#// so here's just a random bo text
poetsinnyc · 4 months
here it is (overdue ngl)
Name: Rey Gender: Female 🐸 MBTI: ENTP-A Sexuality: ✨a bi queen ✨ (just like dalton) Relationship status: married to neil perry/bi-myself Nationality: Malaysian Languages: English, but I can string together enough Spanish, Malay and Chinese to make a few coherent sentences Fandoms: Dead Poets Society, Over the Garden Wall, Brooklyn 99, Percy Jackson, Rick and Morty, a bunch of Webtoons, Bo Burnham (if he counts), Star Wars, Beetlejuice, Suits (off the top of my head but will likely be editing this) Music: I'll always be a die hard Beatles and Fujii Kaze fan, but I find myself branching out more into TV Girl, Her's, Jomm, Wallows, Kyuuwaii, Jazz Emu, Keshi and Kenshi Yonezu (though I'm sure there will be more to come) Hobbies: I love reading, socialising, listening to music, writing poetry Also debate (very obsessed) and model united nations (VETO) I love to run and dance and sing when i have time even though I don't practice my ballet nearly as much as my teacher would like me to I also like researching random things and I LOVE discussing politics, philosophy, entomology, astronomy, quantum physics and economics (though there are gaps in my knowledge that I am eager to fill) I also like watching movies and interpreting the crap out of stuff (it's too many hobbies but ITS MY BLOG MY RULES MUAHAHHAA) So I'm currently in my final year of highschool (IGCSEs) and at my fucking limit 🎀 Trying to get through life after losing sm people that I'm not sure whether I'm the same anymore Extremely stressed but hey! I persist!
lastly; please please please text me I know I've put this on my blog before but I really love talking to people (PhD in yapology and certified yapper) so literally hit me up I will get back to you in 1-3 business days Carpe Diem !!
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Ok ok ok so random thought as I’m watching house of wax. So briefly Jonesy (the dog) is shown in Vincent’s workshop and other places around the movie. She’s the family dog so I just had this thought: What if Puppy! Jonesy was given to sister! reader as a present when she was a child, before Bo accidentally pushed her and she got sent away? What if when reader comes back to Ambrose, Jonesy recognizes her first and immediately starts following reader around and being super affectionate and protective towards her, while defensive and ready to bite anyone else. And that’s how the bros realize it’s their baby sister? Maybe you could make this into a fic or something I just think it’s cute 🥺💜
Hello there! I have to admit that I've got a loooot of requests to post (and that I'm super late), but I was just so excited about this one!! I really loved this idea, and I so wanted to write an alternative version of Missing Piece of Ambrose, so it's perfect.
I got carried away and I wrote 3 parts for this.
For the people who don't know yet, I'm creating baby sister!Sinclair AUs (reader insert). One is about baby sister who grew up with her brothers, the other one is about her being separated from them when they were still children. You can find all of this in my way too long Masterlist here.
Anyways, I really hope you'll enjoy this because I loved writing for this a lot. Thanks a lot for this request. <3 <3
Warnings: Female reader but no physical description, mention of physical pain, of blood, of killing, Bo being upset, Vincent attacking you (but not hurting you), Jonesy being the best dog ever
Here you were, in the middle of nowhere, because some idiot, at the last station service you went to, gave you a wrong direction. You were supposed to find yourself on a national road, but you were actually on a very small and desertic one. The sun was hot and you didn’t have any water left. You also drove on an obstacle you didn’t see because of the bright light, which bursted three tires. And because you clearly were out of luck, there was no connection where you were. You were tired, you just wanted to arrive at your hotel and start your holidays. For now, it was looking a lot like the beginning of a Wrong Turn movie, and you hated it. 
You remembered that you saw a sign for a town called Ambrose a few miles ago. The sign had clearly seen better days, but maybe the place still existed. You decided to walk, because there was nothing else you could do. You hoped your knee wasn’t going to let you down though. Because of some accident that happened to you when you were still a child, your knee was often hurting you. You had no memory of what happened and your adoptive parents never wished to speak about it. You weren’t too curious about it either, you just thought that you used to be a very adventurous child and that you must have fallen from a tree or something like that. You had always loved to climb on things, so you wouldn’t be too surprised you hurt yourself like that.
You sighed as you started to walk on the dusty road. You could already hear your mother tell you that really, you shouldn’t have left on your own, that it was dangerous, that actually, you should have stayed home. You could hear her concern when you would finally be able to call her and let her know that you weren’t at your hotel yet. You thought you really needed to call her or text her soon or she was going to call the cops. Your adoptive parents had always been overprotective with you, as if they always were worried something could happen to you. Or maybe they were like this because your adoptive brother never let them dote on him that way. You weren’t too close to him, especially because he was often away for work, but you enjoyed chatting with him from time to time. He was the one who gave you the idea to visit the South of the country, and you weren’t too sure why it upsetted your parents that much. You swore you even heard them argue with your brother after that. But you were happy to be away from them for a couple of days. You liked being on your own for once… You just wished you weren’t lost in the middle of nowhere with no working car or phone.
After a few moments of walking, you heard a truck coming your way. You weren’t too sure what to do, so you put your thumb up and prayed for the person to stop. You found yourself in front of a young man, with a very bright smile. His window was down so you truly were face to face with him.
“What’s up?” he asked you with a very strong southern accent.
“My car let me down. I was walking toward that town.. Hmm… Ambrose I think it’s called. I was hoping someone could help me” you explained to the man who seemed very attentive to what you were saying.
“Oh yeah, my bro’ll fix ya up” he promised and your eyes lit up
“Really? He’s a mech?” you asked and the man nodded
“Can drive ya there, if ya want” he offered.
You didn’t have the habit of trusting men that easily. After all, you were a girl, and you knew that anything could happen to you. But you always had a small switchblade on you, just in case. You had never been afraid to stab anyone if it meant protecting you. Your parents were both relieved and worried about it. You weren’t too sure why. In fact, whenever you were trying very hard to remember about your biological family, you could only think of blood. It was quite strange. And that was why you never tried to find them again. 
“You sure you’d do that for me?” you asked the driver and he nodded. “Well, thank you, it’s very nice of you” you smiled as you climbed into his truck. “I’m Y/N by the way” you introduced yourself
“Lester” he replied “It’s nice havin’ someone polite ‘round for once” he commented and you raised an eyebrow
“You’re used to people not being too nice around?” you asked
“Yeah. We've often lost tourists here, and they'll are so rude, ya know. Always happy to see them gone” Lester explained and you nodded in understanding
“People suck” you agreed. 
You turned your head and you noticed the dead animals in the back of his truck. Even though you never saw this man or this truck before, there was something oddly familiar about them, about the scent, about the sound of his voice, about his presence.
“Roadkills?” you asked without even realising it
“Yep. Ya’re from the countryside?” he asked you back
“No, just figured.” you replied “You live at Ambrose?” you asked, just to do the conversation
“Nah. My brothers do, but wanted to live out of town” Lester explained and you hummed. You could understand a need to be independent from your family “And ya, where ya comin' from?” he asked back
“From far away” you chuckled. “I seem to be a lost tourist too. I don’t understand how confusing those roads are” you groaned
“Oh yeah and no connection, even for GPS” Lester nodded, thinking that it was thanks to this that his family could do their dark business.
In a few instants, you arrived in Ambrose. You watched around, and for a moment you forgot about everything else. You knew this place. You were pretty certain you already went there. You also were positive you dreamt about this town. Especially the house, at the end of the road. You recognise a museum in the distance, and the streets. It seemed quite empty though. Emptier than in your dreams. You shook your head, you were probably imagining things because of the heat. There was no reason for you to know this place. 
“Ya good?” Lester asked and you smiled at him
“Oh yeah, sorry. I think the sun is starting to make me dizzy” you said and he hummed.
Lester was a little bit sad his brothers might kill you because you were really nice and soft. And because you had the same name as her. Of course Vincent would really love to work on you because you were so pretty and you would suit very well in the House of Wax, but it would be a waste.
A man appeared from the mechanic shop, and you couldn’t deny that he was quite good looking. The way he sent his brother a little grin struck you. You knew that smile. His eyes were soon on you and you left the truck. 
