#otp; they got on like a cauldron on fire
The dawn of November 1, 1945.
With the chaos of a recently graduated Tom Riddle sent out into the world, and the ministry breathing that much more down Albus Dumbledore's neck for the last few weeks after he'd been forced on "administrative leave" by the ministry while he was in their custody for the last several weeks, beaten and tortured until he gave into their demands to duel Gellert Grindelwald once more. He knew his husband's actions had grown more horrific over the years that even he could not ignore, and between that, the torture...
He had accepted.
The ministry was unaware of his possession of the resurrection stone, given to him by Flamel in case things turn for the worst in that duel. He's made enough potion to live out the next fifty years with himself and his wife- Should Albus not come home from this. Days before, he had sent out a letter. Part of him hoped it did not make it to him, or he would simply ignore his ridiculous quest for a final duel, to see who would finally come out on top. Or, in the ministries eyes.. If good would triumph over evil.
For the greater good.
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Days later, he had anxiously arrived at that location, dressed in his usual attire. His wand was grasped tightly in his hand, other shoved in his pocket, wrapped tightly around the stone in his pocket. He had used illusion charms to hide what a wreck he really looked like, after what the ministry had put him through for the last several weeks. In his weakened state he might've still been quite the formidable opponent- But the ministries underestimated Grindelwald when it came to Dumbledore. He truly didn't know who would triumph this time. He hoped so desperately that the letter had not made it, or he would refuse.
But when was luck ever on Albus Dumbledore's side? @magicblooms
(template/layout credit to @seekingabettergood tysm <33)
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Triwizard Championship AU:
When Albus Dumbledore was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry as a student when he was in his seventh year, the Triwizard championship was held on the Hogwarts grounds. That was the first time he met Gellert Grindelwald. The handsome blonde student from Durmstrang with heterochromia with dark rumors about him. But Albus Dumbledore was never one to care about rumors. When he had managed to get away from Aberforth once news of the championship spread- He put his name in the goblet of fire. Grindelwald too, had put his name in. When the champion names were called and Aberforth found out when he was chosen as Hogwarts champion, and Grindelwald as Durmstrangs', he was absolutely furious with him.
But Albus Dumbledore was never afraid of a little fire.
That year, for the first time in history there were two Triwizard champions- The two star crossed lovers that would go down in history for very different reasons than one would think.
That same year he graduated and proceeded to go back to raise his siblings at Godrics Hollow- Where he once again met Gellert Grindelwald, formerly introduced to him by their neighbor and professor, Bathilda Bagshot. That summer Albus Dumbledore fell in love with him, utterly and completely, and hard.
And the rest as you know is history.
(original photo post by fuckyeahgrindeldore)
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magicblooms · 2 years
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?” @the-greater-good-1899
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fangroyal · 3 years
Fic Rec Tag Meme
@sitp-recs, I’m terribly late, but this looked way too fun, so I had to join in. Fair warning, y’all, not everything here is Drarry, or even HP (I am a prolific rarepair shipper/multi-fandomer, and Dron is my OTP 😂), so I’ve added the fandoms and pairings below as well. All of these (and many more!) can also be found on my ficshelf! It was so hard to pick these as it was, I couldn’t help but point you in the right direction for all the ones I (sadly, unfortunately) had to cut from the list, lol.
Anyway, thank you so much for running this tag meme, @sitp-recs! It’s been amazing seeing everyone’s recs and discovering new fics! 🖤
• A fic you love without knowing the source material: He Was a Punk, Pete Did Tabletop Roleplay by @mscaptainwinchester Marvel | Peter/Wade | NC-17 | 7.5k
• A fic with a premise that shouldn’t work but it does: Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by @theoldaquarian Good Omens | Hints of Aziraphale/Crowley | G | 3k All fics are valid and work!! That being said, I had no idea just how much I was going to fall in love with a fic about Crowley being an AirBnB host when I first opened it. 😂
• A fic you’ve reread several times: Department of Magical Creatures Case 62637 by @mscaptainwinchester (under RonsPigwidgeon at the time) HP | Draco/various, Ron/OMC, Ron/Draco | R | 121k How could I expected to only pick ONE?! 😂 I’ve reread everything you’re seeing here - I’ve reread nearly every fic I’ve ever recced at least once. But I couldn’t make a favorites list without this fic, so might as well put it here, haha!
• A fic you still remember many years later: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by Sushi HP | Severus/Severus | NC-17 | 8.9k I remembered it so well (and fondly) that after 12+ years, I went scouring the Wayback Machine to find it. And yes, the pairing is correct. Don’t look at me. If you’re still interested in reading after knowing that, hit me up, ‘cause it takes a bit of instruction to find it now.
• A comfort fic: You and I by @shiftylinguini HP | Scorpius/Albus S. | NC-17 | 32k
• A cathartic fic: The Conformity Conspiracy by shrink South Park | Michael/Pete (or Ethan/Dylan, as this was written before they had names in canon) | R | 71k I really struggled with this entry. I came to the realization that...I don’t know if I’ve ever actually felt catharsis from a piece of media before??? Well, I have with music, for sure, but not really with anything else. Anyway, I chose this fic for this slot because every time I read it, I’m transported back to being a goth teen. I can feel every word, every action, like I’m going through those years again with them...Which isn’t necessarily what cathartic means, but fuck it, it works for me, haha. ***As always whenever I rec this fic, I do just have to warn that it’s not properly tagged on AO3, and there is definitely some potentially triggering content in it. If you’re interested in reading and would like to know more (so you can be better prepared), feel free to DM me!***
• A fic you’d print and put on your bookshelf: In Flight, Two Boys by lobst_r HP | Marcus/Oliver | NC-17 | 29K Again, how I could possibly pick only one for this one?! I would print out ALL of these fics if I could, and many more! But this is such a beautiful fic, it definitely deserves a spot on the list, and what better spot for it than this? There’s actually a sequel currently posting as well! I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but I’m sure it’s just as amazing, if not more so.
