#meet me on the battlefield | Grindelwald
The dawn of November 1, 1945.
With the chaos of a recently graduated Tom Riddle sent out into the world, and the ministry breathing that much more down Albus Dumbledore's neck for the last few weeks after he'd been forced on "administrative leave" by the ministry while he was in their custody for the last several weeks, beaten and tortured until he gave into their demands to duel Gellert Grindelwald once more. He knew his husband's actions had grown more horrific over the years that even he could not ignore, and between that, the torture...
He had accepted.
The ministry was unaware of his possession of the resurrection stone, given to him by Flamel in case things turn for the worst in that duel. He's made enough potion to live out the next fifty years with himself and his wife- Should Albus not come home from this. Days before, he had sent out a letter. Part of him hoped it did not make it to him, or he would simply ignore his ridiculous quest for a final duel, to see who would finally come out on top. Or, in the ministries eyes.. If good would triumph over evil.
For the greater good.
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Days later, he had anxiously arrived at that location, dressed in his usual attire. His wand was grasped tightly in his hand, other shoved in his pocket, wrapped tightly around the stone in his pocket. He had used illusion charms to hide what a wreck he really looked like, after what the ministry had put him through for the last several weeks. In his weakened state he might've still been quite the formidable opponent- But the ministries underestimated Grindelwald when it came to Dumbledore. He truly didn't know who would triumph this time. He hoped so desperately that the letter had not made it, or he would refuse.
But when was luck ever on Albus Dumbledore's side? @magicblooms
(template/layout credit to @seekingabettergood tysm <33)
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childotkw · 4 years
Jordan’s Harry Potter AU Masterlist
Shadowed Smiles – After the third task Hadrian is propelled into another universe. He meets Harry, who is currently possessing the body of Nathan Ciro. (Crossover CS/ybtm(ibty)).
Shifting Shadows – In a world where the Triwizard Tournament is never reinstated, Hadrian goes on to become the French Minister of Magic. He is bold and charming, and quickly catches the Dark Lord’s attention by publicly telling Britain to fuck off. (AU of CS). 
Hadrian Grows Some Fangs – After the disastrous second task, Hadrian must forge onwards with a curse he never wanted to bear and face the stigma of being a werewolf in a world that feared the glint of amber in his eyes. (AU of CS).
Reckless Heart (Dangerous Mind) – Walburga Black, the last of her House, takes Harriet Potter into her care to give the Black family a future. Harriet, young and wilful and brilliant, is not what anyone - including Tom Riddle - expects. (Female Harry). Now live on AO3 (locked).
Hadrian & Harriet’s Parenting Adventure – Hadrian and Harriet enter a new world and meet a young Harry Potter that is still under the care of the Dursleys. They summarily decide that he is theirs now, and the wizarding world trembles as a result. (Crossover / AU of CS and RhDm).
Policies and Test Tubes – Hadrian enters university with a plan. He knows exactly what he wants to do in his life, and he’s fully prepared to succeed. He doesn’t expect to clash heads with Tom Riddle, a Political Science student, nor fall in love with the bastard. (University AU of CS).
Count Your Teeth – Harry had always wanted a family, he just hadn’t expected to get it decades in the past. Grindelwald only wanted to know why this strange wizard kept inferring with his plans. Now he has a partner unafraid to challenge him, and a son that speaks to snakes in his spare time. (Time Travel).
The Lone Wolf Dies (But The Pack Survives) – Regulus Black, nineteen and lost, memories of the cave still fresh on his mind, found and took Harry Potter under his care. He raised the boy with a gentle hand, determined not to repeat his mother’s mistakes, and naturally found himself in the middle of the war he tried so hard to escape. Now live on AO3.
The Four Agreements – They are all a little broken, all a little off. But something was forged between them on that train ride, and nothing – not the pressures of their respective Houses, not the opinions of the professors – will tear them apart. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville take the world by storm.
Sweet Poison – Hadrian grows up knowing society considers him to be, purely due to his biology, at a disadvantage. It is, frankly, hilarious how much the world has forgotten. It takes going to Britain, it takes a death tournament, for him to find maybe the one Alpha in existence that doesn’t immediately underestimate him. (A/B/O AU of CS).
Bittersweet – Harry grows up quiet, but there is something savage that flickers onto his face at the oddest of times. He enters a society where everyone expects him to be a docile, sweet child – he shows them how wrong they are. (A/B/O).
Meet Me On The Battlefield – Harry still struggles daily with his demons. He drowns himself in auror work and pretends that some part of him isn’t hungry for the adrenaline and heat and blood of the war and Tom Riddle. He manages, right up until he’s thrown into another world, another war, and meets the one person who has always made his blood sing – along with someone new.
Red Seeds – The Fates warned she would suffer, but pain is an old friend. Harry Potter is born with Spring in her eyes and the spark of life in her fingertips, and though her names are forgotten, her essence is not. Because she was Kore, maiden, but she was also Persephone, chaos bringer. And she has a husband to find. (Female Harry).
The Moon Howls – Tom Riddle, in his bid to be Minister, decides he needs a cause to rally the younger generation behind him.  He stumbles across seventeen-year-old Remus Lupin, a young halfblood that suffers from lycanthropy, and goes yes. Only, after hearing Riddle’s proposal, Lupin refuses. Tom has never been good at taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Better Come To Play – Hadrian, the son of deceased detective James Potter, ends up in a complex and deadly relationship with mafia boss Tom Riddle at the behest of the desperate police. Hadrian, caught between a rock and a hard place, can’t do anything more than fall into a tangled web. (AU of CS).
Melody Lingers On – Harry is a skilled assassin and he always completes his contract. His crowning achievement was stealing a kill from Tom Riddle, a rival assassin with a reputation as large as his ego. Now if only the bastard didn’t take that as a sign that they should be friends.
Listening Ears – There was an instinct burning bright in the back of his mind, telling him firmly whenever he opened his mouth to not sing because something bad would happen. The day he let that song out for the first time his cousin walked into traffic. (Creature AU, Siren!Harry).
No One Suspects The Butterfly – Harry Evans was a quintessential Hufflepuff. Hard working, helpful, painfully kind, but utterly plain. Tom, the only person in the school who seemed to realise that Evans was not what he seemed, vowed to prove it through whatever means necessary. Harry, for his part, was just having so much fun. (Time Travel).
Serpent In These Still Waters – Tom Riddle, on the cusp of realising his plans and immortalising the name Voldemort in all the minds in Britain, suddenly finds himself with an unexpected visitor from the future – a young woman that loves and hates him in equal measure, with Parseltongue dripping from her mouth and his soul in a locket around her pretty throat. His natural conclusion? This must be his future wife. Harry just wants to go back to her proper time and get away from a Tom Riddle that looks at her like she’s the only thing he’s ever wanted. (Time Travel, Fem!Harry).
In Learning You Will Teach – For Barty, it started when he discovered that Potter wasn’t as shiny as the rumours would have people believe. For Harry, it started with having a teacher that listened and saw him as more than the ghost of his parents. Betrayal and fascination bind them together in a deadly dance, and all the while, the war stumbles closer. 
Ouroboros – Harry, a young auror on the verge of capturing a notorious killer, is thrust back to his fifth year after the brutal murder of his parents. Realising the opportunity presented to him, Harry is against the clock to prevent the murder of a student – a murder he is sure was committed by the man he had been hunting. (Time Travel).
Talons Around Your Heart – Tamsin Riddle emerges from the diary victorious and with Harry Potter defeated at her feet. Seeing the connection between them, she spirits the boy away and aims to reshape him in her image. She succeeds, but soon finds her interest in her horcrux changing. (Fem!Tom). 
i pray (death parts us) – Tom and Harriet were once happy but as his political ambitions grow too consuming, twisting him into someone unrecognisable, Harriet finds her marriage more akin to a prison. The realisation that she is pregnant gives her the strength to run. Tom finds them five years later. (Fem!Harry).
Love You Like Hands Around The Throat – Soulmates are rare, seen as a blessing and a curse, for until one meets their other half, they are impervious to harm and untouched by time – but their souls ache to the point of madness. Tom stopped ageing decades ago and used his abilities to seize control and power. He knows there is no one out there equal to him. That belief lasts up until his first encounter with Harry Potter, the Order of the Phoenix’s newest, indestructible weapon. They both walk away bleeding.
bloodied hands & velvet sheets – Harry belonged to the Capitol the moment he was pulled bloodied and broken from the arena, sand still clinging to his hair and Luna's blood caked under his fingernails. Trapped in a role he was not prepared for, he was haunted by his memories. But there was an ember inside him, and it was that ember that caught the attention of the one man in the world he hated more than himself. (Hunger Games AU). Now live on AO3.
Dig Two Graves – Ten years ago, Tom Riddle framed Harry for the murder of a fellow student. Now, Harry has built himself into something fearsome and brutal. Walking in the shadows and allied with vampires, he waits for his prey to stumble into his trap.
Rebellion Becomes Duty – Tom Riddle was the corrupt head of Britain’s dictatorship, who got there through many illegal decisions – including human experimentation. Harry, one of the unfortunate test subjects, managed to escape his torment after years of imprisonment. After recovering from the torturous experience, he sets out to rip everything Riddle had built down and burn the ruins. (V for Vendetta AU).
carve your name into my arm – Harry, once Voldemort’s most trusted Death Eater, betrayed his lover before the man could kill his cousin’s family. He thought that was the end of things, but eight years later he wakes up to the mark on his forearm burning.
Serendipity – Harry’s parents’ dedication to their war outstripped their love of their son, and that neglect had consequences. He grew up apathetic, detached and uninterested in everything. Graduating Hogwarts with perfectly average results, Harry left Britain to escape the mechanisms of the war and made his way to Greece where he accidentally gathers a following of devoted, loyal and vicious supporters – and word spread like wildfire of a new Dark Lord cropping up in Southeast Europe as a result.
Unnamed reincarnation AU – Tom isn’t so much Salazar’s descendent as he is his reincarnation, and he remembers nothing of his old life. Harry, however, is the reincarnation of Salazar’s lover, and he remembers all too well the man whose madness led to Harry’s death.
Stepped Off The Beaten Path – In the weeks following his expulsion from Durmstrang, Gellert travels across the global, hunting rumours and myths that might increase his powers. One night he performs a ritual, hoping to glean some knowledge of the location of the Hallows – only for the clearing to explode with light and dump a bloody, frenzied young man on his lap instead. (Time Travel).
murderous guardian angel AU – The last thing Harry expected was to wake up in Regulus Black’s body right as the inferi were dragging them down. The last thing Regulus expected was to gain an angry, protective, disgruntled voice in his head. No one - least of all themselves - knows what to do.
Hufflepuff Tom AU  – He had a choice. Slytherin, undoubtedly a House he would flourish in. Or Hufflepuff - the underestimated, the overlooked, the House of loyalty, justice, patience and hard work. Tom, small but brimming with potential, knew the advantage of being dismissed. Knew the power in being ignored. 
Regulus Centric AUs – A few ideas centred around Regulus Black. 
Unnamed Jegulily AU – One of the ideas above expanded. When Regulus came back in time, he immediately took steps to ensure Harry’s future safety. Finding out both James and Lily had come back too was a surprise - on both sides. (Time Travel).
Bookstore AU – Through misfortunate and mishap, Harry ends up back in time and the owner of a bookstore. To prevent Tom Riddle from becoming a Dark Lord, Harry hires him as his assistant. Tom, still obsessed with the prospect of immortality and always one to cover his bases, decides to make this oblivious Master of Death his lover.
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imagine-by-susu · 5 years
Percival Graves x Abused!Reader -  I don’t want to lose you
A/N: Okay this some sensetive stuff right here and I probably re-wrote this 100 times at least, but I finally finished and I hope you guys like it. It was a request by anon. PS: And sorry, didn’t prove it yet, so sorry for any mistakes I made.
Warning: abuse (emotional), if you are not comfortable with this I won’t recommand you to read this, mentions of injuries (so a bit blood i guess?)
Word Count: 3.634 (I got carried away a bit) GIF IS NOT MINE _______________________________________________________________________
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“…and so, I decided it is best to marry in spring.” your sisters voice came from the kitchen as you entered your home. It was a tiring day at work and you were glad to be home but as soon as you heard your sister you knew that you should’ve stayed at work. Still you wore a smile on your face after you hang up your coat and walked into the kitchen to welcome her. “Good evening, mother” you nodded to her then you turned to your sister. “Hello Dorothy, I didn’t know you were coming over.” but your sister only scoffed at you and your mum, well she didn’t even look at you. In this moment you could careless, all you wanted was something to eat and your bed. “And what about you (Y/N)?” your sister than asked not looking into your direction. With a risen eyebrow you turned to your younger sister silently asking what she actually meant. “Your sister asked you a question.” came finally your mother. So, she can speak… “Please be more specific Dorothy I can’t read your mind.” you said before you turned back around to the cupboards to grab a frying pan. Dorothy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, leaning back in her seat. “When are you getting married?” she asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Hm, I don’t know, maybe when the world isn’t hunted by the community of the dark wizards maybe?” you questioned her sarcastically. Indignant about your answer she turned to your mother who simply shrugged her shoulders. “If she only had a better grip on men like you have Dorothy, she would be married already.” your mother talked to your sister as if you weren’t there at all. You bit your lip and tried to take deep breath. Just make some dinner and then go to bed (Y/N), you thought to yourself while you’re prepared yourself some food. “Anyway, Johnathan and I…” when your sister mentioned his name you simply clattered your plate down onto the kitchen island, your back still turned to both women. Dorothy and your mother looked at you as if you had gone crazy. “Are you mad?! Stop ruining my plates, you stupid girl!” your mother shouted at you. Of course, she would only recognize you when you did something bad. Swallowing down your pride you apologized and left the kitchen to go to bed. Your appetite now gone. -
“I am sorry Madam President.” you hurriedly closed the door behind you while all the heads were turned to you. “Miss (Y/L/N), late once again.” Madam Picquery scolded you and you nodded apologetic once again, but she dismissed it for a later time to discuss. Quickly you made your way to the table everyone was gathered around, ignoring the gaze of your colleagues. You only gave Tina Goldstein, a friend and colleague a reassuring smile when she sent you a worried look. “As I said before…” Percival Graves started, sending you a glare for interrupting him in his speech before he pointed to a map that laid out on the table. Carefully you listened to his words. You’ve worked with Percival Graves on multiple Cases and he deserved the position he was in more than anyone else. It made you only feel worse for interrupting him, again. It wasn’t the first time you were late to a meeting because one of your family members talked you up for something you should do for them, especially after the engagement between your sister and your past lover. It made thinks extremely uncomfortable and awkward. “Miss (Y/L/N)? Did you hear what I said?” brought Graves’ voice you back to reality. A few seconds long you only blinked at him. “I am sorry Sir, I …” but you couldn’t finish your sentence when he sent you another glare while he straightened his back and looked down at you. “In my office, Miss (Y/L/N), now.” he demanded and left the meeting with nod to the others. Tina gave you an encouraging look mouthing to you that everything is going to be fine. And with a pounding heart in your chest you followed the man, watching his back. He was stressed you could tell by the stiffness in his shoulders and neck. The work did take a tall on him and you didn’t help him either, you made his work so much more difficult. When you arrived in his office, the door closed behind you from itself and you watched as Graves took a seat at his desk, his eyes finally meeting yours. “Mister Graves, I…” you tried but as he rose one hand you shut your mouth quickly and looked down to the ground. “Miss (Y/L/N), it is a shame that I have to call you into my office every time but it seems you don’t learn it. The only reason why I haven’t you kicked out yet is your fantastic skills. Don’t ruin your career like that.” oh how many times did you heard that already? “I know, Sir and I am more than grateful to be here.” “Then why do you keep on disappointing me?” he asked. The words sent daggers to your body, making you flinch a bit. You had always seen your job as a place where you can forget your family for a few hours and now it just felt like you were back home. Percival who noticed the flinch in your body looked you up and down carefully. Only now he realized that your (Y/H/C) neatly curled like always but simply hanging around your face messily. And he was almost sure that the clothes you were, were the same you wore the day before. “What made you late?” he then asked and when his voice rang in the room your head shot up to look at him in the eye. “I overslept.” was your simple replay but he got up and sighed. “Alright, don’t let this happen again or have to take action.” he scolded and you nodded thank him for not kicking you out, for he had all reasons to, even with your skills he highly praised. “We should go than, after all we have a mission.” with that he grabbed his dark blue coat and his scarf before opening the door for you like a gentleman. And with a little smile on your face you left his office making your way out of the building. - Like always it didn’t went as planned. Three groups of Aurors including, Mr. Graves, Tina and yourself, should surround a building that was used for meetings of Grindelwald followers. Whatever, it turned out to be an ambush. As all the Aurors arrived it was a matter of seconds that curses and spells were yelled at each other. You didn’t know how long you were fighting, but you were breathing heavily, but it looked like you were on the winning side. After you sent another Grindelwald follower to the ground you looked around. Tina was fighting of another, she handled herself pretty good. Your gaze roamed over the battlefield and stopped at your boss. While he fought of two opponents you could see another one behind him, ready to send an unforgiving curse. Without thinking about it you raised your wand and stupefied him, letting his body hit the ground at the exact time Mr. Graves managed to get rid of the other two. A bit surprised he turned to the man that tried to kill only moments ago, before his gaze turned to you, opening his mouth to thank you for saving his life but his widen as one of the dark wizards arose from his laying position pointing his wand right at you. With horror filled (Y/E/C) eyes, you turned to the wizards, tightly