#//Let your muse participate and have fun
ravarui · 11 months
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The wedding of the century! (excerpt of the vanity fair october 2023) Ladies and Gentlemen, it is happening! As stated in their latest shared press conference, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts are finally going to tie the knot! Not many details have been revealed, but it's expected to be a grand celebration with exclusive guests from all parts of the universe. We will update you about every single detail. Until then, congratulations to the Iron couple.
What is happening?@alyafae and I have been talking and decided it was time to revive this event and share it with everyone, as it depicts a very important point in the lives of our muses. It's only appropriate to share it and involve you all in the upcoming shenanigans. The event isn't bound to a certain date, see it as a verse based around the wedding celebrations. It's not restricted to the party itself, but everything around it as well, like bachelor/bachelorette parties, general wedding preperations and so on.
How do you receive an invitation? By simply liking this post and being mutuals with either @alyafae or me (@ravarui).
The event is crossover-friendly! Your muse doesn't need to have a marvel verse to be able to participate, nor do we need to have been interacting before. Just being mutuals with one of us is enough.
If you're mutuals with @alyafae you'll receive threads/starters from her Pepper Potts for your muse. If you're mutuals with me, you'll receive threads/starters from my Tony Stark muse. If you're mutuals with us both, you'll receive double the love and be considered a special guest.
The bride and groom: Ms Virgina "Pepper" Potts @alyafae Mr Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark @ravarui
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cursedfortune · 2 months
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Her obsidian gaze squinted, enjoying the liveliness of the people as the yearly festival settled in for the week. As per tradition the witch had brought out her stand on wheels, one used solely for six days of fortune telling only to be converted on the last day into a lucky stand. A kissing booth, as it were. The final days of a festival were always the most potent with potential, ripe for her to bless mortals with her favor or curse them for the year. Though the tales of the morbid witch have gone quiet as the eras passed, Mortem still found herself amused by the mortals that dared approach the colorful and yet ominous booth. Fortunes? It said and beneath it sat the witch, an easy going smile as her fingers traced the wood. Try your luck! The sign below her encouraged. Luck? At what? Mortals come and go. Some receive good fortune, a blessing in some manner. Others are politely rejected, disappointed by their potential - a curse in hopes they'd be better next year. The rare few she stares at with a sharpened gaze that almost is something akin to disgust. They flee her when her hand twitches, as if to grab for something that isn’t there. How does one win a game of fortune when it has no rules? Mortem’s attention shifted then, settling upon them. A look of knowing that comes and goes as her gaze is dragged elsewhere - scouting for potentials to beckon with a single glance. A vague but knowing smile curved its way upon her ashen lips, as if the outcome was one she has seen already.
Information to take part is below the cut.
I haven't done this in a while but here we are. If any of this isn't clear to you, just inquire. This is set up so that if you have any muse(s) interested in having their fortune read, they need only approach her stand. Consider it an open starter. To take part you can either: Send an ask with your muse approaching and stating the kind of fortune they wish to have read or if you'd prefer it in the style of a thread, tag me in a separate post. And people who prefer to do it on Discord can just shoot me a DM or tag me in our server. :)
Mortem will give a reading based on what you're inquiring about (subject-wise). The past, present, future. Something specific, something generalized? You can ask for a tarot, palm or crystal ball reading. If you want to provide your own cards for the tarot reading, you can. I'll have Mortem pull by default.
So be sure to arrived with a question! And if you want something more specific, just ask me. ^^
A heads up: There is a chance for Mortem to physically touch your muse(s), lightly kiss their face or hand depending if she believes they deserve a strong blessing of good fortune. There is also the high chance she'll bless or curse someone once it is over. Obviously you don't have to do anything with it, but this is her area of expertise so if you come for a fortune reading please note it will happen and there's no slipping out of it/dodging her blessings or curses. To receive absolutely nothing means she might show up later with a knife. :)
Good luck!
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andy-wm · 3 months
I have thoughts on Jimin's SGMB
It's the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And by that I mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
We can all agree, I think, that this is a happy and totally harmless song. Who could criticise Jimin for declaring his love in such a sweet and innocent way?
Of course not everyone will like it, and that's fine. You don't have to like everything he does - or everything BTS does - you are an individual with thoughts and feelings of your own - I hope. But putting that aside you'd have to be a troubled person indeed to take offence at anything here.
So, it is definitely a fan song, right? Jimin is singing to his fans... isn't he?
But if it is (I and I'm not convinced) it's not just a fan song.
It's sweet, so sweet, but....
Maybe it's a little too sweet?
We know Jimin is CUTIE SEXY LOVELY and LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY, but let's be honest, he's also a grown man. And Army are not children (mostly). In fact we have had many many conversations about how ARMY are not children.
But this whole production is pushing the sweet and innocent barrow so hard that I can't help wanting to look underneath and behind and inside to see what's really going on because it's so sweet it's hurting my teeth.
Compare the sophistication and self awareness of FACE to the bouncy, bright and child-like song-and-dance in the SGMB music video. They are WORLDS apart and we were told very specifically that the albums were linked.
"Following his first solo album, “FACE,” where he sought to explore his true identity, “MUSE” documents his journey in search of the source of his inspiration." said the Weverse notification.
So what's really going on here?
What are you doing Jiminie?
And more importantly, why are you doing it?
You could call it a pageant, or a carnival, or a circus - with Jimin as the ringmaster.
But my view is:
This a pantomime. And it's very clever.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a pantomime is "A dramatic entertainment,  originating in Roman mime, in which  performers express meaning through  gestures  accompanied by music." Yes, that describes it.
Merriam-Webster tells us "[A pantomime] is an ancient Roman dramatic performance featuring a solo dancer and a narrative chorus" That also makes sense.
Oxford also specified that it's a modern BRITISH tradition. "a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves music, topical jokes, and slapstick comedy." It's a perfect fit.
The British link is already there - Jimin clearly told us he's influenced by The Beatles' Sergeant Peppers Album. There's also the styling of his suit. The stovepipe pants, narrow tie, and fitted jacket are very 1960s (and 1980s) British pop.
There's something old-school about a pantomime. It harks back to childhood, and to the nostalgia of holidays. And the styling of the MV is in keeping with that nostalgic feel too - from the Mountain scene with the vintage film title, to the intertitles - or title cards , to the circular frame of the opening scene.
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But back to the Pantomime itself...
A quick google search told me the following are important elements of pantomime. And we have most, if not all of them in this production.
Gender role reversal - TICK
Slapstick comedy - TICK
Colourful costumes - TICK
Audience participation - TICK (the children ARE the audience)
Exaggerated facial expressions - TICK
Take another look at the music video - it's all there.
Wikipedia tells us that pantomimes traditional told fairy tales or folk tales - often love stories - and that the primary role in a Pantomime was:
The 'Principal boy', a hero or charismatic rogue, traditionally played by a young woman in men's clothing.
Smart, very smart. With all the other conversations we've been having a round gender this is totally on the money.
Wikipedia goes on to say "Another pantomime tradition is to engage celebrity guest stars... Contemporary pantomime productions are often adapted to allow the star to showcase their well-known act.... If the star enters into the spirit of the entertainment, he or she likely adds to its overall effect"
Welcome, Loco.
(yes, I know collabs are de rigueur, but that doesn't change the fact that it fits - celeb guests are an established practice in Panto.)
So if this IS a Pantomime (and I'm not saying it definitely is but it looks like one to me), then it's intended to be a sung-story, told as much through dance and gestures as through words.
If it's a pantomime, what is it about?
I'm glad you asked! This little charade is the story of a young person called Jimin who is looking for love. He finds romance easily enough...
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but real love takes a little longer.
Fortunately for our hero, he's brave (he will confess to his lover) and he is patient (he encourages them to do so too).
In between, there are shenanigans and goofing...
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But our Charismatic Rogue is charming (if devilish) and wins the hearts of the audience - and his lover.
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Let's take a closer look at how the story unfolds...
At the start of the MV, as the initial credits appear, Jimin is on stage vibing with his band. Loco is chilling on a rock like a lizard in the sun.
We get the ye olde intertitles, welcoming the audience and introducing.... SMERALDO Garden Marching Band
It's not Smeraldo Garden - Marching Band. It's Smeraldo *pause* Garden Marching Band. Smeraldo (secrets) has the emphasis.
After the intertitles, the scene opens on a group of children - they are ostensibly the audience of the band. They're playing paper-scissors-rock to see who will call for Jimin's attention.
The children run over to him and the tale begins.
Jimin, the main character of this story, immediately launches into song.
He starts off singing about Bangtan - mentioning their harmony (song and personal I think), he shows the Bangtan hand gesture we all know so well, and he sings "we gift happiness every day".
But he mentions June 12th.
Why June 12th?
Why not 13th, their debut day?
BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A SONG for ARMY. He's making it clear that at this point he's referring to Bangtan specifically, not the whole juggernaut of the fandom and fame. June 12th precedes ARMY.
He's made it clear from the start - this is NOT ABOUT ARMY.
Then he leans in and whispers to the children - and the camera -"lets talk about us".
Look at the kids' faces - they're miming shock. Ooooohhh! This is a big secret he's about to tell them - and us.
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Look at Jimin's expression - he's just a tad smug. This is not a shocking secret to him, this is a fun secret.
Yes, he is indeed the charismatic rogue of this story.
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He sings:
"All the things we couldn't say before
And your hidden feelings too (just for you)
Don't you worry anymore
Since we're together now**
Let's be a little more honest."
So it seems our main character has a LOVER. Someone who couldn't be revealed and who hid their feelings.
<Wow, I have no idea who this could be...>
Hang on, what's happening in the MV??
On his journey, it seems our young hero has a few short-lived romances. And if you look carefully, they are all with men.
He accepts the rose from a man, and plants himself on the bench right up close to .... a man. He jumps up unperturbed, and gifts the rose to (you guessed it) another man.
Jimin manages to sidestep (or completely ignore) all the women except one, who he sends graciously into the arms of a random man before continuing on his journey.
Wait one moment... his romantic partners were ALL MEN??
ALL MEN?!!!!!
Yes darling, all men. Let's continue.
So, it seems none of Jimin's previous romances grew into anything more, but he takes his own advice with his mysterious lover and confesses first.
He smirks. He flicks his jacket with pizzazz. He's ready.
He sings:
"Ooooh I love you babe,
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture in this choreo - it's another one we've seen many times.
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The dance ends and Jimin scans the surroundings and spots his old friend...
[Enter stage left: Loco]
Oh look, the friend is a rapper a few years older than Jimin. They seem to have a lot of fun together, Jimin and his rapper friend. There are ZERO romantic overtones here. This guy happily goes along with all the goofing and silliness even though he looks a tiny bit mortified. Either they are both very good actors, or a lot of the time, Loco was holding in his laughter. And Jimin seems incredibly amused by that.
