#//thank you! :)
thetravelingymleader · 8 months
I can't decide on a name 😔 What should the baby's name be? She seems to like music and dancing, hence the musical names, however she's also very obviously purple!
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^(The baby in question)^
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jeremiahofphilo · 6 months
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I did notice you standing outside for a while, glad you decided to step inside, Miss. It's cold out there.
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renaisguy · 1 month
“forde, was it? i don’t believe we’ve had the chance to talk yet. i’m dorothea.” their lodgings have certainly grown quiet since the last round took out a wave of weasels. she beckons him over, set on being cheerful despite their odds. “before we part ways again, how about joining me for a meal? it’d be nice to have some company and share a few stories. i figure team bonding never hurts.”
"Nice to meet you, Dorothea." He holds out a hand. Their team might have taken a hit, but he's still standing. That's enough to keep a smile on his face. "I'd love to share a meal with you."
The food they receive is less fancy than what they could have found in their first week here. Perhaps people have less energy to prepare their food, or perhaps all the good cooks were eliminated. But food is food, and it tastes delicious.
"Have you been enjoying the island?" He asks. "I spent the first week just lounging around on the central island, it was great. This week I was on the east island, fighting a sea monster. It was soggy, but not too much of a challenge. What have you been up to?"
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Have you dealt with legendary pokemon before?
Okay so. When you're in an area consistently, without any intent to battle and regularly perform tasks that help the local pokemon, you just naturally start seeing more and rarer pokemon. Pokemon are really, really good at not being spotted when they don't want to be, and that goes doubly for pokemon that trainers have decided are valuable for whatever reason. An established ranger see way more shinies and a higher amount of biodiversity than a trainer passing through an area has even the slightest chance to (ex - I doubt the new deerling herd in Tagtree is going to make itself known to any passing trainers for a LONG time).
And sometimes there are legendaries protecting certain areas. And when those legendaries see you doing the exact same job as them, they will often get comfortable enough to make themselves known and say a brief little hello. I somewhat regularly saw Latias and Latios back in Hoenn swinging through the forest on their little rounds. Suicune and Celebi pretty are also commonly reported sightings.
But the one legendary that any field ranger worth their salt has seen and subdued. The one legendary that basically provides us with a hazing ritual for newly minted rank 10 and field op rangers. The bastard himself, is Heatran. That weird ass lava gremlin just LOVES to harass rangers, and they are widespread enough that most of us have been stationed somewhere long enough to have dealt with one. And since they are still legendaries, the Union will always send out at least one field ranger with back up to deal with whatever destruction the fuckin beast is out there wrangling.
If you have made the field ranger position or achieved rank 10 and you have never dealt with a heatran you simply do not get the same respect from other rangers. It has all the communal bonding of a hazing ritual, but since it's outsourced to some random super-powered lava jerk so no one has their trust broken. Best of both worlds. Assuming you come out of it okay.
All that to say - I have met legendaries before. The only one I've gone toe-to-toe with is Heatran. And wow. That sucked.
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glynmostyn · 6 months
★ - sad headcanon
As joyous as reconnecting with his family and being able to add to it by introducing Dwayne, her girls, and their babies to everyone, he never fails to notice the absence of his father.
They had a somewhat complex relationship, as is often the case with young queer boys and their straight Christian fathers. Dwayne has seen several ways in which he and his mother are similar and where some aspects of his personality and quirks come from, but she'll never see just how much like his father he is.
Part of Luke is thankful for that. As far as his family goes his father was the most 'problematic'. He could be a grouchy curmudgeon, quick to lose his temper. Sometimes he said unkind things, sometimes racist things. The last time he saw his father he was still struggling with him coming out and wrestling with that demon. His parents relationship was a bit rocky at times, but he was still an overall good father and grandfather.
Despite all that they had a net positive relationship. Luke was worried about introducing Dwayne(he'd already been introduced to one boyfriend previously and that relationship was a disaster, though the details of it Luke hasn't said to anyone in his family) to him and what Dwayne might think.
He never considered the possibility that his father would be gone. Died while Luke was still MIA. When Luke thinks about him now it's often about that, how he died not knowing what happened to his youngest child, not knowing the happy life he'd managed to build. Never knowing he had a new batch of grandkids, and how the babies would never know their grandpa.