• A fic you associate with a song: You Do Your Body Work, I Feel My Pulse Working Overtime by @veelawings HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 1.6k I mean, it’s in the title. 😜 But also this is just a truly inspiring fic that I absolutely had to include! (I realized I somehow haven’t queued a rec post for it yet, and I will make sure to fix that soon!)
• A fic that inspires you: dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 39k
• A fic that brought you onboard a new ship: Lumos by birdsofshore HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 41k Some people may be surprised to know that Drarry was, uh.......once my NOTP. Yes, really. 😂 You wouldn’t suspect that nowadays, would you??? LOL. It’s all because of this wonderful, beautiful fic. I saw it getting recced everywhere at the time and said fuck it, I’ll give the pairing another try - and I never looked back!
• A fic you wish could be a movie: Midnight in the City of a Hundred Spires by @shiftylinguini HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 25k
• A fic that led to you making friends with the author: A Weasel in the Hamptons by @peachpety HP | Ron/Draco | NC-17 | 15k I don’t quite know if this counts, because I believe we’d already been speaking before this??? 😂 But of course, being that I’m the mod for Ron/Draco Fest, I knew who was writing for this prompt of mine, and thus we dispensed with the formalities in private, haha! It was a great experience, and I was so overjoyed to see the results in the end. So happy to have met you, love! 😘 Hope you’re well!
• Free Space: The Pizzaria: A Sordid Tale of Destiny, Evil and Garlic by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Draco | PG-13 | 36k A Dron/crack!fic staple, honestly, and I just couldn’t make a favorites list without it!
• A fic you’ve gushed about irl: Runway by @candawrites HP | Ron/Draco | R | 15k
• A fic you associate with a place: Archipelago by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Draco | NC-17 | 18k I just have a very distinct visual memory of reading this fic for the first time: sitting on the couch in my mom’s living room, the sun setting outside. (I was visiting for her bday, I believe???)  I think of that moment every time I see the title.
• A fic that made you gasp out loud: clutched your life and wished it kept by @glitteringvoids HP | Ron/Draco | R | 110K
• A fic you found at the right time: Howlr by @partialtopotter HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 47k I got really sick in summer 2018. I know I’ve talked about it on here a million times at this point, so I won’t dwell. But I ended up finding and reading this fic the following March, and it reawakened my love of fic and fandom that had been lost over the previous months while I was dealing with everything. I hadn’t been reading or writing at all in all that time, and I ended up reading this whole thing in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down! It just made me feel so good, after a long time of not feeling anywhere near good.
• A fic that you would read fic of: In the Garden After Dark by @the-starryknight HP | Draco/Harry | R | 3.5k I just need more of this universe and Draco’s Illusion magic. 😍
• A fic that made you laugh out loud: Why Parvati Patil Must Die by hull1984 HP | Ron/Draco | PG-13 | 39k
• A fic with a line (or two) that you’ve memorized by heart: Hail to the King by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Zacharias, Ron/Zacharias/Draco | NC-17 | 5k
• A fic that gave you butterflies: The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss HP | Sirius/Remus | PG-13 | 3.8k
• A fic that embodies something that you value in life: Luna Lovegood: Wank Coach for the Long-Since Deceased by yrfrndfrnkly HP | gen | PG-13 | 9.8k This was another difficult category to choose for. Not that I don’t think any fics I’ve read display good values! Of course they do! But I have this weird issue where I don’t, like...project? at all??? So sometimes it’s hard for me to recognize these things in what I read. But eventually I realized it had to be this fic, because I just love the carefree way Luna lives her life here, her job helping people (well, ghosts who could use some sexual release, specifically, but you know), and the wonderful friends she surrounds herself with.
• A favorite AU: Quibbler Unsolved by Leontina HP | Draco/Harry | PG-13 | 17k More of a fusion than an AU, but it’s just fantastic!
• A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading: Grounds for Divorce by @tepre HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 122k
• A fic that made you feel seen: Taste the Rainbow by @maraudersaffair HP | Ginny/Pansy | PG-13 | 639
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imsointobooks · 3 years
I honestly want the 5th acotar book to be gwyn and az and his shadows
And then the 6th book to be lucien and elain. But they don't end up together rather i want lucien and vassa together and elain and jurian.
I love lucien with all my heart and he is one the best and deserving characters in all the fandom so i honestly don't want elain to be with him except if it is the only he would want and just bcuz then he'll be canonically related to feyre and that's just yayayayay...
Elain from a charcter point of view is not bad but she is unremarkable for me and therefore lucien should be with someone with more fire in them. She seems boring to me and although sjmaas can make me love any character i don't think i m gonna like her much other than maybe if she gets a villain arc.
I want lucien to end up with vassa, cause the impression of her i got is that she is pretty similar to jesminda and that's why she is lucien's type.
Jurian and elain could bond over being mortals who were made into something different by the cauldron.
Plus because a lot of talk is surrounding how they want to combine prythian and the mortal lands and remove the separation there i think both of them would be rlly good at that negotiation.
And well for the gwynriel their is just amazing potential there with banter and healing and az laughing and gwyn trusting him and shadows playing matchmaker with mommy and daddy. They are definitely my OTP and i can't wait for their book. Plus there are too many mentions of water nymphs in acosf to not make a Gwynriel book.
Also there was this post somewhere about how all the sibling sort of bonds are shared experiences. Like cassian and feyre bothe know what is like trying to survive in the cold and wild. Nesta and Az both relate to each other over never judging each other bcuz they are very similar in persona. And Rhys and Gwyn both have a sexual abuse trauma which i think they'll bond over. (Best theory EVER)
And even if i wish that the nessian in acosf would hv been more talk then sex, cassian's character development was more and some gaping plotholes were not there, i liked everyone's character still and even loved nesta from just liking her. Elain i feel is just hanging out around and that she honestly does not fit well with the whole dynamic.
I think she could be potentially a head of the spring realm and mortal lands combined cuz no doubt she'd excel at court.