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They hang out together until.... something in the atmosphere changes:
The colours become richer, light become warmer, and oh look....
It's *The Golden Hour*
Jimin leaves Loco, chasing the golden light as he sings about "the dazzling sky." Golden confetti (champagne, anyone?) falls all around him and then ...
fucking sunflowers bloom.
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<I need to lie down and process this>
Remind me again what sunflowers are known for? Oh yes, they are symbolic of the sun. Guess what else? They turn to face the sun.
Yup, the sunflowers all turn their faces toward the camera. I'm not crazy, okay?! I'm not.
SMH... let's move on.
Jimin re-joins his band, and the sunflowers do their sunflower thing, and Jimin sings:
"So tell me how you feel,
let whatever you feel
wash over you"
Then he sings
"I love you babe, (yessir)
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture again
👉 👈
The bridge is next, and Jimin takes us back to Bangtan. As all the stars appear (that ocean of purple light that surrounds them at concerts) and everyone takes their place on stage, they turn up the music. <Are my eyes watering? Perhaps>
"I think we're ready now
<NGL I may have shed a tear here>
Lets begin 1, 2
<Ok fuck, I bawled at this point. Goddammit Jimin!>
Put your hands up"
*cute wiggle-dance commences* and Jimin spots his good friend the rapper again, hiding on the sidelines. He pulls him into the chorus line and they do more silliness and everyone is having a great time.
Confetti- flower petals fall, there's laughter and happiness all around, and they bow and bid us good bye.
The show is over.
But wait, I am not done.
A few more things bear mentioning here:
I saw quite a few comments saying this song is for ARMY.
It is categorically NOT for ARMY. Besides the fact that we already have Closer Than This - a fan song - on this album, Jimin specifically chose a date before debut - before ARMY existed - to place in this song. No mention of ARMY at all. Accept it graciously, this is not for you.
I wanna hold your hand
This lyric is a reference not only to the Beatles song "I Want to Hold Your Hand", It's also a common theme with Jimin and Jungkook. We see them finding any feeble excuse to hold hands, shake hands, touch hands. Yes, we see you two...
I am you, You are me
The gesture used in the choreo when Jimin is singing his confession - I failed miserably to catch it in my screengrab but there's no doubt it's their "I am you, You are me" gesture. Take a look for yourself.
All Jimin's romantic moments happened with men.
I'm not saying in his life, I am saying in this MV. All of them. The only interaction he has with a woman is one brief moment where he grabs her wrist as she passes by and he swings her into the path of a guy behind him. He even scoots around the women and sidesteps them. That can't be accidental. He's making a point.
The addition of 'yessir' in the lyrics makes it clear that he's confessing to a man.
I cannot see any reasonable way to refute this. The BH subtitles include it even though you have to listen carefully to catch it. THAT IS A CHOICE, NOT AN ACCIDENT.
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"Even though we're together now"
These lyrics could mean theyre an established, committed couple. But if we think a little broader than that, and a little more literally, who is he together with right now?
It's strategically brilliant.
This is his 'tell all expose' but he has built in a rock solid escape clause by using the panto format. Staging the whole love story - including the prior boyfriends and the man he's now in love with - as an over the top comedy show makes it easily dismissible as pure fiction. By including the fantasy/magical elements he just makes it more so. Deniers will be able to come up with a dozen reasons to reject this... 'It's a fantasy story', 'not all songs are autobiographical', 'he's making a point', 'he's raising LGBTQIA+ awareness'... all true maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that this is HIS song, about HIS muse. If you've been paying attention (and even if you haven't) you will know this is certainly not pure fiction.
The most important one, I left till last. I actually want to scream this, in all caps, in the biggest font possible. But I will restrain myself.
The song is bookended by references to BTS.
That is hugely important. For those who may not be aware, this is a literary device. Bookending a story provides a start and end reference point. Here, the Bangtan bookends provide context for the rest of the lyrics - they frame the lyrics within them. That means the events happening in the song, happen within the context of Bangtan. Reading between the lines, the person he is singing to/about is within Bangtan.
This is not reaching. This is like mixing blue paint and yellow paint together. You will get green paint.
So yes, this song is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And I DO mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
But yes, it's also absolutely and totally really really GAY
Thank you Jiminie
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achelouise · 4 months
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my love, my muse —kaveh
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fandom: genshin
pairing: kaveh x reader!
a/n: i just realized i hadn���t written for kaveh, which is a crime against humanity. also kaveh x muse!reader brainrot sjzjjwjzjqjjajajajh (also switching formats, iiiiiii have no idea what im doing, can you tell)
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— student!kaveh, who, even though loathed and respected his project partner to bits, would rather die than ever try to draw him for an assignment. “don’t even think about it,” he hisses, just as alhaitham quirks an unimpressed eyebrow. he understands that he has many friends and acquaintances that are willing to pose for him, but a small voice in the back of his head needles at him- telling him that no, we cannot create art with them as our muse. and to him, nothing is more important than making sure every single artwork he produces is with the utmost sincerity.
— student!kaveh, whose resolve crumbles bit after bit as the deadline creeps up, with no model to look for in sight, and is starting to think perhaps he should turn to his volunteering friends after all. he cannot compromise his diligence for his passion as a scholar, and so he heads to pupsa café, hoping to buy some coffee to prepare for his all-nighter that night.
—student!kaveh, who doesn’t even realize he’s pouting until he hears a cheery, unfamiliar voice bring it up- and he tilts his head up to find that he spilled all the coffee in his mouth onto his shirt (much to your alarm).
“you,” he gurgles, “you’re the muse i’ve been looking for!”
“excuse me?”
— perhaps he was a bit sleep-deprived, which explained his lack of inhibition, but student!kaveh latches onto you like a moth to a flame, stars swirling in his eyes. are you a student of the akademiya? which darshan are you from? which nation were you from to bless you with such beautiful eyes? could you be his muse? he asks them all, because he has to know.
— student!kaveh, who only later apologizes for his overbearing first-impression, while swearing up and down he wasn’t like that usually, and explaining his current predicament. perhaps you pitied him, or found him quite charming- whichever it was, you accepted his proposal to be his muse in exchange for some funds, much to his delight.
“thank you, thank you, oh, thank you! my assignment won’t be so lifeless after all!”
— student!kaveh, who arranges a time and place for you at his dorm with a sense of bravery he has absolutely no idea where he picked up from. when you come in with the most random set of outfit he’s ever seen, he chooses to hold back his tongue over your enthusiastic participation.
“sit tight!” he says, holding comically large canvas whose shadow swallowed up the whole room, “relax, and do whatever your heart tells you to do.”
— student!kaveh, who usually simply sketches things out of pure photographic memory, starts simple and structured for once. where would the chair go? where would you sit? would you look too stretched out if the table properties next to you weren’t matching? where should he exaggerate? how would the chandelier be hanging to get the perfect lighting? how would the painting behind you affect the composition?
— student!kaveh, who usually lets his hand dance on his canvas, plans everything out this time, and lets his mind flourish under the guidance of your radiant beauty. your soft smile, your relaxed posture, and your twinkling eyes lets him have fun- and he finds joy in drawing backgrounds, especially the furniture, for once- to emphasize the way you pose.
— student!kaveh, who drinks an ungodly amount of coffee every night and lets his sheer will do the rest, stops by in the kitchen to make you some snacks. he worries for you; “are you alright? is this posture tiring you? do you want water? i can get some for you. do you want some snacks, too? we can take a break. i don’t have much here, but i can always make a quick trip to the market.”
— student!kaveh, who finds joy in conversation with you while he works. you seem to harbor a decent amount of knowledge fitting for a scholar. if you talk about other subjects, kaveh’s more than willing to listen. if you enjoy studying architecture, that’s fine too! whatever the topic is, you both seem to have an endless stream of opinions and discussions to open up about, and watching your mouth run off on any particular topic brings him much satisfaction. it is always fascinating to understand another person deeply interested in a subject.
— student!kaveh, who starts to explore other color schemes in order to find the perfect one for you. your radiance is something that should be brought out and emphasized on his canvas, something future generations can look at and admire. maybe a bit of pink for the shadow? how about purple to shade your hair instead of gray? would yellow compliment your shoes? he thinks of them all, dabbling in this and that, until his palette blooms in different smears of colors.
— student!kaveh, who is willing to go on a rant to explain how you were the perfect muse, how your smile made his hand itch to draw it out, how your eyes crinkled and held the weight of your soul, how- oh. did he say muse? would you like to be? kaveh doesn’t mind in the slightest if you could continue to. in fact, how about he treats you to a nice meal tonight? the sun is setting, anyway, and it’ll be his way of saying thank you. (please say yes.)
— student!kaveh, who, after half an hour of deliberation on whether parting his bangs in a certain angle would make him look more presentable or not, shows up that night at the venue with a small sketchbook in his hands, telling you not to worry about it. every time your lips turn a certain way, or when the light hits your hand just right, he frantically sketches it down underneath the table, much to your confusion.
“did you enjoy the meal? hm? that? oh, it’s nothing. please, go on. you said something about how your friend could aether-edit?”
it was a pleasant time, despite him constantly dodging your questions on what in teyvat’s name he’s doing, and believing the constant rush he feels inside his head whenever you laugh is perfectly normal. you’re his muse, aren’t you? it’s only natural.
(and if the dinner spreads any rumors- well, kaveh thinks it’s normal to feel giddy, too.)
— student!kaveh, who, when looking at his graded paper days later, is pleased to know it is graded with high praise. the professor even commented on how he is finally starting to get a firm grasp on studying basic anatomy of architecture. (hmph. he thinks he was pretty good at anatomy up until then as well, but okay.) good- he’s put a lot of effort into that painting.
— student!kaveh, who insists on thanking you for the high grade again, the next time you run into each other- only this time with a bouquet of flowers, and a blush on his face.
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ninadove · 1 month
For any fandom(s): 12, 15, 16, 19, 23! 💌
As always, you spoil me! 💌
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom
@beezonia comes up with the coolest AUs and designs. I’m always blown away by their Pokémon team compositions — they’re spot on to the point I consider it its own form of character analysis!
@purplecatghostposts is the genius who showed up out of the blue and took us all by surprise with their amazing prose. Soap, reminder that the reference to Copycat in consider the spare legally binds you to pay for my therapy.
@trishacollins is single-handedly remediating to the lack of platonic bedsharing between the cousins and I can’t thank her enough! She’s also one of the chillest and most approachable people I know.
@luckychatons is our favourite entrepunpurr and constantly lifts our mood with the cutest, most joy-filled sketches! Patting her OCs on the back because they sure need it.
@graythegreyt is such an awesome artist you’d almost forget they’re also one hell of a poet who wields mythological references like Odysseus wields his bow. Did you know they wrote me a poem inspired by God Games? I think everyone should know they wrote me a poem inspired by God Games.
