#//rewatching haikyu
sxs-a2 · 5 months
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I'm a KnY roleplayer.
But these boys will awake this blog from the dead.
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satoruxx · 2 months
you fiddle with your nails as you walk home at tooru's side, the sounds of mattsun, makki, and iwa bickering further up ahead cutting through the empty streets. you’re uncharacteristically nervous, because god knows you’ve never done something like this before—but you steel yourself because it’s worth it for him.
your feelings for oikawa tooru are all consuming—strong and deep and intense. they’ve been brewing for well over two years now, nourished by the increased amount of time you’ve spent with him. they overwhelm you, washing over your being with an intensity you’ve never felt before, and they drive you to stick by his side for as long as you can—desperate and aching for the boy who puts the stars in your sky.
you know that timing is important because tooru is nothing if not driven—singularly focused on the sport that gives him the air he needs to breathe. so you wait until well after his match with karasuno, giving your all to support him and the rest of the team because volleyball has become important to you after spending so much time with them. you give it time, wait until after the team has taken the time to lament over their missed chance, and after all the third years are ready to move on to the next phase of their lives, before you finally decide to spill your guts to him.
tooru stares ahead as he’s walking, pensive and unsmiling, and you’re dying to know what’s going on in his head. his eyes are bright, a contrast to his expression, and there’s a resolute glint in his irises that has you feeling oddly shaken. when you reach his house, the rest of the group waves back at him before continuing on, and you realize this is your chance.
so, dangerously, you put your heart on the line.
you tell him everything you've ever thought about him—how you admire his drive and his passion, how you have looked up to him for years and years. how you have never felt so deeply for someone before knowing him. it comes out in a rushed ramble of words, all those nights of practicing in the mirror doing nothing for you in the actual moment. you stumble a few times, your face getting warmer with every word, and yet as each sentence falls forth you feel a weight lift from your shoulders—the flesh of your lungs clatter against your ribs, anxious and eager.
tooru inhales, gaze darting between your eyes and then flitting downwards. even in the dark of the night, you can see the pinkish hue crawling up his neck, can see the way he fidgets with his own fingers. he stares at you, lips parted as a wide array of emotions flit over his handsome features—they finally settle into a strange combination of apologetic and resigned.
and then he tells you no.
he tells you that volleyball will always take precedence, that he has already mapped out his future, which is too far away from you. he tells you about argentina and how his mind is made up. he tells you that he's flattered, that he's glad you're friends but that's all he can do right now.
“i'm sorry,” he says with a grimace. he studiously avoids looking at you, but you can't stop staring at him—your stomach sinks as he turns to head inside.
it takes you months to muster up the courage to tell him. it takes him two minutes to say no to you.
the rejection stings in a way that is unfamiliar, and you take a shaky breath as you walk down the street to catch up with the others.
the humiliation makes itself known in the form of a painful lump in your throat—unmoving and heavy. when you glance up you see that the third years have hung back, waiting for you. makki is wearing a knowing grin, but it falters when he sees your expression. mattsun, ever observant, seems to immediately understand, and he wordlessly slings an arm over your shoulder.
all you can do is awkwardly chuckle, knowing that it sounds weak and throaty as you shake your head. “i feel stupid,” you admit, voice wobbling as heat burns through your skin—unpleasant and unwelcome.
“you're not stupid,” makki mutters, hands shoved deep in his pockets as his lips slant regretfully. you stare at the ground, nodding slowly under the weight of mattsun's arm. your lungs ache, and you know that if you open your mouth, you will lose it entirely. so all you can manage to do is look up at iwa with glassy eyes and trembling lips and a rueful smile that probably makes you look as pathetic as you feel.
you don't notice the way his fists are clenched at his sides, nails digging indents into his palms. he grits his teeth, gaze flitting to oikawa's house in the background, but he doesn't say anything.
none of them speak as they walk you home, and you try your best to keep the sniffles to a minimum, too embarrassed to look at them.
you've never felt pain like this before, and it's hard to get over it because everything reminds you of tooru. it's like someone has taken a knife and carved into your ribcage, grasping your heart before taking it out crushing it between bloodied fingers. but even despite the gaping hole in your chest you know that there are expectations to be met, things to be done.
that's the strange thing about your silly unrequited love—it hurts and hurts and hurts some more until it stops one day before you can realize it. even though your chest is still bleeding you go on with life—you go to university, you get a job, you pay bills. you get up in the morning and brush your hair and drink water and tie your shoes until the wound closes itself up. you start smiling a little wider and laughing a little freer until oikawa tooru is nothing more than an old name.
