#:D :D :D :DDDD
cottagedreamy · 1 year
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RIIICHAARLYYYSOOONN!!!! **forever's voice**
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 month
Hey!! @ozzytheplushiemonster I colored the drawings >:] (I made a second one cuz yeah! >:D) 💪💪💪
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I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do line art, I still gotta go to bed, but I think they still look nice so I hope you like em <x]🫂🫂❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🫶🫶
And I hope they make you feel better‼️‼️ Hugging you right now‼️‼️🫂🫂🫂🩷🩷🩷
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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If Kyle had disappeared offscreen never to be seen again, I would have complained absolutely, but I would have understood, considering how everyone else in this conflict has SUCH HIGHER stakes! How do you find room for Kyle when your opponents are our beloved Syaoran and Evil Wolverine himself?
It’s everything I could have wanted. 
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In his final moment Kyle UNDERSTANDS. 
He KNOWS now that he was only there to be used. Like everyone else, he was just a tool to Evil Wolverine and nothing more. 
He was only there in the first place to unknowingly take the hit. Evil Wolverine not just allowed him to die but intended him to die. 
Kyle dies knowing Evil Wolverine never gave a shit about him, and let him be murdered on purpose without defending him. 
Unfortunately I suppose that means the mirror isn’t actually destroyed after all, but still! I’ll take it! And the shadow Evil Wolverine hovering in the background framed by Kyle’s falling blood is PEAK design. 
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
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hazelpuff · 8 months
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Cudlow - Hideout
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buttfrovski · 9 months
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is he in pajama shorts
his legs are too short i can't tell
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
It’s your B-day weekend?!? I’m so happy for you happy birthday!!
I understand the game, but I’ll give you an option. I’ll give you two things that are names and words and you pick which one you want to do as the name and word.
They are; Twilight and Wild
Look forward to seeing what you make!
Thank you! :D
Oh a challenge! I take your challenge and go sure!
Twilight and Wild.
Sometimes he didn't understand his Cub. which was saying something considering he spent half of his time watching them from the shadows as his wolf form.
Twilight was just entering the horizon to make way for the shadow of night as he sulked his way through the brush. It was untamed, and Wild. Unattended in this part of the forest.
Wild had tasked him with one very easy task. Catch enough food for dinner for a group of nine heroes.
How hard could that be?
Very hard.
Some could only eat white meat, some only red. some didn't eat meat at all and all of them could be sick if not given the right food. And food poisoning was a large concern in a group this large. It could shut them down for several days if they weren't careful.
And so, in a world they didn't know. They would send him to find something for them all.
He had found a small deer and some berries. Now came Bird.
"How's it getting on Wolfie?" A voice from behind him caused him to turn around.
"Hey bud, You found something?" He inspected the slate attached to the wolf. "Oh wow! This is great! I think this will work for everyone we should head back."
He gave a low huff. He didn't have anything for the skyloftian yet.
"Ohhh..." Wild paused. "It's okay I've got something he can eat!" Wild smiled. Clipping the slate to his hip. "The others are getting worried that Twilight's been gone while."
He gave a huff. but nodded his head once. Before walking in the direction that Wild had come from.
Wild probably had something in mind.
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jinjofitzo · 3 months
Londy’s Commisions!
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It’s the summertime, nd so I need that income!!! If you’ve ever wanted to support me or get me to draw somthing you wanted, here you are!
Generally, i can only do humans. I’m not that good at backgrounds, I can do basic shapes but I can’t do landscapes unless provided a ref. Absolutely no nsfw, I’m a minor! it’s illigal!
I take 50% of the bill upfront then the other half once I finish. I still attend school, I’m doing summer school, so the wait time is about 3 days to a week. I’ll send updates on projects if you prefer. I can only do sketches and (not too detailed) water color traditionally, everything else is digital. Traditional watercolor may take the longest to get back to you.
Examples of past commissions:
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Thank you for reading, I hope you can support me!!!
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jout--jout · 5 months
*bobbing and weaving around The Feels™️ from last episode*
so i know All That happened, BUT! the author of the most juicy hanahaki fic go read a lament of petals and blood just uploaded a companion piece for that story but now from imogen’s POV.
i mean…. im not saying y’all should go read it but i’m definitely saying that y’all should go read it.
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dragon-business · 1 year
Y0 antagonists ratings/opinions
Mister(s) Shakedown(s) + Amon
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Didn't get to Amon in Y0, because we didn't finish these quests. One of the few that we didn't do in full, actually. Didn't seem as fun at the moment. Amon gets a pass, because he gets more screen time in later games. 
