#//he can try and hit her but she's hitting him back twice as hard guards be damned
stormfuryd · 6 months
in her beggar queen verse, i dont think rhaeana could necessarily fix viserys (bc it's not her job and they're both as traumatised as each other) However! i do think she could make him Worse
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mccoyquialisms · 5 months
More bits from the 1st night of the London D20 live show that brought me joy:
The little “ooooohhhhHHHH” bit everyone in the atrium did as they were rolling the bingo cages for their characters
How NUTS everyone went when Lou got Fabian and everyone started chanting “hoot growl”
A second, just as loud cheer when Siobhan got Adaine and her and Lou ran around the stage together
Siobhan, unprompted: “GIVE ADAINE A GUN!”
Emily has apparently named a stray cat after Plug <3
Sydney straight up eating the ground (it’s ice cream, she’s fine. Sort of.)
“It’s a smell so counter to everything human life needs, in a way that almost kills you, but also, only in a way someone from New York can understand, makes you proud.”
The party refusing to call the candy wyverns anything other than “bugs”
Zac interrupting the ongoing banter to announce Skip is already boarded and sucking on the saddle of the wyvern
“I throw a flash grenade.” “I turn into a giant pigeon.” “I cast unseen servant to untie him.” “I shoot a guard.” “Okay, so everyone decides to do something SUPER SUBTLE.”
I mentioned it before but it’s SO good: “the DC is 500. Only a Nat 20 will do it.” Beardsley: [rolls a Nat 20 first try] [pandemonium in the arena]
“Have you seen Succession?”
The gabagool 🤌
“Adaine, we have saved the world multiple times. These are the scariest people we have ever met.”
Lou losing it at Sydney’s grenade having 1 point of poison damage in addition to all the bludgeoning damage
Skip gives Fabian a laser gun. He does not know what it is until he shoots Calroy with it
“Adaine, this gun thing you’re on? I get it.”
Cocaine Bear
Pete and Skip instant besties. Pete and Fabian instant enemies.
“You named him Anus and now I just have to do it the rest of the show!”
“I absolutely hate to add insult to injury…” “THEN DON’T!”
Adaine passing her wisdom save by 1 point to prevent Kugrash’s polymorph spell from turning her into a rat
The absolute ROAR that went up when Skip transformed into Lapin
“Anus?” “Not today.” “Not today WHAT?”
“I thought I was just on another planet starting a revolution I don’t intend to stick around for.” “America!”
Ally confidentially declaring Lapin and Aguefort have swinger vibes
“Do you want to just take him?” “Do you mean in the biblical sense?” “Another exciting use….”
[croaky voice] butterfly in the skyyyy
Pete opening 6 different flavors of seltzer while the rest of the party does kublacaine
Elaine Lee in the house!!!
Kugrash the greatest chaperone who ever lived
Lapin and Aguefort…and they were roommates…..Lapin’s “how do I look?” before they go into the egg fortress lmao
Syd’s perfume missile dealing 68 points of damage to Fabian and instantly knocking him unconscious. “Are you rolling D20s for damage???”
“I’m going to use my tides of chaos to reroll….worse.”
Tina the butterfly familiar that everyone totally remembers
“Well shit, any house where we kill the people in it becomes our house.”
Pete dissing Fabian so hard he feels the toxic masculinity coming back
Lapin requesting an exam extension for Adaine and Fabian from Arthur via dating app
The collective psychic damage everyone took from the “yar har har” scene
“Pete just starts dancing with a scarf in a way no one else has seen before.” “That’s my fucking thing!!!”
Sydney just enabling every pvp encounter alsdkghsdg. Giving Fabian unlimited capacity to his gun as he’s shooting Pete, with Fabian hitting twice and criting once.
“I can pleasure you or throw grenades, you gotta pick one.” “The first one, obviously!” “Okay!”
Lapin, Adaine and Kugrash chain smoking in the corner suffering through the pain of existence while the rest of party goes nuts around them
Murph incorporating the words “come/coming” as much as possible into Kugrash’s farewell speech while Brennan mimes Gilear’s enormous dick behind him. Not even Fabian’s battle sheet is enough to conceal that hog
“That’s right, I’m the king. And then I jump into the dumpster.”
GILEAR…MY…..OLD FRIEND………Aguefort and Gilear fwb real
“Not another person with their penis frozen to the walk in!”
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how does your reverse falls weirdmageddon go down?
GREAT QUESTION. full explanation under the cut! (this info can also be found in my reverse falls doc) tldr ford and will start weirdmageddon, the gleeful family goes through the ultimate challenge of realizing theyre a selfish and broken family, and they all work together with the rest of the zodiac to destroy will through erasing fords memories!
the dimensional rift exists, but instead of ford finding it, stan does. ford knows there should be a rift around somewhere now that his portal's been totaled, but he can't find where it is. this is frustrating.
ford wants to start weirdmageddon with will to become the most powerful man in the world. that's his goal after he came back.
mason wants to grow up too fast, mabel is afraid of growing up. (we know this from canon already) this is also coming off the coattails of last mabelcorn, where mabel gets called 'ugly' by the unicorn (it hits her twice as hard because mason and mabel's entire thing is being cute kids performing!)
in mason & mabel vs the future, ford takes dipper to crash site omega to try and build an anomaly detector. he treats it as mason's first sort of "real expedition" but in reality he's still trying to find where stan hid the rift.
ford offers mason an apprenticeship, but instead of the problem being "dipper would stay in gravity falls", it's "ford says that he would have to stop his 'telepathy twins' act with mabel because it's holding back his potential and is actually quite childish". (of course he insists mabel would do great as a solo act)
mabel hears through walkie-talkies (they use it to fake 'twin telepathy' sometimes), gets upset that mason is abandoning her, and runs off, but instead of blendin, it's will that finds her! will insists that since she's technically his boss, if she wants a little more summer, he has no choice but to do as she wishes. he explains he'll need the rift that stan keeps in his study. mabel sneaks back inside and is able to get to stan's keys thanks to stan being hypervigilant of mason and less so of mabel (due to his brother and all)
once she gets the rift to will, will SMASHES it, revealing that ACTUALLY, he works on FORD'S orders, and she's forgotten where she lies in the pecking order. weirdmageddon begins, she gets trapped in a bubble, and ford and will's deal gets broken because of will's newfound physical form (and now that time is dead, it's technically "the end of time!" so there you go). they agree to rule the world as partners
somewhat replacing the canon intro all the way to the part where ford gets turned to gold is ford and will running into mason, who ford invites to join him because "he sees great potential in him". mason looks up at his uncle being all buddy-buddy with a demon and literally ending the world and he realizes "this isn't the man i want to be." but hes too terrified to say no, but he doesnt WANT to say yes, so hes just kinda frozen there.
wendy bails him out, pulling him into a car she jacked and driving off. they take shelter in the mall which is where they find paz, gideon, reggie and robbie. they form a ragtag group of Apocalypse Heroes and mason explains he needs to free mabel from her bubble. they drive all the way out to the bubble but get ambushed by STAN
stan kinda takes gideons place in the role of weirdmageddon where he has a mad max troupe of road warriors, but once he sees mason in the group, he calls them off, revealing he only "joined" ford to save his own hide and is absolutely ready to ditch that idiot.
the gleeful family enters mabel's bubble as the rest of the gang stand guard outside
weirdmageddon 2 is very similar to canon, but mabel gleeful elects herself queen of mabeland and has a lot more of a "tyrant ruler" vibe. she throws mason and stan in the dungeon and stuff its great. mason and stan convince her that theyve all messed up and they need to Be Better... starting with mason not taking the apprenticeship. mason and mabel reunite and theyre ready to take on will and ford now
weirdmageddon 3 has the gang finding bud and hope (gideon's parents) trying to ditch town by driving away in an RV, but paz and gideon want to help their NEW FRIENDS THE GLEEFULS rescue all the other townspeople, and maybe try to talk some sense into ford? (stan is doubtful.) so they start gathering resources to head to the fearamid
meanwhile, the reverse falls equivalent to the penthouse scene is happening, which is basically just will and ford chilling out as ford slowly tries to hammer away at the barrier equation (he studied magic, not this! give him some time!) until will drops the ball that like. ford has charmed him into still loving him. that much is true. but he's like "i think we're a little beyond you being in charge of me, right? and im more than happy to keep you around... but i never said anything about stanley or those kids."
hes like, to fords face, "i am going to kill mason and mabel." and obviously fords like UHHH NO DONT DO THAT because theyre family? and he doesnt want them DEAD even if theyre below him! but of course, will is just reflecting ford's terrible attitude back at him that only the Special and the Worthy should be able to claim that success. and since ford was always only looking out for himself, this is the ultimate culimation of that: he'll be the one surviving gleeful.
ford protests against this but will starts sobbing that ford is getting cold feet and turns him into gold and thats where we're at by the time the gang gets to the fearamid with the GIANT BUD'S AUTO ROBOT.
they rescue ford cos hes part of the zodiac and he definitely seems a little shaken up as he agrees to hold hands and save the world. but stan is pissed OFF because ford has done nothing but threaten and belittle stan for the entire time hes been back so as theyre holding hands he lets a remark slip about it and then ford just cant help himself and goes "its not my fault im the better twin". cue fighting cue everyone getting turned into tapestries etc.
stan and ford, instead of pulling the switcheroo, agree that ford should goad will into entering his mind by saying he's solved the equation (since yknow reverse ford doesnt need a metal plate). ford does that and then they erase his memories like they do with stan in the original show. kinda the ultimate penance going on there, ford doing something that isnt selfish for once and actively harms himself.
world saved, ford gets his memories back, blah blah blah, the gleeful twins celebrate their 13th birthday and mason, mabel and ford all smash their magic amulets so that theyll never use them again
stan and ford become the new "telepathy twins" as now neither of them have any magic to their name and can bond by tricking tourists Together. meanwhile mason and mabel retire and do part time work at greasys
paz leaves town for the summer but promises she'll come back next year
will whines at the axolotl to give him a second chance and he gets chucked in the theraprism
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Lost (28) - Bounce
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4.5k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Kicked around, cut, stitched and scarred, I'll take the hit but not the fall, I know no fear, still standing tall-
She snuck through the shadows, careful to avoid being detected right away. If she remembered correctly Ghost-Lion was meant to patrol this corridor and then, just around the corner, she would reach the personal area Ghostface used as his meeting room and base of operation. Sure enough, she caught a glimpse of the robes and followed after the man. She needed to be careful not to cut his robes or damage the mask. After all, she needed them.
So, as he began climbing the stairs she ran up to him, put him in a chokehold you taught to her years ago and squeezed as hard as she could.
He grunted, turning and pushing back into the wall, making her almost let go of him, but she held on. She had to. For Tara. For Tara’s sake and safety Sam needed to be stronger than anyone, and so, in a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand when he began pulling her arms away from his neck, she leaned back and let both him and her tumble down the stairs.
Following Sam’s directions, you opened the doors and came face to face with a gun pointed at you.
“Shit, Y/N, it’s you,” Kirby sighed, lowering her gun.
Your eyes widened when you saw the state everyone was in. Anya was dead, Kirby had blood on her hands and was trying to help another woman out while Tara shakily walked over to you, and you automatically pulled her into your arms. “I’m here now,” you whispered softly, not entirely sure what happened here, but at least Tara was unharmed.
“Sam is trying to sacrifice herself,” Tara cried into your chest, and you had to pull away slightly.
“What?” you whispered, suddenly out of breath, but it made sense. The look on her face, her actions, she was tired of this and it wasn’t the first time she thought her death would solve everything.
But before you or anyone else could say anything you heard the sound of yacht sailing away, prompting you and Tara to run outside.
“Sam!” Tara cried out as the two of you saw the two figures through the windows, both wearing Ghostface masks and there was nothing, absolutely nothing you could do to reach the yacht in time.
“You’re the MMA fighter, right? I have the boat, I can get you on board of that yacht,” the wounded woman said as she stumbled to her feet. You guessed this was Kirby’s mole, as well as the one who got hurt by the Ghostface you and Sam just killed.
“I owe you one,” you nodded. There was no doubt in your heart. One of those two was Sam, and you were going to bring her self-sacrificing ass back to Tara.
“Y/N,” Tara grabbed your hand and you just leaned down to kiss her.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, unlike Sam you had no intention of dying, or leaving Tara to raise your children alone. You knelt in front of her and kissed her belly twice. “I promise.”
“You better,” Tara whispered, letting go of your hand. You could see it in her eyes, though she was afraid, though she was worried for your life, she still had faith in you, she still believed you’d come back safe and with Sam with you.
She was staring right at her goal, at the end of this curse. She’d end the cult, her own life, and no one would ever target Tara again. She would be free from Billy’s legacy.
The sprained ankle and a couple of cuts on her body she got from fighting Ghost-Lion would be a disadvantage, but she’d push through the pain and finish the man off as quickly as possible. That was, at the very least, what Sam planned to do.
“I didn’t think you’d be the last one standing,” Ghostface told her. “I guess that’s the king of animals for you,” he chuckled a bit.
“Something like that, I guess. What now?” Sam approached him slowly, ready to stab him in the back.
“I’ll just start over, after all, much like killers from the Stab movies, we, as well, are replaceable. Though, this time I’ll start with killing Samantha,” he paused for a moment, looking ahead toward the open sea. “No more dramatic final girls, I’ll just kill her.”
His voice was calm, but Sam could sense the tension in it. Maybe it was just the fact that his entire plan fell apart in one night, or a few days at best, it didn’t really matter. But then she saw the glint of the knife and her eyes widened. He knew.
“I guess loyalty really is dogs’ greatest trait, only you weren’t loyal to me, were you, Samantha Carpenter,” he slashed at her and she just barely dodged being cut open. Instead, the blade cut through the robes and left her with a small cut on her abdomen instead. “Ghost-Lion was taller,” he simply said, continuing his assault as Sam stumbled back, unable to properly regain her footing with her ankle.
She was supposed to catch him off guard, not the other way around, but she still managed to catch his wrist and twist it to get him to drop the knife.
But her sprained ankle and the pain from falling down the stairs proved to be almost insurmountable disadvantage as he managed to lift her up and slam her against the controls, pushing the lever and speeding the yacht up in the process.
Sam gasped as the mask fell off her head and nearly blacked out when he punched her in the face, but she gritted her teeth and pushed through the pain. She lifted her leg up and kicked him in the balls, making him stumble back and drop to his knees.
“It’s about time I see who you are,” she didn’t know what to expect. Would it be someone she knew, even just vaguely, or would it be a complete stranger. What she saw made her freeze. The man looked like he was desperately trying to copy Billy Loomis, and in her disoriented state of mind she clutched her head and saw her father instead.
“I gotta say, he sure captured my look,” the monster in her head laughed at the sight and Sam shut her eyes, desperately trying to block the hallucinations out.
That one moment of weakness was enough for Ghostface to grab her and throw her to the floor. Before she could react he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the floor.
“I’m not going to stab you Samantha, I want to feel you die,” he said, an insane and sinister grin on his face told her everything. Her only hope was that the yacht would hit something and push him off her, but she still tried to pry his fingers from her throat.
The yacht was speeding up and you knew you’d only have one chance to do this.
“These aren’t good odds,” Kirby’s mole told you.
