (a gentleman) They could move in the morning. She needed to sleep. Her first battle would be the worst. (I HIGHLY FUCKING DOUBT THAT. THERE WERE LIKE 3 MOVES MADE???? i mean like yeah the first gym leader is harder to beat but like then you get a solid team going an shit but like the elite four??? ok)
Kish stomped off. (surprise) If only he could lure the rebel and Illusien somewhere towards the castle. Or at least get them away from each other. But Illusien wasn’t ready fight yet and Killing the rebel with her alive would cause her to hate him, although she already did. (what is happening)    He sat down. He had to come up with a plan. Just what would he do? (who knows man)
"Jesse, has he found them again?”    "Yes my lord. He had told us where they are.“ (how ???HOW YALL BITCHES AINT GOT PHONES????????????????????? TELL MEE. like i just came up with a way literally right now but i was 12 so)    "Good. If Kish has fought them–”    "He has.“ (imagine Xaladors face at being interrupted. imagine the angry egg salad)    "Then she will be weak. She will have to rejuvinate the entire night.” (ooooohhhhhhhhh so tough to do??? like go to sleep shes really good at that)    "Yes sir, that is correct.“    "Malaki, send some troops (this is where the random troll army comes in???) in. I want to capture her while she’s weak.”
Illusien opened her eyes. She was feeling better. Luke was sitting by the fire. (INCREDIBLE. HALFWAY THROUGH THE NOVEL WE SEE SOME INCREDIBLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. LUKE IS THERE WHEN SHE WAKES UP FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.) She stood. She walked over to Luke. She sat next to him. (good sweet bagel bread wtf is this bullshit why )    "Luke we have to do something soon.“ (damn not even a good morning)    "I know. But I don’t want to lose you.” (bitch aint no one said shit about losing no one?? chill)    "Luke, you won’t. And that is MY promise.“ (deep fry me and put chocolate sauce on me because im so fucking done)
(this whole next page is scratched out. who knows what it holds but im gonna decipher it) Luke looked at Illusien. she was worried and knew they had to move soon. He looked into her murky green eyes, then looked away. (jfc man. youre so pathetic)    "If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”    "And I’d never blame you, Luke. I love you.“ (BYE FELICIA. IM DONE WITH U)    He pulled her close. she buried her face in his chest. She looked up at him.    "We have to kill him soon.” (NOW WE’RE TALKING. THIS IS WAHT I CARE ABOUT GIRL)    Illusien looked at Luke. (they do that so much) (also looked at look. ive always done that so muc h lmao) She held her breath.    "I know we’ll head there soon. Just not yet. You’re not ready.“    "Luke will I ever be read? Of course I won’t. But I know what I must do and I intend to do it.” She pulled away from Luke.    "At least rest the night you’ll need your strenghth (lmao). Promise me this.“    Her cheeks flushed.  "Fine, but we’ll head tomorrow.”    Luke pulled her into another kiss and her flush disappeared. She didn’t pull away. He broke away and kissed her forehead. “Good night.” Chapter 8: Destiny’s light
(at the the top of this page i wrote: “IM CHECKING OUT AT 11:30!!!!!” and katie wrote underneath it: “YOU GAY CRACK MONKEY” good lord) “Illusien must die now. Jesse, I cannot wait any longer. Malaki’s troups (is that the correct spelling i dont think so) should have found them by now.”    "Yes, my lord, we understand.“    "Hurry, we don’t have all night.” — “Luke I can’t sleep anymore.”    "It’s alright then. Just sleep as much as you can.“ (when the narcoleptic furry cant sleep)    (this whole part is scratched out, but as the rules say, i have to type it) Illusien scooted closer to Luke. (lol no wonder. Katie wrote like this whole page) He looked away.    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Luke?“    "Maybe it’s best if we…..”    "Yes?“    "Nevermind, Illusien. It isn’t right.” (is he askin to fuck bc)    "Okay…..“ She gave him a quesitoning look. He shook his head. (HE WAS)    Illusien took his hand. He brushed it off and got up. ("That’s not helping my boner, Illu.”)    "What is wrong, Luke?“    "Nothing.”    "Don’t say that. I know something is wrong. You don’t brush me away from you for no reason.“ (???? im lost af tbh.)    "Alright, it’s just that I keep thinking that you and me together are bring Mikish here. He seems to be drawn to us.”    "I don’t think so. It’s just his jealousy of you.“ (okay so disregard everything in that blurb because it makes no sense)    "I just can’t help feeling you know if he’s watching our every move.” (??? what does this even mean or say) `    "I know I get the same feeling.“ She looked at him dead in the eyes. (notice she didn’t look him dead in the eyes. she was dead in the eye in this sentence. amazing what one word can change)    "And that’s why I seek your comfort.” (they fuckin yall) —
Why did I tell them where they are? Kish felt like a total idiot. Now she will die. This massacre of my own heart, killing itself and all others in its path. (THERE I AM. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL METAPHOR. I WAS IN THERE SOMEHWERE)    Hot tears streamed down his angry face. He hated her, he loved her. He hated the rebel, the rebel loved her, she loved the rebel back. He hated himself. (man this is good. of course i could write angst)    He looked to the sky. A cloudy night. Ugly, he said to himself, just like the rest of this world, all of the world, (especially Luke. Goddamn that fucker was ugly), except her.
Illusien sat away from Luke. She closed her eyes. She turned away from him. After their conversation she could bear to look at him. She knew he was trying to protect her but of ocurse she wished they didn’t have to worry about each other’s safety. (healthy relationships normally don’t have that element)    Illusien wiped the tears from her eyes. If Luke hadn’t saved her she would be dead. But of course, now he pushed her away. The tears came again. (GIRL YOU DONT NEED A MAN. MAYBE A HOSPICE NURSE, BUT NOT SPECIFICALLY A MAN)    She heard a nose. (not a noise. a nose) Then a rustling in the bushes. She looked, the movement stopped. (this part is so ?/?) Her hair had grown long. She picked at it. The rustling resumed. (the fuck was that about lulu. why was that a necessary detail @ 12 yr oldme)    Luke stood. Illusien looked at him. (THIS PART IS SO WTF WHY DID I DO THIS BECAUSE IT AINT MAKE A LICK OF SENSE) Then thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands (thats a v big jump in numbers) of Malaki’s troups poured in.
“My lord, I have good news.”    "What is it Jesse?“    "Malaki has found them and the ambush is in process as we speak.” (UHM HOW DOES HE KNOW HOMIE)    "Good. Tell Malaki to kill no one. Bring them all to me.“
Illusien let out a scream as she was quickly aprehended. It all seemed like it was in slow motion to Luke.    (this is my favorite part) "ILLUSIEN!!!!!”    He fought the troups. He made his way to Illusien. He was in arms reach of her hand. He went for it, but just grazed her fingers.    "I’m sorry,“ he called back. He looked at the face of the one holding her. Maliki himself. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MALIKI) The scar across his face contrasted her beauty. He was pulled away. Tears stained his eyes. (inky ass tears) He was trampled, and that was the last thing he saw, troll feet. — “Illusien.”    She blinked awake.    "Illusien.“    Her dream faded. She was alone. (yet another kink coming guys. i do not disappoint.) The rusty bars gave away her location. Xalador’s dungeon. A gruff voice mumbled behind her. (and to the end of the line we have <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3)    (And here, I blatantly stole shit from Aladdin, a movie that Im not even fond of) She turned. An old man (????/??) sat behind her. He saw the tears on her face. (i wish yall could see my face right now because i am looking so concerned for this b)    "What’s the matter with you?”    "I just want to see them one last time.“ (girl chill dont be laying it all on this brother. YOU AINT KNOW HIM)    "Who?”    "Luke and my brother.“    "Ah the love of your life and the brother you miss dearly.” (yeah, martha stewart we don’t need your commentary)    "Yes.“    "Well, I can’t promise you’ll see this Luke person again, but you will see your brother again.”    Then he seemed to disappear. She was once again alone. (WHERE DID HE GO. WHAT HAPPENED. WHAT SIGNIFICANCE DID THAT HOLD)
“Lord, she’s in the castle dungeons."        "Good job, Malaki. Now resume your post.” (which is?)    "Yes, sir.“    "Jesse, go check on our other prisoner. He might like to see Mikish,” he said with an evil smile. (THE TRIFECTA)
Luke woke to a great darkness. The silence was eerie and there was little light. (theres little light in this story anyway. as in little hope that its ever going to get better.) (I JUST REALIZED WHAT PART THIS IS AND IM GOING TO VOMIT) A red crystal appeared in the distance. It light up the darkness. There seemed to be no ground. He seemed to be floating between life and death. (how does that seem exactly)    A slight humming noise accompanied the crystal. It was growling (i think i meant growing) closer. A sound was comming from the crystal, getting louder as it grew closer. A heartbeat.    It grew closer and closer until it shattered. The beating still growing louder and louder. then he realized it was the beating (blehgggg) of (ew) her broken heart. (????/ she aight actually.)
