#//happy late birthday hyuk
clemencetaught · 1 year
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@temporalobjects sent in: "happy birthday, prof! hope all your wet dreams come true!" Uta couldn't be bothered to write a card, so that message was just scrawled on a sticky note and stuck on a bottle of pretty expensive wine (an unwanted gift of course) which he left on Patrick's desk. (There was also cat hair stuck on the edge of the labels, since it was shedding season.) || a very very late birthday for the professor :'D ( late bday asks! )
He’s going to pretend that he didn’t read that second part ( because he definitely didn’t burn his tongue with fresh tea he just brewed ). When did Mister Utagawa learn about his birthday? It couldn’t have been from Dr. Ratliff- in all the years Patrick has worked with him, not once has the head of the Literature Department ever left a birthday message.
Speaking of which, the man in question is next door in Dr. Towell’s office. Patrick can hear him through the walls as he pontificates about the brilliance of Emerson and how students should be required to read his essays at least once while in the program...Patrick is inclined to disagree, but that’s not important right now.
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Either way, Patrick peels the sticky note off ( it wouldn’t do for his students or co-worker to read that anyways ) and tucks it inside his desk. As for the bottle…well, that goes in his desk for now too. Maybe the next time Hyuk is over, they can drink it the next time they ditch whatever departmental party Dr. Ratliff forces Patrick to come to.
In the meanwhile though, Patrick pulls out his rainbow fountain pen and his fancy note paper. Maybe for once it’s a good thing Dr. Ratliff is next door with no sign of taking his leave.
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staytheb · 1 year
Thinking of You
Pairing: OX’s Hangyeom x OC [Chaejin] || OX’s Hyuk x OC [Chaewon] Genre: idol!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,078 Summary: The male idols have been thinking of the sisters and vice versa as of late. Yet, the latter never thought they would be spending the last hours of the last day of the year with the former though.
Warning: none
hello! my last written piece of the year and it’s with two members from OX! despite what is going on with them, i wanted to write something in hopes of good news in 2023 for them. also, this is fictional work, and so the fictional world is a happy one and does not mention their current situation either. other than that, i just wanted to write something for the new year and last day and Hangyeom and Hyuk popped into my head as the male leads despite other possibilities lol. so yeah, that’s about it and so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin  Lia~
"Hiya, Kongie." Chaejin cooed as she petted the female bichon's head.
"How have you been, girl?"
She scooped up the small dog into her arms as she sat on her friend, Jiae's, couch of her home as her friend joined her on the other side after changing clothes.
"Congratulations on getting your own place." Chaejin congratulated Jiae as her friend smiled happily.
"Thanks. It took a while, but I'm glad to have my own space for me and Kongie."
When the Bichon heard her name said by Jiae, she jumped out of Chaejin's arms and ran over to her owner's arms instead. The friends chuckled as Jiae cast Chaejin with a playful look.
"So, you ended up dating an idol and now he's your boyfriend, huh?"
Chaejin rolled her eyes as Jiae laughed.
"What? It's true though."
"It isn't." Chaejin declined before clarifying the whole situation to Jiae.
"Chaewon and I happened to become friends with them and over time each of us had gotten closer to one of them more than the others."
Chaejin cast her with a firm look.
"There's no dating and no boyfriend of any sorts."
Jiae scoffed.
"Don't lie. You messaged me that those two were the only ones that gave you two cosmetics for Christmas while the other members gave y'all cookies."
"And so?"
"So, you and I both know that this holiday is usually for couples and what not."
"There were no couples. Just a group of friends."
"Yeah, right."
Jiae even motioned at her own gifts from her boyfriend.
"Jongsoo gave me many cosmetics brands and I still have the ones he gave me for my birthday, too."
Chaejin rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, true, but I hardly wear it and so just ended up giving the gift Hangyeom got me to my sister anyway. Although Hyuk did give her quite a bit."
"Okay, see, and yet you're telling me that you two don't like them like that or they don't like you at all, because it's clear that they like y'all for real."
"They're idols, Jiae, and Chaewon and I aren't."
"Yeah, and so? It happened for others so it could happen for you two, too. I mean, y'all were fans of theirs despite keeping it a secret from them."
"Obviously. It's only so that they didn't think we were stalkers since Chaewon and I lived in the same building before knowing that they lived there, too."
"Okay, okay."
Yet Jiae still wouldn't drop the subject.
"Still, you never clarified about the thing that happened between you and Song Hangyeom."
Chaejin instantly became shy, but played it cool.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Jiae's face lit up as she figured out what happened that night.
"Y'all kiss, huh?"
"No." Chaejin denied, a bit too quickly as Jiae's smile widened.
"Oh, you two did and now you're playing it off."
"I am not."
"Yes, you are."
"Okay, fine, whatever. We kissed." Chaejin said, giving in and not wanting to be badgered by Jiae.
Jiae laughed before becoming serious.
"So, what are you two gonna do?"
"What do you mean?"
"You and Song Hangyeom while it's Chaewon and Yang Hyuk."
Again, Chaejin's eyes rolled.
"Seriously, Jiae, I really don't think there's gonna be anything between us despite him and I kissing. I don't know much about my sister and Hyuk though."
"A kiss during Christmas time isn't something to dismiss so easily, Chaejin."
Jiae shot her friend a knowing look.
"You never know though unless y'all admit it or they do it first."
"Highly doubtful. They have their own fans and careers to worry about."
"True, but they're just like us with real feelings."
"Never said they weren't."
"But y'all are distancing yourselves from such things from naturally happening. Actually, by that, I mean you're the one keeping the distance while Chaewon is just going with the flow."
Chaejin shrugged.
"Okay, true, but like, I don't know. Besides, we haven't really talked since then due to our differing schedules."
"You guys can message each other." Jiae reasoned as Chaejin nodded, knowingly.
"Yes, obviously, but I'm not gonna blow up his phone. He does that enough on his own."
"See, he likes you."
"Whatever. Besides, weren't you and I supposed to hang out and do other things today and not talk about mine or Chaewon's love life as it's the last day of the year?"
"Yes, but I like talking about your lack of a love life that turned promising now. As for Chaewon, she at least tried dating unlike you."
"Wow and whatever."
The two friends shared a laugh as by this time, Kongie had fallen asleep, allowing the two friends to catch up and continue their bonding time for the last day of the year until Jiae mentioned that she had a date later on with Jongsoo, cutting their hang out time short.
"I can't believe you were hiding your idol boyfriend from us." Chaewon's friend, Jiwoo, stated once the group of friends settled around the table at a cafe.
Chaewon met up with her close group of friends, Jiwoo, Yein, and Eunsoo once they found time to hang out after Christmas.
"Yeah, like it all makes so much sense now how close you and Hyuk were." Eunsoo added as Yein looked at the other two with a firm look.
"Well, it's not like Chaewon can go around revealing who he is though. They have to keep their relationship a secret from the public."
Jiwoo and Eunsoo nodded in agreement although Chaewon rolled her eyes.
"I don't have an idol boyfriend and it wasn't my secret to reveal."
"Wait. You're not dating him?" Yein deadpanned with a serious face.
"You and him had the best chemistry every time we had a group date with him and his friends."
"No way that y'all aren't dating. Didn't the two of you kiss on Christmas though?" Jiwoo asked, curiously.
"I mean, that's what you told us in our Kakao chat."
Chaewon nodded nonchalantly while keeping a cool demeanor.
"Yes, we kissed, but before the moment could be settled or anything discussed, we were interrupted by his members and acted like nothing happened. They had other things to do and so we just let the moment pass us by."
"Ooh, that sucks." Eunsoo commented with a sympathetic look.
"Have you guys talked since then though?"
"No. He's been busy with his own schedule and so have I."
"Wait. What about your sister?" Jiwoo piped up as Yein nodded eagerly.
"Oh yeah, what about her? How did it go for her?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. I was too worried about my own life to worry about hers."
Chaewon shrugged as she remained nonchalant about the whole thing.
"Besides, he's an idol, remember? I'm not sure if he's able to date and his group has just gained growing popularity so they're bound to be busy and what not."
"Well, you never know." The trio chorused in an optimistic way.
"Anything can happen."
"Yeah, and that the two of you shared a kiss not that long ago, too."
Chaewon brushed them off and changed the topic on them.
"Forget about my love life. What about yours? How did the last group date go?"
Each girl made a face upon remembering their last group date around Christmas time.
"Not worth mentioning."
"Yeah, definitely not worth mentioning."
"You seriously lucked out with these guys."
Chaewon made a face.
"That bad, huh?"
Jiwoo returned the topic back onto Chaewon.
"Either way, at least you and Yang Hyuk have each other, so that's a blessing instead." 
She grinned widely at Chaewon as Chaewon rolled her eyes.
"He and I just happened to grow closer than the rest of y'all and that he lived in the same complex building as me, too."
"Oh, yeah. Why hang out with us when you can spend the last day of the year with him instead?" Yein mentioned in a good-natured tone as Chaewon scoffed.
"Stop, please."
The other three giggled as they continued to playfully teased their friend as the quartet enjoyed their time at the cafe. Soon they changed subjects, talking about anything and everything that came to mind, enjoying the others' company until the trio mentioned a group date they had to attend and cutting their hang out short.
Chaejin returned home first as she flopped onto the sectional sofa upon kicking off her shoes and being too lazy to even walk all the way to her room to sleep.
"I guess I can sleep in for New Year's Eve and let the new year roll on without me actually noticing it."
She chuckled before hearing the front door open.
"Oh, you're home, too?" Melanie commented upon seeing her sister lying stomach down on the sofa while placing her things on the coffee table.
"I thought you'd be over at Jiae's longer."
"Me, too, but she had a date with Jongsoo in the evening."
Chaejin cast her sister a tired look.
"Weren't you supposed to be out and about longer, too?"
"Yeah, but they ended up having one last minute group date before this year ends and I didn't want to participate."