“Tell me about it,” you sighed and got ready to jump and grab onto the fence. “We don’t exactly have other options, go back to the harbor, get that wound properly treated, Sam and I got this!” you told the woman and jumped just barely reaching and clinging to the fence. “Oh, shit!” this definitely wasn’t as easy as regular pull ups, especially with your wounded palm, but you managed to climb over the fence. “All good! Now go!” you yelled and took off. Sam would likely be in the control room or however it was called.
You burst through what looked like important doors and saw Sam struggling to push the man off her as he tried to strangle her. He was no longer wearing his mask, but the robes made it clear he was the cult leader, the Ghostface. The sound of doors slamming against the wall made him look up and it gave Sam enough of an opportunity to push him off and roll away from him as you rushed in, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up.
“Y/N!” Sam coughed, as she tried to regain her breath, but your entire attention was on the man as you slammed an uppercut into his jaw and followed it up by several hooks, each one gaining more momentum as you punched him from one side to another. Blood spilled from his mouth and nose and he stumbled back. You took a deep breath and pulled out a knife and before he could regain his composure you ended his life by slitting his throat.
You took a few deep breaths and turned to Sam. “You okay?” she wasn’t exactly okay, she had a few shallow cuts and her ankle was probably sprained, but she was alive.
Sam nodded, leaning back against the wall and tossing the knife aside. It was finally over. “On a scale from one to ten, how angry at me are you?”
“Nine point as long as Tara wants you in her life it doesn’t matter,” you were angry, but how you felt didn’t matter as much as Tara getting to keep her sister in her life. “But you better make it right for her, and Sam,” you paused, glaring at her. “She can never know you were the one who framed me,” you decided and went over to the levers and all the other things you have never seen in your life. “Right, let’s figure this shit out and just go home.”
Sam didn’t say a word, instead she just took what you said in and waited.
“As worthless as it is, I’m sorry I got you arrested,” she apologized, and you gritted your teeth.
“Just stop talking, Sam,” you really didn’t need reminders of that day.
Agent Woolf came back alone, without you or Sam, and barely clinging to consciousness as she stumbled out of the boat. Kirby quickly ran over to her and helped her over to where her and Tara were. Tara was happy the woman was still alive, and that she’d likely be fine, but she still worried. You and Sam were taking too long and the yacht was getting further away.
“They’ll be fine, Tara,” Kirby told her, but she was starting to lose hope.
“They better be,” she whispered, and then, just as she said that she saw the yacht turning in the distance and her heart soared. There could only be one reason for that!
A few long minutes later she saw you and Sam coming down from the yacht, and though Sam was limping she didn’t look like her life was in danger.
“Go,” Kirby pushed her lightly as she remained frozen just watching you and Sam coming closer to her. And as if broken out of her trance she just ran, jumping as she reached you and Sam and hugging both of you as tightly as she could.
“Thank goodness!” she cried out kissing you and then burying her face in Sam’s neck. “You asshole! Why would you do this to me?!” she felt her lungs burning as she sobbed.
“Tara I-“ Sam tried to speak.
“Not a word! You hear me! You don’t deserve to apologize, you just, you left me again!” she took a step back and nearly pushed Sam away, but then, through her tears, she took in Sam’s appearance. The sunken cheeks, the lost weight, the few cuts Sam received, as well as the way Sam was limping, and she just wailed and nearly dropped to her knees. She would have, if Sam didn’t reach her in time and pulled her into a hug.
“I missed you so much Tara, I don’t deserve to apologize, but I’m so, so sorry!” Sam was crying as well, clinging to Tara so hard it almost hurt.
But the physical pain was nothing compared to all the time she spent worrying for Sam, all the fear and despair and the need to have her sister back by her side. And she finally had Sam back in her life, and she didn’t ever want to let Sam stay away from her for this long again.
She didn’t deserve it, but around the beginning of May she walked out of the courtroom with essentially a slap on the wrist. Released on parole because of her efforts to bring the cult down and evidence she gave them that was putting people behind bars. She should have been in prison as well. She should have been punished, but she didn’t get that, she was almost rewarded instead.
Her impulses to kill, to hurt people were overlooked in favor of who she killed and what she brought. And Sam hated herself for that.
Could she ever truly forgive herself for everything that happened? For all the ways she put the people she loved in danger? For all the people she cared about that were dead?
She couldn’t know for sure, but she had her doubts as she approached the police car driven by the woman that was a mole in the cult. Tara would be pissed when she finds out Sam didn’t call her, but she wasn’t certain of the outcome of the trial, she didn’t even tell Tara when it would be. Just in case she was sentenced to years and years in prison, she didn’t want Tara to have to see her being taken away. She’d go and visit her baby sister, and you, though that would be a bit awkward, but she just needed to collect her thoughts. Thankfully, Kirby respected that.
“Congratulations on your freedom,” the woman said as Sam sat down next to her.
“Thanks. Not just for this, for everything you did,” Sam said, it was almost funny how she was yet to learn the woman’s name.
“No need to thank me, I was doing my job,” she replied and began driving Sam away from the court.
“Am I ever going to learn your name?” Sam asked out of the blue.
The woman grinned and turned to Sam when they reached the red light. She offered her hand to Sam and smiled softly. “I am Drew Woolf,” she said.
And so, Sam properly met the lady that was for some time her only ally in the cult.
It didn’t have anything to do with Ghostface showing up again, Tara and you had the conversation even before she got pregnant. You both wanted to let your kids grow away from the busy streets, to have clean air, or as clean as it could get, and lots of space to play around. No more apartments, no more busy streets. You wanted to settle down, to have complete control over your home. So, you went and purchased a fairly big empty patch of land in Colorado Springs, a short drive away from Pikes Peak and though it took some time, especially since Ghostface thing happened, the house was built and you were finally ready to move in in the middle of July.
You parked your car outside the house. A two-story tall building, fairly large and spacious, with a yet to be filled backyard. But that was a project for another day, or, well, a year, since a lot of your attention would be taken up by the kids that would be born by the end of September.
You got out of the car, smiling at Tara and winking, silently telling her to stay in her seat as you went around and opened the doors for her.
“My lady, your hand please,” you bowed slightly, offering Tara your hand, and she laughed, accepting your joking gesture.
“It looks good from the outside,” she said, the house looked secure, and, because you had to be careful, there were motion sensor cameras around the house already installed. “Secure,” she smiled as you hugged her from behind, your hands resting on her belly.
“We’ll be fine,” you whispered, kissing her cheek and smiling when you felt one of the twins kicking. They were active babies, and if anyone asked you Tara looked incredible.
“Mhm, let’s go inside,” she leaned back against you for a moment and then took your hand and pulled you along. The basement was elevated, and only four feet of it were beneath the ground, for one reason. The gym. You separated the basement into two parts, a garage for your car and an empty space if Tara ever decided she wanted one as well, and then there was a still empty separated part that was meant to be used as your gym. For the sake of convenience, the gym had a small bathroom, just in case you wanted to take a quick shower, or simply wash your hands before going upstairs. The gym was also connected to the first floor via indoor stairs. Tara led you up, to a spacious living room, that doubled as a mini library of books and movies and all the things you and Tara learnt to enjoy over the years, your gaming console included, a very nice kitchen and dining room. There was also the hall leading to the main entrance and the stairs that led to the second floor where you had five rooms, one of which was designated as home office for you and Tara.
Overall, it was a big house, maybe even a bit too big for your soon to be family of four, but you wanted a room for each of the kids, and your own room and a guestroom so, that was the logic behind the number of rooms on the second floor.
Tara kissed you on the lips when you finally sat down on your bed. “It’s perfect,” she whispered against your lips before she pushed you to lie down and straddled you, a mischievous smile on her face.
September was coming to a close, as was Tara’s pregnancy, and one slow night you were just lazing around in the living room, watching some TV show. Tara had to leave you for a few minutes, so you just scrolled trough the news until she came back.
“You know, this is at least partly your fault,” Tara groaned as she sat down next to you. She’d give birth any day now, so you were both extra careful and always ready to drive to the hospital if the kids decided to rush things.
You gently lifted her feet up to the sofa and took her socks off. Giving Tara a massage became a bit of a habit, and she repeatedly showed you how much she appreciated your efforts. “How so?” you humored her as you began rubbing her left foot. It became her go-to joke lately, a tiny tease and complain do to all the extra weight she was carrying around.
“How? You got me pregnant,” she nudged you jokingly with her right foot.
You grinned at that. “Mhm, my strap can do anything,” you chuckled when Tara jerked slightly. You accidentally tickled her, and her feet were ridiculously ticklish.
She sighed contently. “Wouldn’t that be nice, no medical procedures and all that,” she placed her hand on her belly. “I can’t wait to meet them,” she said, smiling widely all of a sudden. “They are kicking more often. Tiny MMA fighters,” she chuckled as you laughed.
You reached over, placing your hand next to hers. Soon, soon your children would be born and it would no longer be just you and Tara, it would be four of you.
“Y/N,” she spoke softly, almost timidly and you looked into her eyes.
“Yeah?” you instinctively moved to hold her hand.
“What if they end up having asthma?” she asked.
Your eyes softened. It wasn’t asthma itself Tara was worried about. She knew both of you would take care of your children and love them regardless of their health. It was the idea of the children, or even one of the kids inheriting something she had, in her eyes passing down her asthma felt like hurting them.
You opened your mouth but closed them in order to properly phrase your answer. “If they do, they’ll have us to teach them how to live without it affecting them too much,” you remembered sleepless nights with Tara when you were kids, you remembered how worried you were, how much she would struggle to breathe during the worst nights, no matter what you did. You remembered how weak and delirious from the sickness she would be, how she would end up being so exhausted she often wouldn’t remember everything.
One such time was shortly after Tara turned seventeen, a few days after Christmas. You came back from a fight to find her just about ready to pass out at your doorstep, she was just sitting in the hall, barely conscious when you climbed up the stairs of the apartment building.
“Shit! Tara!” you rushed to her side and picked her up off the floor. “You’re burning up, damn it why didn’t you call me?” you managed to unlock your doors and quickly put her in your bed, sitting her up and letting her lean against the propped-up pillow. You were gone for one day and this happened. You knew her mother wasn’t at home, the damn drunk, but Tara didn’t even tell you she was sick, and this wasn’t how she should be after only one day.
“Fight. You were busy,” she mumbled, pulling your blanket over her body.
You turned the heating on and poured water into the kettle. “You know I would have thrown the fight if I knew,” you would scold her later, once she recovered, for now you were looking for medicine that could help her. You had a bunch of medicine thanks to Tara’s frail health. “Right, temperature first,” you fussed over her like you usually did when she was sick. “I should really take you to the doctor,” but she wouldn’t listen to you.
“You’re all I need,” she muttered. Doctors were expensive and she made you swear you wouldn’t take her to the hospital and pay for the bills a long time ago because she knew you’d pay if you took her there. You did do that once, about two years ago, and Tara still complained about that every now and then. She tried to pay you back, but you wouldn’t budge.
“Tara,” you sighed, respecting her wishes for now, but if she didn’t get better by the morning you’d actually take her to the hospital, promises be damned.
“Just come here,” she sat up and you knew what she wanted, so you got behind her and reached out for the pillow, only for Tara to place her hand over yours. “Skip it, please,” she just lied down on your chest and, though she coughed afterwards, took a deep breath. “I love you, you know? I wanna spend the rest of my life with you,” she said in her exhaustion, and you just held her.
“I love you too, you dumbass,” you whispered, your heart breaking when she got hit with another coughing fit and all you could do was hold her and rub her back.
Tara was better tomorrow morning, her temperature dropped as the night went on and she woke up in the bed alone around noon. That’s how exhausted she was.
“Hey, sleepy head, how are you feeling?” you sat down on the bed with the glass of water and her medicine in hand.
Tara leaned her head back, groaning a bit. “I’m so sorry, Y/N,” she apologized and winced when the sudden movement made her dizzy.
“Apology accepted if you’re apologizing for not telling me you were sick,” you sighed, waiting for her to properly wake up.
“You know what I mean,” she mumbled, and you knew, unfortunately, you knew. She was apologizing for relying on you again. Finally, she accepted the medicine and leaned back once again, she was still a bit weak, so she needed to rest. “I hate being sick, I can’t separate what’s real and what’s a fever dream,” she complained as you got up to make her a breakfast. “Like, last night I dreamt you, you know what, never mind, it’s too embarrassing,” her face was red, and you assumed sickness was only partly to blame.
You never found out what her fever dreams were. It didn’t matter now. You moved from the end of the sofa and hugged Tara from behind. You kissed the top of her head and pulled her close to you. “Whatever happens, whether they are healthy or not, we’ll be there for them every step of the way,” you whispered, absolutely certain of your words.
“I know,” Tara nodded, turning her head to kiss you. “My Love,” she rested her head against your chest and listened to your heartbeat.
A few days later it was happening! It happened! It…
You were about to pass out, you weren’t ready for this! You held Tara through her labor as much as she held you and you nearly fainted when you heard the first baby, a boy, crying at exactly fourteen minutes after two a.m. only for the second one, this time a girl, to come out twenty-three minutes later.
“Congratulations! You got a boy and a girl!” the midwives brought the two babies and gave them to Tara as she was resting, and you couldn’t help but cry as you watched the two bundles of joy.
“You two really are tiny,” she whispered, bringing them closer and carefully hugging them.
Could you touch them? You were an MMA fighter, you were used to violence, not babies that were born less than an hour ago!
“Hey, come here,” Tara whispered, exhaustion vanished from her eyes the moment she got to hold them, and you swallowed the lump in your throat and reached over to touch them.
“I…” you couldn’t say anything, you were completely speechless.
“I know,” Tara smiled, she could feel the tremble of your hands on her own, as you chose to place them there just in case. “I thought of names.”
“I’m fine with any names you want,” you quickly told her, only now realizing you didn’t really have this conversation.
“How about Zack and Susan?”
You just froze and looked at Tara, honestly unable to process all the emotions you were feeling, so, instead, you just nodded, leaning over to quickly kiss her on the lips to hopefully convey even the smallest bit of what you were feeling.
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Taglist: @alexkolax
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polyhexian · 1 year
yall gotta STOP saying hunter was trying to kill amity in eclipse lake. he was not. he was going out of his way not to kill her. his goal was to get the key and to get the key only.
lets discuss in detail.
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absolute first thing that happens: King wehs Hunter
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Hunter gets Flapjack staff
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He teleports twice, says 'real staffs are weird' and then amity ties him up. he teleports out of this into the air.
then we has his first actual aggressive non defensive move:
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This is an AOE attack. area of effect. its an attack that does less damage but hits a larger area. so this sends bolts of magic scattering and bouncing all over the place. none of them actually HIT her. and this attack does not aim at her. It purely puts her on the defensive because she is now dodging blasts.
she hops off her staff to block one and then hunter teleports in
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he is now behind her and she is caught off guard. he does not attack her flank, he just reaches for the key, before king tackles him.
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he teleports behind her again, and this time comes in with a swing.
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one she easily blocks. again, not a magical attack here. staff bash.
okay now follow this:
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hes here, with her shield
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he zaps over here, lower, moves to swing but doesnt, zaps again
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baps her again after her shield has already moved above her head
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she moves her shield left, he comes in right but hes not even swinging.
