#// like using my middle name when feeling more masc aligned and then using my first name when more femme
so2uv · 2 years
oh shit. gender
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nbhd-daily · 4 years
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LILY PATTERSON: Where the fuck is Chip Chrome? I noticed you deactivated your Instagram.
JESSE RUTHERFORD: [Laughs] I like that you turned the “who” to “where.”
PATTERSON: Obviously, there’s one glaring reference for an alien rock star alter ego—
RUTHERFORD: Wait, wait, wait, who though?
PATTERSON: … Ziggy Stardust?
RUTHERFORD: I’m just joking.
PATTERSON: [Laughs] Oh my god, I was like, “Did I say that clearly?” But yeah, you’re channeling an icon. Tell me about bringing Chip to life.
RUTHERFORD: I’ve had the idea for Chip for about two and a half years.
PATTERSON: So it’s been baking.
RUTHERFORD: Yeah, I had the name, the whole shit. Obviously, Bowie is a giant reference… Ugh, I hate that word. A giant inspiration. It’s funny; when I was a kid, people would tell me about him, but I wasn’t really interested. I was gravitating toward hip-hop or modern pop. First, I got really into interviews and just watched the man talk. Then the music. I’ve always been an in-between kind of fella. I’m not quite this, I’m not quite that. I’m not super masc, I’m not super feminine … I’m kind of a confused person, to be honest with you. Bowie has helped me route. Like, here you go, this is a blueprint, an architecture. Not to say I sound like him at all.
PATTERSON: You deployed @chipchrome on Instagram, a platform that’s created so much anxiety around being “real,” being consistent, endlessly delivering your personal brand. And now Chip’s off the grid.
RUTHERFORD: I’m trying to figure out myself in all of this. Maybe I’m expected to have already done that, but I haven’t. I feel like I turned into a “thing” on the Internet. When you work on a piece of music for a long time, you post it, and it gets X amount of likes, then you post a picture with your girlfriend and it gets X amount… It’s just a weird, challenging, confusing feeling. I feel like there’s an opportunity to get off the platform, or at least try it this way.
PATTERSON: How many months ago did you debut Chip? August?
RUTHERFORD: Yes. I killed @jesserutherford when I turned 27. Dead at 27.
PATTERSON: A not-so-subtle 27 Club reference.
RUTHERFORD: Exactly. It’s this ridiculous motif. Really, I want to have fun with this stuff, play with it. Like, yo, nobody paints themselves silver, throws on a Spandex suit and a grill. Then, of course, Kanye West comes along…
PATTERSON: [Laughs] Major Basel ‘fit.
RUTHERFORD: Bowie passed and everyone started to think about him again, riff on him. But no one was taking it to the full Ziggy extreme! There’s a Tekashi69 out there but no Ziggy Stardust? C’mon. It feels comfortable for me. I’m having fun.
PATTERSON: Can you describe the physical process to go full Chip? Side note: I saw a picture of that reflective Marine Serre balaclava you scored recently. Insane.
RUTHERFORD: The makeup itself isn’t too long of a process. I’ve always done it myself. Actually, I have a friend of mine who rips at makeup, Sydney, @sydn4sty on Instagram—
PATTERSON: Good friend plug.
RUTHERFORD: She’s bomb. Me and Dev [Devon Carlson, Rutherford’s partner] met her, she was our neighbor at an apartment we lived at a bit ago. She came over, fucked around and helped me with an eye design. For the most part, though, I’ve always done it on my own. We did a tour recently, and I’d usually start an hour before the show, giving myself time to get in the headspace. I could turn into Chip in 25 minutes. It doesn’t take that long.
PATTERSON: What about the suit?
RUTHERFORD: The silver suit is a stupid Spandex suit from the boulevard. I just ended up going into one of those places, figuring out a suit that worked there. Taking measurements and shit, getting the sizing right.
PATTERSON: Love that.
RUTHERFORD: I premiered Chip at a B-level, crusty, Hollywood, kind of spaghetti Western-y place. Which felt right. But as you can see—you referenced the top Dev got for me—there’s so much opportunity for Chip to grow visually. When we [The Neighbourhood] go on tour later this year, I want to develop this. But there’s also something about the campiness, this B-level visual, that I really like. It feels authentic to me.
PATTERSON: All in a time when people are hiring stylists for their hotel-lobby-to-car looks.
RUTHERFORD: [Laughs] Exactly.
PATTERSON: I feel like the DIY, the physical process of putting yourself together imbues a certain energy, a sort of leveling with your audience.
RUTHERFORD: Right. Thanks so much for noticing.
