#I hope I can get back to getting some more stuff done about brothers starter
raisans-art · 7 months
hi, i just found this blog and was reading back on your current submas au. you say you dont like others giving ideas for the au, but unless i missed a post you didnt seem to make it clear any point before getting upset that you didnt like those types of messages or that you already had the story planned out. maybe you should make a post about this being an already written story your releasing bits at a time and not a wip au?
As I see it, that post is a version of that post that you mention. It wasn't an immediate issue, only cumulative because (at current and at time of that ask being sent) there was a larger volume of those kind of asks than there normally are when I start sharing an au that operates the way I'm operating this one: letting people ask questions about things that they are interested in learning about in the au rather than trying to tell a linear story.
So. As it stands, that answer stands as that post. I love questions about my aus. I just ask a bit of consideration on whether or not your ask comes off as simply throwing what-if scenarios at me without considering what I am at all doing with the au. It doesn't feel great.
I guess this post stands as a declaration of what Brothers' Starter is.
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fortunesque · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Here's a bit of a future chapter of Think of Me (Raditz x Reader, rated E). It's getting a little harder to find stuff to share for WIP Wednesday because most of the stuff I have at this point is either major spoiler heavy, or smut. Thankfully, this is neither 😅
The drinks have done a lot to open him up; Raditz is leaning back in his seat, with his feet propped up on a chair across from him. His tail is draped over the side of the chair and lays on the floor.
Between his tail, lounging around, and crazy amount of hair, Raditz reminds Yamcha more of a lion, than anything.
It's so weird to him that Raditz gets treated like such a loser. He's a really cool dude, at least, in Yamcha's opinion. He's certain that a lot of people on Earth would find him cool, too.
Maybe, he's not cool out in space? That's not really fair, though.
Well, Raditz is more than welcome to chill with him anytime. He's a cool dude.
Raditz shrugs. "Look, it wasn't really complicated. Power level is lower? Shoot em. Power level is higher? Get the fuck out."
"Wait, so you'd run away?" Yamcha asks.
Raditz rolls his eyes.
"Of course," he says. "I'm not going to get fucked up by natives just because some rich asshole wants to build a resort planet. Fuck 'em."
He brings his fingers up to his mouth, then sighs in frustration and puts his hand down.
Yamcha's seen Bulma do the same thing when she's done one of her many attempts to stop smoking. He wonders what kind of invisible smoke Raditz is craving, right now.
It's absolutely wild to him that this is Goku's brother. They don't look a thing alike, for starters. Not only that, but Raditz cusses and talks shit like a thug.
It's surprising, though, that he doesn't talk about getting laid, or about what women are like out there in the galaxy. Raditz almost talks like he's a taken man.
Maybe he is, and he's just not aware of that, yet.
Yamcha thinks there's something more going on with you and Raditz. Realistically, though, a long distance relationship is hard to maintain.
He thinks it's a good thing, though. Bulma says Raditz seems to have perked up quite a bit. Good sex with a beautiful woman will do that, but—
Yamcha swears there's more to it. You two looked right together when you curled up on the couch in his lap.
He's going to see if he can get Raditz to talk about you more, then talk to Bulma about it.
He can't help but notice, too, that Raditz cusses way less around you and doesn't talk about anything too violent.
Yeah, Raditz is trying to leave a good impression by being polite with you.
Good. That's a very good start. It's how Yamcha started reforming.
He hopes that Raditz makes friends along the way. One woman can't bear all of that. Goodness knows Bulma couldn't. Little Goku was a godsend to keep Yamcha in line. Maybe, Yamcha should be Raditz' Goku?
Yikes. Those are massive shoes to fill.
Yamcha should probably call Krillin to come help.
He makes up his mind; he's going to ask Raditz if he wants to train with him. The guy has potential in all sorts of ways.
And, it's a way they can hang out. Because, Raditz is cool.
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neoncherryblossom · 7 months
"Anime Sinnoh Pokemon Therapy" I would like a sprinkle of context cuz this sounds hilarious. Please note I only ever watched some Black and White eps of the show (I will fix that)
Also "I am so sorry for you existing". Hm. angst.
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Know you have awakened a beast.
Honestly the only reason I watched Diamond and Pearl (and not even all of it) was because of it was on Pokemon TV but wow Ash's Pokemon there. Wow. Black and White were kind after the brutality that was that team.
Minor spoilers I suppose but I wanna ramble :3.
A lot of people (used to) dunk on Black and White and I never got why. It was a fun thing I watched a bit so I went back and finished most of B&W before checking out Diamond and Pearl and. Yeah. DP is a lot more focused and Ash is a bit more serious (still goofy though!) and there's a lot more emphasis on strategies. And the trainers there are all tough, so Ash is thinking some insane plot stuff.
But one thing that I wish was done more was the Pokemon. I'm not going to bash it and say that it was bad, but coming from B&W and X&Y, the Pokemon don't have as much as a side character presence that they do. They all have their episodes and moments, but I always loved the slow moments of Pokemon bonding more than the serious training ones and DP unfortunately has more of the latter. Not bad by any means but c'mon. You know me. You know what I like.
A stand out from this team is Chimchar and I can say this because it's been memed to hell and back but every single one of Ash's fire starters are traumatized in one way or another except for one (Cyndaquil/Quilava). The writers like their angst with this one starter type. And remember how I mentioned things were more brutal here? Tepig's abandonment is genuinely terrible, but Chimchar- we get to know him before Ash gets him. We see him with his trainer for a bit before Ash gets him. Not gonna spoil but we know how he was treated.
The anime went into this for like an ep, but I want to go into it more. Talk about the little fire monkey and just. How weird adjusting to Ash was from his previous trainer, who pops back up again and again. Chimchar is notably stronger than all of Ash's other Pokemon on the Sinnoh team. I don't think it was ever called into attention before, but you pay attention enough and by the end of the series, Chimchar (now evolved) is still stronger than everyone else. Do you know how much angst can be pulled from that? How no matter how hard everyone else trains, Chimchar is still better, but the way he got better was so terrible and horrific and they can see Chimchar is still angry and hurt and scared of his old trainer, but he's still better.
(I want to focus on one Pokemon in particular with this dynamic. One who the writers did a bit dirty near the end, but I love that Pokemon and I want to write him and Chimchar being besties and no one can stop me.)
It will be funny I hope. But also angst hell and Chimchar being a baby brother and loving everyone around him so strongly and showing them in every way he knows how and them loving him back.
Also let us all say our respects for Pokemon TV, I am sorry capitalism got rid of you, thank you for being there when I was a kid.
WIP: I am so sorry for you existing. Sips tea and waits for your reaction.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
The Writers' Strike and Dystopia News Today!
Just finished listening to the most recent Trash Future (it's great, find it wherever you listen to podcasts, because you don't live under a rock and of course you listen to podcasts). It's about the writers' strike.
Their guest (a Hollywood writer) recounted an interview with the Russo brothers (the team behind The Avengers films, among other things) where someone asked them what they were hoping AI would do for movies. The Russos thought it would be super fun to come home some day, tell your smart speaker you want to watch a 90 minute romcom starring your photorealistic avatar, and Marilyn Monroe's photorealistic avatar, and sit back and let it be instantly generated and served. And what's wrong with that?
A lot. There is a lot wrong with that. Just for starters, the uncanny valley lives and you'd relate better to a simplified cartoon cat than a photorealistic Marilyn (who is dead, and whose acting career should not continue without her consent). Also, if AI actually could generate decent movies like that, everyone involved in the entertainment industry would be out of a job, including directors like the Russos!
But the Trash Future crew didn't say this, so I'm gonna: You know what this is? This is capitalism trying like hell to control the means of production. The means of production for a story is the human imagination, and, although it has tried, capitalism has failed to monopolize and control that. It can control the resources you need to publish, and copyright will prevent you from publishing certain things, but that's only controlling the expression, not the thing itself. It can also try to control what you see, but if you really want something, you can always make a version of it yourself and self-publish, even if it doesn't get as much traction as a corporate-approved project.
You know what a creatively sterile corporate executive would really like for Christmas? An imagination that can be built from scratch, altered at will, and owned. And if AI can do that for 'em, they can finally kick all those useless, expensive, delicate human creatives to the curb.
I'm working on my art manifesto. It's slow going because I have a lot of other things to do, and I keep backing away and telling myself, Art doesn't need you to save it. This really isn't necessary. Check your ego, the most you can accomplish is like a wet fart in a hurricane, and that's okay. But stuff like this... These corporate interests that want to kill Art (and not like Dada, I mean REALLY. FUCKING. KILL IT.) have already defined the battle they want to fight and they're making moves.
They want you to stop being a producer. They want you to stop competing with the media they buy and curate that you have to pay them for. Ultimately, they'd rather not even buy these things before selling them to you, they want an AI slave to tell stories that they can own outright. And they want you to come home and plop down on your couch and not even consider writing a self-insert fic to entertain yourself, or finding a Reader/SugarKane (see, that's a character Marilyn played, rather than a reanimated corpse) story somewhere. They want you to pay money to CorpseFucker Monthly (or whatever they'd call it), put in your order and consume it. And when you're done with that, you can slam some more money on the counter and have another one.
We are tired, and we are delicate, and we need support. Telling stories is hard. I've often wished I could just read what I'm writing, instead of doing all that work, because that's really all I want. I want my story to exist so I can read it and enjoy it and connect with other people who read it and enjoy it. I don't want to stare into a white void until my eyes bleed, trying to think of a way to express what X character is thinking and why they're going to do a thing that makes the plot go. I don't want to rip into my trauma looking for Milo's motivation, I just want to feel better seeing him learn and grow.
But although that is what I want, there is not a magic box that can do that for me, and if there were, the people in charge of the box would not ask it to generate my story. I'd have to pay them for the privilege. And if I wanted to share it and build a community around it, I'd have to pay for that too. I didn't make it. It's not mine. All I did was dash off a prompt - that's not special, no one cares, go away and let someone else have a turn with the box. You are disposable, and your story is disposable, all that matters is that rich people got a little richer.
This is not new. The owners have been pushing for this since the advent of the printing press, if not longer. But they finally have a way to do it for real. They just need to frontload as many human imaginations as possible to train the box, after which any further input will not be required.
They already have all our work that they bought, and paid for, and have the rights to. And they have everything that fell into the public domain too. And, of course, they have everything stored on their various servers that they may leaf through and steal.
We do know this, and we're fighting back, but we're fragmented and disorganized and it's hard to pull back and see the whole picture. Yes, we are having a writers' strike, and thank God, but it's for reasonable paycheques and job security. Writers should have those things! But there is no fair compensation for the total commodification of Art. That's like... buying carbon offsets while the planet burns. (I know, I know, we're doing that too.)
Every word, every image we put out there is fodder for the magic box. Copyright is not going to save you from this, that's not what it's for. If they want the rights to your thing, they'll just buy them - probably not even from you. (And I'm giving my thing away, so I'm just as screwed.) They are going to do this, and we're not going to stop them.
The only question is, are we going to be able to build some kind of corporate-independent structure to tell and share our stories, and support each other... or when they yank the rug out from under us, are we gonna fall?
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ddudumemes · 3 years
(( collection of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE sentence starters taken from OLIVIA  RODRIGO’s first album ‘ SOUR ’ . ))
001.  BRUTAL  . ‘  i  think  that  i'll  die  before  i  drink  .  ’ ‘  who  likes  me  ??  ’ ‘  who  hates  you  ??  ’ ‘  who  am  i  if  not  exploited  ??  ’ ‘  where's  my  fucking  teenage  dream  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  stick  up  for  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'm  anxious  and  nothing  can  help  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  i'd  done  this  before  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  people  liked  me  more  .  ’ ‘  all  i  did  was  try  my  best  ,  this  the  kinda  thanks  i  get  ??  ’ ‘  i  wish  i  could  disappear  .  ’ ‘  ego  crush  is  so  severe  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  it's  brutal  out  here  .  ’ ‘  i  feel  like  no  one  wants  me  .  ’ ‘  and  i  hate  the  way  i'm  perceived  .  ’ ‘  i  only  have  two  real  friends  .  ’ ‘  lately  ,  i'm  a  nervous  wreck  .  ’ ‘  i'm  not  cool  ,  and  i'm  not  smart  ,  and  i  can't  even  parallel  park  .  ’ ‘  got  a  broken  ego  ,  and  broken  heart  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  don't  even  know  where  to  start  .  ’
002.  TRAITOR  . ‘  i  played  dumb  ,  but  i  always  knew  .  ’ ‘  i  kept  quiet  so  i  could  keep  you  .  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  ran  to  her  the  second  that  we  called  it  quits  ??  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  said  you  were  friends  ??  now  it  sure  as  hell  don't  look  like  it  .  ’ ‘  you  betrayed  me  .  ’ ‘  i  know  that  you'll  never  feel  sorry  for  the  way  i  hurt  .  ’ ‘  you  talked  to  her  when  we  were  together  .  ’ ‘  loved  you  at  your  worst  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ ‘  it  took  you  two  weeks  to  go  off  and  date  her  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  cheat  ,  but  you're  still  a  traitor  .  ’ ‘  there's  no  damn  way  that  you  could  fall  in  love  with  somebody  that  quickly  .  ’ ‘  remember  i  brought  her  up  and  you  told  me  i  was  paranoid  ??  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  wish  that  you  had  thought  this  through  before  i  went  and  fell  in  love  with  you  .  ’ ‘  you  gave  me  your  word  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ 003.  DRIVERS  LICENSE  . ‘  i  got  my  driver's  license  last  week  .  ’ ‘  you  were  so excited for  me  .  ’ ‘  and  you're  probably  with  that  blonde  girl  who  always  made  me  doubt  .  ’ ‘  she's  everything  i'm  insecure  about  .  ’ ‘  how  could  i  ever  love  someone  else  ??  ’ ‘  i  know  we  weren't  perfect  but  i've  never  felt  this  way  for  no  one  .  ’ ‘  i  just  can't  imagine  how  you  could  be  so  okay  now  that  i'm  gone  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  mean  what  you  wrote  in  that  song  about  me  .  ’ ‘  you  said  forever  ,  now  i  drive  alone  past  your  street  .  ’ ‘   all  my  friends  are  tired  of  hearing  how  much  i  miss  you  .  ’ ‘  they'll  never  know  you  the  way  that  i  do  .  ’ ‘  today  ,  i  drove  through  the  suburbs  and  pictured  i  was  driving  home  to  you  .  ’ ‘  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  ,  babe  .  ’ ‘  i  still  hear  your  voice  in  the  traffic  .  ’ ‘  i  know  we're  through  but  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  .  ’
004.  1  STEP  FORWARD  ,  3  STEPS  BACK  . ‘  all  i  did  was  speak  normally  .  somehow  ,  i  still  struck  a  nerve  .  ’ ‘  you  got  me  fucked  up  in  the  head  ,  boy  .  ’ ‘  never  doubted  myself  so  much  .  ’ ‘  am  i  pretty  ??  am  i  fun  ??  ’ ‘  i  hate  that  i  give  you  power  over  that  kinda  stuff  .  ’ ‘  it's  always  one  step  forward  and  three  steps  back  .  ’ ‘  i'm  the  love  of  your  life  until  i  make  you  mad  .  ’ ‘  do  you  love  me  ,  want  me  ,  hate  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  understand  .  ’ ‘  maybe  in  some  masochistic  way  i  kind  of  find  it  all  exciting  .  ’ ‘  which  lover  will  i  get  today  ??  ’ ‘  will  you  walk  me  to  the  door  or  send  me  home  crying  ??  ’ ‘  did  i  say  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  it's  back  and  forth  ,  going  over  everything  i  said  .  ’ ‘  did  i  do  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  maybe  this  is  all  your  fault  instead  .  ’ ‘  i'd  leave  you  ,  but  the  rollercoaster's  all  i've  ever  had  .  ’
005.  DEJA  VU  . ‘  so  when  you  gonna  tell  her  that  we  did  that  too  ??  ’ ‘  that  was  our  place  ,  i  found  it  first  .  ’ ‘  i  made  the  jokes  you  tell  to  her  when  she's  with  you  .  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  when  she’s  with  you  ??  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  ??  ’ ‘  do  you  call  her  ,  almost  say  my  name  ??  ’ ‘  let's  be  honest  ,  we  kinda  do  sound  the  same  .  ’ ‘  i  hate  to  think  that  i  was  just  your  type  .  ’ ‘  now  i  bet  you  even  tell  her  how  you  love  her  .  ’ ‘  don't  act  like  we  didn't  do  that  shit  too  .  ’ ‘  you're  tradin'  jackets  like  we  used  to  do  .  ’ ‘  a  different  girl  now  ,  but  there's  nothing  new  .  ’ ‘  i  know  you  get  déjà  vu  .  ’
006.  GOOD  4  U  . ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you  moved  on  really  easily  .  ’ ‘  you  found  a  new  girl  and  it  only  took  a  couple  weeks  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  said  that  you  wanted  to  give  me  the  world  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  that  you've  been  workin'  on  yourself  .  ’ ‘  i  guess  that  therapist  i  found  for  you  ,  she  really  helped  .  ’ ‘  now  you  can  be  a  better  man  for  your  brand  new  girl  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  you  look  happy  and  healthy  ,  not  me  ,  if  you  ever  cared  to  ask  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  god  ,  i  wish  that  i  could  do  that  .  ’ ‘  i've  lost  my  mind  ,  i've  spent  the  night  cryin'  on  the  floor  of  my  bathroom  .  ’ ‘  you're  so  unaffected  ,  i  really  don't  get  it  but  i  guess  good  for  you  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you're  gettin'  everything  you  want  .  ’ ‘  it's  like  we  never  even  happened  baby  ,  what  the  fuck  is  up  with  that  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  it's  like  you  never  even  met  me  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  swore  to  god  i  was  the  only  person  who  ever  got  you  ??  well  ,  screw  that  ,  and  screw  you  .  ’ ‘  you  will  never  have  to  hurt  the  way  you  know  that  i  do  !!  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  but  your  apathy's  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  or  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  .  ’ ‘  your  apathy  is  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  like  a  damn  sociopath  .  ’
007.  ENOUGH  FOR  YOU  . ‘  i  wore  makeup  when  we  dated  'cause  i  thought  you'd  like  me  more  .  ’ ‘  tried  so  hard  to  be  everything  that  you  liked  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  how  you  took  your  coffee and  your  favorite  songs  by  heart  .  ’ ‘  i  read  all  of  your  self-help  books  so  you'd  think  that  i  was  smart  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  from  the  start  this  is  exactly  how  you'd  leave  .  ’ ‘  you  found  someonе  more  exciting  the  nеxt  second  ,  you  were  gone  .  ’ ‘  you  left  me  there  cryin'  ,  wonderin'  what  i  did  wrong  .  ’ ‘  and  you  always  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  i  don't  think  that's  true  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  and  maybe  i'm  just  not  as  interesting  as  the  girls  you  had  before  .  ’ ‘  but  god  ,  you  couldn't  have  cared  less  about  someone  who  loved  you  more  .  ’ ‘  i'd  say  you  broke  my  heart  but  you  broke  much  more  than  that  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  want  your  sympathy  ,  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  be  used  and  discarded  ??  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  think  i  deserve  nothing  ??  ’ ‘  but  don't  tell  me  you're  sorry  .  ’ ‘  feel  sorry  for  yourself  .  ’ ‘  someday  ,  i'll  be  everything  to  somebody  else  .  ’ ‘  you  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  that's  not  me  ,  it's  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  think  anything  could  ever  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  enough  for  you  .  ’
008.  HAPPIER  . ‘  you've  moved  on  ,  found  someone  new  .  ’ ‘  i  thought  my  heart  was  detached  from  all  the  sunlight  of  our  past  .  ’ ‘  does  she  mean  you  forgot  about  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  but  not  like  how  you  were  with  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  selfish  ,  i  know  ,  i  can't  let  you  go  .  ’ ‘  find  someone  great  ,  but  don't  find  no  one  better  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  ,  but  don't  be  happier  .  ’ ‘  do  you  tell  her  she's  the  most  beautiful  girl  you've  ever  seen  ??  ’ ‘  remember  when  i  believed  you  meant  it  when  you  said  it  first  to  me  ??  ’ ‘  and  now  i'm  pickin'  her  apart  like  cuttin'  her  down  will  make  you  miss  my  wretched  heart  .  ’ ‘  she's  beautiful  ,  she  looks  kind  ...  she  probably  gives  you  butterflies  .  ’ ‘  i  wish  you  all  the  best  ,  really  .  ’ ‘  say  you  love  her  ,  just  not  like  you  loved  me  .  ’ ‘  think  of  me  fondly  when  your  hands  are  on  her  .  ’
009.  JEALOUSY  ,  JEALOUSY  . ‘  i  kinda  wanna  throw  my  phone  across  the  room  .  ’ ‘  i  know  their  beauty's  not  my  lack  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  let  it  go  .  ’ ‘  comparison  is  killin'  me  slowly  .  ’ ‘  i  think  i  think  too  much  'bout  kids  who  don't  know  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  so  sick  of  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'd  rather  be  anyone  else  .  ’ ‘  my  jealousy  started  followin'  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  happy  for  them  ,  but  then  again  ,  i'm  not  .  ’ ‘  oh  god  ,  i  sound  crazy  .  ’ ‘  their  win  is  not  my  loss  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  help  gettin'  caught  up  in  it  all  .  ’ ‘  all  your  friends  are  so  cool  ,  you  go  out  every  night  .  ’ ‘  you're  livin'  the  life  .  ’ ‘  i  wanna  be  you  so  bad  and  i  don't  even  know  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be:  happier  .  prettier  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be  .  ’ ‘  i'm  losin'  it  ,  all  i  get's  jealousy  .  ’
010.  FAVORITE  CRIME  . ‘  know  that  i  loved  you  so  bad  i  let  you  treat  me  like  that  .  ’ ‘  i  was  your  willing  accomplice  .  ’ ‘  i  watched  as  you  fled  the  scene  .  ’ ‘  one  heart  broke  ,  four  hands  bloody  .  ’ ‘  the  things  i  did  just  so  i  could  call  you  mine  .  ’ ‘  the  things  you  did  …  well  ,  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  you  used  me  as  an  alibi  .  ’ ‘  i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends  .  ’ ‘  now  every  time  a  siren  sounds  i  wondеr  if  you're  around  .  ’ ‘  'cause  you  know  that  i'd  do  it  all  again  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  it's  bittersweet  to  think  about  the  damage  that  we'd  do  .  ’ ‘  i  was  goin'  down  ,  but  i  was  doin'  it  with  you  .  ’ ‘  i  say  that  i  hate  you  with  a  smile  on  my  face  .  ’ ‘  look  what  we  became  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  ,  'cause  baby  ,  you  were  mine  .  ’
011.  HOPE  UR  OK  . ‘  his  parents  cared  more  about  the  bible  than  being  good  to  their  own  child  .  ’ ‘  he  wore  long  sleeves  'cause  of  his  dad  .  ’ ‘  somehow  ,  we  fell  out  of  touch  .  ’ ‘  don't  know  if  i'll  see  you  again  someday  but  if  you're  out  there  ,  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  she  raised  her  brothers  on  hеr  own  .  ’ ‘  she  couldn't  wait  to  go  to  college  .  ’ ‘  she  was  brought  into  a  world  where  family  was  merely  blood  .  ’ ‘  we  don't  talk  much  ,  but  i  just  gotta  say  i  miss  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  forever  ,  nothing  is  as  good  as  it  seems  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  i  hope  you  know  how  proud  i  am  you  were  created  .  ’ ‘  but  ,  god  ,  i  hope  that  you're  happier  today  .  ’ ‘  'cause  i  love  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
St. Patrick’s night III
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Murphy MacManus x Reader
Summary:  You’re left alone on St. Patrick’s night, the people you were supposed to hang out with  seemingly having forgotten you, but what seemed to be an awful night turns into something completely different when you meet the MacManus twins.
