#/feel free to reply in more lenght or anything if i write one! its just from my end i'll start simple as to not feel overwhelmed fioo
darabeatha · 1 year
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  /  What if this was strictly (from my end) a very simple dialogue starter call- (pls do specify if not im skipping 😳👉👈 )
muse list for ref! : Constantine XI (rider) ; Ashwatthama (archer) ; Vlad III (slighty canon div) ; Jason (saber) ; Camazotz (temp. assassin) ; Odysseus (rider) ; Daybit (crypter) ; Tezcatlipoca (grand assassin) ; Charlemagne (saber) Moctezuma II (Avenger) ; Caeneus (lancer) ; Oberon ( - ) ; Medb (rider) ; morgan le fay (berserker) ; kukulkán ( - ) ; tlaloc (pretender)
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scienceoftheidiot · 3 years
In my move, I’m also moving all my drabbles, prompt answers and short stories with my OCs. Here’s an old one.
In case you don’t want to click on the link, the short story itself is right here under the cut.
No prompt for this one, I just wanted to write about friends being friends. Fluff time :)
Desden sat on his sofa with a contented sigh. He’d just come back from various errands after work, and was looking forward to a nice, relaxed evening. He was considering opening a bottle of fresh beer when his phone started ringing.
He’d swapped the automated voice for music for his closest friends and family, and Master of Puppets started playing instead – Farid. He had chosen his song himself – a privilege granted only to… well, only to him.
“Yeah? “Hey! You home?” Farid sounded very excited, which was surprising, coming from him. “Yeah. “Brilliant. Come down here, bro. I have something to show you!” This made Desden curious – but he wouldn’t admit it. Farid was usually a very laid back man, rarely prone to gushing. In fact, it was Desden who was known to be the most effusive of the two. Yet this sounded like Farid was very eager to share something.
Down would mean the basement, as Farid spent most of the time he had free from work or his children in there, repairing old toys or various appliances for the whole neighbourhood. This part of the basement was a common room for the people who lived in the building, but he had somehow made it his den, and people respected it, since he was doing all the reparations for free.
“Since when do you call me bro?” Desden frowned with a chuckle. “Since I hear it’s cool. “You spend too much time with children, you know that? “Maybe. Are you coming or do I have to come fetch you? “I just got home,” Desden whined. “Come ooooon! I really want to show you!”
Farid, his friend Farid, the one who was always so calm and contained… who was that? He sounded like his daughters. Desden smiled. But it was too funny not to play with it a little more. “Well, send me a pic. “That’s horrendously funny. One day I’ll do it and you’ll feel sorry for yourself. “I don’t do this, others do it for me quite well.    “Are you coming? Please? Desden had an exaggerated sigh, cut by a brief chuckle at his friend’s tone. “Yeah, alright. Coming. “Good.” Farid hung up.
Desden groaned. He decided he didn’t need Kalinka to get down a few set of stairs, and left her in the flat. He still took his foldaway cane, more by reflex than anything else, put it in his jeans back pocket, locked the door and got down.
The door to the basement was immediately to the left at the bottom of the stairs, and he pushed it, welcomed by a sharp “STOP!” from Farid.
“What?” Desden just stood there, in the half opened door. “There’s a toy just there. One of the girls left it, I didn’t notice. Here,” Farid handed him a light object, “Hold it for me, please. Curiously feeling the object, Desden discovered a small plastic horse, its mane and tail irremediably tangled in a coarse mess. “And now? “Just stay there, let me push a few things away. Where’s your dog? “I told you I just came home. Couldn’t be arsed. I don’t need her just to go to the basement.
“Fair enough”, Farid let out between two grunts. “Here we go !” There was a broad smile in Farid’s voice.
