bottomstolove · 1 year
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"Oh, this?" The man calling himself Kiri opened up his white coat, showing off the dark, wet, patch of red slowly but steadily spreading along his side, staining his sweater, and dripping to the ground. "No need ta worry. Just gotta put a bandaid on it and I'll be good as new."
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Omega worth fighting for
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I’m going back to work soon so I might start posting less, we’ll see i guess
kirishima x reader   bakugou x reader (not really)
warnings: ABO things, swearing, minior angst, 
word count: 1,100 (about)
summary: Kirishima is a good friend, but even he has a limit, 
Kirishima was always more observant than anyone gave him credit for. Sure he may not do the best on tests but no one could say he wasn’t smart. He knew off the top of his head what Mina’s favorite flower was, and he could tell whether or not Kaminari had woken up on time just by looking at his choker. And of course, he knew almost everything about you. 
It wasn’t like he’s set out to memorize obscure facts about you, he just sorta noticed you all the time, and ended up remembering stuff. He’d seen you at lunch picking the bean sprouts out of your lunch to eat them first. He’d accidentally bumped into you at the library and seen that you had a pink crayon bandaid on your elbow, and you explained that you’d fallen on your way to school and a passing child had given it to you. Just little details like that, little things no one else would notice, but he did. 
Maybe it was more that he sought you out, craved knowing you rather than just happening upon you occasionally. You were the only Omega that awoke such feelings in him. So knowing that he should have known he wasn’t the only one to fall for you. 
Kirishima might be the only person, save of course for Midoriya, who could see right through Bakugou’s mean and nasty front. That’s why they were best friends after all. His knack for picking up on the smallest hints made it so Kirishima was the only one who could call the violent blonde out without getting blown to high hell. 
He should have realized it all sooner. But he had kind of been ignoring the obvious. Bakugou couldn’t be staring at you, he was just spacing off. It was a coincidence that Bakugou asked you to train with him, it was just your quirk. Of course, Bakugou got mad whenever Kaminari teased him about having a crush on you, he was just pissed that Kaminari even spoke to him. 
But it got to the point that everyone could tell Bakugou had a thing for you, and Kirishima couldn’t deny it anymore. 
It was time for the school festival again and class 3B was putting on a dunk tank. You were sat inside on a paddle in a cute blue swimsuit smiling and waving, inviting people to try and knock you into the water. 
Bakugou blatantly stared at your revealing outfit, his eyes wide with awe and his cheeks dusted pink. It was clear he was bewitched and had been for a while. 
“What a rigged game,” Mineta grumbled walking away from the tank, having spent all of his money trying to knock you in. Bkgou snapped back to reality. 
“You’re just weak you stupid extra,” he snapped slamming down a bill on the ticket table and picking up a baseball. Kirishima looked at you and saw you looked genuinely scared now, clutching the edge of your false bottom seat. 
“Go easy yeah? You don’t want to hurt them,” Kiri said but bakugou just shrugged him off winding back and throwing the ball at the target with everything he had. There was a loud ding than a shriek as you fell plummeting into the water. 
You swarm to the top, breaching the water with a good-natured laugh, you congratulated bakugou as you got back in the chair. Kirishima couldn’t help but watch as the water rolled down your chest making your skin glitter in the sun. God, he was so whipped. And so was his best friend. 
“You should ask them out soon don’t want someone to beat you to the punch right?” Kirishima pushed elbowing the blonde in the side once they were out of earshot. Bakugou grunted. 
“Fuck off, no one would go after an omega I want,” he snapped, not even denying he liked you. 
“I might, I’m not scared of you,” Kiri shot back, and his friend hit him with a piercing glare. 
“You wouldn’t.”
Bakugou was right of course, Kirishima wouldn’t ask you out. Not while his best friend had the hots for you, he wouldn’t hurt him like that. Besides he didn’t even have a reason for thinking you might like him back. You probably wanted a stronger, more accomplished Alpha than him anyway, you’d be happy with Bakugou. 
Kirishima wasn’t expecting it to hurt so much when he finally settled on giving up on you, but it was like a knife to the chest every time he saw Bakugou talking to you or god forbid touching you. His inner alpha demanded he go over and rip you away from him and it pained him to turn away. 