Another chapter for this thing that was supposed to be a one-shot but got out of hand...
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The next day at work, you were once again distracted thinking about the MacManus twins. You wondered if they meant it when they’d said they’d pick you up from work that day, you were a bit worried that they wouldn’t, but you couldn’t see them lying like that…maybe they’d forget, though, or something else would come up… You knew it was better not to overthink it, though, and you tried to focus on doing your job.
It wasn’t easy, though, as you kept wondering about Murphy, and how he hadn’t said anything about having kissed you, and he hadn’t kissed you again either… You knew it was probably because he’d kissed you only because it was St. Patrick, but, what if he thought you didn’t want to kiss him? That you weren’t interested? Maybe you should have said something when he’d kissed you? You wouldn’t mind kissing him again…
You wouldn’t mind taking time to get to know each other either, see if you both wanted to go on dates or something…your cheeks heated up at the idea, feeling nervous already and it was just an idea in your head…and Murphy might not even be interested. He hadn’t said anything about it after all. Maybe you should try to gather the courage to actually ask him yourself…it sounded intimidating, though…
Focusing on your job was proving to be hard, even if you tried your best, and you couldn’t stop counting the hours until you were done, barely managing to eat your lunch. Once the clock marked five, you and your coworkers began to clean up your desks and put everything into place before gathering your own stuff and leaving.
You walked in front of a group of your coworkers, who were talking and laughing together, ignoring you, but you didn’t care anymore, you were better off without them. As you walked outside, you saw the MacManus waiting for you, and you couldn’t help your smile. Yes, you were much better with the twins as your friends than trying to socialize with the assholes you worked with.  The brothers smiled too when they saw you, approaching you to greet you.
“Hi, lass.”
“Hi, you came.” You didn’t mean to sound like you had thought they might stand you up, but you did sound a bit surprised.
“Of course, love, we told ye,” Murphy said, frowning.
“Yeah, yer a woman of little faith, lass,” Connor teased you, but he frowned when he saw your coworkers walking out of the building too, stopping at the door to chat and say goodbye to each other without even giving you a glance. “Don’t blame ye, considerin’ the kind of pricks yer surrounded with,” Connor said, didn’t seem to mind if your coworkers hear him or not…you were a bit afraid of their reaction if they did…but no, Connor was right, they were pricks.
Murphy was looking at your coworkers too, but he wasn’t frowning like Connor, instead, he smirked as his eyes filled with mischief, and you barely had time to wonder what he was up to before he’d stepped even closer to you, reaching to cup your face, and then he was kissing you.
It wasn’t as tentative and soft as the St.Patrick’s kiss, neither as brief, and you felt your brain sort of melt as butterflies seemed to flutter in your belly. Your hands found their way to Murphy’s shoulders almost by their own accord, but he didn’t seem to mind, as he placed a hand on your waist while the other kept cupping your cheek, even when he pulled back.
You could only blink at him in silence, your brain still feeling a bit numb in the best way, and Murphy smirked at you.
“Better than the St.Patrick’s kiss, love?” He asked, loud enough for your coworkers, who had gone silent, to hear. You nodded, still wordless, and Murphy’s smile went bigger.
“So…should I kiss the lass too or…” Connor said, and it was obvious that he was joking, but Murphy frowned nonetheless, scoffing as he shoved his brother, who chuckled.
“Come on, love, let’s go.” Murphy smiled at you, offering you his arm, and you felt a bit shy but hooked your arm with him, smiling bashfully when Murphy smiled at you. Connor smirked and walked to your other side, hooking his arm with yours too, and Murphy rolled his eyes. “Will ye quit?!” He complained, trying to hit his brother, and so you ducked your head.
“Hey, not fighting while I’m in the middle…” You joked, chuckling.
“Sorry, lass,” both twins apologized as you three began walking, Connor letting go of your arm.
“So…do you have plans?” You asked as you walked.
“What if we get somethin’ to eat and go to our place before goin’ to doc’s?” Connor suggested.
“We live right in front of the pub,” Murphy explained.
“Well, that’s convenient,” you chuckled. “Okay, sounds good.”
The Irish neighborhood wasn’t close to your work, but you went walking anyway. You didn’t mind, and neither did the twins, who kept arguing about what to get for dinner. Murphy wanted pizza and Connor Chinese, and both twins were trying to win you to their side, but you didn’t mind, you liked both.
“Come on, ye have to pick one,” Murphy told you. “And sure ye know pizza is better, aye?” You didn’t know how Murphy could look like trouble one second, then the next he could give such convincing puppy eyes, but you were about to cave and pick pizza even if ye were leaning more to Chinese.
“We literally had pizza yesterday,” Connor complained, rolling his eyes at his twin before looking at you. “Seriously, lass, we’d only eat pizza if it were up to him.”
“Ye weren’t complainin’ that much when ye ate a whole pizza by yerself…” Murphy grumbled.
They both looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to choose, and you tried not to give in to Murphy’s puppy eyes. “Well, if you had pizza yesterday, then I’d say it’s fair that we have Chinese today.”
“Aye!” Connor nodded, looking at his brother with a smug grin, and Murphy scoffed.
“Can’t believe ye betrayed me like this, love,” he pouted, but then he was smirking, and so you knew he didn’t mean it.
“We can have pizza any other day,” you offered, smiling.
“Aye? Ye wanna eat with us another day?” Murphy asked, grinning in that way that lighted his face in such a pretty way that gave you all the butterflies.
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded, looking down shyly. “If you wanna.”
“Sure we do, love,” Murphy said with that pretty grin and Connor nodded, smiling.
“Okay..okay, great.” You smiled bashfully, glad that it seemed they did want to eat with you any other day and hang out with you.
The brothers hadn’t been kidding, they did live in front of the pub, in an old building that didn’t seem quite fitting for housing… You didn’t know how you expected their place to be, but certainly not what you saw when you walked in, and you blinked as you looked around.
It was…it was illegal lofting, that for starters, you were sure of it, and the distribution was…peculiar, so to speak, especially for people not living alone, considering that there were no rooms. Not even a bathroom, there was no wall or anything at all hiding the toilet, neither the row of showers against the wall. You get that the MacManus were twins and all that but…they really did not seem to care for privacy. You really hoped that you didn’t have to pee while you were there, because you weren’t about to do it in front of them.
The place was small, and there wasn’t much there. On one side, there was a couple of mattresses on the floor, separated by a nightstand table in which you saw a couple of mugs and bottles of beer, a small table with some more empty bottles of beer and empty packages of pizza, and a couple of ashtrays full of smoked cigarettes, and some mismatched chairs around it.  Against the wall, there was a tattered sofa that seemed about to die, a small tv on top of an even smaller table, and for some reason, the fridge was between the sofa and the tv, with a lamp on top of it…peculiar, but the whole place was…peculiar.
On the other side, there was a small, old stove, an older sink, and a small worktop which surface was almost covered by bottles of booze, some still full but most empty. If you had any doubt that the boys liked to drink, it was gone by now.
You didn’t want to seem rude or shallow, or judging, or anything like that, and so you stopped looking around like that. The brothers hadn’t seemed to notice, though, or to care, they walked in and took off their rosaries, hanging them on a couple of nails on the wall next to the door, and then Connor left the Chinese takeaway on the table.
“Ye hungry, love?” Murphy asked you and you nodded, since you had barely been able to eat your lunch as you wondered if the MacManus might forget that they had made plans with you, which now sounded silly, you shouldn’t have doubted them.
“Let’s eat,” Connor said as he began to take the food containers out of the bag, the smell making your mouth water already.
You stepped closer to the table to help him with it, and your eyes landed on an open notebook under a beer bottle, spotting some drawings and doodles on it, though before you could get a closer look, Murphy snapped it, almost making the bottle fall, and he closed the notebook and threw it to one of the mattresses.
You frowned, confused, but Connor snorted. “Murph likes to get all artistic sometimes,” he said, prompting Murphy into hitting his twin’s head as he snapped at him to shut up.
“You draw those?” You asked, looking towards the notebook on the bed before looking at Murphy, who to your surprised, seemed almost shy. For how cocky and smug he seemed to look more often than not, it was strange to see him looking almost embarrassed, and you didn’t like it. You hated that you had made him feel like that.
“Yeah, he drew our tattoos in that notebook of him,” Connor said, nodding.
“Told ye to shut up,” Murphy snapped again and this time Connor was quick to stop his hands before he could hit him.
“I think that’s really nice!” You rushed to say, and you meant it, you were impressed. “Seriously, it’s great!”
“Aye?” Murphy looked at you like he thought you didn’t mean it, or even like you were trying to make fun of him, and so you nodded eagerly, smiling.  He still seemed a bit embarrassed, but he smiled at you. “Connor draws too, he tattoed all mine,” Murphy said, gesturing to his neck, and before you could say how impressive that was, Connor spoke.
“You did all mine better.” Connor shrugged, reaching to grab Murphy’s arm and frowning at the tattoed cross. “Parts of this look wonky.”
“I think it looks great!” You said, impressed. “Both his and your tattoos, it’s so impressive, seriously!”
“Aye?” Murphy asked you, his smile bigger now.
“Yes!” You nodded. “Seriously, you not only draw your tattoos but you tattoo them too?! It’s amazing! If I ever want a tattoo, I know who to ask!”
“Ye’d ask me?” Murphy asked with a smile that made you feel all funny and smile too, and you nodded.
“Sure, why not?” You shrugged, and Murphy gave you that pretty, bright smile, that made you consider if he might mind it if you kissed him again…
You barely noticed Connor as he began fumbling with the food containers again, focused as you were on Murphy and that damn smile, but when you finally looked at Connor, you noticed that he seemed amused at Murphy and you. You felt your cheeks heating up a bit, and you tried to kick your brain into working again, helping with the food.
You three decided to settle on the sofa for dinner instead of at the table, since Connor suggested that you could watch a movie, even if you weren’t sure that old thing would hold you three without falling into pieces, and so they dragged the tv in front of the sofa. Connor had a small stack of what seemed old action movies, and once again you had the final vote on what to watch, since the twins kept arguing about it, Murphy complaining that they’d seen the movie that Connor’d picked a million times already while Connor retorted that it was classic worth watching another million times.
You didn’t give it much thought, you didn’t care much and you didn’t want the food to go cold while the boys argued. Since you had sided with Connor on what to eat, this time you voted for Murphy’s choice of movie. He smiled smugly at his twin, but Connor didn’t complain much, since he liked that one too.
It was so much fun, to eat and watch the movie while the twins kept commenting on it, usually Connor saying details that you hadn’t cared to notice before, things that he liked, and Murphy just making fun of it until they both hit each other from time to time, but you knew they didn’t mean anything bad by it, so it was fun too…you didn’t know what was more entertaining, to watch the movie or to watch the MacManus…they had a way of moving in sync most of the time that was hypnotizing, even if it was just to bring food into their mouth, but when they began bickering they were so endearing and funny…you loved it.
At some point, though, once you three had finished your food, you started to find it hard to focus on the movie, as you felt Murphy’s fingers playing with your hair. You froze for a second before looking at Murphy, who was sat down between Connor and you. He smirked at you and you felt your cheeks heating up but a smile tugged at your lips too, it seemed that every time that Murphy smiled, you couldn’t help but smile too.
Murphy’s smirk went wider at that, and his fingers caressed your hair again before he casually placed his arm around your shoulders. It felt nice, to have him so close to you, almost kind of holding you, but you couldn’t stop your shyness and nerves. You tried to relax, though, you didn’t want Murphy to think that you were uncomfortable or that you wanted him to move away from you…not that there was much space left on the small, tattered sofa though.
“Ye both ain’t lookin’ at the screen, yer gonna miss the best part of the movie,” Connor complained, and you looked away from Murphy and to the tv, a bit embarrassed at being caught by Connor staring at his twin, but also part of you was kind of glad to escape Murphy’s intense glance, that made you feel shy while also making you feel twirls in your belly…
“The whole movie is the best part of the movie for ye,” Murphy scoffed, chuckling.
“It’s a damn good movie,” Connor said as he shoved his brother, pushing him closer to you…not that Murphy seemed to mind, and honestly, you didn’t either, even if it made you shy.
You still wondered what was Murphy’s deal, though, if he wanted just to mess around and have fun, kiss you sometimes, hold you while you watched tv it seemed too, and that was it, or if it meant something else, more. You still didn’t know how to bring it up, how to ask, you knew you should, so as not to obsess, thinking and wondering about it all the time, but the idea of asking him made you feel so awkward… You decided to just enjoy whatever it was, at least for that night.
Once the movie finished, and Connor’s monologue about it finished too, you three made your way to the pub. No sooner had you stepped inside, you excused yourself and rushed to the bathroom. You had been needing to go for a while now, but since there was no walls or anything hiding the toilet at the MacManus’ place, you had been waiting until you were at the pub, no matter neither of the twins had seemed to have any qualms about it while you were there.
Once you left the bathroom, you noticed that the brothers had sat down on one of the tables instead of at the bar counter, and you liked it more. They were sat down next to each other, and when you approached them, Murphy smiled at you, pushing a pint towards the seat in front of him, while Connor looked at you seeming amused.
“We ordered ye a pint, love, hope it’s okay? Murphy asked you.
“Yes, it’s perfect, thanks.” You nodded as you sat down, but you frowned at Connor, wondering why he seemed so amused, and he noticed it, smirking.
“So, lass…I was tellin’ to my brother that ye were too shy to take a piss at home and that’s why ye ran to the bathroom like that,” he said, and you almost groaned aloud, mortified and beyond embarrassed. Your cheeks burned and you almost hid your face on your hands. “See…told ye.”
Connor chuckled, looking at his brother, and you felt like hitting him in the head like Murphy sometimes did…they both seemed to enjoy embarrassing each other, and you hoped Connor, or even both, hadn’t decided to extend it to you too and try to embarrass you too.
“What…but lass, ye got nothin’ to be embarrassed about!” Murphy said, which just made you feel more embarrassed. “We all gotta piss!”
“Can we just…talk about anything else at all? Please?” You begged, feeling your face so hot that you wouldn’t be surprised if it caught fire.
The twins seemed to take pity on you, letting it go, and they began telling you about one day at work in which Murphy got himself locked inside the bathroom of the meatpacking factory. and Connor had to “throw the door open to rescue him, lass, we had to pay for it, ‘cause Murphy was an idiot,” he explained, earning a shove from Murphy.
“I ain’t an idiot, the lock was not openin’ no matter what, I promise, love,” Murphy insisted as if it was a matter of life or death.
“I believe you,” you assured him, laughing, and as the brothers began bickering again, you couldn’t help your grin looking at them, they were just so fun to be around, that soon you had forgotten your earlier embarrassment.
Unsurprisingly, the MacManus finished their drinks before you, and so Murphy went to the bar counter to order a couple more. The waitress was busy waiting tables, Murphy had been right when he told you that the pub was busier at the weekends, there was almost the double of people than you had seen before, and so the twins didn’t want to bother the waitress.
You looked at Murphy as he waited for Doc to get him the drinks, getting lost in thought again. You had tried to, but you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to what Murphy thought of you, of this thing that seemed to be going between you and him, whatever it was…
You heard Connor chuckling and when you looked at him you felt your cheeks heating up at his amused smirk.
“Do I wanna know what are ye thinkin’ lookin’ at my brother like that…or don’t I?” He teased you, arching an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” you murmured, looking down, and judging by Connor’s chuckle, he didn’t believe you.