Chaewon lied down on the other side of the sectional couch, equally as tired as her sister.
"So tired."
"Me, too."
"You don't wanna stay up to countdown for the new year?"
"Not really. Gonna sleep in again like last year though."
Chaejin had shut her eyes before opening one of them to stare at her sister.
"Unless you're making dinner tonight, I'll reconsider."
"I'll think about it."
Chaejin scoffed as Chaewon laughed. Each sister settled in their spot to get even more comfortable.
"What time is it anyway?" Chaejin broke the silence as Chaewon shrugged.
"Dunno. You can check your phone or the clock yourself."
"True, but too lazy."
"Like I'm not the same way."
The two shared a tired and sleepy laugh, but Chaejin ended up checking the time out of curiosity.
"Oh, it's barely three, but I feel more tired than usual though. So weird."
"We've been out and about all day, that's why. It's time for a good nap." Chaewon reasoned as Chaejin agreed.
"Oh, yeah, true. Well, I'll set an alarm to make dinner later then. Six or seven okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine. Later is probably better if we wanna do the new year countdown."
"I guess, if that's what you wanna do, then dinner will be around seven-thirty or eight."
"Okay, cool." 
Both sisters ended up rising from the sofa, headed off to their rooms after bidding one another an early goodnight, changed clothes, refreshed themselves, and finally settled into bed for a good nap. A few hours later the duo were contacted by two specific idols before Chaejin's alarm could even wake her up to make dinner. At first, the sisters declined in meeting up with them, but luckily, the men persuaded the women to come out since they had free time and wanted to spend the last few hours of the last day of the year with them since they haven't hung out in person since Christmas. The sisters agreed with Chaejin meeting Hangyeom on top of the rooftop of their apartment complex and Chaewon would be meeting Hyuk at the nearby cafe they often frequented together.
Chaejin rubbed her gloves hands together as she leaned against the rooftops' ledge while waiting for Hangyeom to show up.
"What am I still doing out here in the cold waiting for that brat though?" Chaejin voiced a bit annoyed as she brought down her gaze from the night sky down to the city lights below.
She marvelled at the pretty sight as a slow smile graced her face.
"At least I still got the scenery to keep me occupied."
"It's pretty, right?"
Chaejin heard from behind her as Hangyeom finally joined her at the rooftop's ledge all bundled up himself.
"Yeah, it is."
She turned her head to look at the idol as she eyed him suspiciously.
"You could have just hung out with the rest of your members instead of interrupting my sleep to celebrate the new year like you did on Christmas, Song Hangyeom."
Hangyeom chuckled as he faced her.
"I could've, but I didn't want to."
"I've been thinking about you." Hangyeom admitted as Chaejin redirected the attention elsewhere.
"Okay, well,  I mean you could've just spent it with your parents since they live close by."
"Yeah, true, but," He cast her a sweet smile, "I wanted to spend it with you, Lee Chaejin."
Chaejin immediately turned her head to face the sights below as she instantly grew shy at his words, but didn't want him to know that he had that kind of effect on her.
"Shut up, Song Hangyeom."
He laughed as he softly shoulder bumped her.
"C'mon. I've been thinking about you and you haven't thought about me at all since Christmas?"
That's a lie. Chaejin has, but she didn't want to admit that to him. Hangyeom pouted.
"I haven't seen you in almost a week and this is how you treat and greet me?"
He slightly shoulder bumped her once again, but it was more of a lean than a bump as Hangyeom stood closer against Chaejin, shoulder to shoulder.
"Yes." She deadpanned, trying to keep her cool in front of the idol and not letting him know that him being that close to her had any sort of effect on her.
"Aww, I thought we were past this and grew closer since Christmas since we kissed and all."
Hangyeom continued to pout, still watching her intently.
"That's what you think."
Chaejin continued to avoid eye contact and refrained from moving away from Hangyeom's gaze and closeness.
"Just admit that you like me, Lee Chaejin."
"Oh, c'mon."
"Leave me alone, Song Hangyeom."
"No. I like bothering you, Lee Chaejin."
"Of course you do."
"Mmhmm. So, just admit it."
"I'll think about it."
"Then think about me."
"I think about you enough."
"Oh? You do? Do I keep you up at night, thinking about me, Chaejin?"
Chaejin could hear the amusement in his voice once those words left her mouth as she continued to remain calm and collected, but deep down inside she grew flustered with his attention on her. So, she tried to reason out her feelings to be neutral and nothing more than that.
"I mean, as a former ROSE, and a current FOR X, of course I think about you and the other members. Equally. I think about all y'all equally and the same and all that."
She knew she didn't sound convincing and so knew that he knew that she wasn't convincing either of them of her words.
"Just, shut up, Hangyeom."
She slightly glared at Hangyeom as he laughed cheekily as he propped an elbow on the ledge and placed his chin onto his palm to stare at Chaejin, lovingly.
"No, go on, and tell me more."
She turned her face away once more, embarrassed and just even more shy than before. Soon Chaejin felt his hands gently grab the upper part of her arms to turn her body to face his so that she wouldn't be able to escape and avoid him like all the previous times. Still that didn't stop her eyes from looking elsewhere.
"Could you look at me, please?" He asked as Chaejin slowly focused her eyes onto him to which he smiled widely.
"Now, isn't that much better?"
"It would be if it wasn't so freaking cold, Hangyeom." She countered, causing Hangyeom to laugh at her response.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, but I hope this will suffice for now."
Hangyeom moved his gloved hands down to her own so that he could place them into his pockets while pulling Chaejin closer within his embrace.
"Is this better?"
Chaejin suppressed a smile from forming on her face as she tried to continue to keep herself neutral. Hangyeom was definitely making it harder for her to keep her calm composure day by day.
"I guess, but it just seems and feels more awkward now."
"I think you should get used to it."
"I don't think I'll ever get used to having actual feelings for an idol to be honest."
Hangyeom smiled at Chaejin's indirect confession.
"Don't think of me as an idol then."
"That's kind of hard when you have such a handsome face that just calls for attention."
Hangyeom burst out laughing as he pulled Chaejin even closer to him.
"Oh? So, you think I'm handsome?"
Chaejin groaned as she snuggled within his warm embrace unconsciously to hide her embarrassed face.
"You're so annoying."
"Annoying enough to get your attention, right?"
"I'm leaving." 
Chaejin tried to pull away to make her escape, but Hangyeom kept her in place with a smiling look.
"Okay, Chaejin, okay."
He laughed heartily and Chaejin could feel it rumble from his chest against her own body. Something within her finally gave in to her own feelings and to just go with the flow to see where this would lead them.
"Fine, Hangyeom."
Now a curious expression formed upon his face as Chaejin cast him with a shy-like yet gentle look appear on her face.
"I've been thinking about you, too, and yes, I do like you, Song Hangyeom."
Hangyeom's face lit with surprise before changing to one of happiness.
"I like you, too, Lee Chaejin."
Hangyeom cupped her face while rubbing his thumbs against her cheekbones.
"I like you a lot."
Hangyeom leaned in closer and Chaejin met him halfway as the two shared a kiss just as fireworks went off in the background to signal that the twenty-twenty-two year was gone and twenty-twenty-three had arrived.
"Happy new year, Song Hangyeom."
"Happy new year, Lee Chaejin."
They wished each other as they watched the sky light up beautifully for a moment before sharing another kiss.
Chaewon entered the small yet quaint cafe, being greeted by the warm atmosphere and not so busy vibe. She sighed in relief upon welcoming the warmth and the quietness while making her way over to the counter to put in an order while she waited for Hyuk to arrive. Chaewon was debating on what to drink when she felt a tap on her elbow and turned to see who it was.
"Uh, hi." She greeted the tall stranger with a polite demeanor.
Both of them wore face coverings and were bundled up from head to toe. It dawned on Chaejin a moment later that the stranger was Hyuk and that he had already arrived before her as he already had a drink in his hand, offering it to her. She eyed him suspiciously.
"Yang Hyuk."
She whispered his name as to not draw attention to themselves and to not reveal Hyuk's idol status.
"Didn't I tell you to stop buying me things?"
"I'm not buying you things. I'm treating you to things. There's a difference, Lee Chaewon." He countered.
Chaewon still didn't take the item and before she could respond back, Hyuk used his free hand to wrap it around her waist to lead them to a more secluded part of the cafe and away from others. Luckily, it was just them, another couple, and three staff on the floor within the cafe.
"C'mon, Lee Chaewon, just take it."
Hyuk offered the drink towards her again and she sighed with a nod.
"Fine, Yang Hyuk. I appreciate your generosity. Thank you."
Chaejin happily accepted the drink as Hyuk smiled while the two settled at the small table where they could also stare out the shop's window of the night time view. They removed their face coverings to easily talk and consume their hot drinks.
"I've been thinking about you." Hyuk suddenly said before Chaewon could ask him why he wanted to meet her here of all places.
"Oh? You have?"
Was her response as Chaewon was surprised to hear those words come from the idol's lips.
Hyuk remained nonchalant about it while sipping his drink, but a ghost of a smile graced his features and Chaewon observed him, drinking her own drink.
"I've been thinking about you, too." Chaewon admitted with a slow smile.
Hyuk smiled upon hearing her words, but remained silent yet happy.
"So, why here?" She finally asked after a few seconds of silence between them.
Hyuk shot her an easy-going smile.
"Well, I thought we could have a cafe date to make it up to you for not contacting you face to face for the past week or so due to our schedules."
"A cafe date, huh?"
The smile stayed on Hyuk's face as Chaewon continued to watch him, somehow wanting to mess with the idol for some odd reason.
"Who said we were dating though?"
Hyuk choked on his drink before recovering.
"I thought since we kissed on Christmas, Lee Chaewon, that we were dating."
"It was only a kiss though, Yang Hyuk. What made you think elsewise?"
Chaewon enjoyed watching Hyuk squirm in his seat as he racked his brain to come up with an answer.