PATTERSON: Is Chip working its way into your solo act? Or do you think you’ll reserve it for The Neighbourhood?
RUTHERFORD: It was gonna be its own thing. I had no intention of bringing Chip into The Neighbourhood. It sounds corny, but the reason I wanted to do Chip for The Neighbourhood is—I don’t know if you’ve heard our song, “Middle of Somewhere.”
PATTERSON: I did. I watched the video.
RUTHERFORD: That song is a special one to me. I wanted to make sure that I could attach something to it that would make people stop, look, and have to listen. We were gonna do a textural video, like B-roll footage, Super 8, nature-y. I wake up in the morning, and I go to the house we’re recording at, in Coldwater Canyon. Before our director Alex got there I was sitting in the house, looking across the canyon over on this hill, and I actually had a vision of the chrome fuckin’ thing on top of the hill. So I showed up the next day in full Chip regalia, and everyone looked at me like, “Oh, no…”
PATTERSON: [Laughs] So that was the first introduction between Chip and The Neighbourhood, when you made it a part of the universe.
RUTHERFORD: It was, yeah. Actually, this producer duo called Take a Daytrip–they did that Sheck Wes song [“Mo Bamba”], “Panini” by Lil Nas X–they’re doing so well. I’ve known them for a long time. They’ve always sent me beat packs and I’ll just go through, pick ten at a time. I thought Chip was going to be leaning more toward my hip-hop shit.
PATTERSON: Yeah, if you’d gone through with Chip as an independent project, how would it sound?
RUTHERFORD: End of 2017, me and my engineer, Danny, were in the studio, going off on Chip. If you ask my friends, they heard about Chip so long ago, they’re like wow, you actually did it! Chip was going to be hip-hop.
PATTERSON: Daytrip almost feels more aligned with this glitchy, chromed-out look than The Neighbourhood. I’m thinking of the “Panini” video, Lil Nas X in the space suit.
RUTHERFORD: Hip-hop music has been my programming. It’s been my love. When I was a kid, hearing Eminem, G-Unit for the first time, I was like… Bro, that is it. I don’t know if you know where I’m from, Newbury Park—
PATTERSON: Ventura County, right?
RUTHERFORD: Yeah, yeah. I was kind of the odd one out, in my neighborhood, my area, obsessed with rap. I decided to stick with the guitar, and I fell in love with it, not having to use so many goddamn words. In fact, I don’t want Chip to talk, because Jesse talks enough. It’s all in the song, that’s where I’m gonna leave it. And “Middle of Somewhere” is a good jumping off point. That’s probably the purest sound you’re gonna hear; it’s just me and a guitar. I’ve been really into Dolly Parton lately—
PATTERSON: She’s having a revival moment with us younger gens!
RUTHERFORD: She’s a great reference for what I’m doing, because Dolly will tell you, “Yeah, I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m fake on the outside, because I am! That’s what I wanna look like. And that’s fine, because I know what’s coming out of me is more real than anything. So I don’t have to worry about that.”
PATTERSON: People are gonna assume they know what Chip’s about; i.e. my questions about the Ziggy comparisons or the visual continuity with Daytrip’s sound. But the far-out visual is paired back to a fairly stripped sound.
RUTHERFORD: Exactly. It’s not what people are expecting. Right now, Chip’s dedicated to The Neighbourhood. The project is gonna be called—there might be a change—but right now it’s called Chip Chrome and the Monotones. The boys, the way we all look together… They’re shadows, they’re silhouettes.
PATTERSON: They’ve got the reflective two-piece suits, right?
RUTHERFORD: For the most part, I’m the only one who has to say something to express what we collectively feel. So if I say something they’re not into, they tell me. I mean, there’s two thousand songs the world won’t hear because we all didn’t agree. It’s working, though. When I first showed up as Chip, everyone was like “what the fuck are you doing?” Now that we’ve worked on the context, everyone’s down.
PATTERSON: Final question, easily the lamest. Will Jesse/Chip find their way back to Instagram?
RUTHERFORD: I guess I’ll say I don’t know. I’m only a couple weeks off.
PATTERSON: How’s it feeling?
RUTHERFORD: I mean, you know… I’m going through it a bit.
PATTERSON: It’s a hell of a drug. You ingest it, but it can also completely consume you.
RUTHERFORD: Comparing myself to everything, everyone, everybody I love… You can’t look at humans like that. I don’t want to think about what everyone else is doing. I feel my creativity pumping back up again. I mean, I have the queen of social media sleeping in the bed next to me. And it’s the coolest thing ever, the way Devon does it? That’s the way you gotta do it. Not work for it, but make it work for you. And that’s cool, that’s her thing, it doesn’t have to be my thing. Luckily, if I do want to come back…
PATTERSON: It’s all gonna be there.
