#//but dat's how the cookie crumbles
rabbitbakery · 2 months
Dangerous deep blue (black Pearl cookie x captain caviar cookie)
This is kinda a part two to a brief reprieve but not? If u wanna read it for context you should 👁👁pretty please 🥺👉👈
(Warnings: FLUFF, cursing ig??, black Pearl cookie softening up, light mention of murder if ur sensitive to that 👍)
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“Why must you crumbs be so stubborn…”
Black Pearl cookie growled towards the injured, stubborn sailor, her large hand keeping him still while she disinfected his wounds. It was days like this she was glad the soda from the dustgloom sea had so many health benefits. Captain Caviar cookie had gotten himself injured by a some low life pirates as he was taking his normal trip to see his Pearl. Sure he was an absolutely powerhouse, but there ain’t much he can do about swords if he can’t get close. She had her fun sending those pests to their watery grave for harming her little visitor. She always did enjoy watching them try to swim away as their dough crumbled….
“Pearly I swear I’m fine really-“ The caption stuttered before a painful hiss left his sailor lips, the disinfectant she had whipped up stinging like the devil.
“Don’t try and sweet talk me. You could’ve gotten killed! Were you even being careful out there?! And now since you were being irresponsible I had to destroy your boat to get those little pests off of you! How in the seven soda seas do you think you’re gonna get home huh?!” He winched as her loud, menacing voice, but there was concern behind it, he had really frightened her. 
“Me crew knows wher’ I am, if I don’t come back to port by the morn’ they’ll come get me thinkin ya ate me” he joked in an attempt to lighten the mood, which only earned him a glare from the serpent.
“…yer scales have gotten pinker…” His own voice drifted to concern, thinking she had some sort of parasitic infection, he knew those nasty critters were rampant in the ocean.
“….I know. I’m fine I’m not sick. You’re going to have to sleep in my den until your little lackies come and get you.” She shifted the conversation back to him, finishing wrapping up his wounds a bit more aggressively then she intended, putting him back down onto the coastal bench she was using as a clinic,
Sinking down to meet his eye level.
”lucky me~” he teased, he’s been more flirty recently. Black Pearl cookie thinks ether he has a tumor or he actually likes her, which she thinks is impossible…
“Can it you gross fuck up for a dessert I’m still pissed at you.” She growled, him having a dopy smile on his face.
“…are you ok?” Her tail swishes in the water, avoiding eye contact, god it’s strange feeling so nervous around a measly cookie. He’s supposed the be the nervous one, she could crush him with one hand…
“…yeah pearly I’m alright. Thanks for savin me, didn’t think any cookie would be stupid enough to be near dat route…” he slid back into the water swimming further up to her, still inspecting her now more vibrant scales.
“….you should really start bringing a weapon with you…” Black Pearl cookie grumbled slightly but dropped it. Without warning, she grabbed him again, dipping into the deep, swimming to her little goldmine of a den. He squirmed a bit in confusion but soon realized where in the glittery hell she was taking him.
“Good witch almighty Pearly how the hell did ye get so much treasure????” He means good god- you could pay for an entire collages student debt with all these valuables.
“Well I can’t have any cookies like yourself seeing a gem mermaid as radiant as me have an underdressed den now can I!”
She cackled proudly, bragging. Totally not secretly trying to impress him. She set him down, letting him view her spoils before swimming to her nests, getting snug.
“…do you like my nest?” Her pupils dilated, looking at him for approval. ‘She HAS to be half catfish or something’ he thought to himself. He swears if he ever told his crew about this interaction he thinks they’d throw him in a nursing home.
“‘Course I like your place lass, real cozy.” He swam closer to her, Black Pearl cookie patting the nest with her large clawed mit, giving him permission to sit with her.
They talked about anything and everything they could think of that night, one because nether of them were tired, and two… Black Pearl cookie doesn’t get company usually. She knows that’s her fault but it still doesn’t lessen the pang of loneliness that she’s struck with when he leaves. Their conversation goes to many different places and levels, from him talking about his time in the navy, to the currently migrating sweetish fish traveling north for the colder months to come. He was just… pleasant to speak too. She wondered if his crew was as pleasant to converse with as him.
Sleep that night came easier to him than to her. His small, muscular body was snuggled up in her cloud-like hair, sound asleep and the most comfortable he’s ever been. Black Pearl cookie was restless, the feeling of being so close to someone else was so overwhelming. After a millennia of loathing the thought of being near any living thing, here she layed, cozied up to a very sleepy sailor. Why is it always the sailors. 
….maybe she can savor this… just for a little longer.
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
Greek loves test
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Good Philia
All philia types are organized around union and attuned to fellowship and merging. Philia types are pensive and introspective lovers who endeavor to look out for the interests of others, just as much as they look out for themselves. Through fellowship and union, philia types hope to dissolve their personal subject and to ascend the ladder of Being so as to ultimately become one with the universe. However, the philia type's quest for transcendence, merging, and meaning in a universe that is mostly meaningless, and where most of its inhabitants have only their own interests at heart, also gives rise to a tragic element in love as philia, and by and large, it will be the philia type's response to this instillation of sadness that determines whether his love will be good or bad philia.