“He’s been all corny and givin’ ye the heart eyes since St. Patrick’s too, it’s made it easier to mess with him, gotta thank ye for that,” Connor chuckled again.
You felt as if your heart had done a summersault while butterflies decided to flutter in your belly…Murphy gave you the heart eyes? Really? Connor knew his twin, so it must be true, right? Unless Connor was just messing with you…it didn’t seem like so, though.
Connor looked at his brother, who was coming back with their drinks. “Don’t go breakin’ my brother’s heart, though, lass.” His voice let you know that he was joking, but anyway, you didn’t plan on doing that, you were more concerned about the opposite…still, the sight of Murphy’s grin as he sat down in front of you, had you smiling like an idiot again, despite the mess of feelings in your heart and the mess of thoughts in your head, despite any concern about what was going on between you and him.
Well, we got kisses.
If you liked this, reblogs and comments are more than welcome, thanks.
As always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
Murphy MacManus taglist, let me know if you want to be (un)tagged:
@pancakefancake @mychemicalimagines  @lilythemadqueen  @theteaset  @hells-mistress  @coffeebooksandfandom  @phoenixblack89  @soraitmnt @sourwolf-sterek32 @hopplessdreamer
@huffledor-able541 @browneyes528  @princessxpunk @easypeasyweasleywheezes
@crustyrose @dazzledamazon @pittbull-enthusiast  @elodieyung @leej2468 @angelofthorr @pulplorrd @collecting-stories @sapphire-angel​
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buchananbarnes1991 · 4 years
Unus Annus Sentence Meme Starter
“Hey buddy buddy buddy buddy!”
“Our long time colleagues are 419 hours a day deny you here!”
“Peoples dream, must first be full of blood!”
“When we arrived in my backyard, we stopped the fire.”
“We quickly eliminated the enemy, and the fight was depressing.”
“Boy am I hungry!”
“Zip zap zop!”
“I don’t know if this was your idea, but we’ll roll with it.”
“This wouldn’t be the first time like, ‘hey I’ve got an idea.’ when we told you it weeks ago.”
“With the guidance of a guardian angel, you can do anything.”
“What am I teaching you how to do?”
“You don’t need to make it! I’m making it!”
“Have you washed your hands? You should wash your hands.”
“You can have the knife when you need the knife.”
“Close the door and never go back!”
“I want you to do something for me. Take a balloon, stretch it out..nice and wide.”
“Some of us are more gifted than others.”
“Okay, so what are we doing here? What is this?”
“I think that the way that I’d kill you is..’take you by the hands. come this way. I’ve got something to show you. just something you HAVE TO SEE.’ “
“In highschool. I dated a girl...her name was, Abigail. Very smart and driven. I was a stupid boy.”
“I still hadn’t let go, but they called me to tell me. She’d let go.”
“She looked down at the ground and then looked back up me. She giggled a bit and then said ‘Oh, don’t you know? I have feelings for Troy.’ “
“When you’re a late bloomer and you spend most of your time alone in a dark room with various ‘websites’,  it turns out that feeding my entire adolescences with perverted thoughts from various unsavory sources makes a distorted impression of the act of making love.”
“After about thirty minutes of dry thrusting, I found myself incapable of completion.”
“The first time I ever had sex, I had to fake my own orgasm..just to get it over with.”
“I too was a late bloomer. I didn’t know anything about intercourse or foreplay or anything.”
“We heard the tent unzip, her thirteen year old brother came through the tent! He didn’t see us. But, we were there. He said ‘Dinner’s ready.’ Under the protection of the sleeping bag we were replied ‘OKAY!’, He exited and I-- *giggles* exited.”
“I think that’s enough therapy for one day. Remember, it’s okay to talk about embarrassing of your life.”
“You stand here..I’m gonna take my shoes off.”
“I need to climb around you.”
“Using teamwork and trust and...t-t-t....team work, you get one person from one end of the body, all the way around to the same end.”
“You think you know us, but we only show you what we want you to see.”
“Let’s get climbing.”
“I thought we were gonna watch a movie.”
“And then I PILE DRIVE YOU’RE SPINE...paralyzed for life.”
“I AM ALWAYS STABLE. Don’t even try to unstablize me.”
“Felt like an emotional burden unloaded.”
“Death comes for all of us and we’ve gotta prepare.”
“It’s a beautiful world, with a lot of caskets.”
“I’m just thinking about America...it’s not a great time to think about America.”
“Can we see some different caskets? Can you show us some metal ones, some wood ones?”
“Let’s start with the highest! And then we’ll work down to where we’re comfortable.”
“Why is Mahogany like the universally known wood? It’s used in all the movies, everyone talks about it. If they want quality, they want a Mahogany.”
“Obviously it’s a beautiful wood, but what makes Mahogany so special?”
“With Mahogany if you look at it. If you pass your eyes to the side, it changes. It goes with you.”
“You are supposed to be buried in dirt. From dust to dust.”
“I don’t want it to be too comfortable. I’d like to stay alert.”
“I don’t know, what does it mean to be afraid? I’m not afraid of death.”
“I don’t like the feel of velvet. I mean, I’ll touch it.”
“That’s the thing! Like old production stuff was built to last, FOREVER!”
“For now you can kneel.”
“They’re Nigerian dwarf goats. They’re gonna be your yoga partners today.”
“I twisted a man into a pretzel. I could do the same to you.”
“I twisted myself into a pretzel.”
“It’s so much more fun to do a plank with a goat on your back.”
“The goats come to you. The motto that we like to have it ‘trust the goats.’ “
“Oh, wait. Wait! I didn’t know we were competing.”
“When I did hot yoga. I kicked everyone’s ass.”
“There’s a lot goatin’ on.”
“You flinchy bastard.”
“Alright, there’s a goat there.”
“I always tell people that they will fire their massage therapists because goat massages are way better.”
“Yeah, it’s real firm.”
“Ow, oh god. Your tallons!”
“Oh, tight pants..tight pants!”
“Those are quitters who think that you have to have the perfect conditions to do things but if you can do things in times of adversity that’s when you know you’re really committed to a cause!”
“Anyone want kisses?”
“It’s okay to show emotions.”
“No one’s crazy enough to do it!”
“We knew this year was going to be hell.”
“Hey! Seven days..”
“There’s always still time for things to go wrong.”
“We’ll save them for the future.”
“No, there’s no future.”
“I hope I die in a hilarious way. I hope my death can be told as a joke, like it’s so funny how I died. People can get one last joy. One last laugh.”
“I’m not afraid of death, but I am afraid of dying.”
“Okay, we only have our sixth sense to see with. Okay? Much like Bruce Willis in the show Sixth Sense, spoiler, I know it’s new. He sees dead eggs everywhere.”
“You can do it with dominoes too, but be careful with that one cause once to get a hundred or more dominoes and you spill ‘em all over, it’s gonna take all afternoon to set ‘em back up.”
“So you better fucking see with your brain or else you won’t be able to have a good time.”
“Ouch ouch ouch! That’s not an egg.”
“I think you need to go a little slower.”
“Should we turn on the emergency camper light?”
“I’m just such a neat freak.” “You know we need to try and escape.”
“What a profound man, that shot out the load that is Tony Stark.”
“This is a literal don’t show it. Oh god, all of his nudes are right there!”
“Gone gone, forever.”
“Two idiots cause ten care pile up from buttplug dropedge.” 
“Hook car batteries up to my nipples? I’ll say yes every time!” 
“I’m not a masochist. I’m really not. I’m glad I have this uninterrupted moment to talk about this. I’m not a masochist. I’m just curious.” 
“I’ve never been hit by a car, outside of my car? What’s that like? I DON’T KNOW!” 
“Sometimes, I am an idiot and..I match your intelligence level. THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!”
“We’ve been edging father time for a year.”
“Recognize my face, thank you.”
 “Oh it was terrible. You didn’t tell me about all the bears along the way.”
“Nice camel toe.
“Do you want me to get nurse Tracy?”
“When we tried to crush those melons, SHE TOOK TWO!”
“I was thinking the other night, what if the next melon is [insert muses’s name here] skull?”
“I just like doing what I’m told.”
“A man of few words, a man of action.”
“Are our faces being used as Capchas’ now?”
“Thank you god, thats’s a good idea.”
“God said we could!”
“Doesn’t matter what you do, to keep it from ending. Once it ends. It’s gone forever.”
“I don’t know you but you’re here, a lot. I guess you’re fine.”
“I couldn’t get it off, I felt like I was gonna rip your skin off.”
“We got all this time that we can relax! We’ve got like a week to relax...”
“Neither of us have ever been pepper sprayed. Let’s get pepper sprayed!”
“It’s burning as if there’s some hot oil.. on my eyes.”
“My eyes are okay now.”
“This fucking sucks so bad.”
“I would not recommend getting pepper sprayed.”
“When I was a young lad. All I had was my imagination and the woodland creatures.”
“You shot me twice! I get to shoot you with a paintball at some point in the future.”
“There is no easy!”
“Math wasn’t my strong suit, nor was anything.”
“He’s an idiot but he can read well.”
“Look at me in the eyes boy, you’ll never be stronger than me.”
“How do you have time for anything, do you not sleep?”
“Your shirt needs to be off.”
“I think you just want me to take my shirt off.”
“Ugh...I’m fine.”
“I need gloves, I need gloves, hang on, I gotta get gloves!”
“I don’t wanna do anything with drainage.”
“What bone would you say hurts?”
“That’s what the picture said to do, breast feed your patient.”
“Your bed’s not very comfortable.”
“It not over, it’s close.”
“In six hours, we’re done.”
“It’s hard to say goodbye, but it’s important.”
“Beautiful, a sailor’s dream to come across the mermer.”
“I’m being an asshole now.”
“It’s not hope, it’s delusion.”
“You can’t speed your way into heaven!”
“Have you ever looked at your tongue too long in the mirror and it no longer looks like it belongs to you?”
“Biology is just a constant nightmare.”
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
Interview with Half Shy (the songwriter of “Monster”)
For the last few months, I’ve been collecting information for a second edition of Exploring the Land of Ooo that will also cover the production of Distant Lands. This means that I’ve started to look into the new songs that we have been graced with this year, and this of course includes “Monster,” the beautiful track from the masterpiece that is “Obsidian”. And so I reached out to the song’s writer, Half Shy, who was kind enough to chat with me via email about the songwriting process!
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(Photo courtesy of Half Shy)
In many ways, Half Shy is living the creative Adventure Time fan’s dream: She got asked by Adam Muto himself to write a song for “Obsidian” after he heard her music through Bandcamp! (I’ve dabbled in fan music before, and the fact that someone from the show might listen to it just blows my mind.) What an opportunity; I am so excited for her!
Since a second edition of my book won’t be coming out until after all the Distant Lands episodes air, I thought it would be best to share my Half Shy interview now. Read on for the fascinating behind the scenes story of how Half Shy and “Monster” came to be..
GunterFan: What is your origin story? How did you get involved in music, and how did the Half Shy project come to be?
Half Shy: I’ve been making music pretty quietly since I was in high school with a keyboard and guitar. I played one or two shows a year after college when I could find a friend or my brother to get up on stage with me, but I don’t really have that performer gene in me naturally. I get too much in my head and forget what the lyrics are to the song I wrote, or what the next chord is. Total brain freeze. So that whole experience is a bit of a mental drain. It’s something I think I’d like to dig into and figure out, but right now I’m really enjoying the time writing.
Even playing a song for my friends I still get pretty nervous. That’s where the name Half Shy comes from. I’ve always been interested in making things that by their nature draw a bit of a spotlight, but at the same time, I am just really quite nervous about the attention.
I recorded my first songs under my old name Hey V Kay in my bedroom and started putting them up online one at a time. When I got enough I thought about packaging it up into an album, but then got really distracted by learning how to fix up motorcycles and going to automotive tech school. When I eventually got back around to it I named the album Gut Wrenching.
After a few years I realized that I didn’t want the day-in-day-out life of a mechanic, I just wanted to know how to fix cars for myself and to have that knowledge in my back pocket. I got back into making music but grew frustrated at the process of writing and recording songs. I felt like I wasn’t able to capture the ideas I had in my head. Like trying to draw on your computer with a mouse. Doable, but it’s not going to come out like you’d hoped.
So these last couple of years I’ve focused more on learning the technical aspect of it, from the initial ideas and lyrics, to the recording and mixing. During that process I put out Bedroom Visionaries, and while writing I happened upon the name Half Shy in an old Thesaurus which felt instantly right. Learning all of that has been fun, I even went as far as to create my own book to solidify a daily writing routine (lyricworkbook.com). All that has been a bit of a tangent from actually making much music though. I should be getting my books in December from the press so I’m really looking forward to getting back into making more music instead of dealing with printing presses, setting up websites, and sourcing ribbon suppliers.
GF: What is the story behind "Monster"? How did the show get in contact with you?
HS: I keep a log of “Song Starters” with neat things I’ve heard in the world, and I would look through it every now and then and notice just how many came from Adventure Time. Eventually I thought well, I have to make a song about this show that just keeps breaking my heart. It was around the time I was nearly done with the first [Adventure Time-inspired] song “In My Element” that I got an email from Bandcamp saying “someone bought your album (Bedroom Visionaries).”
I get maybe one or two of these a month at most so I love to go in and say hi to the person and say thanks, be curious about who they are, [and] what they’re all about. Turns out it was Adam Muto, the executive producer of the show. (I asked and he has no idea how he happened upon my stuff. He guessed that I must have tagged something #adventuretime and he just happened to see it.) So I sent him an email saying, “Hey wow thanks for checking out my tunes. Also... holy crap you’ve made the best show I have ever seen in my life.” [I] played it real cool like. After finishing up writing my second [Adventure Time-inspired] song “Betty” I couldn’t help but fangirl real hard [and I sent him another message saying], “I’m sorry this is probably awkward, but I really love your show and I wrote these songs about it.” He was incredibly kind and shared them with his Twitter Universe, and a while after that I got a random email from him saying basically, “Hey, I’m working on this thing I can’t talk about, would you be interested?” I was like… well you know I’m pretty busy working at a sign shop so I’m gonna have to pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity (J/K. Obviously I fan-girl squealed and said yes immediately).
We chatted a bit about what the project was going to be and the direction. He mentioned there [would be] two Marceline songs in the special, [and he asked if I] would I be interested in giving the love song a try? Trying real hard to suppress my instant imposter syndrome I was like, “Yea, totally I’d be into giving that a shot!” So I read through the story and loved the idea of the dragon mirrored in Marceline, thinking through how they’ve both built up a protective shell, how she grew tough for a reason, but now she can open up and be vulnerable with PB.
From there I wrote the initial demo with the first two verses mostly intact and we went back and forth a few times editing it down into the final version. I recorded the final parts for the show in my little home studio in Seattle.
GS: When you were writing the song, what emotions, thoughts, or ideas were you channeling? Was there any sort of memory of event that you were trying to artistically "catch" or "recreate" with the lyrics or music?
HS: As far as channeling an emotion, generally I’d say just the experience of existing as a human. It can be so hard to open up and be vulnerable. I can remember that feeling even as a young kid—getting really excited about something and having someone completely trash it or look at you like, “Why are you so interested in that? It’s dumb.” [It causes us to grow] a little more weary to share ourselves because we know that hurt and embarrassment. The pain of being misunderstood is something I think a lot of us can relate to. Then having to decide whether to keep sharing those vulnerable parts of yourself or think, “They’re just not going to get it, I’m going to get hurt, so why bother?” and then stop putting yourself out there. You lose a lot with that thick armor though. You might feel protected, but you’re not feeling a whole lot of anything else other than the weight and chafing of it (I had a whole lot of armor-related metaphors that I didn't end up using.).
I struggle with this in songwriting too. I’m not the bolt-of-lightning type. There are pages and pages of cliches, total garbage, bad jokes, and cheesy lines that I have to get through in order to get to something that I am excited to put out there into the world: “Here I did this thing, I know it’s a little (this or that), but I made it... What do you think?” It’s hard to open yourself up to hearing the other end of that question.
I filled about 5 little pocket notebooks just thinking through the story, ideas, and trying to get this song right. I wanted it to feel familiar and honor the past songs of the show ([e.g.,] using the ukulele and referencing a few of the familiar chords from “I’m Just Your Problem”) but also be pretty open and vulnerable and different for [Marceline]. [I wanted to] show that she’s going through some tough emotions but also figuring herself out and growing.
GF: I feel like “Monster” is, at its core, an ode to the “Bubbline” ship. How do you feel about your song being intimately connected to one of the most famous LGBTQ+ relationships in animation? Do you have any general thoughts on Marcy and PB, Bubbline, etc.?
HS: Oh, I’m a total fan girl of Bubbline. The whole story of how Rebecca Sugar and Muto slowly morphed it into this deeper relationship is just great. As a part of the LGBTQ community myself it really means so much to see the representation of characters like yourself portrayed in an intelligent way. Growing up I was too young to fully understand what was going on but I saw Ellen getting cancelled, and [I] heard people around me saying they’d never watch her show again after she came out. That stuff sinks in as a kid and so to have these characters who are not only intelligent, but funny, complex, and unapologetically strong who also happen to be queer is really great. I love that the story here isn’t about their orientation, but that they’re people struggling with how to be open and vulnerable in a relationship.
It feels like something sci-fi and animated shows do so well—to show that ridiculousness of limiting who a person should and shouldn’t love. Marceline is a 1000+ year old half-demon/vampire and PB was born from the Mothergum of an apocalyptic radioactive world, but you’re going to get hung up on them loving each other? It sort of brings it into perspective in a really interesting way.
GF: Do you have any other thoughts about the experience that you'd like to share?
HS: Just how lucky, thankful, and honored I feel to be a part of my favorite show, writing a song for one of my favorite characters. It’s also incredibly cool how the people on the show are so willing to connect and collaborate with their fandom. Everyone [on the production crew] was very open and a real joy to work with.
I’d like to give a huge “Thank you!” to Half Shy for agreeing to participate in this interview; she really was quite amiable! If you’d like to hear more of her music, check out her website and her Bandcamp. You can also follow her on Instragram here and on Twitter here. And of course, here is Half Shy’s awesome video of “Monster”.
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pur-pled-aw-thor · 4 years
The Truth
Sherlock x Reader
Summary: Y/n has been keeping up the truth everyone, but one day the truth will afloat.
Word count: 4.9k (whaaat the-)
Warnings: none
GIF not mine
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Saturdays are meant for having fun or just staying inside your room and rest. But of course Y/n's life isn't like that. Especially she's working with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.
"You know we can just leave this case with Lestrade right?" Y/n asked the tall man in front of her.
"If you would just look up the security footage, then sure we can turn those over and continue this." Sherlock said not even looking at Y/n. John is busy with searching more about it, or trying to update his blog.
After a few, ten, tries Y/n got in the security and downloaded all of the footage from last night and prior the incident.
"It's already downloading, just wait for a few minutes." She stated standing up and went to the kitchen for some tea. But then she heard her phone's notification is blowing up. Sighing in annoyance, she placed down the kettle and got her phone.
-Mr. Blabbermouth
• Why on Earth is my brother on a case again
• Don't tell me you've downloaded something again
• Meet me in British Public Library, 20 minutes.
• Do bring your I.D, we'll be staying for a while.
Y/n read the texts and tried to choose, get rid of him and continue drinking tea, or get rid of him and continue drinking tea.
'Either way my life will still be a mess.' She thought and sighed. Getting her coat and tying her hair up, John looked up from his screen.
"Where are you going?" He asked, causing Sherlock to look also at the y/h/c girl.