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amity punches his fucking lights out and then orbs him
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he hits her with this construction punch that knocks her off her staff before she can escape
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and finally he breaks the necklace with his staff.
none of these attacks were lethal. he hits her with an AOE instead of a direct attack- and she didnt have a shield up yet because she had JUST used it to tie him up, then he hops around with, frankly, some staff bashes that are really holding back from what we know hes capable of, he knocks her off her staff and then when he has the opportunity to actually HIT her he hits the key instead.
compare this to the way he fights kikimora!
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he nearly gets his head taken off when she scrapes his forehead and the next attack he blocks with his eyes on Kikimora, not the attack. thats like, important. that indicative of skill level.
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especially because he does it twice in a row! the second time one handed! Left handed!
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look at the completely different posture he zaps in to strike with. the hits on amity he is holding back.
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this little bastard does a front flip mid teleport to generate strength behind this strike.
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look how effortlessly he does this. imagine how many rotations that is in a single second. hes not even looking at it OR his hands. hes spinning that one handed.
ive trained on a bo staff. this shit is not easy. i trained for two years and couldnt get anywhere near that. just watch this video of noah fort going apeshit to see what this actually looks like irl.
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he fucking... hits it back at her....
this little man can spin a staff so fast he can reflect magic and control the direction it fires. he hit kikimora so hard he sent her flying twenty feet.
if hunter had wanted to kill amity she'd be fucking dead dude. amity is a good fighter, like, don't get me wrong. but hunters op as absolute shit. hes a terrifying little man. he also fought her completely differently than he did kiki, and he wasnt even trying to kill her. we've never seen Hunter fight all out like, fight to the death when he was still at full strength. we have no idea what that would look like. but we know that fight with amity was faaaaar from his potential. intentionally. he is seriously holding back and clearly on purpose. its not just that hes exhausted already, its not just that he has a new staff, its that he is holding back. he is not using lethal techniques.
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova.
SUMMARY: An unexpected rebel attack leaves both Coriolanus and Bellova in the hospital. But it seems that nothing, not even a close encounter with death, can keep them from butting heads.
Warnings: spoilers for TBOSAS, mentions of death, mentions of explosions, injury, cursing, overall just some dark stuff (it’s the Hunger Games franchise so that’s sorta a given)
A/n: I am using a combination of the movie and book version of the events that occur in this chapter.
Adorning a brand-new black suit and sleek black heels, Bellova stood at the front of homeroom. As they had been ordered to stand in alphabetical order, she and Coriolanus ended up side-by-side. 
He looked nervous. She figured it was because he had to open the ceremony by singing the national anthem. She hadn’t heard him sing in years, not since they were young children. Back then, he sounded truly awful. She hoped for his sake he’d improved since then.
After a quick briefing of the ceremony’s schedule by Professor Satryia Click, Bellova took her place in the stands with the other attendees. She quickly wished Coriolanus good luck as he made his way towards the stage, and sat down with the other Academy students. 
Coriolanus’s performance of the national anthem went smoothly. President Ravinstill gave a brief speech commemorating Arachne, and signaled for the funeral procession to begin.
First came the honor guard of Peacekeepers, marching in perfect harmony with the drums. Then, Bellova heard the crowd around her gasp in disgust as a truck pulled a flat bed along behind it, where the remaining tributes were shackled to the floor. The body of Arachne’s killer hung from a hook above them, like a person executed by hanging. 
Bellova felt her stomach twist unpleasantly at the sight of the corpse, but didn’t look away. She’d seen plenty of dead people in her lifetime, it wasn’t anything new.  
After the tributes came Arachne’s coffin, which was elaborately decorated with flowers. Then came a chariot pulling Arachne’s parents, who looked uneasy about this whole affair. The chariot stopped in front of the podium, where Dr. Gaul was waiting to speak.
"Arachne Crane, we, your fellow citizens of Panem, vow that your death will not be in vain. When one of ours is hit, we hit back twice as hard. The Hunger Games will go forward, with more energy and commitment than ever before, as we add your name to the long list of the innocent who died defending a righteous and just land. Your friends, family, and fellow citizens salute you and dedicate the Tenth Hunger Games to your memory.”
Bellova thought it was a dramatic statement to make, but agreed that Arachne was innocent. Bratty and arrogant, sure, but not deserving of her violent end. 
The funeral procession passed a few moments later, and the crowd began to disperse. Bellova followed the other Academy students to the cafeteria, hoping that a nice meal would dull some of the grief lingering on her conscience.
“Can you climb?”
Velvereen shook her head. “Not very well. But I can try.”
Bellova pursed her lips, trying not to seem too disappointed. The arena’s best hiding spots seemed to be above ground, and it would be impossible to reach them without climbing.
As she and her tribute walked around the arena, she kept subconsciously glancing over at a certain blonde boy. He was far too close to the little songbird girl. They seemed to be bantering cheerfully, which was insane given where they were standing. 
‘She’ll be gone soon,’ Bellova reminded herself. ‘She’ll die in the arena, and you’ll never have to see her and Coryo together again.’
“Bellova?” Velvereen asked, trying to get her mentor’s attention.
“Huh?” Bellova said, confused. Then, she remembered what she was there to do. She had to stop worrying about the little songbird, and focus on helping her own tribute. “Oh yes, I’m sorry.” Bellova looked over at Coriolanus again, and noticed that there were some piles of rubble near where he stood “Let’s go over there and check for other good hiding places, okay?” 
Velvereen nodded. They took a couple steps towards Coriolanus and Lucy Gray. 
Then, the world erupted into flame.
Bellova yelled in terror as the bombs exploded around her, knocking down tributes, peacekeepers, and mentors alike. She scrambled to her feet, running away from the sound of the blasts. 
A Peacekeeper knocked into her hard while running for his life, sending her flying to the ground. She felt her ribs slam the pavement, eliciting an agonized scream from her lips. Somehow, she got to her feet again, racing towards a section of the arena where the bars had been blown away. 
Bellova was just a few feet from safety when she lost consciousness, crumpling to the ground as Velvereen stood triumphantly over her body.
Hushed voices and the sound of beeping pulled Bellova from her unconscious state slowly. 
Her eyes fluttered open, squinting shut as the harsh hospital light attacked her pupils. She could tell she’d been hooked up to morphling by the dull throb in her left arm. 
“She’s awake,” someone said.
“Oh thank god,” another voice said quietly. 
There was some more mundane chatter, and then she felt someone grasp her hand gently. 
When she opened her eyes fully, she saw Sejanus standing next to her bed, his hand on top of hers. 
“Sejanus?” she murmured, her head swimming from her injury and the drugs.
“Hey, Bellova,” the boy said, smiling weakly. “Glad to see that you made it.  A couple nights ago, we weren’t too sure you would.”
Bellova’s eyes narrowed. “What the hell have I missed?”
Sejanus, who was soon joined by Lysistrata Vickers, filled Bellova in on what had happened. Coriolanus and a few other mentors besides herself were in the hospital. Six tributes were confirmed dead, including Velvereen.
Bellova’s brow furrowed. “What happened to her?”
Sejanus sighed. “She hit you upside the head with a rock before trying to make a run for it. She was shot before she could escape.”
Bellova’s fists clenched. “That bitch. After all I did to try to help her, she tried to murder me? Barbaric.”
Sejanus winced. Clearly, the morphling was wearing off. “Yeah, well…there were other casualties. The Ring twins.”
Bellova sat up, trying to ignore the nausea that followed instantly. “That’s not true. It couldn’t be.” 
“Lay back down, miss,” a nurse said, stepping into the room and past Sejanus. “You need to rest your head.”
Bellova scowled at her. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
“She’s a nurse, Bellova,” Lysistrata said. “Please listen, it’s for your own good.”
Bellova reluctantly laid back down, allowing the nurse to refill her supply of morphling and inject more sleeping serum into her arm. “So…Didi and Pollo are dead?”
Sejanus nodded. Bellova’s eyes immediately filled with tears, and she grasped Sejanus’s hand tighter. “Oh god,” she said, squeezing her eyes shut. “That’s…I-I can’t believe it.” 
“I know,” Sejanus murmured. “I can’t either.” 
Bellova sniffled. “H-How’s Coryo?”
“He’s alright,” Sejanus said. “He’s resting. He got a mild concussion, some burns, and some bruises, but otherwise he’s just fine.”
“Good,” Bellova whispered, the serum beginning to take effect. “That’s good.”
“You should go to sleep, Bellova,” Lysistrata insisted. “It’ll help you heal.”
Bellova hummed in agreement. “Will you visit me again? Let me know what I’ve missed?”
Sejanus nodded. “We will, I promise.”
With that, Bellova drifted off again, dreaming that Coriolanus had come to visit her, holding a pretty red rose and wearing an equally gorgeous smile. 
On Monday evening, Bellova sat on her hospital bed, reading a book that Sejanus had dropped off. She was set to be released the following morning if her symptoms continues to subside. Her head injury had mostly healed, but it was still rather sore.
There was a sudden knocking at the door. 
“Come in,” Bellova said, closing her book.
Her primary nurse, Elsbeth, peeked her head through the doorway. “You have a visitor, Miss Bellova.”
“Send them in,” she said. Elsbeth nodded, and opened the door completely. She stepped aside to reveal Coriolanus, who was indeed holding a rose. But instead of a vibrant red blossom, it was the purest shade of black Bellova had ever seen.
Elsbeth shut the door behind him, leaving the two students alone. 
Coriolanus placed the rose on the table next to Bellova’s bed. “My Grandma’am only successfully grows a few black roses each year. I was able to convince her to prune this one for you.”
Bellova picked it up, examining the macabre plant. “It’s lovely. But it’s the kind of flower you’d see at a funeral.”
He shrugged. “It felt fitting, giving that you could’ve died.”
She winced. “Thanks for reminding me. Be honest, though: would you really care that much if I had?”
Coriolanus sighed. “Do you really think I despise you that much?”
“I don’t know, Coryo,” Bellova said, looking away from him. “We fight, we insult each other, we compete constantly. But when we aren’t, we get along quite well.”
“Most of the time, you’re the reason that we end up arguing.”
She rolled her eyes. “Sure, but only because you say something insufferable.” 
He huffed. “Please just answer my question.”
“No, I don’t think you hate me. But our personalities clash in some rather ugly ways. However, if we actually try to work around it, we could get along swimmingly.”
Coriolanus smiles slightly. “I agree.”
Bellova puts her book on her bedside table. “Now, what really brings you here?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I know that’s not all that’s on your mind, Coryo. You wouldn’t have come here bearing gifts otherwise.”
Coriolanus sighed and sat on a chair next to the bed. “I did want to discuss something with you. Your tribute, Velvereen, is dead, meaning you’re out of the running for the Plinth Prize and technically no longer a mentor.“
Bellova nodded. “True. I still plan to act similar to one while the Games are occurring, though. I want to observe how it works from the lenses of a mentor, even if I don’t have a tribute to represent.”
“Right,” Coriolanus said. “However, it means you’ll be significantly less busy than the rest. So, I was wondering if you’d be willing to aid me in helping Lucy Gray while she’s in the arena. She needs all the support she can get, especially after being hurt by the rebel bombing. I know Highbottom wouldn’t approve of it, but if we keep our collaboration secret, I think it could really help Lucy Gray’s chances in the arena.”
Bellova just stared at him blankly. 
He opened his mouth to continue, but was abruptly interrupted by a harsh laugh. 
“Are you being fucking serious?” Bellova asked, the angry glint in her eyes sending a cold shock down Coriolanus’s neck. “You think I have any interest in helping some little district rat? It’s bad enough that you care about her, why the fuck would any effort into aiding her survival?”
Coriolanus scowled. “Because it would increase my odds of winning. And I don’t care about her, I care about the Plinth Prize.”
“Sure,” Bellova sneered. “That’s why you held her hand at the Zoo, and why you visit her during any free time you have, and why you gave her a rose, and-“
“Oh, shut up!” Coriolanus snapped, standing up quickly. “I only did those things to earn her trust!”
“You’re such a bad liar, Snow,” Bellova said, smirking. “Look, you do whatever you want with her, it’s your reputation on the line. But I’m not tarnishing mine by associating so closely with district filth.”
Coriolanus loomed over her, his hands balled into fists. “You won’t even consider it?”
She shook her head, her smirk growing as she saw Coriolanus’s face flush with anger. “I won’t lift a damn finger to help your songbird.”
“Fine, I don’t need your help. You’d just slow me down anyways.”
Bellova laughed without humor. “What happened to trying to get along?”
Coriolanus gave her a cold stare, and swept out of the hospital room without saying another word. 
Bellova watched him go, anger forming a pit in her stomach. She was utterly furious that Coriolanus was doing so much for Lucy Gray. She’d be dead in five seconds once the Games began.
His only real hope at winning the Plinth Prize was to make her a sensation before her blood went cold. 
“Bellova! What are you doing down here?” 
The girl in question smiled at Persephone Price, who greeted her with a warm hug. “I got approval to survey the Games with the others. Even though my bitch of a tribute is dead, I figured it would be fun to see what you all do to aid yours.”
Persephone smiled. “That makes sense. Gosh, I’m just glad to see you standing and well.” 
Bellova patted her shoulder. “Thank you.” 
She headed towards where the rest of the mentors were, and spotted Coriolanus sitting next to Sejanus, who looked anxious. Marcus, his tribute, hadn’t been found yet. For all they knew, he was still loose and roaming the Capitol streets.
Bellova walked over to Sejanus, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Oh, hey,” he said, smiling weakly. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” she replied. “The constant headache I’ve had since I regained consciousness is dimming slowly. The doctors said I’ll make a full recovery.”
Sejanus nodded. “I’m glad to hear it.” 
Bellova took a seat in a spare chair that was set in between Coriolanus and Sejanus. She glanced at the blonde boy out of the corner of her eye. He looked nervous. Not as nervous as Sejanus, but definitely still anxious. 
Bellova silently hoped his worry was about the Plinth Prize and not Lucy Gray. If he pulled any more strings for her, she would be forced to punch him until his pretty face was bruised and bleeding.
Within a few minutes, the broadcast of the Games had begun. Lucky Flickerman began his commentary, which quickly became annoying in Bellova’s opinion. He had always thought he was funnier than he actually was.
The cameras showed the tributes taking their places in the arena. Most of them looked downright terrified, while some looked eager to fight. 
Bellova found herself losing focus, and stared up at the ceiling aimlessly. She really should’ve brought a snack to the event. A bowl of assorted chocolates would be lovely right about now. 
Her focus was snapped back to the television screen when people around her start gasping in horror.
Her eyes widened as the cameras panned to Sejanus’s tribute, dangling from the ceiling of the arena, barely hanging on to his life.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! This chapter was super long and really fun to write. The story will only continue to be more exciting as it progresses! Let me know if you want to be tagged in the comments below!