He had known that he liked you, but he assumed that was it, just a crush. But if it were just a crush, it wouldn’t hurt like this right? But he didn’t have any claim over you or any reason to get jealous like this. But god he wished he did. 
He resolved to just avoid you to the best of his ability, which was a lot easier said than done. 
“Hey, Kirishima!” you greeted happily, waving as you sprinted towards him. Kirishima could smell your sweet scent as you got closer to him, it had been a while since he had been close enough to smell you and it nearly took him off his feet.
“Hey,” he greeted trying to sound calm. 
“Sorry to bug you but I was wondering if you could help me carry some boxes back to class I’m not strong enough to get them by myself,” you explained, and your soft pleading eyes broke him. 
“No problem,” he said following you like a lost puppy as you took him to the boxes you needed to move. 
“Thank you, so much Kirishima!” once he’s successfully moved everything you needed.
“Like I said, it’s not a problem,” he said rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Still, maybe, I could buy you lunch or something as a thank you,” you offered and he froze. 
“L-Like a date?” he stuttered his face going as red as his hair. This was so not manly, he was supposed to be the one to ask you our- no he wasn’t supposed to ask you out at all so Bakugou could have you.
“Yeah, like a date, I really like you Kirishima,” you said looking up at him shyly. 
“But- but Bakugou,” he said lamely. His heart was hammering in his chest, the only reason it hurt so damn much to see his best friend flirt with you was that you seemed to be reciprocating those feelings. 
“Oh yeah, he asked me out a few days ago, but I turned him down, he’s not really my type,” you explained. 
“And I’m your type,” he asked. You nodded. His whole body felt light and tingly. 
“Okay, yeah let’s go out,” he said, a wide grin on his face, just this once, he got to be selfish.
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 6)
Bakugo x Reader 
Fluff. Smut. 
Just taking it one day at a time. 
Words: 2821
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Bakugo had been woken up by a nurse the next morning. She pulled him into the hallway where a doctor was waiting with a clipboard. Looking every bit the stereotype from the dumb tv shows y/n always watches.
The doctor smiled and held out his hand, “Ah Mr. Bakugo I presume?”
Bakugo just stared back, not bothering to shake the mans hand, “Yes, can I help you with something?”
The smile never left the doctors face as he pulled his hand back, “Yes, so I understand Y/n lives with you. Is that correct?”
Bakugo smirked, “As of a few days ago, yes, she officially live with me.”
“Oh perfect! So we are expecting her to wake up any time now and I just wanted to go over everything you might expect in terms of taking care of her while she heals. As you know she suffered a major concussion as well as multiple gunshot wounds to the stomach.”
Bakugo flinched at the memory but nodded anyways as the doctor continued his speech. “When she wakes up she’ll likely be confused and a little frustrated. Because she’s been in a bed for several weeks it may take a while for her to regain normal range of motion but that’s nothing to be concerned about. We recommend having her go to physical therapy, as well as possibly seeing a mental health professional if she needs help coping with the trauma. As the person who will be living with her just make sure she takes her medication and for the first couple of days she may need your help with daily tasks such as showering, getting dressed, picking up anything over fifteen pounds, and so on. Are you prepared to take on these tasks?”
Bakugo was almost offended, “Of course! You think I can’t take care of my own girlfriend? I basically take care of her already!”
The doctor just nodded, “Very well then. Here are some pamphlets on everything I just spoke to you about. I find they can be very helpful and informative. I understand you are a very capable man Mr. Bakugo and I think Y/n will be in great hands. We will more than likely be able to discharge her within 24 hours of her waking up and in the event that you are not here, we will make sure to give you a call to let you know when she has woken up.”
Bakugo’s heart raced at the idea that you would be waking up soon. He had said any time now. He would have sat his ass down in that chair and not left until you woke up, but he knew he has a few things to finish up at the apartment. He also knew he was in desperate need of a shower.
He had officially gotten all of your stuff moved into his place he just needed to go meet with the landlord and turn in your keys. Not that it mattered you never used them anyways seeing as you would just teleport through the door.