Evilness: 4/10 robbing people is bad, I heard Forgetability: 7/10 hard to forget, when Amons are in each game Iconic level: friend of a mutual tells me they’re cool/10 memes Free slot: ????too hard to get through to the good parts
2. Helicopter-car chases
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These sequences was pure torture. My hands were cramped even when I wasn't holding the controller. Every minute lasted an hour. The fucking bazookas? Infuriating. Worst survival horror game.
Evilness: 9/10 fuck this shit, let me out of the car Forgetability: 1/10 still feel the cramps .__, Iconic level: 0.5/10 “look, just like in the movies, right?” Free slot: 1,5/10 on enjoyment scale 
3. Cult leader from the substory
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Pretty funny scam artist, all the later games character development got him on the list. We love us a lil fucked up reoccurring character.
Evilness: 8/10 doing terrible things to vulnerable people Forgetability: 4/10 forgot about him each time until the next appearance Iconic level: 4/10 will never forget that dance Free slot: retirement home for one million years for the grandpa
4. Dojima captain guy 1
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Evilness: 7/10 he’s a yakuza, after all, he’s done some bad stuff, probably Forgetability: 10/10 who? Iconic level: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Free slot: forgot he existed
5. Dojima captain guy 2
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Purple suit guy with the boxing/dancing ring in the basement was pretty fab. He gets extra points for the drip. Otherwise idk what he- wait he saved Majima that one time? Huh. You keep learning things.
Evilness: 7/10 normal yakuza guy doing yakuza things Forgetability: 9/10 I know he was there, I guess Iconic level: 3/10 purple suit points Free slot: purple suit, that’s all I remember
6. Kuze
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First fight with him was pretty tough. And then he just kept coming back, again and again. With desperate determination. And Kiryu got stronger and stronger between each encounter. And Kuze stayed on the same level, just looking more and more beat up. And that's amazing storytelling through game mechanics, but also really iconic, ngl. 
I mean, man rode a dang motorbike in the sewers. He got the motorbike in the sewers, positioned it in the right spot to start the chase (did he get help for that?), and then rode it down there, through the nasty Kamurocho pipes, hunting down an annoying twunk like a medieval baron chasing a boar. All this while already beat up by said twunk. And he gets beaten again. Rolling in that sweet sewage water in his bandages. 
Evilness: 6/10 he’s out there vibing to his own tunes Forgetability: 1/10 he Will Not Let You Forget about him, even if you’d want to Iconic level: 8/10 meme icon Free slot: he seemed like real threat at the start, but by the chase in the sewers he was our pal, our failmate bro, all the respect to his dedication o7; 4/10 on actual fights and smartness
7. Kashiwagi 
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He's on the list for what he did to Nishiki. Just sent the brother of his son to kill, uhh, his son. Just like that. Like, I get that he had his reasons, he really thought he was doing good, he thought he's saving Kiryu from suffering. Because of course it is all about Kiryu and what he supposedly (probably) (maybe) needs.
Evilness: 7/10 good intentions on the way down Forgetability: 0.5/50 look at him slurping cold noodles in his first scene, he’s stealing the show Iconic level: 7.5/10, again, look at the man eating noodles like a dad Free slot: 2/10 top tier dad, bless. 
8. Sagawa
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He's such a masterfully done abuser. Partially because he acts so nice. But there's always an unnerving feeling underneath it.
He only resorts to violence when everything's gone to shit. But it always feels like he's capable of it at any moment. It's like a rock constantly looming over, waiting to drop.
Evilness: 8.5/10 on the creep scale, very good for the story Forgetability: 2/10 he’s in your walls, he owns your walls, your balls, and your paycheck Iconic level: 6/10 smartly dressed Free slot: 1/10 as a person, would deck him on sight; thank g-d Majima's away from him now
9. Shimano
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Smart, playing the long game, but really, in Y0 he seemed smarter than he is. 
Long distance threat to Majima's safety, the threat he has trouble seeing as one. And that's the real kicker, that's the horror of it all – Majima striving to get back in the family, back under Shimano's thumb in his self-destructive last mission quest. Majima deciding to come back/stay even after the Hole, after y0, Majima getting so close to freedom but not being able to grasp it, and rationalising staying near Shimano for years, rebelling, but never separating in full.
And Shimano perfectly understands the power he has over Majima, and is always ready to use it. To break him at a moment's notice, if it will be useful for his plans. And this is way more uncomfortable and terrifying than Sagawa's brand of underlying threat.