"I need to go to my mum's house, she needs help with my sister." She lied, like what she's been doing for a long time.
"Well what about the footage?" Watson asked pointing at the laptop on the couch. "It'll be done in 15 minutes, after that it'll automatically leave the site." She said adjusting the timer and entering her code.
"Okay just take care." Watson said smiling at her. Nodding, she immediately went downstairs and passed by Mrs. Hudson.
"Where are you going?" "To my mum's, Mrs. Hudson!" She exclaimed leaving faster.
Walking down the streets of London, the cold breeze of the morning is never new to Y/n. It made her feel happy that she chose to change her life.
Upon reaching the Library, a car parked by the curb. The person got out and Y/n followed.
She knew this whole place like it was just the alphabet, but more on security and alarms.
She walked through shelves and shelves of books until she reached a corner, her corner. The person is already sitting down flipping the pages of a book.
"I know you did something just to help my brother again, and I would like to know what." He stated, well demanding.
"It would've been better if you were the one to ask him, Mycroft." Y/n said confidently, not feeling any intimidation from the man.
"It's better if he knows about the truth." He said proudly. "Do sit, Y/n. It is your ridiculous corner after all." She removed her coat and hung it on the chair.
"Tell him the truth and I'll visit him." "I would rather let you get hit by a train before the truth leaves my mouth." Y/n said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
"Any truth will be accepted." "I don't have that much of a choice." "The past or the present. You decide." "Neither, Mycroft. You're basically the British Government, so how can you not know anything about what's happening in 221-B Baker Street?!" Y/n almost shouted at the man in front of her. The man snapped the book close, Y/n didn't even flinched.
"Just tell me and we can wrap this up." He said and Y/n sighed. "It's about those random killings that don't make sense." She said rolling her eyes. "It does make sense to Sherlock Holmes." Mycroft stood up from the chair and got his umbrella.
"It's easy for you to tell me the truth but never to Sherlock." He said turning towards the aisle. "One day the truth will afloat, Y/n. Good day." He said walking away from the corner.
Y/n stared at the chair in front of her and tried not to let Mycroft inside her head.
"I made a promise to be careful with my choices and whom to trust. I can't break that." Y/n said to herself, trying to remember what happened 3 years ago.
3 years ago
'I can live by myself and made the right decision, yeah?' Y/n asked herself while the man pulled up on the curb.
'I hope so.' she got out of the cab and the man helped her carry her stuff inside the building. She paid generously and took up the boxes herself.
When she was about to get the last box, she ran into the landlady carrying a tray of tea.
"Oh hello dear! You're already here, you have your keys right? Anything you need?" Y/n smiled at the landlady's kindness.
"No Mrs. Hudson, I was just about to get the last box from downstairs." She said politely and got curious about whose tea is she bringing.
"I'll see you for a while dear, I need to bring this up." Mrs. Hudson said and continued to ascend the stairs.
"You should stop hoarding books, it's gathering up dust." She heard Mrs. Hudson scold at the other flat beside hers.
"Well if you would clean up then they won't, Mrs. Hudson." A man with a deep but smooth voice said.
"I'm your landlady, Sherlock. Not your housekeeper." Mrs. Hudson exclaimed storming out of the flat and passing by Y/n.
'I'm still wondering how Mrs. Hudson never noticed.' Y/n asked herself while placing the box down and tried to search for the key to her flat.
"It's the silver key with a round head and a line engraved horizontally." She looked around and saw him.
'Sherlock Holmes'
She got the key and it fits in the keyhole. She silently chuckled to herself for being smarted up by him.
But then she realized what Sherlock Holmes would have done for the past 2 minutes she was just standing there.
She immediately went inside and closed the door. She heard about Sherlock Holmes and his talents in being a detective. Most of the policemen don't take him seriously because of his assumptions and ideas that he gives immediately.
But they are left befuddled because he is right all along.
"Great, the plan on living a new life is starting to crumble with him knowing who I am." She said face palming herself.
"As long as I'm not suspicious, he won't notice it." She said standing up and opened up the blinds.
A week
'Oh god no. Please no.' She said trying to feel every pocket and slot she has in her coat, pants and purse.
'I did forget my keys in.' she said kicking the door in frustration. She sat down by the steps and tried to call a locksmith.
A few calls later they all said they can't go to their street because it was filled with snow. They can help her tomorrow morning.
"Why did Mrs. Hudson need to leave today?" She said hugging her coat more to gather up warmth. Next week is already December and snow got here early.
She tried to pull her bonnet down more to cover her ears with her hair, but the draft coming from the upstairs and moving behind her got colder.
"At least my laptop isn't going to freeze overnight, lucky bastard." Y/n said rolling her eyes and huffing.
She heard shuffling from Sherlock Holmes' flat and saw him placing paper on the table. Sherlock saw Y/n and looked at the door to her flat.
He went closer and Y/n smiled in embarrassment, "I forgot my keys inside." She said paying attention to her gloves now.
Sherlock went back inside and started removing books and papers from the couch and placing them on the table or floor.
"You can stay here for a while. Who knows when Mrs. Hudson might return." He said leaning on the door frame.
Y/n stood up and passed by him, trying not to look like she's taking it up for granted. She sat down on the couch and Sherlock prepared tea.
Sherlock can't comprehend why he welcomed her into his flat even though he's only seen her every afternoon to get food and comeback with it.
And what disturbs him, is that he can't read her like everyone else. She's like, an unexplainable being.
Sitting down on his chair, Sherlock tried to think a way to get to know her.
"I'm Sherlock Holmes, the only consulting detective, because I invented the job. I have an older brother named Mycroft." He said as a starter and she smiled.
"I'm Y/n, I don't have a job right now but I will find one, hopefully. I actually don't have a sibling, just me and my parents." She said chuckling and Sherlock smiled. He heard the tea was ready and he asked her about what she likes.
Handing her a cuppa, she accepted it and Sherlock let her remove her coat so she can get comfortable. Y/n removed her coat, gloves and bonnet and placed them beside her.
They continued chatting, leaving unfinished experiments and paperworks in the kitchen and not noticing Mrs. Hudson got home because the road was already cleared out.
A year ago
"How did you do that?" Sherlock asked Y/n and she almost fell from her seat. "Did what?" "Getting into the security cameras of Baker Street." He said pointing at the screen.
"You won't tell?" She asked and Sherlock nodded. "Obviously I can hack into them, besides cameras are very easy to hack." She said rolling her eyes and Sherlock celebrated about learning what Y/n can do.
"This is amazing! You can help me in cases and everyone can know!" He exclaimed proudly but Y/n said otherwise.
"No one can know! You promised!" She exclaimed and slapping Sherlock's arm jokingly.
"Besides I can only be accessible within 20 meters away from you." She said showing the map to Sherlock, "Well then come with me every day but of course just stand by. Wait till I tell Lestrade!" He said and reassured Y/n that he was an inspector that she can trust.
'I know Lestrade alright.' She thought smirking on her screen while Sherlock tried to find his phone.
A month after that
"Hello Sherlock." Y/n heard a woman entering the lab and she stopped on her tracks when she saw her. "Hello Y/n." She said sadly.
It's been a month since Y/n was silently working with Sherlock. She met Molly in the process, well she was always around wherever Sherlock is.
Especially if he's in the lab.
Y/n's phone got a notification and she looked at the message.
Someone was on the phone for you.
Who was it?
Private matters they said.
'Private matters they said'
-Mr. Holmes
The car is waiting at the corner.
'Not this again.' She thought reading the message. Either she goes now or let them wait and risk getting fetched by them.
I'll be leaving for a while. Please look out for Sherlock, Lestrade.
I will.
"Sherlock I'll be going out for a while." She said getting her coat and wearing it. "Can you get me coffee?" "I can get you one." Molly intervened and both of them looked at her.
"The usual Y/n, if it's not a burden." Sherlock said looking again at the microscope.
"Oh umm, I think I'll be gone for an hour, so Molly might help you with that." She said looking at the messages.
-Mr. Holmes
The longer you take, the longer this talk will be.
"It's fine with me, what's your usual?" Molly asked Sherlock and both of them replied.
"Black 2 sugars." They said in unison and Y/n left immediately while trying to run through everything or everyone.
She saw the car and immediately got inside.
"Stop haunting me, Mycroft Holmes." She said keeping her phone away and looking outside the windows.
"It's almost 4 years now since I moved and 2 years since I started working with him." Y/n said laughing at the page she had a note on.
'Before the December morning came, a chance and a person changed the game.'
She closed the book and walked back towards Baker Street. It was almost noon and she knows Sherlock and John is waiting for her to come back.
Entering the flat, she already heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Mycroft with John and Sherlock behind him.
"What did you do again Sherlock?" She asked trying not to look like she knows Mycroft.
"I can reassure you miss, he didn't do anything wrong. Good day brother, Dr. Watson." He said leaving.
"Lunch?" She asked the two and they nodded.
They went to a Café and started to eat lunch. Went back to Baker Street and John took a rest for a while. Leaving Y/n and Sherlock continuing to solve the crime.
"It doesn't make sense! He's just killing random people!" Sherlock exclaimed looking at the wall. John is still asleep on his chair, covered with papers.
"Maybe you just need to look at the minor factors they have. Maybe they all have something very important that the killer would want." Y/n said getting through the files about the case. Sherlock stared at the girl in front of him.
'How can you be so smart at the same time be bossy?' he thought returning his gaze at the wall.
They continued their work and John woke up an hour ago. Until it was night time and Mrs. Hudson brought them tea.
"Sherlock, why is there a big toe on your sink?" She asked rather disturbed. Y/n laughed at Sherlock's constant behavior of experimenting with things.
Sherlock's phone rang and it was Mycroft. He sighed and answered the phone.
"What is it Mycroft?" He said dropping the papers he was holding on the table.
"What?! An emergency? Where?" He exclaimed causing the three to look at him. "What's the matter, Sherlock?" Mrs. Hudson asked walking nearer.
"We'll be right there." He said dropping the call and got his coat. "What the hell is going on?!" John exclaimed trying to get Sherlock's attention.
"A family is now on ransom and Mycroft thinks it's the killer." Sherlock said wrapping up his scarf and the two wore theirs.
"I don't get it? A family? How are they connecte-" "The father is an official in the government, a close person to the royal family." He said climbing down the stairs with John following.
Y/n got stuck on the doorway and processed what Sherlock just said. She got worried and immediately went down the stairs.
They got a cab and they reached a building. Police and a few government employees were there to plan out.
"Sherlock! In here." They saw Mycroft went inside a vehicle a few feet away the commotion. It was filled with monitors connected to the cameras inside.
"An empty building perfect for a murder isn't it?" Sherlock said rather excited and John nudged him not to be happy.
"Any news from the inside?" "No, the killer won't let anyone in. He's controlling the entrances, except for the cameras which is odd." One of the men said showing the doors.
They stayed there for almost 10 minutes without any movement from the killer. They found him sitting on an antique chair looking at his phone and wearing a ridiculous mask.
The television beside him lit up and the camera couldn't clear out what the television is flashing.
"This is the Y/l/n Family, if you still want to see them alive. You know who you are, give me what's so precious to your family." The killer said laughing under his mask.
"That is the live stream, we can see them here on camera 16, inside a room tied up. The same as the television is showing." The men said but they noticed something blinking at the middle of the chairs the family is sitting.
"And there's now a bomb planted. Call the bomb disposal team!" They tried to contact people from the outside to find a way inside faster.
Because there's a bomb on the middle of the room, and it wasn't making the job easy.
"I just need to talk to youuu~" The guy sang and laughed like a psychopath. He stood up and started dancing.
"Sherlock, anything?" John asked the man scanning around the monitors and starts to get frustrated. "Are you sure all of the exits are closed?!" He exclaimed and they nodded showing every camera angle of the exits.
Y/n opened up her laptop and plugged in a USB. Mycroft noticed and he looked at her telling no. But her eyes said it was the only way.
After transferring files from the USB, she took out her phone and connected it to the laptop. Before finishing up and shutting her laptop, she typed something on the notes.
'Might be the best time to say it then.'
She closed her laptop, stood up next to Mycroft and handed him her phone. He was confused on why she gave him her phone.
"He'll think I might call the police if I brought my phone with me." "Well you're already with the police." They whispered at each other. Y/n started to leave the vehicle and Sherlock noticed.
"Where are you going Y/n?" "Outside, I need to speak with them. I'll be back." She said hopping out of the vehicle and closing it.
Grabbing the chain that she got from the inside and locking it, she made sure they'll be safe. In case the killer notices her trap.
Sherlock's POV
Y/n left a few minutes ago and she still hasn't returned. The Y/l/n family is still inside and the killer kept repeating the phrase.
"I just want to talk to youuuu"
"Why can't anyone enter!" I said frustrated and ruffled my hair. Trying to think a way inside. "Vents?" "What's that, Sherlock?" "The vents! Is there any vents?!" The men showed me and there weren't any vents big enough for a human to fit in.
"Great." I said and they returned the monitors back to the cameras we were monitoring.
"Aha! I knew you'd come my dear!" We heard the man say and he pressed a button on his phone causing the doors to open.
Third POV
The doors opened on the main entrance, Sherlock and the others were glued to the screens.
Y/n entered with no hesitation and the doors closed once she was in. "Y/n?!" Sherlock exclaimed and went towards the door. It wouldn't budge and John started helping him.
"Did she locked this after she left?" John asked Sherlock and he nodded. They went back to the monitors and she was standing at a safe distance from the killer.
"Isn't this nice, Y/n? You and me seeing together again and talking." He said followed by a laughter that echoed through the whole hall.
"It's nicer if you didn't do any of those killings." She said standing there feeling the gaze of the camera towards them.
"I thought I would get your attention." He stood up immediately that surprised Y/n and made her back away. "And it did!" He said laughing like a maniac now.
"See this red button on my phone?" He asked and Y/n nodded. "Well, It's connected to the bomb. Just give me what I want and I can forget about pressing this." He said placing the phone on the table and handing out his hand.
Y/n looked at him seeing any tricks with this. Her eyes lingers on the screen and she saw her family, tied up inside the room and starting to panic.
The killer saw this and laughed, knowing this is going to be fun. "Need inspiration? I'll give you one." He said getting his phone and pressing a button that made her family look behind the camera.
"Say 'hi', they've missed you so much." He circled around her and she started to take the risk.
"No, Y/n don't do it!" Mycroft yelled at the monitors that made Sherlock look at his brother. "Getting attached?" John asked and Sherlock shook his head in disapproval.
"He knew Y/n all along. Don't you brother?" Sherlock asked and Mycroft nodded. "Before she lived in Baker Street." He said earning a laugh from Sherlock.
"So is there anything I should know about more?" He asked Mycroft and he nodded. "A lot." He stated not removing his eyes on the screen.
They continued watching the scene and Y/n is starting to take something out her pocket.
"If you have tricks on your sleeves, you know what will happen." He stated reclining and looking at her.
She raised up her chin and took out a phone. But it was a different phone, different from her day to day phone. She looked at it and handed it over to him.
"Why does she have another phone?" John asked the two Holmes, Mycroft looked at Dr. Watson and pointed at Y/n's laptop.
"How do you think she has access with every security and anything the government controls?" "That's a government phone controlling the security, data, archives and information about the whole United Kingdom." Sherlock intervened looking at his phone trying to call Lestrade to get them out of the van.
"Thank you for giving this Y/n." He said looking at the phone checking any tricks. He gave back the phone and showed her the lock screen. "Open it." Y/n swiped up the phone and unlocked it with the pattern.
Mycroft seeing the lock, he got confused. Sherlock noticed it and asked him. "Government phones don't unlock with patterns and pins. They rely on fingerprint and facial unlock." He said getting the phone Y/n gave him.
He turned it on and swiped up the lock screen. "Just like that?" Watson asked and Mycroft nodded. "She switched the phones." He said in disbelief and laughed. He grabbed the radio and started giving commands to get ready at the entrances.
"Thank you for unlocking it." He said standing up and circling her again. "You know your parents are very disappointed but relieved that they won't get blown up." He said laughing maniacally going through files.
"But I must say, they, especially Sherlock Holmes, still don't know the last thing you're hiding." He said pointing at the camera and opening his arms.
Y/n turned around and looked at the camera. "I don't know what he's talking about." "OH! That's a good one. Tell me more jokes!" He exclaimed laughing, Y/n is on the verge of punching him.
"You're a psycho." She said making the guy stop in front of her and smiled. "Well I thought you loved psychos, hence liking one of us." He said leaning towards Y/n and raising his eyebrows.
Y/n noticed the camera moving and pointing at the door and back at her. She sighed and bowed her head.
"I'm right, am I? You looove psychopaths!" He said and Y/n shook her head.
"Sherlock Holmes isn't a psychopath, he is a high functioning sociopath." She raised her head smirking at him, "And the only consulting detective with that title." She punched him through his mask that caused him so much pain and police started to enter the room.
They started to surround the guy and picked him up. They handcuffed him and gave back Y/n's phone.
"Before you take and lock him away-" she said getting near the guy, "I never knew you'd take it this far, Kevin." Taking of the mask, 3 men entered the room and going behind Y/n to back her up.
"B-but how did they entered the room! I have the controls over the entrances!" Kevin said and Y/n smirked. She waved her hand and the police took him away, yelling about how she did it.
The 3 men behind her looked at her proudly. She looked behind them and saw her family getting untied and the bomb was inside a case now.
Her family looked behind the camera and smiled. Mycroft handed her the phone back and took off the case to place it back on her phone. The television turned off and they heard people assisting her family.
"I know you two have a lot of questions, but I can summarize everything." Y/n said looking at them and sitting down on the chair.
"I made a deal with my family to live a normal life in exchange to continue hiding who I am.
Growing up behind doors was never easy because you can't make friends or learn social skills. Only few close family friends and the Royal Family knows who I am.
My brother and two sisters can live a normal life because they attended private schools which only rich people can attend. But I can't have that because I'm the first ever child of them and it would be a great plan to kidnap me right? In exchange for files.
But when I attended college, It was a private school and people don't care who you are anymore, and that's where I met Kevin.
He was nice and sweet just like how I thought all of the world's population is. But I was wrong.
Then that's when we broke up. A few years just living inside the house again not going out.
Then almost 4 years ago, me and my family agreed for me to leave and live somewhere and make sure that I'm safe.
And I am safe, especially having Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson as my neighbors and friends.
Having meetings with Mr. Blabbermouth, a.k.a Mycroft Holmes.
And having this phone with me that helps my family to know where I am."
She finished up but the three men are still confused. She understood why and she chuckled. Looking at the camera, the men followed her gaze and she stopped at the sign beside the chair.
"He was sitting near this sign and the phone's reflection is seen on the camera. I tried to make out his layout of the controls with the doors and placed all of it in folders."
She explained and opened the phone, "With every click of a folder, a door opens." She clicked one and they heard a door opening upstairs.
"I forgot to mention, I also studied with hackers and security when I was in college and living with my parents. That's how I learned it."
She said keeping the phone in her pocket. John smiled at her and looked at the two men. "And what was about the whole Sherlock Holmes thing?" He asked and Y/n sighed. "That was nothing." She said standing up and walking pass by them.
They exited the building and stood near Lestrade's car. He was assisting the family and talking with them.
"My name on your contacts is 'Mr. Blabbermouth'?" Mycroft asked and Y/n laughed.
"Don't worry, Mr. Sociopath and Mr. Oblivious aren't left out." She said walking away and nearing her family.
"Mom, Dad." She said hugging them almost crushing them. "I'll leave you lot to talk for a while." Lestrade said smiling at the scene before him.
"I knew you had a way, but I never thought you can pull that off!" Y/n's father exclaimed patted her back.