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Joy Ride and House of Wax crossover prompt! This started as a silly little idea shared with my bestie @tinalbion but it just hit me hard and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 🛻💙
You were forced to take a detour and accidentally ended up in Ambrose while on a road trip with your friends after you got lost. What the hell is this town? It wasn’t even on the map. Bo sabotaged your car and broke your fan belt while you were all asleep and camping out in the woods. He also destroyed your CB radio so you couldn’t call anyone for help since there’s no cell reception out here. Bo was so confused as to why you even had that anyway, since you don’t drive a truck. The friends you’re with are so naive and gullible. They soak up every word Bo says as he tells stories of Trudy and Victor, their boys, and what this town once was. Your idiot friends take it all at face value, honest to God believing he’ll help them. You’re the only person who doesn’t buy his friendly mechanic shtick for a second. You try to catch him in a lie or call out his bluff. He does look handsome in his mechanic outfit and he does know a thing or two about cars, but he’s so full of shit.
He and his brother, Vincent, chase after your friends and kill them one by one. Vincent then takes them to his workshop to be made into wax. But Bo has a very hard time with overpowering and subduing you. You’re feisty and strong with a high endurance. You know how to fight back and use your surroundings to your advantage. You get the drop on him and Bo is lowkey impressed. Damn, baby! Are you a professional survivalist or something? You fuck him up good and barely flinch when he lands some kicks or punches. You must have a very high pain tolerance - that could be kinda kinky 😏. Bo thinks you’re hot, even if you make him bleed. But what really shocks him is when you kill your own friend before he can. Wait, what?
You tell Bo they weren’t really your friends. Just a bunch of randos you met that day or the day before. You offered them a ride and played nice so that their guard would be down. You boast that your daddy taught you everything you know about huntin’ and killin’. You also warn Bo that he fucked up big time when he wrecked your CB radio. Your daddy gave you that CB and made a strict rule to always call him at least twice a day, once in the morning/afternoon and once at night. He’s gonna assume the worst if you miss a call: That something bad must’ve happened to you, his only child and baby girl. He’s gonna come looking for you and will do unspeakable things to anyone who may have hurt you. If Bo thinks his truck is big, he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Despite the unusual circumstances, you really like Bo. His brothers, Vincent and Lester, are also really nice and have their own interests and hobbies which they’re eager to share with you. You spend time with each of them. Vince has made a cozy spot for you to sit and relax in his workshop so you can watch him while he’s making new mannequins or sculpting new objects for the museum. You and Les find animals to hunt and skin, or pick up animal remains to throw in the pit after you collect cool bones and teeth, etc. And Jonesy is an absolute sweetheart! She is best girl and can do no wrong in your eyes. You love this dog to pieces and spoil her.
You admire what Bo and his brothers have done here, how they’ve made their kills into art for their wax museum. You’re not even mad he tried to kill you. Instead you praise him for the valiant effort and feel flattered he finds you pretty enough to be made into wax and put on display. Damn, Bo thought that you were smoking hot when you were fighting him and kicking his ass, but now that he knows you have a murderous side, he finds you irresistibly sexy.
You start dating and when your dad finally shows up in Ambrose to find you, Bo nearly pisses himself at the size of your dad’s truck. Holy fucking shit that’s the biggest, scariest looking rig he’s ever seen in his life. You leave Bo’s side and run to your daddy’s arms to give him a big bear hug. Meanwhile, poor Bo is frozen in sheer terror. He’s never been afraid of another man before, not even his own father. Hell, he killed Victor himself. But your father is Rusty Nail, and he’s a mountain of a man. A behemoth. He makes Bo feel small when he blows a puff of smoke from his cigarette and looks him up and down before offering a firm handshake. Bo can’t tell if his hand is sweaty from the southern heat or his nerves, but he knows Rusty could’ve broken his hand just from that handshake if he wanted to. Rusty stays in Ambrose with you and the Sinclairs so he can get to know them all, especially the boy that stole his darling daughter’s heart.
When he and Bo have one-on-one time, Rusty shows his true colors. He shows Bo the goods that he’s hauling in his trailer: Weapons, torture devices, death contraptions, trophies from his past murders, etc. (There might even be photos of you and Rusty from when you were growing up decorating the interior of the trailer. Y’know, just cute family photos of daddy and daughter celebrating her first kill, etc. Normal stuff.) When more people come into Ambrose, Rusty introduces Bo to his dice game. He ties up two victims and explains the rules, then makes Bo watch as he forces them to roll. Or maybe Rusty intimidates Bo into participating and dealing out the torture himself. But Rusty is firm in that the snake eyes kill is all his. Bo may not have much of an issue with doing as Rusty says; he’s no stranger to blood, gore, or violence.
But Jesus Fucking Christ when one of the poor sons of bitches rolls snake eyes. Watching Rusty murder is unlike any death Bo’s ever seen. Your father is the most sadistic and petty man he’s ever met, but he’ll still laugh nervously at Rusty’s dad jokes and puns while he’s torturing victims or after he completes a kill. The damage you laid on Bo when you first met is nothing compared to what your dad could do to him. Rusty could absolutely fuck him up six ways from Sunday. Bo isn’t suicidal, so he would rather not get on his bad side.
Rusty actually really likes Bo and thinks he’s perfect for you. He’s shared cigarettes and beers with him, played card games with him, etc. He’s had lots of time to sit down with Bo and bond with him. He’s gotten to know what kind of man he is through long talks on the porch, etc. He already knows the eldest Sinclair will treat you right and make you happy, so he approves of your boyfriend. When the time comes, he’ll give Bo his blessing to marry you - He just might play some “practical jokes” on him first whenever he finally works up the courage to formally ask for your hand. Rusty thinks it’s hilarious to see Bo so scared of him and nearly shit himself. Bo asked him what his real first name was once and his reaction when he thought he crossed a line was comedy gold. Even if you ask your dad to go easy on Bo, he can’t help but fuck around with him a little bit and keep him on his toes! It’s just his love language!
Bo @ Rusty Nail like:
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
Prompt: that Old Guard!Cisco thing you've talked about :)
Cisco wakes up, aching. For a moment, he's relieved. Dr. Wells being the Reverse Flash, the Trap being fake all along, it was all just a really awful nightmare. He makes a mental note to avoid burritos after 1 am for the foreseeable future.
Except that his shirt still has a bloodstain over his heart. And he isn't slumped over his desk or his couch, but the hard floor of the subbasement. Above and behind him, the trap looms like a cage. Cisco swallows. 
"Oh, no," he says, quiet. It still echoes. 
Dr. Wells killed him. Dr. Wells confessed to murdering Nora Allen, to being the Reverse Flash, and then he killed him. But somehow he's still alive.
Not for long, Cisco thinks bitterly. He's no speedster. The minute Wells--Thawne, he said his name was Thawne--learns that he fucked up the murder somehow, he'll just kill Cisco again.
Unless... Maybe, if he doesn't realize Cisco's a threat. If he changes his shirt, claims he doesn't remember anything... Faking Amnesia's gotta be the dumbest trick in the book, but he's a little short on pages at the moment. He's already going to die, probably. 
Cisco bites his lip, then stands, wobbling, and goes to get his laptop. He'll find a way to leave a message, just in case. Not for Caitlin-- Wells probably already killed her.
Cisco staggers at the thought, the sudden grief. He swallows hard. He has to play this exactly right.
He can hear Wells talking, his voice echoing down the curved corridor. 
"Barry, I'm sorry. There was nothing I could do, he was too fast..."
Cisco took a breath, and a step. 
"Cisco!" Barry yelped, running for him. Cisco held back the flinch at the lightning, letting Barry hug him. He was damp, the suit was soaked. "Oh my god, I was--I thought you were--Dr. Wells said--"
Dr Wells sat in his wheelchair, his eyes redrimmed. From crying, not evil lightning, Cisco notes. Fake crying, probably. He stares at Cisco. Cisco stares back. 
Caitlin rushes into the hug. "Cisco, how did you get away?"
"Uh," Cisco says, trying to piece together an answer that'll fit with whatever story Wells was spinning. 
"I really don't--I hit my head pretty hard. It's all kind of a blur. Can I sit down?" Before he finishes, there's a chair under him.
"I'm so sorry," Barry says, earnest. "I should have been there to save you. There was a tidal wave, and--Joe's in the hospital, but--Dr. Wells said--Caitlin said..."
"The Reverse Flash kidnapped you both," Caitlin interrupts. "Dr. Wells thought you were dead, I thought...."
"Yeah," Cisco says. " I... really don't remember--I came in here to see if there was anything to find Mardon and... then I was in the hallway. I../"
"I'm just glad you're alive," Caitlin says. "Let me make sure you don't have any internal bleeding, or--a TBI--well, you must, if you don't remember--but--" She cuts herself off, going to find her flashlight and kit.
"Cisco," Wells says, urgency in his voice. Cisco makes himself smile and not shudder back. "I'm...I can't tell you how good it is to see you."
"Yeah," says Cisco. "I'm glad you're alright, too."
"Here," Caitlin says. "Barry, can you get him to the medbay for me?"
Cisco blinks twice, feeling the sheets beneath him. "Fast," he says. He looks around. " So. Uh."
"Cisco," Caitlin says, looking at Barry. " You really don't--do you remember why you wanted me to..." she lowers her voice. " distract Dr. Wells? Before he got taken?"
"Oh," Cisco says, looking around. Barry's hovering anxiously. Wells isn't here yet, which is either good or extremely bad.  "Uh. Yes. I think I'm a metahuman."
"Oh," says Caitlin. "That's... it?"
"Pretty much," Cisco says.
"What can you do?" Barry asks. 
"Mmmmm, you might wanna sit down. Wait. FIRST you might want to get Iris, and Joe and Eddie, and maybe my family if you can and get them very far away and not tell anyone where, ok?"
The dreams start that night. Cisco's barely asleep on Joe's couch, the rest of them all piled into the house for the sake of numbers. Eobard Thawne's body lies somewhere in the pipeline, left after being sure. Both Eddie and Joe's gun's worth of bullets sure. He dreams of a woman in the water, drowning, and wakes with a hand over his heart. 
He doesn't speak of it the next morning.
None of them want to leave, not even to go get coffee, but some how the world goes on. Barry stopped the tidal wave but there's still so much fallout from that, and the fight through the streets.  Cisco stays on the couch while Iris sits in the kitchen, writing her article for a noon deadline, even though she was up half the night with it already. 
When the front door splinters, Cisco braces.
"Hey, kid." A woman with short cropped hair says. " Need you to come with me."
"Uh.. no," Cisco says. Somehow dying twice in a day has made him braver.  
The woman looks over her shoulder. A handsome guy with a beard extends a hand. "You're one of us. For your safety..."
"No, thanks," Cisco says, inching a hand for his phone. He needs Barry to get here before Iris hears and yells and gets her very-much-not-immortal-neck snapped, or whatever. "I'm good."
"You died yesterday," says the Woman.
"Yup," Cisco says, still going for his phone, until the guy with the beard spots his hand.  "And yet!"
"People will notice."
"They definitely did."
"All the more reason to hide. This City isn't safe for you. There's rumors about a lab..."
"Which I work for," Cisco interrupts, then wishes he hadn't when he sees the murderous look in the guy's eyes. "Doing totally normal things. Like make  stuff that can stop giant lightning storms that almost took out the police station. tech stuff. Very cool. Can you leave?"
"You're going to end up in a cage if you stay."
"I mean, maybe, but seeing as how everyone I'm friends with is already on whatever shady science and evil government wish list, I think I'm good here."
"...explain." The woman sits. "I'm Andy."
"And we're sitting. Cool," says Cisco. "Feeling a little outnumbered here. can I phone a friend? Also a metahuman, great guy."
"Well, it's his house," Cisco says, poking the beacon button. "Look, I hope you're here to be concerned and not kidnap me, because really, I'm fine. And the last time someone tried to kidnap one of my friends it didn't go great. it was a whole thing like, a month ago? So really, I'm in good hands here."
"A month ago," the guy repeats. "I'm Joe, by the way."
"Oh, that's going to be confusing."
"That wouldn't have been an army base, would it? Blown up entirely?" Andy asks.
"It was a team effort," Cisco shrugs.  A flash of gold lightning breaks one of the intact windows in a roar. 
"Hey Flash," Cisco says. "Got company! Probably fine."
"Explain," Andy says. "From the beginning."
"Well he's the fastest man alive, and fifteen years ago....Look, this might take a while."
"We have time."
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upontherisers · 17 days
ugh, friend, i’m so sorry you’re not feeling well (again) 💕💕i love hazel and jack a normal amount and if you’re in the mood i would love to hear about any thoughts for them you’ve got rolling around? canon, au, anything~ — @shoshiwrites
cc-ing @latibvles because she is my co-creator on this but there's an AU of an AU of sorts where dungeon master jack kidd has been running a dungeons and dragons home game at lake harding for a group of counselors every summer for the past few years and as it's now jack's last year, hazel wants to play for the first time
there's are too many people at the table already but jack cannot say no to her so he helps her build a character (a way of the open hand harengon monk named hoppy meadows) and she sits down for her first session having never played before, surrounded by nine level 10 players who've been doing this for awhile now and jack has given them his word that he will not slow things down so that hazel can catch up because they're in the middle of a huge arc in which the party seeks to avenge the death of apollonius julius (bubbles' pc and twin brother to apollonia, mahalia's pc)
but as soon as they start playing, it's obvious that he's going to take it easy on hazel and every npc has something flattering to say to hoppy and in combat, every enemy hits every other pc twice before hitting hoppy once. usually, this would have brady tossing around the word "favoritism" and bucky trying to blow up jack's carefully laid plans, but brady's seated next to willie this year and mahalia's across the table from bucky so they're both a bit distracted.
there are some sweet moments:
hoppy getting the killing blow on a dragon that was trying to destroy her warren
hazel's delight when she realizes the capital of the kingdom they're in is basically fantasy dublin (she studied abroad in ireland her junior year of college and she goes back every few years. it's her favorite place)
a young sailor fancying hoppy who doesn't make it out of a battle with guards once they get to port and hazel finally understands why people play dnd for years (they weren't supposed to be on the ship longer than a session but jack had them take the long way round because hazel liked the nautical-theme music he picked [he reaches around his dm screen and holds hazel's hand for the rest of the session because she's a bit sniffly])
cros' scruffy highlander dwarf scribe reads romantic poetry to hoppy and jack is NOT jealous but if ernest can't pass any of his checks for the next two hours, it’s in the dice
hazel is having the best time and no one has the heart to complain because it's jack's last summer and it's nice seeing him do something for himself for once (even if it's subconscious). he's using the story to tell her all the things he loves about her and show her all the little ways he loves her. the last session is a thing of legend
sick day q&a!!!
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mooncaps · 1 year
Watching and Crying
I don’t know how this show can top the impact of everything it’s already done and I’m sure there will be a lot more I wish they could’ve done, but let’s go!
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Okay, just straight in, picking up immediately where it left off. Kind of jarring.
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Okay, I guess this is the Titan from the in between.
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Ooh, the heart. I was wondering if there was something more to be done with that.
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Um, what? Is she the Emperor? The Golden Guard? To quote Hooty from last episode: What’s happening?!
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That’s different stained glass, right? I feel like they’re trying to tell me something significant, but it’s not clicking.
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Thanks, I hate it.
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Ominous vibes from Amity. I don’t think I’m ready for this.
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I’m definitely not ready for this!
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Okay, so it’s everyone’s worst nightmare. I’m catching up.
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Eyyy, callbacks. It’s like an inversion of Covention.
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Okay, they keep knocking that hat off and putting it back on. I feel like they’re trying to set up something, but I’m not quite sure what.
