#//i c u esme and i raise u
burdenedreverance · 1 year
Cont. from here.
"Saving one person who might not have otherwise lived, is reason enough."
He doesn't want to argue with Suen on this, and the way his voice is low indicates he isn't going to attempt to convince him. Instead he simply grabs onto the saddle next to him on the ground, lifting it up onto the back of the horse. He begins to strap it down, working with deft hands and the knowledge of what he's doing. The truth was being from a ranch and already strong enough to survive on his own, him and Suen could last for years without help. Provided they were willing to damn everyone else in the process.
His eyes doesn't look to Suen as he works, he knows that the unapproving look would be withering. Yet his hands do stop for a moment, clinching down a strap, as Suen mentions the women and children. As if for a moment brief contemplation weigh on his brow, as if he almost reconsiders his position. Before he spoke softly. "I know, Suen." He begins to hoist himself up onto the horse, grasping the reigns as he brings it under control. He looks down to Suen from atop the horse.
"They needed our help. Like we needs theirs. I don't wanna' lose what makes us people."
Compassion, humanity. These things which some call righteousness, that some might regard as a luxury, was the most important resource they had. He offers a bemused smile to Suen, as if he knows that he is going to get an earful once he returns from this next supply run.
"If not for them, then for me?"
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zodiyack · 4 years
Under Stars
Requested by anon: Hi, my love! I have a request where Y/N take the bullets instead of John. Like, she put herself in front of him allowing him to kill those men. She sees herself alone, since Thomas is married, Arthur has Linda and everyone is kinda moving on with their lives. After discussions (which makes her fell alone and useless) , Y/N sacrifices herself for John and his happinness, saying before she dies something like "I want you all to be happy". Sorry if u already made something like that + (Addition to their request)
Pairing: Shelby Family & Gray Family + Shelby!reader (no romance)
Warnings: Death, angst, murder, mention of depression, sad soft stuffs
Note: TITLE IS INSPIRED BY AURORA’S “UNDER STARS” FOR THE MEANING OF THE SONG WHICH CAN BE FOUND HERE  K BYE I’M SORRY! Also; extra bit at the end, I added it cause the title, I hope it’s okie! I cried while writing this oml
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Taglist: @matth1w​ @redspaceace​
masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
“Got nothin’ better to do on Christmas morning?” John put down his gun when he realized it was only Michael.
“Tommy wants everybody at Charlie’s yard now, come on.” Michael gave a slight tilt of his head. Y/n creeped out next to John, hair messed up from her nieces’ and nephews’ game of climbing on their aunt human-sized-jungle gym the previous night. They sure were excited hear that their aunt would be staying for Christmas.
He turned, pushing his dog into the house and trying to close the door so they could get going. “Get in. Get in!” They walked around, “What’s going to happen? It’s fucking Christmas.”
“Look John, we don’t have time for this.”
“Alright, just come into the house.” Michael interrupted him, “Just come to the meeting-” but he continued like Michael never even spoke. “Have some food”
Esme rushed to the door, pushing John aside when he opened it, despite his “ey”s, and stomped over to Michael. She got extremely close to his face and angerly spat out her take on the situation, “Tell Tommy Shelby we can look after ourselves!”
However, Michael remained calm. “Tommy says they could come for us today, Esme-”
“’Tommy says’,” she turned to John and Y/n, repeating her mimic, “‘Tommy says’,” turning back to Michael, she released the same anger, “Are you his fucking parrot?!”
“Look, it’s the mafia! Alright? This is the New York mafia we’re talking about!”
“And we’re the Peaky fucking Blinders.” John stated, gun slung over his shoulder.
“No, we’re not, John! We’re not the Peaky fucking Blinders unless we’re together!”
Esme stepped closer to Michael, “You were together in the gallows, with one man missing.”
Michael took a second, then ignored Esme and returned to his calmed state. “John. John, come to the meeting. All right? Think about the kids.” John’s gaze began to move, as did his body when Esme turned to see his reaction, “Come to the meeting, and if you want to leave, then fine.”
“No. It’s Christmas day. We have a family now, we’re staying at home!” Esme shouted. Michael looked to Y/n with a pleading raise of his eyebrows. She closed her eyes and shook her head with shrug, there wasn’t much she could do to change Esme’s mind.
A man pushed over a hay bale, vaulting over it and readying his gun.
John, already facing the direction of the cart, did the same, cocking his gun and yelling to Esme and his sister. “In the fucking house!”
Michael lifted his head, noticing the man and cart. “Esme-” More men jumped out. Michael recognized the cart, which he had passed on the way here. The honking of his car’s horn as he rushed, a form of pleading for it to move out of his way.
John fired at them, hitting a hay bale but missing the men. “John!” Michael pushed Esme inside and tossed a gun to his cousin, who ran beside her brother in an attempt to help. She quickly realized her brother’s mistake in the choice of his gun. He was quick to shoot again, but the men were quick to shoot back, weapons faster than his shot gun.
Esme halted behind the door, glancing to the siblings with fear. No. It couldn’t be. It pained her just much as it would had it been the other Shelby. It wasn’t John, though he had been in the front, it was his sister. She pushed herself in front of her brother. Unknown to anyone but her, her mind flashed with thoughts of her family, of John’s family. Of Charlie and her other nieces and nephews. Of her mother.
The bullets hit her in repetition, over and over and over again. The bullets from the mafia continued hitting her stomach and chest leaving bloodied holes in her clothing and body. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion.
Y/n felt nothing but content. Peaceful. Free.
