breakdcwn · 12 days
David is sitting at the campfire, writhing his bloodied hands, knuckles bruised and possibly broken. Yoichi approaches him, med-kit in hand, "Hey, you look pretty banged up... Need a hand?"
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breakdcwn · 13 days
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Jake approaches Klein at the campfire, having both just been sacrificed in separate trials; rubbing his head as he tries to forget the incessant ringing in his ears from the Doctor's shockwaves. He notices blue residue on the other's forearm, almost oozing from his pores, slowly but surely starting to recede. Suddenly, the survivalist hears whispers and murmurs around him, yet sees no one else in the clearing.
"Do you hear them too, or is it just me?"
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breakdcwn · 13 days
Send a “🖤” for a starter from one of my bois;
(If you want a specific character, make sure to specify; as well as if you are a multimuse)
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breakdcwn · 13 days
Ayreon: "The Human Equation" Lyric Prompts:
"Why are you so concerned?"
"Let your conscience be your guide."
"You know it's always been that way."
"Won't you ever learn? Don't. Try. To hide."
"You can't beat death at his ruthless game."
"You fill me with doubt."
'Do you think he knows it?"
"Help me out, this means nothing to me..."
"You must be patient, time is a healer."
"You were afraid to live, now you're afraid to die?"
"You rose so high, you were bound to fall."
"No matter what you'd say, he'd always disagree."
"Come back to me."
"There are still so many borders we could cross!"
"I swore that I'd get back at them."
"You've got to prove you're not like the rest."
"He's struggling to survive."
"What's holding you back?"
"I couldn't move, couldn't talk anymore."
"Don't mess about."
"Remember your father? Well you're just like him."
"You're better off dead!"
"She depends on you."
"Why should you care?"
"Seize your only chance!"
"I wish I could go back and mend my ways."
"You'd sell your own soul!"
"I'm not a heartless man!"
"What will you do to gain your end?"
"Can you live with this betrayal?"
"You cannot run, you cannot hide, so face it!"
"Look at you, lying there defenseless and alone."
"Me? I never fail, loser!"
"Without me, you're all alone!"
"Now you finally understand."
"Now you know the truth, what will you do?"
"It's all my fault, it tears me apart!"
"I felt alone, forsaken, and afraid."
"You were never here, and even when you were, most of my words would go unheard!"
"Tell me please, what can I do?"
"I knew we could make it!"
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breakdcwn · 13 days
“I screwed up.”
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Yoichi chuckles for a moment before realizing that Renato was being serious, genuine fear in his eyes. He looks around, past the other survivor to see if he was followed, before looking down at what the young man was holding: a weathered Captain Kirk mask, covered in dirt, grime, and blood.
The young professor's face grows pale as he pulls the other down with him into a crouching position behind a nearby tree. {Michael...} The very thought of the now unmasked stalker sends a shiver down his spine, his heart rate increasing as he begins to speak in a soft, yet panicked voice.
"Renato, Where and how on earth did you get this?"
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breakdcwn · 2 months
"IT WAS MY FAULT" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for owning up to your mistakes, adjust as necessary
that never should have happened.
i should have listened to you from the start.
this is all my fault.
you can blame me for that.
i was completely out of line.
i screwed up.
i owe you a sincere apology.
that wasn't what i thought would happen.
now you're hurt, and it's all my fault.
will you ever forgive me?
it was an honest mistake.
i didn't mean to hurt you.
that was wrong of me, and i know it.
if only i'd been more careful.
next time, i'll be better.
please forgive me.
how can i make it up to you?
i wish i hadn't done that.
i accept responsibility.
i can't live with myself.
are you going to hold this over my head forever?
i said i was sorry.
i made the mistake of not listening to you.
please don't blame me for everything.
how many times do i have to tell you i'm sorry?
i crossed a line.
not sure what i was thinking.
the words came out wrong.
you deserve better than that.
there were plenty of other options, and i didn't listen.
i wasn't listening!
that's my fault!
i'm the one who got us into this mess.
if it weren't for me, we'd be out of here by now.
this will never happen again.
oh, i learned my lesson.
i'm forever haunted by my mistakes.
will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?
i'll say i'm sorry until i'm blue in the face.
this wasn't part of the deal.
i never should have listened to them.
i thought i was doing the right thing.
they didn't do anything wrong. i did.
i'm the one you should blame.
i feel so wrong about this.
i didn't mean to hurt you.
be mad at me, not them.
if you want to yell and scream at me, go ahead.
it was an accident.
i don't deserve forgiveness.
if there's anything i can do to fix this, please tell me.
what can i say to make it better?
can you please take me back?
they promised me they wouldn't hurt you.
