#//so this is the mobile navigation
summonedglory · 11 months
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#SUMMONEDGLORY | independent, private, selective, 18+, duplicate and crossover-friendly League of Legends / Arcane multimuse penned by m. & established 19/07/2023.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
Suletta saying love me. love me please. I’ll do anything. I’ll kill for you, I’ll listen to you, I love you. love me and let me stay. vs Miorine going hate me. hate me. I need you to hate me because I love you. I need you to run away, to stop loving me, to be safe. hate me and it will be worth it in the end. hate me and leave. (Suletta saying love me, please love me, please don’t leave me)
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hyliansnacks · 5 months
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My entry for the Beidou Zine!! Really enjoyed taking part in my first Genshin project and I'm happy to be able to share this piece finally :)
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claudtrait · 4 months
mobile navi 💥
hey there hi there i’m den and this is my sims / gaming blog! i usually post cas pics and can never stick with a gameplay so honestly we balling 🙏🏽
*i am wcif friendly but i do sometimes answer very late. sorry about that 😭 i also do not take wcifs in comments, so please send them through my inbox. thank you !!!
ts4 stuff
cas - gameplays- wcif (not wcif-f anymore)
blogs / other
cc finds - personal - rb tag - music tag (moved den.mp3 to my personal) - pinterest
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quaranmine · 3 months
I have a fully updated app and mines been working fine
that seems to support my friend in discord who also has a fully updated app that is working fine
alright, i guess better decide real quick if it annoys me more to use mobile browser tumblr or updated app tumblr
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bluestarsbumblesocks · 3 months
hello toonblr i am back with a dialogue project update. i have begun work on a neocities page for the project which u can find here. the only pages with content atm are the homepage and the ttc page, both being pretty bare bones since i am learning as i go (i started yesterday >_>), but the ttc dialogue is up and available for viewing !
reminder that if u would like to help with the project there is a link to the form on the neocities page ^^
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spectacledraws · 3 months
Hello I just wanted to let you know that you were my,,, 1000th boop. I saved it for you because. I am big fan of your art and I think you are just, very cool,,, but I’m too shy to say it off anon aaaa
aw honored to be the 1000th boop!!!! hehe im so glad you like my art, thank you for letting me know :’) You’re so cool too!!! hopefully I’ve booped or will boop you in return 🐾
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sockdooe · 3 months
Does anyone wanna talk about Shance aus or headcanons with me ;-;
Please I’ve been dying
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
I know its literally only Stranger Things right now but I’ll add more as I post more, I’m a part of other fandoms I promise. 
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Jim Hopper
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heart-pirates-week · 11 months
Tag Navigation
Here is a list of tags to help navigate the event fanworks better
ALL fanworks (chronological)*
ALL fanworks (non-chrono)*
*(does not include 2021 fanworks due to account change)
2024 Heart Pirates Week
Day 1 ღ Jean Bart ღ Cursed Day 2 ღ Shachi ღ Celebration Day 3 ღ Penguin ღ Loyalty Day 4 ღ Ikkaku ღ Night Day 5 ღ Clione ღ Food Day 6 ღ Uni ღ Aftermath Day 7 ღ Bepo ღ Return Day 8 ღ Hakugan ღ Caught Day 9 ღ Law ღ Tattoos ღ Fantasy AU
aaaghhhhhh ayuventi blackyote chromatic-lamina cal-cium-the-nerd deadnamedblog fab_ia frogfemur loresona melancholitas moonj-fool nehswritesstuffs ninhaoma-ya purplehairedwonder rambird12 sen-ya sobakensyn tinycurlyfry wanifufufu
2023 Heart Pirate Week
Day 1 ღ Jean Bart ღ Scars Day 2 ღ Shachi ღ Snow Day 3 ღ Penguin ღ Submarine Day 4 ღ Ikkaku ღ Repair Day 5 ღ Clione ღ Touch Day 6 ღ Uni ღ Home Day 7 ღ Bepo ღ Lost Day 8 ღ Hakugan ღ Broken Day 9 ღ Law ღ Smile ღ Cora Lives AU
chromatic-lamina chibiwitch98 cal-cium-the-nerd fab_ia ninhaoma-ya purplehairedwonder sobakensyn tinycurlyfry
2021 Heart Pirate Week
ღ Day 1: Jean Bart/Protective ღ ღ Day 2: Shachi/Heartbeat ღ ღ Day 3: Penguin/Coffee ღ ღ Day 4: Ikkaku/Family ღ ღ Day 5: Clione/Warmth ღ ღ Day 6: Uni/Underwater ღ ღ Day 7: Bepo/Storm ღ ღ Day 8: Law/Homesick ღ
alegnace anubislover axaustralis chromatic-lamina kitozune majoraop marci-vallo ninhaoma-ya polarurchin
Tag navigation on desktop can be found here: https://heart-pirates-week.tumblr.com/navigation
AO3 collection (all years)
ღ 2024 Prompts ღ Rules ღ AO3 collection for 2024 ღ
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Might want to get the extension of Shinigami eyes 😬 looks like there's some terfs lurking on your blog.