Sometimes he'll get trapped in the thoughts and the guilt, the regret, the pain of not getting to say goodbye or be there in his final hours and it upsets him greatly. Sometimes he cries, other times he can just manage to breath.
He knew life continued for his family without him once he accepted that the apocalypse didn't happen, but he never stopped to consider it would end without him, too.
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subjectivemortality · 6 months
an offering: approximately a pound of conversation hearts, upon closer inspection, every single one says 'love you'
How did you find these out of season! I'm going to eat all of these in one sitting as soon as I sort them by color. Thank you, I love you too 🩷💙💚💜🩵💛🧡
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materiaheartt · 1 year
No more requests for the time being, got a good list!
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dutybcrne · 8 months
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@kanawolf said : What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate? How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? For Kaveh & Kaeya? 『 Meme || Accepting』
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
For both, it's prolonged contact with people.
With Kaveh, while he genuinely loves talking with others and socializing, when working and going over plans and ideas with people, wealthier clients especially, they can sometimes prove to be quite frustrating to deal with, and he has a lot less patience than most people would think he does to bear with it. Managing creativity within a set prompt is also another aspect he might find trouble wrangling-- he'll have many an idea he'd love to show off once given parameters, but then in trying to make it a reality, he'll find sometimes, it just can't feasibly be done. And/or in elaborating and working a problem he's run into, he'll see the necessary solution just won't happen to align to his client's particular tastes/constraints. He might end up cursing his own creative sense as a result, out of frustration.
With Kaeya, as much of a social butterfly he may be and as much as he truly does like helping people, he's still the anxious introverted boy he once was prior to the Confrontation. And the fact he's constantly thrown by people praising him. Unless he's fully comfortable with the person, he can't help constantly resisting the urge to squirm or bolt away the moment they start. And even then, he still feels a little uneasy when said friend close to him heaps compliments on a job well done or recognizes his efforts for them. That, and he just loathes the constraints of the very laws he had to set example of and uphold when it comes to getting things done-
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
If it's any sort of sculpting, painting, weaving, and even musical art form, Kaveh has tried them all at least once, particularly while he was still a student in the Akademiya. He does greatly favor sculpting in clay, painting in watercolors, paper marbling, and playing the dutar most of them all, and really wants to pick up dancing for a hobby. Though regrettably, he's had far less time to truly indulge in hobbies outside the dutar and reading ( though nowhere near as much as Alhaitham ) since graduating, especially in between clients. He is currently trying to pick up TCG as a genuine hobby for himself, so he can better understand and support Cyno's love for it.
For Kaeya, there's little to nothing he hasn't tried to dabble in, both of activities to do in Mond and in nations beyond it. If he finds it can be a useful skill for him to pick up, be it entertain or to facilitate his duties, be it at his desk or on the field, or even to help keep Klee happy while he watches her, he'll give it a go, then continue with it or drop it depending on how he felt. Everything has to have a purpose. However of the ones he likes the most, he likes storytelling/writing, coin tricks, and collecting plants and feathers. He also loves painting, but he adamantly does not let anyone know said fact. Many paintings of his are usually rather small and anonymously gifted.
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grace-of-gotham · 8 months
😮 - An NPC in your character's life
Send 😮 and I'll introduce an NPC in My Muse's life! | @some-random-fandom-chick
Grace's best friend is a girl her age called Monique.
Monique is that dependable friend who is always around when you need her. And by that, I also mean when I need to give Grace an excuse to be somewhere or to have an NPC nudge her in a certain direction.
While her backstory is vague and adaptable, the idea of them together is that they've been best friends since high school and both ended up at the same university together. They're on different paths in life, but make time for one another and enjoy letting their hair down, going out drinking and to clubs in the area. In different verses they've been roommates, they've volunteered at shelters together, they've given the prospective partners of the other the shovel talk and made sure they've gotten home safe after a night out.
Monique is the championing friend we all wish we had and she's firmly in Grace's corner.
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dontcxckitup · 8 months
🍸 Slow Comfort Screw Against A Wall - (Google it) 😉😘
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“…I’m actually afraid to look it up now.”
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championsofthegate · 5 months
Is there a genre of media you cannot stand?