RUTHERFORD: The weirdest twist to it all—which I love, which is wonderful—is that I get off of it, and a week later I get an email that Lily from Interview fuckin’ Magazine… I mean, it’s Interview Magazine! If that isn’t a sign to pay attention, then I’m an asshole and I need to recalibrate my vision.
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pentanguine · 4 years
1. Do you use any other terms to define or explain your gender?
So…I got a little carried away. Most of these posts will not be this long, but I had a lot I wanted to say, and a long drizzly afternoon to work on saying it, so.
Aside from genderqueer, trans, and nonbinary…
I’ve started feeling more at home with the word transmasculine this year, after several years of circling it warily and ultimately running away because it would just be ALL TOO SHOCKING. Other people interpret transmasculine in a wide variety of ways, many of which make me deeply uncomfortable (eg “Transmasc = physically transitioning in all the same ways trans men usually do;” “Transmasc = trans man but woke about it;” “Transmasc = I have aligned myself against women and forsaken feminism and I love asserting my dominant gender role”), and voluntarily using a word that’s ripe for misinterpretation made my control-obsessed brain fuck right off.
But ultimately it’s not really about using words (what does that even mean? putting them in your tumblr bio? buying the pride flag?) so much as knowing, however privately, that you are a thing. And I’m transmasculine! It’s a word that feels comfortable, and homey, and exciting. Other people who use that word sound like me! They look like me, and they look how I want to look! I get such a blooming, leaping, light-filled feeling in my chest when I see these people, because I instinctively feel that these are People Like Me. I recognize myself in their experiences of gender, and sometimes I feel like my whole body’s going to shake apart with a euphoria that’s like being on fire. Every time I read something by Daniel M. Lavery I end up rolling around on the floor in paroxysms of delight and Feeling Seen, and my brain lights up like a fireworks display when I see awkward bi men with curly brown hair and glasses. There is still a little part of my brain that’s convinced referring to myself as transmasc will make everyone deeply disappointed in me, and obligate me to go out and befriend a footballer named Chad, but I’ve been casually referring to myself that way since May in semi-public venues and the sky hasn’t fallen in yet.
Transmasc feels like a useful word for me because it makes me feel more settled. I think a lot of times nonbinary gender is simplified to gender neutrality (which it is for some people!), while for me it’s more like a stewing mess full of things that don’t make coherent sense in anyone’s mind but my own. So I can like masculine words and gender presentations, and that doesn’t mean I’m equating neutrality with masculinity, and I can also express my gender in the numerous non-masc ways that feel natural to me while still having that anchor to come back to. Ultimately, I think it just means that I have a more meaningful relationship with masculinity than I have with femininity, neutrality, or androgyny, and that I’m deliberately moving in a more masc-coded direction that the one I started out. And that’s it!
The other big gender-conceptualization-thing that I’ve been thinking a lot about is the complicated muddle of doubleness and inversion that I feel between gender identity, gender presentation, sexuality, and gender expression. I don’t feel bigender, because that sounds like I have two discrete gender experiences sitting side by side, and I’m not genderfluid, because it’s not like my gender actually changes, but I do feel like I’m part woman-affiliated agender person, and part genderqueer guy with the genderqueer dialed up to eleven and the guy dialed down to two. Part of me feels apart from gender, but nebulously attached to queer ideas of womanhood (lesbian! spinster! middle school girl at a sleepover who promises to love her friends more than any passing crush!), and then part of me feels apart from gender, but like I picked Guy Gender to steal for myself and imitate and relentlessly queer by virtue of not taking it seriously enough. But it’s all mixed together, you know? Like paint swirling on a palette, or light bringing out iridescence on fish scales. Sometimes it will be more like one thing, sometimes more like another, but it’s always whole and completely intertwined.
Earlier this year a Miriam Zoila Perez quote about being a faggy butch was going around, and man, that gave me a lot of gender feelings. I first encountered the term fairy butch on this old blog called The Butchelor, and while I loved it then, I didn’t use it because of a radfem-induced trepidation that it was all an elaborate joke everyone understood but me. I also have an extremely annoyed relationship to the word butch, because I’m not butch at all, and I doubt anyone else would think I am, but this seems to be the only word anyone is capable of using to describe queer masculinity. It’s like other people are determined to smash you into yet another binary (ironically, a binary that’s jealously guarded by the same people who keep enfolding you in it) because you’re afab and like wearing ties. It’s annoying!