"I'm just teasing, Yang Hyuk. Don't take it too seriously."
He calmed down and returned to drinking his drink with a slight embarrassed demeanor. Chaewon giggled as she leaned forward to place a gloved hand on his own.
"A cafe date is a nice idea, but I assumed that you couldn't date, right?"
Another slow smile graced Hyuk's face as he maneuvered his hand that Chaewon's hand laid upon to hold hers instead.
"Technically, yes, that's true, but that doesn't mean we can't date in secrecy."
He noticed her facial expression didn't seem as thrilled about it as before. He slightly frowned.
"Is something the matter?"
Chaewon flashed him a reassuring smile.
"No, not really, but honestly it's just that I would rather have our relationship be known instead of it being a secretive one."
She gave his hand a slight squeeze to assure him of her words.
"Although I know that can't happen due to your idol status and you and your group still being new to the industry, too."
Hyuk took both of her hands in his as he rubbed his thumbs over the back of her hands in a comforting manner.
"I know it's not the most ideal thing to do, but let's give it some time and I'm sure it'll all work out in the end."
Chaewon squeezed his hands back with a small nod as a ghost of a smile graced her lips.
"Alright. I guess I could give it some time for our relationship to develop further."
The two shared a knowing smile as Chaewon went back to teasing the idol.
"You must've thought about this whole thing a lot if you're so down to go about this."
Hyuk laughed, slightly embarrassed as he slowly nodded.
"I have. Like I've said, I've been thinking about you a lot since Christmas."
A smile graced Chaewon's lips as happiness spread across her face.
"To be honest, I've been thinking about you, too, since then."
"So, you do like me more than you had let on."
"Yes, I do, but let's be real, I never saw or thought of myself dating an idol or even being friends with one in general."
"Well, now you've done both and many more things will happen, too."
"Like what?"
Hyuk smiled mischievously as he leaned more than halfway across the table.
"How about a kiss and we'll go from there?"
Chaewon raised a brow with an amused look.
"Oh yeah?"
Chaewon met him the rest of the way with barely an inch in-between them as a tender look spread across her face.
"I really like you, Yang Hyuk." She confessed.
Something she was unable to say last time. Hyuk's face mirrored the same expression as Chaewon while he said what he wanted to say last time, too.
"I really like you, too, Lee Chaewon."
The two shared a sweet look as their lips widened in happiness before closing the gap between them to share a tender kiss just as the fireworks went off, signaling the end of twenty-twenty-two and the arrival of twenty-twenty-three. They soon broke the kiss to stare at the colorful lights shooting into the sky before focusing their attention onto one another.
"Happy new year, Yang Hyuk."
"Happy new year, Lee Chaewon."
They wished one another before sharing another sweet kiss.
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elysiumdream · 5 years
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190705 #HappyHyukDay! 
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
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A gift is tucked under his arm. It’s wrapped in brown-colored, recyclable paper and strings of raffia ribbon that are just slightly crooked with the attempt to make a neat bow, but there is so much he could do with those two hands of his that sometimes get a little clumsy after midnight…especially when the whole wrapping plan was created within airport; Hyuk receiving odd stares from the few people catching business flights so late (or early, depending on perspective).
But he’s here now.
And yes, yes…for some this could probably be…a bit of a stretch. Almost thirteen hours of flight, he can already hear Patrick telling him that a call would’ve sufficed (knowing him, he probably lost track of time and doesn’t even know it’s his birthday yet – that or he was suddenly reminded about the date by his children), but…they have calls all the time (or as often as possible, considering their schedules and how they’re prone to exaggerated productivity) so why not make this special?
After all, Patrick’s worth it. Every hour, every penny, every…whatever. The rest comes and goes. The bond Hyuk has with Patrick? He prefers to hold onto it for as long as he can.
He walks across olden university corridors, the sound of distant laughter and fingers turning pages bouncing off the walls. He can hear a teacher giving a lesson, something about quantum bits and things he doesn’t really understand. Hyuk keeps strolling; his attention to detail making him remember where Patrick’s office is, exactly (he better not run into Dr. Ratliff, though; he doesn’t want his raised voice to be the first thing Patrick hears from him today). 
When he gets there and he gets to peek inside, he feels as if he’s staring at some kind of illusion. Instead of facing the usual computer screen at work or the piles of folders on the edge of his desk or the faces of fellow detectives and other co-workers, he’s looking at his friend, right in his element, busy doing his own thing. Just the sight of this brings warmth; comfort. His usual, thunderous and chaotic seas are put to rest, so much so that he has to look away before someone unconsciously catches him staring like a fool for far too long. 
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   “Yah, this is how you celebrate your birthday? Working?” 
  He couldn’t just provide the average ‘hello, I came to pay you a visit’, could he? That wouldn’t be him. That wouldn’t be Lee Hyuk; wouldn’t be the one Patrick met almost twenty years ago. 
    “Before you tell me anything about why didn’t I just call instead of coming all the way here, I don’t trust delivery services when I have to send out something fragile, so.” 
 Hyuk’s not exactly lying, it’s just part of the truth. The detective steps inside, taking the gift from under his arm and handing it to Patrick. It’s slightly heavy, medium-sized; rectangular. Inside, he’ll find three things: More ink pens, a book that reminded Hyuk of Patrick because it’s about puzzles (titled The Master Theorem) and a Korean ceramic tea mug. 
    he then searches inside his breast pocket and leaves a small bag atop Patrick’s desk,
    “it’s Ogwa-cha.” 
A traditional Korean tea made with walnuts, chestnuts, gingko seeds, jujubes, dried persimmon, and ginger. He takes a step back; clearing his throat. Is this too much? Well...there’s no turning back now, is it? 
    “I...thought you...maybe you’d like it.” 
Looking up once more, he addresses his dear friend and he can’t help but produce a close-lipped smile. No, it’s not too much. Patrick might say it is, humble at best, but truth is, he deserves this and so much more; the detective is sure of it. 
One of his hands reaches out to clasp the professor’s shoulder, shaking it faintly.
    “Happy birthday.” 
@ofgentleresolve​  | it’s Patrick’s birthday and this was supposed to be an ask but Hyuk wouldn’t shut up so it transformed into this instead IWUHEIDUH--
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defbeoms · 7 years
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#HappyHyukDay || 95.07.05 ♡ the evolution of an eternal cutie ♡
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1eos · 2 years
I’m soooo late to the game with vixx but I’m also messy and curious sooooo where I could learn about what happened with [redacted] and Leo and what happened with that group lmao. Sorry if youve gotten this before!
starlights are all convinced vixx are jerking each other right now so there's no comprehensive post on them beefing until i finally finish my deep dive but there's always been a running joke around since 2015 give or take that the girls were fighting over each other with leo's scorpio ass always being in the middle 😭😭😭😭 u could watch vixxtv yourself nd peep the jealousy/attention whore behaviors but it's kinda boring so u can try to find comp videos on them being 'jealous' nd fighting but theyre all done w a shippy vibe so if u dont like that i will give u the cliffnotes
hakyeon nd [redacted] nd sometimes jaehwan fighting for attention on vixxtv
the girls are generally very very catty mostly hongbin nd [redacted] just railing on hakyeon
90line have already been established as life long best friends
leo will beat the snot out of any non hakyeon member that gets too close
[redacted] is trying so hard to get ahead by being in a big ship. calls jaehwan cute a lot which establishes kenvi 🤢
kenvi still getting ate up in the popularity rankings by 90line both separately nd together
the subunit lr is announced nd its important to note that real vixx stans were totally CONFUSED by this subunit bc everyone was sure leo HATED [redacted]
gaybaiting subunit makes dumb fans think lr are in love
the opposite actually happens. they hate working together nd literally admit that on a vlive
so now [redacted] is trying to leech off leo's popularity nd isnt calling jaehwan cute as much
fans like to say leo 'broke up' kenvi
jaehwan pissy he's not getting attention hakyeon mad that theyre trying to square up on his bestie [redacted] happy bc he think he doing something
time goes on nd leo nd hyuk get closer. the girls stop being openly as catty.
lr come back in 2017 nd apparently fight even more nd this is confirmed on 2018s weekly idol
hakyeon enlists. neohyuk besties line established. [redacted] basically dumps vixx for active idols for clout
let it be noted [redacted] is the only member to not post anything abt visiting hakyeon nd he's an attention whore 🤔 think abt it
anyways leos defacto leader now nd at the parallel concert he is constantly getting in btwn [redacted] nd jaehwan
theres rumors abt [redacted] nd hyuk filming something together on twitter which go NOWHERE
mind u around this time leo nd sanghyuk are getting super duper close
[redacted] isnt seen at ANY vixx get together. not leo's bday. not the time jaehwan got on break nd came to hyuks place. nothing. hasnt been seen in the same room since 9th anniversary
no one tells [redacted] happy birthday on twitter even tho when its jaehwans bday leo posts at like midnight 😭😭
basically the closer members get to leo the less they seem to fuck with redacted nd it could be a big coincidence but its funny to think abt him subtly breaking them up by being more fun nd having wine
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be-t-s · 2 years
Happy late birthday Hyuk of TEMPEST
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explosiveranga · 3 years
Games of the Heart (BTS fanfiction)
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Rating: G (May change in the future)
Word Count: 1480
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Summary:  You and Jungkook are rival live streamers and for the next month, you'd be stuck in the same building as him for a reality TV show. Will you be able to prove that you're the better gamer, or will his mere presence distract you and cost you everything?
Notes: This is my first BTS story, god help me but I couldn't resist purple mullet JK. I blame @youarejesting. Any complaints, take it up with her. Also, happy birthday stinky boy.
P.s. Stream Butter now.