The violent scene resumed around her soon-to-be-lifeless body as she dropped to the ground. Michael was hit with a bullet, not enough to kill him, but grazing him just right, just enough, to make him drop to the ground as well, dragging John down with him.
A peaceful moment. Though she now lie hanging onto life as tight as she could, maybe just to say goodbye, she felt peaceful. A smile found it’s way onto her face, the shock and pain got to her, a dreamy look filled her eyes.
She could hear Esme’s painful screams, the agony and sorrow dripping from her throat. She felt John lift her head onto his lap and his tears drip onto her face. His face was red, nose snotty and eyes puffy as he cried for her to hold on. As he cried and told her that they’d find someone who could help. As he told her that they would kill the mafia for what they did to his sister.
“J-John.” She coughed up blood. Her head twitched slightly as John’s hand caressed her cheek, Esme and Michael now kneeling over her body as well. Y/n’s eyes scanned Michael’s wounds, to which he gave her a look. A look that read regret and possibly a message of “now’s not the time”.
“Take c-care of Esme and y-your kids. Tell them I-I love them. Tell all of our fam-family I l-love them.” She smiled up at his teary face, blood coating her teeth and spilling out of her mouth a bit. “I want you all to be happy.” 
With that last sentence, her eyes stopped acknowledging their presences and flicked up to the sky. A final breath left her mouth and her head lolled limp on his lap. His thumb, still stroking her cheek, felt the warmth leave her body, slowly being replaced with a dreadfully-familiar cold. The cold of the dead. 
His sister now lied dead in his lap, a smile still upon her face, no hint of regret anywhere. Esme clung to him once she processed Y/n’s passing. The way she shoved herself in front of her brother so carelessly, like she wanted it to happen. She thought of the way Y/n had been hesitant to join them or Tommy and Grace, or really any of the couples of the family, when they went places.
Before Y/n passed, when she was looking to the heavens, her mind showed her a sight. She stood before her mother, who was smiling and well in the afterlife. Y/n couldn’t think of anything else, but joining her. Her mother moved to the side, showing her more of what she could join in on. 
She knew all three of the women in front of her. Grace talked with John’s dead wife, both of them smiling at Y/n and eagerly beckoning her over to them. Her mum slowly moved her hand, welcoming Y/n to the paradise. 
So, she grabbed onto her mother’s extended hand and greeted her new company.
. . .
“Go fuck those bastards responsible!” Polly sobbed a yell at Tommy, returning to her place over Y/n’s body, brushing her hair from her face. Her lifeless body was brought to the family and chaos ensued.
Tommy grabbed handfuls of his hair and tugged while yelling until his face turned red upon the discovery of his dead sibling. Arthur threw items, flipped tables, and let the cries of agony escape him just as Tommy had. The rest of the family had pretty similar reactions, aside from Ada.
Her eyes were greeted with the sight of her sister, bloodied up and dead. Her hand darted to her mouth, tears spilled from her eyes, her legs moved to Y/n’s side before she could think of the action. Whimpers and small croaks of screams left her mouth muffled.
They knew one of them were likely to die at some point. They wouldn’t have handled that well either. But. Their sister? The kind and cheery one of the bunch. The one who hid her tough shield behind her forgiving smile? No one thought she’d be the first to leave the living.
Her depression was known, and her family helped her care for it, helped make her happy and let her know how much they loved her. They tried their hardest, and her thoughts of suicide were gifted to her in a disguise of murder. But why?
Why her?
“It should’ve been me...”
“Don’t say that John...she wanted you alive...”
“It should’ve though...” Pangs of guilt were sent straight to not just his heart, but his brothers’. His sister’s. His aunt’s. His wife’s. His cousin’s. They felt guilty for what had been done, the murder of Y/n was no one of the Peaky Blinder’s fault, but everyone still blamed themselves.
. . .
John and Esme cuddled into each other by the fire, no words being spoken, their hearts heavy and eyes watery. One of John’s children walked up to them, rubbing their puffy red eyes that matched their parents’ and tilting their head at their father.
“Are you crying cause you miss Auntie? Don’t worry, she’s just sleeping. Under those stars outside my window. She’s.. she has only fallen asleep.”
“Auntie. She’s only fallen asleep. And when God says it’s time, he’ll wake her up.” The little boy climbed onto the sofa. “I hope she’s dreaming of me. What about you, mummy?”
Esme’s mouth had dropped in shock from the sentence. “I-I- uh yeah... I do too, my love. I think she’s dreaming of you, for sure. I- I think she’s dreaming of you, me, daddy, all of us.”
“I hope she has a good sleep. Speaking of sleep, can you tuck me in? Aunt Y/n did it a special way...I miss it when she tucked me in.” John and Esme’s hearts ached at the sight of their child, eyebrows scrunched in thought before he jumped up and his face filled with joy. “Maybe when she wakes up she can tuck me in again!”
“Of course sweetie...” Esme’s voice cracked with sadness laced through her words and smile. “Time for bed, dearest... Wanna show mummy and daddy how Auntie used to tuck you in?”
The boy beamed with happiness, nodding eagerly at the idea. “Mhm!” He grabbed his parent’s arms and pulled them into his room, telling them instructions. After he finished, they sat on his bed with him, their tears breaking free at his final sentences before he kissed them goodnight;
“Goodnight Y/n! I hope you wake up soon, we miss you! Sleep well and dream good dreams of me under those stars of yours!”
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bellaswansjuul · 4 years
Newborn Army Lives
Victoria and Riley picked people (mostly teenagers) that nobody would miss for their army. They all had been dealt a shitty hand in life. Is it me or is that extremely out of character for the Cullens to brutally murder a bunch of brainwashed kids? And the Volturi’s actions didn’t make any sense either.