Evilness: 12/10 made us start the “save Majima” movement Forgetability: 0/100 burned into my brain in the worst way possible Iconic level: 3/7 fashion sense is kinda bland, but he does have a presence Free slot: again, would deck on sight, but still – amazing character writing, very cool points for Majima’s story
10. Oda
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Big oof moment, amaright?..
Such a fascinating character. He's not stereotypical, and has a compelling, layered personality, which is amazing for a gay man in the big hit game. But also. Ooof. Such a big oooof.
But, surprisingly in this day and age, it's not being gay that made him a piece of trash awful man who died. He was all that on his own, it was just his shit finally catching up to him in the end. And the love for Tachibana was actually his saving grace in life, a point of growth as a person (albeit small). So not denying him that, no. Even one-sided, it made him more human. 
Idk if writers did all that on purpose, but these points felt very distinct in the story.
It's fascinating how Oda's character is a (terrible) person first, and he just happens to be gay. But also, him being gay is ultimately important. We played y0 before all the gay shows took over the screens, and this storyline hit us like a train. Can tell you a lot about the state of queer media at the time.
– Me, after we've met Oda: hehe, he totally has it for the boss The plot: 
– Me, after seeing them interact on screen: hehe, Tachibana is making him suffer :3c Me, when plot: .___.
Evilness: 9.5/10 the 0.5 is from his love for Tachibana  Forgetability: -100/10 I lay awake at night thinking about this bitch Iconic level: 1000/5 look at him, man’s shining Free slot: Bidoof
11. Nishitani
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Hated him at the start, because he's a creepy cat, because of the noises, and also because of that one slide on the ground with the knife wiggle, you know the one. Unironically love him now, because the world out there is full of far worse people, and he sure did his attempt at surviving it.
(He totally crawled away at the end, no body no finale, I stan by this)
Evilness: 7/10 he's pretty fucked up, ngl, bringing corpses to Majima like a stray cat Forgetability: -10/10 lives rent free in everyone's head Iconic level: 9/10 man's been on the screen the least but made an impression of a lifetime (on all of us, and on Majima) Free slot: yet another normal cat that everyone think is a "mad dog"; honorary Knife Guy
12. Dojima
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Organized a wholeass hunt for Kiryu, got Makoto shot, planned a big power grab, put it all on the table… and lost it all. To Sera.
Respecting him for the effort, he didn't let us rest once. Not respecting what his drinking (and other life choices) made him into later, but even before that I struggle to see what Yayoi saw in him. Apart from maybe her being a young girl from a yakuza family that arranged a political marriage for her when she wasn't even 20 yet. And there is a story here that can be very interesting, like, did you know that (according to rggo) at this exact time Sera was a student that was often arrested on protests? In this essay I will-
Evilness: solid 8/10 he do be scheming Forgetability: 1/10 dragon of who, you say? (Kiryu is very much the dragon of Daigo by this point, but yeah) Iconic level: 5/10 dressed good and has big presence, but derails down the line to a total (not hot) mess, so no respect  Free slot: you know, right? Daigo is totally Seras' so- *gets gutted by Yayoi*
13. Knife guy
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When Kiryu went through his (and ours) first Long Building™️ to get to the (first) fight with Kuze, we encountered Him. The guy with the knife. 
It was already tough going through room after room of generic enemies when Kiryu wasn't that strong yet, and we weren't that skilled with the controls. And the Knife Guy was the first recurring enemy, a small mini-boss with a stabby knife that would bleed us dry and leave us savescumming. And he kept coming back. Again, and again, and again, and-
Before Kuze. Before Majima Everywhere. Before everything. There was an unkillable lil freak with a knife that just wouldn't quit until you literally threw him out of the 2nd floor window.
And I think it's beautiful.
Evilness: 5/10 man’s just doing his yakuza job, and doing it well Forgettability: -10000000000/10 who could ever forget this man the- *checks notes on the hand* Tomoda Iconic level: ∞-1/10 there is a knife guy shape forever imprinted in our hearts but there is still free room left, because Free slot: in this world only Majima surpasses him, because Majima is, of course, The Ultimate Knife Guy
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yugiohcardsdaily · 8 months
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D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox
"Pendulum Effect: You can target 1 card in your opponent's Pendulum Zone; Special Summon this card, and if you do, place that card in your Pendulum Zone, but destroy it during the End Phase of the next turn. You can only use this effect of 'D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox' once per turn.