Kish was in pieces. He had been called to see Lord Xalador again. He knew that they had found Illusien and the rebel boy. (scratched out bc i was literally about to PUT IN ANOTHER GUY BECAUSE LULULUKE WASNT WORKING: “He had never even found the chosen boy”) He himself had failed his task. As soon as Xalador released him, Malaki would kill Kish.    Either way, he was dead. Now, he had to make a decision; to run or face his fears.
Illusien sat alone. She kept thinking about how she would die and never see Luke or her brother again.    "Amber?“    "That name sounds familiar.”    "Amber is that you?“    "I don’t know you! I don’t know any Ambers!” (poor narcoleptic furry with amnesia)    Then she saw the face, the familiar face, but then it disappeared. she cried. (surprise) The tears came without control. Then she stopped, a glimmer of hope. She felt it come over her. She would see her brother again and she would see Luke. She didn’t know how, but she would.
Luke’s dream faded. (look at my amazing dictation that definitely never repeats itself.) His breathing was heavy. (he had a good dream apparently lmao) Sweat rolled down his face. He saw the bars. He had been captured.    What about Illusien? (written in my secret code with katie that we used through middle school is this guys name: jake, its spelled star-of-david, comma, backward k, e with a tilda over it. nice) She couldn’t be dead yet! He remembered his dream. Then he rememebered how he had treated her. (dude shut up. that was like the newlywed version of an argument and im not even sure why you started it)    "Lord, let her be alive!“    Footsteps echoed throughout the dungeons. He sat up straight. The solemn face that looked back at him was none other than (the bae) Jesse.    "You all set?”    "No.“    "Tough luck.”    "Tell me.“    "Tell you what?”    Luke grabbed Jesse by the collar of his shirt. (i guess through the bars)    "You know what I mean Jesse.“    "Oh! The girl. Yes. She’s alive. Not for much longer though.” (sass)    "My brother, you’re making a huge MISTAKE. I can’t believe you w—“ (katie was like "whore amiright” and i was like “would do this???”)    "Jesse, the guest is here.“    Kish walked in. He didn’t show any emotion on his face. Luke walked away to the other side of the cell.    "Now Kish, you realize my brother is here on your account.”    "Yes I do.“    "Well I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” Jesse walked away.    More footsteps sounded, then a door closed.    "Look rebel, I didn’t want to hurt her. But you on the other hand–“    "It’s your fault. She’ll DIE because of you. Your selfish ways have once again left another to die. If she dies, we all die. Me AND you.” Kish looked away.    Kish said nothing more and turned and left. Luke knew he had to save Illusien soon or they would both perish.
Illusien startled. The clanking of metal and the jingle of keys.    "The time has come.“
Jesse came back. This time he unlocked the door. Then pulled Lukes arms around his back. (that sounds way different than its meant. it sounds like he made luke hug him)    "I’m sorry, Luke, but now is your time.”
(sexual tension oooooo) Malaki forcibly pulled Illusien out. (more kink from me. im so fucking sorry im so sorry) He pulled her against him. “My, my, what a beautiful girl in such an ugly dungeon.” (KATIE ACTUALLY WROTE THAT DIALOGUE LMAO)    "It’s people like you that put me in this position.“ (SASS FROM LULU) Malaki slapped her across the face. Her cheek grew red. A sly smile ran across his scarred face.    The anger seared inside her. She felt the flames enclose her. Everything came naturally. (NEVER HIT SOMEONE FOR NO REASON DICK HEAD) She sent all her force at him. He was knocked down. He laughed. (he fire proof too??? this some bullshit)    Her grabbed her once again and took her out of the cell. (you aint run or nothing lulu????) Chapter 9: Betrayal
Luke had seen and heard what Malaki had done to Illusien. (goddamn it shut up) Thankfully, she was alive, when she passed by him he was relieved. But, then again, Malaki was so cruel to her. (CRUEL MALIKI)    Luke was drug along behind her. Being so close to her was hard for Luke. (why? can u not control ur bonerz?) He thought back on what he had said. Mikish was the least of their problems now.    He walked on. Being held by Jesse was one of the worst experiences. His own brother was leading him and the most beautiful woman he had ever met (is that really an important detail at this point in the plot????) to their death. (their singular death. they are one)    He stood strong and fought the tears (lmao be a man fight those tears birdman jr)  for he feared her life more than his. (noble tbh)
Illusien walked with her head down. How had Malaki absorbed her attack? (tbh i wanna know) She was scared. (A FUCKING UNDERSTATEMENT SHE IS ABOUT TO DIE TO SAY SHE IS ONLY SCARED IS A BUNCH OF B-O-L-O-G-N-A: bullSHIT)    She daren’t look at Luke. (bye. kill me) The pain she felt inside was more than she had ever felt. She loved Luke more than anyone or anything. (please get counselling illu im concerned)    She (oh god this is tHE WORST SENTENCE IN THE WHOLE THING) left a trail of tears (like the one native americans were murdered on hell yeah) as she walked. She said nothing. No sound could be heard but the sound of footsteps on the stone ground. The came to an arch. It was golden, studded with precision. The jewels glimmered.    Past and through the arch, sat a shadowy figure sat on a throne. Xalador, Illusien knew right away. This moment she had dreaded for so long was now happening.    She caught Luke’s gaze. She looked at him with longingness. (please)    "I’m sorry, Illusien.“
Finally the moment is here, the moment of my triumph. Xalador grinned. He would soon rule all.    He saw (weesnaw) them walk in. He felt another energy as strong as Illusien. Where was it coming from? (where tho)
Kish stood next to Lord Xalador. He looked at Illusien but he said nothing. Luke looked upon him hatefully.    Xalador sighed dreamfully.    "Thank you, Mikish, for making all this possible.” He saw Illusien’s gaze shift to Kish and back again.    Kish said nothing and just stood attentively.
Illusien directed her eyes in the direction of the shadowed Xalador. Why was he holding back his identity?    The moonlight was shining through the glass in the roof in the center of the room. They stopped under the light.    Illusien looked up, a full moon. Jesse and Malaki walked away to let them stand. Neither Luke or Illusien had enough courage to move at this point.    Suddenly, a familiar voice rang through the room.    "Well, well, well, this is Illusien? What a disgrace. A puny girl, what an opponent. But then again, looks are decieving.“ Illusien let out a laugh.    Xalador stood. He took a few steps. Then stopped.    "Mikish, follow me.” Mikish did so, obviously in fear for his life. Xalador resumed his leisurely walk. Growing closer and closer to Illusien. He finally stopped.    She could see his face. She then knew why he had hidden his identity.    "Hello, sister.“ A cold shimmery wave was sent down her spine.    "Hello, Alex.” The fear inside her was overtaken by her anger. Hot tears streamed down her face. “Tell me why.”