                                                      CHAPTER 1
Day 1
The slamming of a car door woke you and your first thought was that the sun was too goddamn bright. The next thought that crossed your mind was that you needed coffee, badly. An older gentleman opened your door and you recognised him as the driver who had picked you up from your apartment at 6 am.      “We’re here, miss.”      Through your sleep-addled brain, you almost forgot your manners and you nodded your thanks before leaning over to the sleeping form beside you.      “Namjoon,” you nudged him in the ribs with your elbow and the man started awake, eyes wide and drool glistening off his chin. He blinked at you as a giggle fell from your lips. “Come on. They’re waiting for us.”
The facility was huge.      You weren’t sure how far out of the city you were but as far as your eye could see, trees surrounded you, a sea of red and burnt orange lining the horizon, broken only by a large, modern estate, all white stone and tall glass windows. It loomed over you as you approached with your bags, your friend right behind you as you followed a producer through to a large sitting room. Sliding doors lined the far wall and were open to a balcony that overlooked the district, the morning sun slowly rising higher in the sky. A group of people were gathered, a mix of producers and the other contestants. A few of them were leaning over the fence for a better look, others cradling cups of coffee or catching a few minutes of rest. One man was laid back over a banana lounge, dark glasses hiding his eyes, mouth gape as gentle snores fell from him.
There were ten players in total, including yourself. Jeonju would be your home for the next four weeks where you and the other players would test and play an early release of the newest MMORPG - DragonStorm. You’d spend 12 hours a day, 6 days a week playing, testing, gaming. Everything would be filmed; think ‘Survivor’ but instead of surviving the wilderness and drinking your own pee, you’d be trying to beat a computer game. It was a massive PR stunt, to hype the release of the game and boost sales.      The prize was 100 Million Won to any charity of your choice and there were only a few rules; no contact with the outside world: no fourth wall-breaking (which meant that everyone had to be in character while they were playing at all times) and no discussing the game with other players. Anonymity was key.      Each player would start with their own quests to complete over the duration of the competition and everything they did accumulated points. At the end, the one with the most points would be crowned the winner.
The host, an older, bespectacled man that introduced himself as Bang Si-Hyuk, explained all of this to you once you were settled. You were familiar with most of your costars. Everyone here had some kind of platform on MeTube or Snitch and so you knew each other by association, having attended the same events and running in the same circles. Everyone seemed nice enough so far.      Apart from him. Your rival.      Well, you used the term ‘rival’ loosely. Jeon Jung-Kook, JK to his fanbase, was a fellow streamer and gamer. You used to play together when you were both new to the platform but one day, he stopped inviting you to lobbies and your fan bases had taken it upon themselves to start a rivalry. What began with a playful comment here and there soon became a full on turf war.      You spotted him from across the room, his hair an obnoxiously bright purple. He might actually be handsome if he wasn’t so frustrating. He caught your eye and threw you a crooked grin. It was your management's idea; the ultimate test to prove who was a better gamer. MeTube feuds kept you relevant and trending and that kept the money in your management's pockets, so everyone was a winner. All you had to do was survive four weeks locked in the same building as him.
Introductions were made and coffee was served as the contestants disbanded, some retreating to their rooms for some RnR, others exploring the grounds. Your friend, Namjoon, was making conversation with heartthrob actor Teahyung, waving his hands animatedly as they spoke.      You’d known RM since you were in the 3rd Grade when your family moved to Seoul. He’d taught you Korean and in turn, you helped him with his English. Through that, a firm friendship was formed. At this point, he was like a sibling to you. He was the Sherlock to your Watson and there was no one else you would rather be in this competition with, not least of all because Kim Namjoon was absolutely appalling at games and you planned on kicking his ass.
Finally feeling a little bit human after your early morning - after all, you gamers weren’t known for being early birds - you loaded yourself and your luggage into the elevator in search of your room. You took a sip of your coffee, grateful for the caffeine, leaning back against the mirrored wall as the doors began closing.      “Hold the elevator!”      Without thinking, your hand shot out between the doors but your gamer reflexes must have been too quick for the machine and it closed around your wrist. Startled, you dropped your precious cup of liquid energy, the doors opening just in time for you to see it tumble to the floor and all over Jeon Jungkook’s shoes.      “Shit,” you cursed, dropping to your knees in an attempt to clean it up with the one napkin that had been between your hand and the styrofoam. A few staff members rushed over to help and you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. One held the doors as you both got cleaned up but Jungkook’s white trainers were now splattered with coffee stains.      Eventually, you loaded back into the lift, coffee-less and in a worse mood than when you’d started. JK, bags at his side, was right there with you. You could feel his eyes on you as the doors slid closed.      “You’re shorter than I expected.” The man grinned and you wanted to smack that pretty smile off his handsome face. This was your first time meeting in person and it was going perfectly. Sometimes, you forgot that the feud was all a PR stunt and that you didn’t actually hate him. Well, maybe a bit; you still hadn’t forgotten the time he’d called you a n00b on his podcast and these comments weren’t helping his case.      “You’re more insufferable than I expected,” you retorted, wanting nothing more than for this elevator ride to be over. The building had 4 floors - the ground floor was all communal, with a kitchen and living area occupying most of it. The crew and production team occupied the second floor, and the contestants had assigned, self contained rooms on the third floor. The upper most floor housed a gym and other recreational facilities that you’d be able to use on their downtime. You only hoped that your rooms weren’t too near to each other.      “Are you ready to prove once and for all who’s the better gamer?” You blinked at the man. “...Me. It’s me. I-I’m the better gamer.”      “Wooooooooooooooooooow,” you couldn’t hide the smirk on your face, quickly looking away from him.      “What’s that supposed to mean?”      The doors slid open with a ‘ping’, allowing for a quick escape, leaving a frowning Jungkook to rush after you with his belongings.      “No, no, nothing.”      “It doesn’t sound like ‘nothing’.”      “Well, you’re very full of yourself aren’t you?”      “I do have more subs than you.” You shot him a quick glare. You’d been neck and neck for years but these late few months, he’d taken the lead in sub count and you had yet to take it back. You blamed his handsome face and that ridiculous purple mullet.      “Fine.1 V 1 me then.” You stopped at a door that had your name on it and opened it, loading your bags into the dark room. Jk stopped across the hall and you saw that his room was right across from you. Great. “Name a time and a place and I’ll show you who’s better.”      “I don’t think a 1v1 would be fair on you. You wouldn’t be able to kill the EnderDragon even if you were in Creative.”      You frowned, skin prickling with annoyance, watching him lean back against his door with folded arms “Well, you… you wouldn’t even know an EnderDragon if it...landed on your house.”
Without letting him reply, you rushed into your room, cursing yourself. You closed the door behind you, not before you heard the giggle coming from the frustratingly handsome man.
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alexhziee · 3 years
Review: Doom At Your Service
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t’s been a while since I have watched the drama and its also been a while since I started writing this but never get past 1 sentence LOL. 
So the drama follows the love story between a man who brings doom and a terminally ill woman who makes a drunken wish for the world to end. It was quite a unique and interesting format at times funny but at the same time really sad. 
We first have a female lead who works herself to the bones for her mischievous and lazy little brother with little to no plans for her own self, when she is slapped with a terrible fate of dying young with an illness that is too late to be cured and she meets a diety? Wait was he a deity? A deity that bares the name and brings “doom” and has a strong distaste for mortals. 
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On Doom’s birthday, he hears mortals wish and grants one person’s one wish, and coincidentally he hears our female lead’s drunken wish for the world to end and immediately became interested in this mortal who wishes for the same thing he wants so he made a contract with her that she will not feel pain during her remaining days in exchange for her wishing for the world to end, the very same thing he wants to do but has no power to do unless its a human’s wish.
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I was reluctant to watch for the reason that I kind of expect that it might have a sad ending and I’m not good with sad endings, LOL and I mean don’t we all? Well, thank god that it did have a happy ending. I guess the pacing was okay, I quite like the characters and their growth but I guess it was missing something. I can’t pinpoint it but I did enjoy the drama it’s just that I was expecting it to be more. More outrageous, more intense, or more fantasy? The plot was really interesting and sounded really good but I guess it lacked the impact (personally).
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 And tbh, I think I rooted the love story between Team Leader Cha, Hyun Gyu with Na Ji Na more than I did with the main leads which is weird considering I hate love triangle cliches. 
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Tak Do Kyung
Do Kyung is working as an editor when she was diagnosed with a brain cancer. She has quite a temper that she rarely lets out and often just holds her anger in, especially dealing with idiot writers. She has a younger brother Tak Seon Kyung and tries to looks after him after their parents died. 
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Myeolmang (Doom) / Kim Sa Ram)
Myeol Mang is neither human nor god. I’m honestly not sure how to properly explain what he is but he is somewhat a breed between a grim reaper and a goblin or is it a devil? He’s not exactly there to collect their souls but rather watch or assist their death? He is always there when a human’s “doom” comes and often times has the ability to extend their life for a little bit if he’s feeling annoyed and wants to punish that human. Humans can see him if he wants to but they don’t really see his real face but rather a stranger’s face and  Dong Kyung is the only one who can see his real face.
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Cha Joo Ik
Team Leader Cha is Dong Kyung’s direst supervisor and who is secretly really rich. He has a long time connection with Na Ji Na.
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Na Ji Na
Ji Na is Dong Kyung’s best friend and a famous writer that goes by the pen name “Lee Hyun” which she took from the name of her first love who broke her heart. 
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Lee Hyun Gyu
Hyun Gyu is Ji Na’s first love and ex-boyfriend from high school. He used to be a swimmer and moved overseas. He now owns a cafe on the same building as Team Leader Cha’s office.
CAST & Production
I really love Seo In Guk and Park Bo Young so even if the storyline wasn’t that much exciting for me, it was still worth the watch. And can we just agree that Lee Soo Hyuk’s tall and serious visual with his deep full voice is just perfection? Then there was also my Dawon from SF9, I have been a fan of them since I saw their mini web series Click Your Hear so I was really happy to see them in bigger projects. And of course, Kang Tae Oh, like seriously? The cast list is such a visual overkill. 
Of course, it’s a Korean drama, the effects are edits were good. OST was good as well. No complains on the production for me.
