#//hope this was a good starter
talesimagination · 10 months
@starlighttrain A young man with an eye patch and what appears to be glasses slowly wakes up to his surroundings.
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Sighing, he shakes head and attempts to get up, only to find that he's stuck somehow. Where exactly did he land and why was it dimmer in here... Surely there would be some sort of light source... Unless he was in a basement of some sort. Then perhaps that would explain better.
Still, he tries to free himself to better explore his surroundings... With no luck. Ok, he's still got his gazer, perhaps he could use that to scan the area. His gazer happens to be an eye piece usually meant for augmented reality or a virtual phone, but some adjustments and he's got a somewhat functional scanner.
He just hopes he figures things out before he's spotted and winds up having no way out of a potentially bad situation.
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violinist-rachel · 12 days
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An old photo!
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quibbs126 · 4 months
So apparently Pokémon Presents told us we’re getting a new Legends game based in Kalos, rather than anything about Gen 5 remakes
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And you know honestly, I’m cool with that, I think I prefer that. Kalos got barely any attention even in its own generation, not even getting a rerelease/sequel, which all the generations before and even the one after it got (Gen 8 and 9 didn’t get that, but they got DLC which basically acts as an addition to the story, which still applies here). Not to mention we know Kalos has lore from ancient times, and we’re probably gonna see it now in this game, which is really cool
Like yeah, I’m pretty sure Kalos isn’t seen as one of the best regions, but it’s finally getting more attention from Game Freak, and I’m happy to see that
Also I think BDSP has shattered my faith in Pokémon remakes, so I’m kind of glad Gen 5 isn’t getting one. They’ll probably save it for Gen 10 if we’re being honest
Edit: wait I just looked at more info (I didn’t see the Presents, I had class, but I just saw the news), this might take place in a futuristic Kalos? I don’t really know, but just then take what I predict about it with a grain of salt
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the-greater-good-1899 · 9 months
The dawn of November 1, 1945.
With the chaos of a recently graduated Tom Riddle sent out into the world, and the ministry breathing that much more down Albus Dumbledore's neck for the last few weeks after he'd been forced on "administrative leave" by the ministry while he was in their custody for the last several weeks, beaten and tortured until he gave into their demands to duel Gellert Grindelwald once more. He knew his husband's actions had grown more horrific over the years that even he could not ignore, and between that, the torture...
He had accepted.
The ministry was unaware of his possession of the resurrection stone, given to him by Flamel in case things turn for the worst in that duel. He's made enough potion to live out the next fifty years with himself and his wife- Should Albus not come home from this. Days before, he had sent out a letter. Part of him hoped it did not make it to him, or he would simply ignore his ridiculous quest for a final duel, to see who would finally come out on top. Or, in the ministries eyes.. If good would triumph over evil.
For the greater good.
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Days later, he had anxiously arrived at that location, dressed in his usual attire. His wand was grasped tightly in his hand, other shoved in his pocket, wrapped tightly around the stone in his pocket. He had used illusion charms to hide what a wreck he really looked like, after what the ministry had put him through for the last several weeks. In his weakened state he might've still been quite the formidable opponent- But the ministries underestimated Grindelwald when it came to Dumbledore. He truly didn't know who would triumph this time. He hoped so desperately that the letter had not made it, or he would refuse.
But when was luck ever on Albus Dumbledore's side? @magicblooms
(template/layout credit to @seekingabettergood tysm <33)
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
The Hollow’s Curse || Closed RP
------ Ginza, Tokyo -----------
Ever since the haunting house incident in Hatagaya, Osaki Kawa was in a bad situation. But nothing like this. She had to deal with angry grieving parents whose have lost their children because of her guidance and the parents of the teenagers who came to work at the haunted house. There were hate mails, phone calls and death threats against her since she has been exposed. 
She heard Nobu made amends with parents, apologizing to them and pay the teenagers according to them. Then the teenage workers never blamed Nobu for the mess. No. They pointed the finger at her, explaining that she’s the reason and told their parents of what they done. Of course, the parents group up and bring charges against her. Junko, Sano and Hideo made statements against her. 
What’s worse. Her previous clients who caught wind of this demand for an explanation and wanted their money back. 
Assholes! It’s not her fault! 
She had to pay a good lawyer using the money that she got from Nobu to get out of jail and making sure she won’t have to refund them. Her lawyer warns her to stay away from being a medium and take up another job. 
Osaki glady does that. She can do that all. That’s no problem. She wants to move on.
But no. This is way worse than just angry parents and threatening letters. No. Someone or rather something has been harming her daughter. Roughen up when she came back from school with sratches and such. Osaki called the school wondering what’s going on. But no teachers said that no bullying was present.
