#//omg why can't I remember the kitty's name lol
twilightofthe · 1 year
okay i put all my cranky thoughts into a separate post that's now drafted and it made me feel better so i'll be able to watch this episode now lol but if it gets me worked up again i'm posting the rant i'm sorry i cannot be helped or changed or saved <3
also i forgot to say so last episode but kevin kiner my ABSOLUTE BELOVED the return of the king is real so happy to have you here my dude the ending and full theme was absolutely gorgeous
anywayyyyyy so i am guessing sabine did not make like satine and survived her shish kabobing
well there's ahsoka
oh yeah there's bean she's fine she'll be fine xD
damn filoni really gave more handwaving to having a character survive a major impalement vs me twisting myself into fucking knots writing anakin getting run through lmao
ahsoka sorry but actually i'm gonna blame u for this you still kinda seem like a mess and i don't think you were a very good teacher to sabine and now ur dropping back in on her when she's convenient to you?
well at least we know why she's so adamant against training baby yoda lol
ope here's goth girl and the fuuuuck is his NAME again i keep calling him fucking bryan
i like the fancy sithy-looking sundial tho
pfff second ep is "toil and trouble" guess we're getting witchy!
yea ahsoka what happened to showing up in the nick of time and saving kanan and ezra from inquisitors in rebels u were slowwww girlie
that's all that matters
ope one more droid hanging around ezra's place
we do love the mechanic girl of my heart
sabine does love her explosions
no huyang hera just likes explosions
sabine works best under explosive pressure we LOVE HER
ope back to corellia i guess? we can reuse the old solo sets?
you were just
"but she's not the one who needs to hear it right now" ahhh there's the sabine and hera dialogue. ugh but i'm still not used to natasha and mary i can just hear tiya and vanessa doing it instead :(
"ancient ppl from a distant galaxy" waaaaaaait are they bringing in those eu dudes
no wait i think i remember something about these guys that was mention as the big bad in the canceled animated rebels sequel
or it could just be the chiss lmao
that could be it too, makes sense why they'd want thrawn
ok that is some real cool galactic map visuals i am an absolute sucker for a good starmap
ok but wait how the fuck did y'all get a map to thrawn anyway did the space whales write it
also sorry morgan but i don't personally think thrawn would go for u nothing personal you are hot but you don't quite seem his type
waaaait is fucking thrawn gonna have force sensitivity now THAT would be absolutely hilarious and he'd hate it so much
who's marrok i have no memory
y'all you can't just make thrawn work for you didn't he only work with the empire cuz he had to because it would advantage his people somehow (has read zero thrawn novels and only seen rebels)
please tell me sabine is in the fucking vents of ahsoka's ship
okay so i think my issue with Mary is she doesn't have any of the same authority and purpose Hera's meant to hav
oh yeah harping in that the new republic is a total fustercluck
ew a capitalist
bro you know hera used to steal from people like you for the rebellion
sdlkfjsdk omg sabine's mom needs to talk to the teacher to keep her from getting expelled
but also y'all sabine is like 25-30 right now she's not a kid
@ ahsoka bitch you have no fuckin clue what you're doing doooon't talk about readiness
y'know maybe the imperial era just advanced medicine so later impalements don't kill people
oh oh so it IS ezra's!
sabine go find luke he'd love to have you
ok so yeah she likely doesn't have force sensitvity
goddammit huyang neverMIND
so sabine IS force sensitive :) and kanan and ezra just never brought it up :) great :)
hera my beautiful ship nerd ily
bitch do NOT fuck with hera she has more presence than anyone ever
hera my dude you know better than anyone that if a ship wants to take off you gotta go try and stop it in person
ah i have been waiting like 5 long years to watch hera best pilot there was kick aerial ass
oh yeah ahsoka's fighting an inquisitor too lmao
ok this hera and chopper banter is perfect i do love it
oh and good job ahsoka lol
aghhh sabine and her therapy cat i'm ;_;
theeeeere's sabine's mando armor
okay it seems like mary's kinda on and off for hera so far, she has her moments but she can't hold them
rosario keeps losing me i'm sorryyyyyyyy
natasha is doing GREAT
aaaaaand we redoing the end of the rebels epilogue!