//do youtube pranks count? Cause I can't stand that shit lmao
otherwise I guess not really lol I'm not really into horror and such but I wouldn't say I can't stand it lol
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renaisguy · 3 months
"Are you alright?" Mitama hated feeling useless, and not having access to the usual healing magics she weaved was the worst possible feeling of uselessness she had ever experienced. Even if he was not familiar to her, she still felt guilty being unable to assist after watching him take so many of the attacks during combat. "You were using faith magic earlier, yes? I hope that we are able to alleviate the burden of responsiblity upon you somewhat in the next round."
"I'm fine!" Forde smiles. "Last time I was at one of these, I died three rounds in a row, took me ages to recover." (His recovery time was greatly exaggerated, and mostly an excuse to skip class). "And we won our first round! Great job out there, that pegasus did not look easy to control."
She mentions his use of magic, and he nods. "Truth be told, I need the responsibility. I'm sorta used to it by now." When it was just himself he had to look after, he could take it easy. But when the wellbeing of others was in his hands... especially those so young, it was difficult to ignore.
But hey! "Though if you do end up as a healer next round, I'm sure we'll do great together."
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kukyc · 5 months
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Raw Starters: Not Accepting vancreux: the line between day and night is a haze of grey and silver. // from blade
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⌜☬⌟ ➡ Amber jewels lifted from the dimming sunset to companion as they spoke up. An interesting take on the sunset but one he could understand as an outsider in this world. As he stared at the endless expanse that was the infinite space from the window of their ship. It was still hard to wrap his head around the whole thing, space travel in a metal contraption but when in the world one must travel as they do. He had found himself among the company of a group called “Stellaron Hunters” and much like himself they seemed to be not as liked by the populace.
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Slender digits press to the glass separating him from the void of space, a wistful expression in features as he turned back to Blade. “I think that might be because of the place we are in.” Musing softly before turning to lean against the steel of wall and look at Blade fully. “It could also be a sign of things to come. A silver lining of sorts.”
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ringtownrangerlark · 10 months
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! What's your favorite thing about the human world? -Tropius
Well, I don't know any other worlds to compare/contrast to. But I suppose that's true for everyone- we all only know the world through our own eyes.
Maybe this is a cliche answer for a ranger, but I truly just love the natural beauty of the world. That's part of what drew me to this field of work in the first place- I could sit for hours in the Lyra forest just observing the Pokemon, or noticing the patterns of plant growth, or watching the sunrises.
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tealeavesandthorns · 10 months
"Do you want to tell me about it?" (Dream meme)
Did Maria want to talk about it? It would probably do her could but she was very conscious of how her nightmares and dreams might affect other people, might effect how they saw her.
"I- it was nothing just a very strange dream with lots of twists and turns. I'm sure that a psychologist would have a field day with it. It just unsettled me more than anything, you know that underlying gnawing feeling that stays with you on waking at times? Very different than the usual swashbuckling romantic dreams I often have." She laughed. "What about you, what do you dream about?"
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peskyduck · 2 years
{¤} Vivian is caught off guard by the question, far more used to people pointing out other things about her. The more time went on, the more people found to criticize about her—like how her father calls her outfits "funeral clothes" or how her father complains over her draining the house of color when she's upset despite knowing it's something she can't control. Having someone look at her in awe for being a bird is leagues better than any of that, even if it seems odd.
If Vivian had to take a guess, she'd assume this guy has been isolated for a while. She hadn't focused on learning divination when her magic was still at its strongest and wouldn't be able to use any psychic abilities even if she wanted to, so her guess is about as good as anyone else's.
Not wanting to be rude to the stranger, Vivian smiles and nods in agreement.
"Yes, I am a bird. A duck, to be specific." Vivian tilts her head, her brows furrowing in concern. "Are you alright, sir? I know this probably feels a little disorienting..." {¤}
'A duck! Of course. A duck...' He chirps. 'A fellow bird! I'm a crow, I think?' Its pretty obvious he's also a duck; clearly a misinformed duck.
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Is he alright? No. He's on edge constantly and his memory is patchy and somehow everyone or everything he meets makes him feel unnerved and wrong. But-
'Of course, I'm always fine.' He lies through his beak.
'I am simply trying to find my way back home. Any clues?
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