But the phrase fairy butch just seems so delightful to me, because it’s whimsical and complex, and also so genderfucky. I’m not masculine in any of the ways that usually cohere to the word butch—I don’t have the interests, or the mannerisms, or the sexual propensities or the haircut or the total dislike for anything feminine-coded (why is masculinity always all or nothing, and all about absence?). I love my socks with the sparkly pink foxgloves, I love smiling (why must men never smile?), I like sitting with my legs crossed and talking with my hands. I’m not feminine, I’m effeminate. I’m a double invert, gay for women and gay for men, a too-boyish-“woman” who doubles right back around as a too-feminine-“man.” Maybe I’m not a butch, or even a (faggy) butch, but dammit I’m a fairy/butch. Two queers in one, two inextricable, contradicting queernesses that complicate and complement and mitigate and enhance each other.
The idea that I’ve been slowly winding towards is that contradiction is part of my gender. It’s not something that’s going to get smoothed out one day when I find The Perfect Word, and the questioning and revisiting isn’t going to end when I reach The Final Stage of Transition or whatever. I read an article a few weeks ago that nebulously cited Jack Halberstam as saying “refusal to resolve my gender ambiguity has become a kind of identity for me,” and that’s something that resonates with me so, so much. I don’t have to make myself neat and appropriate for consumption, because my gender doesn’t exist at the mercy of other people’s understanding. I’m not a problem that has yet to be shoved into a “woman-aligned” or “nonvir” box, I just am. Sitting amidst the dissonance of things that other people tell me are impossible to feel at the same time is my identity. I never want to cohere.
It reminds me of the way I feel about historical figures like Katharine Hepburn and Daphne DuMaurier, who were definitely genderqueer as fuck, but also closeted to the outside world for their entire lives, and unclassifiable in modern terminology. They were real, complex people who existed, and are now gone! It would be really weird to assign them a coherent identity, like “Hepburn was a nonbinary trans man” or “DuMaurier was genderfluid” or what-have-you, when all you have are decontextualized fragments of their gender feelings. (I feel comfortable calling them genderqueer because that can be used as an adjective to describe cis people who queer gender, which they definitely did)
Anyway: I feel very deeply connected to these people, and the way they saw themselves as being boys, or like-men, or men-in-certain-contexts, or men-and-women, or women-who-wanted-to-be-men. But the thing is, wherever they may have wanted to go, they never arrived. Would Hepburn have preferred to be known professionally as Jimmy, gone by he/him pronouns in all areas of life, and identified as a proud trans man? Barring some spectacular archival discovery, we’ll never know, because that was never a viable option in Hepburn’s lifetime. And that space of possibly-wanting, but not-arriving, feels like a destination to me. That gap, between wanting and actualization, or fantasizing and pursuing, or playing around and Identifying As, feels like it is part of my experience of gender. I’m not a man, I’m a woman-who-wants-to-be-a-man. There has to be that distance, and that wanting.
I’ve gone on for an absurd amount of time here, but ultimately: I’m queer! My gender is queer! Some people are men, some people are women, and I’m a queer.
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queenofthefaces · 5 years
*slams down paper* Give a thesis on Stanny boy. :D
I finished all my exams so LETS FUCKIGN GO!!! A lot of this is personal interpretation combined w hc character development 👌 I went kinda off topic bc y’all apparently like my analysis!! So here u go!!
1) sexuality hc: I love exploring queer themes w Stan sm ;;o;; I think he’s an incredibly relatable character and fandom tends to focus on his good morals so he’s the kinda character we’re more comfortable exploring like that :0 (unlike Eric who’s Problematic or Kyle who’s pretty morally gray and who has some questionable interactions w the ppl he’s had romantic interactions w)
And I love portraying Stan’s exploration into his sexuality as a very...slow kind of journey? Like Stan being someone who’s pretty ignorant but earnest, and appreciating when someone is able to help guide him (like Kenny or wendy)
But to the question: I hc Stan as bi!! Like a lot of ppl do :0 again w the slow journey, I see Stan as being the kind of person who would get into queer issues, and just being curious in general and asking questions, alongside wanting to explore w other people—like feeling a romantic/sexual tension w/ another boy but not knowing what it means, and only after he’s had someome start to guide him does he connect the pieces. Like Stan realizing “oh all those times I had a CRUSH on that guy I didn’t just admire him” sort of thing
And it’d be a very personal journey as well, I can’t imagine Stan being open or talking abt his sexuality while he’s still tryna figure it out, mostly bc he isn’t sure abt himself and he doesn’t feel secure enough to be open, plus he’s probably shy abt that kinda thing in the beginning.