god this makes me miss zeb
and kanan obvs but i've come to accept his death
zeb's still hanging around where is he!!!!!
ah all is right
sabine has her gay haircut back
here we go gay roadtrip to find ezra time
alright so i'm still not really vibing with jedi!sabine at All but i have concluded that this show is watchable but honestly not that good, writing-wise, sorry dave, so i think i'll be able to watch it with my brain turned off
goddammit first i thought the holograms visiting morgan were nightsister witch ghosts xD
morgan stop simping for thrawn i guaranTEE he's not your type
we are through with the two episodes! it is very late for me so i'm gonna sit and think on what i've seen so far and shitpost a little. i did really like seeing my rebels blorbos again even if the live action actors don't quite have their groove yet. obviously very excited to retrieve ezra <3 so yeah that was that and i'll be back for more next week!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 89 - folding laundry
Oh yeah, prickly Jon is back! I love how he talks to Jude here right at the start of the episode.
What kind of jacket/coat do you think Jon was wearing - go! (I have a black and white, kitty-themed lolita style winter coat, with paws, a bell and cat ears! I like to imagine it's something like this! I think Georgie totally would wear a kitty coat!)
JUDE "Suppose it’s not really me, is it? Would you rather be a really stupid piece of firewood?" - First the lamb at the Butcher shop metaphor, now this. Jude is openly telling Jon she intends to hurt/possibly kill him. (And Jon's not having it xD)
This annoyed-teen voice really fits the character! But I hate it when people talk like that ^^''
JON "I’m sure the Forestry Commission were mortified. Why?" JUDE "… Stop that! And it was because Nikola Orsinov asked us to." - With Daisy in MAG 61 it was easy to miss but now it is very clearly visible Jon's doing something to people when he asks them…
JON "I have a god too, right?" JUDE "Is that another joke?" JON "N-No, I… I’m new to this. Everyone keeps calling me ‘Archivist”, like I’m special, and that… that I serve the Eye. Trying to kill me for it." - Oh god, I know, Jon has no one to ask about this stuff, but Jude really is not a good person for that job… He's like the new kid in a school and accidentally runs into one of the bullies and it will just end in Jon being shoved into his locker… (oh no, wait, that would be Breekon & Hope's thing xD Ok, let's say he gets his lunch money beat out of him by Jude?)
JUDE "Oh please, your god is nothing! The Eye, Beholding, Ceaseless Watcher, whatever you call it, that’s all it does, it watches and knows, sitting bulbous and comfortable in the ignorance of infinite knowledge." - I think it's satisfying that in the end the Eye gets to rule the apocalypse. Just you wait, Jude, and you'll see what "just watching" can do to you.
Uh, another of the Smirke'ian names gets revealed.
When talking about Elias killing Gertrude and doing everyone a favor with this and Elias clearly wanting Jon alive I think about how funny it is, that all the avatars act like they're this cool kids club, even if in different gangs, some closer, some not so much.
JON "So… so tell me the story of why you wanted Gertrude – AH – AAH!" [SOUND OF SIZZLING] JUDE "Try to compel me again, and I’ll burn it out your mouth." - Now she even openly says that Jon somehow compels her.
JON "Fine. Fine! Keep your damn secrets." - OMG, isn't there that Frodo-keep-your-secrets-meme of this episode somewhere??
JON "Recorded direct from subject, April 24th, 2017." - It's been more than 2 months since Leitner's death!
JUDE "But as I touched her face, she remained still, and instead my hand sank into it like softened candle wax." / "I probably don’t need to describe how much it hurt. It would be a long time before I was able to use the hand again." - Basically what awaits Jon in about 10 minutes.