At first, she thought was bullying until she saw marks on her daughter’s body. Three marks on her leg. No human did this! She knows that for sure!  Why? Because her daughter said a scary monster has been hurting her. 
“Bullshit...” She thought she was done with it. But no. This is karma. She already apologized! What else does she need to do?!
To clear her head trying to make sense of this, she had to run into a fast food restaurant with her daughter. She had her hood up so nobody will recognize her. After she ordered, she sat at the table with her daughter enjoying her happy meal. She had a coffee. She needs some fresh air. She needs to deal with this. 
But then.....everything became clear when she sees familiar faces. That pink hair, that brown-haired girl, that spiky boy, those uniforms and the girl with the orange marks on her right cheek. They were laughing amongst themselves at the table at the window. 
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poke-poke-poke · 9 months
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do you think leon's a 'snorrrrk... mimimimiii' . or a 'honnk shooo' kinda guy.........
(just some progress pics under read more-)
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gompop · 10 days
special starter for @faeriemists ๑•ᴗ•๑
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            as soon as the front door to her bedroom slammed shut, hyejin already had an idea on who it could be. after all, she just received a text not too long ago about her best friend's horrible experience on a first date. without missing a beat, the volleyball player was off her feet and welcoming the female with open arms, " men ain't shit, yeah ? " she mumbles, enveloping the shorter in a warm and tight hug, knowing it was the only thing she could offer. well - that, and a listening ear, as per usual. " i'll go make some tea and you can tell me all about it. deal ? we just have to be a little quiet, mom's trying to get some rest for work tomorrow and she'll kill me if i disturb her beauty sleep. "
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astronomodome · 1 year
‘Hopefully this neighborly conflict will not further escalate 😁’ doc says after further escalating the neighborly conflict
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isaksbestpillow · 1 year
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Just thought you should know there's a lovely girls love manga called Hanamonogatari about a 70-year-old grandmother who, following the death of her husband, rediscovers herself and her womanhood and develops feelings for a fabulous lady running a makeup store.
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necromancyandtendrils · 3 months
"Tainted Licorice"
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[ Main verse / Starter with @milk-and-trickery ]
"You could do so much more.. you know that, right? Dark Enchantress Cookie may have the means, but she lacks the method. But you.. you want power. Do you truly think she will give that to you?" A testing voice, eyes of blue peering between the cracks of shadows in the Laboratorium.
Even in the aftermath of Matcha Cookie's tantrum, work was proceeding apace once more.
And there was a certain, very awake beast who was reaching his tendrils out across the land. To latch onto anything while the heroes were distracted by the little 'big' mistake born from this lab.
( From @milk-and-trickery )
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It had been a long day for him. He had not only had to deal with the aftermath with Matcha Cookie, but the mission with Pomegranate Cookie was also stressful. Which was originally a recon mission, turned into a scuffle with a strange cookie with weird jelly magic.
After all was said and done, he was exhausted, but he wanted to return to his research. He was hungry for power, wanted to be stronger, and wanted to prove further that he wasn't weak! His fight with this Candy Eye Cookie wasn't a fluke! She yielded to HIM.
As he continued to read over his books, taking notes, he felt his eyelids slowly feel heavy. He attempted to shake himself awake, trying to focus harder, but eventually, tiredness took him over...
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Licorice Cookie found himself in the lab, making sure nothing else exploded again while he was gone. Gods forbid Matcha Cookie lost her temper again or something.
Then without warning, a voice that seemed to be emanating from the walls called out.
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"W-what?! Who?!"
Licorice looked around, he was startled by the voice. As he became more observant, he saw eyes peeking from the cracks of the walls, he stared back before looking up at the ceiling.
"Heyy-HEY! Don't you DARE talk like that about Dark Enchantress Cookie!" He snapped back
Power? Power?! Of course, he wanted power! But not give him any? No of course she would give him power! R-Right?
Pomegranate Cookie-!... No no no! It's his turn! it's his time! He will prove to her that he is the better one! HE-...!
He stopped himself with his thoughts and shook it off. He then took a deep breath and raised up his hands, attempting to play it cool with... Whatever this thing was. It hasn't quite clicked just yet to whom Licorice was actually talking to.
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"W-well what makes YOU think you know her better, HMM? Just who are you anyway? What kind of big shot thinks he can do better than the great Enchantress Cookie herself?! You must be mistaken!"
He scoffed crossing his arms, he wasn't going to easily give in to... Whatever this was.
"What do you know? NOTHING! That's what!"
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raisans-art · 3 months
hi, i just found this blog and was reading back on your current submas au. you say you dont like others giving ideas for the au, but unless i missed a post you didnt seem to make it clear any point before getting upset that you didnt like those types of messages or that you already had the story planned out. maybe you should make a post about this being an already written story your releasing bits at a time and not a wip au?
