#:jordan is Not a good character. they canonically victim blame and turn a blind eye to the sufferings of those in the town:
jordan-the-pious · 3 months
Why do you refuse to help those in your flock captured in the hands of a wolf? Even if devoted to your church you refuse to protect those in the grip of bailey, who plan's to give their body's away to evil and sin if unable to pay. You work as a hypocrite in the lords home for turning your back on innocent souls who reach out their hands for protection.
You seem to be confused my dear. There is room at the temple for all who are worthy. We hold a vigil once a week at 8 pm on Sundays, where initiates who have sufficiently proven their grace and devotion to the temple may undertake the vigil to become fully-fledged members of our order.
I will not say that it is an easy task, but any may do it, should their devotion to the temple be strong enough. Even those who are sullied and have broken their vows are allowed in if they show that they have sufficient drive.
We are a temple my dear. We help the poor and unfortunate, but we are not a charity. Those who need our services need only live by our rules and be remorseful if they fail to do so.
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