You know what I also don't like about Jude (and this is, like the tone in her voice, just personal preference)? I HATE when people talk like that about god or gods or whatever! I mentioned this before, that I don't like cult structures in stories and rambling almost deliriously about their fascination. Reminded me very much of The Silt Verses here. (This is also probably the reason, why I can't get into TSV…)
JUDE "And so I ended it. For all the agony and pain on Gretchen’s face, she didn’t seem surprised when I doused myself in kerosene and set it alight." - Crossing over into full avatar-hood, choosing literal death.
JUDE "You have your god, as I have mine. Feed it, fearlessly and without hesitation, or it will feed on you." - This was actually a very helpful and practical information.
Lol, I love when stories can makes jokes about themselves XD Michael, which one??
Yay, I remembered to turn the volume down at the end. I remember listen to this putting away laundry and suddenly Jon screams into my ear…
As someone who thinks Jon deserves all of the cat-themed clothing I love picturing him in a coat like that.
For all Jude’s… horribleness she did give him some very useful advice, yeah.
I always have to turn the volume down at the end of this episode too, it’s so loud!
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good morning lovie!! i've read this fic and omg it's cute TT 1) i think it made my forehead even more hot (not as hot as you though ;)) due to the temperature, 2) why sonya?? no but why?? why sonya?? really self-indulged but as i know it's mostly spread on the territory of slavik countries? i may be really wrong but ig i never heard specifically this very form 'sonya' in you know... foreign media and all. kitty gif TT i love your kitty gifs sm TT they're so cute TT 'im too lazy to think of them all' lol we're so same... when i came to kpop i wanted to know like every group existing and now i don't even remember some of the names of idols i used to like... but what a soft spot svt and got7 got in my heart TT svt's japanese releases?? the pure blessing. 'well ur my cat now' meow meow. if those songs about broken heart and being high when i was merely 12 had made me your cat than ig i can tell everyone how i've gone a really long way... to teach you all how to be successful!! 'im starting my classes so it will take a while' it's all fine!! take all the time you need!! yk that i can wait for a what? yeah never tired of the jokes abt it classes should be your first priority, tumblr can handle you living your big brained life. 'what you think of what i’ll end up with' end up first ig TT but i'm eager to know too 'WHY SHAPED LIKE FRIEND' actually there was a bear that attacked 2 children once... akmu are good. i'm not really a fan but they do have charming voices. i liked 'let's take time' more. ballads or ballads-like songs aren't for me ig. 'resistance to getting sick???' ig i understand hvhdjdj. thanks love!! guess i shouldn't send you grateful kisses rn but i do appreciate it!! luv u<з 'SOMETIMES IT SHOULD JUST WRITE ITSELF!!!!' YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! so right catmom so right!!!! what are these scientists even doing?? why can't they invent such a thing?? i know probably some things like this exist but it's not exactly what we need!! 'my ears T_T' god bless your ears... and thanks for explaining all these music words!! hfjsjs guess soon i'll be able to understand these people who attended music school (dk if it's truly what they call it) i've got results of that academic competition, btw. as i've said, i'd done really bad. but i'm 14th! the meme is NO ONE got even more than a half... like no one has even 50 when the max is 100. even the winner... we're all so silly and it makes me feel better. 'good night my love!' it's almost every time night. so thanks!! good morning to you, hottie-cutie!!! have a nice day! praying for you!! pretending that i'm scared by your threat (will you do anything to your cat?? meow meow). hope i'll get better soon too. love you!! take care <з
GOOD MORNING <3 lets hope i answer fast enough before my class starts AHAHAHAH (not that that my online classes have ever stopped me from doing anything)
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life imitates art imitates life HAHAHAHAH
i've read this fic and omg it's cute TT 1) i think it made my forehead even more hot (not as hot as you though ;)) due to the temperature,
T_T yes im so glad you acknowledge im hot but pls take care of yourself drink some water T_T idk have some chicken soup? and drink your medicine. im glad you think its cute it is 😌
2) why sonya?? no but why?? why sonya?? really self-indulged but as i know it's mostly spread on the territory of slavik countries? i may be really wrong but ig i never heard specifically this very form 'sonya' in you know... foreign media and all.