“You, that’s why. Ever since our birth you’ve been better at everything. That’s why when you passed through the arch, and you became the most powerful being on Glacitoria something had to be done. (he h8 u)    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned caste, rightfully yours, of course. I sent Mikish after you,” Kish looked down in shame. “And sent men and trolls (TROLLS THO WHY TROLLS) after you. And now you are mine to dispose of.” He had a look of pure glee on his face. (the original shitlord)
Luke looked at Illusien. The truth was hard for her to grasp. He had never seen such a look on her face before. Fear had disappeared from her face and anger seared inside of her.    He had been silent for too long. He had been still too long. It was too much to bear.    "So you became a tyrant because your own flesh and blood–who would never do anything to hurt you–is a little better than you?“ (PREACH LUCANTHROS)  (wait i made that joke too early) He walked over to Illusien, "What guts that takes.” Luke grasped Illusien’s arms.    "Who’s the wimp?“ (nice)
(in parenthesis katie wrote: something about illusien remembering childhood here? GENIUS!!! nah tbh) Kish watched them. Illusien was soon to be dead and it would devastate him. He saw Xalador move closer. He could feel Illusien’s pulse quicken. Luke stood up to him, why couldn’t he?    He ran in front of Illusien. He blocked her the best he could.    "Kish, get out of the way,” Luke said.    "No,“ said Mikish.    "What are you doing?”    "Saving your life.“
Illusien was dumbstruck. There she was ready to die, when the reason she was here, decided to save her life.    "Get out of my way Mikish.”    "No.“ (thats so funny to me "do the dishes” “no” “get out my way” “no”) (“get out me car” “no” “get off me train” “i cant”)    "I will kill you too if I must.“    "Then do it.” Xalador grabbed Mikish at the base of his neck. Mikish struggled. The blue bolts of electricity that shot from Xalador’s hands were blinding. Illusien looked away. She heard a loud thump. She opened her eyes. There Kish was lying on the floor, pale, face down.    Dead. (im crying tbh im sorry im weak)    Suddenly he came after Illusien. Luke jumped in front of her. Xalador knocked him across the room.    "Luke!!“
– (this part is so stupid) There was darkness. It seemed to Luke there was no ground. The silence around him sent chills up and down his spine. A red crystal in the distance slowly crept toward him. The beating of a heart gradually getting louder: The crystal and the heart beat growing closer and closer.    Whispers:     LUCANTHROS. lucanthros LUCANTHROS (THATS WHAT LUKE IS SHORT FOR APPARENTLY GUYS. PLEASE BEAT ME UP) (katie wrote: "this is gay. no”)    Realize your strength, your power. Save her, let destiny take it’s path. Let fate decide this battle’s outcome. Do not leave her alone. Take your place as king. (shes right. its pretty homo and not in a good way)
(okay tbh im laughing because kish is way more powerful than all these fuckers. he should be king without illu bye)
Luke stood. Xalador had cornered Illusien. The anger seared from him. (illu you can fly and you have fire powers please do something. do not make this pussy save you) Xalador didn’t look away.    "Xalador, put her down.“    "Who are you to tell me what to do?”    "Lucanthros, and I’m ready to take back what’s mine.“    "Oh, ha, another being of ‘power’,” Xalador snickered. “It’s like having your cake and eating it too.” (plz explain what i meant to me)    Luke sent a bolt of flame at him. (A BOLT OF FLAME???? “zip ur lip like a padlock”) Xalador sent a blue jolt (looking for new words to use obviously. im digging in the trenches trying to create some variety up in this bitch) of electricity at him. This carried on, never touching. Illusien could do nothing she just sat there.( like a fucking pussy ass bitch will you plz get the fuck up and aCTUALLY DO SOMETHING YOURE ONLY THE MOST POWERFUL FUCKING THING ON THIS GODDAMN SHIT PLANET WILL YOU PLEASE FIGHT FOR ONCE) She stood to try and help. (FINALLY DUMB CUNT)    Malaki grabbed her from behind. (im so fucking done with this damsel nonsense. ive had it up to my meatballs.) Let alone watching this horrible fight she was now being held by an ugly moron.    She turned to face him.    "Malaki, put me down.“    "No” (NO PUNCTUATION. JUST NO)    "Okay then.“ She kicked him in the (dick plz say in the dick) knee (dammit) as hard as she could. He dropped to his knees. She punched him hard in the mouth (only really succeeding in nearly breaking her hand and getting her hand cut up by his teeth im sure) then grabbed his knife and stabbed him through the heart. (DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STAB SOMEONE ILLU. ITS REALLY FUCKING HARD)    She wiped the blood on his shirt and grabbed the knife and pulled it out. Malaki’s breathing turned to gasps for air. Then he became silent.    Illusien turned. She thought back on what she had done. (it literally just happened. you need to) She shook it off. She had to help Luke. (HONEY YOU NEED TO HELP YOURSELF MAMA *demyx voice* RUN RUN AWAY)
Luke was dodging Xalador’s attacks the best he could. His strength was depleting. He sent one last blast at Xalador. He gasped for air. Xalador was closing in on him. Closer and closer yet. (kill him alex)    Xalador stopped. His eyes went blank. He fell limp to the floor. Malaki’s knife stuck out of his back. (thats it? literally that is so weak.YOU HAVE FUCKING FIRE POWERS. YOU GUYS COULD HAVE ROASTED HIS ASS LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN) Illusien wept into her hands. Luke ran over to comfort her.    "Why? I killed them, I killed them both.” (you are the worst character i have ever made) Illusien wept harder, “I spent all this time looking for him, and he just wanted to kill me.” (bitch you were not looking very carefully. you were busy wandering in the woods pointing out woodland creatures and trying to find the D where ever you could get it tbh. smh)    "I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.“ (BECAUSE YOU FUCKING KNEW THAT SHE WOULDNT BELIEVE YOU. AND IF SHE DID SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE FOLLOWED YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER FOUGHT HIM. SHE WOULD HAVE HIDDEN.) (ITS A FUCKED UP SITUATION LUKE BIRD)    "It’s alright. (IT IS NOT) I just can’t believe I killed him.” Luke put his arms around her. She opened her eyes. Kish!    She broke away from Luke. Kish, he was dead. (THATS ALSO A FUCKED UP SITUATION) She held him close to her. She let him down and sat there. Luke sat next to her. He took her hand.