And honestly I prefer Stan exploring his sexuality with Wendy or Kenny—I have a whole hc that he’d be uncomfortable with talking to kyle about it, not bc he has anything against Kyle—it’s just that Kyle sometimes gets too in his own head, gets uncomfortable with serious conversations, can sometimes leave Stan behind, and can think he knows Stan best/talks over Stan. I can’t see Kyle being someone patient enough to let Stan talk without adding in his own two cents and confusing or frustrating Stan, and Stan needs someone attentive and non-judgmental to talk things through
Wendy (esp w Wendy as a v knowledgeable queer person) is a good choice to help Stan out bc she’s very compassionate, emotionally sensitive, and wants to help.
(Going into hc-zone:) wendy might also fall into the thing Kyle does where she talks over Stan, in that she knows *so much* she thinks she can guess what Stan feels and kind of flood him with too much information unintentionally. It’s not a bad thing to try and inform him about gender stuff and bi/pan/ply/omnisexualities but Stan isn’t ready for all that yet. And I think Stan is also the kind of person who wouldn’t be super comforted by labels and facts the way Wendy is. Where Wendy likes having specific definitions to explain how she feels, Stan is overwhelmed by those labels bc he’ll overthink them and doubt himself
...which is why I prefer Stan exploring this stuff with Kenny, bc I have a really elaborate kind of relationship development between those two that could blossom if they let themselves grow closer, esp during times where Eric and Kyle are off doing Their Thing. Kenny being someone who’s incredibly sure of who he is, being a great listener, very emotionally sensitive, able to keep a secret, and able to read people well and handle situations between people. Ken is the type who can listen to Stan w/o judging him or making him feel overwhelmed, and knows when to ask questions and when to back off, etc. I have a whole thing abt how their developing relationship can be incredibly mutually beneficial but Yanno that’s for the next bulletpoint 👌 basically Kenny could be someone Stan can explore himself with, and not be pressured
And then there’s Stan’s gender identity which I also Love. I love nb Stan. Just in the kind of nb where he doesn’t want to give himself a specific label, he just wants to Be Himself, whatever that means. I hc Stan as primarily male-aligned nb, in that he’s most comfortable with being a guy or being perceived as a guy and generally presenting masc, but a lot of that is in Stan being more *socially* comfortable presenting that way, instead of him feeling more “like a guy.” I hc Stan to primarily use he/him pronouns but to also be ok w/ she/they depending on the situation. I think Wendy and Kenny would also help him w this, in hc’ing both of them as nb as well (though of course their identities manifest in different ways and they’re comfortable doing different things than Stan)
(Also I love Stan using goth stuff to explore his gender and presentation....using a more feminine name like Raven?? Being able to use nor androgynous ways of dressing?? I lov him sm ;;o;;)
(Plus I have a big hc I love where Stan tries to come out to his parents and he’s bracing for impact for the response and BOTH TIMES his dad STEALS THE SPOTLIGHT bc it’s like “ugh, what is it with kids these days coming up with FAKE TERMS for stuff that’s JUST NORMAL. It’s NORMAL to think about wanting to kiss other guys Stan duh” and Sharon and Stan just. “No....dad....straight men don’t want to kiss other men wtf” and later it’s “ok Stan I believe you about the bisexuality thing but this nonbinary thing?? Again it’s NORMAL!! To feel like a bit of both and want to be seen as a woman sometimes” and Stan’s just pinching his nose again.