HAHHAAHAHAH well to be fair, i had a libriarian in school i think her name was sonia with an i but idk so for the longest time i thought sonya was spanish because the philippines had the spanish as their colonizers for 333 years lol. but i will say i was just going through girl names as one does when writing and i found sonya and was like yes i like the way that name sounds. her name was supposed to be cornellia then lucille then smth else but i liked sonya the most. i did see in the description it was russian in origin so it made me like it even more lol. not because of you HAHAHAHAHAH i didnt even think of you then AHHAHAHAHAHAH but because i have just always liked the way russian names sound. <3
idk it sounds very satisfying to me, both very familiar and foreign all at once. i like the letter blends you have <3 i esp like it when russian boy names sound 'feminine' lol cos again we were colonized by spain and spanish words that end in 'a' are usually classified as feminine, and so when i found out russian names like alexander and dmitri had nicknames like sasha and misha i was like 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 HUH? THATS ADORABLE i jusT LIKE FEMENINE SOUNDING BOY NAMES AND SOME MASCULINE SOUNDING GIRL NAMES OK LHASDHALSHDSA I WENT ON A RANT AHAHAHAHH
kitty gif TT i love your kitty gifs sm TT they're so cute TT
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cats are so weird and cute
'im too lazy to think of them all' lol we're so same... when i came to kpop i wanted to know like every group existing and now i don't even remember some of the names of idols i used to like... but what a soft spot svt and got7 got in my heart TT svt's japanese releases?? the pure blessing.
HAHAAH LAZY BIG BRAIN THINGS HAHAAHH. i love japanese comebacks too!!! HONESTLY WERE SO THE SAME. i think japanese comebacks are sometimes better than the korean ones lol HASLdhas AHAHHAHAH idk i think it has something to do with the language again cos japanese also gives me the same vibes as russian that is familiar and foreign all at once. probably cos of all the consonants.
'well ur my cat now' meow meow. if those songs about broken heart and being high when i was merely 12 had made me your cat than ig i can tell everyone how i've gone a really long way... to teach you all how to be successful!!
T_T my success cat coach T_T HAHAHHAHHAH
'im starting my classes so it will take a while' it's all fine!! take all the time you need!! yk that i can wait for a what? yeah never tired of the jokes abt it
AHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA will do baby cakes
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classes should be your first priority, tumblr can handle you living your big brained life.
'what you think of what i’ll end up with' end up first ig TT but i'm eager to know too
'WHY SHAPED LIKE FRIEND' actually there was a bear that attacked 2 children once...
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akmu are good. i'm not really a fan but they do have charming voices. i liked 'let's take time' more. ballads or ballads-like songs aren't for me ig.
i see i see this is where we begin to differ i think hahahha interesting
'resistance to getting sick???' ig i understand hvhdjdj. thanks love!! guess i shouldn't send you grateful kisses rn but i do appreciate it!! luv u<з
lhafhasfh;asf pssshhh you can send me kisses its fine im not gonna catch your fever through the screen Ashlash aHAHHAHAHHAH
'SOMETIMES IT SHOULD JUST WRITE ITSELF!!!!' YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! so right catmom so right!!!! what are these scientists even doing?? why can't they invent such a thing?? i know probably some things like this exist but it's not exactly what we need!!
'my ears T_T' god bless your ears... and thanks for explaining all these music words!! hfjsjs guess soon i'll be able to understand these people who attended music school (dk if it's truly what they call it)
AHHAHHAHH yeah soon you'll know everything i know about music HAHAHAH to be fair, i go to music school and T_T sometimes i have absolutely no idea what people are talking about
i've got results of that academic competition, btw. as i've said, i'd done really bad. but i'm 14th! the meme is NO ONE got even more than a half... like no one has even 50 when the max is 100. even the winner... we're all so silly and it makes me feel better.
HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH see the test was stupid /: but not you youre so smart [hugs] what a rat test AHAHAHA
'good night my love!' it's almost every time night. so thanks!! good morning to you, hottie-cutie!!! have a nice day! praying for you!!
praying for you <3 idk what time it is there so good morning/afternoon/evening <3
pretending that i'm scared by your threat (will you do anything to your cat?? meow meow).
hope i'll get better soon too. love you!! take care <з
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starrybunnyarchive · 3 years
let's talk about petnames
because is one of my favorites hcs. i really enjoy spending time thinking about this and i absolutely melt everytime.
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Hatake Kakashi, Ukai Keishin + bonus.
Warning: none, just a little suggestive?????
Aizawa Shouta
he's not like, all cutie and stuff but he tries his best to show his love for his s/o.
when he refers to her, he always uses Partner or Lover. and don't ask me why but i just feel this man is classic.
eventually started to use Fiancé and Wife as soon as he could because he's NOT afraid of telling the world she's the one.
he's a pro-hero and a public figure but despite this, we all know he is very professional and likes to keep his private life private. so, when he's talking with her in public situations he uses Darling. again, classic lol (tried to call her this way when they were alone but was too much formality.)
sometimes he uses Love. it's really cute but isn't his favorite to call his s/o.
Honey is the one he uses a lot at home or when they're alone.
probably Kitty is the universal headcanon for Aizawa's petnames lol but YES i agree. he saves this one for special or intimate moments. the first time he used Kitty was a surprise.
–*almost a whisper* “i love you, kitty.”
–“you just called me kitty?”
–“no I didn't.”
–“yes you did. you did it right now.”
–“and what?”
–“don't you like it?"
–“isn't that i don't like it, is just…why did you call me that?”
–“because you are my...cute kitty.”
–*chuckling* “omg Shouta since when are you like that?”
–“since i felt in love with you.”
–*she gets speechless for a second* “i love you too.”
Hatake Kakashi
this man isn't into fancy nicknames but he makes sure his s/o knows he treasures her a lot.
he uses Lover when he's talking about her or in public situations.
it took sometime for him to get used with Fiancé or Wife just because Kakashi almost couldn't believe he ACTUALLY managed to have someone this special in his life. (we all know how sad his past is 😔😔😔)
she could forget her own name because Kakashi ALWAYS call her Honey. sometimes, even in public.
obviously this man has a sweet and special nickname that suits his s/o so well. (fell free to imagine one you like the most or the one you think suits you better. i think to myself he would use Bunny or Flower)
Ukai Keishin
he uses Babe most of the time. it's simple but sweet.
but let's not forget he's a flirty one. im 100% sure he would use Babe even before they're actually start dating, just to tease her.
calls her My Girl when refers to her. even when they get old because he's a sweet one.
Keishin loves call her Princess to spoil his s/o. and obviously her number is saved as "Princess 👑" too.
sometimes he uses Doll.
doesn't mind calling his s/o Babe or Doll or even Princess in front of others. actually, he likes seeing her smile when he do this.
Lovebug is the cutest nickname ever and he uses when he's being EXTRA cute and fluffy.
and yes, he has a sassy name to call her while they're doing. (ill let you free to imagine this one too, but i kinda like Babygirl LOL i know it's cliche but 🥵🥵🥵 what can i do)
Gojo Satoru
sure he has lots of petnames because he can't remember the names of all his ladies LMAO
just kidding. this joke never gets old to me.
this man likes french nicknames, i just know it, don't ask me how.
his favorite one is Mon Bébé. and he LOVES teasing his s/o with this one.
Mon Ange and Mon Chéri are also included. you already know this but he's NOT shy of using all of these names in public, specially when she's around.
calls her My Lady or My Girl to refers to her.
Little Girl is the special one for him.
we can't deny this: he calls her all sort of names when they're doing but Little Devil is his favorite.
final note: i didn't realize this post become a teachers edition until now LOL but yes, get used to posts with this "Fantastic Four" senseis version because im a sucker for them.
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