Also, we’re never given an exact number but from what I counted on the wiki eighteen newborns were named in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner so I just added another eighteen.
so...thirty-six bouncing baby vampires!
So here’s what I propose:
The Cullens don’t kill the newborns. They incapacitate them. Yes, there is still the epic battle and the newborns have been ripped apart (which is traumatic and the Cullens feel bad but it was necessary) but they’re not burned.
They don’t dismember Bree
She’ll be used as a witness
The Volturi swoop in and the Cullens present the bodies of Victoria and Riley
Jane interrogates/tortures Bree to get information
Learns that none of them knew anything about the laws
The fact that the newborns are in pieces and not ashes aren’t lost on the Volturi
Jane makes the comment about the Volturi not giving second chances
Which is bullshit because the newborns never even got their first chance
Jane agrees to allow the newborns to live. The caveat being that for one year starting on that battlefield the Cullens are responsible for the newborns
Meaning that if any one of them step one toe out of line they’ll rain down hell upon their heads
Jane didn’t do this out of the goodness of her own heart
She had orders
With Carlisle not only generally well-liked amongst vampires (he has quite a few powerful friends), he also has one of the most powerful vampires in existence in his coven
He was a threat but they couldn’t take him out directly
They half hoped the newborns would do it for them. It’s why they didn’t squash the newborns earlier
But they also knew that skilled vampires with experience will win against the newborns any day
They also, to some degree, know Carlisle and his bleeding heart
So they send Jane along with orders
If the Cullens killed all of the newborns, great! Their job has been done for them
If they spared - kill the spares.
It’ll send a message
If they spare more than five newborns, allow the spared ones to live. With the ultimatum of the Cullens being responsible for them as if they created them
Well it kills some birds with one stone
If the Cullens fail to control the newborns properly (which the Volturi are sure they will) then the decimation of the Cullens would look justified
They could also say that the Cullens knew what they were agreeing to and accepted the potential consequences
They could get rid of the threat and wouldn’t have to deal with the political implications and backlash of the Volturi killing the Cullens for either no legal reason or a flimsy one
The fact the Cullens spared all the newborns was both unexpected and delightful
Aro also wanted to see how it all played out
So he allows it
Breaking Dawn is the Cullens trying to wrangle the thirty-six feral newborns
Edward gives in and Bella is changed and joins the rest of the newborns in training
The Cullens move to the most remote place you can think of
but they still have a hard time controlling all of them (duh)
So they call their vampy friends and ask them to help them out with their pack of feral vampires
Jacob’s pack - Jacob, Seth, Leah, Embry, and Quil - are there too.
Cue vampire-werewolf solidarity
-Insert hundreds of headcanons about The Year of everyone trying to house train thirty-six buck wild baby vampires but this is already too long-
And The Year draws to an end and they did the impossible. 
now where the f u c k do the fully grown and matured vampires go now
Some newborns are adopted into covens that helped “raise” them
Others go off by themselves and become solitary nomads 
Others form covens among themselves and leave
Some take up the vegetarian diet
others don’t 
During the year Bree Tanner and Diego (he’s alive), and Dean grow close to Rosalie and Emmet
the five create an entirely new coven
With Rosalie as the mother figure and Emmet as the father 
Renesmee’s name is instead Carlie (a nod towards the canonical name but less gross) and she’s a newborn that develops a close relationship with Edward 
They also adopt another newborn, Mason 
Essentially Bella, Edward, Mason, and Carlie form a coven of their own and leave to start a new life 
Alice and Jasper also adopted a newborn, Heather, and go off on their own
Don’t feel too bad for Carlisle and Esme, having to say goodbye to their adopted children
They adopted four newborns
Warren, Logan, Daniella, and May
Plus their older children visit quite often 
Sometimes separately
Sometimes it’s a huge family reunion
Bella’s and Edward’s wedding happens at the very end when they’re all fairly certain she won’t massacre the human guests. Her supernatural beauty is passed off as god tier makeup and contacts 
Oh, and Jacob doesn’t imprint on a baby!
Or on this version of her either
And they all lived happily ever after
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Request: Sound (Deaf!Reader x Alec Volturi)
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Being deaf was hard, you had been since birth and never experienced sound but what actually made it difficult was the others around you. It was like the world was wired to go left whilst you were wired to go right. Communication was hell. You weren't the best lip reader, learning sign language was a saving grace. However, you learned young that you weren't like the other kids. They would all move their mouths in excited conversation- all in sync but you would have no clue what they said whilst your friends did. Whilst watching everyone act like fish sounds amusing, it was horrible because whilst everyone made an effort to communicate, you wanted the simple way of doing things that your peers had the ability to do. No signing, just talking...whatever that was like. 
You got used to it getting older, people made less effort than they did when you were young. You knew you weren't the only one that happened to. It was considered ordinary to see these different requirements and unless there is no other choice, people usually just dusted you under the rug. You get slowly iced out from the world yet still forced to do your part in the endless cycle of society.
Ironically, being around vampires was just as isolating, you had no idea what they were saying and they had no idea how to talk to you. None of them had learned sign language. It didn't bother you on a personal level, you expected it by this point in life. The Cullen's were lovely people. You knew they felt bad as they always looked apologetic and it was clear in their body language they were trying their best. You welcomed it and were pleasant about it but it wasn't enough. You still felt lonely, it was like a curse. You were forced to watch the world go by and have no clue what was actually happening. It saddened you that hearing aids didn't work for you. It was a major blow to your motivation but you picked yourself up and carried on. 