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breakdcwn · 2 months
From the album “Hydra”
“I will show you the fate of the world, in a fist-full of blood.”
“You make me fucking crazy!”
“Do you wanna play?”
“Shhh, it’s ok. I’m right here.”
“I won’t die… like I’ve done many times before.”
*Scoffs* “Needy.”
“Be everything, to everyone. All the time.”
“I helped him understand how. They. FELT!”
“She’s pulling at the hooks!”
“Where’s the fun in that?! I’ve got to satisfy the urge!”
“What pushed you over the edge?”
“There must be a way out!”
“I hope you die choking on your lies!”
“I don’t do this for revenge. You see, it’s more of a… calling.”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
From the album “Generation Doom”
“You taught me to fear, but all I learned was hate.”
“I feel your eyes on me.”
“I’d rather be at battle than at peace.”
“Let me live that fantasy.”
“Somewhere out there, I just sacrificed my life.”
“I’m the one that they love to hate.”
“Where were you when they screamed your name?!”
“I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish.”
“I’ve got nothing to lose, so I’m playing rough!”
“I tried to say your name, but all that came out was a whisper.”
“Spit your story out and leave.”
“I don’t care what you fucking say, just say it to my face!”
“How can you choose to let the blind see better than you?!”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
From the album “Kult 45”
“This is no longer a spectator sport.”
“Why don’t you go find a bunker?”
“Follow. Your fucking. Leader!”
“Let me kiss it, I can fix it.”
“I was raised in poverty. No safe space. Inside the house or on the street.”
“Bitch, you get what you deserve!”
“Look what we’re facing!”
“They keep you terrified so you obey.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I told everyone, but they wouldn’t listen!”
“It’s okay to greave, to cry. It’s as natural as laughter.”
“I got something to say. Fuck. YOU!”
“Though we stand alone, our hands are high.”
“What you reap is what you sow.”
“It’s dangerous to fall for a thing like me.”
“I was afraid to stand up.”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
"I'm fighting by your side from now on! I've made my choice... and I'm not turning back!" (For Jeff. Jeddie feels time)
Jeff looks at the young man, a hollow visage as their eyes meet. “Listen, Eddie.” He takes a moment before tearing up for a moment, “I don’t want to lose you.” He puts a hand on his shoulder, looking longingly into Eddie’s eyes, trying to force a smile. “So we’re gonna stick together, either I go down swinging with you…” He plants a firm, yet soft kiss on the other’s forehead, “Or we fight like hell and make it out. Together.”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
Jeff’s lips form a smile at Eddie’s request, “If you’re ready for it,” he says playfully. As he thrusts deeper and faster, his hand grips Eddie’s hair, pulling his head back as he sinks his teeth into the young man’s neck once again. The bed creaks beneath them as they satiate the carnal feeling that had been building in the two of them, ready to boil over.
“Oh fuck,” Jeff exclaims, “OH FUCK!” The only words he can muster as all he can think of is the growing pleasure within. “E-Eddie, I’m gonna-“ Before he can get another word out, he feels Eddie’s hands grasp his buttocks, sending a shockwave through his body, leaning forward and moaning into Eddie’s neck. Ecstasy floods Jeff’s body as he unleashes the desire he had been holding back, holding Eddie tightly against himself.
Breathless, Jeff pulls himself back, sweat collecting on his brow as he looks dreamily into Eddie’s deep, chocolatine hues.
“Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.”