@hartwign is a talented translator and draws hair like no one else. Seriously. I want to run my hands through the cousins’ hair and nestle in there forever.
@phieillydinyia is the picture of dedication! Can’t recommend Candle In The Wind enough, it’s a roleswap rewrite of the Miraculous movie that includes the songs. How cool is that. Thank you for your regular comments on my fics, they always make my day!
@alexandriaellisart words cannot express how much I love your depiction of Feligami. Your writing has made me tear up so many times! AND YOUR ART LOOKS SO SOFT AND COLOURFUL. What a double threat!
@faiirygrahamdevanily we need more fics about the Sentiplot as a metaphor for othering experiences and you’re doing God’s… I mean, Duusu’s work with yours!
@bbutterflies did you know your piece for Sentitwin Week is the best characterisation I’ve ever seen of Felix? This is what people mean when they say a picture is worth a thousand words. And of course your Adrino is always brilliant!
@bittersweetresilience not only are you an extraordinary writer, but you’re constantly looking for new ways to express your love. Always GIFing and weaving and canonising tags and making AMVs and running zines… I can��t wait to see what you do next!
And there’s so many more people I’m forgetting! To say nothing of my friends outside the Miraculous bubble! People are amazing!!! 💖
15. The character that always makes you smile
At the end of the day, it’s all about Clive. He’s been my muse for nearly 15 years! 💙🕊️
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16 was answered here! 💖
19. Your current fandom(s)
Professor Layton, forever and always. I can’t wait to share my Big Bang fic and the amazing art that I was blessed with! 💙💛
RWBY, even if I’m lurking more than participating… I love love love love RWBY, yet it doesn’t strike my creative and analytical chords the way Miraculous does. Sometimes you just need to let yourself be swept into a story, you know? Although, it did teach me a couple of writing tricks I’ve used for other fandoms!
EPIC! Wisdom Saga coming soon! 🩵🦉 It makes my little mythology nerd heart supremely happy. The music is a banger and you can feel the knowledge and passion of all the people involved in this project. Jorge in particular is always so excited to share his progress, engaging with creators, explaining his musical choices in a fun and pedagogical way… And the lyrics! It’s free real estate for a fanfic author looking for inspiration and/or titles!
I’d love to start Monte-Cristoposting like I’ve been Cyranoposting and Draculaposting, but I’m afraid of spoilers so for now I’m just screaming in your DMs. As you know. I’m also slowly getting into Honkai: Star Rail, and I’d like to pick up Pokémon Black and White again because a N character study would look great on my AO3 resume.
And of course, Miraculous! 💚💜❤️ It’s the most creative I’ve been in years and it’s all thanks to these sad beautiful silly genius kids. Heart emoji, peacock emoji, sob emoji, etc.
23 was answered here!
Thanks for the ask! 🖤🪶
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A/N: smut.
Warnings: smut.
She rested her back against the door, delicately, to nudge it to a close, reaching behind her to turn the key in the lock and listen for a ‘click’ sound. She kept her eyes glued to Matty’s chest. It was easy to get lost in the way that his tattoos, framed on either side by his loosely draped, unbuttoned shirt, glistened it with sweat. His taut muscles came in and out of focus every time that he took a drag on his cigarette. She didn’t want to disturb him. She knew he must be tired. Besides, he looked so tranquil. Zoned out, almost perfectly still, if it weren’t for his smoking. But they’ve been together long enough for her to know that, despite the deceptively calm demeanor, his mind was racing right now. Matty had a certain wind-down ritual that helped him to process the utter madness of the show and bring him back down to reality as he prepared to leave the venue behind, shed the layers that he’d wrapped and twisted around himself for the sake of the performance, and return to himself every night. Most of it occurred in silence. It made sense. Things were often loud inside his head, ears still buzzing with the cheering crowds and the music, the quiet helped to balance things out.
But what about the audience? The thing about participating in a show like that is that you don’t get to bear witness to it without it leaving its mark on you, as well. Nobody has ever walked into a live show (certainly not a 1975 show) and walked out the same person. It might be the case that he’s the one who has to fling himself head first into the madness, sing his heart out, create the energy that would sustain the entire venue for the whole night, but, if he did his job right, that usually meant that the audience would be transformed by his presence, too. And, tonight, she felt it in her bones.
She meandered over to his backpack, which sat in his makeup chair, and prepared his joint for him, delivering it to him where he sat in the leather couch, the last of his cigarette still in between his lips. She stood in the space between his wide spread knees, slowly taking the cigarette butt from his mouth. He hummed, a noise she knew him well enough to know that he intended as a ‘thank you,’ and loosened his lips, letting her handle the rest. She fished the lighter out of his limp hand and lit the joint for him. He smoked, eyes droopy, looking up at her as he accepted her help.
She ran her freshly sharpened nails through his hair, smiling down at him. “You look perfect.” She whispered as if sharing a secret only meant for his ears. “You were perfect tonight.”
The joint slowly dangled from the corner of his mouth as he smiled. “Yeah? I was, wasn’t I?”
“Did you have fun? You looked like you were having fun. I’m sure you felt how well it was all going.” This new haircut made running her hands through his hair much smoother, free of resistance. He liked that he could feel her nails scratching at his scalp.
“Mhm.” He blinked his long, pretty lashes at her. Lazily, his hand reached over and pulled the joint out of his mouth so he could speak more fully. “Great crowd. That’s always a good time.”
“Yeah. People have definitely missed you.” She mused.
“We’ve missed them.”
She giggled, a bit too much, perhaps. “Yeah, mhm. Of course.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He brought the joint back to his lips.
“It’s just….you were really feeling yourself up there, weren’t you? It’s kinda hot, actually.”
He grinned mischievously, “no idea what you’re even talking about.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “I bet you don’t.” Her hands took hold of his face, leaning down to kiss him, the taste of weed on his lips. “Bet your hips do, though.” She whispered, sitting down on one of his thighs and reaching for another kiss, her hands wrapped around his neck this time. “Your hands….your shoulders…”
His eyes stared into hers with desire, “I’m completely innocent. No clue what you’re on about.” He spoke softly.
“Oh, yeah?” Her lips moved past his, down to his jawline, where she began to place a string of kisses. “Let me remind you, then.” Her lips ghosted over his skin as they slid down to his neck, kissing, licking his salty sweat, biting and sucking on his skin.
Matty’s jaw fell slack, he quickly removed the remainder of his joint from his mouth, moaning as his eyes closed.
When she was satisfied that she’d left, what would no doubt remain a visible hickey on his neck for days to come, her lips moved lower, and lower, gradually kissing down his chest, lingering at his tattoos every once in a while, grazing his nipples with her teeth until she felt his hips buck up, listening to him moan out her name desperately.
The remaining scent of his cologne mixed with smoke, sweat, and her desire for him was a heady cocktail. She needed him badly. As she kissed just under his belly button, Matty’s waist was no longer touching the couch. He whined and gasped for her. “Please- please, baby, oh- please?”
Silent, with a confident smile on her face, she unbuckled his belt, watching him relax at the slight relief of pressure that the loosened waistline of his pants had give him. She moved off of him, crouching down on the floor between his legs.
With considerable difficulty, Matty’s eyes peer open. He made a vague unintelligible noise.
“What was that, honey?” She looked up at him.
“Knees. Your knees.” He mumbled.
She chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry about that right now.”
Her hands effortlessly pulled down his pants, and then his underwear. But Matty was nothing if not stubborn. She watched him toss the end of the joint to the floor, and she instantly stepped on it to put it out while his extended arm reached for the other end of the couch, grabbing a throw pillow.
“For your knees.”
She set the pillow underneath her, the instant difference that it made to her comfort warmed her heart. “This is why you deserve what I’m about to do for you.” She whispered before wrapped her hand around the base of his hardened cock, taking him in her mouth bit by bit.
Matty moaned, his head falling backwards. “OH- my.…fuckkkk.”
She couldn’t help but smile around him. The filthy sounds she’d coaxed out of him were a huge boost to her ego. Especially after a night like tonight when he’d strained his vocals performing for thousands of people. Listening to his muted, hoarse moaning and whining was better than a thousand songs.
His stomach muscles tightened, he bit his lower lip, swallowing a scream when he felt her tongue swirl around his sensitive tip. He reached his hand forth and stroked her cheek as she hollowed out her mouth sucking on him with a mission to push him to get louder and louder.
“Fuckin Christ!” She felt his hand shake against her cheek, eventually falling away from her face as he went limp. “B-baby that’s- p- per-fect. Oh! Angel, please- ummm. W-wait. C-could I-“ though his own cries of pleasure interrupted him, the veins of his neck bulging as he strained against the couch, she knew what he was asking for, and she nodded.
“Please- want- to feel you. Need it.”
She helped pull his condom out of his pocket and watched impatiently as he fiddled with, and opened the packet.
“Ready?” She asked him, but she might as well have been asking herself. After all, this is the moment that had plagued her thoughts since he’d walked on to the stage nearly two hours ago.
He kept his hand in hers after helping her off the floor and onto his lap, squeezing his fingers around hers every time that he felt her clench around him.
“You feel s-so good.” He whispered, kissing her forehead.
The burning desire that had emboldened her so far was now too overpowering. She was seconds away from falling apart, no longer able to think of just the right thing to say to drive him crazy, she chanted his name, over and over, as she rocked her hips into his, moaning and crying out when she felt him hit just the right spot.
“Matty, I- I’m so-“
Silently, he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his strong arms tightly around her. “That feel good, my love? Do I make you feel so good?”
“Mhm….Yeah.” She nodded, reaching desperately for his face, she kissed him with a little too much force, the slight edge to her touch, tipping him over.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, honey. You close? You wanna cum for me?”
She nodded, planing her hands on the sides of his chest and thrusting into him to a persistent, unyielding rhythm. She began to moan and mumbled, but her body had already told him what her lips had failed to expressed. He knew what she meant to say. “Go on, my love, let go.”
Her release quickly brought about his own, feeling her cunt squeeze and gush around him was all he needed to bust. She felt his legs shake underneath her, his head buried in the cleavage of her chest as he moaned and repeatedly told her how much he loved her, the strong arms that held her tightly to him, loosening every so slightly as his body surrendered to pleasure.
They remained still, breathing together, their bodies resting against one another. His lips lazily kissing he skin, her fingers playing with his buzzed hair and scratching his head. A feeling that she knew relaxed him. She felt his smile spreading slowly against the skin of her chest, his lashes tickled her as his eyes closed.
“I love you.” He mumbled, sleepily. “I love you, so, so much.”