FINAL THOUGHTS Rating: 8.1/10
I wouldn’t say I was disappointed with the drama but I was just expecting more with such a great synopsis, I think they could have done more. The main plot had such a potential to be more than what I saw, they could have made it more outrageous, more intense, more drama more angst? But that’s just my personal opinion. 
It did have tear-jerking scenes and cute romance which I also really liked so it was still a good watch. Would I recommend it? Yes, despite me not being overly enthusiastic about the drama after watching it, I still enjoyed it. It has a good fantasy element to it, a cute main and support couple, and funny scenes. 
Tak Dong Kyung has been working hard ever since her parents passed away. Her life seemed more stable after working as a web novel editor for 6 years, but then she gets diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer). She blames her unlucky life and wishes to curse everything to disappear, which unintentionally calls Myeol Mang, Doom himself - neither human nor god - to appear. 
Myeol Mang says that he can grant Dong Kyung's wishes. As her last hope, she makes a contract with Myeol Mang for a hundred days to live how she wants, risking her everything.
Screenwriter: Im Me Ah Ri
Director: Kwon Young Il
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama, Fantasy
Episodes: 16
Source: Google and https://mydramalist.com/61489-destruction
I watched it through Viu but it is available in most Asian drama subbing sites.
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trashogram · 4 years
Ryuk/Reader 4
This is far more introspective than I intended it to be. I’m sorry you’re reading this and this one is the least fun. Or the most OOC. 
Edit: Forgot to tag @doughdaddy84 as per request! I’m sorry!!
You were a nice enough person.
Ryuk didn’t really care that much about you being nice or not, however. His last charge hadn’t been the most polite or considerate human, even though he’d been in the presence of a literal god.
Ryuk had taken offense to some of the things that Light had said to him in the past, but nothing the egotistical boy had done had ever angered the god. Light had been fascinating, but he wasn’t worth getting upset over. Ryuk’s pruney skin was thicker than that, and the shinigami kept on haunting the kid for about 7 years, give or take.
If anything, after watching you for a couple days, Ryuk had gotten close to reconsidering letting you keep the notebook. Which was a first for him - shinigami weren’t really supposed to directly influence users of the death note. You were just so mousy from a glance, and he’d acknowledged that breaking any more rules wasn’t going to matter when he had to return home. Ryuk was going to be punished either way.
Of that, he was very certain.
But there was just one little hitch that kept him contemplative, if one could call it that. When he’d ripped the death note from Calikarcha and tossed it to the human world, Ryuk had dove after it with unexpected urgency. He’d watched it land on the Earth and be claimed by it, before anyone had seen its appearance.
It had taken a while for the book to be found, but oddly it was a passing waif that hesitated before picking it up.
Ryuk had taken one look at you and your lifespan, and reached the conclusion that you were suicidal. You looked fragile and exhausted, your eyes distant and clouded even though you were visibly young. The sun had already set and any light left had been waning as you walked alone toward downtown, despite not having any way to defend yourself. You were also due to die in a few days.
That was before you’d laid hands on the death note. Before Ryuk saw something that he’d never seen in his lifetime, something that made him do a double-take before writing you off completely.  
Your lifespan had increased as soon as you decided to take his notebook.
A year alone was nothing for a nigh-immortal being. In the shinigami realm, nothing ever changed, therefore the measure of time was considered obsolete insofar as their own lives.
Ryuk felt uneasy, thinking over the fact that he hadn’t even been following you for a year, and yet he’d been remembering times and dates like they were significant. If they meant something to you, then suddenly they were worth recollection.
You were still fragile and cute, like the day he’d found you. Yet, there were little improvements here and there that he could see. Your skin was healthier, the circles beneath your eyes were fading, and you were sound asleep at that very moment. Ryuk had made the observation within the first two months of possessing you that you were a troubled sleeper. You’d often thrashed in your bed, to the point where it was annoying for a long time.
The problem was only a memory, now.
As was the issue of your sickness, and your fear. You’d gained back the weight you lost in the beginning, and the color in your cheeks. You were objectively older than before, after several federal holidays and a birthday -- but you looked younger.
The blank walls of your bedroom were cluttered with colorful posters and a collage of drawings were tacked onto the dartboard, the same one that you had told him was useless once. He was no artist, but he’d contributed his part with a few optical illusions that you gushed over until he felt lighter than air.
Little pots of easy-upkeep plants sat on your window sill, both still alive even after three weeks in your midst. Below that, the built-in heater that you’d begged your landlord to fix was making itself useful, as was appropriate. The shelves were dusted on a weekly basis, and you’d reorganized your bookshelf the day before yesterday. Ryuk had helped of course, scanning the covers and making you point out how childish it was that he based his interest on the pictures and not what was inside with a laugh.
Then you’d shouted at him for tossing them over his shoulder recklessly, just to piss you off. None of your swats did a thing to him, but he loved that you even tried.
Your meekness extended mainly to other humans. People disregarded you easily, and Ryuk considered it a crime. He could repeat some of your most memorable phrases in his head, and laughed until he was hoarse. You said some stupid shit, yet you were thoughtful, worrying for others when they didn’t earn it. Soft as your skin, but you were sharp in your way. Brilliant in a way he had never thought of before.
He allowed himself to feel proud of you for those things.  
You were a tease. Infuriating while you played innocent, but gave him a knowing look that only made the flurry of sensations in his lower stomach worse. He’d hidden the worst of it from you, but your hands started skimming below the neck. You made something like blood pump through his ancient veins, from his head to his toes. It was enough of a problem that he had moments on the roof out of sheer desperation, imagining you inviting him into your bed.  
Recently, he’d gotten it into his head that maybe you felt the same way. It would’ve been funny were it not frustrating.  
There were also things you didn’t tell him, and it irked Ryuk more than he’d like to admit. He couldn’t pinpoint when that particular part of you became less interesting and more concerning. You were closed-lipped about certain skin abrasions, certain moments in your life that he’d not been there for, and any mention of your family would oft put you into a trance. He hated those moments, wishing he could simply open up your skull and pick the information right out of your brain
At least your lifespan wasn’t changing.
Ryuk had floated down to the floor, hunched over your bedside. He could count the days since he’d started doing this, and was only a little self-conscious at this point. The scant trees bearing leaves outside your apartment had changed colors, and the nights were getting longer than the days. Little reminders that it was too late.
Too late for a lot of things.
Ryuk gazed at your face, smooth and untroubled. The god of death brushed the hair out of your face, curling it over the side of your head and behind your ear.
He dragged his talons away from your temple when you sighed, opening your eyes slowly and blinking at him. The recognition was second-nature now, and you no longer regarded him fearfully. He was an anchor for you, for though he could disappear from your sight, Ryuk never dared.  
The look in your eyes made his stomach drop. You were so… happy. Happy to see him. You lit up with adoration, and a tug-o-war between feeling heated and feeling appreciation forced him fidget.
“Voyeurism is frowned upon in most societies.” You needled. “Probably against the law in most.”  
He leaned forward intently. “Hyuk hyuk, what’re you gonna do about it?”
“The penalty is death.” You yawned, bringing his hand over to your chest and letting him touch the bare skin below your collarbone.
Your pulse slowed against his knuckles, and your natural warmth began seeping into his fingers.
Soon, you were drifting off again.
“I’ll kill you in the morning.” You promised.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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@jeoseungsaja sent in:
He'd been out all day. And this time not to get physically wounded in the process (nor to be frantically consumed by a case that's been taking his sleep away for years), but to take a last-minute trip to the beach. To send messages upon the sand. When he was little, his mother, Da-Eun, used to tell him that messages written on the sand, when touched by magnanimous waves, would be sent to those who are no longer among the living. 'Think of them as angels in the water,' she used to say with a smile, whilst taking Hyuk's small hand and guiding him to the endless grains of salt, 'they will take your message anywhere, so the one you're sending it to can read it.' He remembers writing one for his biological mother. And as time went by, he remembers writing many to Da-Eun, too. And now, to his best friend, Patrick. If it was for him, he would've sent his dear friend an entire book of thoughts. However, it's always been hard to realize that these are the only letters that, maybe (even if it's a product of imagination), will get to him. Lines on the sand, taken by sea's foam. He just writes a simple message. Hope it gets somewhere; somewhere, near him. Happy Birthday, Dae-yah. You are missed. He drinks tea in his name. Eats one of those curry puffs he liked so much. Then he heads back; head heavy. He doesn't expect anyone to be there; he told Suki and Jae-Hwan to take the day off, too. Nevertheless, when he twists the doorknob, he sees that familiar shadow again. The Black Knight. He wonders if he knows. If he cares. Well, if he read Patrick's file, then he would know. But who knows if he cares. "I'm not in the mood to see anyone today." A bitter grumble; dark eyes (saddened and tired) looking up to see the covered figure. "Any business you may have, bring it another day." But not today; not today, where he wants to remember Patrick's LIFE instead of his DEATH. He sighs, then basically pushes a bag upon the Black Knight's chest. It's a plastic bag, with the legend of red 'thank you's' written all over it. "Here, have this. I don't need it anymore." Inside, there's a foam container with multiple curry puffs. He doesn't tell him why, there's just an impulse of giving this to him, somehow. As if feeling this man is more or less similar to him. Barely eats. "Now go. Please." Nicely, because as he looks into those eyes, something simply...itches. Gnaws. Pulls strings. "I'll...see you soon." Hyuk forgot to take out the receipt from the bag. The yellowish strip has doodles made with blue ink; a hedgehog with a party hat. It also has the message 'happy birthday, best friend' written next to the drawing. Maybe letters in the sand are sent, after all. They arrive, perhaps. Not in the same of foam, but in the shape of silly doodles and receipts. (HELLO DEAR FERRE, I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND ME SENDING THIS YOUR WAY WIUEDHWIUEDH, there's no need to reply or anything BUT, I HAD TO SEND IT, EVEN IF IT'S A LITTLE LATE; HOPE THIS IS OKAY, TAKE MUCH CARE, CARE YOU TONS!!)