He was afraid of becoming his father but. Not like this. Nb bi KINGS)
2) Otp: STENNY!!!!! I love stenny sm. (But I’ll get into that in a bit but first)
S/tendy is also really really cute, but imo it’s the pinnacle of school love. I feel like Stan and Wendy can be good together and genuinely like each other’s company, but I feel like their life goals and ambitions would stray, and they wouldn’t be completely compatible in a way that would be really sustainable as adults. It’s not a bad thing, and I think they could absolutely remain close friends w/o necessarily needing a romantic relationship
Anyways. I adore Stenny. A lot of it again revolves around some development hc stuff I have, mostly in how compatible and mutually beneficial the relationship can be. I like imagining them growing closer and more intimate w each other in a very private kind of way. Like them hanging out one on one, and eventually that evolves into texting, calling, sleeping over w just the two of them, etc, until they have this entire close relationship that’s all their own
And with compatibility, I think both Kenny and Stan are incredibly compassionate, sensitive, thoughtful people who can just sit and enjoy some silence. Unlike Eric and Kyle, who need constant mental stimulation—who need to be DOING things—Stan and Kenny can just...relax. And I think their sensitivity can also lead them to be able to support each other emotionally. Both of them can listen to each other, both of them are capable of having serious conversations and being patient through those conversations, both of them are perceptive and sensitive enough to recognize what the other is feeling and to have some idea of what to do about it. I think they’re both good at knowing how to take care of people (rather than someone like Kyle, who likes taking care of others but doesn’t really know how to do it very well; he’s like his mother in that way, he’s good at obvious stuff like injuries and crying but he can be kinda overbearing, presumptuous, and indelicate abt the quieter stuff but ENOUGH abt Kyle AHJSKDKF)
I think stenny is strong also in how the two can help one another. Kenny is realistic but careful and can provide support for Stan when he’s going through a rough patch. Kenny shows up to Stan’s room in the middle of the night with water and snacks and listens to Stan rant or just *is there* to show Stan he’s not alone. Kenny answers Stan’s 2am texts when Stan can’t sleep and stays on the phone with him all night to keep him company
And Stan is earnest in how much he cares abt his friends and would just...really easily show he cares w/o any judgement. Stan saves seats for Kenny, sends him “be safe!” texts when Ken goes home, offers his bed and his home to Kenny and Karen when they need a place to stay, and it never has an air of pity or self-righteousness about it—it’s just Stan genuinely being nice. And that kind of attention and care is a breath of fresh air for Ken, whos usually forgotten
And both of them are just. They’re a shoulder to cry on, or a pillar to lean against. And that’s smth they need—Stan to feel listened to, Kenny bc he takes on so much stress. They can be a rock for each other.
3) brotp: I love Stan making friends honestly ;;o;;
like I said in my kyle analysis I love the super best friends a lot ;;o;; they really care abt each other and don’t want to lose each other which is really nice. I just...love them being best friends + brotherly towards each other
But I also like Stan making friends outside of the m4—with the girls or the goth kids or even with someone like Tweek. (Though I cant really see him hanging out w “Craig’s gang” mostly bc there’s this air of exclusivity w the “groups,” like an established dynamic that no one really likes to cross, bc they’ve all jus Known each other for so long and have solidified those groups + dynamics—though I can see him also befriending the individual members of Craig’s gang, esp token or jimmy)
His friendship w the goth kids means a lot to me HONESTLY I love the idea of them remaining friends bc they vibe together well—esp when they get a better hang of mental health stuff, and they can talk abt gender and coping mechanisms and cool movies they’ve watched ;;o;; i think being with the goth kids could be a really important part of Stan forming his personal identity and while I don’t think they’d be *best friends* I can still see them as ppl he’d invite to his parties or to the movies and stuff
4) notp: s...st/yle, bc like I said in my kyle analysis I just. Can’t see it. I think kyle hurts Stan too much and that they need to work on their friendship, and that they’re much more compatible as friends than as anything else. I much much prefer a brotherly relationship where they’d feel weird even thinking about kissing each other lol
My other notps for Stan are less about me not liking the ship and more abt me like. Not wanting the characters w anyone else but who I already ship them with. I don’t like Stan with Craig or Tweek bc I can’t see those two w anyone but each other, for example. (Plus I have a lotta hc’s abt craig and his feelings for Tweek ;;o;; craig is a one man kinda guy lmao)
Though I do think Stan is extremely compatible with lots of characters. Idk why ppl ship Kyle w everyone when I don’t think kyle is v compatible with ppl—Stan is def someone who could date like. Just abt anyone. I don’t like Stan ships that aren’t stenny or st/endy but I can at least understand them. Stan is just really nice and approachable and can get along w a lotta people
5) First hc I think of: oh I love the hc that Stan sometimes writes his own music, but he’s kinda shy abt his voice so he doesn’t sing very often.