Bakugo was skimming through one of the many pamphlets the doctor had given him the day before, sitting in your old apparent when the landlord showed to collect the keys. He gave Bakugo a smile but his eyes looked sad. He liked y/n and was sad to hear of her accident. “Well son, I’m sure the place is in pristine condition. I’ve seen you comin and goin for weeks now to clean it up so here's a check for the security deposit and I’ve waved the cleaning fee.”
Bakugo thanked him as he pocketed the check. He was about to insist that he charge him for the cleaning fee because you were a messy gremlin and he was sure the place could use it but he was interrupted by a weird noise. It was a loud thump from his apartment. “What the fuck...”
He sprinted out of the apartment, bypassed the elevator, opting for the stairs instead. He was practically out of breath by the time he reached his door. Wow he really needs to hit the gym soon. He tried the handle but it was locked... which would mean the person in his apartment didn't use a door...
His hands shook as he ripped his keys out of his pocket and swung the door open. “Y/N!” He ran around the corner to his bed and there you were. Sitting on the floor with your head in your hands.
He was at your side in an instant pulling you to him. “Oh my god. Shit you’re awake. You’re okay. Fuck I’ve been so fucking worried, you have no idea. I love you. I love you so fucking much, and I need you to know that.” He kept kissing the top of your head while he rubbed his hand up and down your back. That’s when he noticed the hospital gown. “Y/n... how did you get here?”
You looked at him with very sleepy and confused eyes, “I don't know. I woke up in the hospital and I was really scared. I couldn't figure out what happened or where I was and I just wanted you... and I guess I accidentally teleported here.”
He took your head in his hands and looked at you like you were crazy, “Y/n we live across town from the hospital... you’re telling me you just teleported 15 miles...”
Your eyes widened, looking just as bewildered as he did, “Yeah I guess I did.”
Next thing you know he’s hugging you so tight, “You know what? I don't even care right now. We’ll figure that out later, right now I just want to hold you. I’ve missed you so much. Dont you ever do something like that again, do you understand me. Ever.”
His phone started to ring but he let it go to voicemail. Whatever it was could wait. He hadn’t held you like this in weeks. He gently scooped you up and brought you to the bed that now had a few of your girly pillows. “Katsu? Are these my pillows? Is that my lamp? Wait what is my stuff doing in your apartment? Did you loot me while I was out?”
He chuckled as his face turned red, “Yeah about that.. I uh.. I kind of moved all of your stuff up here and terminated your lease downstairs.... surprise?”
You knew you should be irritated, but honestly you were just too exhausted to care. You barley spent time in your apartment anyways. So you just shrugged, “Oh okay I guess. I mean if you’re sure...”
He pulled you close to him, “Oh I’m sure. I need you here where I know you’re safe.”
You winced as you giggled still a little sore, “I literally lived in the apartment right below you. It wasn’t exactly a long distance relationship.”
Bakugo ignored your quip instead focusing on your face as it pinched a bit with the pain from laughing. “Are you okay? Do I need to bring you back to the hospital. Shit I probably do. You just up and left...”
You reached up and squished his cheeks together to get him to stop talking, “One thing at a time babe. Yes I am okay. I am really tired, and truthfully I’m very sore. But it’s not anything I can’t deal with. I would kill for some water though...”
He was up and in the kitchen before you could even finish your sentence. You wondered how long this over protective phase would last. Bakugo was never the kind of boyfriend who waited on you hand and foot. Before the accident he would have told you to get off your ass and get it yourself.
He came back with a huge camelback water bottle with a straw. You expected him to hand it to you but instead he crawled into bed next to you and held the straw up to your mouth. “Uh.. Honey. Not that I don’t love the fact you want to take care of me, but I can hold it myself.”
He blushed slightly muttering a sorry as he handed you the water bottle.
So you sat like that, his hands never leaving you while he caught you up on what had happened since you were out. Avoiding the topic of the accident because neither of you were ready to rip off that bandaid yet.
Your conversation was cut short by a banging on the door. Bakugo groaned and went to go answer it. Periodically turning around to look at you. Almost like he was checking you were still there. He flung the door open, “WHAT?!”