As for good philia, while there may be a sizeable minority of people in the world who feel the pull of the transcendental upon the phenomenal, only a few of them manage to steer clear of the numerous temptations and multifarious mistakes that abound on the path to the attainment of the highest non-phenomenal state (that is not itself a state). Stepping back from the humdrum of coming-into-being and passing-away, yours is the realization that all mundane perspectives are fundamentally inadequate and incomplete - indeed no more than "children's playthings" - and that the underlying sense of suffering that you find to be ubiquitous in the world originates with the attachment of mortals to such perspectives. Instead, you have it in you to understand that liberation comes, not from intellectual means, but from the relinquishment and self-negation of conceptual thought. In your own, non-directive way, you may quietly attempt to dissuade others from their attachment to the phenomenal, probing them to pry open the tightly-clutched fist of conceptual thought that prevents them from seeing the greater unity that lies before all of us, and that each of us is really a constituent of, if only we dare become awakened to it.
Famous Greeks who have Philia: Plato, Pythagoras.
Your ideal partner is someone who has Philia too.
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cosmicsourced · 3 years
THINGS  MY  BEST  FRIEND  AND  I  HAVE  SAID,   pt  i. warnings :  vulgar language, alcohol mention, d.eath, s.ui.cide, two twenty-something year olds cursing their way through life
change pronouns / tenses if needed !
“  i fuckin’ bamboozled myself.  ” “  YOU MOTHERFUCKER.  ” “  we need matching onesies.  ” “  if i tell you i did something stupid will you promise not to make it a thing?  ” “  the vibes are just weird today... let me see what sign the moon is in.  ” “  the moon is in pisces? damn. sad bitch hours for sure.  ” “  i finally got to use my texan accent!  ” “  what do you think of when you think of me?  ” “  i’m actually having a really difficult time right now because i literally want to bang my own brains out.  ” “  i think bucky barnes would love you.  ” “  i think bucky barnes would fucking hate you.  ” “  i hate my fucking brain, dude.  ” “  i didn’t come here to drink wine coolers on your couch all night. i came here to drink straight whiskey and pass out on the floor of your bathroom.  ” “  give me your fucking venmo before i come over there and fight it out of you.  ” “  do you have your crystals on you?  ” “  i DO NOT have my crystals on me. i’m raw dogging this shit.  ” “  _____ always says my name so sweetly, it makes me want to cry.  ” “  oh, you’re down bad, aren’t you?  ” “  you need the time he was born, right?  ” “  go ahead and ask, but don’t be sus about it.” “  he was born in 1999? THAT’S A WHOLE CHILD.  ” “  he’s not a child. he’s 21. he has a full beard.  ” “  i have a five year plan of setting you up with him. it’s been in motion for months now.  ” “  why do you keep trying to set me up with people? i’m literally dating someone right now.  ” “  why do i keep getting drawn to sagittarius men?  ” “  you called me a ‘certified badass witch’? thank you, i love that.  ” “  she’s so short, i could just knee her in the chin.  ” “  people are so fucking weird.  ” “  is it weird that i already know what kind of headstone i want?  ” “  maybe i’m clairvoyant and my heart palpitations this morning were just a bad omen of all the shit that was gonna happen today.  ” “  i think i would be interested in fucking him if i didn’t work with him, but alas, dats da way da cookie crumbles.  ” “  dude, i made $200 in tips this weekend. that’s so many burritos.  ” “  i’m about to cry in the back of this fucking uber.  ” “  i think the universe is telling me i don’t need to date.  ” “  I JUST ACCIDENTALLY LIKED A PICTURE OF HIS FROM FIVE YEARS AGO.  ” “  i was very close to saying fuck it and fucking ____ last night.  ” “  i can’t find my FUCKING glasses. this is the worst day of my life.  ” “  look me in the face and tell me to stop romanticizing him.  ” “  i took advantage of the alone-time and busted out my tarot cards. i needed a conversation with the cosmos.  ” “  oh shit, you rock with ABBA?  ” “  of course i rock with ABBA. chiquitita is what i play when i want to die. sometimes it makes it worse, but whatever.  ” “  if i die, you’re my bestest bestie.  ” “  i just saw wild horses for the first time in my life and started crying so i think i’m PMSing.  ” “  logically, i know she’s manipulating me. but emotionally? mmmmm...  ” “  this whole fucking thing is a shit show.  ” “  oh, his venus is in scorpio. that guy FUCKS.  ” “  i’m convinced seth rogan is my true soulmate.  ” “  STOP SAYING MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED. YOU’RE SCARING ME.  ” “  if someone breaks in, stab me with my epipen. it’s adrenaline so i’ll beat the ever-living fuck out of them.  ” “  is an epipen like a temporary super soldier serum?” “  i don’t believe in god. i believe in shit you’ve never even fuckin’ heard of, buddy.  ” “  stop telling me to download mods that show my sims woohoo-ing! i don’t want to watch them woohoo!  ” “  if you had an o.nlyf.ans account, i would tip you so good.  ” “  oh my god, this is exactly like when tony found out bucky killed his parents.  ” “  ...HOW THE FUCK IS THIS LIKE WHEN TONY FOUND OUT BUCKY KILLED HIS PARENTS?  ”
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E3
Zaterdag 08:10
Perfect parallel: An upset Robbe being little spoon to Noor this episode, him being a relaxed little spoon to Sander in the last one.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Moyo has half eaten wafers cookies on his bed. Between the cellphone time and timestamp, it took Robbe five minutes to get dressed and to the beach. The beautiful angel pendant makes its first appearance.
Bonus: This cinematography trick of using a wide shot with nobody else in the sight, makes us actually feel how lonely Robbe actually is. 