— (I JUST ABOUT PISSED MY PANTS THIS PART IS WAY TOO FUNNY WHY) Jesse walked back into the room. He realized what he just missed. (like did he go get some popcorn??) There were three bodies on the floor. Only one of them was suppose to be dead. (…that means they were going to kill Kish anyway…thats really)    He grabbed his knife from his hip. He started on his way to Luke. Luke stood and caught his hand. (dude)    "What now, Jesse?“    "Why aren’t you dead?” (“cause we won duh”)    (this part please help me) “Cause I’m smart like that.” (i)    "Oh really? Well I’ll show you smart.“    "Stop Jesse you don’t know what you’re doing.” (that is the most monotone sentence)    "I know pretty damn (KATIE SCRIBBLED DAMN ALL THE WAY OUT) well what I’m doing. Taking care of the problem in my life!“ (jesse. this literally did not work half a second ago. chil l) Jesse dove at Luke, he dodged. (hes fuckin untouchable.) (SPEAKING OF WHICH I LITERALLY NEVER ELABORATED ON WHY MALAKI WAS COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO FIRE)    "Trust me you have no idea what your doing.”    "I know what I’m doing so just give up!“    "No.” (lmao)    "Fine, I’ll kill you both. And don’t argue with me. Since I’m the only one left, you’ll either (??/?) become my slaves (????? dude chill a sec) or die, your choice.“    "As welcoming as that sounds, no thank you. We don’t do evil.” Illusien said with a smirk. (bitch you gotta go.)    "No body asked you bitch.“ (WOW JESSUP I NEED TO WASH UR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP) Jesse pointed at her. (ok what pointing going to do cause you cant do anything unless bitches asleep) Luke shot him an evil look.    "I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of here. As long as you stay in a hole and leave everyone alone, we won’t have a problem. 1, 2, 3…”    Jesse made a sour face. Then turned to leave (????? man you give up way too easy) but Luke grabbed him from behind. (incEST)    "I actually have a better idea.“
Chapter 10: Secret Emotions
(why did i write this chapter is actually the title) (jessup immediately makes me angry lmao) I can see why Luke loves her. You can see all of her emotions plainly. She’s beautiful and sees the good in people even when there is none. (NAME ONE INSTANCE PLEASE JESSUP) She even hesitated to killl Malaki (no she didnt) and Xalador when they only wanted to see her die slowly and painfully.    Of course she loves HIM. (she actually knows him better than you so yeah that acTUALLY MAKES MORE SENSE THAN HER LOVING YOU DUMB ASS) She would never love me. (cause you’ve been a little shit so far) How I envy Luke. And how did I end up here?! Seriously, the dungeon?    I hate Luke. He has everything I never could have. Including her. (you NEED TO TAKE A CHILL PILL AND RE-EVALUATE)
Illusien looked up at Luke. (she had literally been sucking his dick for like an hour. when was he going to finish) (im sorry) (SHE LOOKS AT HIM ALL THE TIME) She wanted to sleep and never wake up. She had killed two men. (wow) One of which had been her own brother. She looked at her hands. They were blood stained.    She didn’t feel like crying anymore. You know, she never even cared that much about Alex. (ARE YOU SURE?)  But still, even so, it was like killing herself inside. (emo narcoleptic furry) Malaki deserved what he got tho. (preach)    Jesse was in the dungeons. She was sort of glad Luke hadn’t killed him. (why) Sure she had killed Malaki and Xalador, but she had watched them and Kish die and she didn’t want to see anyone else.    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned castle, rightfully yours of course,” she remembered that. Xalador had said that in his monologue. (BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL IM PISSING)    "So this castle is mine? Oh, I’m sorry ours?“ (im making a stinky face right now this is so unnecessary i did not sign up for this)    "Yes.  You can kick me out whenever you want…..” (plz stop)    She pushed him, “Shut up!” He laughed. (his laughter echoed through the halls. the dead bodies did not laugh.)    "Like I could ever get rid of you.“ She gave a playful smile.    "Oh and your highness, what do we do with the bodies?” (totally a question you ask in a playful, flirtatious manner.)    "Give them a proper burial, at least Kish anyway,“ she paused. "And don’t call me that!” (this is all katie get ready lmao) (this was written in the dark by the light of my alarm clock after my parents told us to go the fuck to sleep)    "Did you love him?“ (BUT DID YOU DIE?)    "I thought I did, but i could never love somebody who decieved me and lied straight to my face.”1    "He loved you, Illusien. Very much.  I could see it written all over his face everytime he looked at you.“    "I know I saw that too.”    "To be honest with you, I was worried. When I first rescued you, I could see the fear in your eyes when I told you Kish was an imposter. You didn’t want to believe me. (well duh) I saw the look in your eyes when I said his name. The same look as when you look at me now.“ (how quaint) (recycled love)    "It was hard for me but….”    "Let me finish please? (IMMA LET YOU FINISH BUT. KISH WAS THE BEST LOVER BOY OF ALL TIME. JS) The moment I saw you, I knew I loved you. (ew?) At first, I thought you wouldn’t love me back because of Kish. You thought you owed him something when in reality he owed you his life. (OH SO HE DESERVED TO DIE. THATS WHAT YOU JUST SAID. THIS IS SUCH A DICK CONVO) The day when you had flying lessons with me and you fell, he saw your face when I kissed you. Sorry, but your facial expressions give everything away. (get ready for a katie-ism) Your face is a whiteboard of emotions. (the fuck that mean) He realized what was happening and he resorted to anger.“    "I felt guilty because I kissed you in front of his eyes. He was so angry, it scared me.”    "It scared me too. I think the kiss is what drove him to tell Xalador where we were. I could see that he later regretted his decision. He hated me but couldn’t do anything about it. If he killed me, you would be in jeporady. (lmao) If he took you away from me, you would be taken to Lord Xalador. He was torn between you and Xalador. The only reason he served Xalador was so he could live. He only wanted to live, to see you. Kish was a complex person. (???) It was too bad that he misleaded you. But now I’m here to love and protect you (from nothing now lmao) and nothing can stop that.“ He looked at her. Her face was distorted with tears. (NOT A GOOD WORD TO USE WOW) She looked up at Luke.    "That was so sweet, Luke.” (NO IT WASNT)
Luke saw the tears in Illusien’s green eyes. He didn’t aim for this. Now was supposed to be a happy time for the both of them. (uh no its not.)    But now, he made Illusien cry. Come on stupid, think! he thought.    "I’m sorry Illusien. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I–I….“ she stopped him.    "Don’t be Luke.” He stopped talking. She seemed to bend reality with her beauty. (NOT A GOOD TIME FOR THIS) They stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed forever. (quit)    "May I Illusien?“ (may you what)    "Yes Luke”    And they kissed. (ew) Luke looked at Illusien’s face. All her emotions showed on her face. She was relaxed now. He held on to the back of her head. (THAT SOUNDS REALLY VIOLENT LIKE HES GRIPPING HER BY HER HAIR) She broke off as if she had remembered something.    "What about your brother, Jesse? (“I’m gonna make torture porn with him and sell it online”) Where is he going to go now?“ She looked worried. He wondered why.    "For all I care he can rot in the dungeon.”    "Well we have to go down to him.“    "Why?”    "Just because he is evil, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve any mercy. He is your brother after all.“    "That’s one thing I hate but, love about you, you can see the good in everyone, even my brother.”
Jesse was listening. He could hear every word they were saying.    "Well I choose to see good things and not bad,“ she said with a flip of her hair. Luke gave her a sly smile.    "Let’s at least check on him.”    "Fine.“ Jesse sat as if he knew nothing. (how do you do that) The door opened. Footsteps sounded.    "Okay, we’ve checked on him. Let’s go.”    "No, please, Luke, you promised.“    "Fine.”    They walked to him.    "How you doing Jesse?“    "Horrible.”    "So sorry,“ said Luke. "Let’s go please.”    "Stop nagging.“    "Jesse I’m very sorry your down here. But, it’s your ch–” Illusien grabbed Luke without turning around to pull him back. “–ildish actions that caused this.”    "Jesse, I really don’t want to talk to you at this moment,“ Luke let the words escape from his mouth.    "Too bad,” Jesse looked at Illusien, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I really think I can be good now (lmao me tbh) let me out?”    Illusien scooted closer to Luke. “Not on your life, sport.”