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dreamingbrownie · 6 years
Tagging games #7
I was tagged by @fandom-glazed and I tag @bloodtroth and @derryday. Go tell me about your faves! OTP Questions Pick your top ten ships without reading the questions! 1. Wolfstar (HP; Remus Lupin / Sirius Black) 2. Stucky (MCU; Steve Rogers / James Buchanan Barnes) 3. Grindeldore (HP; Albus Dumbledore / Gellert Grindelwald) 4. Thorki (MCU; Loki / Thor) 5. Johnlock (Sherlock Holmes / Dr. John Watson), all media 6. Harmony (Harry Potter / Hermione Granger) 7. Yuri Plisetski / Otabek Altin (Yuri on Ice) 8. Chevalier de Lorraine / Philippe d’Orléans (Versailles TV series) 9. Tony Stark / Bruce Banner (MCU) 10. William Turner / Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean) 1: Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Gods, yes. Goblet of fire, Ron’s stupid jealousy and Hermione being stuck between him and Harry. It wasn’t even necessarily the “Young love!” scene from the movie, while it was massive squealing moment, just the overall tone of the book and the movie started it all.   2: Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2? You have no idea how many Stucky longfics I have in my bookmarks. I love those two idiots so much. So, yes. Lots.   3: Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr avatar? Uhhhh yes, I think, in terms of phone screen. 4: If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? Nuuuuuuu *breaks down crying dramatically* 5: Why is 1 so important? Cause it’s basically canon (as in you don’t have to change a single thing to make it canon) and it’s such a tragic story, Sirius deserves so much better and so does Remus. Especially Remus. Gods, the poor man. The possibilities of them raising Harry, changing the whole dang story to the better… Wolfstar is gonna be my OTP forever and always. 6: Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Both, really. Tony is a sarcastic ass who’s insomniac, depressed, has PTSD and panic attacks, Bruce has no sense of self-worth whatsoever and still is such a loving, humble man despite having fucking seven PhDs. They’re both geniuses, they balance out eachother’s weak spots and would probably have spectacular fights on a regular basis at the same time. I ship them to pieces and I’m one of the few to do so, I’m afraid. I need more fanfictions about them. (Tony and Pepper are absolutely fine, I adore them in canon, but, you know, this is about shipping.) 7: Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? Albus and Gellert, without a doubt. “They got on like a cauldron on fire.” 8: Out of all of the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? Steve and Bucky probably. Steve starts a fucking war to keep Bucky safe.   9: How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom? Not that many, actually, but I just did a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon on holiday with @llunara-seloth and we both cried and screamed and shipped so much, man, that was overdue. (the DVD of PotC4 was broken and I find that way too funny) 10: Which ship has lasted the longest? For me, Harry and Hermione, in their own time, Steve and Bucky. 11: How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Considering how often they get into a serious discussion but never really fight… Not ever, I think. 12: If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Stucky. They’re both trained super soldiers. I do think that’s a good chance for survival. 14: Is 4 still together? Don’t come at me like that, Loki is dead. Again. 15: Is 10 canon? Yesssss 16: If all ten ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Owww, don’t wound me so, that’s mean! Albus and Gellert probably because of their sheer combined magical power level. They’d be invincible together, indeed. 17: Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? *coughs* Mary Morstan you murderous liar *coughs* 18: Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? Harry and Hermione. They could have been canon so easily and up until the 6th book, everything was leading up to them becoming a power couple. I never was a fan of Ron and Hermione (he’s not intelligent and empathic enough for her, for fuck’s sake) or Harry and Ginny (never liked Ginny, sorry), Hermione however always stuck with Harry and believed in him. 19: Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? Yep… My entire dash consists of Fantastic Beasts and especially Grindeldore these days. 20: If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up forever, which ship would you sink? Mean again. Yuri and Otabek, probably, because they’re still so young. Otabek could fall in love with Mila and Yuri doesn’t need a relationship anyway. xD
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lieutenantsayeko · 6 years
All those otp things pls ;3
((Thank you thank you hon!!
who worries about what they will look like when they are older?
“I know I can change what I look like, but… I still can’t help but worry. Hehe…”
who hogs the blanket?
“Yeah, that is definitely me! Poor Levi loses the blankets most every night. Of course he has no problem waking me up to take them back.”
who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?
“I eat Levi’s every time we get pizza with our friends. He doesn’t even pretend that he might eat the crust, just puts them on my plate.”
who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?
“Levi has gotten in the habit of checking with our friends before we see a movie so he’ll know if he needs to bring tissues for me.”
who talks smack while playing video games?
“We can both get competitive, but Levi’s the one doing the trash talking.”
who sings along with the radio?
“Oh, I do all the time! I have the radio in my office at home playing whenever I’m in there. And in the kitchen when I’m cooking. Levi’s walked in on me countless times.”
who would enter them both into a talent show?
“Neither of us! Haha, Merlin, that is so not something either of us would do.”
who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
“LEVI. Let me put it this way, when he was eleven Levi managed to MELT a cauldron in potions class. I’d say that’s a damn good reason to keep him out of my kitchen.”
who would throw the other into a pool?
“Levi again, but only if he knows I can touch the bottom.”
who shops for groceries?
“We go together, but only because I know what to get but get easily distracted. Especially if I’m hungry.” >.>
who kills the spiders?
“That is all Levi. I absolutely refuse. I’m arachnophobic, like I won’t even touch a dead spider to use in a potion, I’ll use the levitating spell instead.”
who is the morning/night person?
“We’re both night people really, but Levi handles mornings much better than I do. I like sleep way too much and don’t get nearly enough of it. I’m just grateful Levi understands and lets me sleep in as much as I can without being late.”
^/////^ “Levi did and it was so perfect. We shared a bottle of wine out by the Black Lake and danced under the stars. Sure things got a little off topic and we both got emotional, but I wouldn’t change a thing. And I’m so happy to be able to call him my husband.”