and of course there are instances where you are reminded of him and what could've been, whether it's seeing milk bread in a supermarket or passing by children hitting a volleyball over a net out in the sun. you know very well that your friends are occasionally still in contact with their old captain, not that this bothers you. after all, mattsun, makki, and iwa were very careful not to bring him up around you, which you're grateful for. so even hearing the name in passing becomes easier.
it is difficult until it isn't anymore.
you've all but forgotten him now, after years and years and years—nothing more than a distant memory.
so imagine the sinking feeling of dread pooling in your stomach when you walk into the restaurant on makki's birthday and see oikawa tooru sitting at the bar, drink in hand. his eyes are alight as he laughs at whatever conversation he's joined, dark hair falling into his eyes messily.
one step forward, ten steps back.
for a second you can't help but stare, breath stolen from your lungs because it feels like the knife is back and twisting itself into your flesh all over again. there is a panic rising in your throat, suffocating and overwhelming and jarring.
tooru lifts his glass to his lips, hiding his grin as his gaze lazily travels over the expanse of the room.
another surge of panic. the familiar sting of humiliation.
he pauses as he's about to take a sip, brown eyes widening when they land on you, and you see the sharp inhale he takes. his stare doesn't waver, too consumed by shock to look away.
and yet that's all you can do—tear your eyes away because you're different now and it's long gone and you know there is no point in going down that rabbit hole again.
it was a lifetime ago—it's done now.
but you will never know how long tooru thought of you after that night back in high school. you will never know that he felt sick to his stomach when he saw the way your face fell at his rejection. you will never know that he bit his tongue so hard it bled as he watched you walk away from him. you will never know that he spent countless nights in argentina wondering what you were up to and how you were. you will never know that sacrificing you for his beloved sport was the hardest thing he's ever done.
so imagine the sinking feeling of dread tooru feels when he sees the way your eyes light up as you find your way over to iwa's side.
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@teddybeartoji this is for you mickey ily hehehehehe
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axoqiii · 9 months
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🐦‍⬛ the freak duo.... oh my god they were aibous
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cvnt4him · 2 months
— ˗ˋ ୨ tobio kageyama w a crush ୧ ˊ˗ —
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Tobio wouldn't realize he has a crush on you, he's so emotionally constipated and angry all the time he has a hard time realizing things other than like anger [for hinata when he messes up CONSTANTLY.]
Tsukishima would literally constantly tease him saying things like "has the king finally found a lowly queen to keep up with his bidding?" Kageyama would be so confused like "wdym?"
It takes tobio a while to actually realize his feelings, afterwards he couldn't even come to terms w them the thought of having a girlfriend actually frightened him.
Kageyama is very competitive, always battling Hinata at anything there is to do, so once he realizes he likes you he unintentionally shifts that part of him to you.
Tobio starts challenging you to EVERYTHING everyone notices and is like "wtf?" Even you yourself was kind of confused but who were you to back down.
This mf is absolute shite at video games like he sucks tremendously. Everyone laughs at him as you constantly beat him in every game there is.
As a manager you are technically obligated to help out everyone on the team including those you might not like not that you dislike any of them but kageyama sure does.
He sees you helping tsukishima out and giving him his water bottle, a towel whatever he needs. Kageyama has never been more pissed off in his life.
Once they switch positions and kageyama is up front near the net with Tanaka and tsukishima in a blocking position he whispers to tsukishima;
"what's your deal with y/n."
"excuse me, what are you even talking about.."
Tobio assumed tsukishima was playing coy purposely so get a reaction out of him, if that was what tsukishima was playing at he successfully got it.
Tobio would not shut up about how he should "stay away from you" and how "you don't want a twiggy ass nobody like him."
Tsukishima simply laughed and teased him which involuntarily led to them getting into it, tobio was a flustered red mess trying his hardest to lunge at tsukishima while Tanaka held him back.
Kageyama found himself mindlessly watching you, whether it be at lunch, in class, or spacing out during practice. You were clouding his thoughts and it pissed him off.
Tobio finally had the guts to walk up to you and give you a piece of his mind. He told you how it was pissing him off that your face made his cheeks warm up.
You just stared at him and batted your lashes up to him before giggling and patting his shoulder with no words.