There was a very nervous Kirishima rubbing the back of his neck raw, “Okay listen man I have some bad news, but I’m going to need you to stay calm because we’re going to fix it I promise... but... uh... Y/nIsMissingAndWeDontKnowWhereSheWent....” He flinched like he was ready for Bakugo to blow up. But instead Bakugo just laughed. “Oh shit he's really lost it.”
“Oi shitty hair, you can relax, she's okay she’s here. She teleported. We’ll head back soon so they can officially discharge her and give us her medication.”
Kirishima looked like he was going to faint with relief, “Oh thank god. They only sent me because I’m indestructible. They really thought you were going to rampage. You should have seen it. First she’s mumbling in her sleep right?  Next thing we all know her eyes shot open and she was asking where you were. When no one could answer her she just teleported out. They were all panicking and running around looking for her. I’ll let them know she’s safe.”
You had snuck your way over to them with very wobbly legs, “Thank’s for checking on me Kiri!”
“Oi what the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Get your ass back in bed!”
You glared at your over protective boyfriend, “I've been in bed for... for...”
“Three weeks” Kiri filled in you.
“Thank you Kiri... Three weeks! I don't think it’ll kill me to stretch my legs!”
Kirishima bit his lip to keep from laughing, “Good to see you still got your spunk. Well I’ll leave you two love birds alone. Try not to kill each other.”
He realized that was not a good joke to make when Bakugo’s eyes bore into him, “Too soon.”
It had been two weeks since you woke up. The first week Katsuki refused to leave your side for more than 30 seconds. Everywhere you went he was right there behind you like a clingy shadow. He even took showers with you insisting it was “doctors orders”. It got real old real fast. You practically shoved him out the door the other day joking about how one of you needed to work or you wouldn't make rent and you just moved in. You still had nightmares, and any loud noise made you jump. Bakugo was trying really hard to not yell at you or be any added stress while you adjusted but you honestly hated the way he treated you like glass. Never in his life has he ever seen you as anything but strong and now he tip toes around you. That ends today.
You dressed up in your sexiest underwear and robe and waited for him on his....your bed. You kept forgetting you actually lived here now.
You heard his keys in the door and your heart started to race. “Hey baby I’m home! I was thinking about maybe making some stir fry for dinner. What do you think?” You took a deep breath and reminded yourself this was Bakugo... there was no reason to be nervous.
You stepped into the kitchen and tiptoed up to him. He had his nose buried in a grocery bag pulling out ingredients. You took the bag from his hand and put it on the counter. He froze when he saw what you were wearing.
“I think I’m hungry. But not for food.” You grabbed him by the belt loops and pulled him to you.
He smiled but his eyes gave him away. He looked nervous.
He cupped your cheeks and gave your forehead a kiss. “You look amazing babe. But you need to take your pills soon and you can't do that on an empty stomach.” He pulled away from you and went back to sorting the groceries on the counter in front of him.
You huffed and smacked him the back of the head.
“Oi! What was that for?” “You know what for! Other than our morning showers you won't touch me! And even then it’s not even sexual....” You don't know why but your were suddenly hit with a wave of insecurity. “Do you not find me attractive anymore...?”
He was at your side in an instant. He put one hand in your hair while the other one gripped your chin rubbing soothing circles on your cheek. “Are you crazy? of course I find you attractive! You are the single most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”
Tears threatened to spill out, “Then why won't you touch me?”
He sighed as he thought carefully about what he said next. “I guess I’m just scared of hurting you. I’m the reason you were hurt in the first place and the thought of causing you any more pain... it... it drives me crazy. You just woke up from a medically induced coma only two weeks ago! I didn't want to do anything until you were ready!”
You looked up at him with needy eyes, “Well I’m ready now...”
And that's all it took. 
Bakugo’s lips crashed to yours as his hands gripped your ass. You knew you were needy but you had no idea you were this touch starved until the feeling of his hands on you practically made you melt. 
He pulled back just long enough to tell you to jump. You eagerly compiled as you wrapped you legs around his waist. He walked you over to the couch and laid you down. 