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ragwitch · 7 years
Hi! I just saw your Halloween Prompts. May I ask for ShieldShock for 22. 'Why does our apartment look like a dungeon?’'Bad dungeon or like…sexy dungeon?’29. ‘You’re the cutest person at this party, but you look like you’re freezing. Want to borrow my cape?’31. 'Holy crap. Best Halloween ever!’ ? I am comfortable with any rating you're inspired to write for them. ShieldShock is my OTP and I LOVE Halloween. So, any ShieldShock treats you can create would be loved and adored. :)
ABSOSMURFLY. This is for #22 cause I am saving #31 for the last day of the month cause of REASONS. (smutty reasons) Yay! Thank you for these prompts
22.’Why does our apartment look like a dungeon?’‘Bad dungeon or like…sexy dungeon?’
Pairing: Darcy/Steve
Rating: T for intent *winks lewdly*
Steve stopped at the end of the hall before walking into the living room. He took one long look around the space, at the crumbling gray stone facade lining the walls, to the massive velvet curtains (color of dried blood) that hung in front of his floor to ceiling view of New York City, to the paper thin white cobwebs stretching across corners of the room, and then looked back behind him at the nice, normal entry hall.
“Darcy?” He called, trying to see past the bone chandelier hanging over their dining table and the rubber amputated hand holding a pile of candy in it’s palm on the coffee table by the couch.
“Hey, good looking!”
Darcy popped out from the kitchen wearing a black apron with the words ‘Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble’ in purple and orange glitter letters across the chest.
“Why does our apartment look like a dungeon?” Steve asked, sliding his training shield off his back to rest against the wall. But he thought better of it. It might get infected by the general ghoulishness that had spread across the decor since the morning.
“Bad dungeon or like…sexy dungeon?” Darcy asked, nibbling into her bottom lip. Her hair was pulled up and back and as she turned to look around them room he saw the bright plastic pumpkins at the top of her ponytail.
“I didn’t realize there were levels,” Steve said.
The impish expression she’d been wearing wilted as she looked between him and the ghostly, gothic decorations covering every surface.
“That’s true,” she said and Steve considered swinging the shield up to brain himself with it at the way her voice had shrunk. “It’s just…dollar store Halloween stuff. I got carried away, we can take it down. It’s just…October!” She said the last word with false brightness and skittered back into the kitchen.
He rubbed his hand over his face, the rough grip of his gloves scraping his skin as he grimaced. He’d done this to Tony the year before at the start of December, trampling over a month of holiday cheer with a little bit of poorly timed skepticism. Steve retreated to the bedroom to tear out of his uniform so he could make up his ‘crotchety old grandpa attitude’ up to Darcy before she tore down all her hard work from the day.
The bedroom had also seen the treatment although in this case Steve could more clearly see the argument for ‘sexy dungeon.’ There was more velvet, and black candlesticks, and dried flowers, and she’d rigged up a canopy around their bed that Steve did not mind the idea of hanging onto when he imagined finding Darcy laying in bed behind the curtains. For now though there was just a black paper bag with orange and green striped tissue pepper sticking out of it. He grinned when he pulled out a pair of silky men’s pajamas patterned to look like a black and white tuxedo. A thin slippery black cape was next, and a pair of fuzzy black slippers with bats on the toes. At the bottom of the bag were white plastic fangs that just barely fit onto Steve’s teeth.
He stripped out of his tac-suit, changed into the pajamas (which fit surprisingly well aside from being a little tight around the shoulders and thighs) and the rest of his gift, and put his uniform away where it wouldn’t interrupt the scene Darcy had set. He paused and stared at the prop shackles that stretched across their pillows and then grabbed those too as he padded out of the room and over to the kitchen.
Darcy was transferring sugar cookies off a pan and onto a pumpkin plate and Steve’s heart ached at the way the corners of her mouth curved down. He swooped in, arms stretched out to make the cape billow, and wrapped his arms around her back as she squeaked in surprise.
“Now I m’ever thaw Noferathu,” Steve lisped through plastic fangs, grinning and trying to keep them in his mouth as Darcy giggled in his arms. “But I fink iths thupposeth to go thomethink like thith.” He nuzzled against her neck, hands slipping under the apron to squeeze at her hips and pull them back against his. With a little bit of effort, and nearly swallowing the fangs, he managed to get a long, gentle bite into the side of her neck.
The gasp and excited squirm that followed were both a surprise and absolutely fascinating to Steve.
“You’re a dork!” Darcy giggled, but she rolled her hips back into his and her breath hiccuped as he growled and bit down harder in response.
He pulled back and let the fangs clatter to the floor. “You’re a dork,” he said, somewhat unimpressively. “And I love it. Sorry I came in like a grump. I feel like I have a lot of October appreciation to catch up on, huh?”
She relaxed in his arms as he pecked at her cheek, and then her neck as she stretched it for him.
“You’ll have a good teacher,” she said. “It’s my favorite month.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked. “Does my teacher want to explain to me what I’m supposed to do with these?”
He let the shackles roll out from where he’d held them in his elbow and lifted them to dangle in front of Darcy’s face. Her cheeks pinked but she didn’t shy away.
“You’re supposed to wear them,” Darcy said, eyebrows lifting. “So I can ravish you.”
Steve grinned. “Darcy I could break this chain in half a second.”
Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed and it was an expression he was both familiar with and extremely fond of.
“But you won’t,” she said, twisting in his arms and cupping his face in her hands so she could rise up on her toes and kiss his chastely. “Not if you’re being very, very good for me.”
Steve blinked and Darcy grinned.
“I’m beginning to find this dungeon very sexy,” Steve said and then bent down to bite at the white skin of her neck as she threw her head back to laugh, and then to moan.
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callieskye · 7 years
50 Harry Potter Themed Asks
Does it make me a buzzkill that instead of asking people to ask me things I just wanted to go ahead and answer them? (They looked fun and I just wanted to see if I could come up with answers to all of them.)  Here’s the original post if you want to do the “ask me these things” thing.
1. Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff 100%
2: Patronus? Manx cat (but I’m not sold on this... will need to take another test.)
3: Butterbeer, fire whisky, or pumpkin juice BUTTERBEER!
4: Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade? Diagon Alley (because that’s where Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is!) 
5: Favorite shop? Is Ron working...? Then it’s WWW. Quality Quidditch Supplies is my runner up.
6: Your quidditch team? Chudley Cannons OR the 1995-1997 Gryffindor Hogwarts Team 
7: Top five ships? Romione Hinny Lavender x Charlie Bill X Fleur Jakweenie
8: Otp? ❤ Ron & Hermione Forever ❤
9: Notp? Dr/arry
10: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang? Hogwarts (though I’d definitely be up for some student exchange programs!)
11: Your wand? Acacia wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ¾" and Quite Bendy flexibility
12: Owl, cat, or toad? An owl would be most practical... but I’m bringing my cat.
13: Character you most identify with? *grumbles* do I have to answer this...? Lavender Brown. *hides*
14: Character you hate for no good reason? I fee like I have good reason to hate all the ones I hate... ummm Winky? yeah, I’ll go with Winky. She is very annoying.
15: Character you would bring back to life? just the one....??? Lily Potter
16: Character you just want to be happy? Ron Weasley
17: What does amortentia smell like to you? Ron Weasley (lmao!! I dunno- cinnamon, wood smoke and .... ginger) 😂
18: Favorite Hogwarts class? Care of Magic Creatures 
19: Least favorite Hogwarts class? Herbology (I cannot keep plants alive... probably not even with magic)
20: Favorite professor? Lupin seemed to be the best
21: Centaurs, mermaids, or ghosts? Ghosts - they’re by far the most friendly!
22: Chocolate frogs or Bertie Bott’s? Frogs. Definitely the frogs.
23: Zonko’s or Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes? is this a serious question? Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
25: The Leaky Cauldron or The Three Broomsticks? The Three Broomsticks. I prefer to chill in Scotland.
26: Lowkey ships? Cedric x Cho That Drumstrang boy and the Redhead slytherin?  Molly x Arthur
27: Favorite Marauder? Remus Lupin 28: The Knight Bus or broomstick travel? Broomstick! (I think I’d puke if I got on that bus...)
29: Unicorns or Thestrals Unicorns
30: Your go to spell? Accio! (are you calling me lazy? yeah... you’re probably right)
31: Quidditch position or spectator? Spectator!
32: Favorite friendship? Ron and Harry BROtp forever!!
33: Animagus? Ocelot
34: Wizarding World job? Magizoologist
35: Your broomstick type? Not picky at all... something that flies and doesn’t fall out of the sky.
36: Dream Yule Ball date? Ron Weasley  37: Gobstones or Wizard Chess? Wizard Chess
38: Crookshanks or Pigwidgeon? Crookshanks
39: Potions expert or charms expert? Charms
40: Favorite common room? Gryfinndor (because it’s the one with all my favourite people in it, plus I don’t like the colour yellow so mine would probably make me anxious)
41: The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet? The Quibbler
42: Favorite of the Golden Trio? Ron Weasley (are you sensing a theme here? There’s definitely a theme.)
43: Fantastic Beasts or The Cursed Child? This is not a question because all I can see is Fantastic Beasts or... 
44: Invisibility cloak, elder wand, or resurrection stone? Cloak!
45: Favorite minor character? Luna Lovegood
46: Harris or Gambon? Harris
47: Would you apparate? Of course (but I’d do it with a capital A 😉 )
48: Favorite book? Conflicted..... PoA or HBP or DH ....
49: Favorite movie? PoA 
50: Who would your BFF be? probably Luna...
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It crackled through the air, and before the spell had the chance to completely strike Credence down- They all drew their wands, just like so many decades ago back at Godric's Hollow- He'd been watching Gellert out of the corner of his eye, knowing he was prone to doing something, anything drastic when he felt he was cornered. Two brothers against Gellert Grindelwald, to protect an obscurial. If anyone was dying tonight, by Merlin's beard it would not be another obscurial he would let die by their hands, but to protect. He heard a snap as the chain on the blood troth broke, and his eyes flickered up quickly to those mismatched ones he'd fallen in love with so many years ago at Godric's Hollow, reading the look on his face.
They were suddenly surrounded in some kind of impenetrable force field, a magical fog as the blood troth hung in the air beside him. He quickly pulled out his wand, blasting spells back and fourth as the air around them crackled with electricity of the raw power between them- No holding back this time. Blasts of spells and debris and raw power crashed around them as they duelled, growing closer and closer still. Until he had his wand aimed at his lover, his best friend, his everything, his other hand resting over his heart at they stared intensely at one another.
Albus was the first to power down his wand.
He swallowed thickly at the feeling of Gellerts hand against his own chest, clenched there, silently begging him to stay. He lowered his wand, looking up when he saw the fog beginning to clear.. An opening. He held his mismatched gaze for a long time, before he forced himself to walk away. Every step away from him, after seeing him in person, so close like this, for the first time in a long time- Felt like complete agony.
"Who will love you now, Dumbledore?."
As he continued to walk away from him, with the combined feeling of the blood troth breaking at those words- It felt as if he had used the Cruciatius curse on him. His entire body burned, mind and heart as if he was on fire the second it broke on the steps of the palace. Jaw tightened at the feeling of holding back the absolute agony coursing through his veins, and those words made it feel as if he had been punched in the gut. Eyes staring up at him as he watched him stumble back, staring like a trapped animal at the rest of them. @magicblooms
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When the blood troth broke after their brief battle in Bhutan, Albus was completely devastated that it finally broke, especially right after those heartbreaking words; 'Who will love you now, Dumbledore?'. After their battle ended, Albus scooped up what was left of the blood troth he could salvage, and he carries it with him wherever he goes. It will never be the same unless a new one is ever created, but even so he used his wand to repair it to the point it could, at least, be worn again- Even if he can't feel him now, as devastating as that is. He could, and never will bare to be able to rid himself of it, even now. Because it means he is giving up on him- On them. Making the blood troth in the first place was essentially them getting married, and is practically the same symbolization as a wedding ring. They planned to run away together- They had eloped. Even in his later years, after Grindelwalds' defeat and becoming headmaster at Hogwarts, even now he carries it with him. Still sees him- Them, in the mirror of erised. No one else has and never will have Albus Dumbledore's heart besides Gellert Grindelwald.