Monster Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special summoned by its own effect. When your Pendulum Summon a monster(s), while the total Pendulum Scales in your Pendulum Zones are higher than the total Levels of the Pendulum Summoned monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, destroy as many other cards on the field as possible, then you can place this card in your Pendulum Zone. Once per turn, if another 'D/D/D' monster(s) you control leaves the field by Spell Card or effect: This card's ATK becomes 6000."
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mamuzzy · 3 months
If you ever feel bad for being clumsy and not paying attention, know that i've just washed out my electric razor with the laundry. And its heads. And the charger. The whole kit.
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space-diablo · 4 months
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Two unhinged gremlins =DDDDD
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shesmore-shoebill · 1 month
ANGELA / CHANGELA HOSTED NEW IMPROV SHOW!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥰🥰🥰🥰 And with HEALTHY amounts of arasha, courtney, amanda, tommy........... :'D oh FUCK yes
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 months
You know I have to ask about Imperial Echo
HI ur so right u absolutely do <3333
OK SO, imperial echo is just about the most self explanatory of my wips for uh… obvious reasons lol. but!! i haven’t seen it done that often and there’s SO MUCH POTENTIAL i just had to figure something out :D
It starts out mostly as a swap of Echo and Crosshair except, due to Techno Union fuckery, Echo’s chip is just malfunctioning. This causes him to act more or less like himself but with the vaguest sense that they need to capture the jedi. (Not KILL him; he’s sure the empire wouldn’t want them to kill a kid.) This causes minor conflict and during the prison scene, Tarkin takes Echo away instead and convinces Echo to try and sway the Batch to join the Empire.
He corners them in the hangar, having been able to remotely shut down the Marauder and keep them there, and tries to talk to them. But they disagree. And, not willing to hurt his brothers, he lets them go.
From here, the whole fic has pretty much two stages, the first part being Echo doing things for the empire while he tries to fight against his malfunctioning chip. He may or may not be teamed up with Cody at this point, avoiding the worst of the empires problems. On rare occasions, he runs into the batch (they’re a bit lost trying to find work), but he stays out of their way.
The SECOND part, however….. Let’s just say a former ARC with cybernetic enhancements could be VERY useful to the Empire. And there’s a good chance a certain scientist knows just how to make that happen. :)
AKA the whole fic is an excuse to show off firstly Echo’s strong morals and loyalty to his brothers (cause of course i have to) and secondly how absolutely terrifying an ARC trooper can be.
There’s a bunch of other stuff with the Batch’s internal conflict about leaving him behind, Rex’s very sudden EXTERNAL conflict when he realizes they left him behind (lol), and about as many Winter Soldier references as I can cram into one fic. Cause ofc :D
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stillresolved · 1 month
Dissect your own writing style. What do you do most often? What do you want to take away from other writers (tag them if you want)? What is something you want to break out of?
@eternasci / unprompted.
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HI SYNNIE!! I WANTED TO ANSWER THIS FOR THE LONGEST TIME ( and i also looked at your analysis and that is *chef's kiss* i'll be using a format similar to that though i can't guarantee the length :'D )
ironically, tumblr roleplay is actually one of the reasons i began pursuing writing professionally; beginning of my writing journey on here began back in our lord and savior year 2014 :'D i was writing oc x canon short stories ( we called them oneshots teehee) back on quizilla and even did do a stint of rp thru the shitty messaging. lucky for me, almost all traces of my writing before 2021 have been deleted so i will never have to go through the cringe of other people reading my shitty characters and writing back then :) but let me actually answer the questions here!!
this was pointed out to me by one of my writing professors and something i've come to realize more and more, but i don't describe human bodies. i don't like to either ( i have some suspicions on the root of this too ), but perhaps this is why i like tumblr rp so- we are able to use a faceclaim to represent a character; there's no need give a physical description if a picture can do it for you. for me, if there is description, it's going to be more intentional as is the action itself.
to connect with that point, my writing tends to lean more towards exploring character interiority: how the action of the other muse or even just the presence of the other muse will affect their opinions, their perception. i'm most comfortable with beginning from the interior before branching out into the character's exterior/actual interaction in the moment. this might be the reason why sometimes it feels like my replies are drawn out.
i used to wish i could write metaphorically and lyrically the way say, oc.ean v.uong does. however, i've learned that while i can admire that style, it's not one that comes easily for me. my writing tends to be more on the literal side. if a metaphor or a simile slips in, it was unintentional but it feels right. i think figurative language comes in for me when it comes to describing emotions or sensations my characters might be feeling ( ex. one & two ). i don't like to simply state emotions or intangible concepts; there's only so many ways to state a character is in love, but there are a thousand ways to describe a character in love ( ex. one & two ).