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Let’s go, Amity!
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Yes! More of the certified bop that is The Collector’s Theme. ♫ ♪
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Okay, more callbacks.
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I can dig it.
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Well, uh, mad respect for the attempt, little dude, but I will be shocked if that works.
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That’s probably not good.
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And there goes the hat again. Tell me your secrets, hat!
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Now we’re doing callbacks to Agony of a Witch. I see you.
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Okay, but like, they’re not actually killing off the main character at the end of a Disney Channel show. I’m sad for the characters presumably thinking it, but I can’t pull myself out of the meta perspective.
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Oh, whoa, it’s a Hooty eye. I didn’t even spot that before.
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Oh, that is a look!
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Yes! This is a callback I was fully expecting and I’m thrilled to see it.
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Bookends in finales are one of my favorite tropes.
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Yooo! Titan Luz looks sick!
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Loving the new remix of the theme. ♪ ♫
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Ooh! Okay, that rings a bell.
Y’all know I’ve been thinking about the hat. Ever since Camila picked it up in 3x01 it’s been on my mind. And when I was passing the time between 3x02 and 3x03, I watched reactors do 1x01 and the thought occurred to me that if the writers wanted to do a full circle moment, then maybe they’d throw back to...
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And so this isn’t exactly what I was thinking and doesn’t really involve the hat like I thought it would, but I’m noticing the visual similarity.
(Hang on, let me from the next morning grab a better screencap and...)
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Bookending with Titans getting their crowns. What they deserve.
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Eeeee! These baby gays always give me life.
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Awww, Hooty, you’re adorable!
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Oh my heart’s not ready for this.
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Of course she chose all of them. Oh, and she’s wearing Amity’s necklace!
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Ooh, new door. Finally accomplished what Luz wanted when she tried to find The Collector in the first place.
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Ahhhh! There he is carving palismen! I’m so happy for him!
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And Dell gets to teach the trade to someone new. Oh, and Hunter’s got a new palisman.
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Whoa. Alright, Amity. Get it, queen.
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Eyyyy, Harpy Lilith. I was wondering if we’d ever get to see this.
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Rainestorm looking fabulous.
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Am I sensing chemistry? (And I’m not just talking about abominations.)
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This looks neat, but it’s hard to get a good screenshot with the credits going.
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Eda, also looking fabulous.
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That’s a good shot. Even Boscha showed up. And I’m glad to see Tiny Nose survived the thorny situation she was in when Belos was taking over.
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Same energy.
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Oh, I’m just noticing Bat Queen’s kids growing up. Such precious little monsters.
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Ooh, a new glyph.
Woop, Youtube shrunk the final image off to the corner. Me from the next morning has to step in again with a better screencap.
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And there we have it.
So, yeah, I’ve watched this twice now. Remind me not to stay up til after midnight waiting for an episode of a show in the future. The second time hit way better when I was well-rested. Er, well, rested anyway.
There were definitely some spots where it felt kind of rushed, and I understand why they had to pack as much as they could into a short space of time, but it still leaves me wishing for more. The nightmares alone could’ve been an episode or two if we’d had a full season 3. But I suppose we can’t dwell too much on what could’ve been.
They did a lot with what they had and made something very meaningful and impactful in my life and I’m sure in the lives of many others. There’s also definitely plenty of room for them to expand into comics or spinoffs, should those opportunities ever arise.
I kind of wish The Collector hadn’t left. For one thing, that last screenshot will always be lacking one character that I would want in a full group shot. And I guess it’s implied that they helped build the new portal door at some point, but I would’ve like too see more of The Collector helping out with the rebuilding efforts. And now I’m quite curious about the Archivists and whatever else is going on in the stars. More potential left open for the future, I suppose.
Gotta say I’m surprised they killed Belos. Not that I’m mourning for him, but I was thinking Luz would probably use the last of her Titan power to imprison him between the realms. I figured that would be a fitting punishment, but maybe killing him was more merciful. And dead to rights, he’d already lived way past his natural lifespan by stealing the lives of others. I’m a little bit surprised that he even could be killed, stubbornly as he clung to life. And I would’ve been afraid to touch that goop for fear of getting possessed, but I guess maybe Luz was still exuding enough Titan power to prevent him from doing that. Anyway, I’m rambling on a tangent now.
Definitely quite a ride. I’m sure I’ll always wish there could’ve been more, but I’m equally sure I’ll always love what we got. And we got so much. Even if we never get anything else, I know this show will continue to spark fond memories in me.
84 notes · View notes
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess
Word count: 2.9k
Rating: 18+ smut
Genre + warnings: Fluff, smut, dirty talk, princess loses her virginity, first!time, a lot of pussy licking and fingering, biting, nipple play, Jungkook groans a lot, full nakedness, big dick!jk, a little bit of rough pinning and French, neck kissing, hard orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, guys :D) - she probably pregnant by the time he is done with her - upss - paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, being his sexy self. Caring and possessive!jk! Really horny towards his princess, being a big seductive tease. A lot of swearing, cursing and a little bit of crying. The story isn’t real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
a/n: Sorry for being absent so long. That’s all I can say. I hope you can all forgive me?
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It was early in the morning when you awoke feeling that something is off. Expecting your guard to be in the same bed you both fell asleep in, he was nowhere in sight. The coldness of the room and lack of any warm body next to yours gave you a strange sense of déjà vu.
You sit up slowly, trying your best to make out every detail of the room around you. It was a beautiful bedroom, with dark purple carpet floors, high glass ceilings and white walls. You could see yourself spending hours in here getting lost in thought. But not now. Not today. Not with all the chaos going on right this moment.
As you thought this, suddenly door opens and then you see him. Only wearing sweatpants, his naked torso glistened by drops of sweat and his beautiful wings fluttering behind him.
A small gasp left your mouth at how absolutely gorgeous he looks and how quickly you were forgetting all about your concerns. How can someone be so perfect?
When he sees that you’re up, he gives you a warm smile,” Is my princess awake?” he asks, still looking like a walking sex god, but much calmer than earlier this morning.
As if nothing has happened between you two.
"Yeah," you croak out, still in complete awe of seeing him in such a state. "I'm fine now."
Smirking slightly, he comes into the room further, holding something in his hands. It was a sword. Not like you're gonna judge him, you've always seen him with weapons when he wears an armor, but nonetheless he looks scary carrying a blade around, especially after what had occurred between you. He puts it down beside the footboard of the bed as he goes towards you, standing only a few steps away from where you are currently sitting.
Jungkook reaches out and gently strokes his hand through your hair before pulling your head towards his chest. In response you wrap your arms around his waist, letting out a content sigh. It wasn't long until you could feel him softly kissing your forehead. Your breathing hitches in excitement when you finally feel him fully pressing against you. For a second you forget everything that's been going on.
But then reality hits you again and you pull back,” What are you doing?” you ask, trying to sound stern but failing miserably.
He chuckles lightly,” I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was sparring in my training grounds so I get up pretty early. It’s six in the morning, sweetheart.”
As you try to get up, the sudden pain in your lower region makes you wince.
“Are you sore? I was pretty rough with you last night. Come here,” Jungkook says.
And without even thinking twice, you let your legs go limp so that they rest on either side of his hips. His strong hands carefully grab hold of you, supporting you while you lean back and allow him to place his large hands under your bottom. Before you realize what he's doing he sits himself in the bed,bringing you with him. He places you on his lap and immediately you feel his muscular thighs envelop you completely. Your cheeks flush red as soon as he notices how you look.
The thought of being held so tenderly by the man who was your first kiss and who was supposed to be your husband brings a smile to your face. He runs his fingers through your hair, playing with your locks which caused a shiver to run down your spine.
Then, just before he leans his head down and kisses you softly, he whispers into your ear,” Good morning, my queen.” The way he speaks and how intimate it sounds sends chills down your spine. He knows exactly how you react to these kinds of things. You don’t mind it because it’s the type of teasing you enjoy. And he loves making you blush.
You hum happily when he plants another soft kiss onto your neck where your collar met his mark of ownership over you and it causes him to grin mischievously. Your eyes widen when you notice that his fingers have stopped playing with your hair and he starts to caress your bare skin, causing goosebumps to arise everywhere his fingertips brush past them.
You close your eyes and inhale deeply as he continues moving down towards your breasts, stopping when you feel him graze over them. A small moan escapes your lips at the unexpected contact, causing Jungkook to let out a low chuckle.
“So sensitive, ” he mutters quietly, earning you another small nod from you.
He moves his hands down to your stomach, tracing circles on your skin. You bite your lip to stop yourself from moaning again. Every touch from him was scorching.
“Do you want me to continue?” he asks, his voice sounding husky.
You open your eyes and look at him,” Yes please.” Even though it hurts.
Jungkook chuckles once more before starting to trail his touch up your inner thighs. After running his knuckles along your wet curls you whimper at the slight touch. This seems to amuse him and he stops for a second and looks at you through hooded eyes,” Are you sure you wouldn’t preferred a warm bath instead so you feel a little better? I did a number on you, kitten,” his husky voice almost sounds apologetic. Almost.
Before you can even process what he said, he presses a finger to your lower lip, asking you to keep quiet. Then, with swift movements, he lifts you up so he can get off of the bed and before you can whimper in protest, thinking he will leave you in this state, he removes his own clothes leaving him only in a black boxers, and he kneels down besides the bed.
Before you can ask him what he is doing, he pulls you to the edge and spreads your legs so your core was openly exposed within his eye level. Your shocked mind can’t even prepare you when you glance down and see traces of blood on your lower lips and the sheets below.
“Oh God!” you exclaim, trying hard not to show fear or embarrassment.
You don’t think he notices however because he continues placing kisses on your stomach and thigh. When he comes to the spot above your navel he smirks devilishly as if he found some treasure there,” So beautiful, ” he mumbles to himself before placing a soft, tender kiss.
You close your eyes and sigh contently, unable to take it anymore, but before you know what is happening, his lips are already firmly connected with your skin and the pain is gone for a second.
“No, please stop,” you whisper breathlessly, not able to stand it anymore.
“I feel dirty.”
Jungkook doesn’t seem to hear you and continues trailing soft kisses on your inner thigh, eliciting a loud moan from your mouth.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t hurt you…” he says in a seductive tone. Your whole body begins shaking with the need for his mouth to be somewhere else; anywhere else but where his mouth is currently located.
Looking at your wet folds, you feel embarrassed from being so open like this but Jungkook doesn’t care. It looked like his only goal was to satisfy you.
He takes his sweet time and when he finally gets to the right part of your center, his thumb caresses your clit gently while sucking it with his teeth.
Your heart starts racing and you gasp for air, trying desperately not to cry out and make a fool of yourself. The way he licks and sucks your pussy so delicately makes you feel so good; you just want to cum. You know it might not happen anytime soon. You don’t want to disappoint him, but you feel so needy, so desperate.
“Baby,” Jungkook whispers against your clit. Before you can register what is about to happen he thrusts two fingers deep inside your pussy in one fluid movement.
He is so fucking fast! He does not give you the chance to adjust to his movements and before long you are panting and crying out in pleasure.
The feeling of his fingers stroking your sensitive cunt is too much to handle. It feels so good and the vibrations he makes while moving are making you crazy so you start to arch your back to bring him into deeper penetration but Jungkook stops you immediately,” Don’t move kitten, you need to relax. Relax and let me pleasure you. It would be so ungrateful not to reward you after all I have done to you.”
You don’t know how to argue with that, so you simply nod in agreement and allow his fingers to explore you while he massages you with those skilled fingers he used earlier.
“God, you feel so good. Like you are ready to explode,” he praises as he inserts another digit slowly.
It’s like a shock goes through your body and you moan loudly. The way he talks to you is so sexual. You feel like an object, a prize, something to be conquered.
“That’s good baby, I want you to scream,” you can feel the way he smiles between your thighs as he speaks. His hot breath makes you shiver, and suddenly your breathing becomes rapid.
His thumb strokes your clit again, and you let out a whimper.
You feel his fingers enter you fully, stretching you, and fuck, you love the sensation.
“Yes! Yes please!” you beg, grabbing onto the sheets beneath you tightly, waiting for that sweet release. Jungkook smirks at your response. You never thought you could sound like that.
“Please what?” He grins.
“Please touch me! Make me come! Take me with your cock-“
“Say less,” he snarls before he stands up. Pushing his underwear down, he lifts you up , straddling his hips, and enters you quickly. You squeal at the intrusion but try not to moan as he fills you completely.
For a moment you can do nothing more than hold on tight to his shoulders and ride out the wave of pleasure that engulfs you.
You feel dizzy and weak yet you can’t help but smile at the man who fucked you mercilessly earlier. That’s how much you trust him, how much you admire him.
After his hands roam your breasts and he gives them a light squeeze, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. With every thrust you get closer to oblivion. You feel like you are going to burst, you want to scream, but you don’t want him to stop. If anything you feel a lot of pressure building up in your core and your pussy starts to contract around him. Jungkook moves faster, hitting the spot over and over until you feel tears streaming down your cheeks.
Just as you think you are going to collapse in his arms, you can feel your orgasm coming, the waves rocking you violently until it reaches its peak. You gasp for air, and feel him swallow you whole before letting himself go, releasing inside your body, his dick twitching inside you.
As he calms himself down, he holds you close to him, resting his chin on top of your head. He stays silent for a couple of seconds, then he speaks.
“I guess I should have started earlier. How do you feel now?”
You can’t help but laugh at his question.
“Amazing! My legs are trembling. My hair is sticking to my sweaty forehead and everything, and I’m really hungry.”
He chuckles quietly, still holding you, and you know what he is thinking without needing to look at him, “We both are. Let’s get into that bath, princess. I’m sure I made you more tired this morning.”
You blush at his words but nod in agreement. Picking you up bridal style, he walks to the bathroom with confident strides. As you pass the big mirror, you almost gasp when you see his naked ass and his muscular back with tattoos but you couldn’t mistake the red marks on his skin which were left by your fingernails when he made love to you last night.
Did I really do that? You were shocked.
He carries you to the tub and puts you down carefully so you wouldn’t slip from his grasp, although it looks like he doesn't care about that either. He has been touching you more these past days, not caring if you get sick of it, especially since you are getting more used to his touch by the day.
Filling the bath with warm water, he adds some fragrances which smell like fresh fruits and grass. Even though it was sweet of him, you couldn’t get your eyes off him.
He was so gorgeous that you couldn’t even believe that he wants the plain you.
Still naked from your previous activities, you watched his big cock twitch at the sight of your eyes glued on him. He seems very comfortable with it. His cock is hard and bulging, the veins on his penis standing out, but you didn’t notice. You were just staring at his member.
When he noticed you watching his cock he gave you a sly smile and you blushed a little bit. You turn your eyes towards the floor, not wanting him to see how flustered you were; you’re sure you wouldn’t like it.
Once the tub was filled and filled with bubbles, he climbs in first and pulls you closer to him, putting his arms around your waist securely. You can feel your heart beating rapidly once again when he wraps his arms around you.
This feeling of safety and security overwhelms you; you have no idea why, but it somehow does. You find yourself leaning back slightly against his chest and closing your eyes; the smell of the bathwater and his scent is making you drowsy, the sensation almost lulling you to sleep. When the warmth enveloped your body, Jungkook moved his hand under your butt, pulling you a bit closer to his chest and wrapping his arm around your waist.