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
halloween with the strawhats !
little headcanons i have for halloween !! ! ! ( a a couple days after )
male reader, platonic pairings, straw hats are just a cute lil friendgrouip + don't ask me why zoro and luffys are so short, i don't know why either. i think they just got longer the more down the list you go sooorrryyyyy
also more so modern???au
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— luffy definitely wants to do a group costume, something silly and fun. he tries his hardest in convincing everyone to get on board with the idea, but it seems like usopp and chopper are the only ones hearing him out </3 luffy would try hitting you with the puppy dog eyes, but you were already committed to your costume for a while so you had to reject the poor boy.
"b-but, [name]!!!" it was obvious the man was putting on his best whiny voice, elongating every syllable in your name just to sway you. he was also rocking the both of you back and forth in a hug to woo you over in joining his group costume. "it won't be the same without you dressed up with us!"
"luffy, i already decided my costume much earlier in the year, i'm sorry," you said, petting down his raven hair with an apologetic look on your face. but your words only sullened his mood further and made the pout on his face turn into an outright frown.
"but, [name]!!!" luffy began shaking you even more roughly, turning you into a bobble head figure basically. you couldn't do anything to break out of his strong grip and just had to take his torment with a smile.
"i'm sorry luffy," you said softly, runnng a hand up and down his arm to comfort him.
"i don't forgive you!" luffy childishly whined, releasing you from his hold and walking off to a different aisle in the halloween costume store. "whatever, you're the one missing out!"
"i believe you, luffy," you called out, laughing when you heard him grumble under his breath and stomp in annoyance.
— zoro definitely has a lazy ass costume, mainly because he thinks the holiday is a silly thing for children (usopp, luffy, and chopper all lectured him on how it wasn't like that at all). i'm thinking he jsut wrapped himself in toilet paper and said he was a mummy, also using his costume as an excuse to just speaks in grunts and groans to everyone else.
"zoro, could you pour me some more punch!" you had politely asked him as he was closest to the juice bowl. he simply shook his head with his arms crossed over his wrapped chest, giving you a firm, "arrhhggh,"
"zoro, what?"
"okay, fuck you too,"
— nami is invested in making some money off of the holiday!! she's committed to it. she has a really pretty costume planned out and forces everyone to participate in a costume contest with a submission fee of 50 bucks, even though it was just your friend group participating. either way, she decides that the winner of the contest gets all the profit. so she wins - obviously in a non-rigged way - and cheers in victory. but even with all of her focus being on getting some cash out of the holiday, she does compliment your costume and slide you a couple bills.
"hm, i was scared you were gonna beat me, y'know?" she mused, looking at you with a mischeviously look on her face, "because i really like your costume, [name]! you look great!"
you grinned at the compliment, "thanks, you do too! and that's why you won, you have the best costume. plus, sanji would have never let me won that prize since he knows how badly you wanted the reward,"
she playfully rolled her eyes at the mention of the blonde, "yeah, well, sanji doesn't have to know about this then," she said, pulling some bills out from her pocket and putting it into your own. "next year don't expect this treatment though! i was feeling generous just now,"
you smirked, taking the cash from her happily and watching as she joined robin's side.
— usopp is the life of the celebration. he is the best story teller of horror stories, even if he himself gets scared of his own made up tales. he brings everyone into the center, under a huge blanket fort and tells the scariest story known to man. but when he reaches the climax, luffy suddenly pops his head into the enclosed space, loudly asking if anyone else wanted food, and completely threw usopp off of his game. the poor man let out a loud girlish scream and jumped into your lap to hide from luffy's grinning face.
"and then when the killer," usopp took a deep breath, looking at everyone's face individually, "finally came knocking on poor little billy's door, he was greeted by the sight of-"
"oh!! i'm getting more food from the kitchen, do you guys want anything?!" luffy had got up for a bathroom break earlier and completely ruined usopp's horror story. his make-up drenched face pushed the blankets aside and completely surprised everyone in the fort. especially usopp.
usopp jumped off of his sitting position and into your lap, hiding his face in your neck for some comfort. he was practically crying and whimpering from fear, eyes screwed shut as he refused to look at the demon (luffy) that was there to terrorize him and his friends (ask if they wanted more food).
"begone, demon!! begone!!" usopp pathetically cried out, also not even looking up at the supposed demon to condemn them.
"usopp, it's just luffy-"
"demon! demonic activity! demon!!!"
— chopper really enjoys the nature of halloween despite being scared very easily. while the place is in an uproar of just ultimate chaos, he's very kindly giving out candy to whoever comes by. unfortunately, not everyone that comes around is dressed in peaceful, cute costumes.
just as you were pouring another drink for zoro. there was a loud, girlish scream that was coming from the front door. the green haired man took the drink for himself, grunting at you. you could only guess what he meant by that.
but you didn't dwell on it further, moving to see what was at the front door. and lo and behold, there was chopper stiffly standing in front of someone in a freddy krueger costume.
"ah, sorry, he scares easily," you explained quickly, resting a hand on chopper shoulder and asking if he was alright. seeing that his shaking eyes were still trained on the figure, you decided to take the candy bowl from his hands and protectively stand in front of him.
even though this guy definitely didn't pose any harm to chopper, it would make the scared guy feel better (probably) to have a physical barrier between the two.
"here, have a good halloween," you said with a smile, making the freddy krueger nod in appreciation and then walk off of the porch. when they were gone, you closed and locked the door behind them and turned to chopper with a grin.
"c'mon man, they were just in costume," you teased, relieved to see chopper was out of his fearful state and instead blushing in embarassment.
"freddy was a scary guy!!" he argued, but it only made you pinch his cheeks in a harmless way.
"right, right, well you were very brave just now chopper,"
"of course i was!!!"
— sanji is dressed up as a prince and goes around proclaiming his loyalty to robin and nami the whole night. he becomes more playful, though, so he doesn't really give you guys (literally, the guys) a hard time. if anything, he joins in the shenagians and lets loose a little bit. one of the rare times you get to see sanji being a mischevious little shit.
"bleh! who put salt in the cupcakes instead of sugar?!"
cue sanji giggling behind his hand and shooting you a knowing look. you laugh with him, fist bumping him under the table while he watched luffy run around and wash his mouth under the kitchen sink.
"why is the frosting sour cream?! sanji, i'm gonna beat your ass up!!"
zoro chases after sanji, those being the first coherent words he says the entire night, mind you. and now they're both running in circles around you. sanji is laughing his ass off while zoro is spitting out globs of sour cream at him.
"sanji!!! why did you pout bittermelon in the stew this tastes like ass!"
"oh! i'm sorry, [name], that was supposed to be for franky," sanji apologized, going through the cabinets and finding some stew he put in the tupperware. it was still hot, you could tell from the bottom of the container.
"why are you so mean to them today?"
"i can just get away with it by sying it's a ghost," sanji shrugged, half-assedly answering your question. "besides, don't you think it's funny?"
"it is, but sooo heartless," you laughed, making the blonde nod his head in acknowledgement.
just as he was about to say something else, there was another shriek coming from the living area, "sanji!!! this isn't strawberry glaze, this is hot sauce!!!"
"why are you yelling for me, it was the ghost!!" sanji shouted back, making the both of you collapse on each other in laughter.
— robin enjoys how everything is so lively during halloween. she loves the spookiness, the decorations, the horror movies!!!, she just loves everything about the holiday. it's a genuinely fun time of the year for her so she just loves to take it easy with you guys.
robin was slumped against the sofa, chuckling at the way chopper and usopp shrieked at the character on the screen killing another person. it was a classic slasher film she suggested and no one had a problem with it, except for usopp and chopper being scared straight through their teeth.
meanwhile, you and robin were enjoying the movie with grins on your faces. you'd sometimes feed her popcorn, her doing the same for you, and then you'd both laugh quietly whenever usopp and chopper started getting really spooked.
after the movie, you and robin reconvened in the kitchen to get more refreshments. you were talking about the movie, chatting in good nature.
"i don't know, i still think stu macher is the best ghostface," you said with a smile, "billy is the one people always talk about, but stu is my favorite,"
"well, maybe the best ghostface, but i don't know about best slasher," she said in amusement, "i like jason,"
you grimaced, "really? his mask is so creepy,"
"that's why, his character is cool," robin shrugged, taking a cherry from the platter of eating it with a hum, "also, the movie was good, i liked it,"
you grinned, ruffling her hair as she shot you a mischevious grin. her affinity towards slasher, or any horror, movie was known amongst the friendgroup. she enjoyed the rush scary movies gave watchers.
"remind me to never cross you, who knows what you might do," you joked, making her scoff and lightly jab her finger into your side. she allowed you to rest your arm around her shoulder, the both of you walking back to the living room with a big bowl of popcorn and tray of drinks.
— franky is a big decorations guy. he makes everything so festive!! plus he goes all out. don't ask him why he decided to put a fake skeleton in the shower, he'll just respond that it was his creative vision and it was a good one too. you appreciate his dedication to the holiday, although you do wish you could just walk around the house without fearing for your life at hyper realistic decorations all around.
when you first arrived to the party, you told franky you were going to drop something off in the bedroom of brook. it was some prop he was asking for his performance coming up.
you were supposed to just drop it off in his bedroom. but why was it that after you turned around from brook's bedside table, there was a figure in a scary mask standing behind the door and staring right at you. you were about to scream before the figure suddenly fell ont he ground, showing that it was just a paper cut out.
"franky!! what the fuck!!" you shouted in frustration, stomping out of the room and going to give the man a piece of your mind.
but as you were walking out of the room, and into the hallway, a figure jumped out of one of the many open doors and scared the shit out of you. this time your fist shot out and nailed the masked figure in the face, making them fold over and hold their nose.
"c'mon [name]!! what the hell!!"
"no, franky, what the hell at yourself!!" you screeched, seeing the familiar face after he took off his mask. you fretted over his face, apologizing over and over again at him. "i'm so sorry, but - seriously what was that thing in brook's room!?"
"it's called a halloween decoration, asshole!" franky cursed, holding onto his nose.
"yeah, and i thought that someone was there to kill me! why'd you put shit in his room anyway?"
"to scare you, obviously!" franky said, allowing you to examine his face and wincing when you saw the damage that was done. "sorry for scaring you,"
you softened at his apology, lightly tugging on a strand of his hair and murmuring an "i'm sorry, too." he grinned at your apology, smiling ear to ear as he assured you he'd be fine.
"they were scary, i'll tell you that," you said, standing the both of you up and guiding him to the sink. but he shook his head, nursing his nose with his hand.
"you know how many time i've broken my nose, this is just a scratch. didn't even make my nose bleed," franky assured you, laughing as you realized that what he was saying was true. how many times franky has broken his nose when he'd been working was uncountable.
"yeah, let's just forget it happened then," you said, making franky hum in approval.
"oh! but don't tell zoro about that thing up there, i plan on scaring him too,"
you laughed, nodding your head and deciding that it would be funny to hear zoro scream out in fear.