“Thank you, Lester. You really saved me there” you smiled and Lester shrugged
“All the pleasure’s mine” he chuckled and you missed the little pleading glance he sent his brother, silently asking him to let you go unharmed. Bo didn’t show anything. Lester left and you were now alone with this other man. There was something about him that you found unsettling, and you only relaxed a little when your hand reached for the blade hidden in your shorts pocket. You politely greeted him and introduced yourself before explaining your problem to him.
“Call me Bo” he smirked “We can go fetch your car and bring it back here. Ya think it’s just your tyres?” he asked
“Think so. Don’t have anything to change them or any puncture sealant spray on me…” you really wanted to facepalm yourself for being so unprepared
“It’s fine. I’ll do a little check up too though” he said and you didn’t have the energy to ask him if he was going to scam you. “Come with me” he said and he was about to guide you to his own truck when a little dog barked, startling the two of you, and ran straight to you.
You didn’t move an inch because you were a little bit scared. You weren’t afraid of dogs per say, but having one you didn’t know, wildly running to you, was a little bit impressive and unsettling. Bo was about to reach for the dog, thinking she was running to him, but she never changed her direction. She stopped right in front of you, sniffed you before happily barking and greeted you excitedly. You were a little bit surprised and when you took a look at Bo, he clearly was as confused as you were. You knelt down to pet the dog and she started to lick at your face. She made you fall on your ass and settled in between your legs to lick at your cheeks even more, almost climbing on you. You let out a surprised laugh and you finally gently pushed her away. You petted her and she continued to bark and to be all happy and giddy. It was as if you were a member of her family she hadn’t seen in weeks and that you were finally back, so she was greeting you home.
“Jonesy, what the fuck ya doin’, girl?” Bo grumbled at the dog, completely at loss. 
She usually was very afraid of strangers, mostly because they took away her owner when they both were a puppy and a young child. She had never fully recovered from this loss, and the three brothers neither. But she wasn’t afraid of you at all, on the contrary, which was very strange.
“Is she always like that?” you asked Bo as you continued to stroke her head and he looked up at you
“No idea what’s goin’ on” he admitted, watching the scene without a smile. He was thinking that if his baby sister had never been sent away, it was probably that way Jonesy would greet her every day. But what did he know, he had never been able to find his little ray of sunshine after the social care took her away. 
“Maybe she confused me with her owner?” you asked and you saw a flash of pain going through Bo’s eyes. 
You clearly had touched a sensitive point without knowing. He looked away for an instant before coming closer and helping you on your feet. He needed this to stop because it was sincerely breaking his heart. He was thinking enough about his lost sister without having to endure such a scene.
“Yeah, maybe” he simply replied. “Go to bed, Jonesy.” he told her but instead of obeying she sat down at your feet and looked up at you with love shining in her eyes. 
You giggled and Bo was about to ask her to leave again, when the moment was soon cut short by a loud group of people coming by. They clearly were arguing with each other, and they were in a bad state. They were dusty and some of them were hurt. They were in a very bad mood and Jonesy instantly got up and was ready to protect you. You shushed her as Bo walked to the group. You couldn’t hear what they were saying but it was obvious that they had a car accident and needed help. But they weren’t asking nicely. You remembered what Lester said about rude people coming by and you took comfort in Jonesy’s presence. You knelt down and cuddled with her as you both watched the scene. The group and Bo came closer. You hated the way they looked at you.
“Need to take care of them first” Bo told you and you nodded in understanding
“Is there a hotel here or somewhere I could stay at? I’m quite tired and thirsty” you said
“Nowhere, no. But ya see the house at the end of the road, it’s mine and my brother’s. Go there and help yourself.” he offered. 
You were quite stunned that the man offered you to stay at his place. The coldness in his eyes made you feel something was off. You swore it felt like it was a trap and you really didn’t want to go there, but you had nowhere to go.
“Thank you, it’s nice of you” you finally said and you started to leave.
“Jonesy, come with me” Bo called for her but the dog clearly had no intention in obeying him today. She happily walked by your side, and you felt better knowing she was going to be with you. You heard Bo curse and it almost made you laugh.
Soon enough you weren’t hearing the group anymore and you arrived at the house. You knocked before entering. You didn’t know if Bo’s brother was here or not, so you didn’t want to look like you were a thief or something like that. The situation was weird enough. You waited for a few instants, before entering.
The house seemed empty. You went straight to the kitchen, without realising that you knew where it was, and found some iced lemonade in the fridge. As you were looking for a glass in the cupboards, you barely registered the sounds of quiet footsteps coming close by. You jumped when Jonesy started to loudly bark at the newcomer. The first thing you noticed was his long hair hiding his face, and the second thing was that he was holding a knife. You were quick to grab yours and to open it, ready to fight. Jonesy never stopped barking at the man and even started to growl and show her teeth at him. It seemed to absolutely surprise him, and he even let his arm down, as he tilted his head and looked down at her. He stepped back and Jonesy seemed to calm down. She came closer to you, acting like a real guard dog. You never stopped watching the man and you saw that his skin was unnaturally smooth. Actually, you understood that he was wearing a mask. His attention was soon back on you. But his body language was different. He wasn’t ready to attack you anymore, he was watching you with interest and curiosity. His eye moved down your body and the way you were still holding your own knife, ready to defend yourself.
He finally put his knife on the ground and raised his hands in front of him to show you that he wasn’t going to hurt you. You licked your dry lips and calmed down. You put your blade away.
“I guess your Bo’s brother” you asked and the man nodded “He told me to come here to have a drink, that’s all. I’m not here to rob you or anything.” you said and he nodded again. You wondered if he was mute. “He is with another group right now” you informed him and the man looked at the window before his attention went back on you once again. He pointed at Jonesy. “Oh yes, your dog seems to love me very much since the moment she saw me” you said and you stroked her “Hey baby, calm down now” you cooed at her and it seemed to do the trick as she laid down at your feet right away.
Before you could register it, the masked man was in front of you and he cupped your face in his big hands. He was looking for your eyes, completely thrilled. You tried to push him away and Jonesy barked at him again. He instantly let you go, but you saw that he didn’t mean to scare you or hurt you. He raised his hands in front of him again. He really seemed excited now. 
He carefully moved past you and opened the right cupboard and handed you a glass. You thanked him, a little bit apprehensive before pouring yourself a glass of lemonade. You didn’t ask if he wanted one too, because it would mean removing his mask and you could tell the man wouldn’t want that. You never stopped eyeing him and he stepped back. You grew uncomfortable at the intensity of his staring, but there was something about this place.
You looked around and you realised you could tell where every room was in this house. Which was strange because you have never been there before. You nibbled on your bottom lip, sipping at your beverage. You were wondering if the sun hit you so hard that you were hallucinating. Actually, you were even thinking that you might be dreaming. 
You heard the front door being opened. Lester entered the house, a frown on his face. He had seen that Bo was with another group and he hoped you were fine. He came back for you, to ask his brothers to let you go. There was something about you, he just couldn’t shake it off.
“Vincent?” he called for his brother, not seeing him yet “Look, there’s a girl here, and she’s nice, and she has her eyes, and her name, and her smile, so maybe don’t kill her…” he trailed off as he saw the three of you in the kitchen “Oh hi” he awkwardly said, moving a hand behind his neck.
So the men here really had the intention of killing you. Great. You would need to find a way to get out of here as fast as possible. Maybe you could steal a car from there, grab your stuff from your own car, and drive right to the police. 
You saw Lester kneeling in front of Jonesy “Hello girl, come say hi?” he asked and usually Jonesy would jump on him but she didn’t budge an inch from where you were. She looked up at you before wrapping her tail around your ankle and resting her chin on the floor. If you weren’t moving, neither was she. Lester looked back at you.
“Oh.” he whispered and he started to tear up. “Ya’re her” he brightly smiled and you raised an eyebrow
“Okay, I’ve no freaking idea what’s going on in here” you grumbled
“Ya’re our sister” Lester whispered and you watched him as if a third arm just grew up on him
“Ya’re finally back home. We thought we’d lost ya forever.”
You saw Vincent taking his knife back and leaving the house. He was walking straight to the group and you could tell he was going to help Bo to quickly kill them all. It didn’t seem part of the plan; it was what Bo’s body language told you when he noticed his brother coming closer.
“I’m not your sister” you said, as your eyes were still on the window, thinking that you clearly walked into a town full of insane people or that it was a dream.
“Jonesy knows. Everythin’ll be alright now” Lester happily hummed and your eyes went back on him: you knew you weren’t going to leave Ambrose that easily.
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Intro Post!