Jeff grins as Eddie’s fingers run through his hair, sending chills down his spine as he throbs inside of him. “God, I could too.” He gently places his lips on Eddie’s neck as he grinds deeper, with even more passion. Opening his mouth, he lightly bites into the other’s neck, letting out a low growl of arousal as moans fill his ears.
He wraps his arms around the young man’s body, thrusting deeper with each motion of his hips. He breathily moans in Eddie’s ear, “Fuck, you feel so good,” before pressing their lips together, Jeff playfully biting the other’s bottom lip. The thrusts became more aggressive as Jeff’s breathing becomes increasingly laboured. “E-Eddie, I think I’m close!”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
Jeff grins as Eddie’s fingers run through his hair, sending chills down his spine as he throbs inside of him. “God, I could too.” He gently places his lips on Eddie’s neck as he grinds deeper, with even more passion. Opening his mouth, he lightly bites into the other’s neck, letting out a low growl of arousal as moans fill his ears.
He wraps his arms around the young man’s body, thrusting deeper with each motion of his hips. He breathily moans in Eddie’s ear, “Fuck, you feel so good,” before pressing their lips together, Jeff playfully biting the other’s bottom lip. The thrusts became more aggressive as Jeff’s breathing becomes increasingly laboured. “E-Eddie, I think I’m close!”
Jeff's face lit up at Eddie's words.
He pauses, taking a moment to look at him, sprawled out on the mattress. "Fuck, I would love that." He takes a step back and unbuckles his belt, the tightness of his jeans around his groin loosening as he pulls his zipper down, exposing his throbbing desire for the other. He removes his pants completely, his legs akin to stout tree trunks.
His lower half fully uncovered, he crawls leisurely onto the bed, his frame towering over Eddie's as he presses his body against his, grinding slowly, teasing the young man further. Jeff looks deep into his eyes before closing the gap between them, pressing their lips together as he continues to grind his hips against the other.
Jeff pulls back for a moment, looking longingly into Eddie’s eyes as he licks his middle and ring fingers, reaching down to moisten his rod, pressing it between his fingers, and slowly easing into Eddie. “Oh, fuck,” as he goes deeper, he lets out a hearty breath. Slowly, he fills the other with every inch, throbbing with pleasure, until he’s fully inside. Breathing heavily, he grinds his hips once more, his lips meeting Eddie’s neck as he hears every ragged breath and whimper, only strengthening his carnal desire for the young man.
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breakdcwn · 2 months
i was sent to rescue you. ( for yoichi
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Yoichi looks up at the hulking man with a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god.” He pauses for a moment, fully taking in just how ginormous his new protector his. “Jesus, I think you’d be big enough to take down Kazan.”
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breakdcwn · 2 months
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" two things, okay? shut... up." ( @ Jake)
Jake's mouth hangs open for a moment in offense to the comment before his lips close and he nods in acceptance. "Y'know what? Fair." He turns for a moment before looking back at Stiles, "Wait, no." He holds his finger up in an accusatory fashion. "If you heard all this shit on a daily basis," he exhales deeply. "You wouldn't shut the fuck up either!"
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breakdcwn · 2 months
Jeff's face lit up at Eddie's words.
He pauses, taking a moment to look at him, sprawled out on the mattress. "Fuck, I would love that." He takes a step back and unbuckles his belt, the tightness of his jeans around his groin loosening as he pulls his zipper down, exposing his throbbing desire for the other. He removes his pants completely, his legs akin to stout tree trunks.
His lower half fully uncovered, he crawls leisurely onto the bed, his frame towering over Eddie's as he presses his body against his, grinding slowly, teasing the young man further. Jeff looks deep into his eyes before closing the gap between them, pressing their lips together as he continues to grind his hips against the other.
Jeff pulls back for a moment, looking longingly into Eddie’s eyes as he licks his middle and ring fingers, reaching down to moisten his rod, pressing it between his fingers, and slowly easing into Eddie. “Oh, fuck,” as he goes deeper, he lets out a hearty breath. Slowly, he fills the other with every inch, throbbing with pleasure, until he’s fully inside. Breathing heavily, he grinds his hips once more, his lips meeting Eddie’s neck as he hears every ragged breath and whimper, only strengthening his carnal desire for the young man.