Kageyama felt a lot of emotions that he'd never felt before.. he felt embarrassed and flustered and just so befuddled it fucked with him for the rest of the practice.
You eventually caught tobio before he split from the rest of the group a meatbun stuffing his cheeks, he turned to you with wide eyed and a blush painting his chubby and puffed out cheeks.
"walk me home?"
"oh- s- sure."
You two waved goodbye to the rest of the team some of them making kissy noises as the two of you walked away kageyama turned around flustered and angry, yelling at them to shut up.
You two stayed completely silent the entire walk to your house tobio occasionally glanced down at you, trying to find words to speak but only for every word to get caught in his throat when he opened his mouth.
"This was fun. We should do it again."
You say turning to face him before you headed off to your home. He flipped and nodded aggressively with a stuttery 'mhm!' leaving him. Tobio was so adorable you just couldn't believe this guy was actually willing to walk you home, no questions asked.
"..soo, id better turn i— "
"I L- --ove... you."
Kageyama stuttered on his words, choking and forcing out his hard to explain feelings for you. He didn't know exactly how he felt but once he spoke with suga and he told kageyama that he might just have a crush, he might've taken his crush the wrong way, mistaking it for love in your eyes.
You'd be lying if you'd said this wasn't adorable. He was adorable, this emotionally constipated volleyball obsessed tsundere actually had feelings. And for you, nonetheless. It was hard to describe what you felt but you wouldn't lie and say you didn't think he was attractive.
You hummed at his statement and walked towards him, he stared at you with wide eyes and he shivered and shakes in his boots. He doesn't know what to do, he just stands there stuff and shaky as you walk up to him and look up at him, those big wide blue eyes staring down at your adorable face.
You kissed his cheek lightly, he didn't know how to react, he just blinked a couple of times and thanked you awkwardly making you laugh abruptly. He scokded himsekf in his mind calling himself lame and shit but you were quick to shut everuthing down when you pulled him into a kiss.
It was quick stiff and awkward. Tobio was never one to care about love or even have crushes but one day you just showed up and took him by surprise he was always flustered around you and couldn't explain why. He didn't know what he was doing but this felt right to him. He was happy.
You pulled away and gently slapped his cheek before telling him goodnight. He stood there for a moment before turning into a flustered red mess, like Hinata whenever a pretty girl even came close to him.
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AN: I am obsessing over kageyama rn gang and sugawara so like I might be shifting over to haikyuu while I find a way to cope w mha ending. The HQ fandom is dead but hopefully you hoes wake up when you read this wack ass shit, n trust my loves I got more in the workshop🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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temeyes · 4 months
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watched the dumpster battle last weekend, it was SAUR GOOD!!!!
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marcelineuntitled · 2 months
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they're besties :3
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why is no one talking about the fact that kageyama trim his nails and has a volleyball journal??
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cosmorom · 10 months
ok but the fact that ukai thought that hinata and kageyama were childhood friends or went to middle school together when he saw them for the first time. i need someone talking about it.
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fangxin-guoshi · 6 months
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I always really liked this convo bc not only does it primarily serve as yet another moment emphasizing hinata's passion for volleyball, but it also helps foreshadow osamu's future career choice and in general flush him out more. It draws a parallel between Hinata and osamu's passion for things they love. Osamu is able to understand how Hinata feels Abt volleyball bc it's the same way he feels Abt food sjcoshofsjic
Ik I sort of just stated the obvious lol but I'm still hung up on this bc I love samu yk :')
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biboomerangboi · 1 year
I will always love Haikyu!! for how they introduced Yachi cause you watch the season 2 opening for the first time and your like oh a cute girl that’s probably going to get a crush on Hinata or Kageyama and then you see her on screen and every second she’s just the biggest socially awkward dyke imaginable. Literally has never been normal once especially when a hot older woman is nearby. Most relatable member of the team.
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artyfartyliz · 1 year
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the volleyball sillies are in my heart and mind again living rent free like the little shits they are
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truenuisance · 5 months
so are we all rewatching haikyuu rn?
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hoejosatoru · 2 months
Japan and Argentina playing each other at the Olympics and them playing the haikyu theme before the match???? I’m fucking sobbing haikyu is so real
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axoqiii · 9 months
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hopping on the trend 🏃🏻‍♀️
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owlyflufff · 1 year
need to go and rewatch haikyu!! getting into bsd and jjk was the worst decision of my life actually TvT
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temeyes · 5 months
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