You weren't told you were going to Italy, you were just handed the ticket, just like you weren't told you'd be seeing Edward in a castle. You couldn't piece together why you were there though. Then you had company of two in familiar men and then a girl around your age. All three not looking even remotely friendly. Alice linked her arm with yours, giving you a reassuring nod, tugging you forward. After an elevator ride and more walking, you were in a large marble room with even more unfamiliar vampires. Just like routine, they started talking...and you had no clue what they were saying. Eventually you tuned it out looking at the floor, waiting to be tugged away to leave. You weren't aware of Caius yelling at you for insolence and ignoring him and Aro. You continued to stare down at the floor, kicking your heel along the floor every so often. Caius was about to stand up when Edward finally got the opportunity to tell them that you weren't being rude but that you couldn't hear them. Aro was intrigued as Edward continued to explain you were deaf. 
You looked up when Alice gently tapped your wrist pointing at your hand before pointing to Aro's outstretched hand looking at him pointedly. You were clearly very confused, thinking he wanted a handshake but instead he held your hand, his head bent slightly. You looked at Alice and Edward in panic but they only nodded at you. It wasn't as comforting as intended. Aro broke away and after a few moments your gaze once again met the floor. "Fascinating! Yet sad. To see how they live, in silence. It's a form of beauty but so unfortunate." Aro paused. "As well as lonely." Alec suddenly seemed interested. Perhaps you had even a slight idea how he and his sister felt when they were human. Alec concentrated on your face and his thoughts were confirmed. You looked distant and just as Aro had put it- you looked sad. 
When the Cullen’s left, Alec soon felt the urge to know more about you and headed to find Aro. Aro was surprised to see Alec, without his sister, at the door of his study. This meant the matter was likely very personal. “Alec?” Aro tilted his head. “Master, that human, the one that is deaf. Did you see the nature of their condition?” “Yes, they live in a completely silent world. Have never experienced sound since birth. Why do you ask?” Alec faltered slightly, less confident about his reasoning. Aro reached out his hand. “Perhaps, you could show me?” Slowly, Alec complied and as soon as they touched, a rush of thoughts come to Aro’s mind, a life of replay. He then understood Alec’s curiosity. Not only had he not been around such a condition, he also felt some what attached by the possibility of a companion who understood the isolation he went through himself. Aro’s eyes flickered back up to Alec’s. “If this is the path you wish to take, i will grant it but I’d like to offer some advice.” Alec’s expression didn’t change as Aro explained, instead it felt like Aro had given him a key. 
Following Bella after camping wasn’t fun. You hated camping, even more so when crazy violent vampires show up to pick a fight. You didn’t know why Bella made herself bleed with the rock but you were glad it worked. Everyone grew nervous as the wolves left with an injured Jacob and that was when you were beginning to stress too much. Carlisle noticed and hurriedly took your hand, palm upwards and began to trace letters on your palm. V-O-L-T-U-R-I. You jumped as Rosalie pulled you to Bella’s side just as Carlisle moved to Esme’s. Sure enough, a few moments later they appeared. They looked just as menacing as the first time you met months back. You were careful to keep your eyes on the guards and not the body fueled fire. That wasn’t a pleasant sight. Then the guards gaze was directed to another dark haired girl- wait who was that girl? You had never seen her before. No one told you who she was. You grew agitated again, finding it difficult to hide on your expression. You looked away sharply when the tallest guard and possibly the tallest of everyone moved towards the girl. You squeezed your eyes shut. 
When your eyes opened, the smallest man moved in to your line of sight but kept his distance. Your eyes widened as his hands moved in very…particular and recognised movements. You quickly raised your own hands. -You sign?- He paused. -I am learning.- You smiled. -What is your name?- You were eager to know his name. He was the first person to actually talk to you. He suddenly looked uncertain and it occurred to you that he might not know how to sign his name. You mimed writing on your palm, offering your hand quickly after. He seemed to catch on and trailed his finger along your hand. -A. L. E. C.- You looked up with a grin and nodded frantically. You couldn’t get enough of the interaction, it was the most communication you had in months. No one had learned sign language for you. Alec moved again. -I would like if you came to Italy with me. Would you do that?- You knew this probably wasn’t the best decision. They were strangers after all. Not to mention the abundance of other reasons why you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, do it. Yet you wanted to. He offered company, communication where the Cullen’s didn’t. You didn’t know why he had begun learning sign language but you couldn’t ignore this interaction. 
You nodded. You nodded before you even realised that you had. You quickly signed your agreement and Alec held out his hand for you to take. Immediately Edward protested and so did the others when realising what was happening. Alice flinched. She was met with a vision of you. 
You had been changed, you looked very happy with the Volturi. The environment was new all over again but not for the reasons Alice had originally thought. She could hear music playing, the piano to be exact. She followed you as you investigated and found Chelsea playing the piano, Afton sitting beside her as he watched. Alice looked at you, thinking maybe you heard it playing but something about your expression told you that had to be wrong. You slowly crouched down, fingers pressing against the floor boards. Alice did so too, grasping your shoulder as she did. She felt a vibration in the floor, following the melody of the piano. Chelsea and Afton looked down at you in confusion, Chelsea stopped playing and your eyes snapped up to meet them. Afton nudged his mate, urging her to keep playing. She continued and your eyes darted straight to the floor again. You slowly rose to a stand, eyes on the piano, the source of the vibrations. Slowly you reached out. “Can you hear it?” Chelsea asked but you didn’t respond, you didn’t seem to hear her. You bent over the piano, pressing your ear against it, hands pressed on each side. You gasped. Alice could no longer feel it since she let go of you but the vibrations were so much stronger. So much so that your next action made all three, Alice, Chelsea and Afton jump in shock. With your nails you tapped in time, in rhythm with the song. Chelsea stopped playing in her shock and you leaned back. A soft smile growing on Afton’s face. You were in complete awe.  She snapped out of it and immediately urged her family to let you go, surprising the Volturi. “Trust me, let them go.” 