With Jungkook's warmth surrounding you, you finally felt safe enough to sleep.
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The smell of coffee wakes you up when you hear a low voice calling your name.
When you open you eyes, you see Jungkook sitting at the edge of the bed where you were sleeping and he was dressed in his full armor. Even his face was covered by a scarf.
You stared at him confused,” What’s going on? Why are you dressed like a guard again?”
“I was out checking your land with my men while you were sleeping. Since you were tired, I wanted you to rest.” He explains.
When you hear his words, you immediately sat up,” Is my father safe? Did the vampires were still at the palace?”
Before he could answer you there was a knock at the door, indicating that someone is outside.
“Enter,” he commands.
The door opens, revealing a servant. It was golden haired fallen angel, the same as Jungkook but instead of black wings he had silver wings. Looking down at his feet, he didn’t even looked at you both to avoid his king’s disapproving stare because he just disturbed your moment.
“Your highness, I am sorry to interrupt but a group of vampires are approaching. We must prepare for battle.”
Hearing the word vampires, makes you freeze when you look at Jungkook in fear.
“They are here? In your kingdom?” you ask as you grab onto his armored chest.
Jungkook pushes his scarf from his face and grabs your hand with one of his hand and holds it to his lips as he kisses it softly.
“Don’t worry, I will protect you,” he promises.
“Protect me? I think we already established that, but who will protect you?” you sounded worried.
He laughs,” Darling, I don’t need protecting but I appreciate the thought. You’re the only person that can make me feel this safe,” he says tenderly.
At those words, you couldn’t control your emotions anymore; you threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly; trying to ignore the fact that he was still wearing his armor. He chuckled in your ear, rubbing your arms gently.
“I’ll be fine,” he whispers, kissing your temple.
“Promise me you won’t die,” you whisper back.
“I promise,” he replies.
“Okay,” you say, reluctantly letting go of him.
“Now go eat something in the kitchen. My servants will prepare everything you ask so just relax and wait for me to return,” he says and kisses the tip of your nose lightly.
“I don’t want to let you out of my sight,” you admit.
Jungkook grins,” You never have to. But right now I am your guard. So go shower and go eat breakfast in the dining hall. I will be back before you know it. If something happens to you, I will know it.”
“How?” you asked rising an eyebrow at him.
Jungkook grins and pulls you closer.
Touching the collar on your neck, you felt it then. It hummed warmly with energy, the small vibrations making your whole body tingle.
“My collar keeps me updated on all of your movements, even emotions you feel and tells me everything you do. So don’t worry, darling. Just try to keep your mind occupied or else you might start worrying about me. Now go eat, I’ll be back soon.”
Kissing you the last time, he leaves the room and you are left alone.
Be continued…
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
If you like, please reblog or like the post so I can post the next chapters :)
🅒 All rights reserved
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camillathe6th · 7 months
Short. Moonrise, Dubhàn — "Distract her with your yearning for Gale."
Disclaimer: Obviously, everything belongs to Larian Studios; Baldur's Gate riffing! What to expect: snippet just to unwind the writing fingers, nothing fancy, a little tweak on Z'rell's scene at the start of Moonrise Towers explorating; I am trying to do justice to my little wizard, and Dubhàn is NOT amused to be here. About Dubhàn: they're a Tav, an open-hand monk (a good one, physically; a less good one, mindly, because balance is harder to achieve than you'd think when you're a natural hot-head), and they look like this:
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What are you doing here? You should never have come here. You’re not an actor. You’re not a charmer. You’re barely anyone, though you continue painfully to be something. In the cold dark devoted air of Moonrise, you are—choked, choking.
Maybe the shadows were better after all.
The shadows you can see, and fight. This labyrinth, it is made of walls you run into, of lines you can’t navigate.
What was Jaheira thinking?
“Z’rell is waiting for you,” someone says—who—a guard, a helmet, eyes ruby’d with Lolth, though Lolth doesn’t reach this landed tower, this towered land. And you are already gone—up the stairs, a buzzing in your ears, a silence in your gut. No space; between the too-closed walls, there is no room to move-shift-hit-and                                                               breathe.
“Dubhàn,” he says very close to your ear, Gale, he says—so close it is barely a sigh. When you meet his dark eyes there is a smile there, a smile for you.
A smile for you.
Him, he—he does navigate. More comfortable here in the snakepit than where the world is free, where the world is wild. To your constant shift, to your constant becoming, becoming-other, becoming-further, he is atemporal and fixed; he weaves symmetry. In Moonrise, symmetry wins. You smile back.
“Ready to shine, magic man?”
“Words, huh? Harder than they look,” he cracks a smirk, a smirk that tries very hard not to be smug.
No matter; you like him a little smug.
“Don’t call me dumb too fast,” you snort. “What are you gonna do when words don’t manage to carry your pack?”
He laughs; incongruous, the sound, and immediately swallowed by the rot-sponges that these walls are; how heartbreaking, that this god-filled, god-forsaken place would silence what should be crystallized.
“T-t-t,” he’s still chatting away, still chatting you up, “you forget telekinesis. Did you think I kept you around for the shoulder power?”
“No,” you push open the door to the upper hall. “For the shoulder gawking, more like,” and above the shoulder gawked at you also throw him a wink, which gets you the win. He has more words, he does, but more flustering too, as chatterboxes are wont to, and ah—on the tripping of his lovely tongue you make the mistake of advancing first.
“Excellent timing, True Soul.”
Shit. You stop. You look ahead, you look up.
She’s there, Z’rell, eyes full on you, eyes tunnelled pummelled on you; True Soul, that’s you—that’s not you, and really that’s the crux of the problem here, the crux the crack the flaw.
“No,” he says, very close to your ear, Gale, he says—so close, this time his voice clear and high, advancing before disaster can unfold, a shield of waterlight. “No, Commander Z’rell, I’m the one you—”
“Shut it, human. I’m talking to the drow.”
Eyes full on you, eyes tunnelled pummelled on you; not even a flicker towards him, and scorn so cold you bristle under its breeze. Gale doesn’t bristle, no; he huffs, good-humored, though his tadpole twitches; he bows his head; you bristle twice as strong. One last attempt:
“Well,” he says, all pirouette, “if you’d rather have a discussion with my bodyguard, of course…”
That you can be. That you are.
“Is he always so troublesome, True Soul? You should discipline him.”
You don’t rise to the bait, because it’s not a bait: she’s serious. She’s serious, so you clench your teeth, and dodge the scorching of your own anger; instead, you say, low enough to scrape:
“You wanted me. What is it?”
“I did,” Z’rell purrs. “The goblins, tell me how they suffered. No, better yet: show me.”
You want to say: don’t—but it’s too late, and she’s already parting the curtains of your mind, sliding inside like a robber’s hand, feeling, groping for something she won’t find; leaving behind the shame-slime of insertion, invasion, subjection. You are not—not a subject of this. You are not. You are the master of your face: pulled taut over your features, you feel its tight rigidity, its disciplined unmoving. Mouth, eyes, skin: still and stone.
“They didn’t,” she comes to, spat back, spat out. “Suffer?” A hiss, a threat.
“No,” you hold her gaze, though your mind is still burning with disgust. “I am no one’s dog, Commander. I don’t kill for others.”
“Except for the Absolute herself,” Gale adds, smarter than you, as you smart still.
His hand, not in your mind—here, on your naked shoulder, dry and cool, a weight on your body, a lightness in your soul. You like his hands—always open and dancing, like yours, but not like yours at all—their learnèd choreography, following a pattern you can’t know, graceful, rigid and algebraic—a neat-waltzing to your free-flowing.
Gently, you flow under his palm, and let it slide away; Z’rell is still watching you.
“Right,” she tongue-tips, an inch away from a threat. “And you came here to answer the Absolute’s call. Let’s see what you’re made of, then.”
This time you are ready, standing open so that she won’t leave a trace on the walls of yourself; but not ready enough—not ready to show her proof of your faith; as your minds collide, you grapple, you scramble for purchase—you know what to do, you knew what to do—you can drown anything, you can, that you can, in the power of Ki, in its gravel humming, you can, erase it all, deafen it all—this is what you should have done, this is what you should have invoked: smog and smoke to Z’rell’s mirrors, a force, a fog, but—but, oh, but Gale’s hand was on your shoulder a second ago, Gale’s hand, dry and cool, its dance its grace, skin-to-skin and close enough, not quite, cloth-enough, enough enough, closer you wish, you do—you wish for—Gale’s hand, and its—patterns, patience, power—Gale’s hand, meet-sweet-heat.
What Ki cannot drown, Gale did flood.
“Huh.” Z’rell laughs low. “You have used the wizard well. But the desperate one who would love such a pathetic man must hunger for—”
That’s it.
When your hand grips her throat (FAST)— When her head hits the wall (HARD)—           FINALLY She shuts her damn mouth                                                   and gasps.
Under your grasp the strength of her wide-strong body heaves; under your gaze the wrath of her eyes ignites. That, you don’t fear, though. Strength you can tackle. Wrath you can extinguish. When she strains, you give her another shove, and delight in the ugly sound of her skull against stone.
“Have some fucking respect,” you hiss, very close. “Don’t make me strike you down before your Goddess inevitably does. Yes?”
Her hand has found your wrist, scrabbling for release. She sees you now: not the secret parts she shouldn’t touch, not the restraint of Ki, either—but the you of this ugly world, the you you’re willing to give to her, this, this you. You look at her, in that second, and you think: you could kill her there. You could, you think, you think, you think on it. You could, and it would feel good.
Instead you push her back, and step away.
“Well!” In the beat of silence, Gale chuckles, beautifully unfazed as Z’rell pulls herself together, mouth twisted with hatred. “Now that we’ve all been wildly inappropriate with one another…” When you snort, he smiles wider, sparkling. “You had a mission for us?”
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
The one where Katherine follows the Delanceys’ down to the basement.
cw: threat of violence
The door to the basement slammed closed behind him, and Oscar wasn’t expecting a hit to land across his cheek as he stepped out into the hall.
It wasn’t a hard one, nothing compared to the backhands from Snyder or da, but enough to send his head sideways at the unexpected nature of it, enough for it to sting.
Immediately on guard out of the corner of his eye he caught movement again and caught the wrist in a harsh grip before the second hit could land.
When he looked at her, Katherine Pulitzer didn’t look back. Her gaze instead fixed on his bruising red knuckles circling her arm.
“What did you do to him?” She asked and her voice was hard, all sharp edges, and she didn’t seem afraid of Oscar either, not in the way she should be, and the realisation felt like pin pricks in his skin still buzzing from the adrenaline of beating on Kelly. So he tightened his grip, working against the logical part of his brain that told him it wasn’t in his best interests to rough up Joseph Pulitzer’s daughter and jerked her arm to the side forcing her forward.
“Only what your father paid us to.”
“Clearly money matters to you more than your morals.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine money is anythin’ that you’ve ever had to worry about.”
It was only at the vitriol in his voice that she attempted to pull her arm away from him. Instead he tightened his fingers, his knuckles aching at the movement.
He could feel Morris at his side, feel his stare, something akin to a glare but nothing enough to make him stop yet.
“There are other ways to gain it than being fists for hire, then beating on kids that are only trying’ to make a living-“
“Okay” Oscar relented. “Maybe there is. But maybe breakin’ Kelly’s hand is more satisfying’.”
He enjoyed the way her eyes widened, the way her jaw tensed with worry.
“You’re both bas-“
He cut over the top of her, loud and sharp and blunt. “-being paid by your father. Who told us we can treat him as we see fit.”
She was biting her tongue. He could tell. She tried to pull away again and he had to stop himself from laughing, almost had to admire her confidence.
“And we ain’t nothin’ next to what Snyder’s gonna do to’him. You gonna go start a fight with him too? Think you can win that one?”
“Let go of me.”
“You hit me first.” He turned to Morris, his too casual grip far too strong for the harsh way she tried to yank herself away again and failed. “What d’you think Morris. Brave little girl reporter ain’t so brave no more.”
“I am not, a little girl.”
“Oh. Course’ not.”
The mocking in his tone was enough to make her expression shift again from worried to angry before it stuck something firmly in the middle.
Oscar didn’t really abide by the whole, you can’t hit girls rule, not that it was something that he’d actually done, but he always thought if someone, anyone, swung first he was going to hit back twice as hard. But Katherine was different, laying a hand on Miss Pulitzer in any way that could leave a bruise all but guaranteed their return to the refuge, if not actual jail.
(but something in him, something that hated his father in a way not dissimilar to how she seemed to resent hers right now, told him she wouldn’t be saying a word. And maybe that was something he could respect.)
It was Morris in the end that lightly kicked his shin.
“Let her be. Door’s locked any way and you got the key. Ain’t like she’ll be getting in.”
And like she’d almost forgot Morris was there, her other hand raised, to try and hit out at them or do something stupid like try and grab the key in Oscar’s pocket he wasn’t sure and they weren’t gonna find out either, because this time in one fluid movement Morris grabbed her other arm.
“Thought you was meant to be smart,” he said, and he just sounded tired. “We can stand here arguing and Kelly can hear every word. You wanna make him worried bout you too on top’ve everything else?”
For a second Katherine was quiet, gaze flicking between the two of them and Oscar wondered what she was seeing. The Delancey brothers, made of the same blood and flesh who shared the same crease in their brows they got from their da. Snyder’s mutt’s from the refuge raised to bite and bare teeth. Oscar and Morris, side by side and back to back, putting money in their pockets and restless with the constant casual background hum of anger.
“You both could’ve helped.” She said eventually, and she pulled her arm from Morris, he let her go, shoving his hands back in his pocket before he came up with a cigarette. “You could’ve helped them.”
And the words felt familiar to Oscar, something similar spat at him one morning. He was right then, and he was right now too.
“Yeah? I help the guy who puts money in my pockets.”
He tightened his grip, only for a couple seconds, only until she winced, the expression near imperceptible, and then he let go. Swallowing down the rest of the anger, restless and pulsing through his blood and his limbs. He needed a drink, or a fight, or to turn around and beat on Kelly a little more.
Instead Morris shoved his shoulder toward the hall door.
He paused before he started walking though, sending once last look at Katherine as she held her arm to her chest and stared after them, frustration and something almost like fear written across her face, but not of them, not for herself.
“When Kelly fucks up his choices you ain’t gonna want to be at the rally Pulitzer,” He said, “Snyder’s men ain’t gonna be as nice as we are, not gonna have no qualms about hittin’ a girl.”
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everystephoftheway · 1 year
i'm sure this isn't what you imagined when you sent the meme but this is what i came up with sooooo enjoy!
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“Link! Link, you must come look!”
The young swordsman is barely awake, head still heavy from a long night’s sleep, but he is not surprised to hear Zelda, bright and chipper, call him from outside. She usually rose with the sun, energized by curiosity and an unending desire to offer aid and support to her kingdom.
It had been just eight months since they finally rid the land of Calamity Ganon, and while Link was ready to rest for another one hundred years, Zelda was ready to put her feet to the ground, begin restoring Hyrule to what it once was. So, of course, he follows her. It is the only thing he knows how to do.
