cvrseduser-a · 8 months
[ ok time to write... someone smack me if i dont churn out at least 2 replies ... cries ]
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kusatta · 9 months
@nulltune asked: " it says here to fold in the eggs… now, tell me, how exactly does one do that? " /fooor thoma maybe ? :D ✨️
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" it may sounds scary, but . . . hm, perhaps it'll be easier if i show you ! " the housekeeper moves, wrapping hand around the other's as they grab the pan collaboratively. " i already whisked together two large eggs & added a pinch of salt & pepper. then i added one - fourth cup of heavy cream. it makes the eggs super fluffy & silky & custardy & delightful. you're going to love it. "
lips brush against her ear, letting out a breath of laughter before he throws in a stick of butter, allowing it to grow hot & melt, but not brown, followed by pouring in the egg mixture. " the trick is to let it sit, undisturbed, for fifteen to twenty seconds, which allows the bottom of the eggs to begin to set. then, we’ll begin pushing the eggs around the perimeter of the pan in a circular motion. like this. "
gesture mirrors words spoken, beginning to push, the runny eggs in the center fill the now-empty outer portion of the pan, continuing the swirling motion as all the eggs eventually get pushed around. " the eggs are done when only the very center is still slightly wet-looking, 20 to 30 seconds total. like this. see ? "
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medsfag · 2 years
OH YEAH omg one of my friends who i kindof dont like gave me a hot topic-equivalent pin that says SOBER AF on it 😭
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zuiz41 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to Our Dearest Setter! <3
He's 30** this year, can y'all believe that?
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snekatiemainy · 7 months
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theyre so fucking stand
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how are we feeling about the ‘lingering echoes never happened’ skin guys
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starsheet · 7 months
super messy bow doodle. i ws bored
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strywoven · 4 months
cont'd. // @4heroes
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Love is … BLINDING .  And we can very well say Kaen has purposefully gone sightless to all that Signal is ( or worse , that they look upon it & willfully invite it , willfully seek it ) .  Perhaps , then , there is no greater tragedy than the doe who tempts the hunter’s snare , who presses head to waiting rifle and asks : would you kindly … ?  But it is wise to recall , that even the nature of prey has the potential to c h a n g e , and this doe Signal has taken to is a dormant danger simply seeking the excuse to SET THE WORLD ABLAZE once again ( verily , if anyone may draw it out of kaen , it shall be them ) .
To that end , it may well be a MORBID FASCINATION which keeps them bound together , the SICK PLEASURE allotted to both in kind for the way they each further m u t i l a t e the prospect of something decent like friendship.  Though neither , to this point , have seemed intent on stopping it , instead driving it further , becoming more and more ENGROSSED within each other ( at least , kaen has gotten tangled up with them in some several ways that it is now much too hard & much too late to cut loose ) .
Their smile may seem uncanny , unsettling , to ANYONE ELSE , but Kaen is enthralled by it and the b r i e f glint of life in Signal’s irises ( i did that , kaen preens , only i can do that — ) .  When they pull the redhead close , Kaen’s body tenses instinctively , bracing for a t t a c k .  But instead , their breath warms their ear , coaxing them to beg , and no sooner do they manage to shake out of the shock , to pry their mouth open , than the other s h o v e s them away and is gone again ( as always ) .  Kaen takes a breath , steadying the unwarranted uptick in their breast ( why are they excited ? why is it the fear that makes them act so foolishly & readily play their games ? ) .
❝ Oh , I guess I should change , ❞ Grumbled out , plucking at their now-stained blouse , ❝ But … I think the color’s nice.  It matches everythin’ else , anyways. ❞  It’d be a risk , though , considering the press flock to their presence like flies to honey.  Kaen huffs , rising from the couch as well.  ❝ You’re welcome t’use the shower.  Buuut , after … ❞ Tone lowers , a lilted , wanton coo , body tipping towards them , head cocking just so , ❝ Can y’tell me ‘bout the murder ?  PLEASE , Signal ?  I'll do anythin'. ❞
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entropytea · 6 months
Had a third eye opening realization about myself today and it doesn't really change much but it has the potential to change things but mostly it just explains a lot that I'd always wondered and struggled with.
And I'm just
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Because where was this realization 15 years ago
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gerard5d · 1 year
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msftsn · 9 months
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@intcritus : ❛ the future should know the mistakes we made. ❜ quotes that broke me : for richter.