Hey you know what would have been more useful than this ask? Just telling me who they are.
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coridallasmultipass · 20 days
Personal vent post, how I tag things, apologies for this probably showing up in search results because I'm not censoring words (do not have the spoons rn)
So I'm getting really frustrated (at the situation, not at individual people! Sorry to vague right after getting a request, I was gonna make this post like a week ago) that multiple people have asked me not to tag Bro/Cal reblogs as Stridercest.
Stridercest does not mean incest, it means Strider/Strider relationship. I'm tagging it for followers who don't want to see Strider/Strider at all (or for those who do, too, I guess). On MY blog, it has NO bearing on whether or not something is incest. Lil Cal has been a Strider since Day 1 to me, way before any of the events after Act 6, as a pure vanilla puppet. A Strider by marriage, in my opinion. But I'm not opposed to calculating the amount of Strider that got put in Lil Cal, as I've done before. You also have Dirk/Hal which is also Stridercest, but not incest (at least in canon, sometimes it is incest in fan depictions). Or Guardiancest, which I don't think counts as incest in canon either (but usually always is in fan depictions). Even selfcest between one Strider (beta!Dave/beta!Dave in a time travel situation, for example) is still gonna be Stridercest to me.
The ONLY Stridercest I add the specific ship tag for is Bro/Cal, because that's otp5eva for me, separate from any other Strider stuff (Stridercest probably doesn't even make top 3 HS ships for me). Everything else only gets the blanket Stridercest in reblogs, because I already tag a lot, I don't have the energy to add nuanced tags for weird Strider situations, and whether or not that constitutes incest, or which version of a character it is, especially when the artist/authors don't usually make the difference explicitly stated in their own caption/tags, and sometimes it's vague on purpose! (I'm currently writing a fic where Bro and Dirk are the same person! I'm not gonna make the distinction a big deal.)
It's mostly frustrating because then I have to decide if untagging the relationship as Stridercest is going to make someone else following me uncomfortable who will then see it untagged.
Going forth, I am going to delete whatever reblog I made if I get this request from someone else again. I'm trying to remember names, so I don't reblog any future content that would conflict with their requests, but this has already happened with three people in like the past two weeks. Had to block one person for telling me to die because I tagged "Stridercest" on the post preventatively, as usual, because I care about tagging for my followers. (I literally checked their blog like 3 times to make sure they didn't have a DNI pinned, and I still got told to die for my efforts lmao.)
Literally, please just DM me privately (thank you to the other people who did, sorry for the trouble!), and I will either delete the reblog, or block you if you request that. I'm not TRYING to make people uncomfortable, which is the whole reason why I tag it to begin with.
So, I'm not un-tagging shit anymore, it's delete only from now on. I'm not going against my own blog rules I set both to try and accommodate my followers, and to make searching my blog easier for myself. (Used to not tag anything from like 2011-2016 or later, and I'm still in the process of back-tagging everything, since it's been so frustrating to find old fandom posts.)