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Zaterdag 08:23
C is for culture: “Vamanos” - As you may have noticed, Flemish has a lot of words that aren’t typically Dutch. These are called ‘leenwoorden’ (= ‘borrowing words’). In some cases, the language has made the word its own, with their conjugation or sound (like barbecue - barbecuet - or e-mail - ge-e-maild), other times the expression is copied completely (like smartphone or laptop). There are various reasons as to why people don’t want to change it: globalization, wanting to be more vague/cool, general laziness, ...
Perfect parallel: 
Sander’s playful “Are you the manager?” and “That’ll be zero stars on Booking.com” to Robbe when they meet in this episode, Sander’s sheepish “Zero stars on Booking.com” and Robbe’s pointed “Where is that manager when you need him?”, when they have their fall-out in a later episode. 
Sander saying “When I booked this room, I explicitly asked for room-service” here and him actually booking a room with room-service for the both of them later on.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens’ keyboard is lying on top of the closet. Sander grabbing his keys (to his car?).
Zaterdag 08:44
C is for culture: The option to use self-scanning is pretty common in Belgian supermarkets, especially in shop-and-go city stores. You pick up the scanner, scan the stuff you buy, go to a counter, pay and walk out with your groceries. A sales assistant is still present to help out with problems or do random routine checks. It’s fast, easy and cost-efficient. The downside? Shoplifting becomes a bit easier this way.
That’s character: Sander is putting up a ‘cool guy, devil may care’ facade. He jokes about not scanning everything, dismisses Amber’s list, whirls the shopping cart around and sings David Bowie to this boy. He wants to make a lasting impression on Robbe. If he’s the most charming, chaotic and adventurous version of himself, then he doesn’t have to think about other stuff like his own crumbling relationship. (Also the reason why he doesn’t answer the question about Amber: they simply met through Britt). As the boxes fall down, so does Sander’s tough exterior, as he never intended to hurt Robbe by playing around in the supermarket.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +3, he almost topples off the cart twice and drops the chocolate bars on the floor. (The crash with Sander isn’t his fault though)
Sander is wearing a leather jacket, but we don’t see it in the previous clip. Either he left it in his car or it’s an ‘oopsie’.
When Sander accidentally tosses Robbe into the boxes, we hear glass breaking. However, in the next shot, the boxes seem to empty (and they were supposed to be filled with chips, which don’t make that sound).
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander is wearing black Converse. They bought Jupiler beer. Robbe pulls out ‘Delhaize’ Biscuit chocolate bars and Florentin cookies.
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Zaterdag 13:13
C is for culture: "Croques” - The word ‘croque’ is an abbreviation for ‘croque monsieur’ (= ‘crunch mister’). These are grilled ham-and-cheese sandwiches, a typical greasy snack at taverns, markets, carnivals, your home, ... Other versions include the ‘croque madame’ topped with a fried egg, ‘croque bolognese’ with bolognese sauce, ‘croque hawai’ with a pineapple slice.
That’s character: It’s clear that Robbe has no idea how to eat properly. All throughout the season he eats unhealthy breakfasts (choco spread with cookies), snacks (chips, cookies) and dinners (Aïki noodles, frozen lasagna). But here we see the reason: he doesn’t seem to know how to cook or work a stove. Exactly why he buys prepackaged or instant food options. So, it’s probably for the best that Zoë helps out his eating habits.
Perfect parallel:
Robbe making an unhealthy breakfast in the previous episode, Sander providing him with an unhealthy snack in this one. (The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach)
Britt’s condescending “Listening to David Bowie again?” in this episode, her calling Robbe his next obsession similar to David Bowie later on. 
Sander’s “Do you know where I can find the coffee?” to Robbe in an earlier scene and his “Was coffee on the list?” to Amber here.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +2, he stumbles backwards after Sander touches his shoulder and burns himself after turning the ‘croque’.
Nod to the OG: This kitchen scene is the equivalent of the ‘5 fine frøkner’ scene, as Sander sings his favorite song to Robbe and makes breakfast, whilst both flirt with each other (subtly).
Oopsie: They supposedly went to ‘Delhaize’ for all their groceries, but the ketchup bottle comes from ‘Carrefour’ and the butter from ‘Colruyt’. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander messes up the first words to ‘Under Pressure’ - it’s ‘pressure’ not ‘under pressure’. He mixes the weed with tobacco for his joint. The conflict on Sander’s face at the end.
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Zondag 16:34
C is for culture: "What kind of shit question is this?” - They’re playing ‘De Slimste Mens ter wereld’ (= ‘The smartest human on earth’), a board game by the popular Flemish television show with the same name. The quiz is very challenging. People have to solve associative, general knowledge and out-of-the-box questions with multiple answers in different rounds. Points are awarded in the form of seconds, which are used during the game. The candidate with time left at the end, wins.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The group is drinking white wine out of plastic cups. Sander studied at ‘de!Kunsthumaniora’, the same school as Noor. Sander’s wearing his combat boots again.
Maandag 15:12
C is for culture: Aaron is wearing a bunny costume for the paintball game ‘Hunt the bunny’. This is usually played by people on a bachelor party or a corporate team building (with the groom/boss as the bunny). The goal is simple: the bunny has to cross the field from one corner to another, whilst the hunters shoot as much paintballs as possible to ‘kill’ it. Which is... rather painful, especially at close range. 
Oopsie: What they’re doing is actually illegal or even impossible. People aren’t allowed to play paintball in protected environments, like dunes. Unless they’re doing it with a specialized organization who’s trained for these games (and are present at the time of playing) or have the written permission from the ‘Agency of Nature and Forest’, the police, the city, ... There is a whole heap of permissions, administrative papers and laws to deal with. 