grabbing your wand but before you could cast a spell a heavy force pushed you to the ground. Opening your eyes you had closed during the impacted you saw Percival Graves shielding you, while he fought of the new opponent. A groan left your lips as you slowly got up. Then you saw how the wand of your boss flew through the air, landing a few feet away out of your reach. Even without anything to defend himself, he shielded you with his body not caring that he may get killed in this moment. But before the dark wizard could do anything you disarmed him and shocked him letting his body fall to the ground. Both of you sat there, breathing heavily and looking at each other with wide eyes, not really grasping the concept that you actually survived, that was until Tina came running together with a few others. “(Y/N)! Mr. Graves!” she shouted, helping you stand up but you grounded, supporting yourself a bit on your friend. Mr. Graves stood up on his own, brushing off any dirt from his coat. How can this man stand like this after such a situation? “We should return back, before more of them show up.” Percival Graves announced and with that all of the Aurors appeared back to the Macusa. Still supported by Tina, you entered the Woolworth building, totally exhausted by the current events. “You saved Mr. Graves, (Y/N).” Tina said in astonishment like she only realized that now and you smiled a little, feeling proud about your accomplishment. This was soon shuttered into pieces as you saw your sister, mother and soon to be brother-in-law that was your ex-fiancé as well. “(Y/N), there you are. We need your help.” your mother declared without missing a beat. Tina rose an eyebrow at that, still holding tightly onto you. “I am sorry Ma’am but (Y/N) needs to see a healer immediately.” she said, trying to get you away from this woman after she had noticed how stiff you have become. Your mother, like always, ignored what was said to her and looked you up and down. “Dear Merlin, if I had now they make you look even more beaten than you already look I would’ve never let you get this Job. You’ll never find a husband like that.” You only rolled your (Y/E/C) eyes while Tina stood there totally shocked about those words. “Tina, can you please leave me and my mother alone for a moment?” you asked your friend, she wanted to protest but you stopped her with a simple pleading glance after she opened her mouth and with a nod she left you after she made sure you could stand probably. After Tina was gone you looked at your mother, than Dorothy and Johnathan you came to you two after Tina had left. “Well, what do you need my help for?” you asked right away, wanting desperately to get it over with. “First of all, be a little nicer, we are your family.” Dorothy pointed out as she linked her arm with Johnathan who tried his best to avoid eye contact with you. “And second we need money.” you only rose an eyebrow at that. This was the reason they came to you while you were at work? Because of money? “Can’t this wait ‘til I get home?” you asked back, feeling a little dizzy already. Probably you took a blow to the head. Again your mother scoffed. “We don’t have time for that. Your sister is in desperate need of a dress. This is an urgent matter.” now some of the passerby’s stopped and looked at your group, some started to whispered among themselves. “You know what?” you said taking a deep, shaky breath closing your eyes for a moment. “Take mine. I won’t need it anyway.” a glare was sent to the man who still kept quiet, not looking at you for a second. “Oh (Y/N), please I won’t fit in there, I mean look at you.” Dorothy pointed out. “I know, she would look much better without all the blood and dirt on her face.” came a voice from behind her and your eyes widen lightly while your family turned around to the man that stood behind them, just as ragged as you were. “Who is this? Your boyfriend, wait no probably he is not.” Dorothy eyed your boys closely before she turned back to you. “And why no, Miss…?” he asked with a risen dark eyebrow of his. From behind your family you to stop him from talking any further, but he simply ignored you as he stared down at your sister. Stepping away a little she gulped, her head shot up to try to make eye contact with him. “Well, she…ehm…” she couldn’t form any proper words at the man and for him the conversation was simply over. He pulled your mother aside who scoffed at his rudeness but Graves just grabbed your arm gently and dragged you away from your shouting family. When he was sure that you both were out of earshot he turned around with a risen eyebrow. “Miss (Y/L/N), I didn’t know your family was so…” immediately you interrupted him. “Caring? Supportive? Loveable?” you tried finish his sentence and you could’ve sworn that you saw the tiniest of smile at the corners of bruised lip, which reminded you of the mission that had accrued just minutes ago. With no Adrenaline left in your body, the pain only grew, so did the dizziness. Percival caught up on it quickly and swung his arm around your waist making sure you wouldn’t trip or fall. Arriving at the medical wing of the Macusa he immediately lay you down on of the many beds that were located on each side of the room. “I’m fine, just a little dizzy.” you tried to get up again but he only pushed you back down gently. “You saved my life Miss (Y/L/N). This is the least I can do.” without waiting for an answer he searched for a healer that could check up on you. “Well, Sir, you were the one that pushed me to the ground afterwards and saved me, so I think we can call this even.” you said after he returned, a healer coming right up behind him to check up on your wounds. And once again you were most certain you saw a hint of a smile on his face, maybe your head just played tricks on you. - “…and then he reacted quickly and pushed her to the ground.” Tina explained everything to her sister, while you shook your head a sighed with a tiny smile on your face. after the healer had dismissed you, your boss called you off of work for the day telling you to rest, but you knew there wouldn’t be any rest at home, so you decided to stay with the Goldstein sisters who took you in for the night with big smiles on their faces. Queenie looked at you totally stunned and with curiosity in her eyes while she waved her wand around to make dinner for the three of you. “This sounds like it was straight from a fairy tale.” she hummed and looked at you with a charming smile. You only shook your head at her words. “It really wasn’t. This is our job; I would’ve done the same when Tina was in my situation and I am sure Tina as well would’ve reacted that way.” Tina gave her sister a glance and Queenie looked directly into your (Y/E/C) eyes. “You like him.” she teased you making you blush heavily. Tina muffled a laughter and turned away to get away from your glare you sent her. But Queenie only clapped her hands together, laying down her wand. “Oh, sweetie, you do. This is so wonderful.” she chimed like a little schoolgirl, jumping up and down a little. “No, Queenie, stop.” you begged her still blushing. “He is my boss.” Tina shrugged her shoulders at that. “So what? Many of our collogues who are married met their partner at work.” “Stop it you two. Maybe I feel something, but my job is more important than that.” you pointed out and Queenie have you a sad look. “Is it because what happened with Johnathan and Dorothy?” immediately after she said those words she regretted it and wanted to apologize but you only stood up from the dinner table that was prepared. “I am tired. Eat without me. See you tomorrow.” with that you marched to the guest bedroom not waiting for any response from the sisters. “Poor girl. She thinks she is not good enough.” Queenie said into the silence and Tina looked at the closed door worriedly. “She needs to get away from her family. They are not good for her.” Queenie nodded in agreement and sat down, eating in silence. - Finally punctually arriving at work you said goodbye to Queenie and stepped into the Elevator together with Tina. Arriving at your destination you both stepped out and you made your way to your office, greeting some of your colleagues on the way. When you thought your mood couldn’t get any lower you were more than wrong as note flew right up at you as soon as you opened your door. Expecting a wedding invitation, you were greeted not with an invitation but a bill. For the wedding, that was supposed to be yours. “Lovely.” you only muttered enlighten the paper with a quick swift of your wand. “Take my man, I can deal with that. Take my dream wedding, that’s okay, but don’t let me pay for that.” angry tears started to pool in your eyes, your hands clenched into fists. Not so kindly you bang your door close, surprising some passerby’s, while you sank down to the ground, ignoring the pain that you still feel from the day before. Only loved by the money you make, not seen as their own flesh and blood. Never a supporting word from them. Sitting there leant on your door and crying silently into your knees you and pressed against your chest you didn’t make out the knock on your door first. Just as someone called your name did you look up. Again, there was a knock followed by your name. Quickly you got up from the ground and whipped the tears from your eyes. The door opened and Percival stepped in, holding a folder in his hand. He looked up from it and rose an eyebrow. He could tell immediately that you had been crying. The tear stains on your cheeks, red puffy eyes. It was easy to conclude. “Miss (Y/L/N), is everything alright?” he asked, closing the door behind him and laying down the folder at your desk. You simply nodded at his question. “Yes, Sir. Just a bit of pain from yesterday, nothing more.” you assured him. He leant on your desk; his arms crossed around his chest making the white dress shirt he wore stretch to the point of almost ripping. “Are you sure? Miss Goldstein told me that some tension between you and your family occupied your mind lately.” of course Tina would tell him. You needed to talk to her later. “Just a little stress about my sister’s wedding, Sir. Nothing else.” again you tried to tell him that everything was ok, knowing fully well that nothing was ok in this moment. “I need any of my Aurors focused on the work at hand, Miss (Y/L/N) and clearly you’re not focused enough.” you gulped, was he going to fire you now? “Sir, I…” “No, enough of your words.” he commanded but you only huffed at that. “Why won’t you let me proof myself?!” you didn’t know from the anger came, or the courage to speak up to your boss like that, but you had enough of people pushing you around like they pleased. “I can control my emotions! Didn’t I proof it yesterday?! Of course not, this wasn’t probably enough. It is never enough because I am good but not perfect!” you ranted on, your voice getting louder and louder with any word you spoke. It felt like a dam breaking and Percival, he simply listened to your angered little speech, still leaning on the desk with his arms crossed. His brown eyes never left your body for a second. “I can’t lose you.” he said after you finished your rant, making you look up in surprise. “Excuse me, Sir, I didn’t catch that.” you excused not sure if you had heard him correctly. “I said, that I can’t lose you.” he repeated, looking directly into your eyes. “Wha…Why?” was the only thing that you could stutter out in that moment. His hands laid on your shoulder, the distance you two had almost completely gone, while you looked into each other’s eyes. “(Y/N),…” his hands wandered up from your shoulders, to your neck and rested on your cheeks. The warmth of his palms was soothing despite the roughness of his skin against yours. Slowly your eyes closed and before you could think about your next move his lips brushed against yours lightly. When you opened your eyes again, he leant his forehead against yours, still holding your face in his hands, this thumps lightly brushing of your still tears stained face. “You proofed yourself a long time ago.” he said lowly. “And you are more than perfect and this is why I can’t let anything happen to you.” The look if honesty in his eyes melted your heart. Never had you seen him so vulnerable before, it only empathizes with his honesty. While he waited for a verbal answer from you, you simply stood on your tip toes and kissed him, this time not just a light touch. Your arms wrapped around his neck, while his hands drifted to your waist to hold you closer, closing his eyes. 
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silverynight · 5 years
What songs do you identify Newt, Percival, Gellert, Albus and Theseus? I thought about doing a playlits on Spotify ❤
Every time I heard the song Nature boy (Aurora's version) I can't help but think about Newt. 💕
For Percival I think it'd be Believer by Imagine Dragons.
Gellert is an easy one, I think A dangerous mind by Within Temptation (from someone else's perspective) is perfect for him. Maybe also My mind's eye by Sirenia.
Sometimes I think of Albus when I listen to Cherry wine by Hozier (but I think it'd be more in relation to his relationship with Grindelwald).
Meet me on the battlefield by SVRCINA although I'm not sure entirely sure about this one for Theseus. I'll try to think of another later.
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misxnderstccd · 6 years
NO!” ~ was-wicked (if you want if not no stress :D)
To Find My Muse Dying
He didn’t belong on a battlefield. It wasn’t his place. He was not a fighter, he was not his brother. But Newt couldn’t help but try and go after Grindelwald. The unexpected meeting and fight had Newt on his toes. He didn’t actually want the dark wizard, he wanted to find Credence!
And that’s when one of the mans fanatics got him and he was left for dead.
Newt lay there on the ground, eyes staring towards the night sky. His breathing was irregular and he had a hand pressed against his stomach, trying to stop the excessive bleeding. But it was clear his hands were not helping because they were covered in blood. His mind was going a mile a minute, jumping from thought to thought.
The fight, his brother, Leta. Were they ok? His friends, did they make it? Oh, what of his creatures?! What would become of them if he died?! Panic only grew with that thought, quickly jumping to his creatures and falling further into the pit of worry.
It was only when he heard Leta calling his name that his focus was brought back to the moment. He looked at her, a smile creeping onto his lips. She was ok. Was Theseus ok, too? “Leta…” he choked out, trying to focus his breathing long enough to talk, “You’re ok…” He could see her worry, her hands immediately going to his own that were covering his wound. “Mm…I-It’s ok, Leta…” he murmured, now reaching to take her hand in his. He squeezed it as tight as he could. “Leta, I need you…to do me a favor….” he swallowed, “I need you to…to find a good home for my creatures, ok…Leta? Please…Th-They need…” His vision was blurring and he found it hard to focus. “I need….them to…have a safe place. To be free…And…I need…Need you to…look after Theseus. He’s a bugger…H-He’ll get lost, doubt..himself…fret over what happened to me…” He gave a wave of his hand to his condition, no longer bothering to stop the bleeding.
“Please, take…take care of..them Leta…” he squeezed her hand again, pulling himself a little closer to her with whatever strength he had left. He focused himself, looking her in the eye. “And…I want you to know….I forgive you…”
Newt laid back on the ground, eyes falling back to the blackened sky before they slowly drifted closed. He looked almost as if he had drifted off to sleep, but with the lack of movement in his chest and the excessive amount of blood, you could tell he was dead.
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angryzilla · 6 years
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Here’s a masterlist of all my Fantastic Beasts fanfictions — I go by as na_shao (little_fella) on AO3.
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» Pressed into the gravel, pressed into the dirt, pressing against each other in an effort to make the minutes stop (M)
Word count: 6991 / 11 chapters — this fic has been discontinued
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, graphic depictions of torture, recovery, fix-it
Description: He knows it’s the darkest magic he has ever faced in his life when he stumbles upon Gellert Grindelwald sitting on his sofa.
» Now high above your golden veins (the life, the life, the life) (E)
Word count: 2515 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff and angst, porn with feelings, mentions of PTSD
Description: People can get used to anything out of spite and worry; he feels like it is the only thing he's learned that's of any use from his own story; and too soon, too soon the cold could kill the last blooms of roses and hydrangea but he will never let it happen to Percival.
» Through the silence of fireflies (E)
Word count: 1449 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff and smut, lingerie, mentions of PTSD
Description: Grace, and wonder, and the overwhelming realisation that Credence is his, with a ring on his finger, with dawn breathing in his lungs and a cold kiss to lessen the blow of the past.
» Long beside the bitter of the skin (tomorrow won’t know when to begin) (E)
Word count: 2365 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff and angst, blowjobs, mentions of PTSD, mentions of past violent events, healer!Credence
Description: His scarf is knotted over his mouth before he lowers it to his neck again, wanting to feel the rush of icy wind. The snow bites into his face, prickling the rim of the head where the hair starts coming out. The drifting accumulation and fragments of bone taken from the wound. A slash of blood against snowy fields. There are days where it’s hard to care about ordinary things.
» Every moment undone (implosions of beauty back to where we begun) (M)
Word count: 1356 / Part of the Kalopsia series
Tags / warnings: Alternate Universe (canon divergence), modern AU (still magical universe), PSTD, Graves is emotionally constipated, Angry cloud Credence
Description: "Why are you handing me this?” Credence mumbles with his cigarette between his lips as he points at the sweater Graves is offering, dark eyebrow arched; the floor under the soles of his shoes feels incoherent, as if asphalt cracks were being pushed apart in every direction. ”I thought you hated my guts.” ”When did I say that?” Graves grumbles back, arm still stretched out with the material clenched between the flesh-shaped tan of his fingers.
» Where the roses grow (T)
Word count: 856 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: Aftermath of torture, post-Grindelwald, established relationship, mentions of torture and violence, PTSD, healing
Description: Unexpectedly, autumn nights brought a new sense of joy under their wing. It took nearly a year of intensive care and rehabilitation for Graves to go back home after Credence, Theseus and a team of Aurors found him bathing in his own blood.
» I’m all but washed (in the tide of her breathing) (G)
Word count: 1024 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: Genderswap, fluff, super married ladies
Description: She reaches long arms around her; her blooming Prussian blue rose, her darling ink-spilled sky of silver constellations— and Constance feels a presence behind her a split second before there’s an arm snaking its way around her stomach, pressing very gently; the Obscurus sparks up from the sweater-framed back in rolls of gasoline dust and crackling, sizzling little bolts of lightning, until it recognises the bearer of those hands (a compass, a path, a polestar)—
» And there’ll be sun, sun, sun all down our necks (G)
Word count: 256 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: Fluff, established relationship
Description: “You’re going to fry your brain if you stay there all afternoon,” Percival says softly, leaning down to kiss Credence’s forehead before he extends a hand toward the younger man. “Come swim with me?” As Credence grabs his hand and manages to stand on his feet, he pulls Percival to him; their mouths meet easily under the burning summer sun, and Credence’s lips are cold against his, eager to be tasted and messed with.
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» Closer and closer, we’re crashing ships in the night (E)
Word count: 424 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: Gratuitous smut, discovering they have feelings, breaking up & making up
Description: They break up on a Monday evening and Theseus slaps him so hard that Percival’s cheek blooms purple in the days that follow. They make it up on a Friday morning two years later and Theseus is sprawled on Percival’s desk, peach-colored legs spread wide and cock leaking everywhere on the files underneath him.
» And in the flood of morning light — spilling out across your room — you say the words will get there soon (E)
Word count: 1866 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, PTSD, pets, recovery
Description: It starts when he visits Theseus in London, a few months into 1926. “Thes?” “Hmm?” “Your brother’s big cat keeps bothering me.”