Luke put a protective arm around Illusien. She smiled up at him.    Oh come on, Jesse thought, do they have to do all this in front me? Are they just torturing me before they kill me? (me too jesse. me too)    "All right Luke, I’m going to look around the castle. You STAY HERE and TALK to your brother.“ Luke opened his mouth to say something.    "Please, Luke?” Illusien motioned to Luke to talk while she was gone. Without another word, she walked out of the room.    Jesse watched her go. (dat ass ma) So beautiful, he thought. Jesse was rammed against the wall. (howd luke get inside the cell) He looked at who rammed him. (cause it could be anyone else only bird man is there) Luke was holding him against the wall.    "Don’t get your hopes up, Jesse. Your heart will get broken faster than you can say 'I’m sorrry.’ (yes with 3 rs) Besides, Illusien is mine. I love her and she loves me. It’s odd. When we were growing up all the other girls liked you. (all the other girls had eyes, luke) But the one girl that actually matters likes me and NOT you.“ He paused a moment. "I wonder why.”    "I don’t care what you say,“ Jesse spat. "I can have anything and anyone I want. (katie really grossly mischaracterizes him) If they don’t cooperate, I’ll MAKE them. I’m far more powerful than Xalador ever was, and you know it.” (thats not true by a long shot sport)    "I know for a fact that if you had half of the brains he had, you would know that you can’t MAKE someone love you.“    "I can if I want to.”    "Well obviously you must NOT have the brains. Perhaps I judged you too fairly.“ (you simple)    "You know that this isn’t a game Luke. You can cheat. And I promise you if you play fair you’ll come in last.” Luke turned to go.    "And Luke, you might want to watch Illusien’s back. Just a fair warning.“ Luke started back toward Jesse but stopped himself. Luke shook his head and walked upstairs.
Illusien was worried. She had been heading downstairs when she had heard what Jesse said to Luke.    She quickly ran up the stairs. Luke came up soon afterwards.    "What’s the matter with you?”    "Nothing, its nothing!“    "It’s something. I know something’s wrong.”    "I’m just worried thats all. I’m going up to my room. I’m beat.“    "Your room?”    "Yeah it jas my name on it.“ She walked up stairs and turned the key in the lock. She took out the key and walked into the room.    It was beautiful, light blue walls were decked with tapestries. She saw the bed. She crawled in. She didn’t care what it felt like. She was bushed.
Luke turned down the corridor. He saw Illusien’s room. He reached to turn the door knob, but then changed his mind. He walked to the next corridor. Another room sat. He opened the door. He saw Illusien sleeping. (????????????????????????????????)    He closed the door lightly and went down the next corridor and finally found an empty room.    Once he got in, he sat on the bed and lit the candle besides the bed. He buried his head in his hands. What was he going to do about Jesse? What if he carried out his threat?    Illusien must have heard him. She sounded worried. Then again she had a pretty hard day.    He blew out the candle and went to sleep.
Illusien sat at Kish’s grave. She was silent. Luke came and sat next to her and put his arm around her.    "Thank you , Kish. You brought her to me, and now she’s safe. You finally got it right.”
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josephstoontown · 7 years
Jojo and Lolo, Ch. I
Chapter I of "Jojo and Lolo," a Joseph's ToonTown, story. (Originally part of Chapter I of the original story of the same name.)
Bet'cha thought this blog was dead, huh?  Nope!  These stories just happen to occur at very specific dates for no specific reason.
Word count: 4,872 – Character count: 28,720 Originally written: December 22nd, 2016 Slightly revised: July 5th, 2017 Revised further: August 31st, 2017
What better way to start the day than with a bunny in your bed?
Winnie Woodpecker, The Woody Woodpecker Show, and related characters and properties created by and © Walter Lantz Productions Lola Bunny, The Looney Tunes Show, and related characters and properties created by and © Warner Bros. Animation
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    “Oh, Joseph…”
    Joseph kissed and nipped his friend’s neck, refusing to let her get farther than a couple of inches from him… not that she seemed that eager to leave.  Rather, the ‘toon woodpecker, standing half his height, seemed to be basking in the attention he was giving.
    “You’re so soft and warm…” he whispered in a lustful tone, giving her a kiss under her chin.  “Like a living plush toy that was made just for me…”     The woodpecker brightly blushed, panting as he continued to tease her.     “You’re so sweet…” she whispered.     “And, you’re so delicious…” was his response as he dragged his tongue across her shoulder.  The noise he heard her emit told him everything he needed to know…
    She was really enjoying the attention.
    “Oh, Winnie…”     “‘Winnie?’  I’m not Winnie!”     The fox gave a blink, his body tensing and ears perking… then folding.  He leaned back, staring into the woodpecker’s blue eyes, his own full of confusion.     “Um… you are, though,” was his response.  “You’re Winnie Woodpecker.”     “No, silly!” she replied with a grin, “I’m Lola Bunny!  Low-lah!  Remember?”     “Lo… la?”     Joseph gave a blink of his golden eyes, his ears flicking as the woodpecker slowly vanished from his sight.  Before long, he found himself staring at something else entirely…  Black eyes were looking at him.  Just under those lay a cute, pink nose on a creamy-tan muzzle.  He could also see a pair of white, squared teeth under that, partly obscuring a smile.
    “Lola…?” he asked again.  “W… where’s Winnie?”     “She’s on vacation with Woody!” the rabbit calmly explained.  “You should remember!  You’re the one that told me!”     “Va… ca… tion…?” he slowly repeated, having a hard time processing the information.     “Yuh-huh!  That’s why I came over to keep you company!”     “Wait…” he said with a pause.  “No, you didn’t…”     “Sure, I did!” was her cheerful reply.  “I knew you’d be happy to see me!  But… I really wasn’t expecting this warm of a welcome!”
    The fox gave another blink, the haze slowly lifting from his head as he started to take in his surroundings…  He could feel soft linen on his fur and under his head, as well as a cotton-like fabric pressed up against his front side and held in his arms.  That, combined with the fact that he could feel Lola breathing on him with her somewhat carroty breath, told him he was probably holding her.  When all of that finally registered in his brain, however…     “A-wah!!”     He pressed himself up against the wall next to the bed, fur bristling and body tensed!  Meanwhile, Lola just continued to stare at him with a friendly smile, as if oblivious to the fact she’d startled him.
    “What the heck are you doing in my bed…?!” he squeaked.     “Waiting for you to wake up so we can go have fun, of course!”     The straightforwardness of the answer made the fox pause.     “No, I mean…” he started as he calmed down, “why are you in my bed?”     “I told you, silly!  Waiting for you to–”     “No, Lola!” he said, causing her some confusion.  “I mean… why did you crawl in bed with me, while I was sleeping?”     “Oooh!  Why didn’t you say so?” she said with a bright smile.  A moment later, she started to explain herself.
    “Well, I came in through your window – like I always do – and, was sitting over there, on the chair, right?  But, while I sat and waited for you to wake up, I noticed… it was really stuffy, in here, so… I opened the window… but, that just made it warm so I closed it and turned down the AC… but, that just made it too cold!  Then, I noticed how warm and snug you looked in your bed so I decided I’d wait for you to wake up in there!  I was about to get back out, since I was getting too warm, under the covers, but when you started hugging and kissing me, I decided to stay!  I didn’t want to ruin your fun, after all!”     The fox gave a blink of his golden eyes.  For some reason, his first thought was…     “Did you turn the AC back up, at least?”     “Oh!  No… but, I probably should!” she said, sliding out of bed a moment later.  The fox watched as the bunny in the purple dress bounced over to the climate control and slid it some ways to the right.  With that done, she merrily strolled back over and rejoined him, in bed.