— brook is another person that like robin, enjoys anything horror related. he hides around corners or in closests and waits to make someone his victim. and if it isn't anyone in your friend group, he will go around terrorizing the trick or treaters.
there was a scream that followed brook's and then a parent could be heard yelling at him. the rest of the strawhats all ran to the window to see what was happening and everyone winced when they saw a parent was easily chewing out brook for hiding in the bushes and scaring their poor child.
you sighed, running a hand through your hair and walking over to the front door to collect brook since everyone else was too busy laughing their asses off at his predicament.
"ma'am, i'm sorry for his behavior," you started, walking up to brook and taking ahold of him by his elbow, "i'll just bring him inside,"
"no! i'm not done yelling at him yet!"
"have a lovely night, ma'am," you said, turning away from her and taking brook inside to scold him yourself. you looked over your shoulder and saw the woman was disgruntled, but instead focused on comforting her scared to death child.
"what is up with you?! that was a kid who wasn't even 10 years old!"
"but-but!!" brook's laughter echoed in the home, making everyone else join in, "his face was so funny!!!"
you bit your lip, trying to keep a level head and be responsible instead of just joining in on the laughter. but when brook was beginning to mimic the kid's expression, you broke out laughing along with eveyone else.
"and his mom was so mad! and began scolding me like i was her own kid too!!"
"just quit scaring the shit out of kids!" you shouted, slapping him on the backside of his head - but your words didn't really get your point across because you were laughing as much as he was.
— jinbe doesn't really understand the hype of halloween, but he can see how enjoyable it is for everyone else. he doesn't rain down on anyone's parade, bearing through the scares that brook and franky get up to, while also being a reliable figure for usopp and chopper during the horror movie. let's just say by the end of the night, you and jinbe are all tired out as you were being the "baby sitters" of everyone for the whole day.
on the night of halloween, it was basically a big party and sleepover for everyone in the friend group. you and jinbe were working overtime basically to make sure everyone was alright. luffy could possibly be eating suspicious candy, but thank god jinbe knocked it out of his hand before then. you were on duty to be comforting usopp and chopper whenever a shadow passed over the window - even though it was just a tree branch swaying in the wind.
finally, the night was over (it was the early hours in the morning by the time everyone was tired) and you and jinbe were tiredly spread acorss the couch. the group had set up a fort on the floor with the couches surrounding them. they were all sleeping on the mats and blankets they set out for themselves, cuddling to their hearts' content.
jinbe sighed in content of finally being able to rest, putting on a calming nature show on the tv instead of the horror movies that we were all binging.
you laughed at his obvious exasperation and he just waved his hand to you dismissively, showing that he didn't care about showing just how tired he was.
"i can't believe sanji made the glaze tabasco sauce," jinbe said under his breath, making another rouse of laughter come from your mouth.
"did you hear zoro finally say anything besides belrrhh and uurgghh," you said, exaggerating the sounds zoro was making. jinbe covered his mouth to stop his laughter from waking everyone else up. "i mean, seriously if he wanted to just not talk to us, he could've just stayed home,"
jinbe smacked the couch cushion as a means of hiding his laughter, turning to you with tears in his eyes, "you know he enjoys arguing with you and sanji more than he'd admit, there's no way he would have missed out on this,"
you both broke out into loud laughter, making zoro turn over and throw a pillow at you in his sleep ridden state. he sleepily told you to shut up, making jinbe point a finger at his sleepy state.
"see! like i said, in his sleep he can't help it!!!!"
the strawhats are just the cutest ugh. happy halloween everyone 😻☝️school is my biggest opp rn so i ltr have noooo chances to write or upload but hipefully this weekend i can ‼️‼️‼️
tags - platonic
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HALLOWEEN DAY 5: Spooky parties - Multi!Muse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multi!muse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of drug use, alcohol, pretty much anything messy at parties. A little bit of nsfw but nothing severe
Type: Blurbs
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Spooky parties with them
Notes: I have no hopes for my own doing of these things.
Jason Voorhees: Doesn’t really like parties, but is always dragged to them by you. Loves Halloween ones though, so there’s not much pouting coming from you. He’d let you dress him up to match costumes with him. Jason keeps himself occupied at the sweets table while you’re around saying hi to everyone. Terribly shy when you would introduce him to your friends, but would try to smile with a mouthful of cupcakes. He kind of becomes a favorite at the parties, participating in games from time to time. 
Michael Myers: Also not a fan of parties, but would follow you to them. It’s usually how it goes though, everywhere. He kind of just sulks everywhere behind you, turning his head to stare at whoever is staring at you both. Everyone tries to avoid you two the most they can, but you seem to be too fun to be around, so you’re still invited. You are at least, you and your plus one. After all, Michael does add onto the spooky aura of the party though. The plus side is that if anyone is causing trouble at the party, Michael easily takes up the security roll.
Tiffany Valentine: LOVES Halloween/spooky parties. Always wants to dress up for them and is even willing to dress you up as well. Tiffany always wants to match with you, whatever you want to be, whatever she wants to be, you always come down to an agreement. The more parties there are, the more costumes/outfits you both can put together. Getting ready is one of Tiffany’s most favorite activities. She’s so fun at the party, drinking, singing and keeping her arms around you, she’s definitely a crowd favorite.
Billy Loomis: Also kind of loves Halloween parties, he’d go to every single one he knows is available, always dragging you with him of course. Billy would drag you to every house party, drinking and smoking with you by his side. Sometimes things get a little too hot between you two. Billy would drag you into a room with him “just to make out” but most of the time it escalates. Either way, parties can be fun with Billy, though if you’re always needy for his attention, perhaps parties wouldn’t be so fun. Billy would keep you on his lap, but maybe pay more attention to the current topic at hand.
Stu Macher: Also loves Halloween parties and becomes a crowd favorite within time. Sometimes he even hosts the parties, bringing in all kinds of alcohol, allowing all sorts of drugs and whatever kept the party going and happy. Sometimes Stu would be a little blind to the way things work, not able to pick up directly on your discomfort. Still, Stu is always drunk, always singing at the top of his lungs and dancing lazily across the room. You’ll never be bored with him and his foolery often at times. 
Patrick Bateman: Kind of a fan of parties, just maybe not the house ones. His coworkers would host events celebrating the Halloween vibe to the atmosphere. You’d insist on going in costumes, but Patrick wouldn’t be exactly too thrilled about the idea. Shockingly though, he manages to get some blood splatter on his coat to which then he decided to just keep it, then go to your room telling you to “fix it” but then deciding the would be the perfect costume and no matter what you say,  he thinks this would be the best costume. To those who love to talk, Patrick definitely would be a favorite to them.
Leatherface: Also has fun at the party like Jason, he’s very innocent with what he likes and what he tends to enjoy. More childlike than anything; he is prone to being timid as much as possible, but when he discovers the sweet, he becomes a child. There’s chocolate all over his lips and fingertips, he looks at you with a mouthful, smiling and waving from afar. Bubba doesn’t talk to anyone, instead just keeps his head down and waits for you to come back from your karaoke session.
Harley Quinn: The queen of Halloween parties, can always whip up the best last minute Halloween costumes. It’s settled that no Halloween party is complete without the one and only Harley Quinn. She kind of overshadows you, but when does she never? Still, she always does her best to keep you included, bringing you on stage with her or to the center if you were having a dancing session or a karaoke session. Harley would for sure wear you down to the bone during these nights. Not to mention, she would be the type to go party to party to party back to back, so it’s best you keep up!
Poison Ivy: Not entirely fond of any kind of party. Ivy would gather socially with her beloved villainous friends, but nothing too extreme. Still, if you really wanted to go, she wouldn’t fight you. She’d throw on her best red silk dress and big Hollywood curls, elegant as always, even if it was a costume party. “I’m a rose-” She’d explain as she would click on her last earring, fixing her dress as she’d turn to you. Ivy would drink a glass of wine or whiskey while you dance along or sing along, admiring you from a far, just as when she first met you.
Bruce Wayne: This man was notorious for parties, though not the kind you were going to in order to actually enjoy yourself and have fun. While he would prefer to keep the night to yourselves, if you insisted, he’d deliver. Bruce rather be by your side more than anything, plus seeing you in costume could be fun. No matter where you two would end up, Bruce’s hands and eyes just can’t stay away from you. Not in a sexual or possessive manner but in a way where he truly is enjoying himself.
Jason Todd: Similar to Bruce, though he’d rather keep the party between you two, Jason would love to go out with you. Halloween parties downtown at different bars and house parties of friends of his would be such a great time. You knew you could truly have fun and let your guard down around Jason. Lots of watching you dance, drinking and letting loose to loud music and neon lights. Wouldn’t leave you for a second, even if you had to take a piss.
Billy Hargrove: So excited for any kind of party, ever. Not the kind to dress up though, but would encourage you to if you wanted. “No Billy, I can’t go dressed up if you don’t.” You’d shy away as you took off the bunny ears, but he’d insist you looked cute in a bunny costume, kissing your cheek and pushing your hair behind your ear. Whether you wanted to keep your costume or not, he wouldn’t mind, after all, most of the time, he’d want to go home early with you. Billy kind of grew out of parties when he fell in love with you.
Steve Harrington: Loved all kinds of parties before, would even host half of them, but it’s no fun when he keeps getting pulled away from you or interrupted by others while he’s with you. Of course there would be times where you two could hide, but then what’s the point of even hosting a party? Like Billy when he fell in love with you, Steve also kind of grew out of parties. Still, one or two Halloween themed parties wouldn’t kill you two, he does agree to match your costume after all. Maybe nothing too out there for him, but anything subtle, he’d be down for. And of course, all his attention is on you throughout the whole night.
Steve Rogers: Also not the biggest fan of parties, big ones at least, but he would be willing to go if all his teammates were going or if you insisted on going with him. You wouldn’t have to beg, the second time he’d bring it up, he wouldn’t hesitate. Also would go dressed up with you if you wanted. Steve’s shoulders would kind of drop when he’d see the costumes you picked out for you both. Your immediate pout would change his mind instantly. “No no, sweetheart, I love it. I’ll wear it! It just looks a little uncomfortable, but anything for you, you know that.” Steve wouldn’t stray away from you once, talking with his teammates and mingling with others as he’d drink and have his arm around you. If you wanted to sing or dance, there he went with you.
Bucky Barnes: Not a huge fan of parties either, the only reason he’d go at all is because you wanted to go or Steve did. He’d be a little bit more reserved with costumes, but he’d accommodate with you. Bucky would even give you suggestions, helping you put outfits together and even helps you with your makeup before the party. Like Ivy, he stays in the back, watching you from afar, drinking and with eyes locked on you and only you. Bucky would agree to taking pictures with you to add to your scrapbook and they’re probably the cutest ones from all year.
Wanda Maximoff: Depending on her social mood would depend on how she would react at the party and how much she’d dress up. Of course Wanda would match you, being genderbent versions of certain costumes to match the couple costumes. Without question would help you with your makeup. Her favorite couples costume would be the vampires, sultry and fun, intimidating but so enticing. No matter her mood, she’d dance with you if you wanted, letting you take pictures of you both. LOTS of bathroom pictures and overall she reflects with you on how much fun she actually had that night.