» I’m caught in the ropes and the wires; the sun settles hard in the south (M)
Word count: 456 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: PTSD, angst, mentions of blood and severe torture
Description: The water of his bath is cooling and he’s haunted, haunted by demons and images and his inability to even speak; too quiet, bound and falling into a dark, blood-threshed water where ripples are ropes curling around his wrists and ripping the flesh apart only to leave a bloody mess behind as it bites his lungs and he can’t breathe and can’t remember his name, a name, his — something.
» He was born to blow your mind or something along those lines, tonight (E)
Word count: 1239 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: makeup shenanigans, lipstick, smut, fluff
Description: “I miss you wearing lipstick, darling.” Theseus frowns over his cup of tea, his eyelashes pale waves that echo through space. “It was one time at that queer jazz bar. You liked it that much?“ “You looked marvelous with it. I keep thinking about it, from time to time.”
» Trembling hands (E)
Word count: 398 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: angst, war, mentions of blood, graphic description of violence
Description: Smoke pierces his eyes, making tears try to crawl out into the open while dread runs cold in his veins.“You triple fucker,” Theseus sobs while trying to examine the wound, and swears under his breath, “stop moving! I can’t— I can’t do it—”
» Untitled Fratboys AU (E)
Word count: on going — 10k for now, two or three parts; find bits I posted here and here
Tags / warnings: mentions of past abuse at the hands of former partners, mentions of panic attacks and anxiety disorder/depression, a large amount of smut and greasy jokes, fratboys setting, modern AU
Description: Smoke pierces his eyes, making tears try to crawl out into the open while dread runs cold in his veins.“You triple fucker,” Theseus sobs while trying to examine the wound, and swears under his breath, “stop moving! I can’t— I can’t do it—”
» “You killed him!” (E)
Word count: 1276 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: angst, major character death, ANGST (did I already WRITE ANGST already??)
Description: “You killed him!” Theseus shouts, his pale fingers curling around the edge of his wand as he peers around the room, Percival’s body lying in a pool of oxidized blood, almost black at the rim.It blends together with the floor like a film of gasoline spreading all over the asphalt, thick and enveloping and forever snatching whatever was underneath it. Snatched; that’s the word. Percival was snatched from him, was vanished into nothingness before he could even get to him. You failed him.
» The tale of the cute kitten and the wisdom teeth (G)
Word count: 98 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: utter fluff, mega diabetes incoming
Description: Imagine Percival after having his wisdom teeth pulled out. Still woozy and loose lipped from the anaesthetics. He becomes very cuddly and giggly mixed with teary at the strangest things (think bursting into tears because a kitten is too fluffy and cute).
» The one where he gets Theseus’ little brother’s approval (G)
Word count: 515 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff
Description: Theseus and Newt are really close. When Percival gathers up the courage to try to court Theseus he knows he’ll have to win over not just Newt but also his creatures too otherwise Theseus would never be amenable. So Percival gets ready to face off against hostile, wild creatures (which includes Newt). He’s surprised that instead Newt willingly helps him court his brother and even offers the assistance of his creatures.
» Not every soul will sink like the setting sun (E)
Word count: 2463 / One-Shot written for Day 4 of the first edition of @fantasticsmutbeastsweek — In Public / Getting Caught
Tags / warnings: blood, war, blowjob, in public, mention of trauma, mention of bullet injury, oral sex, established relationship, mention of alcohol, dumb aurors in love 
Description: “Fuck this shit,” he manages to grunt in disbelief, blood rushing through the arteries still, “‘m not dying on the goddamn battlefield.” “I’ll haunt you until I drive your ghost fucking crazy if you do,” a familiar voice rises behind him, and suddenly colours explode back before Theseus’ eyelids.There’s warm pressure against his head, the rough pads of fingers touching the sensitive skin of his neck; the nudge of a tongue against his teeth.
» Collapse (T)
Word count: 728 / part 1; part 2 being What must be broken is left to rearrange
Tags / warnings: mentions of torture, PTSD, Percival wants to protect Theseus and is dumb, feelings, angst
Description: Theseus knows that he’s lying, and Percival knows that he knows. Where in Hell did he think his partner in— pretty much everything would buy the whole I’m fine, please don’t worry, just a few broken bones?It’s here, the look of hurt and disappointment, and it’s tangible, and he feels it pull at his chest. “I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me, Perce.”
» What must be broken is left to rearrange (T)
Word count: 1108 / follow-up to Collapse
Tags / warnings: mentions of torture, PTSD, Percival wants to protect Theseus and is dumb, feelings, angst
Description: Collapsed, but not defeated. Rise. Percival is kneeling by his side, looking down at him, eyes dark with worry, breathing fast as if he had run miles and miles to get to him. Theseus can see a few bandages poke out from underneath his hospital gown where it’s open and it makes his stomach churn; they’re a proof that he took so long to make it through to him, to this disgusting cell he was kept in, in his own living room, in his own home.
» “I sleep with the boss” / “I am the boss” (T)
Word count: 307 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: married couple, established relationship, a LOT OF FUN, sexy innuendos
Description: MACUSA as a whole has gotten used to it, really. Queenie nods absently at Percival as she places his mug of coffee on his desk, trying to pass off as listening, but really just biting off her lower lip as to avoid laughing in her boss’ face. “So, you’re the boss today?” she asks softly, cheeks a gentle pink under the harsh yellow lights of the office.
» Real or not real? (G)
Word count: 1403 / written for the @fantasticbeastscalendar
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, angst with a happy ending, dissociation, aftermath of torture
Description: “Let’s do something,” Theseus says, and licks his lips, pressing them together before speaking up again. “Ask me things, things only the real Theseus Scamander can know.”
» Everything starts to rewind (G)
Word count: 735 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, food, chubby!Graves, angst with a happy ending, aftermath of torture, Aurors In Love
Description: Graves manages to furtively eat another slice of cake while Theseus’ back is turned, forkfuls shoved inside his mouth at the speed of light. Theseus is willing to turn a blind eye to this because Percival went through hell and came back so thin his lover wondered how he even made it through alive.
» A waltz in your bloodstream (E)
Word count: 2538 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff and smut, domestic fluff, smears of angst, slice of life, porn with feelings
Description: “He’s one to keep,” his step-father had said in the dying violet hour of their home in Bath. “He likes apple pie. He’s a good person.” Theseus let out a laugh. “It’s not just about liking pies, Dad.” If only liking apple pie made this world worthwhile for all its flaws and clouds of despair.
» There'll never be an end to our journey (E)
Word count: 1495 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff and smut, domestic fluff, weddings, uniform worship, body worship and praise
Description: Theseus has to stifle a giggle when Percival pushes him on the bed and nearly falls flat on the floor in his haste of worshipping his uniform-clothed husband, the most gorgeous sight to have ever graced his eyes in a long time. “I’m sorry,” Percival mumbles apologetically to him, afraid of having broken the moment, but Theseus catches him by the wrist, still laughing.
» The one with a broken ankle (T)
Word count: 596 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff, domestic fluff, fun times
Description: Percival Graves is the kind of person who if they break their ankle they would use the crutch to play office golf. Theseus Scamander is the kind of person who would get jealous and want a broken ankle just so he too could play office golf with his crutch.
» Tomorrow (G)
Word count: 1010 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: heavy angst, amnesia fic, established relationship, implied heavy torture
Description: It doesn’t sit right with him, the reason why Graves would visit him every single day just because his leg got shattered to pieces in a mission.
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» But you’re losing your words (we’re speaking in bodies) (E)
Word count: 1380 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: smut smut smut, daddy kink, desk sex
Description: "Come on, Newt. Of course you like calling me Daddy." The shades are drawn in Percival’s home office, the only light being of the desk lamp, warm and orange, pouring in, pouring everywhere around them. "Not true," Newt mumbles low, chest pressed against the hardwood of Percival's desk, his dress shirt of almost phosphorescent blue discarded in the chair nearby. "I don't."
» The one where Percival Graves is a father figure to three dragons (G)
Word count: 417 / Incoming second part
Tags / warnings: fluff, chosen family, Graves is a sap with his dragon sons, established relationship
Description: “Winston! Philip! Barnaby! Enough is enough!” Newt shouts through the room as he walks into the meeting Percival is currently holding with his team regarding the process of securing a specific upcoming event Picquery is going to get part of. “Leave your father alone! He’s working!”
» The one where Newt is a cat who takes naps everywhere at MACUSA (G)
Word count: 361 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff, established relationship
Description: Percival is far too tired to find the whole thing anything more than endearing when he finds Newt fast asleep in a corner of his office where sunlight has decided to settle.The older man bites his lip, looks like he’s deciding whether to lie down with his husband or to wake him up until all defenses are lost and he can’t help but curl up in the mazoologist’s arms.
» It’s a question of style (G)
Word count: 306 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: fluff, established relationship, a lot of fun
Description: “I feel like your husband is very stylish,” a junior Auror says to Percival one day as he helps her review one of her upcoming missions. “His curls are so— bouncy and wonderful! I can never quite get that myself. ”Percival chuckles, and for a moment, the poor junior thinks she has made a giant mistake. “Oh, Martha, if only you knew.”
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» We’ll lay here for years or for hours (your hand in my hand, so still and discreet) (E)
Word count: 666 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: smut smut smut, implied ot3, blowjobs, body worship
Description: ”I see that a certain Percival has been feeding you well while I was away,” Theseus grins as he bites into Credence’s creamy thigh, generous and plump, everything Theseus happens to love in him.
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» We left footprints in the slush of ourselves (E)
Word count: 41821 / on going; 4 chapters
Tags / warnings: angst, emotional hurt, post-Grindelwald, unhealthy coping mechanisms, PTSD, past child abuse, fix-it, recovery, coming together
Description: His skull is fucking cracked.Not actually cracked, mind you— or maybe it has been, for all it’s worth, and he hasn’t remembered yet. But it’s been split open and left for dead in that dirty cell of hell, and he hasn’t gotten it back. (Or how Percival eventually heals with Theseus and Credence. In which Theseus comes back to New York after Graves’ abduction at the hands of Grindelwald and moves in with him; Credence is lost and found, very angry and confused.)
» The one where Theseus needs comfort (T)
Word count: 523 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, PTSD
Description: Credence adjusts the blanket around Theseus’ shoulders gently, and he didn’t need to, really, the blanket being fine as it was; but it’s more about the gesture and the reassurance, the unspoken I’m here spelt between the lines. He doesn’t even mention the redness around his eyes, and for that, the Brit is grateful— Credence is like that, able to see past the wound in order to focus on the stitches there are to tighten.
» Exhale (G)
Word count: 2663 / One-Shot co-written with @maggieandthedragon
Tags / warnings: mild gore, hurt/comfort, PTSD, flashbacks
Description: Something about the way his Auror had slumped against the wall, blood leaking from his mouth had reminded him of Sam Crispin hung on concertina wire, bleeding and twitching in no man’s land as the gray sky clotted in his blood and flowers burnt all around. [Or: Theseus doesn't carry all of his scars on his skin. But at least he's not carrying them alone.]
» But the stars weren’t wrong, the time felt right (E)
Word count: 3001 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, Hanukkah, jewish holidays, fluff
Description: Feeling lulled by Percival’s thumb slipping back and forth across his temple, Credence breathes in deeply, curling his arms around Theseus, snuggles into his warmth. “Hanukkah is the festival of lights and we celebrate it to commemorate the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.”
» We’ll find how to make it with the rain; this rage will lead us through the burning plains (E)
Word count: 1731 / One-Shot
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Description: A kiss on his forehead; different hands at once on his cheeks (rough and calloused; thinner and irregular with welt bumps). “I know you’re awake.” Theseus opens his eyes and settles his emerald gaze upon the face peering down at him— lanky fingers curling in the deepening sheets, shadows blue with the cloudy, purplish day in London; and the windows grow thick with fog.
» And I heard you say, let’s lose ourselves out here always (E)
Word count: 4024 / One-Shot co-written with @maggieandthedragon
Tags / warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, smut, post-WWII
Description: For Credence, the end of the war came in a brief flare of green smoke and the flutter of a piece of paper. The ripe scent of Floo flame-- melted paint, scorched wood, herbal and worn-- drifted through too big flat and he slid off the couch to go read it. It’s done. Home soon. -- PGG the neatly folded note read, as if Credence somehow couldn’t recognize his lover’s handwriting after eighteen years. An anticlimax in swooping calligraphy. After decades of anxiety as Grindelwald’s influence grew on the continent, nearly two years of fear as the United Kingdom went to war and MACUSA dithered and fought amongst itself before finally leaping into the fray. But it was done and Percival and Theseus would come home weary in body and soul and the least he could do was give his lovers a haven.
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» Munich, 1929 (E)
Word count: 146 / co-written with @fractalspaces, edit by me
Tags / warnings: smut, angst, have unexpected feels
Description: There are cracks, sometimes, and eyes opened that show the deepest sadness— a sadness engraved in granite and bitterness; something much bigger than what they had, if they had anything at all.
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» I’m the scrapes of iron your skin breathes (E)
Word count: 579 / One-Shot + playlist
Tags / warnings: murder husbands, disturbing imagery
Description: “You know this isn’t meant to last, dearest,” Grindelwald murmurs in his ear with a vice-like grip around his aching shoulder. “I have never expected more than that.” It’s a lie.
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» The Impossible Winner
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves
Description: A dark post-Grindelwald mix about Graves’ recovery. Can be listened as a stand alone or linked to my Thesivaldence fic We left footprints in the slush of ourselves.
» I can feel it breathe
Character / Pairing: Credence Barebone
Description: An exploration of Credence’s Obscurus and of his anger.
» I’m the scrapes of iron your skin breathes
Character / Pairing: Gellert Grindelwald / Percival Graves
Description: An accompanying mix for the written piece of the same name.
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» You, you turn the oceans into streams
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Newt Scamander (Gramander)
» Liminal Spaces
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Theseus Scamander / Credence Barebone (Thesivaldence)
Fic by @fractalspaces, edit by me
» Should’ve Known From My First Breath
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Credence Barebone (Gradence)
Fic by @fractalspaces , edit by me
» Revenant
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Credence Barebone (Gradence)
Fic by @myheadsamesssogimmetheslash, edit by me
» A bunch of married grumpy rabbits
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Theseus Scamander (Thesival)
Fic & moodboard by me
» Contain this or it will mean war
Character / Pairing: Seraphina Picquery
Commission for @letclestrcnge
» Wake up
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Theseus Scamander (Thesival)
Fic & moodboard by me
» Cross my heart and hope to die
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Theseus Scamander (Thesival)
Fic & moodboard by me
» Life to come
Character / Pairing: Percival Graves / Theseus Scamander / Credence Barebone (Thesivaldence)
Fic & moodboard by me
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» Ko-Fi «
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jessiyl · 7 years
Bonus- The Smurg- Chapter One
After refusing to accept devastating losses in the war against Voldemort, Hermione goes back in time to change it all. A different sort of time travel - Hermione/Grindelwald
Chapter One
The war was finally over, and Hermione released a disgruntled sigh. She thought she would feel relieved or safe, but she didn’t. The only thing she felt was an overwhelming numbness. Standing in the ruins of the final battle, she watched the few people who were still alive as they milled around, searching for their loved ones. No longer could she see the faces of the dead and her eyes skipped over scenes that had been pushing to the back of her head over the last several hours. Harry’s lifeless body was slumped over top of Voldemort’s scaly one, both perishing under each other’s deadly wand. Ron’s body lay mangled and partly masticated, his neck flayed open. Fenrir, who was lying face up next to him, had entrails spilling from the ravaged cavity, a spell of Hermione’s own making. In a small alcove, partially hidden from the direct battle was Rabastian Lestrange’s body that was lying over Luna’s, his larger body nearly hiding the petite girl completely.
Hermione was struck by the amount of death that surrounded her. After three years of fighting in the conflict after Dumbledore's death, both sides had suffered severe losses. But, none more catastrophic than at this battle. Even still, the soldiers on both sides were few, numbering in the thirties for either side. Guerrilla warfare left whole villages nothing but ashes in their wake. The blood of innocents running like rivers across the land.
Hermione violently startled as she heard shuffling nearby. Her head whipped in that direction nearly as quickly as her wand, which she now held at the ready. For a moment, it was pointed assuredly at Draco Malfoy as he ignored her presence completely. His mother lay dead at his feet and he knelt next to her, running his hands over her hair, smoothing the wisps away from her lifeless face. Hermione dropped her wand arm to her side. Narcissa had been the first casualty of the second wave. She died a traitor’s death from Voldemort’s own wand. It was painful and brutal, a flesh-eating spell that destroyed her from the inside out. It was her punishment, Voldemort had yelled, for the lie of Harry’s death.
“It wasn’t supposed to end like this.” He whimpered, just loud enough for Hermione to hear. Hermione stood watching as Malfoy grieved for his mother, feeling neither compassion for his loss nor sorrow for her own.
She dragged her eyes off of Malfoy and looked around at the survivors noticing that most of them were scavengers, those that were too cowardly to take part in the actual battle. She continued to stand rooted to her spot, thinking about all of the things that could have been done, the things she could have changed that would have saved these people. Their deaths were on her hands.
She was the one who started this battle. Having been caught unaware Hermione battled for her life and before long, Harry and Ron, true to form, came to save her. She should never have left their encampment, even if they were starving.