    “Um…”     “Yes?” she asked in a chipper tone, still smiling at the fox, despite his folded ears.     “What are you doing…?” was his counter.     “Waiting for you!”     “To do what?”     “I dunno!  Get up?  Or, keep going?  I’m good, either way, I guess!”     He gave another confused blink.  “Keep going with… what, exactly?”     “Making out with me!”  She brightly smiled.  “You’re really good at it!”     And, just like that, the fox tensed up again.
    “M-m-m-make-out with you?!” he echoed with a stammer.     “Yuh-huh!”     He was about to say something… when, he suddenly realized…     “Wait.  Was I…”     The rabbit girl patiently stared at the fox with a cheerful smile on her face.     “Was I… doing things… in my sleep?”  He paused…  “W… with you?”     “To be fair,” she said with a casual look away, “I think you dreaming about Winnie.  But, yeah!  You totally were!”     “Oh.”     And… that’s all he could say, just staring at the ‘toon rabbit laying next to and staring at him… not to mention waiting for him to continue, judging by what she’d said…
    “Lola?”     “Yes, Jojo?” she happily responded.  But, he didn’t answer.  At least, not with words.     “Oh!”     The rabbit brightly smiled as she felt herself being pulled into the fox’s arms once more, her own arms casually curling around his shoulders and her forehead touching his.  She daintily raised one leg out the side of the bedspread, lowering her eyelids and giving him an inviting look, clearly interested in what he was up to.
    “Still in the mood?” she playfully teased.     “I’m… not exactly sure…” was his response as he shyly looked away.     “You’re not?”     “I just…”     “Is Winnie your girlfriend?”     The fox gave a blink at the sudden question, his attention turning back her way.     “What?  No, of course not.  She’s–”     “Do you have a girlfriend?”     Again, the marginally invasive question caught him off-guard.     “No, not–”     “Then, what’s the problem?”     He gave another blink.  Lola was giving him an odd sort of look.  It was kind of dominant… and, at the same time, very inviting.  It kind of made him shiver…     “What… are you–”     “Shh…” she hushed, bringing a gloved finger to his lips.  “Don’t think.  Just do…”     “Just… ‘do…?’” he cautiously repeated from behind her finger.     “It’s always worked for me…”
    Joseph could not think of a stranger scenario.  Lola had snuck into his bed while he was asleep, let him hug and kiss her as he dreamed, and, even after realizing he was just sleep-kissing, seemed perfectly willing… maybe even a little eager… for him to keep going.  Even when he’d shown hesitation to her questions… she continued to encourage him.  He suddenly realized… maybe she didn’t want him to worry.  Maybe she just wanted him to have fun…
    “You’re… a really sweet girl, Lola Bunny…” he whispered, rubbing his forehead to hers and closing his eyes.     “And you’re a really cute boy, Jojo…” she said in a soft tone.
    After a moment, the forehead rubbing gave way to another action.  Lola encouragingly perked as she felt his cool, black nose trace her cheek… then her neck.     “The way you do things sure is weird, Mr. Fox!” she commented with a smile.  “But, I kind of like it…”     He didn’t mind the comment, though, deciding to just take her advice and… “do.”  Even with his heart racing and his body tense, he let himself begin to nuzzle then kiss her neck and chin.  He blushed a little as he felt her tilt her head back, letting him nip at her neck a bit more.     “Ooh… I kind of really like it…” she whispered before returning to silence, happy to have him lavish her with affection.
    After a few moments of teasing Lola, he pulled her in a bit closer and quietly snuggled, burying his head under hers.  He appreciated the fact she was being so patient with him… even more, that she was stroking a hand over his head.  She seemed to know exactly how anxious he was feeling and was doing everything within her power to help him through it.     “You know, it’s funny…” she commented in a casual tone.  “The first time I made out with Bugs, he was nervous, too!”     Joseph leaned back and looked up with interest.     “Yeah… he was super-nervous, so… I had to take the lead!”     The rabbit gave a soft, happy sigh.     “It was worth the restraining order…”     “R… restraining order?” Joseph repeated.     “Yeah!” Lola said with a smile.  “It was almost like he didn’t know how in-love we were!  Silly boy…”     The fox’s ears fell.  Something about that didn’t sound right…     “But, he finally did come around!” she happily exclaimed, looking back to Joseph.  “What a wonderful two weeks of Christmas Break, it was…”     “Two weeks?” he echoed again.     “That’s how long it took to find a locksmith!”     “L-locksmith…?!”     “Yuh-huh!” the bunny said with a nod.  “After I threw away the keys, he insisted that we go find a locksmith!”     “K… keys?”     “To our handcuffs!”     There was a long pause before Joseph asked, “H… handcuffs?”     “Yuh-huh!” she said with more enthusiasm.  She gave another happy sigh before adding, “It was the most romantic two weeks of my life…”
    “Hey, Lola…”     The rabbit perked with an attentive hum.  The fox was giving her a strange look…     “You were joking about all of that, right?”     “What?  No?”  She seemed mildly offended.  “Why would I joke about love?”     “Sweetheart…”  He gave a frown.  “That doesn’t sound like love, to me.”     The rabbit pulled away, at that, turning her back and crossing her arms.     “You clearly don’t know what love is, then!”     He blinked, suddenly feeling bad.  “Look, all I’m saying is that… er, Lola?”     He suddenly noticed… the rabbit was shivering…
    “Lola?” he called again.  “Are you okay?”     That just seemed to make her shudder.     “Lola…?”     “It’s the little things we tell ourselves, to keep from going crazy, Mr. Fox…”     He gave a blink.  Lola sounded… serious.  That couldn’t have been a good sign…     “Maybe I went a little overboard,” she quietly admitted.  “Maybe I wanted something he didn’t.  But, darn it!  He was already dating me before we even met!”     The fox was once again left to stare in confusion.
    “What… do you mean, Lola?”     “It doesn’t matter…” she said, sounding dejected.  After a moment’s pause, she turned back around with a bright smile on her face as she looked at Joseph.     “All that matters is you!” she cheerfully said as if nothing had happened.     “Lola…”     “So, hey!” she said, opening her clearly-wet eyes.  “What’s this thing with you and Winnie, anyway?”     The fox gave a blink as she poked him on the nose.     “Having dreams about your best friend’s girlfriend?  Naughty boy…”     He briefly considered answering… but, the feeling of the previous moment refused to pass, for him.  Even with her bright smile and chipper tone, he knew something was deeply troubling the ‘toon girl.  He just didn’t know how to actually address it…
    “Say…” she continued, “you don’t have a crush on her, do you?!”     The rabbit gave a grin, half-closing her eyes in excitement.     “C’mon, you can tell me!  I promise I won’t tell!”     “Lola.”     “Yes?”     The rabbit gave a blink as she felt Joseph bring a hand up to her cheek.  Her eyes glanced at his hand… then, back to his eyes, her face showing confusion.  And, that confusion… gave way to surprise.