#unrelated but if you need me to tag something else ill try and accommodate it#im just not differentiating all the stridercest ships in tags its not possible the artists dont always make the distinction known#im still tagging shit ppl asked me to in 2012 and i dont think ive seen them interact with me in years lmao#if i miss a tag on something u can dm me sometimes i forget to tag hs on things bc in trying to tag all the characters in a group#id rather over-tag something than under-tag it since this function is available on this site#i should make a pinned post or something explaining my other tags honestly but i dont think enough people care#its just ughhh its prob gonna take pc use to navigate my official about me page. which is an ordeal because i cant click to it...#...without using a mouse and my mouse doesnt reach to my couch where i usually use my pc#i hate that about mes have been made obsolete by pinned posts and the inability to see blog themes on mobile or by the share link#wouldve been nice if they made the option to put a button to the about me page accessible to mobile users#havent been able to update mine in a while ider whats on there besides highlights of my blogs#anyway i got irl shit to do rn i spent way too much time explaining all this ugh it takes me so long to type anything#Cori.exe#Post.exe#im about to have like the worst week of my life btw pls send prayers that i can physically attend all the appointments i have this week#i can hardly lift a cup of water to my mouth im in so much fucking pain and its humiliating and miserable#its not even the endo this time its my back and idk what triggered it. must have been built up bc of all the stress i put on it...#...over the past like 3 weeks of doing backbreaking activities that needed to be done. i hate this so much lol
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saturngalore · 1 year
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navigation ☆ welcome to saturn 🪩
wcifs (im wcif friendly) | resources | my edits |
asks | black hair series | album series | fat zine |
cas sessions | lookbooks | downloads | tou
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tennessoui · 9 months
Sorry if this has been asked before but have you ever considered posting your tumblr fics on ao3? I only ask because sometimes navigating tumblr can be awful, especially on mobile. No pressure though. I just really love your writing and want to read as much as possible.
hey thank you so much for asking! I currently do not have any plans to move all of my tumblr fics to ao3, but I assure you I’ve thought about it.
I view my tumblr writing as very different from my ao3 writing, which is why it feels like a big deal for me when I start a fic on ao3 that i fleshed out as an au or series of ficlets on tumblr. Putting it on ao3 means committing to the details, the story format, the moment in time of the plot I want to tell.
Take the regency au for example. That’s a series of ficlets on tumblr, but I would love to one day put a story up on ao3 for it. But if I put the ficlets up now in the same format I created the KUWSK ao3 fic (aka ficlets set in the same verse but not necessarily in chronological order), I would feel trapped by the format and I wouldn’t ever be able to post it in a traditional story format….if I one day figure out how I want that story to start. Do I delete the ao3 fic of the disconnected ficlets? Do I repost scenes and pretend they’re all new scenes? Do I just start posting the new chronological story at the end of that ao3 fic?
Tumblr fic posting feels more fluid to me because I’m just writing disconnected moments in an au and I always link them in the tag — and I have a master list of tumblr fics here — so if I get something wrong continuity wise it’s not that big of a deal, and I can jump around to whatever moment I want to tell at any time.
For me, it’s not just reposting a piece of writing from tumblr to ao3– it involves me thinking about what I want this story to look like (ie, the hunger games au on ao3 will be set in space; the playmaker au may involve a journalist obi-wan instead of a detective obi-wan) instead of what disjointed moment i feel like writing.
So it is something I promise I have thought of, and it’s something I’m not interested in at this time. If I were to ever delete my blog and orphan my fics, I’d make a concentrated effort to move some if not all of the writing here over to ao3 for people to save as they’d like, but that’s sort of the only scenario I think I would do that in
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rebelichor · 1 month
Refreshing the tracking on my laptop delivery like a mentally well individual. I misunderstood the update, it isn't three hours away, it's travelling from Brisbane to a location that's three hours away, but I'm hoping that it arrives before the end of the week.
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databent · 1 month
really want to put a full sentence hyperlink in my dscription or pinned maybe that links to somethingnormal but then havee 1 letter in it link to something compeltely different Just for a fun little Surprise if someone clicks exactly the right spot. but i dont kmow if tumblr formatting would split the hyperlink underline if i did that. well still imagine it..
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