Eddie’s honeyed words were music to Jeff’s ears.
Every moan, ragged breath, and whimper fueled his desire to please. The grip of his hair pulled him in even closer, looking up as Eddie’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy. “Mmmm,” all he can let out while his mouth is occupied. He lifts Eddie up for a moment to catch his breath, a string of bodily nectar joined between his tongue and the other's flesh. "God, you taste so fucking good."
His shoulder begins to ache, causing him to wince for a moment. "Hold on, I have an idea," he glances over his shoulder to an old cabin bed. Jeff gently moves his hands up Eddie's back to support his frame as he twists towards the bed, laying the other on it with a cushioned *thud.* He moves his hair out of his face before gripping the back of Eddie's thighs, pushing them to his chest for ease of access.
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breakdcwn · 2 months
Eddie’s honeyed words were music to Jeff’s ears.
Every moan, ragged breath, and whimper fueled his desire to please. The grip of his hair pulled him in even closer, looking up as Eddie’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy. “Mmmm,” all he can let out while his mouth is occupied. He lifts Eddie up for a moment to catch his breath, a string of bodily nectar joined between his tongue and the other's flesh. "God, you taste so fucking good."
His shoulder begins to ache, causing him to wince for a moment. "Hold on, I have an idea," he glances over his shoulder to an old cabin bed. Jeff gently moves his hands up Eddie's back to support his frame as he twists towards the bed, laying the other on it with a cushioned *thud.* He moves his hair out of his face before gripping the back of Eddie's thighs, pushing them to his chest for ease of access.
A smile parts Jeff’s lips, softening his otherwise rugged demeanor; “Good.”
The waistband of Eddie’s jeans slide down with ease, exposing warm flesh to the cool air. As he pulls down, Jeff gasps lightly, enjoying the sight before him. His gaze shifts upward, Eddie’s soft, yet eager eyes meeting his as his lips meet the crease of skin just above his undercarriage, delivering warm, passionate kisses as he made his way down between Eddie’s thighs.
Looking up once more as the other’s cheeks grew red, Jeff’s gaze shifts back to the tender flesh before him, his mouth salivating at the very thought of being able to touch him in such an intimate way. Without a second thought, the warmth of Jeff’s tongue caresses the peak Eddie’s desire, feeling him shudder as his tongue slides further back, the tip lightly flicking an opening of flesh. Jeff’s eyes roll back, taking in every sensation as he pleasures the young man: soft, warm, inviting. He pulls away for a moment, breathless, the chin of his beard dampened from the action.
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“Fuck,” he whispers breathily, reaching to fully remove Eddie’s pants, lifting a leg above his shoulder, pulling him closer as Jeff grips his other leg. “I hope you’re ready,” he chuckles, pulling the other leg over his opposite shoulder, forcing man’s groin to his face, putting the other’s back against the door as he ravaged him, the nectar of Eddie’s fleshly desire dampening his beard more. With Eddie’s legs over his shoulders, Jeff couldn’t pull away, nor did he have any desire to.
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breakdcwn · 2 months
Jeff stands silent for a moment before finally speaking. “It’s about the mural.” He turns and looks to the upper floor’s railing in the Ormond lodge, his finger tracing his vision past a haphazard pallet and stopping at a logo-eque painting on the dilapidated wall. “There!” He turns to Julie for a moment, making sure she saw where he was pointing.
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“I know this seems odd, but it has been a couple decades.” He sighs for a moment before continuing, “Is there any way I can touch it up… or update it?” Having done the mural in high school, it was old, faded; though the members of the Legion didn’t seem to age how he had before the fog. “You guys are still young, don’t you think the mural should reflect that?”
“Doesn’t look like you’ve changed a bit.” - Jeff Johansen
Julie had just been spinning one of her knives around in her fingers, looking over at Jeff and gave a chuckle, pointing it towards him
"Neither have you... though mentally I have no clue, nor care. What do you want anyway?"
Well, at least she wasn't stabbing him, she'd have pleanty of time to do that during trials or when she changes her mind
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