He shouldn’t be here.
Well, there are a lot of places Myungdae shouldn’t be, but when has that ever stopped him? So he offends ANACHRON and the law and probably a bunch of other people by trespassing, but isn’t that the Black Knight’s job in the first place? Stepping on the toes one person, one organization, one complex at a time in order to get the desired result. Waiting around and playing by the rules clearly doesn’t get him or the victims anywhere so he shouldn’t feel any guilt for this set of felonies.
And he doesn’t. Not really.
It shouldn’t be any different here, especially when neither the law nor ANACHRON ( or ARGOS for that matter ) are involved here. 
That being said- a different kind of guilt sets in his stomach here. It’s the kind where he promised Nell he would take the day off today of all days because according to her, ‘it’s your BIRTHDAY, you’re not supposed to work on your birthday’. She didn’t even let him make breakfast for her, Hiro, and Elise like he usually does. 
“Your only job is to relax for today, mate,” she had said, jabbing a finger at him that morning.
( Embarrassingly, or maybe it’s been his preference, he had forgotten about it- his birthday, one chilly day in February. When ARGOS made his new identity, it had taken Myungdae a long minute or two to remember:
“Birthday?” The stenographer had asked, fingers clicking away on his typewriter. In comparison to Nell’s typing, it was cacophony, inhospitable as the grey walls of the facility itself. Nothing at all like Nell’s. He hated it, the way it filled the silence between the probing questions.
Myungdae wavered, eyes glued to the table. When was the last time someone had asked him that? He closed his eyes trying and failing to summon an image of a calendar. “…February.” Which day was it? It wasn’t at the end, but it wasn’t quite at the start either. “Tenth.”
Could you blame him though? When the bulk of his five years were spent purely on a. avoiding ANACHRON, b. making sure ARGOS didn’t think he was burden, or c. most importantly, survival, birthdays, in turn, seem rather…ridiculous. Facetious when there are more important things to be concerned over. )
Myungdae stared back at her, eyes still groggy from having slept bent over his desk instead before she huffed, hands on her hips. “Birthdays are days only good things are allowed to happen, yeah?”
( She was kind enough to just serve him his usual first cup of coffee, however. Nevermind the hearty breakfast that she and Hiro had technically made for him; they could always have leftovers tomorrow. Alfred was kind too- simply gave him his usual coffee order and claimed it was ‘on the house’- he was practicing Latte Wednesdays, you see. )
Which implicitly also means- no BLACK KNIGHT activities today.
And yet here he is lying to her. And slipping into Hyuk’s shoebox of an office in the dead of night. He has yet to truly ask himself- why does he keep returning, coming to this mulishly hard headed detective? This detective whose bite is about as acidic as the words he flings out both carefully and recklessly. It stings each time, each visit like a scab picked off too soon. 
Myungdae tells himself each time he leaves- this will be the last time. Last time he sees his dear friend. Last time he sinks into the past. Last time he’ll put Hyuk in danger.
Sure, Hyuk won’t forgive him, just as he probably hasn’t forgiven Patrick Grace for leaving too soon, but he’ll be ALIVE.
And isn’t that the most important thing, above all else? What other reason would those last five years have been for then?
The detective is not there when Myungdae at first arrives, but air is still abloom with the scent of lilies of the valley and dust. He checks the pot by the window sill- moist, for once. Looks like the detective remembered to water it for once. 
And speaking of which, the door opens. And Myungdae dives into the shadows without another moment to spare. Oh, how Hyuk truly is a conundrum in the way he makes Myungdae’s heart race both in anticipation but also in fear. 
Myungdae is quick to roll his eyes- since when is the detective ever seeking out company? If anything, it’s the other way around: company seeks him out and then clings to him like wet seran wrap. But then he looks up, confused as suddenly, he’s carrying a bag- what’s that smell? It’s fragrant and delightful and familiar and-
He peeks inside before pulling out one of many curry buns. 
Oh. Aren’t those more common in the United Kingdom? If one really wanted to eat them here in Seoul, they’d have to go out of their way to find, like some place in Itaewon. He drops the curry bun back into the bag.
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“...I’m not here on any business.” Well, does he ever have a good reason to come back here over and over again? He’s about to dish out another quip when Hyuk’s voice gives him pause. For some reason, it’s almost…hurts to hear. There’s no acidity, no anger- just…melancholy. And a hint of desperation- like he’ll BREAK if the Black Knight says another word. The Black Knight shuts his mouth, frowning.
It stings again though, a little bit more than usual- being told to leave, even if Hyuk will be expecting him on another day. “Very well. I’ll…I'll come back another time.” He opens the window and pauses before leaping out. “...Sleep somewhere that isn’t your desk. Otherwise, you’ll blow your back out.” 
A fair distance away from the eyes of the detective and the rest of the city, Myungdae removes his hat and then his mask before reaching into the red bag. He pulls out the receipt- oh. That’s why.
And here Myungdae thought the detective would have…forgotten after all these years. Isn’t that what time is supposed to do to grief anyways- soften the edges and make the details a little blurrier, a little more difficult to remember? Fingers glide over the hedgehog and underline the hastily scrawn message: happy birthday, best friend.
Myungdae sighs.
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( When he gets back to base, Nell and Alfred are both waiting for him. Alfred, for once, sympathetic, and Nell, a little peeved, but can she be blamed? They all know this lifestyle is all-consuming- once you start, it’s hard to put the sword back down. Addictive. Myungdae doesn’t say anything, only perching on the table and setting Hyuk’s bag beside him. He opens the container, takes out A CURRY PUFF and takes a bite, chewing. Slowly.
It’s still warm. Just a little bit.
He takes another bite. )
0 notes
agustdef · 4 years
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Pairing: MJ x Reader
Genre: Established Relationship; Fluff
Word Count: 2.2K
Warning: Brief and vague mention of sex and cheating. It’s mentioned, it doesn’t happen. Nor is it suggestive. 
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Note: This fic was written for the ever so sweet and lovely @jinterlude​‘s birthday. I wish I could do something longer, but I’m also very happy to be able to give you this specific concept for a story. You are one of the greatest humans I’ll ever know and I hope you have the best day that you can. 
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MJ had always been a quirky dork. The man was all over the place and would do the weirdest things at the weirdest times. It was chaotic, but also adorable and YN wouldn’t change his way of being even if she could. And it’s why she tried not to question it much when he started to ask her random questions and then change the subject or disappear altogether.
That didn’t stop her from being curious each time it happened though.
The first incident was when they were sat down in their shared apartment eating dinner. One second MJ was shoveling food into his mouth at an alarming rate - one that made her worried he would choke on it - and the next he was staring at her so intensely she was a tad uncomfortable. Of course, YN ignored it for a while hoping he’d stop or say something but when two minutes passed she grew mildly annoyed.
“What?” she asked, looking up from her plate.
Instead of the usual smirk that played on his lips once he successfully annoyed her there were pursed lips and a furrowed brow. He continued not speaking for a moment or two and then when he did it wasn’t what she expected.
“A or B?” he asked.
YN sat there confused, but when there was no follow up and his serious expression didn’t waver she responded.
“Uh… B.”
At that MJ nodded and went back to eating his dinner. YN perplexed opened her mouth to question it, but he looked so into inhaling the rest of his dinner that she left it alone. Well, that and she knew that he would break sooner rather than later on what that was about.
Or that was what she assumed would happen.
For the rest of the night MJ said nothing and acted like it was a normal evening. They cleaned the dishes together, got ready for sleep, and spent the evening cuddled in bed watching some random show that happened to be on when they got into bed most nights. Neither were that invested, but also invested enough to be sad when they missed an episode because they’d gotten into bed too late or fell asleep too early.
The usual routine is what made her forget about the question until another incident happened.
About a week later MJ called her while she was at work and usually that was a highlight of her day, especially when they day had been tiring. But there was no small talk, nor did he try his usual mood maker tactics on her.
He said four words.
“1, 2, or 3?”
Midway through a greeting YN paused and her brows furrowed in confusion. Why in the world had he asked her that and why was it the second time? What could he possibly be having her choose?
However, none of those questions could be asked aloud before he was speaking again.
“Kinda urgent, my sun. Which one?”
The pet name got her out of her head and helped brighten her day for a moment, which meant she could answer him.
“Hm… I wanted to say 1, but how about 3?”
There was a soft laugh from the other side of the phone and it was music to her ears. MJ’s laughs were infectious, especially when they were the loud ones, but something about his gentler ones just sparked joy inside of her. They were just so cute.
“Thank you, my sun. I love you. And don’t forget we’re doing movie night tonight,” he said.
“I love you too. Also, I didn’t and don’t think I don’t remember you saying that I could take your turn on choosing this time.”
There was a horrible attempt at the phone cutting out from his end that she rolled her eyes at.
“I’m sor- I ca- hear you. I’ll ta- to y-y-you later. Bye!”
That left YN with something to laugh about for the rest of the day, especially when things felt like they were a bit too much for her. But questions lingered in the back of her head for longer than they had the last time.
Naturally, she forgot over time or for the most part she did. But that was only because MJ was being extra weird outside of the questions. He still asked them at random times, even having their friend Jinwoo ask her once and going so far as to add the question onto the card for the flowers he’d sent her one day at work.
But her true focus was the secretiveness that went along with it. Outside of the questions he was obviously hiding something from her. She trusted him so she knew it wasn’t cheating - plus he was never gone enough for that to be a thing. And that man was not a fan of quickies so there was no way he had them at work or between work hours. There was also the fact that one of his friends always was near when he was heading out and she definitely knew that wasn’t happening since they preferred to love MJ from a distance. Plus a few were her friends first and they’d never betray her like that.
And with that off the table that meant she was left scrambling for something or anything to explain what was going on. All she could think of is it being some sort of surprise for her, but her mind kept glossing over the one possibility. Not once did she think of it, not even to dismiss it as an option.