She jumped once more as she felt a strong hand enclose hers, pulling her off the battlefield. Her wand was savagely thrust into the tender side of whoever it was who captured her. Softly murmured words filled her ears and she vaguely registered that Draco Malfoy was not her enemy and hasn't been for years. The Order had given him and his mother sanctuary after the disastrous battle of Hogwarts during that first year on the run. It took them a long time to stop hurling insults at each other, but Malfoy had saved their arses more than once and was firmly on the allies’ side of the war. He was hunted just as much as Harry was. Had been. Hermione dropped her arm.
She scrunched her eyes shut refusing to accept that the costly win was any kind of victory at all. Gently, Malfoy pulled her closer to his toned chest, wrapping his long arms around her body. The compression of apparition made her stomach heave and once they landed, Hermione took deep gulps of fresh air. Blinking rapidly against her watering eyes, she tried to focus on something else, anything else. He let her rest a moment before taking her hand again and she passively let herself be led. She didn’t care anymore anyway. There was no reason why she should live while everyone else… She closed her eyes again battling another round of nausea and desperately tried to repress those thoughts that seemed to lurk just beneath the surface, just waiting for her to become vulnerable so that it could drown her. At last, she opened her eyes to look around at her new surroundings.
Draco squeezed her hand lightly, running his thumb over the back, and led her to a chateau that materialized far in the distance through a light veil of fog. She tensed and nearly panicked when she saw the large house in the distance, nearly unbelieving that he had brought her back to the scene of her torture, Malfoy Manor. After a moment, she realized that the chateau in the distance was as different from the Manor as night from day.
He tugged on their clasped hands to get her moving. It wasn’t a pushy, demanding tug, it was the kind where he was asking her to trust him, to remember that he wouldn’t hurt her. Her parents, dead. Harry, dead. All the Weasley’s, dead. Everyone she knew from the Order, dead. Her classmates, dead. What was left? The wizarding world was in shambles. It was Pompeii after Vesuvius erupted. The wizarding world of Britain basically comprised of the two of them and a handful more. Draco Malfoy was all she had left in the world.
He pulled her through the sprawling mansion, leading her up the stairs and down richly carpeted hallways. She barely noticed the portraits on the walls and they were oddly mute, severe-looking witches and wizards flitting from frame to frame. Following them through the manse like a macabre parade.
Draco stopped in front of a large ivory and gilt door and let her hand go for the first time since the battlefield. Placing his hands on the ornate handles of the double doors, he pushed, unmoving from the threshold, staring into the room. Taking up her hand again, he led her into the soft pink and white room. It was plush and well cared for. The suite of rooms being as ornate as she supposed the rest of the house to be, and the bathroom alone was large enough to fit the entire first floor of her parents’ house. Her family hadn’t been ridiculously wealthy like his but they were upper scale. Her house had been spacious and well to do in an affluent neighborhood.
“I couldn’t stay and look at them anymore, the dead bodies.”  He murmured, not meeting her eyes. “You and the Order protected my mother and me when we had nowhere else to hide. Things weren't always roses between us, Hermione, but we made our peace with each other, I think. You are my best friend and have been for a while now, and I even got close to..." He stopped, not daring to say the names of her dead. “I didn’t know where else to go. The safehouses will all be empty, the Manor is not a good place for either of us, the burrow…" He stopped and cleared his throat, for the first time unsure of the decision he made to bring them to the Chateau. “You can have any room, but this is one of the nicest. I don’t want you to feel like you are a guest staying in my home. I want you to feel like you belong here. We only have each other left.”
“Okay.” Hermione agreed, lifelessly. She could hear the death screams still, a Spector haunting her with her loved one’s last moments.
“Okay?” he asked, uncertain if she knew what she was agreeing to. Dropping her hand, he turned to face her, his expression worried and a bit panicky.
The moment Malfoy let go of her hand and began talking, she tuned him out and a plan began to form. Was there any reason to stay in this world if everyone she loved was dead? No, she wasn't suicidal, she was determined. Knowing that the time turners had been destroyed, and understanding their limitations to begin with, Hermione focused on one truth. If there was a will, there was a way. She would go back and change everything.  
“Okay?” He repeated, snapping his fingers in front of her face, trying to get his attention. Immediately she focused on Malfoy's face and studied the exhaustion and fear still holding him enthralled. Hermione thought he must have been expecting a fight or had rehearsed a speech to convince her to stay but he didn’t need to. Wherever he went, she too would go. And not only because he had one of the most expansive personal libraries at his fingertips but also because he was right, they were friends, and they were all each other had.
“Mmm." She acknowledged, turning her focus to the lovely room, trying to show him how grateful she was that he brought her here, away from the stench of death. She needed a shower, a good meal, and proper sleep. But she wouldn’t begin her search until tomorrow. Turning back to her host, Hermione smiled at him and moving swiftly, before she could change her mind, leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek. There were many times over the course of the years that she had done the same with Harry. It was fondness and appreciation, nothing more. He looked shocked, a deer in headlights. “Okay, Draco Malfoy, the ball is in your court, what should we do first? Where would we find the best information about time travel?”
“Time travel?”
“Uh huh.”
“I will have to think about that. I was thinking more along the lines of a bath and sleep.”
"That sounds nice," Hermione said wistfully, glancing at the door to the bathroom longingly.
“I’ll leave you to it. If you want or need anything, food included, just ask Winky.” Draco reminded as he backed out of the room closing the door behind him, leaving her alone for the first time in ages. She briefly thought about asking Winky to bring her food but decided against it. Opting for a bath and sleep first.
Hermione peeled off her clothes as she made her way into the lovely bathroom and filled the Olympic sized marble bathtub with hot water and bubbles. Easing her tired body in, Hermione's mind began to whirl into action.
Even if she had a time turner it wouldn’t be helpful. It could only go back 48 hours at the most. Maybe if she modified one… she shook her head. She would have to find the plans and build one. Her head snapped up as an idea overtook her mind. She had access to one of the most prestigious private libraries in the world, Malfoy's. If any time turner research survived, it would be in one of his properties. Not just because of the extensive collection but also because Lucius had been in Voldemort's inner circle. She would bet her wand hand that Tom Riddle had been searching for the very same thing she was. It was a place to start anyway. Malfoy library and Voldemort's personal effects. Now she would just have to put on her big girl knickers and forget that she needed to enter Malfoy Manor. Hermione was great at many things and one of them was compartmentalization. She wasn't finished with the war yet, there was no time to rest.
After bathing, she dragged her tired body to bed, not even taking the time to dress. She slid into the blankets with her towel still wrapped around her body and slid into the arms of Morpheus.
Hermione woke bright and early, earlier than the dawn. She had meandered around the chateau hoping for a library, or even just an overflow room from the main branch. That was where Draco found her, hours later wearing only sleeping shorts and a tank, sitting with her legs crisscrossed on the floor with books scattered every which way. Her hair was a horror, a rat’s nest of uncombed curls, hastily pinned up with a single spell.
“Hermione? Everything okay?” Draco asked delicately as if she was a wild animal that he was trying not to startle.
“Hmmm?” she said distractedly, not hearing him at all. It was the response that Harry and Ron always got when they bothered her in the library. Had it been them, they would have known immediately to leave her be. But poor Draco didn’t have such extensive experience. He wasn’t used to such behavior from anyone.
“Hermione?” He repeated louder and more insistently.
“What?” She snapped, glaring at him with two open books on her lap, her finger holding her place on the page.
“I asked if you were okay! Benny was worried when he took your breakfast to your room and you weren’t there.”
“My house elf, and before you start lecturing me; I am not offering him clothes, pay, or vacation. I think he would rise up and kill me just for the suggestion. He has served at the Chateau since before I was born and I doubt he would ever leave.”
Hermione scoffed, turning back to her books.
“Merlin, why are you so impossible to deal with today?” He muttered. “You aren’t the only one who lost family yesterday. Speaking of, we should go back and bury them.”
“We didn’t lose anyone, not yet, until I am forced to admit that traveling back in time is impossible I will never consider them dead. You can’t bury them because I will fix this. I will!” She set her jaw, her eyes narrowed and fierce.
“We did lose them! Everyone we loved died yesterday and even if you save everyone’s life by fixing time, they still died and they deserve to be treated as if their lives and sacrifices matter. Even if you change everything, they still died!” He argued just as passionately. “What if it takes us years to find a way? Are you going to let their bodies rot where they lay?”
Hermione looked up into his face and stared open-mouthed. He was nothing like the boy she knew from Hogwarts. This Malfoy cared about other people and he unabashedly showed it. Malfoy had grown up, matured, and was a better person than she ever thought he would have been capable when they attended Hogwarts together. Knowing that she really should stop comparing him to his younger self, Hermione looked back at the book in her lap. He was right of course, those that fell during the battle should be buried but she just couldn’t do it. Not yet.
She felt a niggle of self-doubt and insecurity. What if she wasn’t able to find a way to change anything? What if she lived for the rest of her life, trapped in the Chateau with Draco, just the two of them? She shuddered at the thought. She liked him well enough, not romantically, but in the same way she liked Harry.
One week. That is what she would give herself to find a way to change the fate of the world. If she couldn’t go back in time by then, she would go with Draco and bury the dead. She wondered if the house elves could preserve the battlefield for that long. It would be terrible to bury half-rotted corpses that no longer resembled who they were in life. She would call Winky later in the privacy of her room and ask if it was possible.
Hermione smiled grimly at Malfoy and cleared a spot next to her on the floor, patting it in silent invitation. It was Draco’s turn to be confused as he slowly sank to the floor where she had indicated. She snorted, he probably didn’t understand what an honor it was for her to invite anyone, let alone him to her study session. Harry and Ron would have been shocked. She only studied with them when they needed her help and that was a long time ago.
"I am trying to find all of the information I can on time travel, time turners, and anything else that could be used to manipulate time. But I don't want to go back a day or two. I want to go back seventeen years when Voldemort was destroyed the first time. If I take him out before he kills the Potters, everything will change."
“Focusing on changing time is the path that leads to madness, Granger. You know my father and grandfather had searched the whole world for what you are talking about and it can’t be done.”
“I won’t stop until I make it possible.”
“You will give up the rest of our life for this?” He asked incredulously.
“What have I to look forward to? Do you have something better to do with your life?” She challenged.
“Your friends wouldn’t want you to waste your life on some impossible task. They would want you to find happiness.”
“Harry had an impossible task that he successfully completed. If he could kill the darkest wizard of all time at the age of nineteen, I can do this. Even if I am eighty before I accomplish it.”
“I will help you then.” He whispered and twined his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. He seemed to draw comfort from holding her hand and she squeezed back, giving as much comfort as she took.
“You will?”
"I will have you know that my grades were right up next to yours." He said disdainfully. "Plus, it's not like I have anything better to do with my life. I doubt you would agree to replenish the wizarding world with my children."
“I tell you what, if we don’t find anything by the time we are thirty, I will bear your children. Alright? Now that that is settled, we are searching for a way to send me seventeen years in the past.”
“I agree to your terms. No children unless we are still stuck here at thirty.” He grinned, no doubt amused at that way she completely brushed off the need to repopulate. “But, if we find a way, we will go together.”
“If it is possible, fine.”
“See, it’s not so hard being my ally.”
“When you aren’t being your normal arrogant self.”
She chuckled at the insulted look on his face. They both broke down into giggles, their laughter was a little too high pitched to be merely mirth. It was slightly hysterical
“Well, if you want that research, we will have to go to the Manor.”
“Yeah I figured but I was really hoping to avoid it.”
“I’m sorry… I don’t want to go either. I haven’t been there since my father was ordered to murder mother and me.” He looked down at their entwined hands and smoothed his thumb over her softer, smaller one. She sighed as he refused to meet her eyes. They both had scars.
"Benny," Malfoy summoned his personal elf and bid him pack them up and send everything to the Manor before joining them. "We will travel by floo and will stay there until we have thoroughly searched everywhere. Also, leave the breakfast on the table. We will eat now."
“Yes, Master.” He bowed before popping out.
“After you.” He murmured before standing and offering Hermione his hand. She looked at him curiously before taking it, allowing herself to be pulled up off the floor.
Hermione was visibly trembling as she entered Malfoy Manor. It was surreal as if it wasn't actually happening. Draco was holding her, supporting her, as they walked slowly together through the place that held one of the most traumatizing things about the war for her and even more for Draco. His once safe-haven was defiled, filled with memories of him.
“What do you want to see first?” He asked her, not knowing whether she needed the rest or the busy work.
“The library.” She choked out. Where else would she go to feel safe?
He nodded his head and together they wound through the many corridors and hallways that made up the labyrinthine path to the familial library. The pilgrimage seemed to take hours but in reality, it only took a few minutes. Forever, after all, could sometimes be just one moment. *
As they approached, Draco, unwound his arms from around her body and stood before a set of huge double doors. With a small smile, he looked back at her over his shoulder, each hand on a curving handle.
“Close your eyes. No peeking!” He murmured, waiting until she complied before pushing the doors open in one sweeping movement. He grabbed her hand and pulled her through to stand in the center of the room. “Open your eyes.”
Draco watched Hermione as her eyes went wide, awe forcing her jaw to land on the floor. Slowly she moved towards the shelves, running her fingers lightly over the exposed spines. She was radiant as she took in her surroundings, breathing deeply the smell of her personal ambrosia. Parchment in various stages of decay, ink, and leather were only some of the scents she knew she would smell in a batch of Armortentia. Her heart thudded rapidly, yearning and nostalgia seeping out of her every pore, memories of better times thrusting the images of her two best friends into the forefront of her mind. She nearly choked on it. Savagely, she pushed it away and focused only on Malfoy and his amazing library.
Hermione twirled on the balls of her feet quicker than he would have ever bet that she could move, and Draco’s brows rose in question and surprise. She launched herself into his arms, wrapping them around his neck and pressing an innocent kiss to his clean-shaven jaw. He smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“See what you have been missing your whole life?” He joked both indicating the library and himself.
"This is amazing, Draco!" She breathed, ignoring his poor attempt at humor or flirting or whatever that was.
She was out of his arms as quick as she flung herself into them, leaving Draco dazed. She was like niffler who had caught sight of several pieces of treasure at once. Waving her wand, she summoned the books that she wanted to start with. Draco watched her for a moment longer before doing the same. They studied, side by side long into the night. Draco easily kept up with Hermione’s intense study habits. Lucky for them, the house elves returned to the Manor to serve their new and kinder master. The food and drinks were replenished at regular intervals and both Hermione and Draco helped themselves, always with a grateful murmur to the listening elves.
After two weeks of searching, they had to admit, that they had already seen everything that the library had to offer on the subject of time travel. Hermione grit her teeth as she decided to finally look through Voldemort’s personal possessions, something that she had been putting off ever since Draco showed her the door to the room that Voldemort had used when they first arrived.
She stood in front of the door with a wrinkled nose, wishing that Draco would do this part but he had unequivocally refused. He said that if she wanted to look around, she would have to do it soon or he would torch the whole wing. There were too many bad memories concerning the evil bastard. Hermione had fewer personal memories of him and was therefore elected by Draco and the house elves to go through it. She was out-voted.
She slowly opened the door expecting any manner of unpleasant things to hit her but opened her eyes, one by one, as nothing happened. Her mouth dropped to the floor as she saw rare instruments, a first edition library of rare books, diagrams of complicated wand movements for creating spells, journals of all kinds, and surprisingly an old battered trunk with Slytherin’s crest as a latch.
She slowly circled the room casting spells to reveal and dismantle deadly curses and enchantments that were woven into the objects he wished to protect. There was no doubt in Hermione’s mind. Tom Riddle was truly brilliant, a gifted and powerful wizard. Too bad he was evil.
She searched the books first and was rewarded with several tomes full of in-depth theory about time travel. In fact, she found several journals that turned out to be step by step manuals on how to build and create time turners. If he had all of this at his fingertips, why wouldn't he employ their use? It's not like he would care about the consequences of traveling back in time.
It took her days more to scour the new resources before she stumbled upon the flaw in the theories. Apparently, there was a good reason why time turners could only go back twenty-four hours’ tops. Time turners were only meant to relive moments without interacting with a person's past self. It causes a paradox, the time wizards called it time madness. It was a side effect of cerebral dislocation in time. A time turners' magic was what created the disease, not the time displacement. To go further back than that, caused wizards to revert mentally to the age they were at the point in time they traveled to. Any wizards that tried to travel beyond their conceptions died at the point of arrival, both present and future selves.
Hermione was sure she could improve the time turners to a point where this side effect would be non-existent, but only if she had several hundred years and a way to not die in the process of experimentation. She frowned. She clearly would not be able to use this method.
With this in mind, Hermione began searching through Voldemort’s private journals, positive that he had reached the same conclusion as she did. It surprised her that his personal thoughts drew her in like an obsession, forcing her to regret his life’s choices and fully wish that she could have apprenticed under him.
It was this single-minded focus that allowed her to find exactly what she was looking for. It was in one of the journals from the time where he and his Knights of Walpurgis traveled the world.
September 6th, 1947
We unintentionally stumbled into a village that treated us as if we carried the plague. They were clearly a primitive group of wizards living in the wilds of Africa. We had recently come down from an exquisite high as the last village we were in taught us how to fly. This village wasn’t even on our radar or anyone’s for that matter. They clearly don’t want visitors. I have to know what they are hiding. A small group of elderly wizards brought us food. They wouldn’t even allow us to wander around the huts. Their eyes followed us nervously. I am getting excited at the prospect of this challenge. There couldn’t have been a better way to capture my attention than to try to keep me in the dark. I will have to have Abraxas create a distraction so that I can look around.