Hi, I’m Landen it's technically not, but the name Landen makes my gender go brrrr
neutrois l no pronouns l pansexual
Current TV show I'm bingeing: how i met your mother
favorite artists: Billie Eilish, TV Girl, Chappell Roan, Bo Burnham, musicals, Bruno Mars, Chloe Ament, Mumford and Sons, and Mitski
i'm a minor so don't be weird/gross but otherwise i don't mind chillin with anyone :)
My fandoms are: Marauders, KOTLC, Land of Stories, sometimes regular Harry Potter(fuck jkr, as always), Helluva-verse, The Dragon Prince
Peter Pettigrew mattered stfu
random facts about me: I have two cats and three dogs, I want to be a writer, I'm a Hellenistic Pagen, Ravenclaw🦅, hopeless romantic, crafty, I love books so muchhh, ✨neurodivergent✨
characters I kin: Dorcas Meadows, Lara Jean Covey, Dex Dizznee, and Gus Porter (can you sense a theme?) Fanfic writer; Ostana
my other blogs:
@lava-cake-brainrot @sokeefemicrofics @the-real-marls-mckinnon
fic navigation below the cut :>
My oneshots two of them are by orphin_account because I'm a dumbass and messed up but they're still all by me
Regulus' First Summer completed, this was my first multichapter fic so I think it's pretty good, all things considered
The Mirror of Erised this is incomplete but I promise I'll come back to it eventually, just other things are consuming my brain space
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Girl dorlene texting fic, incomplete, 9.2k words
Mr. Moonlark transmasc Sophie Foster-verse, this one is taking my long to update because I want each chapter to be perfect lmao, 13.1k words
Harry 'McGonagall-Lupin-Black' Harry being raised by wolfstar and pinerva, incomplete, 11.5k words
Extra Ordinary is Extraordinary incomplete, Marauders but with the Triwizard Tournament, 21.6k words
The Stars Don't Shine They Burn (and the constellations shift) AU where Lily also runs away from home, inspired by @issabel-lillah on here :), incomplete, 6.6k words
Book Dedications an incomplete list of Conner Bailey's book dedications that I'll be adding onto as I think of them, 144 words
please don't remind me how almost all of these are incomplete. never tell me the odds
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
Snippet Tag
asdfghjkl thanks for the tag @stellanslashgeode !
I actually burned myself the heck out these last few weeks and haven't been writing much nitearmor, buuuut there's no time like the present. Here's a nitearmor piece I'm throwing together based off another random note I texted myself at 0200 this morning!
Can also be seen as a rewrite of my very first fic: A Moment of Peace
no pressure tag: @armoralor
Bo-Katan's muscles were tense, aching under the skin. For the first time since she realized who she was meant to be, her body felt wrong. Bruises dented the side of her face, and a cut trailed blood from the bridge of her nose and down her lips, dripping from her chin and onto her chest plate.
The Armorer had already snapped her nose back into place before they'd made it onto the gauntlet, the silence had hung thick between the two Mandalorians as The Armorer brought the ship to the landing on Nevarro. Everyone else had already returned, making the two leaders the odd ones out.
The shaders came in to darken the transparisteel viewports, though neither woman made any move to open the ramp, or to exit in general.
The Armorer stood, approaching Bo-Katan's seat on the turrets. Her helmet was fixed to the field casted hand, broken bones wrapped under layers of a biocast and gauze.
"I get it, if you want to go back without me," Bo spoke finally, her own gaze fixed hard on her useless hand. How could any of them want her around, after Gideon outed her so openly? Again. It had taken her too long to heal physically and emotionally from the last time he'd outed her to her Niteowls, and Korkie, before his death. Had taken her so long to earn back the trust of her people (even if they did leave once she failed at retrieving the darksaber again).
"You are the Mand'alor," The Armorer reminded, dropping to one knee in front of Bo-Katan. The med-pack was secured to her belt, giving her easy reach to grab a disinfectant wipe to start cleaning the blood from her face. "There is nobody to truly oppose your stake,"
"The darksaber is gone..." She pointed out bitterly, face twisting in a minor wince when her broken hand flexed to prove the point. The hilt and kyber were lost to the flames, as far as everyone knew so far.
"Perhaps we have put too much faith in an artifact from the bygone era of Mandalorians' killing Jedi, and each other. You will help lead us into a new age, Lady Kryze," The golden helmeted warrior assured as bacta was applied to the wounds scattered across pale skin. "Where else are you injured?"
"What..?" Bo questioned dumbly, her eyebrows furrowing as a spark of fire ignited in her veins. "How can you still call me that?" she spat, though the venom in her tone was not to the gentle hand on her face, but directed to herself, the anger in yellow-green eyes mirrored in a dark visor were towards her reflection, instead of the woman inside.
The Armorer's head was turned up to her, gloved hands sitting on her knees. The silence hung thick, prompting the redhead to elaborate. "How can you still call me that, knowing what you know now?" The sewer drake was out of the bag, it didn't make sense that they'd all just keep calling her... her, when Gideon exposed her truth.
"Would you prefer I call you something else?"
"No! I... but," Bo paused, her uninjured hand gripping around the edge of her thigh plate, her leg bouncing even under The Armorer's steady hands.
"Lady Kryze," A hand raised from her knee, to cup her jaw. "It is who you are, now. You have chosen the destiny you wish to walk, the specifics of your birth are not for anyone else to know, as long as you are capable. Despite whatever you'd told yourself, you are an excellent leader, and exactly who Mandalore needs to help it rebuild."
Bo-Katan swallowed a lump in her throat, unbidden tears burning at her eyes as her head turned away. "Our people are not bigoted enough to refuse a good leader when they are given one, no matter their past," Which was shown in truth enough by the Children of the Watch accepting her leadership on each excursion since Din Djarin brought her there. "You walk both worlds, Lady Kryze, only you can unite us,"
The echo of words from days prior only made the hint of a smile pull at chapped lips, and Bo sighed, finally relaxing. "This is the way," She echoed back, not as hollowly as she had every other time she'd spoken the words around their people.
The Armorer's voice was soft as she returned the phrase, before helping Bo-Katan figure out the rest of her armor so she could help treat her other injuries from the battle, and take another look at her hand.
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gnomey22 · 9 months
“The Girls” Groupchat
A while ago, I read a post about how every fandom has one of the things I mentioned in the title, and it’s up to the fandom to figure out which characters are in it. If you scroll back far enough on my page, you’ll even see that I reblogged it, stating that I knew what the Failtopia version would be like, and that I might make a post about it someday. At the request of nobody, this is that post.
In my head, Chi originally made the groupchat after Lanc came out as transfem, as a way to show her that she was indeed “one of the girls”, even though it was just the two of them and Shrimp.
Chi really wanted Erica and Bo in the chat as well, but Erica denied the request on the basis of being in too many of Chi’s random groupchats already, and as much as she will never admit it to anyone, Bo took a while to get used to modern technology.
A couple weeks after the initial founding of the group, Shrimp added Big Bill, and Lanc added Deko, to make it more of an actual group. This kind of defeated the point of why Chi made the group in the first place, but she didn’t care, this whole thing was made for Lanc, she could do whatever she wanted it with it. This version of the group lasted for a couple months.
After Bo finally became well-accustomed to the tech, she was added as well, which was the motivation Erica needed in order to join, and the entire lineup for the group had been completed - Except for the fact that Chat keeps begging to be added, but cannot make it in because everyone knows they’ll flood the whole thing with spam.
There’s not much more to it than one of many thought exercises I have with this godforsaken series, so here’s a text post for your troubles of reading through all those paragraphs.
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beanies-in-the-clouds · 8 months
✩ Pinned post ✩
Hi! Beanie here! I’m an 18-year-old autistic artist and writer who dreams too big and refuses to grow up.
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You can call me Beanie (or Charlie if I know you) and I use they/them pronouns!
I have a book series underway! It will likely take years to finish, seeing as there are five installments currently planned, but please feel free to ask me about my characters! I love to ramble about them!