It worked in MJ’s favor though because on the day he asked her out to dinner for the following evening she was still none the wiser. All her focus seemed to be on the joy of going to a restaurant they hadn’t in a while and not needing to dress extra fancy to do so. His job held a lot of work dinners and she came as his date most of the time, which meant so much dressing up when she just wanted to relax at home or with friends.
When venturing to the best kimchi stew place with the best view she didn’t mind it. That meant she slipped on a pair of jeans, wore a cute top, and could wear any non-heels in her possession. Once ready to go she met MJ out in the car where she got to see his outfit for the first time all day. It was casual, but something about it was a bit more put together and intentionally stylish. She didn’t think to say anything though because it wasn’t rare that he did it; plus, she was against adding something as little as that to her pile of suspicion.
Besides, she planned to ask him about it during their date.
They bided the time in the car talking about their week and the ridiculous thing Sanha had done the day before and how Eunwoo had seemed ready to kill him. Which meant the week went about how it normally did, because Eunwoo often looked ready to just unload on his chaotic friend group. The poor bean was perpetually stressed out and done with all of them.
Something that YN and everyone found hilarious. Though sometimes she took mercy on him and got them in line, especially when they grated on her nerves as well.
Upon arrival they pulled into a spot and walked into the building, being directed to their favorite seats immediately. Both were such frequent customers that they knew the staff by name and vice versa. Everyone knew what they liked and did their best to accommodate them because they all got along so well. It was a nice space to be.
Once in their seats YN’s eyes drifted to the window next to them. Through it you could see the cityscape. The buildings high, the lights bright, and the people and cars moving about. It was peaceful despite the inherent busyness and chaos that came with living in a city. At some point in life she may have enjoyed the quiet of a smaller town or a suburb, but she would never change out of the city for that. At least not with the way she lived her life in that moment. Maybe when she and MJ were married with kids to raise would she wish for a change of pace.
“You going to stare out the window all night? I’m sure my face is just as beautiful,” MJ teased.
YN made a fake gagging noise and then laughed.
“That was so cheesy,” she said.
“I know. Speaking of, are we getting the usual?”
“Of course.”
And just like magic their waiter, Hyuk, strolled over to take their order. There was some light small talk before he was off putting the order in, though YN was sure they started it the moment they walked through the door. They never changed it unless they added another item on as some sort of side, so there was no need to guess or wait for them to come to a decision.
As they waited they talked about anything and everything, well anything that was light. They’d swerved into the topic of a case the YN worked that was particularly hard and when MJ saw how much it took out of her to speak about it he changed the subject. However, he kept the focus on her and a story she had to tell. Something he’d explained to her once as a way to get off a not great conversation, but still letting her know that he was there to listen to whatever she wanted to tell him.
“I think you should do pink,” he said.
“Pink? You think I should dye my hair pink?” she asked incredulously.
MJ nodded, pausing as Hyuk sat their stew, side dishes, and drinks down before leaving.
“Yeah, pink would suit you well. We can even dye it together if you want. Hot pink.”
No response felt right for YN so she just left him sitting there with his ridiculous idea and grabbed her spoon to gather a bit of the broth to drink. Even when he did that dork eyebrow wiggle she ignored him, motioning for him to eat his food. After a few seconds he did, though there was a look in his eyes that she couldn’t place. It wasn’t the earlier mischief, but it did indicate he was up to something.
She would’ve said something right then and there, but the taste of the stew had her releasing an involuntary moan as she did. The taste was just so perfect and she was much hungrier than she assumed, so the thought of talking was over before it truly started.
And they remained like that. Eating wasn’t a talkative affair, so the silence was fine. Well, silence with the occasional whisper of how they loved the food so much and would do anything for it.
They were both weird.
Dinner finished quickly enough and the moment the dishes were collected they were replaced with their usual bingsu. It was chocolate oreo and way too sweet, but also way too good. They didn’t have it every time or at least that was the lie YN liked to tell herself so she could validate getting it the next time they came.
The lie had no one fooled.
While YN dug in almost immediately MJ did not and when she didn’t notice his spoon fighting to steal her scoop she looked up. Surprisingly, MJ wasn’t there and that confused her, until she turned her head and saw him down on one knee with an open ring box in his hand. He wore a bright smile and the joy in his eyes matched it.
“I’ve been asking you a million random this or that questions for weeks now trying to figure out how to do this. You’ve helped me with so many decisions, but in the end of it all they didn’t feel right. So, with the last thing I asked you helped me realize that this was best. That I wanted to ask you to marry me, to be my wife in a place we both love with a view that very few places could beat. YN, my sun, I love you with my entire being. And I know my personality can be a lot sometimes, but you love all sides of me regardless of how you sometimes lock me out of the bedroom for peace. Or make me go to JinJin’s. And I love you the same way. So, if you don’t mind I’d like to ask one more question. Yes or no?”
YN felt her stomach churn and her heart beat erratically. There was just so much joy inside of her that her body didn’t know how to handle it and she felt a little overwhelmed, but in the best possible way. The man she loved and who she’d spoken to about their future life proposed to her in one of her favorite places and included her in the entire process. Even if she didn’t know about it.
“Yes,” she said, her voice shaky.
And without another word MJ slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up, pulling her into a tight embrace. They laughed and they cried throughout the night. Both of them on cloud nine.
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hansanghyuked · 3 years
I'm sorry for being late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Thank you! I had a lovely day, and I hope everyone enjoyed all the Hyuk spam! ❤️
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scenarioslovers · 4 years
Little Event | N
It had been a while since I wrote something so go easy on me. thank you for sending in your numbers I am working on them one by one
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Prompt quote #19: “God, you are so fucking cute.”
 It took Hakyeon a whole week to set everything straight. He called all your friends and family to make sure that on that specific day you will not be home. He asked his friends to buy the decoration stuff and get him the best wine for that special day.
As Hakyeon was serving in the military he always felt so sorry for missing so many events. He missed your third anniversary; your birthday and he could not celebrate your success of getting promoted with you. He always felt sorry for you, but he was more grateful than sorry.
While everyone’s girlfriend was breaking up with them for not being able to stay by their sides. You were his greatest support. You always visited him, called him when it was possible. While everyone was getting their energy from girl groups, you were his biggest energy when he watched the video you sent him every day. He never felt lifted out of your life. He saw how hard you worked for you to get this promotion and his heart jumped with joy when you told him about it. However, his heart broke that he could not share with you this happiness in a person.
Lately, he got the information that you had been so stressed because of the new environment of your job. He could hear it in your voice when you called him. He could see it in your eyes, the dark circles that revolved around them that you were not getting so much sleep either.  
And that when he had decided that he needed to do something for you. His two weeks off military was coming soon. Since he wanted to surprise you; you knew about his breaks and always waited for him in front of the gates, he asked for a day early leave. He had to do double the work and exercises and training so that he could leave a day early.
 He did not complain and did the work patiently knowing that it would pay off when he sees you sooner.
When Hakyeon stepped out of the military base gate, he looked everywhere for the car that would pick him up. He asked his friend and groupmate Taekwoon to come in his car. However, he was late as always. Hakyeon could not help but roll his eyes when he saw Taekwoon’s car pulling off after fifteen minutes of waiting.
“I remember clearly saying one in the afternoon, not one fifteen.” Hakyeon spat as he threw his back on the back seat and hopped into the passenger seat. “Fifteen minutes late? Y/N will not wait for that long.”
He got your sister to act as if she had a bad day and needed you by her side. Now she was probably making up stories about why she was sad. Hopefully, you would buy it. He knew how smart you were, and he was so scared that someone would spill the tea. He swore that he would kill anyone who would ruin his plane.
“Nice to meet you too, my friend,” Taekwoon said softly as he shook his head before driving to your apartment.
“Did Hyuk brought my clothes? I asked him to bring me something new to wear.”
“He probably did it,” Taekwoon answered. “I guess.”
“You didn’t check with him?” Hakyeon voiced started to waver in panic.
“Yah! I was helping in decoration before coming here.” Taekwoon scoffed, rolling his eyes. “uh, right. I took a few pictures of the settings, hope you like them.” He handed his phone to Hakyeon as he side-eyed him watching his expression, which didn’t look so good. He looked so nervous. Wrinkles were clear around his eyes and the nerve was tight near his neck. “Hey, relax. She will like it. Everything will be fine.”
“I hope so.” He sighed, noticing how he was stressing so much. “I feel like I am purposing to her.”
Taekwoon could not hide his laughter. Because he knew that the next event after Hakyeon get discharged would be probably purposing for marriage. “Let’s not hurry things.”
When she called that she was having a bad day, your heart dropped. She took my car keys and drove right away to her house. You rang the door and when she was late opening the door, you started to panic. you called her once and after the first ring, the door swung open.
you looked at her confused. She looked totally fine. She was wearing a bathing robe and had a towel wrapped around her hair. Half of her nails were polished and there was a sheet mask on her face. It looked more like she was chilling than she was falling apart.
Her voice was seriously sad on the phone that your whole body was shaking in fear that you will not be able to collect your broken sister. Your heartbeat pace slowed a little bit as you were out of your breath. “What is wrong with you? You look totally fine.”
“I am not.” She rolled her eyes. “I am trying to relax here. My day was seriously bad. Come and join me.”
“Oh my god, you scared the hell out of me. But you look totally fine.” You sighed as you stepped into her house.
“Chill, it never gets so bad for me.”
“Lucky you then.” You said sarcastically, annoyed a little bit that she almost gave you a panic attack and relieved that she was fine. “Hakyeon’s break will start tomorrow. I need to be home early to cook something delicious for him.”
“Hakyeon.” Your sister’s voice cracked a little calling his name.
“Yeah, my boyfriend. If you forgot about him.” You threw your body on the sofa as you pulled one of the face masks and put it on your face. “You don’t know how much I was worried. What happened?”