Lost in translation: Britt saying “Doe normaal” (= “Act normal”) has nothing to do with her dismissing Sander’s mental health. This Flemish phrase is often used to calm people down, telling them that they’re acting rather irrationally or childish. It’s an angry way of saying “Can’t you behave yourself? Calm down. What are you doing? Be rational!”. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The blue and red flags tells us that they’re going to play ‘capture the flag’. Some of the ‘pfff’ gun sounds you hear, indicate that the air pressure needs to be checked. Moyo took off his protection mask, which is dangerous and sometimes considered a foul during the game.
Dinsdag 20:02
C is for culture: "Do you know how to make s’mores?” - Toasting marshmallows above a campfire, isn’t really a tradition in Belgium. So that’s why the girls don’t know how to make s’mores. 
Lost in translation: ’Smoor’ is a Flemish dialect word for smoke or the act of smoking. It does sound a lot like ‘s’mores’. This is why Luca thinks Aaron wants to hold the marshmallow into the fire. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Of course Robbe had nothing to lose with Noor, he wasn’t actually interested in her. With Sander, however, Robbe doesn’t dare to do anything.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Aaron is drinking ‘Bock’ beer. Amber looks at Aaron like she really likes him, when he’s preparing the s’mores.
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Woensdag 20:42
C is for culture: 
“An old german bunker” - The province of West-Flanders as well as its coast still has a lot of remnants left from WWI. From German bunkers to trench-networks, burial sites and museums, the 'Great war’ left its traces. Unsurprisingly, every year, people still find around 300 tons of (active) bombs underneath the fields.
“Around ‘All Souls’ Day’ they come back to life” - ‘All Souls’ Day’ is a christian holiday on the 2nd of November, on which the dead are commemorated. However, since that day isn’t an official holiday in Belgium, people visit the graves and honor of their loved ones on the 1st of November, ‘All Saint’s Day’. 
The group drinking ‘jenever’ shots - ‘Jenever’ (known in English as ‘Dutch gin’ or ‘genever’) is a traditional liquor in Belgium and the Netherlands. Young people usually drink these colored, high percentage spirits at Christmas markets, pre-drinks or parties when it’s cold outside. Different flavors include vanilla, chocolate, berries, lemon, apple, ...
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The wooden panel behind Jens says ‘Volg de pijlen’ (= ‘Follow the arrows’). Aaron and Amber are holding hands after their fall. Robbe downs a chocolate-cream ‘jenever’ shot at the end. 
Woensdag 21:53
Perfect parallel: Robbe lashing out at his friends in this episode - he feels left out and confused about his sexuality - and blames the pranks. Him doing the same in the next - he thinks his friends are hypocrites by saying homophobic comments to him yet defending the gay teacher - and blames the vlogs. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The second living room has a spinning disco light.
Donderdag 21:12
C is for culture:
“In dat jeugdhuis” - A ‘jeugdhuis’ (= ‘youth house’) is a meeting place, run by young volunteers. All teens and young adults are welcome to hang out, throw parties, drink at their bar, organize concerts, attend workshops - just making the space their own. 
“He sounded like a begging Romanian” - Luca is referring to Romanian Romani families, who roam around in the streets of Brussels begging for some money. These ethnic groups have a mostly negative image amongst the Europeans. Which is why she states this harsh and hurtful comparison.
Perfect parallel: Noor asking Robbe for a playlist so she can listen to his favorite songs here, Sander actually making a Bowie playlist for Robbe in the next episode.
Lost in translation: Luca is mocking the West-Flemish dialect by copying what the boy said, namely “Moe’en julder ok ‘n flyer ‘ennen?”. This dialect is known for blowing their ‘g’ and ‘h’ so that they sound similar, conjugating their 'yes’ or ‘no’, having double subjects, seemingly swallowing some letters, among other things. It’s one of the most confusing and difficult dialects for the Flemish to understand themselves.
Oopsie: When Aaron asks Amber if she needs a drink, Britt and Sander are dancing right behind him. When she answers and walks away, they’re suddenly gone, only to be seen again when Moyo walks over.
Nod to the OG/Wink to other remakes: The ‘call your girlfriend’ kiss, duh! 
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana is wearing one white contact lens.
Vrijdag 08:43
Perfect parallel: 
Sander searching for coffee first thing in the morning earlier this episode and him pouring a cup before any task in this clip.
Sander’s “Maybe I’m scared that I will never find someone” here and Robbe’s multi-layered “I’m so happy that I found you” in the last episode.
Oopsie: When the boys walk to the recycling spot, the lighting changes from sunny to clouded to dark in a matter of seconds.
Funny coincidence: Sander referring to his relationship as ‘ups and downs’, probably similar to his experience with bipolarity.
Wink to other remakes: An almost kiss near trash, remind you of certain Italian boys?
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Amber delegating tasks, but doing nothing herself. Robbe smiles for a few milliseconds, because Sander touched him. The flash of panic in Robbe’s eyes afterwards.
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Day 7- Making Gingerbread Houses
A/N: Prompt #7 for @acdeaky ‘s writing challenge! I read this and I just loved the idea of Snafu trying to figure out gingerbread houses.
Pairing: Merriell ‘Snafu’ Shelton x Reader
Summary: You and Merriell make some gingerbread houses that makes Merriell a little frustrated.
Warnings: Fluff, a super subtle reference to sexy times, but nothing explicit
Taglist: @queenlover05 @theblossomknows
You pulled the gingerbread out of the over, inhaling the sweet smell of the cookies.