    “Mph–!”     Joseph had pressed his lips to hers, kissing her full-force.  Her eyes shot open wide, her ears had straightened, and her body tensed as she felt his soft, warm lips continue to unexpectedly meld with hers.  She also couldn’t help but notice… the fox had his own eyes closed, as well as his ears folded back.  It was pretty clear he’d meant something, by that kiss…
    After what seemed like minutes, the fox slowly withdrew, partly opening his eyes…     Smack!     At least, for a moment.  The fox stared in shock as he realized… the cuddly rabbit in his bed had just slapped him!  What’s more, she looked angry!  It was very confusing for him…
    “Why did you do that?!” she angrily scolded.  “What were you thinking?!”     “I…” was all he could say before giving a long, empty pause, too shocked to even try to defend himself.  Lola seemed legitimately upset with him – the same Lola that, not five minutes prior, was letting him kiss and nip at the most sensitive part of her throat, among other places!  As the shock wore off, however, he started to really think about what he’d just done…
    What was I thinking…? he thought, looking away and folding his ears.  You don’t just haul off and kiss a girl, like that… especially one that’s not expecting it…     His eyes closed and he gave a soft whine.  Lola had done it again…     I’m such a heel…     She’d made him feel absolutely terrible without trying.         “Hey… hey… it’s okay!”     The fox looked up at the sound Lola’s voice.  She was giving him a compassionate smile.     “C’mere, Jojo…” she said as she opened one arm for him.  Not sure of what else to do, the fox took her up on the offer, cuddling close.  Once again, he felt her stroke his head and left ear.     “I’m sorry I got mad at you,” she said in a soft, warm tone.  “And, I’m sorry I smacked you one.  But, darn it, Mr. Fox!  Give a girl some warning, before you kiss her!”     The fox perked.  That’s… exactly why I thought she was mad, he internalized.
    “Anyway,” she continued, “if you don’t want to talk about Winnie, that’s fine!  I just figured, Winnie must be a thousand miles away right now and–”     “I…” he quietly interrupted, causing her to pause.     “Yes?”     It was a little embarrassing… but for some reason, he felt compelled to admit…     “I do have a crush on her, yes.”     “Aaaww…!”     The fox gave a light huff as he felt the rabbit pull him into a tight hug.     “That’s so sweet…!” she half-gushed.  “I remember my first crush!”     “I– she’s not my first crush,” he said, cutting her off again.     “Oh?”  The rabbit leaned back, a curious look on her face.  “Wait… is it… is it me…?  Am I your first crush?!”     “What…?  N–”  The fox paused.  “Well… I mean… I like you, too.”     Lola beamed, upon hearing that.     “But, no.  See, I come from a faraway place–”     “I knew it!”     Joseph gave a blink.  Apparently, it was his turn to be cut-off, then.
    “You’re one of those exotic, French, 3D ‘toons, aren’t you?!” she said, sound excited.  “Oh, oh!  Can you say something French for me?  Pleeaaase…?”     He gave a frown…  He wasn’t from France nor was he a ‘toon.  But, for some reason, seeing the rabbit’s hopeful face made him decide to go ahead and say the only French term he’d picked up, since being there.     “Um… ‘omelette du fromage?’”     “Ooh… Mr. Fox!”     Lola gave a shiver… which… made Joseph all the more confused.     “Again…” she beckoned.     “Uh…”     “Pretty please…?”     “I… alright.”  He cleared his throat before repeating, “Omelette du fromage.”     “French is such a beautiful language…” Lola contently sighed.  “One more time…?”     The fox suddenly got an idea…  He leaned inward, tilting his head around hers before whispering in his most sensual, tender tone…     “Omelette du… fromage…”     “Heeey… I just realized!”
    The fox gave a jolted, his ears perking as he leaned back.  Lola once again wore a peculiar look on her face.     “You’re not saying that right!” she continued.     “I’m… not?”     “Mm-mm…”  She shook her head.  “Not unless you’re trying to say something like… ‘the omelet is from Fromage’ – which, by the way, I don’t even think is a real place!”     “Uhm…”     “No no no… repeat after me, Mr. Fox.”  She paused before saying, in a perfect French accent, “‘Omelette au fromage.’”     Joseph’s brow furrowed at that.     “You’re just saying the same thing I–     “No no no, listen.  Omelette…”     The fox gave a blink.     “Au.  Fromage.  Répetez, s'il-vous-plait!”     “What…?”     “Repeat, please!” she repeated in English with a smile.  “Omelette…”     “Omelette.”     “Au.”     “Au.”     “Fromage.”     “Fromage.”
    “Ensemble maintenant…” she continued in French.  “Omelette au fromage.”     The fox paused in confusion… then repeated, “Omelette au fromage?”     “Omelette au fromage.”     “Omelette au fromage.”     “Encore.  Omelette au fromage.”     “Uh…  Omelette au fromage.”     “Oui!” Lola said with genuine excitement, a bright smile on her face.  “Très très bien! Vous apprenez très vite, mon petit renard!”     “Um…  Thank you?” was all the fox could say in return.  He didn’t have any clue as to what Lola was saying…
    “But, see?” the rabbit said after a moment.  “Isn’t French a beautiful language?”     “It is, when you speak it,” he unconsciously complimented.     “Aaaww…!”  She gave him a tight squeeze.  “Vous êtes l'étoile la plus brillante qui brille dans le ciel nocturne, Monsieur Fox…”     “I don’t know what that means,” he replied as he gave her a hug, “but, you say it beautifully.  I… think.”     “Oh, my French is a little rusty…” she said, giving a hand-wave as she leaned back.  “Plus, I just know bits-and-pieces, really!”     “If that’s ‘rusty…’”  The fox gave a grin.  “Then, put me in San Juan, Capistrano!”     “You mean ‘Don Juan Pond?’” she asked, giving a curious look.     “I, uh… yeah?”     “Aww…!”  He chuckled as he was given another hug.  “You’re so sweet!”
    “How did we get on this tangent, anyway?” Joseph asked after a few moments.     “What tangent?”  Lola paused.  “Oh, right…”     She leaned back, giving him a slight poke on the nose.     “You’re a French ‘toon!  But, wait…” she paused, looking confused.  “If you’re French, why don’t you know any French, other than ‘cheese omelet?’  Are you a… fake French ‘toon?!”     “What?  No!” he said with a blink.  “I’m not any kind of French!  Why would you think I’m from France…?”     “Well…” Lola said as she casually looked away in thought, “I just assumed, since you were so cute and furry and 3D…”     She brightly smiled as she looked at the fox.     “A lot of cute, furry, 3D ‘toons come from France!”     “I…”  He shook his head, deciding not to argue.  “Alright.”
    “So what’s it like, over in France?” she asked, her face bright with curiosity.     “I… I told you, I’m not from France!”     “Huh?”  She gave a blink.  “Oh!  Riiight… you did just say that, didn’t you?”     “Yes, I did.”     “But, you look so French…  Like that little Tails kid from that one cartoon!”     “Ya know, you’re, like… the third person to compare me to that guy.”     “Well…”  She offered a smile as she reached up, giving his bangs a flick.  “You do sort of look like him, around the face and hairline.”     “I… thanks?”     “You’re a lot more masculine than he is, though.  And, more cuddly!  In a different way.”     That statement did nothing but confuse the fox…     “Oh, don’t give me that look!” she said with a smirk.  “Tails is cuddly like a big stuffed animal!  But, you’re cuddly like… like…”     Lola gave a hum, trying to think of a good analogy.     “Like Bugs!” is what she ended up with.     “I assume you mean the bunny,” Joseph chuckled.     “Yah-huh!”  She beamed as she pulled him inward.  “You’re cuddly like he is.  But, there’s, like, twice as much of you cuddle up to because you’re taller!”     Again, the fox gave a chuckle.  “You’re a silly one, Lola…”     “What?  Why am I silly?” she said in an indignant tone.     “Never mind…” was all he could offer as he snuggled into her arms.  As he tried to nuzzle his head under hers again, though, he felt her pull back.     “No, tell me.  Why do you think I’m silly?” she asked, sounding impatient.     “What?”  He gave a blink.  “No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way…  It’s just that, you seem so random, sometimes.  Like… you could be talking about lime jello, one second… then, the Mir space station, another… probably in the same thought!  That kind of silly.”     “I don’t see what’s so silly about lime jello on the Mir space station…” she commented.  “Astronauts like dessert, too!  Even Russian ones!”     She paused for a moment.     “Say, do you think jello jiggles, in space?  I wonder if it jiggles more or less than it does, here on Earth?”     The fox gave a chuckle as he snuggled back into her arms and nestled his head under hers.  He had to admit, though… it was an interesting question.