Many months passed and the Cullen’s heard you were changed. Yourself and Alec becoming much more than friends. The Volturi believed you to be gifted. Your body and the venom working together to find some kind of evolutionary resolve to your hearing loss. Whilst you still couldn’t hear, you were hypersensitive to the vibrations each sound made. You were no longer in silence nor vulnerable, you could feel people coming from any direction. It was funny, it was discovered one day when you felt vibrations, following them to find Afton and Chelsea at the piano- the source. Alec would never forget the day you pressed yourself against him, ear to his chest, as Afton and Chelsea followed you telling him that he’d never believe what Chelsea was about to say. First, he had to talk. When he did, you squeezed him tighter, grinning but also ready to spill tears that could never fall. When they explained, Alec immediately pushed you back, signing quickly, asking you what it was like. You looked thoroughly overwhelmed and even more so trying to find the right word to describe it. You could have said terrifying, or strange but instead you chose a different word. A word you never thought you’d get to use. You quickly signed back. -Loud!- It was the most wonderful thing in the world, no one could ever, change your mind on that.
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foulplayhq · 4 years
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FULL NAME ► Victoria “Tori” Rose Santamaria AGE ► Twenty GRADE ► Sophomore MAJOR ► Anthropology ROOMMATE ► Esme Song
A B O U T:
+ vibrant, warm, spontaneous -  flighty, irresponsible, self-involved
► THE BRAINLESS BEAUTY - a character who is quite attractive and fawned over, though they lack common sense. they’re the type of person who gets by on their looks and has plenty of success in the dating field, but they’re not exactly book smart.
H E A D C A N O N S:
She was born in Manila, Philippines.
Tori was groomed for the spotlight from birth, raised by hardcore stage parents who kept her heavily involved in pageants, modeling, and dance competitions. Her most notable achievements include a stint on toddlers & tiaras and a series of catalogue modeling jobs for GAP Kids and GIA Jeans.
However she’s always been a free spirit, finding subtle ways to rebel against her parent’s vision for her life--climbing trees in her pageant dresses and improving her own steps at competitions. At 17 she decided enough was enough and cut ties. She has been estranged since but has recently been considering reaching out to her mother.
She eloped during the Christmas holiday last year and moved out of the sorority house and into an apartment with her new husband. However, as with many young marriages, things didn’t last and she finds herself in the middle of a messy divorce.
She’s currently in college to try to prove to herself and everyone else that she’s more than just a pretty face, but she genuinely struggles in many of her core classes.
She loves the color purple, the fact that she shares her initials with Victoria’s Secret, and strawberry-anything
C O N N E C T I O N S:
► Imogen Moreno (co-worker) — The nightlife industry is always buzzing with energy, mystery, and fast money which makes it the perfect fit for this dynamic duo. Everyone’s favorite bartenders at the local spot, the pair have developed the perfect system. Imogen keeps Tori from batting her eyelashes at the wrong customers, and Tori keeps Imogen from giving impatient sorority girls a bottle to the head. They keep each other entertained and use their good looks and charm to rake in the extra tips.
►  Declan Coyne (travel buddy) — Declan’s appreciative of many of the things that his wealth affords him, but perhaps the most convenient of them all is the ability to fly anywhere in the world at the drop of a dime, and he only knows one other person on the planet that doesn’t care about leaving life and luggage behind for the sake of adventure. Their excursions began long ago when Tori met Declan on an out of town modeling gig and ever since they’ve been each other’s favorite person to see the world with. Unfortunately, their pair is one that only seems to exist out of the bounds of Toronto, as whenever they’re home they seem too grow distant and fall into their separate lives.
► Jacinta Morley, Vanessa Montgomery (sorority sisters) — Vanessa, Jacinta, and Tori were all members of the biggest party sorority on campus, Zeta Tau. The Zetas were known for being hot and well-connected in the Crestmont community. However, following Jacinta’s passing their chapter is currently  suspended and under investigation.
► Eli Goldsworthy (mutual attraction) — Throughout their childhood Tori and Eli existed to each other only as next door neighbors that “snarky little boy” and “wild haired little girl” next door to be exact. The few times they played outside with one another they never seemed to be able to see eye to eye, always making digs at one another and caught between their colliding sunny and dark dispositions, this followed them through high school and all the way up until a couple of months ago when Eli ended up slinking into the bar that Tori worked at on a slow night. They found themselves talking for hours, and he’s since made himself somewhat of a regular on Tuesday nights just to see her, but their relationship has never ventured past flirting.
► Jeremy Edwards (crush) - They had an elective class  together, and Jer has been heart-eyes for her ever since. He never tried  to talk to her at first because he thought he was totally out of her  league, not because he was ugly but just because she was so beautiful to  him. Later in the year, they were assigned to work with each other on a  project and have been friends since, but he has a totally obvious crush  on her and is always flirting with her without even meaning to.