“Hmm…smells good,” Merriell came in the kitchen, trying to sneak a piece of the cookie.
“Ah!” You smacked his hand away.
“It just came out of the oven. You’ll burn your mouth.”
“Dere’s a nicea way ta say dat,” he frowned at you, rubbing the back of his hand as if it actually hurt.
“Your mouth will hurt more if you don’t wait for those to cool.”
Merriell held his hand out to you. “Can I get a kiss ta make it feel betta?”
You took his hand and pressed a kiss to it. “Happy now?”
Merriell gave you one of those smiles that made your heart melt a bit. “So, what are we doin wif dose?”
“We’re going to make gingerbread houses.”
Merriell looked at you skeptically.
“Come on, it’ll be fun! We’ve got frosting to stick everything and we’ve got gumdrops and everything.”
“If ya say so,” Merriell shrugged and then walked over to the table where you had everything else for the gingerbread houses laid out. “How we gonna make ‘em stick?”
“With the frosting.”
After a few more minutes, you brought the gingerbread over.
“So we jus…make houses?”
“Yes! Here, I’ll show you.” You made a quick little house without much effort or decorations. “Ta-da!”
Merriell looked at the house. “A’right,” he then grabbed a couple rectangles of the gingerbread as you started to put more decorations on yours.
“What’s dat?” He asked as you decorated.
“Snow,” you explained, putting the white frosting in front of the house.
Merriell snorted. “We in Naw Lins, darlin’. We don’t get snow.”
You rolled your eyes, deciding to ignore him for now.
For a few moments, it was quiet. Until you realized that Merriell was muttering under his breath.
“Sonuva…stupid piece uh….UGH!”
You looked over to see the pieces crumble in his hands. You continued to watch him try, but it just made it worse. You bit your bottom lip to keep from laughing.
“Doin’ alright, Mer?”
“Don’t wanna hear it from somebody dat’s got frostin’ in dey hair.”
“What?” You almost reached up to see there was when Merriell swiped some in there.
Your jaw dropped. “You didn’t just do that.”
Merriell smirked. “What ya gonna do?”
You then swiped some frosting off your house and put it on Merriell’s cheek.
“Oh it’s on now, Cher,” he got some frosting on his hand and you got up.
You ran to the kitchen, laughing, looking for something to defend yourself.
“Ah ah ah, ya gonna be trapped,” Merriell’s voice was deep and husky.
Then you then grabbed some flour. You turned to face Merriell, him with the frosting in his hand and you with the flour in yours.
Both of you raised an eyebrow, playing a game of chicken.
“I’ll lowa mine if ya do da same,” Merriell offered.
You hesitated but started to lower your flour. You watched Merriell start to, but then he moved so that he had you pinned against the kitchen counter.
You gasped as he smeared frosting on your cheek.
“AH!” You squealed and flung your flour in the general direction of him.
The two of you continued to have your food fight, making a complete mess, but it didn’t compare to how messy the two of you were. Merriell somehow got you to the floor and finally pinned down.
“You’ll never win, Y/N! Marines never give up!” Merriell smiled down at you, trying to catch his breath.
You tired to get out from under him, but he still held you down. Merriell then leaned down so that your noses were touching.
“Gonna say I won?”
You shook your head. Then Merriell pressed his lips to yours. It was a strange combination of the flour and frosting on his and your lips.
He pulled away and you tried to chase him. You opened your eyes and looked at him.
“Fine, you win.”
Merriell’s face changed so that he was fully smiling and the two of you sat up. Merriell moved around so the two of you were sitting next to each other. You both took a look around the kitchen.
“We made a mess,” you told him as you rested your head on his shoulder.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah.”
“We should get it cleaned up.”
“Prolly,” Merriell said with a shrug.
“And then we can get each other cleaned up,” you smiled up at him.
Merriell looked down at you and grinned. “Imma take ya up on dat.”
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jungshookz · 6 years
You know what would be great???? Culinary student! Jin and a hopeless y/n who eats ramen out of coffee pots and eats cool whip straight out of the can. Also ily and I hope you know that
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→ pairing: kim seokjin x reader
→ genre: what a surprise it’s bratty!y/n, culinarystudent!jin and his fancy pasta, humour, a touch of nsfw because i’m obsessed with jin’s broAd shoulders it’s almost ridiculous
→ wordcount: 3.4k
→ note: i hope i did ur request justice also i love u more :~)))
(gif isn’t mine!) ((also i was going to use a gif of him actually cooking but tumblr refusEd to accept it so i’m sorry)) 
being completely honest
jin thinks you’re really cute
like SUPER cute
like he’s really REALLy frickin attracted to you because you’re just so??? yOU and somehow it works and it gets his gears GRINDING okay
you were the one who moved in right next door and you greeted him with a friendly smile and a ‘here, i baked cookies!’ and of course he accepted the cookie because he’s not a complete monster
but good GOD
that cookie was awful
and to be fair he’s a culinary student so it makes sense that he has high standards but even a fOOL would know that your cookies were god-awful
before you got the chance to distribute your nasty cookies out to the rest of the people on your floor jin was like hEY hEY how about you give me.,.,,. all of your cookies,.,.. because i,.,. really like them.,.,., and.,., i want to eat.,.,. all of them.,., thank u., yes,.
you’ve known each other for almost eight months?