"She's a Y/l/n, she can do anything." She heard her brother and she ruffled his hair. "But of course, don't forget to introduce us your boyfriend." One of her sister said and she rolled her eyes.
"You can go back to them, we'll be okay." Her mother said but Y/n shook her head.
"I don't think I can leave you guys again." "As long as you can be safe and keep that safe, we'll be safe too." Her father said and her sibling nodded.
"Just remember to visit us on Christmas Day, okay?" Her younger sister said and she nodded. Tears brimming her eyes and she sniffles while trying not to burst out.
"I will always visit you lot." She said hugging them all, causing her to be surrounded by blankets that covered up her family.
Standing up, she waved good bye and walked back towards the car.
"Shall we leave?" Lestrade asked getting his keys. "Yes, let's go." Sherlock said opening the door for Y/n and she entered.
Their ride was quiet until they reached the apartment. "See you three tomorrow? Well if we have a new case for you three." Lestrade said and Sherlock nodded, getting inside first and leaving the door open.
"Yeah, see you Lestrade." Y/n said waving and entering the building.
John got to sleep immediately when he entered the flat, leaving Y/n and Sherlock.
"Well, erm, I guess I should be go-" she was cut off by Sherlock's mumbling. "I'm sorry, what was that?" "That's why I couldn't analyze you. You are unreadable and amazing at it." He said still staring at the fireplace.
"Yes, because of being able to hide from people, I'm never showy with anything." She said standing up and nearing the door.
"Good night Sherlock." She said turning towards her flat. "And yes, I like you. For almost 3 years now." She said never turning to look at him, and entered her flat.
She should've turned, because she never saw the smile Sherlock had hearing it from her. He leaned on his knees ruffling his hair. He continued smiling and sighed.
"Likewise, Y/n. Likewise." He said leaning back on his seat and stared at the ceiling.
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
15x20: Oh fuck it’s actually really good. Dammit Dabb.
So I slept. And waking up the first thought in my head was... but there is this open ending with them all in Heaven and Cas not a stated angel even, just a helper to Jack...
And then I felt the need to watch the episode again. Because of how I’ve said, perhaps not for always, but often enough, that this show of ours was never about Destiel, was never about Dean and Cas’ love story, and beginning to hope that the ending would be focused on them... it wasn’t fair. Not really. And I remembered reading somewhere that a big chunk of the internet accepted Cas’ death as final, and seeing posts to that effect and thinking LUDICROUS and NO WAY and knowing all along that it could all be denial on my part.
And oh boy was it. 
I know there were plenty of us who kept that hope alive, and I’m thankful for you, but I made myself believe that he’d be back because I couldn’t imagine he’d die like that, or that the love story would end unreciprocated like that. And I guess, in a way, it still did, BUT... in another way, it really didn’t. 
It’s not enough. Subtext is not the representation I’ve always hoped for, but it wasn’t just erased either. And we got as much as we could get, because obviously Dean being textually bi and us getting an I Love You out of him was just never going to get green lit by the studio.
I’ve always believed the writers would’ve gone there if allowed. I think Cas’ love declaration underlines that they would’ve. But they weren’t given the opportunity, and I’ll lament it until the end of time, but it is what is.
What we did get, though, is quite beautiful. No, listen, IT IS.
There’s the emotional substitute Miracle Dog, getting so much LOVE from Dean, which I know most of us all went the big awwww at, no matter what we thought of the rest of the ep. 
There’s the healthy way Dean is dealing with the loss of Cas, and of Jack, knowing that pain will never go away, and accepting it. Accepting it because he’s feeling worthy of moving on without them. He’s no longer attaching his self-image to the perceived failure of protecting others. He’s letting them go, believing that they may meet somewhere further down the road.
But looking at the finale for what it is, rather than for what I wanted it to be (cardinal sin omfg my emotions really ran away with me and I wish I could’ve been more level headed and come on here with this positivity and calm) (but) (no dice) (anyway) it’s just beautiful how Cas is in the background, not waiting, not really, because he’s busy preparing Heaven and fixing his home in ways that will actually mean peace AND freedom when the brothers are done.
Something Cas would not have been able to do if he’d not fallen in love with Dean. If he’d not gone through his journey. I mean. Those implications are highly satisfying. 
Last night all I could think, ALL I could think, was that it’s not ENOUGH.
But it has to be. Because it’s not dismissive. It’s not erasing anything. It’s the same subtextual thread we’ve always been pulling on, and it’s there for us to continue to pull on, and that’s a goddamn gift.
I wish that 15x18 hadn’t been quite so in our face “kill your gays” buuuuuuuut that’s if you’re surface watching, yeah? Cas isn’t dead, for starters, and everyone was, obviously, brought back when Jack took Chuck’s power, so even if it wasn’t visually established that Stevie and Charlie are back and thriving, it’s narrative fact that they must be. What it is, more than anything else, is what I read it as to begin with: a love letter to the love story, where we get the subtext of couples loosing each other so strongly stated that there’s no way we’re not meant to understand that Dean losing Cas is within that exact same context.
We didn’t get textual Destiel, but we did get the love story textually confirmed through Cas’ declaration, and we did get it subtextually confirmed, not hinted, subtextually confirmed through all those other couples losing each other, that the love story EXISTS there, on that level, for us. 
Oh guys I feel so sad that I was so SAD yesterday. Why didn’t I just take a breath?? Guys, guys, guys, there’s such BEAUTY.
And Jensen.
Jensen in how he played that death scene. Jensen who kept it so even, so gentle, so... brotherly. These brothers have been through hell. Dean ending this way... it’s a travesty, but it also means he meant to go to the place where he doesn’t have to hope to see Cas again--because he will see Cas again.
And why didn’t Cas come right back to Dean once he was out of the Empty, why did he go off with Jack to fix Heaven?
I would say that it’s another underlining of Cas’ independence, and this his entire focus isn’t Dean, but, of course, I would assume the thought of Dean is ever present, and the rearranging of Heaven is as much about making sure Dean gets that freedom, as well as that peace, once he’s done as it is about Cas simply not being able to stand for souls being trapped in their memories anymore. Cas knows how to fix Heaven. I mean... that’s a fucking gorgeous and highly satisfying ending to his individual arc. And he’s with Jack!
Like. I mean. That implication that Cas is fixing Heaven with Dean at the back of his mind is quite head-exploding to me. And yeah, sure, that’s how I’m interpreting it, but all the ingredients for that delicious pie is left right there for us in this ending.
What about the legacy issue? What about found family? What about Dean finding happiness in death? What about Dean opening himself up to love?
Yeah, it’s not without issues, depending on how we interpret these things. Do I believe Dabb set out to write an offensive, horrifying, deeply problematic ending to this show and pretty much hand it over to the side of this fandom that has always been the... well, shall we say, less stabile? 
No. I kept saying yesterday that I just didn’t understand what happened, I didn’t understand why our writers room would choose THIS ending, I couldn’t fit the pieces together. That was on me, not on them. Get me?
Interpretation is deeply subjective. It’s personal. And it’s tainted. Always tainted, guys, and there’s no way around that. It’s not perfect and it’s not absolute and all the writers can hope for is that their core message will get across strongly enough to avoid misunderstanding.
I misunderstood the intention yesterday because my interpretation was tainted by what I wanted and felt I needed from this narrative.
For years I’ve refused to put expectation on the story because I know what that does to one’s perspective. It’s futile to engage with hopes and wishes on a deeper level because the show will never deliver exactly what you want. It’s delivered stuff in the ballpark enough times for me to dance alongside it, but to place so much expectation on this finale was just... oh man. Bad. 
I take full responsibility. :)
What about the legacy issue?
The legacy is that you live the best life you can and you end up in happiness, with the people you care about. You LIVE. Nothing about Dean’s death is prescribing dying to get what you want. We have it established that Dean is not suicidal in any way, that he’s mentally stabile and that he’s carrying on without Cas, even though he thinks about him. Not living would make the sacrifice pointless.
What about found family?
Found family was meant to be a part of this ending, but due to COVID (I’m assuming along with everyone) we didn’t get a collection of oldies and goodies at the Roadhouse. We got a father figure to signal the father/son thread that this finale was pulling on, a thread always tied so tightly around Dean and Sam and underlined for us in this episode. The codependency finally broken because they were ready to let each other go. Not forever, because that would’ve been tragic, but for now.
What about Dean finding happiness in death?
The implications of Dean having to die to be happy are quite dark, I know that, but he was never going to hang it up. Not entirely, right? He would never be able to rest on Earth. And he’s always afraid. So instead of spending a lifetime alone, growing into a crusty Bobby (who lost the love of his life too early too), Dean got to go to the place where his happiness actually is. He got to go where Cas is.
I mean, that’s my interpretation here, but rather than set both brothers up with a love life and families and all that, we got a Dean who’s lost the love of his life and is dealing with that loss as best as he can, but who is also ready to go when it’s his time. He wasn’t expecting it to be right then, that day, and he says as much, but he’s ready. As long as Sam is ready to let him go. And Sam isn’t, but he does, and Sam deals with that loss, and finds his way into life and living and loving and happiness in a way that Dean simply wouldn’t have been able to. Because he lost the love of his life.
And Dean waited for Sam to show because of course he would. Sam was the only thing missing: Cas, and Jack, and everyone else Dean has ever loved and cared about, were already in Heaven. For the show to go on, Sam had to return too.
That hopeful ending that I, and so many, many of us, have always wanted. Sure, everyone’s DEAD, which, you know, bummer, but they are at peace, they are together, and they are done sacrificing, bleeding and dying. Isn’t that remarkable? Isn’t that the greatest reward? Love and happiness and togetherness. Forever!
And for this fandom, we got what we hoped we’d get, right? An ending open enough for us to keep returning to this narrative over and over and over.
Let me formally apologise for the despair of yesterday. For all of you still feeling it, I send you so much love. Know I understand, I honestly do, but I hope, perhaps, some of these words will offer a sliver of comfort.
So, this is first impression based on second watch of 15x20 positivity. Let me know if anything hits right or hits wrong and let’s talk. <3
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Me before You: Chapter 2- For Real
Tumblr media
As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: This is a TRR AU. Liam is already married, but see’s Riley and wants his cake. If the readers are receptive this might turn into more than a mini series.
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, adult content, mild sexual innuendo. 
Word Count: 2458
Catch up: Haven’t met you Yet
Prompts: @theworldofprompts​ 
“Name one thing you regret in life?”  
“Well, for starters, I married you.” will appear in BOLD.
Pairings: Drake & Riley
Song inspiration: For Real- Amel Larrieux
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may salute your bride.”
Savannah and her groom shared a modest kiss. 
“It is my pleasure to present to you for the very first time the Duke and Duchess of Ramsford. Bertrand and Savannah Beaumont of Cordonia.”
“Cordonia?” Riley whispered to herself.
“So I’m not crazy. Drake said he is from Cordonia. The Liam look-alike could really be King Liam of Cordonia. The matron of honor could actually be Queen Carsyn. This is insane.” 
Her thoughts raced as she tried to make connections. 
“There will be a cocktail hour in the barn,” an older woman announced.
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The barn was decorated in a rustic theme, Tim McGraw’s, “I like it, I love it” played in the background and there were servers with appetizers everywhere. Quickly, lines formed for the open bars. Mack held on to Riley’s arm as they waited.
“So let me get this straight? The guy you met in New York, was Drake? Drake Walker? Like Savannah’s brother Drake? No fucking way. The world is not that small.”
“Yeah, apparently it is, he is the man I saw at the airport, the guy from the bar, the guy I’ve been texting and now he’s here.”
“Sounds like fate.”
“I don’t know if I believe in fate. More like dumb luck.”
“Miss Riley?” a server interrupts their conversation. 
“For you and your guest.”
He offers a whiskey sour and an old fashion, the signature drink to she and Mack.
“Compliments of Mr. Walker. My name is Caleb, I have been personally assigned to you for the duration of the evening. You don’t need to wait in lines. I can bring you whatever you need to eat or drink.”
“Wow, well thank you Caleb. That’s very thoughtful.” 
She tries to tip Caleb and he refuses. 
“No thank you Ma’am. Mr. Walker has already compensated me handsomely. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get for you.”
The wedding party joins the guests in the barn before the bride and groom have their first dance. Riley watched from her assigned seat wondering who would end up seated next to her. The seat went empty for the first part of the afternoon. 
“That was a beautiful ceremony. You know, I have seen pictures and heard tons of stories about Drake from Savannah, but he has really grown up. He is a hottie.”
“He’s ok.”
“Wow, just ok? Huh? I’m wounded.” he says in a raspy voice. 
Mack and Riley blush furiously.
“Raye. It’s good to see you again.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” she smirked.
“Sorry! Drake, this is Mackenzie, Mack this is Savannah’s brother Drake.”  
“Don’t listen to her. She was definitely pleasantly surprised,” Mack said as she extended her hand for Drake to kiss. 
Riley elbowed Mack and Drake laughed as he shook her hand. 
“Good thing I get the honor of keeping you company tonight. My seat was moved next to yours.”
He smiled and Riley’s heart melted just a little bit more. He leaned over to hug her and she immediately flashed back to their dance on the rooftop. 
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After their first dance, all the guests were invited to the dance floor. “At Last” by Etta James started to play.
“May I have this dance? And please don’t tell me that your feet still hurt.”
She stood, unsure of what to do in the presence of royalty.
“Your Majesty, we have to stop meeting this way. Shouldn’t you be dancing with your Queen?”
Before he could answer, Drake slipped up behind Riley snaking his strong arm around her waist. Pulling her into his embrace.
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“Beat it Li!”
“Miss me yet?” 
“Perfect timing. Small world. You didn’t say that your Mom and sister lived so close to me.”
“I didn’t think it was pertinent information at the time,” he said as he led her in a slow dance. Riley watched Queen Carsyn over Drakes shoulder, as she shot daggers at King Liam. 
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“Is he always like that?”
“Liam? Is he always so tactless?”
“I’m not at liberty to comment,” he chuckles.
“Question asked, question answered.”
“Enough about Liam. Have I mentioned how stunning you look?”
“No, but thanks for the compliment anyway.”
She smiled, getting lost in his eyes as they swayed to the music.  
After sitting and watching Drake and Riley dance and flirt for hours Mack was about ready to go.
“Ri, I’m about ready to head out.”
“Riley reluctantly said her goodbyes to Drake, not knowing when she’d see him again. 
After a short drive back to her place they arrived to see a red Jeep sitting idle in front of her door waiting. Riley looked at Mack and shrugged her shoulders. When she had said goodnight to her friend, she headed to the door. The window of the Jeep lowered, “Hey, could you tell me where to get something good to eat in this neighborhood?” 
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“Drake! What-- how did you know where I lived?”
“Well, that isn’t creepy at all.” 
“I’m hungry and thought you might be hungry too.” 
“So, where to?”
“I don’t know, I have only been here a few weeks.”
“I know a place.”
Drake gets out of the truck and walks around waving at Mack, who is still watching from her car. He opens the door for Riley and grabs her by the waist helping her into the truck.
“Really? Such a gentleman.”
He smiles as he heads back around. Mack lowers her window and says, “I took a picture of your license plates just in case she doesn’t make it back.”
“Thank you. So where are we going?”
“Whataburger. I can’t get that in Cordonia.”
“What the what?”
“You’ll love it, promise and it’s on me. Seat belt.”
“Let me ask you a question?”
“Just one?”
“God no, I have a million questions.”
“Ok, I will try my best to answer them.”
She thinks of what she wants to ask first.
“What did you honestly think when you saw me today?”
“That I am not this lucky.”
A blush crept across her face as she awkwardly shifted in the seat.
“Why do you live in Cordonia if your Mom and Sister are here?”
“Work is there. Besides, I have never had a good reason to come back.”
“I see.”
 Her face betrayed her, she was feeling conflicted and defeated and it showed. They drove along the dark road quietly for a few minutes.
“So, uh, you must do important work in Cordonia for you to stay there instead of here with your family.”
“If you want to know what I do for a living Raye, just ask.”
“You told me not to and I respect your wishes.”
“Well, some would consider it important. My family won’t be here for long, Sav and my nephew are moving to Cordonia this week. I’m the lead for the King’s Guard.”
“You mean you protect Liam?”
“Yeah,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck.
Just then they pulled into the parking lot. The line in the drive thru was long so they headed inside. He held the door open for her and when they stood in front of the counter he stood directly behind her as they both looked up at the menu. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms when he noticed her shiver. 
“Yeah, a little. Also, overwhelmed with this menu. Order for me?”
A mischievous grin crept across his face as he placed his suit coat around her shoulders. 
After an hour of probing conversation, many laughs, and eating a deliciously greasy burger, heavenly fries with as Drake called it “fancy fucking ketchup,” they headed back to her place. 
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“Drake, I’m not ready for tonight to end,” she confessed.
“I know the feeling.”
“Come upstairs with me?”
“Riley Elizabeth Raye! What kind of guy do you think I am?”
“The kind who steals people’s personal information out of wedding guest books.” 
“Besides, I have had these shoes on since this morning. My feet! Anyway, we can watch a movie and chat for a little while.”
“I have been told I give a mean foot massage.”
“Are you offering?”
He licks his lips and bites his lips. Her center twitched.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what? Why are you looking at me like you want to climb in my lap?
Her cheeks flushed red.
“You wish.”
“Enough about that, let’s talk about our first real date.”
“Who said I wanted to date a guy with no real reason to come to Dallas?”
“Whoa, that was before.”
They headed up to her apartment. He stood so close to her in the elevator that she could feel his body heat. They had a staring contest that she lost. She definitely looked away first. It was like he was staring into her soul. The sexual tension was thick and she felt relieved when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. 
“Long distance dating is not exactly something I want to pursue.”
“Understandable. I’m here now. Let me take you out tomorrow.”
“What would that look like?”
“Dallas Jazz fest is tomorrow.”
“And you just happened to know that off the top of your head?”
“I might have done some research on my phone when I learned that a certain lady whom I’d like to impress was within my grasp.”
She chortled, “you like jazz?”
“No, but if I get to spend time with you it can’t be that bad.”
“You’d do that for me?”
They step inside her place and he makes a face. 
“What is it?”
“Your place smells exactly like I expected, fruity.”
She invites Drake to sit as she kicks her shoes off. She moves around the counter and opens the fridge grabbing a couple bottles of water, a bottle of Glenmorangie, and a couple glasses. 
“Raye, this is the good stuff. It’s really expensive. Sure you’re sharing?”
“Completely, pour me one too? Be right back,” she says as she headed into her bedroom to change and freshen up.
When she returned, Drake cleared his throat at the sight of her barely there clothing change. 
They settled on the soft couch as Drake passed her the tumbler of whiskey he poured for her. She eyed the drink as he stared at her. 
“What are you looking at?”
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“Your umm, outfit? Comfy?”
“Yes. Very. Should I drink this? I didn’t see you pour it.”
“Good grief, switch with me.” Drake says before raising his glass.
“Cheers, to the best reason I ever had to come back to the States.”
She bit her lip trying to contain her smile.
“Well then, after a toast like that you get to pick the movie.”
She later regretted being so generous. Drake chose FACE OFF. They started off good, he pulled her aching feet into his lap and rubbed them until she was sure she would orgasm. She pulled away crossing her legs in a twisted attempt to save her panties. 
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She loved the movie but knew she couldn’t get through any of the scenes when they ran their hands down the others face to wordlessly say, I love you. So as much as she tried she sat with tears running down her face for much of the movie. The first time she cried Drake pretended to ignore it. She wiped her face on her. The next time she cried he looked at her with a raised eyebrow and the final time he pulled her into his arms and wiped her tears.