September 7th
The tribal elders have asked us to leave. Every attempt at subterfuge has come to naught. I don’t know whether these wizards are just that good or my knights are incompetent. Their warriors surround our hut as we speak. I flattered and cajoled and yet they refuse to budge. They fear us more now than yesterday. It excites me.
September 8th
They watch me the most and they stopped feeding us. They want us to leave but we are good at what we do. They won't be able to outduel us. We dipped into the supplies that we always carry with us, enabling us to continue to eat like kings. I am determined to find out what they are keeping from us. The more they try to hide, the more I am intrigued. I burn with anticipation of discovery. Whatever they are hiding, I need to acquire it.
September 9th
I finally was able to search the village. What a disappointment. There is only one enclosure in the whole place that exudes magic. Whatever they are hiding must be in that hut. I hope to find out tomorrow.
September 10th
She goes by the name Smurg. She is an old woman with white hair and milky eyes that hosts a dormant magical parasite. In the crudest way, she is a seer but her most incredible function is even more fantastic. The parasite that had taken the woman, chooses a host from among the girls born the year its last host dies. It is an honor to be chosen, the girl is treated like a goddess. She is revered and for good reason. I walked into the hut alone and it was just the two of us as she stared at me with her blind eyes.
“You shouldn’t have come.” She said.
“I need to know, why are you so well protected?”
“They don’t want me to be hunted. I am the last of my kind.”
“What can you do that makes you so venerated?” My stomach clenched in anticipation.
“I can do many things but I am jealously guarded because nobody leaves my presence without either a seed or a date.”
“What does that mean?”
“If I deem them worthy, I will give them a seed to sow in the world. It will help them in whatever endeavor that they chose. If they are not worthy, I give them the date of their death.”
“What will you give me?”
“Two things. This advice; Remorse could save your life someday.”
“And the other?”
“You will die on June 14th, 2000.”
“I am not worthy in your eyes?”
“I have high standards.”
“I am the standard in which all others are measured.”
“For the world’s sake, let’s hope not.”
It was clear that she was done talking to me. I was pronounced unworthy and dismissed. I couldn’t see why they hid her. There is nothing of import here. Let them rot away in their tiny backwater village. Maybe I will come back when I take over the magical world. I wouldn’t be unworthy then.
It took Hermione a while to absorb the entry and her mind whirled with the possibilities. Would it hurt anything to try? No, nothing could stop her at this point. She grabbed all of the maps and journals and lugged them to the dining room where Draco was eating lunch. She plopped them onto the table with a loud smack.
“What’s this?” He asked, not pausing from eating his lunch.
“I have something but it may be a long shot. Also, I will have to travel to Africa.”
“Okay. When do we leave?” He didn’t even look up at her.
“As soon as we are packed.”
“Yes, Master?”
“Pack Hermione and I for an extended travel in Africa. I want to leave tonight.”
“Yes, Master.”
“You’re not even going to ask me what I found?” Hermione asked him curiously as she sat in the chair next to him at the table. She pushed the journal and documents across the table, clearing a small space in which to eat. Winky popped in and set a plate in front of her and draped Hermione’s napkin across her lap, before popping out again.
“You can fill me in while you eat. You are hungry, aren’t you?” He smirked. Raising his glass of water to his lips, he took a sip before turning his attention to her findings.
 *Alice: How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
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ladyoftheshrimp · 7 years
Old Friend
There’s a type of fatigue that eats through bones. One that drags muscles into a pliant softness no matter how much resistance is put up to just keep going. It’s the type of exhaustion where even the mind shuts down, focus solely devoted to the act of getting to a safe place. Safety is all that matters, comfort, warmth and darkness all fading into the background. That’s the kind of tiredness Graves was battling as he dragged himself to an alley he could apparate home from. He knew that once he got home if he so much as sat down in a chair to take his shoes off he’d be stuck there until he had a chance to sleep a little. So he pushed himself, forced on leg in front of the other, images of his bed or sofa or even the carpet in front of the fireplace where he could lie down and shed some of his exhaustion kept his upright. It was only a matter of minutes before he could forget the world for a few blissful hours, only to start over again as soon as the sun was up. Work wasn’t normally so bad, but with Grindelwald on the rise there was no time to take a break. Maybe once things had settled he thought about taking a few days off just to sleep.
The footsteps behind him were almost inaudible, just a soft crunch as a pebble skittered from under foot. Graves glanced over his shoulder and hoped it was a fellow wizard. He didn’t want to wait for some fool to pass him by before he could apparate away quietly. The dark figure in the alley approached him and Graves  bent down to fiddle with his spats. It gave the stranger a chance to walk by. In the gloom he could just about make out a hand going into a pocket and a wand being pulled out. Wizard then. Graves wanted to smile in relief. It never crossed his exhaustion addled mind to question why a strange wizard would pull their wand out in a dark alley. The murmured “imperio” and pale yellowing green light slammed into him and his mind was his no more.
Once consciousness swam back to him Graves noted that he was in some dark dank abandoned house. His arms were tied behind him, magic supressing cuffs round his wrists. In front of him Grindelwald stood proud.
“Took you long enough to come round. MACUSA running you ragged?”
Graves snarled in defiance. He was beyond knackered that was true but he wasn’t going to engage in a battle of words with a maniac. Grindelwald smiled and there was something eerily familiar about it. Before Graves could place it though his attention was drawn back to the drawling voice of the man.
“Still so stubborn. You’ve been a pain in my ass these last few months. We’ll see if I can’t change your mind soon though. But while you ponder your choices work still needs to be done so…” Grindelwald trailed off and as Graves watched he changed, hair grew darker, thicker, his face filled out and his shoulders became broader. In the matter of seconds Graves was left staring at himself.
“As I said, work needs to be done and you can’t be seen lazing about. Don’t worry, I won’t mess up your precious paperwork system.” It felt like teasing what Grindelwald was doing. How he knew about Graves’ meticulous paperwork system was beyond him. It implied that Grindelwald had spent a long time observing him before striking and that was an unnerving thought.
“If you’ll be so kind, please don’t resist while I make sure you can’t escape. You’ll find the cellar is quite comfortable even if the company is a little tiresome.” Grindelwald ushered him through a door and down some stairs. There was no point in fighting him, Graves was without his wand, magic supressed by the cuffs and his wand taken by the maniac now wearing his face. He’d bide his time though, figure out Grindelwald’s weakness before striking. Plus his aurors knew him well enough to pick up on the subtle differences between him and Grindelwald. There was no way the man was such a perfect mimic to get away with the charade for long. Only someone who’d known him for years could come even close to doing a passable job of being Graves and there were very few people he could think of who knew him that well.
The cellar was dark and damp. When the door closed behind him there were small streaks of light trickling through the coal chute. Graves shivered and tried not to think of the rats and other critters that he had become reluctant roommates with all of a sudden. Grindelwald had alluded to them so no doubt there were plenty of them. He could only hope he wasn’t expected to catch them for survival. Something shuffled in the corner. Something that was definitely larger than a rat and Graves took a step back. Without his magic he was defenceless unless he wanted to resort to physical violence. He frowned at the prospect of it, never having relished the prospect of causing harm in any way to anyone. Especially since the war.
The thing in the corner shuffled towards him, it had a humanoid shape and stretched before stepping into the thin light from the street. Graves’ heart stuttered to a halt in his chest as he took in the horror stood in front of him.
“Caught you too, huh?” Grindelwald gave him a mirthless grimace. Graves stepped back again, away from the creature parading as Grindelwald. He wasn’t going to be sucked into the madness of it all yet his mind was already whirring away trying to figure out what he was facing. The possibility of a boggart flashed up in his mind. Yet it was so unlikely that his biggest fear would be Grindelwald. Not even the pompous, righteous kind that was parading around as him, rather a much more bedraggled one that spoke to him softly with no hints of superiority.
“He’s still wearing my face then?” This Grindelwald sounded tired, resigned. “I suppose I should introduce myself all the same, Gellert Grindelwald at your service.” A bony white hand extended towards him and Graves was torn between manners and survival instinct. The hand dropped with a sigh.
“I’m guessing by your reaction he’s done nothing good with my name and cause.” The snort was filled with bitterness that Graves knew was hard to feign.
“If you’re Grindelwald then who is he?” he eventually bit out. The Grindelwald in front of him sat down and huffed out a cynical laugh.
“The beauty of it is, I don’t know. He came up to one evening. I’d just held a low key talk to a few people interested in my ideologies of wizard supremacy. Needless to say it didn’t go well. Then this chap approached me. He wanted to know more. I’ve never had anyone quiet so enthusiastic about my ideas.”
Graves listened with rapt attention. Any small detail to help him solve the mystery was crucial. Even if the man in front of him wasn’t Grindelwald he still held information that was vital to their escape and survival.
“Tell me, how does the world regard Gellert Grindelwald now?” the man opposite him asked. He had an awkward air around him, one that was at odds with the Grindelwald of the propaganda reels. There was no natural charm, no easy way with words. This was a broken bumbling fool with archaic ideals if that.
“He’s a threat to the world.” Graves decided that honesty was going to be the best in the situation. “Suave, terrifyingly powerful, devious and hell bent on wizarding supremacy.”
Grindelwald snorted and shook his head.
“Does he say why?” The question drew Graves up short. In all his time working on the Grindelwald case never once had the question arisen. Why did Grindelwald seem so hell bent on establishing a wizard rule over the world? The man next to him sighed and tipped his back against the wall.
“We met up for drinks every now and then. He would ask my opinion on things, on plans and how I envisioned the world when I’d conquered it. At the time I basked in the attention, a young man who’d seen the worst of the world shared my vision. It felt nice. To be wanted.” A wistful sigh left Grindelwald’s lips and Graves watched him. “He spoke of the horrors of war he’d witnessed. And said he swore on the battlefield to never let something like that happen again. Being the fool that I was, I revelled in his attention. I never realised just what his plans were.”
“What happened?” Graves asked despite himself.
“At first he coached me, showed me how to be more presentable. How to speak to larger crowds. I felt powerful in a way I never had. With his backing and help I became more influential. No longer did I hold meetings to a small select few in the back rooms of pubs. Suddenly I could hire halls and even fill them as people listened to me. He was never there though. But he’d help organise things, send out the invites to interested parties. I thought we were going to rule the world together.”
“What went wrong?”
“One day he invited me here. Told me I’d done a wonderful job, transitioned from babbling lunatic to a wonderful foundation of his work. Wrapped cuffs around my wrists and locked me down here. Of course he brings me food, keeps me updated on the wonders he is achieving. But it’s not the world I envisioned. My world had no terror. Just the benevolent ruling of wizards over the lower classes of those without magic. A freedom in the world where we didn’t have to hide. All he wanted was to rule with an iron fist over the world. After all, if you’re the only ruler then you can wage no war against yourself.”
Graves nodded and tried to put the information together. Their captor was powerful, had fought in the war, was charming, sly and above all likeable.
“I must admit, your sudden rise in the world was a surprise. At first there were whispers of a madman who wanted to expose the wizarding community to the world at large. Then rumours changed, the madman had collected a sizeable gathering. Powerful wizards who were changing allegiances from state to this rebel. It was a meteoric soar, fear was spread through cruelty against those that opposed you. I suppose it wasn’t you by that point though, was it?”
Grindelwald shook his head, eyes closed and what looked dangerously like tears clung to his lashes.
“I’ve been here for I don’t know how many months.”
Graves hummed in response. Months. He wondered how Grindelwald felt that nobody had realised he’d been quietly swapped out by someone else. With a pang of fear Graves hoped he wouldn’t have to find out first hand just exactly how it felt.
Silence descended over them. There was nothing left to say and both men got lost in their introspections of the future. Graves never realised he fell asleep. He woke to the sound of two tin plates falling to the ground. They had been floated down from the top of the stairs, their captor not deigning to grave them with his presence that day. Together he and Grindelwald ate the food. It was filling but bland. Days passed like that and each evening a little more hope slipped from Graves and his rescue. Perhaps he’d trusted his aurors too much.
In his forced captivity he discovered Grindelwald was more likeable than he’d ever suspected. He was a fumbling man with no social graces. How his original followers could have thought this was the same man who was now a threat to wizarding-kind he couldn’t fathom. Yet his mind screamed at him that perhaps this was a clever ploy to recruit him to Grindelwald’s cause. Endear Grindelwald to him so he was easier to manipulate, more lenient towards his cause. It was a genius idea. Yet with more time in Grindelwald’s company it became more and more unlikely. The man wasn���t a powerful wizard like the one in the outside world seemed to be. He wasn’t blood thirsty and hell bent on the superiority of wizards. Well, he was but in an almost benevolent way. This Grindelwald accepted that wizards could do more than those without magic. He wanted the population at large to accept wizards as they are, not persecute them out of fear. To make them accept that wizards were better than them. But he didn’t want to rule over them, enslave them. It seemed all he wanted was acceptance and a sense of accomplishment over someone else – something he’d seemingly never had before. Which left a question burning bright in his mind. Just who was the man now wearing his face, and before that Grindelwald’s?
There seemed to be no answer. Grindelwald described the man as tall but stocky, freckled and hair the colour of sun kissed bricks. But without a name, even a hint of identity it was hopeless. The door to the cellar opened and heavy footsteps descended the stairs. Both men stood up to greet their captor who still wore Graves’ face.
“What do you want?” Graves bit out as he tried not to be put off by seeing himself stare back at him. Grindelwald glanced between the two of them.
“Uncanny.” He said. “I thought you did a good job of copying me but this? There’s some other quality underlying your imitation. Tell me, did you know him before?”
“Shut up.” Their captor snarled. “Your office is a collection of hapless idiots Graves. Nobody has even the slightest of inkling that you’ve been replaced. Which is a benefit to me but at the same time none of them are really worthy of being in your office if they are so blind. Tell me, why do you keep them around when you could easily run the whole thing with a hand tied behind your back. Why are you merely Director when you could be President? Don’t you want to achieve glory? Have the world run as you want it. No war, no suffering, no maimed bodies lying abandoned in the field as you fight a war that has nothing to do with wizards yet threatens our very existence.”
“I will have nothing to do with your egocentric plans you maniac.”
“Name calling?” The man snorted. “I thought you were beyond that, Percy.”
The name had Graves stilling. Very few people ever called him that. It didn’t sit right with him. There was something eerily familiar about the man, the way he sneered, a slight uptick of his mouth no matter what shape his body. Yet he couldn’t place it.
“Never mind that.” Not-Graves said. “You’ll be grateful for this eventually. You always were slow on the uptake so treat this as a favour. When my plan comes to fruition you will be heralded as one of the original founders. Something your ancestors will be proud of no doubt. One of the original twelve and now you will be one of the originals few. Quite the upgrade to your name. You’re welcome.”
“What do you want?” Graves raged. Newt to him  Grindelwald stood with wide eyed curiosity.
“The same as anyone else.” The answer was accompanied by a bitter laugh. “Peace. Comfort. Love.”
Their captor turned on his heels and strode up the stairs.
“You’ll understand when the time comes, old friend.”
The door shut with a firm thud behind him and Graves turned to look at Grindelwald. He shrugged helplessly and settled back down against the wall.
Similar visits became more frequent. Their captor would rant and rave at how hapless the world at large was. How nobody seemed to care as much as him about the welfare of the world. In fact, he was certain half the governments were secretly oppressing wizards not for the benefit of the population but for their own benefit, to stay in positions of power over the clueless masses. There were half bitten off sentences about wars, the horrors and brutality of those without magic. Their propensity for violence against each other just because they were different. Disbelief at the sheer intolerance of human kind and that’s why he needed to step in, show the world how to live with tolerance. Once Grave challenged him in his methods of inciting violence and hate. He was left with a bruised jaw from the punch and Grindelwald shaking his head.
It seemed that there was no reprieve, no hint to their captor’s identity. Their disappearance from the world kept secret by their impostor. Once again the door opened, this time if bounced off the wall as Graves swept down the stair in clear agitation. He didn’t even wait for the other two to look at him, he was already muttering under his breath, each word building in volume as he approached.
“I swear I’m the only one with true dedication to the cause. I will sacrifice everything for the benefit of others. Why can’t anybody else see that? I give my life, my time, my own flesh and blood. When they see that I would sacrifice my own brother to their benefit then they’ll understand.”
“Your own brother?” Graves interrupted and got a scathing look in return.
“I am willing to do anything to stop another war. Even sentence my own brother to death because he’s a threat to the cause now. I put everyone else’s needs above my own. So yes. My own brother had to be removed because he was an obstruction and couldn’t be swayed. Now you understand how dedicated I am. Now you see just how much I want the best for everyone. No more wars. No more misery. At the price of my brother.”
“What was his name?” Graves asked softly. The question took the wind out of his impostor’s sail.
“Newt. His name was Newt.”
The world stilled for Graves. That was a name he knew. He’d heard it many times in the trenches. In crazy stories he’d thought half made up but the freckled man he called his best friend. The little details fell into place, where he’s seen the lopsided smile, how his impostor knew so much about him.
“Theseus.” Graves gasped. The man looked at him and his hair bleached at first, layers of spells peeling back. The transition from Graves to Grindelwald to Theseus was mesmerising. Once his features had settled a familiar smile flashed at Graves.
“Hello old friend.”