Neither of them wanted to break the blood troth not only because they didn't want to fight one another- The breaking of a blood troth between two wizards results in it being excruciatingly emotionally/mentally painful, and the toll it leaves on both halves who make the blood troth is complete and utter agony beyond imaginable to anyone else who has not experienced it. When it broke, it was why Grindelwald's expression was twisted the way he was- He was trying to keep his calm and cool composure before he made his escape to flee the ministry. (idea credit to @magicblooms )
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magicblooms · 2 years
“We aren’t them Albus. You and I. We aren't like the other witches and wizards we walk amongst. We don't just have magic. We haven't just learnt how to create magic. We are magic. It is within every inch of us and flows out of us at our command. We are beyond compare to others of our kind. They might be our brothers and sisters but they aren't us and we are not them."
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athenacorvus · 7 years
Digimon OTP Week Day 7: Crossover
Title: Adfectus
Pairing: Taichi x Yamato
Crossover with: Harry Potter (‘cause you know I love them Hogwarts AUs)
“…In which Yamato is about to make the same mistake Tom Riddle’s mother made so many years ago.”
The boy stared into the cauldron in front of him. In it bubbled a syrup-like liquid heated by the quietly crackling fire underneath. A small change of colour told him that it was time to stir the potion again; and that he had done everything correctly up until this point. Professor Slughorn would have been proud of him if he could have seen this, but unfortunately none of the teachers were ever allowed to know what he was doing here. That he was brewing something some people considered to be one of the most powerful and dangerous potions in existence.
The liquid in the cauldron changed colours again, and with every step towards success both the anticipation and the dread started to weigh heavier. But he wouldn’t turn back now. He had made a decision and planned to go through with it, even if it would probably cost his head.
The conflicting emotions were forgotten for a moment as the air around him filled with a mix of intoxicating scents, a clear sign that the potion was finished. He allowed himself to inhale deeply and enjoy the confusing mixture of aromas. The fumes smelled like leather, some exotic spices he couldn’t quite remember the name of, and damp earth. He recognised those immediately and they made way for a warm wave of pleasant memories: calm summer evenings, a family meal, concerts and stages. But the fumes soon carried some other notes and pictures into his mind: a mixture of grass and sweat (rainy days on the quidditch field), cinnamon and smoke (a Christmas evening spent in front of a chimney, laughter too close to his ear)… and something else, something he couldn’t even describe, something that brought up pictures over pictures of dark brown eyes sparkling with excitement, wide smiles and a mop of messy hair that stuck into all directions no matter what the owner tried to do against it- He stumbled away from the cauldron as if he had burned himself, and noticed the tear that slowly made its way down his cheek. He wiped it away angrily and cursed at himself for getting carried away and at the potion that bubbled almost innocently in its cauldron and at his stupid best friend who had gotten into his head like that.           
~~~   It seemed so easy. The cup with pumpkin juice stood there, ignored for now, and it would just need one inconspicuous little movement of his hand and the small bottle held hidden in it to dribble a few drops of potion into the beverage. Taichi wouldn’t even suspect a thing. He was busy telling him about the last Quidditch game and how he felt shooting that last goal, all the while accompanying it with excited gestures.  
Suddenly, Yamato felt sick to his stomach. Selfish. He was so, so selfish. He slipped the little bottle back into his pocket, but the feeling of nausea only increased.
His discomfort must have shown on his face because Taichi stopped waving his arms around and looked at him with concern. His friend’s question if he was alright sounded muffled in his ears and he couldn’t answer over the sudden fog that clouded his mind. The bottle of amortentia weighed heavily in his pocket. He remembered the lesson where he first heard about this potion like it was yesterday. The most powerful love potion in existence, it bewitches the mind, causes obsession, there’s no fighting it. The warning tone in the professor’s voice had escaped him back then. Only the cognition hit him like lightning. Why, if his father knew about this potion, why didn’t he use it to keep their family together? Why hadn’t anyone done something? He had shaken off the thought back then, but it had stayed in the back of his mind. And as he slowly began to admit to himself that he was falling for his best friend, the idea slowly began to reemerge and seep into his thoughts. “What if,” a little voice whispered every time he was in anguish about his feelings never being requited. “What if,” it murmured when he saw Taichi with someone else, anybody else because he just couldn’t shake off the fear of being abandoned for another person, especially if he admitted his feelings.
But now, in that moment, with amortentia in his grasp and the opportunity right in front of him, he understood just how wrong he had been. What gave him the right to rob another person of their freedom? What gave him the right to control them, make them dependent of him, grooming their mind to his liking? His father wasn’t a fool, he had known. He had known all of this, but Yamato was a fool and made himself believe this devilish potion was the solution to all of his problems.
Suddenly he felt two hands on his shoulders just before somebody shook him violently. “Yama, hey! Yamato! What’s wrong?” He registered Taichi’s voice and just like that his mind sprang back to the present. “Hey, what’s happening? Answer me!” Yamato shook his head to get rid of the last remains of the fog. “Taichi. Sorry, I…” he mumbled and averted his eyes, which made his gaze fall onto the cup with pumpkin juice. He had really almost done it, hadn’t he? But before he could think anything else, his best friend spoke up again. “Oh thank God, you’re back. You really had me worried there! You looked as if you ran into a dementor! What happened?” Yamato made the mistake of meeting his eyes; and as if somebody pushed a button, he felt the tears welling up in his own. He shook Taichi’s hands off his shoulders and stood up so suddenly that the other flinched in shock. Without as much as a sorry, Yamato stormed out of the Great Hall in search of the nearest toilet.       