As I see it, that post is a version of that post that you mention. It wasn't an immediate issue, only cumulative because (at current and at time of that ask being sent) there was a larger volume of those kind of asks than there normally are when I start sharing an au that operates the way I'm operating this one: letting people ask questions about things that they are interested in learning about in the au rather than trying to tell a linear story.
So. As it stands, that answer stands as that post. I love questions about my aus. I just ask a bit of consideration on whether or not your ask comes off as simply throwing what-if scenarios at me without considering what I am at all doing with the au. It doesn't feel great.
I guess this post stands as a declaration of what Brothers' Starter is.
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pkmn-spira · 4 months
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"Gym's closed for today." Ella would say outright, just in case Volo is a Pokémon trainer that was aiming to challenge her, the Gym Leader that presides in Cosmos Observatory. "You can challenge me tomorrow or the next few days if you'd like. Though if you're not a trainer, then welcome to Cosmos Observatory, nonetheless. Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe something about the sea of stars? Or the great beyond? We don't get the inquisitive kinds lately, so I'm rather curious."
Thankfully she did take some time off Gym duties today, and while she also has her responsibilities on her other job, nothing too urgent has come up lately, so as far as she's concerned she has all the current free time in the world to do whatever she wants.
After all, between her and her twin, its her twin that's assigned with something lately that involves Cryptid Isle. Still weird that this is one of the rare instances that they're not together in an assignment.
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nuks · 1 month
gooooood morning!
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dolorousvale · 1 month
❦ a reintroduction to shape and color
closed starter | @thomasicism
Perhaps Dolasach should’ve known better when she agreed to be play bodyguard for a rather… eccentric personality.
She wasn’t a stranger to world-renowned artist Rafayel’s odd quirks, or to his occasional apathy towards coming off as unreasonable. Whispers of those facets of his personality made rounds among her circles in university and never failed to be mentioned in his interviews—artists are stereotyped as strange and anti-social for a reason. Even in her brief encounters with him prior to the arrangement, she could already tell that he wasn’t an exception to the trope.
So why then, she asked herself, did I agree to be his bodyguard?
The answer echoed in her mind in the form of a coral stone and a dark blue envelope. She sighed and kept walking along the city sidewalk, paying little mind to the passing cars or passersby.
Almost as if in mockery, today’s weather brought a slight drizzle, too. The soft pitter-patter of the rain making contact with Dolasach’s umbrella did little to soothe her mood.
Nearing her destination, Flux Arts, she pulled out her phone and reviewed her conversation with her employer from last night.
Noisy Oarfish: im still saddened by the fact that my own bodyguard cant identify my work at a glance. if word gets out and youre called “incompetent,” ill be devastated
Noisy Oarfish: you need to improve your artistic sensitivity
Noisy Oarfish: tell you what. ill leave those forgeries at flux with the original and you need to tell me which one is the real one
Noisy Oarfish: but not only do you have to pick the correct painting, i need you to analyze. no point in this if you just get it right by guessing or asking thomas
Noisy Oarfish: think you can get it done by friday?
Me: Fine.
Something about the whole situation sparked such a deep annoyance in Dolasach that had her determined to get the assignment done as soon as possible. Rereading the messages rekindled that flame, and she felt all the more eager to get started as soon as she entered Flux Arts.
Thomas better be here.
The sudden shift from noisy city sidewalk to quiet white cube gallery made her feel a little too aware of how upset she was. After taking a moment to try and collect herself, she approached the receptionist.
“Excuse me.” Her tone was calm and even. “Is Thomas around? I’m here to run an errand for Rafayel.”
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boombambaby · 5 months
"Did We…?"
[ @hellsmayflower ] Kuzco is brought kicking and screaming into the waking world by the stream of near blinding light that hits him directly in the face, from the direction of the window. 'I feel like I got run over by a llama cart'. He thinks, groaning as he tries to piece together the night from before. All he can really remember is drinking-- heavily. They were celebrating. . . something. With a groan and a substantial amount of effort, he shifts onto his back and attempts to bring his hands up to cover his face; or he would, if one of his arms wasn't currently being weighed down by something warm. 'Wait'-- His eyes fly open at the realization, staring briefly up at the ceiling before jerking to the side to figure out what's going on. His arm is pinned underneath Mayleene and he just barely manages to bite back a yelp when he tries (unsuccessfully) to pull it out, and feels her shifting.
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insurged · 2 months
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i apologize for the person i'll become playing baldur's gate 3. but also while i fall into the depths of this stuPID FANDOM that my mutuals dragged me into, please like this if you'd like a starter & would like to plot out things. <3 i'm going to do writing tomorrow for sure.
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