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compassion | credence barebone | part 3 | book 2
SUMMARY: Events in the metro station became a fearful memory, but darkness doesn’t give up so fast. The damage was inevitable, but what is its scale? Credence and his patron now have to discover more mysteries. How strong their bond really is? What was that white smoke? What’s that Grindelwald really wanted? The war is coming, but the question is if they are ready to meet each other on the battlefield.
FANDOM: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them;
PAIRING: Credence Barebone x Patron!Reader;
WARNINGS: um, nightmares and outrageous amount of hugs;
PART: 3 of 9 (i guess);
INDEX: [masterlist] - Book 1: Certainty; [part 1];  [part 2]; - Book 2: Compassion; 
AO3: [here];
A/N: haha i’m back, babes. I survived through this awful writing block, and brought you a new part of Compassion. I hope it’ll go smoother now and i’ll write more, even though i’m back to university. Hope you like it!
P.S. Sorry for any mistakes, I could mess up with some English.
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Sometimes it seemed nearly impossible for six people to fit into a small apartment, but for these couple of days they seemed to cope with it. Newt still had some business in New York, so Credence, Modesty and (Y/N) had to wait for him, before going to London anyway.
The atmosphere at Goldsteins was vastly different from what Credence was used to. It was warm, welcoming and cheerful, full of smiles and laughs. But at the same time, and Credence felt guilty for feeling like this, it was overwhelming. He never thought that not being alone would be that hard. His own common sense was fighting with his instincts and feelings, turning his head into a battlefield. Even though Credence knew, that neither Queenie, Tina nor Newt were going to hurt him, he tried to remain as quiet and as inconspicuous as he possibly could. (Y/N) saw that. She saw his every glance and flinch, when someone was using a wand in dangerous proximity to him. She quietly asked all of them to be more careful, though carry on with their lives, so Credence didn’t feel like a burden. (Y/N) made sure, he wouldn’t know. She wanted him to have a normal life, filled with caring, kindness and support, but the last thing he needed now was pity. Credence was constantly hiding, trying to become smaller, and sometimes, to (Y/N)’s terror, reminded her of a cats who are hiding when they are going to die.
She tried to keep an eye on him, still giving him some personal space.
Living in a small apartment wasn’t that easy, but figuring out where everybody would sleep was even tougher. Newt quickly gestured to his case, cutting off any other suggestions. Queenie and (Y/N) and a silent quarrel about that, however. As soon as (Y/N) saw a literal cry for help and fear in Credence’s eyes, she suggested him taking a couch and she was supposed to sleep in the armchair in the same room, just in case. Credence, though gratefully grabbing her hand, tried to argue in hope to make her take the couch. He didn’t succeed, so didn’t Queenie, who were trying to make (Y/N) take her bed. The two of them were just staring at each other for a good fifteen minutes, until Tina reminded them about Modesty, who still had no place to sleep, according to Queenie’s plan. However, Newt somehow quickly figured that out, even before (Y/N) and younger Goldstein finished their silent battle. It seemed like he managed to show her his case, and she was just begging (Y/N) to let her stay in there.
It made sense, so everyone just gave up. However, (Y/N) would occasionally wake up with Modesty nuzzled into her side.
Every single day was a challenge for all of them. Credence, somehow felt relieved knowing that the tickets for a ship were already booked, so soon they would leave this city forever. He wouldn’t miss it. No, he definitely wanted to see Queenie and Tina again, but not New York. Not everyone else. For now, the only person he felt himself comfortable with was, obviously, (Y/N). Holding her hand almost constantly became a habit. Sometimes he even let himself sit next to her, so close that their shoulders were brushing. She didn’t seemed to mind it at all, so after some time he’d let himself hug her, even if it was after the permission.
Credence was still scared of every bit of magic, the nightmares would occasionally come, tearing his mind apart again and again. And though, he seemed to sleep relatively well, at least, he thought so, (Y/N) would often wake up because of his ragged breathing. Nightmares weren’t strong enough to wake him up screaming, but enough to make her worried. She would just sit next to him, whispering sweet nothings until he’d calm down. However, she wasn’t the only one to care. Almost every single morning she would wake up, having an extra blanket neatly wrapped around her. (Y/N) definitely remembered covering with this very blanket one very particular boy the night before. This silent blanket exchange seemed to last forever.
However, some nights were different. Darkness would come like a flood, chocking him slowly, tasting like poison on his lips. Even when New York faded away by the horizon, Credence couldn’t flick off dreadful memories. He seemed genuinely amazed by the ocean, though. (Y/N) watched him staring at the waves, his hair in a little mess because of the wind, while he seemed almost… Normal. As normal as Credence could be, at least – a living tapestry of pain and misery woven with the red threads of scars and fears. He seemed alive and somehow hopeful, and (Y/N) was scared that someday she would see life fading away from his eyes, though he wouldn’t be dead.
And her fears were coming true some nights. She could feel him shaking half asleep on the brink of reality. One of those happened when they were on the ship, already sailing to London, leaving everything behind. (Y/N) woke up, running out of air. Modesty was sleeping nonchalantly, as all of the children should. It took her some time to understand what was exactly going on. She didn’t care for shoes, just rushing to the room next door, freezing in the doorway.
“Credence?”  his sobs were merely audible, but still noticeable enough to brake her heart. “Credence?” she asked again making a step forward. He didn’t answer, possibly staring at the wall. (Y/N) wasn’t sure if he even heard her, because when she carefully touched his shoulder, boy flinched away, frantically looking at her. “Credence, it’s me. I’m not going to hurt you,”  she whispered, worriedly looking at him.
“I’ve already heard that,”  he hoarsely answered, before even realizing what exactly he said. (Y/N) looked at him in disbelief, gasping softly. She never realized- Meanwhile, Credence’s eyes widen in fear and he hurriedly added, stuttering, “I-I’m sorry, (Y/N), I- I didn’t mean that.”
“It’s okay,”  she weakly said, suddenly sitting down on the floor, leaning on the side of his bed. It was cold, but she didn’t really care, not now. Credence was still scared, and tried not to touch her, so she gave him that space for now. It was strange how sometimes he needed her constant presence and sometimes all he wanted was solitude. She understood though. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“It- It was just a nightmare,” he whispered, staring at her nape for a minute. She waited for him to continue, though Credence didn’t really knew what to say. “I cannot sleep. I just- I just can’t her those screams again,”  she sighed, rising her eyes to the ceiling, still keeping silence. “(Y/N)- Do you- Do you have nightmares?”
“Everybody does,”  she stated, closing her eyes for a second. “I don’t really remember when was the last time I remembered good dreams. It’s either nightmares or nothing.”
(Y/N) didn’t want to lie, telling that darkness would go away. The truth was – it wouldn’t. I would always me there, until the very end of their lives, silently watching them through the veil of night. The only way was to accept the dark, learn how to live with it, not letting it touch their hearts.
 “How do you- how do you fight them?”
“I don’t,”  (Y/N) answered, turning her head and seeing Credence crawling to the floor too, sitting right next to her.
“There’s no cure for the darkness, Credence. I wish I could say there is,”  (Y/N) sighed, staring at the ceiling. “You just learn how to live with it.”  He was breathing loudly sitting next to her. She felt him stiffen, so she continued. “It doesn’t mean there’s no hope. Actually, hope is the only thing we ever have. Darkness- It is powerful and patient, and sometimes it seems as if I can’t be beaten.”
“And what if it can’t?” Credence suddenly asked, hollowly. “What if there too much of it in me? What if I’m a monster? I’ve read those books and-”
“Credence,”  (Y/N) softly interrupted, turning her gaze to him. “It may seem, that dark always wins. However,”  he stared in his brown eyes now, never seeing more light in any blue ones. “However, you only need a candle to make it go away. You are so much more than that. You are not a monster.”
“Everybody keeps saying that. But how do you know?”  he honestly asked, finally confessing his fears.
“I see good in you. I see it when you look at Modesty, and that’s enough for me. Monsters don’t care,”  she calmly stated, wincing slightly from the cold. Credence noticed that little movement and instantly reached for a blanket.
“I just- I just don’t know who I am,”  she whispered, covering (Y/N) with plaid.
“I do,”  she said, smiling softly to his curious glance. “You are Credence Barebone, boy, who cares for others more, than he does for himself. Boy, who reached for a blanket, when he noticed I was cold. You are my ward.” He was silent for a minute, adjusting the blanket.
“I think I like how that sounds,”  he said shyly, making her smile a little wider. “But those books-”
“Well, those books are not always true, are they? You are a miracle. No one ever survived Obscurus for this long before,”  she said, moving a little closer and offering him half of a blanket. “But here we are, a Patron and the oldest Obscurial ever known, sitting on the floor in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean,”  (Y/N) chuckled, softly bumping his shoulder with her own.
 “But- It said that Obscurus is a dark force and-”
 “Magic isn’t good or bad, Credence. For some it is a gift, and for some – shackles. Magic does not has its own will. Think of it. Is a knife evil? But the wielder can be. It’s up to us to decide how we’re going to use magic.”
“And what if I can’t?” he whispered, wrapping himself in a blanket. “What if I’m not strong enough?”
“You already survived through so much,”  (Y/N) certainly said, softly touching his jaw. “You are stronger than you can imagine. I won’t lie to you, Credence,”  she stared at him intently, “it’s not going to be easy. It will be painful and hard. We are on the edge of war, all wizards are. But I know for sure, that you are capable of great things, and you can overcome anything. You’re a survivor, Credence. It’s written all over your body.”
(Y/N) couldn’t really comprehend what she saw in his eyes, when she carefully stroked a little scar on his jaw. She wasn’t sure if it was a result of punishment, it was too unnoticeable to be. Credence leaned into her touch, as always, and raised his hand to cup hers. I was something they did a lot, all those small touches that quickly became a habit. Sometimes Credence was ashamed of being so weak to have to hold someone’s hand, but it felt too good to refuse doing that. He lowered his eyes and swallowed, again feeling embarrassed.
“What’s wrong, dear?”  she asked, stroking his cheek.
“I’m scared,” he breathed out, biting his lip.
“I’m scared too,”  (Y/N) whispered, with her voice as weak as his was. Credence glanced at her incredulously, and she continued talking. “I’m afraid of every day to come. Grindelwald, war- it’s scaring the living hell out of me. You are- you are the only thing that keeps me sane, Credence. You give me enough bravery to keep on fighting.”
“Me?”  he breathed out in disbelief when (Y/N) leaned forward, wrapping her hands around his neck.
“Of course. It’s always you,” she whispered, hugging him even harder when she felt his hands on her waist.
They were sitting like that, for God knows how long, holding each other, drawing circles on other’s backs and whispering something from time to time. Suddenly, Credence yawned, hiding his face in her shoulder, and (Y/N) moved back, her fingers still stroking the back of his head.
“You need to rest, she smiled, looking sleepy as well.
“I don’t want to,”  he shook his head, being absolutely adorable.
“Don’t be such a child, it’s the middle of the night,”  (Y/N) chuckled, and softly gasped when he hugged her again, more for the sake of hiding his face.
“I don’t want you to leave,”  he finally confessed, and felt her hands on his shoulders, stroking gently. Her chest vibrated slightly when she laughed. Credence moved back, seeing a subtle blush on her cheeks.
“I can stay, if you want me to,” (Y/N) said after some time, still blushing. She was happy to her him need her, but at the same time it was something unusual. (Y/N) got used to holding hands, and awkward hugs, but him, asking to stay, was surprising. Credence didn’t answer though, just nodding, a little smile curving his lips, before yawning again.
“Okay then, get up,” she said in factitiously stern voice, before they both stood up and Credence got into the bed, freeing some space for her. (Y/N) laid beside him, and carefully kissed his cheek. “Goodnight.”
 “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
to be continued...
tags: @twentyonecrybby @avixenrose @bxtchybrie @suzumebailey @wellfuckbuck
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pietro-goes-nyoom · 8 years
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Devil’s Got You Beat
An annotated playlist for the real Percival Graves, and everything he went through when Grindelwald stole his life.
A brief introduction: This is a list of songs that detail my vague thoughts on what might have happened to MACUSA’s Director of Magical Security. Every song has its place, and there were a few that didn’t fit with the flow but still take my mind directly to Graves. Those will be listed at the bottom. As for the playlist itself, you can find it on 8tracks here, but because of the 1 hour listening limit I thought it more helpful to provide links and descriptions in this post. I’ll warn you now, it’s a fairly long one. Please enjoy, and feel free to comment with your thoughts or other songs!
Soldiers - Otherwise
MACUSA stumbles upon a lead for the first time in months. Picquery sends her best, and her best is Percival Graves. He gathers his finest aurors and the hunt is on.
Devil’s Got You Beat - Blues Saraceno
Graves’ team is strong, they’re bold, they’re confident. A single man against the best MACUSA has to offer, led by one of New York’s strongest wizards? Grindlewald doesn’t stand a chance.
Into the Shadows - Cyrus Reynolds, Gregg Lehrman, Ivan Howard
Grindelwald is cornered. They have him right where they want him. Or is it the other way around?
Marked Man - Mieka Pauley
He wakes up in a cell, hands bound and magic suppressed, but Percival Graves was never one to surrender. He watches and he waits. One day he’ll be free. One day he’ll be ready.
Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright
Graves meets every demand for information with clenched teeth and a defiant glare. He blocks out the agony with a steady stream of deadly promises, threats he’ll have no qualms about carrying out the first chance he gets.
Battlefield - SVRCINA
When he finally realizes that physical harm won’t get the job done, Grindelwald changes tactics. Graves lets the dark wizard play his little mind games; pain has worn him to exhaustion and this is a welcome reprieve. He’s practiced enough at guarding MACUSA’s secrets, but maybe the secrets he should be guarding are his own.
Nightmare - Set It Off
One day he finds his own face leering back at him. It turns into a recurring nightmare in which a double of himself, with colder eyes and a colder soul, mocks him mercilessly. Graves doesn’t think he's sleeping.
Castle - Halsey
With Graves locked away, Grindelwald quietly slips into place. The wizarding world has hidden for long enough.
Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno
He doesn’t want to die here. He prays he won’t die here. Prays he won’t leave this world without one more glimpse of something other than concrete walls and iron bars.
Soldier On - Temper Trap
He is surviving. Defiance has faded into exhaustion, exhaustion into emptiness. He is surviving, and that is all he can do.
War Part 1 & Part 2 - Former Vandal
 Graves has to wonder if they’re looking for him, if they even know he’s gone. It’s not until Grindelwald stops coming that he has a shred of hope that maybe they’ve caught on. Less comforting is the realization that he doesn’t have it in him to last much longer.
All the King’s Horses - Karmina
The man they find is shattered, but they think there might be enough left to save Percival Graves if only they can put the pieces together again. They are his aurors, and they will stop at nothing to save him.
Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
It’s not until he wakes up in the recover ward that Graves really has a chance to process it all. Despite whatever stoic exterior he maintained, the director had always cared more than was probably healthy for his position. How many aurors had been lost because of him? Brave men and women following the orders of a man they trusted? He has no doubt they’d be ashamed to see him now.
I Was Me - Imagine Dragons 
It’s not his face in the mirror. Or maybe it is, but it has already belonged to another.
Afraid - The Neighborhood
He figured it might get better after he was discharged from the hospital. Figured being home might change things. In some ways it does, but the fear of being replaced Isn’t so easy to banish.
Once - Bradley Caleb Kane
They visit him while he’s recovering, or they try to. Most of them are weighed down by guilt, he can tell. Others don’t know what to say. But there are a few of his closest (like Tina, always Tina) who refuse his willingness to give up on the world.
Dead Hearts - Stars
Graves finally returns to his position at MACUSA. Is he so different that the others no longer recognize him, or is it his aurors who have changed and left him behind? He wants to tell them that something has changed, that he doesn’t think he fits in with them the way he used to, but he knows what they would say. It’s okay to feel that way. It will take time. I understand. They don’t. Better to say nothing at all.
I could say it but you won’t believe me. You say you do but you don’t deceive me.
Human - Rag’N’Bone Man
Graves is exceptional at masking his uncertainty. Half of the auror department thinks he's back to normal and the other half assumes that any of the minor changes in him are a result of his captivity. None of them guess that he questions himself at every turn. He should have fought harder. He should have been stronger. He should have died before he let Grindelwald take him. Is that what they think when they look at him, or is it all the whispers of his own traitorous mind?
Exorcism - Clairity
There’s only so long a man can listen to the ghosts in his head before he has to start fighting back.
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been - Relient K 
They keep telling him it’s not his fault, and logically some part of him knows they’re right. Doesn’t mean it’s easy to forgive himself. Doesn’t mean he has nothing to apologize for. But one way or another he is going to forgive himself, and he is going to make those apologies, and he's going to take back his life if only to spite the bastard who tried to steal it from him.
Everything’s Not Lost - Coldplay
It still hurts, what happened to him. He still feels broken inside and he’s still angry. But he’s less hurt, and less broken, and less angry. Queenie Goldstein brings him a coffee every morning. His aurors offer the usual respectful nod when they pass him by (it turns out they never once thought less of him for what he suffered). Abernathy still straightens up and gets flustered when he walks into the wand permit office, and Seraphina Picquery rants to him about the uselessness of politicians after a particularly difficult meeting. Despite everything that’s happened, remarkably little has changed, and Graves finds that the wounds are starting to heal over.
Hero - Ruelle
Grindelwald escapes custody. Graves feels like he’s suffocating, but the turmoil in his head calms when he realizes it’s him they’re all looking to. After everything, his aurors still trust in him. He will not let them down.