“Oh, it’s just school stuff.” Your sister was a college student. Since both of you lived in the countryside, moving to Seoul was a serious step in both of your lives. Everyone wondered why you did not live together. Both of you were more comfortable to live on your own.
“Okay, I am listening.” You waited for her to speak, but she looked like she did not have anything to say. She was looking nervously around her, and you feared for the worst. “You aren’t getting suspended, are you?”
“No, of course not. It has just this subject I am not doing well in it. I am expecting a D at the end of the semester.”
“Just that?” You rolled your eyes, as you fade up with your sister.
“Well, you know that if I got a D I will lose my scholarship. I don’t know what to do.” She sighed, but her eyes were looking somewhere else as if she was thinking. You decided to ignore it for a second. If she lost her scholarship, your parents would probably kill her.
“Did you speak to your professor?”
“Yes, no.”
“Yes or no?”
“I don’t know.”
“What’s on your mind? Speak to me.” You sat straight on the sofa as you took her hands in yours. “I am here for you.”
“I know.” She suddenly hugged you before pulling away as quickly as she hugged you. “I am glad you are here. Stay for a bit. I need your help doing my nails.”
“Are you really getting a D? or did you call me to do your nails?” You narrowed your eyes at her. She was defiantly acting strangely today.
“You got me.” She grinned and you almost slapped her head but decided otherwise.
Maybe it was the time of the year when she just wanted you around for no reason. She always did that when she was young. Running to your room and play around even though she had her own room, but she liked to be around you.
An hour passed and you decided to go back home, but your sister will not let you go. She was nervously texting and then threw her phone away before asking you to help with something else. Strangely she always found something for you to do.
“I have to say it. What is wrong with you today? You are acting so strange.”
“I just miss my older sister.”
“I will try to believe that.” You shook your head. “I really have to go home. I have a lot of things to do today.”
You noticed it again, her phone rang, and she checked it out before looking back at her nervously. “Who are you texting?”
“Just my friends from school. They are asking me to go and drink with them.”
“Then go and let me go too.” You scoffed. “Just go to your friend and let me prepare for my boyfriend”
Her phone rang again and this time she smiled. “You know what you are right. I am going to them now. You are free to go.”
“Finally. I will see you soon.” You grabbed your stuff and headed toward the door; she was right behind you. “Call me when you get home, don’t drink too much, and don’t bring boys home. Or at least use protection.”
“UNNI” Your sister snapped in frustration, her cheeks as red as a tomato.
“Call me.” You pointed a finger at her before walking out of her house.
It was dark where he was hiding. He thanked everyone for the help, and they left right after he gave them the vouchers he promised. He was right to trust Hyuk to pick up his clothes. He picked ripped jeans and a green oil shirt. Also picking up the perfect perfume he was waiting nervously for you in the kitchen.
Your sister just texted him that you were on your way and that he owed her for suffering for two hours with her sister.
He texted her back that it could not have been that bad, knowing how kind-hearted you were.
Ten minutes later and the door opened. He took a deep breath; his heart was going to escape his chest. It was beating so much. When the light turned on, he heard your gasp and it was his clue for him to get out of his hidden place.
When your eyes fall on him, your mouth dropped. you gasped again, louder this time as tears filled your eyes. You looked around you then at him again. “What are you doing here? You are early”
He just smiled as he stepped closer and closer to you. “I wanted to cheer you up. A little surprise for you.”
“How? When did you get to do all of this?”
You pointed at the balloons and the banner with “I love you forever” written on it. There was a table by the window and two glass of wine and the wine bottle in the middle. He saw the astonishment in your eyes, the disbelieve. It meant only one thing. That his plan was a success.
When he was about to make a joke, you broke into tears as you sobbed like a baby in front of him. Panicking, Hakyeon held your face in his palm. Confusion filled his eyes as you will not meet his eyes.
“Hey, hey.” He said softly as he placed a soft kiss at the top of your head. “Did I do something wrong? Should I go back to the base?”
You held his hands before he could pull away. Finally, you looked at him. Nose red. Eyes red. Your cheeks were red too. Tears cascading softly on your cheeks. “Did you ask my sister for help?”
“Was it obvious?” He asked, nervously. Maybe his plan is a fail after all.
“Well, she was acting strange. I didn’t know why I was worried, now I know.” Sniffing, you looked at his eyes and he saw the starry night in them. They sparked, emitting fireworks into his heart. “I miss you so much. So, so much. I am really glad you are here.” You tip-toed and snaked your arms around his neck hugging him so tightly.
Her whole reaction caught him off guard that for a second, he was just frozen before hugging you back and carrying you in his arms.
When he put you back to the ground, you were still crying so much. He could not help it but hug you again and laugh at your cuteness. He was totally covering your head with his arms as his hand was patting your shoulder gently. “god, you are so fucking cute.”   
You slapped his chest playful as you pulled away from just a little so that you could see his face. “Shut up, you made me cry. I did not expect that all. I love you so much.” You pulled him down and pressed your lips against his.
“I love you too.”
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jinkiguk · 7 years
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♥ Happy Birthday Nam Joo Hyuk!  ♥
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jindoelf · 4 years
200401 HuyaTV live -Hyuk & Chul (Hyuk's birthday)
Hyuk said he could tell which is the spicy one and he likes spicy stuff so he chose the one that looks spicy!
Hyuk chose the spicy one!!
To him it isn't really a punishment he said he will eat it deliciously
Punishment for last week is to have spicy tteokbokki: There are two types of tteokbokki, one spicy and one not, and they have to choose randomly to eat
Hyuk started singing and the translator translated it while singing in Chinese
They have to settle today's punishment at the end today since it's the last broadcast
Hyuk said he will focus on the game so he won't talk
Hyuk really not talking man he looks super focused man
For a period he was literally like this, totally focused and not talking, super cute 🥰
Hyuk: Hello everyone, I'm killer. I kill all of you guys -
Hyuk asked what the popups on the left mean
Hyuk sounds so sad because he has no gun
scratch that he sounds so devastated
he tried to run over the other player w his motorbike
Heechul told Hyuk to get off and let him drive instead
So cute.. HC heard gunshots and asked Hyuk if it's him, and the translator translated in Chinese "是你吗? (Is it you?)“ and Hyuk answered in Chinese "是我 (It's me)”.
Punishment is downing Coca-Cola in one shot!
They have to share their feelings after the game and Hyuk was like I don't even know how I died...
Hyuk said he wants to take a polaroid at the moment when he burps but asked how come it's not coming out??
Q. The one who run over you with a car is actually an elf, how to you feel about this?
Hyuk: Really? *shocked*
He also said like he was ran over a few times... and then HC was like Ending Last Friend
No longer Ever-Lasting Friend, but Ending Last Friend
Hahah Heechul likes Stephen Chow's Journey to the West
Stuck again when Hyuk's answering what he does when he doesn't have schedules :(
Hyuk's only wish now is to hold a concert soon....
It's Hyuk's first birthday cake of the year!
q: although its a bit early, happy birthday! whats your birthday wish?
hj: my wish is to hold a concert quickly. the situation in the world is not good right. i hope it gets sorted out quickly so i can meet with elfs soon. this is my wish. lets meet soon everyone
He knows there are many advertisements and cafe events for him :')
hj: thanks everyone! everyone that made events in cafes and subways, etc, i heard there are a lot, but i can't go out much, so thank you very much, im rly touched
hc: its a relief that youre celebrating this with me. if itd been the other members theyd have smashed the cake into your face
hj: oh i hate it
Q. (Based on Chinese qn) What do you do to enrich yourself when you don’t have a schedule?
HJ: Lately we don’t have any concerts or schedules so ELFs must be also bored. Everyone can go watch our old videos. There are many concert videos as well as variety shows we’ve been on.
HC: Which show was the most memorable and fun to you?
HJ: There was an episode in KBS 체험 삶의 현장 (20060819) where we went to the zoo. The most memorable part was when we fed watermelon to the hippopotamus.
HJ: When I fed the hippopotamus watermelon, it opened its mouth sooooooooo widely. Then I put a hugeeeeeeee piece of watermelon into its mouth. It swallowed well(?). At that moment, I thought, although the hippopotamus is so big, it eating watermelon is still cute.
HJ: I felt it was a little pity when we filmed KBS 체험 삶의 현장. Usually at the end of the show, everyone would ride a unicorn and put the letter into the heart. But because we didn’t film in the studio, we didn’t have this segment, it’s such a pity.
(Hyuk didn’t even answer the original question in the end lolol)
cr. 鹃鹃要脸
heechul says that when they uploaded their polaroid photos the last time, people were saying those pictures that others took for him looks nicer than the selcas he took 😂 so he showed this polaroid to hyukjae that he just took and hyukjae said this is the worst HAHA
they turned on the main mic and said:
Heechul: hello i’m Huya tv’s kim heechul
Hyukjae: I’m killer. I kill all you guys
heechul was saying that during sj returns 1, he showed him in his underwear only and then he said it didnt appear on the broadcast but donghae took off even his(heechul's) underwear and he had to use the comforter to cover himself
one of the question that hyukjae got was that if he knew that the person who knocked him with a car during the previous broadcast was an elf and then hyuk was like "arent we supposed to be everlasting friends???" then heechul was like "more like ending last friend" 😂😂
fan: do you have a cologne that you like?
hyuk: i dont use cologne. I usually use a body lotion after shower because its dry. I like sweet smells like peach smells
fan: please recommend some songs to fans
hyukjae: uh....
heechul: halmeoni (harmony😂)
hyukjae: ah our donghae released a song with bewhy called halmeoni, please listen to it alot
heechul recommends the songs dorothy and love disease
Hyukjae: because KRY is D&E's rival group so I don't wish for them to release a new album
heechul: then how about Y&E?
hyukjae:...uh i might as well just rest like now with no schedules.
Fan: what is your birthday wish?
Hyukjae: my only wish now is to do concerts
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