Or hc that he has a bit of a “dad bod” when he gets older. And the chubbier he is, the happier and more relaxed he is ;;o;; (Bc if Stan is too aware of his body and trying to work out to get the “perfect” figure, he’ll stress over it)
Or Stan growing up to breed service dogs ;;o;; (thank u magnus burnsides for this PERFECT idea)
6) how I relate to this character: I’ve kinda incorporated my own gender stuff into my interpretation of Stan (though I relate more to my gender-interpretation of Kenny)
But I think.....hm. It’s kinda hard to pick out a way I relate to Stan bc I’m so invested in seeing him grow and develop it doesn’t feel like it relates to me. Probably tho I relate to his weird balance of loyalty vs exasperation. Stan loves his friends and family and will do a lot for them. But my god. Sometimes they’re all so stupid. Randy being randy is obvious but remember when Kyle had a breakdown over the fucking Facebook farm game?? Stan is so tired
7) what gives me secondhand embarrassment abt Stan: uhhhh hm. Well, sometimes he’s kinda ignorant and goes along w what everyone else is doing, but honestly I don’t really cringe over Stan. He’s learning and trying and I can’t really fault him for that so much
8) cinnamon roll or problematic fave: cinnamon roll ;;o;; Stan is someone who’s usually pretty genuine and I love his role as the “straight man” in a lot of the stories. He’s been through a lot but I want him to just...be happy ;;o;; I love portrayals of Stan where he can be happy?? Like yeah he can be a cynic but he’s also really compassionate and I jus ;;o;;
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ice-daddy-vitya · 6 years
GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! ( repost, please don’t reblog )
▐ NAME ALIAS: Sushi. I prefer not to use my IRL name.  ▐ PRONOUNS: They/He ▐ SEXUALITY: Pansexual/ Demisexual/ Polyamorous ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: I have three wonderful partners ▐ FIVE FACTS:
I majored in opera and classical music in college
I originally majored in aeronautical engineering when I was 18 and planned to be an AirForce pilot with the eventual career in NASA. Had a scholarship and everything... but then I got sick. (I was even in flight school and learned to fly a plane before driving a car!) 
I’m transgender/ non-binary
In addition to music, I also enjoy writing, video games, and astronomy (yes, it’s a hobby now since I can’t actively work in the field atm) 
I’m disabled and a spoonie, chronic pain and chronic illness don’t stop me from doing what I do, though! 
Bonus Fact: I also cosplay and work for anime cons locally
▐ HOW LONG ( YEARS/MONTHS ): I’ve been roleplaying since I was 12 years old, so I’d say going on 18 years total now?  ▐ PLATFORMS USED: I’ve been roleplaying since the days of Y! Messenger, AIM, and back when Skype was still MSN Messenger. I also used to admin a few rp forums back in the day, and was highly active in the original Sailormoon dot com chatrooms.  ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: My longest lasting and most used OC is the first one I ever created. I owe a lot of character building to a very old rp partner and friend from the old days of rp. Though my current best experiences go to the long term (almost a year long +)  rps i’ve had going with two of my current partners. It’s amazing when you meet someone on your same writing level and find you’re like-minded when it comes to your ideas and writing style. 
▐ MALE OR FEMALE: Neither. If I can play someone andro or NB I prefer it, though I suppose I’m more drawn to masc characters since coming out. I’ve only been rping males or male aligned characters for two years, though. Prior to that I only explicitly rped femmes. 
▐ FAVORITE FACE: Any pretty bishounen style masc characters with long white flowy hair and almond shaped eyes. Calling myself out right now. 
▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: How about... long term rps that include all of these elements plus a plot driven storyline with heartfelt meaning behind every reply? Because these genres individually are extremely boring to me without something to hold it up as a backbone. The only thing I might enjoy on occasion is PWP. That’s it. 
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: Plot. I personally can’t stand starting serious RPs based on those “ask meme” posts. They’re cute for Tumblr IC interactions, but not prose writing. And I prefer writing my rps anywhere but Tumblr. 
▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Somewhere in the middle. Intros I enjoy being lengthy because I love world and character building and establishing a setting before jumping into anything else. However, I also don’t like replies to be too short. If you don’t give me something to work with (I don’t need an essay...) but if you can’t tell me what your character is doing/thinking/feeling in response to my character... then the scene isn’t going to go anywhere and I’m going to most likely lose interest in it. Even in dialogue, I feel like I should know what your character is doing or the emotion behind how they’re saying something - since it’s entirely possible for the same line to be spoken in a multitude of ways and have a different meaning every time. 
▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever I’m well rested and have proper time to dedicate to a response. I teach, so my freest times are early morning, late evenings, or weekends. 
▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Depends on the muse, honestly. I have muses I can relate to almost completely, while some are the complete opposite of who I am IRL. I enjoy playing muses that are different than myself, since it allows me to explore different mindsets and cultures and ideas that I wouldn’t normally think of on my own. 
For example, Viktor is an alcoholic - I hate alcohol. However, we both suffer from depression and have similar methods of coping with it. In reality, though, I relate to both him and Yuuri equally when it comes to mental health. Unhealthy coping mechanisms for both anxiety AND depression while loathing in self doubt? That was the majority of my early 20s. There are major differences, though, like how I don’t have Viktor’s extroverted personality or flirtatious behaviors. Or how I differ from Yuuri because I don’t have the familial support he has to help him realize his self doubt isn’t true. 