and nothing has happened because let’s be real
you’re both wussies
and no one’s admitting anything to anyone so you’re kind of in this flirty-friendly space and you’re both FULLY aware that there’s like.,.,. a sprinkle of flirting going on.,,
but you know what
that’s beside the point
he doesn’t even know why he’s thinking about his undeniable crusH on you
because right now all jin can focus on is the fact that you’re eating ramen out of a coffee pot
let him repeat himself
you’re eating ramen
out of a
a COFFEE pot
you’re in the middle of rambling to him about your day and he’s trying to pay attention to what you’re saying but he wants to scream every time to pause to sluRP out of the coffee pot
laundry room gossip is a pretty normal thing for you two
you’re both so busy during the day
you with your classes and jin with his culinary classes
so once or twice a week you’ll both coordinate a time to come down and do your laundry together (you guys usually shove all your clothes in together because u end up saving some $$ too) and you’ll both end up sitting there for a couple hours just talking to each other while waiting for your clothes
jin raises a brow before pressing his lips together
his mother raised him not to be judgemental but COME ON
out of a COFEE POT??????
out of all the things he’s seen you done this has to be the absolute worst
here are a couple of examples as to what monstrosities you’ve exposed him to:
a cold pizza sandwich (two slices of cold pizza with a drizzle of ranch and crunched up cheetos as the filling)
cereal eaten out of the baG ITSELF (u poured the milk in and everything)
chicken pancakes?? aka shredded deep fried chicken and shredded cheese mixed inTO pancake batter and panfried and then topped with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of green onions
one time you made scrambled eggs in a mug and dat shit looked nasty
but this
this doesn’t even make sense
disrespecting what looks like a pretty high-quality coffee pot (he remembers you got it for christmas or something) by using it as a holder for $1 ramen
it’s probably going to stink up the coffee pot and every time you make coffee it’s always going to have that faint aftertaste of chicken broth
a shudder goes down his spine and he winces
you perk up when the drying machine suddenly beeps and stops rumbling “god finaLLy”
jin keeps his eyes glued on the damn coffee pot as you set it down next to your basket and go to retrieve your freshly-dried clothes
you bend down and pop open the dryer and the loud hiss makes jin look over
“jin?” he glances away quickly and looks up at the ceiling as a poor attempt to conceal the fact that he was totally just checking u out just now
“hm, what?” he clears his throat
“aren’t you going to come and get your clothes?”
“oh, right.” jin pushes himself up off the ground and grabs his basket
he props it up on his hip and starts picking out his clothes from the pile
“hey, these are cute.” jin can’t help but smirk as he twirls a burgundy thong around his finger
your cheeks flame up immediately
“cut it out, you perv” you scowl playfully and grab it from him quickly
the little voice in the back of your mind can’t help but wonder if perhaps jin would be interested in seeing you wear the thong
it comes with a matching bralette
“ya-“ jin pokes your arm and you look over at him “was that your dinner?” he points to the coffee pot and you glance over at it “didn’t you have ramen yesterday?”
“…yeah. instant ramen has been my dinner every day for the past week. why?” you hum nonchalantly and continue picking through the pile
you help jin out and toss one of his white t-shirts into his basket
jin can’t help but let his jaw drop
you’ve been eating processed garBAGe for the past weEK
“it’s never enough for me tho so i usually eat a bag of chips too. i might have a frozen mac n’ cheese thingy in the freezer so that’s an option too.” you gasp excitedly “ooh i can crumble the chips over the mac n’ chee-“
“oh my god.” all of a sudden jin reaches over and puShes the rest of the clothes into his basket before grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the door
“hey, we haven’t finished sorting out the-“
“we’ll do it later i just need to get some actual foOD into your system before all the MSG and sodium starts breakING down your internal organs”
as he’s dragging you up the stairs (the elevator is broken again what a surprise) you can’t help but admire how b r o a d his shoulders are
the cotton shirt he’s wearing is kinda thin and u swear u can see his back muscles flexing slightly
you can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like
running your hands all along his back
digging your nails into his shoulders as he,.,,., y’know
wrapping your legs around his tapered waist as he.,,.,.,. y’knOW
s i g h
you purposely pull back a little so jin slows down and gives u more time to ogle him
are you a pervert for doing that
you might be
“let me see what’s in your fridge so i can work my magic”
he’s never actually been in your apartment before
he’s never had a reaSon to
(you always wanna invite him in to watch a movie or something but u get shy and shrivel up immediately)
he has a good idea of the layout because his place is exactly the same as yours
he’s not surprised to see that your place is relatively neat and organised besides a couple scattered markers on the coffee table and a throw blanket tossed haphazardly over the couch
there’s a candle burning away in the middle of the coffee table that makes your place smell like warm vanilla
but then
he enters the war zone
the kitchen
oh my god
this is a living nightmare
this is HIS living nightmare
there’s just
he sees all the takeout boxes in the bin and the pizza box sitting on your kitchen island and the- well that must’ve been your breakfast or something because you sprinkled cinnamon toast crunch on a bagel smeared with waY too much cream cheese
“oh hey i forgot about this” a piece of jin’s soul dies and floats up to heaven when you pop the rest of your cinnamon-cream-cheese-bagel monstrosity into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
why does he like you
“ah, i probably should’ve offered you a bite… i’ll make one for you tomorrow if you want!”