He pulls his Champion’s tunic over his mess of hair, deciding to leave it down today, though his hair band remains on his wrist. The tunic is paired with the pants he has from Kakariko village, fabric tight but easy to move in, secured with a leather brown belt and adorned with Shekiah branded shin guards. 
“Link, hurry!”
There’s an edge in Zelda’s voice that makes Link’s shoulders stiffen. Grabbing the Master Sword in its sheath, he runs out of their tent, eyes frantically scanning the terrain as they adjust to the bright light of the sunrise. Zelda’s standing at the edge of the river, and, without thought, Link grabs the back of her hood and tugs her behind him, stance wide as he looks for whatever danger must be near. 
“Link!” There’s a small huff as Zelda’s bum hits the ground, dirt dusting up her trousers, and a quick shuffling follows as she gets back to her feet. “Link, there’s no danger.” 
It takes him only a moment to realize she is right: other than the quiet shifting of grass in the breeze, the lapping of the river water, and the hum of darners’ wings, there is nothing. Sunrays stretch onto Hyrule Field, warming the ground underneath their feet, the ground that is no longer scourged by Guardians. There are still some monsters here and there, but it seems since Calamity Ganon was vanquished the ones that were left were truly the only ones left; there hadn’t been a single blood moon in months. 
Link puts the Master Sword on his back and turns, slowly, to look at his friend, charge, Queen, and glares at her the way only a friend and protector can. Zelda’s expression is sheepish, though she is still smiling softly, hands cupped together just underneath her chin. 
“There were some staminoka bass just in front of our camp. I was thinking they might make a good breakfast.” 
With his heartbeat starting to slow, the adrenaline fading, Link’s hard exterior starts to melt. She is excited about fish. Fish, such a plentiful resource in Hyrule, something that he doesn’t think twice about when he crosses rivers or stabs a few with a spear for lunch. He turns back to the river and looks into the clear water, seeing that the aforementioned staminoka bass are still there, mindlessly swimming in the gentle currents. Link walks forward, his foot falls extra quiet, almost like he isn’t moving at all, and as his feet enter the water he starts to roll his sleeves up until they reach above his elbow. He wades in until he is knee deep, his eyes trained on the fish swimming around him, hair framing his face but thankfully not blocking his view. 
He watches for a few seconds more before he strikes both hands in the water, sharp and swift like a spear. When he pulls them out, he is holding a fish in each hand, flopping and trying desperately to jump back into the water. He walks back to land and holds one of the fish out to Zelda who, despite a moment of hesitation, takes it and holds it tight against her chest.
“I’ll get a fire going.”
There’s a smile Link can’t quite resist as he watches Zelda struggle to walk with the fish, and she finally throws it on the ground next to their unlit campfire. With his fish firm in his hand, Link reaches for a spear standing against their tent and makes quick work of putting the fish out of their misery.
“Thank you,” Zelda says and Link nods, twirling the spear a time or two before he cleans the fish blood off with his shin guards. He looks up when he hears Zelda clear her throat and cough, her cheeks a bit red. 
The fire hasn’t started yet, and Link tilts his head, curious what happened.
“Oh, I’m fine,” she assures him. “I was just…You know, that’s quite a good look on you.” She points to his still rolled sleeves, and his toned forearms which are now in view. “It is significantly more practical, I think.” 
Link glances down at his arms, skin wet, gives a little shrug, and sits down to start fileting the fish for their breakfast. He leaves his sleeves as they are, glancing up occasionally to find Zelda staring.
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gaybananabread · 2 years
Here's my gift to @cadetsfanfictionblog12 for Squealing Santa. I haven't written for this Fandom before, and I hope I did it justice!! Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!
(P.S.- special thanks to @hypahticklish for setting this up! This was amazing, congrats!)
Fandom: Trollhunters
Lee: Jim
Ler: Claire 
Summary: During training, Jim is pushing himself too hard. Claire brings him back to Earth.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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"Gah!" Jim landed hard on his side, the impact sending a reverberating ache through him. He and Claire were training in the Hero's Forge, trying to sharpen his skills. He hadn't been getting the best sleep as of late, pulling all nighters to study and do homework. As a result, he was slower, and blows hit him twice as hard.
Claire came over to his side. "Jim, I think we should take a break. It's been two hours, and you look half dead." He just shook his head, pushing himself off the hard stone floor. "No, I need to get better. Arcadia is depending on me, so I need to be at my best." She huffed. "What you're being is a hypocrite. You're so tired your eyebags have eyebags. Just a small break, take a nap, relax a little. Please?"
Jim sighed, getting into a fighting stance. "Just a few more rounds. I can take it, Claire. Don't worry about it." Yeah, right. Asking his girlfriend not to worry about him? When he's Jim? Impossible.
An idea popped into her head. She remembered her first night over at Jim's house with Toby. They had been playing truth or dare, and Jim picked truth, after having to wear a shaving cream mustache. Toby smirked, and asked if he was ticklish. Jim denied it, leading to a cute punishment. Perfect.
"Fine. ONE more round, then quits." He didn't look happy with that answer, but took the deal anyways. Practice was practice, after all. Claire stood a few feet away, getting into position. "3, 2, 1, GO!"
Jim ran at her, sword drawn to his side. He swiped the blade at her feet, but she jumped away. Claire disappeared into a shadow portal. He slowly spun around, checking the forge for his partner. He heard a gust of air behind him, and before he could turn to catch her, Claire tackled him to the ground. Normally, she would be the one pinned down. However, Jim was running off of 2 hours of sleep for the week, so he was slower than normal.
He tried to shove her off, but she was already on top of him, using the weight of her armor against his tired muscles. He was thoroughly stuck.
"Okay, you win. Rematch?" Claire just sat there, a smirk on her face. Just then, as if to say 'yeah, no', his amulet fell away, taking his armor with it. No more training with weapons for today. "Claire?"
She grabbed his arms, pushing them above his head. He struggled against her, bit it didn't do much. Then it clicked; the look, the extra round, the strange pinning. Oh f-
"Jim, you need a break. And since you refuse to behave, I'm gonna help you!" She brought one of her hands down to his stomach, just hovering there. "Wait, no, Claire! I'll take the break, I'll eat, nap, I'll even meditate! Just- NOHOHO!"
She wasted no time digging into the sensitive skin, scratching and pinching. Even through his sweatshirt, he could feel every touch, poke and prod. The claws on her fingers didn't help him, either. He immediately started giggling, the intensity catching him off guard.
"Clahahahaire! Nohohoho!" The sound was, to say the least, adorable. Claire couldn't help but coo at the sweet noise. "Aww, Jim! You sound so cute! I should've done this sooner!" A rosy blush crept onto the Trollhunter's face, heating up in seconds. "Nohot cuhuhute! Knohock it ohohoff!"
Curious, Claire moved up to his ribs, earning giddy laughter from Jim. "AHAHAHA! CRAHAHAP! QUIHIHIHIT IT!" She went in between each bone, drilling into his ribcage. Jim twisted and turned, but he couldn't shake her off.
When Claire looked at his face, she saw a happy, joyful Jim, one she hadn't seen in weeks. However, it was clear he was nearing his limit. She had one more thing to try.
Pulling back his shirt and sweater, Claire released his arms and brought her head down to his belly. She took a deep breath, and blew a huge raspberry on the poor boy. He burst out in loud, frantic laughter. Jim bucked and squirmed, pushing at her head. It was so bad!
When she was done tormenting his stomach, she got off of him, rubbing his back as he curled up. Jim was still laughing, the phantom tickles gliding across his torso. After a few minutes, he got his breath back, and turned to Claire.
"Well, I'm ready for that nap now." They both laughed, getting up and heading out of the Forge. Finally, Jim could relax a bit, all thanks to Claire.
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crystalelemental · 6 months
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Did you know there's a tier list maker for Unicorn Overlord classes now? Time to have opinions no one else agrees with!
For context: I am ranking this solely based on combat performance that I achieved. There are classes I have seen people rank far above what I do, and whether that's because they understand something I don't, or they had particular setups I didn't piece together and got better results out of it, it doesn't matter. I am rating this on how I experienced the class playing through twice.
The highest I beat was Tactical. I did try Expert, and beat the maps just fine, but I have this known brain problem where anything timed starts to stress me out if it runs too close, and I was constantly running too close. I never lost a map through the 8 or so hours I played it, but I couldn't stand the time pressure and kicked it down to have a more relaxed time of my life. Make of that what you wish.
Breaker. I feel like the surest indication of an S-tier classification is not having to think about it at all. While some will argue for the best possible performance being the indication of tier, I argue the opposite. I don't think many people are going to dig into the game that hard, and thus many aren't going to see the glory of incredibly fine-tuned tactics that let you beat Arena at level 15 with like three guys. Most are playing normally, and encounter stuff that just naturally works, and that, to me, is the surest sign of potency for a class, because there is nothing hidden that makes it good, you feel it right away. That in mind: Breaker is the most mindless win condition in the game, and my personal assertion for best class. Enrage is dirt cheap at 1PP, stacks, includes accuracy for consistent hit rates, counters armors, and has a row-wide attack that can't even be blocked or guarded. Once armor is removed, Assaulting Blow will recharge 1AP for every KO they land, potentially sweeping the entire enemy team, with no more support than "make sure they don't get hit." Anyone with cover and the tactic of "prioritize Highest Phys Atk" will do the job.
Gryphon Master. Gryphon Master is a bit more dynamic than Breaker, but no less devastating. Row-wide damage for 1AP is exceptionally strong, and they don't suffer the Berserker's accuracy penalty either. Add in cav effectivenss, and they're unspeakably strong. Being flying, they can front row dodge tank. Late in the game, they can pivot to Fatal Dive, dealing true damage to foes and denying guard, which can easily annihilate back-row foes and chip bulkier targets enough for follow-ups to finish. Griyphon Master has so much going for it, and very few legitimate flaws. So long as arrows are covered, they excel.
High Lord. Alain is ridiculous. Not because of anything offensive, but because defensively, he is unparalleled. Blocking is a huge deal to me, I like covering for squishier allies, and Alain's access to specific equipment giving him a much easier time hitting 4/4 means he adds a lot of defensive backbone, without suffering poor Mag Def, and contributing some DPS through anti-cavalry tech and row-wide offense. That anti-cav tech also removes AP and PP both, while inflicting Guard Seal, which is exceptionally potent. His potential to disrupt and defense a team cannot be understated.
Featherbow. At time of writing...this is my favorite class. Consider this bias if you must. Featherbow is S on utility. Row-wide Blindness in response to an attack leaves little room for foes to counter. She is not bound by the Rogues need to hit, and is instant enough that removing this status is impossible prior to them attacking. Photon Arrow hits two targets for -50% Phys Def and Passive Seal, which is devastating if aimed correctly given her high initiative, potentially shutting out a healer completely. Even Saint's Shot can be devastating, just removing 1PP from a target, or 2 if they're non-flying. As a flier themselves, they have evade potential on the front row, and can use their own blind effect to deny archers specifically. Featherbow is a metric ton of fun, and can really disrupt entire teams with good play.
Snow Ranger. Snow White Strike. That alone gets this an S. Follow-up attacks are generally good, accounting for typical shaky accuracy, but Yunifi defies that will solid bow accuracy and a devastating Freeze effect. This is an excellent way to keep an opponent locked down, and the damage doubles if someone else freezes for her. Triple Counter can be devastating as well with enough evasion on her; a full power retaliation that hits three opponents is amazing. Yunifi is interesting in that it really is her passives that make her tick, but Glacial Rain can be used on the back line to really hammer an enemy team with full AoE damage and a freeze effect that shuts down everything. The accuracy is shakier, but to my understanding, only one arrow has to hit for freeze to work. Yunifi is fantastic, and I adore using her.
Dark Marquess. I admit, my first run, I did not really respect Berengeria. I get it now, though. On-entry passive that cuts the initiative and attack of all foes is excellent. So long as foes are afflicted, she recharges PP on multiple attacks, including a 1PP follow up move for infinite regain that also heals her. When she's attacked, she boosts Atk/Initiative and gets 1AP back. She has row-wide offense that inflicts Stun. While it requires afflictions to be present, which can be slightly restrictive, she still has strong options even without that condition met. Dark Marquess is just very persistent and incredibly strong, with a powerful opening move, and it's hard to go wrong with her presence.
Elven Augur. The elf girls are very, very strong, but Augur is definitely stronger. Offensively, an on-entry row-wide attack that inflicts stun if it doesn't kill is great. Much like Sibyl, Augur has a good synergy between skills. Primus Edge restores 1PP if at 100% HP, even if it misses. Elemental Impetus will use 2PP to recharge 1AP, making this a good, steady source of recharge. The main draw, however, is Elemental Roar, a 3AP move that hits all foes and gets stronger with more active fairies. Her opening skill is strong by default, but adding a fairy into an AoE burst is outstanding. Very little investment needs to go into Augur for their magic to devastate, and they even pack a little recovery that can specifically heal up a Cleric-type if they get hit with status, keeping your team rolling without a care.
Shieldshooter. Again, I like blocking. Shieldshooters can block while recovering HP to allies. Shieldshooters also have competent offense in Heavy Bolt, making them a good two-skill focus unit. Their follow-up is fairly weak, but can be nice as I believe it cannot be interrupted, finishing off units that get Holy Cradle or otherwise barely survived. As a bow user in the front, she can aim specifically for back row as well, taking out core supports or big threats with hilarious precision. If anything holds Shieldshooter back, I'd say it's that they don't quite excel at what they aim to do. Heavy Bolt is good damage, but she lacks the same kind of hilarious disruption as Alain does against cavalry, or the row-wide offense he can pack, leading to her being more about sniping a particular target in a match and otherwise existing for defense. Still one of my favorites, though.
Swordmaster. One of my favorites. Swordmasters are about precision removal of specific enemies. By default, this is Scout. In some situations, it can be the fliers. With Runic Sword and some backup with Inspiration, it can include Armor, which legitimately feels like their best utility. But Swordmasters rarely carry. Their damage can be good with proper support, but maintaining that is difficult. And without it, their damage drops precipitously. I do compliment their anti-meta properties, like Meteor Strike being the easiest way to just blow through Galerius' Dark Armor, but they have trouble answering as much as they counter. Outside of Runic Sword, which is a one-time item, they have no means of getting around armor or guards. They're evade tanks whose Parry doesn't work on range, so arrows can break them, and truestrike remains a problem. Their PP generation is a bit challenging as well. Two swords means less flexibility on accessories. But for the sheer depth of what they can do for a team, and how well they can be crafted to serve any comp, A feels right.
Wyvern Master. Look, I don't know why I like Gryphon Master better. I think better early tools, but Fire Breath doesn't take long to unlock and is arguably stronger. Column-piercing is really good too, easily slapping someone out of commission on the back row. I think Wyvern Master is fantastic, but for some reason it just never felt like it worked as well as Gryphon Master, despite having comparable tools. Maybe I'm just biased. Maybe I just really liked Fatal Dive. I cannot give a satisfying answer, because they do rule.
Druid. Druid's great. Probably the strongest on-entry skill in the game, coupled with immediate debuffing of a target's offense as they attack. Defense Curse wildly improves damage and prevents Guard entirely, which is exceptional for offensive cores. I think the only reason I don't respect Druid more is that I didn't use Druid more. Their kit is truly excellent, if hard countered by Clerics.