I promise I’ll figure out how to link these someday
“Beanie’s art tag” - my (frankly mediocre) art
“Series/character notes” - helpful posts I’ve reblogged and wish to reference later
“Tag games” - …tag games. Self-explanatory lol
“Beanie rambles” - my incoherent blocks of text I’m inclined to post every once in awhile
“Beanie’s shitpost tag” - basically everything else
I should make a writing tag, but until then… here’s my Ao3 :)
I like…
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Super Mario
Studio Ghibli
Animal Crossing
Avatar: The Last Airbender (and LoK)
Lord Of The Rings
(I will probably be getting into tmnt 2k12 very soon)
In my free time, I like to…
Play video games
Listen to music
Scroll on social media (I try not to, but…)
Mess of Quotes:
(Under the cut because there is quite a sizable mess of them)
“That’s it, laughter! It’s the key to everything!” - “Sad” by Bo Burnham
“All that’s left is you and an infinite void… kinda makes you wanna play saxophone, huh?” - Lumalee, The Super Mario Bros. Movie
“Show me a creature who does not enjoy a breath of fresh air, and I will show you a stinky fish, yes?” - Saharah, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“Your classmates will roast marshmallows over your failure.” - My literature teacher
“Well someone put the rust in rustic charm.” - Leonardo, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: “One Man’s Junk”)
“If the world is flooded, it will be easy for the duck.” - Miranda, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“Society is a harsh judge of mediocre-looking snowpeeps.” - Snowboy, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“I put the ‘I’ in ‘I want to go home.’” - some random girl I eavesdropped on during our concert rehearsal
“You can’t overthink if your heart stops!” - “Brain Implosion Energy Drink” by Flanger Moose
“Don’t be basic, be slaysic” - a drawing on the whiteboard of a Boba tea shop I went to
“It was a fucking horse!” - On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
“My inhaler just tried to play the piano.” - my friend Emma
“It’s all very heterosexual.” - my mom (about some movie I don’t remember the name of)
“Playing Minecraft but with explosions.” - a classmate playing the piano during band
“Food fight, but we throw it all at the bird!” - a classmate
“Are planes in drag?” - my mom
“A Care Bear took a dump in my mouth” - my mom reading some post
“I ain’t a goblin, y’know?” - Resetti, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Ancient plants turn me into a veritable hootbox!” - Blathers, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Autocorrect just made me break up with you.” - unknown
“He’s a different genre of man.” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack (talking about Link)
“That no matter who you are or what you love or where you stand, it was always Coca-Cola in the end.” - On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
“Gentlemen, if you need me, I will be living in this cabinet.” - Donatello, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: ???)
“And today’s doofus of town award goes to… your face!” - Pecan, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Start the music, start the tears.” - my assistant band director (referencing the UP montage)
“Crocodiles don’t got dentists or nothin’…” - Resetti, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“The tsunami is the final in your class.” - my friend Avery
“Stop eating the plan!” - Leonardo, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: “Origami Tsunami”)
“So many good things, and that was not part of it.” - my band teacher
“Everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around.” - “5 Years” by Bo Burnham
“A guy petting a buffalo… that’s worth something, right?” - some funky economy video
“Like a god, but much better dressed.” - Sopica, Happy Street
“Heck no, do I look like a caterpillar to you?” - Kiriko, The Boy and the Heron
“Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Enjoy the smell of a dirty sock.” - this
“Hard to be nervous when you’re a cowboy” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
“Not as clumsy or random as a brick, an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.” - Darthy, Happy Street
“And all God’s people said… oh no.” - my pastor
“And while people say it’s easy to steal candy from a baby, it’s also probably pretty easy to just take the baby.” - this video (timestamp 0:45)
“You’re not gonna like it when you’re 40 years old and look like a baseball glove!” - my literature teacher
“Chicago is the Miami of Canada.” - my uncle
“Doesn’t matter if it’s environmentally safe if there is no environment!” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
“The recesses of my brain are an enigma (I don’t think before I speak)” - also my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
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chaosintheavenue · 1 year
Oookay, so. I've finally got over my inexplicable embarrassment, accepted that this is my house, and so it's time for...
Full Trin Profile
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(going to break up the different sections with random Trin photos, because a) it prevents massive text wall, and b) I'll take any excuse to make people Look At Her)
Basic introduction
Name: Trinity Elloise Gant
Nicknames: Trin (in almost all circumstances), Trini (to specific individuals who knew her when she was younger)
Age varies because my timeline is long and convoluted enough to span 4-5 generations. Born in 2275. In game in 76, she's in her early twenties
Birthday: 16th July
Gender: Cis female (I think?)
Orientation: Aroace and firmly not interested in anything at all relationship-wise. She's a dedicated single pringle
Backstory (short version): Trin is the child of one Cipher parent and one parent raised in the California BoS. She spent time living among both of these factions whilst growing up, and also spent a lot of time on the road travelling with her family. She never felt that she truly fitted in with either of the two groups that raised her (the Brotherhood side would think of her as 'the Cipher kid', and vice versa), and so as soon as she was deemed old enough to travel independently, she headed out as far as she dared away from all links to her past and tried to make a fresh start for herself in West Virginia. After living there for around six months to a year, she was exposed to the Scorched Plague juuust before she became aware of the Nuka Cola vaccine. Whoops
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General: She's somewhere around 5'6-5'8, and kind of similar to JJ in overall build (which is Long with disproportionately long legs- though hers aren't as glaringly out of proportion as his). Pale AF
Hair: Black and naturally straight and thin. For most of her life, she's just kept it cut uniformly short and not made any special attempts to style it. Recently in game she allowed Beckett to shave half of her head and currently enjoys the change
Eyes: Dark brown. Once had her sclera turn yellow thanks to Scorchery
Distinguishing marks: She has both earlobes and one nostril pierced, but doesn't always wear jewelry there. Has a large scar across her cheekbones, also thanks to Scorchery
Clothing style: Conflicting styles, often colourful, and overall pretty confused-looking. She just wears what she likes the look of, with zero damns given. Doesn't intentionally dress to stand out, but some of her clothing choices end up having that effect
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Fallout stats
S3 P7 E3 C4 I9 A8 L6
NV-style skills: Energy Weapons, Repair, Science, Survival
Full perk card setup in 76 (note: a lot of what's here is not canon for her):
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A fully canon-compatible version of her would also need to have a perk/trait for her particular flavour of Scorchedness. Possible effects would include Scorched sometimes not being hostile towards her (especially if it's only one or two in an area rather than a big group), some level of resistance to radiation and toxins, and increases in AP, running speed, and maybe aggression (if she was a companion, which is the lens I planned this perk/trait out through) in the Cranberry Bog
Weapon preference: Electrified, energy or otherwise mechanical melee weapons. Examples she's used are shocking batons, shishkebabs, drills, and a plasma cutter that was her only weapon for about 50 levels of gameplay
Companions: Well, 76 doesn't exactly have that mechanic, but I consider Sofia, Beckett and Kayli (OC CAMP ally who's her childhood friend from Lost Hills) to occasionally accompany her on adventures. The closest thing she has to a true companion in the Fallout sense would be her cat, Juliet
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Views on factions
Brotherhood of Steel: Her thoughts do vary from chapter to chapter, and there are definitley individuals within the BoS that she admires greatly, but in general, she's not a fan of their whole shebang. She was actually pleasantly surprised to be given the unique title of Knight-Errant in recognition of her other ties outside the Brotherhood, but she still never uses it outside of necessity
Ciphers: She has great respect for them and their dedication to their way of life, and feels like she'll never be good enough to be of much use or truly fit in with them. Almost intimidated by some individuals (*cough* Vari *cough*) in a very imposter syndrome-y way
Cult of the Mothman, Children of Atom: She's absolutely fascinated by these guys, but hasn't found them very approachable or open to questions...
Rust Eagles: Again, she finds them interesting, but there's a layer of suspicion as to their true intentions and long-term goals
Blue Ridge Caravan: No strong opinion on the company itself, but she's very intrigued by certain individuals. At one point, she was considering joining them as a caravan guard
Crater Raiders, Settlers: Oddly enough, her opinion on each is similar. She'll help them out when she runs into them and just sees them as people trying to get by. Nopes right on out of there whenever there's conflict between the two
Blood Eagles, Caesar's Legion, Enclave: Bad bad bad. 0/10. Avoid
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serpentadrake · 4 months
kept thinking about the fallout show au, time to time...
Might as well share all of the information and drawings so far! Kinda. I did start a traditional comic but never finished it, so it won't be shared here..
Minor gore and spoilers for the show, specifically vault 4's experiment.
Timeline wise, definitely takes place after season 1! They're both young adults, like 25s or smth.