“You definitely get to pick a movie that won’t make you cry next time.”
“Next time? You really want to go out with me, huh?”
“I thought that was clear by now.”
  “Drake, can I be honest?”
“I’d prefer it.”
“I have never dated a white guy before.”
He feigned shock. Then laughed. 
“We have that in common because I haven't either. Is that all?”
“No, I didn’t expect to like you this much.”
“Have you dated a black woman before?”
“Are you ready for family and friends to turn their backs on you? For strangers to shoot us dirty looks in public? For all of the things that come along with dating me?”
“I guess I never really thought about it. But I’d like to think that it would be a small price to pay to be with you.”
 They chatted until they both fell asleep. The sunrise plucked him from his slumber. She had fallen asleep in his arms. He watched her for a few moments fighting the urge to kiss her. He untangled himself from her and used her restroom. When he returned, she was awake. 
“I thought you finally came to your senses and left.”
“I don’t scare easily. I’m headed back to the ranch. I’ll pick you up around 6pm.”
She stood and they shared a long embrace as she secretly sniffed him trying to memorize his smell before she let him out.
Back at the ranch
“You stayed out all night. Did you get some trim?”
Figures. You wouldn’t know what to do with all that ass anyway.
“And you do?” Carsyn interjects.
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“Carsyn, I didn’t realize you were back from your morning run.”
“I knew that you wanted to fuck her. I saw the way you were looking at her at the wedding.”
Drake stands, “This seems like a personal conversation. Call me later Li.”
Liam shakes his head and turns to his wife. 
“You are always making a big deal out of nothing. I have given you everything. You knew who I was before you married Me. You are the queen. Why are you so insecure?”
Tears filled her eyes. 
“Name one thing you regret in life?”  “Well, for starters, I married you.”
Liam stormed out of the room to find Drake in the hall on the phone with Riley. When Drake sees Liam he ends the call.
“Drake Walker. Your nose is open. I know you think you like her but, do you really want to start seeing a black woman? They can be a lot.”
“Don’t be an ass Li, any woman can be a lot. But it’s different with her. She is so chill. Like it’s easy with her.” 
“If it’s so easy, why didn’t you close?”
“I said that it’s easy to be with her. Not that she was easy you, prick.”
“Just be careful Drake. You know what they say… Once you go black…”
“Li! For fucks sake.”
“I’m just saying. I’m going out tonight so if you need a trial run Carsyn will be here alone.”
“Did you just give me permission to fuck your wife?”
“Sure, everyone knows I’m not.”
“Hard pass.”
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TRR: @twinkleallnight​​​  @bebepac​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @romereadingshop​​​ @romewritingshop​​​ @lem-20​​​ @texaskitten30​​
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Owe You One - Part 4
Title: Owe You One - Jefferson’s Starship
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 7,067
Warnings: Minor Angst, Sexual Harassment, Self-Loathing, Anxiety, Fluff, Smut, Friends with Benefits
Summary: Dean Winchester has been your best friend and neighbour for the last year. A year of finding comfort in random drop ins and casual conversations, but neither of you know the pasts that the other has. Not fully. Pasts that come back to haunt you, and ruin everything you want in life. Can you find what you’re seeking in a couple of favours and a good time between the sheets or is history doomed to repeat itself?
Owe You One - Masterlist
Squares Filled: Bartender!AU ( @spndeanbingo) FWB Relationship ( @spnfluffbingo)
A/N: Part 4!! I hope y’all enjoy this part!! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!! Happy reading!!  
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 You stirred away at the pot you had on the stove, getting dinner ready for yourself. It was Friday night, and you had just gotten home from work about half an hour ago. You changed into your comfortable pyjamas before deciding to cook yourself a nice dinner. You were going to curl up on the couch for a little while and maybe turn in early. You had nothing extensive planned. Nothing but your PVR and previous episodes of The Walking Dead to catch up on.
 You reached for a bowl in the cupboard next to you, placing it on the counter before pouring your pasta into it. You heard three loud knocks at your door, pulling you from your meal for a moment. You placed it back down on the stove before heading over to the door, opening it up. You rolled your eyes with a smile when you found Dean standing there with a smile playing on his lips. You walked away from the door, letting him walk in without protest.
 “You want something to eat? I made enough pasta for two,” you pointed out. “Four cheese.”
 “Oh fuck yes,” he nodded, taking a seat at your counter. You reached in the cupboard, grabbing another bowl before pouring some into it. You took two forks out of the drawer, bringing Dean’s bowl over first before your own. You hopped on the chair next to him, looking forward to tasting your meal.
 “Thank you for this,” he smiled, taking a forkful.
 “You’re welcome,” you beamed, taking your own bite.
 “So what are you up to tonight?” he asked nonchalantly.
 “Stuff,” you answered smuggly. “What do you want?”
 “How do you know I want something?” he claimed, his voice went up half an octave.
 “Because you didn’t call or text before coming over tonight. You usually do if you just want to hang out for the night. So I’ll ask again, what do you want, Winchester?” you chuckled.
 “Okay, I have a huge favour to ask and seen as how you’re wearing your cute comfy pyjamas, I know you aren’t doing anything tonight. I also know for a damn fact that you would never let any guy see you in those so you’re not getting laid tonight.”
 “Thank you! I get the point,” you scoffed playfully, taking another bite.
 “I need help at the bar tonight. Sammy’s gonna be late and all I’ve got is Benny. You’re the only one that I can trust,” he stated. “I’ll pay you, of course. And whatever tips you make are yours.”
 “So you want me to bartend at Jefferson’s Starship tonight and I get paid?” you chuckled. “Actual money?”
 “What, you think I’m going to pay you in sex again?” he laughed, shaking his head. “‘Cause I can if you want me to. A little touchy touchy-”
 “Shut up, Dean,” you giggled, shoving him a little. “How late do I have to stay?”
 “Just until Sam gets in,” he assured you. “Not all night.”
 “Alright, let me eat. Then I’ll go get changed. You’re lucky I like you,” you side-eyed him.
 “I owe you big time,” he breathed out in relief. “Like huge, sweetheart.”
 “I’ll take you up on it at some point,” you winked. “Really though, you don’t owe me anything. Remember, you helped me out of a very low point. That isn’t easy.”
 “I still owe you a little. You literally never go out to the bar,” he pointed out with a sad smile.
 “You are more than right. Remember that,” you winked. “How was your day anyways?”
 “Eh, it was okay. Pretty busy as usual. I kept to myself at my station. My dad worked on what he needed to do. I fixed up a couple of cars and got all my paperwork done so I don’t have to do any this weekend. Fresh start Monday morning,” he explained to you. “How was your day?”
 “It was okay. Boring as hell, but that’s my job for you,” you shrugged.
 “So you were going to use this time to unwind, huh?” he said sheepishly. You could see the guilt he felt sores across his features. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
 “It’s okay, De. I should probably try to get out more anyways. Sitting at home alone isn’t going to do me any good,” you breathed out.
 “I mean, you’re not entirely wrong. Sometimes alone time is what you need. But in this case, you’re coming out. Not to mention, I own the bar,” he smirked.
 “Yeah yeah,” you tried not to smile.
 You managed to eat your pasta in record time. You figured you’d do the dishes in the morning after your breakfast. You knew Dean had to be there soon, and you didn’t want to leave him or Benny screwed. This was a job for you and you were going to work with professionalism.
 You grabbed something comfortable and presentable to wear to the bar. A pair of dark skinny jeans with a rip in the knee. You pulled on one of your white shirts and threw one of your red flannels over it to keep with the Winchester look. After that, you grabbed your comfortable boots and your bag, heading out the door with Dean by your side.
 Dean opened up your door for you and you slipped inside. There was a part of you that wondered if this was a good idea. After all, he and his brother owned this bar; his family. Last you knew, his family hated you. All but Dean. You didn’t want Sam to walk in and kick you out or worse, yell at you in front of everyone. You didn’t want to ruin their business. This was important to both of them because they started it together. You weren’t going to be the one to come between them. You were simply going to help your friend out and go on your way home. If Dean wanted to join you later, that was fine. But you weren’t supposed to mix business with pleasure.
 Dean parked in his designated spot out the back of the bar. There was a spot for him and a spot for Sam. No one else had access to park back here. You kicked your door open, circling around the car to the front. Dean motioned for you to follow him to the doors around the front of the building.
 The second you walked into the empty bar, you smiled to yourself. This bar wasn’t like any of the bars you had been in and you had been in many of them during your college days. They wanted their place to feel like home in some sense. There was a jukebox in the corner that played only classic rock. Lots of room for people to dance. Enough tables for people to sit. Booths for those who had bigger groups. Couches and chairs set up around the tv. By the actual bar, he had stools set up all around and a tv up on the wall so people could watch from there. He had all his liquor on display and coasters stacked, ready to go. All his glassware was branded with the bar's name, and a cowboy hat. This place was something to be really proud of, that was for certain.
 “Well well, look who it is,” Benny smiled. “I’ll be damned if it isn’t miss Y/N walking in for the first time in forever.”
 “Hi Benny,” you grinned
 “Hiya darlin,” he beamed. “What can I get for you tonight?”
 “I’m working tonight,” you told him, circling around the back of the bar. “Boss needed and extra set of hands.”
 “If you need help with anything, Y/N, just let one of us know. I know you know what you’re doing,” Dean nodded.
 “You’re damn right I do,” you said confidently. You grabbed an apron from the shelf beneath the cash register. You had a notepad, a pen and a cloth in there, ready to get to work. It had been a long time since you had stepped foot behind a bar, but you were sure you were going to snap right back into it pretty quickly. “Let’s do this.”
 It wasn’t long before people flooded into the bar. Some people just getting off work, having a drink to wind down. Others coming in in groups. The three of you worked in a perfect sync with one another. Pouring and mixing drinks the fastest you could get them to the customers in a timely manner. In record time, you had about fifty dollars in tips. The night was just getting started.
 You glanced around the room as soon as the first rush died out. Everyone was distracted in some way. A group of guys watching a game on the couch by the tv. A few women sitting at a table, gossiping about their week and their husbands. Then there was a few loners sitting at the bar, sipping away at a beer or a glass of whiskey. Trying to unwind after the week. You wiped down the counter top.
 “Hey there,” a man greeted you, taking a seat at the counter right in front of you. His smile was wide as he placed his hands on the countertop.
 “What can I get for you?” you asked, taking a deep breath as you tucked your cloth back in your apron.
 “Your phone number for starters,” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows twice. You wanted to scoff but you were working. You weren’t about to ruin Dean’s business because some guy decided to hit on you. Not to mention, he wasn’t that cute. A man like him would be just like the rest of them. They’d get off and you’d be left finishing yourself off in the shower. You weren’t doing that again.
 “Your drink order, sir?” you corrected him, trying to keep your tone in check.
 “Whiskey neat,” he stated. “And that phone number.”
 “Whiskey it is,” you declared, putting the glass down on the napkin in front of him. You reached for the bottle of whiskey behind you, knowing full well he was staring at your ass. He was treating you like you were easy and that wasn’t okay with you. You weren’t doing that anymore. No more shitty guys.
 “Don’t play hard to get, baby,” he frowned. “I saw you eyeing me the second I walked in here tonight.”
 “Enjoy your drink,” you said, your voice void of all emotions. You walked away from him, taking your cloth once more before heading out to the customers area to begin cleaning up empty glasses and bottles. Dean and Benny were still working behind the counter, serving people. It had slowed down a little more. They still had the odd person come up to them.
 You wiped down every table, gathering all the empties. You snapped back into bartender mode pretty quickly. It was something you had done for years during your college years. Dean ran a really nice bar. Everything was really clean, but you also had a feeling that his brother had something to do with it. You took note of what needed replenishing to bring it out during your next trip. You gathered up what you could, placing it on the bar to move to the back when you had the chance to. You wiped down your last table before heading to the back. You could feel the creepy guy’s eyes on you and that told you to move quicker.
 “Baby c’mere,” he cooed, standing up. Your heart began to pound in your chest. You needed to move quickly.
 “Not interested,” you stated clearly, backing away from him. He was a big guy now that you saw him compared to you. He was tall and had a strong build. His hand made its way down to your ass, tugging you into him against your will. You tried your hardest to shove him off of you, but he barely budged. “Get off of me!”
 “Hey! Hey!” Dean shouted, making his way around the bar. “Hands off of her. Now!”
 “We were just getting to know each other, right baby?” He smirked, tugging you in once more. Hearing him say those words only angered you more.
 You pushed him once more, successfully getting him off of you, but not getting as far as you would have liked. “Get the fuck off of me.”
 Dean stepped between you and the douchebag, getting in his face a little more. You could see it in the way his jaw clenched that he was pissed. When Dean was pissed, no one wanted to be near him.
 “House rules. Respecting others, especially women is the second on that list. Sexual harassment is unacceptable. Get the fuck out of my bar,” he warned him, “I’m not going to ask you again.”
 “Whatever, she’s a cheap piece of ass anyways,” he scoffed, throwing down a bill on the counter before grabbing his jacket, heading to the door.
 “You okay, sweetheart?” Dean asked as he turned to face you. His hand came up to the side of your head.
 “Yeah,” you nodded.
 “You want a drink,” he offered you, smiling softly.
 “No thank you. I’m good,” you smiled before heading around the back of the bar to finish cleaning up. You also knew you’d be safer behind the bar and that was where you wanted to be.
 “You sure, darlin’?” Benny raised his eyebrow. “I can make you a mean drink.”
 “I’m sure. I don’t drink,” you stated, placing the empty bottles in the bin.
 “Since when?” Dean furrowed his brows. “We got drunk together a few months back.”
 “Since whenever,” you shrugged.
 “I feel like there is more behind this then you’re leading on,” Benny side-eyed you with a bit of concern.
 “There is, but we’re dropping this now, okay?” you smiled, heading over to the counter to serve the next customer.
 As you handed the customer their drink, Sam walked into the bar. His hair was a bit of a mess and he looked to be in a bit of a rush. You stiffened a little. After all, Sam had to know all about you now. His mom had to have said something to him. He had always been nice to you, but that was back then. There was a whole other side to you and your family now. Sure, Sam was nice, but he wasn’t going to be happy you were here if he knew anything.
 “Hey,” Dean greeted his brother. “How’d it go?”
 “Good,” he smiled to himself. “Place is picked out and booked. We officially have a date.”
 “Don’t leave me in suspense, Sammy. Wedding date now,” Dean chuckled, wiping down a glass.
 “September 15th,” he grinned widely, reaching his hand up to the back of his head.
 “I’ll save the date,” he nodded with a big smile. “Congratulations, little brother!”
 “Thanks, De,” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal.
 You stood behind the bar awkwardly, not knowing if you should say something, or go do something else. You didn’t want to be in the way of him. This was his business too. You pulled your cloth back out, and decided to head back out to the floor to wipe down the tables again.  
 “Dean, what is she doing here?” you heard Sam say.
 “She’s helping us out because I asked her to,” Dean stated.
 “Dean, you know-”
 “No Dean, if mom or dad was to walk in right now, you’d be in so much shit,” he stated. That was your queue. You weren’t welcomed and you weren’t going to ruin a family business. You had no idea why you even agreed to in the first place. Mary told you that you were never going to be good enough for her family. Why did you think you’d be good enough to work at her son’s bar?
 “Sorry,” you breathed out, as you untied your apron. “I’m- I’m gonna go, Dean. I don’t want to ruin your business or your relationship with your family. You don’t have to pay me for tonight.”
 “Y/N, wait,” Dean called out as you began to walk away.
 “Dean, it’s cool,” you nodded, assuring him it was.
 “No, it’s not cool, Y/N. I invited you here tonight,” Dean declared, walking over to you. “My mom and dad don’t own this bar. Sammy and I do. I’ll tell you again. I don’t care who your mom is or was to my parents. I care about you and who you are to me. If Sammy has a problem with it, then he can stow it for tonight. You are welcome in this bar.” His hands made their way to your arms, holding you in place.
 “Dean, I’m not worth the trouble, okay?” you smiled weakly, pulling the few bills out of your pocket, handing them to him. “This is yours.”
 “No, they are yours. You earned them tonight. All tips are yours,” he stated.
 “Y/N, please stay,” Sam called out.
 “Please, sweetheart,” Dean pleaded, holding his hand out for you to take. “You’re off the clock. Just hang out with us for a little while. You said you needed to get out more.”
 “You want a drink Y/N?” Sam offered, grabbing a clean glass from beneath the counter.
 “Okay,” you nodded. “Water would be great.”
 “W-water?” Sam furrowed his brows.
 “She doesn’t drink,” Benny added in.
 “Ah, okay,” Sam nodded.
 You walked around the bar, taking a seat on the stool behind the bar. Sam placed a glass of water with a few ice cubes on the counter in front of you, giving you a soft smile. You knew he was trying to keep a smile on his face to keep you around for the night. It was forced at best.
 “So, no guy in your life right now, Y/N?” Benny questioned you. “You usually have someone-”
 “Nope, I don’t. Not right now,” you smiled at him, bringing your water up to your lips. Great, even Benny knew you got around, you thought to yourself.
 “You want someone? ‘Cause you know, I’m single and you’re-”
 “Benny, knock it off,” Dean warned him. “She doesn’t need another guy hitting on her tonight. House rules.”
 “What? ‘M I not good enough for you,” he teased playfully before serving the next customer.
 “You’re not my type,” you giggled. “My track record states that I only go for dicks. You’re a nice guy.”
 “So Y/N, I gotta ask,” Sam started, taking another stool, sitting close by. “I know you grew up with your mom-”
 “Sam,” Dean called out, his voice laced with a bit of anger.
 “It’s okay Dean,” you assured him.
 “Was it just you and your mom or was your dad ever around?” he questioned. You knew he was curious, and he didn’t seem to want to cause any harm to you. It was a simple question. Nothing you hadn’t been asked a hundred times before.
 “No. It was just me and my mom. I never knew my dad, in fact, I’ve never met him or know his name for that matter. My mom always told me he didn’t want anything to do with me and that was why he wasn’t around. He didn’t want me and that’s why it was the two of us. I have no idea who my dad is, or if he’s even alive at this point. I never knew anything about him,” you shared with him.
 “Were you ever curious?” Dean added in, stepping closer to you and Sam.
 “Yeah, of course I was. I grew up without a dad. The kids at school were terrible to me because I didn’t have one,” you began. “I mean, look at me now. I’m a mess ninety five percent of the time. I just wish my mom would’ve been straight with me. But at the same time, my mom slept around a lot. She had a new boyfriend every month. I doubt she even knew who my dad was.”
 “Do you think she was hiding it from you?” Sam brought up.
 “In some ways, yeah. I asked her when I was eighteen, before I left for college and she said there was no point. My dad was probably dead.”
 “If you ever wanted to find out more, Y/N, I’m sure I could do a little digging for you,” Sam offered you. It was a kind gesture but it wasn’t worth it.
 “I’m not worth that kind of trouble, Sam. I don’t want to cause any more issues with your family than I already have.”
 “Your mom’s issues weren’t your fault, sweetheart,” Dean reminded you.
 “Dean’s right, Y/N. What your mom did in the past has nothing to do with you. It bugs the hell out of my mom because you look like her. It’s still wrong that she treated you the way she did. You’re nothing like your mom,” Sam said with a sad smile. It was really nice to hear those words coming from Sam. Especially now that you were here. You didn’t want him to hate you like his family did.
 “Okay,” you breathed out. “I’m giving you the okay to take a look. It can’t hurt to find out my family history. And I’m curious as to what my mom hid from me all my life. But I don’t want to make any contact if we find out who it is.” In reality, it was probably good to find out in case you had a family history of cancer or something like that. It was too late now to ever have a father daughter relationship like you dreamed about when you were ten.