Your robe was long forgotten on the floor and his shirt and your bra was quickly joining it. Katsuki worshipped your body. He always had. He showered you with kisses starting at your neck and trailing downwards. He took his time with each of your breasts. Taking one nipple in his mouth while he rubbed the other between his fingers. He had you soaked and squirming with seconds. Your hips bucked up and he grunted as you made contact with his growing erection. 
He continues his path down briefly pausing to give every single one of your scars the softest kiss imaginable. You could see the pain fast through his eyes briefly. You wound your hands through his hair, “I’m okay baby. I’m here and I’m okay and I need you. Please.” 
He tugged your underwear off along with pants. He put his arms on either side of your face holding all of his weight off of you. lined himself up with your entrance and in one sweet snap of his hips you were seeing stars. His mouth covered yours as he swallowed your moans. He let you adjust before he set a slow, deep, rhythm. 
You’ve been dating for three months now, and you don't think you had ever had sex that want heated and rough. He was taking his time, showing you with every thrust how much he loved you. Even the moans you let out were soft. This wasn't fucking, this was making love. And the thought made your head spin. 
He leaned down and nibbled on your ear before whispering, “You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you to know that. You’re it for me. Do you understand me?” 
You pulled his head back to face you, “I understand. You’re it for me too. I couldn't do this with anyone else.” 
He smirked, “Damn right you couldn't.”
Yours hands made their way to his strong muscular back, “Now fuck me like you mean it Katsuki. I won't break I promise.” 
His dick twitched at your words before he picked up the pace. 
You both got lost in the sensations you both had been craving. He pounded into you relentlessly. Hitting the spot the way it seemed only he could. It wasn't long before you felt yourself unraveling. 
“Yeah thats it baby! Cum for me! Let go!” 
You were overtaken by the most intense, toe curling orgasm. 
You could feel Bakugo start to pull out but through your pants you yelled, “No cum inside me!” 
His hips stuttered a but before he finally released inside of you. 
He rolled to the side and pulled you on top of him so you could both fit on the couch. 
After he caught his breath he looked over to you and kissed your forehead, “That was probably the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
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howtobeaconartist · 7 years
Hello! I just signed up for my first two anime cons next year! While I am excited, I'm pretty sure I will have to do these by myself due to my husband's unpredictable job and I'm not guaranteed that my friends can help me (they also do a lot of vending events). I was wondering if there way any advise if I have to do this all my own, or is this a terribly hard idea? Thanks in advance!
Nattosoup:  That idea isn’t terribly hard, I know Kiri does a lot of shows alone, and I used to do a lot of shows alone as well.
Be kind to yourself- you’re going to forget things, and possibly goof up, and that’s ok!
Keep an emergency kit- gum, bandaids, scissors, pain meds, granola bars, and keep it stocked.
Bring water and food, because you’re probably not going to be able to break for lunch.
Make friends with the artists around you early on.  Introduce yourself, make chit chat while things are slow, offer to help them lift their banner if they look like they need help.  These’ll be the people who’ll keep an eye on your table when you do bathroom runs, and may even be the people who offer to grab you lunch.
Bring a battery charger/battery backup to keep your phone charged so you can run transactions all day.
Make sure you have more than sufficient change ahead of time- check our archives for advice on this.
When leaving the convention at night, try to walk with a group if possible.  If not, make sure you aren’t the last one out of the alley, and try to stay aware at all times.
I don’t know if these are local cons (if so, tabling alone is really easy) or cons you’re going to travel to, but there are more considerations to keep in mind if you travel for cons.  Kiriska can probably offer some valuable advice on tabling at travel cons!
Kiriska: The more prepared you are for something, the less of a terrible idea it is! :3 Anticipate the things you think you might have a hard time alone with and devise a plan or strategy for dealing with them. Make lists!
I don’t have a lot to add to what Nattosoup said, but some previous posts that may be helpful include:
How to deal with creepers when you’re alone
Traveling to cons alone
Traveling alone part 2 (safety tips)
Do people usually table alone?
Further reading: #your first show, #first convention, #lists.
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