FO!Will is a seemingly perfect hybrid of axolotl and human(gulper), raised by scientists, and has more of an animalistic behaviour, although that is often suppressed or hidden from the other people in the vault. He does not participate with the cult, it just isn't interesting to him.
He is very valuable to the scientists, so he wasn't allowed to take care of anyone who falls into the vault, until one faithful day...
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FO!Red was taken under BOS's care when they were a teenager, and wanted to find out what actually happened to their parents. Father was still nowhere to be seen, but Mother became a raider who's referred to as "Consequence."
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They lost their right hand's pinkie due to a trap, but ey just get a random detached pinkie and sew it back on.
Before Red fell into vault 4, they were attacked by their own mother. Choked with the necklace, it eventually broke, so yaknow, got stabbed too.
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Now about their relationship in this au... god. Okay.
Red develops a crush on Will, and they weren't really sure about how to feel or do about it. Especially when Will is constantly checking on him and doesn't understand the definition of personal space sometimes.
Eventually, as they get closer and understand each other more, when Red confesses to Will, he was very surprised as he never had anyone confess to him before but accepts it because, well... He has feelings for them, too.
Maybe he's been taking the slowest route with taking care of Red's wounds to keep them here as long as possible.
I even wrote a poem about them..
The Surface
It seems so cruel
With the bloodshed
And the fools
Stealing from the dead
But one fell
With a hole in arm
Not wishing ill
So I heal the harm
Maybe not all are the same
Maybe they have a better life up
Maybe I shouldn’t play this game
And we can have a close-up
Our noses touching
Whispering the favorite words
Maybe the surface isn’t so cruel.
EEEE also I hope the alt text is good??
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stoopidkoa · 5 months
So my friend @cringywhitedragon and I came up with this idea of Reshi showing Sam around Unova while singing to the tune of Bo burnam Welcome To The Internet, so I wanted to post it here (Reshi is red text, Sam is blue text, both are purple text with the lyrics)
Sam: 海外旅行中に私が夢見ていたのはこれです!(This is all I ever dreamed of whole going abroad!)
Reshi: *clearing her throat* Let me give you the tour, my friend!
Welcome to Unova!
Have a look around
Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found
We've got mountains of stuff here!
Some better, some worse...
If none of it's of interest to you-
I'd be the first.
Welcome to Unova!
Come and take a seat!
Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet? (WHAT?!)
There's no need to panic!
This isn't a test (RESHI!)
Just nod or shake your head, and I'll do the rest
Welcome to Unova
What would you prefer?
Would you like to fight for gmod memes or see Serperior?
Be happy!
Be horny?!
Be bursting with RAAAGE
We got a million different ways to engage!
Welcome to Unova
Put your cares aside
Here's a tip for straining pasta
Here's a plasma grunt who died. (Damn)
We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports
And a bunch of colored pencil drawings
Of all the different characters - Reshi, we shouldn't go there, THIS IS A SONG
Welcome to Unova
Hold on to your socks
'Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his- Reshi!
Sam: Reshi, I know that's part of the original song, but I think we should skip the part where we replaced Obama with Ghetsis.
Reshi: Good idea!
Which Devil Hunter are you?
Take this quirky quiz
Ghetsis sent the plasma grunts to vaccinate your kids!
Could I interest you in everything?
All of the time?
A little bit of everything
All of the time?
Apathy's a tragedy
And stupid is a criiiime
Anything and everything
All of the time
Could I interest you in everything?
All of the time?
A little bit of everything
All of the time
Apathy's a tragedy
And stupid is a criiiime
Anything and everything
All of the time!
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sk8thereki · 3 years
Get this; Bo Burnham's Left Brain Right Brain but make it 🍵 Matcha Blossom 🌸
Left brain is Cherry and right brain is Joe
For example:
Cherry: Alright now right brain you're being insane Joe: No left brain, I'm just being alive Joe: You should try it, you might like it & Cherry: I'm calm and collected when you act wild Cherry: I am the adult you are the child Joe: You think you're the right one every time Joe: You think you know everything but you don't know anything at all
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sweethurtss · 4 years
😱 bokuto and milin
😱 for a hyper text
[ bokuto to milin ]: 😂😭💀
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Can you do being on a FaceTime call with a slasher cause I just want to see what that is like omg . 😭
I actually had a lot of fun writing this ;)
Slashers on FaceTime
Michael Myers
Michael spent most of his life in an asylum so I’m gonna take a shot I’m the dark here and say he’s not the best with technology
He only got a phone from some random victim because he was worried about you when he’s away on kills
FaceTimes are rare and your usually just given a thumbs up emoji and if you don’t respond within 5 hours he’ll come back to the house
And if your not dead your gonna be given a pretty harsh glare for making him cut his kill early
Here’s how I think FaceTiming Michael would look like
(Y/n): hey Michael! :)
Michael: *holding phone up to mask ear*
(Y/n): no Michael it’s a face time…. You hold it up to your face…. Not that close Michael
Michael: *just hangs up out of frustration*
(Y/n): okay…. Well love you too I guess… 😒
Bo Sinclair
Bo is semi okay with technology
He’s definitely a rage quitter if it comes to something he doesn’t understand though
You only really FaceTime when your on a trip to see your friends or family gatherings since Bo refuses to let them visit
And Bo doesn’t really use FaceTime for PG purposes
He only uses it for sex and finds it pointless other than that considering he could just call you normally or text you
But Vincent also uses the phone to FaceTime you considering your his only real friend
Here’s an example of a situation that regularly happens
Vincent: calling you to catch up on Bo’s phone
(Y/n): *fully naked, posing in front of the camera* hey Bo~
Vincent: *traumatised*
Vincent: *gets up to shamefully give Bo his phone back and forget this ever happened*
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent is actually surprising good with technology
He loves to call you
You guys regularly FaceTime because of you having a long distance relationship while you finish up your education in New York
He loves watching you do random things and you actually started helping him to learn sign language so that the two of you can communicate more often
FaceTime with the two of you is actually very wholesome and cute
(Y/n): hello darling, you look sad? Did Bo say something to you again?
Vincent: *nods sadly*
(Y/n): want me to teach you how to call him a little bitch in sign language so he’ll never know what your saying?
Vincent: *rapidly nods*
(Y/n) *chuckles* okay my love :)
Thomas Hewitt
You have to really teach Thomas considering his family sees technology as the absolute work of the devil
So when you finally teach him, he’s a little hesitant
And when you leave for a month trip to your parents to help them with a family emergency, you suggest that you FaceTime each other when he’s missing you, but he refuses
But he cracks in a week after not hearing your voice and calls you
After that your both constantly on FaceTime and at night he has you call him so that he can feel like he’s sleeping next to you again
But you always forget to hang up in the morning and just continue with your morning routine which will be eventually disturbed when you hear Luda May yell at Thomas to get up through the phone, when you turn around and find him watching you change with a blushing face
Here’s an example
(Y/n): *doesn’t realise they’re in a call and begins to get changed with the phone propped up on the dresser*
Thomas: *watching, not knowing what to do*
(Y/n): *nearly jumps out their Fucking skin*
Thomas: *looks flustered and surprised*
Asa Emory
There’s not a chance in hell that this man would let you leave the hotel or his home
So the only chances you get to FaceTime is when he’s travelling for work
He’s given you a special phone that can only interact with him for any contact and has blocked off anything that can be used to contact the police
He treats it like a fucking conference call
He’ll prop you up ok his desk and sit as if he’s in a job interview
Asa: *sitting as if he’s on a business call* to what do I owe the pleasure of your call, my love?
(Y/n): *looks Asa up and down*
Asa:… what is it darling?
(Y/n): why do you look constipated?
Jason voorhees
Jason has no idea what to do with a phone
He only got it to check that none of his victims have found your little cabin
He had no idea what FaceTime is and when you try to introduce it to him and teach him about any form of technology, you end up having to leave the room out of frustration
You know it’s not his fault but that doesn’t make you any less annoyed
But his lack of knowledge does mean you get a lot of butt dials
(Y/n): hi honey, why are you calling me?
Jason: *continues to stalk a victim unaware that your on call*
(Y/n): Jason?
Jason: *brutally murders someone while the camera is facing the murder*
(Y/n): *hangs up and tries to forget seeing anything*
Baby firefly
Baby will call you at any point in the day if she’s missing you
Doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night of early on the morning
If she thinks of anything interesting to tell you she’ll call
You’ll try not to be annoyed with her but you’ll gently try and explain that long distance doesn’t mean you have to call every day
She’ll never get the hint and just continues to call you whenever she likes
(Y/n): baby?