My Story - Leet Mob
He’s done this before; assembling a team, choosing his best. The last time around good men and women had lost their lives, but this is going to be different. Graves is ready for a hunt, and he hasn’t felt this alive since the night he was captured. 
Out of the Black - Royal Blood
The aurors have never seen him this focused. He’s always been unwavering when he catches a trail, but this is different. This is vengeful. This is bloodthirsty. Somehow they can't blame him, and when they finally find Grindelwald none of them dare to step in his path.
This is Gonna Hurt - Sixx A.M. 
It’s the dark wizard who underestimates his opponent this time. Surely a man he’d so thoroughly broken wasn’t nearly strong enough to face him again. That assumption fades fairly quickly, but it’s not enough to regain his standing. Graves throws curse after wordless curse at him, pressing forward relentlessly. He has Grindelwald right where he needs him. It would be so easy, just two little words to end it all. A flash of green light, and he could take everything from the man who nearly took everything from him. Percival Graves raises his wand.
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
Something changed in Graves after his second duel with Grindelwald. It was as though he had reclaimed a piece of himself; the bold glint returned to his eyes, the air of raw power back in his stride. His voice took on the commanding strength it had always possessed before. His aurors begin to think that maybe, just maybe, he’s going to be okay.
Trouble -  Avicii
He would not pretend it hadn’t happened, and he would not try to hide his scars. The scars only proved that he’d gotten back up after being beaten down. He’d seen things that haunted his mind and he’d been dragged to hell and back, but he had enough in this world to remind him that there was good alongside the evil. He had enough reason to keep pressing forward. He was a Graves, after all, and a Graves is not so easy to break.
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Thank you so much for listening! I hope my loose interpretation of Graves’ story was close enough to your own to make sense. As for whether that duel ended in Grindelwald’s death or capture... well, I’ll leave that one up to you. Comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Honorable Mentions: The songs that perfectly illustrate Percival Graves, but didn’t quite fit into the playlist.
Someone’s Gonna Need a Grave - Urban Country
Didn’t quite make the cut because the rap verses didn’t seem to fit with the tone, but has quite a deadly chorus.
Monsters - Ruelle
A song about the monsters running through Graves’ thoughts. Alternatively, a taunting song from Grindelwald’s perspective.
Laugh I Nearly Died - The Rolling Stones
A lament to the solitude of being surrounded by people who can never truly understand the demons you’re facing.
Sinner Like You - Parson James
An angry, unapologetic, somewhat defiant song about Graves accepting what he is, though anyone else would tell him none of it is his fault.
All We Are - One Republic
The aurors’ apology and promise to Graves. Lord knows I failed you time and again and We won’t break, we won’t die, it’s just a moment of change.
Fireproof - Coleman Hell
An upbeat celebration of Graves’ newfound invincibility, however fragile it might be.
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Thread tracker:
The Passion of a Phoenix | Grindelwald @magicblooms
My Greatest Obsession | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Broken Promises (alternate ending) | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Broken Promises | Grindelwald @magicblooms
The Summer Gellert & I Fell In Love | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Waking Nightmares | Queenie @magicalempath
What Is Love If Not Grief Preservering? | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Don't Know How To Be So Close To Someone So Distant | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Meet Me On The Battlefield | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Missed You More Than I Thought I Would | Aberforth @seekingabettergood
Bitter Are The Wars Between Brothers | Aberforth @seekingabettergood
You're All Alone | Theseus @seekingabettergood
I Hosted Parties & Starved My Body | Aberforth @seekingabettergood
Familiar Faces | Elphias Doge @seekingabettergood
A Helping Hand | Elphias Doge @seekingabettergood
Wasted Nights | Elphias Doge @seekingabettergood
You Only Leave Me Hungover Over You | Grindelwald @magicblooms
Eavesdropping | Grindelwald @magicblooms
0 notes
compassion | credence barebone | part 2 | book 2
SUMMARY: Events in the metro station became a fearful memory, but darkness doesn’t give up so fast. The damage was inevitable, but what is its scale? Credence and his patron now have to discover more mysteries. How strong their bond really is? What was that white smoke? What’s that Grindelwald really wanted? The war is coming, but the question is if they are ready to meet each other on the battlefield.
FANDOM: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them;
PAIRING: Credence Barebone x Patron!Reader;
WARNINGS: nothing, maybe a slightest bit of angst;
PART: 1 of 9 (i guess);
INDEX: [masterlist] - Book 1: Certainty; [part 1] - Book 2: Compassion;
A/N: This one is a little bit shorter, then the previous one, but i didn’t want to cut out anything. Hope you’ll like it)
P.S. Sorry for any mistakes, I could mess up with some English.
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Credence never seen so many smiles in one place before. He was holding onto (Y/N)’s hand tightly, trying not to hurt her, though, and was nervous when they were coming inside the house. (Y/N) could feel him flinching ever so slightly because of any loud sound on the street, but he managed to control himself. Honestly, she was surprised how good he was in hiding his true emotions behind his somber expression, only subtle movements and his eyes giving it away. Now they stepped inside Goldsteins’ apartment, which was filled with warm light. Queenie, who opened the door earlier, instantly pulled (Y/N) into the tight hug.
“(Y/N), thank heaven, you’re all right!”
“Of course I am,” she surprisingly chuckled.
“You disappeared so quickly, we were worried!”
“I’m sorry, I just needed to come back,” (Y/N) softly added, pulling away. She felt Credence’s fingers squeezing her hand nervously. He instinctively stood behind her back, both from desire of protection and just being closer. “Oh- Queenie, I’m not sure if you know, but- It’s Credence and this is Modesty, his sister.”
“Credence? Your-” she stumbled for a beat, looking into (Y/N) eyes “-friend, right?”
“Yes, exactly,” (Y/N) gratefully nodded. “Credence, Modesty, it’s Queenie.”
“N-Nice to meet you, Miss Queenie,” Credence awkwardly whispered, lowering his eyes.
“Oh, just Queenie, darling” she said sweetly, taking a step forward. However, that was a mistake. Nothing happened, but Credence instinctively moved to (Y/N) frantically looking at her. She eloquently glanced at Queenie, shaking her head slightly.
“Um- Okay, where’s Tina and Newt?” (Y/N) asked, trying to brake an awkward silence. She could feel Credence literally hiding behind her, his heart racing. He was okay with (Y/N) coming close, touching him, but others… Well, he wasn’t ready, even if Queenie seemed genuinely charming and friendly. He wasn’t ready, not yet.
“Newt went to, I quote, “make dreams come true” and Tina followed to make sure he won’t get into any trouble.”
“Merlin, I hope we won’t have to catch more beasts around the city,” (Y/N) sighed and took of her coat.
“She tied his case up, so nobody escaped,” Queenie chucked, moving to the kitchen, while (Y/N) was helping Modesty to unbutton her coat.
“She did what?” (Y/N) jerked her head, looking at her friend amazed.
“Yup, she tied it up, with a rope, literally,” Queenie nonchalantly said, starting to prepare tea. “(Y/N), can you help me here?”
“In a minute,” she answered, eyeing Credence who was still a little bewildered. She gestured to the couch, and he obeyed, sitting down. (Y/N) joined him, and gently touched his hands, trying to calm him down. His back was straight, though shoulders driven forward as usual. Meanwhile, Modesty was watching Queenie in awe, talking about something quietly.
“Credence, look at me,” she came back to her calm, certain tone, just like when they first met, but much softer this time. He raised his head ever so slightly, embarrassed for being so scared and weak. “Credence, I know it’s hard for you, I can only imagine that, but there’s nothing to be afraid of. No one is going to hurt you, I promise,” she touched his arm, stroking his shoulder. “Do you trust me, Credence?”
He glanced at her with wide eyes. Of course, he did, how could he not? Why was she asking? Had he done something wrong? Credence rapidly nodded, grasping onto her fingers. The only thing that made him calm down was (Y/N)’s smile that curved her lips.
“I will never going to let anyone hurt you, Credence,” she touched his cheek, still smiling. “I swear,” he leaned into her touch, closing his eyes slightly as if he was a cat, starving for human’s warmth. She stood up and bowed, kissing the crown of his head and ruffling his hair. He jerked his head up, staring at her with surprise, but (Y/N) already moved away, making her way to the kitchen. “You must be starving,” she explained, “I’ll help Queenie and come back in a minute.”
Credence watched her leave, wondering again, why she was so kind. At first she found him in a side alley, protected him from his mother, patched him up almost every time he had been beaten up, brought him food on the streets, and then literally shielded him from all those wizards who were trying to kill him. Why? He never done anything to deserve that and she was just… kind. (Y/N) seemed feckly ferocious when trying to protect him. Credence knew why he was trying to be closer, why he covered her from Graves and attacked when that man hit her with a spell. But why she was doing what she was doing? His thoughts were interrupted by Modesty, who landed herself onto the couch next to him, smiling widely. She started to tell him something, but he didn’t listen.
(Y/N) meanwhile was making tea, trying to withstand Queenie’s eloquent stare.
“What?” she finally gave up, facing Goldstein.
“Why don’t you tell him?”
“What exactly?”
“Why don’t you tell him who you are?” she persistently asked, stopping from making pastries.
“You know why,” (Y/N) growled.
“He is wondering why you are so king to him, why you care. Maybe you should answer those questions,” she shrugged, continuing on cooking. “He deserves to know. He has gone through so much-”
“I know,” (Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes. “But how that can be a good answer Queenie? He might think that I do it just because I must.”
“And you-”
“I care for him, just because it’s Credence. Because he is kind, and strong, and brave. In the beginning, maybe I felt obligated but now- Now, I do it because I want to. Because he needs someone to care, and not because of some stupid magical bond. I would die for him, Queenie. I’m not afraid of death, I’m scared of failing him. You already know that, you can read my mind.”
“I know,” she smiled, holding a plate with strudel in her hands. “I just wanted you to say it out loud.”
“Why would you want me to-” (Y/N) turned around to see Credence awkwardly standing in the doorway. Her eyes widen and she threw and angry glance at Queenie.
“Well, I think you need to talk,” she beamed, placing a half of a strudel to the table in front of (Y/N) and taking two cups of tea with her. “Trust me, lies and secrets will bring no good,” she left, making her way to Modesty, who seemed to like Goldstein.
(Y/N) couldn’t make herself to look at Credence, so she just moved to take a knife. Her hands were trembling, while she was slicing the cake and placing two mugs of tea onto the table.
“I-I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to overhear,” he awkwardly said, tugging his sleeve.
“It’s okay, Credence,” she sighed. “Queenie is right, there’s no use in secrets. I should have told you everything a long time ago.”
Credence watched her wearily sat on a chair, hiding her face in her face for a moment. He heard only last sentence of two, but there was something more than that, he could feel it.
“Credence, sit. You need to eat something,” she softly stated, gesturing to the food. “Careful, it’s hot,” she added, when he timidly took a cup.
“What- What you wanted to tell me?” Credence carefully asked, after a few minutes of silence. (Y/N) looked at him for a second more before inhaling deeply and starting to speak.
“Before-” she thickly swallowed “Before I start, I want you to know, that I care for you and will do anything to keep you safe.” (Y/N) waited for him to nod and then continued, “I am not a regular witch, Credence. Just as you are not an ordinary wizard. You are an Obscurial. Sometimes, when people are forced to suppress their own magic, the Obscurus appears, a dark power that seeks a way out. Because of what happened to you, because of what that woman did- You became one of them. Usually, such children don’t live past the age of ten. You, however, are extraordinary. Maybe that’s why, because of your immense powers, you’ve got a Patron. It’s a witch or a wizard who is meant to protect a powerful magical artifact or, in this case, a person. I am your Patron, Credence. My duty is to keep you safe,” she stopped for a second, her voice tremulous. “Our meeting was not an accident. I was looking after you for quite some time, always from the distance, not daring to come close. Sometimes I think it was my first mistake. I should have come and taken you away. I just- I wanted to give you a choice, something no one ever gave you before.”
“When you- When you discovered that you were my- my Patron?” he timidly asked moving closer. Credence remembered her on the rallies, always across the street watching from the distance. Or sometimes she was just passing by. Everything started to fell into place.
“When I was seventeen. I’m not quite sure why then, but my magic- It’s gone out of control. I couldn’t use wand anymore. The n- dreams came, I kept seeing a church, a woman and a boy, you, all the time. I was slowly fading. As soon as my education ended, I escaped. It was easy to fake a muggle passport, take some money and sail to New York.”
“How did you-”
“I don’t know. I think it’s how the bond works, I just feel where you are,” she shrugged.
“You didn’t tell me that you were a witch,” Credence whispered.
“I was afraid to scare you away. I didn’t know what you thought about magic, and I couldn’t afford losing you.” (Y/N) was tugging her sleeve, trying not to look at Credence who sat next to her. Suddenly, he touched her hand, causing her to jerk her head up. He frowned and carefully moved her sleeve away, examining her wrist.
“What is that?” he asked, touching scars on her hands. (Y/N) bit her lip, not sure about answering. “(Y/N)-”
“Sometimes- Sometimes I would wake up with wounds and scratches. Most of them would fade away, but some- some needed to heal by themselves.”
Credence watched her in shock and then rapidly rolled his sleeve up, revealing identical scars on his own hand, with only difference in quantity. He moved away quickly, feeling guilty. She was suffering because of him, got scars and nightmares. She was dying.
“Credence-” (Y/N) noticed his movement and leaned forward. “Credence, it’s not your fault-”
“No- It is. Y-You got hurt because of me-”
“No, Credence, listen to me,” she cupped his cheek, forcing him to look at her. “This is not your fault. It is mine. I should have come earlier.” Credence shook his head. He wanted to move away, but couldn’t make himself do so. He bit his lip and closed his eyes.
It was hard. He asked himself way she was there for him, but getting an answer didn’t make him happy. She had to be there. It was her duty and that’s all.
“Credence, please-” he opened his eyes, hearing a subtle whisper. (Y/N) moved closer, staring at him with tears in her eyes.
Suddenly, his heart raced. A spark of hope lit up in his soul. She said it was her duty to protect him. But was her kindness and compassion a part of protection? Maybe she stood up against Mary Lou because of duty, but he couldn’t imagine that her constant presence was a part of it. Credence couldn’t believe, that her tears were fake. She was bringing him coffee and food, making sure he wouldn’t freeze in the streets, she was patching him up. She saved Modesty.
“I know what are you thinking, Credence. You think that everything that I’ve done was because I had to. But it’s not like that,” her voice was stiff now, tears still in her eyes as she moved away, standing to her feet. “In the very beginning yes, I hated that. I thought that whoever my ward was, he destroyed my life. But then I saw you. You, who needed help and protection, who was king enough to hold his demons back for all this time. You changed me. Made me a better person,” she was speaking confidently and earnestly. “You protected me, though it was my job. You made yourself essential to me, Credence Barebone. You are wrong, Credence. I care for you because you are dear to me. And that is the only reason,” she exclaimed staring at him and breathing heavily. (Y/N) could almost feel Queenie’s gaze on her, though she was sitting on the sofa with Modesty. Credence sat for a few more seconds but then stood up.
“(Y/N)- M-May I hug you?” he timidly asked, his heart fluttering. Credence never believed someone so unconditionally.
“Oh Merlin, of course”, she exhaled, staring at him in shock. His movements were constrained and he carefully pulled her closer, as if giving her a chance to go away. Credence hid his face in a crook of her neck, breathing slowly and deeply.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“For what?” she wanted to move away to look at his face, but first time ever, he didn’t let her. He pulled her closer, realizing how small in comparison to him she was.
“For everything. For protection and-”
“Stop,” she whispered into his chest. “No need to say this.”
“But I-”
Credence didn’t finish, interrupted by opening door. The both moved away, though his hand remained on her waist. He was almost disappointed that someone came, it was too peaceful to hold her in his arms.
“Oh, hello, Modesty” Newt happily exclaimed, seeing the girl. Tina was right after him, smiling to her sister.
“Is that a smell of strudel?” she made her way to the kitchen, stopping at the sight of Credence and (Y/N). “Queenie, can you please tell me what a dead boy is doing in our kitchen?”
“Oh, well, Credence is alive and-” Newt interrupted.
“I very well can see that. (Y/N)?”
“What? I won’t give him to MACUSA, don’t even think about that,” (Y/N) stated, feeling Credence moving closer. “I thought you’ll be happy.”
“I am, it’s just- unexpected,” she explained and then breathed deeply. “Well, the more the merrier, right?” (Y/N) chuckled in response. “How is you hand, (Y/N)?”
“What’s wrong with your hand?” Credence quietly asked, with genuine worry in his eyes.
“She punched Graves-Grindelwald in the face,” Newt chuckled, coming closer and making (Y/N) blush.
“You did what?” Credence carefully raised her hand to examine the damage. It was nothing serious, just few scratches and a red skin on her knuckles.
“He deserved that.”
“She not only punched him, I think she broke his nose,” Tina added, making (Y/N) growl.
“Oh hush now!” she grunted, hiding her smile. Suddenly she heard Credence’s stomach rumbling and frowned. “Go away, my ward is hungry!” she exclaimed, leading blushing Credence back to the table.