As soon as he arrived there, he stormed into the nearest stall and slammed the door shut behind him. Some part of him briefly worried about everyone’s reaction to him running out of the Great Hall crying and the impact it would have on his public image, but the nausea that still resided in his stomach soon claimed all of his attention as he sank down to his knees and retched into the toilet bowl, all while sobbing hysterically. It felt like he knelt there for hours, but it couldn’t have been more than two minutes until the sound of the toilet door opening and slamming against the wall made him bolt. “Hey, Yama, what’s gotten into you!? What- Oh.” He heard the stall door being opened and a sharp intake of breath before Taichi -because naturally it was Taichi, of course he would run right after him, slamming doors- sank down next to him and held his body upright as he continued his empty heaves. The part of him that worried about his image spoke up again, quietly, because under normal conditions Yamato Ishida would not have let anybody see him crying like a waterfall and with his head over the toilet like he just ate Puking Pastiles, not even his best friend. Especially not his best friend, whom he happened to have a really persistant crush on. But these weren’t normal conditions and the damage was done, so Yamato even let Taichi help him get up after he stopped retching. He had really sunken low, hadn’t he.
Which brought him back to the situation at hands. His best friend whom he had a crush on and whom he nearly poisoned with amortentia looked at him with a very Taichi mix of anger and concern. “What was that just now!? First you look like somebody shot a Cruciatus curse at your brother and then you run off without any explanation! I was so worried, and I still am! Can you please finally tell me what’s wrong? And don’t say 'nothing’ as usual. 'Nothing’ doesn’t make you break down crying in a toilet stall. Did something happen to Takeru? Is that what happened?”
Yamato exhaled, one last sob leaving together with his breath. He was getting himself under control again, at least on the outside. And he had made a decision. Taichi at least deserved to know the truth. No matter what his reaction would be and what happened afterwards, Yamato deserved it. This whole thing couldn’t go on like this, he knew that now. “I almost made a very bad decision,” he said, seemingly composed. Taichi opened his mouth to ask a question, but Yamato shushed him. “It’s about you, and I think that you deserve to know.” Even though his words were honest, he couldn’t look his friend in the eye.  “I almost spiked your pumpkin juice with amortentia. I know, that’s a terrible thing to do, and it would be reasonable of you to stay away from me for now on. I could,” Having to stop himself from crying again, he took a deep and shuddering breath. “I could understand if you hate me now. I can’t really comprehend it myself, and I’m just very glad that I didn’t go through with it. The truth is that I’m in love with you, and I have been for quite a while now. I doubt that I even deserve to be your friend now, but… I think you should know.”
There was silence after Yamato finished his statement. The heaviness of everything he just confessed weighed down on the air between them and made the silence all the more thick and suffocating. Yamato still couldn’t bring himself to look at Taichi and fixed his eyes on a sink next to them. A droplet of water fell from the faucet. In the same moment, Taichi began to speak. “That… wow. I… I need a moment-” “I’m sorry,” Yamato interrupted him, even if it was for naught. He finally got the courage to look his friend in the eye, and saw just what he expected: a mixture of shock, confusion, anger and pain. But even though Taichi would probably curse him as soon as he got over his shock and tell him to never come near him again, Yamato was incredibly glad he had that off his soul. He had been carrying those feelings around with him for at least two years now, and the result had been every single terrible thing that had happened today. 
“You idiot,” Taichi’s voice cut through the silence. “You big, stupid, terrible idiot! You’re telling me that you’ve been in love with me for a long time and never said anything until now!? And now you only told me because you almost made me drink amortentia, for Merlin’s sake! How can you be such an idiot!? You know how this could’ve been avoided? If you just told me sooner and not after ages of moping and repressing your emotions! If you hadn’t been such an idiot everything could’ve been perfectly fine already and we wouldn’t stand here in this giant mess of a situation! You idiot! Amortentia, sweet Merlin! Have you ever even thought about, you know, just telling me!?” After his outbreak, Taichi stood there breathing heavily and still looked like he wanted to punch him. “I’m such an idiot,” Yamato repeated numbly, feeling even more terrible than before. “Such an idiot,” Taichi growled and finally moved from the spot where he had been standing during his enraged speech. He walked towards Yamato and the latter expected to be punched, finally, but instead his friend wrapped his arms around him. “You are so terrible at making decisions.” Stunned, and with all implications made during the outbreak finally catching up to him, Yamato let out a little chuckle. “Then make one for me this time, if you’re so much better at it.” His friend let go of him and stared into his eyes with a grim look on his face, before finally starting to laugh. “Fine. I have feelings for you too, so let’s just forget this happened under these circumstances and start dating. You want to be my boyfriend?” “…Yeah,” Yamato answered quietly.
Taichi grinned and grabbed his wrist. “With that out of the way, let’s get back to breakfast before the house elves start cleaning up. I’m still hungry, you know.” He started to drag his boyfriend out into the corridor, but Yamato stopped him. “Wait. Just one more thing.” And with determined steps, he walked over to one of the windows, opened it and threw the little bottle with amortentia out of it with as much vigor as possible. He didn’t look after it as it fell.
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All of the Harry Potter asks. :)
sorry that I’ve totally ghosted on replying to this, but I’ve barely used tumblr in the past year so I’ve basically just been super unreliable anyways. But here ya go!
1. Hogwarts House?
2: Patronus?
I actually did the Pottermore quiz and I can’t quite remember what I got but I think it was a chestnut stallion.
3: Butterbeer, fire whisky, or pumpkin juice
Butterbeer sounds the most interesting
4: Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade?
5: Favorite shop?
6: Your quidditch team?
The Falcons
7: Top five ships?
Drarry, Romione, Dean and Seamus, Neville and Luna, and Hagrid and Madame Maxime
8: Otp?
9: Notp?
Harry and Hermione
10: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang?
11: Your wand?
Sycamore with Unicorn hair core, 11.5 inches ;)
12: Owl, cat, or toad?