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trcublesomes · 4 years
🔥🔥 –– have you seen [ MAXINE “MAX” DUVAL ] since the storm? some say they look like [ bridget satterlee ] but they’re [ 21 ]  & go by [ THE PHOENIX ].  [ she ] lived in halloway for [ 21 years ] . before the town vanished they were studying [ mechanical engineering ] and lived at [ THE DORMS ]. most people knew the [ CISFEMALE ] as [ sharp-witted ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ - BRAZEN ]. for some reason, they feel [ relieved ] about the town’s disappearance. ( doofus, 23 (for like 2 more weeks ew), she/her, cst (the c stands for corn) ) –––––
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–––– local idiot admin is back and she has a new child on the rise . pls do not call her maxine as she will not hesitate to clap back , and though she is cute and kinda little do not underestimate !! we have a true chaotic good on our hands who really just had the odds stacked against her quite a bit growing up but that is a-okay . ‘ i’ll read your rules before i break them ’ kinda bitch . ‘ act before thinking ’ kinda bitch . ‘ lead with your heart not your head ’ kinda bitch . ‘ good instincts but terrible table manners ’ kinda bitch . ANYWAY . . . you’ll see . carry on !!  this intro is much lazier than my other one akdjfhas so bear w me
max was born and raised in halloway to the ‘never gonna get out of this place’ sorta people. only her mother did, shortly after she was born, in the middle of the night with no warning and no telling. of where she might go, leaving her with her father. woof. 
her old man really tried. he was a good dad, but the man’s moral compass was all sorts of out of whack. he spent as much time as possible with max and took as good of care of her as possible but like honestly?? having a kid is EXPENSIVE. being alive is expensive, and the straight and narrow honest path doesn’t always get you what you need.
he ultimately fell back into old habits which meant he spent a lot of time in the city boosting cars only to bring them back to halloway to sell for parts or modify for street racing and upselling. this was a business he ran under the table at an autoshop in town that the duval family started decades prior. 
max never really knew this was going on because he kept it very much separate from her. they spent a lot of time working in their garage at home together on his old beater truck and a couple of other junkers that came in through the years, but she never visited the autoshop past sundown. just figured dad was a mechanic by day and a bit dependent on alcohol most nights.
when she was around fifteen, though, a job went horribly wrong and put her father away for life. thus began max’s time in the system, three years and three different foster homes in and around the halloway area... which had her consistently frustrated because she A: knew being adopted wouldn’t happen since she was 15?? and B: had pretty much been taking care of herself her whole life so sticking her in a house seemed stupid.
duval’s autoshop was bought by a friend of her father’s who was a friend no more after the ordeal, and renamed. she got a job there when she was old enough, first running the front desk, then working under the hood. she’s a hands-on learner and caught on to anything her father didn’t teach her very quickly.
even though she was a hard worker and happily minded her own gd business... she’s her father’s daughter, and trouble always seemed to find her. sometimes it was her fault— because she’s got a temper and a knack for being fussy under heavy authority—, other times it was the preconceived judgements attached to her last name. “trouble’s in her dna” sort of thing. 
18 rolls around and she’s made.... decent enough grades to get into a few schools with scholarships, but she opts to defer in order to work for a year and save up. lives out of her car for a little bit, couch surfs every now and then, stays with some very gracious hosts, and works her ass off until she’s able to go to school for mechanical engineering which is great!!!
but because she’s still in halloway, hat last name follows her, and a lot of local students kinda know who she is. know she's a bit sharp, a bit rough around the edges, from an icky background. but she did her best and kinda loved being able to actually work in labs and have friends and come back to the same dorm every now and again, even if she didn't have anywhere to go over holiday break. she was doing well fOR ONCE!!!
then the storm happened bc no one in halloway is ever allowed to be happy
it’s every man for themselves, last names and reputations be damned at first so despite initial panic she’s.. relieved, to say the least.
because her grey morality is no longer such a bad thing!! probably reveled in it for a while, hotwiring cars, picking locks, maybe took a bat to the window of an old foster home. then when she realized how serious the situation was ... she kinda ... started to promise herself that she wouldn't be the villain of this story!!! 
and now?? well... like everyone else she’s just trying to survive, just trying to figure her shit out, and still takes no shit bc she is useful in this world and she will be damned if u make her feel like she’s not!!
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
she may not be able to read jane austen in her free time at the speed of light, but max is sharp. she’s intuitive and knows how to take care of herself when the going gets rough. she’s quick to think on her feet and 110% a tactile learner as in... throw her into the fire and she’ll learn on the job. it’s why she’s so good with her hands and why she went into mechanical engineering.
she’s got... a lot of anger quietly bubbling under the surface bc she’s been dealt a shitty hand. but with no family, whose there to be mad at?? so she probably drinks more than she should... like father like daughter!!! because alcohol is cheaper than therapy my friends
a lil rambunctious, a lil rough around the edges. bold and a lil too fearless... never backs down from a dare even if she knows it’s a stupid one.
does not give up on herself and hates being underestimated. that said, she does have a tendency to give up on others quickly. she’s been let down a lot, and i mean, if you see a pattern and have no reason to believe someone’s going break it...