Even though Obscurial was dangerous, he was a very lucky person to have a Patron. He was very lucky to have (Y/N), he thought, smiling slightly, when she sat him down and placed the biggest piece of cake in front of him. He was very, very happy.
to be continued...
tags: @twentyonecrybby @bxtchybrie @avixenrose​ @flyingllamasinspaceandtime @suzumebailey @amee99
72 notes · View notes
compassion | credence barebone | part 1 | book 2
SUMMARY: Events in the metro station became a fearful memory, but darkness doesn’t give up so fast. The damage was inevitable, but what is its scale? Credence and his patron now have to discover more mysteries. How strong their bond really is? What was that white smoke? What’s that Grindelwald really wanted? The war is coming, but the question is if they are ready to meet each other on the battlefield.
FANDOM: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them;
PAIRING: Credence Barebone x Patron!Reader;
WARNINGS: no really, mostly fluff, well, maybe mention of nudity, jealous Credence, self-doubting;
PART: 1 of 9 (i guess);
INDEX: [masterlist] - Book 1: Certainty;
A/N: First chapter of book 2. Not very rich in action, but it’s the beginning. Hope you like it, cause i really enjoyed writing it. Some serious conversations are going to happen soon.
P.S. Sorry for any mistakes, I could mess up with some English.
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The pain would not go away. Not entirely, not really.
It was hard to breath, darkness was devouring everything around and, to be honest, he was ready to succumb to it. Because why not? It was so easy, just give up and disappear. Maybe, just maybe I would give him freedom. Death is the only thing that sets us free, after all.
That one word burst into the veil of darkness firing a single spark, which instantly died out giving up to the darkness. His darkness. He was blind, and he doubted if there was something aside the impenetrable night.
“Is anybody there?”
I am. I am here. He wanted to shout, he wanted to whisper, he wanted to breathe. However, his lungs seemed to be full of lead, he couldn’t even inhale properly. He gasped for air, desperately, uselessly. Panic, fear and pain overflowed him like water, and he was sinking faster and faster, swallowing too much liquid. I am here. But- But who was he? He couldn’t even remember who he was, and it scared him even more, making him flounder in a dark thick liquid. Help me. Help me. Help me.
And suddenly, somebody did.
Someone’s fingers griped his shoulders so hard that he almost hissed in pain, backing away, afraid of further punishment. However, it didn’t follow. That somebody he couldn’t see, suddenly was so close, closer than anyone else ever was. He could feel a subtle warmth creeping to his chest, when somebody else’s body was pressed against his. It was the first time his gasp for air was successful. He grasped onto that warmth as to a saving straw, which would probably save him from the darkness.
And it did. Oh heaven, it did.
Darkness surrendered, faded away like a smoke. He blinked, vision coming back to him, memories recovering. Credence. His name was Credence. He was grasping onto someone, someone familiar and dear, but he couldn’t remember who it was. He remembered the smell of the hair, he buried his face into, he remembered the touch of the fingers and the sound of breathing. Credence just needed a second, to remember the name. Just one second.
“(Y/N)?” another voice interrupted into their cocoon of unspeakable warmth and safety, letting a cold wind inside, making them both flinch.
(Y/N). (Y/N). (Y/N). Of course, how could he forget? Slippery tentacles of guilt slither into his soul, making him frown. When woman moved away, Credence whimpered, his hands still on her waist, not ever letting go. She was alive, she was safe, and she was with him.  For this very moment, she was his. And nothing could change that, at least in his mind. He sighed in relief, when (Y/N) moved back, her hand sliding to his back again in the protective hug. Maybe, if he was less scared or more confident, he would feel victorious, that she ignored somebody for his sake, at least this once. (Y/N) turned her face to look into Credence’s eyes, wiping his tears and smiling softly. Only she could smile like that.
“You are alive”, he thickly blurted, staring at her. (Y/N)’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Credence-” she shakily whispered, with her lover lip quivering as if she was holding back tears. Sweet Credence, caring about everyone but himself again. “Oh Credence-”
“I- I s-saw h-him-”, Credence cleared his throat, still staring in her eyes. “He at-tacked you- And I- I-”
“And you saved me-” she breathed out, tears silently streaming down her face. Credence was staring at her incredulously and then raised his shaking hand to wipe her tears away.
“Wh-Why are you c-crying (Y/N)?” he asked, touching her face first time ever. She sobbed, smiling through tears.
“Because for one terrible second I though I’ve lost you-” she hurriedly wiped her tears, sniffing.
“Ahem-” Newt suddenly interrupted causing (Y/N) to glance at him, annoyed. He pointedly moved his eyes to Credence ant the fact that they were still sitting in the corner.
“Oh-” she gasped, realizing. Her hand was still on Credence’s shoulder and she could feel him slightly shaking. Oh, how dumb she was! Credence was certainly freezing and she made him sit on the cold floor. “Newt, can you please bring a blanket? It should be on the couch.”
When Newt hurriedly left, Credence realized something. This revelation made his cheeks heat up. He was, well, naked. He was naked and he was sitting next to (Y/N) in the dark corner of the room, too close for that to be considered appropriate. Credence moved back, drawing his knees up to his chest. (Y/N) seemed to notice his movement and turned around, watching him with curiosity. Credence, however tried to look anywhere bur her face. For the first time in his life, it was hard for him not to look at someone’s face. A quiet “oh” signaled that she realized his sudden change of the mood, which made the boy blush even more.
“Credence, it’s okay-” she quietly said, lifting his chin up. He noticed a subtle blush on her cheeks and as she bit her lip, smiling lightly. Her eyes never left his face, not wanting to cause any more embarrassment. She turned around as soon as Newt came back and gave her the blanket. “Here we go,” (Y/N) wrapped the cloth around the boy and stood up. “Come on, Credence, you can’t sit there it’s cold” she helped him to rise to his feet and almost caught him, when he swayed almost walling to the ground again.
They moved to the room, leaving a dark corridor behind. Credence was leaning at (Y/N) shoulder, blush still visible on his cheeks. As soon as she guided him to the couch, he suddenly stopped, causing (Y/N) to jerk her head. She followed his gaze and saw Modesty. They were looking at each other terrified of what might happen. Credence bit his lip, his eyes full of hope.
“Credence, dear, you need to sit down,” she quietly said, making him glance at her with surprise. His hear started to beat faster. She called him “dear”. She called him “dear”, as if she loved him. But that couldn’t be possible, so he just nodded, still watching her and obeying her every move. (Y/N) sat him down onto the couch and then looked at him intently. “Credence, are you hurt?”
He didn’t reply. Well, his whole body ached, but he doubted there was any serious injuries. At least there was no blood.
“Credence?” she asked, her hand on his shoulder.
“N-no. I-I don’t think so,” he said, looking at her with wide eyes. (Y/N) smiled, relieved, and then turned to Newt. She made a step forward, causing Credence to flinch and grab her hand, scared she would leave. She glance at him amazed, but squeezed his hand back.
“(Y/N), what are you going to do now?” Newt asked, coming closer to Modesty, who was still staring at Credence in fear.
“Well, one thing done on my list,” she joked. “Credence is here. So we have two things figure out now.” (Y/N) glanced at the girl and moved forward, however, Credence wasn’t going to let her hand go. She looked at him and smiled “Love, I’m not leaving you, I promise.”
Credence blushed to her “love”, but let her go. He lowered his eyes, but still watched her coming closer to Modesty.
“Modesty, I know you are scared,” she started, tucking a strand of hair behind girl’s ear. “But Credence- You brother is not going to hurt you. Magic can be scary and bad, but it also can do good things. He was protecting you all this time. I know you are terrified. He will not hurt you. See, he doesn’t hurt me, right?”
“But you are a w-” Modesty timidly started “A witch.”
“Yes. More or less, at least,” (Y/N) glanced to Newt.
“You are strong,” the girl finished and (Y/N) chuckled, understanding.
“That doesn’t change the fact, that you brother loves you and that he would never ever hurt you,” she smiled glancing to Credence. “He will not hurt you. Or me. You know why?”
Because I love you, Credence thought, his eyes widening to his own thoughts. He bit his lip, felling his face heat up.
“He would never hurt us, because he is good,” (Y/N) said, “He is kind and strong, and brave. And strong people will never hurt someone weaker. You brother is very strong, Modesty, and he will not hurt you.”
Credence felt his breathing quicken as he listened to (Y/N) words. She stood up and came back to him, bringing Modesty along. The girl was still hesitant, but then timidly hugged him. (Y/N) smiled contently, looking at siblings. She glanced to Newt, who was smiling too. Credence’s movements were  shackled but he returned the embrace, holding Modesty as if she was made of glass.
“Newt, can I have you for a moment?” she inquired tugging his sleeve. Newt instantly nodded, moving after her, not to bother Credence and Modesty.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” he curiously asked, focusing on her face.
“Um- Newt, look I’m- I’m so sorry. For yelling at you like some hysteric,” she awkwardly said. “And for punching you in the face, it was an accident. I’m very very sorry.”
“Hey, it’s all right. You were scared and tired. I understand,” he smiled, seeing the blush on her cheeks. Suddenly her eyes widen focused on his cheekbone. “What?”
“I didn’t realize I hit you that hard,” (Y/N) quickly raised her hand touching red skin with her fingertips and closed her eyes, inaudibly whispering something. Her fingers were cold and the touch was cooling, almost soothing. In a second, she looked at him again, smiling. “Here you go.”
“Just made sure you won’t get a bruise. Oh, and Newt, I need your help. I’m terrible in transfiguration, so we need to figure something out with clothes for Credence. Just for the first time, I think we can transfigurate some of mine for him and Modesty. I think it’s not the best time to go shopping.”
“Yes, of course,” he smiled. “Lead the way.”
(Y/N) walked to the stairs followed by Newt. She glanced at Credence and modesty, still sitting on the couch, making sure they were fine, and headed upstairs. Credence at the same time was staring at the floor. Modesty watched him with curiosity, not entirely understanding why he was upset. Credence was feeling a beet guilty, as if he spied on (Y/N) while she was talking to Newt. However, he couldn’t make himself look away, and his heart sank, when he saw her touching Scamander’s face. He had no right to feel jealous, but he did.
“You like her, Creed-o?” Modesty noted, intently looking at her brother, who blushed furiously and wrapped himself it a blanket even more.
“N-no!” he protested, cautiously looking if there was any chance for (Y/N) to hear them.
“You do like her,” the girl commented surely, smiling widely. “And you are jealous.”
“No I am not!” he huskily whispered. “Be quiet!” Credence shushed.
“Why don’t you tell her, Creed-o?”
“Because she is my friend and she likes Mr. Newt,” he unhappily muttered.
“Nah, she doesn’t. She was yelling at him, when she came,” Modesty shrugged, but trailed off, because (Y/N) and Newt came back to the room.
(Y/N) was caring a pile of clothes, while Newt was fumbling in his pockets.
“- I’m sure you forgot it at Goldstein’s.”
“Ugh- Guess so,” Newt sighed, giving up his unsuccessful search. “What do you plan to do now?”
“You were right, when you said we need to know, what is happening to me. Also, we need to figure out how to help Credence. We can’t stay in New York any longer.”
“Come with me,” Newt offered, watching (Y/N) intently.
“I guess it would be the best way. Warn Queenie and Tina. We will come later. I will gather some things we might need, and then erase anything that can help MACUSA find us.”
“Okay then,” Newt nodded, hurriedly hugging (Y/N) and opening the door. “Be careful.”
“Of course we will. Go!” she smiled, seeing him disappear. (Y/N) turned around to Credence and Modesty, giving them the clothes. “I hope it fits,” she waved her hand, closing the curtains. “Modesty, you can go upstairs to change,” (Y/N) smiled, watching at beaming girl running to the room with a new dress in her arms, as if it was her greatest treasure.
“You- You are g-going to leave? With Mr. Newt?” Credence suddenly asked, staring at his hands.
“We are going to leave, Credence,” she said touching his fingers. “You, me and Modesty. We will go to London for some time. You didn’t think I was going to abandon you, did you?”
“S-sorry, I just-” he worriedly whispered.
“Credence, look at me,” (Y/N) patiently waited for him to raise his eyes. “I am never going to leave you. Not now, not ever. You are the only reason I ever was anywhere. It was always you. I am here to protect you,” she was speaking softly, avoiding telling him that she was his Patron, though it sounded the same. (Y/N) was too scared that he would think that she was obligated to look after him, that she couldn’t make herself confess. “Sh-h-h, dear, sh-h-h,” she whispered, seeing tears in his eyes. Credence sniffed, trying to contain himself.
“T-Thank y-you,” he sobbed, leaning into her touch.
“You are welcome. Come, you need to get dressed,” he blushed again, but followed her upstairs.
(Y/N) couldn’t stop smiling, looking at Modesty, who was so happy with her new dress that she seemed to broke (Y/N)’s ribs, hugging her too hard. Modesty was much more adjustable, she got over the shock incredibly quickly, happily helping with packing. She wasn’t even that scared of magic anymore. It amazed and hurt (Y/N) at the same time. She saw, that the girl had a hope for a happy life, but at the same time, she wondered how abused Credence might have been, that he lost his hope.
She was going to bring that hope back.
(Y/N) wondered, how that happened, that it took her just couple of months to become so attached to him. Credence made himself essential to her, not even realizing that. She sighed, waving her hand again to clear the mess they’d created. Credence was standing in the doorstep of her bedroom, watching her movements carefully, tugging the sleeve of his sweater. He wondered where she got it, a dark gray sweater with couple of green and silver stripes, which was obviously too big for her.
“Okay, Modesty, I think we’re done,” (Y/N) stated, looking to the small suitcase. “Everything else we will get in London, I think. Now we’ll wait for your br-” she stopped, noticing Credence who was still shyly standing in behind her back. “Oh, there he is.”
(Y/N) took a black coat and a long green scarf from the sofa handing them to Credence. When he timidly accepted, she helped Modesty to pat her clothes on. (Y/N) turned around to face hesitating Credence, who looked at the coat as if he wasn’t sure what to do.
“Credence, are you all right?” she carefully asked, touching his hand and causing him to look up.
“You started asking questions,” he quietly stated, watching her eye widen.
“Oh, I- I thought it was okay. I’m sor-”
“It’s okay,” he instantly said, trying to calm her down. “I just noticed.”
“Um- Are you- Are you sure?” (Y/N) asked again, still holding his hand.
“Yes,” he nodded and started to put his coat on.
To be honest, in some way, he was happy, that she started asking. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to answer, but there was so much clemency and compassion in her every question, as if she was checking constantly if he was there, if he didn’t fade away. He felt… wanted. And loved in some way, even if not in the way he wanted to. (Y/N) gave him certainty. He was scared that she would leave as everyone else does, but at the same time, he wanted to believe that she wouldn’t. And he did. She made him certain she would never leave him. (Y/N) was kind, gentle and peaceful. She was brave for him, and her every word and touch was filled with so much compassion. And maybe, just maybe, compassion was that he needed now.
(Y/N) carefully adjusted his scarf making sure that this coat was buttoned all the way to the collar.
“Wh-Where did you get those?” Credence timidly asked, gesturing to the coat and the scarf.
“It was my old clothes from the school days, the scarf is in my House colors. Newt changed it a little, so it would fit both of you. We will get some proper clothes as soon as we get out of New York,” she took the case and extended her hand towards Modesty, who instantly grabbed it. Credence hesitated for a second, and then took suitcase from her. “It’s not heavy at all, Credence, I can-” she started, but trailed off, when he took her hand instead. Credence could’ve sworn that he saw Modesty smiling victoriously.
“Okay,” she smiled. “Let’s go then.”
They went downstairs, all together, the only time Credence let go of (Y/N)’s hand was when she was locking up the door to the bookstore. However, he grabbed her fingers as soon as she was done with the door. They were ready to leave, (Y/N) cautiously looking around, for MACUSA’s employees, but they were nowhere to be found.
“Oi, (Y/N)!” unknown woman’s voice interrupted, making all of them nearly jump in surprise.
“Margaret,” (Y/N) growled, turning around with a wide fake smile on her face, to meet the gaze of a middle-aged woman, who was curiously examining their company.
“I haven’t seen ya for a while!”
“Had things to do, you know. Actually, we are in a hur-”
“(Y/N), you never told me, you had such a handsome boyfriend,” Margaret jokingly taped her shoulder, while both Credence and (Y/N) synchronously blushed. “Oh, and what a nice girl over there!” she exclaimed looking at Modesty, who successfully hid behind Credence.
“Margaret, it’s John and his little sister Anna,” (Y/N) bluntly lied, trying to hide her embarrassment. “And now, if you excuse us, we’re in a hurry!”
(Y/N) almost dragged Credence and Modesty away, leaving Margaret behind. She slowed down only when they turned around the corner. Her face was red, from both embarrassment and anger, and she breathed heavily before speaking.
“I sorry, she’s just- too curious. She was trying to set me up with her nephew for ages, it was getting ridiculous.” Credence felt a slight pinch of jealously.
“But-You didn’t object-”
“Trust me, dear, it was much easier to tell her that you are my boyfriend John, than convincing her otherwise.”
“Oh-” he nodded, his cheeks still pink.
Of course, it was easier. He never thought about opportunity or possibility of (Y/N) loving him back. It seemed impossible and too good to be the truth. However, hearing that from other felt somehow pleasant. (Y/N) squeezed his hand slightly as they continued going down the street, in comforting silence. Modesty was looking between both of the, thinking about something that was known only to herself.
“So, here we are,” she quietly said, stopping in front of high-rise building. “Come on, they are waiting.”
to be continued...
tags: @twentyonecrybby @avixenrose @bxtchybrie @flyingllamasinspaceandtime
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