Baby: sweetie, you’ll never guess what i found out
(Y/n): baby it’s 3am
Baby: and?
(Y/n): ……
(Y/n): *sighs* I love you
Baby: aww I love you too, anyway I found out….
Otis driftwood
Otis was super reluctant to learn about FaceTime
He thought you were treating like a child when you were only trying to gently tell him how to call you when you go on your week long girls trip with baby
He doesn’t own a phone because he said he doesn’t want the government to track him
So he’ll just call you from a random victims phone
This confuses the hell out of you
He loves to prank call you but you always recognise that it’s him
Here’s an example
(Y/n): hello….. who is this?
(Y/n): hello?
Otis: *in a creepy voice* I know where you live (y/n)
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bokutobabes · 3 years
Haikyuu Bokuto x gn!reader
PDA PDA PDA everyone in school is gonna know that you're together <33 He flaunts you like a trophy (ノ`Д´)ノ
Akaashi is always third wheeling most of the time ( not that he wants to but you have no idea why he's just there🧍🏻)
Lots and lots of praises!! He's basically putting you on a pedestal and worships you!! My praising kink is going to explode ( ≧Д≦)
Give this man a lot of kiss! He lives off your kisses! He needs them like he needs food (´д`) His kisses are quite sloppy, but are we complaining tho??
He never steals your food intentionally. If he found some leftovers in the fridge, he would ACCIDENTALLY eat it. Cut this man some slack, he's trying his best. Will buy you new food to make it up to you. (´ . .̫ . `)
Love sending random text ; "Y/N, I saw a video of mommy duck playing hide and seek with its ducklings, do you wanna see it?" He's such a sweetheart T.T
Dates with him are so so fun!! He'll take you everywhere, to the dog cafe, amusement park, beach, arcade. If he found a nice place, he'll be taking you there cos he wanna share nice things with you.
But worry not if you don't like going out, home dates are just as fun! Imagine having a movie night while you both are cuddling comfortably on a couch PLS I'M GONNA CRY
If you're insecure about having a flat ass like me He's going to genuinely assures you that his cake is enough for both. I mean he's not lying tho lol
Bo doesn't leave any room for insecurities here! He's gonna hype the fck outta you! #YOUR NO.1 HYPE MAN
Bokuto's emo mode is almost non existent after he starts dating you because he wanna show you how awesome he is <33 Akaashi make sure to thank you for dating Bo lol
He's very transparent about his emotions so it's really easy to tell how he's feeling :)
Arguments with him are rare, it is there but it's rare. Bo would rather lower his pride and apologize no matter whose fault it is because he can't stand the tension and silent treatments.
Puppy eyes and pouty lips are his weakness, you got him wrapped around your fingers. He will give in each time you pull that face to him. (。•̀ᴗ-)
Pls give him a lot of love! He deserves it!
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quellmythirst · 3 years
House Hunting Part 12
Summary: You are the youngest child of Frank and Maria Castle. Your dads best mate offers to help you find a new place in the city. The only problem being you’ve had a crush on him since forever.
Pairing: Castle!Reader (you) x Billy Russo
Words: 2.7k
A/n: hahaha, where do I even begin? So this chapter was not this long before I swear. But some lovely human got me a subscription to Quinn and my horny brain took over. I hope you like it.
Warnings: Big ol’ age gap, dad’s best friend, daddy kink, teasing, smut, alcohol, swearing, violence, dirty talk. 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI
Part 11
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When you woke in the morning you were alone, Billy must have snuck out sometime while you were asleep. Wrapping the blanket around you, you made your way into the kitchen to make a coffee. Only to find the entirety of squads 8 & 7 in Billy's living room huddled together over the coffee table. Erica was the only one standing, leaning casually against the kitchen counter with your suitcase resting against her thigh. "Here ya go," she said, taking the bag and wheeling it towards you, " I just got some essentials, should do you for a few weeks,"
Those essentials consisted of mostly yoga pants, bike shorts, shirts and products. Fuck, this girl was a blessing, in more ways than one. She was also excellent movie company. When Billy and your father were planning whatever they were planning, she made a point to include you in the conversion or even so much as just sitting and talking to you about the weather. It gave you a sense of normalcy in a world that had become much too intense for your liking.
As the first week dragged on you and Erica had made headway through most of the romantic comedies on Netflix and had started a Lord of the Rings marathon when your phone buzzed.
Bo- hey, haven't heard from you in a spell, you alright?
You- been better, how did things go the other night?
Bo- Tilly? She's great. We're going for coffee tomorrow if you wanna come and actually get to know her.
You- I'd like that, but can't right now. Maybe in a few weeks.
You felt Billy's eyes on you as you texted Bo and just smiled at him. He glared back at you, his eyes switching from your to your phone. You don’t want him to worry, so you send him a quick text.
You- I think Bo is in love.
Billy- Not with you I hope
You- remember that girl? The stunning brunette from the club?
Billy- as long as it's not you. He smirked up at you, winking at you when your father turned around, he nodded. Apparently approving of this conversation now that he knew Bo wasn’t a threat.
You- What’s she like??
Bo- Smart, hilarious, quick witted. Her melodic French accent shoots right into my heart every time she speaks. I mean, you saw her. She's hot as fuck. She’s got this smile, it’s just- Wow
You- Oh, my god! You really like her.
Bo- Yeh, I’m gunna play it cool. Totally chill about it and all that.
You- How many times have you seen her since you met?
Bo- Everyday
You- Yeh, dude. Really cool. Totally relaxed and chill vibes from you.
Bo- just let me know when ya free, I think you'd like her.
You- Will do. I can’t wait to actually meet her. Have a good time. 😁
“Who you texting?” Erica asked, as Gimli swore his axe to the fellowship, “a boy?”
“None of your business,”
“Oo tell me about him,” she said, sitting up closer to you on the couch so you could whisper without being overheard. You saw Billy shake his head at you both from the corner of your eye and turned to stick your tongue out at him.
You fill her in on most of the details about Bo, leaving out the parts about Billy and focusing on how you set him up with a random girl at a bar and they seem to be hitting it off.
“So what you're saying is, you're a matchmaker,” she smiled excitedly, “you should set me up with someone,”
“I don’t think you’ve ever had an issue finding a date in your life,” you giggle.
“Yeh, but those guys always suck,” she pouts at you.
“Tell you what, when I'm aloud to leave you and I will go out and we'll find you someone,”
“Pinky promise?” She said holding out her pinky for you,
“Pinky promise,” you agreed, linking your fingers together.
With your father now an ever present person in the apartment, tension was building between you and Billy. Only ever getting a moment alone every few days and even then it was only seconds before Lt Castle was upon you. For such close quarters you hadn't felt further from Billy in months. The only contact coming from stolen kisses in the bathroom or when you knew Frank was distracted. After the first night Billy never came to your room, he said you were lucky that Frank was so tired and didn't come to check on you until after he had snuck out. So, for now the feel of his hand grazing on your ass when he walked behind you, your own brushing his when you stood next to each other. It was scraps of the meal you knew he was.
Another week passed and the days were getting even more boring with Erica being put on guard duty downstairs, the other members of the squad labeled her to distracting. Which meant you were having to much fun while the rest of them just glowered in the corner. Boyd was so serious and his relief guy Erik, second in charge of squad 7 wasn't much better. They were both very handsome, the whole tall and built like brick wall thing, but there was a much more appealing man for you to ogle. Who for the last week had been walking around his apartment in his loose grey sweatpants. But it was that fucking smile he gave you when ever he caught you looking that was the real killer.
Deciding you were nearly bored to death, you send a text to Erik asking him to bring some shopping with him on his next shift.
He arrived only a few minutes late at 5:35, groceries in hand as he placed them on the counter. “Everything's here, though I don't know why you need all this stuff,” He said, shaking hands with Boyd as they prepared to change over. You heard Boyd whisper to him about how demanding you had been, pestering him with questions about himself. Mostly out of boredom.
“Seriously, you guys deprived me of Cafe treats for 2 weeks and I'm demanding,” you rolled your eyes at them, taking the ingredients out and placing them along the counter. Erik just shook his head and walked back towards the window, peering out over the city. Billy took a seat at the opposite end of the dining table where they were going over their inventory, so he could discreetly peer down your tank top when you leaned over. After measuring and organising everything you reached under the counter and took out a bowl, whisking up the egg whites, while you folded in the ingredients. The men watched intently as you piped the mixture onto a tray and carefully placed it in the oven. You saw Billy tap Erik on the shoulder and the man excused himself.