VERY loyal to the people she loves. she’d do anything for them, ethically questionable favors included, but these people are few and far between bc yikes! it’s hard to really get to know her
nice until you give her even the slightest reason not to be, and not much for second chances
looks like a cinnamon roll, could probably kill you type shit
chaotic good “i read the rules before i break them” type shit
fundamentally good
there’s a.... soft undertone to her... it’s there. it’s just rare, and it takes the right people to bring it out of her.
likes to take things apart and put them back together to see how they’re made aksdjf
also,........ has a lowkey love affair with music. she picked up guitar about a decade ago and often plays to relax herself. she’s got pretty voice and isn’t bad at the strumming game bUT YA KNOW it’s not something she ever wanted to do anything with. u wanna know what she sounds like??? of course i’ll show you even though you didn’t ask!! here ya go 
she does not mind the disappearance because!! she has no one to go back to anyway. it also kinda gave her a clean slate. she’s useful here more than she is notorious. the playing field is more even. and like... the girl IS useful so !!! she’s better off here than back ‘home’, in her opinion
lil bit of selina kyle... lil bit of season 2 nancy wheeler... lil bit of raven reyes
i’m gonna spam the dash now aksdjfh but smash the like and i’ll come to you and we can plot w max (and esme since i suck and haven’t done that either)
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julia-b00 · 5 years
ICSTD: Chapter.1
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I fiddled with my now silver hair, trying to figure out what I should do with it. It has grown longer since August. I looked at my self in the mirror my silver hair making me look like I could play the role of an ice queen, my grey eyes seem to have also become brighter. My eyebrows are the only trace of me once having dark hair, with all this white they look like dark caterpillars crawling on my face.
"Need any help?" I turned to see Alice in the doorway to my room. Her hair laid flat rather than how it normally looked, she wore a dark dusty purple dress that made her bust look big.  I groaned a 'please' and she smiled getting to work on my hair. She always liked to play with my hair, in fact, everyone in the house is pointed to my hair, even Emmet. My hair has always been untameable for myself to handle, it had a mind of its own, even if I were to brush it, it would go everywhere and I look like I had just flipped my hair everywhere. At least my hair has done the mercy of shaping my face and not being in it.
"At first I didn't know how to feel about you having silver hair, but you seem to have pulled it off quite nicely" She chirped.
"Well, it was either this or try to rock the X-Men Rouge look" I mumbled.
"We could have dyed it back to black but, I like it, who knows once we get back to school maybe you will end up starting a trend," Alice said with a smile. I felt her hands stop moving, I looked at her in the mirror, her face became serious. "Are you sure you want to do this? No one is forcing you to attend the party, Bella will understand" Alice's voice was soft, it was comforting.
But I needed this, since last month I have begun to have nightmares, so I wouldn't sleep much and it doesn't help that I have sleep paralysis. All of this because I was acting like a jealous child because Edwards attention was no longer on me. Edward and I were so close, he was, in fact, the one who found me lost in the woods in Salem, he brought me to my new home. For crying out loud I took his middle name so people here in Forks thought we were blood-related.
What happened "that day" was my own doing and because of me, Edward and Bella keep looking at me with guilt filled eyes. I was the one who went out alone and not seeing the consequences, I took my gift to see the dead for granted and put my self and my brother in this situation. Things haven't been the same between us, he was even afraid to approach me during that month. Jasper helped me get through it, his gift helped me through my nightmares and depression. In the beginning, we weren't really close, due to his lack of control but we ended up becoming very close and I think that's what brought me and Alice even closer. I have been with this family since I was eight, this is my family and home and I'm not gonna let my foolish act stop me.
"I'll be fine, I need this Alice," I said reassuringly to her. She only stared at me for a bit till finally, she smiled and continued to play with my hair. Alice put me in a deep night blue fitted sweater that reached just above my knee. She put it together with a pair of black leggings and some same color dark blue flats. A simple look, I wasn't much for dress up like my sisters but Alice always managed to combine formal with comfort.
Alice and I were downstairs fixing the decorations around the room for Bella's birthday, I tried to see if I could simplify it down for Bella but every time I thought I had an opportunity Alice would come and make it less simple.
"There's no shortening the leash Eve," Jasper said caring another bouquet of flowers.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get the birthday girl!" Alice cheered clapping her hands as she took two steps at a time up the stairs. I walked over to where Dad and mom stood. Dad put his arm around my shoulder rubbing my arm smiling down at me.
"I am very proud of you pumpkin," He said and I replied with a smile back as Bella and Edward came downstairs. Bella looked around the room and her eyes landed on me she smiled happily at me.
"I'm glad you came she said walking up to me as we gave each other a hug" Things with Bella became better. We both could actually hold up a conversation with each other. Not to say we were buddy-buddy like Alice is with Bella but good enough to make my brother happy.
However, Rosalie still doesn't like Bella even more so since that day. I watched over Bella's shoulder as I saw Rosalie give daggers to the back of Bella's head. I had tried many times to let Rosalie understand that what happened Bella was pretty much innocent but she wouldn't take it. Let's just say my sister likes to remind Edward that he screwed up.
Alice had managed to take a picture of me and Bella hugging, we turned to look at her confused. "Oh I saw it in your bag," Alice said, silently asking if it was okay for her to have taken it. Bella nodded silently as Alice smiled wider taking her hand placing her next to Edward "Show me the love~!" She sang snapping another shot of Bella.
As Alice was kept busy with the camera Mom and Dad wished a happy birthday to Bella. "We tried to shorten the leash, "Dad said with a smile.
"There's just no containing her," Mom said smiling at Bella. I looked over at my brother who looked adoringly at Bella interacting with our parents.
Alice gave a present to Rosalie to give to Bella and with a struggle, Rosalie 'nicely' gave Bella the box. "Its a necklace, Alice picked it out".
"Thanks" Bella mumbled keeping it short and sweet with Rosalie. Alice then gave her the next gift.
"This is from Eve and Emmet," She said with a giggle as Bella shook the box and noticing nothing was inside she looked at me and Emmet confused.
"All ready installed it in your truck, finally a good sound system for that piece of -"
"Hey, don't dis the truck" Bella replied, we all laughed softly.