“Can I come in now, then? “Yeah.” Farid losely rubbed his hands to get rid of dust, and walked up to his friend to pat his shoulder as a greeting. He then stayed close, guiding him without much contact needed, in this small place. It was something that had become natural between the two. And there wasn’t much to guide him towards – the thing he wanted to show him was just there, he just had to extend his arm. “How much of a mess can this place be, that you’re all over me like that? “It’s not that messy. “Yeah, sure.” Desden let the last word drag. Laurence probably never set a foot in that place, lest she had a heart attack. “So,” Desden asked, fiddling with the toy horse in his hands, “Where’s your awesome thing? “Gimme back that horse before you break it. It’s not ready yet.” Farid talked, fast, excitation palpable in his voice yet again. He took the toy from Desden’s hands. “We won’t be able to use it until I fix it for good, but once it is, I think we’ll have a blast. “What the hell is this?
“Feel for yourself, it’s on your left. Arm’s lenght.”
Farid watched as Desden extended his arm, a quizzical frown on his face, and as he found the thing. “This? “Yup. “I have no idea what that would be, and I’m afraid, now.” Desden let out with a laugh. “You’re just no fun. “Okay, okay, I’ll look better, wait.”
Desden had touched a metallic thing, like a horizontal pipe. He moved his hands along it, towards the left, and realized he was also following thin cables, that lead to… “Handlebars.” Desden sighed. “That’s a bike. You want me to bike? “Look better. “What, is it a self driving bike?” He muttered, puzzled. What about a bike would be interesting for him? Not much. But he trusted Farid, who was definitely not the kind to make bad jokes at his expense, so he dutifully continued, and turned to the right.
He moved quicker now and felt the seat, and then… another set of handlebars. The bike then continued to another seat.
“Oh, shit!” He let his hands fall to his sides and took a step away, a smile on his face. He knew what this was, but wouldn’t have expected it. Not after all this time.
“Told you it was cool! “You just bought a fucking tandem!” Desden couldn’t help but grin. In fact, he felt like jumping around. “When was the last time we talked about this? Years ago?” Desden now was as excited as Farid. He moved a lot while talking, and when one of his hands accidentally bumped into Farid’s shoulder, he quickly pulled him into a short hug. “This is bloody fantastic.” Farid laughed, giving into the hug and patting his friend’s shoulder again. “I can’t wait to try it. How come you found one? “Well, I’ve been looking for a cheap one for years… you’re not exactly helping, being that tall.” Farid gave a mock tap on Desden’s head. “Oddly enough most of the ones I found were… “women” sized. “Women” in brackets. Small ones. “Yeah, I got that. Not that it meant it was pink or else. “Would it bother you? “If it was? Nah, your daughters would love it. In fact we should paint it pink. “Sold. I can do a quick paint job – it’s a pretty ugly, fading blue for now. I need to change the tyres, the brakes… but it cost me ten euros, so…” Desden clapped his hands. “I don’t know what to say. This is great. Except, you know it’s been nearly ten years I haven’t been on a bike, right? “Well, we’ll finally be able to test that thing that says you never forget it, I guess. “And balance wise…” Desden walked to the bike again, placing his hand on the seat, thinking. Farid clicked his tongue, then replied:    “We should try, don’t you think? And if it doesn’t work, once it’s repaired I’ll be able to sell it for a lot more than ten euros. I don’t think it’s a bad investment, do you? “Nah, I’m just… I hope it works, is all. “It will, I’m sure. We need to find a place where we’ll be left alone to train, that’s it. I’ll look around, see if I can find something. “I’ll buy a good helmet, too.” Desden ran one of his hands through his hair, stopping and resting a short moment at the back of his head.“Maybe I’ll get two. My present for you in exchange. “Not too fond of head traumas, are you? “Eeeeh, strangely, not. I know, I’m full of surprises.” They both had a short laugh. Then Desden turned away from the bike.
“Thank you. It’s really a great idea, and I can’t wait to try.” Desden nodded to himself, then added: “You’re alone tonight? “At least until the girls come back, so probably until dinner. “Good. Come have a beer, my bro .”
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