 “Deal. You are always welcome to change your mind later on, okay?”
 “Thank you,” you smiled softly at him. “Means a lot to me that you want to do this.”
 “Well well, look who decided to show up for work,” Dean greeted the two people as they walked in.
 “I thought you were short tonight, De?” you furrowed your brows.
 “Chuck and Cas work later so we can go home at a decent hour,” he told you. Both of them walked behind the bar, settling their stuff underneath the cash.
 “Hey,” a man with curly-ish hair greeted you. “I’m Chuck.”
 “Y/N,” you waved at him.
 “So uh, how you doin’?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
 “Chuck,” Dean warned him, shaking his head.
 “Oh shit, sorry. Is she your-”
 “No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s my best friend,” he stated, earning a chuckle from both you and Sam. Dean was very protective over you, and you actually kind of liked that he was.
 “Oh god, that’s worse,” he breathed out sheepishly. “It was very nice to meet you, Y/N.”
 “You ready to head out, Y/N?” Dean offered with a smile.
 “God, yes please!” you beamed, hopping off your stool.
 “I’ll grab your number from Dean,” Sam nodded, giving you a wink. Dean grabbed his jacket as you circled around the bar for the last time. You couldn’t wait to go home and change into your pyjamas. You couldn’t wait to be in the privacy of your apartment so you could finally unwind for the night.
 Dean followed behind you as you lead the way to the impala. It was just after eleven when you looked at the clock in the impala as Dean started her up. It was a long night, and some parts of it sucked, but for the most part, you were glad you did it with Dean there. His friends were also nice people to be around so that certainly helped.
 “You did good tonight,” he smiled at you as he turned out of the parking lot.
 “What can I say, I’m an ex bartender,” you chuckled. “Thanks for asking me to come out tonight.”
 “You’re welcome,” he nodded.
 “If you’re up for it, you wanna hang out at my place for a bit?” you asked him. “Only if you want to.”
 “Yeah, I’d love to,” he agreed.
 It was almost eleven thirty by the time you arrived at your front door with the keys in your hand. Dean stood right behind you, keeping a close distance. You figured after that creepy guy at the bar tonight, he was keeping you close in case something was to happen. You really did enjoy how protective he was of you. He had been ever since that day the two of you made up. It was nice to have someone want to keep you safe from harms way.
 You threw your keys on the counter as soon as you walked in. Dean locked the door behind him and kicked off his shoes on the front mat. You leaped onto the couch, flopping down on your back, earning a laugh from your best friend.
 “Long night, huh?” he said as he sat down next to you.
 “Very! I love being hit on by creepy guys. It’s my favourite,” you joked, moving up to a sitting position to give him more room on the couch. Your couch was big enough for two people to sleep on, but Dean just had to sit close to you.
 “You used to enjoy guys like that,” he teased you.
 “Eh, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed them. I prefer guys with a little more respect. Not guys that grope my ass in a crowded bar while I’m working,” you breathed out. “I don’t know. Lately I haven’t been interested.”
 “In what?” he cocked his head to the side, looking over at you.
 “Dating. Men in general,” you shrugged, leaning against the arm of the couch. “Too much to focus on and I’m a mess most days.”
 “Not even sex for you?” he questioned.
 “Eh,” you smirked. “I’ve got my own ways of handling things in that department. It’s not like any of the guys I slept with before knew what they were doing. I’m just not wasting my time.”
 “Good,” he grinned. “You deserve better than that.”
 “What about you, Winchester? You’re nearly as bad as I am for taking random people home,” you pointed out.
 “Not as of recently,” he confessed, looking down at his hands. “Part of it is how busy I’ve been. No one has really caught my eye. Everyone these days are dating, and settling down. After Cassie, I don’t really want to date right now. Especially since she left things open for when she gets back.”
 “I don’t blame you,” you nodded. “Would you get back together with her if she were to show up at your door right now?”
 “Deep question there, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from her since we broke up. Not even an email. If she were to knock on my door, I don’t think I could just settle back in like nothing happened.”
 “That’s understandable,” you nodded. “At least you’ve moved on a little. We slept together.”
 “You’re the last person I slept with,” he admitted.
 “You’re my last too,” you nodded. “We’re doing awesome. Although, I certainly can’t complain. You were damn good. You kept up your end of the bargain beautifully.”
 “Well, technically I owe you one for tonight,” he joked with a smirk. “I know how to drive a good bargain.”
 “I’m down if you are,” you wiggled your eyebrows with a soft smile.
 “Actually?” he cocked his eyebrow.
 “What’s the harm?” you shrugged. “Not like we haven’t before.”
 “I’m definitely in if you are,” he nodded. “No pressure at all. Only if you want to.”
 “You’re too nice to me, you know that?” you smiled at him as you moved over. You threw your leg over his legs, settling down over his lap. His hands instantly reached for your waist as his eyes went wide.
 “I wouldn’t say nice,” he breathed out. “I just care ‘bout you is all.”
 “Well, thank you. I really appreciate that you care,” you smiled. “I care ‘bout you too.”
 “Alright, this is getting too chick flicky for my liking,” he stated, leaning forward. He captured your lips with his in a soft, heated kiss that had you instantly craving more. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders tugging yourself closer to him as your tongue slipped over his bottom lip.
 His hands reached beneath your flannel, pushing the material over your shoulders in record time. You had a feeling this was going to happen fast. It was late after all, and you both had been working since nine this morning. It was going to be a quickie at best and that was more than okay with you. A quick fix to make you both feel good and that would be enough to put you to sleep right away.
 “You’re sure about this?” Dean asked you, pulling away a little.
 “Yes, more than sure,” you breathed out, pushing his flannel over his shoulders. “No foreplay this time.”
 “Got it,” he nodded. “Just a quickie?”
 “Quickie then bed,” you smile at him.
 “Roger that,” he agreed, tugging the hem of your shirt up your body, throwing it to the floor. You did the exact same to his, tearing it off of him as quickly as you could. He bucked his hips up to yours, and you could feel the bulge of him already. The thought of having him once more sent heat pooling in your core.
 You climbed off of his lap, toying with the button on your jeans before shoving them down your legs along with your panties. Dean unbuckled his belt, making quick work of removing his jeans and boxers, pushing them down his legs. His hard cock standing proud between his legs. Fuck, was he perfect.
 “Condom?” you asked him.
 “Wallet,” he nodded, reaching down to his jeans, pulling out the leather pouch. He opened it up, taking the foil packet from his wallet. You stepped forward, straddling him as he opened the packet with his teeth, taking the rubber out. You watched as he took his cock in his hand, rolling the condom down over himself. You reached behind your back, removing the final article of clothing from your body to reveal yourself to him once more.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” he smiled softly at you.
 “Dean,” you grinned, shaking your head.
 “You are,” he shrugged. “I like that I’m the one you went home with tonight after all the guys that hit on you.”
 “Thank you,” you half smiled. “You’re sexy as hell.”
 “Hell doesn’t sound all that sexy,” he teased you.
 “Shut up, Winchester,” you giggled. “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
 “Please,” he chuckled.
 “Then ask me nicely,” you played, wanting to test him just a little.
 “Y/N, will you please let me put my dick inside you?” he let out a laugh, not able to keep a straight face through the entire sentence, making you laugh along with him.
 “I can’t believe you actually asked,” you cackled.
 “Shut up,” he shook his head, trying not to laugh more than he already had. “The things I do for you.”
 “Hey, the way to a girl’s heart is through humor, Winchester,” you pointed out.
 “Yeah yeah,” he scoffed. “Alright, I’m going to touch you now. Make sure you’re ready for me.”
 “By all means,” you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. His right hand came down between your legs, his middle finger brushing through your folds to see if you were ready enough for him. You knew you were more than ready to take him. The mere sight of him had you ready to go. The kissing certainly helped you get there too. He was a damn good kisser.
 “Fuck, sweetheart,” he whispered. “You’re sure?”
 “Yes,” you nodded. “You’re sure?”
 “I am,” he agreed. “Whenever you’re ready.”
 You balanced yourself on his shoulders, moving up his body to get ready. You reached one of your hands down, taking his cock before lining it up with your entrance. Your eyes met with his as you positioned the tip in place. He nodded his head, not daring to break the eye contact you held. You let yourself sync down on him, slow and steady. His eyes fluttered shut as you surrounded him in your heat.
 “Fuck, Y/N,” he breathed out as he bottomed out inside you. You could feel him twitching a little as your walls grew accustomed to him. He finally opened his eyes, meeting yours as a smile played on his lips. He slipped his hands around your back, ready to help you move on him.
 “You feel amazing, De,” you told him, leaning forward, pressing your forehead to his.
 You made yourself more comfortable before beginning to move on him. He repositioned himself beneath you, making it easier for you to ride him, and for him to meet you halfway. As you sank down on him, he thrusted upwards. His grip was tight on you, keeping you close to him. He felt amazing inside of you. Hell, almost better than he did the first time. From this angle, his cock brushed over all the sensitive spots, getting you there a little bit faster than you were expecting him to.
 His lips trailed on your neck, making your fingers curl in his shoulders. Your walls fluttered around him at the sensation. You brought your hand up to his hair, carding through his soft locks as you continued to bounce on him.
 “Shit Dean,” you cried out.
 “Feels so good,” he muttered, pulling away from your neck. “So close.”
 “Faster,” you urged him on.
 His hands slipped down to your ass, pulling you closer to him. He shifted quickly, your back hitting the couch as he fit between your legs. He snapped his hips against yours, picking up the pace to get you both there. One of his hands reached between your bodies, toying with your clit to heighten your pleasure.
 “Dean, Dean, Dean,” you moaned. Your grip tightened around his shoulders, desperate to grab onto something to keep you grounded. You were panting profusely. You felt the tightness growing in your abdomen. You were so damn close.
 “Come for me, sweetheart,” he urged you on. “Let me feel you.”
 Your walls came crashing down around him as you let out a wanton moan. Your eyes fluttered shut as you threw your head back, letting the pleasure course it’s way through your body. Your fingers curled into his back, trying to hold onto something to keep you from floating away. Your vision went white and your body began to shake just enough for you to notice.
 “Atta girl,” he encouraged you as he bucked his hips into yours. You knew he was damn close to the edge. He just needed that final push.
 “Feels so good, De,” you whispered, trailing your shaky hand up into his hair. “Come for me, Dean.”
 “Shit-” he growled, picking up his pace just a little more. He gave three hard thrusts before his cock twitched. His seed filling the condom before he collapsed on top of you, letting out a breath.
 Your hand carded through his hair, playing with his soft locks as you both came down from your highs. You turned your head, looking at the time on the clock above your tv. It was just after twelve fifteen. You knew you had to get up and get ready for bed.  
 “I just realized we did that with the curtains open,” you giggled, glancing over at the big open window.
 “Well shit,” he let out a laugh. “I hope they enjoyed the show.”
 “We should get up,” you told him. “Get ready for bed.”
 “Yeah,” he breathed out, shifting himself up. He reached down, grabbing the base of his cock to remove himself with care.
 You were the first one off the couch, leaving your clothes on the floor. You headed into your bedroom, going straight to the bathroom. Dean wasn’t far behind you, throwing the used condom into the trash in your bathroom.
 “Uh, you’re welcome to stay if you want to,” you offered him. “Or you can go, whichever you want to do.”
 “Whichever you’re more comfortable with. I don’t want to overstep,” he stated, taking a step back.
 “We literally just had sex,” you reminded him. “I don’t know what would even be considered overstepping at this point.”
 “True,” he chuckled.
 “Well, if you’d like to stay, there is an extra toothbrush in my drawer and boxers in the top drawer in my bedroom,” you told him with a soft smile. “I’m going to shower to get the smell of sex and alcohol off of me. If you want to do the same, you know where the towels are.”
 “Alright,” he nodded, turning towards the shower. You watched as he turned the nozzle, setting it on hot. “You shower first and I’ll clean up out there.
 Dean was out of the bathroom, giving you a bit of privacy. You shut the door a little, giving yourself the comfort of being alone to do what you needed to do. You went to the bathroom before slipping into the shower.
 The water was the perfect temperature for you to clean yourself up. You were just going to have a quick shower to wash your body. You could wash your hair in the morning. You just wanted to feel clean. You had the feeling Dean was staying with you tonight, and you weren’t against it persay. You didn’t want him getting the wrong idea. You weren’t looking for a relationship. You hoped it was just sex for him. That you could handle with ease. You didn’t want to do the whole ‘feelings’ thing. Not with your best friend. Sleepovers were normal for friends. Two friends could have sex without it being weird. There was nothing wrong with casual sex.
 You washed your body quickly. You could feel yourself getting more and more tired the more you stood under the stream. You just wanted to get out, brush your teeth and head to bed. Nothing more.
 The water shut off and you stepped out onto the mat you had set out. You wrapped your towel around yourself, making sure it was tight. The mirror was all steamy, and you could barely see. Not that it was going to stop you from brushing your teeth.
 “Dean, you’re good,” you called out, reaching for your toothbrush. The bathroom door opened, revealing Dean in his boxers and nothing else. He was quiet as he went about, gathering what he needed to shower. You tried your hardest to keep your eyes off of him while he moved around.
 He hopped in the shower as soon as you finished brushing your teeth. The mirror was just starting to clear when you turned away, giving Dean the privacy he deserved. You noticed as soon as you were in your bedroom that Dean had thrown your clothes in the laundry hamper. His clothes were set on the chair in the corner of your room, folded nicely.
 You grabbed the first pair of panties from your drawer, and an oversized shirt to wear to bed. You could feel yourself starting to overthink this. You didn’t want anything to change between you and Dean. You didn’t see him as anything other than your best friend. You didn’t want to date him. You didn’t want a boyfriend or a serious relationship for that matter. You didn’t want him to get the wrong impression.
 You got dressed quickly, throwing the comforter back, slipping beneath the sheets. You heard the water turn off, which meant it was only a matter of time before he was joining you in bed. You lay on your back, adjusting the covers over your chest.
 Dean emerged from the bathroom in a pair of clean boxers, shutting the light out. He circled around the bed, following the same steps. He joined you in the bed, resting on his back, looking up at the ceiling.
 “You tired?” he asked you.
 “Now that the lights are out, not really,” you chuckled. “You?”
 “No not really,” he let out a laugh. “That was fun.”
 “It was. And I’m not usually for being on top,” you admitted with a half smile.
 “Why this time?” he questioned, turning his head to look your direction.
 “I don’t know. I guess I feel a little more comfortable around you. I’m not as nervous about some things, like the way I look for example,” you confessed.
 “You’re beautiful,” he said with a laugh. “Hell, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.”
 “What, like that?”
 “That. And sex in general,” he shrugged. “I’ve got what is probably not a good idea. But you said that you’re not looking to date anyone. I’m not ready to date anyone. We’re best friends and speaking from previous experiences one and two, sex is great between us. You’re comfortable with me, and I’m comfortable with you. Why don’t we continue sleeping together? You know, get each other off, try some new things?”
 “Like a friends with benefits kind of thing?” you inquired, furrowing your brows.
 “Yeah I guess so,” he breathed out.
 “How is that going to work, Dean?” you turned to face him. “It literally never works. There are too many rules, and someone always gets hurt in the end.”
 “Not if we don’t let it,” he reminded you.
 “Fair point. If we’re going this, and that’s a big if, Dean. I don’t want stupid rules and shit, okay? Friends who have sex, try new things; whatever. Nothing about our friendship changes,” you declared.
 “Done deal. I can agree to those terms,” he nodded.
 “Good. I’m all for sex, but as soon as something goes sideways, of gets complicated, I’m out, okay?” you breathed out.
 “More than okay,” he smiled at you. “Now, are you going to deny me after sex cuddling?”
 “We had sex like half an hour ago,” you scoffed playfully.
 “Friends are allowed to cuddle, you know,” he reminded you. “It’s not going to hurt you.”
 “Fine,” you shook your head. “You’re big spoon though.”
 “Turn around then,” he smirked.
 You turned over, trying to make yourself comfortable on your side of the bed. Dean slipped his arm around your middle, his chest pressing against your back. You let yourself melt into him, feeling safe in his hold. You knew for a fact that he was going to keep the nightmares away tonight.  
 Maybe after sex cuddling wasn’t so bad after all.
Part 5 coming Tuesday!
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Any theories? Please share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me an ask! Nothing is stupid! I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Your response is the ONLY thing keeping me sharing this story!
Dean Babes
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Owe You One
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dumbasscorn · 4 years
Exothermic : chapter four
Amalthea vs the Boring Talk 
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"Also, I'm definitely gonna need all the gossip on the famous Bella Swan."
═ ∘♡༉∘ ═
Things in the Swan household were much different compared to living with Joshua Swan. The dynamic was different, very different. You were able to walk without seeing a beer bottle on the counter. The light switches worked on the first try. You did not have to slam your fist on the washer for it to begin its cycle. You could shower without having the water be near freezing.
Yes, things were different. Amalthea felt weird having things be easier.
It was quite the shock when the ebony-haired teen didn't wake up shivering from being so cold, her fingertips weren't turning blue for the first time in a while. Joshua and his daughter could only save enough money to have heat and warm water maybe twice a year. The two were accustomed to the cold, so they usually spent the money on more useful things like beer and books.
Charlie Swan had decided to take the day off to spend with his niece. Not a soul walked through the police station without hearing about the arrival of one Amalthea Rue Swan. The entire staff of the diner had even heard about the young girl! Therefore, nobody questioned why Charlie decided to take a personal day for the first time in years.
Bella Swan on the other hand fought to feel anything anymore. Days passed by being utterly bland. She felt like nothing. Everything was surrounded by painful memories. Sleep couldn't even be used as an escape. It was invaded by nightmares that began to plague the brunette once her boyfriend- ex boyfriend now- left her stranded in the woods. Talking even seemed to be too much to handle. Being happy or feeling anticipation was halted for so long that Bella thought she may never feel either emotion again.
Amalthea woke up disorientated, the bad dream that ran through her mind as she slept led to hear waking up panicked and in a sweat. God, she felt like ass.
Catching the breath that escaped her lungs when she startled awake, Amalthea made her way to the bathroom to splash water on her face. Turning the knob upward, water spurted out of the shiny faucet. Bringing two hands to cup the water, the teen felt relief fall on her shoulders as the ice cold water began to slow her fast paced heartbeat.
Drying her damp face with a towel, Amalthea decided to head downstairs to see if Charlie had awoken yet.
Seeing the brown haired man, Amalthea rubbed her left eye and spoke softly, "Good morning, Uncle Charlie."
Charlie twirled the top half of his body away from the brewing coffee to face his tired niece, "Good morning, Thea! How'd the first night sleeping go?"
Amalthea decided she liked when he called her that nickname, so she responded with a weak thumbs up and grabbed the box of Cheerios that was calling her name. Charlie opened the cabinet to get a bowl and spoon out, handing them to the teen. Thea nodded in thanks, pouring the cereal into the bowl and topping it off with milk she found in the fridge.
Taking a seat at the dining room table, Amalthea spooned the first bit of cereal into her mouth.
"After you finish eating we can talk about school and all that boring stuff."
Thea looked at the man in disscontempt, "Yeah, yeah. I know, so boring! It'll take a couple minutes and I'll take you to get paint after."
Thea gave her uncle a rock-and-roll symbol as a sign of agreement. Charlie watched her do so in amusement, her silence in the morning and use of hand signals reminding him deeply of his deceased brother.
Slowly slurping the remainder of the milk in the bowl, Amalthea stood to wash the dishes she used. Quickly doing so, she fell back into her chair and sighed, looking in her uncle's eyes. He snorted, "Don't look so excited there, Thea."