these days and my dear lenlen also pointed this out!! but i also tend to use...parentheses generously ^^' of course this draws out mixed reactions from my readers. here, i assume it's okay, but in my prose when it happens, my critique partners tell me to get rid of it :'D i personally love using both parentheses and the strikeout as it lets me play around with thoughts that my muses perhaps don't want to admit to themselves.
i like to think i've managed to weed out some bad habits that tend to be rampant among tumblr writing. when referring to characters, i will only use either their name or their pronouns. unless it adds to the voice of the muse itself, i'll never use epithets ( 'the female', 'the japanese', etc. ) as they really aren't used in say, published writing. when i was younger, i also used to have a bad habit of using 'she looked'/ eye direction. sometimes i do end up writing those things but i manage to catch myself and cut those sentences out. unless it's a significant action, i always usually assume the reader knows the general eye direction ^^'
one thing i know my mutuals and my critique partners tend to tell me about my writing is that my characters are well-developed, each having their own distinct voices. i do notice that my style/how my response is written does differ depending on which muse i'm writing. below are trends in my writing of certain muses:
annie: lots of imagery and metaphorical language involving water and aquatic life. since she is the mad girl, the idea of 'madness' and 'being good' comes up a lot too. tone is a tad more innocent and there does tend to be a bit more metaphorical language as well; to process her trauma, it's easier on her to think metaphorically or about her childhood than to think literally and to be in the moment.
ga-ram: sentences are shorter, less flowy as they are quite curt. responses of them will also be on the shorter side as they don't usually have as much to say in comparison to some of my other muses. also since they devoted like the last 10 years of their life to helping judge kang, unfortunately, they will think of him and make comparisons.
nell: her replies end up on the longer side, mostly because when she talks, she talks a lot. to reflect her never-ending train of thought and her anxiety, the narration in her replies and her dialogue especially tends to consist of long sentences with lots of dashes and interruptions.
suki: i think i've said this before, but the use of dramatic (and situational) irony comes out the most here. because she's quite set in her ways, but also has a tendency to (majorly) misinterpret a situation, i've found that breaking the fourth wall on occasion helps to contribute to the humor and the light heartedness of her threads. you'll see a lot of declarative sentences and exclamation points here.
patrick: unfortunately, he is a man of literature and therefore, has a tendency to ramble. literally- his responses are almost always like 500+ words. his narration is much more formal, much more...sophisticated? i guess just think of british english ( or at least my best interpretation of it ^^' ) also more metaphorical language here in comparison to the others and plenty of allusions to greek and roman myths since he's well read in both.
i'll just start off with saying that i don't think i'd be nearly as good of writer if not for my writing partners. one of the best things about roleplay is that writers here aren't in competition with one another; they have to collaborate if they want to be fulfilled here. that being said here's my list of tumblr writers i would say i learned something from:
cyan ( @bloodxhound ) is one of the first people on this hell*site that i like to think really challenged my writing. there's an elegance and a rhythm to her prose (her word choice specifically) that reads so well...reading her stuff made me want to expand the vocabulary in my own writing, going beyond what is used colloquially in american english.
lenlen ( @ptternminds )'s writing always gives me BRAIN FOOD so you have anyone to blame for me going off the deep end when it comes to character interiority, they're the culprit :3 okay but seriously, their character metas and headcanons go HARD and the fact that they're able to incorporate that kind of analysis of both their own muse and of their partner is incredible. it makes want to figure out how to interpret and incorporate the other muse into my replies.
lynnie ( @geaesaekki ) has a different writing style from mine and i appreciate that. rather than showing everything, it's sometimes more effective to simply tell the reader what they need to know. whereas my writing can get roundabout, lynnie's writing style is more direct, straight to the point. it makes her writing accessible to her partners and that directness is actually something i'm trying to work on here ^^'
honestly, i feel pretty confident in my writing style on here ( my prose is a very different story ); it's not perfect, but it's mine. That being said, i have a tendency to take too long to get to the action of my threads or even to the main point. because i prefer to show most things rather than tell, it can bog down the pace of my writing and also the speed at which i get my writing done :'D
this goes hand in hand with point one, but i also have a bad habit of overexplaining my character's interiority out of fear of not giving enough context. this is something i've also noticed in my prose ( though i do manage to cut it out of my drafts ^^' ) and am working on. trusting the reader more to pick up the details i want them to.
i also think i might need to get more comfy with describing bodies/physical description? it certainly would make writing sensual scenes a bit easier ^^' as of right now, writing appearances, etc. has always been something i've turned off by. but who knows if that'll change one day.
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