“i’m… good. i think i’m more than good.” he shudders before nudging past you heading to your fridge “lemme see what we’re working with here…”
“you know you really don’t have to make anything for me. i told you i had a frozen mac and cheese…” you’re rambling and jin is most certainly not paying attention to you mainly because he’s shocked becAUSE you have like NOTHING in your fridge
a bottle of three-cheese ranch
a couple oranges, an avocado, and one red apple
a half-eaten sandwich?? it looks like turkey and a shitload of mayo
a takeout box with…,,. three pieces of orange chicken and a piece of broccoli that you’ve taken a bite out of
a baby carton of chocolate milk and a regular sized carton of milk
and a can of cool whip
unless he makes an orange-chicken-turkey-avocado sandwich with ranch on the side accompanied with a glass of chocolate milk with a dollop of whipped cream on top there’s not a lot he can do here
is thiS how you live
“you know what, maybe you should just come over to my place!” jin closes the fridge and clasps his hands together “yeah, let’s do that.”
“what do you mean?? i have plenTy of food in my fridg- okAy” you stumble over your feet when jin grabs your wrist and drags you away from the fridge
when you enter jin’s place he pushes you down on the couch and you nearly bounce off of it “you stay here, and i’ll whip something up for us.”
as he turns to head towards his kitchen he hears a vioLent schrrr
he turns back around and your finger freezes on the nozzle on the whipped cream canister
“wha- where did you even hiDe that” jin furrows his brows and you shrug before squirting some more into your mouth
“you sure you don’t need any help??” you’re already bored and you’ve only been here for less than a minute
“i don’t want you burning down my kitchen, so i’m good.”
“but i’m boRed and i’m hunGRY” you whine and flop back against the couch
jin raises a brow before bending down and grabbing the remote
he turns the tv on and it just so happens to be playing the late-night cartoons
perfect for a petulant child like you
miraculously jin gets 20 minutes of peace and quiet until he hears you whining again about how hunGry again
that’s what happens when you eat nothing but empty calorie foods
your eyes light up with excitement when jin emerges from the kitchen
he has a rag tossed over his shoulder and a grey apron hanging around him that you assume is from his culinary school
his cheeks are kinda pink from the heat of the kitchen which is adorable
he sits down next to you and you turn to fully face him while crossing your legs
he hands you the plate
“….do you go to culinary school or something?” you tease and jin snorts
the pasta’s been plated into a loose nest and there’s a pretty little basil leaf sitting on top
“chicken, bacon, and spinach spaghetti. and since you’re a whipped cream freak we can have assorted berries and whipped cream for dessert.”
“assorted berries.” you mock quietly and jin scowls playfully before handing you a fork
he doesn’t know why but he’s a little bit nervous lol
like he KNOWS he’s good at cooking but for some reason he feels like he’s presenting a dish to gordon ramsay or someone of that calibre
you twirl a bit of pasta around the fork and shove it into your mouth
and you didn’t think it was possible
but you’re pretty sure your mouth is having an orgasm
HOLy shit
fireworks are going OFF
the bacon has retained its crisp
the spinach is wilted but not toO wilted that it’s falling apart
the chicken is so soft and tender
the spaghetti is cooked *ahem* al dente
and the sauce!!!!
it’s so creamy
so flavourful
you swallow your bite and blink down at the plate of pasta
“what’s wrong?”
“this is…. almost too good.” you mutter and poke at a piece of perfectly cooked chicken before stabbing into it and popping it into your mouth
jin’s cheeks warm with pride as he watches you continue to eat
“it’s almost as good as my frozen mac n cheese meals.” you joke and jin resists the urge to smack you with his rag
it doesn’t matter if you’ve eaten 20 pounds of food for dinner because you’ll always aLWAys have room for dessert
especially if dessert involves whipped cream
it’s healthy-ish!! it’s basically dairy and don’t u need dairy for strong bones or something
and strawberries and blueberries are fruit
and fruit is healthy
so if you really think about it assorted berries and whipped cream is the ideal combo if u wanna get in shape
jin doesn’t trust you with the canister of whipped cream (because he’s 100% sure you’re just going to hog all the cream and squirt all of it into your mouth) so he’s squirting some out onto a particularly juicy looking strawberry that he knoWS you want to devour
he turns and offers it to you and your mouth opens automatically as you lean forward to take it into your mouth
“hold on now.” your brows immediately knit together when he pulls away juSt as you’re about to take a bite “admit it. my spaghetti is much better than your stupid mac n cheese meals.” there’s a glint of playfulness in his eyes as he points to his ear and waits for your response
“i dunno. i get the mac n cheese from whole foods so you know it’s good.” you tsk but keep your eyes right on the berry hovering in front of you
“huh. i guess i’ll be enjoying this seasonal japanese strawberry for myself, then.” jin pouts mockingly
“nO i WANT IT“ jin yelps when you’re suddenly clambering over and grabbing his wrist so that you can shoVe the berry right into your mouth
a normal person would eat the berry and then return to their seat
you are far from a normal person
you keep your hold on his wrist and suck the whipped cream off his thumb after swallowing the strawberry
god have mercy
your eyes flicker up and you see jin staring right at you with parted lips
“…something the matter?”
and within one second
the berries and your trusty canister of whipped cream have both been abandoned in favour for
“can’t believe it took you thiS long to make a move” you murmur against jin’s mouth and he responds by nipping at your bottom lip
“says you!” he gawks before proceeding to press kisses down your neck
and you finALLY get to feel his muscles rippLe underneath the soft cotton of his shirt as you slide your hands from his waist to his back
meanwhile jin’s hand has found its home in between your legs and your eyes flutter shut “god, jin…”
“something the matter?” he mocks before pressing a chaste kiss to your mouth “you gonna admit it now?”