13: Character you most identify with?
14: Character you hate for no good reason?
15: Character you would bring back to life?
16: Character you just want to be happy?
17: What does amortentia smell like to you?
Idk. Probably old books and coffee
18: Favorite Hogwarts class?
19: Least favorite Hogwarts class?
History of Magic
20: Favorite professor?
21: Centaurs, mermaids, or ghosts?
22: Chocolate frogs or Bertie Bott’s?
Chocolate Frogs. I do not enjoy surprises
23: Zonko’s or Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?
Weasley’s Wizards Wheezes
25: The Leaky Cauldron or The Three Broomsticks?
The Three Broomsticks
26: Lowkey ships?
Honestly can’t think of any
27: Favorite Marauder?
28: The Knight Bus or broomstick travel?
29: Unicorns or Thestrals
30: Your go to spell?
Whichever one warms you up as I am currently freezing
31: Quidditch position or spectator?
32: Favorite friendship?
Ginny and Luna
33: Animagus?
probs a sloth
34: Wizarding World job?
Clerk at Flourish and Blott’s
35: Your broomstick type?
36: Dream Yule Ball date?Someone hot
37: Gobstones or Wizard Chess?
Wizard chess
38: Crookshanks or Pigwidgeon?
39: Potions expert or charms expert?
charms expert
40: Favorite common room?
41: The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet?
The Quibbler
42: Favorite of the Golden Trio?
43: Fantastic Beasts or The Cursed Child?
Still haven’t read cursed child, so fantastic beasts
44: Invisibility cloak, elder wand, or resurrection stone?
45: Favorite minor character?
46: Harris or Gambon?
47: Would you apparate?
hell yeah
48: Favorite book?
It used to be 5 and then they fucked up the movie
49: Favorite movie?
Chamber of Secrets
50: Who would your BFF be?
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A random collection of summarized versions of all the weird dreams I’ve ever had, for no particular reason: 
Harry Potter standing in the middle of a dark field at night, eating a plate of shoelaces. There were some other people around too. Every time he ate a shoelace, an image of a different geometrical shape appeared surrounding the field. But Harry kept complaining that the shoelaces tasted bad, so Hermione offered him some carrots. I have no idea why they were doing this.
One time I dreamed that my family was on vacation on a tropical island somewhere, but I couldn’t go out and enjoy any of it because One Piece was ending and I had to finish it. In this dream, my otp was canon and there was a good, satisfying ending. My mom kept asking me why I was alternately screaming and sobbing.
I have a lot of dreams where I have to run around and hide from pursuers, usually that want to kill or capture me for some reason or other. I always wake up sweaty and short of breath, like I really have been playing the world’s scariest game of hide and seek. My favorite instance of this dream: I was with all the characters of Toy Story 3, and we were trying to escape the day care, which was huge and labyrinthine. There were also a bunch of janitors with weapons we had to avoid. 
Brought my clarinet to an orchestra concert by accident. Once I finally managed to find my violin and get ready to play, I realized that all the music on my stand was in  fact viola music. My stand partner got upset with me for not being able to read alto clef.
Karaoke death match. I kicked everyone’s butts, naturally.
I used to have a debilitating fear of cafeteria workers, and as a result I’ve had several nightmares about one of them destroying the world. The weirdest one of these nightmares went like this: a lunch lady from the elementary school I graduated from turned out to be a witch, and she made this orange potion in her black cauldron that started to spread and dissolve everything like acid. In this dream, I managed to save my younger siblings, who were still attending that school, but my dad died
When I was first about to enter high school, I had a dream that I had to climb a fire pole to get to the second floor (my high school didn’t even have a second floor), and I couldn’t do it so I ended up being really late. Then I got lost. Several cafeteria workers stood in the hallway laughing at me and refusing to help me in any way whatsoever.
Goku and Luffy coming to life and destroying my living room, that was a cool one
Recently I had a dream that I was in a big store and I was utterly convinced that I had to find every single sock and buy it immediately. I needed all the socks. A basketball player and his two young daughters kept distracting me and trying to get me to buy other products. This store was an electronics store.
Once dreamed myself inside one of the early Harry Potter pc games. A gnome knocked out one of my front teeth by the herbology greenhouse and I woke up crying.
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It had been the better half of two years since he'd last seen Gellert Grindelwald in the flesh- Though he had heard plenty of whispers, murmurs in the dark corners of the wizarding world. Ever since his younger sister Ariana's funeral he had packed what he could and fled Godric's Hollow and never looked back. He had toured the world as he has intended to before the terrible accident that befell Kendra Dumbledore due to an outburst of his sisters wayward magic, and that following summer, well.. He came.
News of his research and success spread like wildfire in the wizarding world- The Daily Prophet, Wizard Weekly, every and any wizarding world outlet found themselves posting his research and findings. After that, well.. Unhealthy obsession befell Albus Dumbledore once more with the deathly hallows, specifically the resurrection stone. He had been studying it long before Grindelwald came along and now he had more incentive, with three members of his family befalling tragic deaths.
If anything could bring them back, it was the stone.
He travelled the world in search of it, consumed by grief and mourning, which drove him on even more. Searching the darker corner of the wizarding world- He was no stranger to it. Not after Grindelwald. He found himself listening in, occupying dark wizarding clubs, darker places such as Knockturn Alley- When he heard whispers of his former lover from Godric's Hollow. Rumors of a rally taking place, to gain followers for his- Their movement. Change the world.. It's what they said they'd do.
For the greater good.
For the weeks that followed, he found out where it was taking place. He was adorned in head to toe in all black, a hood shrouding most of his fiery red curls as he made his way into the crowd, finding himself blending in. At least, he had hoped so. Baby blue eyes found themselves glued to his husband on stage, as he ranted and raved about what he sought to do, words flowing like the magic that so easily made up both halves of the star crossed lovers of Godric's Hollow, that poetic way he has with words.
He felt his heart beat in his chest. @magicblooms
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