Prince. Buffing alternative to Druid. Seriously, it's the same thing but reversed. Buffs initiative on entry instead of debuffing, buffs attack instead of debuffing defense, grants truestrike instead of inflicting Guard Seal. Prince does fantastic back-row work. I think I value Druid just a little more, solely because I think the entry skill is stronger, and Guard Seal slightly more valuable than a truestrike.
Elven Sibyl. She's a healing version of the Augur, whose on-entry skill is a heal that provides a nullification to one debuff for a row. She also has Primus Edge/Elemental Impetus, allowing for fantastic generation. However. My problem lies in her AP skills. Elemental Roar remains the boom it is on Augur, but her 2AP skill goes entirely to waste using it, and it's a row-wide heal that provides nullification of one attack to a whole row. To put it bluntly, this is insanely good. Evade tanks have a backup that can now prevent certain death, solely because Eltolinde was present to provide it. And yet...this comes at the cost of Elemental Roar. I talked about this positively in other classes, having strong variability, and I think that's Sibyl's strength too. You can use her as either Elemental Roar AoE damage for a wipe, or you can use her as a healer with built-in blocks to damage for an entire row. But you cannot do both. And that's why she's down here in A. Because the S class options? They can do everything they want in one set. Eltolinde cannot. She makes much harder concessions.
Valkyria. I wish I could put this higher, but I do think it's fairly limited at times. Boosting team defenses and guard rate on entry makes the entire team a lot stronger, and 50% guard rate is percentage points, meaning even your frail back row has better than average odds to guard and reduce a lot of damage. This is not what sells her. What sells her is Maiden's Hammer, a Truestrike move that deals better damage the lower her HP, and is a counterattacking move. This is an excellent utility move. Combined with her natural ability to hit Flying with Vertical Edge, she's like a heavily defensive variation on Swordmaster. But. Swordmaster has that magic attack to blast armor apart, being much more offensively competent. Valkyria relies on Brandish, which is expensive and never deals as much as you want. She can eventually break through, but definitely needs support to see it happen.
Dreadnought. I feel like Dreadnought is a boring, overly straight-forward damage class with exactly one interesting tool. Unfortunately for me, that one interesting tool is hilarious and extremely powerful. When a foe guards an attack, Dreadnought kicks them in the face, inflicting Stun and Guard Seal. That is. EXTREMELY good. It turns a lot of offensive focus options from middling and in need of support, to potentially just blowing right through armors. With her self-buff to get truestrike and sure crit, she's able to obliterate pretty much any individual enemy she sets her sights on. And with greatshields, even in the back row, she tends to be excellent on defense. Initiative can be a problem, but just kicking open a guard for allies is a massive boon.
High Priestess. This may seem a bit mean, but I don't consider Scarlett as potent as other unique classes. Her healing leaves a bit to be desired, and while her main attacks remove buffs, the fact they can miss creates issues. It's not like her damage is exceptional either. What keeps Scarlett in A is really just how rare buff removal is, and how nice having a shield to halve incoming damage while denying status can be in good hands. But the later you get, the more allies can find items that make them immune to status anyway, and thus her shield goes largely to waste. This is especially true for evade tanks, who just...move out of the way of the attack, rendering that shield moot. Scarlett has good tools mired by problems that kept haunting me, but I fully acknowledge what she brings.
Bishop. Standard healer. What gets Bishop in my good graces is Refresh being row-wide, and access to some good AP skills from staves, most notably Lyrical Wand. Most of their AP skills are pretty whatever, so the wand skill is free, and recharges AP of a target. I do think Bishop can be a little finicky, though. Specifically targeting what you want and when can be a challenge on the tactics, with their default sets healing every single hit no matter how minor resulting in consumption of 1PP. It's a necessary class, but not an exceptional one.
Featherstaff. Featherstaff has some solid traits, but I feel like initiative is their worst enemy. Unless they get Overheal or Holy Cradle up right away, it's easy for opponents to just slap something and ruin your plan. Holy Cradle in particular feels like shit outside of PvP/Arena contexts. It's 2AP that could go into just keeping you from dying, and very little in main game can threaten to one-shot you. They're overly specific for single matches, which is why I put them below Bishop.
Wereowl. Very fun but very finicky. Wereowl has basically one truly good trait, and that is granting 1PP to an ally after they use one. This combos into some hilarious shit, especially when you look at things like Featherbow's row-wide blind response, or sustaining healing or guarding, or counterattacks, etc. That said, getting that PP where you want it to go and not having them burn through all of it is very, very challenging. I will give credit for having pretty whatever AP skills. I think they're another that really likes the staff effect to be their primary, though Night Vision for huge accuracy buffs is nice.
Feathershield. What if your tank could dodge? Feathershield is fun because they are flying armor, which means they both take hits well and can evade, making them excellent at sticking around. That said...is it just me, or are there like no greatshields that have passive abilities to shield allies? Is no one else bothered by this? It's like the one fatal flaw. If I could get this guy to both reflect spells and jump in on attacks against the healer, I think we'd be set. I do want to specifically complement synergy with Valkyria. Iron Will with his buff to Mag Def for the entire party makes for some outrageously tanky units.
Great Knight. Cavalry Call. That's basically the class in a nutshell. They have a great buff that applies to all cavs, and are able to rush a column both with their base move and with a follow-up. In addition, they pack the usual AP recovering stuff, but with two different forms of attack, including a 2AP multi-hit move. Great Knights have a lot in their favor. I don't really respect them. I feel like a lot of their utility relies entirely on a full cav team that makes them hysterically easy to counterpick. I think they put so much in offense that every comp tends to lack wildly for defense, and their results in a map are either a clean sweep of massive damage, or getting half the team killed. I think without someone to proc boosted initiative or debuff foe's initiative, they tend to move too slowly and eat a lot of damage. They live attached to Selvie. Outside of cav comps, while they have decent tools, their offenses are significantly less pronounced, and I feel like they falter. They're really fun and have one of the more mindless overall setups, but it's such a hit and miss tactic that's so, so easy to counter.
Doom Knight. I don't really favor sacrificing HP for power. I admit they have a good system going, as well as good bulk and potential to recover damage they do take. I recognize their fire-base AoE move is tremendous damage with a lot of benefits. I just can't put them higher than this. Similar deal to the Great Knights, I think they tend to be easily bowled over at times. Tactics matter a lot, and if their conditions aren't in place, they falter wildly. Without a Cleric, or at least some means of active healing, they're very easily KOd. I like them well enough, but not all that much.
Sergeant. Granting Sure-crit can be specifically tailed for Maximum Funny. Granting 1AP to any ally at the cost of 2PP is also really nice. Sergeant doesn't have the best offensive profile, but column-piercing and cav effectiveness isn't bad, and they add some response to fliers as well. They're a decent all-arounder with no particularly outstanding traits, but some really fun concepts to play with.
Elven Archer. Ice Arrow is one of my favorites, I love freeze and they have the initiative to back it up. I've also seen talk of their on-entry skill resulting in Scarlett granting a PP back with some healing, kicking off their party-wide heal and instantly recovering the team to full not matter how battered from the last encounter. It's something! But I feel like Elven Archer often fails to dazzle. Damage isn't great, they don't have the same truestrike as base archers, their on-entry skill is nice but not one of the better options out there, etc. I do like them a lot, though.
Elven Fencer. Similar deal but worse. They rely heavily on evasion, and can sure-dodge, but only when conditions occur that grant the effect. Otherwise, they have sub-par evasion for a frontline tank, and are always hoping to recharge AP on successful dodges. They rely heavily on allies to set conditions for dodging, and are as easily bopped by truestrike as other evade tanks. At least they have really good and fun offense that has a magical edge, allowing them to hurt armor types.
Sainted Knight. This one would get me killed on Reddit. I don't think Sainted Knight is all that good. I think the blocking of magic can be divine, and the combo with Legionnaire is obviously decent. But I think their problem is often passivity, and being too cluttered with AP. Yes, they can deal hilarious magical damage. If they aren't using Row Heal. But then you need someone else dedicated to healing. Which causes its own problems. But keeping healing means they don't do much in the way of attacks, and that magic potential goes to waste. But also there's only two magical swords in the game and Swordmaster is way more proficient about removing armor, while their attacks seem to fail to KO anything with reasonable Mag Def. Even in just general runs, I use Sainted Knight often for mobility and reduction of magical assist attacks used against us, but their teams are extremely hit and miss by effectiveness. I struggle to see a situation in which they feel as good as many claim.
Legionnaire. I like blocking, so here they are. I do think they're highly passive, lacking for damage or healing or literally anything but guard. But it's nice to have someone to just block attacks and take like no damage, you know?
Feathersword. Kinda middling. Yes, ranged attack, decent self-buffing, but their kit is kinda whatever. No particularly great attacks, buffs literally everything but stats you really want like straight Atk, Discharge is their only means of offense but it removes literally every other form of buff. They have a Truestrike but its 2AP, and their lack of sheer crit rate means Gambler's Coin isn't even salvaging them. I have yet to feel like Feathersword truly does all that much.
Landsknecht. What if you were a follow-up class, but your follow-up missed? What if Berengeria were kinda bad? Bastard's Cross is huge damage, but easily guarded and then rendered unimportant. Landsknecht does have good damage potential, and the AP regeneration of Breaker and Great Knight, but it tends to fall way behind on every other metric I care about.
Warlock. On the one hand, row-wide move that can stun, and great follow-up and counter attacks with generalized magic. I do think the shaky 90 accuracy is a problem, as is general initiative woes and frailty. Pure magic classes tend to heavy invest in just their magical offense and everything else is kinda whatever. As a result, Warlock can do some nice stuff, but I rarely consider them exceptional.
Sniper. I barely used them. I kinda dislike them, to be honest. I got one to work in the Virginia/Feathershield team comp I used, but I feel like the biggest issue they have is that damage output feels limited. They're kind of another precision removal tool, in that they can aim wherever they want and are specifically good against fliers, but only okay when it's a wyvern without crits. Taking out back row stuff also relies heavily on what the enemy team's composition is. They can work, but they're not a favorite, for reasons that are slightly difficult to parse. I don't think they're that bad, but I've never had good success with them.
Sorceress. This has to be my most contentious opinion. I think Sorceress kinda blows. Stupid frail, horrendous initiative, magic can get completely hard countered by two class types, getting conferrals to land where you want when you want is an exercise in pure frustration, status conferrals take 2PP and a whole accessory slot which is demanding, and while their freeze is an excellent status, I pretty much never see it because the rest of the team does its job first or the witch dies immediately. They can be good. Devastating, even. But I feel like they're very often a liability. Also now that both are on here: I don't respect Trinity Rain. Way, way too much investment of a team's resources for something that can (1) miss, (2) be blocked, and (3) be entirely shut down by Feathershields and Sainted Knights.
Vanguard. They're just not too useful. I give some credit for Arrow Cover blocking flying attacks as well, and being useful alongside Swordmasters and fliers for the specifics of what it does. But that's about all I can really praise it for. Neat concept, very lacking outcomes. There's a reason they're a 25 Honor promotion.
Werelion/Berserker. They are the same goddamn class and I don't like them. Row wide and then full party AoE damage should be great, but their offense is surprisingly low by raw stats, and all of their attacks are base 80% accuracy. Which is, as it turns out, bad. The only good stat they have is HP, and fun fact: no situation in any game I've ever played has allowed high HP but bad defenses and evasion to work out. Ever. I feel like this could be a way better class if their other stats were a little stronger in some places, but as it stands, very underwhelming.
Werebear. I tried, but never found much interest in them. A greatshield class that can't block anything, and instead specs into attempts at offense that are inaccurate, or completely miss anything not on the ground. Wholly unimpressed.
Viking. Their on-entry skill should be a favorite. There's so much that should be fun with this. I have never, even once, found a situation where I think it's worth it. Other on-entry skills just offer a lot more bang for your buck, and letting everyone bypass guard, while nice, often isn't necessary to taking down armor. There are other approaches. Like magic. Even half-magic like the Elven classes will do a better job than bringing a Viking's low initiative and inaccurate shenanigans. I want to respect them, I really do, but I've never found a significant use.
Werefox. Let the broad opinion being: I do not respect units whose life is evasion. "But you like Swordmaster." For the offense. For its ability to remove, with incredible precision, several different types of opponents as you see fit. Werefox does not do that. It has some offensive utility I'm willing to acknowledge, but I didn't have a great time using them ever.
Werewolf. Werewolf is one I wanted to like. A row-wide 15% Phys Atk buff with no other conditions is fairly unique, and they have means of restoring AP for further moves. Unfortunately...I just never encountered success. This feels unfair, I feel like something could've happened if I just found something I liked. But the one (1) time I made a team with one that actually started to work out? It was the Virginia/Fodoquia team. And it turned out the best results for that team? Was dropping the Werewolf for a Cleric. I dunno man! Results don't lie! Maybe I'm using it wrong, but I've yet to see this class accomplish literally anything.
Rogue. _Lucille_ on Reddit has some excellent takes on classes, and some fantastic strategy. They're the kind of person who can beat Arena before breaking level 20 on the highest difficulty, something I legitimately could never piece together. So when they say that dodge tanks are better than physical tanks, and that Rogue is very good, I'm inclined to believe this is true. Evasion likely is more successful overall if outfitted correctly. But personally? I consider tier based on ease of access as much as anything. If something is stupid broken busted, but only once you've been playing for a while and have a working meta knowledge of tactics and how to specifically counteract all the things that otherwise beat you? That to me isn't success. That requires niche knowledge for success. And on that note: Rogue sucks. Getting it to work is an unending nightmare. So many enemies have Truestrike, and the only means of not dying horribly is knowing AI patters and how to avoid being the target of attacks that threaten, and nothing else. Even outside of this, just letting one (1) attack land the low percentage to hit is instant death, and in general maps, you're encountering so many swings that eventually that 10% will land. It requires a level of precision and calculation that I feel is way beyond what is reasonable as a more casual fan of the game. While their skills feel exciting, I never once found them significant. Row blindness is done infinitely better by Featherbow, and even Druid if you want to use the staff for it. Stealing AP is only ever 1AP despite the translation, and fails entirely if guarded. PP steal can also be guarded against, ruining the attempt. Someone mentioned using them with Viking's War Horn to ensure hits, stealing PP and using that on accessories to buff allies constantly. Great plan! That also cuts into their evade rate because less equipment goes to it, so you get hit more often. Evade stops working the instant archers are introduced, because they just hit you through it. Their bulk is so bad, anything that touches them kills. Their passive skills are bad, with an on-entry that just inflicts Guard/Passive seal on one (1) target, which sucks, but is likely to go first given their high initiative, ruining much better options because only one goes off. I have active contempt for Rogue. I would love to get it to work, just to see what others are seeing, but I feel like their utility ran out before I even finished the demo. I get that no damage is better than chip damage, but you know what's even better than that? Not dying immediately because you failed a roll.
Paladin. I think the basic fact that nothing seems to outline the skills on a Paladin should tell you what you need to know. The class itself is good enough, but Josef is so gimped in the stats department that once you leave Cornia, and start fighting things closer to his level? He's easily overwhelmed on the frontline and contributes very little to a backline. There's no reason to use Josef past the opening. At least the Rogues can be outfitted with something going on, Josef just feels like a burden.
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