"This is from Carlisle and Esme," Alice said giving Bella a small box. Bella smiled and started to open the box.
I wasn't able to proses to what happened next, all I saw was Bella being thrown across the room hitting the wall landing on the table. Mom grabbed me and held me behind her, what I saw was something I have never seen. Jasper lunging at Bella, his eyes dark, they weren't gold like they once were. His face scrunched up like a wild animal, everything around me became white noise, all my attention was on my dad and brother trying to hold back Jasper. I didn't even hear anything when Alice went up to Jasper. I looked back over at Bella, her arm, it was practically covered in her own blood. Dad went over to Bella and I am to guess my brother took Jasper into another room. I still couldn't hear anything as my Rosalie and mom took me upstairs.
My focus was somewhere else as I saw my sister trying to call me, her voice sounded muffled.
"-v--- c--- --u ---r --"
"-ve ca- y-u h--r m-"
"Eve, can you hear me?"  I finally heard Rosalie's voice call out, but then my head began to feel heavy and my throat and chest felt hollow and tight at the same time. My breathing began to quicken and my legs and arms started to shake. I was having a panic attack, I wanted to speak but I couldn't, I clung to my mother as she shooshed me and rubbed my back.
"Rosalie go get a wet washcloth " I heard my mom say to Rosalie as I could do nothing but feel like I was about ready to die. I could only make a silent cry noise to ask for help if I was actually crying I couldn't tell. I felt mom sit me down on my bed as I clung to her arms.
"Eve, honey, Breath slowly, breath with me Eve" She sat down in front of me and began to instruct me to breathe slowly, at first my breaths came out shaky, till finally, it evened out.
Rosalie came back with the washcloth which she put on my forehead and my weighted blanket. As I was now able to concentrate on my breathing I wrapped my self in the blanket, my arms still shaking.
"Oh my baby" I heard my mother say as she rubbed my back, she started to lay me down on my bed, Rosalie on the other side of me holding my hand. After what felt like forever, I stopped shaking and was breathing normally.
"You okay?" Rosalie asked softly.
"Yeah," I said tiredly, I felt drained and tired.
"Try to sit up to drink some water," Mom said handing me a bottle of water, I sat up and slowly drank from the bottle. Dad had come into the room holding a bowl of fruit, Rosalie and him trade places so he could sit next to me.
"How are you feeling pumpkin," He asked with a warm smile.
"Tired," I said putting the bottle down, Rosalie took the bottle and dad placed the bowl of fruit on my lap.
"Try to eat some of it pumpkin, after you can go to sleep" He put the fork in my hand and let me eat the fruit. The cold sweetness of it felt like heaven, I didn't even know I was hungry, dad had to tell me a couple of times to slow down.
"Does Bella or Edward know?" I asked as Rosalie took my empty bowl.
"Bella doesn't Edward I'm sure figured it out," Dad said fixing the blanket around me.
"Let's hope he keeps his mouth shut then," I said with a raised brow, my mind drifted off to Jasper. "What about Jasper?" I asked looking at dad who was silent and had a frown on his lips.
"He said he might le-" I didn't let dad finish as I bolted from the bed practically walking on it to the floor and out my room into Jaspers and Alice's. The door was already open and what I saw made my heart drop, Jasper was putting his shirts in a bag. He looked up at me with pain in his eyes.
"Eve I-"
"Eve please"
"NO! You don't get to do this!" I cried I grabbed his bag and tossed it to the floor, his clothing falling out of it.
"Don't!" I stopped him "What happened down there was an accident, it wasn't all your fault".
"How could you say that it's not my fault?" He asked sternly, my anger rubbing off on him. I took a deep breath and tried to talk to him calmly.
"Everyone smelled the blood of the paper cut and you are an empath, you felt everything everyone else did," I said looking into my brother's gold eyes "So stop blaming yourself" I took a step closer but he took a step back.
"Eve, please" he begged his eyes looking at me pleadingly. "What if the next person I try to attack is you? I want to become stronger".
"Then don't leave, stay if you wish to learn to control your thirst," I said softly, I walked up to him and put my arms around him, his body was tense for a while till finally he relaxed putting his arms around me his head resting on mine. I stood on my toes in order to get close, I felt him lift me so my nose was above his shoulder. I heard a whimper of some kind, which I could only guess was Jasper if he could cry. We held each other for a while not noticing the audience that stood in the doorway, I think I heard my mother and Alice whimper as well.
After the whole sobfest, I was officially tired and drained, I took a quick shower put on whatever looked comfortable that was within my reach and flopped on my bed. During the time I slept, I felt my bed dip at my feet, though my tired state I tried to concentrate on what was at the end of my bed.
I was greeted by Edwards back "Edward?" I voiced tiredly. He turned and nodded, he moved so he sat next to where I lay.
"How are you feeling?" He asked I responded with a groggy voice.
"Feeling like I got woken up when I should be asleep," I said complaining.
"Sorry, but I wanted to tell you this in person" his voice that sounded serious woke me up, I sat up and looked at him.
"Eve, I know you won't like what I am about to tell you, but I want you to understand-"
"Eve please"
"No! Oh my god, what is up with this family running away from their problems?" I asked practically shouting.
"Eve" Edward called, his voice became stern, "Please I am begging you, I need this," his eyes looked at me pleadingly. Why he would want to leave us, leave Bella, made no sense to me. But my brother is actually begging me,  what could I do?
"Fine but until you get back I am calling you Jerkward," I said laying back down, my back facing him I felt him place his head on my neck.
"I wouldn't have it any other way".
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