#:: Just Mun Things ::
phoebe-of-ivalice · 1 year
Its time to try and rediscover this lady’s character. I miss writing, I miss discovering new nuances in her life. Tumblr always was the place I felt the most comfortable expressing my ideas. I’m ready to dive back in.
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breakdcwn · 6 days
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Super random, especially for my RP blog, but I FINALLY GOT BOTH KILLER AND SURVIVOR IRI 1 ON DBD X3
(Also, yes, my username is The Snizz Merchant lol)
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famiglia-lealta · 2 months
I actually did that knowing people better meme I got tagged in (thank you Gold <3) not that long ago, so instead I shall provide some random Mun facts;-
I work as a Disability Support Worker - which was probably highly influenced from both my sister having a disability and my dad's experience with being a psych nurse at an 'insane asylum' that has long been shut down and now only operates for completely inaccurate ghost tours.
Technically, I have a Social Work Master - but I have yet to actually use it in a social work setting.
In my lifetime, I have owned four dogs, two lizards, four pigeons, one cockatiel, and two rainbow lorikeets. Thankfully, not all at the same time.
I currently have two tattoos - one of a boat with balloons that says 'we all float down here' and another of an anti-virus injection site from the Resident Evil movies.
When me and my sister were very little, we had an amazing babysitter who used to read the stories/fanfictions we would write and print off as bed-time stories.
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existentialflirt · 9 months
tag 10 people you want to get to know better
favorite color(s): purples and reds (though I can't wear a large amount of red because I have a pink undertone in my skin and it just doesn't reflect well). Personally, I wear too much black but black isn't a colour but the absence of it. Or it's all of them. I can never remember the difference between black and white anymore in that sticky colour wheel way. song stuck in your head: uhhhh......I've had Boy Harsher's Pain stuck in my head off and on since Thursday night. last song you listened to: Gay Bar // Electric Six (yeah, yeah I think they're kinda cringe these days, but honestly, I'm not sure they were ever not cringe.) dream trip: Europe now that I'm not a dumb kid experiencing culture shock. Alternately, I'd like to go to one of the other Disney parks (listen, I'm not a lame Disney adult, I'm a cool and hip and clinically depressed over how they've destroyed Epcot). Really they've been laying waste to the American parks over the past several years and I wonder if the other ones have retained thematic integrity like do not get me started I need someone to fucking explain Galaxy's Edge to me. It's just this gorgeous waste of space. anything i want rn: my hair to grow faster because I am unwell and my current hair aesthetic that I'm trying to ape requires it to be at least shoulder length. add on: So like I'm so tired of the modern conceit that SOCIAL MEDIA IS EVIL AND DESTROYING OUR COLLECTIVE MENTAL HEALTH. It's so much more complicated than that.. The concept of the internet is not inherently evil, it's just that unregulated capitalist greed had transformed it into the horror show it currently is. Blame the machine that is grinding everything into a fine powder, mashing it into a paste, and feeding it back to us. Of course everything's starting to taste shitty.
(wow sorry to end it on a downer)
tagged by: @overclocks tagging: idek idek I'm so bad at this. if you see this do it and tag me in it.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Crabs! Crabs be upon thee! Hirob must now contend with a wave of CRABS!!!
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[Oh. Oh dear. Welp, you know what time it is!]
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mamasbase · 2 years
New Name
changed from sandrockers to mamasbase this this is my base and my inside joke is that I am “mama”
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laughingmagi · 1 year
get to know the author!
name : Iggy pronouns :  they/them’s the preference, but honestly? I’m also an any/all kind of enby. Like I literally don’t care how I’m perceived. preference of communication : Disco, though i can still be kind of slow to engage. IMs work too, but tumblr is broken and some time I miss things.  most active muse :  admittedly, right now I’m really stuck on my Daredevil blog, but honestly John is such second nature that he’s never truly dormant. experience / how many years :  too fucking long, no matter how you slice it. best experience : Honestly, every time I meet and get to write with someone that vibes with me and doesn’t mind that I’m slow af rp pet peeves :  I meeeeeeaaaaan, I do have them, but how to put them delicately and succinctly? Let’s just say, I hate when the parts don’t gel. Ya know, it’s collaborative writing. We’re working to create a whole, cohesive scene. I hate when it feels like a tug of war or a game of chicken on who’s going to drop the plot point. Also there’s such a thing as being too in character. Also, I guess tangentially related, when someone wants to RP with one of my blogs, and their character is either really standoffish or aggressively hostile, like in a way that consistently puts me on a narrative back heel. Like, I’m sorry I don’t like defensive writing. It makes me feel really unwanted and insecure. fluff, angst, or smut : yes. plots or memes : yes. long or short replies :  yes. time to write : Usually I’m most creative at night, but if we’re talking when to expect a reply from me it really depends. I could be fast af or it could be snail speed.. are you like your muses : Yes and no, I’m not too proud to admit that there’s always going to be a little bit of me in every character. Like I can’t write a heterosexual to save my life, so my interpretations usually end up queer, for example.