“What are you making?” He asked, dipping his finger into the ganache, on instinct you slapped his hand with the spatula.
“Macarons, get your fingers out,” you chided him.
“Can I lick the spoon?” A playful look in his eye as he leaned over the counter to wipe some almond flour from your face. You shuddered as his fingers caressed your cheek. You stared intently into his eyes, lost in the way the kitchen lights were flecking gold through them. A loud cough caught your attention and you saw Erik exiting the hall with Frank in tow. You both stepped back immediately.
Handing Billy spatula was a bad idea, you had to watch as his tongue caressed the end in ways that you wished he would do to your pussy, that was currently clenching around nothing.
You sat in silence eating your sweets, relishing in the crispness while the gooey center filled your mouth. They truly were delicious and just what you needed while the men talked over and around you. Were they ignoring you on purpose? Either way it was enough to drive you mad.
“I'm heading to bed,” you sighed, placing the rest of the macarons in a container for later.
You got a message just as you closed the bathroom door behind you, to brush your teeth.
Billy- Unlock the door.
It took seconds and he was through the door, his hands holding your face as he kissed you desperately. Billy’s head snapped towards the door when he heard the fall of footsteps. He gave you a forlorn look before retreating back into the hall. Your fingers caressed your lips, you missed his kiss, missed the way his lips and tongue made you feel more alive than anything else. With a sigh you began brushing your teeth when you got another text.
I wish I could kiss you anytime I want.
You smiled down at the phone, god he was cheesy when he wanted to be.
I miss the cute little snores you make when you're asleep next to me
I do not snore
You do, and you wriggle that ass right into my cock every single time
Don't. You reply, taking your phone to bed with you. You recline back onto the daybed that was surprisingly comfortable. The extra blankets that Erica had gotten you last week were definitely helping. You watch as 3 little dots appear and disappear on your chat. Maybe he's gone to sleep?
What? Don't want me to tell you how warm and soft you are? How I lay here wishing I was deep inside my sweet little pussy.
You stare at the message unable to reply as heat pools throughout your body, what are you suppos-
What's wrong? No comeback? Lost ya fire little girl?
Not at all. Just remembering
What? How good it feels when my cock slides into my girl, pumping you full of my hot cum?
Something like that you tease.
Tell me, you know what happens to bad girls
Is that a threat?
You know it is
I'm dripping wet just thinking about it, couldn’t possibly say.
VIDEO MESSAGE. you open the message, checking that your volume is all the way down. You press play and your eyes nearly bugle out of your head. Billy's fingers are pumping slowly down his cock, his thumb rubbing gently over the tip with every stroke. You can't see his face, you’ve seen it enough times now to be able to picture his teeth nipping on his bottom lip, the tiny trickle of sweat on his brow, eyes closed in euphoria as he pictured you in his mind.
Your fingers slide down your tummy and around your panties. Two fingers grazing into your slick pussy, your eyes locked onto the thick vein along Billy's cock, the jut of his hips when he twitched, your nails rubbing softly on your clit as you watch Billy.
Are you touching yourself? The text comes up and you bite down on your pillow, muffling your moans as your climax gets closer and closer.
You are. I know you. Bet you look so fucking sexy
Show me. Without thinking about it you flick the camera on, you realise it's too dark in the room. Leaning over you turn on the desk lamp to get some light. By a miracle you manage to find an angle that's a tiny bit flattering. With your phone resting on the bookshelf on the opposite wall. Pressing record, you record yourself. Spreading your folds apart and dipping a finger inside while you arch your back off the bed, making soft and quiet moans of Billy's name as you pleasure yourself. The angle giving him a full view of your body and face. You rush to send it before you come to your senses. Resting back on the bed, hoping that he thinks its sexy and not as embarrassing as it felt.
Fuck baby your so wet.
For you. You type with one hand while you slip a finger over your clit.
Put in your earbuds I wanna hear you.
Quickly you grab your earbuds from the floor, managing to put them in before your phone starts ringing. You hear Billy's voice in your ear, it's low and rough when he whispers "You're doing such a good job little girl," you breathe hitched and you bit down on your lip to keep the moan in, "You close? I'm so fucking close,"
"Billy," your voice soft as you try to keep quiet.
"Keep going, keep touching yourself for me. Wish I could see that pretty face when you cum,' you arched off the bed, panting as your fingers struggled to reach your g spot. Your other hand worked furiously over your clit. You heard a thump as your phone hit the floor, but you're so close, just a second longer.
"Say my name baby," he groaned, his breath speeding up and you knew he was close.
Thud! The sound draws you from your euphoria. Thud! You took one of your earbuds out and heard your father, "you ok in there kiddo?" He asked from behind the closed door.
“Yeh, just dropped my phone,” you answered, trying to sound not as breathless as you were.
“Night, love you,” he called and you heard his footsteps retreat, the mood well and truly killed.
“Night,” you called back, sighing defeatedly into your mattress.
“Doom Merchant,” Billy grumbled in your ear, “wanna try again pretty girl?”
“Not right now,"
"We could just tell him," Billy offered again, why was he still on about this?
"You know why we can't"
"I won't let him hurt you,"
"Not me I'm worried about, Billy. Goodnight.” you whispered, reaching down to pick up your phone.
“Goodnight little girl, just think about it, ok? have sweet dreams of me,” he cooed before hanging up. You rolled over, taking the bud out of your ear and hugged your pillow. You closed your eyes and hoped you'd actually be able to get off in your dreams.
2 more weeks had passed and you were still trapped in this apartment. It felt like the very large apartment was growing smaller by the day. Squads 7 & 8 were rotating shifts while your father only ever left when he and Billy were chasing down a lead at ANVIL. You were trapped here, sure it was a really nice place to be trapped, but you knew there would be no leaving until they caught whomever had tried to take you. The odds seemed unlikely with all this time passing and no leads. You assumed it was a one off, that the guy didn't even know who you were and had just tried to take the first woman he saw.
You were sure Billy was torturing you. Constantly walking around in just his grey sweats, whispering in your ear to just spill the beans whenever he walked past you, sending you even more naughty texts before bed. But he never called again, he was teasing and you were helpless. You discovered that returning the gesture only served to hurt yourself, after a particularly racy text got you all heated you replied in kind, praising the taste of his cock on your lips, how desperate you were to lick him all over. His response was to just send audio clips that played on a loop. "You're being a bad little girl, Daddy might need to spank you again," was the first of many and they only grew worse as time passed, "want me to tell Frankie what a little whore his daughter has become, begging and dripping for my cock?" In short, it was killing you. But you knew that the opposite was worse. Frank Castle would actually kill you, or worse Billy and that killed any desire to come out with the truth. Billy’s life was worth more to you than any ache in your heart.
Part 13
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timetravelassasin · 3 years
Drunken Idiot
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Summary: Kurro goes out drinking with the guys only to have you pick him up. 
A/N: Hey guys here is another one. I hope you guys like it!
You sat on the living room sofa with a blanket and remote next to you. It was a Saturday night and you were spending it binging your shows and enjoying all the snacks Kuroo got you. 
“Alright, shortcake I will text you when I get to the bar,” Kuroo said, walking up to you. 
“Ok, be careful and have fun. Tell the guys I said hi,” you said.
“I will and you enjoy your night,” he said, pressing a kiss on your forehead before walking away. 
The sweet scent of his cologne was covering most of your blanket making you feel safe and warm. It was the first time in a while that Kuroo had asked you if it would be ok to hang out with his friends. You were ok with it and had told him not to worry about it. 
“I wonder if there is any ice cream in the freezer,” you sighed, heading to the kitchen. 
Kuroo true to his word texted you when he arrived at the bar along with a picture of him with the guys. You chuckled as you saw Bokuto’s arm wrapped around Kuroo’s shoulder. You sent him a quick text back wishing him a fun time and got back to your shows. Tears were streaming down your cheeks at one point because your favorite character had died. 
“No, why did they do him like that. Did they really have to kill him like that,” you cried, wiping the tears away. 