Loki Laufeyson: You’d have to be the one to invite him to even have him consider going to any party, spooky party or not. Either way, like Wanda, he’d help you with your makeup, wiping off the excess and making sure your eyeliner is sharp and ready to strike fear into the hearts of those around you. For sure would go as the vampire couple as well or even a Victorian ghost costume. Hands down you both would be the most stunning at the party, which doesn’t help Loki’s ego at all. He’d watch you from afar, not really one to be dancing too much, maybe he’d join you for a dance or two, but would rather watch you sing in amusement and awe.
Cloud Strife: Not another event you’re dragging him to again. Still, this kind of seems a little bit more fun to him than anything else you’ve made him do before. Doesn’t really want to dress up in any costume. MAYBE will go as the matrix with you but that’s about all. Cloud would be too shy for anyone that would come up to him trying to talk to him, instead looking for you. You said you were only going to be gone a couple of minutes. Still, would drink with you, keep himself from getting drunk so he could keep an eye on you. After all he was the one taking you home.
Aerith Gainsborough: Has honestly never been to a Halloween party before, but is super interested in them. Kind of excited to dress up for it too. She’d go as a fairy or an elf of some sort and would love for you to match with her. You two would hands down win the cutest couples costume. Aerith would have so much fun meeting new people and singing and dancing with them as well as her best friends that she already knew. Pictures of this night would be perfect to keep them in a scrapbook for memories. Honestly kind of the most fun to go to a Halloween party with.
Sebastian Michaelis: It’s kind of routine to have the Phantomhive household either host or participate in some sort of Halloween party themselves. Even if you insisted Sebastian would refrain from dressing up in costume at the own household. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m still the butler and dressing up as a rabbit would not seem appropriate-” Only to be interrupted by Ciel who would ask him to follow through with your request. Well, there goes that.
Spencer Reid: Always down for any kind of Halloween party, anywhere. Him and Penelope would be the first ones in, planning out costumes, what they were going to bring, there would be too much excitement for one person to handle. Of course Spencer would constantly brainstorm what costumes you two were going to wear, no matter how ridiculous it may seem for others, it would be thrilling for him. Spencer always wants to appreciate the holiday as much as possible and that includes Halloween parties. Would do drunk karaoke and swing around as his excuse for dancing. Lots of videos of these moments would keep his embarrassment immortal.
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Muse Mixup Madness—March 1, 2024
(If you don't know what this is, see this post)
welcome back to the second round of muse mixup madness! the first time around went great, and i'm hoping to see people have just as much fun with this one!
starting this month, i'm going to begin marking prompts as high or low fantasy. low fantasy prompts should be compatible with any blog canon, while high fantasy ones might inherently involve things that more grounded blogs might prefer to avoid, like eebydeebies, sapient pokémon, hybrids, or crossovers. there will always be at least one low fantasy prompt.
(note! these labels are completely arbitrary, and there are no rules in muse mixup madness. if you're a low fantasy blog and some interpretation of a high fantasy prompt appeals to you, go for it.)
with that out of the way, let's get into this month's prompts!
1. The Road Not Taken (low fantasy)
Everyone has had decisions to make in life, some of them more impactful than others. With this prompt, you'll be looking into what may have happened if your muse chose to pursue a different path in life from the one they did.
2. Rags to Riches/Riches to Rags (low fantasy)
A character's socioeconomic status growing up has a huge impact on how they interact with the world and the person they become. If your character's family was richer or poorer, how would that affect them?
3. Another World (high fantasy)
If your character was a Faller originating from somewhere other than the Pokémon multiverse, where would they be from? What would they be like? If your character is already a Faller, explore who they'd be if they'd been a Pokémon character from the beginning.
(For a lower fantasy take on this one, you can remove the crossover element and focus on the effects of being or not being a more canon-compliant Faller.)
4. I've Got a Type (high-ish fantasy)
Does anyone else remember typed humans? They were a minor character trend around a year ago before they died out, and now with hybrids around they've been more or less forgotten. I liked them though, so this prompt is for an AU where your character is one of them! If they already have a type due to being a Pokémon or hybrid, give them something unconventional for their species instead.
5. Bonded Rivals (high fantasy, requires partner)
Maybe it's coincidence that your character and your partner's keep meeting, or maybe it's fate pulling them to each other with some sort of invisible (or visible) tether. But whatever the reason, and whatever the level of supernatural involvement, every time they see each other there's some level of fighting or competition involved. After a point, they do have to have built up a mutual respect through that... right?
(Or in other words, this one's a soulmate AU, but for rivalry instead of romance. You can sprinkle in any trappings of that you like, or keep it wholly mundane for a more low-fantasy take if you prefer.)
a little note on that last one—it's entirely possible it appeals to you, but you don't have anyone to do it with. if that's the case, you can make an open invitation post on your blog or use the notes of this post to coordinate.
and once again, for my records, please answer the poll! again, it's not binding, this is just so i can gauge popularity for the prompts.
(also, please reblog this post when you see it instead of just scheduling it for day of so more people have a chance to see it while there's still time to prepare)
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hello angel !! <3 first off, never feel insecure about your writing, you do SO WELL!! :)) i was wondering if we could get txt members as ur boyfriend if they're asked to describe their ideal type for an interview, and they try to subtly (or not-so-subtly) describe u ???
txt when asked to describe their ideal type (you!!) in an interview
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genre: general, fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
author's notes: thank you for your encouragement :(( you're very sweet. i hope this is to your liking my lovely. some of the scenarios are a bit different to the others/have different situations. hope that's ok. let me know what you think <3
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soobin looked around at the other members dumbfounded by their reactions.
"what?" soobin's eye grew wider, "what did i do?"
beomgyu and hueningkai were laughing hysterically whilst yeonjun and taehyun had their hands over their mouths in shock. you couldn't make this situation up at all.
on live television, soobin was asked what his ideal type was. and he, of course, unknowingly started to describe you. and he got specific. the hair colour, the face structure, the height... being a sleep-deprived leader came with its downfalls.
and when the pin dropped and he finally realised what he has done, he let out a little 'oh' and his ears went bright red. his secret was out.
"my ideal type?" yeonjun leaned back into the interview sofa leisurely, staring off into the distance, "well let's see..."
"i like a person who can... make me feel happy," yeonjun mused, "someone i can goof around and have fun with. someone i don't need to worry about how i act around them."
"you're being too generic with your descriptions," the interviewer retorted playfully, nudging his side slightly, "be more specific."
yeonjun pursed his lips and lifted a hand to his chin as if to act as if he was contemplating the whole universe.
"well.." yeonjun started off again, matter-of-factly, "if i had to be picky, i would sayyyy... their name needs to be called y/n!"
"ahhh, your partner!" the interviewer exclaimed, "now that's a safe choice."
it was an audience participation interview, where the audience that had come had a chance to ask the members their own questions. a lot of moas had shown up for this event, but of course, you were there as well, in the audience, supporting your boyfriend.
"my question for you guys is," an audience member nearer to the front had the microphone now, "what is your ideal type?"
the members went in turns saying what their ideal type was, but when it was beomgyu's turn his mind went blank. all he can think about was you. and as he made eye contact with you in the audience, he couldn't help but smile.
"my ideal type is someone who makes me feel like a better person when i am with them," he said sweetly, trying not to stare at you for too long while the audience reacted to his answer. you knew he was talking about you, and that's all that mattered.
"i don't have an ideal type, really." taehyun shrugged as he played with the microphone in his hands.
"surely everyone does, no?" the interviewer questioned, tilting their head to the side, trying to figure him out.
"well i suppose my ideal type would be... well their eyes have to be (your eye colour), and their hair should be (your hair colour). and they should dress like (your style)..."
"ahh i see what you're doing there sir," they cocked an eyebrow at him as he gave the camera a little wink. everyone knew he was talking about you. "what about before your current partner? before you met them, what was your ideal type?"
"i didn't have one," he said plainly and shrugged. "but when i did meet them, i finally had an ideal type. and only they can fit that ideal."
the audience at the interview made a collective 'aww' sound at his romantic words. this boy was in love for sure.
hueningkai is not very good when it comes to their type of personal questions. and when it was asked, his mind went blank as his members looked at him, awaiting his answer.
"my ideal type..."
hueningkai trailed off and stared at the floor. an image of your face came to mind because that was his life now. just you. his ideal type. his one and only. his everything. the person who stuck with him through thick and thin. the person who he trusted the most in life-
beomgyu waved his hand in front of his friend's face to snap him out of his daze, earning a few laughs from the audience.
"uhh," hueningkai bit his lip, "pass?"
the other members laughed along with the audience now as he smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
So it's not a short complaint no more. Sorry. Like I said, if you think im a whiny negress and hate fandom racism mentions bc they make you uncomfortable and "race isn't real in your fun safe space" gone head and block me. That's fine. I just gotta get this off my chest (and I'm musing CALMLY) and I'll be good.
Okay. So I've been trying not to say anything bc I know how it'll be perceived. I've really pulled myself back from participating in the Patrochilles fandom outside of making my own shit, bc I recognize that shouting to the uncaring wind isn't gonna do anything. Me focusing on my own work and what makes me happy is healthier. I make my stuff, you're spared hearing my concerns. Everyone wins. Fine.
I think what fucks with me is that as a whole, specifically in the Hades portion but also in response to it, is that half of the ship is of a (poorly canonically drawn) Black man... But none of the popular voices, writers, or artists in this space.... are openly Black. Even people who have Black/Ambiguously Brown™ Patroclus in their TSoA fic usually aren't. You would think that Black voices would be valued in a space like that.
(And ik what people are gonna say. "Oh you're just mad you're not popular!" Not really lol. I got my couple people that cheer me on, and I recognize the dehumanizing song and dance that is required to be popular in white fandoms and it's not for me.)
Like I just... No one white has ever had to experience that, you know? Of having a ship with a white person and everybody in the space DOESN'T look like you. And then, like 65% of them draw the character that's supposed to look like you kinda poorly. And you're supposed to accept that, or YOU'RE the problem. "You're not even supposed to be here" is what a good chunk of the racist adjacent ship fandom has BLATANTLY said or implied about you and that character, unwilling to even draw someone that looks like you despite historical and geographical evidence of your existence to the contrary (that's a jab at some of the severely racist takes I've seen on here of Black people somehow not existing in the Mediterranean, bc Jesus Christ).
And then everyone will ignore those occasionally overt, usually covert statements and continue to laugh along and share art bc they're entertained. Like... Wow. So antiblack racism really don't bother y'all, huh? You'd rather be a racist just to fit in? That's what's cool?