❛ then i hope the future will know the kindness we give as well. ❜ it's a almost childish response, acknowledging hum given as the brunette hears the others words. yes, the future should know of all the mistakes and atrocities committed. but if the focus was solely on that then the same would repeat over and over again; cynics made from a negative history are more likely to accept if it repeats again & again because it is what they expect. so as childish, foolish as it may sound - he hopes the future will also know of the kindness he knows exists, has witnessed first hand. he prays that hope will remain in the hearts of future generations, that kindness will eventually win over.
mouth opens to offer another response, to perhaps seem more mature or perhaps educated but instead he feels a tug on the tail of his coat. a child, he remembers vaguely seeing the little girl around the village last night upon his arrival with his entourage, she seemed scared then and no she seems almost fascinated with his clothes, so foreign and odd to the small village she hails from. he mouths 'sorry' to his conversational partner with an apologetic smile, before kneeling down toward the child that has so bravely approached him, a stranger, with a gentle smile and genuine kindness in his gaze. ❛ hey there, thank you and your people for letting me and my friends stay here. ❜ he says softly, before offering the child some dried fruit he's bought a few minutes ago just as she shuffles off excitedly. he stands up again, dusts himself off and turns to the other, the smile on his face never wavering even as his voice takes on a slightly more serious tone. they did have a incredibly good point.
❛ i hope the future learns from our mistakes, and turns them into the kindness i know humanity can offer. i hope they will do better. ❜
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dayshift-loop · 1 year
Sooo if this is a time loop then do you know your name, Phoney ? Assuming you're in good enough condition to respond
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Jack: Phone Guys can lag? Steven: Yes. Yes we can lag. And it's very disorienting when it happens. So. Fucking. Disorienting.
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calamitus · 1 year
❝ i knew you had heart. ❞ — for squall maybe ♥
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❛ ... not this again.  ❜ squall thinks, lips pursing and gaze shifting from the all-too genuine kindness in her eyes. it seems he can't do anything helpful around here without someone thinking to comment on his nature as a person. ( something he's not unfamiliar with, granted ⸻ but not something he enjoys, either. ) with a quiet sigh through his nostrils, he taps the blunt side of the gunblade against his shoulder & tentatively sets it there. peering into the distance, he squints some and tries to discern which path looks the safest for them. it's like some kind of sick, monotonous joke: everything has looked more or less the same for what feels like hours. the creatures they encountered weren't exactly formidable, either. ❛ suppose that's not a bad thing, though ...  ❜ if not mildly foreboding.
with the slight shrug of a shoulder, he turns his head in part back towards her, eyes still set on the space between them. ❛ what was i supposed to do ... just say no ? like hell i'll let that weigh on my conscience. plus, working together ...  ❜ he hesitates / fights the embarrassed scowl forming at his brow, & lifts his free hand to pinch his brow. since when had he started valuing camaraderie ?
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❝ ⸻ whatever. we should keep moving. your friends aren't going to find themselves.  ❞ if only they could, that would save them both the headache. alas, he doesn't think his luck that powerful; not since it had him wind up here in the first place. stepping forward, he starts making for the forest clearing before them, remaining vigilant so as not to get ambushed ... again.
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
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some meme idfk || @nivaera
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The Red King sits perched upon the steps leading up to the door of the bar, the laughter and yelling of his clan members sounding muffled through the door. As much as Mikoto doesn't mind, and even likes, spending time with his clan, he can't deny that it gets a little… much, at times. So he slipped away and stepped out, only Totsuka noticing his escape.
He figured that he'd be able to enjoy some time on his lonesome. Like a deer caught in the headlights, Fushimi stares at him, and Mikoto only raises an eyebrow. The way the other tends to look at him, Mikoto isn't certain whether he despises him or fears him. It's a wonder he wasn't burned by his flames when he and Yata joined the Red Clan, but the King isn't going to question the hows and whys of the way his powers chose whether someone is worthy or not.
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"That so," he grunts in response to Fushimi's statement, taking a deep breath as he turns away again. Fushimi does seem to be the introverted type, considering how he usually winds up at the sidelines of any of the clan's louder activities. Reaching into his pocket, Mikoto takes out a pack of cigarettes, their conversation finished as far as he is concerned. He can hear Fushimi shuffling around awkwardly.
…Something tells him Fushimi didn't come out here just for some air.
" ━ I'm not gonna tell on you if you go home now. So scram if that's what you wanted to do instead of staring at me."
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hu-cosu · 1 year
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Digital portrait study of my Elezen WoL in his Gemfiend's Attire ✦
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abyssmalice · 1 year
@narvvhal: don't worry niashka, fontaine should be our next objective and i think we're allowed to go full throttle there I mean. (gestures at focalors)
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"Can I pretty please drown the Hydro Archon then? It would be so funny, Ayaks!"
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