The girl slowly blinked, unimpressed. Charlie took the hint and began talking.
"Okay for starters, you'll start school on Monday-- which is good since it's only Saturday now-- and Bella will give you a ride there. She knows you're here, but she's going through some, uh- things right now. Oh hey- maybe she can introduce you to Jacob! He's your age, lives on the reservation, they've been hanging out a bunch lately-- good kid.
"Anyway, I thought it'd be good if she took you. It might be embarrassing to have your uncle taking you to school in a cop car-- yeah no it definitely would be. Back on track, we can get some notebooks for you today when we pick up the paint and whatever else you might need."
"Done?" Amalthea picked her head up off of her arms.
Charlie grinned widely, "Yep!"
"Yeah I totally thought that was gonna last forever. Kinda surprised you didn't even mention any rules. Also, I'm definitely gonna need all the gossip on the famous Bella Swan. You've got me all intrigued now, man."
Charlie chuckled, "Rules totally slipped, let's stick with--"
Amalthea butted in, "Tut-tut! Nope! None were mentioned, none gonna be followed. Sorry Uncle Charles, that's just how the cookie crumbles!" The teen giggled at Charlie's unamused face, moving to go upstairs.
"I'm gonna go get ready, hope you're down to take me shopping for paint now cause I really wanna paint today."
Charlie sighed and shook his head defeated, "Yeah, okay-- be ready in, what do ya say, 20 minutes?"
Thea hummed a mhm! and ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
═ ∘♡༉∘ ═
Do you like the relationship Charlie and Thea have currently? I know you haven't seen much of it but I'm excited to show more of it! It will be adorable.  
master list 
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
OM x Pokémon au!
Trainer HCs
Lucifer: his favourite pokemon are dragon, air, and fire types. In public his pokemon are well disciplined and follow directions perfectly. He has yet to lose a battle, as he has extensive knowledge on what pokemon types are effective against each other. He is often able to produce the pokemon he needs or wants for his team through research and breeding. He understands pokemon behavior very well, and will share any findings with Simeon. Despite being strict with his pokemon in public, behind closed doors he babies them and spoils them, part of the reason they are so loyal to him. He gives them the love he refuses to give to his brothers.
Mammon: Mammon loves electric type pokemon, as many of them share his energy and enthusiasm. He tends to have the roughest encounters out of everyone, often only catching pokemon after it has done its number on him physically. However, Mammon remains patient with his pokemon and they form a deep bond. His pokemon are often there for emotional support, and return the favour of his patience with them through comforting him after rough days. Mammon never has money, because he's too busy spoiling his pokemon. He sometimes makes money by scamming and tricking people into buying Magikarp that he's caught.
Levi: his favourites are water type pokemon, specifically smaller pokemon that may appear to be weak, but catch their opponents off guard. He and Mammon have gotten into heated fights over whether or not Magikarp was worth keeping. Levi was actually the one who sold Mammon a Magikarp first, promising a mighty warrior. Mammon of course, turned around and sold it when he found out how useless it was...at least until he found out where Levi's Gyrados had come from. Levi trains his pokemon almost as strictly as Lucifer. He really wants to be the best, and this time, he thinks he can. He also has an infatuation with shiny pokemon, and will do whatever necessary to catch them.
Satan: He likes plant and psychic pokemon. He uses them in battles sometimes, but mostly enjoys them for companionship. Most of their moves, however, are meant to inconvenience Lucifer in any way possible, invading dreams, stealing his extra pokeballs, and often bribing his pokemon so that they will act out against him. (Though it rarely succeeds). He manages to negotiate most wild pokemon to join him instead of fighting them?? He has taught his pokemon the art of diplomacy, and combined with a couple treats, he manages to convince many wild pokemon to join him without causing damage to either party. It's unconventional, but because of that he is seen as one of the best pokemon trainers.
Asmo: doesn't care what pokemon it is, if it's cute, it's his. If it's not conventionally cute, he can make it cute. He uses his pokemon for fashion and talent shows, and often buys them rather than find them in the wild. Not to say that his pokemon are not well-trained, but they can be divas and refuse to listen to anyone other than Asmo. This is because Asmo has a special way to pet them all, and unless you execute it perfectly, they will not listen. Even if they're in your way. You'll just have to bask in their beauty for a little longer.
Beel: his favorite pokemon are fighting types. He tends to do physical training/excersize with his pokemon, as most of them can keep up with both his routine and metabolism. He is rather relaxed when it comes to training them, however he can always guarantee a win if he promises treats after a match, as the same is pretty much true for himself. He treats his pokemon as his equals rather than pets or warriors. His pokemon are a little less disciplined than most trainers pokemon, but they are just as lethal in combat, and often have more fun than other trainer/pokemon partners.
Belphie: he doesn't care what pokemon he has, but cares deeply about the ones he's managed to catch. Much like Satan, he enjoys them more as company than anything else. Will absolutely cuddle with his small pokemon and sleep next to or on top of his bigger pokemon. (I.E Snorlax, Slaking) As much as he enjoys pokemon that share a similar lifestyle to him, he also likes to ride on top of pokemon that are much more active than him, as it takes the responsibility movement away from him. He only has a few pokemon that he trains really well, so in the event of a battle he's not caught off-guard or unprepared.
Barbatos: again, not much preference here, however he has a soft spot for pokemon that resemble prehistoric animals. He trains them to take care of themselves as well as carry out tasks that will assist him in his day to day duties, and rewards them well every time they complete a task. He is the strictest when it comes to training his pokemon for battle, but the rewards are also the best.
Diavolo: He loves all pokemon. He finds them equally fascinating and is constantly trying to catch anything that moves. He is an excellent trainer; playful and strict measures weave together in order to form a formidable team. He also enjoys the company that pokemon provide. Training them prevents him from feeling bored or lonely, so he is almost always training them. Unfortunately, many people are intimidated by his vast collection of pokemon, level of excellence that they have been trained to, and Diavolo himself because of his position, meaning that he rarely gets to show off. Any pokemon that's big enough to ride, he will ride it. Even if it's not comfortable, he will try riding any pokemon at least once.
Simeon: not so much interested in training. He would rather monitor pokemon in their natural habitats and learn from them. In his time studying pokemon, he has found himself rescuing many and nursing them back to health. While some of the pokemon return to their place in the wild, many linger near Simeon. Although he doesn't catch nor train them, they provide comfort and company for him while he works, as thanks. Simeon is always eager to share new findings with others in order to help them succeed in their training.
Luke: He's 10! He is so ready to start his pokemon journey. In his years leading up to this, he accompanied Simeon whenever he could in order to learn as much as possible before heading off on his own. His favorite pokemon is an Eevee, and tends to like normal types overall. His starter pokemon type is dictated by whatever MC's favourite is, because it's automatically his favourite too.
Solomon: Keep this man away from pokemon. Please. He is not to be trusted.
Ok! I hope this to your liking @yandereskies ! I had a lot of fun writing this.
I was also inspired by the artwork done by @julie-ghouls , who also has OM x Pokemon au stuff.
Requests are open, so don't hesitate to ask!😁
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aquietwritingcorner · 3 years
Writers Month Day 21: Pizza Word Count: 1083 Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: K/G Characters: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell Warning: NA Summary: Ed has encountered some different kinds of foods on his travels. He attempts to share this with Al and Winry, to mixed results Notes: I mean, we never do see Pizza in FMA do we? AO3 || ff.net
 “Ed, are you sure this is right?”
“For the last time, Winry, yes, I am!”
“But it doesn’t look right—it’s so flat!”
“It’s supposed to be flat, ya gearhead! I told you so!”
“It’s not like your known for your culinary skills, Edward!”
Alphonse laughed to himself as he watched his brother and Winry fuss and fight over the food they were making, even as they kept working. He and Ed had both come back, he from the East, and Edward from the West and South. Al had spent most of his time in Xing, but Ed had visited lots of smaller countries in his travels and brought back descriptions of all sorts of different kinds of food.
Winry, hearing of this, decided that they needed to try to make some of these, because she wanted to try them too. It had been a lot of squabbling over what to try, but finally they had settled on something Ed called “pizza.” It had sounded good, although it had some strange cooking requirements. For starters, Edward had made him make a flat, somewhat porous stone to bake the pizza on, and, after seasoning it, had gone ahead and put it in the oven to start heating up.
He had gone out earlier and gotten ingredients that were, in his words “the closest we’re gonna get” to what they had used in the land this food came from.  He’d set Winry and Alphonse to preparing the cheese and vegetables and meat while he had worked on the crust, which was the bread part of it.
“Winry,” Edward groaned. “Can’t you just get back to making the tomato sauce and let me take care of the crust!”
Winry frowned, but she did as he asked, stirring the sauce and following the directions he had given her.
“So where did you say you tried this food again, Brother?” Alphonse asked as he continued to chop vegetables.
“A country not to far from Creta, actually,” he said, most of his attention focused on the dough he was making. “It was a pretty cheap food to get, so I ate a lot of it. There were lots of different kinds too.”
“Really?” Winry asked. “Like what?”
“Well, most had a crust similar to what I’m gonna make, but some were thicker or thinner. A lot of them used the tomato sauce, but some had this white, creamy sauce that was alright. And the toppings—there were all sorts of different toppings!”
“Here, Ed, taste this,” Winry said, holding out the spoon for him to taste the sauce. “What kinds of toppings?”
“It needs just a little more sugar,” Edward said. “All the pizzas I tried had cheese on them, although we don’t have the exact kind of cheese here, so we’re going to have to hope this will taste similar enough. But after that it was pretty much anything you wanted. Tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, peppers, garlic cloves, greens, all sorts of different meats. They had these small round sausages that they’d slice extremely thin and put on top. It was pretty popular. Sometimes there were even some fruits on there. There was this one yellow fruit, kind of acidic, but sweet. Seemed to be a point of contention between people if it belonged on the pizza or not.”
“It kind of sounds like stew, except on bread,” Alphonse said. “You make the base, and then you can put just about anything on top, like you can put just about anything in stew.”
Ed paused. “Stew on bread… yeah. I like that!” He grinned and looked down at the dough. “Okay, I just need to get this in the right shape, and they we can start putting everything on it.”
“What’s the right shape?” Winry asked. “Taste this.”
“Most of the time it was a circle, and then it was cut into wedges. That should be good. Put it on to simmer for now.” Ed was busy with the dough. “…I can’t remember if this has to rise or not…”
“Let it sit for a moment,” Alphonse suggested. “You can check on the stone in the oven and help me finish chopping everything.”
“Yeah, okay,” Edward said. He peeked in the over, opened to feel the heat, and apparently was satisfied with that. “These look pretty good, Al,” he said, looking over the vegetables. “I’ll start on the meat.”
“Hang on a second,” Winry said, turning away from the sauce. “You said that just about anything went on these pizzas. So why are we only using this stuff?”
“Because I want you to taste what I tasted! I want you to get an authentic experience. Or, well… close to it.”
“Maybe we can make more than one,” Alphonse suggested. “One like Ed had, and one where we just experiment.”
“There should be enough dough and sauce for that,” Ed said.
“Alright,” Winry said with a grin. “I’ll get out some stuff for the other one, then.
The three of them spent the next few hours making the pizzas, listening to Ed’s stories about the cooks he saw spinning the dough in the air, and creating their own versions of the food. Ed had Al make a flat, wooden tool to put the pizzas on the stone and take them out again, as well as another stone that they had to heat up slowly, but eventually the pizzas were done, and Edward was slicing them up with a round rolling knife.
“Okay!” he said, smiling proudly down at their creations. “It might be a little hot but eat up!”
The cheese was melty and gooey, and the crust hot to the touch, but Winry and Alphonse each pulled a piece of the original pizza to them. Edward eagerly watched them.
“It’s good!” Alphonse said, his eyes lighting up.
“It’s really good!” Winry agreed.
Ed reached for his own piece, picking it up and trying it. “Its… not exactly right, but it’s pretty close!”
“Well, I love it!” Alphonse said, quickly finishing the piece he was holding and reaching for another one.
“Me too!” Winry agreed. “We’ll have to make this again.”
“Yeah,” Ed said with a smile. “Hey—lets try the other pizza.”
They did and while Ed said it had a different palate then what he had eaten before, all three agreed that was good. They laughed when discussing what to try next as they ate their food, the sun setting as the three friends enjoyed their time together.
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norgestan · 3 years
crisana, norandro, jorgeva and amira x dani
ha, anon just wanted all the canon couples. fair enough!
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see, skam s3 is my favorite season of all time, but it has never been because of the love story. isak's story hits in a lot of sensitive places for me, and isak was also the first main character i encountered that was my age. i have a really special connection to him for that reason. on the other hand... i enjoy evak for what it is, but i never saw a future for their relationship after the season ended. in a lot of ways, isak's season ended just as their relationship started, a trope that i've never liked because how am i supposed to think that they will last? how am i supposed to know how they will work as a couple? it's just, ugh.
i had similar thoughts about crisana when i watched s2, except that the love confession scene and cris as a character made it even harder to get into the couple. moreover, the way people brush other characters' roles and presence on other seasons because they're so caught up on cris and joana is like... blegh. like it makes me forget that they're actually a well-written couple at times. because imo, og they never did anything really interesting with evak once they got together. but eskam........ oh, dear eskam.
there's something so beautiful about thinking of all the girls, the teenagers that will grow up watching a relationship like theirs on popular media. their entire subplot (??? can i even call it that) in s4 is proof of how GREAT of a relationship they turned out to be. like, i just wanna SCREAM thinking about it because, how is it possible that eskam saw evak and said "we're gonna make this SO good and we'll take our time and then tie it up in an incredibly satisfying and emotional way" and then did exactly that!!!!!! the way they respect each other, communicate, genuinely try to get to each other without dumb miscommunication. the way they understand each other and lift each other up! the way joana knew how to recognize cris' intelligence when everyone was telling her she's dumb, the way cris knows how to make joana feel worth it and show her affection in such a selfless, loving way. their last scene on joana's pov in s4 was the first time i cried during that season, just because it was all wrapped up so beautifully. because eskam understood that although the appeal of their relationship comes from the soulmate status of every evak couple, they had to also put in serious work to make it all work and they also managed to get that across with grounded drama, and also a hopeful message for people struggling with mental disorders. like AAAAAAAAAAAAA god what a great couple they are. maybe i'm too much of an eskam bootlicker but they're genuinely the best evak there is. i'll die on this hill. i'm so happy young wlw get to watch them as a guideline of what they should expect of a relationship.
NORANDRO: already done :)
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i mean... it's eskam's fault, without a doubt. i love what eskam did with them in s1: the change of pacing, the way they created jorge, the little story changes to make it more nuanced, i think come together in a pretty satisfying way to show a teenage romance with no real support to last for more than a while. i don’t think eskam fully got the gist of what jonas was supposed to be, but it’s for the better if we think of the message in season 1. for that reason, jorge is like the one jonas who i really wouldn’t mind coming back to his eva. so why don’t i like them?
the answer is simply that i don’t enjoy their trope and i don’t think eskam made a real case of eva and jorge getting back together. they work well as friends, sure, and it’s clear as day that jorge still has feelings for eva, sure. but like, what tells me that they’re just ready to go all in again? eva goes through a really great arc and i would definitely agree she’s in a good place to be in a relationship again, but we know NOTHING about jorge’s journey. he’s just, silently pining on eva and that’s it. i do think it’s sweet and the hints of their lost romance throughout the show are wholesome, but there’s just nothing more to it. jorge and eva work AMAZINGLY as friends! i don’t see why they should push a romantic endgame for them. in my head, eva kissing jorge at that party was just a mesh of the excitement of a new era, the nostalgia of ending highschool, the high of being on this place with someone she really cares about, stuff like that, but it just ends there, and it’s great that way. nothing about eva’s character really led to her aching to be in a relationship again, and for me it feels right to end things with her being single and surrounded by great friends.
MAYBE if eskam had devoted some time showing us their progress and romantic potential instead of trying to convince us that kasim was a real, compelling character. maybe. lol.
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(god, i don’t know how long this will be LOL)
i have. so many thought about this fucking pairing. let’s see what we can do LOL. the thing about damira is that i don’t think it’s a pairing that eskam had in mind when they laid out the first two seasons. the little hints of a friendship/childhood crush that happened during cris’ season really got the fandom and they quickly became the most popular non-canon ship in the show, so that’s where i think eskam said “okay, let’s run with this”. but it’s just...... meh. like i can tell that relationships like crisana were carefully crafted (well implemented in nora’s season, greatly wrapped up in amira’s season) but i cannot say the same for dani and amira. it’s almost like virihugo, where they just started giving each other Eyes on the middle of season 3, out of NOWHERE. it just feels forced to me and so i never really felt anything for the couple in question... like, for starters, i think nora and miquel were WAY more shippable than those two, strictly talking about their setup.
if you ever saw any of my posts during s4 then you should know how i actually feel about how they developed their romance (check my anti damira tag for more?) and i don’t wanna go through all those specific points again... but damira is not only an infuriating romance, but also a bad pairing in a narrative setting. like, damira clearly exists to answer amira’s questions about how would the future of a romance with a white guy would be, right? does she get an answer? no she fucking doesn’t, their final clip is like “after all these weeks, we still have no idea so we’re gonna cut things short, go back to our initial dynamic, and wait to see if amira any of us change our minds <3″. so like, even in that sense damira is a HUGE waste of time, and just like everything that happens to amira during her season it has no lasting impacts on her character or her settings.
and personally, i love couples where they’re both equal, and communicate at last, and both make great efforts to change so the relationship can flourish. this is why i offer so much praise to norandro and crisana, where in the first couple both character go through tremendous character growth and work through their problems individually before getting together, and in the second couple they show them clashing and fighting just to display their resolutions and show how willing they are to actually talk to each other and keep their relationship stable. dani and amira, on the other hand.... blegh. eskam wants me to think dani is a knight in shining armor for liking amira but that’s all he ever does. he doesn’t defend her in front of his friends, he doesn’t make efforts to get to know her and her world, he doesn’t communicate his real feelings to her, and the one time he did he humiliated her in public. like, idk, like, even MIQUEL explicitly defended nora when his roommates berated her for not drinking alcohol LOL.
at the end of the day the problem with damira is that it completely misses the point of yousana and its target audience. making yousef a white guy is not necessarily a bad choice if you implement it well (which eskam didn’t do btw), but you have to take into account that sana’s season exists to make a primarily white christian-raised audience relate and stand up for the muslim characters in the show. when the lazier partner of the main couple who makes zero efforts to work on the relationship happens to be white, it just means people will be sympathetic of him, and nor amira - and that’s exactly what happened in the show. people either thought amira was being too harsh by laying conditions for dani before they even began dating and making sure he respected her boundaries, or just wanted all the drama to go away soon so amira could kiss dani by the end of the season. so like, yeah. terrible stuff.
i would’ve liked damira’s impact on the season and amira’s journey a lot more if it had been about a one sided childhood crush from amira’s part. i thought their friendship was charming up to s3, and i simply hate that dani is literally in no way an older brother figure for the girl squad, since it’s a dynamic that’s lacking in the show and it would be a nice way to make dani be some sort of non-creepy eskild for the girl squad (but noooo, his only interactions w the gs are hooking up with eva and dating amira. smh). it would’ve been fun to have amira intimately dealing with those feelings just to learn a lesson by the end of it, at the time that she also falls for her muslim love interest - which is actually the isak/jonas/even dynamic when you think about it, also something that eskam didn’t really do with cris’ season. but also, all of this would mean that eskam had to do the good writing thing for s4, which they kinda forgot to do throughout the entirety of the season so, yeah.
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