And what really hurts, is that I've found that I'll have similar ideas to other people, maybe even done them first, but I don't receive that hand in community in comparison and it's been hard not to let myself believe that the being openly Black has to do with it. Even in the ship sections that aren't Hades related. Bc ik if I said something directly to people for their actions, I'll just get dogpiled for "ruining the fun" or "hurting someones feelings for their art/writing style" or some shit, so I don't bother. Like, fine, I get it. Gone head and stay racist on your own time lmao 🤣
This was supposed to be short. My bad. I guess I'm just wondering if I wanna stick around bc I don't like self-questioning the value of my humanity, having to stay at the edge of a place that was supposed to be fun. Okay, I'm glad I got that out 😮‍💨 I feel better now.
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exposedfm · 2 months
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We know everyone loves memes and they're a fun and exciting way to stir up drama or develop your characters. But we just have a few ground rules to cover before the excitement begins.
Don't drop your replies: We know it’s super easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of all the questions coming in and preparing your answers, but please don’t completely ditch your replies in favor of only responding to memes.
Time limit: We figured that the weekend is the perfect time to get involved in a meme, since more people tend to have free time. However, there really isn't a set time limit for this. If you still have questions in your inbox by early next week, you can still respond and post them to the dash.
Let's keep things fair: Please send out at least one question to everyone for each character you reblog the meme on. For example, if you reblog the meme on three of your characters, you must send at least three questions to everyone who is participating. Also, keep in mind that ask limit is something that will most likely happen within the excitement of everything. We ask that you please have patience when it comes to this and don't get upset if your inbox doesn't fill up with questions right away. However we do suggest that if you have access to another blog that is not on ask limit, you're of course welcome to log into that to keep sending out anonymous questions to everyone. We will keep a running tab of everyone participating below, in an effort to keep things as organized and easy as possible for you all.
Make sure your ask box is open: Just double check to make sure that people are able to send messages your way. The anonymous toggle is completely optional and you do not have to have it turned on if you don't want to.
Everything is fair game: Just remember that anything your celebrity posts during this meme is fair game for the gossip blog to comment on. And also, have fun!
ExposedFM's Meme Night
Send ✍ + a name and my muse will write a letter to them.
Make me choose between ___ or ___.
Send 💭 + a name and my muse will give their honest opinion on that person.
Suggest two people for my muse to have a threesome with and they will simply respond with yes or no.
Send ☎ + a name and my muse will post the contact name and photo they have saved for them in their phone.
The following accounts are participating in this post. Please send an equal amount of asks out to everyone on this list ❤️
Olivia Rodrigo @brutaliv
Pete Davidson @petesdavidscn
Ashley Frangipane @xohalseyx
John Krasinski @jkrasinski
Nick Jonas @njcns
Cari Fletcher @cfltcher
Hailee Steinfeld @hsteinfld
Sabrina Carpenter @sabriinas
Sebastian Stan @sebexposed
Tom Holland @tomsexposed
Margot Robbie @margotexposed
Blake Lively @livelyexposed
Emily Blunt @bluntexposed
Harry Kane @hurrikaneharry
Taylor Swift @taylorexposed
Hayley Williams @hayleyexposed
Harry Styles @kiwi--styles
Niall Horan @flickerhoran
Florence Pugh @miss-fl0
Zendaya @zendayaexposed
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ladylooch · 1 year
hi babe!!!! could you possibly do one where the readers being really towards nico? maybe while they’re out with friends or in public or something? she’s just trying to love on him 🥹 or nicos being clingy towards her!!! 🥹💗 thank you sooo much!!! your fics are the most adorable things ever
A/N: Okay, I went back and read your request after I wrote this and was like…  TBH, I read this a little different than you wrote. Mostly just the publicness of it. But I think it’s sweet and fluffy and hits the notes you were going for. Thank you for the request!
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: smut if you squint LOL. I actually think I wrote something without swearing. WHERE IS MY GOLD STAR!?
It’s late when you return to Newark from your Devils girl’s trip out to the West Coast. You were supposed to be back, in Nico’s arms, hours ago. You can’t help but feel grumpy about that while saying goodbye to the pack of WAGs. Everyone is splitting off in different directions whether catching a ride from their significant others, heading to the bathroom, or grabbing a cab together to the same neighborhood. Nico is waiting for you. He already texted you that he was by the Dunkin’ just outside of baggage claim.
When you come down the escalator, you grin at him slumped forward on a bench, arms resting on his large thighs, hat hanging low. The airport is pretty much closed for the night so he stands out. Honestly, he’s so gorgeous he would even if it was bustling. His AirPods are in and you can see his mouth moving. A quick check of your Apple Watch makes you gather he’s likely talking to his parents. No one else is awake right now if they don’t have to be.
“Ich muss gehen. Dich lieben.” He says, standing as you approach. His lips pull into an excited grin. “Baby!” He greets, leaning down to press a long, welcoming kiss against your mouth. His hands wind around your waist, lifting you off your feet and into his chest. “Mmm, I missed you.”
“Hi Neeks.” You muse, placing loving kisses on his lips, soaking up his warmth. His brown eyes glitter, only caring to focus on your face.
“You look good. Relaxed.” He notes, setting you back down.
“I feel relaxed.. minus all the travel trouble.” It all seems like minor inconveniences now that you can feel Nico’s hand slipping into yours. He takes the handle on your rolling suitcase so your only job is to walk next to him to the car.
“Yeah that sucked. I was getting frustrated for you.” He shakes his head. “I mean six extra hours at the airport? Woof.” 
“Yeah I had a nice buzz going by the time we got on the plane. I even slept for a couple hours.”
“Wow! Practicing for Switzerland this off season, yeah?” You laugh, nodding. You are so looking forward to that with him.
Nico places your suitcase in his car and soon you are on your way back to your apartment. Nico’s fingers slide into yours, bringing your hand to his mouth. 
“I missed you so much, babe.” He whispers against your skin.
“Missed you too.” You murmur back to him, turning to watch him while he drives. His face has a bit of stubble and his hair is hidden by a black baseball cap. He chews on his bottom lip, watching the traffic in front of you. He sneaks a few peeks of you every so often, grinning each time your eyes meet.
“Tell me everything. What is the hot goss? Is there pipping hot tea?” You know he is making fun of you. But you missed him so much, you’ll let it slide.
The rest of the ride home is spent chatting about the trip and the various activities and events we participated in. Most of them included indulgence on food and wine. The Airbnb was incredible with so many rooms and spaces to hang out. Plus, a really beautiful, secluded pool and hot tub area. 
“So basically, you missed me when you were sleeping?” He jokes, placing a hand on your lower back as he unlocks the door to your apartment.
“Yes, and when I was super, wine drunk.” 
His laugh electrifies your body.
“Yeah I remember that FaceTime call.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. You cringe, red filling your cheeks at the awful strip tease you gave him.
“I’m hungry. Do we have any food here?” You ask as he wheels your suitcase down to your room.
“Uh… No.” His airy laughter flows down the hall. Nico is not the grocery shopper in this relationship. 
“Okay.” You take a peek in the fridge and then the pantry, finding enough ingredients to make Kraft Mac and Cheese. You put water in the pot, letting it come to a boil.
“You gonna share that with me?” He asks, gliding his hands around your body to rest against your stomach. His back warms you through your shirt as he kisses all along your covered shoulders. His hands begin to travel. First to your hips, then down your thighs and back up. His touch has electricity buzzing in your body. 
“Babe, I need a little space.” You mutter after testing a noodle and finding it ready.
“No.” He sighs into your back, nuzzling his nose there.
“You’re going to get a monster if you don’t let me eat.” You warn lightly. Nico knows you’re a completely different person when you’re hungry and steps aside so you can separate the noodles and boiling water. His hands are back on you when you return to the stove top. Nico helps by putting in the butter while you measure the milk out. He cringes as you shake the cheese pack in. 
“It’s a disgrace to call that cheese.” 
“Probably, but it gets the job done.” You stir it all together, mouth watering at the sight and smell of the cheesy, nostalgic goodness. You dish yourself up a bowl and Nico who says he wants to at least try it before calling it trash to your face.
“Okay, this kinda slaps tho?” He says it questioningly, thick eyebrows drawing together in confusion, slowly chewing his first bite.
“It’s the best. I don’t know how it works, but it hits different as an adult.” Nico devours his bowl, then slides you across the couch to finish your bowl resting against his chest. He flicks the TV on, putting on The Kardashians. You look over your shoulder at him. 
“Wow….” You trail off, pausing to take another bite of mac and cheese. You run your tongue along the front of your teeth. “It’s almost like you want something from me tonight.” 
“Dying for it. Literally.”
“I’d say your chances are about 90%.” 
“Okay… I like those odds. But, how do I get to 100%?”
“Hm.” You contemplate, pushing some more noodles around your bowl. “I think I need a massage.” Nico sits up, eager to please. His hands come to your shoulders, immediately rubbing the tense muscles. “And maybe let your hands wander a bit.”  You shrug as you delicately chew another bite of food. “And I think I need ice cream after this.”
“So many things.” Nico groans. “You know I can bring my chances to 100% by myself, right?”
“How so?” You ask, scooping up another bite. It pauses right before your mouth when he pulls you back flush with his body and begins to bite gently all along your collar bone. You look down at the remaining golden noodles and say goodbye.
Suddenly, you have better things to put in your mouth.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Why do I want to be one of Syb's unfortune game victims...I shouldn't, but dammit PiNniE
[Oh come now, that's just an indicator of good taste, in my humble opinion. Fem reader. This is a shortie.]
TW: Gore; Noncon.
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Sybastian doesn't like to think of himself as a particularly cruel mimic. Yes, he's also not an exemplary, morally righteous monster by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not villanous, he doesn't go out of his way to cause misery, to harm and genuinely torment.
Unless he's in the escape floor.
See, Vinnel has many tricks up his sleeve, and one such involves tapping into people's most violent impulses, their less than sightly desires. All he had to do was show Syb how much fun he could have there, in a perfect hunting ground with lots of wide and bulky furniture for him to blend in with. He could do anything, free of consequences, and be rewarded for indulging like the beast others perceive him to be. The mimic won't lie, he felt a little guilty at first, most escapists aren't that crafty, he could very easily tear their limbs off and end their lives, hang them up for the surviving ones to see and become paranoid, let the stench of their terror lead him to gruesome victory.
But nowadays, Syb's conscience is mostly clear of burdens. This is part of his job, after all. He can enjoy himself, why shouldn't he?
Your kind of participant, well, unwilling participant, is his favorite. Frightened, shaking little lamb, but clever! Oh so clever! You can lockpick, you spot the details the jester spent so much time trying to hide, you're nimble and your reflexes are commendable, for a human.
Even still, even with so much talent- You are fighting a losing battle without even knowing it. Your game partners have been eliminated, the entire floor stinks of ichor and steaming guts, you're aaaaall alone, and you've yet to find Sybastian even once. How cute, how adorable.