stolen from: @fasciinating Tagging: free for all!
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devilisln-moved · 2 years
01. NAME / ALIAS :  Iggy
02. BIRTHDAY :  September 19th
03. ZODIAC SIGN : Virgo
04. HEIGHT :  5′7"
05. HOBBIES : Writing, fitness crap (tho i suppose I don’t look the part lol, look I’m just trying to be less of a doughy trashcan), cooking, baking, reading when i have the attention span, getting really hyper focused on a video game for a time.
06. FAVORITE COLOR :  purple, but I also like red, but not for wearing. My skin tone has too much of a pink undertone  and wearing red makes me look sun burned. (but also I wear too much black but blah blah blah I know colour theory so it’s really hard for me to consider black a colour because blah blah blah the burden of knowlege).
07. FAVORITE BOOK : Dracula (fr, fr, I’m more about authors but twist my arm and this is the inevitable conclusion.)
08. FAVORITE FOOD :  sushi
09. LAST FILM / TV SHOW :  Deception (horribly dull erotic thriller that is neither erotic nor thrilling and should have been gayer). Not sure about TV shows. Could be the last think I watched was Lip Service, but the main character is so unlikable despite being blisteringly hot. Also for a show about lesbians, the sex scenes had the vibe of being written by straights.
10. INSPIRATION :  music mostly
11. STORY BEHIND URL :  Saint Red, but with an extra d because urls can be so hard XD
Tagged by Stolen from: @funnystvff
Tagging: free for all :)
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aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
<3 - Mitch
Hmmm... Someone to platonically wash my hair like they talk about in the victorian novels. I've had partners do it and that was nice but I have never taken a completely platonic friends bath with hair washing and I think it sounds divine. I have washed other people's hair, as I used to do the dye jobs on like 4 of my friends, but never had someone just wash my hair unless I was paying them or we were together.
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griim · 2 years
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Imagine if / when Gemma joins Samaritan in her POI verse, she did it to take them down because she didn’t like the implications of what could happen. But, she gets to lost in the group and when she’s sent to kill one of the Team Machine peeps its like a wake up call? Like up until she meets (and kind of re-meets Harold) she thinks she is doing the right thing because eventually Samaritan showed her how much help she could do/be. 
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 11 months
Been a little distracted this week with Baldur’s Gate 3 finally dropping the full release! Been having a lot of fun playing and figured I would show you Half Wood Elf Phoebe. I tried to match her as best I could considering the lack of bunny ears. I like her and she makes very sassy faces a lot 🥰
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-tilts head up-
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tcfactory · 6 months
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The Original Goods (New and Improved Edition) and Shen Qingqiu Lite
Inspired by @mysteryteacup's wonderful MoShang fic (go read it, you won't regret it) where they get Shen Jiu back as a MoShang kid by the end, memories included.
Sorry Cucumber bro, in a few more years everyone will know that you can't hold a candle to the OG, but they love you anyway.
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alucardsinep · 20 days
ok mut miksi suomenkielinen taru sormusten herrasta on niin hyvä???? ne paikkanimet joku on apparently translated following jirt's own ohjeet kääntämiseksi so you get things like mäyrämöyry
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 3 months
my new updated art commission info!
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comms currently OPEN
DM me here, on Insta or on Discord to get in touch about commissions :)
(EDIT, please reblog this version!! :
I would like to clarify that I'm totally fine drawing self-inserts! when I say I won't draw ships involving real people what I mean is, for example, you or an oc x a content creator, or shipping of two other real people. If you're still unsure whether your request is one I'll accept, please just ask and I will clarify.)
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misteria247 · 9 months
Me sees an angry, grumpy lil guy who's secretly got a heart of gold: That one, I want that one please and thank you-
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