    “Say, Mr. Fox…”     His ears straightened upright.  Though he didn’t move, he gave a hum of acknowledgment, letting Lola know he was listening.     “If you’re not from France…” she mused, “where are you from?  Japan?  Oh!  Maybe you’re from right here, in the good ol’ U-S-of-A!  I was raised in America!  Oh!  But, I was made in Canada, eh?  Hm… I wonder if any part of me’s Mexican, though?  Not like Speedy, but–”     “I’m not from anywhere on this planet,” he murmured, half-ignoring her rambling.     “Oh…”  The rabbit paused again.  “Wait… are you an alien?  From outer space…?”     Now, there was a thought for him…  She technically wasn’t wrong, either.     “I… guess you could say that…” he admitted as he leaned back.  He had to blink again as he noticed the star-struck look on her face…     “You mean I’m friends with a real, live E.T?!”     “Uh…”  He tilted his head.  “Basically?”     Lola gave a loud, excited squeal, making Joseph wince.     “Oh, Mr. Fox, I have sooooo many questions!”     She backed away, giving him some room and clearing her throat before continuing.
    “Are all the people on your planet foxes?  Do they have Cheez Whiz, where you come from?  Are you here to take over our planet?  Do you breathe something really different, like nitroglycerin, on your planet?  Wait…”  She paused.  “You’re breathing right now, aren’t you…?!”     She gave a wide-mouthed gasp, briefly covering her mouth in excitement.     “You breathe oxygen, just like us!!” she exclaimed, pointing at him.  “Oh, wow!!  I wonder if this means you have oxygen on your home world, too…”     “Well…” Joseph started…     “What’s your planet like?”     Only to be interrupted by more questions.     “Is it pretty?  I think Earth is pretty.  Well, some parts of Earth…  Some places like New York are amazing… but, some places like Yellowstone are just… so beautiful!  And– oh!  Have you been to the Grand Canyon?  I think it’s just a big hole in the ground but a lot of people say it’s absolutely breathtaking!  We should go, sometime!”     She gave another gasp.     “We could go right now!  I’ll order our plane tickets!”     Joseph stammered before half-shouting, “Lola!”
    The girl innocently looked up.  “Yes?”  She was already on her cell phone, apparently serious about the trip to the Grand Canyon.     “Lola…” the fox said, gently closing her phone before holding her hand with both of his.  “Let’s… hold off on a trip to the Grand Canyon, for now, shall we?”     “Ooh, you’re riiight…”  She brightly smiled.  “I don’t think people are ready to see a real, live aliens, yet… even if you do look like a French, 3D ‘toon!”     The fox gave another blink… then, he started laughing.  That caused Lola all the more confusion… which lead to her awkwardly laughing along.
    “You’re just the best kind of adorable, Lola…” he said after his bout of laughter.     “You think I’m adorable…?”     The fox gave a blink.  Lola looked… surprised.  She was also doing something he’d never seen her do before.
    She was blushing.
    “W…” he started to say, feeling the temperature rise in his own face.  For some reason, just seeing that tinge of pink on her cheeks was enough to completely disarm him.  The fox gave a blink as Lola reached up to his face after a moment.  As she cupped his cheek with one, gloved hand, he looked into her eyes… and saw that they were sparkling.     “You really think I’m adorable?” she repeated, still awestruck.     All Joseph could do at that point was say… “I do.”
    The rabbit gave another blush… which made him blush, in return, as the two continued to look into each other’s eyes.  It was almost kind of… romantic, in a way… but, at the same time, a little awkward.  Neither one of them seemed to know where to go, from where they were, eyes exchanging gazes while Lola’s hand stayed gently cupped to his cheek…
    “Joseph?”     The fox gave a blink as Lola finally spoke up.  “Y… yes?” was his response.     She chewed on her lower lip for a moment, looking down.  Slowly, her gaze returned to his own and she softly whispered…     “Thank you…”     With that, Lola’s arm slid by his cheek and curled around his shoulders.  Soon, it was joined by the other one, the rabbit snuggling her body up against his own.  Joseph was more-than-happy to wrap his arms around the rabbit’s frame, snuggling her as she caressed his cheek with her own.  It was kind of odd but… really sweet, the fox thought.
    “I can’t believe it…” she whispered after a few moments.     “Can’t believe what…?” was Joseph’s response as he gave her a gentle squeeze.     “I can’t believe that all this time…”  She returned the gesture before saying, “You’ve been an alien.  And, you never told me!”     The rabbit suddenly leaned back.  Joseph gave a blank stare as he noticed the… genuinely hurt look on Lola’s face.  Her lip was quivering and tears were in her eyes.
    “Why didn’t you tell me you were from outer space, Mr. Fox…?” she whimpered.  “I’d still like you!  You’re my friend, after all!”     “I…”  He gave a blink.  “I didn’t think it was that important, to be honest…”     “Have you told Winnie?”     “W… what?”     “Have you told Winnie that you’re an alien?”     “I…  Well, no?  I didn’t tell her; Woody did.”     “So, she does know…!”     Joseph gave a blink as he watched the rabbit’s hurt look become an angry one.
    “Winnie knows, Woody knows…” she started to rant.  “I bet your boss knows, too!  Heck, I bet everyone who works at Joe’s Diner knows you’re an alien!”     “I… don’t… have any idea!” Joseph sputtered, feeling flabbergasted.     “Why…?”  She looked sad again.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”     “I already told you…”  He was starting to feel guilty again.  “I didn’t think it mattered…”     “Of course it matters, you goofball…”     The fox gave another blink as Lola slid her hand back to his cheek.  A soft smile had formed on her face and her eyes were starting to dry-up.  His ears gave a flick as he heard her speak again…     “Best friends shouldn’t have any secrets…”
    That statement felt like a layered kind of whammy to him.  On the one hand, he didn’t realize Lola saw him as a best friend of any sort!  Regular friend?  Absolutely!  But, her best friend…?  That was news to him.  On the other hand, he didn’t really consider his origin to be much of a secret… or, to be that important, really.  Some people knew.  Some people didn’t.  Most people really didn’t seem to care, one way or the other, and a lot of people even thought he was lying, outright, calling him a “confused, 3D ‘toon.”  But, the thing that really got to him… the thing that really made him think… wasn’t what she’d said… but, how she’d said it.     It was such a plain and honest statement… one that Joseph agreed with.  But, the fact that Lola had said it in such a soft, sweet way… especially after looking so hurt, prior to that…  It really made it feel even more appropriate for the situation… and, their friendship.
    “Hey, Lola?”     The rabbit gave a blink, knocking loose some lingering moisture.  Her eyes moved, watching Joseph gently brush away any more lingering tears, then returned to the fox’s smiling face as he said…     “You’re right.  So… I’m going to tell you everything.”     Joseph had expected Lola to react in a “toon-ish” way.  A start, followed by bright-eyed focus… or, maybe leaving the room to go grab some popcorn.  However, what he hadn’t been expecting… was for her to gently take his hand in hers and move it away.
    “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she said in an understanding tone.  “I know there’s probably some stuff you don’t wanna tell me…  I don’t get it, myself… but, it’s okay.”     She gave a bright smile, then.     “Really!  I don’t mind!”
    The rabbit gave a blink as she felt her nose being rubbed by his own.  A mix of curiosity and confusion filled her eyes as she watched him lean back with a soft smile on his face.
    “My name is Joseph Theodore Lithius,” he started, giving her hand a squeeze.  “And, this is my story…”
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