“admit wha- oh, jin - admit whaT”
“that my food is better than your frozen TV dinners” you would’ve burst out laughing if it weren’t for the shocks of electricity tingling up your spine
“n-no way-“ your back arches against his chest and your mouth falls open in a silent moan
and suddenly
you let out a pathetic whine when jin’s hand pulls away from in between your legs “fine. i guess we’re done here!” he sits up but keeps your legs wrapped around his waist
you are just a vision aren’t you
you’re flopped back against the arm of the couch
your chest is heaving slightly
your cheeks and nice n rosy
“you are the absolute worst.”
“c’mon… say it…”  he hums and slides a finger from your knee cap to your inner thigh
you know for a fact you two aren’t done here because jin’s already hooked a finger into the waistband of your shorts but you’re naturally a veRy impatient person and so-
“fine, you idiot. your food is significantly better than my frozen TV dinners. happy?”
“…i’ll take it.”
((spoiler alert: you are rewarded with not one not two but thREE mind-blowing orgasms for admitting it))
((maybe you should learn to be less stubborn))
“good morning!” jin is startled awake when you plop on top of him with your legs on either side of him “it’s 10 o’clock and i made us some food”
“christ, don’t scare me like that!” jin scolds you playfully and reaches up to pinch the side of your bare thigh
you’re wearing the shirt he had on last night and it’s starting to droop off your shoulder
“good morning indeed.” his voice is thick with sleep and his hand slides up from your thigh to grasp at your waist “whatcha got there?”
“cinnamon toast crunch bagel” you murmur with a mouthful of bagel and swipe at a lil chunk of cream cheese on the corner of your mouth “my wonderful creation that i made fresh for you”
you’re getting crumbs all over jin but he can’t seem to care because the idea of a cinnamon toast crunch bagel makes him want to throW YOU ouT THE WINDOW
he sits up slowly and wraps an arm around your waist before nuzzling into the crook of your neck “you’re lucky i like you otherwise i would throw your wonderful creation righT into the garbage bin right about now.”
you scoff in mock offence and pull away from him before jabbing a sticky finger into his bare (b r o a d) chest
“don’t knock it til you try it!!”
“the day i try one of your inventions is the day i- mmph!” you shut him up and shove the last bite of your bagel into his mouth before clasping your hand over his mouth so he can’t spit it out
jin chews slowly
and swallows
what the hell
that actually..,,. that tasted good
“that was okay, i suppose. kinda sweet. but i can think of something that might taste a little sweeter.” before you know it jin is flipPing you over and you find yourself pinned underneath him
you’re a giggling mess because you’re trying to get the cream cheese and sugar particles off your fingers but jin is being very vEry distracting
“hOLd on a second sir i have breakfast waiting for us in the living room!” jin’s already made his way down your chest and is about to set up shop in between your legs
he looks up at you before offering you a cheeky grin “…i’m in the mood for breakfast in bed, aren’t you?”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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Cookie Monster held an AMA on Reddit, and it's so pure you may cry
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This is One Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happened this week.
Love is real and has taken physical manifestation in the comment section of Cookie Monster's AMA. 
If you're at all familiar with Reddit you'll know what AMA means, and if you're not it stands for "ask me anything," a subreddit where users can ask celebrities and authoritative figures whatever they want. 
This week, Reddit was blessed with the most wholesome AMA from none other than Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, and his answers were snappier than a good gingersnap.
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
The reason for the Cookie Monster takeover was to raise awareness for the Yellow Feather Fund, which "brings educational materials to children in need." 
The comments section was filled with the cutest cookie questions for Cookie Monster that were more than enough to knock the chocolate chip off of anyone's shoulder. Cookie Monster's answers made us laugh, he made us cry, and he made us eat cookies. Here are some of the best answers Cookie Monster gifted us.  
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
Reddit comments sections can be a bit divisive, but in this glorious moment, the Reddit community came together to create the most beautiful comments section of all time. It couldn't have been done without the curation of our lord and savior, Cookie Monster, who covered a plethora of topics in this Q & A. 
He gave the best tips on how to clean up when the cookie crumbles: 
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
SEE ALSO: This video shows the hilarity of teaching parents how to use technology
He warned our nation's young cookie entrepreneurs about the dangers of loving your product too much:
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
He dabbled in some cheeky snack humor with user AstronautCheesecake:
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
Redditors absolutely loved having Cookie Monster do an AMA. They were well aware he brought more joy to the site than usual, and asked him to come back. Many users commented that he made their day, and that his comedic skills were under appreciated, a statement with which we totally agree.
Comment from discussion Me_CookieMonster's comment from discussion "Me COOKIE MONSTER. Me want you to come visit me on Sesame Street! Me will bring da COOKIES! AMA.".
This AMA is more pure than water from a regularly cleaned Brita Filter, and we highly recommend that you read the full thread to fill your heart with the joy only Sesame Street could provide. 
After the AMA, Cookie Monster shared his thanks on Twitter, but we couldn't help but notice the "motivational" poster in the background of his photo, if you can really call it that. 
Dat was fun! Thanks to all me friends who asked questions! pic.twitter.com/zAut1LOu24
— Cookie Monster (@MeCookieMonster) February 6, 2019
Not really sure if the poster is meant to be motivational for Cookie Monster to wait for snack time or if it's meant to be the cookie trying to hang in there and avoid being eaten. The latter is a pretty pointless objective, because Cookie Monster is bound to devour it. 
These comments are sure to make you snicker(doodle).
WATCH: Trick your Instagram followers with these scoop cookies
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