#//but I NEED yall to go om youtube. look up Saveafox Anubis the Jackal. and watch the videos
quillpokebiology · 4 months
If your still doing facts, maybe Lucario facts please?
(Sorry couldn’t find if you did this one or not.)
I did, but I deleted it a while ago.
Lucario Facts
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(Art by sesamin_333 on Danbooru)
-The scientific name for Lucario is "Canis Aurus" which roughly translates to "Aura Dog"
-Lucario are both highly diverged canines and vulpines, and are most closely related to Houndoom. This is shown with both of them having sharp teeth, long snouts, and similar eye shapes
-Despite being known for their more "wild" nature, Lucario and humans have lived side-by-side for thousands of years, going all the way back to ancient hyroglyphs on walls. One region even worshipped a man with a Lucario head as a God, so Lucario were considered sacred because of that
-In the wild, Lucario live with other Riolu/Lucario in groups; the one with the strongest Aura leading the pack
-Lucario in the wild don't make a lot of noise, as they can communicate with their pack using auras. Lucario in captivity are a lot more vocal as it's easier to communicate with humans that way
-Lucario are known to be very clingy pokemon to their trainers, following them around and going out of their way to protect them. But, many Lucario also don't like being petted a lot because in their social groups, the leader Lucario is the one that the others groom. This isn't because they dislike you; it's just a sign of respect (they will accept the occasional pet though). Riolu are a lot more clingy, licking and cuddling up to other Lucario or their trainers
-Lucario are most commonly found in mountains. However, there are different breeds of Lucario that can be found in other climates. For example, Lucario that live in the plains or Savanna have longer limbs and are taller
-In ancient Hisui, Lucario were seen as mysterious yet powerful beats who were able to read minds. This confused a lot of people into believing they were psychic types
-There are also old myths of Lucario being able to weight the heart to determine whether someone is good or evil. If their heart is evil, they're cursed to have a painful death. While the last part was probably added for storytelling purposes, Lucario can tell if someone has a good aura or bad aura
-Little is known about Lucario's aura sensing abilities, but researchers believe that aura is something like sounds waves or light waves to them. They prefer people with strong auras, be that angry or happy
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-Trained Lucario are known to be good therapy mon because they can sense the auras of others well and can understand what they're feeling better
-Lucario bred with Watchog and Furret are very popular breeds for tracking, as Furret and Watchog are naturally watchful pokemon, so the Lucario with those fathers are extra perceptive
-Most of the Lucario we see today are domesticated, but there are wild breed Lucario. These Lucario are bipedal, but they prefer to run and hunt on all fours
-In the wild, Lucario most often live in dens or caves
-Lucario are very loyal pokemon that mate for life. While male Lucario are more open to mating pokemon outside of their species, female Lucario are more picky; preferring to mate with other Lucario, which can make crossbreeding Lucario a bit difficult
-Lucario are most commonly found in rocky mountains; with their thick torso and leg fur helping them deal with the cold. Their slanted eyes also block out the sun's rays due to a lack of clouds or coverage
-Lucario have been known to adopt orphaned Riolu. Sometimes, they'll even adopt other young canine or vulpine pokemon
-Lucario are opportunistic omnivores, and wild Lucario have been known to steal crops from human settlements. In Paldea and Kitakami (where they're more common because of the many mountains), their main prey is Lechonk, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Pawmi, Pawmo, Yungoos, Skwovet, Greedent, Psyduck, and Rufflet
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If you're curious, here are Riolu facts!
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