A character I find I have a LOT in common with is a more recent one. Similar to Shiro, I’m disabled, queer, was a student pilot for the military, dealt with doubt from peers and loved ones, and have an unhealthy habit of putting myself last while trying to take on the weight of protecting everyone else first. There’s a lot more, but those are some basics. Then, of course, there are characters entirely unlike myself like Lotor or Keith. 
TAGGED BY: @vkusno-viktor  (it still wont let me properly tag you even on laptop)
TAGGING: No one. Whoever wishes to do this can do so. 
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multiples of 1
I’ve already answered 8, 9, 10, and 19!!! Thank you for the ask renbug I love you so much!! I’m putting these under a cut cause its long!! o:
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
Anything with my beautiful love Kieren!!
2. whats your “type”
3. do you want kids?
Yeah! Only once I’m very steady in life and both me and my partner are ready if we ever are and if not thats okay too!
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
Hmm I’m not entirely sure I would most likely adopt though!!
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
fdjhkgfjhkg It was the most recent one where we went to that cute little town with all of the lights and walked around the park and jumped around on rocks on the river and then shared pecan pie and got coffees at a cafe and then walked around beneath the lights and went to a little flower shop and then drove to a different park and sat by a different river and stargazed and ran around and played on the really cool wooden fort themed playground and just listened to music and talked and it was all really cute but like also every single date you’ve taken me on?? ur just cute I love you
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
uhhh I’m gonna skip this cause its nsfw and I assume you just didn’t see it jhfgjhkd
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
uhh probably im just more cautious about if my friends dont like them because of a really shitty ex who i never wouldve been with if i had noticed how awful they were to my friends
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
i thought u were either gay lesbian or straight and thats it. I didn’t understand the gender spectrum or sexuality spectrum or the difference between sexuality and romantic orientation
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
i would be cheesy and write a well thought out message rn but im tired so just hey at little lee dont let those people make you numb yourself and distrust others. be fully urself and love others fully and with no barriers i know its difficult but please you care so much about others and you need to care about yourself too and let others in or you wont make progress and be the happy and loving person you were always meant to be
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
Not really!!
16. who is an ex you regret?
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
uhh im nb sooo uhhh but ill just say a girl i would “go straight” for since im not attracted to girls and im somewhat masc aligned. I’d probably say Kesha or Zendaya they are both beautiful intelligent funny and amazing but more than anything id just love to be friends with them
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
Killua and Gon they are in love and even though its not directly said in canon there are so many hints dropped in how dialogue was written and other things so uhhh its canon
21. favourite gay youtuber
I don’t watch many LGBT centric channels but I like Stef Sanjati I think shes a sweetheart and shes so cool. I usually watch lets players though and one of my favorites is Cryaotic even though he can be iffy sometimes thats pretty much just true of… all youtubers especially lets players but hes pansexual so i think that counts
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
haha no. im very open about my gay so i would know if someone was straight before i became friends with them and also just… gay people are more fun I don’t think I’ve ever had a crush on a straight person
23. have you ever been in love?
Yes I am right now
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
Yeah but I’ve gotten past it and I’m glad I went through it because I wouldn’t be who I am now without it
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
I’ve never had trouble with that! Those two feelings are very distinct to me!
26. favourite lgb musician/band
I really like Lontalius!! I really need more lgbt+ musicians to listen to so like if anyone has suggestions pwease
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
Just find strength in yourself you will find your people and there will be so many people who support and love you you just have to hold on and be strong because you are not unlovable or weird
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
Yep I came out to my friends first and then my mother asked me if I was trans and then she outed me to my dad before I was ready (she has learned from the experience and is a lot better about these things now and has always been very supportive) and then when I joined high school we just asked my counselor to email all of my teachers about my preferred pronouns and name and we got permission for me to use the male bathrooms which was a first in my high school! Now basically just anyone I come across kinda either know or just eventually find out or weren’t around long enough to know
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
When I had just gotten out of the mental hospital and my mom asked me if i was trans but like that wasnt the bad part its just when we got home she immediately told my dad infront of me and it doesnt help that the last time i had seen him was a week before when he started yelling at me and left our last family visit in the middle of it and then he cried in his car for literally 8 hours but its all fine now hes come to terms with it and tries sometimes but most of the time its just ignored
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Just explore it with yourself and find a community online or outside of the house even if you can there are people who you are going to meet who will make you feel safe and loved so just be patient with yourself and with life and everything will be okay. The bad times do not last forever and will not be your entire life I promise.
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