You've walked past the aged armchair a couple of times now, hearing the mimic sniff at your skin and getting startled, but never being able to tell where the sound comes from. Where your pursuer is. Sometimes he inches from side to side, and yet you never spare him a second glance. Whatever could be off-putting about a lavender armchair, right? To think that's what's been killing you off one by one is ludicrous!
Poor little thing. Smart as a street rat, though smartness and intelligence are two entirely different concepts. And you, dear muse, haven't put two and two together yet.
Oh, this is Sybastian's favorite part of the game. The final one. The final prey. Logically, when there's only one target around, what's the point in hiding anymore? No one else can see him, no one else can inform the others. It's just you and him, and you're not close to getting those locks off the main door anytime soon.
The fear in your expression as you witness the inconspicuous armchair twist and mold its mass into Sybastian's usual chest-headed form is priceless -Ah, he never tires of it- was quickly accompanied by miserable realization. And a tardy reaction speed. Really, how pitiful, you hardly make it out of the faux living room before he's got a gaunt hand curled around your ankle.
It would be a shame to kill you. Cute thing. Cute rabbit with your heart hammering so loud he can almost taste the blood pumping through it.
You're the last, you're the best, he'll give you a reward, since there's no rush anymore.
There's nothing that can prepare you for the eventuality of Sybastian's claws tearing indiscriminately at your clothes. As he pointed out before, you're not stupid, so you know exactly why he's carelessly undressing you. So quick-witted are you, that it takes little time before you glance at his half-heartedly tied loincloth, finding it already tented and wet with the mimic's precum, his anticipation- Sybastian waited to have you, he was nice. The monster rips the worn cloth off as well, letting you have an eyeful.
He finds your scream of distress predictable as soon as your bottom half is lifted by two spidery yet abnormally strong hands. And yes, while he will enjoy bouncing you on his cock until you're too crazed to make sense, bending you over every piece of furniture in the room, he knows where he wants to start things-
By sampling you pretty wet cunt, of course.
" ... Ssmile. " He rasps, making your small heart freeze for a moment as he points up, towards hidden cameras. You tear up in horror and humiliation, making his dick throb.
" Pretty girl... "
His final girl.
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nightghoul381 · 5 months
Do as I Do ~ Alfons Sylvatica (POV) x Reader
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Entry number 4 in @judejazza's An Invitation to Crown Castle event!
Pairing: Alfons Sylvatica (POV) x Reader Prompt: Matching Together Genre: Spicy edging on Smut so MDNI CW: semi-public touching WC: 1.5k
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“Hey Al,”
Your voice draws my attention from my daydreaming as we lay together entwined on my bed.
“I don’t know why… but I was thinking, since your curse is the mirror, don’t you think it might be fun to mirror what the other does for the day? Like, if I eat something, you eat it too. Or if you wear something, I would wear it too?”
I can’t hold back the bark of laughter at your oh-so-innocent musings. I’m unable to deny that the thought is interesting, however, my mind tends to dwell in the darkness and my own ideas are far less naïve and simple.
“I must say, you’ve come up with quite an interesting idea. I think it would be fascinating to see how closely we can stick to matching each other,” I sigh, letting a wicked smile grace my lips.
“What say we up the ante on this little game? The first to refuse to mirror the other has to allow the other to do with them as they wish for the evening. What do you say?” I murmur enticingly.
“You’re on!” You giggle, staring into my eyes. “One rule though, no using your ability on me got it? I won’t have you making me believe you’re doing everything I’m doing while I’m the only one who actually has to participate.”
The sternness in your gaze for such a simple game is almost comical. Your stubborn streak surely means that I won’t be able to convince you otherwise, not that I want to. I’m very curious to see what you could come up with to try and trip me up.
“Alright then, sweet girl. Show me what you’ve got,” I taunt.
“Ten minutes, meet me in the foyer!” You grin, slipping free from my arms and quickly redressing before heading out the door.
“My, my, someone’s got an idea already,”
I am quite surprised when I see you in the foyer just a few minutes later with an outfit strikingly similar to my own. I recognize my shirt and see that you’ve taken one of my spare coats, given how long it is on you. The skirt you’ve paired it with though, I must admit, is eye-catching and hugs your hips in just the right way.
“I see, the game has begun before I’d even been aware,” I chuckle, offering my arm.
“I matched you, so next you’ll have to match what I do.”
“Very well, what will it be?”
Hours slip by as we gradually increase the difficulty of our actions to be mirrored. A flower tucked into your hair is matched with one in my own, a strong drink of brandy by myself mirrored surprisingly easily by you. So on and so forth and here we are now, our bodies now matching in an entirely new way.
You tug me to sit beside you on a bench in the park.
“I’m really surprised you didn’t give in with this!” You giggle, resting your right side against my left. Of course, it would be your right because on your left ear is a fresh piercing, mirrored by one on my right.
“Oh, you don’t seem to understand, I’m going to have my way with you tonight, my dear. I only suggested such a prize as I knew it was mine,” I reply nonchalantly.
“Yeah right. What’s your next move then? I’ve matched you perfectly so far, you’ll have to do something truly outrageous for me to give up now!”
Oh, that foolish, wayward determination of yours… I want to corrupt you so, so very much.
“Ah, yes. The next task is actually quite simple,” I reply, shrugging out of my coat. I watch as you do the same, still looking so bold and sure of yourself.
When you notice my fingers coming up to flick each button of my shirt open, you start off with the first couple, but as your chest becomes exposed, I can’t help but relish the hesitation in your movements.
“Alfons, we’re in public. Surely you don’t mean to have me expose myself like this…” You hiss.
“That’s precisely what I mean to do,” I reply, freeing the last of my buttons and leaving the front of my shirt completely open.
I pause to watch, pleasantly surprised when you slowly unbutton the rest of your shirt. Unfortunately for you, I haven’t finished my turn.
With a dark smirk, I slowly pull my shirt free of my trousers, sliding it off my shoulders with a sly wink.
“Al! There are people here!” You squeak, staring at my body with thinly veiled appreciation.
Your face is bright red as you glance around the park. Your hands slowly move toward the top of your shirt, only to clasp the two sides together. I notice the gaggle of older ladies squawking to each other and shooting us offended glares.
One of the bolder of the group makes her way over to us and, in a shrill voice, begins screaming at us.
“Never in all my days have I seen such a blatant display of vulgarity! And in such a public place! It’s offensive and I ought to contact the authorities and have you institutionalized! Right yourselves and leave at once!”
The old bat’s drawn the attention of other park goers and I can see your face drain of color as more and more eyes fall upon us.
“I believe we’ll have to call our little game here, my darling.” I state grandly, pulling my shirt back on before reaching to fasten the buttons on yours. You merely sit in stunned silence as the gathering crowd of people encroaches on us. A shame too, I was really hoping to enjoy the sun on your breasts for a moment.
You remain silent, staring at your feet and letting your hair fall like a curtain in front of your face. I’m surprised you’re so disturbed, I’d been able to affix your buttons prior to the majority of people had even had a moment to see your briefly exposed skin.
Hailing a carriage, I bundle you inside and as soon as we begin moving, I pin you to the seat below me.
“Now, now, little robin. You’re acting quite disturbed for someone who wasn’t exposed to prying eyes,” I purr, tracing my nose along your jawline. “Tell me why that is…?”
I hear a disgruntled huff and glance up to meet your gaze.
“I… I lost because of that stupid old lady,” you pout, eyes darting away, telling me there’s something else you’re not telling me.
“Oh, is that all? I already told you, my delicious little pet, I was always going to win. There’s no need to be so upset about it.”
You then mumble something I just barely can’t make out, prompting me to push you just a little further. My tongue traces the length of your neck, curving up toward your ear before I nip lightly.
“I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that. Care to repeat?” I whisper, purposely letting my breath hit your ear in such a way to cause a shiver to run through your body.
“All those people saw you… I… I didn’t like that.”
I must say I’m taken aback by the sudden possessiveness. You’ve never much been one for keeping me to yourself, in fact we’ve both been quite open with sharing our intimate experiences with others, and yet, the sensation flowing through my veins at your admission is nearly intoxicating.
“Is that so?”
My voice is low and dark and I groan softly at the way your body shudders beneath me. I let one of my hands travel down your side, skimming past your hips and slowly pushing up the bottom of your skirt.
“Mmhmm,” you whimper, clinging to my shoulders, body tight with anticipation.
I let out a heavy breath against your neck as my gloved fingers find their way over your panties… or rather, lack-there-of. Heat flares in my veins as my fingertips draw such precious little whines from you as they dance across your sensitive flesh.
“You naughty little minx,” I growl, suckling at your throat as I continue to stroke your slit, feeling the vibrations of your whimpers against my lips and tongue.
“A-Alfons, please…” you breathe, hips squirming for more.
“Ah-ah. I already won I’m afraid. And as it is the evening, I believe my prize to do as I wish with you begins now. I do hope you’re prepared.”
I continue to toy with your sensitive spots until the carriage finally reaches Crown Castle, stopping only to bring you to my room where we shall remain for the rest of the night. How eagerly I look forward to hearing you scream my name well into the morning.
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Taglist: @judejazza @natimiles @aquagirl1978 @themiscarnival
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, feel free to let me know
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
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Hello one and all!! I am so excited to announce that I have hit the amazing milestone of 500 followers! It genuinely blows my mind that so many of you enjoy my work and musings enough to have clicked the follow button, and it brings tears to my eyes as a grateful writer to know that people actually enjoy my work.
It’s been such an amazing month and a half! Yes, that’s right! This blog has only been around for about a month and a half! That’s how long I’ve been writing fan-fiction! Anyway…
To celebrate us getting here, I wanted to do a little celebration of sorts, so we’re going to do a sleepover weekend! The weekend will start tonight at approximately 4pm Central Time and will last through Sunday night! That’s four whole days to participate and join in on the fun! But what is sleepover night?
Sleepover night includes:
Positivity! Send in shoutouts to your favorite authors and fics that you’ve read!
Drabble/One-Shot Requests! You guys can send these in throughout the next couple of days, and I will try to get to them when I have time as well as some of the other requests sitting in my inbox!
Headcanons! What are some headcanons you have about Top Gun or my work? Send them in!
Thoughts/Thots! You can send in some general thoughts or spicy thoughts you have about my work! Let’s discuss!
New Ideas! Have some AU ideas that you’d like to see? Send them in and we’ll talk about them. Maybe you’ll even inspire a new series!
Literally whatever you want! This is by no means a comprehensive list, so if you want to send something in that’s not on here, go ahead! The sky’s the limit!!
Again, thank you guys so much for being here through this journey. I love you all so much, and I hope you’ll stick around until the day I’m an actual, bonafide author!
Can’t wait to see you at the sleepover! 🎉
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