You groaned as the next episode started. You patted your cheeks as you got back into a comfortable position and went back to watching your show. After a while you decided to get ready and head out to the bar Kuroo and the guys were at. Akaashi had texted you at one point that the guys were getting a little out of hand and if you could give him a hand. You changed into a pair of black torn up skinny jeans, black silk think strap shirt, black letterman jacket with some grey heeled ankle boots. After applying some light eyeliner you grabbed your bag and headed out. 
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After locking up you made your way to the bar. The bar was not far from your place and had parking close to it. You parked your car in the parking lot and made your way inside. 
“Hey Hey Hey,” you heard Bokuto call out. 
“Bo, another shot,” one of the guys said. 
You made your way to the group and chuckled. Bokuto was slumped over a table while Akaashi patted his back. Kuroo laughed as Bokuto kept mumbling random things. 
“Hey Keiji,” you said, giving Akaashi a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
“Hello Y/N, glad you could make it,” he greeted. 
“Woah, Akaashi who is she? She is so pretty,” Kuroo asked, trying to whisper. 
“That is Y/N Kuroo,” Akaashi sighed. 
“You know you look just like my wife but she is at home comfy and adorable,” he said, flushed. 
“I am your wife gorgeous,” I chuckled, moving a strand of his hair to the side. 
“No you are not. You are too pretty to impersonate her,” he said, moving back. 
“Kuroo, she does look like Y/N even prettier,” Bokuto said. 
“I think we should take these two idiots home already before they do something they will regret,” Akaashi said. 
“We should, I’ll take care of the bill wait here for me,” you said, making your way to the bar. 
“What can I get you,” the bartender asked 
“I’d like to close their tab please,” you answered. 
“Sure, let me get you their bill,” he said, walking away. 
You reached into your bag and grabbed your wallet. Once the bill was paid you made your way back to the table. Kuroo had chugged his beer and was now resting his head on the table. 
“Come on love, lets get you home,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist. 
“My wife will not be happy to know you are touching me,” Kuroo said, trying to push you away. 
“Honey, I am your wife come on,” you chuckled. 
Akaashi helped you get Bokuto and Kuroo in your car and buckled up. After dropping off Bokuto and Akaashi at their place you drove back to your own. Kuroo kept trying to get out of the car thinking you were kidnapping him and tried to call you. 
“My wife will not be happy to know you are kidnapping me wait no adultnapping me,” he said. 
You chuckled and thanked the gods you had child locked the back doors for occasions like this. When you got to the house he tried to run right as you opened the door but tugged his arm back. 
“Na ah love the house is this way,” you chuckled. 
“No my wife will come after you. She will take you down if you don’t take me home,” he said, trying to get away. 
You just laughed as you locked the car and headed into the house. Once he realized he was in his house he went running around trying to find you. You stood back and watched as he tripped and ran into things trying to search for you. A laugh escaped your lips as he finally just passed out on the sofa. Oh how you wished you could have recorded the whole thing. You took his shoes off and placed a blanket on him before pressing a kiss on his forehead and headed up to the room. The next morning you woke up and started to make breakfast. 
“Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a truck,” Kuroo said, walking into the kitchen. 
“Well you did trip and run into things when I brought you home,” you chuckled. 
“Oh god, how bad was it this time sweetheart,” he sighed. 
“Well you thought I was adultnapping you and then told me your wife would come after me and take me down. You also tried to jump out of the car as I drove us home,” you smiled, setting a cup of coffee in front of him. 
“Oh sweetheart what would I do without you,” he sighed. 
The day was spent resting and retelling the events that happened the night before. Bokuto and Akaashi came over and hung out with the two of you. 
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whoabo · 3 years
backstage calls.
reader pronouns: she/her.
pairing: bo burnham x reader.
warnings: bo being sad, talks about panic attacks, self doubt, some angst and some fluff at the end.
era: make happy
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sitting in the green room of the venue, he had his chin perched on his fist as the other hand held his phone. he was waiting for a call, a text, a fucking email. anything at this point.
but nothing came.
he sighed as one of his hands started to twist strands of his hair. his eyes wouldn’t leave his screen. he doesn’t want to miss any opportunity to talk to her. for her to calm him down. help him out. make him feel loved.
while staring at a black, empty screen he heard the doorknob creak as someone opened the door. he didn’t check to see who it was. he knew it wasn’t her.
he heard a deep sigh come from behind him. is he really that depressing to look at?
his tour manager— the one who came in— walked around to the couch and sat next to the younger man. he clamped a hand around bo’s shoulder. he tensed and looked away from his phone screen for the first time in twenty three minutes. his manager got the hint and let go.
“listen, i came in here to tell you that they start the intro in fifteen so that gives you about eighteen minutes to get ready. so, i would start.”
he nodded and turned away from him. his manager stood up and walked to the door. “i’m sure she’ll check in.” he shut the door as softly as he could.
bo stood up and stretched. hearing a bone in his back pop. the sound alone made him cringe.
he shook his head and walked to the vanity like mirror. the more he stared the more he wondered why she was with him. why someone like him was so worthy of having someone like her in his life. as a lover, at that.
he felt his hands start to shake. he pushed up the sleeves of his sweater. sweat started to glaze his forehead.
“shit.” he whispered.
he felt tears prick his eyes, it burned. he dropped his head on his arms and started to weep.
he was so trapped in this bubble that formed around him, he couldn’t hear anything else besides his shake-y breaths, and when he sniffled. a disgusting sound that would make anyone pity him.
he didn’t hear his phone ring, or the sound of a text. or even the sound of the door opening.
“bo,” a quiet voice spoke behind him. he jolted up, making eye contact with her through the mirror.
he spun around to face her. “y/n.” he quietly cried as he walked toward her.
his back hunched as he hugged her. one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulder. and face hiding in the crook of her neck. he continued to cry. she wrapped her arms around him, the best she could.
she could tell he was uncomfortable in the stance he was in, but he didn’t seem to care. she started to gently push his chest. telling him to let go of her. each time he received a push, the tighter his grip on her got. he couldn’t let go. he just couldn’t. it’s as if he were to let go, she’d disappear forever and he’d never see her again. never hold her again.
never be held again.
despite his height, bo just wanted to be held and loved. be taken care of. y/n has been the only one to really make him feel cared for and loved. no matter how many times he tells her she deserves better. she never listens. she continues to stay with him. she moved in with him when he asked. he remembered the exact day.
it was winter of 2014. she was staying at his house. the two were in his bedroom laying down. his head on her chest as she played with his hair. some random show on in the background. he felt so content. so warm. he didn’t want her to leave the next morning and have to wait till friday for her to come back over after work. so he asked and she said yes about three minutes later. those three minutes were a living nightmare for bo. afraid she was going to say no, or say it’s too soon. but she didn’t.
she patted his head, scratching his scalp slightly. “bo, you need to let go for a second. just to move to the couch.” she spoke softly.
he reluctantly removed the arm around her waist, and followed her to the couch. when she sat down, bo sat next to her but a few inches away. just so he had enough room to lay his head on her lap. in an instant her hand went back to play with his hair.
she looked at him, seeing he had stopped crying. “do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” she asked.
bo wrapped his arms around her waist as he faced her stomach. his nose only centimeters away from touching her.
“i just.. i love performing. i do. i’ve made it so far. i-i just can’t. every night, every show i have these panic attacks. even on fucking stage! it’s just too much for me.” he whispered the last sentence. he moved his head forward more so his forehead could touch her stomach.
she nodded, trying to be as understanding as she could in this situation. as she thought of what to say her hand stopped playing with his hair. bo noticed and nudged her hand to continue. she started up again.
“well, what do you wanna do?” she asked.
bo turned over so his back was on the couch. his head was straight forward, he could see her face. he could see the concern in her eyes. he shrugged.
he didn’t know what to do. what he should do.
he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a knock at the door.
“you’re on in two minutes. the intro just started.” his tour manager spoke from behind the door. bo sighed and sat up.
he looked over to y/n. he leaned forward and kissed her. his palm rested between her jaw and behind her ear. he felt her hand wrap around his neck. he pulled away while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“i love you, y/n.” he whispered.
“i love you, too.”
he closed his eyes, like he was relishing in the words. he stood up and walked to the door.
“i’ll see you after the show. thank you.” he said and closed the door behind him.
as he walked to stage he heard footsteps behind him. he turned around and saw y/n standing there.
she leaned on her toes and pressed a lingering kiss. bo smiled and closed his eyes.
“good luck.”
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